#Since that's apparently a theme i wasn't aware of
krussyarts · 1 year
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My progress on the fillei doodle page <3
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puranami · 10 months
✿ Fever - 1 ✿
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A/N: Not included Brook and Jimbei bc I have absolutely no idea how to write them. Also, since Chopper is baby it would feel weird including him, even though it'd be in a purely platonic way. Just because of all the pining going on. Idk, I'd rather keep the themes separate, if that makes sense?
Summary: You're sick and try to ignore it.
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Robin, Franky.
Content: SFW, G/N reader, no serious illness but Usopp's is a liiiiittle angsty bc of his mum, not proofread (effectively) bc it's past 2am ✿
(Part 2)
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✿ He's honestly oblivious to things at first. You are doing your best to maintain your usual level of enthusiasm but it's so exhausting, and that's the most he registers - that you're tired.
"Hey, did ya not sleep too good?" he asked, entirely too loud for the headache beginning to form. You groan and lean your head into your hand, as if that would somehow soothe things, but to no avail. "Don't worry about it, I swear it won't affect my duties," you say, not sure who you were trying to convince. Apparently it didn't work regardless, as when you looked at him he was just stood there frowning with his arms crossed, and his head tilted. Before you could say anything you were greeted with a rubbery palm lightly smacking against your forehead, earning a surprised yelp from you. "You're hot." "Luffy!" Of course he had to say it that way. If you weren't already burning up with this fever, that would've set your skin ablaze. He really had no filter, and he never realised how the things he said affected you. He removed his hand from your face to grab your own, turning to drag you back to your quarters, not listening to any of your protests on the matter. There really wasn't anything you could do once Luffy had made up his mind, and you'd be lying if you said it wasn't part of his charm. "No duties for you today, 'kay?" It may have been phrased like a question, but you knew it was 'Captain's orders.'
✿ You'd end up sleeping most of the day, with Luffy having gotten Chopper to look after you.
✿What you wouldn't be aware of was his constant presence while you slept, keeping a quiet vigil whilst he made sure the damp cloth on your head was always nice and cool.
✿ He just wants you to get better as fast as you can!
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✿ One word; clueless.
✿ It just looks like a hangover to him, what with the way you groan at the light, are unsteady on your feet, and complain about being nauseous.
"And I thought I drank a lot last night." he'd comment with a smirk. "Shut up, Zoro, you always drink a lot," you whine. "I didn't drink anything!" "The pathetic whining says otherwise." You threw the rag you'd been cleaning with at him. He raised an eyebrow, watching it harmlessly drop to the floor in front of him. "Your form is off." This man, you swear! You try to growl out an insult, but it dies on your tongue, a wave of nausea hitting in it's place, causing you to clasp a hand to your mouth. "Alright, easy champ, no need to strain yourself," Zoro raised his hands in faux surrender. "Come on, you gotta sleep this one off." He can't help but smile as you pathetically smack at him while he picks you up, opting for bridal style as opposed to flour sack, only so you don't empty your guts down his back. Saying that, he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy holding you like that, though you're far too busy trying to fight him to notice the dusting of pink on his cheeks. "Don't worry I'll get you through this. I know my way around a hangover." "I'm not hungover," you protest as he gently places you in a hammock.
✿ True to his word though, he does see you through it, even if 'it' is the wrong thing. Task failed successfully!
✿ Zoro stays beside you, makes sure you drink plenty of water, and get plenty of rest, even falling asleep himself at one point; his face inches from yours as he was leaning against the post the top end of the hammock was attached to at the time.
✿ Sadly you never saw that as you slept right through it. Would've been good ammunition to use against him when he needed taking down a peg.
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✿ One of the people who would actually do a good job of looking after you. She's not got the gentlest bedside manner; she is firm yet fair, so you're in good hands.
When you don't join the crew for breakfast, Nami took it upon herself to make sure you hadn't gotten tangled in your hammock, or something equally as stupid. You wake up in a cold sweat when you hear your door open, and manage to croak out, "Nami? Oh, did I oversleep?" When you try to get up, she pushes you right back down. "Don't." Her tone indicates that she will not tolerate any shenanigans, and so you do as you're told. "You need to sleep more. I'll get you some water, and later Sanji will make you some soup." She tucks a thin blanket around you, so you don't overheat. "If you so much as try to get out of this hammock I'm going to tie your arms and legs together. Understood?" Unable to stop yourself, you let out a light chuckle. "Nami, you're so cute when you pretend not to care," the fever disabling any kind of filter you may have had. While it did catch her by surprise, you are none the wiser, as you quickly drift back off to sleep. Nami has to take a brief moment to collect herself again, silently cursing the noticeable warmth in her cheeks, then mumbling about how you're an idiot before leaving your room.
✿ Nami basically dictates how your day is. Lots of sleep, plenty of fluids and maybe a warm bath to help sweat this out, and of course she 'requests' (demands) Sanji make a hearty soup to help you get better, which he is more than happy to do for her!
✿ She'll deny it, but she sets up in your room so she can monitor you throughout the day, only going to Chopper for medicine if she thinks it's bad enough, deciding it isn't necessary to bother him with something so manageable.
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✿ He panics. Something about seeing someone he cares about getting sick makes him think of his mother, and he doesn't want to lose anyone else like that.
Usopp scoops you up and books it to Chopper. You've seen him afraid, but nothing this intense, and no matter how much you try to convince him that you're okay, and that it's just a cold - you can't seem to break through to him. "Chopper, please help! Please!" He begs as he gently places you on a bed. Tears are streaming down his face, as he takes your hand in a vice-like grip. Once Chopper confirms what you already tried to tell him about it being a common cold, he relaxes a bit. You don't hold it against him, clearly this is something deeper for him. Chopper's words, those of a professional, were very reassuring. "You just need rest, but I do have medicine to help with symptoms if you need," he says before putting a comforting little hoof on Usopp's knee. "Everything will be okay, I promise." Usopp takes a moment to collect himself before quietly saying, "Can I stay?" You and Chopper look at each other before smiling back at him, letting him know he is welcome to stay as long as he likes, or in this case needs. Neither of you press him on why this had him so scared, figuring he'll tell you if and when he's ready to.
✿ Chopper will handle all of your care, because Usopp refuses to leave your side.
✿ He keeps you entertained with his stories when you're awake, and scribbles on some loose papers Chopper gives him while you sleep. It's mainly ideas for things to make, and it keeps him calm.
✿ At one point he falls asleep with his arms crossed on the bed beside you, his little fingers linked with your own, like an unspoken promise that you'll get better, and he'll be there when you do.
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✿ As soon as Sanji catches on that you are sick, he decides to completely dedicate himself to your care and recovery! He's very attentive, and will do every little thing you want or need to get you back to health.
"Darling, I insist!" Every 'it's okay,' and 'you don't need to do all that for me,' will be shot down immediately. "What kind of man would I be if I let someone as lovely as you do anything in this condition?" He clutches his chest dramatically. "No, no. Don't you worry about a thing; I'll make sure you're well again in no time at all." You really don't have the energy to try and dissuade him, so you accept your fate, and let him dote on you the whole day. It's honestly really nice; you love having his attention, and are thankful that the fever hides your blushes, but you also can't help feeling a little guilty with how much he does for you. "Please don't overexert yourself on my behalf, I don't want you to end up getting sick yourself." "Even if I was sick, it wouldn't stop me from looking after you, my dear." You can't help but frown at this. He's so eager to do for others, but is painfully stubborn about receiving that same care. "If you're ever sick, Sanji, I'm gonna do everything that you've done for me - and I won't hear any objection from you on the matter!" You say in as stern a voice as you can manage with a sore throat. "Darling-" "Nope!" You cut him off quickly, "You deserve the same level of care that you give out!" He looks at you a little wide-eyed, an adorable blush creeping along his face. He lets out a small laugh. As much as he'd like to, he says nothing more on it; you're as stubborn as he is it would seem.
✿ Sanji makes lots of lovely food to help aid in your recovery; warming soups, peppermint tea, porridge with ginger and honey. Everything that soothes and settles, no matter the malady.
✿ His bedside manner is impeccable! He's so gentle with you, and he makes sure to check in as often as he can, whilst still doing his duties, getting as much done as possible while you're asleep.
✿ Like Nami, he only goes to Chopper if he feels your condition requires it. He's confident that his cooking will be more than enough to get you back to health.
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✿ A blessing, and a curse. She's very logical, and she knows how to handle such a minor illness, but, she really can't help telling you all about other illnesses that have worryingly similar symptoms.
"Oh, this one is very unpleasant," she beams, and you can't help but press your hands over your ears. "Chopper!" You cry, before she can start telling you about this particular strain of 'instantdeathitus,' practically running into the infirmary with Robin hot on your heels, holding an open book on diseases. "Robin keeps talking about scary diseases and now I'm scared I'm gonna die!" After being given a quick check-up, and much reassurance that, no, you do not have a rare disease that can only be contracted on a specific island in a completely different ocean, and yes, it is just a common cold, you relax. Mostly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Robin says later once you have bundled up and settled down. "Your cold just reminded me of this book, and I thought it was fascinating. I just wanted to share it with you." She clearly felt guilty, and you appreciated that this was just how she is, but you really would've rather she'd chosen a different topic to tell you about. "Maybe, you have a book on old remedies you could tell me about instead?" Robin perks back up at this. She truly values how much you understand her, and she can see why talking about diseases when your ill is not the most pleasant experience, so this is a perfect compromise. "That's a wonderful idea," she smiles, and you swear she puts the sun to shame with how bright her smile is. "There might be one we can try that will help with your recovery."
✿ Once you get past the scary disease hiccup, Robin is a great companion, looking up home remedies, and trying out the ones that are clearly based on logic as opposed to superstition.
✿ If you find a good remedy, she's excitedly write it down, and later pass the information on to Chopper.
✿ She's happy to get you water when needed, and will watch over you as you nap in the library. It's one of the quietest parts of the ship, so there is no way to disturb you there.
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✿ Aside from Chopper, Franky is genuinely the best at dealing with sick people. He tones down his behaviour, and knows exactly what you need to get back on your feet.
Your head was absolutely thundering, at least that's how it felt. Franky clocked onto your condition as soon as he saw you enter the kitchen, and once you had what you came in for, he hurried you off to his workshop. You thought it was an odd choice. "Shouldn't I go somewhere quiet?" "I know it doesn't seem it, but I can keep this place absolutely silent if I need to. No music, no one else barging in and making a racket," he said, keeping his voice uncharacteristically quiet. "Also the walls are soundproof - keeps noise out just as well as it keeps my noise in." "Oh! That's really impressive," even when ill, there is a sparkle in your eyes when he tells you about pretty much anything he's designed or built. You notice his cheeks turning red, but assume that it's just from the compliment as he looked so proud when you gave it to him. "That's not all," he grins, "I've been working on a lil something, and now's the perfect time to show you!" That certainly piqued your interest, and he was doing a great job at distracting you from how bad you felt. Franky led you to one of the corners of the room, one that was covered in a large tarp. You'd seen it many times, and you were always curious, but he'd always brushed it off whenever you brought it up, so the thought of finally seeing what was under there was exciting! Pulling down the tarp revealed a little alcove that was almost like a nest considering the amount of cushions. "It's a space for you," he said sheepishly, "so you have somewhere comfortable to sit when you hang out in here. I figured you could rest there whilst you're ill, and I can look out for you." You stared at it in absolute wonder, big shining eyes darting between it and him. "It's absolutely perfect, thank you so much!"
✿ Franky kept the workshop quiet like he said he would, and whenever you needed anything, like water or medicine, he'd go and get it for you.
✿ At some point Chopper came in to check on you, since Franky had mentioned you were ill, but there really wasn't much to do about it besides getting lots of rest, and you had that covered.
✿ He'd work on his quiet projects, the ones still in the planning and design stages, whilst you slept peacefully in your cosy nest.
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Paring: Miguel O'Hara x Nurse!Reader
Summary: It's barely been a week since the movie came out and I hate myself. Enjoy a miguel smut everyone
Warnings: smut; vaginal fingering; slight blood (typical nurse shit); language; not proof-read; almost added some Spanish phrases because it's hot but my white ass would've easily botched that shit
Word Count: 1.8k
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'When it comes to a snack-pack I can't lie'
"I wanna ride." You hummed along with the song, voice rising slightly higher to match the background singers. "Ride."
The speaker echoed throughout the room, disrupted only by the slight pitter-patter of medications falling into their correct places with each passing minute.
Organization had always been moderately calming to you, but it definitely helped to have music in the background, turning what some would call monotonous chore into a mindless state of productiveness.
Of course, this was also quite effective at stealing your attention.
