#Single Review: Waiting On A War
houserautha · 3 months
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These Destined Ends
Part Seventeen
Summary: Jessica fulfilled the wishes of the Bene Gesserits to produce a daughter. You’re now burdened with the task of not only marrying the na-Baron, but also bearing his child — the Kwisatz Haderach. Will you take your fate into your own hands? Or will it always belong to those who control you?
Pairings: Feyd-Rautha x F!Reader
Warnings: angst, depictions of violence, breeding/pregnancy kink, oral sex f receiving, some good ole p in v
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: I’m baaack (for now). My plan for this part was for Feyd and reader to fight/argue more but I love them too much and I just couldn’t do it
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It takes a tremendous effort not to look at Feyd. You can only imagine the expression on his face, the depth of hurt in his dark eyes. Even the image in your head is enough to plant a seed of despair, spiraling through you like crushing vines.
“What baby?” Feyd asks again. His voice has taken on a steely undertone, perceptible only to you. You’ve heard a plethora of emotions running like currents in his voice, disguised by years of training and practice, but this one guts you the most. There’s a single layer of vulnerability.
Of questioning hurt.
You inhale and force yourself to say, “Our baby.”
There’s no way to know how he will react. You’ve seen every side of him — the lover, the monster, the soldier — and you’ve examined each with a careful eye, peering into the mouth of his being and inspecting its teeth. But no amount of familiarity can prepare you for his calloused hand encircling your wrist and tugging you to face him.
“Say it again.”
Tears burn your eyes. “Our baby.” And suddenly it comes tumbling out, all of it. “I’m pregnant. I haven’t known long. I-I was going to tell you after you healed because I knew you would fret over me. You have to understand.”
Your explanation hastens as he stares back at you blankly. You would’ve preferred him to lash out at you, hit you, call you any number of insufferable names. But this…
“You didn’t tell me,” he says. He’s mastered his voice enough that it feels like the prick of a blade under your ribs, waiting to push in.
“You couldn’t afford to think about me,” you tell him, “you needed to focus on your health.”
There’s a flicker there, in his expression. “It is not solely your decision to make. The child is both of ours. You should’ve told me.”
“Feyd —”
“Enough.” Feyd releases his grip. “I’ve heard enough.
“Feyd, please —”
His jaw feathers with suppressed emotion. Feyd whirls on the heel of his boot and storms off, leaving a wake of silence. You watch his retreating form, sorrow clenching in your chest like a fist. Only once he’s disappeared around the corner and you’re sure he won’t return, do you lash around to confront Chani.
“Why did you do that?”
“Do what?” A lazy smile unfurls on her face. “I assumed you told him already.”
“Fuck you.”
“Again?” Chani asks.
No one dares stop you as you dress for battle in your stillsuit. Chani better pray to her gods that you don’t find her alone in the battle field, you can’t promise not to take out your anger. The public argument between you two simmers as the group gathers, reviewing the attack. A familiar movement in the corner of your eye distracts you, and surprise grips you in response.
“What are you doing?” You breathe out, ashamed to admit how relieved you felt, however fleeting.
“Did you think I’d let you go out alone?”
Feyd avoids your gaze, keeps his own focused on Stilgar as the bearded man explains his plan. Your husband is so heartbreakingly beautiful. You commit his profile to memory, the essence of him — wrath and death, the god of war, but also the softer side of him that only you’ve seen. Before, on Giedi Prime, you didn’t know the pain of losing him, of seeing him bleeding out in the sands of Arrakis.
The memory flashes in your mind. The level of desperation in your voice is frankly pathetic, but you wouldn’t allow it for anyone else. “You have to forgive me, Feyd. I thought —”
“Save it.” His gaze slides, finally, to you. You might imagine the softness that forms there when he looks at you. “We’ll talk later.”
Your legs are cramping. You’ve laid on this fucking sand dune for what seems like a small eternity now, covered in a mesh blanket to disguise yourself. Feyd rests next to you. The Fremen are buried in the sand for ambush. You don’t know why you would want to help the Harkonnen, but they were insistent upon you being removed from the initial attack.
Your decision to move your leg is forgotten at the droll sound of a ship in the distance, a dark shape in the sky that grows exponentially larger. Feyd stiffens next to you.
“Rabban might be on that ship,” you say as loud as you dare.
Feyd’s mouth forms a firm line. “I hope he is.”
It strikes you that you’re quite grateful to be on the side of the Fremen as they launch their ambush, bodies upon bodies emerging from the sands like desert wraiths and immediately killing every foot soldier. You and Feyd launch from your hiding spot once the ship opens fire — Feyd to join the fighting on the ground, you aiming the blasgun given to you. You follow him with your eyes as he moves through the bloodshed like it’s a well-choreographed dance, both graceful and gruesome, his blades glinting.
Shot after shot you take out as many Harkonnens as you can, trying not to think about how you might know them. You focus, instead, on the fact that they would do anything to erase the life growing inside your womb, the promise of unity.
The Messiah.
From your vantage point the ambush looks to be waning when a figure disembarks from the ship. The last time you saw him, you’d tried to kill him.
The feeling hadn’t gone away.
Feyd kicks in the knee of a fellow Harkonnen, who drops to the ground. In a fluid movement he removes the helmet and slits their throat, then regards his brother. There’s no doubting that Rabban recognizes his brother, even in a stillsuit, recognizes the man he trained and fought with.
Every instinct in you is yelling at you to tumble down the dune to join the fight, but the rumble of a sandworm hums beneath your feet and you know that you don’t have time. Already the Fremen are retreating. Almost all of the Harkonnen soldiers have been cut down except for the spare few who stayed behind with Rabban. The ship whirs to life. You can’t tell if the brothers exchange any words before the ship lifts back into the air and Feyd is clamoring back to you, his face paler than normal beneath his protective helmet.
You know not to question him about it until later but when you return to the sietch, the ambush team rejoices in their triumph. You’re jostled back and forth and away from Feyd. “The Messiah paved our way to victory!” Stilgar exclaimes, dirt and blood smearing his face.
A roar of approval echoes him and you smile weakly at the Fremen patting you on the back and reaching out to touch your abdomen. An actual growl over your shoulder wards them off, though, Feyd appearing in your peripheral.
“Y/N!” Jessica emerges from the festivities, expression concerned. “Are you alright?” Her attention drops to your stomach.
Irritation has you grinding your molars together as you bite out, “I’m fine.”
“Where were you?” Feyd levels this question to your mother.
Jessica says, “I was doing my duty. Here.”
“You say you have the interest of the Fremen at heart but you make yourself conveniently scarce whenever the opportunity arises to prove it.”
You suppress a smirk. While healing, he missed most of your mother’s Bene Gesserit propaganda. It pleases you that he sees through her bullshit right off the bat. Even if he doesn’t completely understand it, or your participation in it, Feyd knows that Jessica is not as genuine as she says.
“Do you doubt me?” She asks him.
Feyd’s silence is response enough. A flicker of irritation crosses Jessica’s face.
“You need to speak to them,” she says to you, “tell them that you foresaw this victory. That with our help, with the support of the Messiah, they will succeed in this war. That today is just a taste.”
Feyd cuts his gaze to you. Well, he knows your participation now.
“No,” you tell her.
Jessica has the good sense to look taken aback. “No?”
“I am tired. And I wish to reunite with my husband. You speak to them.” You grab Feyd’s hand despite knowing that the contact is unwanted, dragging him away from the crowd and your mother’s palpable anger. For your sake he clings to you until you’re out of sight, then wrenches his hand away.
“I have not forgotten what you done,” he snarls.
You double check to ensure that no one is around to overhear what undoubtedly will become an argument. “I know.”
Soft to his unyielding fury.
“Tell me everything.”
Unable to look at him, you find a spot on the wall past him, regret burrowing into your heart. “I-I’ve known for roughly three months now. I didn’t know if he would survive the crash.”
“He?” A single word.
“Yes.” For the first time in his presence, you let your fingers drift to your abdomen. Feyd’s hands twitch but otherwise he’s motionless. “It’s…a boy. He’s strong. I can feel it.”
Feyd wavers slightly, the news leeching from the reservoir of his anger. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I told you, I knew you would never give yourself the time to heal if you knew.”
“It’s my duty to protect you. My privilege. And all this time, not knowing—” Feyd cuts off abruptly, a spasm of pain crossing his expression. “I thought we told each other everything. No more games.”
Your heart pangs. “I wasn’t playing a game, Feyd. I wanted to protect you. I had to watch you nearly die in front of me. I can’t lose you.” You blame the pregnancy hormones for the tears that spring to your eyes, the emotions thick in your throat. “Please don’t hate me.”
“Nothing you do can make me hate you,” Feyd murmurs after a heartbeat. He steps closer, his thumb swiping over your cheeks, your tears. He seems to be wrestling for what to say next and finally whispers, “You’re pregnant.”
“I am,” you say, laughing, nearly delirious.
A moment passes in which he stares at you in disbelief, before he loops his arms around your waist and picks you up off your feet. A smile graces your face, buried in his neck, as he whirls you in a circle and sets you back down with a rarely-heard laugh — clear and deep.
“A son,” he breathes. Realization encroaches his delight. “What does this mean? For us? For…him?”
Sorrow eclipses your own happiness, however brief. You keep it close to your heart, a memory for later, when it will be scarce. “The Fremen have been condition by the Bene Gesserit to believe our child is their Messiah.”
“Isn’t he?”
“Yes.” You cringe. “And no.”
“As you know, we’ve been bred for generations to produce the Kwisatz Haderach. But according to the Fremen, to what the Bene Gesserits said, the mother must also be Bene Gesserit. And I am…not.”
“But they believe you are.”
Guilt punctures you like a blade to your lung, slipping between your ribs and expelling all of your breath. “Yes, they do. It’s all by my mother’s design. She wants the control.”
Feyd’s brow furrows. “Against my family?”
“The person in control of Arrakis is in control of the whole universe,” you say, “she wants to orchestrate everything from behind the scenes.”
To say it out loud devastates you, how you and Feyd have been only pawns in a scheme much larger than the both of you. And now your child.
Power drove your family apart.
“What do we do?” Feyd asks.
“I don’t know,” you reply honestly.
Feyd’s attention drifts to where the sietch is still celebrating their victory. “These people have been oppressed for too long. We can’t allow it to continue.”
“We need their allegiance, though,” you tell him. “We won’t win this war without them.”
“Wouldn’t we just be falling right into the Bene Gesserits hands? Lending ourselves and our son to them? Enslaving them?”
“I want justice for them as much as you.”
The slightest of exhales from Feyd. “What’s your plan?” When you look away without a reply, he reaches out to take your hand. “We’ll figure it out. But we don’t have much time.”
You turn to face your mother, wreathed in yellow fabric. The intensity of her blue-on-blue eyes is frightening. You haven’t dared to look into any reflective surface to see if yours possesses the same hue but, judging by the tint in Feyd’s, you probably look the same.
A visible sign of the way your life has transitioned.
“We aren’t done,” you say to her flatly.
“It can wait.”
Feyd bristles. “She said we weren’t done.”
Jessica lazily assess your husband. It incites a flare of anger in you; no one has ever looked at Feyd-Rautha before with such indifference. He simply did not command it. Out of the corner of your eye you peek at him. Shutters have drawn down on his face, making him entirely unreadable. The slightest of muscles jumping under his eye tells you of the turmoil beneath the surface of his composure.
“You think you own her?” Jessica asks. “Just because you’re wed? Need I remind you that it was by my design.”
Feyd snarls, “No one owns her.”
“You belong to centuries of Bene Gesserit design,” your mother reminds you, “this is your destiny.”
“It’s the destiny that you’ve manipulated,” you snap back. “What will they do when they find out that I’m not a witch? That everything is a lie?”
“It’s not my fault that you failed to live up to your potential,” Jessica shot back.
It hits you like a slap to the face.
“I suggest that you take your leave,” Feyd says into the stunned silence. He steps forward, half shielding you with his body.
Jessica’s upper lip curls. “The failed heir to the Baroncy. A weapon, but nothing more. Except perhaps a sire. Congratulations.”
“Enticing us into an argument isn’t going to make us give in to your demands,” you say. “I refuse to take part in your indoctrination anymore.”
“Fine. Tell them it’s a lie. They’ll kill you before you can say another word.”
Feyd curses under his breath. You both know that she’s right, that the link of your son is the only thing keeping you alive. It’s a tremulous relationship between you and the Fremen, one that not even the victory today could completely reconcile. You hate that Jessica still has such a firm hold over you. Over Feyd. Your son.
At your sides, your hands tremble with suppressed rage. “This isn’t over.”
“Isn’t it?” Jessica’s lips curl into a smile.
You lay side by side later that night, mulling over the events that had unfolded. The darkness obscures your husband but his presence beside you is solid, unyielding. Safe.
“He saw me today. Rabban.”
“Do you think they’ll come for you?” You ask.
His silence stretches on for quite some time before he answers. “Perhaps. I’m not sure whether I want them to or not. Probably not.”
“Why wouldn’t they? Surely they thought that you — we — died in the crash.”
“That’s just it,” Feyd says, “Rabban undoubtedly reported our deaths and, by admitting he’s wrong, will suffer for it. I suspect that he’s fuming right now actually.”
“Hopefully long enough for us to figure out our next step,” you murmur in reply.
The cot that you both have squeezed onto rustles as Feyd turns on his side. You can just barely make out his face, the shape of his shoulder. His hand moves to your abdomen, where it hovers before finally landing. His palm is warm on your skin, alighting a fire inside of you. No matter how many times you touch your entire being reacts to him, surging up to meet him. And there, as weak as a fluttering pulse, your baby, too small for Feyd to notice rejoicing in his closeness.
“Our next step is just to take them one at a time.” His eyes glisten in the darkness. “I do not want to miss out on these moments because I am worried about a future that is not promised.”
Feyd dips down, presses a kiss to your navel. You can’t help but sigh in response, hips rising, eager to feel his lips elsewhere. He chuckles, deep and rumbling, fingers dancing over the waistband of your pants. “We have conceived a child. Some would argue that our obligation to one another is finished.”
“And what would you argue?”
He pretends to pause, to consider this. “I would tell them that I must be cold in the ground to miss an opportunity to fuck my wife.”
A laugh escapes you as he masterfully removes the barrier of cloth between you, relying on touch to guide him down your body. Hips still wriggling, Feyd quells your impatience with his tongue. He slides through your folds like he’s savoring the experience, like he might never taste you again, tracing over your entrance but denying you the admittance. You buck up in frustration.
“Patience, jewel,” he murmurs against you, “I want to relish touching my pregnant wife for the first time.”
Your cunt clenches at this. You’re forced to squeeze your eyes, as the sight of him between your legs is almost too much to bear. Your whole life you have been chasing home and now, here, you have found it in him, in his ruinous touch. You were his, marked before by the band on your finger and now the child in your womb, not a sign of ownership but belonging.
