#So like he couldn't wrap his head around ~being ready~
golden1u5t · 3 days
friend from college | s.r x fem!reader
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ꨄ requested: anonymous
ꨄ genre: smut
ꨄ summary: spencer gets jealous after seeing how you interact with an old friends from college.
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you and spencer had gotten home nearly an hour ago, you had went out to dinner when you ran into an old friend from college. the guy was just that, an old friend, but spencer didn't see it as that.
"who is he?" spencer grunted. he hovered over you with his hands pinning your legs open, his cock sliding deeper into you with each thrust of his hips. he had your legs pinned down so you couldn't close them, it made you feel extremely exposed.
"spence, stop." you whined and lifted your hands and covered your face, your skin was burning hot under his gaze. his hips snapped into yours roughly as if he was giving you a warning, you took your hands off your face and reached to grab at his wrist. "he's just a friend from college."
spencer scoffed and shook his head, he took his hands off your legs and put them over his shoulders instead. he put his left arm over your legs and wrapped his right hand around your throat but he didn't apply much pressure.
"his hand was practically on your ass. you fucked him before, didn’t you?”
the jealousy seeping through spencer's voice had you dripping and clenching around his cock, spencer groaned as he could feel you getting close. your eyes squeezed closed and you shook your head to deny his claims of the guy being your ex. the feeling of his hand wrapped around your throat made you dizzy, not in the way that would make you pass out but in the way that you were experiencing so much pleasure it was overwhelming.
spencer's thrust gained more power behind them, eventually he was jackhammering into your sobbing cunt. you reached up and dug your nails into his arm, your mouth dropped opened in a silent moan as you came around his cock.
in the midst of your orgasm, you could hear spencer mumbling on about how that guy would never fuck you like he does and a bunch of other thoughts. he moved his hand from your throat and let your legs fall open onto the bed, he leaned down and pinned your body to the bed using his own.
spencer thrust into you a few more times before biting down on your shoulder as his cock twitched and painted your walls white. when you both got yourselves back together he carefully pulled out and rolled off of you.
"it's so hot when you get jealous." you mumbled quietly and bit your bottom lip. you got out a bed a rushed into the bathroom before spencer could say anything. he smiled to himself before following after you, he was already ready for round two.
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vivwritesfics · 3 days
BOB AND BUN PLEEEEEASE! Sick and stubborn bun, bun having a meltdown and Bob helping or Bun and Bob aquarium trip where she info dumps all about the sharks and he is just heart eyes 😍 ~nursesainz
beb you know i can't resist these two (I have also decided that her father is Beau Simpson btw)
Bob and Bun
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In her defence, she wouldn't have been like this if her father didn't insist on seeing her. She would have been laying in bed, sipping water between naps.
But no, her father had called her in and she had to say yes.
That morning Bob watched as she rushed around, getting dressed and doing her makeup. She didn't look well, that was clear. But the makeup made her look (and feel) slightly less dead. "Bunny, please," he said when she raced past him.
He grabbed her wrist, holding her still as he pulled her into him. "Stay here today, tell your dad that you're sick. He'll understand."
The noise that was pulled from her lips was pathetic and she hated herself for it. "I can't," she mumbled and pulled away from him. Grabbing one of Bob's jumpers, one that was reserved for their lazy days on the couch, she fished her shoes from the bottom of the wardrobe and pulled them onto her feet.
Bob couldn't help but feel as though he was marching her to the chopping block, being the one to drive her to see her father. He kept his hand on her thigh as he drove her, thumb moving in such a soothing way that she was falling asleep.
When Bob pulled up outside of the office, he didn't want to wake her. He was gentle as he squeezed her hand and called her name. "C'mon, Bun, we're here," he said as her eyes moved open.
Placing her mouth into the crook of her elbow, she coughed. "Bun," he whispered, dropping her hand.
It was no secret that they were together, but Bob was, admittedly, a little scared of Beau Simpson. His boss was Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, and Pete's boss was Beau Simpson. "I love you," he said quietly as he stopped at his office door.
She didn't hear him as she headed towards her fathers office.
