#Sirius the big damned hero
lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 6 - Murder
@jegulus-microfic February 6 Word count 487
Murder had never been very high on Regulus’s to-do list. But when you’re part of Voldemort’s inner entourage, murder is expected.
Regulus didn’t like it, but he did as he was told. That was until he had his ex-lover on his knees in front of him, his chin held up by the tip of Regulus’s wand while his fellow death eaters cheered him on over finally getting the Potter boy. 
Regulus couldn’t do it. He stared into James’s eyes, knowing James would be the only one able to pick out the fear in his eyes. James’s lips were moving. He concentrated on the words coming out. 
“It’s ok, love. I know you have to do it.” James gazed up at him, completely relaxed and calm. Regulus’s wand hand shook, prodding James in the throat. James swallowed hard but didn’t take his eyes off Regulus. 
“Alright, Black, enough gloating. Finish him already so we can go.” One of the masked men spat out, getting bored of the situation. 
Regulus had only let his eyes flick away from James for a second to acknowledge the speaker before turning his full attention back on James. 
James smiled at him again and nodded his head minutely. Regulus shook his head with a similarly almost invisible movement. 
“I can’t.” He mouthed soundlessly down to James, lowering his wand slightly. 
“If you’re not going to do it, Black, move out of the way!” The other death eater stepped forward just as the wall beside him imploded, and Sirius Black came leaping through the dust swirling around the gaping hole. 
He started blasting before his feet even hit the ground. Sirius took out three death eaters without blinking and rounded on the remaining two, the bored death eater and Regulus.
Regulus, shocked at the sudden interruption, stood frozen. His wand still resting under James’s chin. 
Sirius knocked the other death eater out, leaving only Regulus. He pointed his wand at his brother. 
“Give me a reason, Regulus!” Sirius murmured, his voice deathly quiet, his stance showing he wasn’t messing around.
Regulus didn’t move, but James did. 
He stood up, gently moving Regulus’s wand away from him and reaching his hands to cradle his face. 
“You okay?” He asked, ignoring Sirius’s protestations. A tear dropped from Regulus’s eye, and his jaw quivered in James’s hands, but he managed to twitch the corner of his mouth into a smile. 
Their moment was broken when ropes shot from Sirius’s wand and wound around Regulus, pinning his arms to his side so forcefully his wand clattered to the ground.
“Grab him, and let’s go!” Sirius yelled as he summoned Regulus’s wand into his hand. Regulus found himself being hoisted into the air and over James’s shoulder as he was carried indignantly away from the building as a prisoner of the Order. 
He contemplated whether murder would have been the easier option. But no, this humiliation was still preferable.  
Next part
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lovely-peace · 4 months
Moonlight To Dawn
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Summary: A forgotten night is all it's gonna take to mess up a life. A forgotten warning is all it's gonna take to mess up everything.
Pairing: Sirius black x hufflepuff!reader
Warnings: past toxic friendship, past toxic relationship (not with the reader), insecurities, self conscious , fake dating
Masterlist Last Part Part 7
Wc: 4.2k
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"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the first game of this Quidditch season! And for the start, we have the most heated game of all! The golden heroes against the silver antihero! The big lion against the sly snake! Ladies and gentlemen, we are watching Gryffindor against Slytherin!" Loud cheering.
"The Gryffindor who played the moderator this time really had no taste. I mean 'sly snake'? 'Silver antihero'? Between the lines, he's saying we're the bad guys! What a jerk…" whispered Cassie. I tried to listen to her, but I couldn't.
I could only focus on what I was seeing right now. A little Black, glaring at his brother's 'girlfriend.' She stared back at him in disbelief.
How could I have overlooked all of this?
Ohhh, Sirius. You little jerk. You despicable, vile, loudmouthed, disgusting, scheming-
"Now that everyone is on the field, we should start soon! Our dear players must move on their brooms and rise into the air. Are you ready?"
Regulus Black knows his brother well. Even when I was with Sirius, he knew when our relationship was just a pastime. He was never mad at me. At least not that I knew of.
He knows much more about me and my friends than I want. Sometimes he scares me.
Sirius and he have quite a few conflicts. They almost never agree. And even when I was with Sirius, they argued about it. But not about whiskey.
Why not? Because Regulus didn't know Sirius liked whiskey. Why didn't he know?
Because it's not real. Holy crap, Sirius.
"There, our heroes rise into the air and battle for the balls! Gryffindor's Seeker James Potter searches the field from high above for the Snitch! Will he find it? Probably not, as the game has just begun!"
"Come on, it's not that bad! I'll take a glass, and you take the bottle, okay?"
She looked at me with wide eyes. It was just whiskey, after all. Why was she making such a big deal out of it? I smiled at her, hoping she would finally drown herself in the drink.
Carefully, she took the bottle and looked at me uncertainly. "Seraph, are you sure nothing will happen?"
I shook my head, laughing. "What could possibly go wrong, you silly? Maybe you'll feel a bit off for a moment, but so what? You'll have done it, and the experience counts, right!"
She stared at the bottle for a long time. Eventually, Damien whistled loudly. "Come on, or I'll take the bottle!"
He was a repulsive guy, way too loud, with too little empathy in his small brain. Leander, sitting next to him, looked at him frustrated and shook his head.
His hair shimmered in the light, and his eyes had that deep brown color I wanted to disappear into. His lips looked so gentle…
An uneasy feeling spread within me, and I took my glass and downed it in one gulp.
"Seraph!" the girl in the yellow uniform looked at me in shock. "Are you okay?"
My head seemed to spin. The face of this ugly girl spun right before my eyes as if it would never go away. I wanted to hit her. Push her away. I wanted to take the bottle and beat her to death with it-
"Of course!" I snapped at her. "And now, hurry up! If you don't have the guts anymore, it's okay, but say it so we don't have to drag this out unnecessarily!"
She flinched and stared back at the bottle.Her lips trembled and something shimmered in her eyes. I felt something like triumph when I saw her fingers turn white from the firm grip on the bottle. "I told you." Phina said after a while. "She's just too scared-"
With one gulp, she opened the bottle and drank. She paused occasionally and then continued. Until. The. Bottle. Was. Empty.
"Damn, she did it!" Damien laughed loudly, probably at my friend's stupidity. He couldn't stop laughing.
"Stop laughing, you jerk," grumbled Leander, looking almost concerned at her. The look in his eyes disgusted me and I wanted to push her out of there. Had he looked at me like that once? No, there was no need to worry about me. Somehow it still made me angry. I don't know why, but I wanted to hit him. I wanted to pull her out of here and never bring her near my friends again.
My little friend swayed and desperately grabbed onto me for support. "Oh my God, she's gone! I can't take it anymore!" Damien laughed even louder. His laughter rang shrill in my head, like a warning. Get out of here.
"Seraff, where are you? What elshe do I hashe to do?" she mumbled the words incompletely and swayed in my arms. Why was I even holding her?
"Let go of me," I snapped at her and pulled away. Her dirty hands seemed much worse than usual. Her eyes were glazed, and it dawned on me that she probably wouldn't remember this tomorrow. "Go to your house. Now."
Confused, she looked at me, as if nothing in her head was functioning. Slowly swaying, she moved toward the exit. I didn't watch her as she left the room.
"Come back tomorrow, 'Whisky'!" Damien shouted after her. "Dude, shut up!" Leander gave him a little slap on the head, but Damien just laughed.
"Why? The name 'Whisky' fits, right?" I wanted to kill him with my gaze. My head throbbed. I didn't know what was happening to me, but something in me sought satisfaction. Phina looked at me approvingly and nodded. Her smile revealed how much she was enjoying the situation. She looked at me with half-open eyes and that stupid smile, I could puke.
"Or don't you think so, Leander?" I challenged him. Agree with me. Now. Come on. Stop hesitating. You're always on my side, what's wrong? Agree with me. Please—
"Well, yes… But—" he looked away and fell silent. Something in me tightened at this 'but.'
"What 'but'?" I asked with a sugary voice. Come on. Say it already. What do you hate so much about me right now? What? Say it. Say it to my face. I want to hear why you're looking at me like that.
"Cassie also collapsed because of the alcohol. What if your friend collapses on the way to her house now?" he scratched his neck and didn't look at me.
Damien groaned loudly. "Oh, who cares. Then she'll miss the test tomorrow, no big deal."
Leander ignored my glances. He stared into the fire. I wanted to push him into it. He should finally say what I did wrong! What did I do?
"Phina, let's go to sleep." I stood up and finally turned away from this guy who frustrated me so much. "We have an important test tomorrow."
She looked at me bored. Then she looked back at Damien, and I saw out of the corner of my eye how they seemed to silently discuss me.
"Come on!" I said now with a firmer voice and went to the girls' dormitories.
"I'm coming already…" said a very annoyed Phina. I wanted to strangle her.
Phina followed me, and we closed the door to the girls' dormitories behind us. But I stayed for a second before closing the door.
"You guys are such assholes." Black. "Be quiet, kid. It's none of your business." Damien. "You should be expelled from school." Regulus Coward Black. "Where are you going?" Leander. "Somebody has to take her to the Hufflepuff house." Two doors slammed in response.
Late it was that evening when I left the Slytherin common room to search for the intoxicated girl. I didn't know her personally, but I somehow felt connected to her. She had been in our Slytherin common room on several occasions.
I saw it all. Seraph, who always dragged her along, or rather, the one who always followed her. Damien, who mocked her. Leander, who felt pity for her but was too captivated by Seraph to do anything. And Phina, who didn't care about anything as long as there was some drama.
It was disgusting to watch them.
I walked through the corridors of the grand castle, wondering how far she had gotten. But certainly not far, because it was dark, and she had a massive amount of alcohol in her system.
Holding my wand high with the Lumos spell, I hoped not to be discovered by teachers as I heard labored breathing. I scanned my surroundings, but there was no one. No corners, no closets to hide in. Yet, I heard that breathing. What the hell?
Soft steps echoed through the corridor as I turned around, trying to find the origin. Was I going mad here?
I turned around and saw a silhouette at the corner of the corridor and was about to run towards it when—
"Regulus, what are you doing here?"
Startled, I turned to my brother, who looked at me inquiringly.
"How did you—? You—Just a moment ago, there was no one there!" I looked at him suspiciously as he gave me a feigned look of confusion.
"What are you talking about, Regulus? I just came from the Gryffindor tower," he said, grinning crookedly. "What are you doing out so late on a full moon?"
"I could ask you the same thing." His gaze hardened a bit. "Besides, it's none of your business."
I turned back to the silhouette, but it had disappeared. Sighing, I continued, disappointed that my slightly older brother was following me.
"Well, I think I have a right to know what my little brother is up to at this late hour," he murmured as he walked behind me. "My little brother wandering around in the middle of the night… What if something happens to you—"
"Shut up, Sirius," I snapped at him, hoping he would lose interest. I looked around, but 'Whisky' was nowhere to be seen.
"Or…" Sirius grinned now. "You're looking for something." He looked at me triumphantly. "I can help—"
"I said, 'shut up, Sirius!'" I listened carefully to the steps, and it seemed like I could faintly hear them.
"What's actually going on with you? Lately, you hardly talk to me! I'm really worried about you, Regulus. Has something happened?" his voice behind me became somewhat harsh. "Did your parents say something?"
"No, they didn't." Lie. "I just find you insufferable lately." Truth. Recently, he basks in his popularity, constantly putting himself in the spotlight and enjoying the attention, with many girls chasing him like little dogs.
I hated how he acted with his 'friends.' Their 'jokes' were just disgusting. I couldn't understand the senseless joy in it. But how could I.
"Hey, what do you mean-"
"Shush!" I signaled for him to shut up. It was very quiet, but you could hear it. A muffled sob.
"Do you hear that too? That-" I couldn't hold back anymore; I punched Sirius lightly to make him understand he should be quiet. "Hey-!"
Very quietly, I took step after step towards the crying. I was almost at the corner of the corridor when-
"What are you doing here anyway?" A. Much. Too. Loud. Sirius.
The crying immediately fell silent. Now it was dead silent. I flipped my brother the middle finger before turning the corner. An empty corridor awaited me. But unlike just now, there was a small cupboard here. A suffocating little cupboard.
Sirius followed me, but before he could say anything, I knocked on the cupboard. "What are you doing there?" he asked, but I ignored him.
"Hello?" I inquired.
I knocked again, but this time slower. "Everything okay in there?"
"Do you think someone's in there?" Sirius stood behind me with crossed arms, as if I were the dumbest person in the world. He probably never had to hide in school before.
"Sirius, for the last time, please shut up!" I couldn't hear him anymore. "No one asked you to follow me!"
Sirius just shrugged. "As a big brother, it's my duty to annoy you. Besides, I have to be there when you get yourself into trouble."
"That's funny coming from you. As if you've ever fulfilled your duties as a big brother." He was really getting on my nerves.
"Hey, I've made a real effort in the last 2 years to annoy you properly! Nothing that makes you uncomfortable or anything…" He briefly looked out at the shining moon. "But I also had to take care of other things. But I'm trying!"
"Oh yes, you're really busy not doing your homework and annoying other students with your jokes that sometimes go too far!" He infuriated me. How he stood there as if he understood something. As if someone like him understood how I feel and why I don't want anything to do with him.
He is the one who is leaving me alone.
"Okay, Regulus, I have the feeling that you, how should I put it, are angry. Mainly, that's probably due to the absence of your humor, but that can be fixed, don't worry." He came closer. "Next time, you can join us in Hogsmeade. If you want, we can also come up with a prank together!"
"I don't want to participate in one of your bad jokes, really! I'd rather have detention with Professor Binns, and that says something." His smile disappeared. He looked at me almost desperate. For the first time tonight, he said nothing. And that's why I heard it.
Sirius pushed me aside, went to the small cupboard, and pulled out his wand. With a slightly tense voice, he said, "Alohomora!" and with a very exaggerated aggressive jerk, he opened the cupboard.
A laughing girl, seemingly out of her mind, looked out at us. Sirius still pointed his wand at her when she -
"AHHHHH!!!" she screamed and blinked against the presumably very bright light. "DON'T EAT ME!"
"Did you hear all that-; Wait, what?" Sirius lowered his wand in confusion and looked at the girl bewildered.
She looked at him as if he were the devil; he had apparently scared her. But his confused look was priceless. I had to chuckle slightly, I admit it. Sirius glared at me and now completely put away his wand.
"Who are you, what are you doing here, and why are you hiding from us, and why in a cupboard???" With each question, he got closer to her, and eventually, his head was half in the cupboard. "Let her breathe; she really doesn't need your breath in her nose." I grinned at him this time and took full advantage of his confusion.
The girl laughed again. Sirius backed off from her and looked at her almost scared. "I don't have bad breath! Or do I?" She laughed even more but shook her head. He grinned at her oddly. "Come on, that wasn't so funny?"
Somehow, I wanted to puke at the sight of the two. "Just let her out already." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. But then he grinned at the girl in the cupboard again. "I'm sorry. Here, let me help you out." He held out his hand to her. She looked as if she were thinking about it, like only a drunk person could.
"No, thanksh. I can manashe on my own getting out of here; after all, I manashed to get in. Besidez, I don't trusht you yet! It could be that you actually want to zell me to Professor Shlughorn so he can make a potion out of me!" She slipped out of the cupboard and sat swaying on the floor.
Sirius looked dumbfounded at her. He looked between me and her. Eventually, he looked at me utterly bewildered, and I had to laugh. She seemed not to understand him and shook her head. "You think I'm weird, don't you? No, you're jusht not direct enough; what do you want from me?"
"Me? I haven't done anything! What's your problem, anyway?" Sirius still looked at her confused, but he also started to look really worn out. "Seraph said that every good-looking guy who comes to me just wants to take advantage of me! So, what do you want?" The girl glared at him, and now she also looked at me. Slowly she began to speak normally. "And how did you know where I was hiding-"
"Wait, wait, who is Seraph? And more importantly, you find me good-looking?" Sirius tilted his head and grinned at her. I felt increasingly nauseated. "You can go now." I raised my voice again, eager to take her back to her house.
"No, you're right! Where did you know she was?" He looked at me confused. I sighed loudly. "We heard her footsteps, and the cupboard was the only option where she could hide."
"I mean, why did you go out in the middle of the night and look for her?" He looked at me skeptically.
"How did you come out of nowhere? You can't fool me; you suddenly appeared out of nowhere behind me! How?" Now I looked at him with narrowed eyes.
"You just imagined that."
"Then you imagined that I knew where she was. I was just taking a walk and happened to find her."
The girl looked between us and chuckled again.
"What?" we asked simultaneously.
"Sorry." she fell silent and looked at the ground. She stood up, swaying, and tried to walk away but didn't get very far due to the swaying.
"Hey, hey, hey, we must take you back to your house; where do you want to go so late?" Sirius stood up and went to her. I sighed but nodded. "For once he's right; you shouldn't go alone."
But then she took Sirius' hand and pulled him behind her. "Hey, don't you think it's a bit too early for hand-holding?" Sirius asked with that disgusting tone. Confused, she stared at him; alcohol must have taken her mind for flirting. "Where do you want to go? The Hufflepuff common room is in the other direction." I said and pointed her in the right direction.
Uncomprehendingly, she stared at me. "But we have to go to the hospital wing first." She just pointed in the other direction. "And it's over there."
Sirius laughed softly. "Maybe you really belong in the hospital wing, but I don't think you want to be caught there because of alcohol consumption, believe me."
"Not because of me. You're injured." She said to him, looking at him questioningly.
"What are you talking about?" I asked since I didn't notice any injury on Sirius. "His arm. He has a wound there. That's why his uniform is so messy." She shrugged and tapped on Sirius' right arm. He flinched in response to this touch.
Sirius looked at me, attempting to appear confused. "I think we should take her away quickly before she collapses from the alcohol."
"You're much more likely to collapse." She said, smiling at him. "Come on, you don't have to act so tough. Just let yourself be taken to the hospital wing." Again, she walked off, pulling Sirius along with her.
"Is that true? Where did you get that wound?"
"You're not really interested anyway. Anything related to me doesn't really matter for you." Sirius muttered. "You're just on our parents' side anyway."
I glared at him. "Now you're just talking nonsense to wallow in self-pity again."
"Hey, no more arguing! He's injured; that's more important now!" 'Whisky' looked at both of us angrily. Sirius looked at her almost guilty. "Sorry," he said, but she just shook her head. "Apologize to him, not me. He was just worried."
Sirius turned to me. "I'm sorry, Regulus." She nodded at him and now looked at me expectantly. I sighed loudly but finally gave in. "Sorry, Sirius."
Acknowledging, she nodded at both of us. "Good, now let's-" But then she blushed. She looked at Sirius for a long moment and then at her hand that was holding Sirius' hand. Startled, she let go of his hand and looked at him in confusion. "Are you Sirius Black?"
"Would that be a problem for you?" he asked, looking at me questioningly. I just shrugged.
"No, of course not," she whispered softly, putting some distance between Sirius and her. "You can tell the truth; no one would blame you. I would understand it very well!" I said, grinning at Sirius, who just looked annoyed at me.
"Who are you, anyway? Do I know you?" he asked, looking at her hesitantly. But she just shook her head. "No, don't worry, of course not. I'm nothing without Seraph, so it doesn't matter anyway-"
"Who the hell is Seraph? You mentioned her twice, and again, she doesn't seem very likable to me," Sirius said. I laughed at that. "A bitch. She's a bitch. But an interesting one."
Sirius looked at me confused. "Aha." He turned back to her. "Why are you drunk wandering around the castle in the middle of the night?"
"Seraph," I just said, and that explained everything. Sirius apparently didn't understand this simple explanation. He now looked accusingly at me. "So, you did know why she's here and went looking for her!"
