#Snow White analysis
artist-issues · 1 year
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Do I rake the Live Action fore and aft...or do I decide it's literally too dumb to dignify with a response?
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silver-the-hedgeblog · 3 months
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I was wondering how Silver could look so clean despite living in Crisis City. Maybe that aura keeps him clean? Is that one of his powers?
and then I realized something.
Silver can control things on a molecular level.
Silver's Shield of Light lets him bend literal light. That is photons, Subatomic Particles that he can manipulate with his powers.
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So if Silver can clean himself with his powers on a molecular level then he might actually be the single cleanest living thing on earth despite living in the dirtiest environment.
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fa9ette · 4 days
One thing about Apple that’s always intrigued me is how her hair is blonde, and seeing a TikTok slideshow sharing the OP’s head cannons and reading ‘Apple white dyed her hair but her mother taught her how to embrace her own natural hair’ which is so cute but it actually lead to me thinking about it for a week straight
Personally, I too also like to think that Apple had her whole childhood with her mother reassuring her that her blonde hair is beautiful, even if it’s not black like Snow White’s. But seriously, I never searched for any character analysis regarding Apple’s design— specifically her blonde hair differing to her mother Snow White, whose hair is supposedly as black as ebony. But big kudos to the designers of Apple, her Blonde hair makes her interesting and it adds up to her character, maybe taking one’s curiosity and interest into wondering how. Black hair, Blonde hair— I don’t know, both hair colors somehow suit her color scheme perfectly (though I prefer the blonde color more)
Unlike other Snow White inspired characters like Neige LeBlanche from Twisted Wonderland whose hair is black just like the snow white he’s inspired from, Apple’s hair being blonde makes her really unique !!
Okay I’ll stop the yap-sesh rn, since it’s just me talking about how curious I am of Apple’s blonde hair but then later on saying how much I love it
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princesssarisa · 9 months
One of the most fascinating pieces of movie analysis I've ever read is J.B. Kaufman's thesis of the "two different Snow Whites" in Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
He writes about this in both of his two books on the making of the movie, The Fairest One of All and its companion piece Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: The Art and Creation. His argument is that Snow White's two leading animators, Hamilton Luske and Grim Natwick, each gave Snow White a slightly different personality when they drew her. A close look at the movie, and knowledge of who animated which moments, reveals subtle differences in Snow White's expressions and body language. Luske, her head animator who handled the majority of her scenes, portrayed her as a more purely innocent, childlike character, while Natwick, the creator of Betty Boop, gave her a little more maturity, sophistication, and sauciness.
You can see the difference, for example, when comparing her girlish interactions with the animals in "With a Smile and a Song" and "Whistle While You Work" (animated by Luske) to her flirtatious smiling at the Prince from the balcony, or her "mothering" of the dwarfs as she examines their dirty hands (animated by Natwick). Or her responses to Grumpy in the scene before the Washing Song: as she asks "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" she looks at him with a devilish grin (Natwick), but then when he sticks out his tongue at her, she reacts with the most wide-eyed, girlish shock (Luske).
Now, I don't know if these two men really held different views of Snow White's character, or if it just worked out that Luske drew Snow White's more innocent scenes while Natwick was assigned her more grown-up moments. But either way, Kaufman argues that this "tension," the movie's constant push-and-pull between "Snow White as a wide-eyed innocent girl" and "Snow White as a self-assured young woman," makes her an especially interesting Disney Princess. I tend to agree, especially because, miraculously, there's no sense of inconsistency in her character. She comes across as a young girl on the verge of womanhood, who naturally can still be naïve and childlike in some ways, but more grown-up and clever in others.
This thesis makes me wonder if certain "tensions" in other movies are the result of different viewpoints within the creative team.
For example, in Beauty and the Beast.
Linda Woolverton has often talked about her feminist goals in writing Belle's character, which sometimes clashed with her collaborators' visions of Belle as a more traditional fairy tale heroine. It just might have been those clashing viewpoints that created the dichotomy in Belle that I personally think makes her interesting. On the one hand, she's a strong-willed misfit rebel, partly inspired by Jo March in Little Women and by Katharine Hepburn's screwball comedy heroines, who longs for adventure, isn't looking for romance until she unexpectedly finds it, stands up to men (and beasts) who abuse their power, and refuses to let anyone dominate her. On the other hand, she's a sensitive dreamer with delicate beauty and balletic grace, who wears pretty, ladylike dresses, adores fairy tales and love stories, and is sweet, nurturing, and almost motherly to her friends and loved ones. Yet somehow these two sides of her character co-exist with no sense of inconsistency between them.
There's also the dichotomy between the two different views of the Beast that the movie seems to present at once. On the one hand, there's the Beast as an unseemly brute, who's beastly form is both a just punishment for his flawed character and an outward symbol of it, and who needs to be "tamed" into proper "human" behavior, culminating in his physically turning human again. On the other hand, there's the Beast as a suffering, self-loathing outcast, unfairly hated, feared, and dehumanized, whose plight under the spell can easily be read as an AIDS allegory, and who needs to be accepted and loved as he is. I suspect that this also stems from different goals and viewpoints in the creative team. (For example, Howard Ashman's clash with the directors over whether the Prince should be a child or a man in the prologue – the former would have made him more "tragic" but the latter makes his punishment more "fair.")
I'd like to read an analysis of these "tensions" similar to Kaufman's analysis of the "two different Snow Whites."
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months
Maybe Disney needs to try taking on a fairytale they haven't done yet. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy more original stories like Raya and the Last Dragon and Encanto that as far as I'm aware don't originate from any particular legend (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong tho). Those are fun. Exploring different magical concepts like dragons and the miracle is awesome.
But that being said, I think Disney needs to go back to its roots and do a fairytale. Something with a princess and a big bad that comes from an existing legend. That's (generally) where Disney excels. That's why people love Disney. Little Mermaid? Classic. Beauty and the Beast? Classic. Princess and the Frog? Classic. Cinderella? Classic. Snow White? Classic. Really, I just think Disney does what Disney does best when they're taking a story that already exists and turning it into a beautiful piece of animation with a gentle, kind soul at the center of it, maybe with a different little spin like setting the Frog Prince story in 1920s New Orleans or having Beauty's father be an inventor. Little touches like that to make the story uniquely Disney, but with a solid basis in a folk narrative that touches something deep and instinctual inside most people.
Give me a girl who's cursed. A girl who either falls prey to evil or makes a deal with it, and whose sweetheart fights for her like Aurora or who does the brave thing and sacrifices to fix it like Ariel.
Give me a girl who's trapped. A girl whose family keeps her down or who just hasn't found where she fits yet, who stays kind despite her troubles like Cinderella or who finds her own alternative way out like Belle.
Heck, even a weird-ass thing like Shakespeare But Lions would be welcome. That's such a Disney thing to do, taking a story like Hamlet and filling it with whimsy and giving it a happy ending. Plus, Simba is one of the strongest protagonists and learns one of the best lessons in all of Disney fight me.
