#Smoke Wagon
@utahlive kind of poem, I created it with the blog in mind, but it’s only taking like lore elements from them + some things I made up myself
Car Drive // A Utah Poem
Every time I drive
I’m reminded not to crash
(There’s a kid a thousand miles away who would kill me if I did. He can’t find me anymore.)
I’m reminded what real air smells like and not sulfur
(There’s a man a thousand miles away who used to smoke with a chip in between his fingers.)
I’m reminded what the I-95 feels like and the texture of a steering wheel because I’ll never again be the man on the back of a stallion running my first country’s flag through an open field of haywire glee and pollen living on a single breath of air.
I’ll never be the man who ran river water through his hair raked it through his hands or hiked up the legs on his pants because I told you not to cross the stream but I damn well know you don’t listen to me (you listen to Quackity.)
But if I have to leave behind the man that smelled of sulfur and hard gunpowder, who bathed in it every morning along with the scent of paranoia and virulence, who lavished in the afternoon just to curse its existence by night, November 16th, then maybe that’s what I have to do.
Maybe I never lost him because he lives in charred cigarettes on my windowsill, there’s a kid who always told you to quit, he lives in my calendar marked with days I don’t know why I choose to reminisce on (what are you gonna do send him a post card? April 9th) he lives in the stitching I’ve failed so hard at because it always turns out yellow, red, and blue, I’m trying to stop but I can’t stop buying red, yellow, blue.
Maybe I should’ve thrown out the flag as soon as I could.
But every time I drive
I’m reminded what choice I made
to get in a car on I-95
turn my key in the ignition
Press the gas
and drive
it’s not a home in L’Manberg.
it’s just a beat up station wagon.
(your shift starts at 9:00)
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moteldogs · 4 days
also Im quitting smoking again because I want to do wildland fire forever and being able to hike uphill fast without wheezing is a valuable skill in this field. but man. its like gods perfect addiction
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cosmic-kaden · 28 days
Ran errands- I'm soaking wet 😭 it was raining and I walk/take city transit. There was some lady giving me shit because I had my Costco wagon filled with groceries on the bus. Like... I wasn't obstructing the path in the bus... I even put the seats up so I could stand off to the side and hold it (this wagon has no breaks D: ) she's like "Are you getting off soon!?" And I'm all "bro we just drove a block... If I lived a block away I would walk"
She asked EVERY STOP "ArE yOu LeAviNg!?" So I just said "I was thinking about it but now I kinda wanna stay just to spite you. I could do a loop. I got no where to be" she got PISSED 🤭 she ended up getting off a stop away from my stop.
She was even giving the bus driver shit. So you know when people are crossing the street the bus will pull out and get ready to turn but won't actually turn till everyone is off the road? This lady as the guy was getting ready to turn was like "oH mY g0d yOu'Re g0oNa KiLl pEoPlE!!!!!!?" Like !?!!!?! HELLOOOO??????
I'm ready to not go outside for the rest of day holy fuuccckkkkk
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anticurses · 2 months
being stuck on public transport with drunk football fans. is there anything worse
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kenobihater · 4 months
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coping well with not smoking at all today as proven by my google search history 👍🏼
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crimis-likes-chaos · 1 year
What starts with F and ends with ck? Fire truck!!!!
In other words I think my school is on fire
don’t think this fire drill is a drill anymore
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November 2022: Three Days
Three days of photos... sometimes its just light like this. 
A pretty good bottle in my opinion & I admit to being skeptical about a Nevada bourbon: 
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Two down & one to go. Once they’re filled, I add any excess ground eggshell to our compost bins or directly to the garden: 
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Seen while walking. Wine bottle garden borders: 
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First round of curbside pumpkin collecting: 
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xoxoannimuxoxo · 2 years
You know all these thirst posts and how come I haven’t seen anyone bring up the scene where that one mean girl that was in the bathroom with Sidney was able to testify and confirm that Billy, metaphorically, literally, physically, mentally, physiologically, and canonically most importantly
                                            got a bubble butt ? 
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panakina · 3 months
I know fanon is that Jason smokes (because he's the hot bad boy, motorbike, etc etc) but I hold that he smoked as a kid because everyone else was doing it, they could be traded on the street and they're an appetite suppressant, even if he didn't consciously know that fact. When he got to the manor he put a huge amount of effort into quitting and has been clean ever since, even through his second time on the street and in prison.
Dick on the other hand, starting smoking at 19 to annoy Bruce and has been falling off and on the wagon ever since. It's a stress relief and he has precious few of those in his life.
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metamorphesque · 5 months
verses that colored my january days
"Poems are not written...", Andrey Voznesensky
"Two Phantoms", Vahan Teryan
"To Live...", Paruyr Sevak
"I love to love...", Paruyr Sevak
"Piano Lesson", Richard Siken
"Prayer", Marina Tsvetaeva (translated by Andrey Kneller)
"Two Morning Poems", Yevgeny Yevtushenko (translated by Anselm Hollo)
"Pomegranate", Sol Rios
"Cascando", Samuel Beckett
"Kissing in Vietnamese", Ocean Vuong
"To Say Dark Things ", Ingeborg Bachmann
"Ballad About A Smoke-Filled Wagon" (Don’t separate from your dear ones…), Alexander Kochetkov
"The Roses of Saadi" Marceline Desbordes-Valmore (Marie Felicite Josephe Desbordes)
"There Is a Gold Light in Certain Old Paintings", Donald Justice
"Where Does the Temple Begin, Where Does It End?", Mary Oliver
"Love and Hate", Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal
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ameliathornromance · 4 months
"(Y/N)!" Your Orc partner roared.
Where had you gone? It was a routine raid, you should have stayed back and help everyone move supplies.