“Such a good, perfect wife,” he says as he pleases you, a mixture of his fingers and his mouth. “Taking my seed so well and giving me a son. I cannot wait to see you grow with him in your belly, my child. Our child.”
He withdraws long enough to stroke himself, clearly aroused at the thought. Your thighs press together, slicked by his mouth and your own arousal, but Feyd pushes them apart with one hand while pumping himself with the other. In a single, fluid movement, he then pushes his cock into you with decisive force. You bite down on your lip to keep from crying out as he fills you completely, stretching your walls.
Feyd draws back and thrusts into you, over and over, building in ferocity. You bury your fingers into the cot to anchor yourself. Stars burst across your vision.
He speaks through each panted breath as if he might perish if he does not say the words. “I have given my heart to you, my soul, and in return you have given yourself to me. To my son.” There’s a hitch in his voice. Feyd presses his body to yours as he drives into you, holding you close. “You have given me the ultimate gift.”
Tears splatter on your chest. You realize with a lurching heart that he is crying, overcome with his emotions. You hold on to him just as tightly — there are no words fitting for this confession. Instead you pour yourself into him, into the push and pull of your bodies. And when you come together, crashing into your release, there is no distinction between you or him; you are only one. One breathing, pulsing being, utterly entwined.
Afterwards, when you have kissed the tears off his cheeks and he’s thoroughly cleaned you, Feyd curls up beside your abdomen. Adrift in your post-orgasm bliss, you’ve nearly succumbed to sleep when he says:
“I see him.”
Drowsy, you ask, “Who?”
“Our son.” This piques your interest, leading you to squint into the dark at him. Feyd, sensing your confusion, elaborates, “I see him in my dreams. Nightmares. I didn’t understand at first but now I know that it’s him.”
“Really?” Your voice is soft.
Feyd nods. His finger trails up the curve of your belly, not quite shaped by your pregnancy. “He looks like you and I’m so…I’m so proud of him.” There’s an edge of sadness in his voice now. “Even though, in my nightmares, he —”
You wait for him to continue but he does not. Feyd shudders against you, wrought with whatever pain the poison-induced dreams leave.
Feyd finally whispers, “Do you think we can change our fate? What’s been laid out for us?”
“I like to think so,” you say with honesty. Every instinct in you is raging at whatever has unraveled your husband so, but you know that the matter must be delicate. You don’t want to press.
“But what if we can’t?”
You ghost your fingers over his head, desperate to comfort him. The words unnerve you but you don’t dare let him know that you’re frightened by the same thing.
“I will love you until the very end of it,” you breathe, “that is all I can say for sure.”
Feyd replies, full of fear and regret, “I know.”
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luthienne · 10 months
Since the founding of the state of Israel, the Zionist movement has positioned the domination and oppression of Palestinians and the colonization of Palestinian land as the answer to the very real question of Jewish safety. They have taken the very real pain and trauma that we as Jews carry and sharpened it into a deadly weapon. We desperately must understand that what is happening is not a cycle of violence. It is a system of violence. Everyone is caught in its teeth. It is the system of settler colonial apartheid that the Israeli government has built and maintained over the past seventy-five years—with billions upon billions of dollars from the United States. Settler colonialism is a structure, a language, a culture, an ideology—an interlocking, totalizing, system of violence. It is a machine of war and dehumanization against Palestinians. It is this system that imperils the lives and safety of everyone. While the vast majority of the violence of the apartheid regime lands on Palestinians, there is no safety for Israelis in a system rooted in such dehumanization and oppression. In the words of Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer, “My great lesson from Auschwitz is: whoever wants to dehumanize any other must first be dehumanized himself. The oppressors are no longer really human, whatever uniform they wear.” The Israeli government has lost any semblance of humanity as they wage a genocide against the people living in Gaza. It is not Palestinians who have chosen the language of violence for this land. It is the Israeli government and the United States government that have created a state of violence. Palestinians have remained steadfast in seeking freedom against immeasurable violence. Tens of thousands of Palestinians protested in weekly grassroots nonviolent protests at Israel’s militarized border wall around Gaza during the Great March of Return in 2019, and the Israeli government sent military snipers to murder and maim hundreds of children, women, medics, and journalists. Palestinians launch boycott campaigns to win their rights, and the Israeli government opens an entire new ministry to combat the nonviolent movement. Palestinians work at human rights organizations to document the crimes against them, and they are called and treated as terrorists. Palestinians speak the language of freedom, and the Israeli government responds—every single time—with the language of violence. The United States government has united to fully support the Israeli war machine. Already the United States sends more than $3 billion in aid to Israel every year. Now Senator Lindsey Graham said, “I am with Israel. Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourself. Level the place.” Make no mistake: Israel isn’t defending itself, it is committing mass murder. Biden says, “We’ll make sure Israel has what it needs to take care of itself.” Make no mistake: Israel is waging genocide. My dear ones in Palestine are saying that they have never experienced such destruction in seventy-five years of occupation. My dear ones are saying there is not a moment to wait. Do not sit back while Israel carries out a genocide fully enabled by the United States. Bring your full body, your spirit, your communities, your humanity, to meet this moment, to call your representatives, to the streets. “Never again” means standing up for Palestinian people. “Never again” means this very moment.
— Stefanie Fox, A Jewish Plea: Stand Up to Israel’s Act of Genocide, as featured in Boston Review
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fandom · 1 year
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Y'all really know how to commit to a bit.
In an impressive performance of "yes, and," mole interest trended with art and fun facts about those adorable little creatures being shared left and right. Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake continues to deliver the fun and heartbreak we all expected to see. Speaking of fun and heartbreak, the trailer for the second season of Our Flag Means Death dropped and has everyone counting down the days until October 5. In gaming news, Nintendo announced the release date for the new Side Order DLC for Splatoon 3, and folks can't wait to jump into the new single-player campaign. Unity announced a new fee for game installs, causing a huge spike in concern from developers and players alike. Finally, a familiar face appeared in Ahsoka, and, well, folks are really happy about it. This is Tumblr's Week in Review.
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Mole Interest
Our Flag Means Death
Baldur's Gate 3
Good Omens
Simon Petrikov | Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Star Wars
Artists on Tumblr
The QSMP Minecraft Server
Crowley | Good Omens
Aziraphale | Good Omens
Astarion | Baldur's Gate 3
Helluva Boss
One Piece
Ineffable Husbands | Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens
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760 notes · View notes
wandixx · 4 days
I'm not much for naming things but: Danny's associated with green and M'gann's a White Martian, so... Spearmint (like the green and white mint candies)? Just a thought.
Prompt: Magic removed Amity Park from the map. JL didn't notice, but in an Alderaan type moment (Star Wars ref. yay!) The martian on Watchtower monitoring duty heard the residents get silent unanimously.
Of course they need to be investigated! So M'gann gets her watch partner to take over and flies there, discovering an odd green rift of death energy doing a black hole effect and it sucks her in. Danny gets landed on/ flown into when she tumbles through the rift. She tried getting a message through to JL when she felt herself getting sucked in, but the message was not received due to ectoplasmic interference.
So Danny has to figure out how to get her AND Amity Park back home!
(Just a thought. I'm curious how you flesh it out if you do!)
This is such an interesting idea, and it definitely deserves much more story than I can write in single prompt, so this here is just a beginning and I will continue. I hope it's up to your expectations
Also, I really love the Spearmint idea
M’gann understood the importance of monitor duty in Watchtower, she really did. She also understood why they were taught it while still in this gray area between fully dependent sidekicks and fully independent heroes, that was the main reason the Young Justice Team even existed.
It didn’t make it any less boring. Even when she had a decent duty partner. Don't get her wrong, Green Arrow was a much better option than Batman or Superman, it was just awkward. At least he seemed equally done with it and didn't scold her for jumping between satellite cameras just a bit too fast to actually ‘monitor’ anything.
And it was only twenty minutes into the two hour shift.
One of the sixty (or so) screens, the one directly in front of her, blinked to the view of the American Midwest. She was about to skip further, when a sudden movement caught her attention. She clicked a few keys to review the footage and asked, still unsure if her eyes weren't deceiving her.
“Did the entire city… just disappear?“
Green Arrow nodded, equally stunned.
“I'm going to check this out” she spluttered, already flying out of the room and doing her best to get Zeta to send her as close as possible. It was a bit tricky when she couldn't see the keyboard. She managed though, so before the adult hero even finished yelling that it was above her skill level, she was out.
From there, getting to the disappeared city was a piece of cake.
She stopped right in tracks when the thing came in view. M'gann had no idea how to describe it. It was a green and white and black storm but not, glass, see-through dome but not, deep space but also decidedly not. It made her want to run away but also come closer, almost like it was tugging at her. Like some pseudo, mental in nature, gravitation.
Oh, wait, no. It was an actual, physical force that after a quick test turned out to be inescapable for her.
Green Arrow, perhaps, maybe probably was kinda right. It was so high above her skill level that a balled napkin from this height would cause serious damage. Thank Batman for comms that she could use to call a backup!
The comms, that, of course, didn't work the one time she needed them.
She sent the message anyway, describing everything to the best of her ability, even though it was only a tip of the iceberg. Just in case, if the magical storm thing just made her comm one way communication only. It was highly unlikely, but who was she, if not an optimist.
She barely closed her mouth, when she was jerked sideways before the whole world became blurred.
She later would have a hard time telling anyone how it felt, to be inside the thing. She was basically powerless, thrown around randomly despite clearly keeping all of her abilities. She couldn't see, couldn't tell which way was up and down, couldn't change direction even a little bit. The rumble of the thing was so loud she couldn't hear her thoughts, throwing her brain so off the loop she forgot what her name was. She was crying probably, almost puking, her limbs hitting any and every part of her body.
At first, she didn't even realize she was out, so dazed from the ride. She didn't even see the flying boy until a while after she crashed into him, throwing them both off the sky. Neither of them caught them before they slammed into the ground. Somehow she ended up cushioning the boy's fall. M’gann couldn’t breathe for a moment. She kinda deserved it for ramming into him in the first place though.
By the time she could use her lungs and behave like a social creature again, the boy scrambled off her and just crouched, intensely staring, anxious and awestruck at the same time. She sat up and gave him once over herself.
He was around her physical age, but much skinnier than her or anybofnher teammates, build like a twig. He had fluffy, white, almost glowing hair, caucasian complexion, and wore a black and white jumpsuit with a tool belt. Big ‘P’ on his chest indicated he was someone from a hero/villain scene, and from general vibes she got, M’gann was leaning towards a hero. He was kinda cute. She coughed awkwardly when she realized how long they just sat in silence.
Apparently it was enough to release an incoherent babbling from the boy.
“Hi, um… Miss Martian, ma'am? I'm Phantom. What are you doing here? Is the rest of your Team going to fall off the sky too? Justice League?”
“Not right now probably”
She was ignored. Phantom just kept panicking.
“Is this some of your villain's schemes? Are you alright? You crashed pretty hard, sorry I landed on top of you by the way, do you–?”
“I'm fine, don't worry I got worse”
“Sorry I threw you off the sky”
“Not your fault, really, it's fi–”
“You asked what I'm doing here. I went on my own to investigate when I saw the city blink out of existence and got sucked in. I'm not sure if my report from site made it through, but they know where I went, so they'll soon come to help, don't worry”
Phantom did not stop worrying.
“Alright, cool, cool” he ran his hand through his hair, tugging at them “The Justice League knows you mysteriously disappeared along with an entire city. This is fine, totally fine, absolutely–”
“You're panicking”
“No shit Sherlock. Someone kidnapped my city again and I have no idea how to fix it because my usual tactic is ‘punch the cause of the problem into submission’ and this time I can't punch the storm. Now you're here so if something happens, I’ll have pissed of Justice League to worry about because, of course, it will be my fault. You could be overshadowed and I have no clue what's going on but I have to fix it as soon as–”
“Breathe Phantom“ she interrupted again, projecting what the Team called ‘calming vibes’. Since it didn't involve outright entering someone's brain and humans almost didn't react to it, it was an okay thing to do without asking even on non-villains. “Remember, I'm a hero, not a damsel in the distress you have to protect non stop”
“Of course, you're not. You're Miss Martian. You're amazing, but it doesn't give me any more of an idea on what's going on nor what to do with Justice League when they come, obviously furious because everyone in Amity and their mother will testify that it was somehow my fault, especially if–”
“Hey, hey, none of that. I know you're a good guy and they’ll too. I will vouch for you if for some reason they get misled”
Phantom looked her in the eyes as if he was trying to read her mind himself without even an ounce of psychic powers. She could tell if he used it.
“I could be a bad guy,” he said seriously after a moment of silence.
“I know you're not”
“You don't know me”
“You spent almost all of our interaction agonizing over how to save your city. It's not typical bad guy behavior”
“I could be acting”
M’gann didn't even dignify it with her response other than an incredulous stare.
“ Alright, if I've been acting, I would be a lot cooler but still… I could be acting!”
“I'm a literal psychic, remember? I didn't read your thoughts, don't worry, I know it's invasive for humans. But I got a general overview of who you are, and your vibes matched pretty well with the vibes of good guys”
“Sure, of course, why not,” he muttered, taking a moment to reboot “Why is this my life now?”
M’gann decided it wasn't to her and well… Phantom wasn't wrong, she didn't know him, so however she'd try to answer it was pretty much hit or miss. But from what she'd seen of him, she was curious to learn more.
“Nevermind, let's get you a Specter Deflector before anyone tries to use you as a meatsuit” he said, catching her wrist to drag her somewhere.
She let him lead her. He still didn’t have any nefarious reasoning, and hey! Maybe she'll finish this adventure with a new teammate!
[Sure M’gann. Just a teammate. Don't worry, Danny won't be a panicked mess all of the time here]
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fuck-customers · 8 days
This situation truly felt like the closest I've ever gotten to reenacting the L vs. Light from Death Note battle lmaoo I kept my cool and plausible deniability, but I was dying laughing internally.
(I think I've won the battle, btw. I'll have to wait and see. There's more to this war, though)
So, for background (and I've complained about this on this blog several times...sorry) my moron boss refuses to put price tags/signs on the products in the store, especially at the register. Considering I work in a retail store...this is obviously a problem. So I've made several attempts to get products priced, in varying degrees of extremity.
1. I made handmade signs/tags out of receipt paper/scratch paper and put them on the products around the register. (Candy, toys etc.) Braindead manager took them down.
2. All but 4 of the shopping carts at work are broken, but customers are stupid and still try to drag them halfway through the store and then abandon them or somehow blame me personally for them being broken. So I put signs on the broken ones and blocked them off. Dumbshit managers keep unblocking them and then customers try and fail to use them and abandon them throughout the store, rinse and repeat daily.