"It's not that important now; you need to go to the hospital wing!" a very confused Hufflepuff said. "You're injured!"
"And you need to go to your bed!" Sirius looked at her just as accusingly. "You've apparently drunk yourself to passing out! Probably because you haven't gotten over your friend or something, right? Well, let me give you a tip, drinking doesn't help at all!"
She looked at him somewhat frightened. "That's not how it was… I just did it for Seraph, that-"
"Seraph really seems to be a bitch," Sirius said. I nodded. "Yeah, she's perfect for you," I added.
"He's right."
Both of us looked at her confused. She looked down. Sirius laughed nervously. "Hey, I didn't mean to be mean or anything-"
She looked at him in shock. "No, no, that's not what I mean! I just mean… she's so nice and beautiful and funny and -" she took a deep breath. And then breathed out again. "She's amazing. And she really just wants to help me."
Sirius looked at me confused. This time I looked just as confused back. "What the hell do you mean-"
"You know what? We should really take you to the hospital wing now!" she quickly changed the subject and went back swaying towards the hospital wing. I followed her, gesturing for Sirius to follow. She probably wouldn't go back to her house until Sirius was treated.
"Hey, what's your name?" Sirius looked at her curiously. She looked at him confused. "(Y/n)"
We stood in front of the hospital wing. When Sirius turned to her again. "Well, (Y/n), firstly, your laughter is really cute, and secondly, I already like you more than Seraph." With that, he disappeared behind the door.
A very confused (Y/n) stood next to me. But upon closer inspection, she seemed to be blushing. Wait, what?!
"Uh… I should probably go to my dorm, right?" she looked at me hesitantly. I just couldn't imagine someone like her… No, that was just wrong.
"Yeah, let's go. I'll take you." I finally said. Awkwardly, we walked down the corridor while my mind was racing.
"What year are you, by the way?" she asked eventually, smiling at me crookedly. Her way too innocent face was killing me.
"Third. Are you in love with my brother?"
"How, what, why do you think that???" She looked at me with a red face.
I looked at her for a long time, but I had to sigh. "I don't care about that, but I just want to warn you. My brother is not really known for serious and lasting relationships."
She looked at me for a long time. Then she smiled one of those sad smiles and looked ahead. "I know. It's not like I think I could ever be in a relationship with him."
We walked in silence for a while. Outside, the full moon was slowly going down while the sun seemed to be rising. "That's not what I meant. I just want to tell you that you have to love yourself first. And you have to finally let go of Seraph. By now, you must see that yourself."
We stood in front of the Hufflepuff entrance as she looked at me hurt. "You can go now."
I looked at her for a long time. "Otherwise, you'll always remain 'Whisky'."
I saw her tears and left.
In the end, I don't know what happened that night. Whisky couldn't remember herself, probably because of the alcohol. I only found her exhausted outside the Hufflepuff house the next day. She didn't come in, must have forgotten the password. We had a test that day.
Everything seemed normal with her, but she was a bit wobbly on her feet. At some point Sirius Black came to her and asked if she was feeling better. At that moment, I was confused as to why he was even talking to someone like her.
"She's fine!"
And then she pukes on her test. Since then, teachers have been looking more at students who look like they have been drinking.
And now this boy, who looked after her that evening, had this mad look in his eyes as he went up into the sky.
Taglist: @theofficialmadman @fanboyluvr @fjdjsiskcjfj @starsval @olkathedestroyer @helloitsmeeeeeee @xamapolax @maripositanoctruna @ancientimes @cloudlst @marina468 @regulus-black-223048 @loving-and-dreaming @tarzanathetumblingwarrior @princesspuffle8@lonely-nerd-sodaholic@lostgirlsstuff@wolken-n@thepunisherfrankcastle@nefri-black@solitarioslilium@briskesby@ropickle@my-current-fandom-is @hawkinsavclub1983@dancingwithreality
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
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Updated: Sept 24
I was a bit stumped about it at first, but I've decided that I'll write NSFW too, so minors 👁👁 please don't look. If I see any minors interacting with any NSFW posts. I will block you. I REALLY don't like blocking people, so please don't make me.
Other than that-
Hello! ٩( ᐛ )و
Just a quick note that this blog will be more about the writing aspect, so headcanons, oneshots and links/updates on AO3 stories, along with recommendations of stories will be posted here!
Another note!
I write SPECIFICALLY for chubby readers, since-
I am a chubby girl myself and I can't find any x chubby reader fics from/for my fandom to save my life- (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡
Granted, some people may see it as a simple weight change, but for me, it's the feeling of REALLY being included in the story.
These lines from a bunch of fics I've read-"His shirt fit loosely on you", and "he wrapped his arms around your thin waist", "your small frame" or "He picked you up with ease", etc-don't fit me and I know I'm not the only one.
If a fic usually doesn't clarify that it has a chubby reader, then it's USUALLY a skinny or medium-sized person. I just wanna give me and my chubby fellas a chance, y'know? ┐(シ)┌
And please don't take this the wrong way & please don't think I'm attacking you if you write like this I swear I'm not! Everyone's allowed to write for whatever fandom they want and with whatever body type they wanna write for! I'm just stating that this blog is focused on specifically chubby/plus sized readers.
I write Platonic Readers! For example, if someone requests being just best friends with a certain character, or having a sibling dynamic with another character, then it's all good! 👌🏽
I also write for Yandere characters/situations! If the situation asked for IS uncomfortable to write, I have the right to deny it.
I also do genderbend! I don't see it done much, which is cool! But I'm a dumb little hoe so- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Final thing! I also write for monsters! I write for skeletons and demon monkeys 😑 Basic stuff, like werewolves, vampires, mermaids/merman, hybrids, etc!
I'll write for certain characters for certain medias since it's the only thing I feel I can actually write without making the characters OOC. (´・ω・`)
Sun Wukong
Red Son
Spider Queen
Maybe the others too if they're requested enough 👀
I WILL NOT write for LMK NeZha, due to the controversy of his age. I've seen many discussions on it, from all sides, mainly from those who are Chinese. And all I have to say is that I don't wanna touch that shit with a 10 foot pole.
Monkey King: Reborn, Hero is Back & Ne'Zha Reborn Sun Wukong are also a go! I just watched the movies and I am quaking 👀 If you guys have any Sun Wukong movies or game characters that're fleshed out enough to be written, PLEASE send them my way.
Count Harebourg
If there's other characters that are requested, then I'll see who they are and if I can write for them.
Maybe I'll do Transformers in the future! I've only seen Transformers Prime, so I'll need to expand my knowledge first. I mean, unless y'all want some Prime stuff 👀. I'll probably watch Animated and read the comics soon-(Hopefully, I've dropped the damn thing twice-😔)
Now for the big boy-😥
I'll write for it and certain AUs. The AUs follow as below(Sans nickname 1st, Papyrus 2nd)
Undertale (Vanilla and Creampuff)
Underfell (Red and Edge)
Underswap (Blue and Stretch)
Fellswap (Raspberry and Rus)
Swapfell (Black and Cash)
Fellswap!Gold (Wine and Coffee)
Horrortale (Axe and Sugar)
The Outertale AUs count too, but it's best not to ask for something that includes, for example, Undertale Sans and Outertale Sans since they'll basically be the same.
Outer nicknames include:
Outertale (Cosmic and Nebula)
Outerswap (Orion and Atlas)
Outerfell (Comet and Sirius)
Also including specific characters include:
Geno from Aftertale
Passive!Nightmare and Dream from Dreamtale
Cross from XTale
Dust from Dusttale
And to be honest, I'm at a bit for a dilemma when it comes to if I should include Ink, Evil!Nightmare and Fresh. Since Ink doesn't have a soul to feel. Granted he has the ink he drinks to emulate the emotion he wants to feel but idk- (´⌒`;)
Fresh is parasitic monster that lacks emotions and jumps from different hosts so writing him romantically might be a bit of a problem.
Evil Nightmare searches for negative energy, as it's said that positive emotions make him weak. (╯︵╰)
I try my best to stay on track with how characters would canonically react, along with a dash of what I think they would do. But if there's enough asks, then I'll try my best to write them! ଘ(੭ ᐛ )♡
Other potential AUs
I haven't read Underlust or Storyshift, but if there's enough requests for them, then I'll do my best to read through their stories/find information and write for them.
I'm having a bit of trouble finding concrete information for the bottom two, so they might be a bit more tricky to write about. (•ิ_•ิ)
As far as rules go, just don't send anything rude, k?
Also, please specify if you want Angst, Romance or Platonic/ if you want Headcanons or a One Shot.
Other than that, this post will update every once in a while if I decide to add or negate something, so keep an eye out! (≧∇≦)/
Sorry if there are spelling errors! Have a good day!
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tortoisebore · 10 months
which taylor songs remind you of remus and sirius and their relationship? (currently listening to hits different and it’s so sirius black coded)
omg sooooo many. like so many. this is just off the top of my head i’m sure if i went through my playlists & her discography i’d find about a hundred more eeeeeeee
okay individually there are quite a few that remind me of sirius. like the 1989 hits for some reason give sirius to me, like style and wildest dreams and out of the woods. bc in my head he’s a pop girlie at the end of the day. but character-wise he gives me bigggg anti-hero. the archer (!!!!). peace. seven for obvious reasons. maybe….nothing new???,? (oh….ow…..🫢😰). but also…..,delicate. and dress omg (made your mark on me like a golden tattoo like hello)
remus gives me evermore & folklore as a whole but really the only standout tracks are gold rush and cardigan and this is me trying. outside of those albums he gives labyrinth. and treacherous omg cute!! (but….if we’re talking canon….. hoax oh ouch bad let’s ignore that.)
both of them together is a huge list. the big ones for me are cowboy like me, willow, don’t blame me, and maybe state of grace (but the acoustic version). also mine (!!). fearless. the way i loved you (🫢). snow on the beach only bc i wrote an entire chapter of my fic ab them & that song fhfhfhffh. i can see you (👹). the great war. afterglow. tbh ivy. and ‘tis the damn season bc of that one fic i love where they’re exes & sirius comes back to town like ten years later & remus has a chocolate shop & they’re so in lurveeeee 💖💫💓💞✨💕💖💓
so like basically every taylor song ever fhhffhfhfhf
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esorxy · 4 months
remembering all the insanely long marauders fics ive brainrotted over because i kinda forgot all of them. roughly in the order i read them.
Whatever happened to the young, young lovers?
355k, jegulus wolfstar rosekiller. post war (ended by regulus) where they just hang around grimmauld place all day. i literally cant remember anything that happened. but i liked how they stayed home and didnt go outside, because i relate to that. it was alternating chapters between post war and pre war, honestly i dont even know it was just so much relationship angst and regulus being incredibly competent and hurt.
All The Young Dudes
526k, the character development and buildup, its like the level of the actual series without the annual voldemort attack. i was DESTROYED by the ending, it lived in my brain rent free for like a week. why did it have to be canon compliant???! the way they spent so much time pining, so much time apart, and so little time together. but that theyre literal soulmates, which is so sad for grant (he suffered true emotional damage) lmfao. I guess this is the basis (canon??) of marauders era
we can be heroes, for ever and ever
102k alternate happy ending to atyd - yes PLEASE this is what i needed to heal the pain after reading atyd.
624k. lowkey feel the same way towards this as atyd, except it didnt live in my brain rent free for a week. in that i respect that it's good and got heartbroken when everyone died and they didn't get their happy ending, but it did get me into jegulus so I'm not complaining. IDK it's just sad, but i love regulus and evan and cerci. even though i deadass can't remember anything else.
crimson rivers
865k actually SOBBING this fic is everything. so much plot and so much hurt, it is amazing and painful and intense. it has the most picturesque scenes, beautiful happy ending. but i did kinda get sick of it near the end cos its so fuckin long, and i was not into the girls in the fic so i was kinda cbs
just lovers
321k fake dating au. this is GREAT. its so light hearted which is a great change from the akckdjebakzj. this is the climb to the top for regulus being my favourite character. lowkey can't remember shit but i liked it and i need more fics like it because it was creative and there's not much room for that in marauders verse
only the brave
645k and The fic of my dreams. this is everything and i loved every second of it. every character is so great, and it got me into pandalily!!! perfect amount of hurt (a lot), and such good plot. it has every ship i like, i was like drowning in a hot spring of happiness while reading this
147k, oh it's so creative and new. it was so suspenseful cos we got 0 answers, and the fic is deadass incomplete wtf!! i love how everyone is sad but mostly rational. the jegulus was really really nice, and i liked how the cruciatus was made out to be a big deal so the hurt/comfort is better. i feel like the plot is better than the delivery
wolfstar my one true pair, jegulus my second true pair, evan®ulus has a special place in my heart, marauders fanfiction a permanent space in my mind for at least the next few weeks
new edit: shit! i forgot to update and i read so many more long fics and can barely remember them now
311k i cant even remember anything that happened ... except i liked the dynamic between narcissa and regulus, and narcissa is so damn pretty. this was the one where regulus made james and sirius go with him to the cave, and then james had to force him to drink the potion, so much angst arghhhh.
all along there was some invisible string (tying you to me)
103k spiderman AU + high school and all i can say that its an original setting... the pining was great, and the spiderman kiss!! but other than that like it was good, i guess
I adored you madly, extravagantly, absurdly
243k Victorian AU with arranged marriage trans regulus. I loved regulus' character, he was so spiteful and petty but also down bad, and jegulus matched so perfectly together. i want his life so bad because his literal job was being married, like deadass he didnt do shit all day except read, play with his cats and pine for his husband...
a violent kind of spin
212k not going to lie, my favourite/most striking parts of this fic were the $h scenes... and i just finished it last night so I dont even have an excuse. james asking sirius to turn around and not even waiting for him to do it??? oml hes unhinged and it was so well written. the bathtub scene when he was on a timer and then just walked out like everything was fine!!! help it was so angsty im in love. i feel like i speedran this fic and didnt read it properly, which is probably accurate
Im not gonna teach him how to dance with you
122k. rosekiller is the BEST. i love the whole plot tbh and it was so well paced. love that for evan because nobody else is gonna keep by with barty's crazy. i would have liked it more if it had crack undertones but yknow whatever, cant have everything. i thoroughly enjoyed all the romantic tension in the leadup, the way they were both so in love im gone.
All the young dudes - Sirius' Perspective
628k, let me tell you, canon has no right being that sad, and the beloved author just fed off that like a parasite. i should have expected how this fanfic would destroy me, but the delivery made it so much more painful. i sobbed reading the Halloween and Azkaban chapters. and sirius,,, like why did you have to be so angry all the time. and so obsessed with remus from day 1. it was great. although like halfway through i just felt like ... wolfstar is so basic. jegulus once jegulus forever i guess.
I'm not okay (I solemnly swear)
105k and unfinished :0 the horror. it's so sad poor reggie im so sad for him he deserves the world and more but no he's just alone 😭😭😭
whatever our souls are made of
157k hanahaki where we really gotta work for the happy ending. OML it was so beautifully sad. reggie 💔💔. sirius said nobody on the earth deserves his baby brother, but if he had to pick someone, it would be James 😭😭 I'm a broken man
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recreancyrpg · 2 years
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NAME. Alastor Moody AGE. 40 ALUMNI HOUSE. Ravenclaw BLOOD STATUS. Pureblood FACECLAIM. Oscar Isaac 
Alastor Moody didn’t set-out planning to devote his life to fighting the forces of darkness. There was no childhood trauma to push him onto that path, no great loss that he felt compelled to avenge. It was curiosity that drew him to his career more than conviction - a curiosity that many (his mum, especially) insisted would be better served in the Department of Mysteries than in law enforcement, but Alastor had never been the head-in-the-sky type of Ravenclaw. He liked practical magic, the sort that got your hands dirty and maybe left a few scars but where you also knew you’d accomplished something. 
So he took his high N.E.W.T.s and his grubby-but-untarnished family connections and joined the Auror Department. It was interesting work, but it was still just a job -- until it wasn’t. There was no one big, defining moment that tipped the scales; Alastor just kept doing the work, fighting the necessary fights, learning the necessary magicks (can’t fight the Dark Arts if you don’t know the Dark Arts) and getting through the day. Eventually, he realized that it wasn’t curiosity driving him anymore as much as it was a calling. Not that Alastor considered himself a hero - and he’d snarl at anyone who dared say as much whether to his face or in a Prophet article about his latest arrest. No, there was just a job that needed doing and he was doing it. And doing it, and doing it... He was managing. Dark Wix were being taken down by him and his team, leaving scars along the way. Alastor thought that this was his life. 
Until a damn Dark Lord popped out of the woodwork and made everything worse. His job turned into war and the Ministry became a battlefield. He was approached by Albus Dumbledore early on to help start an underground group dedicated to fighting Voldemort - it was the only thing they could do when it was hard to tell friend from foe, even with the people who had sat next to you for years. Alastor is something of an expert in the Dark Arts - not the way dark wizards are, but all Aurors who want to live past their training know them a little and Alastor knew them better than most. Still, no matter how much he learned, he never found himself falling for their allure. People say that all those years digging into the deepest corners of the Dark have made him paranoid, but Alastor would argue that he’s not paranoid, just educated. If more people knew what was really out there, they’d be even twitchier than him. 
Maybe that’s why he’s not saying anything about Sirius Black and his little gang of Dark Arts users. Maybe that’s why he’s turning a blind eye, even when it’s right in front of his nose. He’s yet to get directly involved with them - he’d had to learn on his own so maybe it’s a good idea if Black and the others do the same - but he’s not putting a stop to it either, despite what some of the Aurors-turned-Order have to say about it. Alastor’s knowledge helps make him a solid leader for the Order, even if his tactics are a bit unconventional. He might be loud, but he’s just trying to get the members to understand the truth about this war they’re fighting. The energy that all these kids in the Order have is inspiring... but sometimes all they “inspire” in Alastor is the urge to bang his head against a wall for an hour or two. Still, he’s here - he’s fighting. He’ll probably die doing it. He’s not afraid to go... just wants to make sure he’s leaving the battle in capable hands before he does.
JOHN DAWLISH. The younger Auror thinks he has it all figured out and it’s infuriating. It’s only because of Alastor’s trust in the Longbottoms that he’d even allowed the kid into the ranks. John has a self-righteous sense of justice, which is frustrating when Alastor knows just how much the boy hasn’t seen. John’s appalled by the Dark Arts stuff, of course, but Alastor thinks that maybe he has thing or two to learn from Sirius Black. TED TONKS. Despite what people think about him, Alastor isn’t the kind of bloke who believes everyone should want to fight. He knows that Ted is hesitant to be here, but also gets the reasoning. Alastor may be a pureblood, but he’s a pureblood who has grown to understand more than most that this world just isn’t the same for muggleborns. It’s perfectly acceptable to want to survive - and that sometimes means keeping your head down. MUNDUNGUS FLETCHER. Boy’s gonna get himself killed or thrown in Azkaban - it’s only a matter of time. In fact, Alastor himself has arrested him more than once, but has always managed to get him off with a warning. The perks of being in the Order together, he supposes. Considering everything, Fletch is less of a threat than he lets on. Alastor’s more worried about what the kid will do to himself than to others. 
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maraudersftw · 2 years
Hi Claudia!!
First of all, Happy Diwali. It must be really weird not being with your loved ones during Diwali festivities. My favourite form of escapism is reading, while songs are playing in the background or drawing something(from reference) while listening to a podcast.
What are your favorite tropes (outside of jily and fan fiction in general) ? Are they different than the jily ones? I can guess you do like found family, cause you love marauders.
Is there any book and fanfic story you're reading? Or you last read?
What genre do you lean towards more, fantasy romances or romcoms?