Bob didn't know what happened in that office. He could only imagine that she was too sick to have a proper conversation. That was how it looked when they were in the bedroom that morning.
What was stopping Bob from marching down there and dragging her home? Oh, because she was Beau Simpson's daughter. Because Beau Simpson would pull out his gun and blow off Bob's head the minute he opened the door.
Bob didn't mean to flinch when his phone rang. But he had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts that it had startled him. Him. Bob Floyd, the arms dealer for the Dagger Squad.
"Yeah?" He asked when he answered the phone.
"Simpson wants you," said his receptionist.
Fuck. Bob was out of his seat within seconds. He slipped his phone into his pocket and marched out of his office. When he walked down the hall, somebody tried to stop him to discuss ammunition of all things, but Bob ignored them and continued on to Simpson's office.
He sucked in a breath and knocked on the door. "Enter," Beau Simpson called.
Bob pushed open the door and walked into Beau Simpson's office. He tried not to let his eyes move to his Bunny, looking ready to drop at any minute. He kept his eyes on Beau Simpson, sat forward with his hands clasped together.
"Floyd," Beau Simpson said, his voice low. Bob swallowed. "My daughter is sick. Now, I was going to ask for Cyclone or Maverick to escort her back to her apartment, but she insisted that, for some reason, I call my arms dealer."
Bob couldn't help but look to her. His Bunny. She'd asked for him specifically.
"Now, I don't want to know why she's calling for you, Floyd. Just take her home and make sure she gets better," he said and returned his eyes to the paperwork in front of him.
Bob swallowed. "Yes sir," he said said and approached her.
"Floyd," she mumbled and reached for him.
He said nothing as he pulled her to her feet, supporting her as he walked her out of the office. "Oh, Bun," he whispered the moment the door to her fathers office shut.
"I've let him down," she mumbled as they walked out of the building.
Bob shook his head as he fished his keys from his pocket. "You haven't, Bun. Not in the slightest. You can't blame yourself if you're sick."
The noise she made gave no indication as to whether she agreed or not. She climbed into the car and Bob felt her burning forehead. A frown crossed his face.
He drove her home much in the same manner that he'd drove her there, hand on her thigh, thumb moving in a soothing manner that had her sleeping. He didn't have the radio on and kept the A/C vents turned towards her.
He didn't wake her until he absolutely had to. It was gentle again, soft voice, gentle touches. Bob helped her to get into the apartment, his grip on her tight but still gentle. "Let's get y' in bed," he mumbled and took her to the bedroom.
The moment Bob sat her down, she laid down on the bed and shut her eyes. She kept her eyes shut as Bob got her changed into her pyjamas. "Y' want something to eat?" He asked and she nodded.
"Toast, please," she mumbled as she crawled beneath the blankets. "With butter and some tea?"
Bob took care of his Bunny. He got her toast and tea, and sat with her while she ate. When he felt her burning forehead he grabbed a wet flannel and pressed it to her skin.
"I've got you, Bun," he said again and again that night.
Bob tried to kiss her. He tried to lean down and press his lips to her own, but she turned her head away. "Floyd, stop it," she mumbled as she pushed on his chest. "I don't wanna get you sick."
"Don't care, Bun," he replied as he laid beside her, fingers moving through her hair. "You can take care of me when I get sick.
She thought about it for just a moment before she kissed him. It was just for a second, less than a second, before she pulled away and turned, facing away from him. "If you get sick, it's on you," she said and he kissed her shoulder.
TGM Taglist: @biancathecool
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mutt-sys · 17 hours
Fuck it along side the other shit I'm doing imma do whump month so here's day one!!
(whump month was brought to you by the lovely @cirrus-ghoulette go show them some love!!)
Day one; Burn. (Cw/tw; Burning, fire, heavy injury, angst, Infirmary visits)
Characters-Aeon(main focus), Aether and Omega mentioned, siblings of sins mentioned.
Aeon wasn't always scarred, he had a full face and could see out of both eyes when he was first summoned. He was beautiful with porcelain skin that shined in the light whenever he laughed or smiled, his eyes crinkled with every movement or whenever he spoke.