3. I then got the idea to go over my manager's head, but without having it fall back on me. Write to corporate. I originally started snatching receipts to leave negative reviews on the store survey, but that seemed to be a dead end, as the SM and DM are the ones who are supposed to read the surveys, but appear not to, as not a single thing was fixed in over 6 months of "customers" complaining weekly. (Usually at least 1 every 2-4 days)
4. I found a clearance price gun and tagged everything with it, even if it wasn't clearance. One way or another, it had a price on it, right? Of course the braindead moron took them off.
5. I then found actual price tags that were technically for different products, but had the same prices as our current candy, so I tagged the items with that. (For example, we'd have a tag for chocolate that we no longer carry that was $3.99 and we have some current chips on the shelf that are $3.99, so I'd just put the old tag for the current candy, since all customers need is the dollar amount and blacked out the old product description) These lasted longer than the previous attempts, but were ultimately taken down, but this is (hopefully) the turning point.
6. Just to really make sure something would change, a month or so after reusing old price tags, I (simultaneously, while also putting up old tags) made several fake emails posing as disgruntled customers and emailed corporate complaining about the lack of prices and the broken carts (among other things) at my specific location. (I did not name any specific employees or throw anyone under the bus. I just complained about the appearance of the store and any mention of employees was simply left at "the cashier" "the manager" etc. with no personally identifying info) I did this on the feedback section of the company website as well.
This all came to a head today when the braindead's mini-me (the ASM) pulled me aside before I clocked in today to basically call me out. She said that she knew that I was the one who put the handmade tags and also put "broken" signs on the broken carts and blocked them off. I, of course pretended not to know about it, because I'm not THAT stupid. But I'm not in trouble, because she has no real proof. (It was very much "I know that she knows and she knows that I know she knows lol) Anyway, she says (and we'll see about this) that new carts have been ordered and are on their way and also that she had to go around and undo all the tags (oh boohoo, she had to do her job, poor her) and will be putting real, correct tags on the products.
We'll see. In the meantime, "customers" are still going to leave bad reviews and contact corporate until changes are actually made for real. There are still other issues that need to be fixed, but are not as important as the lack of price tags and carts. (Such as the lack of price checkers, the shit radio music, the lack of employees, the dysfunctional inventory system, the bare shelves, the disorganized store, etc.)
Posted by admin Rodney
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theloganator101 · 2 months
The Great BNHA Review: We Live in a Society
The world of fiction! The place where everything in the story happens. So when you're worldbuilding there are many things to take into consideration to make the world of your story feel alive.
From the people that inhabits it, the cities, towns, villages, and locations the characters live in. And even having a set of rules to follow to avoid plot holes and help the world they live in make sense.
Much like how despite technology being more advanced compared to real life, yet still not being able to have flying cars or advanced robots. Those kind of things can sometimes break immersion in the story, and as a writer you would want to avoid that as much as possible.
HOWEVER! The world BNHA takes place in doesn't make a lick of sense when you think about it for more than thirty seconds, and the foundation of the world breaks the more you think about it.
Case in point, UA!
I think at this point we all can agree that UA wasn't an actual school and instead a glorified boot camp to train child soldiers to fight. And for a series called MY HERO ACADEMIA!! There's hardly any academia in it at all.
Apparently Hori didn't wanna bother with that part of the series and being forced to write "boring" scenes and just get back to the exciting battles. Like where're the scenes of the class studying for their latest tests? Where're the scenes of the kids doing their favorite activities? Where're the scenes of them bonding with their superiors?
You can't just name it My Hero Academia and only give us 20% of what the show is called! It just feels like false advertising at this point!
Also about the whole child soldier thing? Yeah let's go deeper into that.
Why are we relying on TEENAGERS to fight in these big battles and save the world when they've only been in hero school for a single year? That's literally like forcing teenagers to discover a cure of a disease when they've only taken a year of biology class!
And yeah, I get it, it's an anime so it's expecting you to suspend your disbelief, and they already had experience with fighting villains before so it would make sense to recruit them. But again, these are fucking teenagers and we shouldn't be relying on them to fight battles the adults should be able to handle!
This is one of the biggest problems of having your story take place in a world similar to modern real life, because here adults actually gives a shit as to what children go through and knows it would be fucked up to send them to fight in war! And the excuse of it taking place in Japan and thus how they do things is different compared to most countries is NOT GOING TO CUT IT!
These grown ass adults should KNOW bringing kids to fight in a war is fucked up and should NOT be encouraged! But since they're so desperate they choose to get them involved! The only exception to this is Rock Lock since he already knows this!
Okay, let's step away from the whole child soldier thing and focus on something the story never gave us introspection of... the fact that we never got to see how quirkless people are really treated.
It's explained that 20% of the population is quirkless, so almost a quarter are born without it. And from what we saw of Izuku's life with it, discrimination must be a common thing in their society. So it would make sense to explore that since it's tied to the main character's backstory and how he's going to make things better for others like him.
... Except that's not how it goes.
We never get to see how the life of a quirkless person is like, we never get to canonically see Izuku interacting with someone like him with the only exception being Melissa. But the thing about her is that she grew up on an island and her father a respected scientist, so it's kind of difficult to tell how the quirkless life is like if this is the only example we get... and it's not a good one.
But wait! There is a canon major character that was also quirkless like Izuku! And it's Yuga Aoyama. And how did the story treated him?
Oh it was revealed real late into the story with no awareness and treated him like shit for being an unwilling traitor, then replace him with Shinsou who whined and complained his way into the Hero Course.
Uhh, what the fuck?
And the worst part about all this is that Izuku has no reaction or acknowledgement whatsoever! He doesn't sympathize or feel less alone, he doesn't comment or say anything about this! So it's like what's even the point!?
Oh don't worry, we'll come back to this whole Izuku not acknowledging his past later in the review! But there's one more thing I wanna talk about in this world.
Is how blatantly biased society is to the Heroics occupation.
From what we've seen and learned, people are not allowed to use their quirks in public. And that the only way would be able to legally use them is to have a provisional license... which is only obtained if you're training to be a hero.
Uhh, but what if you don't wanna go into heroics? What if there is a person who wants to be a comedian? A layer? A construction worker? What if they have quirks that they think would help them in their jobs? Would they get in trouble if they tried using their quirks on the job? Is the Provisional License exam the only way to be able to use your quirk freely? Is there another test people can take to get one if they don't want to go into heroics?
Yeah you see what I'm trying to say here?
Since Hori's so focused on getting to the next big battle that he barely thinks about the world BNHA takes place in and leaves holes in the process. The world of BNHA feels more like a dystopia where heroics is all that matters and that anything else is boring and not as interesting. And since the world itself is so flawed, that I don't feel immersed into it at all and all I have are these questions on how things are run.
So in the next part, we'll be taking a look into the themes and messages the story tries to tell it's readers... but oh boy, did it really fumble with it's messages.
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tennessoui · 1 year
au where the Jedi Order has a program where Knights take odd jobs around Coruscant to strengthen their connection with the planet and also experience life outside of the Order, and Obi-Wan volunteers to work at a newspaper right before the beginning of the Clone Wars, because he thinks writing about intergalactic politics or reviewing new ship designs would be cool…..but the Coruscanti News immediately puts him on the Advice Column, creating a new section called Dear Ben because they think a Jedi would give interesting advice even though they won’t advertise that he’s a Jedi, and the Jedi Council are incredibly supportive because it’s a way to teach Jedi tenets and beliefs to people struggling with grief or anger, etc so Obi-Wan can’t quit even though he very much wants to
Meanwhile Anakin hears about a new column in his favorite section of the Coruscanti News called Dear Ben, and he’s dealing with so much as a senior padawan!! He’s going to see the love of his life Padmé Amidala again soon!! So he writes to the column for advice on how to woo her while on a job (“I’m seeing a woman I met when I was a kid again soon because she hired my company to help her. I know it’s time to kiss her. How do I make her see me as an adult? I dream of her supple body and her—“ the rest of this letter cannot be published in our newspaper for its vulgar depictions and explicit language)
And Obi-Wan gets this letter and he has to write back and be like “Dear Grown and a Shower Not a Grower, please do not do that. Be professional. Romance can wait until after your work is complete. That dedication will surely impress her.”
and Anakin takes his advice, it works, and he keeps writing in for more advice and every single time obi-wan answers because whoever this guy is has ideas of relationships and MARRIAGE and life that need to be corrected
and they absolutely don’t know who they’re writing to, but they carry out a very public correspondence throughout the war as their job allows, and Obi-Wan-as-Ben is able to talk Anakin through a lot of his hurts (ie Rako Hardeen) and eventually Anakin is like holy shit I think I am in love with Ben from the advice column around the same time Obi-Wan realizes he’s incredibly fond of Hopeless On Coruscant (his nickname for Anakin after the 4th major life crisis he wrote in about)
what ever are they to do about it 🙄🤪 other than….meet up 😏
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fortpeat · 4 months
You know a teeny tiny part of me was kind of scared that Rakmut would remind me so much of Paisky becoz they have been a huge part of my life since the beginning but that was so not the case yes there were certain scenes that did remind me of them but overall Fortpeat was phenomenal in bringing these two characters to life flawlessly. And yes we only have one episode but for me what we got was plenty good to understand their characters a lot more 🥹🥹
Let's start with Mahasamut 😍
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MY GOD HIS ENTRANCE 🫠🫠 woww... As a fellow Ocean / marine life lover I can say that Mahasamut's entry while he's doing what's he passionate about took my breath away and yes his shirtless scene also took my breath away 🫠🫠 obviously. Thank you MMY for the slow mo hair flip and saving me from doing it again 🤣 with what we got his relationship with Palm I like how they are like siblings 🤭 I really want to know more.
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He is such a puppy I mean come on look at that smile... I am melting here. Also these smiles clearly shows his younger side and it's Soo cuteee 😍😍 I want to see more also I LOVEEE HOW HE IS HELL BENT ON ANNOYING TONGRAK 🤣🤣 it's interesting to see how it's portrayed that nothing effects him and that all the comments that Tongrak throws his away is brushed off easily coz I have a feeling that we will be seeing more into that 👀👀
Next Tongrak 😍😍
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This man's prettiness knows no bounds 😍😍 each and every single outfit that he had on this episode was just wow... I was drooling .... 🙏🙏 Let me worship you Tongrak HOW CAN SOMEONE BE THIS PRETTY 🤣 ALSO EVERYTIME TONGRAK WAS COMPARED TO A KITTEN I WAS DYING 🤣🤣🤣 He is portrayed as rich but lonely who obviously doesn't admit it. He is definitely attracted to Mahasamut but won't admit it which makes me want him to be the first one to cave in the tug of desire war 🤣🤣 PLEASEEEE 🙏🙏 Rak definitely knows what he wants and I don't think he is someone who backs aways from getting it but interestingly with Mut he would play hard to get obviously since he "hates" Mut 🤭🤭
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It's safe to say each and every scene in this episode has captured my heart 🥹🥹 the wait has been so worth it and I am so happy 😍😍😍 I NEED THE SECOND EPISODE HERE ALREADY AND FROM THE PREVIEW... AHHHH I AM SO NOT READY BUT GIVE IT TO ME ALREADY 🫠🫠
(p.s I am dedicating my favorite scene from the episode with another post)
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weirdmarioenemies · 4 months
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Hey you know Snood? I've been thinking about Snood lately. It is fascinating, in a "weird old game series that I have never thought about very much" sort of way. It's not the first Matching Icons Puzzle Shooting game, since that was Puzzle Bobble, but it was ONE of the first, and replaces bubbles with some little freaks, so it is neat enough to me!
I started this post with the intention of reviewing every single Snood individually, but then I realized, I don't really care about the Snoods themselves at all! Sorry Snoods! I appreciate you being weird little guys, you're just not my kind of weird little guys.
But who's that weird little guy in the bottom right...?
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Name: The Robot
Debut: Snood
Oh hell yeah! A The Robot? Now that's my kind of weird little guy! The Robot is NOT a Snood, but I think it is the most important character. The game is ABOUT the Snoods, but The Robot is the HERO. The Snoods are all trapped, and must be freed by matching three or more together! And who is loading up the cannon with snoods, allowing for this to happen at all? That's right! The Robot!
The Robot's design is very simple and very 90s shareware game. This thing has gradients like nobody's business, and they sure do make it look metallic and cylindrical, so that's good! Its "head" is a glass-looking dome, and most notable is probably its single arm, that it uses to transfer Snoods. However, it's kind of easy to view the claw as a pair of lips on the end of a stalk.
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Like Sy Snootles, the best Star Wars character! Wait... Sy SNOODles? The implications are staggering! (I will not elaborate about what the implications could possibly be)
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In Snood Plus, The Robot receives a bit of a redesign, which I don't like all that much. That's not colorful... where's the love, in the soul of this robot? I know it's in there somewhere. This one floats, which is cool and maybe more efficient, but it's just much more bland and generic, especially its claw arm, which no longer looks like ANY part of Sy Snootles. Next!
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YES! YES! AWESOME! This is how The Robot appears in Snood Slide, a Match 3-style spinoff, and it is the best! I love this cartoony style, keeping the bright and eye-catching color of the original, while making it look more like a thing that exists, rather than just some shapes! There's a light bulb in its head, it wears SHOES, and it has TWO arms now! Is that canon? Has it always had two arms, and we only ever saw it from the side? Is Snood Slide canon to the greater Snood series? Well akshually, Snood HD, the version of Snood released in 2009, completely redesigned all the Snoods, and said that the original style was just a simulation. I bet the Snood loreheads were furious about that!
I'm sure you aren't wondering how The Robot factors into Snood Slide, considering there is not a Snood-O-Matic Cannon to be loaded. That's something only Snoodheads would worry about. But the answer is that The Robot will appear and move a line of Snoods if you use the hint feature! So kind of it.
Hey... The Robot is not in Snood HD, and that game decanonized the original Snood! Is The Robot even real? Is it a fictional character in the Snood universe too, and therefore fictional TWICE over? I don't know. Snood is a mess.
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They released a game in 2022 where the icon looks like this. That's so quaint to me. Never change, Snood.
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literary-illuminati · 1 month
2024 Book Review #41 – Japan 1941: Countdown to Infamy by Eri Hotta
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Almost everything I know about World War 2, I learned against my will through a poorly spent adolescence and reading people argue about it online. Living in Canada, Japan’s role in it is even more obscure, with the wars in the Pacific and China getting a fraction of a fraction of the official commemoration and pop culture interest of events in Europe. So I went into this book with a knowledge of only the vague generalities of Japanese politics in the ‘30s and ‘40s – from that baseline, this was a tremendously interesting and educational book, if at times more than a bit dry.