The fire that had been set to burn out most of the humans (your idea) licked the sky, buildings collapsed with a plume of ash.
It had all gone wrong. The whole point of the fire was to get human beings running and out of the way so that the Caravan could run in, take what they needed and leave.
But that wasn't what happened. The humans had fought back. They had started to drag up water from the well, and tossed it over the fires. The Orcs had no choice but to retreat.
But the humans drew their swords. And the Orcs had no choice but to defend themselves.
Bloodshed had ensued and the fire had gotten out of hand. Once your Orc had retreated to go and get you out of the fray, you were gone. You should have been hiding by the treeline, away from the madness.
"(Y/N)!" Your boyfriend shouted again. He ran past bodies, bodies of his own and humans too. The blood that had spilled made it difficult to maintain your boyfriend's balance. He slipped, and caught himself way too many times.
But he reached the centre of the town, he saw you. You clutched a bucket of water to your chest, soot smeared across your face while another Orc barked at you.
"(Y/N)!" Your Orc Boyfriend bellowed.
You jumped, but the other Orc snatched your bucket before you dropped it. He ran off as your Orc Boyfriend approached you.
"I-I..." you began but you couldn't finish.
"What are you doing?! You need to get out of here, now!" He snapped.
"But the Orcs, they're injured-"
"Don't worry about them, get to the wagon at the other side of town, my others will keep you safe." When you didn't move, your Orc barked, "now, (Y/N)!"
You gritted your teeth. You knew this was no time to argue, but you didn't want to just leave him here. But as a collection of angry human roars echoed from the other side of the village, you flinched.
"Go, now!" Your Orc turned away from you and to the human mob getting closer and closer.
"I'm not-"
"I'll be fine! Now go!" Your Orc Boyfriend shoved you away from him. Once you had the momentum, you took off into a sprint. You knew he was right, there was no way that you could defend yourself from that many people.
A few other Orcs ran past you to join the fight. You still didn't turn back. You knew if you turned back now, you wouldn't be able to keep running away.
The wagon, holding a couple of barrels came into view. The only Orc standing, beckoned to you, "come on!" He bellowed.
Your lungs burned, your legs ached, your arms were sore from helping the survivors. As soon as you reached the wagon, the Orc grabbed you and sat you amongst the barrels, providing you good cover. Should the humans decide to use bow and arrows.
You dared to look back. Where was your partner? Where'd he-
An answer appeared before you could even finish your thought. Your amazing boyfriend, barrelled out from a cloud of smoke, brandishing his axe. Humans nearby flinched, screamed, some even roared and swung back in defence.
The wagon had started to move, drawn by the Orc who had put you on the back of it.
A few humans sprinted to keep up your boyfriend, waving torches and pitchforks. But they only fell further and further behind as your Orc raced to catch up with the wagon.
You leaned forwards, holding your hand out to him, "hurry!"
With one final leap, he grasped onto your arm and crashed onto the wagon.
The wagon creaked under his massive weight. But it did not break. The supplies that the Orcs had stolen rustled as your boyfriend adjusted himself.
He lay on his back, panting, huffing.
"Damn human bastards." He breathed. "The others were good diversions. They said they'd catch up-"
You flung yourself on top of him and squeezed him tightly. Your heart thundered hard in your chest, adrenaline still rushing through your system.
Your Orc said nothing, instead, just placing his large hands on your back and holding you there.
It was a close call. Too close. For either of you.
"Promise me you'll never do that again?" You looked up at him. "Please?"
Your Orc Boyfriend looked at you and huffed, "Only if you promise to never go into another raid like that again."
Nodding, you settled your head on his chest again. His heart had slowed to a dull thumping.
As the voices of the angry humans died out, you felt yourself relax. You were both safe. And that's all that mattered.
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I just liked this scene in Ghost Roads for some reason. -shrugs-
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heli-writes · 3 months
A dragon's heart, part 2.
Pairing: Barbarian!Bakugou Katsuki x female!reader
Summary: The dragonblood tribe is known for being cruel, barbarian warriors that slaughter, loot and rape all places they pass through. They are feared among the villagers and even bigger cities. Having lost most of their women to a plague, they're trying to ensure their tribe's survival by kidnapping women from other places. However, they're not the only monsters in human form out there. When y/n experiences this first hand, she has no choice but to ask for help from no other but the barbarian leader Katsuki Bakugou himself.
Disclaimer: mentions of injuries
[Please don't read if you are sensible to or triggered by the topics mentioned above.]
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Series Masterlist
Y/n feels like a wagon drove her over. There's a drumming pain in her head and her shoulder. She groans and massages her forehead. Slowly, she opens her eyes, not wanting the light to sting her eyes too much. To her surprise, the light is dimmed by a red fabric that is stretched above her. "A tent?", she thinks to herself and stretches her hand upwards to touch the fabric. It feels like leather and... is warm? Suddenly the fabric moves and is jerked away. When a bony structure comes into vision, y/n realizes it's a wing, not a tent.
"Oh gods, it wasn't a bad dream", she realizes and tries to sit up carefully. Her joints are stiff and her muscles hurt with every move. "I really pushed myself to my limit", y/n thinks and massages her injured arm. She hears a raspy breath beside her and she remembers that she is sitting next to a very real and very alive dragon. She turns to her side and is met with a giant, red lizard eye. Fear pulses through her veins and her heart rate immediately picks up. She tries to scramble away from the dragon but her aching legs and arms barely have the strength to move her. The dragon shows no attention to follow or attack her.