To say the least he was gorgeous, but all of that changed one day as what would come to be known as the incident happened. The day started off as normal, Aeon was up early and was ready to start his chores as usual, nothing out of the ordinary.
Aeon had caught wind from the other ghouls that there was going to be a big campfire later that night, and of course he wanted to go. A campfire with all of his friends? That's an opportunity he couldn't pass up, so once all of his chores were finished and his room was cleaned and cleared up he made his way down to the area where it was being held.
The area was lively and filled with happiness, siblings and ghouls huddled around and were chatting away as the fire crackled and smoked in the distance. To the new ghoul all of this was exciting, he wanted to go feel the heat up close and feel the warmth wrap around him.
Aeon made his way over and curiously looked at it, eyes filled with curiosity and excitement as he watched the flames dance in the wind. A few siblings were crowded around the pit near him as they giggled and yelled with beer in their hands, Aeon hated the taste of beer so he steered clear of the drinks.
Aeon ignored the siblings entirely as he kept his eyes on the flames, he pictured a dancing lady within the beauty of it and that made him admire it more. The siblings near him began to get rowdy and they giggled and joked, clearly not seeing the young ghoul near them.
With a particularly harsh thrust the sibling dropped their beer into the flames below causing it to rore up and expand into the air, unfortunately for Aeon he was in the path of the flames as it wrapped around his face and burned him.
Aeon screamed in pain as he bolted back and covered his face, crying out in pain as he yelled out for anyone to help him. Ghouls crowded around him to check his safety as they looked him up and down, Aether pushed the others out of the way to scoop the young ghouls into his arms to carry him into the infirmary.
Once there, Aeon was set onto a bed as Aether and Omega moved to check his wounds out, they dosed him full of quintessence as they wrapped a bandage around his wound to close it off. A heavy sigh left Aether as he mumbled to himself, petting Aeon's head.
The young ghoul writhed in pain as he groaned and moaned, heavy pants leaving his mouth as he cried out in pain. Throughout the night Aether and Omega dosed him up to ease the pain of the new found wound on his face.
Weeks came to pass the wound turned into a scar and Aeon's porcelain skin turned red and irritated, he would no longer smile as bright without wincing in pain and to him he no longer looked beautiful. In his own eyes he was horrible and no longer looked beautiful, he hated the scar despite what everyone told him. In his mind he was ruined, now Aeon no longer likes campfires.
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samynnad102687 · 3 days
Locker Room
May 17 Prompt: Locker Room | James/Regulus/Barty | 1773 words
TW: NSFW, RAPE, CON-NONCON, Happy Ending, I swear
Minors Do Not Read!!!
"And Marlene McKinnon caught the snitch, Gryffindor wins 230 - 150!"
James sighed in relief before he descended to the ground to engulf Marlene in a hug. It had been a gruelling match against Ravenclaw. James should have expected as much since they wiped the floor with them last time. Sometimes, he would forget how competitive Ravenclaws could be.
After the congratulating handshakes and everything, James headed off the the locker rooms to shower. He was dirty and wanted nothing more than to get clean and ready for the victory party at Gryffindor Tower tonight. Everyone was invited of course, except Slytherin. Well, there were a couple of Slytherins invited but James wasn't sure if they would be willing to come tonight.
James took a long shower. As much as he loved the attention after bringing his team to another victory, he really just wanted to relax before he had to deal with anybody. James waited to get out until he was sure that everybody else had left the locker room. Only then did he shut off the water and grab his towel before loosely wrapping it around his waist.
However, James stopped short when he realised that he wasn't alone in the locker room like he thought. No, two Slytherins were standing there and smirking at him. Great, that's just what he needed right now. It was bad enough that he almost lost his match, now he had to deal with these two.
"Is there a reason you two are in the Gryffindor locker room?" James asked casually as he walked over to his locker to grab his clothes.
"Whatever do you mean?" Crouch replied as he leaned up against the lockers next to James.
"Aside from the fact that Slytherin didn't play today and would have no reason to be in the locker rooms, this is the Gryffindor locker room," James reiterated before he glanced at Blalck who had taken it upon himself to take a seat on the bench and lean back casually like it was a normal occurrence for him to be in this particular locker room.