(I'm not going to count Frozen in the folk story group because the departure from the original was so wild I don't think it deserves to count. I love Elsa with my entire soul but I would also die to see Disney do a proper version of the Snow Queen fairytale.)
Look, my point is that I'd like to see something that really makes Disney dig a little deeper and recapture the spark of its classics. Because as much as I enjoy stuff like Tangled and Frozen and Moana (I've watched all of them loads of times and I cry about them consistently) they don't come to mind as Disney classics for me. Maybe that's just me. Maybe it simply hasn't been enough time. Maybe it's the difference in the animation. Speaking of that, however, I would actually love to see a Disney movie done in a 2D style again; I don't think 3D has any inherent superiority and I'd love to see what Disney could do with a 2D movie now. And there are so many folk stories in the world, surely there must be one that Disney can bring to life the way it used to. They haven't retold every story that's been told already.
Am I being a little picky? Probably. But I'd love to see something that reminds me of the Disney classics where a gentle person with a courageous core has their life touched by magic, faces an obstacle, and has a happy ending. Something that's not a variation on "X needs to be saved" but a specific character longing for a specific thing and either doing what they think is necessary to get it (like Tiana and Ariel) or giving it up for the sake of someone else, but getting a happy ending nonetheless (like Belle and Simba). Also a clear-cut badguy who gets to be absolutely cunty and evil about it with no peculiar twist.
I'd like to see something Classic Disney again.
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twisting-echo · 2 months
Why I ship Snow White and Hades?
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Before we get into this, I will state again that I am aware of Snow White's canon age, so I have her aged up to 18 in my headcanon.
(And whatever is blue and underlined is a link!)
I've said some of this before on an anonymous ask, but I'm going to further elaborate.
In my headcanon, I ship Snow White and Hades because I'm attracted to their chemistry and emotional connection. I'm also a sucker for May-December romances and height differences. In my headcanon, Hades is 6'5" and Snow White is 5'1". Their relationship dynamic is heavily inspired by Fluttershy x Discord (Fluttercord).
Also considering that in Greek mythology, Hades' wife is Persephone, who is the goddess of spring, nature, flowers, deer, death, and reincarnation, these are all things that coincide with Snow White too well.
The symbolic connections between Snow White and Persephone consuming the poisoned apple and the pomegranate are because, in both tales, the fruit represents temptation and hidden consequences.
The apple offered to Snow White by the evil queen is a direct reference to the biblical story of Eve and the forbidden fruit. Snow White’s apparent death after consuming the poisoned apple parallels the concept of resurrection. She is revived by true love’s kiss, symbolizing rebirth and redemption. 
In Greek mythology, Hades gave Persephone the pomegranate seeds while she was in the Underworld. The story goes that after Hades abducted Persephone, she became his queen in the realm of the dead. During her time there, she ate six pomegranate seeds. This act bound her to the Underworld, ensuring her return each year. As a result, Persephone spends part of the year with Hades (autumn and winter) and the other part with her mother Demeter (spring and summer). The pomegranate thus symbolizes her connection to both life and death. 
They both ate the fruit given to them as gifts, not knowing the consequences.
Since Hades isn't married to a Persephone of his own, and considering how he behaved towards Snow White in the book Mirrorverse: Pure of Heart, let's just say Hades clearly has a type~ 😏
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In my Disney Mirrorverse headcanon, Snow White and Hades visit each other a lot in their respective universes. Hades will have coffee, tea, and other baked goods with Snow White at her cottage. He'll watch/help her pick flowers and spend time with the woodland creatures. They also knit together as a relaxing pastime while they converse. (Hades can knit! I've seen him do it in the episode Hercules and the Tapestry of Fate!)
Snow White will bring him cookies, cake, and coffee while he's having meetings with the other Disney villains and Greek mythology characters in the underworld. She also helps keep track of the souls that newly arrive and tries to soothe them the best way that she can. Snow White is also allowed entry to the Elysian Fields despite being alive, and she and Hades will indulge in whatever they enjoy together there.
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When I made Hades and Snow White start to take a romantic interest in each other, I found their relationship to be quite an intriguing mix of contrasts and complements. Below, I listed some aspects they appreciate about each other:
Hades’ Perspective:
Snow White’s Kindness: Hades, being the god of the underworld, finds Snow White’s pure-hearted kindness and compassion refreshing and endearing. Her ability to see the good in everyone could soften his often-cynical outlook.
Innocence and Purity: Snow White’s innocence and purity are a source of fascination for Hades, who is surrounded by darkness and souls. Her light brings a sense of balance to his life.
Resilience: Despite her gentle nature, Snow White has shown resilience and strength in the face of adversity. Hades admires her inner strength and determination.
Snow White’s Perspective:
Hades’ Wit and Charm: Hades is known for his sharp wit and charm. Snow White is drawn to his charismatic personality and finds his humor delightful.
Protective Nature: Despite his dark exterior, Hades has a protective side, especially towards those he cares about. Snow White appreciates his loyalty and the sense of security he provides.
Depth and Complexity: Snow White is intrigued by Hades’ complex personality and the layers beneath his godly facade. His depth is something she finds fascinating and worth exploring.
Their relationship is a blend of light and dark, bringing out the best in each other while navigating their differences.
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Everyone knows that Snow White suffered an intense anxiety attack caused by the huntsman, who is overcome by moral guilt and spares her life, but the damage is done. Snow White is faced with two terrible truths: the queen wants her dead, and she no longer has a place to live. She must survive in the forest without food or means to support herself. This sudden shift triggers an anxiety attack, which is shown metaphorically throughout the horrific "dark forest" scene. In other words, the trees were not her friends when she was having a panic attack. How do you guys think Hades reacted when Snowie told him what she went through?
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Let's just say he'd be prepared to wipe out an entire forest for her if she'd let him. But she wouldn't, because she'd remind him that the forest is the home for all of the woodland animals and that she actually likes trees, despite what happened; trees are important. In other words, "Only Snow White can prevent forest fires."
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Speaking of woodland animals, it's time to talk about two of my favorite little silly billies. For the record, I love the platonic love that Snow White, Pain, and Panic share. It's too precious to me! They love her and she adores them! She is their mommy and they are her babies! They would do anything for her and she for them. X3
Anyway, Pain and Panic's close friendship with Snow White. Their quirky personalities add some chaos to her peaceful life. These silly imps are known for their shape-shifting abilities and their loyalty (albeit reluctant) to Hades. And Snow White's gentle and nurturing nature would likely shine through. Here's how their friendship plays out:
Pain and Panic's Perspective:
Gentle Touch and Kind Words: Snow White, with her gentle demeanor and kind heart, approaches Pain and Panic. They’ve only ever known Hades’ wrath, so when she offers a hug or a comforting word, they freeze in shock. Their shapeshifting abilities momentarily falter as they process this unexpected kindness. It’s like a splash of cold water on their fiery, chaotic existence. Over time, Snow White’s consistent kindness begins to chip away at their skepticism. Maybe she genuinely cares. Maybe there’s no ulterior motive. Slowly, they allow themselves to lean into her touch and accept her words. It’s like a fragile plant unfurling after a long winter. Pain and Panic might not express it outright, but gratitude blooms within them. They steal glances at Snow White when she’s not looking, wondering how someone so pure can exist. Maybe, just maybe, they deserve this kindness—even if it feels foreign. 