The book is a very finely detailed narrative of the internal deliberations within the Japanese government and the diplomatic negotiations with the USA through late 1940 and 1941, which ultimately culminate in the decision to attack Pearl Harbour and invade European colonies across the Pacific. It charts the (deeply dysfunctional) decision-making systems of the Imperial Japanese government and how bureaucratic politics, factional intrigue and positioning, and an endemic unwillingness to be the one to back down and eat your words, made a war with the USA first possible, then plausible, then seemingly inevitable. Throughout this, the book wears its thesis on its sleeve – that the war in the Pacific only ever seemed inevitable, that until the very last hour there was widespread understanding that the war would be near-unwinnable across the imperial government and military, but a broken political culture, the career suicide of being the one to endorse accepting American demands,, and a simple lack of courage or will among the doves, prevented anything from ever coming of it.
So I did know that Imperial Japan’s government had, let’s say, fundamental structural issues when I opened the book, but I really wasn’t aware of just how confused and byzantine the upper echelons of it were. Like if Brazil was about the executive committee – the army and navy ministries had entirely separate planning infrastructures from the actual general staffs, and all of them were basically silo’d off from the actual economic and industrial planning bureaucracy (despite the fact that the head of the Cabinet Planning Board was a retired general). All of which is important, because the real decisions of war and peace were made in liaison meetings with the prime minister, foreign minister, and both ministry and general staff of each branch – meetings which were often as not just opportunities for grandstanding and fighting over the budget. The surprise is less that they talked themselves into an unwinnable war and more that they decided on anything at all.
The issue, as Hotta frames it, is that there really wasn’t a single place the buck stopped – officially speaking, the civilian government and both branches of the military served the pleasure of the Emperor – whose theoretically absolute authority was contained by both his temperament and both custom and a whole court bureaucracy dedicated to making sure the prestige of the throne didn’t get mired in and discredited by the muck of politics. The entire Meiji Constitution was built around the presence of a clique of ‘imperial advisers’ who could borrow the emperor’s authority without being so restrained – but as your Ito Hirobumis and Yamagata Aritomos died off, no one with the same energy, authority and vision ever seems to have replaced them.
So you had momentous policy decisions presented as suggestions to the emperor who could agree and thus turn them into inviolable commands, and understood by the emperor as settled policy who would provide an apolitical rubber-stamp on. Which, combined with institutional cultures that strongly encouraged being a good soldier and not undercutting or hurting the image of your faction, led to a lot of people quietly waiting for someone else to stand up and make a scene for them (or just staying silent and wishing them well when they actually did).
Now, this is all perhaps a bit too convenient for many of the people involved – doubtless anyone sitting down and writing their memoirs in 1946 would feel like exaggerating their qualms about the war as much as they could possibly get away with. I feel like Hotta probably takes those post-war memoirs and interviews too much at face value in terms of people’s unstated inner feeling – but on the other hand, the bureaucratic records and participants’ notes preserved from the pivotal meetings themselves do seem to show a great deal of hesitation and factional doubletalk. Most surprisingly to me was the fact that Tojo (who I had the very vague impression was the closest thing to a Japanese Hitler/Mussolini there was) was actually chosen to lead a peace cabinet and find some 11th hour way to avert the war. Which in retrospect was an obviously terrible decision, but it was one he at least initially tried to follow through on.
If the book has a singular villain, it’s actually no Tojo (who is portrayed as, roughly, replacement-rate bad) but Prince Konoe, the prime minister who actually presided over Japan’s invasion of China abroad and slide into a militarized police state at home, who led the empire to the very brink of war with the United States before getting cold feet and resigning at the last possible moment to avoid the responsibility of either starting the war or of infuriating the military and destroying his own credibility by backing down and acceding to America’s demands. He’s portrayed as, not causing, but exacerbating
every one of Japan’s structural political issues through a mixture of cowardice and excellent survival instincts – he carefully avoided fights he might lose, even when that meant letting his foreign minister continue to sabotage negotiations he supported while he arranged support to cleanly remove him (let alone really pushing back on the army). At the same time, the initiatives he did commit were all things inspired by his deep fascination with Nazi Germany – the dissolution of partisan political parties and creation of an (aspirationally, anyway) totalitarian Imperial Rule Assistance Association, the creation of a real militarized police state, the heavy-handed efforts to create a more pure and patriotic culture. He’s hardly to blame for all of that, of course, but given that he was a civilian politician initially elected to curb military influence, his governments sure as hell didn’t help anything (and it is I suppose just memorably ironic that he’s the guy on the spot for many of the most military-dictatorship-e aspects of Japanese government).
One of the most striking things about the book is actually not even part of the main narrative but just the background context of how badly off Japan was even before they attacked the United States. I knew the invasion of China hadn’t exactly been going great, but ‘widespread rationing in major cities, tearing up wrought iron fencing in the nicest districts of the capital to use in war industry’ goes so much further than I had any sense of. The second Sino-Japanese War was the quintessential imperial adventure and war of choice, and also just literally beyond the material abilities of the state of Japan to sustain in conjunction with normal civilian life. You see how the American embargo on scrap metal and petroleum was seen as nearly an act of war in its own right. You also wonder even more how anyone could possibly have convinced themselves that an army that was already struggling to keep its soldiers fed could possibly win an entirely new war with the greatest industrial power on earth. Explaining which is of course the whole point of the book (they didn’t, in large part, but convinced themselves the Americans wouldn’t have the stomach for it and agree to a favourable peace quickly, or that Germany would conquer the UK and USSR and impose mediation on Japan’s terms, or-).
When trying to understand the decision-making process, I’m honestly reminded of nothing so much as the obsession with ‘credibility’ you see among many American foreign policy hands in the modern day. The idea that once something had been committed to – the (largely only extant on paper) alliance with Nazi Germany, the creation of a collaborator government in China to ‘negotiate’ with, the occupation of southern Vietnam – then, even if you agreed it hadn’t worked out and had probably been a terrible decision to begin with, reversing course without some sort of face-saving agreement or concession on the other side would shatter any image of strength and invite everyone else the world over to grab at what you have. The same applies just as much to internal politics, where admitting that your branch couldn’t see a way to victory in the proposed war was seen as basically surrendering the viciously fought over budget, no matter the actual opinions of your experts – the book includes anecdotes about both fleet admirals and the senior field marshal China privately tearing their respective superiors in Tokyo a (polite) new one for the bellicosity they did not believe themselves capable of following through on, but of course none of these sentiments were ever shared with anyone who might use them against the army/navy.
The book is very much a narrative of the highest levels of government, idea of mass sentiment and popular opinion are only really incidentally addressed. Which does make it come as a shock every time it’s mentioned that a particular negotiation was carried out in secret because someone got spooked by an ultranationalist assassination attempt the day before. I entirely believe that no one wanted to say as much, but I can’t help but feel that people’s unwillingness to forthrightly oppose further war owed something to all the radical actors floating around in the junior ranks of the officer corps who more than willing to take ‘decisive, heroic action’ against anyone in government trying to stab the war effort in the back. Which is something that the ever-increasing number of war dead in China (with attendant patriotic unwillingness to let them die ‘for nothing) and the way everyone kept trying to rally the public to the war effort with ever-more militaristic public rhetoric assuredly only made worse.
That same rhetoric also played its part in destroying the possibility of negotiations with the United States. The story of those negotiations runs throughout the book, and is basically one misunderstanding and failure to communicate after another. It at times verges on comedy. Just complete failure to model the political situation and diplomatic logic of the other party, on both sides (combined with a great and increasing degree of wishful thinking that e.g. letting the military occupy southern French Indochina as a concession for their buy-in on further negotiations would be fine with the Americans. A belief held on exactly zero evidence whatsoever). The United States government was actually quite keen to avoid a war in the pacific if possible, as FDR did his best to get entangled in Europe and effectively start an undeclared naval war with Germany – but the negotiating stance hardened as Japan seemed more and more aggressive and unreliable, which coincided exactly with Japan’s government taking the possibility of war seriously enough to actually try to negotiate. It’s the same old story of offering concessions and understanding that might have been agreed to a few months beforehand, but were now totally unacceptable. In the end, everyone pinned their hopes on a face-to-face diplomatic summit with FDR in Juneau, where sweeping concessions could be agreed to and the government’s credibility staked on somewhere the hardliners could not physically interfere with. The Americans, meanwhile, wanted some solid framework for what the agreement would be before the summit occurred, and so it never did.
After the war, it was apparently the general sentiment that the whole nation was responsible for the war with the United States – which is to say that no individual person deserved any special or specific blame. Hotta’s stated aim with the book is to show how that’s bullshit, how war was entirely avoidable, and it was only do to these small cliques of specific, named individuals that it began. The hardliners like Osami Nagano, but just as much the cowards, careerists and factional partisans like Konoe, Tojo, and (keeper of the Privy Seal) Kido. Having read it I, at least, am convinced.
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merbear25 · 7 months
A date to remember
You would have never guessed you'd end up fancying them. Debating whether or not to confront your crush would be a difficult dicision for anyone. Now add the extra pressure of them being apart of the Donquixote family, and you're in for an emotional rollercoaster.
CW: SFW, fluff, headcanons, gn!reader
Doflamingo, Caesar, Corazon
pt 1, pt 2
Doflamingo: As intimidating as he is, you were still caught in his web. Being shy about asking him would not fair well for you—you'd need to hold your head high and ask with confidence. Oh, he agreed to it! Oh...oh no.
You end up choosing between live entertainment and logic based:
War reenactment: Choosing a reenactment that was particularly engrossing might just make him forget that it's not real. Be sure to choose one with the highest reviews too. This could range from a wide-range of history, giving you much to consider.
Escape room: Not many would willingly lock themselves in a room with him, but this offered you a unique experience to share with him: solve the puzzle and best whomever thought they'd be able to trick you two.
After all is said and done, you'd have quite the stories and inside jokes to share between yourselves. Depending on your choice for these particular activities, he'd grant you with a feverish kiss―leaving you wanting more.
Caesar: He can be a tad sporadic when it comes to his personal feelings, but you seem to have come across him on a genuinely good day. You take your shot. He stares at you, scanning your face for your true intentions but lets his curiosity take over. So, yay?
You decide on something experimental:
Testing limits with high voltage: Gather a large amount of toys which are battery operated. Be sure to have a wide range of what the toys can actually do. Wire them up, see which ones start popping, smoking, and catch fire with different voltage levels.
Punkin chunkin: Pumpkins are pretty common to use for this activity, but why should you limit yourselves? Use items that may give you the messiest results! The most distructive! The most outright bizarre items to chuck into the air to create fun memories.
Once you both have had you fill of destruction and chaos for the time being, the excitement of it all would still be fresh. Laughing about some of the results, he'd suggest how you can make changes for next time. Wait, next time?
Corazon: Despite him being as preoccupied as he was, you couldn't hold back your feelings for him any longer. He's incredibly genuine, so when you confess your feelings, he blushes like mad. When you ask him out, he'd be flustered but still happily accept. Can't wait, right?
You come to something thoughtful:
Arcade/Retro arcade bar: You two would favor the games that were two player, of course. Even if he turned out to be better than you at the games, he'd let you win. On single players, you'd cheer each other on and try to top each other's scores. At the end of the date, you'd use your tickets to purchase prizes for the other.
Cooking for each other and having a movie night at home: Quality time is something he'd love to spend with you. Creating a meal together would be so romantic that he'd find it hard to stop smiling. Cuddling with a movie afterwards would make him melt and be ideal for kissing.
The night concluded in the most perfect way he could have imagined. Which ever option you decided on, he'd lean in a bit closer to give you the chance to show him you're interested in kissing. If you are, he'd love to show his appreciation. If not, a warm hug would do nicely.
104 notes · View notes
horizon-verizon · 4 months
I hate how Rhaenyra is being written. In F&B, her place as the protagonist is taken by Daemon thanks to GRRM’s fascination with him.
During the war, Daemon:
Advised the Black Council to send envoys to the Great Houses that hadn’t declared for Aegon, which helped get the Arryns and Starks on their side.
Captured Harrenhal without bloodshed with his dragon, allowing the Riverlanders to majority declare for Rhaenyra.
Led “a strong force” of Riverlanders to capture the last big Green supporting Castle, Stone Hedge.
Hired his mistress to kill one of Aegon’s children, resulting in his mother’s insanity and removing her as a dragonrider/voice of reason/even ability to escape.
Was the principal factor for the fall of King’s Landing for the Blacks. He led the Gold Cloaks decades before which inspired them so much they killed Alicent’s brother and turned the city over to Daemon.
Refused to obey Rhaenyra when she demanded Nettles be killed under guest right, allowing her to escape.
Waited 2 weeks for Aemond to appear at Harrenhal; succeeded in killing him by driving Dark Sister into his blind eye, as well as the biggest dragon Vhagar. His body was never found, so it’s still speculated he lived to be with Nettles.
Meanwhile, Rhaenyra:
Sent Knights Inquisitor to pursue those who let Aegon II escape the capital, and apparently the spikes on the gates started to be filled with more fresh heads each day.
Levied higher taxes on the peasants each day, turning them against her, especially when she planned lavish celebration to mark Joffrey as heir to the Iron Throne.
After the Two Betrayers burned Tumbleton, irrationally decided that the other two loyal dragonseeds were also going to betray her, so sent warrants for both their deaths. She even tortured her former father-in-law Corlys Velaryon because he’d helped Addam escape, making him defect to the Greens. Her warrant for Nettles’ death under guest right (a sacred custom) led both Lord Mooton and her husband chief supporter to turn on her as well.
Overthrown by the smallfolk and forced to fled King’s Landing after the Storming of the Dragonpit to Dragonstone.
Was betrayed at Dragonstone by a senior member of her garrison, her remaining knights killed. Eventually, Aegon fed her to his dragon Sunfyre, who ate her in 6 bites in front of her 10 years old son.
Side by side like this, there’s no comparison. Daemon despite being characterized as impulsive and ruthless, was able to win 3 victories with relatively little bloodshed, and gets a heroic and epic death (and he might still be alive!), killing a legendary dragon and the biggest threat to the Seven Kingdoms, saving the Riverlands from Aemond’s tyranny and ending his reign of terror, but abandoning the Black cause to save an innocent teenage girl. Meanwhile, Rhaenyra orders executions and high taxes and tortures, turns her biggest allies against her, is chased out of the city in 6 months, gets betrayed and eaten by a dragon (she’s definitely dead, since hundreds of people saw it). She doesn’t get a single success of her own (even Aegon managed that in getting Dragonstone to defect), while he gets several despite having someone kill a child. Caraxes is an “old, fast, clever dragon” who helps win Harrenhal without a fight and kill Vhagar, while Syrax is a lazy dragon who mainly exists to get Joffrey killed and then die in the dragonpit (even Sunfyre is better than her, essentially coming to Aegon’s rescue). It’s not necessarily that Rhaenyra’s cause fell apart when Daemon abandoned her (though considering how he’s made so epic it’s a blow), it’s that her irrational, tyrannical actions caused nearly everyone to abandon her. If she hadn’t issued the warrant for Addam and Nettles’ deaths based on nothing but paranoia, then Daemon and Corlys wouldn’t have betrayed her, and considering the Dragonpit would’ve still happened, she’d at least have 3 dragonriders plus the wealth/loyalty of Driftmark on her side. Daemon gets introduced as “made of lightness and darkness in equal parts” meanwhile Rhaenyra is written as one-sidedly incompetent and tyrannical (to the point that even Aegon outshines her sometimes, despite him also being astonishingly incompetent and psychotic). There’s no sense of balance to her, she does basically nothing but the wrong political moves, when she’s supposed to be the protagonist of this story.
