#Skin part 1
arttsuka · 16 days
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Based on somewhat real events
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I spent way too much time drawing this...
But yeah, Ford finally saying thank you
A continuation (kinda)
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owleics-fr · 17 days
I do kinda worry sometimes, like seeing people get into skin making and getting excited about it and then they go to try and sell it and maybe get little to no interest and i kinda wanna just say! Like its pretty much like that for every single person who has tried skin making. Your first attempt is kinda gonna flop, what you think is super cool and amazing other people might not. Its just how Selling Art works unfortunately.
And its not my intention to discourage people from trying it but if youre making a skin purely so other people will buy it. Dont. It wont end well i promise you. Make something because you enjoy it, make it for you!! If other people also happen to like it and want it then thats fantastic! But making art should always be about what you want with little consideration to making money off a wider audience.
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arithmonym · 11 months
kiriona actually lost her heart when ianthe stuck mentos in her chussy cavity and poured diet coke in there
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lunaria7 · 3 months
Not surprised with the lack of melanin coming from hoyo with the new natlan characters lol
Now tell me why Simeon, who is a freaking angel (spoilers: well not anymore) from Obey Me, which is originally a dating sim has an actual dark brown skin tone compared to the majority of the genshin cast where it's supposedly inspired by cultures or cities with a lot of dark or tan skinned people. Skin Representation IS IMPORTANT 🤗 cause look at this:
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I have a beef with solmare especially with how many dumbass decisions they've made but I'll give them credit where credit's due
Guess I've glazed twst a lot when it comes to character designs but damn at least they TRY to be somewhat accurate and at least HAVE more than 1 characters with REAL MELANIN😭 I know it's not a perfect game as it has problems and flaws (Whoever approved of Leona's whitewashed liongarb groovy card I will haunt you, especially since the cloud calling festival event is happening in english server) but you can see the creators actually try to properly portray representation in-game unlike SOME COMPANY
Exhibit A:
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Anyway twst >>> hyv game designs
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teotheratking · 2 months
Y'all aren't canibalistic enough, I need Harry to eat Jean. What then?
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temporaerthaervaerk · 6 months
I really am a sucker for dual male lead media where they appear as complete opposites only to end up being eachothers foils and somehow also ending up being completely depended on eachother despite of (because of) their differences
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dilatorywriting · 2 years
Monster Mayhem: Lion's Pride [PART 1]
Gender Neutral Reader x Leona Kingscholar Word Count: 3.8k
Summary: You fall into a hole. There is something in the hole. Something with teeth, and claws, and a garbage attitude to boot. Today is not your day.
[PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3]
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Let it be known, that of all the ways you could have died in your miserable and unlucky life, falling into a pit trap had not been on the list. Or, well, if it was, it hadn’t even managed to crack the top ten. And that was what was making this whole ‘sudden demise’ thing feel really pathetic.
On top it also being an uncovered pit trap. No subterfuge or class to speak of. Just a big ol’ hole in the ground that you had waltzed straight into. Ace would keel over dead laughing if he ever found out.
It was a pretty nice trap all things considered. The walls were dug into some strange sort of stone rather than just packed earth, and rings of fresh talismans curled along its sides like hundreds of ugly finger paintings. Certainly something so impressive had not been built to catch some lowly, little, idiot such as yourself. But you were here now, so that was your captor’s problem.
You were wandering aimlessly around your new prison when you stepped on something weird, and long, and thin. You paused, brow furrowing in confusion, and glanced down at whatever had found itself wedged under your heel. And, hey. That was odd. It sort of looked like a—
There was a horrible, screeching, snarl, and you wheeled back in hysterical panic as an honest-to-god lion lunged from the shadows—jerking its tail out from beneath your boot and swatting at you with its absolutely massive claws that could definitely take your eyes out. And half of your face. And probably your brain too. You fell backwards on your ass in an ungraceful heap and immediately scurried back towards the opposite wall as fast as you could. You were one-hundred-percent ready for the lion to just follow you into your little corner and murder you dead, but instead, it just stood its ground—growling, and spitting, and whipping its tail back and forth like a rattlesnake.