Did you listen to midnights? Which is the lyrics you felt most connected to? (If you did, if you didn't, then, what's the lady lyric you felt most connected to?
And a prompt: James has a pet cat, Lily hates them, (Sirius doesn't hate her) her first visit to his house is during seventh year, when they've just started dating. (Sorry, i wasn't able to come up with anything else😅)
-G 💗🤍
Hi, lovely! This is the kindest message ever, thank you so much for all the brightness here 💖 That's a very cute prompt, I'll try and put together something for it xx
What are your favorite tropes (outside of jily and fan fiction in general) ? Are they different than the jily ones?
I absolutely do love found family <3 They're not very different, but outside of jily, I also really enjoy reading about kickass female protagonists and tropes like fake dating, office romances, beach/summer romances, and enemies to lovers. Also, any good psych thriller that can make me go "what the fuck" at the end is an instant favourite.
What genre do you lean towards more, fantasy romances or romcoms?
Can I say all? Because it's all. My love for books really depends more on the writing and storyline than the genre.
Did you listen to midnights? Which is the lyrics you felt most connected to?
Absolutely! Midnights has been playing on repeat for the past three days on my phone/laptop/speaker. SO hard to pick a single lyric because ts has really outdone herself with this one.
I don't necessarily relate with this one the most, but it hits quite hard (from would've could've should've):
And I damn sure would've never danced with the devil at 19 And the God's honest truth is that the pain was heaven And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts Memories feel like weapons
But if we are talking about the one I related to the most, it's this one from Anti-Hero (because I'm quite tall and often feel this way hahah):
Sometimes, I feel like everybody is a sexy baby And I'm a monster on the hill Too big to hang out, slowly lurching toward your favorite city
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thebadgerclan · 4 years
Harry Potter Masterlist 2
** indicates smut
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Harry Potter x reader
Self-Critical- After a raid goes wrong, Harry finds solace in your arms and the bath...
Better**- Your plans got rained out, but you don’t mind...
Better Than Treacle**- Better than treacle, now that’s saying something...
Safe Now- When he’s with you, he knows he’s safe...
Secrecy- It has to stay between you, it just does...
On The Line- Harry won’t risk your life...
Wrong Order- Harry doesn’t regret last night at all...
Caught- Sex in your parents’ house isn’t a good idea...
Just Be Yourself- Harry gets some relationship advice from his godfather...
Under The Stars- A warm summer night under the stars...
My Baby- Sometimes, Harry needs to hear how much you love him...
In Time- It doesn’t feel real yet, but it will, in time...
Just Another Teenager- Harry’s just another teenager...
Pretty Damn Cool- Harry teaches you to cast a Patronus...
Hermione Granger x reader
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet**
Fred Weasley x reader
A Little Bit Of Fun**- Fred decided to have a little fun with you today...
Perfect**- There are so many words to describe your boyfriend...
Sweet- Complementary desserts and diamond rings...
George Weasley x reader
For Years- He’s waited for 2 years, he’ll love you for so many more...
Pay Attention- George can’t seem to pay attention at Order meetings...
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet**
Flying- You conquer your fear of flying...
Cat and Mouse- George thinks your costume is positively adorable...
Charlie Weasley x reader
Being Married To Charlie HCs
Charlie As A Dad HCs
Domestic Life w/ Charlie HCs
Dating Charlie HCs
Bill Weasley x reader
Being Married To Bill HCs
Smut HCs**
Yet**- You haven’t gone that far yet, but tonight, you will...
Oliver Wood x reader
Mo Leannan- Oliver’s training sessions run late...
The Alchemist- He’s not the best with words, but he’ll tell you how much he loves you every day...
Not A Beater- Oliver isn’t a beater, that’s for damn sure...
Not As Beautiful As You- Oliver takes you to a beautiful waterfall, but it’s not the most beautiful thing there...
Busy Week- You’ve both been so busy and you miss your boyfriend...
Victory**- You help Oliver celebrate after winning the Quidditch Cup...
Tom Riddle x reader
The Only Exception- Tom doesn’t care that you’re muggle born
The Dark Lord and His Dark Lady- While he sometimes doubts, you are his and he is yours...
Anniversary- Yours and Tom’s third anniversary...
Draco Malfoy x reader
A Different Side- Draco can let his walls down around you...
The Price Of Being A Malfoy- You’re everything his family isn’t...
Lucius Malfoy x reader
Real Love- Lucius truly loves you...
Regardless- Lucius doesn’t care what anyone else thinks...
No One Better- He thinks that after all he’s done, you deserve better...
Work Of Art- Your art is the most beautiful he’s ever seen...
Satisfied**- Lucius’ cock always leaves you satisfied...
Whenever You’re Ready- Lucius adores you in every single way, but he’ll wait until you’re ready...
Being Insecure About Small Breasts w/ Lucius**
Heal Your Broken Heart- Your heart’s been broken, but Lucius wants to fix it...
Sex w/ Lucius HCs**
Day Off**- Lucius takes a day off, and spend it teasing you...
Never Felt Like This- Lucius has never felt like this about anyone...
All Yours- Lucius gets jealous, even though you’re all his...
Star- Lucius never realized how famous you are...
I Am Yours- You’re disheartened when you find out that Lucius has mistresses, but he is yours and yours alone...
SFW Alphabet
Watch Yourself**- When you’re feeling down, Lucius shows you just how perfect you are...
NSFW Alphabet** 
Lucius w/ a Virgin Reader HCs**
Lucius Comforting a Sad Reader HCs
Jealous/Possessive Lucius HCs
Ruined News- His actions ruined your good news, not that he’d care at this point...
Kissing HCs
Lunch Break**- You visit Lucius on his lunch break...
Oral HCs**
Pretty Girl**- You like it when Lucius tells you how well you’re doing...
All Of You**- You’re ready to give Lucius all of you...
So Good**- His teasings fell so good, but you need more...
Body Worship HCs**
Lucius As A Soft Dom HCs**
Collar- Picking out your first collar...
Rules**- You broke a rule...
Newt Scamander x reader
Second Niffler- Newt and Phil see your form for the first time...
Never Felt Happier- Newt has never been happier than he is right now...
Sham- Newt will remind as many times as he has to: you are not a sham...
Always Protect You- Newt won’t let anyone or anything hurt you...
Not Always Innocent- Newt always assumes they’re innocent...
A Few Drinks- After a few drinks, Newt has to remind you that you’re together...
Still Like You More- Newt is afraid to take you into the case...
A Fire Burning In My Heart- You feel exactly what the lyrics say...
Trying To Tell You- All week, you’ve tried to tell him...
Racing Hearts- You make his heart race, and he makes yours race...
His Shirt**- Newt can’t resist you, seeing you in his shirt...
That Time Of The Month-Newt takes care of you during your period...
Take Care Of My Baby**- When Newt wakes up hard, you take care of him...
Pretty Kitty- Animagi take on traits of their forms, but Newt doesn’t know about yours...
Lonely- Newt’s been working constantly on his book...
Lost Niffler- A lost niffler leads to a new relationship...
Jealous of the Niffler- He knows it’s silly, but he’s still jealous...
Cedric Diggory x reader
I Know I’m In Love- Cedric had an amazing afternoon...
Make A Move- He knows how you feel, but he’s waiting for you to make the first move...
Back To Her- He was so scared he wouldn’t come back to you...
A Bit Nervous- Cedric’s a bit nervous to ask you to the Yule Ball...
Spicing Things Up**- It might not have been a very productive conversation, but you’ve certainly spiced things up...
Life After- You both dream of a life after the war...
Broom Cupboard- The Head Boy and Girl caught snogging...
NSFW Alphabet**
SFW Alphabet
Here (TW: ABUSE MENTIONS)- Your brother shows up at Hogwarts...
The Golden Boy’s First**- Cedric’s first time...
Neville Longbottom x reader
December Afternoons- A picnic in the snow...
Spin The Bottle- Fred and George introduce a muggle party game...
Soul Marks and Nifflers- He was afraid he’d never find you...
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet**
Staying In**- The two of you stay in today...
Lily Evans x reader
New Record**- You’ve never done 5 before...
Chilled- Quidditch in the cold...
Oral HCs**
Braids and Patroni- Lily braids your hair while you work on your homework...
Burnt**- You get a bit distracted while Lily’s baking...
Broken Hearts and Friendships- You won’t put her through that stress anymore...
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet**
James Potter x reader
Dating James HCs
Best/Worst Things About James HCs
Serious James HCs
Domestic Life w/ James HCs
Oral HCs**
Sirius Black x reader
The Man I Fell In Love With**- He’s changed, but he’s still the man you fell in love with...
Got It Bad- Though Gryffindor lost, Sirius is extraordinarily happy...
Home Safe- They both come home that night...
Her First Match- You wouldn’t miss this match for the world
Handsome- You see Sirius shirtless...
Distracted- Your thoughts are anywhere but the meeting...
Part 2: Puppy**- Sirius knows how to please you...
Oral HCs**
Want Him**- He wants you and you want him...
First Christmas After- His first Christmas as a free man...
Take Care Of You**- Sirius needs you to take care of him...
Jealous/Possessive HCs
Blankets- The heat’s out, but you don’t mind...
Sentenced- Halloween night in Godric’s Hollow...
Starlight- Sometimes, Sirius can’t believe he’s really home...
Padfoot’s Lament- Now he’s free, but you are gone...
A Nap, Interrupted**-  Sirius interrupts your nap, but you’re not upset...
My Idiot- Sirius thought it was a good idea to climb the Whomping Willow
Our House, Our Home- Your house doesn’t smell like home, which distresses your Omega...
Picking Out Your Baby’s Name w/ Sirius
Sirius Black Reacting To You Telling Him “I Don’t Date People Prettier Than Me”
Convince Me- He’ll spend the rest of his life convincing you he’s not a player if that’s what you want...
My Good Puppy**- Sirius’ behavior has earned him a reward...
All I Need- You don’t need dates or fancy dinners...
Seconds Away- Death was seconds away from both of you...
Face**- Sirius wants you to sit on his face...
1,095 Days- Three years, and this is how you’re repaid...
SFW Alphabet
A Hero’s Death- Sirius finds out what really happened to Regulus...
Return The Favor**- Sirius’ stamina is a bit low, but you don’t mind...
Can’t Hurt You Here- He doesn’t quite believe it yet, but nothing can hurt him here...
Different Scent- Sirius comes home, but your scent is different...
The Art of Distraction- Sirius is infinitely skilled in the art of distraction...
Hellscape- These raids are dangerous...
Brother’s Best Friend- Dating your brother’s best friend, what could go wrong?
Out In The Open- It’s all out in the open now...
Enjoy The View- You get a glimpse of your man fresh out of the shower...
Failed Exam- He’ll always be there to make you feel better...
Remus Lupin x reader 
Rough and Hard**- As it turns out, Remus isn’t always so tender...
Hurt (platonic)- When you’re hurt on a mission, Sirius jumps to a conclusion...
Vacation**- A week of relaxation...
Dating Remus HCs
Creatures Of The Night- You’ve known since you met...
Best/Worst Things About Remus HCs
Moony’s Needs**- Moony needs you...
Part 2: Pack- You’re part of his pack...
Domestic Life/ Kids w/ Remus HCs
Being Insecure About Small Breasts w/ Remus
Confident, Lycanthropy Accepting Remus HCs
Dating Remus Since 4ht Year & Being Couple Goals HCs
Oral HCs**
The Rest Of Your Life- Graduation’s almost here...
Getting Eaten Out From Behind HCs**
Mornings w/ Kids HCs
Tomorrow Isn’t Promised**- Tomorrow isn’t promised, but right now, you can push those thoughts aside...
Spanking In The Dorms/Prefect’s Bathroom HCs**
Sex At Hogwarts HCs**
Recuperation-Like every month, you care for your lover after the full...
My Forever- You’re his forever, he knows that for certain...
Honeymoon HCs
The Marauders Coming To Visit Your New Baby HCs
Her Big Bad Wolf- The annual Gryffindor Halloween Party...
The Healer’s Day Off- Every month, you take time off to care for you love...
Scents- Your scent changed, and Moony isn’t quite sure why...
Grind**- Remus finds you when you don’t show up for dinner...
The Forest- A trip into the forest gone wrong...
Mine Alone**- He’ll let him watch, but you’re his and his alone...
Pink- It happened with no words...
Nicknames- Remus discovers your new favorite nickname...
Panda In The Forest- This bear definitely doesn’t belong here, but Moony knows who it is...
Vulnerable**-Sometimes, Remus can let himself be vulnerable...
Transformation- Remus is suspicious of how much time you’re spending with Sirius...
Everything To Me- Remus’ insecurities get to him, but you remind him that he is everything to you...
After The Battle- Remus comes to you after the battle...
Your Kiss- The first kiss of many...
Provide For You- You have more than enough money to provide for him...
NSFW Alphabet**
Beautiful Body- After someone comments on your body, Remus helps you feel better...
SFW Alphabet
Months- Remus has liked you for months, but he’s shy...
Professor Lupin’s “Assistant”**- An evening spent between Professor Lupin and his “assistant”...
What You Want To Call Me**- Remus isn’t what you want to call him...
More Pregnant**- Remus know he can’t get you more pregnant, but at the moment, he doesn’t care...
Safe and Loved- After the full moon, Remus needs to feel protected...
Perfect Evening- Your dress might be ruined, but your evening is not...
Dangerous- Even something as simple as going to the store is dangerous now...
His Alpha’s Arms- Remus is overjoyed to be back in his Alpha’s arms...
Battle Scars- His scars are marks of strength...
Interrupted- Yours and Remus’ make out is interrupted...
Trading Jabs- It’s all in good fun...
Quiet Down- The office isn’t warded...
Severus Snape x reader
The Two Of Us- It’s been so long since you’ve had time together...
First Place- He knew you could do it...
Full Marks**- You’ll do anything to raise your grade...
So In Love With You- The rest of your lives is ahead of you...
Lioness- Severus didn’t want to go to the party, but you still find a way to help him enjoy himself...
After Everything- He deserves more than you can give, but you’re his nonetheless...
One Little Thing- Arguments happen, but it still hurts...
It Was You- You’ll always defend him, even in the past...
Good Boy**- Severus is many things, but above all, he is yours in many ways...
Cheetah and Bat- Seeing your Animagus inspires Severus to give it another try...
The Perfect Day- Any day is a perfect day when he’s with you...
Be Still**- Severus needs to grade these exams, but you’re both wanting each other...
Nerves**- While you’re both nervous, you both want this...
Different- Even though you just met, you can tell he’s different...
Ink- Severus never took you for the type to have tattoos...
Years Of Yearning- Severus is able to live through a book, years of yearning being somewhat satisfied...
Mistletoe**- Christmas break is finally here...
I Can’t Lose You- The world is dangerous, and he can’t lose you...
Hard- Severus helps you to relax when the world becomes a bit too much...
The Perfect Day- You plan a day out for your lover...
Sweet Affections- Severus loved being in your arms...
The Mark- He has to tell you...
Not Your Fault- He blames himself...
Figure It Out- After Dumbledore fell...
Midnight Patrols-You can’t sleep when he’s not here..
Mistake- The messenger of the prophecy...
Better Off- If this is how you’ll act, he’s better off without you..
Part 2: His Fragile Heart- He was wrong, and he wants you back
Fantasize**- Severus sees your classtime fantasies...
Severus Getting Married To An American Reader So He Can Vote Against Tr*mp HCs
A Life Without You (TW: SUICIDE)- He can’t live without you...
Those Three Little Words- You love each other more than anything, but you seldom say those three little words...
Being Insecure About Small Breasts w/ Severus
Good Grades**- Good grades pay off...
Coming Clean- At your graduation, secrets are revealed
Sex w/ Severus HCs**
Dating Severus and Being A Professor HCs
Kissing HCs
Oral HCs**
Happy Birthday, My Love- The morning of his birthday...
Not All That Bad- Severus shows you that Slytherin isn’t all that bad...
Pick You-You watch The Bachelor with Severus...
Deep Inside**- Severus won’t let you come until he’s deep inside you...
After Everything- After everything he’s done, you still want to be his, forever...
Jealous/Possessive HCs
They Won’t Know**- Severus wants you, and he doesn’t care who sees...
Severus With A Virgin Reader HCs**
The Best Addiction- You’re addicted to him, as he is to you...
See Your Worth- When you’re feeling inadequate, Severus shows you how much he loves you...
Only You- A night spent with your love...
Few Weaknesses- You discover one of Severus’ few weaknesses...
Protective HCs
Hold On For Me- In that moment, it was the only option...
The Most Beautiful Sound- The students mock your accent, but Severus adores it...
Feel The Same- Severus doesn’t want to ruin your friendship...
Never Hurt You (TW: PAST ABUSE)- You know he’ll never hurt you...
Wake Up Call**- You enjoy waking Severus up, between his legs, that is...
Prima Donna- Severus helps you relax after weeks of rehearsals...
The Great White Way- Severus’s jealousy flares seeing you on stage with another man...
Where You Go, I Go (TW: SUICIDE)- You’ll follow wherever he goes...
Beautiful, Gorgeous, Perfect- Severus knows that you feel insecure sometimes, and he knows how to make you feel better...
What Better Wat To Wake Up?**- Severus wakes you up in a very pleasant way...
New Toys**- Severus brings home some new toys...
Only Yours**- Severus makes sure you know you’re his...
Like This**- Severus wants you just like this...
The Letter- You never planned to send it...
Giving and Receiving**- Tonight, you’re both giving and receiving...
Craving Affection-You’re craving Severus’ affection, and he’s more than happy to give it to you...
Obscenely Affectionate**- Valentine’s Day, an excuse to be obscenely affectionate, an excuse which Severus willingly takes...
Your Grace**- Severus teaches you the wonders of the marriage bed...
Hufflepuff At Heart- You may not be a witch, but Severus knows you’re a badger
Restless- You’re on a mission for the Order, and Severus is worried...
Severus Comforting A Sad Reader HCs
Nothing Like Him- Part of him can’t believe you want to have kids with him...
Beauty In Everything- You find beauty in everything, even in things others don’t find beautiful...
Domestic Life w/ Sev HCs
New Style- You braid Severus’ hair...
Not A Dream- Though it feels like a dream, you assure him it isn’t...
Shooting Stars- Everyone wishes on shooting stars, but you already have everything you want...
Smile- It doesn’t matter how big or small it is, Severus will do anything to see you smile...
You’re Mine**- When Severus’ assistant gets a little too friendly, you remind your husband who he belongs to...
An Amazing Father- Severus is afraid of fatherhood, but you know you’ll be alright...
Pretty Little Prefect**- The monthly prefect’s meeting...
Such A Good Job**- You’ve done such a good job pleasuring yourself, Severus wants you to finish it...
Bath Bombs- Severus puts his own touch on muggle bath bombs...
Captivity- His worst nightmare was coming true...
No More- It was just too much...
Nesting- Your heat’s a few days away...
Keep No Secrets- Severus knows he has to tell you, but he’s terrified...
Lots of Practice- Severus has never kissed anyone before...
Happy Anniversary- Your second wedding anniversary with Severus...
Keep You Safe-You know Severus will keep you safe, especially from other Alphas...
Need To See Him- You need to see him, to make sure he’s alright...
All Mine**- When Lucius gets a little too friendly, Severus reminds you that you’re all his...
Be On Top**- Severus wants you to be on top for the first time...
Missed You**- After nearly a week in London, you return home...
Perfectly Fine- Severus takes care of you after a prank gone wrong, and feelings are revealed...
A Galaxy Far, Far Away- You introduce Severus to Star Wars...
Need You Here- After a nightmare, you need your husband by your side...