The satisfaction of each pill finding its proper section had apparently replaced your spatial awareness, along with the realization that someone was standing in your door.
"Where's the doctor?"
“Shit!” You jumped, surprised at the unexpected voice. The nerves got even worse as you spun on your heels, meeting the stone-cold gaze of none other than Miguel O'Hara.
"Sorry, but he's not in right- " You fiddled with the speaker, finally managing to pause the music that suddenly seemed much too loud before clearing your throat and turning to face him again. "Oh, shit! What happened?!"
Considering the infinite possibility of universes, it really shouldn't have been all that shocking that this one was home to an arachnid-themed physician.
But for someone living in a spider society, you definitely couldn't identify as a spider-man, woman, or any other unworldly alternative that managed to find its way in your path.
You were, in essence, a completely normal person, a little factoid that didn't aid your constant surprise at all the different webby variants that this place had to offer.
It had all started a few months ago when your world cracked apart.
What many could describe as a boorishly typical day quickly turned into cosmic devastation. You couldn't even remember when the hole opened up, swallowing your home and all the people with it into its murky abyss.
Horrifying was an understatement.
In the midst of this chaos, in all the screaming and tears and crumbling buildings that you had once shopped or stayed in, your line of sight caught wind of a large, bright light.
People were running from both it and the blackness, terrified of whatever supernaturally apocalyptic entity that had come to wreak havoc on their lives.
Still, this bright alternative seemed vastly more inviting than the inky chasm fracturing main street.
So, pushing away the common sense in turn for the human instinct to avoid certain death, you had jumped.
Obviously, when you had leaped into the unspecified glowing hole, you hadn't been expected this.
But fear had quickly been replaced with relieved gratitude when your new comrades hadn't thrown you back into your quickly vanishing world, but allowed you to stay.
Over time, you had acclimated to their society, even picking up a nursing assistant position under their own spider-medic.
Regardless, you found yourself constantly nervous around most of these people, despite their usual friendliness.
It also didn't help that you were simultaneously terrified and attracted to your current boss.
Your boss who was standing in the doorway with a large gash above his elbow and a stream of blood leaking down his arm.
"Did you get stabbed?"
"I'm fine."
The statement wasn't exactly surprising.
Miguel was a closed-off person, even if that meant patching up the non-lethal injuries by himself. Despite the constant abundance of danger the man put himself in, he didn't visit your office often.
Still, you took hold of his free arm and dragged him towards the medical bed. "Uh, no offense, but then why are you here?"
You watched his jaw harden slightly, eyebrows furrowing in what you quickly recognized to be agitation. "Byte locked me out of the computer system and wouldn't let me back in unless I came here."
Spider-byte, or Margo, was one of the most technologically skillful individuals here, and someone you would consider to be your closest friend at the moment.
Somehow, she had been able to pry out your attraction to the organization's leader.
According to her, she was under the impression that Miguel was fond of you, but you honestly couldn't think of any other reason for his lessened hostility besides that fact that you were one of the only people here without superpowers.
But if it was pity-masked by his tolerance, it wasn't hard for you to become increasingly attached to him over time, a fact that someone as perceptive as Margo was easily able to pick up on.
And seeing as she knew both Spider-medic's and your schedule, it wouldn't exactly surprise you if she chose today, specifically at 3:37 in the afternoon, to nag Miguel about the importance of medical care done by a professional.
"So... what happened?" You twisted the cap off the bottle of saline solution and allowed it to fall over a cloth. "The usual, I'm guessing?"
"Basically," he nodded, barely moving when you gently cleaned his wound. His left sleeve had been cut away, leaving his entire bicep exposed.
While this made for a quick job...
Oh, fuck
Swallowing, you tossed the cloth to the side, reaching for the roll of gauze and keeping your eyes to the floor.
Shit, his thighs are ginormous.
They caged your own in from the sides, leaving it almost impossible to ignore the heat of his gaze burning into your skin. The warmth of his own tickled the tips of your fingers as you wrapped the newly cleaned wound.
"Are you okay?"
"Huh?" You looked up, almost physically recoiling when you realized how close your face was to his.
He cocked an eyebrow. "You're nervous."
Scrunching your expression, you quickly took note of how fast your heart was beating against your ribs. "I thought you didn't have that weird, spider-sense thing."
"I don't." Miguel grabbed your wrist, barely leaving his wound properly secured. "Your hands are shaking."
Blinking in surprise, you shifted your gaze to your arm. It was small, but there were ripples of tremers coursing through the creases on your fingers.
The unsteadiness was unconscious, unaffected by the strength of your mental begging.
"Do I make you nervous?" A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth and you could've sworn that you were moments away from going into cardiac arrest.
"I... uh..."
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" The hand not gripping yours pushed a fallen strand of hair behind your ear. "Having trouble concentrating?"
He leaned forward slightly, warmth of his breath tickling the edge of your chin before he quickly moved back. His movements came to a sharp pause, a serious expression overcoming his features. "Do you want me to stop?
Your answer was almost immediate. "No."
"Good girl." His words sent an unconscious shiver down your spine, earning you a low chuckle. "Do you like it when I call you that?"
I'm gonna combust.
"So shy," Miguel clicked his tongue, running his thumb over your lip as the rest of his fingers forced your chin upward to meet his gaze. "Answer, princess."
Backing away, he slid his arms under your thighs and pulled you upward so you were straddling his.
You swallowed, watching his hands slip under the fabric of your coat, snaking around your bare waist. "Yes."
Red irises burned into yours, only beginning to match the intensity in his expression. "Any other appointments today?" His fingers toyed with the top of your jeans.
"No," your breath hitched. "But you spider-people always manage to get yourself into deep shit."
He drew forward, pressing his lips against your neck as his touch traveled under your waistline. "I'll make this quick then."
The feeling of his mouth sucking on your collarbone sent warmth sparking into your abdomen, the heat only growing as his thumb grazed over your clit.
"I think it's cute." He grinned, canines threatening to break the tender skin. "How nervous you get around me. I was guessing that you were either terrified of me or wanted me to fuck you."
You groaned when two of his fingers pushed into you, slowly pressing against your core in a way that had you turning to putty in his arms. "Both, probably."
He chuckled, continuing to trail his kisses over your skin, taking a moment to swallow the soft moans falling from your lips in his.
A part of you wondered if the door was properly locked, if the shades were completely shut, or if the room was soundproof. But every ounce of common sense seemed to leak out of you with each stroke of his thumb over your clit, each squeeze that he gave your thigh with his free hand.
And then the phone rang.
Panicking, you turned around, shaking hand reaching for the receiver. Miguel took your wrist into his free arm, pulling you back into him.
"It's okay, princess." He pressed down on your clit, pulling a cry from your lips. "You're almost there."
He was right.
Each thrust of his fingers into your core sent your mind further into a blissful haze, the subtle shaking of your thighs over his going unnoticed. It was only a moment later that he had you coming undone around his hands.
You took a few seconds, head resting on his chest as he slowly took you down from your high. It was odd how warm he felt, a large contrast to what many would describe as a cold demeanor.
The heat made you want to stay there forever, the only thing yanking you out of your pleasured mindlessness the incessant ringing of the device three feet away from you.
"Hello?" You cleared your throat, trying to get rid of the falter lacing your tone. "This is, uh, the spider... doctor office?"
The sound of your name echoed through the phone and you immediately recognized the voice of your current mentor. "Sorry again about leaving you alone for the day, hun. I just wanted to check and see if everything was okay back at the office."
"Oh, I'm fine! Take as long as you need!" You heard a line of praises coming through, but they barely registered in your mind. "Gotta go, kay, bye!"
With a breath, you set the device down in relief, barely recognizing the soft smirk gracing Miguel's lips.
"So... how’s your arm?"
Miguel laughed, a sound that was completely foreign to you, and the rest of the organization, probably.
"Fine." The limb in question slipped around your waist, pressing your body further into his. "But Byte told me that if I didn't ask you out then she'd add a matching scar to my other one."
You grimaced in embarrassment, the feeling slowly fading away as he laced a gentle hand through your hair, more affection that you had seen from the man in your entire time here.
"Of course she did."
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Bread Debut: Miitopia
Hey, everyone, look! It's Bread! Did you know? Bread is the best thing since sliced bread. Some of you might argue that Bread is sliced bread but consider: Bread is an enemy in a Video's Game. Can sliced bread say that? I didn't think so.
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Bread is one of the very first enemies encountered in Peculia, and from this first encounter, the theme of the world becomes immediately apparent: Funny! Yes the game has been funny up to this point, but this is the Funny world, so they need to show you some especially funny enemies to make that clear. Enter Bread! And also Running Nose, who is also delightful and might get its own post someday.
But not today, Buster! Today is Bread's time to shine! Despite how wacky it is, Bread is a pretty standard enemy. All it can do is float up to you and tackle you. Nary a Special Attack to be seen! But that's okay, I think. Even without any condiments, Bread adds flavor to the game! Unless the eyeballs count as a condiment? Maybe if you're Shrek.
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For some reason, the Miitopia Wiki has these descriptions for every enemy that don't exist anywhere in-game and are completely made up. Personally I think we shouldn't be insulting the Darker Lord for using their imagination. I think it was an inspired choice of them to make Bread into an enemy. Some of us would benefit from taking each others' eyes and putting them on random everyday objects to create new and exciting monsters. You know, for perspective. Maybe one of us can even become the living forks in Miitopia 2!
Now, as you're probably aware, Miitopia is an RPG, and every good RPG's bread and butter is introducing Stronger Color Variations. But alas, Miitopia does not have Buttered Bread, nor does it have Wheat Bread, Burnt Bread, or Very Lightly Toasted Bread...
...Because it goes above and beyond!
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Meet Ham Sandwich! More than a mere Stronger Color Variation, Ham Sandwich not only gets two slices of grilled bread, but also Ham and Cheese! And lettuce. There's also lettuce.
Unlike Bread, Ham Sandwich does in fact get a Special Attack, called Wide Attack, which as the name implies, is a Wide Attack that can hit three Miis at once.
...Okay, it's not really that special, but is getting attacked by Ham Sandwich not special enough for you already? You gotta savor the occasion.
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But remember to make room for dessert! Today's dessert? A Bread Sandwich! This is "Traveler" Bread, which takes the Dugtrio approach of giving us three slices of Bread at once! The more, the merrier, I say! And if that wasn't enough for you, "Traveler" Bread is a BOSS FIGHT!
Traveler Bread takes a page out of Ham Sandwich's book, once again getting the Wide Attack, but unlike Ham Sandwich, it gets TWO turns, meaning it can hit three Miis at twice! And that's it really. A small change to the Bread formula, sure, but it's okay. It's hard to improve upon perfection.
And that's it for the post. BEGONE!
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wntrs0ldier · 1 year
An Offer · part 08
pairing: mob!bucky x reader words: 3,6k warnings: typical mafia (dark themes, language, violence, etc.), a/n: this chapter smells like a soap opera, but i couldn't help myself. i was in a silly goofy mood, please don’t hate me<3
series masterlist
series summary: When your father dies, the only thing you can do for your family and the empire he built, is to marry a powerful man.
chapter sneak peek: But you and Bucky didn't follow the other guests. You didn't know the detailed layout of the rooms in that house, and the only secluded place you knew was the toilet. You dragged Bucky there almost by force, and apparently expecting an escalation of whatever was on your mind, he allowed you to do so.
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“I'm sure you'll look beautiful, sweetheart,” Winnifred cooed. “I can't wait for the final result!” she added on her way to leave the room.
You spent the past few hours in Rebecca's bedroom, because that's where – aside from a large mirror, which rather every bedroom in the Barnes house was equipped with – was a vanity table; a really convenient solution when it came to doing your makeup and hair. 
The upcoming ceremony didn't quite meet the criteria of typical weddings; there were only a few days to organize everything since the pre-agreement was signed. In all the chaos, there was no room to think about the choice of wedding dress or hall; you didn't have time to choose the flowers, the design of the invitations (there weren't even any invitations), the cake or the music. And you didn't particularly regret not having the opportunity to do so. It wasn't a real wedding – it didn't take place because two people who loved each other decided to get married. And since it didn't matter much, you didn't feel the need to care about any of the details.
It was different for Winnifred. She was aware of the same things as you, but that didn't stop her from beaming with excitement. You found this extremely charming; largely because of your own mother. As you left the house this morning she said, This boy will be the death of you.
Rebecca entered the bedroom, which surprised you a little. She had every right to be in a room that belonged to her, but since you had arrived at the Barnes mansion a few hours ago, Rebecca had been avoiding you.
You hesitantly put down your mascara, regretting that you had only just finished doing your eyes. Otherwise, you would have had an excuse not to confront Rebecca in any way.