The thing was absolutely massive—bigger than you thought a lion was supposed to be, at least. Weren’t they just, I don’t know, like the cat equivalent of wolves? Because you’d seen plenty of wolves before on the road, and they’d never been so… looming, in themselves. And size aside, the beast was just weird looking. With thick, ash-brown, fur cut through with strange, almost geometrical, whorls of black. Now, you didn’t know much about lions (they weren’t exactly native to your little, forested, corner of the continent, after all), but weren’t they supposed to be regal? Or something? With lush, red, manes and tan hides that glowed majestically under the sun’s light? Not some… scraggly looking monstrosity with too-large canines and limbs stained in black like it’d taken a hike through a field of ash.
Its eyes were the strangest part of all of it—a sharp, emerald, green that cut through the gloom of the pit with all the efficiency of a dagger. One of them was bisected with a thin scar that ran crookedly from brow-to-jaw. They were eyes that spoke of an intelligence that no animal ought to possess, let alone one that was perfectly capable of mauling you to death without the aid of functional brain cells.  
You continued your silent inspection of your new nemesis, and when your gaze hesitantly fell to its hind legs, you jolted in surprise.
Iron shackles.
Or, more specifically and horribly, a spike trap. A grim, metal, contraption that would snap into its victim like a vice, and then unfurl row upon row of jagged barbs—tangling them up like an unfortunate bug caught within the web of some really fucked up, sociopathic, spider.
You winced in sympathy, out of habitual concern for your fellow down-and-trodden if nothing else. The lion, with all its eerie intelligence, seemed to notice the pity flickering across your expression and put every single one of its too-sharp teeth on display. As if to say ‘how dare you?’  You held up your hands in surrender, hoping it looked placating and not threatening, and smooshed yourself even harder up against the wall.
After a few more moments of grumbly glaring, the beast dropped back down to the ground with a pissy huff and closed its eyes. Clearly, you weren’t worth the trouble—which was perfectly fine with you.
You gave yourself the rest of the evening to just lie around like a sad little slug and lick your wounds. Falling all that way had hurt, okay? And while the adrenaline rush of ‘oh shit, I’m going to be lunch’ had helped push away some of that initial pain, now that it was fading you could feel every twinge in your ribs, all the bruises climbing your back and the cuts littering your hands.
When the sun rose once more over the mouth of your prison, you stretched as best you could and prepared to make your escape.
Scaling the slippery, stone, walls had proved to be an instant failure. The rope in your pack wasn’t long enough to reach the top, and you smacked yourself in the face with the thing more times than you would like to admit. Trying to find grippy-bits to just crawl your way up the side like a bug hadn’t worked either. The first talisman you touched didn’t spark or bite at your fingers, but it had been seared into the stone with some sort of magic that made it slide like oil beneath your palms. And you’d plummeted back to the bottom with a lackluster thump. The lion had made some kind of huffing noise from its place in the corner, like it was laughing at you. And you fought the insane urge to flip off a creature that could just eat your entire hand in retaliation.
Next you rifled around in your pack, hoping for a miracle. You were pretty decent at throwing together little bits and bobs to create a cheap but generally functional solution. Like the time you’d rigged Deuce’s bow to spit stink bombs as it shot through the air, or when you’d managed to scrounge together a decent fishing-line trap out of Ace’s shoelaces to lure out a rogue pixie that had been cannibalizing your vegetable garden. But you’d only been heading into town for your monthly grocery trip, so the most you had on you were genuinely practical things. An emergency medical kit, a dagger, lock picks, some rations that lived at the bottom of your bag no matter where you went. Nothing nonsensical, and therefore nothing useful.
Your stomach gurgled irritably, and, well, maybe you had something useful after all.
You fished out some neatly wrapped bits of cured meats, and cheeses, and bread. You made yourself a tasty, little, sandwich, and hey? You know what? How many other Hole Prisoners could claim to have such phenomenal catering? Probably not many. You’d take that win, at least.
