#Side Quests
ferntern · 15 hours
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Can't stop thinking about all that Adventure Time news that was just dropped on us.
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dont know if you saw but CN made a tweet saying that The film and Hey BMO are in development phase and side quests is still in greenlight phase
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That means Heyo BMO and the movie are likely to come out sooner than Side Quests, although I expect Fionna and Cake season 2 will still come out before all of them.
It also looks like they’re prioritising Adventure Time over Foster’s and Regular Show.
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Im not gonna lie, im terrified about all the new adventure time projects.
Fionna and Cake season 2????? FUCK YEAH LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adventure time movie???? I dont know about what the movie could be and im a little bit scared but i mean A MOVIE!!!!! ALSO FUCK YEAH LETS GOOOOO!!!!!!
A series about finn and jake previous the og adventure time series????? Ok im starting to panick now, bacuse you see i always wanted to know more about how was their life with their parents, how was their parents death, how they got to the tree house, how it was for jake to raise a little brother that grow so fucking slow (compared to dog's aging process) and so on buttttt a whole series??? I dont know man.
A show about BMO aimed at toodlers??????? I mean, i know BMO design its the perfect cute character for a little kids show but PLEASE NOOOOO. BMO literally used a gun, says "butt stuff" before putting things in their ass and is super cute and silly while being chaotic and sometimes even a little cruel (like with neptor). BMO DOESNT BELONG IN A TOODLER SHOWWW PLEASEEEE I DONT WANT TO SEE TOODLERS BEING LIKE " I LOVE BMO" WHEN THEY SEE BMO RELATED STUFF. BITCH. YOU DONK KNOW BMO, YOU ONLY SEE A FAKE VERSION OF THEM.
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i-am-a-fish · 3 months
i need more side quests i already tried drinking water.!!
ok here are your quest options
Tidy up your room, starting with your desk/workspace, keep working outward from there
Eat something hot, this could be something you cooked on a stove, in the oven, microwave, or the air fryer (air fryer mention)
Take a stroll around the block, bring a drink with you in a water bottle, it can be anything you want
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grims-sunshine · 8 months
hello! How are you? I see your requests are open? If it's alright, can i request some angst, but with a happy ending because I'm too damn soft🥲 Fem Tav being absolutely devastated when Astarion confessed but also that he was originally manipulating and using her? I never see anyone writing Tav being upset over that, like she's in love with him, but is rightfully angry and upset with him and just sobs while avoiding him for a while? 🥲
Hi hi anon! I'm good, thanks for asking <3 I hope you're alright too!
I love this idea so much aaaaah! I had to start writing pretty much immediately ahaha
Thanks so much for the request, I hope you enjoy it <3
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🤍 Feel Better 🤍
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Pairing: Astarion x Tav
Word count: 1.7k
Tags: angst with a happy ending, some mild anxiety, arguing, Tav says a few not so nice things maybe
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"I care about you."
It's true when you say these words to Astarion. At least you think it's true. At least it was true just five minutes ago.
You're pretty sure it's still true.
You pull Astarion into a hug, and aren't sure if you do it because you want to hug him, or because it feels like the right thing to do.
He hesitates for a moment, but puts his arms around you as well. You're overcome with a wave of happiness that he hugged you back, then sadness that he just admitted to having manipulated you, then anger that you were dumb enough to fall for it.
When he holds your hand, you see a glint of sincerity in his eyes. But you're not sure you can trust your own judgment anymore. Part of you wonders if he actually means it this time.
You know it wouldn't make sense for him to lie again, right after confessing his last lie and admitting that he felt bad for it.
But it didn't make sense for him to lie the first time either.
You've been defending Gale when the others were mad about his secret, and he wasn't sleeping with you. You tried to stand up for Wyll when Mizora showed up, and he hadn't shown even a hint of interest in you. You sided with Karlach and helped her deal with the paladins when you didn't even know her yet.
In short, you've been doing your damnedest to protect the people around you, not because you wanted anything in return, but because you're all in an unfortunate situation, just trying to stay alive, and you believe it'll be better for all of you to help each other. You would've done the same for Astarion, without him ever doing so much as touch you.
Your thoughts cause unease to rise within you, getting worse with every second. Once he lets go of you, you excuse yourself, rushing off to a quiet place, out of view from the others.
You sink to the ground, leaning your head back against the wall as your vision goes blurry. Before you even notice it, tears stream down your face and you suppress a sob.