"Oh, we were just looking for my brother," Black responded with a wave of his hand. "You haven't seen him, have you, Potter?"
"Not since the match," James shrugged, keeping his eyes on the inside of his locker as he pulled his shirt over his head.
"Is that so? I'd have expected you two to shower together if I'm perfectly honest," Crouch remarked as he took a step closer. "You do seem awfully close."
"That's gonna happen considering he's my best friend. The closeness, not the showering together. We're not that close."
"Hmm, are you sure about that?" Black replied airily.
When James turned around to face him, he was standing right behind him. James' breath hitched with how close he was and he couldn't miss the smirk on Crouch's face even if he tried.
"Positive," James replied as he tried to keep his tone level.
Crouch took one look at Black and laughed, full-bodied as he threw his head back. James gritted his teeth as he pursed his lips into a thin line.
"You know, Reggie," Crouch mused, "I don't think Potter wants to play with us today."
"Hmm," Black looked James up and down with a hunger that he hadn't seen on him before. "That's a shame. I was looking forward to bending him over this bench and taking him for a ride."
James couldn't help it when his jaw dropped. What?! There was no way he just said that.
"Who said we needed his permission to have a little fun?" Crouch smiled devilishly.
"What?" James choked out when the words processed in his mind.
Apparently, it took him too long though because the next thing James knew, he was on his knees and bent over the bench with his hands tied to the legs of it. James tried to pull on the ropes but it was no use and he wasn't that great a wandless or wordless magic yet. He tried to look around from where he was but he couldn't see anything and that made his heart race even more than being tied to the bench. He hadn't even had time to put his pants on and they seemed to have also taken the towel, leaving him in just his shirt.
There was the slam of the door and a click of the lock. James frantically looked around again before he felt the thrum of a silencing charm being put up around the locker room. Even if he tried to scream, nobody would hear him. James sagged against the bench. What were they planning on doing to him?
"Doesn't he look so pretty all tied up like that," Crouch mused and James snapped his head around to see him over by the door.
"He really does," Black replied as he ran his hand up James' thigh and gripped at his ass.
"What do you want? Just let me go and I won't tell anybody about this," James pleaded as he jutted forward into the bench as a finger circled his rim.
"Oh, I have no doubts that you won't be telling anybody about this," Black laughed before he dropped his hand down on James' ass with a loud crack.
"Please, please just let me go. I don't know what you want," James begged as he tried to look behind him but there was a grip in his hair that forced his head down so that he was looking at everything upside down.
"Mouthy little shit, isn't he?" Crouch asked before yanking James' head up so he was staring at him. "We know how to take care of that, don't we Reggie?"
"Hmm," Black hummed noncommittally before a green and silver tie moved past James' eyes and balled up before it was forced into his mouth.
James grumbled around it and Crouch took his own to force it into James' mouth as well, holding the other one in place and tying it behind James' head.
"Much better," Crouch laughed as he patted James on the cheek before dropping his head altogether.
James whined as he tried to pull on the ropes again but it was no use. He had never seen ropes tied so expertly. He sagged on the bench again until he realised it was quiet. He tried to look around but saw nothing. He did however feel something. A wand poked at his entrance and a preparation spell was being performed. It was then that he realised that they intended on raping him. James tried to fight again, only for one of them to smack his ass so hard that he was sure he wouldn't be able to sit down for at least a few hours if not the rest of the night.
"You know, I love it when they fight," Crouch laughed. "It's more fun that way. Honestly, I didn't think Potter had it in him to fight anything."
James mumbled around the tie in his mouth as he tried to argue but it just came out in a garbled mess of sounds. Crouch and Black laughed before one of them gripped his ass and shoved their dick inside him until he screamed around the gag. They were thrusting in and out at a punishing pace as James tried to get away from them. There was a hand in his hair that yanked his head up and bent back until James was looking into Black's grey eyes. They were similar to his brother's but not as gentle.
"Stop fighting bitch. It's going to happen whether you want it to or not so you might as well relax as much as you can," Black growled before he threw James' head back down.