You were just about to take your first bite when your eyes guiltily swung towards the lion curled up and sleeping at the opposite end of your makeshift cell. It hadn’t even flicked its ears your way when you’d started to loudly rustle around in your bag. And it certainly hadn’t sniffed at the air or anything else dramatic like that when you’d unearthed your packed lunch. Which was… didn’t animals usually go nuts for tasty treats like this? The foxes that snuck around behind your cottage would scream like banshees if you didn’t toss them your leftovers. Even the bunnies that lived in the hole in the wall by your cellar had some food aggression issues.
You tore off a chunk of your sandwich and palmed it nervously.
Maybe if you fed it, it wouldn’t eat you quite so quickly.
You cautiously pushed the stack of toasty breads, and meats, and home-made cheese, towards the beast with the toe of your boot. When it didn’t move, you scooched the offering a smidge further, until it was nudging up against a paw.
The Lion lifted its great, dark, head to bare its teeth at you with a lazy twitch of the lip. You scuttled back as quick as you could, and once you were a fair distance away, it stopped glaring at you long enough to observe whatever you’d just shoved at it.
It nosed at the food with a level of apathy you didn’t think was even possible, before reaching out with a heavy, black, foot, to smoosh it ungratefully into the dirt.
“Hey!” you gasped, genuinely offended. Because you were just trying to be a polite cellmate, okay! Was that really so terrible?!
With a sharp little twist of its paw that looked far too dexterous for something its size, it speared through the meat with one of its curling claws, and raised that from the dejected pile of mush. It popped the chunk of cured ham into its mouth with a satisfied little grumble, and you felt your completely rational and not at all ridiculous discontentment ease. It lifted its head a little higher and its tail swished—not in the whipping, angry, way it had been the other day when you’d squashed it, but the gentle twitch of something closer to a cat lazing about contentedly in a windowsill. The lion kept looking at you then, with those too-cognizant eyes. You pulled another bit of meat from your sandwich and tossed it over. It caught it easily in its massive jaws with that same, contented, rumbling.
“I made that,” you beamed. Because you had. And it had taken you ages to balance out the perfect spice-salt-sugar combination for a proper cure.
The lion looked entirely unimpressed.
You sighed and sat back against the wall with a string of irritable mutterings. The lion made another one of those huffing noises, like it had earlier when you swore the thing was snickering at you. And then it closed its glowing, emerald, eyes and slipped back into its seemingly never-ending nap.
The rest of the afternoon and evening passed in relative peace. Despite its lackluster (read: fucking rude) response to your earlier offering, come dinner time, you still slid the beast a makeshift plate stacked high with meat. It ate the food without complaint, which was better than outright scoffing at you, you supposed. You started to hum some nonsense under your breath, just for something to do, and the lion made a noise like you were physically torturing it. So instead you shifted to folding and refolding the scrap bits of parchment paper from your wrapped rations into ugly, veritably unidentifiable, origami shapes. This was apparently deemed acceptable, as the lion just sighed and rolled over to make itself comfortable for the night. Irritably, you flicked one of the little flowers you’d made at its dumb face. But it shot wide and landed somewhere off by its paws. The beast didn’t even bother to twitch its ear at you.  
The next morning came with little fanfare, and you stared longingly up at the warm light of the dawn.
Your eyes once more roved across the spiraling talismans dripping from the walls, and the great, iron, trap that certainly wouldn’t have belonged to any ordinary sort of hunter.
“You’re not a real lion, are you?” you asked, and the thing had the nerve to roll its eyes at you. You bristled and again had to tamp down the urge to do something very, very, stupid, and which would no doubt end in your immediate disembowelment. “Yes, yes. Laugh it up. I only mean that because—I mean, you can understand me, can’t you?”
Another long, slow, eye roll. Like it was making damn well sure you could see.
It was a lot harder to bite down your anxious ticks and ramblings when you knew you were speaking to something that could maybe speak back, rather than just a wild animal trapped at the bottom of a hole (there was a very good reason you lived in a quaint little cottage in the middle of fucking nowhere), but you grit your teeth and soldiered on.
“Alright then. Fine. I just wanted to say then. Well. I mean—I could… You know.”