[*EDITS* are dated in various posts of post]
"no sense of balance", this is a great criticism of bk!Rhaenyra, or rather the writing for her. finitefall wrote something about Rhaenyra's tyranny HERE, Watsonianly and Doylistically. But my answer will be long and maybe a tedious answer to you so ignore it when it gets dumb, anon. I'm shooting from the dome. There's no analysis happening in this post.
Essentially/To Summarize:
Actually, Aegon was not as strategic as you think. No, he did not plan the Dragonstone fall or deliberate with anyone on how to seize it. that was done for him as much as Daemon taking Harrenhal for Rhaenyra was. And Rhaenyra had a set of circumstances that no other Targ monarch has had to face, not even Jaehaerys.
However!!!! I have out of text v in-text critiques. Basically, as a Doylist argument, yeah I agree. In-text and if we take the story as is? I think it's to pull the these sides into the despair of war and highlight the irresponsibility of it falling here in the first place. Wars must be done for a good reason, not because you killed your sister's son and usurped her for power. Or that you pull your families into a war where they'll die and the realm will be plunged in with you. Yes, HotD had something to the whole "both sides", but not to the extent that they make it: why canon!Rhaenrya wars doesn't matter at all.
And GRRM could have done the above AND emphasize that this never should have happened if not by misogyny without falling back on sexist tropes himself. Which is why this isn't a feminist tale; not because Rhaenyra herself is or should be a feminist (that's impossible) NOR because Fire and Blood was mean to be a "anti-female ruler" sort of thing and this any events where Rhaenrya did ride on Syrax burning people or strategizing and working through her pain was deliberately left out (how can you hide that fact that Rhaenyra would have done the dragon burning at least?! Survivors are also giving testimony! By that argument, we can say it wasn't Baela who burned Aegon, it was some male dragonseed. Nah.)
It's not a feminist tale or even much of a pro woman one because GRRM had so many opportunities to showcase a woman actively participate in a war (in 2 different ways without her being a swordswoman or something like that: flaming bitches OR/AND strategy/tactics/logistics) she was using to reclaim her authority and position and power WHILE showing how Gyldayn's book tries to make her out to be incompetent or evil *[6/1/24]*(and yes real histiographies or versions have both recorded great things women have achieved as they also brought both unsubtle and subtle bad-faith criticisms for those same actions [post from poorshadowspaintedqueens])*[6/1/24], END*…but didn't.
You can still tell the tale of how she became too paranoid and make a point of how the sexist writers saw this as female weakness by forcing them to record major events where she didn't do that but they had to record that anyway because it was so impactful on scale or effect. You can still make us witness her decline at her own hands or have her sons' deaths, one by one, affect her responses to specific events in the war. Make it so that the people around her were being shady and that's what encourages her paranoia to strengthen, that would be better. Make some sort of misunderstanding situation happen with most/if not all her supporters. Make Celtigar or Corlys do some questionable stuff or suspicious stuff (or seem like it, we don't know who's in the shadows trying to divide the blacks after all…) so she reasonably starts to suspect them and lose her trust in them, these men she has to sort of depend on to lead her armies and naval support and direct her funds, and then have some green strike in the moment of unpreparedness. Something!
Instead, canon!Rhaenyra's mental decline is too caricaturistic. *[6/1/24]*There are also some tiny saving graces (listed below, way below).*[6/1/24], END*
I imagine that this is all the motive for why you and some people might prefer show!Rhaenyra and her going to participate directly in the war as we've been clued on. I'll first say that I get why people do for S2 Rhaenyra...not so much S1 her. HERE is why I prefer bkRhaenyra before Rhaenyra-w-a-Sword pooped up AND summarizing, bc the writing for her in the show is still bad and sexist, but worse because it denies the neutral/good parts of bk!Rhaenyra.
Still, Branwynhalfwitch of Twitter explains it better (S2 Rhaenyra, anticipation).
And your ask reminds me of this ASK/POST about the same issues with Rhaenyra's writing. That anon said what you describe:
I don’t get why Martin uses a mother’s grief so often as a convenient plot device to force passivity, silence and absence on his female characters to fit the requirements of the plot, why it’s always the women who break down, rend their garments and retreat from public life, whereas men react to similar tragedies with anger, pursuit of vengeance and singular political focus.
It’s not necessarily that Rhaenyra’s cause fell apart when Daemon abandoned her (though considering how he’s made so epic it’s a blow), it’s that her irrational, tyrannical actions caused nearly everyone to abandon her. If she hadn’t issued the warrant for Addam and Nettles’ deaths based on nothing but paranoia, then Daemon and Corlys wouldn’t have betrayed her, and considering the Dragonpit would’ve still happened, she’d at least have 3 dragonriders plus the wealth/loyalty of Driftmark on her side. Daemon gets introduced as “made of lightness and darkness in equal parts” meanwhile Rhaenyra is written as one-sidedly incompetent and tyrannical (to the point that even Aegon outshines her sometimes, despite him also being astonishingly incompetent and psychotic). There’s no sense of balance to her, she does basically nothing but the wrong political moves, when she’s supposed to be the protagonist of this story. Rhaenyra is written as one-sidedly incompetent and tyrannical (to the point that even Aegon outshines her sometimes, despite him also being astonishingly incompetent and psychotic.
You're right, it's very Daemon-forward. Don't get me wrong, I see his value for Rhaenyra, but if you're going to write about a woman...write about her and don't let her fall completely to the interpretations of the writers against her when everyone else gets more story than her in her own war. IF you're going to make it about her trying to reclaim her birthright, make her decline much more organic, the pressure on her mind must be more gradual and sensical, and not immediately make her fold under pressure or death of sons. Because yes, mothers/women can think through their pain as Daemon did. Like in that other ask I likened your ask to, there are legends of women like that Sforza woman and Olga of Kiev putting their kids in safer but still active positions to participate in war so they them selves can then take over the war proceedings as unofficial head. Rhaenyra is the actual head of her side, with Daemon as her commander on the ground...so let her do something and colloborate! (By legend/history, Olga had her son throw a spear to signal the beginning of a war she wanted to wage, bc only the male monarch could to officially begin a war). Yeah-ish, not every woman, "realistically", can do something like that but this is fiction and again, in the story about a woman trying to take back her power through a war...do not undermine that point of her trying to defend herself by making her not defend herself, only to drive how wrong it was to usurp her through how her kids live with trauma the rest of their lives and "make up" for it by having the Targs descend from her. There's a difference b/t a woman herself gaining wins/trying her best for herself and her propagating "winners" eventually. (Talking about Aegon V and Dany mostly).
It strengthens the impression of high femme-in-presenting people unable to do the "hard"/big man stuff. It solidifies the whole medieval "women can't do war, that's why they aren't leaders" even as you try to say that Rhaenyra's grief this, Rhaenyra's miscarriage that, bc you're clearly creating reasons for why she will sit out when you do have the option of not doing so, as a writer.
It'd have been more meaningful to have Rhaenyra flout that medieval binarism by at least doing logistics or tactical stuff: oh, she may not be a warrior, but she impacts their moves by reviewing the battlefield or thinking up ways to replenish supplies for their armies or ways to infiltrate this castle and that castle, etc.
And have her burn a few soldiers, come in and do a "save the day" in that battle without necessarily having her swing a sword. She already sort of does flout the binary a little by being a dragonriding princess, in the Andal ideology of masc vs femme---like Branwynhalfwitch of Twitter says, lean on that fact that she is a dragonrider!
Why all this hype about her being the youngest rider to have bonded with a dragon if you're not going to allow her to really use said dragon to reestablish her political power?
Out-of-text: Lately I've gotten more frustrated by a lot of this. Yeah...I know I said once or twice that we as the readers, can still draw significance in how Rhaenyra's supposed mediocrity vs Aegon's craziness shows ever more the point of how sexism makes a mid/good woman undeserving in the face of any mid/evil/incompetent man but GRRM not giving Rhaenyra at least one self-generated strategy plan is more than annoying. It helps to make more substantial this "rational man" v "irrational woman" trope we're all done with because it make women way too passive in a story that's supposed to be their own. She is still the protagonist, just a not-well written one.
A better female character GRRM wrote in F&B is either Rhaena (Dreamfyre's rider, daughter of Queen Alyssa Velaryon and Aenys I) and perhaps Queen Alyssa Velaryon. Maybe Alysanne. The best is Rhaena, though. I wrote at least two posts back to back defending her AND made a 3 "volume" maybe 20 video series on TikTok...this girl is my babe.
I resent GRRM for the circle of "reasoning" I'm about to put you through.
Like I mention below abt Aegon at Dragonstone, Aegon "outshines" her in more crazy than genius or rational-ness. He actually never acts rationally. Like at all. So ironically, we got them similar in that aspect. Aegon was also, unlike Daemon, separated his whole life from that. Aegon is not and was never known for being the swordsguy/warrior his brother was. He was mentally and physically unprepared for war.
I believe GRRM's intent was to have Rhaenyra--who actually ruled Dragonstone for years and sat at council with Viserys and his councilmen for years listening and maybe giving suggestions/learning-- still was so separated from the face of violence and death to those closest to her, that she "lost" her will to meet her odds for a time when her Luke died. Why not Visenya? She lost not one but two, ad so she breaks down. But that's so...flaccid(?) to me, too. It's like he's saying that she "lost" herself or some faith there. Paralyzed by the realities of war and choosing to go to war. So both her and Aegon had been living in the lap of aristocratic wealth it seems, but then it also seems like Rhaenrya had a leg up on Aegon by having been an active ruler on Dragonstone....but then he doesn't take advantage of that one element of potential for Rhaenyra, that one advantage...why? Perhaps someone better at this can explain, I'm tearing my hair out!
By contrast, Daemon had experience and lived in with the possibility of his loved ones dying AND went to war in the Stepstones for years.
The arguments for why Rhaenyra's "deserving" to rule being relegated to how incompetently she acts in the war--like I've said in other posts--gets easily confused for she must actively fight in battle to be considered a good leader...which is exactly the sort of medieval thinking that argued femininity is itself an anthesis to war-faring, militancy, and leading; and we modern Americans and other Western nations don't even practice for leaders. Our president doesn't go travel to fight beside the troops, not even in airplanes. Should they start? That's a good question.
Anyway, I get reluctant to question GRRM's thinking here just bc it's so...dumb?
At the same time, I also truly think that Rhaenyra's "arc" and decline into paranoia does have a potentially interesting journey and that it began with her rivalry with Alicent, from the age of at least 12 if not when Aegon is born which when she is 9-10. What effect would Alicent's turning the court against her and trying to mentally tear her down have on a child growing up expected to also have to be queen? How did that look and turn into how she interacted with the men in her life--father, uncle, brothers, husbands....and the women/girls in her retinue, how did she really feel about them and why? We know the women were loyal more or less. How susceptible did her childhood make her to manipulation from men, where/when/with who did she draw lines/why? It's that GRRM also didn't get into how Rhaenyra may have developed an ever-present insecurity alongside and motivating her need to stand up for herself that grew and worsened with the first few disasters of the war...BUT HE FUCKING WASTED IT!!!
Yes, this is a history book with unreliable sources determined to paint female ruler=bad for stability, but they'd be forced or compelled to at least write a few achievements or two. If you're so attached to this concept and refuse to divulge this girls' thoughts through a fucking letter or journal entry or excerpts of such or something of reflection and thoughts of the moment that reveal character like with Daemon and Otto's letters in the Rouge Prince AND one, just ONE tactic she made up on her own during the war...preferably two. I wouldn't remove her grief and the paranoia entirely. (And I'm not necessarily talking altruistic; Rhaenyra is not and never was that. Just bc you maybe a little clever, doesn't mean you're nice or compassionate.)...You may question, why not Rhaena BB then, instead of Rhaenyra? Well, tbh I much prefer if we somehow got this for every single Targ, attached to every history book, alongside how the maesters interpreted those writings so we got meta-on-meta. Its just richer that way, more engaging. And each character would have still given a voice...after all why describe Daemon's actions in such unrealistic detail if you're goin that far? But alas. Maybe it's a bad or even worse idea, but I'm spitballing.
(Ironically, a lot like how HotD does with some of their own changes or tweaks, like Helaena being a dreamer, which makes me want to compare the two)
Levied higher taxes on the peasants each day, turning them against her, especially when she planned lavish celebration to mark Joffrey as heir to the Iron Throne.
Every bullet point aside from the Nettles one are things I don't really begrudge Rhaenyra for, but I do question why GRRM really made her so sheltered(?) isn't the right word but he made her not try. And with each point, why he decided to give her so much at once but not come up with one good plan that soiled anyway? Or is that sexist? Again, she ruled Dragonstone and sat at council for years....where's all that acumen and experience now?
I honestly don't know what I would have done to replenish the treasury after my wicked half brother and his cronies stole it without putting taxes on people if I have been born high classed. I wouldn't execute people at such alarming rates and I think I'd have a smaller investiture ceremony for my "Joffrey". But I don't know what I'd do. Can't go to the Triarchy bec they just killed one of my kids (Jace), wouldn't trust me, and don't really exist as a unified until anymore, less interested in Westerosi affairs after that. The Hightower armies are in the Reach and parts of the riverlands preventing aid from coming in. Cregan Stark is not due until my own death. So I have but my own funds from Dragonstone and my allies' funds. And you can't demand they fork over $ or you risk losing more allies that way.
I suppose that was what GRRM's job was.
Some posts I wrote about this problem, Watsonianly, so don't come for me:
Basically, GRRM also maybe trying to make her one tragic flaw her need to self determing in the face of people acting/telling her she doesn't deserve power bc she is female.