"How is he, Reg?"
"Fucking tight as hell. Merlin, and so fucking wet. You would think that he was enjoying this," Black laughed hollowly.
Crouch grabbed James' hair again and gripped it until James winced from the pain. "Are you enjoying this, Potter? Do you like it when we take advantage of you?"
James tried to shake his head but was cut off by the moan that escaped when Black thrust hard and brushed his dick against that bundle of nerves that had James' cock twitch where it hung heavy beneath him.
"Oh, he does," Crouch chuckled before he dipped low to whisper in James' ear. "Then you'll really love this."
Before James could figure out what he was talking about, Crouch removed the ties from his mouth and replaced them with his hard cock instead. He trusted it as far back as possible until James gagged on it and pushed it farther still. It took all of two seconds before Crouch was meeting Black's pace and thrusting into his mouth while Balck thrust into his ass. James clenched his hands as he tried not to be aroused by them forcing themselves on him.
It didn't help when Black grabbed James' dick and started stroking it with the same intensity as he and Crouch were thrusting into him. James resigned himself to being used because there was no way he was getting out of this.
A while later, could have been minutes or hours, James wasn't sure but he felt Crouch stutter to a stop as he gripped James' hair, thrust his dick deep into James' throat and came down it. Black did the same as he gripped one of his hips and drove himself as deep as he could go before coming in James' ass and stroked James until he shouted around Crouch's dick when he also came.
They both pulled out and James slumped onto the bench as his knees gave out. He was breathing hard and not all there at the moment. When he came down from his orgasm, it was to gentle fingers in his hair and his hands untied before he was pulled into somebody's lap. James looked up to see Regulus smiling down at him.
"How was that baby?"
"Fucking fantastic," James laughed lightly as he looked for Barty.
Barty came over as soon as James reached for him and kissed him on the forehead before he started to rub a healing cream into his wrists.
"Thank you," James said once he was fully back to reality.
"Anything for you, mon soleil," Regulus smiled before he dipped down to capture James' lips in a sweet chaste kiss.
"I love you guys," James replied sleepily.
"I love you too, Jamie," Barty and Regulus said at the same time and James closed his eyes as he snuggled closer to his boyfriends.
Also posted on Ao3: Double-Teamed
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chutiyaaa · 1 year
Death mention or w/e
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lxnarphase · 3 months
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want me to give you another one? ๋࣭ ⭑⚝
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☾₊‧⁺...ft : gojo satoru + geto suguru + fushiguro toji + ryomen sukuna
☾₊‧⁺...cw : breeding kink, praise kink, spit kink, reader gets called 'mommy', dirty talk, teasing, overstimulation, satoru goes insane from pussy, suguru wants a girl this time, toji being in love with his wife, sukuna doesn't like when people insult his soon-to-be-wife, sukuna is dating single mom!reader
☾₊‧⁺...a/n : i really wanted to do the 'our baby is so cute, i want another one' 'yeah? you want me to give you another baby?' trope so here we are ❤︎ i couldn't think if i wanted to do others but if you'd like more please let me know ! ❤︎ also, the toji one ? is actually a sneak peek of a longer fic i'm working on ehehe
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✧ g. satoru : it starts off with you nuzzling in satoru's arms as he watches tv. satoru notices that you began to get clingier after you put your baby girl to bed. every night, you would press against him as if you wanted to merge with him and he couldn't help but tease you about it. so when he feels you nipping his neck and your hand running under his shirt? when he hears you oh-so sweetly whisper, "don't you want to give me another baby, satoru?" into his ear? he's eagerly nodding, ready to do whatever the mother of his first baby wants. but instead of letting him on top...you climb over him and that look in your eye tells him everything he needs to know : he's fucked.