The smell of smoke and roasted meat fills her nose. Only then y/n manages to take in her surroundings. The dead men on the other side of the clearing have disappeared and y/n wonders for a second if they were ever there. Right behind her is the fire she's smelling. The strange man is standing in front of it and roasts a piece of meat over the open flame. His back is turned to her and he shows no intentions to turn around to her. "I guess he doesn't consider me a threat.", she thinks. Y/n watches as the stranger pours some oil on the meat and turns it over again. Y/n swallows thickly. Her throat feels dry and itchy. She wonders why she's still alive. When she turns her head to her shoulder she notices the bandages that are wrapped around it. There's no arrow. "Did he pull it out?", y/n ponders. "Must be this way. It probably wasn't the dragon", she thinks to herself and gives the dragon a side-eye. The dragon has placed its head back onto its front paws and closed its eyes. Y/n relaxes a bit. Seems like neither the dragon nor the stranger is a threat to her right now.
Y/n tries to get up. Her legs are wobbly and she barely manages to get up. She tries to support her with her arms and a sharp pain shoots down her arm. She really should not use that arm for a while. Y/n staggers over to the stranger. "Uhm, I'm sorry?", she says timidly. Her voice sounds hoarse and deep. The man barely takes notice of her. Y/n stops in her step, scared to get closer. The man gives her a glance and sits down on a tree trunk behind him. He still doesn't acknowledge her presence. Y/n slowly walks up to him and sits down next to him on the trunk. She leaves some space just to be sure.
"So, uhm, did you treat my wound?", she asks carefully. Her voice still sounds awful. The man grunts and reaches to the ground. Without looking at her, he hands her over a bottle. "Uhm, thanks.", y/n says and takes the bottle. She takes a sniff and decides that it's water. She quickly takes some chugs of it. The water feels like heaven to her abused throat. When she's done, she hands back the bottle of water. For a while, the two of them sit in silence. After a while, y/n relaxes a bit. The man gets up from time to time to turn around the meat. Eventually, he takes the meat down and puts it on a plate. Y/n eyes how he cuts it in two. He takes a piece with his bare hands and hands the plate to y/n. Y/n stares up at him. "Am I allowed to eat this?", she wonders as she stares at the meat in her lap.
Finally, the man turns to her with his mouth full of meat. He says something unintelligible and points at the meat and then at her angrily. "I guess that answers my question.", she thinks and carefully picks up the meat. It's still hot and y/n almost burns her fingers. Quietly, she starts eating. The meat is good. The man must've put some spices on it. Only after the first bite, y/n notices how starved she is. When she's done, she hands the plate back to the stranger. The stranger starts tidying up around the campsite and y/n watches him. When he's done, he turns around and faces her.
Stinging red eyes pierce hers and y/n almost jumps from the intensity that lies behind them. Y/n suddenly feels very small under their burning gaze. Again the man says something y/n doesn't understand and points towards her. Y/n thinks he sounds angry but maybe it's just the language he speaks that makes him sound like that. When y/n doesn't move or say anything, the stranger stomps over to her and grabs her uninjured shoulder roughly. He turns her around and starts undoing the bandages on her shoulder. Y/n doesn't turn her head to see what he's doing. She's not too keen on looking at the wound. If it looks as terrible as it feels, she'd rather not look at it. She feels how the man peels something away from the wound and how the air hits the wound. It feels kind of cool. She hears the man scramble through some things. Suddenly a burning liquid is poured over the injury and the man wipes at the wound ferociously. It hurts and y/n flinches.
The man barks something at her and grabs her other shoulder roughly. "He probably wants me to sit still.", she thinks and tries her best to sit still as stone as the man continues to probe at her wound. Eventually, he wraps her shoulder up again and y/n watches how he puts the bandaging materials back into a bag. Carefully, y/n touches the bandages the stranger put on her. "I guess he is kind of nice after all.", she thinks to herself, "Although I really don't want to get on his bad side." She shudders at the memory of how the man sliced open the villager yesterday.
Y/n clears her throat and she notices how the stranger gives her a side-eye. "Thank you for treating my wound.", she tells him. The man sits back on the trunk again and pulls out a knife. He starts sharpening the end of a branch into a spear. "So, what's your name?", she asks him. The man gives her an angry glance and scoffs. Y/n scoots a bit closer. "He probably doesn't understand me either.", she concludes.
Softly, she touches his arm. And the man immediately jerks it away from her, looking at her as if he's about to spit out a string of curse words. Y/n points towards herself. "I'm Y/n.", she says. Then she points at him. "And you?", she asks. The man doesn't answer her. If he didn't look so angry, he probably would look confused. Y/n points at her again. "Y/n.", she says and then points at him again, looking at him expectantly. The man turns away from her and continues to sharpen his branch. Just when y/n gives up trying to find out his name, the man says without looking at her: "Katsuki".
"Katsuki.", y/n repeats and tries out how the name feels like rolling off her tongue. When she turns to the stranger, or Katsuki, she gives him a soft smile. Katsuki stares at her intensely with his red eyes and y/n wonders for a moment if she pronounced it wrongly. Then, he turns away almost looking embarrassed.
Actually, that's exactly how Katsuki feels like. When he told y/n his name, he did not expect her to say it this sweetly. He's been annoyed with y/n since she showed up at his camp. Even more annoyed with the men behind her. He's not sure why he helped you. In his world, nothing else matters besides his own tribe, his own people. The only time other people matter is when his people can gain something from them. May it be coin, intel or ... heirs. Maybe that's why he saved her. She's a woman after all. His people painfully learned how important it is to keep their women safe. There's not much of a future without them.
He sighs and runs a hand through his uneven hair and gives y/n a glance. Y/n stares at her hands, unsure what to say or do next. He's not sure either. In the past few years, it has become a custom that men from his tribe take women home from their raids. Since most of the fertile women of his tribe succumbed to sickness, it's their only option to ensure their future. So far, it's not very successful. These women weren't like them. They don't understand his tribe's culture. Hell, most of them don't even speak their language. Like the woman sitting next to him. They're just frail little things, taken from their homes, living in fear of their new home and their new mates. Y/n doesn't look any different from them.