When you held out the lockpicks from your bag, the beast’s eyes lit with genuine interest for the first time in this entire nightmare situation, and a teeny bit of your nerves eased.
You gestured to the spike trap entangling its legs and the lion turned to sneer at the mess of sharp ends with a genuinely bone chilling snarl.
“I can probably get that off—unlock the mechanisms, I mean,” you explained. “But you have to, you know—” You made a theatrical imitation of gnashing teeth over the meat of your forearm, “—not eat me.”
The Lion sat up on its haunches and its tail twitched restlessly at its side. After a long moment where you were genuinely concerned that the thing would rather eventually justbleed out and die in its trap rather than let you touch it, the lion raised its head and perked its ears in an imperious sort of way. And then it dipped its chin—a nod.
You scooched forward cautiously, pausing every few feet or so to make sure the thing wasn’t going to change its mind and maul you. The Lion just huffed at you, and shifted to give you better access to the horrible agglomeration of cold metal twisted around its limbs. You reached out carefully, the picks a light, familiar, weight in your hands. It was certainly a complicated looking contraption, but you’d yet to encounter something you weren’t able to break with enough force of will and sheer, dumb, luck. So you grit your teeth and got to work.
After a few minutes of poking, the first spiral of jagged spikes loosed with a rusty groan and the lion noticeably perked up—like it was shocked you’d managed anything at all. You decided very resolutely that you weren’t going to allow yourself to be offended by the implied emotions on the face of an animal, and continued your work. Your tongue poked out of the corner of your mouth as you focused, intent, and slowly—steadily—the barbed monstrosity gave way beneath your gentle fiddling. Every now and again, one of the spikes would ease itself from the lion’s hide, and you had to fight the urge to fuss over the oozing, painful, wounds that were exposed. You were almost there, you reminded yourself feverishly. Just a little more, and—
The last of the iron fell away with an echoing clatter, and immediately the lion reared up with a roar. But instead of lunging at you and your very accessible throat like you feared, it crouched back on its battered hind limbs and craned its head towards the open hole above your heads, and the blue, sunny, sky beyond. A swirl of strange, sandy, magic began to seep from the beast’s mane. The green of its eyes glowed hot and bright amidst the outpour of arcane energy, like the sole light in a storm. And then its fur was fading, its limbs cracking and groaning as they folded in on themselves into something more contained—more bipedal. The strange, geometric, patterns along its coat rippled like living things. They expanded and contracted as the creature did, before eventually settling into some new pattern that you hadn’t seen before.
And there, standing before you now, was a man. Tall, and lithe, and tan. With a head full of thick, dark, hair that looked startling like the mane that had just poofed from existence—except now it was twisted through with braids, and precious gems, and the occasional patchwork of beads and leather. The inky shapes settled themselves along his biceps, curling into the skin contentedly as if they’d lived there all along. There was still a pair of tufted, feline, ears atop his head, and a long, thin, tail whipping back and forth at his rear. His teeth were still much too sharp, and those eyes of his much too feral. He observed his clawed limbs with distaste, letting out a sigh that seemed to rattle his bones.
“Of course it’s still fucked,” he grumbled. His voice was deeper than you were expecting—smoother, too. Like it was meant to belong to someone regal and powerful, someone doling out orders and ruling nations. Not a sad, little, half-man-half-lion trapped at the bottom of a pit with an ever sadder, littler, human.
After a minute or two of what was clearly some very displeased inner reflection, he raised his hands over his head. A pale, dusty, magic swirled along his fingers, not dissimilar to the stuff that had coiled out from his furs. You watched in awe as one by one, the talismans began to burn away—disintegrated into nothing.
Once he had finished utterly decimating what had once been a nearly foolproof trap, he turned and looked down at you for a long, tense, moment with an expression that you couldn’t quite place.
And then he was leaping out of the hole with all the grace of a hurricane—tearing through stone and dousing you in waves of dust and debris as he went. His claws tore into the sides of his prison like it was made of paper, leaving deep, jagged, gashes in their wake. Some of the wall seemed to melt beneath his attacks—collapsing into a thin, sandy, mess beneath the weight of his irritation. With one, final, swipe that shook the pit from base to rim, he leapt out of the dug-in prison cell entirely and vanished from your line of sight. Lo, the Angry Lion Man was free at least. And you? Well—
“Hey!” you shouted after him, enraged. “Thanks for nothing, asshole!”