Long Weekend**- While you don’t make it to most of your plans, you and Severus still enjoy yourselves...
A Little Risky**-You and Severus have some fun at the Order meeting...
Snowball Fight-A snowball fight with your husband...
Finally Home- Your fiance returns home after a month and a half...
Unbothered**- Severus’ isn’t bothered by your period, he still wants to taste you...
NSFW Alphabet**
SFW Alphabet
My Perfect, Beautiful Man**- You give Severus some much needed praise and attention...
Never Cheat On You- Severus thinks you’re cheating, but he couldn’t be farther from the truth...
Slow, Tender, and Sensual**- Your first time with Severus is everything you wanted: slow, tender, and sensual...
The Only Woman I’ll Ever Love- Severus didn’t listen to her, you’re the only women he’ll ever love...
My Princess- For your birthday, Severus treats you like the princess you are...
Spare A Dance For Me- You help Severus teach the Slytherins to dance...
Validation**- Severus craves validation, and you’re more than willing to give it...
Hands**- You watch Severus while he brews.  Well, you watch his hands...
Sweet Spot**- Severus’ sweet spot makes him feel so good...
Grateful- One year after the battle...
Your Heart Is A Treasure- Severus won’t treat you like they did...
The Matron’s Assistant- You return to Hogwarts, and find more than just work...
Make A Bad Day Better- You always make bad days better...
Always Yours- It doesn’t matter what anyone says or does, you’re always his...
Throne**- Severus makes you feel like a queen, especially in bed...
Discipline- You’ve always been light on discipline with your daughter...
Don’t Give A Damn- You don’t give a damn that Severus is younger than you, but he’s still insecure...
Precipice**- Severus decides to play a little game with you... 
Not A Prank- He’s convinced it’s a prank by the Marauders...
Caught- The twins catch you and Severus in an intimate moment...
Nocturnal Conversations- Severus converses with you while you sleep-talk...
The Right Time- It just felt like the right time to ask...
With You- He never thought you could be happy with him...
Eyes On Me**- You want him to look at you when he comes...
My Vow To You- His vow to you trumps all others...
Show You How**- Severus teaches you how to suck his cock...
Bare Face- Severus sees you for the first time without makeup...
Let It Out- After someone shouts at you, Severus makes you feel better...
Denied**- Severus is needy, but you’re busy...
Perfectly Valid- Severus loves you just as  you are...
The Bigger Man- He needs to be the bigger man with Lupin...
Every Inch**- Severus wants to kiss every inch of you...
Every Part- You love every part of him, even the parts he doesn’t...
Get Away- A vacation with your family...
Still New- Your relationship is still so new, you can’t help but be a little flustered...
Entirely Real- You can’t believe that this is really happening...
Cared For- After the full moon, you just need to be cared for...
Little Tease**- Your choice of attire gets Severus a little riled up...
Argument/Making Up HCs
Severus as a Soft Dom HCs**
Too Good**- He just couldn’t hold back...
His Turn- You’ve cared for him, now it’s his turn to care for you...
Twice the Fun**- Severus’ new potion gives twice the fun...
Tail-End**- It might be the tail-end of your heat, but you’re still needing him...
Overwhelmed (platonic)- When things feel overwhelming, help comes from an unlikely person...
My Misstress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun- When Severus is assigned midnight patrol, you can’t sleep...
Have You Right Here- Your Alpha always knows how to make you feel better...
Severus Snape x reader x Remus Lupin
Now**- After your lovers tease you, you need them now
Punishments and Pleasure**- While the evening began in a punishment, it ended with immense pleasure...
Filled**- A morning in the library..
Waited For You**- You’ve been gone for two days, but your lovers waited for you...
Forgot The Charm**- The three of you seemed to have forgotten the silencing charm...
Remus Lupin x reader x Sirius Black
He’s Home- He’s home, and he needs you...
Life w/ Kids HCs
Happy Birthday- Remus and Sirius treat you on your birthday...
Their Job- They’re your alphas, it’s their job to take care of you...
Help You Feel Good**- Your lovers show you how to use your new toy...
His Beautiful Loves**- Remus loves to watch, but he also loves to join in...
Cuddles- You join your lovers on the couch...
How Do You Want Us?**- Remus fucks you while you fuck Sirius...
SFW Alphabet
Noisy Little Thing**- You need to be quiet, lest the whole Order hear...
Broken Collar- It was an accident, but you’re still very upset about it...
Severus Snape x reader x Lucius Malfoy
Impersonations- It’s all in good fun...
More Than Desperate**- After your lovers tease you all day, you’re more than desperate for them...
Insatiable**- You can’t get enough...
Needy**- Your period makes you horny, and your men certainly aren’t complaining...
Good Beta**- Your Beta takes care of you until your Alpha comes home...
Tonight**- Tonight, they will have them, and they will have you...
Full**- Both your men fill you up...
Feeling Needy**- Severus is feeling needy today...
Snuggles- After a long day, the three of you want to be close...
Fuck Waiting**- They can’t wait anymore, you look too sexy...
Overworked- When school take its toll, your lovers are there...
James Potter x reader x Remus Lupin
Sensual**- Slow, sweet, and sensual...
New Heights**- James and Remus take your pleasure to new heights...
Being Married To, Honeymoon, Sex w/, Twins w/ Remus and James HCs
Wedding HCs
A Future With Them- You can’t wait for the future
Yourself**- They want you to make yourself come...
Good Together**- Remus thinks you two look so good together...
Scars**- You show Remus just how perfect he is...
What Their Home Is Like HCs
Remus and James As Parents HCs
Cedric Diggory x reader x Harry Potter
Dating Cedric and Harry HCs
Cedric Diggory x reader x Hermione Granger
Domestic Life HCs
Sex HCs**
James Potter x reader x Lily Evans
First Heat**- Your first heat...
Harry Potter x Severus Snape
Through It All- Harry has been there through it all...
Paradise- Harry takes his husband away for a week...
Good Boy**- Severus loves being Harry’s good boy...
Slipped His Mind**- Severus forgets something important...
Unwavering- Harry’s support and love for his husband is unwavering...
My Perfect Boy**- When Severus is feeling insecure, his Daddy helps him see...
Much Better**- After a bad day, Harry helps Severus feel better...
James Potter x Lily Evans
James and Lily As Friends HCs
Everyone Can See- Everyone can see they’re falling for each other...
Sirius Black x Lily Evans
Sirius x Lily HCs
Marauders x an Ilvermorny Transfer HCs
782 notes · View notes
aerialflight · 3 years
Fic Rec (it's been too long and I read a whole lot of fics)
I've read so many fics these past couple of months and my need to share them to the world has seized me by the throat. Please enjoy and support these fanfic writers! They are the best. XD
Nine-Tailed Foxes are Dead by RowlettLesbian
Ship: Shikamaru/Naruto
For Konoha, it's been one month since the preliminary Chunin exams. For Naruto, it's been six. And he wasn't in Konoha.
At the end of his ordeal, Naruto walks into the Chunin Exam finals without his left arm.
Shikamaru is very concerned. And, eventually, very precious to Naruto as they work together to solve the mysteries of Konoha and bring kindness to the Shinobi world, one adventure at a time.
(I would die for this fic. I know the summary sounds doom and gloom but IT'S NOT. This fic made me fucking cry, I don't think I've ever read a fic that characterized Naruto so right. He's so full of hope and love and develops into the best version of himself and I'm so HERE FOR IT. And it's not just Naruto, Shikamaru is absolutely amazing here along with Kakashi and surprise surprise Ino, I can't BELIEVE it took me this long to stumble across this fic. Also THE WORLDBUILDING IS TO DIE FOR!!! And the plot! Is! So! Interesting! Just, everything about this fic is just amazing so please PLEASE read this!!!)
The End of the Uchiha by RowlettLesbian
Ship: Naruto/Sasuke
“I promise, little electric spirit of this shrine,” he whispered into the soft dirt and fallen leaves, “I will never gain the eyes. I will never pass them on. And I will make sure the eyes end in my brother, so that they can’t hurt anybody anymore. I will be the last Uchiha, and see to the end of the Copy-Wheel Clan. Then all of the hatred here can stop, and my family can rest peacefully. I promise, little shrine.”
Sasuke is more than his brother thinks he is. He's more than any Uchiha has ever been. He will kill his brother, but it will not be vengeance.
It will be mercy.
(Same author as the one above, they are the gift that keeps on giving. Seriously, HOW did I NEVER FIND THESE FICS before now??? One of life's greatest mysteries. The author's sense of humor is so on point here along with the atmospheric writing that's so vivid in the mind. Their writing style is so recognizable to me now and makes me fall into the world they're creating, it's stunning. Sasuke here makes me want to hug him and the idea of him living like a feral ghibli character has me LIVING. Check the tags of the fic, all of it is true, hand to god. Please give all of the author's fics a shot, it's a rabbit hole I'm thankful I fell into!)
mil fantasmas (gritan en calma) by LegaciesandMemories
Post-Tsukuyomi, something in Uchiha Sasuke's mind shatters. The same night, Yamanaka Ino falls asleep and doesn't wake up for 15 days.
In which Ino and Sasuke both wake from the aftermath of the Uchiha Massacre with the ability to see ghosts, and no one is prepared for the fallout.
(This fic has arrested my curiosity and eagerness to know what will happen next. These poor kids need so many hugs and Ino is getting the spotlight she deserves. I am so excited for this fic and what it has in store! Please read! XD)
Lichtenberg Figures by Asteroid_Duck (JustThatOneGirl1815)
Name: Kakashi Hatake Rank: Jounin Status: Missing Nin Missing Since: June 15th, 271 AD Note: Flee on Sight . . . Haburashi looked his team in the eyes— three, fresh out of the Academy genin— and resolved to teach them as best as he could. And right now, his lesson was simple: “Stay. Away. From. Kakashi. Hatake.”
(Dimension travel fic with a slice of Kakashi being an absolute troll and dealing with the shitty hand he's been dealt with. Seriously, the man has the worst luck in all of Konoha. Also, the mystery of the other Kakashi's history has me leaning by the edge of my seat, I need to know.)
The Governess by Ysmirel
Ship: Kakashi/OFC
"“What,” he finally asked, “is so funny?”
Ibara bit her lower lip to keep the chuckles in, still smiling and making absolutely no effort to get more space between them, seemingly perfectly at ease within reach of a trained shinobi. Her self-control wasn't all that good, as she ended up snorting and was overcame once again by another fit of laughter. “I just- It's just-” She struggled to speak, trying to catch her breath and wiping away tears of mirth with the hand that wasn't still holding onto his vest. Finally, she looked him in the eye and said, with a smile that was all teeth and without a hint of her previous drunken stupor, “and who's going to believe you?”
As he stood there, stunned by her words and change in demeanor, he realized with dawning horror that she was right."
In which Kakashi finds himself at the other end of the troll shtick, and he doesn't appreciate it all that much.
(It's so hard to find self-insert fics with a fresh concept these days, especially in the naruto fandom. Not that I don't enjoy and devour a lot of self insert fics like it's going out of style, but it's just so nice to find something new and shiny and really damn good. I'm so pumped for this fic and how it's going to develop so please join me in rooting for this fic!)
half a league (until the valley of death) by SpectersShadow117
Kakashi can think of no reason for Sasuke's inexplicable and drastic change in behavior. He doesn't like the desperate, haunted gleam in his student's eyes, and he also doesn't like the nagging feeling that he's missing something very important. Aka: Future Sasuke goes to Past Sasuke and gives him a reality check with Specific Intentions, but as with most Uchiha, his methods leave much to be desired. (Featuring: Childhood trauma FTW, Konoha's shitty care of orphans, and absolutely no one having a fun time.)
(Sasuke wanting to change the future out of complete and utter spite has me LIVING. Sasuke is such a Mess here and the twist on the time travel premise is so good and the kid is so Traumatized and Desperate and Not Having A Good Time. Naruto and Sakura developing as better ninjas and Kakashi trying his best makes me want to scream. Also, how Sasuke thinks about Itachi makes me want to cackle. I am 100% down for this. I am rooting for this kid, go get them! XD)
[Harry Potter]
fruit loops in time (circle around me) by justprompts
Ships: Harry/Draco, Remus/Sirius
"This is Crabbe, and Goyle," the blonde boy says, pointing at the two boys next to him. "And I'm Malfoy, Draco Ma - "
Ron laughs, and Malfoy immediately bristles.
"Think my name's funny, do you?" Malfoy says, angrily. "No need to ask yours - "
"You're honestly so cute," Ron interrupts, yet again, shaking his head. "So tiny. And so angry, all the time. It's adorable."
Alternatively Ron Weasley, Time Traveller Extraordinaire, is stuck in the same seven year Hogwarts Loop, repeating the same thing over and over again. Naturally, he's so done with everything.
(This is the greatest hp fic I've ever read. I LOVE RON WEASLEY and by the time you read this fic SO WILL YOU!! This is the fic I WISH I have the ability to write. I read this entire fic aloud to my brother and we spent literal hours howling and talking about how utterly insane and incredible this fic is, it's amazing. This is hands down my favorite Ron Weasley. You Can Pry This Fic From My Cold Dead Fingers.)
[Boku no Hero Academia]
Kacchan's Cult by Ourliazo
Pro Hero Ground Zero is attacked, originally meant to be de-aged out of existence by a desperate villain but is instead launched into his 14-year-old self.
But Katsuki is a fucking pro so whatever, time to fuck up someone's day. And sure, maybe he's only one man, but that's why he conscripts the entirety of the UA student body into tearing down some criminal empires.
(It's time travel, crack, and Bakugou being his usual explody, competent self. What more in life do you want? Seriously though, please read. I'm obsessed with this fic and having a Good Time!)
Cleaning Crew; Teaching Kids to Value their Safety, for Fun and Profit by Reavv
Takenaka Hideo is a thirty-two year old, in mild desperation for money, who has just been hired as a new janitor for UA's support staff. He has a quirk that lets him find lost objects, a liaison with the police because of it, and desperate desire for competent co-workers.
Oh, and he's already lived a previous life, in a world where quirks and heroes didn't even exist.
Not a big deal, though. It's not like you ever see the janitor playing a big part in action movies. He's here to get paid, and that's it.
On the opposite side of the equation, class 1-A has to wonder at the new UA cryptid that always seems to show up when things are on fire, and who keeps trying to convince them to let the adults handle the fire extinguisher.
(A great deal of fun packed into one fic. That is how I title this fic and nothing will change my mind! Hideo just wants to quietly do his job and not get in the way. I Relate. Please read!)
Poltergeist by WriterGreenReads
Class 1-A is haunted.
Well, not really.
I AM dead, though.
World's friendliest poltergeist, at your service.
(I don't know how I got so sucked into OC fics, but I found some fantastic fics along the way so I have no regrets. The author really tries to push the premise and I just love all the interactions and dynamics that form as the fic gets further in. And the OC character and all the hijinks they get up to cracks me up! At the same time, it's pretty heartwarming and it's practically a friendships galore fic! Definitely recommend it!)
invincible by supercrunch for Engrin
Ship: Bakugou/Midoriya
This is the way the world works: the sun rises in the east. The strong come out on top. Bakugou Katsuki rockets through life like a comet and Midoriya Izuku stumbles after. If he believed in such things Katsuki would say it was written in the stars. That some god of war had looked at him and said this one. That he’d been passed along a line to get his blessings – genius, willpower, fearless ambition – and dropped off on earth.
Then, of course, there is the question of Deku. The spitfire runt. Deku, no matter what the world does to him, never stops hoping.
Until, of course, he eventually does.
(Katsuki broke him. Snapped him in half like a twig and now has to scramble to put Deku back together. “We can do this, Deku," he says slowly. "There are so many mysteries that never got put to bed. Criminals roaming around looking to hurt people and you and me, we can fix that.”
There’s a long pause. The comforter slips a little off Deku’s skinny shoulders and drowns him. “You mean like a team?”
In that split second, Katsuki makes a decision he’s never even considered. He swallows his pride. “Yeah, Deku. We’d be a team.”)
(If there was any other way canon could've gone, this is the story I would've wanted. It's perfect.)
Inadvertent Wilderness Therapy by Cacid
Following an unfortunate encounter with a teleporter on the last day of internships, Bakugou Katsuki and Hakamata Tsunagu spend some quality time in northern Canada.
In no particular order they will: build ugly survival shelters, stalk rabbits, run from polar bears, reflect on the chemical composition of trees, insult each other, and complain about krumholtz.
(THESE TWO. TOGETHER. IN THE WILDERNESS. IN FUCKING CANADA OF ALL PLACES. I still can't believe this fic actually exists and just how INVESTED I became in their relationship. Blue Jeanist instantly became my favorite ranked hero with this fic alone. HIS SENSE OF HUMOR IS TERRIBLE, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH FNIEWOPAF. BAKUGOU DOES TOO. IT'S FUCKING INCREDIBLE. *incoherent screeching into the wild*)
[Stranger Things]
Baci D'aria by RabbitDarling
“Love is worth the sum of itself, and nothing more.” ― Alice Hoffman, Practical Magic
Steve learned a lot at his Aunt's side before she passed but his favourite thing she taught him was baci d'aria; special little spells that you created from the heart and put into the food you shared.
In opening his heart and gifts to those around him Steve slowly finds himself a family in a way he never thought he'd get to experience. One by One he collects pre-teens to trail in his wake like ducklings and Steve can't even refute it by the time he realizes what has happened.
(This fic is so soft and Steve is just collecting people and winning them over with his magical food (literally). I am always a sucker for heartwarming, good for the soul fics so if you want to make yourself hungry and feel all warm and gooey inside, read this!)
(Don't Fear) The Reaper by TeaFourTwo
Ship: Steve/Billy
He looks down at the blood on his hands and on the floor and wonders why the memory hasn’t broken yet, why he isn’t back in Starcourt mall with control of his body again, wonders if he's even still alive at all. Is this hell then? Or perhaps purgatory? It certainly isn’t heaven, that’s for sure. None of this makes any sense…but then what's new—nothing in Billy’s life makes sense anymore.
Billy laughs then, loud and long and unhinged. It's the only sound in the whole house, and it bounces off the walls like a fucked up echo, like the world is laughing with him.
“Jesus christ you’re insane…” It’s Max’s voice and it’s shaking. It only makes Billy laugh harder, because Max has it all wrong. Billy isn’t crazy, it’s the rest of the world that’s insane.
Billy dies a hero of sorts. He wakes up back in his bed on Saturday morning, the third of November, 1984...nearly nine months earlier.
(Billy is stuck in a time loop and it's slowly driving him crazy. And the fic shows just how much influence Billy did have in the plot and how doomed the world is without him in it. Great character exploration with Billy's character and all the ways he's so messy and human. Definitely recommend it!)
[Knives Out]
The Road Less Traveled By by UisceOneLove
Ship: Marta/Ransom
If Harlan wants to leave Ransom to be on his own, fine. He'll show him just what Ransom Drysdale is capable of.
or, where Ransom chooses to prove his abilities through means of the non-homicidal variety and finds himself becoming exactly what Harlan was hoping he would.
(I found this fic out of sheer chance and god, Ransom is just, so fascinating to me as a character. Marta of course is the Best here and I will forever stan her. Seriously, this is such a good fic! Please read!)
Sky Full of Stars by grilledsquids
The Hinatas are twins. They're practically identical.
But while Shouyou seeks out Karasuno's volleyball team to become the next Little Giant, Natsu is scouted to to play soccer for Shiratorizawa. While Shouyou sets his eyes on playing volleyball at the highest level possible, his sister wonders how much longer she can play soccer... and if it's worth it to keep going.