Katsuki gets up angrily and shakes his head. Why is he even thinking about this? He's not taking this woman home. It has never been in the cards. There are different plans for his future. This pathetic female should be thankful that he took the time out of his day to kill those bastards for her. She should just run along, going back to her sad little life. He scoffs and starts gathering his weapons. He has come here to hunt. To bring back a victory for his people. To show them that they can rely on him. Whether to lead them into battle or to feed them. He doesn't look back at the woman sitting by the fire.
Y/n watches as Katsuki gathers his gear. She's not sure what she's supposed to do. Does he want her to leave? Does he want her to stay? Even if she can't understand him, at least he could say something. Katsuki fastens the satchel on his dragon. "Is he leaving?", y/n asks herself. Without sparing her another glance, the man mounts the enormous beast and with three mighty swings of its wings, the dragon is in the air. Y/n throws her head back and watches as the warrior becomes smaller and smaller. Dumbfoundedly, she spins in a circle. Y/n notices that the man left most of his supplies. Cooking utensils, the medicine bag and some other things are neatly tucked away beside the fireplace. Y/n furrows her brow. Was she supposed to look after this stuff? Or does he simply not care if his stuff gets stolen?
For the next twenty minutes or so, y/n walks the clearing up and down playing her limited interaction with Katsuki over and over in her mind. Did she miss something? Lowkey, she hopes he just needs to get something quickly and that he returns to the clearing in no time. When it's clear that he won't return anytime soon, y/n decides to leave as well. She feels stupid lingering around waiting for a man who will maybe never come back, or worse, who gets back and is angry that she's still around. Considering what happened yesterday, she really doesn't want to become the focus of his wrath. Or the one of his dragon.
Y/n stomps through the forest, figuring out her next move. Though stomping would be the wrong word. Her legs hurt so badly, she must look like a scarecrow that has come to live and not stagers around on its wooden legs. After a short while, she already needs a break. The pain in her shoulder has gotten worse again. She leans against a tree and watches the treetops move in the soft summer breeze. Suddenly, a deep feeling of despair hits her and she sinks down the tree trunk. Tears burn in her eyes and before she can stop them, they overflow.
All of a sudden, it hits her in what kind of situation she is in. She is all alone in the middle of nowhere. Everything she needed to survive got either stolen or destroyed. There is no place she can return to. She could try her luck at the capital. However, her brother probably departed to another place in the kingdom and she has no way to contact him. Hell, she probably wouldn't make it to the capital without supplies or coins. Moreover, who knows if her brother would even take her in. They never had a bad relationship but it also wasn't strong enough for him to stick around.
Y/n weeps and sorrowful sobbs fill the quiet forest air. She doesn't realize it but she hasn't cried since her parents died. It's like everything that she's bottled up over the years suddenly burst out of her. She cries until her head hurts and her sleeves are soaked with tears and snot. Only when she physically can't cry any longer, she stops to catch her breath.
Slowly, but steadily, she calms down again. She stares up at the sky for a while until she finds the strength to sort her thoughts. "It's no use", she tells herself, "I need a game plan. Otherwise, I won't survive". She gets up with newfound determination. "I need to ensure that basic needs are fulfilled first before I can think of things like getting to the capital.", she figures.
Firstly, y/n inspects what little she has in her bag that is slung around her uninjured shoulder. A small carving knife, some yarn, bee wax for her lips and cheeks, an empty glass jar, a pair of fingerless leather gloves, a notebook and a pencil. It's not much but in her head, y/n is already figuring out what it can be used for. The knife will be useful for sure. The yarn could be used for building a shelter. She can carry water in the jar. The bag itself leaves some room for provisions.
Food, water, shelter. That is her new focus. Y/n puts her things back into her bag and decides she should look for water and food first before finding a shelter for the night. Y/n puts her bag over her shoulder and starts walking. Wandering from place to place and walking for long distances between settlements, her people taught her how to find water in the wilderness and what plants are edible. Her father even taught her how to shoot squirrels with a bow for meat but since she has no bow, she will have to settle for something vegetarian.
After gathering food and water, y/n needs to take a break. Her shoulder and injured ankle hurt badly and she can only limp by now. The shadows on the forest floor get longer as the sun disappears behind the tree crowns. Y/n shivers as she tries to figure out what to do about shelter. Her thoughts are interrupted by a loud detonation somewhere North of her location. She sits in silence as she hears screeching birds fly away. It's distant enough for her not to worry about it but close enough for her to wonder what the sound was. "Didn't sound like a tree falling over. Maybe a landslide?", she wonders. However, she's sure it sounded more like lightning striking something. Considering that there's no cloud in the sky, that's unlikely.
Y/n decides not to test her luck and to look for shelter in the opposite direction. She makes only slow progress. She hopes to find a cave or a hollow tree to sleep in. She's sure that she won't be able to build a sturdy shelter with her injured shoulder. Suddenly, there's a whooshing sound above her and when she looks up, she sees the tip of a red tail disappearing out of her sight. That damn dragon. She shouldn't be surprised that she's not out of its range considering the slow pace she had to settle into due to her injuries.
Y/n hesitates for a second. She was moving in the direction that the dragon had just flown into. She's not really keen on meeting that thing again. Then again, that strange noise came from the other direction. Y/n decides that the dragon might be responsible for the sound earlier. Still, turning back is not really an option considering that she did not find any place for shelter earlier. Taking a deep breath, she continues her way through the undergrowth. She just hopes the dragon covers more ground than her or returns to Katsuki's camp eventually.