“My mom is right. You will be a lovely bride,” she said, giving you a weak smile. 
“Thank you.” You returned the friendly gesture, but were able to guess that it looked rather inept.
“Listen…” Rebecca sighed. “I'm sorry for the way I acted at dinner that night. I feel really horrible.”
“That's okay. You just had a bad day, I get it,” you replied. You didn't dare confess that you knew Rebecca's reasons for behaving the way she did. You feared that she would be furious to learn that her own sister had told you about this side of her life. 
Rebecca seemed unsatisfied with your words. “I'm really sorry for what I said. Especially since I can see that you are not some random girl at all.” 
Only after a moment did you realize that her gaze had landed on your engagement ring. Immediately, you felt a hot wave of sickening shame. 
“I'm sorry, I'm not the one who should be wearing it,” you claimed, asserting what you had told Bucky earlier.
“Jamie wouldn't have given it to you if he thought it would end up in the wrong hands.” Rebecca smiled a little more confidently. “He obviously knows what he's doing.”
Yes, you've heard that before.
“Do you need help with your hair?” she proposed. “I swear I'm not going to destroy it in revenge.” 
You laughed quietly. “Yes, please.” Accepting this offer had little to do with politeness or wanting to make Rebecca feel better. Indeed, you needed help.
Rebecca stood behind you, reached for a brush and began to comb your hair. She did this with extreme gentleness. “Are you nervous?”
“A bit,” you answered after a short thought, looking at your reflection. “But considering I'm marrying someone I've only known for a few weeks... That's normal, I guess.” 
“You shouldn’t be. I am not trying to sell you my brother,” she remarked, raising her eyebrows. “But he will take care of you. You should just be careful what you wish for.”
You didn't show in any way that Rebecca's words intrigued you. You guessed that they had to do with Robbie's disappearance, but you chose not to ask. Rebecca was reaching out to you, being even a sweetheart, like the big sister you needed on that day. Destroying it would be a real stupid thing to do, and you weren't going to sabotage the atmosphere around your own wedding.
She did your hair, and although you weren't sure what you actually wanted, Rebecca managed to achieve a satisfying result. When it was time to shed your robe, Connie's absence began to bother you. You needed someone to point out your lace lingerie and crack a few dirty jokes about your wedding night. You weren't counting on Rebecca. Even if she had a slightly different character, the very thought of talking about it with the groom's sister was uncomfortable enough.
You fixed your gaze on the white dress spread out on the bed. Since this wedding wasn't exactly a traditional wedding, you hadn't quite understood why you couldn't have chosen a dress in any other color. And surprisingly, the person who explained to you some of the issues around this subject was Michael. Now you knew that when marrying someone like Bucky Barnes, the right symbolism had to be taken care of – purity and innocence. You had to give the impression of being untouched, waiting for your husband, apart from whom no other man existed. You had to be innocent; to do him no harm, to agree with his opinion, to submit to him. You didn't believe that anyone from the two Families – who were the only guests at this wedding, witnesses to the joining of the two clans for good – cared whether you were a good, silent virgin with no opinion of your own or not. But it was all about appearances. Though, perhaps, the elders of this community actually cared about such details?
After Rebecca had also helped you with your dress, you finally stood in front of a large mirror and looked closely at your reflection. You couldn't make up your mind how you felt about it all; before the wedding, for which you hadn't decided on the slightest thing, in the dress you and Winnifred had bought at the last minute. Staring at yourself like that, you realized that nothing really mattered much to you. You just wanted to get it over with.
Winnifred returned to the bedroom; you first saw her only in the mirror, and when you turned around, you noticed a bouquet in her hands. “I knew you would look beautiful,” she said with delight, her gaze expressing a tenderness you couldn't recall seeing in your own mother. She shook her head as if she had just remembered something. “I have something for you.” She handed you the bouquet of pink carnations and white freesias, tied with a silk ribbon in a pale shade of pink matching the color of the carnations. Somewhat caught off guard, you accepted the flowers. “Jamie just brought it.”
You took a shaky breath. “Oh…”
The ceremony, from start to finish, was to be held on Timothy's property. You didn't understand this aspect either, and Michael didn't clarify it to you, but given the significance of the white dress, you were able to draw your own conclusions – there was no greater, more important sanctity than the Barnes Family, therefore instead of any temple, there was the home of the head of the Family.
When you arrived, nothing had been clear since leaving the car. You weren't even sure if you were actually there – your body definitely, but everything else?
You and Michael stood in front of the entrance to the ballroom.
You weren't wrong about the temple analogy, and were made aware of it now as you saw more or less its interior; filled with chairs and guests sitting on them, it resembled a sanctuary of some kind – even the table at the far end of the room was an altar of sorts. Nevertheless, there was no traditional walking down the aisle; Michael led you down a corridor formed between two sides of the rows of chairs, but only because you needed his help – your veil made it difficult to see and the lengthy material of your dress to move freely.
Walking forward with the not-so-slow step you usually observed in brides, you kept your eyes on the ground. Paralyzed by some sudden fear, jitters, you were unable to focus it on anything else. All this nervousness was making you more and more distant from the reality of the situation.
Completely relying on Michael, you stopped when he stopped. Only then did you dare to lift your gaze, but the degree of transparency of the veil didn't allow you to see much. All you knew was that you stood right next to Bucky; that he had Steve and someone else at his side; that there was a man in front of you, acting not only as a priest but also as an official. At least that's what you thought, as you tried to logically interpret each element.
Normally, it should be Michael, in some way replacing your father, who should lift your veil in order to present you to your future husband, your new protector, provider. However, that right belonged exclusively to Bucky. Because Michael wasn't giving you away, he wasn't handing you over to good hands; it was Bucky who took you, if that was his will, accepted you, included you in the Family. From that moment on, your whole life depended on your husband.
But he didn't uncover your veil right away. It was as if you were to remain his sweet secret for as long as possible, protected from the gaze of others. Soon, though, he lifted the material and placed it behind your head, and he did so with such delicacy and concentration that you still didn't believe it was real.
Finally, you could look at his face, and although you could see the obvious tiredness and nervousness on it, he was still the most beautiful man you had ever met. And he was going to be yours for the rest of your life, until death do you part.
If there were actually vow words spoken – any words at all – you didn't hear them. Still numb with fear and anxiety, you stared at Bucky. He was scared too, you had no doubt about that, but instead of getting even worse, you felt... safe.
You approached the table on which the agreement rested. The priest handed the pen first to Bucky. But when Bucky leaned over the document, his hand holding the pen hung in the air. You only saw the side of his face, so couldn't tell much from it. Your forehead furrowed slightly; was he hesitating? Panicking? Had he suddenly changed his mind and was about to run away, leaving you at the altar? 
Finally, however, he signed, bringing you back to breathing.
He moved the piece of paper towards you and handed the pen, without even glancing at you. You, too, leaned over the table, once again sweeping your gaze over the agreement, in effect realizing that something was wrong. It had expanded by at least one condition and some bold print.
The WIFE is obliged to provide the HUSBAND with an heir within a period of twenty-one months, i.e. the WIFE and the HUSBAND are obliged to conceive a child within twelve months from the date of the wedding.
Breach of any of the conditions will result in immediate termination of the agreement and a material penalty agreed by the parties.
So far you have felt so weak that you had the impression that you were about to faint. Now, you felt anger boiling up inside you; a sense of betrayal, of being a victim of trickery, pierced your heart painfully. You tightened your fingers on the pen with such force that it almost broke under their pressure. Despite everything, you signed the agreement, with the tip of the pen almost tearing through the paper.
There had been a lot of inconveniences in your path lately, but you couldn't recall any of them putting you in such a horrible mood. And when Bucky’s eyes met yours, you knew he saw that awful disappointment. Just as he should – he should be aware that he had hurt you. Did you expect to see guilt in response? Probably. But instead, there was anger, irritation, and somehow you knew it wasn't directed at you.
You also felt it when exchanging rings; Bucky squeezed your wrist a little too hard as he slid the wedding band onto your finger. He turned his jitters and anxiety into resentment; a phenomenon that intrigued you enough to make you forget your own for a moment.
The priest grabbed a previously prepared dagger; it had been resting on the table since the beginning, waiting for basically the most important part of the ceremony. “The act of joining two bloods.” The man took your hand carefully, turned it over and gently moved the dagger blade across your palm, leaving a bloody, not very deep line. You winced slightly, muffling a whine of discomfort. “So that two Families become one,” he added, proceeding to do the same with Bucky's hand, and he accepted it without the slightest movement; as if the blade had not even tickled him.
Thinking little of it, you reached for Bucky's wrist to draw his hand closer, then covered the inside of it with yours. As if by reflex, his fingers closed and embraced your hand gently. Maybe you were angry, but your body followed its own rules, and as Bucky made this small gesture, you felt warmth coming from where your hands touched; it spread to your chest, to the pit of your stomach.
The ceremony came to an end in as grave a mood as the whole of it. Timothy invited the guests to the garden, where a tent had been set up earlier – Winnifred's idea, as she had refused to let the feast take place in Timothy's cave. She insisted on this dose of romance, and it wasn't until after the ceremony that you realized she was right. The tent in the garden, in the middle of spring, was truly uplifting.
But you and Bucky didn't follow the other guests. You didn't know the detailed layout of the rooms in that house, and the only secluded place you knew was the toilet. You dragged Bucky there almost by force, and apparently expecting an escalation of whatever was on your mind, he allowed you to do so. 
“What was that?” you asked before he managed to close the door behind you. Anger surged inside you again, and the best way to get rid of it that popped into your head was to hit Bucky with whatever you had in hand – in this case, your bouquet. “Promise me you’ll be my partner,” you quoted his words from a few days ago, and the flowers collided with his arm again. “My ally.” And again. “My wife.” And again. 
“Y/N…” he sighed, patiently taking your harmless punches.
“You tricked me into continuing your bloodline!” Paying no attention to his calm tone, you didn't stop to hit him with the bouquet, which, by the way, wasn't as destroyed as it should have been.
“Y/N!” he hollered, suddenly grabbing your forearm, therefore stopping you from striking again. “Let’s talk about this. Like reasonable people.”
“So I am a person?” Your eyebrows rose. “Not a breeding stock?”
“I didn’t know!”
“How could you not know! You worked on this agreement together!”
And you were yelling at each other again, this time locked in that small space being the bathroom in Timothy's huge house. This only increased your frustration, because neither of you could escape. Besides, you couldn't escape not only physically; you were now stuck with each other.
“I didn't know. Okay?” he said much more calmly, although you felt that a gentle push would be enough to shatter all that calm again. “Timothy changed the deal behind my back. I should’ve known that he would pull something like this, he was too compliant…” He shook his head, looking away.
You thought it would be easier if you also stopped looking at him. So you concentrated on the bouquet; you pulled out the flowers that were only appropriate for throwing away. “You expected that he could pull something like this,” you began in a hushed voice, tentatively lifting your gaze to him. “And you didn’t do anything about it?” 
He also looked at you, unable to hide that your words had affected him. At that moment, you regretted that they had left your lips, but on the other hand, maybe he should have heard them? After all, you were the one who was the most violated in the situation, and although you yourself once mentioned that a baby-free deal was rather impossible to achieve, you felt cheated. 
“Don’t say that.” Bucky's voice sounded as quiet and weak as yours, his eyes expressing a begging; asking you not to give up on him like that, not to throw him into one bag with his uncle. “I’ll talk to him,” he added quickly. “I’ll talk to him now.” He seemed distracted, heartbroken, waiting for your approval. 
On that day, he was definitely not himself. And it hit you, what you had promised him – not to make this any harder than it has to be.
“Bucky-” you spoke tenderly, touching his arm, which only a few minutes ago you had been punching. “Do it after the party, okay? I don't want to ruin it for you. The penny has dropped anyway, so…” You shrugged.
You were still angry, betrayed, disappointed. But in all this, you forgot to see that Bucky was trying; that he was carrying a little too much weight on his shoulders. It appeared that he had been tricked, too, and you were probably the only person who could – should – show him some support.
Bucky smiled sadly, his lips pressed together. You didn't know him long enough, but just as before you were able to sense that he wasn't angry at you, now you got the strong impression that there were processes going on in his head that could lead to dangerous consequences.
You joined the rest of the guests in a tent at the back of the house. They didn't notice your absence, or took it as perfectly natural – slipping away to satisfy some burning need; that maybe you couldn't wait any longer to fulfill your marital duty. You would have preferred it to be exactly that instead of new problems.
Although you didn't doubt Bucky's intentions anymore and believed that he didn't know about his uncle's ruse, there was this lingering sense of unease accompanying you all the time. Maybe it had something to do with the stress of the last few days, which had reached its zenith just today? Or would you have been able to relax at home, away from all those people?