You feel betrayed. Astarion played with your feelings just to gain a benefit from you, with seemingly no care how it would make you feel. You should've gotten angry at him, told him off for manipulating you, screamed at him for hurting your feelings.
Instead, you gave him a hug and said you care about him.
Underneath the anger and hurt, your feelings for him are still there, maybe stronger than ever. If you could just move past this, maybe the two of you can be happy together after all.
It makes you feel like a child, thinking that you're in some kind of fairy tale romance. But you're not the protagonist of a storybook, and you're starting to have serious doubts that Astarion is the prince who will sweep you off your feet and bring you eternal happiness.
And yet, that small part of you makes you decide to stay with him for now and hope everything will work out for the better. You're not sure if you're naive, stupid, or if Astarion really is worth trying, but you trust your gut feeling, even when your brain is telling you to break things off immediately.
Still, you can't help feeling hurt over everything that happened, so over the next couple of days you pull away from Astarion. It's not your intention, but whenever you're close to him, you start to feel dizzy, sick even. You feel your chest tighten and a knot form in your stomach that gets worse the longer you're around him.
You used to not get enough of being close to you, now it feels like your whole body recoils against his presence.
Astarion doesn't seem to notice that anything has changed -- Or if he does, he doesn't show it. If anything, he's become even more affectionate with you.
He's been seeking out your touch more often, giving you occasional hugs and stealing kisses from you. They make your heart beat faster, but you can't tell anymore if it's because you love him or because it sends your brain into overdrive each time, wondering if he's doing it because he wants to be close to you or because he wants to keep you hooked so you won't turn away from him now.
You hate that you have to question him. You hate that you feel like you can no longer trust him when you blindly would've put your life in his hands just a few days ago.
To make things worse, life has decided to hurl even more struggles at you while you're dealing with your feelings.
The Shadow-Cursed Lands have been getting especially cold at night. You try to stay as close to the fireplace as possible, but it feels like the darkness sucks away any warmth provided by the fire, so you're left shivering and wishing you could lie in a warm bed with several blankets instead.
"Wanna cuddle a little for warmth?" Astarion's voice catches you off guard and you almost flinch when you notice him standing beside you, watching you shiver and grasping your arms.
"Not that I have much body heat to give off, but, you know… I could be there for you in spirit." He continues, giving you a smile that looks almost a little shy.
You're hesitant at first, but something about the way he looks at you plugs at your heartstrings. You can't resist him, not when he looks like he's sending silent prayers to the gods that you'll agree.
"Yeah, sure. At the very least you'll block off a bit of the cold, right?" You say, earning a chuckle from him.
"I'll do my very best to shield you from the cold, darling."
He settles down facing you, wrapping one arm around you to pull you closer to his chest.
You try your best to relax, but your body still tenses around him, even when you try to just swallow down your feelings.
You lie in silence for a while, until Astarion sighs.
"Is everything alright, dear? You've been acting a little off lately. I wasn't sure if I should mention it at all, but to be honest, I am a little worried." His tone is serious, void of the usual playfulness in his voice.
Damn it. He noticed.
"It's nothing, really," you say, hoping that he'll drop it. Instead, he just looks at you, sceptical.
"Are you sure? You can talk to me, you know." He frowns brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "It's just," he hesitates, like he's unsure of what to say, "I feel like you've started avoiding me ever since I opened up about my feelings. So, I've been thinking, maybe I misread the signs and you actually never wanted to move past… Whatever the hells it was we had before," he rambles. Then, a little quieter, he adds, "You know, I've never done this whole relationship thing, and I really don't want to make a fool of myself by pursuing someone who doesn't like me that way." He lets out a nervous chuckle.
Oh hells no.
"Make a fool out of you?" The words break out of you, louder and angrier than intended. "What about me, who made a fool out of herself the whole time thinking you actually liked me?" You should stay composed, calm yourself before you say something you regret, but at that moment, all the complicated feelings you've been having swirl together and explode within you. "You didn't stop once to think about that, did you? But when it's about you having to deal with something unpleasant, suddenly it's a problem. Don't you think that's a little selfish of you?"
By the way Astarion looks at you, you'd think he'd just been slapped. Then he averts his eyes and you feel his hands tightening, gripping the back of your shirt.
"Right," he sighs. "I deserve to be called selfish, I suppose."
Astarion takes a deep breath, his jaw clenching as he thinks about what to say next, before he relaxes it again. "I know what I did to you was wrong. I manipulated you and you didn't deserve that. At all." His voice quivers a little as he continues to speak. "And I know it's no excuse, but this is what I've done for two centuries. Manipulate people to avoid getting hurt. I have no damn idea how to navigate a relationship with someone who isn't trying to make me suffer at every turn, or someone who I know will meet a terrible end because of me."