Shape-Shifting Shenanigans: Pain and Panic transform into various creatures, specifically a rabbit, a chipmunk, and birds, to comfort her or make her laugh. They also use these forms to assist her with chores and cooking. They even disguise themselves as dwarfs to join her in the mine. 
Comedic Relief: Snow White's gentle nature clashes with their mischievous antics. They'd accidentally spill things, knock things over, trip over their own tails, and create chaos in her cottage. Snow White would patiently clean up after them, giggling at their clumsiness and finding them endearing. Snow White finds joy in their company. Their slapstick antics amuse her. She laughs when they squabble over disguises. Their friendship lightens her burden.
Loyal Protectors: Despite their flaws, Pain and Panic would fiercely defend Snow White. If the Evil Queen sends poisoned apples, they'd be there to warn her or even take the bite themselves (only to regenerate, of course).
Inventive Solutions: Need a quick escape from the Queen's huntsmen? Panic could turn into the torso of a buck and Pain into the rump, whisking Snow White away. Their unconventional methods would keep her safe. Plus, they'd make a noble steed for her and gallop around the forest.
Copyrighted Merchandise Enthusiasts: Pain and Panic's love for copyrighted merchandise would lead to quirky gifts. Imagine Snow White receiving a "Magic Mirror" or a "Poison Apple" mug from Panic and a "Fairest of Them All" or a "I'm Grumpy Deal with It" T-shirt from Pain. They'd enjoy their Disney merch together.
Snow White's Perspective:
Motherly Care: Snow White treats Pain and Panic like her own little imps. She fusses over their well-being, ensuring that they wash their hands before every meal, that they eat their veggies, and that they get enough rest (even though they're immortal). Imagine her tucking them into bed with tiny handknit blankets. (She actually lets them sleep with her in her bed as her cuddle buddies.)
Kindness and Patience: When Pain accidentally shape-shifts into a clumsy creature, Snow White would giggle and help him regain his form. She'd patiently listen to Panic's anxious rants and offer soothing words.
Tea Parties: Snow White's cottage would host delightful tea parties. Pain would spill tea on the tablecloth, and Panic would fret about staining it. Snow White would laugh, saying, "It's just tea, my dear imps!"
Protective Instincts: Snow White becomes fiercely protective. When Hades threatens them, she stands between them and (gently) tells him off. She won’t let anyone harm her babies, even if they’re shape-shifting demonic minions.
Gifts of Kindness: Snow White will gift them cookies and other baked goods. She also knitted them scarves because she worries about them catching a cold.
Song and Dance: She sings and dances with them all the time. The best way I can describe what kind of songs they sing is in this link (Pain is Steve, Snowie is Hayley, and Panic is Stan). And the best way I can describe what kind of dances they do together is in this link (never imagine them doing this dance without the sunglasses).
In this whimsical friendship, Snow White's nurturing spirit would keep Pain and Panic out of trouble, and they'd add a touch of chaos to her fairy-tale life.
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The screenshot of this paragraph above is taken from @skyselfships (I Read Mirrorverse Pure of Heart) post.
For those who don't know, Mirrorverse Pure of Heart is a novel set in the universe of Disney Mirrorverse.
So what I love about the screenshot of the paragraph above is that even after Hades basically left Snow White to die, he did have enough of a heart to think about making it up to her if she did die. The thing that stuck out to most is that he'd make sure that she made it into the Elysian Fields.
The Elysian Fields were hard to reach, but for those few who were deemed worthy, they were promised an eternal life of relaxation, beauty, and amusement. The Elysian Fields, also called Elysium, went by many names. It was sometimes called the “White” Island, and more often it was referred to as the Islands of the Blessed. 
There were never storms on the Islands of the Blessed, and snow never fell. The only notable weather was a gentle, refreshing breeze that blew in from the west and an occasional light sprinkle of rain. Elysium is covered in golden flowers. The grass, trees, and water were dotted with fragrant blooms.
The Islands of the Blessed were an idyllic and pristine afterlife free of suffering, pain, and hardship. However, the heroes of legend were the only ones who were admitted because, for most people, the pastoral pleasures of Elysium were entirely out of reach. Only the most distinguished mortals, typically the sons and daughters of the gods, had ever gone there.
After learning all of this, it means that Hades doesn't let just "anyone" into the Elysian Fields. I think it shows so much about his character and the impressions she left on him in Mirrorverse: Pure of Heart. 
Recognition of Purity and Goodness: Snow White’s character is often associated with purity, kindness, and an unwavering belief in the goodness of others. These traits, while not traditionally seen as “heroic” in the sense of physical bravery or grand adventures, embody a different kind of heroism. By allowing her into the Elysian Fields, Hades might be acknowledging that true heroism can also be found in the purity of one’s heart and the impact of their kindness on the world.
Breaking Traditions: The Elysian Fields are typically reserved for heroes of legend—those who have performed great deeds and shown exceptional bravery. By admitting Snow White, Hades could be challenging these traditional criteria, suggesting that the definition of a hero is broader than previously thought. This act could symbolize a more inclusive and compassionate approach to who is deemed worthy of eternal peace and happiness.
Character Development for Hades: Hades is typically portrayed as a villain, but allowing Snow White into the Elysian Fields could show a more complex, albeit softer, side to his character. It might suggest that even he can recognize and reward true goodness, hinting at the potential for change or redemption. This adds depth to his character, making him more than just a one-dimensional antagonist.
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Look at Cerberus! Isn't he the cutest thing?! Don't you just want to pet him?! X3
Anyway, we are still talking about the screenshot of the paragraph above, and Hades allowing Snow White to rub Cerberus’ belly is a hugely symbolic gesture that can be interpreted in several ways:
Trust and Acceptance: Cerberus, the fearsome three-headed guardian of the underworld, is typically portrayed as a fierce and loyal protector. Allowing Snow White to rub his belly suggests a level of trust and acceptance from both Hades and Cerberus. It indicates that Snow White’s inherent goodness and purity can even tame the most fearsome creatures.
Softening of Hades’ Character: This act could also signify a softer side of Hades. Hades showing leniency and warmth towards Snow White and Cerberus highlights his capacity for kindness and change. It adds depth to his character, suggesting that he can appreciate and reward gentleness and compassion.
Interplay of Light and Dark: Snow White, a symbol of innocence and light, interacting with Cerberus, a creature of the underworld, creates a beautiful contrast. This interplay of light and dark emphasizes the theme that goodness can exist even in the darkest places and that kindness can bridge the gap between vastly different worlds.