And so, despite all your hardships and good deeds, you were still stuck at the bottom of a fucking hole.
You stomped around for a bit, kicking at rocks and ranting at nothing. Once you’d tired yourself out enough to think a bit more rationally, you sat back and took stock of your continuing predicament. With the talismans burnt out, you might be able to try climbing out again without slipping down in the messy remnants of gooey, protective, spells. And actually, the guy had destroyed quite a bit of the stone in his rampage. There were enough tall heaps of fresh rubble that you’d probably have plenty of leverage to try and use your rope again.
So you went around collecting all your little scraps of paper, your meager personal items, and any bits of fabric that had been scraped off in the initial tumble. With traps as intricate and expensive as this, it was better not to leave behind any traces of one’s presence. Just in case the owner of said trap tried to go sniffing around for his lost quarry.
The rope ended up being a resounding success, and you hauled yourself out of the pit with a surprising amount of ease.
Once you were out, you breathed in the clean, crisp, air and looked around. Absolutely no sign of Mister Lion-Shifter to speak of. Or, well, there was a clear trail of dusty destruction leading towards the forest, so you would assume he’d run off somewhere in that direction. But you were well and truly alone again.
You shook your fist at the tree line for good measure, before turning around and starting the miserable trek back home.
Everything was as it had been when you left. Your chickens were quite happy to see you, happier yet obviously to be fed. You greeted the various other woodland residents that had taken to living out of your ramshackle little home (the foxes in particular were quite happy to nibble on the remaining scraps of bread and cheese in your bag). Your garden looked a little munched on, but nothing too terrible. All and all, things were… fine. It was honestly a bit underwhelming.
Later that afternoon when you were dumping out your bag to give it a good clean and restock, a dozen little, horrible, paper creations fluttered down to your kitchen table. You decided you would keep them, ugly as they were, as a kind of trophy for making it out of the Hole in one piece. Look at me, world. I—nothing more than a humble idiot—managed to survive in a Pit Trap alongside some sort of Skin Changing, lion, man. Who only almost mauled me twice. And here are the paper blobs to prove it.
Except—huh. That was a bit strange. You’d made a nice little flower too, hadn’t you? The one that you had tried (and failed) to shoot into the lion’s face. It had been the only piece that looked even halfway like it was supposed to. You’d checked every bit of the hole pretty thoroughly before you’d escaped, so certainly you would have scooped it up. After a moment of silent fretting, you shrugged and deposited the others into a nice, glass, jar. It had probably just been buried beneath the rubble or something.
Something had spooked your birds. You frowned out the window and into the rain. It was a gloomy, grey, day, and normally all your little farm friends would hunker down in their wooden huts to avoid the drizzle. But you could hear the geese honking and the chickens squawking in that indignant way of theirs as they flapped around and made a general nuisance of themselves.
There was a hard knock at your front door—a heavy, sharp, rap-tap-tap against the aged frame that sounded entirely unfriendly. You snuck a glance through the little, round, porthole and nearly doubled over in shock. You yanked the door open before you could think better of it, and there on your front porch, looking half-drowned and wholly grouchy, was the Lion Man.
His emerald gaze settled on you like a tangible thing that you could feel digging along your shoulders. His lips quirked up into a loose smirk that was entirely feline in its smug satisfaction and unfairly attractive. Especially considering he looked like someone had dunked him in a lake. His round, tufted, ears flicked irritably beneath each drop of rain.
Your brain whirled into overdrive, coughing up wave after wave of scenarios—each more outlandish than the next. Maybe he had come to eat you, to get rid of any witnesses. Or maybe this was the start of some epic quest, like you’d managed to save some Skin Changer Prince or something and were now due to be swept up in some wildly entertaining political drama. Or maybe he had come to thank you finally, after abandoning you so outright. To grovel and apologize for leaving the person who had so selflessly rescued him.