During a seemingly endless conversation with Winnifred and Rebecca, you noticed that you had lost sight of Bucky. The last time you saw him talking to the man who had introduced himself to you earlier as Sam Wilson, but you couldn't pinpoint when exactly that was – fifteen minutes ago, but it might as well have been over an hour.
You decided to try not to panic. He was talking to someone again, this time out of your view, or holed up for a cigarette.
Somewhere outside the fence sounded the loud roar of an engine, followed by the screech of tires. A few guests stopped their ongoing conversations and listened for a moment, while the rest were not particularly concerned about the noise. You were not part of either group; anxiety suddenly grew to enormous sizes, turning your stomach inside out.
Someone touched your shoulder, and you immediately knew it wasn't him; Bucky would do it differently. You looked over and saw Michael – white as a sheet. “Can we talk?” 
You excused yourself, and Michael, keeping the appearance of being completely in control, led you into the house. You didn't ask what had happened – you sensed that something bad hung in the air. 
Michael brought you to Timothy's office. He, on the other hand, looked furious; he was sitting behind his desk, and there was a burning smell in the room.
“Your agreement.” He pointed to the desktop; to the charred scraps of paper resting on it and the ring – the same one you slid onto Bucky’s finger a couple hours earlier. 
At first your stomach dropped. He destroyed the agreement and left. And without Bucky, without the agreement, you were ruined. 
Despite the fact that you were terrified, you were not going to break down in front of Timothy. He had humiliated you enough. “Which one?” Having tilted your head to the side, you lifted your eyebrows. “There were two versions, right? Were you inspired by Rumlows with the second one?”
Your biting tone did not go unnoticed by Timothy. “You are acting very boldly for someone who will soon be left with nothing.”
Painfully aware that Timothy was right, you glanced at your secured future – burnt, useless. Not only that was burnt and useless; you and Bucky had burned all the bridges together; Bucky had first beaten Brock Rumlow, then humiliated John Walker and finally vanished into thin air himself. 
But why exactly did he do it? He didn’t listen to you and talked with Timothy anyway; there had to be something his uncle had to have done; something that pushed his limits, tipped his balance. Or maybe his sweet words meant nothing and he decided to show you that marriage really wasn’t for him?
“Looks like you're back on the market.” Timothy stated. “I'm really ashamed of what my nephew did to you, darling.”
Unable to listen to Timothy any longer, or even look at him, you turned to Michael. “Can we go home?”
“Certainly,” he answered in such a gentle, almost fatherly tone that you have never heard from him before.
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a/n: feel free to share your thoughts, they are more than welcomed 🥰
taglist: @goldensunflowe-r @nefri-black @vickie5446 @learisa @sjsmith56 @aya-fay @hhiggs @wishingwell-2 @buckysgirl01 @emily-roberts @prettylittlepluviophile @leaaa008 @itvy5601 @melsunshine @pattiemac1 @marvel-fandom23 @rabbitrabbit12321 @xsecretsirenx @heyyitsreign @xhollycowx @samfreakingwinchester @thrnlvr @samjuarezzz
456 notes · View notes
szftzy · 2 years
tags: possessive behavior, forced adoption ( definitely not kidnapping.. ), platonic themes, also tw referenced child neglect but not too bad,
(gender neutral child reader)
platonic yandere zhongli pt.2 (proshippers dni)
a continuation to this → post, and some of you requested for it so hopefully this is enjoyable :]
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needless to say, you felt helpless.
the man seemed harmless at first glance, but i guess not everything is what it seems. it was difficult to breathe properly, which- said man has enveloped your head into his chest
your still In shock on how easily you were taken from your family in just one week and held captive here. all of your freedom stripped away
and even more shockingly, he treated you well. comforting you whenever you had a meltdown, or whenever you threw a tantrum. never raising his hand or his voice. but It was obvious he was just trying to do this to deceive you. are you sure?
ever since you zhongli held you captive against your will in his den, nothing was going great (obviously). it was a mix of emotions and conflict. for the first few days you had been scared to even make a single move in fear of what he would do.
and as he had been treating you well, he was making sure you ate well, comforting touches and such. it all would’ve been great! if you forgot the fact that he was holding you against your will, trapped In a den Inside the forest.
but you still miss home, your old home. do you? whenever you expressed such sayings to zhongli he would always brush it off with words that would seem comforting out pf context
but ypu decided today, to make your shot. in more context, an attempt to escape. this plan wasn't guaranteed to work but it was better than staying here
laying your head in his chest, attempting to wiggle out of his grip slowly but surely in attempts to not awake the man.
when you (surprisingly) escaped his broad grip— stumbling a bit out of the surprise, the bed creaking from the movement , carefully balancing yourself; you continued to make your way to the door.
opening the door, which makes it emit a loud creaking noise, you suddenly freezed. careful not to wake the unaware man.
(what you weren’t aware of was his possessive eyes, each time you would try to squirm out of his grip.)
carefully continuing, you closed the door quietly. and made your way to the front door, passing the kitchen and living room (lounge?? idk what to call it..) slowly but surely you got to the front door
but, behold. it was locked, Great. now where would you find a key? an idea blooming, searching for a bobby pin in the pocket of your shorts.
When you found it you immediately went to work, trying to unlock it without making too much noise, all of a sudden. it successfully opened; surprising yourself, you made sure the other in the house was still asleep by straining you ears to hear for any footsteps; none.
getting confirmation it was safe, you then made your way. shutting the door gently after you, you then ran for it. leaves crunching beneath your feet as you raced as fast as you could.
hiding in the bushes was a painful process, apparently while you were making a run for it, halfway through. zhongli woke up, and currently you were in a tight situation
steadying your breathing, curling up on yourself. your heart was pounding, you didnt know if he could hear it or not. fear blossoming in you as zhongli was near your hiding spot
The familiar sound leaves crushing, coming towards your way. suddenly it stopped. holding your breath, for a couple of seconds he just stood there. thankfully he walked away. almost crying In relief, you curled up on yourself.
and then the situation hits you. god, why did this have to happen? you just wanted your older siblings and parents back.. you didnt expect all of your joy to be taken In one singular week. as tears dripped down, you decided to wipe them and get on with it..
and when you finally lifted your head up, peeking. you found the coast clear. Thankfully. and as you stood up ready to make a run for it-
a firm hand grabbed the scuff of your shirt, and you got dragged back Into a dreadful familiar chest. as you looked up to your captors face, It was none other than zhongli. a hurt and confused expression on his face.
fear filled up your entire core. oh.. was he gonna kill you now? all the worst case scenarios flashed In your head, he was clearly upset with you. and he was definitely keeping you here just to toy with you..
you just shut your eyes and just accepted It, tears like a waterfall. and then you got embraced Into his chest, once again. he was probably just deceiving you again.
zhongli was worried. did they not like him? he was clearly doing something wrong, but he doesnt know what? hes just so sad for his fledgling, It was clear that their “family” back then was selfish, seeing them flinch to his every touch
but they have no worries now! he took care of them, seeing as their recent.. attempt was a clear form of discomfort, he would try his best to love them even more. his little adorable child.
he hadnt had someone to take care of In a while, since he all his children now are long grown and doing adepti work. and of course he has no problem! It was just a little lonely without a companion there to light up the house.
but hes sure his little ray of sunshine will enjoy It, he’ll make sure of It. since they won’t be leaving for a long while anyway.
he was just so sad, when he woke up this morning to find you gone. but no worries! he’d find you and take you back home, since you clearly got a little lost.
using his elemental sight, It was no work to find you, seeing your little form curled up In the forest bushes. he didn't wanna terrify you (again) so he decided to take you by surprise.
as a archon, and a dragon. zhongli has very well hearing senses, so he could hear your sniffles, and quiet sobbing. his heart clenched. He may be a ruthless god, In the eyes of others but he was still sympathetic, especially to children. who he has a soft spot for.
he pretended to walk away, but still lurking. watching for your every move. as he saw you freeze for a second, before getting up. he caught you by the scruff.
holding you to his chest, he missed you dearly, and seeing such a pure and genuine child be so upset kills him. he whispered to you soft words, promising a better life of comfort then your old one.
then he realized it upon seeing your form shake, you thought he was gonna hurt you. oh, young dear.
“Im sorry dearheart, for all this stress you went through. I didnt notice, but Its okay. your under my protection now, you wont have to worry about someone hurting you.”
and as you started loudly sobbing, the situation hitting you as you realized, that escape Is futile. and he hushed you and hugged you like a father would a crying child. and then carried you In his arms.
sobbing turned to crying, and tears died down to sniffles, and as you calmed down. which he was happy to see, you finally spoke. your voice cracked from not using your vocal chords In a while.
“please, just let me go.. I wont tell anyone about this, I just wanna go home..”
and then he paused. taking a moment to say something, you waited in anticipation. then he softly spoke out.
“Oh dearheart. This Is home. because your mine. my youngling, my sympathy.”
that word was stuck Inside your mind, maybe.. just maybe you could have a good life. maybe you were actually basking In his warmth and comfort. you just didn't wanna admit It. that was your thought thought as you slipped away, Into a dreamless sleep within his arms.
as you guys made It to the way “home.”he noticed your limp state. completely unaware of the loving possessive look zhongli was giving you.
my child, my sympathy.
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(Aight time to go get some milk again 😭🔥🙏)
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bengiyo · 3 months
Only Boo! Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, we spent time with Kang to see what he's been up to in the last year. We learned that Kang moved, blocked Moo, and changed universities to create distance between them, continuing the GMMTV trend of making the poor boy rearrange their entire life for the benefit of the richer one. When Moo finally found him, the show essentially said that Kang was correct to do this, because Moo immediately lost all composure in trying to reunite them. After spiraling, Moo got kicked in the face and hospitalized (apparently based on something that happened to my boy Aungpao). Meanwhile, Moo continues to have Potae as his inexplicable confidant, who remains jealous of Payos and Jang BGP. Also, Shone has been hanging out with Kang and occasionally flirting with him, which is gross since he encouraged them to break up.
Oh, right. Time to find out if this scene is real.
Yep, it wasn't real!
Shone... This is gross.
I struggle with the constant dissonance of this show not saying gay even as it's constantly demanding its protagonist accept reality.
Umm...why is Moo apologizing??
I kinda wish this has been a story about Potae and Payos struggling with an asymmetric relationship and navigating that space as idols instead. Having Potae come around in the last episode like this is not satisfying.
I'm trying to be with Moo about the blank letters, but it's like he's never really understood the social and financial expectations of being an idol at all. This why is not rhetorical for why Kang can't go to him.
Why is Kang in Hong Kong in a mascot?? Moo is gonna recognize him.
Again, Kang seems to be the only one aware of consequences.
Wow, do they really think this one scene fixes everything wrong with Potae's relationship with his parents and how they've made him feel like he's not worthy?
Is Jang now okay with his band members dating? Why??
I'm glad these two reunited, but do we really think one more conversation with his label is gonna change anything? Does Moo think he has that level of clout after a year of being in the industry?
Keen is fun to watch flirt. This has been the most engaged with it we've seen out of Sea in a while.
Why would they just agree to end the rule after all this drama? What has changed?
There is almost something here about these boys going back to their high school but knowing what they are to each other now.
It is admittedly nice to see some of the teachers again. That part was solid.
What in the pair the spares is this???
At least they're implying Kang dealt with some of his shyness around intimacy.
Final Verdict: 5, I Liked The High School Portion Mostly, and I Liked Keen. This show was truly thematically bankrupt in a way that is actually offensive to me, and part of a trend with GMMTV of wanting only implied queerness in their shows about boys kissing each other. It is absolutely ridiculous to set up a show where a queer kid has been so loved and sheltered that he doesn't really conceive of the structures of homophobia to fall in love with a boy who seems to understand them, and then not have this be about how Moo either succumbs to this expectations or fully rejects them. It's frustrating that he's not allowed to make many choices here because it would pop the bubble around him. I'm also just so frustrated with the inclusion of Book and Louis in this show because they added so little, and I actually found Shone to be gross.
They also fully betrayed Payos as a character. He and Moo should have been gay besties and that should have been the beginning of Moo coming to understand that other queers were not afforded the luxury he has. I will not forgive this show for ruining the relationship between Moo and Payos by having Moo exclude him from his closet in favor of Potae.
On a positive note, I will say I enjoyed the character work and themes around the teachers when they were in school, and I thought Keen was rather charming in this show. I'd like to see him again.
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back2bluesidex · 1 year
Hey Babygorl,
Fluff express is coming up.
Can you write a little Namjoon one where the reader is Namjoon's favourite author and they meet by accident in a book store. Like he didn't know who she was, (they started talking through some book they both read) and then he realises somehow.