Closing argument:
Snow White and Hades rule the Underworld with compassion, ensuring that lost souls find solace. And they adopted Bambi, Flower, Thumper, and Thumper's sisters, Blossom, Violet, Daisy, Ria, and Tessie, as their children. (Blossom, Violet, Daisy, Ria, and Tessie are daddy's girls.)
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class-of-classic-blog · 2 months
✨️Some silly things that i made about class of classics✨️
part 4.
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Sorry for not posting for a long time. This is my apology post. Coming more posts soon.
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vampiresuns · 9 months
ngl, I am yet to read The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, and watch the adaptation, but one thing that's popping out to me is the amount of people I've seen who assuming that, because Katniss knows the Hanging Tree song, she must be related to Lucy Gray, almost entirely forgetting the source material and its author.
because there are no chosen ones in The Huger Games. Never have been. There are a lot of elements that border on magical realism/the supernatural in the novels, from the character perspectives, but there is no predestination: it is all choice. Katniss isn't special because she's related to someone, she's special because of what she chooses and what that means in the context she's in.
if Suzanne Collins did one thing is write a web of social constellations and memory in constant conversation with the present. It doesn't matter if Katniss is or not related to anyone in TBOSAS. what matters is oral tradition and folk culture of the districts, specially D12 and within that district, The Seam, cannot be controlled. that it exists regardless of Capitol control. that it will always exist regardless of Capitol control. it is in direct conversation with the irl experiences of BIPOC in Appalachia and the working class in Appalachia (and in many places of the world by similarity of irl circumstances due to colonisation and class struggle alone) who have rich oral traditions that constitute an important part of USAmerican Folk, but exist on its own right.
you could interpret it as them being related, sure. nothing stops you: it could be just a hc, it could be analysis with more or less textual evidence, that's up to you. but as people in fandom or who engage with the world of THG we shouldn't ignore this reading bc it's so, so blatant. it is right there. in the end, one of the greatest tools these characters had to overthrow, cheat and avoid the Capitol was the existence of a second history, a local, working class, brown kind of history that in real life and for the characters is taken as non-existent and not valuable for the people in power.
and because it is not of importance, because those people think the people they oppress are barely human and therefore incapable of "actual" culture, it creates a massive blind-spot. these people have the audacity to keep existing. believe me the reason why Katniss knows those songs is because the Seam had the audacity to keep singing — not because it was capital P political, or capital R Resisting. but simply because they existed, against all odds. they lived, against all attempts to exterminate them.
there will still be singing, in the dark times. Suzanne Collins knows that.
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esevik · 1 month
Sorry for saying this but Dante, the final villain in Fullmetal Alchemist 03 is one of the most incompetent villain's I've seen. Or rather, for all the talk about her being a powerful alchemist she doesn't live up to the hype.
Her plan is to cause misery upon people in the hopes one of them starts searching for the philosopher's stone out of desperation. Then, when this potential person then creates a stone she'll take it from them and use it to keep herself young/hop body to someone younger and prettier. The reason she needs someone else to create the stone is because she herself don't know how to create one. This 500+ years old woman, who was right next to Hohenheim when he created a stone, someone who knows the ingredients to a philosopher's stone, somehow doesn't know how to create one.
I can buy Hoenheim hiding the specifics of how it's done from her, but that she still doesn't know after 500 years? That she needs Ed, a fifteen year old who only studied about the stone for about four years, to create one for her instead of her doing it herself. It doesn't make sense.
The only "amazing" alchemy thing she seems to have done is to create Pride, a homunculous who can age, but how she did that is never explained.
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artist-issues · 1 year
I'm so tired of people saying that the Prince from Snow White is a creep for kissing Snow White when he thought she was dead.
People act as if he put his tongue down her throat while she looks like a regular corpse.
Maybe I'm just more comfortable with death because of my upbringing.
There's a European tradition that you would kiss dead people goodbye. You would also wait with a dying person because dying alone was one of the most horrible ways to die.
In Poland, you would spend three days with the dead body of your relative in the house so family and friends have time to say goodbyes. We even have pictures of family members in coffins, so we could remember them.
Yeah, it's a very post-modern, historically, culturally-small-minded way to look at it.
Specifically in this movie (which is a fairy tale's fairy tale) people just...totally ignore the scene where The Prince is introduced.
Seriously and truthfully, BECAUSE the Prince only takes action in three scenes of the movie, you HAVE to take all three of them very very seriously. Because thats all there is to know about him. That's how fairy tales work: lots of information hiding under very brief, simple snippets of information. It's called nuance.
The Prince kisses Snow White as a culmination of their promised love for each other.
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First scene he's in, he falls in love with her because of her obvious purity and he overhears her longing for someone to love her. Then she runs away because she's not sure of him, and doesn't know him. But he sings his part of the song, which is all about how he has just one heart to give, one devotion to spend, and he's choosing to give it and spend it on her if she'll have him.
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And she will have him. How do we know? She sends a kiss to him on the dove. That's how the exchange ends; that's how she responds, and that's why he leaves satisfied. It's their engagement scene. They're promising their hearts to each other.
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Fast-forward, the Queen messes up what might have been the natural follow-through of that engagement which is marriage by trying to kill Snow White, she's living in the woods, but she won't forget the Prince and wholeheartedly believes he'll come find her.
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And the very next thing we hear about him is that he keeps his promise. He's got one heart, one love, one devotion, and it's promised to Snow White, and he will not stop searching for her. When he finds her, he's returning her kiss from their engagement scene. He thinks she's dead, but he has to finish his quest anyway. This is him, trying to keep his promise even if she's dead; he's trying to fulfill the exchange they had when they saw each other last.
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It's ridiculous to assume that she needed to be awake and alive to give permission for him to kiss her; it's ignorant of the whole relationship, symbolic and literal, between these two fairy tale characters. She already sent him her kiss and her heart; he already promised to claim it; he's fulfilling the promise in that scene.
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Crazy postmodern people, don't know how to take in a story. Not everything gets to have your socio-cultural lens imposed upon it.
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mythicalartistx · 11 months
Riku is a Disney Princess and here's why...
Riku displays Princess features
He's just so Princess. And I've been thinking why is he so princess what is it that makes him like this
So I turned to the official Disney princesses and the comparison is something else.
Kingdom Hearts itself does this all the time with how Riku or Sora acts and gives phenomenal parallels through the categories
Animal Sidekick
Royal Bloodline
Central Character
Disney Princess Parallels
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Animal Sidekick
One of the mainly criterias are animal Sidekicks, but wait Riku doesn't have one does he?
Guess again.
He in fact does, and so does Sora.
Let's take a look at Dream Drop Distance— a game where Riku displays affection and is accompanied by these silly little guys known as Dream Eaters and his main one is Komory Bat.