"baby, baby, baby, please," satoru whines, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. he feels like he has no control of his hips, he's so sensitive, but he can't stop fucking up into you. not when you're like this, practically buzzing with need and crazed energy. "c'mon, s'toruuuu," you purr, hands splayed out on his chest. "cum f' me again? please, honey, you only came once, 's not enough." the room is hot, both of you covered in a sheen of sweat. how long have you both been going? he didn't remember, he lost count of how many times his hips desperately pressed up, shooting his hot load into your wet, needy pussy. but you just wouldn't stop. not that he minded, but fuck, you were making him so brainless. he can feel his thick cum gushing out of you each time you lift your hips, dripping down his cock and balls, onto the mattress. "h-hah, it's so fucking messy," he groans, unable to stop himself from cumming again. "f-fuck me, baby, t-there's so much cum, y'r pussy is so fuckin' sloppy." you just won't stop milking him, your soft and wet walls massaging him as you moan just from the feeling of being filled up again. god, you were making him insane, what got into you— his eyes snapped up to you when he felt the wet drop of one of your tears on his chest. those pretty lashes of yours were getting wet with tears as he felt your thighs starting to shake, a weak moan leaving you. "c-can't," comes a pathetic sob, your hips desperately grinding down on his cock, moaning when you feel it throb. "c-can't stop, 'toru, 's not enough, i need it, n-need it so bad!" when you finally look at him and make eye contact, he feels like he's been shocked because you look a mess... "give me another baby, 'toru, i want another one, gimme another one, please—!" with no hesitation, his feet are planted into the mattress and his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest as he pounds into your dripping cunt, feeling himself cum just from the wail you let out into his ear. but he doesn't stop, he can't stop, not when his wife, his honey, his baby needs him to knock her up again so badly. "'m gonna give you whatever you want," he pants, his skin feeling like he was touching a live wire. "give it t'you 'til 'm empty, baby, gonna fuck you good, make sure it sticks, just like you, f-fuck, like y'want, yeah?" he feels you nod frantically against him, unable to speak from the way his cock drilled up into your pussy, tip kissing your cervix with each thrust. "y-yeah, you want that, you fuckin' want that, s-s'just take it, baby, let me give you another fuckin' baby."
✧ g. suguru : your son had just turned one so you and suguru let his nieces, nanako and mimiko, come over to have a little celebration. seeing the way you cared for the twins and your baby boy the entire day made him think. his son was still a baby and had a lot of growing, but he knew the kid would look just like him with a few of your features. he's always wanted a girl, and helping his sister take care of the twins as they grew up only made the desire stronger. the two of you mentioned having another baby at some point, but the rest of the week, all he could think about was trying to get you pregnant again, maybe give you a girl this time...who knows, maybe he could fuck you so good you'd have twins.
"aww...i know, i know," suguru coos, his hand pressing into your tummy. that condescending smile on his face just makes you melt under him. he's slow and methodical with how he fucks you, like he wants you to remember every vein of his cock, how it curves up just perfectly that it nudges that spot where his hand is pressing down and makes you keen. his smile morphs into a knowing smirk, his free hand rubbing your thigh. "you're such a pretty mommy, princess. do you know that?" suguru's so sweet, he's so soft, he's treating you like your the most fragile thing on the planet. he sooo slowly grinds himself into you, his hand giving another little push down on your tummy. he's so sweet to you, such a loving husband... but you know. you can see it in his eyes, the hunger and deviance swirling around in those purple irises. he's getting you soft and pliant, melting into the bed as he praises you where he knows your weak. "taking such good care of my baby, aren't you? ," he praises. his hand is so warm as he starts to rub up and down your stomach. "such a shame the geto genes are so strong in the men. however." your breath hitches when he pulls all the way out before shoving his cock all the way in down to the base. you can't help the soft moan of his name, watching him lean down closer so that he's right over you. "the girls in my family always look like their mommy. what do you think, pretty girl? d'you wanna try? want to see if i can give you a girl?" as soon as you nod, suguru fully leans over you, using his arms to hold himself over you and he really starts to fuck you. he's merciless, managing to keep that stupid fucking smile on his face as his balls slap against your ass. "she'll be so pretty, just like her mommy, so so so fucking pretty," he coos as if he isn't making tears drip down your face. he loves seeing his baby like this, so sweet and pretty for him. "okay, angel. 'm gonna give you another one, gonna flood this cunt alllll dayyy longgg."