“Well, herbivore?” he huffed instead, crossing his arms irritably over his chest and rolling his eyes at you in a way that was far too familiar. “Aren’t you going to invite me in? It’s wet out here.”
You smiled—perfectly, utterly, serene. And slammed the door in his face.
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@novaloptr, @imlost-sendhelp, @matcha-berry @preciosayorgullosa @whoretaglia, @kookygirlwholikescookiesandcoke, @nanauedorian, @trixeraptops, @voxnipop, @starkling25, @thedum1, @horcrux-alchemist, @sleepykitty21, @apathicace, @instantregret101, @nekanecorvus, @looney-mori, @re-ducing, @my2phetaliaheadcanons, @naughtybodypillow, @rendy-a, @carmen-404, @candy284, @thealiennamedterry, @their-name-is-fake, @huetolog, @glacticrose, @seraphinariddle, @rabioa, @sn00zl4x, @dreasimping, @jeidoreech, @ai-dev, @galaxyshine24-7, @fatally-incorrect, @juulranch, @camrastuff, @nocteetdie, @stargaryengirl,
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judasgot-it · 4 months
Early Sunsets Over Yokohama
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Early Sunsets Over Monroeville - My Chemical Romance
What Once Was - Her's
Part 1
Scenario: He found you.
1.2 k words
Dazai was terrified for once in his life.
The comforting thought of death was something that he had used to protect himself - he could imagine everyone in his life dying because he knew that when they did, he didn't want to cry.
It helped when he had lost people in other ways. He had lost them through breakups, drifting apart...
They were all natural.
So he would imagine that they would die in horrific and disgusting ways, far too vile to speak of. He would kill them in his head in order to protect himself.
But he didn't know where to start if he had ever lost you.
You were the only exception to this rule.
Dazai tried so many times to imagine your death - to kill you in his head, to destroy your image, to distance himself. Just to gain some control over his own self.
It never worked. He would lose himself if you died.
He was living for you, and he couldn't even tell it to you.
The one person who knew everything.
If he couldn't find you, protect you, and know you were alive - he wouldn't survive. His heart might not make it past that heartbreak.
But he forced himself to push that human fear, to find you and know that you were alive.
The ADA wanted you alive as well.
It had been days of searching, after the disaster of what had happened at the airport.
Maybe it was weeks. It was impossible to know the time anymore, as he hadn't moved the calendar from the last date you had marked down.
Your life seemed to have ended since he had been arrested. The day he had proposed to you.
That was when you stopped marking down the dates so meticulously, and instead filled your shared apartment with work and caffeine.
Up until the day of the event, you had been working tirelessly. And then you had disappeared - leaving behind an unfinished bottle of whiskey, a spoiled convenience store bento box, and a letter of encouragement from Kenji.
As much as you tried, it seemed Dazai had rubbed off too much on you. He wanted to laugh at the thought.
Dazai didn't sleep unless his body shut down. The man couldn't even walk, but all he did was force his weak body to think and listen to reports and read documents from all over Japan.
You both had become the same when the other was absent - although Dazai found that instead of one bottle of whiskey, it was three. And you had never bothered to touch the suspicious pills he kept.
He was running on those more than food. Dazai couldn't ever finish his meals before they went stale or bad, so he stuck with a single can of food a day, or half of whatever he was forced to eat in the office.
Life was bleakest in that period - however long it was.
Maybe a month? The weather had changed very little, but time felt like it had passed for an eternity.
He would end up finding you in a small abandoned bus station, like a pawn that was thrown across the board. A very random place to end up, in his opinion.
There was nothing valuable there.
It was impossible to understand how you ended up there - no buses even went there, and the walk to that station was nearly impossible.
But actually thinking about the logistics of your reappearance was something Dazai wanted to not care about for once in his life. Even if you were looking at him, terrified that you weren't the same person as before.
No one understood how it happened. Not even you.
You were suffering from severe memory loss, but it might have been a good thing - you had shown up in that spot with injuries and severe fatigue. It was possible you had crawled your way to that spot, but it didn't seem like you had left a trail there for very long.