Katsuki's pissed off when he returns to his campsite. He's been following a flock of deer for a couple of days now. He has his eye on a mighty stag. It sure will be a trophy to bring back home. However, so far his luck is not good. Yesterday's encounter and the noises of the bastards he killed must've startled the flock. They must've fled the area and it took most of the day to track them down. When he finally found them, he missed the stag by an inch. Which of course startled the whole group and tomorrow he can start tracking them down all over again.
Almost, he forgot the strange woman he left at the clearing. Upon his arrival, he didn't even notice her absence at first. When he does notice, he only scoffs angrily. "Good", he thinks, "She got the hint". However, while he prepares dinner, his thoughts drift off. He wonders how far y/n could've gotten on her injured foot. He wonders if the woman knows how to clean and dress a wound. If the wound on her shoulder gets infected, that will be a death sentence for sure. Especially out here in the wilderness. Unless her tribe is close and can take care of her. Then again if those bastards from yesterday were from her tribe, it's probably better if she doesn't return. Actually, if there are more of these bastards out there, her cards are bad anyway.
Frustratedly, Katsuki groans and throws his cooking utensils on the ground. His dragon looks over at him curiously. "What'cha looking at?", he mumbles and ruffles his hair. Katsuki stares into the flames of his bonfire pondering on what to do. Eventually, he jumps up and whistles at his dragon. Within seconds, they are in the air.
Katsuki steers his dragon to fly low above the treelines. He keeps his eyes on the ground, looking out for y/n. They patrol the area for a while until it gets too dark to see and Katsuki is sure he wouldn't be able to see the woman even if she was directly beneath them. He turns his dragon around and sets course towards his camp when he sees the flickering light of a fire in a short distance. "Gotcha.", Katsuki smirks and steers the beast towards the light.
With a rumble, the dragon's feet touch the ground. Y/n is kneeling in front of a small fire. Clearly, the woman has not been paying attention as she pushes herself back from the giant monster in front of her. Katsuki slides off its back and stomps towards her. "What the fuck are you doing?", he yells at her. "The whole forest can see you here! Can't believe you managed to stay alive on your own for a whole day.", he continues to scold her. Y/n only looks up at him with a dumbfounded expression. Actually, she might look a little scared.
Katsuki regains composure. He's yelling at a woman who doesn't understand shit. Of course, she's scared. He scoffs. Y/n's campsite is pitiful. Katsuki is surprised that she managed to light a fire on her own. Still, that light could lure in all kinds of nasty stuff. Unsure what to do, Katsuki hovers over her for a moment. Eventually, he tries to grab her. Clearly, the woman has been expecting him to make a move and struggles against him. Katsuki manages to get a hold of her nevertheless, considering he's taller and stronger than her and y/n's mobility is restricted due to her injuries. Katsuki throws her over his shoulder and saunters over to his dragon. He places the woman onto the saddle and climbs up behind her. With a click of his tongue, the dragon rises into the air.
Y/n clings onto the handle of the saddle for dear life and pushes her back into Katsuki's chest. In her lifetime, y/n had little experience with heights. Turns out, she's deadly afraid of them. Maybe it's also due to the gigantic lizard between her legs or the wild, barbarian man who just kidnapped her. However, right now, that man is the only person holding her into place and keeping her from falling to her death.
When they land at Katsuki's campsite, y/n is as pale as a ghost and when Katsuki pulls her off the dragon, her legs give out under her. The man lets out a string of sentences that sound like complaints and drags her over to the fireplace. Y/n tries to regain her composure as she watches Katsuki light up a fire and skin a rabbit. When he starts gutting the animal, y/n turns away in disgust. It's not like she finds the act itself gross. That's something she herself has done multiple times before. It's just that her stomach still feels queasy from the involuntary flight earlier and it's not the most appetizing process in the world.
A headache starts to form when she listens to Katsuki piercing the rabbit with a long stick and roasting it above the open fire. "Why am I here again?", she thinks to herself. It didn't strike her as if Katsuki wanted her around. After all, he left her here earlier today without sparing her a single glance. If he'd wanted her to stay around, he could've made that clear even without saying a word.
Suddenly she feels a nudge in her side. When she opens her eyes, Katsuki holds out a piece of meat to her without looking at her. Y/n is not really hungry but takes the meat anyway. They eat in silence. When they're done, they sit in front of the fire for a little while. Eventually, Katsuki breaks the silence. In a low, calm voice he talks to her. Of course, y/n doesn't understand him but she finds his voice soothing. She wonders how a person can sound so diverse. She finds it a lot nicer when Katsuki talks like that than how he did when he found her earlier. Despite her best efforts, she finds herself getting drowsy. Her eyes start to fall close and her whole body starts swaying. She doesn't notice how Katsuki slides closer to her or how her head hits his shoulder when she falls asleep.
Katsuki's not sure why he moved to catch her head. Also, he's not sure why he went after her in the first place. He runs his hand through his hair. "How annoying", he thinks. He stays at the fire for a little while longer letting y/n rest on his shoulder.
Eventually, he prepares to get up. Slowly, he pulls y/n onto his lap and gets up lifting y/n up with him. He already noticed yesterday how light she was. He wonders if this woman gets enough to eat. Carefully he carries her over to his bedroll. There's not really enough space for two people, so he lets y/n rest on it. He puts his red coat over the woman. Almost gently, he pushes some strands of hair out of y/n's face.
He puts out the bonfire and settles next to his dragon. Leaning against it, he crosses his arms over his chest and stares at the dark forest surrounding them.
