#Shit in my inbox
The “Ghost puts you in a headlock during sex” propaganda is getting to me
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happyhealthycats · 3 months
To the folks asking me if their pets names are "unique enough"
Your pets name must:
-Be at least 12-14 characters long -Contain at least one capitalized letter -Contain at least one lower case letter -Contain at least one number -Contain at least one special character -Be changed every 30-90 days
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nealcassatiel · 3 months
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absolutely unhinged and hilarious official quotation to attach to a season renewal trades announcement  😂  😂  😂
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utilitycaster · 1 year
There are actually only two genres of high fantasy:
Once there were more dragons and more magic in this land, but those days have passed; perhaps the dragons shall return some day and bring a new era.
How the FUCK do we get rid of these fucking dragons
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urhoneycombwitch · 5 months
gonna take edibles for the first time in a WEEK this shit better send me to da moon. or else 😠
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gunstellations · 4 months
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cute little requests!!
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iilmunchkiin · 29 days
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charmac · 6 months
I unlocked my phone for Charlie to take the selfie with us and this was his reaction to seeing my home screen wallpaper
(the wallpaper by @macdenlover)
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cubbihue · 14 days
When you said that the unluckiest person is most hopeful, it reminded me of Nagito Komaeda. If the universe were combined, do you think he would fair well having Anti Cosmo as his anti fairy?
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Funnily enough, I feel like it would be Hajime who would have an anti-fairy companion. I mean, he’s surrounded by extremely skilled people! That would attract bad luck in some way for him. Nagito wouldn’t be good food for anti-fairies. Or Fairies. Or Pixies.
...Honestly, Fairies aren’t quite sure what food he produces. It’s like a weird amalgamation of luck, desire, greed, and all sorts of emotions they can’t disentangle. Like a crockpot gone horribly horribly wrong. Eating any bit of that would make any fairy sick.
Eugh. The hell is wrong with that one.
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catmask · 11 days
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hey will I had to draw wallow and got carried away, thumbsup
you literally have no idea how obsessed i am with this. evil willow. wallow. a new character has entered the willowverse
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bittsandpieces · 7 months
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struck by cupid's arrow (penetrated, you could say)
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stardust-sunset · 4 months
the curtis brothers sometimes just snuggle. i mean, soda kinda cuddled darry at the hospital and pony and soda cuddle so like i don’t see why the three can’t snuggle sometimes
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psuedosugu · 5 months
yuuta steals ur stuff way too much
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୨୧・he comes around your dorm alot, it’s practically his second home, and sometimes he leaves with a little goodie for himself.
୨୧・at first you didn’t really notice. that one t-shirt you dont really wear anymore, some hairties out of your collection of, like, one million, stuff that you wouldn’t miss
୨୧・once he even snatched an old toothbrush that you weren’t using anymore. he felt weird about it but, i mean, what harm was it really doing?
୨୧・then, things started escalating. suddenly your favorite hoodie was missing, your journal you had lost, despite you vividly remembering placing it right on your bedside table. you coincidentally find it there a few hours later, right after yuuta leaves your dorm after staying the night (he had read the whole thing, dissecting and analyzing every sentence, a look inside your mind, if you will.)
୨୧・he knew it was wrong, that it was an invasion of your privacy and that you would hate him if you were ever to find out, but can you blame him? you were such a beautifully intricate person, he wanted to know every part of you, every mental (and physical) groove and corner of you. how was he supposed to love you properly if he didn’t?
୨୧・not even your panties and bras were safe. you would routinely find them missing, blaming it on getting lost in the laundry. he wasn’t exactly the pervy type before this, but the thought of him holding something that you had worn, that had hugged the soft curves of your body, made him feel, strange, to say the least.
୨୧・he takes extra care not to let you find out, but if you do happen to notice the signs, try not to get too mad at him. he doesn’t mean harm, he’s just so utterly whipped for you :((
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i do requests!
check out my masterlist!
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You know when this all started coming to light, I fully expected that leftists would try to downplay the horrific violence by acknowledging that it was "bad and our hearts go out to the victims and their families, but......" or by making a sharp distinction between civilians and soldiers (or even like, minors and adults), but the thing that's fucked me up is that nope! We sailed right past any attempt to even pretend at human decency and cut straight to "they deserved it."
Even the kids?? Yep, even the kids.
Like Jesus H. Christ y'all.
I'm used to people feeling like they need to at least gesture vaguely in the direction of giving a shit about Jewish lives and not justifying actual terror tactics and war crimes on civilians (you'd think for consistency's sake they might care about looking like they care for the credibility but..) even if we both know they really don't actually care about antisemitism in a meaningful way. We both know that they won't be there when it actually counts, and they sure as fuck aren't going to interrogate their own personal or group's antisemitism. But usually there's a fig leaf. There's at least a baseline assumption that they should care about antisemitism and Jewish people staying alive, even if they don't actually, so they'll say the minimum amount of correct sounding words and then quickly skedaddle onto whatever it is they actually care about.