A Natsu-centric story featuring: Shiratorizawa VBC shenanigans, too many soccer OCs, mild teenage drama, a little bit of plot, and Semi Eita not knowing what a period is.
(It's just!! So cute and wholesome!!! The Shiratorizawa volleyball team is so fleshed out along with the OC characters for the girl's soccer team and I swear, it's been a long while since I've laughed this much at the sheer shenanigans that happen in a fic. It's surprisingly hard to find good gen fics in this fandom so finding this gem made me so happy! If you want a fic that brings a smile to your face, read this!!)
like water by speakingincode
Ship: Oikawa/Kageyama
“Oikawa,” Iwaizumi says, and when Tooru looks at him, he can read My best friend’s an idiot off the crease of his eyebrows. “Are you telling me you spent the last three years weirdly obsessed with Kageyama – I still remember the time you made us play him on a dumb whim, you know – and now you’re at his beck and call? Are you okay? What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I’m— I’m not at his beck and call! I said no last week. It’s… It’s like you said. I get bored easily. I saw him at the park a couple weeks after they played Nationals and called him a perfect little tyrant, and he pestered me into spending time with him after,” Tooru says. “I’m not a monster, Iwa-chan. If he wants the company of his cool, handsome ex-upperclassman that badly, who am I to begrudge him?”
Or: Oikawa doesn't know why Kageyama keeps asking to meet him on Saturdays. He also doesn't know why he keeps saying yes.
(The fact this fic is canon-compliant and covers post-canon too makes me want to shout to the heavens. Fucking incredible! One of the best Oikakage fics ever and it's a crime how it's not at the top of the ship tag. Please please read!!)
twist into your shape by kakkoweeb
Ship: Oikawa/Kageyama
The only thing better than sweets were sweets containing paper that told you whether your future would be good or bad--or in Kageyama and Oikawa's case, paper that somehow caused you to live inside each other's bodies.
(Everyone probably already read this fic but it needs to be said, you need to read this fic. How these two try and manage each other's lives and slowly start to care about one another is so beautiful and sincere and I am ready to wrestle anyone to the floor and comply them into reading this fic. Doesn't matter if you like the ship, you will become a fan if you read it, I promise. Please please read!!)
Take the Long Road Home by pepperfield
Ship: Kuroo/Sawamura
When Azumane Asahi goes missing before his engagement meeting with Kozume Kenma, what other option is there but for Daichi to impersonate his brother and fake his way through a first date with Asahi's fiance?
Okay, let's be realistic - there were probably at least four other options.
Unfortunately, Tetsurou couldn't come up with any of them either, so now he's here flirting with Kenma's future husband while trying to keep his web of deceit from collapsing.
It's going to be an eventful day.
(I got obsessed with this ship alongside Oikakage and SO WILL YOU. THE POTENTIAL. THE BANTER. THE FACT THEY'RE BOTH DORKS AND THE FIC HAS IDENTITY SHENANIGANS DANCING ALL OVER IT!! I had so much fun reading this and these two are MEANT TO BE FENIWPAF. If you don't see the potential of this ship, you will now.)
a misunderstanding a day keeps the boyfriend away by bartallen for betuls
Ship: Kuroo/Sawamura
Kuroo doesn’t fall in love hard and fast like many others do – he falls slowly, and very very softly. Most of the times he doesn’t even realise he’s in love with someone until it’s too late.
(Kuroo is the dumbest man alive and I've never related to someone so hard in my life. God help me.)
You like me. by roseknight
Ship: Daishou/Kuroo
Kuroo nearly lived a Daishou-free life, and sometimes he looked back and wondered how much better and how much worse that would've been.
(I didn't even know who Daishou was until I read this fic and now I can't unsee the potential this ship has. I'm a ruined woman and I regret NOTHING.)
Kings of the Road, Kings of the Universe by EzzyDean
Eight magical captains, one bus, an entire summer (and country) waiting for them.
What could possibly go wrong?
(The magic of friendship meets the magic of a summer road trip meets pure magic.)
宿縁 : See You Soon by MissKiraBlue
Ship: Oikawa/Kageyama
Upon arriving at the train station of death, an impure soul is granted a second chance at life against his will. Reincarnating into the body of Kageyama Tobio, a 15-year-old boy who recently committed suicide. Tobio's soul will depart at death and the soul needs to slip in to replace it. If the soul's reformation succeeds, he’ll reenter the cycle of rebirth and regain the right to be reborn. He will have three months to accomplish this task.
“Even though you had enough of life,” the soul whispered into the void of the room, “you were still afraid to hurt your hands, Tobio.”
Afraid of giving himself a scar, if he survived.
He touched his pulse and grasped life and couldn’t help but pity Kageyama Tobio.
"You wanted to die and now I’m here making you live again," he whispered into the night.
(I'm not even exaggerating when I say out of all the fics in this entire goddamn, too long list, this is the fic I'm anticipating and heart eyeing the most. It's only starting, but I already cried on chapter fucking 2, the power of this fic, holy shit. The author also wrote the hq time loop Every Tomorrows series, which I have an undying love for and am full on praying for the day it updates, so you KNOW this fic will be just as good. (Anybody who hasn't read this series, where the hell have you been?? Read it!!) Just, everything about this fic hurts me and something in my chest just aches when I read this fic. Go into it blind with an open heart and I swear to you, it's going to change your life. I'm already calling it. Seriously though, please please read!)
Learning to Fly by Asteroid_Duck (JustThatOneGirl1815)
Fandoms: Boku no Hero Academia, Naruto
The number three hero is a walking (well, flying) contradiction in every sense of the word. This includes his teaching skills. Why had Tokoyami agreed to this internship again? Oh right. He’d thought he was actually going to learn something. …….remind him to never be so optimistic again. . . . OR, Kakashi Hatake is reincarnated as the pro hero, Hawks. Tokoyami Fumikage suffers as a result.
(The reincarnation fic I never thought I needed and it's so good!! I've never really paid attention to Tokoyami and this fic sent me headfirst into loving him. Their dynamic is so interesting and I just love how their relationship develops. Also, Kakashi trolling the poor kid made me cackle, it's great! Definitely recommend it!)
Si Vis Pacem by athenoot
Fandoms: Boku no Hero Academia, John Wick
Everything has a price. That's what John has always known and will forever remember, even in death.
Which is pretty ironic considering his current circumstance.
Instead of a grown, scarred, weary body belonging to a man as cruel and broken as him, he's inhabiting a younger, smaller, unblemished one belonging to a child with strangely colored hair, and is living in what seems to be a superhuman society.
Well. May it never be said that John isn't a strategist. He can live with this. Maybe.
(Somewhere out there in the universe, he's certain he could hear the laughter of his enemies from beyond the grave.)
Or: John Wick is reincarnated as Midoriya Izuku. The world should probably watch its back.
(This should be one of the crackiest fics I've read in a while, but it's taken so seriously and I'm so HERE FOR THIS. John Wick being John Wick in a world of quirks and heroes is the GREATEST, honestly, he's so badass. Bakugou, I feel for you, you must be so fucking confused lol. Bakugou trying his best to be a good friend is one of the best things about this fic. Trust me, this fic will make your day, promise!)
A Girl's Mind is a Dangerous Place by clenastia
Fandoms: Naruto, Fairy Tail
Natsu wakes up in Sakura's body. It only gets worse from there. Also known as: In Which Natsu has No Idea what to do with Boobs.
(I binged this in two fucking days, I couldn't put it down. This fic reminded me why I liked fairy tail when I was younger and why Natsu is honestly such a great protagonist, god. And the fic does that thing, you know, the Thing where when two worlds collide, the characters struggle to acclimate and adapt to a completely another world with different rules and mindsets against their own. This fic is seriously one of the best when it comes to that aspect, it's incredible. I am going absolutely feral over here for this fic to update, I'm waiting in the wings, ready to pounce like a tiger, all the metaphors man. For the love of god, read this fic.)
Give me a landscape made of obstacles by Melise
Fandoms: Naruto, Natsume's Book of Friends
Kakashi Hatake isn’t who he says he is.
Because the truth is that he’s actually a youkai in disguise, a wolf spirit named Madara who stumbled across the Hatake clan during the Warring States Period. Intrigued by the shinobi he saw, he’d proposed a temporary alliance in which he would offer the clan protection in exchange for their teachings.
Decades later, Madara is surprised to find himself inadvertently summoned to Konoha by the last living member of the Hatake clan. Sakumo Hatake, who is mourning the recent deaths of his wife and stillborn child, doesn’t want to be alone anymore. So with his permission, Madara takes the place of Sakumo’s deceased son in order to watch over the last Hatake.
(Fusion in which the youkai of Natsume’s Book of Friends all exist in the Naruto world. No knowledge of Natsume’s Book of Friends required).
(Before this fic, I only had a very vague idea of what Natsume's Book of Friends was, and honestly, I still don't know much about it. But I didn't really need to know to get into this fic. I love the worldbuilding and the relationships Kakashi forms, both supernatural and mortal. I love how Kakashi's inhumane ways affect others around him, whether to stress them out or become used to the strange. You can go straight into this fic without knowing anything and absolutely still have a fantastic time. I definitely recommend this so please read!)
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heyitssmiller · 3 years
Clandestine: Chapter Eight
Ready for more angst?
@lumosinlove you’re my hero <3
So much thanks to my partner in angst, @donttouchmycarrots
CW: mentions of violence, blood, panic attack
Clandestine Masterlist
Logan paced the width of the hotel room; back and forth, back and forth, like a tiger cooped up in a too-small enclosure. Leo sat on Finn’s side of the bed and traced shapes into the plain white duvet, imagining that he was following the same path Finn’s fingers had taken just the day before.
He bit down on the inside of his cheek until he tasted blood and looked up at Logan. Back and forth, back and forth. Sirius and Loops hadn’t been in contact for about thirty minutes now. They’d been trying to get a location on Finn via the tracker he’d had in his com earpiece. Well they’d found the earpiece, but it must’ve been thrown out the car window because the trail ended on the side of the street with a tracker that had been smashed almost past recognition. Leo was strangely relieved about it. It was better than the alternative that his brain had been all too quick to jump to.
They got a license plate number from one of the stoplight cameras, though, so they were running that through the system and hoping they’d get a hit. Seeing that it was the Snakes and that they had so much control over everything that happened in the city, Leo thought their chances were pretty slim.
Back and forth, back and forth.
There was no indication that Logan had even heard him.
Still no response.
Leo rose to his feet and crossed the small room to catch Logan’s arm, finally putting a stop to the relentless pacing. Blank green eyes finally met his and Leo sighed, aching at the sight. “Sweetheart,” he murmured sadly, pulling the fighter into a hug. He was tense for a while, not moving to return the embrace and just breathing shakily through his nose.
“Talk to me.” Leo urged simply, unsure of what else to say. This wasn’t ok, he couldn’t pretend like it was. And he knew this conversation was going to be hard – god, he was barely keeping it together himself – but they still needed to have it. There was no point running from it. The only thing left to do was to face the daunting cliff they were careening towards and jump.
“We missed our chance.” Logan whispered, voice breaking towards the end as he pressed his forehead against Leo’s collarbone and leaned heavily against him. He felt small and useless and helpless as he squeezed his eyes shut. We were supposed to talk to him tomorrow and now he’s not here.
Leo’s cheek came to rest on the crown of his head as a sad noise escaped from his lips. “You don’t know that.”
But they both knew it wasn’t looking good.
“This is exactly why I wanted a transfer.”
Logan realized his mistake a millisecond too late. Leo stiffened, then pulled away to look at him. “What are you talking about?” When he didn’t answer, Leo tilted his chin up to meet his eyes. “What do you mean, transfer?”
He jerked his chin away and refused to look into baby blue eyes. “It was a while back, don’t worry about it.”
“What do you want me to say?” Logan demanded, his white-knuckled grip on his emotions quickly giving out. “My purpose on this mission was supposed to be backup if needed, but they hired me mainly to make sure the mission got done, even if things got messy. And once… once feelings entered the picture, how was I supposed to focus on the mission instead of on keeping the two of you safe? If it came down to it, choosing between the two of you and this op would be too easy to do. I knew it was putting the mission at risk so I asked for a transfer, but we didn’t have any other agents available.” He ran a hand through his hair roughly, breathing in shakily. “And now I’m living in one of my own fucking nightmares because this is on me.”
And if that wasn’t a knife in Leo’s chest. Logan deflated before his eyes, head hanging low, the picture of a man utterly defeated. “Finn’s gone and it’s all on me.”
The knife twisted cruelly.
“It’s not-”
“Bullshit,” Logan spat as he shoved Leo away. “Don’t even finish that sentence. I knew something was wrong, I knew it-”
Leo grabbed his hands firmly and pulled them against his chest, keeping him from moving farther away. “And I was the one who told you that you were worrying too much. If we’re going to be playing the blame game, you’re not shouldering it alone.” His eyes and nose were all red now, and Logan could feel the stutter in his breathing. “Sometimes it’s ok to not be ok, Tremz.”
“Peanut-” Logan watched as tears spilled over and down Leo’s cheeks, his lower lip trembling. He’d never seen the blond cry before and, oh, he hated it. His fingers twitched to reach for him, but he couldn’t help but hesitate. No matter how many times he’d managed to be gentle with Leo, Logan still wasn’t accustomed to it – he was used to callouses from training too long with a weapon, to split, bloody knuckles after a fight, to using those hands to hurt.
He never wanted to hurt the one standing in front of him.
“Come here,” he mumbled finally and reached up to wipe away a tear ever-so-gently, keeping the pressure feather-light against the delicate arch of his cheekbone. “Leo-”
Leo exhaled sharply as he collided with Logan, and it seemed like his entire body was shaking. Logan held him close, backed them up so that they were beside the bed and sat down heavily, guiding Leo down with him as his own eyesight got blurry. His hand came to rest in fluffy blond curls as they sat there and held each other and allowed themselves to ache.
He wasn’t sure how long they stayed there, all he knew was that he practically catapulted himself across the room when his phone started ringing.
“Loops?” He demanded as soon as he picked up, putting the phone on speaker and returning to his spot next to Leo, who ran the coarse material of his sweatshirt sleeve against his cheeks and sniffled. Logan held the phone in one hand and used the other to tug Leo closer. They both needed the contact.
“The license plate was a bust,” Loops cut to the chase, words firm but gentle. “Luckily for us, though, we’ve got an ex-Snake on our side.”
Sirius’ voice reached them next. “I've narrowed it down to three possible locations where they could be keeping Finn.”
Logan didn’t hesitate. “So we send agents to all of them, plan a coordinated attack.”
“Tremblay, the mission-”
“Fuck the mission. And fuck the Snakes. This is Finn.” He snarled, pulling up short when he heard a sharp inhale beside him. He looked over at Leo, then down to the hand he was gripping way too hard. He dropped Leo’s hand in an instant, guiltily retracting his own to rest in his lap with a wince.
So much for being gentle.
Delicate, nimble fingers traced along the tendons stretching across the back of Logan’s clenched fist and uncurled his hand. He watched as those same fingers laced their way between his and squeezed back just as hard as he had earlier – a strong, steady lifeline that Logan desperately grabbed hold of and clung to for dear life.
He barely listened as Loops started talking about how they needed to be careful and think this through – which was true, he knew that. But a big part of him simply didn’t care. He was done sitting on the sidelines, waiting for something to go wrong. Maybe it was time to be a little reckless. This seemed like a high risk, high reward situation if Logan had ever seen one.
“We’re going to get some analysts in and figure out what our next move is going to be.” Remus said seriously. “That doesn’t mean we’re sitting back and doing nothing, we just need to be smart about this. We’re not leaving him there. I promise.”
“His brother,” Leo whispered, his grip tightening. “Finn said he had a brother who’s a spy down in Florida. Has anyone contacted him yet?”
There was silence on the other end of the line.
“He deserves to know.” Logan swallowed thickly, another crack forming in his heart. “If it was one of my sisters, I’d want to know.”
“We’ll call him.” Sirius vowed solemnly. Of all people, he was sure to understand that. “You two need to try and get some rest. We’ll be in contact tomorrow.”
Logan just barely held back a snort. Rest. That wasn’t going to be happening any time soon. He just knew he was going to be spending the night staring at the ceiling, all too aware of the glaringly empty space beside him.
God, Finn.
Leo moved suddenly to pull his hand away, startling Logan out of his thoughts and making him hold on that much harder, an instinctive action. For an irrational split-second he was convinced Leo was leaving him, too. Something written on his face must’ve given him away because Leo’s eyes softened and he scooted closer, pressing a kiss to his temple.
“Sweetheart,” he sighed against Logan’s skin, staying close. Logan let his eyes close and breathed him in, free hand fisting in the material of his sweatshirt and pulling him impossibly closer. A car alarm started blaring in the parking lot outside, but neither of them moved. Logan didn’t even flinch at the abruptness of the sound. All he could think about was Finn, god knows where, alone. Without them.
They were a package deal. You weren’t supposed to have one without the other two.
But now one was gone and in danger and Logan was livid. At himself, at this situation, at this damn job.
He needed to fix this.
Remus sifted through another digital file, unsure what exactly he was looking for but pushing on nonetheless. Eventually, if he read enough, he’d find something useful. Being so far away from the action was frustrating – an uncomfortable itch under Remus’ skin. All he wanted to do was help, to rectify the situation that had turned south before he could even recognize that there was a problem. His nonchalance, his negligence had cost them an agent and a friend. There had to be something in those files somewhere.
“You need to get some sleep.” The familiar voice of his roommate said, forcing Remus to take his eyes off the laptop and squint up at him, his eyes taking a while to adjust from the screen. Sirius was in his pajamas, which made Remus frown. What time was it, exactly?
“It’s late.” Sirius answered his unspoken question, a hint of a smile gracing his face. “And you need to sleep.”
“I need to research-”
Sirius was at the table in an instant, closing the laptop firmly. “You’re of no use to them when you’re so tired you can’t think straight.”
Remus glared up at him, but he really couldn’t keep it up for long. He looked back down at the table and his tea, which was long cold, pigment settling to the bottom of the mug. He was exhausted. “Ok. Sleep.”
There was a soft look on Sirius’ face, warm and open and affectionate. Remus wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. Sure, he had his suspicions about how the ex-Snake felt for him, but taking that next step was still daunting. There was still a lot stacked against them and no matter how much Remus wanted him – or how much Sirius wanted him back – it would still complicate things. Even then, he was tempted to just throw caution to the wind and say fuck it.
Some things were worth the complications.
“Sleep.” Sirius reiterated with a quiet laugh, then he gestured with his hand that he was keeping his eyes on Remus before disappearing into the bathroom. Remus smiled and shook his head fondly, taking his cup of cold tea and dumping it in the sink. He was living with a secret dork. He… didn’t hate the thought as much as he would have a few months ago.
After placing the mug in the dishwasher, Remus started his nightly routine – checking the locks on the front door, closing all the blinds, turning off the lights. He was walking down the hall towards his room when a head suddenly poked out around the doorframe to the bathroom, making Remus jump. Sirius stood there, toothbrush in his mouth, giving him an approving look.
There was no hiding the smile on Remus’ face. “Yes, yes, I’m going to bed. You don’t have to supervise me.”
Sirius’ next words were garbled by the toothbrush in his mouth, but the rough translation Remus got was “just checking”. That was the only translation that made sense, anyways. He continued his path to the bedroom and got ready to sleep, changing into a threadbare t-shirt and brushing his teeth before turning the light off and crawling into bed with a weary sigh.
Tomorrow. He’d start formulating a plan to get Finn out of the mess he was in tomorrow.
Movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention. Sirius was standing in the doorway, looking almost hesitant.
“Just making sure you didn’t smuggle your laptop in here.”