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The novels add some great details and scenes where they show affection to Riku. They help him fight as well as rub against him.
How could you not find them so adorable and want one?
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Royal Bloodline
The next thing is royalty and just note I'm using only knowledge we definitely know or implied, sorry no bloodline theories. In the criteria most princesses are princesses from having a royal bloodline or displaying some act of heroism.
And throughout the series we see these qualities of heroism.
Starting out in darkness, he redeems himself by displaying heroic qualities as any 15 yo in fiction.
In the second game, Riku helps defeat Xemnas, the ultimate bad of the group they were trying to defeat.
After KH1, he deeply regrets his actions and sacrifices himself multiple times, such as pushing Sora out of the way during the final Xemnas battle. Instead of Sora getting hit, he does himself. In DDD, he then displays skills to accept himself and who he is while also rescuing Sora from darkness.
He even states, "...Are you what's trapping him in that nightmare? Cause if you are... I'm what nightmares fear!"
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P.S. the JPN translation of the scene is: If you're a nightmare, I'll eat/devore you
And in KH3 not only does he comfort Sora when he feels down, but he sacrifices his own life for Sora's in the keyblade graveyard
Central Character
Riku is one of the main characters, he is the second important character— the first being Sora. Riku actually is in more games than Sora. In 358/2 Days, Sora is not in the game. He is only shown through flashbacks, but Riku he is there. He interacts with Xion and Roxas. Then in DDD the game centers around him more than it really does Sora.
But even in the other games he is still important. Without him, all of the games would be different. No character could take his place.
If Riku simply didn't exist, there would be no one trying to bring destiny islands to darkness. Terra and Aqua wouldn't have gone to Destiny Islands since they came there following Riku's light.
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Kairi also would never have gone there because there is no keyblade wielder there. Sora would probably make friends with the other Islanders and he wouldn't have gone on an adventure and there would be no one bringing the princesses to Maleficent.
Not every princess has a prince, but he certainly does. And Sora is certainly his.
Riku even called him a prince before
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They would have a mutual relationship of both saving and comforting the other.
They both have a care and understanding. Sora always thinking of his princess and Riku does all he cans for his prince. They rescue the other multiple times, they sacrifice for the other, and the two even fight together
Not every princess goes on an adventure, but Riku certainly does. He goes from using darkness to feeling at his lowest point where he has to accept himself and his darkness (and even possible romantic feelings for Sora his prince).
He then spends a year trying to defend his prince and sacrifices his form to help him awaken. Then he becomes a version of himself that is almost like a monster and refuses to let anyone see him like that.
But when Sora does he doesn't care Riku is still his friend, his princess. It doesn't change a thing and Riku is still Riku. And Sora loves who he is
This gives so much fairytale prince and princess vibes.
They both work together and save the day and after being stuck in darkness they're okay cause the two are together. Then a light appears and the adventure seems to be over..
But no, they both take an exam for becoming keyblade masters. Riku goes through it trying to understand himself and how he feels about Sora and his darkness. He becomes a dream eater for his prince,
Who says princesses can't do rescuing too?
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In Recoded, Riku gets kidnapped by Maleficent and Pete and Sora his prince goes in search to save him.
His next journey arrives when he goes through the realm of darkness to search for a missing keyblade wielder. And when Riku is against her he calls out Sora's name and Sora, his prince comes to the rescue. Together they help free her from the darkness. Then after Riku sacrifices himself for Sora, Sora saves him by putting his heart back to his body.
And Riku is on his way to find his prince once again at the end of KH3... His adventure is still ongoing...
Fairytale Parallels
There are so many fairytale Parallels in Kingdom Hearts. Riku sacrificing himself with every little things reflecting a Disney princess.
In the beginning Riku wishes to explore other worlds and leave his island. Many of the Disney princesses also expressed this desire.
Ariel—who is basically a scholar, wants to know more as well as go to the human world.
Belle wants to go on an adventure that's more than her simple everyday life.
Rapunzel wants to go outside to see the world but also see floating lanterns.
Anna— who has barely any social interaction, is tired of being shut away from the world and wants to also experience it.
Riku also gets tricked/manipulated by darkness. While the other princess don't become an antagonist for the first game like he does, they do get tricked or manipulated.
Ursula tricks Ariel into signing a contract to make her into a human where Ursula hopes to eventually become the ruler of Atlantica when Triton trades places with her.
The evil queen manipulates Snow White into taking a bite of her apple after feeling bad for her.
Maleficent tricks Aurora into touching the spindle of the spinning wheel, causing her to die.
Mother Gothel manipulates and gaslights Rapunzel through her entire upbringing.
Raya gets tricked by Namaari into showing her the chamber with the magical gem
Anna gets tricked by Hans into thinking he's the one so he could rule her kingdom.
Riku makes sacrifices throughout the series like when he does it for Sora in kh3 or even sacrificing his form when fighting Roxas to wake Sora up. In general he sacrifices himself for Sora, as well does Sora sacrifice himself too and there are also many princesses who also make sacrifices
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Mulan, wanting to protect her father, she sacrifices herself when she takes his place in the war.
While he's not technically a Disney prince, Hercules sacrifices himself to make the dive and save Meg. Hercules also gave up his strength for her but she pushed him out of the way of a pillar to then save him as well. This relates how Sora and Riku both constantly sacrifice for the other.
Anna sacrifices herself for Elsa by freezing to death.
Belle sacrifices her freedom to save her father.
Rapunzel was willing to sacrifice her freedom to save Flynn's life.
And there we have it, I'm sure there are many more examples then what I said but Riku is a Disney princess and should definitely be added to the line up.
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nokaru · 6 months
Akagami No Shirayukihime ED 2 Flower Analysis
Hello! Hi! Yes, I'm back on my bs with flower language in ANS nonsense and this time I tried looking into the flowers depicted in the ending sequence of the second season. This was made thanks to the gorgeous ending post that's been going around again so thank you OP for that! The beauty of the ED NEEDS to be appreciated!
Anyway, let's get into the flower analysis and their meanings 🌸 though keep in mind I can't 100% identify all flowers correctly etc etc...and be aware that Japanese flower language may differ from the Western one sometimes so I will provide both versions. Cheers!
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Starting with the first panel:
Shirayuki with her signature Yura Shigure
nothing much can be said about this besides Shigure being Shirayuki's fictional flower. The flower's whole deal is "if planted in the wrong place, it becomes toxic to other nearby flowers", it is also considered a very delicate and unusually beautiful flower.
Kiki & Mitsuhide
Pink Roses: in JP flower language Pink Rose signifies grace and is considered a very ladylike flower. They are usually given as a "Thank you". In the Western language Pink Rose similarly symbolizes gratitude, appreciation and admiration - but also romantic feelings and overall innocent love.
Yellow Roses: in JP Yellow Rose is considered as a sign of jealousy BUT much more often a sign of courage and inner strength. Fundamentally, Yellow Rose means friendship, devotion and self-sacrifice. Perfect flower for Mitsuhide.