And like, is that good? No, it's not. It's not good enough. I'm sick and fucking tired of people doing juuuuuust enough to pretend to care without ever addressing the real underlying issues.
But this? This totally floored me. This drops that baseline assumption that antisemitism and murdered Jews is a bad thing entirely and blatantly sides with literal actual terrorists committing unspeakable horrors while holding it up as "liberation."
And what's worse? Most of those were the further out fringe types (although there were a horrifying amount more than I expected) right? Most everyone else wasn't spouting off about how happy they were that vive la révolucion, right? You know what was really deafening?
The silence from everyone else.
Literally everyone except for maybe one or two gentiles I remember seeing kept their mouths shut. Everyone else? Not a goddamn word about how fucked up it was that people were crowing over our people's fresh corpses. The bodies hadn't even cooled yet and we had jackasses on here publicly celebrating with memes and gore videos, and not a word from 99.9% of you.
The people who did speak up? You have no idea how much it means, and I'm grateful. Truly.
Everyone else who was too gutless, spineless, or oblivious to realize how critical a moment this was for support and/or was more interested in protecting your image or whatever?
Let's just say: duly noted.
I may continue to work alongside you (what choice do I have?) but the trust is gone.
We're clearly on our own, with rare exception.
(This is a vent post I will not be adding any caveats to it and I will be blocking anyone who tries to be an asshole. I will lock reblogs if there's any discourse. Our lives are not up for debate you sick fucks.)
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varpusvaras · 4 months
It had been a busy day.
Part of it was Bail's own doing. He had needed something to distract himself from the ongoing investigation, so he had picked up all the work he had been putting aside during the past couple of weeks, and finally started to go through them. He was in the middle of going through the budget draft of ship manufacturing for Frigate-class ships, when the office's door's alarm lighted up.
Someone was trying to get in.
Emphasis on trying to get in. They weren't trying to break in, as Bail could see that they were trying to use their clearance on the door, but the reading kept being interrupted for some reason.
Bail frowned. He stood up and started to make his way towards the door, when the alarm shut down and the door slid open.
Fox all but stumbled in, his whole upper body pitching forwards as he moved, and he swayed still when he stopped and just stood there.
Bail was very thankful for having long legs, because he got to Fox with only a few quick strides, just in time when his swaying got worse and he started to list to the side, with his knees buckling. Bail managed to step to his side, so Fox would just easily fall towards him. He all but collapsed against Bail, his helmet diggin hard into Bail's chest as he let his head drop as well.
"Careful", Bail said, trying to take a batter hold of Fox, but as soon as Bail laid his hands on his back, Fox flinched and dug himself deeper against Bail. That was the last sign Bail needed to know that Fox was hurt.
When had this happened? Bail had not heard about any other operations where Fox would've been needed for the day, as they were busy with the attack on the Temple. Had something happened there? Bail had been under the impression that the situation was under control, and that there hadn't been any further attacks-
He could think about all of that a bit later.
"Fox?" He called. "Where does it hurt the most?"
Bail had learned to not simply ask if Fox was hurt, because almost every single time, if Fox just still had all of his limbs and his head attached to him, he would start to deny that he was injured in the first place, or insist that it was not, actually, even that bad. Fox did answer when asked what was exactly bothering him, even if he would try to downplay it anyway right after. At least it gave some sort of general direction for things.
Fox made an odd noise under his helmet, that almost didn't come out through the vocoders. It sounded almost like a whine.
"Head. Back. Arms. Hands. Legs", Fox muttered against Bail's chest. "Everywhere."
Alright, then. A little help, but a lot to be worried about.
"Alright", Bail breathed out. "Let's get you to sit down."
The few meters from the door to the office's couch took a lot longer than they usually did. Bail tried to keep most of Fox's weight on him, but it was still a struggle.
Bail couldn't understand how this had happened, and how any of the other Guards had not taken Fox back to the base immediately to be treated. They were all very protective of their Commander, and if they had been present, Bail knew that they would've taken action immediately, unless...they had not been there at all.
There was only one situation that Bail knew where Fox would be alone, that would end up like this.
The burning of anger lit up inside of him. Bail had never previously thought of himself using blackmail or any other unsavory methods like that, but even he had his limits. It was high time he started to weed out all the unsuitable people, who thought it was appropriate to treat the Guard how they liked.
But first, he needed to tend to Fox.
They got to the couch. Fox looked like he was ready to just fall onto it, which would most likely just aggravate everything more, so Bail had to very slowly and carefully put him down and arrange his body so it didn't look like it hurt too much.
"I'm going to take the helmet off", Bail informed him, before he reached for it and gently lifted it up.