There was a smile in Remus’ voice – even he could hear it. “I told you I was going to bed, and I am. You should, too.”
“Noted.” There was a pause, heavy with words unsaid and sentiments kept hidden in the recesses of their minds. Remus could just barely see him in the darkness – he was mostly just a dark silhouette, stark against the light from the hallway. Remus shouldn’t be doing this. And yet-
“Hmm?” He questioned, stopping in his motion of closing the bedroom door.
Remus only let himself hesitate a split-second. “Stay?” he blurted, ridiculously grateful for the cover of darkness so that Sirius didn’t witness his grimace. “I just mean – that couch can’t be comfy to sleep on. And… and I’m not sure I want to be alone right now.”
Even though he couldn’t see him, he could sense Sirius’ smile. “Sure.” He left for just a few seconds to turn off the hallway light, then returned without even stumbling once.
“Do you have night vision or something?” Remus snarked, shifting over on the bed to make room. The bed dipped and then Sirius was settling in next to him, radiating more warmth already than the heating system in the apartment. Remus refrained from moving in closer, but it was a close thing.
“Snuck into my brother’s bedroom all the time when I was a kid.” He mused, pulling the blankets up a little higher as he got comfortable. “Got pretty good at maneuvering around in the dark.”
Remus couldn’t help but smile at that. “Me too.”
They went quiet after that, Sirius’ breathing slow and even, a metronome keeping the time as they both tried to sleep. Remus really did try but he couldn’t seem to turn his brain off, constantly aware of just who was in his bed right that second. He sucked in a determined breath, then rolled onto his side to face his roommate.
“Hmm?” Sirius repeated, quieter this time. Even this close he still couldn’t see much, only what the not-quite full moon illuminated for him – a strong jaw, the slope of his nose, the glint to his dark hair. It would be so easy to just close the distance between them and kiss him. He wanted to.
On top of that, he was pretty sure Sirius wanted him to.
He’d always thought getting here would be complicated and confusing and require so much talking. Well, they were here now and they didn’t really have to say a word, which surprised Remus. But there was this… charge between them, polar and magnetic, that pushed the two together as naturally and easily as taking their next breaths. At this point it felt almost inevitable, no longer worth fighting against Remus’ better judgement.
He tasted like the toothpaste Remus always bought. The cheap, off-brand one he’d used as a kid and just kept on using as he grew up. Remus wasn’t sure he could ever use that toothpaste without thinking of him now, him and the way he tangled their legs together and ran his tongue across the seam of Remus’ lips, urging them open. Remus hummed against his lips and kissed him back; the only thought going through his head was finally.
Sirius threw a leg across Remus’ to straddle his hips and then moved to balance over him, a looming, faceless shadow in the dark.
And Remus froze, the feeling of being caged-in catapulting him back all those years ago to the floor of an otherwise empty warehouse, a fierce hand on his shoulder pulling and pulling and pulling-
“You good?” Sirius breathed, pressing a quick, careful kiss to the hinge of his jaw, nose brushing against his cheek as he leaned back to look at Remus. The soft, concerned way he said it brought Remus back to reality quickly.
He was ok. This was ok.
“Mmhmm.” Remus pulled Sirius closer by the hips, greedy for the contact, the knowledge that he wasn’t alone in some dimly-lit warehouse. There were cool sheets underneath him, the sound of his ancient heating system rattling away as it worked, and the taste of toothpaste in his mouth. The figure hovering over him was smaller, more compact. The eyes that gleamed in the dark were gray, not dark and feral. The hand gripping his shoulder wasn’t intended to hurt but to anchor, to soothe. He sighed into their next kiss and finally let himself relax against the pillows, safe in Sirius’ arms – a sentence he never thought he’d say, but he sure was grateful for evolving circumstances.
They were taking a break from bashing Finn’s face in, apparently.
He warily watched the two Snakes that entered the room, eyesight hindered by one swollen, puffy eyelid. They didn’t approach him, though, instead choosing to stand between him and the open door – a clear attempt at reminding Finn just who was in control of this situation.
He couldn’t help but smile sarcastically. If they had to use subliminal messages to come across as intimidating, they were getting desperate.
And Finn wasn’t cracking.
He was morbidly curious to see what they had in mind.
He leaned back against the wall and regarded them, feigning uninterest. “What’s on the agenda for this meeting, boys?”
Two identical glares were shot his way. Finn shrugged, stretching his legs out in front of him and crossing them at the ankle while holding back a wince. “I’d like a printed-out itinerary, when you get a chance.”
“We just want to talk.”
Finn snorted. “That’s worked really well so far.”
“We’ve got some incentive for you this time.”
“Ooh, that sounds interesting.” He said, wiggling his eyebrows. “Is this a guessing game? Because I’ve definitely got a few ideas brewing that would be great incentive: a large meat lovers pizza – extra cheese, please – oh, or a TV! It gets terribly boring when you leave me here all by my lonesome. A book would also be adequate.”
The two looked at each other. The shorter one on the right looked exhausted, and – to quote one Leo Knut, bless his heart. Finn grinned. He could practically hear the phrase in a sarcastic, too-sweet drawl. Apparently it didn’t always mean what most people thought it meant in the south.
As if they could read his mind the tired-one said, “Your partners. The ones that came barging into the restaurant and caused quite the scene.”
Of course they did, those dumbasses. Finn just knew Logan had been leading the charge; he was too hot-headed for his own good.
“They’re long gone by now,” he bluffed, although he knew better. They were still camped out in that hotel room, plotting. He was sure of it. He ached a little at the thought – a nauseating combination of worry and homesickness and knowing that they were hurting because of him and his inability to recognize that he’d been drugged, for god’s sake. Some agent he was. “So good luck finding them.”
“Really? That’s interesting,” The taller of the two crossed his arms over his chest. “Our sources tell us they’re still in the city.”
Tired-Snake pulled a picture out of the folder in his hand and handed it over to Finn. A blond and a brunet, pressed as close together as they possibly could and looking down at the same phone screen in a small hotel room. A hotel room he was all too familiar with, seeing that he was just there earlier that day. He could see his dress shoes in the exact same place he’d kicked them off after the gala, one still on its side. Finn wanted to see his partners again more than anything, but not like this – used like bargaining chips to get him to talk.
He could use this, though, if he played his cards right. So he let his eyes widen and over-exaggerated the trembling of his hand as he held onto the picture too tight. The fear was real – he didn’t have to act too hard this time. The words he said, however…
“I don’t know what you want me to say. They were backup, that’s all.” Technically not all a lie, but definitely not truthful either. “I was supposed to go in, gather as much intel as I could, and get out. That’s it. What else would I have been doing in a public place like that?”
The Snakes looked at each other, then back at Finn. They were at this strange impasse – they didn’t know that Gryffindor was going after the flash drives, and Finn wasn’t supposed to know about the flash drives in the first place. Neither of them could bring them up without revealing how much they knew.
“What were you going to use the intel for?” Tired-one asked finally. “What are you planning?”
“You expect me to know? I’m just a field agent. I get the intel, then immediately hand it over to the analysts and let them do their thing. I’m at the bottom of the food chain, dudes. I don’t know shit. Just-” he hesitated for longer than he needed to, reeling the Snakes in with his performance – the battle of conflicting emotions on his face, the nervous tapping of his foot, the way he bit his lip and winced when he remembered that it was already split. “Just leave them alone, ok? They don’t know any more than I do about all this.”
The taller Snake grabbed the picture from him, watching Finn hesitate to give it back. “Cooperate, and that won’t be an issue.”
As soon as the door closed behind them, Finn relaxed his control over his expressions and glared like he’d been wanting to for so long. Because really. How dare they threaten his boys.
They should’ve known that would only give him more incentive to throw them as far off the trail as he possibly could.
Logan wasn’t sleeping, but that didn’t change the fact that he nearly jumped out of his skin when Leo sat bolt upright in bed with a sudden gasp.
“Nutty, what the hell-”
“I just thought of something.” He rushed to say, voice deep and scratchy from lack of use. He threw the sheets off, scrambled out of bed, and let all the cold air in as he turned the light on and hurried to the tiny hotel closet. Logan glared after him, grabbing the duvet and tucking it up around his chin again.
“What’s up?” He watched Leo hesitate at what he came across in the closet – a dark suit haphazardly thrown on a hanger, tie hanging from the hook. The tiniest of reminders of who used to be there with them – who should still be there with them. The blond took a deep breath and moved it aside, reaching for his own gray suit and digging around in the pockets for something. Logan sat up as he watched, brow furrowing. “Nutty?”
“Regulus slipped me his number at that party.” Leo explained, finally finding what he was looking for and pulling out a small business card. “Why didn’t I think of this earlier? If he knows anything, maybe he’ll tell us.”
Logan sighed and stared up at the ceiling, trying to tamp down the hope threatening to well up. “If they’re not keeping tabs on who he’s calling and messaging, what he’s saying.”
“He’s high up – why would they doubt him?”
“Because he’s got a brother who got out.”
“He thought Sirius was dead.” Leo pointed out, flopping back onto the bed and grabbing his phone from where it was plugged in on the nightstand. “So why wouldn’t the rest of the Snakes?” The glow from the screen illuminated a look of such blind optimism that probably hurt Logan more than it should have. Because one of these days, Leo would only be disappointed.
“He’s on our side, according to Sirius.” Leo continued as he tapped out a message. “I think he’ll help.”
Logan figured it was worth a shot. They were running low on options and he was willing to try just about anything if it meant getting Finn back. He rolled onto his stomach and peered over Leo’s shoulder at the screen right as he hit send.
Regulus looked down at his phone as it buzzed, seeing a text from an unknown number.
Is he ok?
He let out a long-suffering sigh, puffing out his cheeks as he did so. He’d only given this number to one person recently and that was quickly proving to be a mistake. They were going to do something stupid, weren’t they? And that put him in a very uncomfortable spot. Did he help them and risk getting caught, or did he let them try some half-assed plan on their own – because they would, he had no doubts about that – and risk never being able to get out of here?
Both options were unappealing.
“Everything ok?” Finn questioned around a bite of the food Regulus had smuggled in for him, quickly bringing Regulus out of his thoughts.
Well I’m currently debating on helping your boyfriends bust you out of here. Does that count as ok?
“None of your business.” He said instead, not sparing Finn another glance. If Finn had any idea what was going on, he’d try to put a stop to it. Regulus knew the type – self-sacrificing idiots. He’d rather sit there and get beaten to a pulp than put the other two in danger. Best to save him the extra stress and just not say anything.
Plus, this could be his chance to get out too. Instead of trying to get out on his own and then having no safe connections outside the Snakes besides his brother, he’d have a group to travel with. Safety in numbers, and all that. People who actually knew where they were going and who would watch his back. They would owe him after this, and that meant a leg up. It meant a safety net.
Regulus unlocked his phone again and started typing.
Listen carefully.
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cripplingaddictions · 3 years
First “I love you”s with the BNHA Boys
Bakugo, Shinso, Kirishima
Summary: How I think some of my favs would say their first ily and when it would be in the relationship. Pretty much first major confession stories...
A/N: So sorry for inactivity. I always get way too carried away with these sorts of headcanons... Let me know if you guys want a part two with maybe some pro heroes, villains, or maybe more students?? 
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Yeah, Bakugo sucks at words
Bakugo said his quite far into the relationship, let’s be real
To begin with, his love language was actions, not words
So when he realised that he needed to say it at some point or you may get upset with him, he panicked 
I’m sure you were incredibly accepting of his form of affection, slightly aggressive or not, that you weren't pressing for him to say it
You knew he would be uncomfortable with it, so you make it your mission to say it to him first
That way he could feel either relieved that you said first, confident enough to say it himself when he was ready, or let it out at the same time
Spoiler: it was the latter 
You both blurted it out together
The two of you were in a fight, nothing unusual 
However, it wasn’t one of the playful ones that more commonly end with you giggling and pleading for his mercy as he tickled you
You’d never yell in those sorts of fights, and neither would he
But this one was serious
The points and arguments attacking each other were incredibly personal, but both sides were very unselfish
For example, you said: “Your inferiority complex is what makes you this way and you’re gonna push yourself too hard one day!”
To which he’d reply with: “Look at you, if you want to play hero let me do what I want and focus on yourself. Don’t waste your time on me when I’m perfectly fine”
You get the idea
All you wanted was for him to look after himself
Once you believed the fight was incredibly stupid, you stormed off
Bakugo of course tried to catch up with you only for you to slam a door in his face, which you instantly regretted
It took you a good half an hour to open the door again
Bakugo stood up immediately at the sight of your puffy eyes
He felt awful 
But the three words came out as follows:
“Katsuki... I’m sorry”
“No, I am”
“Katsu, please, you know that I get worked up”
“And I do too”
There was a pause, neither of you knowing who would speak first
That’s when you spoke at the same time
“I only said what I said because I love you and care about you”
“I almost pushed you away because I love you so much, dumbass”
“What did you say?”
You got him to repeat himself, and he mumbled it shyly
You awed, hurrying up to him to pull him tightly into your chest and reassured him softly
He was too shocked to get emotional or cry
He was mainly relieved that you said it too, because as soon as that fight picked up, he was afraid you didn’t
Now that it was off his chest, he was relieved
And knowing everything that you did was because you loved him back made him feel so much better
But he made sure that you both said it often enough to avoid doubt
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My soft purple boy...
He knew he loved you instantly, much like most of the boys on this list
He had finally found someone with similar interests as him, same sense of humour, same goals, and loved cats too
Best of all, you never assumed anything because of his quirk
And with Shinso’s childhood, encountering someone who thought nothing like those other kids, he wanted to hold onto you forever
You feeling safe around him wasn’t something that grew over time after meeting him
It was instantaneous 
You had introduced yourself to him and he cocked an eyebrow at you
“Aren’t you scared?”
“Scared? Why would I be scared?”
“Don’t you know I’m the kid with the brainwash quirk that everyone says to ‘beware’?”
“Oh, yeah. I knew”
“Then why did you approach me?”
“I don’t know, I thought your quirk was actually really cool and wanted to know why your in the general department and not in the hero department”
That was the first time he had ever heard someone talk about his quirk in such a way
He’d be lying if he said that he didn’t fall in love instantly as you took a seat next to him and began ranting about how rigged the entrance exam was
I didn’t mean to get into a whole backstory so lets hurry with the confession:
You two weren’t even dating yet when he said it
And it wasn’t even that far into your friendship that he let it slip
The two of you had stopped into a cat cafe on the way home from UA
You had already finished eating and were busy playing with the numerous cats surrounding your table
After all, Shinso was a cat magnet
You cooed at a kitten in your lap, talking to it in your baby voice
Shinso sat across from you, chin resting in his hand smiling fondly to himself
The fact that he loved you was so apparent to him that he almost forgot that you didn’t know
For some reason, he had forgotten that you really couldn’t read his mind, even though you were so similar to him
At this point, your teasing but genuine affection had made Shinso forget that you weren't dating
Being around each other was so comfortable 
He never had been so blessed
While you played with the cat, he sighed
“Damn... I love you...”
The boy had the audacity to clear his throat and pretend he didn’t say it, like it was a ghost or something that had whispered it so softly and meaningfully in a voice that sounded just like his voice..? 
Of course you knew it was him
“Do you mean it?”
“Mean what?”
“This is so sudden... I mean we’re not even dating? Do I say it back now? How long have you felt this way? Do I have to meet your parents now? Wait, do you even want a relationship? No-”
Shinso leaned over the table and placed his hand over your mouth to hush you
“It was an accident, okay? I didn’t mean to say it so soon”
You peel his large hand off your mouth
“No, it’s fine... I’m kind of relieved...”
“Why’s that?”
“I was going to ask you out after this... and I didn’t know if you’d say yes”
You laughed nervously, turning back to the cat and avoided Shinso’s eyes
Let’s just say that he definitely said yes and that spot in the cat cafe became his favourite place ever
You said that you loved him right after he agreed to date you
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Kiri! Kiri! Kiri! Kiri!
Words are 100% his thing!
In fact, after you started dating, he couldn’t wait to say it!
He would have said it as soon as you agreed to date him if it wasn’t for his plan that he had come up with as soon as he realised he had a crush on you
This plan of his consisted of him confessing that he loves you after a long date that ended with you two stargazing on a hill with candles and sandwiches and blankets and-
Argh, it was going to be perfect!
Originally, he intended jump right into it and ask you to hang out then take you to the arcade, then to lunch, then the festival, then across the lake, then to the park as friends! 
Denki thought it was stupid that he’d go through all that effort without knowing if you even liked him back!
So, with Denki’s “experience”, he instructed Kirishima on a new 20 step plan in order to say it at the right moment
Kiri, being so lovestruck, he could only listen to him
The first date he asked you on was a simple study date
According to Denki’s plan, Kiri was to take baby steps in order to build up to a date of that magnitude
With Kirishima being the sunshine boy he is, every date was a blast (even the study one)
As it came to the completion of the 20 step plan, Kiri began to grow nervous
Remember how I said words are 100% his thing?
Well, at least they were
Before the big day at least
He was incredible fidgety the entire time, from when you got to the arcade to when you hopped onto the boat to cross the lake
You weren’t stupid, you noticed how his laughter faded out quickly as how he avoided your eyes more often than not
It caused you to get a bit anxious yourself, making the boat ride over to the park incredibly awkward
You usually relied on him to bounce back on, but now...
Why was he even anxious? The date had gone perfectly!
You looked like you had enjoyed yourself, so why was he questioning if you would love him back?
Nonetheless, he led you to the exactly place on the hill he had planned it to happen three months ago
You rolled out the picnic blanket, lit the candles, ate the sandwiches and waited for the sun to go down
The temperature dropped, causing you to shiver, just like Kiri planned
So he took out the blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders, much more awkwardly than he had watched on repeat in his head for months
But you took it with a smile, and he loosened up a bit
When it became dark enough for you to see the stars, you lay down on wrapped in the blanket
Your eyes were filled with wonder as you found yourself absent-mindedly telling Kiri about the different stars
That’s when Kiri found his hand itching for the speech that he stashed into his pocket after rewriting it over and over again
He was sure he had formulated his words right
But at that moment, seeing you just as he had dreamed in this perfect moment, but only more beautiful, he realised it would never go as he planned
“And I think that one is Sirius. It’s got to be the brightest star”
“I want to tell you something”
You’re heart dropped
“What is it?”
“I’m so in love with you, you have no idea. Ever since I met you, I thought you were incredible and beautiful... It’s not very manly for me to admit this but... I have literally dreamed of this moment. But none of my dreams could have never prepared me for this. I love you, Y/N, and it’s okay if you don’t love me back”
“Oh thank goodness, I’m so glad that was what you wanted to say”
“I noticed how fidgety you were and I feared the worst if I’m honest!”
“Oh, no I didn’t want to make you feel that way! I was just nervous that you wouldn’t accept my confession...”
“Of course I do! I love you too!”
He was so relieved, and never regretted the way the confession when down
Since he recovered from his initial nerves, he’d say it constantly and you’d always laugh and reciprocate his words
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remusmainhoe · 3 years
sirius x reader
warning:smut, language.
not sure what it is, I wanna say friends, to lovers, but really I just got carried away. I hope you love it, I had fun writing it.