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Panel 2 featuring Obi, Ryuu, Garak and Kihal has more flowers + two ANS fictional herbs
Orange Carnations: Carnations are globally considered a "sweet love" flower, though orange ones symbolize happiness, warmth, determination and other positive emotions. They tend to represent health, balance and success - Orange Carnations are given as a celebratory flower but can also mean a refusal.
Obi & Ryuu
These two share (Orange) Dahlias and possibly(?) African Daisies.
Orange Dahlias: in JP Dahlia symbolizes "good taste". Overall, Dahlias symbolize celebration, good relationships and resilience. Orange ones focus on determination and strength. The interesting thing about them is that they are associated with "standing out from the crowd" and "following your own path".
African Daisies: or Gerbera symbolize optimism and loyalty, especially white ones that are drawn in the panel mean - hope and high esteem for someone.
Roka Fruit, ANS specific plant, associated with alcohol. Good for you Garak.
Possibly(?) Chrysanthemums OR Dahlias again.
Chrysanthemums: ironically in JP Chrysanthemum is a sign of the Imperial/Royal Family...symbolizing the Sun and light, also longevity. The split of Red and Yellow there is questionable because Red Chrysanthemums mean love BUT Yellow ones mean sorrow and neglect - therefore these might not even be Chrysanthemums :/ though the flower as a whole just means rebirth and joy.
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Last Panel 3 - Raji/Sakaki (tho i think the flowers behind them belong more to Mihaya..), Mihaya, Izana and Zen!
Raji & Sakaki & Mihaya
Either Lilac or Phlox (??? big MAYBE here, its probably Lilac)
Lilac: in JP Lilac symbolizes growth and the promise of new beginnings. Quite literally Lilac is a living emblem of renewal. The "redemption" arc flower for the baddies. Purple Lilacs are a sign of early love, new emotions and confidence.
OR Phlox: literally means "We Think Alike", helps with family relationships, harmony and unity. Purple and Blue Phlox symbolize maturity and responsibility.
Irises: in JP Irises are considered a sign of good news and loyalty - convey a message of wisdom and honor. They are mostly associated with ambition and courage in the Western world.
Only thing I'm sure about is that these are Lilies by his side. Iconic Izana flower. The bush is giving Gardenia but not sure??
Lilies: in JP Lily is a flower of purity and rebirth. Very honorable flower used in all kinds of ceremonies and special occasions. Lilies are considered mythical and mysterious flowers in ancient times.
Gardenia: Globally means SECRET LOVE and admiration. Associated with trust, clarity and hope. Translates to "You Are Lovely". Damn Izana.
OR another possibility Sweet Mock Orange: literally means "misleading" thanks to its orange-like scent. Big symbol of Deceit. Sweet Mock Orange is a flower of BROTHERLY LOVE. Good.
Izana & Zen
Their shared flower is either Hydrangeas or Lacecap Hydrangeas specifically.
Hydrangeas: JP meaning is gratitude, pride and heartfelt emotion, occasionally considered as an apology. In Europe White Hydrangeas symbolize boasting and bragging - simply arrogance but also purity and and grace. Can be also considered a sign of good relationships because the petals grow so closely together.
OR Lacecap Hydrangeas: Popular display of humility. On the other hand, associated with estranged relationships because the petals grow apart from each other in contrast to the usual Hydrangeas.
Last flower(s) is Zen's Lavender or possibly Muscari!
Lavender: in JP Lavender is a flower of faithfulness/fidelity. Other meanings are devotion, serenity and contentedness. Typically Purple color is a color of royalty and luxury. It's not necessarily a romantic flower but rather a flower of comfort and cherishment.
OR Muscari: in JP directly translates to "bright future", although in Europe Muscari is a flower of disappointment. Its commonly used meanings are power, wisdom, and confidence. The flower carries "sympathies" and symbolizes trust and sincerity.
AND THAT'S IT FOLKS! Hope you enjoyed this lovely flower voyage as much as I did! Till next time I feel bored enough to rant about flower language with yall <3
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pedroscardigan · 1 month
HOW IS IT THAT EVERYONE ALWAYS ASSUMES REGINA IS BAD. like even fans of the show continually throw her ass under the bus. WHY CANT WE UNDERSTAND SHE JUST WANTS TO BE HAPPY. yall, they were so quick to assume that she murdered archie and didn’t even think “oh maybe magic made it seem like it was her and someone else did it!”. where tf are the lie detector tests??? why hasn’t emma’s little truth powers come out??? like this shit is so frustrating because the Good™️ main characters are so quick to say she can never change, when genuinely so many of them have and they can’t get their heads out of their own asses. they can’t fathom anything other than what they’ve known when the whole show is LITERALLY ABOUT changing perspectives!! emma changed from a thief to a sheriff! so can’t regina turn from a (heartbroken evil queen) to a (wanting to be good mother)?
snow white and prince charming are the most annoying characters at this point, sorry. someone had to say it. MY GOD.
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irishanimefan · 4 months
The year is 1998. Some pretty great anime aired that year, including Cowboy Bebop -- considered by many to be one of the greatest anime series of all time. But Bebop was also responsible for the founding of a brand new studio, one that would make a significant impact on the anime industry. That studio was Studio Bones, and the rest, as they say, is history.
In this video I’m going to explain what makes Bones stand out from every other animation studio in Japan and why they are still thriving after all this time!
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darkscorpiox · 2 years
Analysis on TWST’s time loop theory
The time loop theory is popular among TWST fans. As I was trying to find similarities between Yuu and the protagonist(s) of each movie, I noticed how certain things about the latter and the order of the TWST chapters could support said theory.
Alice – Beginning
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Among the main characters, she is one of the youngest and remains so till the end of her movie (along with a lack of character development), so it makes sense to have her at the beginning of the cycle. Her wish for a world of her own creation is what started her story, her venture into Wonderland.
Simba – Awareness
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Like Alice, Simba wanted things to go his way and he thought being king meant no one would tell him what to do. He got a taste of the hardships of life first at the hands of the hyenas in the Elephant Graveyard (powerlessness) and next, by the death of his father (loss). Unable to face the trials and tribulations ahead of him, he exiled himself in a paradise-like location (his Wonderland) where he found contentment, but only on a superficial level. Eventually, his past caught up to him and told him to come back to reality, a life which consisted of more than just him, himself and he.
If we compare his young self’s idea of the position of king in his song, “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King”, and his ascendance to the throne at the end of the movie, we see his growth, from a child presenting his status of heir with great fanfare to an adult solemnly accepting the responsibilities of a ruler.
Ariel – Inquisitiveness
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While Simba came to term with his purpose in life, Ariel was dissatisfied with the one given to her. Not only was she aware of a world beyond hers, but she wanted to be a part of it as well (reference not intended). Even with her father trying to extinguish her interest in the surface world, it didn’t waver, but instead double in intensity. As Aristotle said in Metaphysics (book 1, chapter 1): “All men by nature desire to know.” In other words, he could have never changed her nature.