Take your time :))
You're awesome. Fighting ✨
Pairing: idol!Namjoon X author!Reader
Word count: 900
Theme: Meet cute, and it's SFW
A/N: @phenomenalgirl9 here you go girl. But please note that I changed the storyline a bit since I don't know much about books. It was hard for me to put down any reference. Hope you enjoy it.
"What do you mean it's sold out again?" Namjoon almost screams. He tries his best to keep his composure intact but he fails. He is not like this. Behaving out of budding anger isn't really a Namjoon thing but today he is losing it. 
This is his second visit to this bookstore, in which he is a valuable customer but this is also the second time he has failed to secure the copy of the book he has been waiting so long for. 
"Look miss, I pre-booked it. I understand that many of us couldn't secure a copy for the first round but it can't happen twice. I asked Mrs. Han to secure a copy for me. You can cross-check if you want." Namjoon says again, staring at the girl at the counter. She looks apologetic but helpless at the same time. 
"I am aware of it sir. Your copy was saved initially but-" she says. The girl is apparently debating on whether to spill the information or not. Maybe she settles for the later resolution but Namjoon is gonna press it out of her. 
"But what?" He emphasizes. 
"Um… it was actually given to a VIP customer. I am so sorry for your inconvenience sir. We will save you a copy as soon as the third lot arrives, along with a 20% discount." The girl bows again and again. But it doesn't soothe Namjoon's anger. 
He wants to say a lot.  For the first time in 10 years he wants to use his power, his fame. He wants to peel out his mask and bucket hat and tell them that he is The Kim Namjoon of BTS. But he can't. He is about to say something when the book he is fighting so hard for is placed on the counter along with some other books.
He glares at it.
If it was some other time, he would have let it slide. But it's one of the books he has been waiting for, written by one of his favourite authors of all time. It's the book for which he has managed time despite his crazy schedule, cycling all the way to the shop risking his privacy. He won't let it slide. Not this time. 
"That's my book." He says, voice low but something akin to anger dripping from it. 
"I am sorry? What?" The so-called VIP customer asks. He doesn't look at the owner of the voice. Keeping his eyes trained on the copy, he says, "I said that's my book which was sold to you because you are apparently a VIP customer." 
"I-is that true?" The voice asks and that's when Namjoon lifts his eyes and takes a look at you.
Your question is directed to the girl at the counter. She lowers her eyes and nods slowly. 
You sigh, "you should have told me so. I don't- ah leave it." 
And then you turn to face him and that's when he gets a good view of your full face.
You're pretty. Something in you screams natural. 
"I am so sorry you had to face this inconvenience because of me. I wasn't aware of the situation. You can have the book. And please let me pay for it. Consider it as an apology from me." You smile at him. 
"You don't-" he tries to say but
"Please?" You cut him off. He can't really say no to the eyes you are currently making at him. He finds himself nodding. Your smile becomes wider. 
Now he feels really bad for behaving like a stubborn kid earlier. 
"Ah-thanks." He says slowly while he tries to think of a way to apologise to you. 
"No, please don't thank me. It's me who should thank you for being so eager to read my book." You reply. 
Namjoon's eyebrows shoot above to reach his hairline, at the same time his jaw drops to the floor.
"What? Wait what? Your book? You- you are L/N Y/N?" He asks, the pitch of his voice tells of his excitement. 
"Ah yeah." You reply shyly, diverting your eyes from him. 
"That's why you are a VIP customer?" He asks again, it's still unbelievable. 
"I guess so?" You trail off. 
"Oh my! I am- I didn't know- let me! I just-" he is now hyper aware of the fact that he misbehaved with you a couple of minutes ago. 
"Hey hey. Calm down." You say, stepping a bit towards him, placing your hand on the side of his one arm, trying to calm him down. 
"I am extremely sorry, Miss. L/N. The way I behaved with you was totally unacceptable. Tell me how I can make it up to you?" Namjoon tries to make the situation better. 
You laugh as if it's no big deal. 
"Maybe you can buy me a coffee and tell me what you like the most about my books?" You say, there's a playfulness added to your voice. 
Did just one of his favourite authors ask him out for a friendly date? Well, what the fuck? 
"What do you say, Mr. Kim?" You press on and he realises he has been silent for a while. 
"Absolutely! If you have time we can go now." He says then pauses, "wait! You know who I am?" 
You smile again and head towards the exit with him following you closely. 
"Another crazy day at work." The girl at the counter sighs. 
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I wasn't sure if I should share this experience because it feels a little mean but it genuinely gave me a laugh and I've been wondering how common it is in 2023.
A few months ago a group of people on Twitter began harassing me because I wasn't updating my fic enough. One of these girls had started by... I guess live tweeting her reactions to my fic? That had gotten her a lot of interaction and now that my updates were slowing down, so was her popularity within the fandom. Not that she'd ever admit that was why, but that was absolutely why.
Anyway, I rather pettily left an author's note on my next chapter about children and entitlement and... you get the point. Twitter did not take that well and that same day the call-out posts started cropping up. Shit like '[me] has ALWAYS been problematic' and screenshots of parts of my fic that are apparently gross and toxic and 'Please stay safe, everyone!'.
It's funny how only they realised my fic has 'abusive themes' (eye-roll - the main pairing just argues sometimes instead of immediately sitting down for a chapter-long therapy session) after I hurt their feelings.
So I get this hate for a good three weeks, mostly championed by this guy who's known for being in its edgy era and having absolutely zero self-awareness of that. It constantly asks others to send it names of people they're too scared to call out because it actively wants to bully people and champions sending death threats and suicide bait because 'Pedos deserve them' (Pedo in this sense means any adult that tells it to fuck off). Then, suddenly, edgy guy disappears and the hate fizzles out. I'm very much on a blacklist now, but most of these kids have gotten bored and have found someone else to obsess over.
This brings me to today. Turns out, edgy guy disappeared because its mother checked its phone, saw how it was behaving online and it's been grounded ever since. No phone, no laptop, the whole shebang.
I guess I'm telling this story to ask: how many people have had their harassment stopped in its tracks by some kid's snooping mom confiscating their phone? With the way children behave in fandom spaces these days, it's got to be somewhat common. I refuse to believe I'm alone in this, LOL.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
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I think I tried the softer approach in here with Chrollo.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, manipulation, sabotage, abduction, gaslighting
Prompt 136
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"Do you, like, actually ever sleep?"
His eyes shifted from the page of the book towards you. Your legs were pulled up against your stomach, arms wrapped around them as you were sitting on the couch with a slightly curious look on your face. It was endearing, how you were actually looking at him without disdain and genuine interest. The corner of his mouths were moving up a bit as the leader of the spiders couldn't help but be a bit amused by the unexpected cuteness, you weren't even aware yourself right now that you looked adorable with those big and curious eyes staring at him.
"What makes you ask that all of a sudden?" he replied, closing the book and putting it on the small table next to him. It wasn't common for you to talk so openly with him without any hint of hostility or fear. Recently you had just started to ignore him for the most part, sick and tired of his constant mindgames with his twisted logic which sounded scarily believable in your eyes. This was the first time you had been the one to initiate an interaction on your own free will without him having to somehow force you. It was delightful.
You blinked owlishly, caught of guard by the question he threw back and the attention he suddenly directed to you. Almost as if you had forgotten for a short second that he was a thief and murderer and not just someone who just enjoyed a good book. It most likely was, he could see the short hesitance and panic on your face, your eyes darting around to look for something to help you escape only to realize that there was none. Chrollo was just waiting for your response now and it was your fault for starting to talk anyways.
"Well, it's just..."
You stopped in the middle of the sentence, lost in his eyes that were staring back at you. You got a bit uncomfortable, started shifting a bit around on the couch. Didn't he already know your answer to this question anyways?
"Don't be so shy. I won't bite you."
He wanted to keep up the conversation, that's why he was so persistent for you to answer.
"I just think that I've never seen you sleeping before. You're always reading books or thinking about something. I mean, maybe your sleeping pattern is different from mine but even when I wake up, you're always awake yet you never appear to be tired or exhausted but no sleep isn't healthy. Humans need sleep after all, otherwise they apparently start going insane after a while."
You could have asked so you could plan an escape route since being asleep was a time where everyone was vulnerable but Chrollo was good in reading and manipulating people and he didn't get the feeling that you were lying. Towards the end you actually looked away, your fingers becoming fidgety as if you had become a bit shy.
"Are you worried about me?"
That sudden remark definitely struck a visible reaction out of you as your gaze shot towards him, glaring at him with a mix of shock, dislike and conflict. You were fairly easy to read once you became emotional, this was no different and Chrollo was sure that you were merely trying to deny the truth for yourself.
"Why would I be ever worried about someone like you?!" you snapped with a harsh tone though you couldn't look him straight into his eyes once you noticed the same damned look in his orbs. The one he always gave you when he was seeing straight through you, knew you better than you yourself.
"You sure? he hummed back, unfaced by your abrupt outburst. Your lips pressed into a thin line as you tried to stand on firm ground under this gaze of his even if the feeling of his eyes seeing straight through you filled you with uncertainty. It always felt like you couldn't move whenever you were under this intense gaze.
Your whole body was pressed against the back of the couch by the time he stood up, your muscles stiff and on alert. It was a primal instinct that had engraved itself not only into your memories but your body whenever he gave you that analyzing look since you always automatically connected something bad with it. You were mustering him with a cautious look.
You flinched shortly when he leaned down to your height and one of his hands started rubbing one of your legs as if trying to get rid of your obvious stiffness. With his eyes due to the close proximity even more unbearable than before since you noticed more details due to him being so close, you couldn't help but avoid looking straight at him. You didn't want to stare, to notice anything that you hadn't noticed before due to not paying attention to him.
It was a wordless win for him when you turned your head away to avoid admitting anything to yourself, ignorance was sometimes less hurtful than the truth for the dignity of someone. You shrunk when you felt him pressing a kiss on the top of your head, a shudder going through your body when you realized that this was his way to show you that he was satisfied with the new development he had just gotten from you. One you were sure he'd be sure to abuse mercilessly now. You were glad when he moved behind you, heading away from the room you two were in, even if it was only so you could take a break from him and concentrate on lying to yourself again.
"To answer your question, I don't really sleep much. You could describe me as a bit insomniac but I've never really suffered health problems."
You didn't turn around when he left god knows where, you didn't try to be too curious about it. It was only after a few moments that you looked behind you to check if he was really gone and there was relief when you saw that he ad really left.
"How can he be fine without sleeping much? Sleep is the only thing that keeps me sane at this point. Is he not a human or what?"
You scoffed loudly when you heard your own thoughts.
"Stupid question? Obviously he's not human."
You woke up from your light slumber when you heard the door being opened lightly and a grumble escaped your lips when you realized that Chrollo had just returned.
"I didn’t mean to wake you up, darling. I’m sorry.”
“Why are you coming now? Where were you e-…Forget it. I don’t care where you were.”
You stopped yourself, not wanting to ask him where he was to give him a reason to talk more with you. You wanted to sleep though you knew that he had a penchant for normally reading books until you fell asleep. Chrollo hadn’t switched on the lights yet, probably to see if you were still awake or not. At least he was considerate.
He navigated even in the dark room without a problem to the bed and you felt the mattress dippend down when he laid down next to you. You had gotten used to falling asleep even if the lamp next to you was dimly lit, were used to the soft flipping of pages whilst he was reading books whilst you were off to forget about your problems for a while. But nothing of the likes happened which three you off, it was pretty much a routine more so for you than him.
Just as you were about to turn around and ask why he wasn’t reading, you felt him shuffling closer, two arms suddenly wrapping themselves around you and his body pressing against your back.
“What do you think you’re doing?” you hissed lightly, startled by the closeness which made you uncomfortable for multiple reasons.
“You said that you were worried about the lack of sleep that I have, I’m merely making sure that my darling spider doesn’t have to be concerned.”
You knew that he would use this one moment of yours somehow and you already regretted your slip up severely.
“You said that you’re an insomniac anyways so what’s the use trying to fall asleep? Also, why do you have to be so close to me whilst falling asleep?” you replied through gritted teeth whilst trying to wriggle free from his grip somehow.
“Because I feel relaxed around you. You’re warmth is comforting, I feel at ease when you’re with me. I think I won’t be able to sleep until I have you in my arms.”
You could feel his hair tickling the back of your neck when he moved a bit closer, could feel the warmth of his body. You on the other hand had stopped dead in your tracks, his words repeating themselves in your head. The sincerity in his tone had killed you and worst was that he most likely felt your increased heartbeat.
“I think I should try to sleep more often when I’m with you. I like this.”