Fox had mentioned head pain just before, and Bail could see why straight away. He had seen enough concussions to know what they looked like, and the way Fox's eyes were dark and could barely keep track of Bail, even though he was right in front of him, told enough.
Bail took in a deep breath and then took a better look of Fox as a whole.
Another immediately noticeable thing was his left arm. Fox was holding it close to his abdomen, and the commlink on his vambrace had an error-light on, as that entire piece of armor seemed to be slightly dented inwards. That explained why he had difficulties getting the door to read the clearance. It was either that the device didn't work properly, or Fox had difficulties keeping his arm still, or both, as Bail was already sure that the arm itself was also broken.
Bail glanced down, and held back a grimace and then a snarl. If the arm was probably broken, Fox's left leg definitely was, as the foot had rotated inside in a way that was clearly forced. No wonder he had been stumbling, with both the concussion and this.
Head, arms, hands, legs. Back.
The armor was not fastened properly, so Bail had an easier time getting it all of, even with Fox sitting up. He still ended up jostling him a little as he took off the backpiece, and every sharp breath Fox took in only served to fuel the anger more.
Bail carefully rolled the blacks up. He didn't need more than a peek to see the deeply darkened skin as bruises were already starting to form.
Bail never stopped to be both impressed and horrified of the way the clones were able to just push the pain aside. He almost hoped that some of it was because the concussion was making Fox confused enough to ignore some of it.
Bail tried to breathe in deep. He hoped it would've get the anger at bay for a moment longer.
It did, in a way. It pushed it down, but at the same time, gave it enough air to grow.
Fox looked at him then, his eyes wide, and even though Bail was almost scared to touch him, he had to. He needed to.
So he took Fox's face into his hands.
"What happened?" He asked, stroking his thumb over Fox's cheek.
Fox let out a wavering breath.
"I- we got a suspect brought in", Fox started, his voice stammering bit at the start. "She requested a visitor, a Jedi. It was- in her rights, so, we brought the Jedi in, and she- we saw though the monitor her strangling the suspect, so we took her in. We had to."
He sounded almost pleading at the end, for a reason Bail didn't yet understand.
"I know", Bail said. "I know, you were just doing your job."
Fox swallowed, and grimaced, pressing his eyes shut tight for a moment. Bail ran his thumb over Fox's cheek again, and Fox tilted his head more into the touch.
"I-" Fox started. "Admiral Tarkin told us that this was not a Jedi matter anymore, and we couldn't let anyone else in. He ordered us not to let anyone in. But then Skywalker came and wanted to go see her, and-"
He grimaced again, and Bail wondered if speaking was aggravating him. He started to lean forward, and Bail let him fall to him again, tucking him against him as gently as he could.
"What was Skywalker doing there?" Bail asked. He hadn't thought that the Jedi would put him out of all people to investigate a crime like this. Skywalker was a capable Jedi and a General, but what Bail knew about him, he was not the most experienced in situations like these.
"She's his Padawan", Fox said against Bail's shoulder.
"Tano?" Bail asked, perplexed. "You arrested Ahsoka Tano?"
Fox stiffened.
"We had her on camera", he said. "There was no one else in the room. We didn't hurt her, we just-"
"Of course you didn't hurt her", Bail hurried to say. There had been a desperate edge sneaking into Fox's voice just now. "I know that."
Bail had to admit that he didn't know Ahsoka Tano too well, but from the impression he had gotten, he wouldn't have suspected her first, at least not without any evidence.
Well, it seemed like there was evidence, wasn't there?
Fox's right hand closed around the front of Bail's shirt. Bail held him as tight as he could.
"I told Skywalker", Fox said. "I told him my orders. I told him. He didn't listen. He got in. Tarkin found out I failed. One of his guards kicked me down. I think I- I think I broke my foot more."
Bail frowned, something like dread starting to trickle in into the anger.
"More?" He asked.
Fox didn't answer. He just curled up against Bail, and Bail heard his breath hitch.
"Fox?" Bail pressed on. He had to know. "What do you mean by that?"
Fox pushed his forehead hard against Bail's shoulder.
"Skywalker didn't listen", he said. "He demanded to be let in. I told him no. He didn't listen, he forced himself in, I couldn't- Tarkin didn't listen when I told him-"
He stopped, and breathed, almost heaving.
"It hurts", he whispered. "Nobody listened to me. It hurts."
Bail held him as tight as he could, stared at the wall of his office, and saw red.
Bail got the recording of what had happened in less than an hour.
The Guard was very willing to give him anything he asked for. They had all seemed just as angry as Bail was, and has kept apologising over and over again, for letting this happen. For leaving Fox alone. It had been in between rotations, and Fox had taken it upon himself to watch the security point for that one moment. During that one moment, Skywalker had come in, and started to demand to be let in.