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instant-delusions · 11 months
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wind pillar || shinazugawa sanemi × f! reader
cw! - sanemi behavior, smut (public sex, degradation, unprotected sex)
requests : open
nsfw under the cut
green fields, red roofs, a little path leading into a forest. little girls wearing cream colored yukatas while walking hand in hand, chatting happily. those little scenes pass you by quickly, as you sat next to shinazugawa sanemi on the infamous mugen train. it was quiet and empty, probably because of everything that happened here before.
ten minutes ago, sanemi and you boarded mugen train for a mission all the way in niigata prefecture. a snowy, mountainous region, which means excruciating work for your body. niigata - that's a long, three hour ride - obviously, you instantly claimed the window seat of your booth and with an exaggerated sigh, the pillar sat next to you, reading through some details of your mission. and since then, it's been unbearably quiet.
you met sanemi six months ago - mitsuri dragged you along to one of the hashiras drinking parties. obviously, she noticed you eyeing the wind hashira with a blush and instantly pulled you into the women's bathroom. "sanemi?" she sqeaked with a quick twirl, it's no use denying, so you nodded with a bashful smile. quickly, she filled you into his relationship status and gave you a brief overview of his character, "he's a challenge, (y/n). you're gonna love it, though, I know your type, he's that... times a million." with a new-found confidence, (after two peptalks from your friend), you downed another sake shot and made your way over to sanemi, who stood outside, smoking a kiseru.
"that's impressive" you commented, after he puffed out the smoke in a circle. watching it disintegrate into the night, he spoke "it's nothing. my dad, that wretched bastard, could do jellyfishes." turning to look at you, he gave you a lopsided grin. "don't have a good relationship with your dad?" you asked. that question painted the rest of the night, both of you drunkenly talking about your parents for hours, refusing to leave the inn.
the train stopped at the first station of your trip, thirty minutes have passed. you watched as the only other person in your wagon left and nobody else entered. "so it's just us two, huh?" you said, looking at sanemi with a slight twinkle in your eyes. he looked back, watching you blink seductively, and sighed, "what the fuck are you implying, (y/n)?". leaning back, he studied you, waiting for one of your annoying replies. "I'm just saying..." you started, voice barely above a whisper, trailing a vein on his muscular arm, "nobody else is here." you purred into his ear. quickly, you pulled away and turned your attention back to the scenery outside, "not like your would do it here" you added, waiting for him to snap. sighing, he shuffled closer to you, grabbing your waist, "you really think I won't fuck you on this train, bitch? I'd have you bouncing on my cock at the imperial palace, I don't give a shit." sanemi lifted you onto his lap, so you could feel his hardening cock pulsing beneath you, "bet you'd like that, whore, hm?" he pressed, you kept your lips shut, just slightly grinding against his dick with soft rolls of your hips. impatient, he grabbed your face, lowering you dangerously close to his lips, "I asked you a fucking question." you could feel the air of his words blowing against your mouth. "yes" you said, immediately pressing your lips against his. nibbling on his lower lip, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing him closer to you. slowly, he pressed his tongue through your lips, intertwining it with yours, as he moved his hands from your thighs to flip your skirt over, revealing your soaked underwear. "fuck" he rasped, you could feel his dick twitching through his pants.
as you busied yourself undoing his belt, sanemi peeked outside. fortunately, he couldn't see the next station, but decided to hurry anyway. "quick", he whispered hotly against your ear as you freed his fat, pulsing cock. you spit into your hand and began to jerk his girth, watching pre drip down, as he pushed your panties to the side, burying two of his fingers inside your wet pussy. instantly, he pressed his other hand over your mouth to muffle your moans and pulled his fingers, coated in your juices, out. "sit down, pretty girl." sanemi insisted and you wasted no time, navigating his cock to your pussy. feeling his head against your entrance, you sank down, biting one of his fingers to muffle your shout. although you're soaked, the stretch burned ; he filled you to the brim and you were sure he'd penetrate your cervix before your ass even met his balls. impatiently, sanemi pressed his hips up, to bury himself completely in the ecstacy that is your pussy. he wasted no time and started thrusting quickly, the noise echoed obscenely against the walls of the train, mixing with the rattling against rails. quickly, he found your clit, rubbing it in circles, while watching your tits bounce at his brutal pace. your juices dripped down his balls, onto the seat, while you drooled against his hand. as your pussy clenched and pulsed against his dick, your thighs started to tremble and your back arched deliciously, you felt like you were falling down, before an unearthly orgasm hit you. feeling the way your pussy spasmed, sanemi rasped curses under his breath and with a few, messy, thrusts, he spilled his warm, sticky cum deep inside you.
"tickets, please!" the conducter shouted as he entered your wagon. both of your hair was messy and you opened the window to get rid of the smell, although the wind was icy. you're so glad you packed double the amount of panties you usually would.
↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ : giyuu x reader smut ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
Writers who use imitative harmony + the movement of their language to evoke meaning are so great to re-read once you’ve learnt this language, if you’ve read them in translation before, it feels like the best reward. I’m reading Annie Proulx in the original for the first time, and so much of her writing style was just not salvageable by French translators (< my condolences), because she intertwines sound with meaning so often, at least in Close Range, and French just doesn’t sound the same! so by translating the meaning you’ll sacrifice a lot of the style... It reminds me of a haunted house book in French that also made me think “haha RIP translators” because it made great use of sound—a lot of “u / eu / ou” to create a sort of sinister howling effect in some sentences, and one sentence about a closed door used “i” and “rr” sounds to give an ominous “creaking open” sensation without actually opening the door in the text...
This kind of thing always makes me reflect despairingly on how many authors I’ll never get to appreciate fully as I can’t read them in the original, but I’m glad to re-discover Annie Proulx at any rate! I mean compare the sound of a phrase like “a hundred dirt road shortcuts” to the French “des centaines de raccourcis, des routes de terre”... First of all the English phrase sounds clippety-cloppy, it sounds like hooves on a dirt road in a way that’s very hard to preserve in a language without syllable stress, but also the French language demands that you turn it into ‘a hundred of shortcurts of roads of dirt’, so it’s best to dilute it into two phrases, and you just lose the clippedness. It sounds less tight, more leisurely.