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sang8262 · 4 months
okay i've been trying to keep thoughts about Bison MOSTLY reserved until we get more details in game, but seeing as we got blasted with his trailer, gameplay, and theme... behold! thoughts:
SF6 is my first SF, even though i've been playing fighting games for a while. So my nostalgia for the series is non-existent. But I was vaguely aware of the story / characters enough to know some stuff about Bison. All that said, I think the direction they're taking him in this game is super interesting, and I NEED, HIS STORY, IN WT, NOW, AGH Anyway, since I like JP, I'm obviously going to be looking for as many connections there.
Bison is shorter than him!!! 182 cm (6'0) to JP's 191 cm (6'3). But he's definitely more muscular, weighing 112 kg (247 lbs) to JP's 97 kg (214 lbs).
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I wasn't expecting this cause Bison has such an intimidating presence and build. Also just shows how tall JP is I guess (????) But I think it's kinda cute tee hee
Bison's winquote at JP!
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All I can muster is a more literal translation: "If you're someone who is useful, I shall make use of you."
And I CANNOT tell what this implies at all about JP's stance towards Bison, at least, not until we see his win quote, and also WT hopefully. I expect JP to show up in it, I mean, at least a name drop I think.
Based on Famitsu interviews with the devs about the upcoming content and Bison's character specifically, I REALLY REALLY hope that they keep what makes JP so different and interesting for me as a villain. Namely, how he doesn't actually swear such undying loyalty to Lord Bison, as someone such as FANG would.
I can see JP put on an act of reverence, to take advantage of Bison's amnesia (which btw, really suspicious that JP's most notorious special is named Amnesia, as is the cyber terrorist group he heads with the same name, Amnesia...).
But I feel like it'd be redundant to have JP also sacrifice everything to revive/ return Bison as leader of Shadaloo. And the whole thing with Ed being the new leader: something that JP seemingly supports enthusiastically. He also seems to be testing Ed (as per Ed's arcade mode banter with him), perhaps to see if Ed is fit to lead? Or perhaps the strength and quality of his Psycho Power?
I kind of hope Bison as he is currently, has no interest in Shadaloo politics, not really wanting to lead but more keen on taming his strength and pursuing great power. FANG, I'm curious if he'd support Bison no matter what, or if FANG has his own idea of what 'Lord Bison' should be like... and try to get him to remember the glory days. Try to get him to reclaim his throne, revive the organization...
Again kinda boiling down to "we have no idea what JP actually wants as a villain", which I do hope gets cleared up with Bison's story!!! Because now Bison is here: what will happen with Ed sorta-kinda leading Neo Shadaloo... but not in service of JP? If JP tries to get on Bison's good side... for WHY would he do that/ what goal?? Oh I'm also worried about potential reveals on why JP joined Shadaloo/ wanted Psycho Power. It'll be really cliche if he pulls some sob pity origin story.. though, I can also see him saying shit like that as a deliberate lie.
I think that's the biggest thing to keep in mind, is that JP is an unreliable narrator and deceiver. It's hard to take what he says and claims at face value.. But also, the writers/ devs intentionally put certain things in story so. I just think that's why it's so fun to pick apart JP in particular, and I fear they might ruin what makes him an interesting character (for me, but, apparently for a lot of other fans too. Seeing comments on Twitter wtih similar sentiments of "please keep JP the way he is").
but yea i'm going insane over here waiting for more details help
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alchemistc · 3 months
I wish I'd thought to screen grab it, but I was on TikTok yesterday and scrolled to a Live I have no idea HOW the algorithm thought I'd appreciate.
Dude in a MAGA hat, preaching the word, talking about Sin and Jesus and how only Christians would make it to heaven. How Christians couldn't sin. Didn't Sin.
I nearly scrolled away immediately, but for some reason - I think I thought it was a bit? It seemed just ridiculous enough to be a bit - I stuck around for a second. This dude proceeded to spew a whole pack of gobbledygook about accepting Jesus so that heaven could be your otherworldly destination.
Now. Here's the thing. On the whole, I have no problem with a belief in God. I even really like the teachings of Jesus, the socialist who hung exclusively with whores and dudes, who ranted against wealth inequality and told rich men they wouldn't even get to the gates with their money. I vibe with that guy.
Personally, the idea that a book written by a bunch of dudes (and ladies, but we don't put those parts in any official versions bc what would a woman know about God), and the seemingly active threat of firey depths of hell is the only thing keeping most people (US Christians, at the very least) from actively raping and murderering and adultering (etc) their way through life is a little... Yikes to me. But that's not really the point.
The point is this man was very much NOT doing a bit. Which was. Disappointing. No idea how he worked his way through my algorithm if it wasn't satire.
I'm watching him answer questions coming in on the Live. I am refusing to click into it bc I don't want to give him the views.
He reiterates that Christians and Christians alone follow the word of God, and therefore CANNOT Sin. Sin is somehow not inevitable for them. Sin is impossible because they accept Jesus.
I'm not very religious, I don't know a whole lot about the practicing parts of most religions, but I do know the very basic tenant that this Jesus guy, like, DIED for our sins. Because... we all commit them. Like that's a pretty big part of his story, right? He sacrificed his earthly body because we are all sinners and by accepting his teachings we could learn to do better, be better, etc.
I'm annoyed. I'm looking for a reason to be a pest.
The MAGA hat is off limits because I'm not looking to start a political argument. I just want this guy to know that while everyone else is picking apart his preaching, I think he's full of absolute shit.
I hone in on his shirt. Black polyester golf polo. Hey, I remember a thing or two from Jed Bartlett's bible speech.
I click in to the live. Type out 'hey what's your shirt made out of'. And I wait. He's reading comments. Responding here and there. My comment scrolls up and away in frame, but he's reading them all.
I can see the moment he gets to mine. I watch this dudes eyes widen. The sigh, put upon, caught out, aware that he is Full of Shit escape his lips. It's the longest sigh I've heard since that time in highschool when someone made an incredibly WRONG analysis of Picture of Dorian Gray and my AP English lit teacher saw me pulling out my notes and my annotated copy before I spoke.
He ignores my question. But someone else has seen it. In between comments, a theme becomes apparent. "What IS your shirt made of?" "Is that a fabric blend?" "Do football players get into heaven if they play with a real pigskin but they've accepted Jesus?" "Didn't you cheat on your wife? Is that not a Sin bc you're Christian?" (I assume this was someone who knew him irl) "What if my name is Christian, does that give me an automatic pass?"
I have derailed this mans entire comment thread. He is DROWNING. He is pissed. He is trying desperately to get back to his proselytizing but he's not getting anything that will bring him back on track. He calls us all Sinners.
"But I'm Christian, not Sinner," says a commenter, and I decide I've given this man a minute too much of my time.
I hope he had such a terrible fucking day after that, but I know he probably just stopped reading off comments and went back to his soap box of lies.
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foggy2109 · 2 months
Analysing A&W because its my fav LDR song
Also this is my first ever post so idk wtf im doing lol
Also also tw for: rape ig and other mature and generally sad topics
Lana has this special ability where her lyrics seem to be from both the first and third person at the same time. Her descriptions are specific, but not obvious, it creates this unique duality in a way. And its what i love most abt her writing. Its so specific, but not obvious.
Part 1 (American Whore):
“I haven't done a cartwheel since i was nine”
Lana starts of the song by commenting on the premature loss of innocence in young girls (loss of innocence is a big theme throughout the song, just in different ways). Doing cartwheels is just kids being kids and goofing off, so by lana saying she hasn’t done one since she was nine (which i don’t think is necessarily meant in a literal sense), she’s saying that maybe she had to grow up too fast. Which is a very common experience among young girls (the whole ”girls mature faster than boys” thing).
There could also be a far more sinister ig connotation in that line, with girls especially being sexualized from a very young age. Themes of sexualization, esp of women, are present throughout the whole song, so it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s what she meant.
"I haven't seen my mother in a long, long time"
This can be linked to the loss of innocence thing. The absence of a mother figure probably leads to feelings if abandonment and such, which could lead people to look to external sources, like men to fill that void.
"I mean, look at me, look at the length of my hair"
"My face, the shape of my body"
"Do you really think I give a damn what I do"
"After years of just hearing them talking?"
This, i think, is obvious abt the focus society places on womens appearance. This obsession with looks overshadows everything else in a way (lana also talks abt this in black bathing suit, another incredible song).
"I say I live in Rosemead"
"Really, I'm at the Ramada"
"It doesn't really matter"
"Doesn't really, really matter"
More LA references lol (very typical of lana). So from what i know, rosemead is a nice, smaller neighborhood in la, while ramada is a chain of budget hotels. So, she says she is in this nice neighborhood when really she's hooking up with people in a motel. I love the way she says it doesn't matter, when you can clearly tell through the song that it does matter, and it does effect her.
"Call him up, come into my bedroom"
"Ended up, we fuck on the hotel floor"
"It's not about havin' someone to love me anymore"
This feels like sex as a coping mechanism (in the same way gods and monsters does). It also delves into the loss of innocence from the very first line, exept instead of loosing childhood innocence its where sex has transitioned from being an intimate act between two people who love each other vety very much into just an addiction or coping mechanism (also could tie back to ocean blvd with the “fuck me to death” line).
"This is the experience of bein' an American whore"
"Called up one drunk, called up another"
"Forensic Files wasn't on"
Forensic files is a true crime show i think (i haven't watched it). I get the sense from this that she knows what she is doing is self-destructive and dangerous; she has self-awareness, yet continues down this path. Unlike in “gods and monsters,” she’s not even in denial anymore, she’s not telling herself that “this is what she really wants.” Which i think is even sadder, like there is no delusion, she consciously doing this FULLY aware that its bad and dangerous.
Like this is not casual sex for fun.
"Watching Teenage Diary of a Girl"
"Wondering what went wrong"
"I'm a princess, I'm divisive"
The princess reference is juxtaposed to being divisive; to be perfect and passive yet also judged and divided.
I dont really know what “teenage diary of a girl.” Apparently its abt a girl starting a relationship with her mum’s boyfriend (??). I can only imagine this is supposed to abt the mother line from the begging.
"Ask me why, why, why I'm like this"
"Maybe I'm just kinda like this"
"I don't know, maybe I just like this"
It's clear why she is like this; society. The way society treats women, or "whores," the way society treats young girls, and the way society has treated lana specifically.
They judge womens bodies until they end up seeking validation from men, then judge them even more for being whores. Like it's crazy.
The "Maybe I'm just kinda like this ... I don't know, maybe I just like this" are probably the saddest lines in the whole song.
"I say I live in Rosemead"
"Really, I'm at the Ramada"
"It doesn't really matter"
"Doesn't really, really matter"
"Call him up, he comes over again"
"Yeah, I know I'm over my head, but, oh"
"It's not about havin' someone to love me anymore"
"No, this is the experience of bein' an American whore"
"I mean, look at my hair"
"Look at the length of it and the shape of my body"
"If I told you that I was raped"
"Do you really think that anybody would think I didn't ask for it?"
"I didn't ask for it"
Lana contrasts being raped with the fact that she enjoys casual sex. People see a “whore” and just assume they asked for it. After being sexually abused, the guilt and shame can be immense. You can feel dirty, and the world will call you a whore because of it.
Sex addiction is often a response to sexual abuse.
"I won't testify, I already fucked up my story"
This is def commentary on society’s ingrained misogyny and rape culture. The "didn’t testify, already fucked up my story" makes me think of the perfect/imperfect victim concept.
"On top of this, so many other things you can't believe"
The "can’t believe" bit also makes me think of how dismissive society is to women who come forward (like when the 97% figures were going around and a lot if men dismissed, or refused to acknowledge it).
"Did you know a singer can still be"
"Lookin' like a side piece at thirty-three?"
Women's value is often tied to youth and beauty. Despite being a successful singer, lana can still be reduced to just a "side piece." Society views her as past her prime.
When she's a side piece, she's having sex, but not a real, true emotional connection. As she's already stated, she doesn't care about "love" anymore, which is a really dark, and scary place to be mentally. She has given up on being valued for anything other than just her body (also loosing innocence in what “love” is).
"God's a charlatan, don't look back, babe"
"Puts the shower on while he calls me"
"Slips out the back door to talk to me"
These lines are obviously about how this man is hiding his relationship with lana from whoever he is actually with.
"I'm invisible, look how you hold me"
"I'm invisible, I'm invisible"
"I'm a ghost now, look how you hold me now"
Despite their apparent physical closeness, she feels invisible and unseen in their relationship.
The more she is giving into these loveless relatioships the more she's disappearing in a way. This was also the theme in the song "How to Dissapear" of NFR.
This whole section also taps into the complicated-ness of being the “other woman” or “side piece” in a relationship. This part of the song forces us to confront this moral ambiguity.