Aladdin / Jasmine – Change
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Going against a parent is one thing, but it’s another when the opposing party is the law. Aladdin and Jasmine may not come from the same social circle, but they both wanted more than what everyone around them said was their lot. The former was playing the system by disguising as a prince, changing himself (like Ariel) into what he thought was socially suitable, but the latter wanted to take it down because it wasn’t suitable for her.
Snow White – Hope
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Snow White had also been trapped by circumstances outside of her control (she was supposedly 14 in the movie, barely a teenager), forced to be a servant in her own castle by the person supposed to provide and care for her. Despite said lifestyle, she remained steadfastly optimistic about her chances of getting (the change for) a happy ending.
Hercules / Meg – Deprivation
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Sadly, not everyone, no matter how much they hope and pray, gets the happy ending they want easily. Hercules wanted a place to belong and thought he could find it among the gods of Olympus, but Zeus told him it can’t be given to him just because he had accomplished great feats. As a result, he had no idea on how to reach said goal. Meg had once been one of those girls who believed in the power of love and said belief got trampled by her own lover. As a result, she believed love brings you nothing but pain. In short, their optimism about the world they live in was dying.
Aurora – Withdrawal
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Aurora was another character who had been denied what they wanted. She had dreamed of someone to spend time with and had found said person in Phillip whom she had met just shortly before she had learned the truth from her fairy godmothers (her royal status and her betrothal to a prince). Obviously, she didn’t take the revelation well.
And who else didn’t like the idea of being in an arranged marriage?
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And what did she do?
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See the similarities?
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It was mostly the doing of Maleficent, but I want to believe Aurora pricked her finger on that spinning wheel out of her own volition on some degree. Just because she had accepted the title of princess along with the expectations and the duties attached to said position didn’t mean she mustn’t have felt some degree of trepidation in the face of such burden. A part of her had longed for the simple life of a peasant girl, when her dream had barely become true. So if said dream couldn’t come to reality, then she would retreat to the safety of her dream world (Wonderland) till the real world would conform to her wish.
So if Twisted Wonderland is the dream world created by Yuu based on and / or caused by events from their past, then that means they can go back to their world (or reality) only after they get what they want (or are forced to face the truth). Otherwise, they’ll be stuck in a time loop for the rest of their life.
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twisting-echo · 1 month
Why I ship Gaston and Snow White?
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Okay, before we get into this, I will state that I am aware of Snow White's canon age, so I have her aged up to 18 in my headcanon.
When I was imagining Gaston and Snow White in a romantic relationship, I found them to be quite an interesting couple, and I became attracted to their chemistry and emotional connection. Plus, my friend @rapunzelcrossoverqueen joked that Snow White took one look at Gaston and said, "I can fix him~" ✨
To which I totally agree because the “I can fix him” trope, also known as “I can change my beloved,” involves a character believing they can transform their romantic partner’s flaws or negative behaviors through the power of their love and support. This trope often appears in stories where one partner is seen as troubled, flawed, or even dangerous, and the other partner is convinced that they can help them become a better person. And I am here for it! I love the idea of Gaston changing for the better and becoming an absolute simp for this tiny, soft-spoken woman!
Snow White would have the patience and the will to put up with Gaston's behavior, which is very similar to how Belle put up with Beast's, but interestingly, Gaston might respond differently to Snow White compared to Belle. Given Snow White’s gentle and soft-spoken nature, Gaston might initially find her more agreeable and easier to impress with his bravado and charm.
He might enjoy the admiration and lack of resistance to his behavior, which contrasts with Belle’s independence and outspokenness. However, over time, Snow White’s gentle nature might slowly influence Gaston, encouraging him to soften his rough edges and reconsider his actions. This could create a unique redemption arc where Gaston learns to appreciate qualities like kindness and humility. Snow White’s kindness and patience might also highlight Gaston’s flaws more starkly, potentially leading to moments of self-reflection or conflict.
Snow White is no pushover, and she has experience putting up with "vain people." If she can soften the "grumpiest" of the dwarves, then she can surely soften the pure paragon~
As you can see below, I'm a sucker for height differences, so in my headcanon, Gaston is 6'3" and Snow White is 5'1". 
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Anyway, here are a few things that I wrote about how Snow White and Gaston could complement each other.
1. Strength and Gentleness: Gaston is known for his physical strength and bravado, while Snow White embodies gentleness and kindness. Gaston's protective nature could make Snow White feel safe, while her gentle demeanor might soften Gaston's rough edges.
2. Confidence and Humility: Gaston's confidence and assertiveness could help Snow White become more assertive and stand up for herself. Conversely, Snow White's humility and grace could teach Gaston the value of modesty and compassion.
3. Adventure and Nurturing: Gaston's love for adventure and hunting could introduce Snow White to new experiences and excitement. Meanwhile, Snow White's nurturing and caring nature could provide Gaston with a sense of home and belonging that he might not have experienced before.
4. Complementary Skills: Gaston's practical skills in hunting and survival could be useful in protecting and providing for Snow White. On the other hand, Snow White's domestic skills and ability to create a warm, loving environment could balance Gaston's more rugged lifestyle.
5. Growth and Redemption: Snow White's pure heart and forgiving nature could inspire Gaston to become a better person, seeking redemption for his past actions. Gaston's determination and drive could help Snow White achieve her dreams and protect her from harm.
While they might seem like an unconventional pairing, their differences could create a dynamic and balanced relationship where both can grow and learn from each other. 
Emotional Dynamics
Gaston’s Charisma and Snow White’s Charm: Gaston’s larger-than-life personality and charisma could be balanced by Snow White’s gentle charm and kindness. Together, they could create a dynamic where Gaston’s boldness is softened by Snow White’s warmth, making them a captivating couple.
Snow White’s Empathy and Gaston’s Passion: Snow White’s empathetic nature could help her understand and soothe Gaston’s fiery passion. Her ability to see the good in people might help Gaston channel his energy into more positive pursuits.
Social Interactions
Gaston’s Leadership and Snow White’s Diplomacy: Gaston’s natural leadership skills could be complemented by Snow White’s diplomatic approach. While Gaston takes charge in challenging situations, Snow White could mediate and ensure harmony within their social circle.
Balancing Public and Private Life: Gaston enjoys being the center of attention, while Snow White is more comfortable in intimate, nurturing settings. This balance could help them maintain a healthy social life while also cherishing private moments together.
Personal Growth
Gaston’s Ambition and Snow White’s Contentment: Gaston’s ambitious nature could inspire Snow White to pursue her own dreams and aspirations. Meanwhile, Snow White’s contentment with simple joys could teach Gaston to appreciate the smaller, meaningful moments in life.
Learning from Each Other: Snow White’s patience and understanding could help Gaston become more introspective and considerate. In turn, Gaston’s determination and courage could encourage Snow White to be more adventurous and confident.