The ADA wanted to know what had happened - day and night they would question you, driving through the same points to figure out where you had been, and what could have been done to you.
But Dazai didn't care. He didn't think.
You were here.
All he would do is hold you in his arms, ever since he saw you - dirty from trekking in the mud of the wet woods, and smelling from the days without showering, and he would simply kiss you with abandon.
You tasted terrible, with fuzzy teeth and oily hair. And he fucking loved it.
It was you. All you, here, in that moment, with him.
Since then, he only ever saw you.
In your shared apartment, Dazai couldn't bring himself to ask you:
'What happened?'
All he would do is swaddle you in blankets and hold you in his lap. His arms would wrap around your sides and he would cradle you between his thighs, as if trying to trap you in a cacoon made entirely of his limbs.
Not once did you ask him a question:
'How was prison? How was defeating Fyodor?'
It was as if all of that didn't exist to either of you anymore.
There was no war between the two of you. No abilities, no missing time - the calendar wasn't missing any X's and it didn't have a distinct lack of your handwriting across it.
Everything was the same. The air smelt like alcohol and mold; dirty hair and mud. But it smelt like home.
Dazai could smell you underneath everything, and he could still taste you despite the whiskey on his breath. Everything was familiar, despite the changes.
Even if you lost your face, he was sure he was going to remember what you looked like - the way you were looking up at him was something that had been burned into his mind, something that chased him in his dreams.
There was a small feeling Dazai had, where he wanted to lock you in this room and never let you go. To handcuff your wrist to his, and keep you by his side so he could never let you go.
The best he could do was pull you closer, feeling your ribs contract against his hold as you struggled to breathe in his hold, giggling as if he were being playful.
He would let you think that. Your hands were pulling at his greasy hair, and he played along - hiding his face in your neck so you didn't know that if he let go right now, he just might have to eat you so you never left him again.
Fyodor almost won.
"Dazai, are you alright?" You were pulled at the back of his hair by the handful, your knuckles the first thing to touch his scalp in weeks. God, he needed a shower.
Simply sighing, he brushed his nose against the back of your neck, kissing your spine and smiling as your breath stuttered. You were like a virgin underneath him, even when you were both a disgusting mess like this.
"Just thinking about how much I wanna marry you." If he could, he would wear your skin and die in his grave like that - there would be no other way to be closer.
But the ring on your finger was close enough. He thought a lot about that when you were gone. He knew you did too.
"We should do it soon."
Your hand pulled harder, making Dazai wince a little. Of course, you were going to be mean about it.
"Get married, asshole." There's an ending to that - 'because we almost lost each other.' But neither of you were brave enough to talk about it now.
Maybe not ever. This already was a big statement.
There wasn't much of a conversation to be had about it. Not now, at least.
Dazai was sure he was going crazy a little bit, trying to choke you in his arms while still running on nothing but the takeout he had in the car - a meal he only ate half of, given he shared it with you.
His skin was disgusting, and the apartment was disgusting. For once, the dirt he usually surrounded himself with was bothering him.
Maybe he needed to be better for you now.
Before he realized it, he was staring at his dark ceiling, illuminated only by his small box TV and your face looking right above him. The lighting was a little scary - making you look more like a creature from a horror film than the angel he knew.
But your matted hair and tired eyes weren't exactly giving an 'angelic glow' either.
"We should sleep"
Dazai only hummed along, his hands feeling your curves and pulling you down towards him, trying to absorb your skin onto his - if he was a little more mental, he would have skinned you and eaten every part of you now.
Never let you get away from him.
But as your hands and body shifted around, trying to make his skinny frame more comfortable, he could feel the ring he gave you catching on his ratty old pajamas. It was going to have to be close enough, he supposed.
For the people who wanted a pt. 2 -> @aquaberrydolphin @skelkitty @queen-of-fanfic, this was so off the tracks but like we yolo this shit
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anothertina · 11 months
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bidisasterevankinard · 6 months
Tease tidbit Tuesday
Tagged by @diazsdimples @tizniz @daffi-990
More from chapter 1 I'll cover his marks on your skin with mine and again nswf for tuck/BuckTommy fwb(it should have been shorter but it ran away from me because Buck is a whore and he deserves to be a whore actually)
“Please, tell me you can go another round,” Buck says into the chest under his cheek, not stopping himself from kissing it.