Part 2 (Jimmy):
This part of the song, with the production feels like Lana playing up the part of the "whore."
"It's not about havin' someone to love me anymore (oh, okay)"
"No, this is the experience of bein' an American whore"
"It's not about havin' someone to love me anymore"
"No, this is the experience of bein' an American whore"
"This is the experience of bein' an American whore"
"This is the experience of bein' an American whore"
"Jimmy, Jimmy, cocoa puff, Jimmy, Jimmy ride"
"Jimmy, Jimmy, cocoa puff, Jimmy, get me high (oh, my God)"
"Love me, if you love enough, you can be my light"
"Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high"
According to genius: “Her delivery of these lines interpolates the 1959 song “Shimmy Shimmy KO KO Bop” which is about a man being entranced by an exotic woman (and her dancing). This is most likely meant as innuendo given the sexual themes that are discussed in “A&W.”
It’s also apparently an old children’s clapp-along game, which takes us back to the very beginning of the song, with the loss of innocence, and the sexualization of young girls.
I think jimmy just represents all these men who she's hooking up with (could also be a tie back to ultraviolence). Also a “coacoa puff is a cigarette laced with cocaine lol.
"Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high"
"Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high"
"Jimmy only love me when he wanna get high"
"Your mom called, I told her you're fucking up big time"
The repetition of Jimmy only loving her when he wants to get high shows that these relationships are transactional in nature and devoid of real affection or connection.
After this part, in the rest of the song, lana's voice goes in and out, it becomes distorted, and the beat becomes heavier. Maybe it's the drugs, or maybe it's meant to represent her giving up.
We know from earlier in the song that she knows this is bad for her so... maybe this is her way of ignoring how bad it actually is, just giving into it.
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blues-sues · 1 year
Before I sleep, here to drop something.
I watched the new Spiderverse movie and I'm now hyperfixating. Do not read the rest of this post if you've not seen it and care about spoilers.
Alright. Now that they're gone, I can rant to you!
I Was terrified it was gonna be rushed and, don't get me wrong, it was fast-paced, but they made it work!
I dunno if it's just me but I felt like Puss in Boots: The last Wish was rushed. It seemed to go by really fast plot-wise and I enjoyed it!!! But, still, it left more to be desired. And I'm so glad Spiderverse wasn't like that.
... but we all know why you're really here.
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Here is Spider-Blues!
Originally, yeah, they were meant to be a sona but... I decided against it. I liked the name too much to change it though.
And yes, I absolutely adore Hobie. Fight me.
Here's some lore about this fella!
So y'know how in every universe, Spiderman has to lose someone who dies saving a child? Well. I decided that Blues was that child.
The person who saved them? They didn't know. But. Y'know how close you feel to someone after they save your life?
It doesn't matter if they knew the person who saved them, they just knew that 'holy. Someone just sacrificed themselves for me so if I don't turn out great that's going to waste'
Blues is still a very cheerful person! Currently.
Though, like all, they have dark moments of getting lost in thought and remembering that moment. Years of therapy still couldn't get it out of their head. Are they worth someone's life yet? They can't seem to tell themselves so. Can anyone really be worth another's?
On a lighter note: Spider cat is their therapy animal. I don't take no for an answer. They also are often the one to start up karaoke where the entire corporation just starts screaming all the spiderman theme songs so it's a garbled mess.
Blues also does indeed enjoy Elton John's "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road."
They also clutch their cape and lift it to puff up like an owl to intimidate when they're startled.
Their spider sense is a bit more intense cause. They got. Social anxiety!!!! Yippee... So they're hyper-aware of tiny threats *anywhere*. That person about to bump into you? Nope, not anymore. Bout to get something in your eye? Couldn't dodge it but you fucking felt it coming!
Even though Gwen isn't too keen on friends, I think Spider-Blues would try anyway. Same hood! Same hood.
Also, yes, Spider-Blues is based on a peacock spider.
And. Since apparently Spider people need to lose TWO PEOPLE. Spider-Blues dad was also their universe's Peter Parker (obviously not spiderman, though. He's just a regular guy in that world.) And uh. Well, he's the one to die. That's all I know. I haven't figured out how he dies yet or when or all that jazz.
So. Uh.
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moccabunie · 9 months
things I've learned after a year writing fanfiction
This is a post from a non-writer who, apparently, now writes (❓) And this is a little crazy to me, considering that a year ago writing less than 1k decent words took a lot of effort. But this year I have completed a +100k project. (It's still difficult, though.)
I found out that the more I wrote, the easier it was to get into the story. So I think that being captivated by my own story has made a lot. I am an eager fanfiction reader, but I had yet to really try to write something on my own.
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That was until I got hyper-fixated on three characters and wrote a small story about them sharing a room, and it was one of the funniest and most rewarding things I've done. So I was like "oh, maybe I can try to imagine stories I would like to read?"
(1) story one - a bird told me to wait
The first thing I considered was to make it completely self-indulging. The second was to make it as evocative as possible, not only telling what was happening. I like sensations and emotions, so I really wanted to write things I would like to feel as a reader. I wrote this story, and after that, I added a second longer part because I was enjoying it a lot. I used to doodle about the characters and make small annotations about their dynamics, but there wasn't really a lot of planning here.
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(2) story two - beneath the moonlight
My second attempt was a three-chapter story (not so distant from the previous one that can be read as three parts too). But for this one, I wanted to challenge myself because I wanted to explore new themes and tropes, so I made a brief list of the things that should appear here. (but honestly, I just wanted to write a soft mating bite scene lmao, because I was super into a/b/o at that time.) I used keep notes app this time.
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I barely showed explicit themes here but I got to enjoy the story anyway. This one wasn't difficult to write because I felt familiar with the characters. It's a light story but these 20k words gave me the courage to take a step further. I said to myself
"stop being a coward. you have enjoyed this. keep writing."
(3) story three - lucid dreams
This one was planned for four or five chapters, quite in the same line as beneath the moonlight. But, and the keyword is planned, it became a full 13 chapters as I developed the story and the characters. If I wanted it to be coherent then I needed to explain the things, build the context, and introduce the world. But it was also an experimental work. I took my notebook and listed the new things I wanted to try, such as - write in past tense - write first and edit later
my process was something like this • imagine random scenarios with pretty imagery as I listened to music • doodling the characters doing things so I didn't forget • open the notes app to write random sentences and dialogues in the middle of the night, I'll find a place for them later • dream about the story and daydream about the story
as for the physical notebook, I have scribbled A LOT there during the writing process.
(a little bit chaotic but functional enough)
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One thing I wanted to keep in mind was the evolution of the characters, or in other words, how they were gonna be at the start and the end of the story. And this made things a lot simpler because it gave me an insight that was helpful whenever I had to decide what kind of decisions the characters would make along the story.
Parallelly, I was aware of my narrative flaws, as well as there was a lot of vocabulary and grammar that would escape me in a different language. So I used the notebook to do writing research. Some of my pages were like "how to write action scenes," or "tips for flat scenes." Whenever I felt blocked I read again these pages.
I'm going to copy down here some tips that were useful during the writing block days.
• read another book or fic you like, since sometimes, getting yourself caught by another writer's style can help you to flow through your own. • scroll on pinterest and try to find pictures that capture the vibe of your story, maybe try to describe them or setting a scene in a similar environment that you can see? • changing the setting (for example, day to night, or sun to rain) can add more variants and ambiental tools to play with. • or, changing the character's pov. maybe a scene feels flat because it's narrated by the wrong character. • use objects, not just the characters.
(4) finishing a story
To have an insight into the plot, I wrote the main scenes in really short sentences. That was useful for the first chapters, but suddenly I had 70K words of the story and a lot of details to track. Frequently I had to split chapters into two parts because the "short sentence" became a very long scene. See this comparison: the scenes' guide in the last chapters usually are fragmented into shorter scenes. That's how I avoided losing my mind as I wrote (?)
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These are a few tips that were useful to me during this last part.
• write the important plot points as they are mentioned so you can come back to them later and don't forget about them. • keep a scrip to annotate significant things about the characters to make the story consistent. • notion pages is a great place to make inspo boards (usually I added 4 pictures for each scene). During the last chapter, I used the to-do list tool to keep track of the closed story points and the things that were yet to happen • list some of your favourite past scenes, those that have been nice to write, so you can pursue the same vibe again.
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The last two months writing the fic I joined the nanowrimo to keep myself motivated but also to have an impulse. My only goal was getting the habit of writing everyday, not minding how many words (usually it was around 400-600 daily). I ended that month with 16k added on my wordcount (to me, that was a lot!). Since I enjoyed that little challenge, I did the same on the next month, resulting in finishing the fic :)
The most important thing during this time was remembering myself from time to time why I am doing this. Let me say I am an utter perfectionist, so I would easily get trapped in making-the-story-perfect, which would end in a writing block. So each time this happened I repeated to myself that I didn't want to write a good story. I just wanted to enjoy and have fun while writing a story, so I should write only things I enjoy. And this simple thing was incredibly helpful whenever I wasn't able to continue a scene.
I think that this is what most writers say, but now I have come to understand that it's true: just have fun. Write what you wanna read.
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(5) the next story - requiem of the sleepless
This would be the third part of my first fic. I miss these unhinged boys and I have a little draft of (unholy) things I want to happen to them! Now I want to unlearn everything I know. I want this story to be zero planned, I just want to ~feel~ the characters and make a lot of random things happen. This is about not forgetting why I started, so here I am again.
Being a non-writer writing.
thank you for reading ♡ 
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abbs-writes · 21 days
The Night Shift | Lucas x Adeline Smut
Authors note: so this is a fanfic rewritten to be for two of my ocs, i tried to post it on a website specifically for erotica but that shit didn't working out so for the time being im gonna post it here till i get things figured out, i hope yall enjoy it
Pairing: Lucas Reid x Adeline Lawrence
Warnings: smut, prisoner x guard, slight manipulation oops, talk of sex, fingering, overstimulation, talks of burning down churches oops, Lucas is literally in prison, talk of rough sex and dark sex, dark themes, use of pet names, uh idk what else so if i missed something let me know
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Adeline never understood why they had her work nights. Maybe it was because that's when the inmates were less rowdy? It's not like she couldn't handle the rowdiness, it's just that everyone else thought she couldn't. If her boss and other coworkers hadn't been so sexist then maybe she'd have a nice morning shift where she’d work then be able to go home and enjoy the rest of her day. But no, she was stuck with the Night Shift, working 10pm to 6am. The worst she ever got was a prisoner complaining to her that they couldn't sleep because their cellmate was snoring too loudly. And after calling her many sexist and misogynistic names, they went to sleep.
Since then the prisoners had been leaving her alone and she took it as a blessing. She spent a lot of her shift sitting in a chair and reading a book. There wasn't much to do, she could walk up and down the halls, check on the inmates but they all usually tended to be asleep so she didn't bother. It's not like anyone could do something bad in their sleep.
It was Friday night, around 1am. Adeline sat in her chair, reading her book in silence when she heard something come from down the hall. It surprised her, making her jump. It was a bang, not a loud one but loud enough to get her attention. The banging continued, it sounded like someone was repeatedly hitting or knocking at their own door. She got up, setting her book down as she walked down the hall to find the source of the noise. "Jesus Christ, Reid! You scared the shit out of me," Adeline said as she walked up to Lucas Reid's cell. He was a 6'6 skinny man who looked like he couldn't hurt a fly, but apparently he had burnt down a few buildings... Well, more than a few.
"Sorry, sweetheart, didn't mean to," he said, his voice smooth and sweet. She rolled her eyes, "What did I say about calling me that?" Adeline said, standing outside his cell door. "I apologize, miss. It won't happen again," he smiled sweetly. She knew he was lying but she moved on. "What did you need?" she asked. "Just some company," he shrugged, "It isn't against the rules to chat, is it?" he asked, smirking slightly. "You should be asleep," she sighed, trying no to feed into his game. "What if I can't sleep? You wouldn't want me to just sit in here alone would you?" he asked, quirking a brow at her. "Isn't that your punishment? You know, sitting alone in a cell in prison?" Adeline asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
"You know, you're not as fun as you think you are," he said, his face turning emotionless. "I never claimed to be fun," Adeline responded. She was about to walk away before he spoke again. "You try so hard. You try to be fun, to be sexy, to be interesting but you just aren't. You're boring and all your colleagues know it," he said, moving to sit in his bed. She turned around, facing his door, "What're you talking about?" she asked. A smile grew on his face, like she just walked right into a trap she wasn’t aware of. "I hear your colleagues talk, and boy, they talk about you a lot. It's a shame that it's never anything good. They deemed you the least fuckable guard, you know that?" he said, walking back towards the cell door.