✧ f. toji : toji never thought he’d get off on the idea of having another kid with you. yet here he is, dick hard in his sweatpants as he thinks about you carrying his baby again...how you'd start to fill out all over again, that cute chubbiness coming back, how he'd have an excuse to dote on you whenever you complained about the simplest of things. but god, did he find it attractive just seeing you be a mom to the kid he gave you. so when megumi tells you both what he wants for his birthday...“i want a baby sister,” he states bluntly. “but, i don’t want her to look like daddy. he’s ugly, i want her to look like mommy.” little brat. toji doesn't hesitate to let megumi have a sleepover with yuuji the next day, dragging you into the bedroom as soon as he gets back home.
“you want to give the kid a sibling, hm," he hums against your mouth, teeth tugging on your lower lip. you feel how hot the tip of his cock is as he rubs circles into your clit with it, smearing his precum all over you. "wanna have another kid with big, bad toji? tsk, poor cunt missed gettin' stuffed full of cum?"  you just hummed, a little breathless. your hand came up to cup his cheek, looking from his lips back up to his eyes. “mm, honey, you've gotta stop asking questions you know the answer to,” you cooed, guiding him down closer so you could press a kiss against the scar on his lip. “don’t you want me to make you a daddy again, toji? c'mon, knock me up, big guy.” after those words left your pretty little mouth, toji let out a laugh of disbelief, his mind instantly realizing that you, being a little minx, were 100% going to give him the worst breeding kink ever. he was going to give you what you wanted, what you both wanted. he was going to fuck you, fill you up with all his cum, and whatever leaked out? he’d make sure to push it back in, whether with his fingers, mouth, or tip of his dick.  toji easily flips you over onto all fours and lines himself up with your slit. when he finally pushes into you, he just lets out the most wrecked groan you’ve heard from him yet. god, just the thought of fucking you not just to feel good, but to fill you up, get you to take his seed deep inside to give him another kid? it messed with his head. you were almost too good to be true. each thrust he gave had you seeing stars, the thickness of his cock hitting every deep part of you. it was almost too much, but you didn’t want him to stop, especially not when toji started running his mouth. “shit, look at you, baby…takin’ it like a champ. c'mon, throw that ass back on me, mama, thaaaat’s it, good girl.” the sweet moans and adorable words of “gimme more,” “baby, please,” or “s’ too good, toj,’” only pushed him to get even deeper, to get you to cum so he could stuff you full. he coos when he sees you beginning to jolt up further on the bed, away from his relentless fucking. that's he knows that he found that sweet spot that would have you creaming in minutes. "tsk, you just never fuckin' learn, huh? 's always gonna be too much for you, isn't it," he huffs as his hand finds its way into your hair, tugging your head back to keep you from moving more. “hey. hey, nonono, don’t run away from it, lemme have it. you wanted this, you wanted your precious husband to fuck another baby into you, t'give 'gumi a little sister, s’ i’m gonna give it to you.”
✧ r. sukuna : it honestly is his fault this happened, he's being snappy with one of the parents at the birthday party of your son's friend. sukuna knew better, he should've just ignored the bitch, but the comments she's making gets under his skin. "she hasn't given you kids of your own yet? that's too bad, i would've let you do that as soon as you proposed," she tries to flirt, batting her lashes at him. it just makes him sick. did this fucker not see the way sukuna looks at you? "oh, you probably don't know if she's the one you want to mother your kids, right," the woman next to him says, putting her fucking hand on his arm and he shoots her the meanest glare. "not everyone is mother material, but i-" "hey, we're leaving," he interrupts when you walk up to him, slapping the woman's hand off him as he gently wraps his arm around your waist. "i texted yuuji, that's why he's watching our kid for the rest of the day. c'mon."