Doylistically, Rhaenyra's lack of "focus" (not to be that Try Guy) on what would happen after Viserys died can be attributed to GRRM just wanting her to be at a huge disadvantage at the beginning of the war, for that effect of off-kilterness and foreshadowing things never being the same again after 10 years of peace and presumed happiness with Daemon and her kids. However, writing this error -- without providing any sort of other reason other than she made Dragonstone her home -- does still belies her intelligence, or at least sacrifices that for that effect described. Because she had 10 or so years to contemplate the aftermath of her father's death. *EDIT (8/21/23) *And perhaps he did that on purpose to highlight how misogyny doesn't care what kind of person a woman is so much as it tries to reshape her into an evil being needing destroying so she could become the reason why women, in general, shouldn't rule and "disturb" the "natural" order of male rule. *END OF EDIT*
Some other saving graces:
A) *[6/1/24]*
Rosby and Stokeworth was an issue that I don't think that most women in Rhaenyra's shoes (from this world) could have have avoided without losing important things. It's a thing that reflects what real life Queen regnants also had to sometimes deal with when persuading men who lead their various martial units, provided supplies, aided in coups [Catherine the Great], etc. Against the concerted efforts of several camps (men and the women who lead armies on behalf of close male relatives) to prevent a woman from claiming power in her own right, the same power-claiming woman needs more than herself and a few other relatives to assure she gets the throne/seat/privilege, etc. Corlys is a sign of that very thing--he twice tells Rhaenrya that if she were to go by Daemon's suggestions of giving Ulf & Hugh any dead noble's (rightfully executed or not) past holdings and titles, the other lords wouldn't likely stand for it:
("Rhaenyra Triumphant") -- First Incident (Not Rosby & Stokeworth)
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("Rhaenyra Triumphant") -- Second Incident (Rosby & Stokeworth)
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Corlys held her naval support. And while yes for the sake pf setting a precedent of girls becoming lady regnants of houses or being considered as possible, more viable heirs, Rhaenyra ALSO has to measure if she can keep those supporting her to destroy the obstacles in her way so she can ascend and set that prime precedent of female rule. She can't do that if she doesn't win.
If she chose to have these girls become the ladies of their houses, it could have alienated some of the lords she needed to stick with her and support her during an ongoing war. With Daeron-the Hightowers and their army doing well against their own soldiers outside of the city. And she denied Ulf and Hugh the Baratheon/Lannister holdings (correctly) in the next black council when they deliberated how to deal with her brothers, Alicent & Helaena, and those who helped the greens usurp her. She measured the high risks and decided it was way too big in lieu of her other circumstances. (We don't get how she herself felt about it, bc no letters, journal entries, self-reminders, no notes...)
The bulk of her argument for being queen was that the past King/monarch chose her, not that her womanness made her a needed ruler. This is our/the reader's argument. What about the person who must do the actual thing of becoming the precedent, though? There are still material steps to be made towards that. While I would love to see a woman choose to take on that risk, I understand it as the risk it is, what world she grew up in, her limitations, etc.
As Rhaena the Black Bride/Dreamfyre's rider could have been much "nicer" to her kids, she wasn't because of extentuating circumstances--where her own family isolated her despite how they essentially made sure she herself couldn't ascend, how she already proved her loyalties, how she was abandoned by her mother, and how she endured Maegor raping her. Rhaena, who also faced patriarchal violence and is blamed for not "rising above it" by fans. Rhaena is better written--her psychological distress much more comes across as organic bc: the distress does that stop her from seeking and achieving revenge against Androw Farman and even Maegor in various ways and levels and it doesn't or stop her from actively trying and sometimes succeeding in making her and her kids' situations better--but this one element of being trapped in the world you are born into with limited options holds true for Rhaenyura. At least with Rosby/Stokeworth and how she intended to deal with her brothers/their supporters.
And the pressure, again, of the stolen treasury, threat of her brothers still out there, two sons dead violently and her unable to bury either of them. Everything of this happening all at once...I maintain that it would have raised more faith if GRRM made her do the Dragonseed bit herself or more events where she took the lead, but that doesn't mean that since she is the final decision maker that we/GRRM should totally erase how this would cause more of a mental toll on her versus Daemon or Corlys. It's just that he refused to write more events showcasing Rhaneyra's getting back into the "game", so to speak. To show any trace of the clued education and resilience SOONER and MORE OFTEN before Jace dies. Those things that he himself clued us in on from the pre-war era, in favor of letting his male characters shine.
Still, Rosby and Stokeworth was an actually difficult conundrum of a rock and a hard place.
*[6/1/24], END*
and he might still be alive!
That's more legend/fandom wishful thinking. He's definitely not alive. But yeah, he's male and an active one in the war so he gets a legend.
Why don't Visenya, Rhaenya and Alysanne all get "legends" of their own? Because Visenya and Rhaena conquered Westeros w/Aegon while acting as pseudo-Queen Regents/Regnants, apssing laws in the realm they constructed. Instead of just being his consorts. As his consort, Jaehaerys I allowed Alysanne to give suggestions and critiques, but she never actually made or passed or enforced laws; while without her many laws wouldn't have been made or they wouldn't have been abolished, she is also still Jaehaerys' consort without any "hard" political power required to directly change structures in Westeros without having to persuade Jaehaerys to do so. It's part of the decline of female non-militant autonomy and direct authority (which came with the Targ assimilation into the comparatively more violent, abusive, and restrictive Andal patriarchy) that was beginning to rise again with Rhaenrya becoming heir and given that male-designated power...until she's usurped.
even Aegon managed that in getting Dragonstone to defect
However, anon, Aegon actually didn't accomplish the Dragonstone thing. There is no indication that he orchestrated or planned in detail how to take Dragonstone. That was Larys and the men who actually took it for Aegon while he sat up in the cliffs of Dragonstone. ("Rhaenyra Overthrown"):
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And the only other moment where one could say he displayed some leadership--Rook's Rest--when he decided to fight on dragonback, it was a terrible plan he ended up flamebroiled, which shows how Rhaenyra was better staying out of the battle not already being battle trained herself. Again, we have no indication that Aegon was much of a warrior, like how Viserys was not and Daemon was. Because he rushed too much and wanted to hammer his opponents out of aggreived impatience, partially due to his son getting killed and more so because his ego needed him to show how he can beat the other side and annihilate them. He loses his temper several times at Otto until he dismisses him for Cole's more aggressive approach ("The Red Dragon and the Gold"):
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Caraxes is an “old, fast, clever dragon” who helps win Harrenhal without a fight and kill Vhagar, while Syrax is a lazy dragon who mainly exists to get Joffrey killed and then die in the dragonpit (even Sunfyre is better than her, essentially coming to Aegon’s rescue)
Some theorize that Syrax actually shows what happens when you domesticate your dragons or force them into enclosed spaces for long periods of time. But this sentence and other indications that. Plot-wise, it certainly looks like Syrax is completely useless and yet ("The Blacks and the Greens"):
“That makes four dragons of fighting size,” said Rhaenys. Queen Helaena’s twins had their own dragons too, but no more than hatchlings; the usurper’s youngest son, Maelor, was possessed only of an egg. Against that, Prince Daemon had Caraxes and Princess Rhaenyra Syrax, both huge and formidable beasts.
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Where's she planned to be a part of at least the KL takeover and ambush if not be the last point of a line of dragons bc the monarch must always be protected...but GRRM makes it so Rhaenyra hangs back for some woman-specific physical reason or other: recovery from miscarriage AND grief or just her anxiety over her sons' deaths.
And Syrax lays many, many eggs that are stored for future Targs--more than other female dragons have been known to. I wouldn't call her completely "useless", it's that she wasn't used for war -- against, that maternal element that feels insufficient for wartime, at least as the only thing she's doing for the blacks.
("A Question of Succession"):
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("The Blacks and the Greens")
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On the one hand, yay, more dragons and the symbolism of fertility and women being the center of Targaryen magic and prosperity and Rhaenyra is very happy to birth her final two boys and she wanted her Visenya. All definite heirs to the dynasty...
On the other, it seems as if GRRM is also maintaining a binary between female reproductive labor vs masculinized military labor (not just swordwork but tactical, strategy, logistics, etc.). Canon!Rhaenyra is what I've called "high-femme" in presentation and lack of knowledge of how to confront through arms (swords, bow-and-arrow, basically anything physical and war-related). I've also often said that Rhaenyra is not and never will be Daenerys Stormborn, who has many gender subversions without being very "tomboy". Like Arya (no, bk Arya is actually interested in "femme" stuff, it's that she's teased and discouraged bc she doesn't act "ladylike" in the Westerosi paradigm of aristocratic femininity). She doesn't have the same sort of background nor the compassion as either of these two, but does have the backbone to not succumb to other's calls for her to give up something they do not think she deserves due to her gender--in the beginning of her life, events before Lucerys' death, and then when she gets to KL onwards. Daenerys is way more complex and interesting, but if anything this is the only thing I can think of that these two women share and it's very important still. (Even though Dany's not a woman-woman.)
And it presents the question of why GRRM didn't allow Rhaenyra to do both and present more to do with her but make her just fail because of very unlucky shit other than the KL stuff? Like her make her strategic, but luck or the green counteract and got the better of her...because it is a fact that she has to die in some way. Not only that, she has to die/lose partly by her own hand, which she does by not getting a handle on the paranoia that's been accruing since childhood (yes) and relying on her class to carry her in a way where it opposes Dany and Nettles' ingenuity and understanding of dragon bonding. But again, that sort of mania, level of loss of senses, and how its used in the story to disable her from participating in some way in her own cause is...crazy and a cheap and sexist shot to make her fall by her own hand. Making her lose all her sons within a short time is dramatic and expressive of the horror of this particular war...you couldn't do that by giving more to your female protagonist things to do as you kill off her kids?!
I'm actually fine that Rhaenyra doesn't directly participate in war-faring as Visenya or Rhaenys or how Daenerys inevitably will--not every person is a warrior or can be, to enact great positive change. Like Daeron II & Alysanne (Alysanne may or may not be a good example bc she may have been discouraged from using Silverwing for that, but we don't see her confronted with this possibility behind closed doors, so...). Not everyone can/should be a swordsperson, archer, etc. What happens when you were not trained in these things, should you be considered "useless"? Or what if you simply weren't good at it?
*[6/22/24]* But she could OR she could have in strategy or logistics or something. But it's like because she doesn't have those of her body with her anymore, her mind must go as well? It's not even that she became "crazy" at the very end so much as she became paranoid and I'm sure that the impression of her going "crazy" was manufactured subtly by Gyldayn...but GRRM couldn't have given Rhaenrya more of a material reason to suspect those around her and not diffrentiate Ulf/Hugh from Addam/Alyn Velaryon/Nettles?! Bc in our eyes and observations, the Velaryons and Nettles' loyalties are undoubtable and she also had some moments of quiet to try to gather herself while at KL to even be a part of many councils and make decisions she had the capacity to think..., so why does Rhaenyra so easily suspect them even with the hanging deaths of her kids over her head? This is still a fictional piece of work; GRRM had options and we know he's creative enough. How this is all written without even a rumor of how Rhaenyra reasoned more Dragonseeds would betray her, unless this is just lost to history AND it is Gyldayn/other maesters before him doing dirty work?
Perhaps this is another reason why I really don't mind a little rewrite here for Rhaenyra, as long as it's written well and I don't trust these writers of HotD for a sec to provide a nonsexist reason for her turning on the Dragonseeds. *[6/22/24], END*
And then there's the definition of a warrior to be discussed: Rhaenys the Conqueror was still war-faring on Meraxes, Meraxes was her war device as much as Vhagar and Balerion were for the sword-wielding other two. It is Andal parameters of "warrior" that has labeled Rhaenys as not one even as she, on a dragon, burnt people at the Field of Fire. Do we not consider Air Force to be "warriors"--well Americans and those in the military have a weird thing about Air Force vs Marines vs yada yada, but again that might (probably) be patriarchy at work. Either way, in this case, yes Rhaenyra could have at least done the Rhaenys thing and stayed on Syrax burning people alive. So I fine with this happening on HotD as well. There's interesting commentary to come from that that GRRM refused to indulge.
Honestly, I don't know. To me it has to do with what the former brideoffires/Twitter's danylanzhou has said about Nettles and Dany, how Rhaenrya did not have what they describe and how GRRM actually went way too hard in the paint for that. but that's as much as I can say.
Do any if these graces make her a more active OR complex/interesting character to read as we are given? Not really. Again, not without PoV chapters or at the very least letter or journals or something(s) she wrote for reflection if she was ever interested in that, IF GRRM just refused to just give her more stuff to do. It's as disappointing as when some Shakespeare fans describe their extreme disappointment with how Merchant of Venice contradicts his other play's wittier and more...compassionate(?) tend to be.
I also still don't like and will never like HotD's Rhaenyra bc they also simply have not developed her with the money they had before the strikes. And now with this DV shit, I definitely will never like the writing for her...because how the fuck is she so determined but performs no domestic power against Daemon after ruling Dragonstone for years?!!! How is this "better" and not more sexist than canon?! [@rhaenin-time's post HERE]
So yeah, in this way, HotD is just following GRRM's lead...while not at the same time.
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a-random-whovian7 · 2 years
What your favourite New Who Companion says about you (absolutely no offence meant towards anyone, this is just for fun):
Rose: Either the most vanilla person alive, or an RTD era purist. Has spent years fighting for the honor of the RTD era. Ships Ten and Rose to the degree that they shudder at the thought of the Doctor having a relationship with someone else. Is constantly at war with Amy stans. Part of the reason for the RTD enjoyer vs Moffat fan civil war. Usually nice in real life, and quite nostalgic for the Tennant era, so usually OK to be friends with. Unless they say Mickey was treated fairly, at which point, you should run.
Mickey: One of the most kind-hearted, empathetic people, who saw how Mickey was mistreated by Rose in S2 and immediately just wanted to check if he was OK. Is able to hold decent relations with Rose stans due to Mickey's character development after the relationship, and has a surprisingly strong alliance with Rory fans. Was gutted when they heard about Noel Clarke's horrible behaviour and actions.
Adam: Let's be real, we all forgot this guy existed and for good reason.
Captain Jack: Every night, they lie in bed, haunted by the ghost of Torchwood. Loved seeing Jack again in S12, but felt disappointed after his lack of presence in Revolution of the Daleks. Has modelled several aspects of their personality on the Captain, and has the dating life (or lack thereof) to prove it. Cried at the deaths of Ianto and John Barrowman's career.
Martha: Basically Rose fans, except with slightly more indie music taste. Either that, or a person who knows how integral Martha is to 10's character arc. Has attempted to defend the "Space Jesus" scene a couple of times, and cried with happiness when Harbo Wholmes said that it worked in his review. Has a bit of a patchy relationship with Rose stans due to the Doctor's rebound arc, gets along better with Donna stans due to the fact that S4 acknowledged that 10 mistreated Martha. Generally has good taste and is nice to be around, just don't mention how undeveloped her relationship with Tom was.
Donna: Either a child of the late 90s/early 2000s who had the joy of watching New Who at it's peak in 2008, a person who really appreciates great character writing and an excellent series, or someone who just wanted a break from the companion having a romantic subplot. Often gets into heated arguments with Amy stans by (correctly) saying that Series 4 was better than Series 5. Uses Donna's funny dialogue and quips to hide the fact they are still recovering from one of the cruellest companion exits in the show. Generally nice, but very defensive of The Doctor's Daughter.
