#Slightly embarassed
jess-garveyart · 10 months
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"I haven't accessed this part of my brain in like 50 years..."
Another sketch of southern gothic... Post kiss, I'm imagining Imogen is super cautious at first and lets Laudna take lead until Laudna figures out exactly what she wants.
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 8 months
its the 'ADA' halloween party, but if you squint there's at least 2 guild members, 4+ port mafia members, maybe a special operations division man, a handful of other criminals who used to be enemies, oh and a calico cat
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gophergal · 10 months
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SubScorp Week 2023 - Day 6: High Notes
Being Grandmaster is hard and sometimes you need some help ;3
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gokupowers · 1 year
feel like modern Dave writers/kins forget he's hussies self insert and written to be totally fucking lame in canon bc hussie was a 25 year old loser living in his parents basement making anti SJW rage comics at the time . dave strider is an awesome character but he is genuinely so fucking embarrassingly lame and a loser and it's a beautiful thing & we need to remember our roots #makedavelameagain
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iskender-x · 6 months
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hello.... im back (⭐️ survived all my midterms)
femdachi ft. adajima crumbs
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parsnipling · 23 hours
dave miller just give me one chance
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seeing a tiktok about how the person who made the video blocks every marauders cosplayer because they get second hand embarrassment from the cosplays : oh! myabe its just because the marauders tiktok community is really shit?
me opening the comments :
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me : oh
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papertowness · 4 months
some of you may scroll through my blog and think wow why does this bitch post about james wilson so much . the answer is relatively simple and it’s because i’m in love with him a little bit
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soapgraves · 4 months
Non sexual intimacy my love. Forced proximity my love. Unresolved tension my love. Sleeping together literally my love.
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sydmarch · 29 days
do you ever have an objectively pretty minor thing you know you should open up to someone about that you know will be mildly uncomfortable/slightly embarassing at absolute worse but some combo of that & chronic inability to broach a topic unless it comes up organically (like when I didn't tell a good friend I'd broken up w my then partner for weeks & didn't tell anyone in my friend group about a pet passing away for months the examples go on) leads you to just not mentioning it but the avoidance builds it up to a bigger thing in your head where it's distracting enough to be holding it back that you feel like you HAVE to say something to move past it but that makes you feel like you're keeping some big secret even tho you know you absolutely aren't. & if so how do you move on and just say something lmao
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loveletterworm · 1 year
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I swear this whole time i’ve seen nobody else even so much as mention this one picture in the side order trailer where pearl and marina clearly have what i’m almost certain is entirely different outfits from any of their other ones  and it’s a bit strange to me that nobody brought it up. So i attempted to draw the easier to interpret of the two just to like   point it out or something.  I dont know However i don’t know if i ever drew pearl before ever and i’ve never been that good at drawing splatoons so it looks a bit crap. But did you know? Pearl is green now. Maybe? She looks like she has a burger
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rainknow · 1 month
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fallowhearth · 3 months
I think I had the nicest birthday party I've ever had today, without even trying to have a party. I've had a lot of awful birthdays and it tends to be a real source of anxiety for me. So I usually either don't have one at all (last year I went overseas on my own just before my birthday to dodge the question of having a party) or I stress over it too much to enjoy anything. But! I think I've discovered a strategy that works. I found an activity I wanted to do, and casually dropped it in the group chat with a breezy 'anyone is welcome to join. Absolutely no pressure since it's kind of niche, but if you're interested'. Also mentioned it to a few other people I happened to catch up with over the last few weeks. And actually a whole bunch of my friends joined, and even more wanted to but it sold out. It was really fun and lovely. Low pressure. No sense of it being a moratorium on my worth as a person or whether I'm loved. Just a nice afternoon with friends and we went out to dinner afterwards. Will absolutely do this again.
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blorbobot · 10 months
I let it slip to one of my coworkers, because they are also pretty chronically online in a similar way I am, that I think GLaDOS is hot and it went like "oh. You don't know portal... uhm... please don't assume things by just looking at the picture, you gotta actually play the game it uh, it's her voice y'know? Her personality? Don't-" while my coworker was already typing on their keyboard, hit enter, and had realization hit them like a truck.
They had their screen connected to this huge TV so it was my coworker staring at a big screen of pictures of GLaDOS, back to me, and then back to GLaDOS with the most confused look on their face.
I had to sit there and pretend that I *don't* find GLaDOS' metal chandelier-esque contraption of a body obscenely hot. I had to pretend that I'm normal about women who are huge metal creatures and instead talk up her personality. I really hope they don't actually play the game and realize what her personality actually is, that'll open up a whole different can of worms 😭😭😭 I will never recover
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minty-cups · 4 months
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2024 is the year i stop caring about cringe
here's horse
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mlobsters · 1 year
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rue & jules - euphoria
suddenly, the whole world goes dark and nothing else matters except the person standing in front of you
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