Same for the phrase “the tawny plain still grooved with pilgrim wagon ruts” vs. “la plaine fauve encore marquée des ornières laissées par les chariots des pèlerins.” That’s a 54% expansion ratio and once again you turn the tight clippedness of ‘grooved with pilgrim wagon ruts’ into ‘grooved with the ruts left by the wagons of the pilgrims.’ You just can’t avoid it, French words have to hold hands in a long procession rather than being stacked like pancakes on top of one another. And sometimes it makes for lovely stylistic effects too (*), but it doesn’t fit the style of a text like this one, which uses rhythm and sound in a very un-French way—rhythmicality in French tends to rely on long flowy phrasings rather than the potholed ruggedness this story demands. (I saw a NY Times article describe it as Annie Proulx “mining the ore of language out of a gritty Wyoming rockscape”)
The rhythm of this whole bit is so neat, you can snap your fingers along with it: “hard orange dawn, the world smoking, snaking dust devils on bare dirt, heat boiling out of the sun until the paint on the truck hood curled, ragged webs of dry rain that never hit the ground, through small-town traffic and stock on the road, band of horses in morning fog...”
The French version is not finger-snapping material but you can tell the translator did her very best to preserve the author’s intention by creating interesting rhythms in French as well. For “hard orange dawn” she could have kept close to the original with, say, “la dureté orange de l’aube” but instead she chose to turn ‘hard’ into a four-syllable adjective (éblouissante / blinding) to end up with a noticeable rhythm—“les aubes orange, éblouissantes,” one-two-three-four, one-two-three-four (and she made ‘dawn’ plural for the same reason.) She wasn’t able to preserve the g/r alliteration of “GRooved with pilGRim waGon Ruts” (although her translated phrase also has a lot of R’s) but she did preserve the ‘sss’ alliteration of “Smoking Snaking duSt” (“pouSSière Serpentant Sur le Sol”). Even with languages as close as French and English, for every stylistic effect you can save you have to sacrifice a few, or replace them with opposite effects which align better with your language’s notions of literary style (like with the orange dawn bit, doubling the length of a tight phrase so it can sound rhythmical).
You can tell all throughout the book that a lot of thought and care went into respecting Annie Proulx’s writing choices and you still end up with sentences that sound and move so differently. You get to see the limit of translation when authors fully lean on their language’s syntax and melody to help convey meaning, like poets do!
(*) Re: English stacking words and French linking them—this reminds me of an essay I read by an English translator of Proust who despaired of this difference in the opposite direction—saying some long, descriptive phrases in Proust with articles & prepositions linking words, and commas linking phrases with regularity, read like telling the beads of a rosary. And the sensation (or a lot of it) had to be sacrificed because English just does not use as many linking words as French, information is conveyed in a more economical way, so a lot of these sentences with a hypnotic rhythm like “the A, of the B, of the C, whereby the D, of the E, on an F” were often not achievable with English syntax or created redundancy (e.g. having to use ‘that’ or ‘which’ 5 times when French used different tool words). But he said he did try to form sentences that had this continuity, and meditative quality.
I don’t have a conclusion to this post other than to say something precious will be lost if human translation is replaced by AI translation, because literary translation involves creativity and ambiguity and aesthetic considerations and a dimension of instinctual feeling for your own language and the original style, and I don’t think any amount of data and processing power and artificial neural networks will yield the flavour of literary quality that emerges from human sensibility and care, from someone reading a sentence and thinking “this feels like hooves clippety-clopping down a dirt road” or “this feels like rolling the beads of a rosary” and starting from there...
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twola · 4 months
i know arthur is a giver but sometimes i think he’d like being cruel. i have this image of him leaned back in a chair taking a drag out of his cigarette with reader writhing on his lap with tears in her eyes practically begging for him to do anything to her while he watches with feign indifference
Hooo boy. Okay, this is my first shot at a true low honor Arthur.
Lookin' for Trouble
Arthur Morgan x F!Reader Smut (18+), MDNI
➵ Fic Masterlist ➵ AO3 Link
The afternoon light was more than enough for you to finally get to reading after getting Grimshaw’s list of chores done. Finally, you’d be able to crack open this book that Hosea lent you all those weeks ago.
All of a sudden, the light is obscured over the pages of your book, and when you look up, you place a hand over your eyes to see the mountain of a man before you, peering down at you with a cigarette hanging off his lips.
“Oh, Arthur, I didn’t realize you’d be back so quick.” You smile up to him, closing the book and moving to your knees to stand up.
An outstretched hand juts into your view, “Ain’t nothin’ interesting in that backwater town.”
You take it and allow him to pull you up, but you frown up at him and don’t let go, turning both of your hands so that his knuckles face the two of you. The skin is broken and oozing a small amount of blood.
“Oh dear, let me clean that up for you in your tent.”
You drop his hand and he follows, smoking that cigarette without a reply. On its head, it must be a funny sight, the grizzled outlaw following your small frame back to his tent so dutifully. 
He pulls the canvas down after the two of you enter the tent, tall enough being built off his wagon. The perks of being the enforcer of the group. You make yourself busy looking in the chest at the foot of his cot for some alcohol as you pull a handkerchief from the pocket of your skirt.
Arthur sits down on the edge of the cot, taking that old black hat from his head and dropping it atop the pillow that had seen better days.
“Here we go,” you dab your handkerchief with a bottle of god-knows-what and move back toward where Arthur sits.