It wasn't their fault, and Bail said so every single time. Skywalker was a Jedi. The Guard should've been able to trust a Jedi not to hurt them.
Bail watched Skywalker and Fox talk. He watched how Skywalker got more and more upset with every single second. He watched how Skywalker lifted his hand and pointed it towards Fox on the other side of the security glass. He watched Fox tell Skywalker no.
He watched Skywalker threw his arm towards Fox. He watched as the whole panel around the glass bent and broke away, the glass shattering. He watched Fox being flung across the room and crashing hard against the far wall, shards of the glass raining all around him. He watched Skywalker not giving any of it a second look as he made his way inside.
He watched Fox lay there, dazed, before he rolled on his side and just managed to push himself up when two officer guards strolled in, with Tarkin soon following them.
He watched the guards kick Fox down and beat down on his already battered back one, two times, before the recording cut.
He couldn't stomach watching it for a second time.
There was a request to enter coming from he door. Bail pressed the door open.
Padmé stepped in, with a tight smile on her face.
"I'm sorry it took me a while to get here", she said, as she sat down on the chair on the other side of the desk. "Things have been...hectic."
"I can only imagine", Bail said.
The anger had stopped burning a long time ago, now. Now, Bail felt like ice.
He leveled Padmé a look.
"Anakin has had a hectic day as well", he said.
Padmé was an intelligent woman. Bail knew that she would be able to connect all the implications and come to a conclusion on her own.
She did, as the smile dropped away from her face.
"What happened?" She asked. "Did...did something happen at the prison?"
Bail almost had a feeling that she knew already, on some level.
"Yes", Bail said. "He attacked Fox when Fox didn't let him in."
Colour drained from Padmé's face. She opened her mouth, closed it, and hesitated for a moment before she opened it again.
"Is he alright?" She asked. The correct question for the situation.
"No", Bail answered bluntly. "No, he isn't. He got seriously injured by Anakin, and then injured further by Tarkin because somehow, an armed Jedi attacking him means that he failed to follow orders."
Padmé shook her head.
"I can't believe it", she said. "Are you sure-"
"It's on record", Bail said. "And before you mention it, yes, I am aware that Tano was innocent and framed. That didn't happen here."
Padmé didn't say anything to that, even though she looked like she very much wanted to.
Bail stood up.
"I asked you to come here as a courtesy", he said. Padmé blinked at him.
"Courtesy?" She asked. "For what?"
"I'm warning you in advance, because you are still my friend", Bail said. "I am reporting Skywalker to the Jedi council and asking them to demote him. He is not suitable to be a Jedi."
"Bail", Padmé said. "Can we talk about this-"
"We cannot", Bail interrupted her. "I am not going to let this happen again."
"It's not going to happen again!" Padmé stood up as well. "Anakin was just worried about Ahsoka. Bail, please."
"That doesn't give him the right!" Bail almost felt bad as Padmé flinched at his voice, but not quite. "I have kept your secrets, Padmé! I did that because you are my friend and I care about you, not because I wished to shield Skywalker!"
He went around the table and stood in front of her.
"He is going to face consequences for this", Bail said. "And you will not interfere with it. If you try to, my loyalty for you is over as well."
Padmé drew in a sharp breath.
"You wouldn't", she said.
"I would." Bail looked her straight into the eyes. "And I advice you to look hard at your choices. This meeting is now over. Leave my office."
He could see from her eyes that she understood him to be serious. Padmé walked out of the office without saying another word.
Bail stood there for a moment, before he took his commlink and his cape.
First, the Temple. Then, he was going to the Guard base to see Fox.
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darkfictionjude · 3 months
That's why I do not like when the authors create in Twine instead of CS. It may look boring but it gives you three basic themes; white, sepia, black and you can choose depends on your preferences. We are talking about text game, after all, not visual novel so author should provide the reader comfort during long reading. Aesthetics is a secondary matter.
I don't get it. It seems that most authors in itch.io / tumblr community do not care about readers but create themes that they like the most and do not pay attention that font style, font color or background can be awful to read. This may not be good for the project too: doesn't matter writing is great and the story intriguing, if the potential reader gives up, because their eyes hurt from reading...
I don’t like the idea that a text game is somehow lesser than a visual novel and I don’t like the accusation towards authors in IF that they don’t care about their readers when most authors break their backs creating free games for the audience to enjoy, it is not simple and it is not easy and after all that to have someone say to you that you don’t care about the readers is not only false but hurtful. Do you know how hard it is to write a choice based game? Do you know how many hours of work weekly have to go into it? I’m right now looking into changing the text colour based on themes from a code another IF author just sent me but I will have you know right now that I won’t be disrespected nor be told what is good and not good for my project. I always try to treat my readers with respect and I demand the same in return
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