Wilf: I love these guys. Knows that a) Wilf is the single best character in the entirety of New Who and b) he counts as a companion. Has the best possible taste, and is an absolute joy to be around as a result of it. An emotional wreck after every single rewatch of The End of Time, especially now that the legendary Bernard Cribbins has left us. Has excellent relations with Donna stans, and was similarly overjoyed when they heard about the 60th. Refuses to admit that The End of Time would have possibly worked better as a 90 minute special.
Amy: Definitely has followed the eons-old teaching of "gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss" at some point. Refuses to admit A Good Man Goes to War was mid and that Amy really badly mistreated our sweet prince Rory in a large chunk of S5. Is really happy that Karen Gillan made it big in Hollywood. Friendly unless you say you prefer Rose to Amy. Could not be comforted after that cameo in Time of the Doctor.
Rory: Their favourite episode is usually The Girl Who Waited. Loyal, friendly, introverted and lovable, they of course identify with Rory's slightly long-suffering but accepting and funny character. Understandably annoyed at how Amy mistreated Rory in S5, but happy that S6 & 7A fixed that marriage. Thanks to Rory waiting for 2000 years, their bar for any personal relationship has been set insanely high. Celebrated when the BBC actually allowed Arthur Darvill to style his hair in S7A. Had to check Rory was definitely dead at the end of Angels Take Manhattan due to Moffat killing him whenever more tension was needed in a story.
River Song: Divided into two groups. Those who like River Song's more nuanced appearances in Silence in the Library, A Good Man Goes to War and The Husbands of River Song are awesome. Those who prefer the episodes that Moffat wrote with one hand, less so. Was overjpyed to see the Moffat Era reappraisal of 2020, only to be slightly disappointed when people said S6 was his weakest series. Wierdly enough, gets along nicely with all other companion stans. Has definitely said "Hello sweetie" to their partner/partners/friends/pets. If they prefer 12 and River to 11 and River, pass them the aux on a long journey (trust me on this one).
Clara: From my personal experience, there is a 60% chance that they are a closeted bisexual. Doesn't get why Clara was so overhated, especially in S9. Is wierdly OK with admitting that Victorian Clara was slightly more interesting to begin with, but knows that the character worked so well in 12's era. If they ship 11 and Clara, keep an eye on them. They haven't fully earned your trust yet.
Bill: Heterosexuality was never an option. Gets along well with Clara stans, as they both know how much the 12th Doctor's era s l a p p e d. Had their emotions mangled during the S10 finale, but fortunately came out intact thanks to that puddle and a happy-ish ending. Loved that Bill called 12 out on his bullshit and asked all the trivial questions we were all thinking. Singlehandedly drove the Moffat Era reappraisal over quarantine. Has the best fashion sense out of all the stans.
Nardole: A terrifying enigma. Looked at all the companions with complex stories, interesting arcs and major development, but instead went with the comic relief. Yes, Nardole is funny and a great support character, but... er... how? They can be nice. They can also be fans of Little Britain, which is a red flag. It's a roll of the dice.
Graham: Bradley Walsh was the highlight of the slightly undervalued S11, and they know it. Definitely has the vibe of being 10+ years older than they actually are in terms of attitude, but in the best way. Has definitely owned a pair of cords in their life. Goes into Doctor Who just looking for a fun hour of entertainment rather than lore. Great to hang out with. They always bring snacks.
Ryan: Tries to ignore the fact that Ryan has the most fucking insulting depiction of dyspraxia in any form of media (sorry, I have dyspraxia, and the way it was treated in S11 & 12 just really rubbed me the wrong way), but is also helpful and really in favour of spreading awareness. We're cool for now.
Yaz: One of the nicest, most well-intentioned people you will ever meet, always defending the underdog, supporting others and just being sweeter than a tea with six sugars, but also a master of illusion. Has read so many fan fictions, seen so much fan art and shipped Thasmin so much that they have tricked themselves into thinking Yaz is a three-dimensional, well-written character whose story was not completely made up on the go by Chibnall. Little more than a defeated husk after Power of the Doctor, being rewarded for all those years of fanfics, shipping and defending the era with a couple of longing stares and some hastily written "will they/won't they" scenes before 13 unceremoniously booted Yaz out of the TARDIS. Thinks Demons of the Punjab is the best 13 episode when it is really The Haunting of Villa Diodati.
Dan: Is more of a fan of John Bishop and his charisma than they are a fan of Dan, or is a terminally online person who thinks quoting "Evil Dan" videos makes them the funniest human alive (it really doesn't).
Want more of this for some reason? Try your Favourite Doctor or Favourite Master
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freesia-writes · 1 month
Ch 37: Ceremony
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Master List ~~ Previous Chapter ~~ WC: 2k
It’s totally not for this fic but I can’t stop thinking about this gorgeous post from @faya-feya and how it captures the same vibe I was going for here! 🥹 So go show it some love!!
“I was going to surprise you all with it, but I just can’t wait to show you,��� Omega said brightly, standing from her seat at the long table on the patio and disappearing inside the house for a moment. Curious glances were passed back and forth between the family, and Hunter relished the fleeting sense of normalcy. When she reappeared, holding something behind her back, all attention returned to her. With a flourish, she produced a smooth piece of wood upon which hung a beautiful dress. It shimmered as it reflected the glow of the string lights above, earning an authentic cacophony of “ooh”s and “ahh”s from the table. 
“That’s some nice work!” Phee exclaimed, watching Omega’s smile grow even wider. “Got some details in there, I see?”
“Yes!” Omega gushed, pointing at various parts of the dress. “There are little tributes to each of you in it!” As she explained, Hunter felt a strong sense of admiration as he watched her proudly review all her hard work and creative effort. The others were beaming just as much, delighted with the way she’d brought them all together in one representative piece. 
“It is truly a work of art, Omega.”
“Thanks Tech!”
“It’s… It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Wrecker said, his booming voice shaky with emotion as he wiped a single tear from his eye. 
“Wow, Omega, you’ve outdone the Kamino armory,” Crosshair said, but his face was undeniably soft as he radiated awe and gave her a meaningful nod, to which she responded with a wink. 
“You did good, kid,” Phee said warmly, as Echo echoed the sentiment from his seat beside her. 
“And I got seats in the front row for all of you!” she continued, holding the dress up to her front and giving a little spin for all to see. 
“We’ll be there,” said Hunter. 
* * * 
The Advancement Ceremony for the students was the culminating event of their school year, which they had spent in various job shadows and internships as they prepared for their adult lives. Since the years on Xylo were 400 days long, it had given Omega ample time to explore many options, and she had enjoyed every single one. The Ceremony was a formal affair at the school, where a large stage was erected for the students to parade across after a select few shared some heartfelt thoughts about their time. Almost everyone on the island was there, to support the young adults as they joined society in a new capacity, and the air sparkled with joviality and unity as the crowd found their seats. 
The school staff was seated in rows across the back of the stage, with the picturesque views of the expansive hills behind them leading down to the sea, and Hunter felt a twist in his chest as he spotted Lyra, tucked between some of the teachers and mentors of the program. He’d been surprised that she was able to return to her position after having disappeared for a few months on Keytoll, but she’d been resourceful in her communications with the right people and had salvaged her job through it all. She was dressed like the rest, in a somewhat pompous uniform that he would have laughed at if her presence weren’t such a burden to him. They hadn’t spoken for nearly a week, since he’d unceremoniously left her house after everything had fallen both apart and together. 
“Thank you all for coming!” the headmaster began, and the multitude of voices quieted as he held up his hands. “We are so proud of our students for all their efforts this year, and we would like to also extend our gratitude to all of you for encouraging and supporting them in their endeavors. We will begin with a few student reflections, followed by some awards from the teachers, and then we will bequeath each student with their traditional Xyloan lei.”
Students shared, the audience clapped, and Hunter watched Omega’s patient, joyful face beaming from her seat on the side of the stage. Where her future would take her from here, he didn’t know, but he was overwhelmed with pride and gratitude to have been a part of her life the way he had. As the proceedings continued to the awards, he felt his stomach churn as Lyra stood behind the podium. He could feel her anxiety from where he sat, and he noticed how carefully she kept her gaze moving in a general scan across the crowd, avoiding direct eye contact with any one person. 
“It is my honor to present the students with individual achievement awards,” she began, her voice constricted as she fought to keep the tremble at bay. “We take note of exemplary displays of the positive characteristics that we most desire our students to develop, in the hopes that future participants would also seek to model these traits. So, without further ado, I would like to start by bringing Larkin to the front.” She turned to face the group of students, beckoning to a burly, dark-haired boy at the end. 
Lyra described his zeal in pursuing some of the most challenging placements, then passed a small crystal trophy into his hands as she proclaimed him the recipient of the Diligence Award. The crowd clapped and cheered for him after he said a few words, then again after she honored another boy with the Critical Thinking Award. Finally, she looked down at the last trophy, a wistful smile on her lips as she raised her eyes again to the crowd. 
“Lastly, I would like to present the Gold Award, which is rather uniquely named as we couldn’t ever find a single word to most accurately summarize all that it represents. This recognition goes to a student who was creative and open-minded in the opportunities presented. She was incredibly kind to all that crossed her path and maintained a strong sense of integrity no matter what she was faced with. There is an optimism, brightness, and joy to her that spread to those around her, and she was encouraging and inspiring simply by being who she is. In virtually every way, she has a heart of gold.”
It had to be her. Hunter knew. No one could match those qualities like Omega, and he was surprised at the tears that sprang to his own eyes as she watched, wide-eyed, from her seat. 
“Please join me in congratulating Omega,” Lyra finished, smiling proudly as she was quickly joined by the young woman. Omega flung her arms around her in a tight hug, and after the initial surprise, Lyra softened around her, resting her cheek on her blonde hair for a moment. She radiated authentic love and deep care, and Hunter choked down the lump in his throat. 
“Yeah Omega!!” Wrecker hollered, his voice ringing out above the cheers of the crowd. Echo whistled and Crosshair clapped vigorously beside Tech, who had the biggest smile on his face that Hunter had ever seen. He was overwhelmed with sheer gratitude. The raucous applause died down as Omega stepped up to the microphone, clearing her throat with visible apprehension. 
“Thank you,” she said, wincing as the speakers squeaked. “Tech, you should have a look at those,” she continued, earning a laugh of delight from the crowd. “I don’t have much to say, because I have too much to say.” Her eyes slowly moved across the line of family members in the front row, and she pressed her lips together to withhold the emotion threatening to spill over. “Thank you to all of the teachers,” she said, more businesslike now in an attempt to hold it together. “Thank you to the mentors and supervisors,” she nodded at Lyra, “for giving us perspective, insight, and the little boosts we needed when we got discouraged or frustrated. And most of all, thank you to my family…” A pause, a glance to the sky to blink back tears. “Because I most certainly wouldn’t be here without them.” 
Her eyes lingered on Crosshair, silently sharing the bond that they alone had. She looked at Tech, brimming with fondness. She smiled at Echo, admiring and affectionate. Her grin widened at Wrecker as her eyes softened. And she finished with a long, significant gaze at Hunter, too many emotions for either of them to reconcile across her beautiful face. 
“I love you all,” she said quietly, then looked back to Lyra, who gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder and a reassuring nod, then guided her back to her seat. 
“My allergies are killing me,” Wrecker joked, wiping his streaming eyes with his sleeves, and Crosshair brushed away his own tear behind hunched shoulders, turned away from the others. 
* * * 
Hunter’s ears were still ringing from the sheer volume of the event as he and Omega made their way back to the cabin. It was late afternoon by the time everything wrapped up and everyone had finished flocking around the students with their well-wishes. The relative silence of the forest cushioned his head, wrapping him in warmth as they strolled along the path. He was grateful for the one-on-one time, the others having retreated to Tech and Phee’s for snacks and camaraderie, and Omega had surprised him with her choice to follow him home for a few hours before rejoining the others. 
“I’m so proud of you,” he confessed quietly as she drew alongside him when the dirt path widened. 
“Thank you, Hunter,” she said earnestly, giving his hand a quick squeeze before letting it go. “I’m proud of all of you!”
He chuckled, “For what?”
“For making lives for yourselves. For going through so much. For being faithful to one another. For fighting for good. For letting me join your family.” 
“You’ve always been one of us,” he smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. They walked in silence for a while, until he could tell she’d been regarding him with churning thoughts for a while. “What is it?” he invited, a wry grin on his lips.
“How are you?” she asked quietly. 
“Fine, why?”
“Really,” she pressed with a knowing look. 
“I’m happy for you. I’m happy to be here. I’m happy that everyone is safe and content.”
“Are you content?” 
He took a breath, then paused. Finally, he answered, “Content enough.”
“Hunter,” she sighed, stopping and turning to face him as he mimicked her movements. “It seems like you hold yourself back from happiness.”
He opened his mouth to protest, then took a different route, lifting one side of his shirt. “I mean… Does this look like holding back?” She laughed as his half-skeleton butterfly tattoo caught the sunlight, a souvenir from his wild times with Luci. 
“You know what I mean,” she continued, following as he began walking again. 
“What am I supposed to do?” he asked, a touch of exasperation masking the genuine question behind it. 
“Why won’t you talk to Lyra?”
A pang at her name. He remained silent.
“It’s just… too much,” he confessed, eyes downcast. “Secrets and deceit… jerked back and forth…”
“You can’t trust her anymore?” She pinpointed his fear effortlessly.
“I doubt she can trust me either,” he deflected. 
“You both kept things from each other to protect those you love. If anything, that should bring you closer together because you both know what it’s like. But ultimately… Do you want it to be what it was? Or better, even? Does she make your life more full? Joyful? Content?”
Hunter paused to reflect, eyes flitting to and fro on the path before them as it passed beneath his feet. He considered the heaviness on his shoulders and the ache in his chest as well as the deep, wistful longing he didn’t want to acknowledge. For a time, it had felt like peace. Contentment. Simple, uncomplicated enjoyment of life. But that felt like a door that had closed behind him. 
He looked at Omega, and she looked at him. She already knew his answer. 
And, he realized, he did too. 
Song: What A Wonderful World /Somewhere Over The Rainbow
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cemeteryangel725 · 5 months
Reviewing the Armies: A Good Omens Civil War AU by CemeteryAngel725
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Thank you so much to @shipper-of-all-things for helping with the cover image!
Rated E, 5,573 words
3rd installment of the Coming into Focus series
Read here on AO3!
It is May of 1865 and the war is over, or nearly over. Aziraphale has relocated to Washington, DC, and he is counting down the hours until he can be reunited with Anthony. When they meet again, sparks fly.
Time to prepare. Aziraphale reached for a glass plate, his hands trembling. Oh, it wouldn’t do to drop a plate at all. They were so fragile, and there was so much room for error in the process. Aziraphale had heard a rumor that Alexander Gardner had broken his last photographic negative of President Lincoln — had cracked it while pouring the developer and had thrown the plate away after pulling just a single print, not knowing the significance of what he had. Yes, best be careful.