I was laying on the grass, near the black lake. The sun shined on the water, the warm breeze lifting the pages of my book, my mother had gotten me about medicine since she worked at st. Mungos, but I always preferred the greek mythology books my dad had left me. I saw him from a distance, sitting down on the grass, sheltered by the shade of a tree, his back relaxed against the bark. Two other girls near him were giggling at each other, stealing glances of him every now and then, their cheeks flushed with anticipation for his attention. Even from a distance, I could make out his face, unbothered by the girls, his dark, smooth hair dancing in front of his face every now and then. His eyes remained closed, his mouth carved into that faint grin he wore so much. James was next to him, his mouth moving, grasping the snitch before it got too close to freedom, and letting it go once more. Seeing how James ran a hand through his jet black hair, careful enough to leave it perfectly messy. Remus crouched down on the floor, eyes hungrily reading every word of the paper in front of him. A strand of his sandy brown hair on his face gone ignored, his hands grasping his quill, focused. Peter was watching James, as his hands clasp around the snitch for the 100th time.
I couldn’t help catching a glimpse of the boy, feeling like the other girls whose eyes also felt what I could only describe as a magnetic pull toward him. To me, he felt like a flame, you could appreciate it, and regard it as precious, but you know better than to get too close. I try to peel my eyes off him, staring back at the book in my lap. When my eyes tired of the words on the page that no longer meant anything, I looked up again only to find those piercing eyes staring back. The corner of his mouth lifting, flashing his teeth, his calculating eyes refusing to let me go. I tear away from him, refusing to give in. I stand up, picking up my things, and make my way back to the Gryffindor tower, rushing up the stairs to my dormitory. I laid in bed, refusing to acknowledge the way he made me feel. The butterflies that swarmed through my body, the warm feeling in my chest, because no one can have this much control over me. Falling asleep that night, his eyes being the last thought before I fall asleep, and my first thought when I wake up.
Waking up slowly, getting out of bed, taking the morning air deeply, letting it feel my lungs, and hoping it could erase that feeling he made me feel. The great hall filled with the first light of the day, my lids heavy as I sit down at the Gryffindor table. The table slowly filling up with students fueling up for the days' classes. I ate my breakfast in silence, lightly listening to the words the other girls were gossiping to me. When I felt those piercing eyes on me again, not wanting to believe my own senses, I ignored them. Lessons that day went by blandly and slowly, I plopped down on my chair in the astronomy tower at midnight. Opening my book to get ready for the lesson, I felt someone sit down next to me, I glanced quickly to see who it was.
“I hope this seat wasn’t being saved for someone else,” he says, clearly noticing the confusion on my face.
“Um, no, it's ok” I sputter out, he flashed another smile in response, in turn making those damn butterflies return, I fight the slight heat in my cheeks.
Before anything else can happen, the professor calls things into order, starting the lesson for the day. Any of the tiredness that I felt, fluttered away. the professor assigned us to fill a star chart of the different constellations with a partner.
“Well, what do you say, partner?” He said turning his body to my attention, certainty in his voice.
I had known him enough to know the charade he performed with other girls, making them stutter slightly, making their cheeks hurt with the smile he would cause. I was certainly not one to judge, for who could blame them? The way that he moved in a way that felt effortlessly yet still carried some precision, the way his words came out of his mouth like honey. The most frustrating thing that made it difficult to forgive him for the effect he had, was that he knew he was goddamn gorgeous, and he liked to see the effect he could have.
“I say, I'm tired, and I wanna get this over with,” I said, surprising myself.
His eyes flickered with something, his shitfaced grin refusing to leave. He turned to his telescope and started to get to work. His hand fidgeting with his quill, his other hand gracing the telescope. I turned my head back to my telescope, observing Perseus, Studying the made-up lines I imagined connecting the stars, picturing Perseus ‘the hero’ with his sword and shield. I started plotting the dots on the chart, his hand hovering on the paper before getting to work on another part of the sky. I then saw Canis Major, which wasn’t that hard to find due to the brightest star ‘Sirius’. Remembering the books I read on the stories and mythology of the stars. Picturing Laelaps the dog that always caught whatever it hunted. sent to hunt the Teumessian fox, a fox that could never be caught. Realizing that they were doomed to be the hunter and the hunted for eternity, Zeus turned them both to stone then placed them in the sky as the constellations Canis Major (Laelaps) and Canis Minor (the Teumessian fox). The irony, of course, is that they continue the chase in an eternal hunt, with Canis Minor rising in the winter skies about an hour before Canis Major, I couldn’t help but smile.
“Did you find a man on the moon or something?” Sirius’s voice pulling me back to the astronomy tower.
“You’re smiling at the stars” he pointed out, his eyes full of intrigue.
“Oh, it's nothing, I just like the constellations and the myths and stories they carry,” I explain focusing once more and filling out the star chart we were almost finished with.
“Like what?” He asked leaning closer as if it were a deep secret only he was to hear.
“Well… I like the pegasus,” I said drawing it on the star chart “The winged horse, in Greek mythology, used by Zeus to carry thunder and lightning,” I said not being able to hide an amused smile.
“ the stories become a bit tangled though, there are different stories about each of them…” I continued “like the birth of Orion, one story tells how his father was a poor shepherd called Hyrieus. Once, Zeus, Hermes, and Poseidon stopped by Hyrieus’ house. Hyrieus was so generous with his guests that he killed the only animal he had - an ox. Hyrieus was not aware that his guests were gods. The gods wanted to reward Hyrieus’ generosity by granting him a wish. Hyrieus’ biggest desire was to have a child. The gods told him to bury the hide of the bull he had sacrificed to them and to pee on it. After nine months, a boy was born in that place. The child became a very handsome and strong man. He became a very good hunter and threatened to kill all of the wild animals of the world, however, Gaia the mother of all animals was not pleased with his intention. Gaia set a giant scorpion on Orion, who soon realized that’s strength and sword were useless against the mighty Scorpio. Orion tried to escape, but was stung and placed in the stars along with the Scorpio set to chase him forever as a reminder from Gaia to protect the environment.” I stopped talking, realizing that who I had been ranting to. Instead of looking up to see a look of boredom, and annoyance that I was expecting to see, I was met with those eyes, laser-focused on me, his body slightly leaned in my direction.
“I told you, it's nothing, just random shit I think about” I dismiss it trying to not get sucked into his gaze.
“Is that we read so often outside near the lake?” He asked, not looking away from me.
“Among other things” I respond, before can think about it, I say “why do you care?”
He looked at me for a moment, “I don't” he said, and leaned back in his chair for a few minutes staring at the sky. Our star sheet laid out completed, and minutes to spare.
“But let's say I do,” he said leaning back toward me swiftly, his scent gracing my nose, my lungs filling lightly with cologne, leather, and cigarettes.
“Ok, humor me.” I say “what could Mr. popularity possibly have to care about? Apart from his hair”, I say, this time keeping eye contact.
“What do you have against my hair?” He said in the mocked offense.
“Nothing” I answer with slight sarcasm, slightly holding my hands up in defense.
I don't know what made me feel the need to not let him get to me. Hogwarts, although a big castle, I would always see how the girls would spoil him with love, and attention. I’ve read enough books, I don't want to be the “I'm not like other girls” bullshit, but I'm not gonna let him play his little game of cat and mouse.
He paused for a moment before speaking again, “well I just think that any book that can keep you from stealing glances at me, must be one hell of a book”
“Well, you think mighty big of yourself” I choke out a laugh, “you know, for a second there you had me,” I say without missing a beat.
“Is that so?” He countered.
Before I can say more, the lesson ends, I grab my things not trusting myself to say more. Getting to my dorm room, my head infected with him. His grin plastered on his face, with those eyes that see right through anyone. I'm not angry with what he said, it's what he made me feel that terrified me.
The next day, I sat at the Gryffindor table having breakfast, when I felt someone sit next to me. I turned and saw him sitting there, a bit further from his groupie.
“What are you doing over here,” I asked out of pure reflex.
“It is a free country” he responded as he served his breakfast.
“Yeah… sorry” he hadn’t done anything wrong, and it wasn’t my business, even if it was weird to see his hip separated from James. We ate in silence and headed to our first class, transfiguration, the moment I took my seat, he plopped down next to me.
“Ok, what’s your game here?” I ask him, frustrated that I even have to fight back a grin playing at the corner of my mouth. If he noticed, he didn’t say so.
“Nothing,” he said innocently. The class began, and we were assigned to transform bunnies into slippers. I managed to make some hoping slippers, with a tail at the back, Sirius chuckled at them.
“Don't judge them” I said, not even realizing I was smiling.
“I'm sorry,” he says, poorly hiding his amusement.
“Why don't you try it then” I challenge looking at his bunny.
“Ok, fine” he shrugged, with a swish of his wand, his bunny turned into a pair of slippers you would probably only find at a high-end store. “I could give you a lesson if you want” he teased.
“You know, one day you’re going to need slippers that jump,” I said catching my slippers, and transforming them back into the fluffy bunny.
The classes after that, he sat next to me, at first I thought he would come back to his senses and go back to his group, but after 2 weeks of laughing at his jokes in class, how he would pull a little prank, how he would know how to get me to start ranting about something, I didn’t think twice about it. He then started to sit with me in the library, and distract me from doing work. Later on, he and I would go out near the black lake where I once sat alone, I read to him the stories I held so deep to my heart. He would grasp every word of it.
It was inevitable, but after a while, I started to hang out with the others too. Remus and I would revise together, James would pull me into small pranks, and I would help Peter understand some of the charms he couldn’t do.
I tried not to think about the things I would feel when I saw Sirius. How I wanted to mess up his hair just a little bit because it was too perfect. How his laughter gave me a feeling of happiness that spread to my mouth that made me smile and laugh like an idiot. How I would think about the way that his muscles moved when he practiced quidditch with James, how his face looked chiseled by the gods.
I was back in the Gryffindor common room, trying to finish as much work as I could before I realized that the common room was empty, looking up at the clock to see the hands read 3:30 in the morning. I was about to gather my things to head to my dorm and call it a night when I heard the door to the common room open. Turning around, I didn’t see anyone there, yet the door started to close on its own, the fat lady fast asleep. Before I can even process it, I hear a thump near the fireplace, and all of the sudden see Sirius on the floor, a cloak next to him. Before I can even question it, I see the scarlet red that trails on his white shirt, I felt my eyes open wide as I rush to him, my legs forming a mind of their own.
He looks up at me, “y/n.. I-“ he's cut off with a hiss of pain escaping his mouth as the blood trails down.
“Take off your shirt so I can see”
“Isn’t that a bold request” he forces a teasing smile.
“Your a wanker” I say trying not to laugh, my heart still racing. “You know what I mean”
He lifts the white shirt, if it weren’t for the gash on his torso, I could have been easily distracted by the way that his muscles moved. The way that the low light of the fireplace reflected off his skin, the way that his skin glowed from a slight sheen of sweat.
“Stay here, ill be right back,” I say getting up, he grabbed my hand before I could move.
“You can't get any help,” he said, his voice laced with panic.
“It's ok, I have some bandages in my dorm,” I said. I rushed up to my trunk and grabbed what I needed, my mother always made sure I was prepared and was eager to teach me everything she could about her work. I rushed back to the common room, kneeling next to him. My fingers slightly shaking from the initial shock. The scratch was deep, so I started to work on some charms that my mother had taught me. Sirius was laying down on his elbows. After healing the wound as much as I could, I grabbed a small towel, drowning it in water, and brushing it lightly on his dark red blood now rusting slightly on him.
“How do you know all that?” He asked, I hadn’t noticed him looking at me.
“My mum” I answered wrapping him up in bandages. “How does it feel?” I asked
“Loads better” he answered.
“You better get some rest, take the bandage off tomorrow in the morning, if it hasn’t healed completely tell me,” I said, “did you lose a lot of blood?” I asked starting to examine him to see if he was paler than usual”
“I'm ok y/n, thank you,” he said, “aren’t you gonna ask me why I was butchered, or why I'm out at 3 in the morning?” He asked.
“If you want to tell me, id be glad to hear it, but it's non of my business” I answered honestly, he looked at me relieved, “thank you, it's not really my secret to tell”. He was sitting up a lot straighter.
“I get it,” I said sincerely.
“Why are you up so late?” He asked.
“I was just working a bit, got carried away. I was on my way to my dorm when you stumbled in” I smiled.
“Yeah, sorry bout that”
“It's nothing, my mum would probably thank you for giving some medical practice” I joke.
“Glad to help. It's hypnotizing seeing you so focused.” He said
I laid in my bed that night, feeling guilt for knowing that I got so close to the flame I promised myself I wouldn’t touch, yet also feeling a sense of relief that he was ok.
The next morning I sat in the morning, not being able to help myself, wanting to know how he was. He came downstairs, the look of surprise evident in his eyes at seeing me waiting for him.
“Y/n,” he said.
“Hey, sorry, I just wanted to know if you were ok”
“Yeah, It's healed” he answered making sure only I could hear him.
“That’s good… well I just… I just wanted to make sure”
“Thank you again,” he said, taking a step closer.
His eyes were piercing right through me, his hand hovering slightly over mine. I leaned up and kissed him, my hand over his jaw, my lips on his, my tongue tasting him like a drug I never knew I was sober from. His lips welcoming me, I snapped back into reality and pulled away, his eyes still close leaning in my direction.
“I'm sorry… I … sorry” was all I could spit out, I made my way back to my dorm feeling like a fool for thinking that a guy like Sirius would like me, that he regarded me any more different than the other girls that touched those same lips. I had been stupid, I had burned my house I worked so hard to protect, on that flame yet what scared me was that I would do it again. His hand grabbed my wrist. before I knew it, those lips met mine again, but this time they were prepared. He pulled apart just enough to speak.
“I want you y/n”
“You already have me”
I couldn’t even think about how stupid I was being, how cheesy this all was, because when his hands lingered on my waist as his lips enraptured me all thoughts and common sense went out the window. Up in his dormitory he closed the door, we both knew everyone would be in lessons. My hands tangled in his hair finally getting a chance to mess it up. His hands sliding my shirt off as he unclipped my bra, and I took his shirt off, and he pulled down my skirt, I slipped out of my shoes. For a moment he looked at me, revealed for him, exposed.
“My merlin you’re even more gorgeous than I thought,” he said breathlessly. I could feel myself blush, he started to massage my breasts, and I let out a moan. I unbuckled his belt and felt him hard for me. All this time I thought he was in control, yet he felt the same things I felt. I slipped a hand removing his trousers enough to relieve him a bit, he let out a low growl and I throbbed. He moved my panties, starting to draw circles on my clit making me unravel. I laid on his bed, pinned down beneath him, he stretched me out, and I let out a gasp of pleasure. His mouth began to play with my nipples, placing hickeys everywhere because I was his. I bit down a moan.
“Don't hold it back love, I wanna hear you scream” he said in my ear. His movements making the pleasure in my abdomen build-up, but I knew he would tell me when I could cum for him.
“Sirius” his name coming out of my lips like water.
“Cum for me darling”
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0castergirl0 · 4 years
Fear The Full Moon
Yandere Marauders x Reader
Requested by: @ksierra
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Breath in.
Breath out.
Please look away. The need to beg him/she-it to let you go was extremely difficult to keep to yourself, but those yellow eyes wouldn’t leave you, they were big and cold, whereas his breath was extremely warm, almost burning the skin it touched.
Your back was pressed against a hollow tree as you tried to keep as much possible distance as you could without him jumping forward and possibly ripping you apart. Cold sweat was covering you whole as you cursed that damn school.
It was supposed to be the safest place in the world! But instead they didn’t didn’t hear the screams, neither did they see you leave school grounds, they did however, manage to keep a moody werewolf in the freaking dark forest.
The heaviness and speed of your ur heart was almost unbearable “Let me go” you whispered, certain that if you raised your tone a little more whoever that werewolf was would jump and eat you alive. Still, it was the loud barks that made you stiffen even more in your place.
And then a deer was holding him back with his antlers as the black dog started barking in your direction, you were certain that he nodded. But that was all you needed as you started running towards the gray castle. Just a little more.
Your body was freezing from the cold air and sweat that was covering every part of your body and the grass became more and more uncomfortable to step on.
Just a little more.
Five more steps and you would be out of that god forsaken forest.
Then the side of your waist started burning as your back slammed against the ground, forcing a groan to leave you as you focused on holding back your scream. You were almost sure that if it ever came out you’d give a Banshee a run for her money.
And just then did the air found it’s way back into your lungs as you sat on your bed. Everything seemed almost normal around you, almost as if everything had been just a dream, but your heart hadn’t stopped racing, not for a second.
But everything looked almost immaculate. Almost. Your room was quiet and tidy, of course except for those muddy steps in your floor that seemed to direct from the door to your bed and from there back to the door. As you tried to move you felt an overwhelming pain in your lower body. And when you looked down you found some raggedy bandages covering your waist, the side of them seemed to be almost dripping blood.
Your blood. So in an attempt of bravery you started taking your bandages off, but the reason wasn’t clear in your mind, were you trying to evaluate the damage? Trying to bandage yourself? Or trying to remember more?
And there you found it, a bite. But you knew about werewolves, even though they can turn someone with a bite, when they are turned the bite disappeares, but yours was there, already healed but left scarring, something that was certainly not supposed to happen. You could even say that it looked like a huge hickey.
What now? You were lost in a crossroad there, were you about to go to Dumbledoor and tell that something bit you? Wait-someone. Or were you going to just act as if nothing had happened the night before that?
Altough, werewolves aren’t supposed to be in Hogwarts, you reasoned, and the guardings are up, so there was no possible way of one entering unless they were from the inside, a professor, maybe?
You utterly doubted that a student would be admitted if they were wolves. You were utterly wrong too. But whoever it had been must have had a reason to be there, and you couldn’t risk snitching on them, with it being already hard for your family to get you to go to hogwarts you wondered if you ever said that you got out of school grounds after curfew, would they kick you out?
Then it was decided. You wouldn’t decide, not yet, not before a proper bath and breakfast. Which was exactly what you did, showering the night off of you and then bathing in warm water to forget, that followed only by getting dressed and walking straight to the great hall, doing your best not to limp or double over your harmed waist.
It wasn’t until your first portion of toast and jam that you saw three of the four most hyperactive boys in the whole school quiet, eyes glued to you, the intensity of their glances sending shivers up your spine, they looked as intense as the wolf’s.
You gulped and tilted your head in an attempt to silently question them but that only seemed to intensify two of their glances as one of them, whose face was turning green seemed to get nervous and started shaking the others away from their sudden trance.
Which also seemed to wake you up, your ears flushing with embarrassment and returning to your food, suddenly not finding yourself too hungry. You stepped up in a sudden motion, what surprised you whatsoever, was they they stood up too mere seconds after you, with way less grace, hitting the table, dropping plates, food and everything in between, one of them even fell backwards with the motion.
You walked out while everyone else was laughing at them. And as you hurriedly walked back to your room in an attempt to make up your mind you were dragged away.
“Please don’t scream! Everything is okay!” Someone whispered as he covered your moth with his hand, he was unnervingly close, so much that you found his hazel eyes extremely warm. And then you saw his big lenses, looking around you saw another boy your age with black hair, and then it hit you, James Potter and Sirius Black, of course they had to be involved in whatever mess this was.
“Well maybe if you weren’t acting as if you were going to kill her...” Sirius teased, and you would’ve wanted to read them or at least try to if they weren’t so close, in an empty broom closet and the idea of them killing you right there didn’t seem so far fetched at the moment. “She’s not going to scream, okay?”
But James didn’t seem as convinced, looking back at you, his eyes seemed deep and glancing directly into yours, you almost wondered if he was searching for something “Are your going to scream?” He asked while pressing his hand more against your face as he himself got closer.
Your muffled reply was something along the lines of “Just let me go” Sirius however seemed to think that your response was different when he started laughing “See? She can’t even talk if you keep covering her mouth” and you just had to roll your eyes making him laugh again and As James lets you go you felt the warmth of his breathed laugh.
As much as you weren’t held against your will anymore the space was really small and you were cornered on opposite side from the door, leaving you with no space to escape.