He places the still-lit cigarette in the little glass tray at his bedside, the end of it continuing to smolder as he blows smoke toward the top of the tent, away from you.
You frown, twisting your head to change your view of his outstretched knuckles. “It’s an awkward angle, I-”
He cuts you off by making you yelp as his free hand shoots around your hip and pulls you down, your rear colliding with his firm thigh, his hand on your hip balancing you as you regain your composure.
“Oh… thanks…” you blush slightly, having been caught off guard. You return to dabbing at the broken skin of his knuckles, his large hand outstretched and dwarfing yours, as you perch upon his thigh, your back flush to his barrel chest.
“How did this happen?” You ask softly as you pick at the dirt in his inflamed, broken skin. 
“Y’know, a bit of this, bit of that.”
You sigh, “I really hope you ain't out pickin’ fights, Arthur.”
Arthur hums dismissively in response, jostling you slightly on his thigh. He props the cigarette between his teeth and his free hand moves forward and begins bunching your skirts up, the hem of your dress being pulled higher and higher.
“Arthur-” You go to scold, but his searching hand gravitates right over where he’s looking for, pressing against your cunt through your bloomers. You give another yelp as his finger digs at the cotton, prodding and stroking and petting.
“A-Arthur, I’m tryin’ to-”
As you go to grip his forearm with both hands, his injured hand darts downward, grasping both of your wrists and holding them away from your body, essentially binding you and leaving you unable to stop his ministrations.
A low, satisfied noise rumbles out through his chest as you pant, his fingers edging the leg of your bloomers open and touching your bare skin. Just barely touching, teasing, as you squirm in his lap, his hold on your wrists as strong as iron. 
You honest-to-god whine, tears welling behind your eyes as you squirm in his lap, trying to break free of his hold on your hands, trying to jut your hips into his hand more.
“A-Arthur- god, please-” you gasp aloud, squeezing your eyes shut tightly as you beg. He removes his hand entirely and you nearly sob at the loss.
Cracking your eyes open, you see him pull the cigarette from his mouth and place it in that glass tray, mashing the butt into the ash as he puts it out. He bounces his thigh as his hand returns to your cunt, chuckling darkly as you continue to squirm.
“Ain’t you just the prettiest little thing when you’re all needy like this?”
A fresh set of tears burst from your eyes as his hand snakes into your bloomers again to rub at you.
“Please what, what d’ya need darlin’?”
He cups your cunt fully and helps you roll your hips over his thigh bone, and it’s all you can do not to sob loudly at the frustration.
“Use your words, sweetheart.”
“Arthur please, please god, please touch me.”
“I am touchin’ ya’.” He responds, pleased with himself as you struggle against his grip, iron-like in its strength.
“In-inside-” you pant, continuing to squirm against him.
“Hmm, like this?”
You are able to bite back the scream you nearly let out as Arthur slides his trigger finger into your dripping cunt. He curls it with a practiced precision, and you buck in his lap, throwing your head back against the curve of his shoulder. Your temple brushes against his days-old beard before he leans in against you.
“There’s my girl,” he nips at your earlobe with haughty pride, fully taking satisfaction with the way you writhe atop him, “Makin’ them noises like a whore.”
There’s no snapping back at him, no retort back at his dry, teasing humor. You are able to do nothing but give a breathy sigh, almost agreeing with his statement.
Arthur grabs your hips and hoists you up to stand, quickly following and pushing you two stumbling steps to the table where a few of his guns are spread out. One sweep of his arm and the guns clatter into the grass before you're abruptly bent at the waist and spread out on the table.
One of his large hands splays across your lower back as he fiddles with the buttons of his pants. Essentially keeping you pinned down on the table, you have no option but to lay there and take whatever he is going to give you.
Arthur pulls your skirts up, tossing them over your hips before yanking your bloomers down and over the swell of your ass. His hand is between your legs quicker than you can sputter in indignation, and you bite your lip to keep from moaning as he strokes his thick fingers in and out of your wetness. Your eyes tightly shut as you breathe out your nose, and for a moment, you’re empty as he pulls away.
The hot, blunt head of his cock prods your entrance before he pushes himself inside you, in one strong thrust. Your fingers clamp on the edge of the table as you clench your teeth at the intrusion, fluttering on the edge of pain as his thick cock stretches you. It’s always like this, he’s not much of a gentle man. 
“Tha’s it, what a good girl you are, takin’ everything I give ya.” Arthur drawls as he begins to buck his hips forward into yours, unflinchingly setting a rough, fast pace.
You’re unable to last after all the stimulation before, and it’s not long into the slamming of him into you that you begin to get that feeling that your release was imminent.
“A-Arthur-” you gasp out as you reel toward completion, the table squealing beneath you as he rocks his hips into yours faster, harder - punishing - all six foot of him hunches over you as he fucks you into a wet, messy orgasm, you pressing your forehead into the table as you clench around him.
He grunts, jerking his hips backward as his hands clamp harshly around your hips, squeezing so hard you’re sure there will be bruises in the morning. You feel the hot splatter of his spend on your rear as he lets out a long breath through his nose, trying himself to be quiet within the confines of the tent.
You pant, still bent over the small table, your skirts flipped over your hips as your knees shake. You hear Arthur fiddle with his pants before returning to you, his hands grasping at your thighs greedily before pulling at your skirts to right them.
He swats, albeit gently, at your rear before your skin disappears under your skirts. 
“You gonna let me finish cleaning you up?” You ask, leaning over slightly to pick up your discarded bloomers from the ground, tucking them into your pocket.
Arthur sits back on his cot, his pants still unbuttoned and open unapologetically, as a sly smile creeps across his face.
“If yer really gonna clean me up, I think there’s a lot less clothing involved.”
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