Practical Aspects
Complementary Skills in Daily Life: Gaston’s physical prowess and survival skills could be invaluable in protecting and providing for Snow White. On the other hand, Snow White’s domestic skills and ability to create a loving home environment could offer Gaston a sense of stability and comfort.
Shared Responsibilities: They could share responsibilities in a way that plays to their strengths. Gaston could handle outdoor tasks and challenges, while Snow White could manage the home and ensure a nurturing atmosphere.
Mutual Respect and Growth
Respecting Differences: Their relationship could thrive on mutual respect for each other’s differences. Gaston could learn to value Snow White’s gentle strength, while Snow White could appreciate Gaston’s boldness and protectiveness.
Encouraging Positive Change: Snow White’s influence could encourage Gaston to become more compassionate and self-aware. Gaston’s support could help Snow White become more assertive and confident in her decisions.
Disney Mirrorverse:
Oh, yeah, it's time to talk about Disney Mirrorverse Gaston and Snow White because I'm freaking obsessed with Disney Mirrorverse, and it's the reason why I started shipping them in the first place.
In the Disney Mirrorverse, Gaston and Snow White have unique characteristics and abilities that could add interesting dynamics to their relationship:
Disney Mirrorverse Gaston
Disney Mirrorverse Gaston is reimagined as a Merciless Beast Hunter. This version of Gaston retains his vanity and bravado, but his skills and physical prowess are significantly enhanced. I've collected some notes on key aspects of his character~
Role and Abilities: Gaston is a Ranged character, known for his expert marksmanship and tracking abilities. His attacks become more vicious as his target's health decreases, making him a formidable opponent from a distance.
Personality: True to his original character, Gaston is vain and loves nothing more than admiring his own reflection. However, in the Mirrorverse, his second love is beast-hunting, and he is relentless in his pursuit of grand trophies.
Appearance and Equipment: Gaston wields a wicked crossbow fashioned from bones collected from his hunts. His broad shoulders and single-minded determination make him a fearsome presence in the savage and dangerous wilderness of the Mirrorverse.
This version of Gaston adds a darker, more intense twist to the character we know from Beauty and the Beast.
Disney Mirrorverse Snow White
Disney Mirrorverse Snow White is reimagined as a Stalwart Friend of the Forest. Here are some key aspects of her character that I've collected:
Role and Abilities: Snow White is a Melee Guardian with Leader and Royalty traits. She wields the Thornhammer, a powerful pickaxe made of metal and living wood, which can break through even the thickest armor. Her abilities allow her to call on the forest and its inhabitants for aid, making her a versatile and resilient fighter.
Personality: Snow White remains curious and resourceful, embodying resilience and inspiring optimism. She is dedicated to protecting the forest and its creatures, using her enhanced abilities to root out evil.
Appearance and Equipment: Snow White is protected by living rosewood armor inlaid with mined gems. The thorns and brambles of the forest wrap around her, ensuring that any attack against her comes at a price. Her connection to the forest allows her to adapt to any battle, making her immune to poisons and able to snare enemies in spiderwebs.
This version of Snow White adds a powerful and protective twist to the classic character, making her a formidable force in the Mirrorverse.
Complementary Dynamics
Strength and Strategy: Gaston’s long-range marksmanship and Snow White’s close-range melee prowess create a formidable team. Gaston can handle enemies from a distance with his expert crossbow skills, while Snow White engages in close combat, using her Thornhammer to root enemies and provide buffs through her connection to the forest.
Leadership and Support: Snow White’s leadership qualities guide Gaston’s raw power in a more focused and effective manner. Her resilience and optimism can help channel Gaston’s relentless pursuit into strategic victories. Meanwhile, Gaston’s protective nature ensures Snow White remains safe as she executes her strategies, calling on the forest for aid.
Balancing Aggression and Compassion: Gaston’s aggressive combat style is balanced by Snow White’s compassionate approach to protecting the forest and its creatures. This dynamic allows them to learn from each other, appreciating different methods of achieving their goals. Gaston’s ferocity complements Snow White’s nurturing tactics, creating a balanced and effective partnership.
Potential Storyline
In a Mirrorverse storyline, Gaston and Snow White might find themselves working together to protect their realm from a common threat. Gaston’s initial advances might be met with resistance from Snow White, who is focused on their mission. However, as they spend more time together, Gaston could start to admire Snow White’s strength and determination, while Snow White might see the potential for good in Gaston beyond his bravado.
Their journey could involve Gaston learning to temper his aggression with Snow White’s guidance, while Snow White becomes more assertive and confident with Gaston’s support. This partnership could lead to mutual growth and a deeper understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Ties to Nature:
Yes, both Disney Mirrorverse Gaston and Snow White have strong ties to nature and forests, but in different ways:
Gaston and The Wilds
Master Hunter: Gaston is depicted as a master hunter who prowls the savage and dangerous forests of the Mirrorverse. His skills as a tracker and marksman are unparalleled, and he thrives in the wilderness, hunting beasts to prove his prowess.
Savage Wilderness: The Mirrorverse version of Gaston is deeply connected to the wild, using his enhanced senses and physical strength to navigate and dominate the forest environment.
Snow White and The Forest
Friend of the Forest: Snow White is portrayed as a stalwart protector of the forest. She has a deep connection with the forest and its creatures, using her abilities to call on them for aid in battle.
Forest Magic: Snow White’s powers are amplified by the forest’s magic, allowing her to summon thorns, snare enemies, and adapt to various battle conditions. Her armor and weapon, the Thornhammer, are also tied to the forest, made from living wood and enchanted with nature’s magic.
Complementary Nature Ties
Gaston’s Dominance and Snow White’s Harmony: Gaston’s relationship with the forest is one of dominance and control, as he hunts and tracks his prey. In contrast, Snow White’s connection is harmonious and nurturing, as she protects and collaborates with the forest and its inhabitants.
Balancing Forces: Together, their differing approaches to nature could create a balanced dynamic. Gaston’s strength and survival skills could complement Snow White’s nurturing and protective abilities, making them a formidable team in the Mirrorverse.
Their shared ties to nature and the forest environment could lead to interesting interactions and a deeper understanding of each other’s strengths and perspectives. This also led me to call their Disney Mirrorverse ship name, Nurturing Wilderness~
Closing argument/Final Notes:
If anyone remembers my Hades x Snow White posts saying that their relationship dynamic is like Fluttershy x Discord (Fluttercord), well, going off of King Sombra's personality from The Beginning of the End - Part 1 and Part 2, where King Sombra is depicted as being pompous, self-centered, and arrogant (like Gaston), I base Gaston and Snow White's relationship on Sombra x Fluttershy (Sombrashy). I also based them on Katrina Van Tassel and Brom Bones from The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad. What can I say? I love sweet and shy characters with big meanies.
I also wrote a fic for them in case anyone is interested 😳👉👈
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