Adeline was a bit taken aback, "I am not the least fuckable! That's just so fucked up for them to even talk about that at all! That's so- it's so sexist!" She groaned. "It definitely is sexist, I wouldn't say you were the least fuckable, you're definitely in the top five," Lucas smirked. Her mouth fell open, "I am like top three, what the fuck?" she said, He chuckled at her response. "Fine, top three. But why're you trying to prove it to me? Shouldn't you be trying to prove it to your colleagues?" he asked. Her mouth closed, she was at a loss of words. Why was she trying to prove it to him? He is a prisoner, what he thinks shouldn't matter to her.
"Oh, let me guess…” Lucas paused. “You think I'm attractive, huh? It's pretty common, most of the female guards and even some of the male guards think I'm pretty hot." Lucas finished with a shrug. "Shut up, I don't like you," she said. Lucas chuckled. "That's not what I said. You don't get out much do you? You don't know how to talk to men, especially the hot ones, huh?" he said, smirking. "Okay, you- you're wrong. I go out all the time! I don't need to prove that to you! You're a prisoner! What you say doesn't matter," she said, trying to gain back her composure. "Yet, you're still talking to me. Come on, I could teach you some things.. how to flirt... how to fuck.. you have fucked right?" he asked. She could tell, this whole conversation was amusing to him. He seemed to love to watch her stumble over her words, fighting to keep her composure.
Adeline was shocked by his words, "I am a guard. I do not need to tell you anything," she said, tightening her arms across her chest as she spoke sternly. He chuckled, eyeing her up and down, "Oh, let me guess.. you've fucked but only once.. and it was horrible wasn't it? Come on, why don't you tell me about it? It's not like I'll tell anyone." She stayed silent and he sighed. "Come on my little lamb, tell me all about it.. I promise I won't laugh," he said, sickeningly sweet. His voice sounded like it was dripping with honey, it was enticing. She hadn't expected the nickname either, it had made her heart skip a beat.
She was so close to folding for him, no one had talked to her this way and for some reason she liked it. Adeline stayed silent though, a tiny part of her brain reminding her that this was a prison, not a bar to meet people, and that Lucas was here for a reason. "Are you scared of me?" He asked gently, "I'm nothing to be scared of, sweetheart. I never killed people.. you know there's much worse people here than me,” he said, looking at her. "You burned down multiple churches," she stated. "But no one was inside.. I don't hurt people, my little lamb. I would never hurt anyone.. especially not you." He said, speaking too kindly for it to be real. It couldn't be real, there was no way. "Talk to me.." he said, softly, almost sounding desperate.
Adeline sighed and gave in. Maybe she shouldn't have, maybe she should've stayed silent and stood her ground but it wasn't like he could actually hurt her.. it wasn't like he could tell anyone or at least, tell anyone that would actually believe him. So, she gave in. "Fine, you want me to talk.. then I'll talk. It's not like it'll matter what I say to you," she sighed, "But give me a second," she said as she started walking away. She grabbed a chair and brought it outside of his cell and sat down. He smiled, standing and leaning against his door. "So yes, I have had sex. It was my college boyfriend… and that's all I'm willing to say about it.", she stated, fiddling with the keys on her belt. "Oh come on, tell me more. Tell me the dirty details. Was he sweet about it? Was it soft and sensual and all you could ever dream about?" he said, chuckling softly. She rolled her eyes, "No, not every girl's wet dreams are about having soft, sensual sex. He thrusted like 3 times before cumming. It was boring." she said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Was he a virgin too?" Lucas asked and she shook her head. "Ah, so if you don't dream about soft sensual sex then what do you dream about? 50 Shades of Grey shit?" he asked. She opened her mouth but quickly closed it. She felt her cheeks heating up, like she had been caught red handed. "I-I don't dream about sex." She lied.
It was like Lucas could see right through her. It wasn't like she was a good liar anyway. "Liar. You suck at lying, sweetheart,” he chuckled. "So if you don't dream about soft sex, do you dream about rough sex? Being held down and fucked till you're crying?" he asked, smirking. "Okay, Jesus Christ.. nothing that dark.. maybe just rough sex? Just some spanking and choking," she shrugged. "So no overstimulation?" he asked, smirking even wider now. "I'm guessing that's what you're into?" she asked, in response. "Oh my little lamb, I'm into more than you'll ever know," he said, using that same sickly sweet voice, dripping with honey.
"So really dark shit, huh?" Adeline asked, sounding almost disgusted. He chuckled, "If my partner doesn't consent to it, then I'm not doing it. I'm not some sort of monster." he said. She scoffed at that. "You burned down churches and you claim not to be a monster? You're funny," she said, shaking her head. "I think you need to get your definition of a monster straight. A monster kills, harms people for fun. I burned down a couple churches for fun, but that was after I made sure no one was inside. I don't hurt people. That's something you need to get through your head," he said, talking sternly. She rolled her eyes in response. In a way he was right, he wasn't exactly a monster, he hadn't killed people. Lucas was just an arsonist with an obsession with churches.
"You got it through your head now? You wanna continue talking?" he asked, speaking almost as if she was dumb and couldn't comprehend his words. "You know, even if you aren't a monster, you're a dick,” she said, looking down the hall just to avoid looking at him. "Some girls like that.. I'm guessing you don't. So why don't I be nicer, yeah? Want me to praise you? Call you my little lamb? What do you want me to do?" he asked. It was crazy the way Lucas could switch up so fast. One second he was rude and the next he seemed like the nicest guy. He wanted to do what she asked one minute, but the next he was being a dick who didn't listen.
"I don't want you to do anything," Adeline muttered, trying to focus on anything but him. Trying to focus on something else and not the way she grew wetter with each time he called her his little lamb. "It doesn't seem like that's the truth, my little lamb.. I can see the way you're squeezing your thighs together, I’m not blind. I'm turning you on, aren't I? Tell me what it is that's turning you on.. is it the way I'm talking to you? Is it the way I'm calling you my little lamb?" He saw her leg twitch and that was enough of a confirmation for him. "Oh? It's the nickname, isn't it? Oh my sweet little lamb... I can read you like an open book." Lucas smirked. "Why don't you come here?" He asked, his hands reaching through the bars, beckoning her to come closer.
She shook her head, "You aren't allowed to touch me," Adeline stated, looking up at him. "I know I'm not, but don't you want me to touch you? My little lamb, let me touch you," Lucas said, once again, almost sounding desperate. She took a deep, shaky breath before standing. She took off her security belt, leaving it on the chair. The last thing she needed was for him to grab something off her belt and use it against her. Adeline walked towards the bars slowly. His hands reached out, first touching her waist. He sighed out, he must have not touched someone in ages. The only reason she could tell was from his sigh, because his hands still seemed so sure of themselves.
His hands followed the line of her waistband, stopping as he got to the buttons of her pants. Adeline watched as he slowly undid the button and unzipped her pants. She watched him, "Don't..." she said, but she didn't sound sure of herself. She was lying to herself if she said she didn't want him to touch her. She hadn't been touched in ages either, maybe not as long as him but still. "Don't? Okay." He said pulling his hands away but she quickly regretted it. "No, no, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." She grabbed his hand. He looked at her with a soft smile on his face. "Anything you want, my little lamb.." Lucas said, with that intoxicating voice of his.
Lucas got as close to the bars as he could, looking down at her. He slid his hand under her pants and into her underwear. His middle finger slid between her folds, gathering wetness. "You're so wet, all of this from just talking?" he asked and Adeline nodded. Her hand stayed on his arm, a silent plea for him to not stop any time soon. His middle finger found her clit, rubbing soft, slow circles with his rough finger. "Is this how you play with yourself? Using your fingers to rub your clit?" he asked. She shook her head. "I-I don't masturbate," she admitted, her breathing growing heavier. "Oh? So how long has it been since you came?" he asked, his free hand reaching up through the bars to rest on her cheek. Lucas’s hand was gentle, hesitant to touch her face but when Adeline leaned into his touch, he grew confident once more. "Do you count wet dreams?" she asked, with a breathy giggle. "No, darling.. When was the last time someone has made you cum?" he asked, his finger speeding up, stopping every now and then to tap the bundle of nerves making her legs shake. She threw her head back, sighing out. "Last year? I don't know." She whined very softly, keeping note to stay quiet so she wouldn't get caught.
"Ever since you started working here… I try not to jerk off anymore... but holy shit, you make it so hard.." Lucas admitted, "Walking around in your fucking uniform, acting all sweet and innocent.. but you just wanna be fucked, don't you?" he asked and she nodded. She ground down against his hand, her orgasm growing closer. "Admit it, you want me to fuck you, don't you?" he said, picking up his pace on her clit. Adeline nodded quickly, "Yes, yes I do, you're so fucking hot." She admitted, breathlessly. She squeezed his arm in her hand as she came, legs shaking. She grabbed onto the bar with her free hand to hold herself up.
He didn't stop touching, he pushed two fingers into her making her gasp loudly. She moved her head to look up at him. "What're you doing?" Adeline whined. "Taking every orgasm I can from you.", he said, placing his free hand on her throat. "Look at me and tell me to stop and I will.. but until you tell me to stop... I'm going to milk you for every orgasm you have," Lucas said, speaking almost as if he was angry. He didn't put any pressure on her throat, having his hand there as more of a threat to her, a threat that he was in complete control unless she told him to stop. He thrusted his fingers in and out of her, sparring her no mercy and giving her no time to recover from her last orgasm.
Adeline was a moaning mess, trying desperately to stay quiet as her nails dug into his forearm. "Come on my little lamb, show me you can cum again. I know you want to, I can feel you fucking quivering around me," he said, speaking with his jaw clenched. "I can't, I can't." she whined out, shaking her head. "Your body is telling me otherwise," he said, his hand sliding from neck to cheek. He pushed his thumb between her parted lips. Lucas was right, her body was betraying her and Adeline came again. She moaned around his thumb, letting out desperate whines of overstimulation. "That's it, that's it darling. You got another in you, don't you? You can cum for me again, right? Oh, you don't need to answer me darling, I know your body better than you do right now," he said, pushing his thumb further into her mouth till she gagged.
She must've looked pathetic, legs shaking, gagging around his thumb as he fingered her mercilessly. He was abusing her g-spot with each curl of his fingers. "Tell me to stop and I will." Lucas repeated but Adeline didn't tell him to stop. She was stuck on the edge of another orgasm, walking the fine line between pain and pleasure. "You're so fucking dirty, my little lamb.. letting your own inmate abuse your cunt like this... and yet, you're still going to cum, aren't you?" he said, chuckling evilly. Adeline nodded in response, mouth falling open. A third orgasm ran through her body, she was gripping onto his arm till her knuckles were white, same goes for the hand holding onto the bar. She felt like her knees would give out any second, like she was on the verge of passing out. It felt so good though and she couldn't even explain it. "That's it, my perfect little lamb. That's it, ride my fingers." He said.
She didn't realize it but she was practically riding his fingers, grinding down against his hand as she rode out her orgasm. But as quickly as the orgasm came, the overstimulation and pain took over. This time it felt like it was too much, like one more orgasm would take her out. "S-stop, stop." She said around his thumb. He took his thumb out of your mouth and pulled his hand out of her pants. "Okay, okay, I'm done," Lucas said. "Are you okay?" he asked. Adeline stumbled back, pushing her belt out of your chair. It landed on the floor with a thud before she sat down. She was breathing heavily, legs still shaking. "Hey, talk to me. I'm getting pretty worried over here," he chuckled nervously. She took deep breaths, "I'm fine, I'm good," she said between heavy breaths. "Yeah? Was it too much?" he asked. He seemed genuinely concerned.
"It was almost too much.. but I'm okay," Adeline said while nodding. She leaned back in her chair, pushing her hair from her face. "Good, good," he said. Lucas stayed silent, listening to her take deep breaths to calm down. He didn't speak because he was worried he would somehow upset her, he knew coming down from something like that could be tough. "Uh, thank you?" she said, giggling weakly. "No, no, don't thank me. I should be thanking you, for letting me touch you.. I haven't touched someone in... in years.." he said. She nodded in response, "I know.. I know." She stood up, legs still shaking.
"Be careful." Lucas said and Adeline nodded. She zipped up her jeans and buttoned them before putting back on her belt. "I'm okay, don't worry about me." She said, brushing her hair behind her ear. "Okay.. if you say so." He said softly. He walked back towards his bed as he watched her pick up the chair. "Oh, and Lucas?" She spoke softly. "Yeah?" He asked, looking at her. "Thanks for telling the other inmates to leave me alone... no one really respects female guards." She said, softly. “How’d you know it was me?” he asked, smiling slightly. “A wild guess,” she shrugged, smiling before walking off.
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