He looks at you again with a pained expression. "I really do care about you, despite what I've done, you know? I didn't intend to care about you, but you crushed all my intentions just by being your wonderful, amazing self. And if you're willing to give me another chance, I promise to make this right. I promise I won't ever try to deceive you again. I want to be someone worthy of your love and I'll do what I can to be that kind of person."
This time you're absolutely certain that he's sincere. There's not a sliver of doubt in your mind about that.
You don't even realize that you haven't said anything in a while until you notice Astarion grow increasingly nervous, looking at you like he expects you to cuss him out and tell him to leave any second.
You grab his hand and press a kiss to his palm. "I am willing to give you a chance," you say, seeing the instant wave of relief rush over his face. "I know you're new to all of this, and I know you've been through a lot. I should've talked about this sooner instead of just avoiding you. And I shouldn't have yelled earlier either. So I'm sorry as well."
Astarion presses his forehead against yours, pulling you into a close hug. "So things are good between us now, right?"
You nod, leaning in to kiss his cheek before nuzzling into his chest. "Yeah, everything's alright."
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Title inspired by this
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cluelesshero · 2 months
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#469 Neglect
When you forget that side quest from the first village
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lilymacaronstudio · 3 months
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Day 3 of my side quest
One fan art of [Redacted] from 14 days with you got me simping for this man 🧎🧎🧎
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sharksliveinspace · 2 months
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Reno dlc when?
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First of all, it sounds like the Adventure Time movie is finally happening! This was announced way back in like 2013 but never really went anywhere. The plot and other elements ended up getting integrated into various season six episodes. Adam Muto, Rebecca Sugar, and Pat McHale are all involved in the project.
Then we also have two series on the way. The first one sounds like it will be a return to the 6-11 demographic, unlike the recent Fionna and Cake series which had a slightly older target audience. It will be titled Side Quests and will be an episodic show focussing on a young Finn and Jake, serving as a sort of prequel to the original show but without many serial plot elements. The Variety article says Nate Cash will be working on it.
Finally, the second series will be a preschool show called Heyo BMO. Adam Muto and Ashlyn Anstee are both involved. I expect we will hear more in the coming weeks. There might be more info at the Annecy festival by tomorrow.
I will of course be bringing more updates as they come, and will dig around for more info later once I have some more time.
Stay tuned!
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zeldoodles · 3 months
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nimthirielrinon · 9 months
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So I was in Cadash Thaig doing Shale’s companion quest and this happened.
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grims-sunshine · 8 months
K follow me Astarion is just living his best life with his tav and their kids, and it hits him one day like hun i never thoight something like this would be possible. And he just is so happy that tav gave him this
Is just a short drabble but I hope you like it anyway 👉👈
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"Thank you."
Astarion's voice catches you off guard. You had just zoned out while watching your children chasing around the cat, not paying attention to your husband at all.
Now you turn to him, a warm smile on your face. "Thank you for what?" You ask, cupping his cheek to which he responds by immediately leaning into your touch.
"I was just thinking about everything we've been through. Everything I've been through," he starts, his eyes glazing over with the same sad look they always get when he remembers his past. Then, they clear up again and he looks at you lovingly. "I never thought it would be possible for me to feel so happy. Then you came around, and my life has been nothing but happiness ever since." He turns his head to kiss the palm of your hand. "I'm grateful for this. For everything we have."
You rest your head against his shoulder and link your fingers with his. "I'm grateful I was able to give you all this happiness. I plan on continuing to do so for the rest of eternity."
Astarion smiles, squeezing your hand. "I know you will, darling."
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rangingfarandwide · 4 months
Side Quests
~ Outdoor Edition
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The changeable weather conditions are upon us and that means making the most of favourable weather conditions to get outdoors.
Grab a D10 or simply choose any activity that takes your fancy and get out there!
Happy Questing!
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stardustmuseum · 9 months
i don’t have adhd, i just like taking side quests
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in totk zelda and I just defeated a boss with no weapons left other than a KOROK-FROND GUSTER
and suddenly I'm like YAY THE ZORA DOMAIN IS SAVED
and I start a side quest to find this guy some crabs to eat - rather than actually getting me some weapons?????
why did my brain go 'crab > protection' ????
just why?????
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solns · 2 months
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bro yapped out a whole ass love poem damn
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