Tommy chuckles under him.
“Insatiable, huh?” he asks but without any bad intonation, “I like it,” he squeezes Buck's waist, “You have any specific ideas?”
Buck thinks about his idea about the wall sex, but he knows Tommy might be tired after the game and first round, and he has a better idea.
Blue-eyed uses all his strength left in his fucked body to get up, now sitting on top of the man, smirking feeling he is not the only one half hard already.
“Do you love it when people ride you, firefighter Kinard?” Buck asks, kissing the shoulder he is going to mark with his nails, while he will bounce on the dick that throbs near his ass, “I guess it was yes?”
Buck knows his face is the one that Conner once called “angelic”. He smiles like he is asking something absolute pure, with his clean and bright blue eyes and big eyelashes he bats purposefully. No one can say no to this face. And he always fucked so good after.
“Yes, fuck yes,” Tommy kisses him hard, biting his bottom lip. “I bet you can ride and make me feel so good, don’t you? Because you’re such a good boy,” man smirks on Buck’s loud moan.
Yep, definitely a good idea to mention his praise kink.
Tagging @wikiangela @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @rainbow-nerdss @rogerzsteven @theotherbuckley @transboybuckley @puppyboybuckley @pirrusstuff @say-bi-for-me @spotsandsocks @sunshinediaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @devirnis @dangerpronebuddie @smilingbuckley @fortheloveofbuddie @honestlydarkprincess @hoodie-buck @hippolotamus @jesuisici33 @loserdiaz @cal-daisies-and-briars @bekkachaos @bigfootsmom @buddierights @mandzuking17 @monsterrae1
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lionsongfr · 5 months
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Favorites of the Wavecrest Skin Submissions~ Part 1!
Reef Sniper by: Uniformshark
no still dawn by: Sucrose
Followed currents by: Silience
Cephalopearl by: iniquity
Sunrise Shores by: Naleli (Mahi Mahi was also so very cute!)
Deep Water by: Illuna (hard choice between the bogsneak skin, but the little sharks sold me)
shellback ridge by: MythicalViper
Wavesing With Me by: Tidepools
Hydroflora by: Judithan
Below the Brine by: Doglike
sea scallywag by: spelltag
Pondering Prophesies by: Kaenith
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averlym · 7 months
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"c'mon lin, give me something to work with here- I can't exactly tell all the freshmen to dissect someone if they want to win the phaethon..."
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abbysthighs · 7 months
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She stands like it’s huge. Always. Straight women don’t stand like that.
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ellies-enrichment · 1 year
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Joel + text posts
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camgoloud · 2 years
one thing that’s been on my mind a lot recently is the fact that ianthe is reusing the old third house lyctor’s rooms… like did she just choose to do that because the old rooms were shiny and full of sexy portraits, etc., or was the mithraeum just a one-set-of-living-quarters-per-house-no-guest-bedrooms-sorry situation? if the latter, literally what was john going to do if the house heirs all ascended at canaan house like he wanted them to? the main reason this has been on my mind a lot recently is that i’ve been unable to shake a series of cursed thoughts about a universe in which things go according to god’s plan and silas and mercy are forced to become the world’s most dysfunctional pair of roommates, thus in turn forcing all the other newly-ascended house heirs to live with the fallout of this godawful situation constantly spilling all over the mithraeum common areas, which—even setting ASIDE the whole ‘experiencing paralyzing guilt and grief over their dead cavaliers’ thing that they’d also be dealing with!—is possibly an even worse outcome for them than the one from the canon timeline where they all just fucking died violently lmao
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httpiastri · 1 year
JACKIEEEEE WE GOT THE ICE BATH CONTENT!!! I can’t believe it omg 😭😭😭😭 not as a show off as Lando but IM SCREAMING
fuuuuuck i love him so much
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my eyes are literal hearts, he’s the cutest baby in the world
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