Somehow, Aziraphale managed to pour the collodion steadily, his years of experience coming to his rescue. He handed the plate to Adam and prepared another, just in case his timing was off. Then it was time to wait, watching the minutes tick by on his watch as the soldiers streamed by on the street. Aziraphale crossed his arms, holding his elbows to steady himself.
There. Oh, there.
Anthony was riding alongside his regiment on a glossy black stallion, his scarlet curls peeking out from under his kepi and catching the sunlight, a burst of fire in a sea of blue uniforms. His back was straight and his shoulders thrown back, looking every inch the conquering hero. Aziraphale’s heart swelled. All these months of worry, praying for Anthony’s return, imagining the worst, keeping every perfect memory as a talisman in his heart. And here Anthony was, safe and strong and gloriously whole, right before Aziraphale’s eyes.
All the love to the denizens of @goodomensafterdark!
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rebelumbrella46 · 3 months
HOTD 2x03 "The Burning Mill" Thoughts
First off, I want to give a heads-up: this review might come across as more negative than positive. If that’s not what you’re looking for, consider this your warning. In my previous reviews, I've followed a structure focusing on Team Black and Team Green. However, this time, I'll break it down into three parts: The Good, The Bad, and The Absurd.
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The Good...
The opening scene with the disagreement between Bracken and Blackwood was a strong start. It’s one of the few scenes in "House of the Dragon" that expands the world of Westeros beyond the central Targaryen power struggle. One of the things that "Game of Thrones" excelled at was creating a sense of a vast, intricate world, filled with diverse places, characters, and storylines. This complexity made the conflicts feel far-reaching and impactful on a grand scale.
In contrast, "House of the Dragon" primarily focuses on the internal strife within House Targaryen and their immediate circle of allies and enemies. This narrower focus, while rich in character-driven drama, sometimes makes the world feel smaller and the conflicts less consequential in the broader context of Westeros. The Bracken and Blackwood scene serves as a reminder of the larger world outside the Targaryen dynasty, offering a glimpse into the ongoing feuds and politics that exist beyond the main narrative.
By highlighting the tension between these two lesser houses, the show briefly expands its scope, reminding us that the repercussions of the Targaryen conflict ripple outward, affecting all of Westeros. It also reinforces the idea that the Dance of the Dragons isn't just a highborn squabble but a conflict with deep roots and widespread implications.
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The Burning Mill
Although "The Burning Mill" as an episode title initially felt like a letdown—given that we saw nothing of the battle itself—it makes sense that the writers are reserving their budget for major battles involving the central characters. Upon reflection, the first scene and the episode's title serve as a metaphor for the complex beginnings of the Dance of the Dragons. As Rhaenys pointedly says, soon no one will truly know what sparked the war. When exactly did it start? Was it Aemond killing Lucerys? The Greens usurping the Throne? Alicent's attack on Rhaenyra after Aemond lost his eye? Rhaenyra’s first bastard, which undermined her claim? Alicent's green dress at Rhaenyra's wedding? Aegon's birth? Viserys declaring Rhaenyra his heir? Or did it begin even earlier with the Great Council choosing Viserys over Rhaenys? Jaehaerys appointing Otto Hightower as Hand? Or when the Old King’s heirs died, leaving him without a clear successor?
The true starting point of the conflict is elusive, just like the symbolic burning mill—it’s a gradual build-up of many sparks rather than a single igniting event.
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Criston Cole "The Hand of the King"
It's surprising to admit, but I actually found myself enjoying some of Criston Cole's scenes in this episode. His moments of self-doubt and humility, coupled with the absence of insults towards Rhaenyra or explicit scenes with Alicent, made it easier to be reminded of the Criston Cole we saw in the early episodes of season 1. I could sense his struggle with being appointed Hand of the King and his need to prove himself through battle. The scene in the field where Baela pursued them was particularly memorable for me.
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However, I was frustrated by the lack of "Dracarys." Baela could have used her dragon to burn the forest, and at least kill some of the knights with them, if not Criston or Gwayne. Which led me to realize the show has refrained from reaching the shocking and gruesome levels of "Game of Thrones,". Despite this, I loved Baela's character development in this episode.
I have to say, I absolutely fell in love with Moondancer's design. The way they've brought this dragon to life is breathtaking. Can’t wait to see Sunfyre.
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Gwayne Hightower
Another character introduced this episode was Alicent's brother, Gwayne Hightower. His presence intrigued me, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of the actor and his character interactions with Cole. It would be interesting if they developed a kind of friendship or mutual respect, leading Cole to reflect on his past aspirations as a knight and how he lost sight of them due to his resentment towards Rhaenyra.
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Once again, Mysaria is a character I'm always eager to see. I hope she is present in future councils. While I understand and respect Rhaenys' counsel, I believe Rhaenyra needs someone akin to Olenna Tyrell to remind her, "You are a Dragon, not a sheep. So be a dragon."
I'm pleased to see Rhaena finally having a role in this episode. It feels like there's been a good buildup to her eventually claiming a dragon. It really makes me question what will happen if she does claim a dragon. Will she disobey Rhaenyra and come home to join the fight? Or will they actually make it to Pentos? It was heartbreaking to see Rhaenyra saying goodbye to her kids, especially with a sense of foreboding about what might come next.
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The Curse of Harrenhall
Harrenhall and Daemon are the highlights of the episode. As usual, Daemon remains the most intriguing character to follow, complex and difficult to fully understand. I'm unsure whether his taking of Harrenhal is on Rhaenyra's behalf or if he's contemplating betrayal and will later regret it. The castle itself is terrifying and evokes a deep interest in Aegon the Conqueror and the conquest. I could almost feel the echoes of Balerion's fire consuming Harrenhall, envisioning the incinerated corpses of House Hoare and its subjects haunting the halls.
The dream sequence was striking, introducing a witch into the show to spice things up. Seeing Milly Alcock again was a delight, and her chanting was chilling. The image of her sewing little Jaehaerys was shocking, and I'm glad they're adding depth to Daemon's character rather than painting him outright as a villain this season.
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Alys Rivers
We are introduced to another character, Alys Rivers, who intrigues me the most among all the new characters brought to the screen this episode. After witnessing Aemond's transformation from a fierce and mad Targaryen to a bullied child with mommy issues, it's clear that Alys will likely play a significant role in controlling him in the future.
And the “You will die at this place…” HOLY SHIT. Battle at God’s Eye confirmed! Something epic is coming.
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I really appreciated Heleana's scene with Alicent, particularly because it highlighted the depth of Alicent's love for her daughter—a redeeming quality amidst her other actions. I also noticed the resemblance between them, especially in their instinct to protect their daughters over their sons. It was a poignant moment that showcased Heleana's compassion and empathy towards the common folk, hinting at her potential to be a good queen akin to Alysanne.
Heleana's 'I forgive you' was a powerful gesture, offering Alicent the absolution she seeks while subtly acknowledging her role in the tragic events of that night.
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Larys is a character I particularly enjoy because he embodies everything that makes great players in the Game of Thrones universe. Like Littlefinger, Varys, and even Tyrion, he constantly climbs in power and manipulates those around him effortlessly. He poses a significant threat to Team Black with his cunning and schemes.
Speaking of great players, I really missed Otto in this episode. His absence was palpable, and I found myself longing for his presence.
…The Bad…
Rhaenys follows a consistent character arc throughout the series. Initially, she advocates against war and encourages Rhaenyra to exhibit strength without resorting to conflict. However, her advice to Rhaenyra to reach out to Alicent in this episode feels contradictory. Especially after their scenes in 1x09. In that episode, Rhaenys recognizes Alicent's lack of true power, seeing her as a mere pawn manipulated by the men in her life. Therefore, it's perplexing why Rhaenys would believe that engaging with Alicent could achieve anything constructive, especially after Jaehaerys's assassination. I believe this was a choice made to include the last scene on the script, which for me was a huge mistake. But I will address that scene later on…
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One of my major concerns with this episode is the apparent collective amnesia regarding the murder of a child, a tragedy acknowledged only by Heleana and Alicent (And Daemon)
The council meeting was lacking in conflict and consistency with previous decisions made. Aegon's current lack of an heir is a significant omission in this episode. The narrative fails to address who might succeed him: could it be Aemond or his daughter Jahaera? This would create an intriguing conflict for Aegon, especially considering the Greens' hypocrisy if they were to name a female heir after usurping Rhaenyra for that very reason.
The strained relationship between Aemond and Aegon adds another layer of complexity. If Aemond were appointed heir, would he remain loyal to Aegon, or would he betray him? This scenario could parallel the dynamic between Viserys and Daemon, albeit with a stark contrast in their mutual love and respect, which is absent between Aegon and Aemond.
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It's intriguing to observe Jacaerys becoming increasingly frustrated with his mother's passivity towards the Greens and the ongoing conflict. However, he feels like a character the writers haven't fully developed in these recent episodes, perhaps because there isn't a clear narrative direction for him until they reach parts of the source material that directly involve him. Personally, I believe Jace could have benefitted from a storyline arc in the North, exploring the reasons why Cregan Stark fought so vigorously during the Hour of the Wolf to fulfill his promises to Jace.
I still have mixed feelings about Ulf White, especially knowing his eventual story. However, what deeply bothers me is the decision to make Baelon his father. Jaehaerys had so many children who could have been his potential father. In my mind, Baelon was always faithful to Alyssa even after her death. It seems to me that Ulf is older than Daemon but younger than Viserys. I think it would have been more intriguing if he had been portrayed as Aemon's bastard, considering Aemon only had Rhaenys, which could have made Ulf a potential heir to the throne.
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Aemond's storyline has become tedious for me, especially with Madame's involvement. While I understand they're trying to humanize him and make him more relatable, I find him increasingly ridiculous at this point. The scene where Aegon mocks him feels pointless to me. If they're not setting up for a future betrayal driven by resentment and vengeance, then what's the purpose of making Aegon so openly cruel towards Aemond?
Another issue I have with these scenes is how they’ve opened the door for viewers to mock the actors' physical appearances. It's disgusting and entirely wrong. If it were a female actress being mocked, there would be an uproar on social media about the disrespect. This kind of toxicity is unnecessary and harmful. The same goes for those attacking Fabien Frankel for his portrayal of Criston Cole. We should be respectful and appreciate the quality of the performances that evoke such deep feelings about the characters. It’s crucial to separate the actor from the character they portray. The actors bring these complex roles to life, and their talent deserves recognition, not ridicule.
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… and the absurd.
I don’t know why for a moment during Daemon’s dream, I thought it was Alyssa instead of Rhaenyra, I got really excited and nervous for a moment. Then i also thought it would be Aemma holding Rhaenyra or even Baelon who Daemon mockingly called "Heir for a day". My mistake...
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I found Rhaenys' assertion that Jaehaerys was the greatest king primarily due to his lengthy reign somewhat irksome. While I understand she may be highlighting Jaehaerys' reputation for wisdom and the era of relative peace during his reign being known as the Golden Age of House Targaryen, I'm troubled by the way the statement was presented. Longevity alone doesn't define greatness, especially when comparing him to Aegon the Conqueror, who achieved monumental feats in a shorter time. Jaehaerys' extended rule, possibly due to better health compared to Aegon and Aenys, doesn't automatically elevate his legacy above Aegon's transformative impact. Moreover, any king succeeding Maegor the Cruel would naturally be seen as an improvement.
Jaehaerys may have ascended to power at a young age and accomplished admirable things without resorting to Aegon's brutal tactics. However, I harbor resentment towards him for his unequal treatment of his daughters compared to his sons, and for limiting Alysanne's authority unlike Visenya and Rhaenys during Aegon's reign. His decision to establish a council instead of naming Rhaenys as queen, despite her clear suitability, and his empowerment of the Hightowers through Otto, makes me question whether he truly deserves the acclaim bestowed upon him.
But those are just my personal feelings regarding him...
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Rhaenyra and Alicent's reunion
I couldn’t wrap up this review without delving into the last scene, the one that has stirred a considerable amount of discontent among fans: Rhaenyra's plan to confront Alicent in the Sept. *Major eye roll*. Initially, I thought Rhaenyra would send someone else, like Mysaria, to deliver her message. It’s understandable that Alicent would only consider speaking directly with Rhaenyra, given their long history and the personal stakes. However, the setup from the end of 1x08 clearly aimed for a pivotal moment where everything would be clarified as a tragic misunderstanding. But honestly, this decision seemed to do little more than make Alicent appear foolish and undermine the gravity of the entire conflict.
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Misunderstanding or Manipulation?
 Many viewers are frustrated by the idea that this entire war could have stemmed from a simple misunderstanding. I don't believe that's the case. I think that characters like Otto, Aegon, and anyone who met Viserys (excluding Alicent) knew perfectly well that he would never have named Aegon as his heir. This was not a misunderstanding; it was a convenient excuse to legitimize their decision to usurp the throne.
The fact that Alicent genuinely believed her husband's incoherent deathbed ramblings, thinking he would reverse his lifelong support for Rhaenyra, is what makes the situation absurd. This is the same Viserys who, despite his frailty, dragged himself out of his deathbed to the throne room one last time to support Rhaenyra. It's almost laughable to think that Alicent could be so easily fooled, and it speaks volumes about her character.
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A Disservice to Alicent and Rhaenyra
What's more troubling is how this scene reflects on both Alicent and Rhaenyra. Throughout this season, both have been portrayed as weaker, more gullible, and often less intelligent than their Fire & Blood counterparts. This scene, in particular, makes them seem less like the powerful queens they are supposed to be and more like pawns caught in a childish game.
The love they once held for each other is evident; otherwise, Alicent would have exposed Rhaenyra, and Rhaenyra might have taken more drastic actions against Alicent. But neither seems capable of altering their tragic course, and this plan was a colossal blunder.
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Practicality vs. Narrative Convenience
Rhaenyra's decision to risk her life by sneaking into King's Landing the same way Daemon did in episode one felt illogical. Why was it so easy for them to infiltrate the city? This simplicity undermines the security and tension that should be present, given the stakes.
At one point, I even speculated that the trailer scene where Rhaenyra and Syrax meet on an island might happen in this episode, imagining a secret rendezvous between Dreamfyre, Helaena and Alicent. However, it’s becoming clear that this scene likely involves Seasmoke and Adam, potentially pushing Rhaenyra towards seeking out the dragonseeds.
Ultimately, the reunion between Alicent and Rhaenyra felt underwhelming. It almost trivialized the larger conflict, making it seem like a mere playground squabble. Given the rich source material, this scene could have taken many different, more compelling directions. Instead, it fell flat, leaving me questioning the show's handling of these crucial moments and the characters involved.
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Final Thoughts
Despite some of the episode's highlights, this final scene leaves much to be desired. It encapsulates the series' struggle to balance character depth with the grand, sweeping narrative it aims to tell. As we move forward, I hope the show can find its footing and deliver the powerful, character-driven storytelling that made Game of Thrones so compelling.
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