“So...?” Sirius asked staring at you, you just tilted your head still unsure of what was happening “Are you going to scream?” James finished the question and you just couldn’t hold your tongue back.
“I think that if I was going to I would’ve done that by now” as soon as the sarcasm left you did you realize that you were literally trapped, in a small space, with the two worse trouble makers of your school, no way to escape and your response was to be sarcastic and probably convince them even further to prank you, or trick you, or kill you.
But instead of getting angry they looked at each other and laughed together, “You’re right, sorry sweet cheeks” Potter replied and you blushed, but you could’ve sworn that he did too, then Sirius palmed his back and turned towards you “Okay darling,” Sirius started, were they always this flirty? “I need you to tell us what happened last night, how are you feeling?”
You tried to play dumb “What are you talking about?” you replied while doing your best to keep your voice soft and your eyes innocent and glued to theirs, but they looked so decided that you had to look away.
“Hey, it’s okay, you can trust us” James said as he got a step closer “He’s right, we would never hurt you” Sirius finished, but there was something weird about that sentence and the way it intensified both of their eyes, almost as if it was an absolute truth that they would never harm you.
“I-I just- I heard screams” in that moment, undies their eyes it got hard for your mind and mouth to coordinate, you realized that they started smiling as soon as you started talking, James had a soft smile as Sirius wore a smirk “I needed to know if whoever it was was okay” then you realized how stupid you sounded, but being almost raised by books made you develop a hero complex, or at least you wanted to blame it on that. They were about to talk when you interrupted the silence again “Please, don’t tell anyone, I almost can’t afford it here and any trouble might grant me a way out” you weren’t sure why you said that part, what you knew was that you needed to stay there.
Both of their pairs of eyes got bigger almost in unison “That’s not happening” “Never” they seemed determined on you not leaving and you couldn’t help but at least be glad that they understood, at least you thought that was the reason, not that they didn’t want to lose sight of you.
Then it hit you, “How did you know about-“ but Sirius interrupted you “Long story, but we need Moony here” before you could ask James nodded in your direction “He’s referring to Remus” it made it even harder for you to understand what the hell was happening, but you decided not to question them any further.
After they tried to explain that they needed to take you to the infirmary, they placed a sort of blanket over your head and theirs as they guided you out, but you couldn’t get away, because as James led the way he was holding your waist and Sirius grabbed your hand, ever so often rubbing the back of your palm with his thumb, to comfort you, was your best guess.
Once inside you saw Remus laying down, surrounded with chocolates and blankets “What’s wrong? What happened?” You asked the boys in whispers, but Remus looked around, searching for you as if you had screamed, he called your name once, it was almost a question but his eyes had lighted up.
“She’s here, it’s time to talk” James quickly said as Sirius made sure to close the curtains and make a cloaking spell around all of you.
You got out of the invisibility cloak, and as if it was the most normal thing, Remus made space for you in the bed and you awkwardly sat there. Suddenly the other two boys were sitting by the other end of the bed, all of them glancing at you.
Before you even thought about making a question, James clapped his hands loudly and rubbed them, he seemed excited, his eyes shining, almost like a kid seeing a firework for the first time “How are you feeling?” He asked you, which seemed even weirder since you weren’t the one who actually was in the infirmary, you waited a second to make sure the question was directed to you, and all eyes were on you.
“Good, I guess?” You couldn’t help that in the end it sounded like a question, everything was just so awkward.
“Can I- uh, can I see it?” Remus asked, his voice was slightly trembling and he looked very nervous, but as happy as James. You tilted your head “The bite, can we see it?” Sirius rephrased.
“How do you know about the bite?” You asked in hushed whispers, even as you knew that no one outside of the courtains would be able to hear.
“We’ll tell you everything you want to know, just let us see it, please” James sounded calm but all his body screamed as much as the other boys.
With a frown you decided to pull your shirt up just enough for them to see the bite, as weirded out as you were, you decided to play along in an attempt to find out whatever had happened. When you looked up you saw three different expressions, James was happy, his eyes blurred with tears as a soft smile took place on his shaky features, Sirius had the brightest smile you had ever seen, his eyes not once leaving the scar as his eyes brightened up more by the second, and Remus, his mouth was just slightly open, shaking between breaths and a soft-delighted laugh.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, as much as you realized that they seemed happy, their expressions were just too big for it to be normal.
“Nothing” Remus breathed out “Everything is perfect” James continued “Really, really perfect” Sirius was almost bouncing.
You dropped the shirt back down and all eyes returned to yours “But something is happening, whatever it is, I want to know”
They all exchanged looks and started explaining by turns. “See, when I was eight I got bitten by a werewolf” Remus started, he told you his story first, as background “I-when they found out what I-what I was, they-“ but he seemed overwhelmed by emotions so Sirius interrupted him “we decided to take the full moons with him, we would turn into-eh-into different animals, but sharing this bond” you didn’t even realize when they started mixing lies with truth.
James took the words at that point “We had this kind of bond that made sure that what happened to one of us happened to the rest” Lies, lies, lies, but you never noticed “So last night...” he left the phrase hanging.
“You bit me, but if I’m not turning then why did you?” The truth didn’t settle in, not just yet. “Why bite if not for-oh” You we’re still figuring things out as you returned to their smiley faces, Remus and James grabbed one of your hands each and Sirius rubbed your leg, all of them trying to either comfort you or keep their excitement and happiness, telling you the news as if you became rich or had found the cure of cancer.
“It’s a mating bite!” James almost yelled one whispers, as Sirius nodded frantically, “but-but how?” You looked at Remus looking for answers only to find him already looking at you. “We all had this uh, feelings for you, but last night, with the bond they became stronger, and with you there, I-we couldn’t contain ourselves, and with the sp-bond” why didn’t you realize that they were mixing words every so often? “With the bond” he corrected himself under heavy glances “when I marked you, it was as if we all did, you’re ours!” They were just so happy.
Now, you didn’t notice how they always mixed the word ‘bond’ with ‘spell’. Truth was, they did a binding spell the hour before the full moon, agreeing on the plan, calling you out, making sure only you could hear, and they took matters into their own hands.
“So, how could this work?” You asked “Relationships are hard even just for two people, but-“ Remus interrupted you “We will make it work” You didn’t notice this, but the bite wouldn’t just mark you, no, it does way more than that, it creates a connection, even feelings for the one that but you, and because of the binding spell it was all of them, so you weren’t really against the situation. “You are ours now” Sirius declared and James nodded in agreement.
You decided that they weren’t the worst people to get stuck with, they were actually nice and would always be there for you. And it’s a good thing that you did, because they weren’t letting go, not even if you refused.
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arianajbb · 3 years
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Ahsbejsnfjr Mia!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!
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I'm so Happy for you :)))) 💛💛💛😁😁😁😀😀😀🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Anyways can I get Sirius and Lily brotp please......💛💛💛
You can't tell me she wasn't bestie with Sirius before James. They are so amazing!!!!!!
@secretsongdeer thank you!!!  to celebrate a very exciting/big reader milestone of We Can Be Heroes on fanfic.net (I still can’t get over it, I much prefer ao3 but anyway!), I asked for prompts and so... Okay so this got out of control and ended up being more that just Blackevans brotp but I hope you like it...
   Prongs, what did you do?
 “I hate men!” Lily said, flinging her bag onto the floor of the Gryffindor common room and throwing herself onto the sofa.
Sirius Black, who was already seated on said sofa and had been pretending to read when she came in, looked up briefly, raising his left eyebrow.
“What?” said Lily.
“I am a man, Evans,” he said.
“And?” Lily said, sending him a petulant scowl.
“Oh, it’s like that, is it?” Sirius said, trying not to smile as he went back to pretending to read said book.
“Very like that,” she said, sliding down the sofa and crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“Any particular chap bothering you today?” he asked lightly.
“I told you, all of them!” Lily said, rolling her eyes at him.
“All of them in particular?” Sirius asked.
“Well... I can’t tell you about one of them,” she said, kicking her foot against the low footstool.
That had to be Snape. Sirius made a mental note to hex the bastard as soon as the opportunity arose.
“I can’t tell you about the other two either,” Lily said, throwing her head back against the cushion and sighing again.
Snape’s friends. The six mini Death-Eaters Snape hung around with could all do with additional hexing, the bigoted bastards. He clenched his jaw.
“And?” he said.
“And your stupid, infuriating friend!” Lily said, looking up at him again and glaring.
Her emerald eyes were utterly beautiful, but most people found them scary as fuck when she was angry.
Sirius Black was not most people. He knew Lily Evans like the back of his hand. This was only a recent and rather startling discovery.
“Ah, Prongs?” he said, failing to keep a straight face. “What’s he done this time?”
“He’s... well, if you must know, it’s more a case of what he hasn’t done!” Lily scowled.
“You’ve lost me there,” Sirius said, putting down his book and turning towards her. “Evans?”
��I’m notoriously impatient.”
“That’s not a virtue, and you need to work on it,” Lily huffed.
“Duly noted,” Sirius grinned. “You’re pretty impatient too, by the way, old thing.”
“So, à propos de rien, what did Prongs do?”
“French doesn’t suit you, Black.”
“I think it does, actually,” Sirius said, flicking his hair and settling back into the couch more comfortably.
Lily glanced up at him briefly.
“Oh fine. I’ll allow that.”
“I’m always right,” Sirius said, with a smug grin.
Lily gave him an exaggerated eye roll.
“Name once!” she snorted.
“I said you fancied Prongs and I was right,” Sirius said, casually biting into the apple he had been holding in his right hand.
Lily’s cheeks infused prettily.
“You’ve literally never said that!” she yelped.
“I did just now, Evans,” Sirius said smoothly. “And I was right.”
Lily opened her mouth to protest and then closed it.
“Kneazle got your tongue, old thing?” Sirius said, grey eyes sparkling.
“Fuck off!” Lily said, jabbing his shin with her foot.
Sirius folded his arms and stared back.
“I can’t believe I’m telling you this!” Lily said, covering her face with her hands and groaning dramatically. “If you tell him, I swear to-“
“My lips are sealed,” Sirius replied, taking another bite of his apple. “Do tell!”
“I’m going to die of-“ Lily said, still hiding behind her hands.
“High stakes. Sounds like Prongs,” said Sirius, taking another bite.
“Listen, you’d have lost it too if you have just worked up the courage to ask Remus out and another person beat you to it at the last minute!” Lily said, flinging herself back against the armrest with force. “Two seconds ahead of me! Two bloody seconds!”
“What?” said Sirius, looking mortified, and pointedly ignoring the reference to one of his best friends.
“James, Prongs, whatever you call the useless, dorky git.”
“He didn’t say yes though, surely?” said Sirius, who still seemed a bit flummoxed.
“Didn’t he?” Lily said, her voice rising. “Desdemona asked him to go to Hogsmeade on a date. He said, and I’m quoting here, thanks very much that’s so kind of you I’d love to go only in his stupid polite voice.”
Sirius winced.
“And?” said Lily, cheeks bright red at this stage. “And then she said oh James, that’s, like, so amazing? I’m going to, like, die of happiness? I can’t wait to, like, tell all my friends, they’re actually, I’m not going to lie, going to scream?” Lily said, putting on a highly convincing version of a snooty pureblood accent. “And then she kissed his cheek and ran off! He stood there, like a deer caught in the headlights! And she’s not horrible or anything, she’s actually quite nice despite her snobby voice, and very attractive to boot, and I’m just being mean and-“
“Fucking hell!” Sirius said, staring at Lily. “What the fuck was he thinking?”
“I know, right?” Lily glared. “Tosser!”
“Blithering idiot!” said Sirius, growling.
“Stupid git!” Lily added.
“Wanker!” said Sirius.
“Gobshite,” Lily said.
“Merlin’s sake, man!” said Sirius.
“Well at least we’re on the same page,” said Lily, shooting Sirius a small smile.
“Blindingly incompetent...” said Sirius.
“Incompetent what?”
“Incompetent flirt? He’s meant to be asking you out?”
“He is?” Said Lily, staring at him in confusion.
“Hand on, when did this happen?”
“A few minutes ago.”
“Merlin, fuck!” Said Sirius, pacing up and down in front of the fireplace. “He’ll come flying in through that door in the next few seconds, Evans, mark my words, so you need to leg it upstairs and let me handle him, alright?”
“Is that wise?” Lily asked, biting her lip.
Sirius stopped pacing and stared at her momentarily.
“Well. I’d say wise would be pushing it,” he said. “but still preferable to your future husband pulling a Prongs.”
Lily raised her right eyebrow.
“Fucking it all up monumentally,” said Sirius, resuming his pacing. “I shall fix this, old girl, leave it to me.”
“What have I done,” groaned Lily as she hurried upstairs.
 The door of the Gryffindor common room flew open and James Potter stormed inside.
“Spot of bother with the fairer sex, Prongs?” Sirius said, lounging against the mantelpiece looking suave and sophisticated.
“Why, Padfoot?” James said, slamming the door so hard that the Fat Lady shrieked in fright. “Why is this happening to me, eh? What the ever-living fuck am I meant to do now, eh?”
“Prongs, care to enlighten me as to why the fuck you said you’d go on a date to Hogsmeade with Desdemona Demelza de Mimsy-Porpington?” said Sirius, his voice hard as steel.
James glared back at him and then threw his arms into the air helplessly.
“I have no idea, Padfoot! Literally no idea what possessed me, okay? I’m disgusted at my absolute barminess! It’s like I can’t be rude to a girl and then I can’t tell her she’s wrong either? I’m a disaster, Padfoot! A walking disaster area!”
“I agree. Your idiocy has risen to stratospheric heights, Prongs,” Sirius said, folding his arms crossly. “! just had Evans in here, in literal tears, all your doing!”
“In tears?” Said James, looking appalled and tuggi8ng at his hair with both his hands.
“Howling,” confirmed Sirius.
“Merlin’s tits!” Said James, turning white. “Do you think I-“
“I think your mother shall hear about this,” said Sirius primly, pursing his mouth shut and shaking his head with a disappointed sigh.
“What!” James shouted, looking horrified. “You are not telling mum, Sirius Black, you traitorous turd! It wasn’t my fault! I didn’t mean to-“
“All you have to do is ask the damned girl out, Prongs, it’s not exactly rock ’n’ science.”
“Rock ’n’ what? Oi! Now listen here, you little shit! I won’t have you chastising me like a bloody two-year-old when you are literally doing the exact same thing when it comes to Moony!”
Sirius’ elbow promptly slipped off the mantelpiece.
“Ouch!” He yelped, digging his elbow into his side. “What the fuck is that meant to mean!”
“Oh don’t you try this palaver on me, Padfoot! I damn well know you’ve had the hots for Moony for at least the last six months, and you’ve done fuck all about it, so don’t get on your high horse and-“
“What?” Sirius croaked, his voice shrill with fear. “I haven’t ever-“
“Oh shut up, Pads! I’ve had to listen to all sorts of Godforsaken moans coming from your bed as you call out Moony’s name. Darling Moony! Remus yes! Moony don’t stop!”
“What?” Sirius is now white as a sheet. “B-but I put up silencing charms every single night?”
“Yeah, about that, you never learnt how to cast a very effective silencing charm, mate. Which was fine, I covered for you, until you started mouthing off this gross stuff about Moony. I sent a remedial charm so don’t worry, Remus didn’t hear you mooning over him. He just thinks you are obsessed with Benjy now.”
Sirius stared at him, momentarily speechless.
“Excuse me?” he croaked. “He what?”
“Yes, well, I may have charmed your voice to say Benjy every time you said the word Moony or Remus,” James said, not looking at all apologetic.
“What? Why? Why would you do that?” said Sirius, looking at James with abject horror.
“Because I was sick of you both! Useless gits!” said James. “You’re both besotted and doing fuck all about it!”
“Fuck all? I’ll have you know, you may not have noticed, but I’ve been flirting my arse off with Moony for MONTHS now Prongs, months! And where has that got me? Nowhere! I don’t think I could be any more bloody obvious!” Sirius said, looking affronted.
“Don’t be ridiculous! You and I may think it’s obnoxiously obvious you fancy him when you send him  origami notes telling him stuff like Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas? Or even Guess what's on the menu? Me-n-u, but Moony,” said James.
“But Moony what?” said Sirius, looking frazzled. “What the fuck could he possible think that relates to?”
“I bet he thinks you’re joking around, old chap,” said James calmly. “I did at the start.”
“Merlin, what the hell could he possibly think when I said Here I am. What are your other two wishes?” said Sirius.
“It’s Moony we’re talking about, not an ounce of sense in him when it comes to you, Padfoot!”
“He doesn’t like me!” said Sirius, his voice rising. “The time I sent him that note saying Are you French? Because Eiffel for you, do you know what he did? He turned around and told me, and I quote here, You’re a fucking idiot!”
“Merlin’s tits, Sirius!” shouted James, grabbing a hold of Sirius’ shirt collar. “That’s Moony’s way of flirting with you, you imbecile!”
“What?” said Sirius, eyes as wide as saucers.
“You’re blind!” said James heatedly.
“But how the fuck does Moony thinking I fancy the pants off Benjy help me?” Sirius said, grabbing a hold of James’ Quidditch top in turn and shaking him.
The door of the Gryffindor common room burst open once more. Remus Lupin stood there, eyes narrowed, lip curled, fists clenched, looking as though he planned on taking on every single wannabe Death-Eater in Hogwarts at once and could easily beat them. Sirius drew in a short breath, suddenly aware he was standing very close to James.
“Pray continue, don’t let my presence interrupt the snogging session you two had planned there,” Remus said, in a voice so icy that the dripping disdain had solidified.
“This is how it helps,” said James pleasantly, beaming at Sirius proudly.
“Oh fuck,” whispered Sirius. “Prongs, what did you do?”
If you liked it I can finish it??? It’s basically Jily & Wolfstar both oblivious idiots with wingmates Padfoot & Prongs (major Jily & Wolfstar shippers respectively) to the, ahem, (supposed) rescue....
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destourtereaux · 3 years
omg hiiii!! congrats on 4-hundo!!! v well deserved m'love
could i get a 🌊 pretty please with bourbon on top? for a marauders era boy please?
m'names hero, my pronouns are she/her (but i'm considering she/they ngl) and i'm 5'1 with long brown hair and big brown eyes. music is honestly the only thing that gives me serotonin these days (ya girls got a deficiency ayyy B))-- freaks by surf curse is my favorite song atm plus i sing and play guitar. despite this chaotic impression i'm assuming to be giving off- i am the softest person in the world holy sMOKES. uhhh THINK FAST HERES SOME RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME; my daily makeup exclusively consists of shiny confetti on the apples of my cheeks, daisies are my favorite flower, i love old movies, writing poetry, pet names, and i am super duper touchy feely (with consent obvs)
i hope this was entertaining enough to make up for the fact that it's a bit long ;-; love ya!!
hiya hero! thank u love :)
i ship you with...
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sirius black!
i debated james potter for a hot second but i think sirius is the right choice
sirius was never much for music until u came along, he thought it was kind of boring to be honest
but then,, u showed him freaks by surfs course (excellent choice btw) and he was like wait a damn minute
u found it kinda funny how surprised he was LMAOO
but i mean this boy grew up w classical waltzes n shi at the balls his parents made him attend so this kinda music was so different!
sirius LOVES ur makeup and he says it makes u look kinda like a fairy, very ethereal and cute
sometimes he lets u put glittery confetti on him, but he always wipes it off before james sees bc he knows prongs would NEVEr let him hear the end of it
and sirius isn't one to b super physical but bc that's ur love language, he accepts it and he love show it makes him feel wanted <3
anyways u too are kind of like opposites attract, but mr black is def whipped for u hehe
hope ya liked it!
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