sukuna is devouring you, his mouth unforgiving as he runs his tongue up and down your pussy. he's pissed, the way his tongue laps angrily at your folds as if your pussy is the reason he's upset. "fuckin' bitch," he snarls, spitting onto your clit before sucking on it. "thinks she can talk to my wife like that." you shakily gasp when he finally, finally looks at you, the sharp anger in his eyes making you shiver. you can tell he's not upset at you, but seeing him so riled up and knowing that he's using you to get it out of his system does something to you. "you know your mine right? that you're stuck with me 'til the day we die," he asks you, his thumb replacing his mouth as he rubs firm circles into your clit. "i'm your husband. you're my wife. you are fucking mine." he's about to say something else, but he stops, letting out a heavy sigh, subtly shaking his head. you catch it though, you always do. "suku, what's wrong," you shakily ask. "y-you can...can tell me, baby, what's wrong? did something ha-" "let me get you pregnant," he says, his voice low but desperate. he's moved from between your legs to over you, and you can see he's so hard, the tip of his cock an angry reddish-purple. "don't you want to give our son a sibling?" your eyes widen, not expecting him to ask that. having a kid with him...honestly didn't sound that bad. and the way he called your son 'our'...it makes your heart flutter, and you can't help but give him a sweet smile and nod. "okay, 'kuna, we can start trying if you are sure. i'm still on birth control, but—sukunaaa!" he doesn't give it another thought, sliding all the way into you until his hips are flush against yours. he feels the way your arms wrap around him and scratch at his back, and as good as it feels, sukuna needs you to give him complete control. pulling your arms off him, he laces his fingers with yours and presses your hands into the mattress before rutting into you, the slap of hips against yours almost angry. "don' care about the birth control," you hear him growl, his eyes burning into yours. "'m gonna fuck you so fuckin' full of my cum that it bypasses it. it's got no fuckin' chance with how many times i'm gonna breed this cunt." the way he's talking to you, it makes your head spin and you know he feels how you clench down on him with the way he groans. "gonna fuckin' show everyone how good of a mom you are, gonna get you all swollen 'n' round with my kids," sukuna groans, feeling his tip kiss your cervix with each snap of his hips. you can't help but look at him with those big eyes, disbelief and infatuation swirling in them. he likes this look on you, you just look so fucking in love with him, and it's all for him, just for him, no one else, just fucking him. "yeah? y'like that? that i'm gonna have a lil' family with my wife? give you as many kids as you want, 'n' all y'gotta do is take my fat cock as i breed you 'til it takes."
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all rights reserved © lxnarphase | do not repost, copy, translate, or alter my work
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st7rnioioss · 1 month
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౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆ 3 times chris recorded you waking up, 1 time nick recorded both you and chris
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: chris sturniolo x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: chris has an.. interesting way of waking you up. he’s likes to record you - but thr tables turn, and you both get waken up by nick.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: pure fluff, swearing
a/n: heeello lovely peopleeeee. idk i got really tired but then this idea popped into my head so i just started writing my fingers off.
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1 ࿔*:・
chris couldn’t contain his laughter, trying to giggle as silently as he pressed record on his phone. on his screen, you were in the spotlight, laying on your side as you peacefully slept, which was about to be interrupted by chris and his new obsession: recording you sleeping.
“y/n. y/n, wake up!” chris whispered, shaking your shoulder with one hand, watching you stir around in bed with a groan.
you hugged your pillow a bit tighter, turning your back on chris in an attempt to make him stop shaking your shoulder. chris couldn’t stop giggling, both because he found this stupid as fuck, but also because you looked so adorable to him.
“y/n, it’s time to get up. say hi to the vlog,” chris joked, obviously not planning on sharing this with anyone but you and himself, motioning the camera closer to your face. “what? chris, fuck off,” you groan, keeping your eyes closed but eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.
he kept shaking your shoulder, basically pressing his phone up in your face as you opened your eyes slowly.
“there she is, say hi to youtube!” chris laughed, now a little louder due to you being awake. or atleast, a little awake. “go to hell!” you mumble, pushing his phone away with one hand, letting a tiny smile tug at your lips.
chris picked his phone up, placing it on the nightstand as he slumped on top of you.
“ow, what the fuck. chris, i’m sleeping and you’re heavy,” you trailed off, trying to push chris off your back. “no. i’m comfortable,” chris protested, wrapping his arms around your waist as he got even more comfortable on your back, pressing soft kisses against your back.
little did chris know, the video was still going, capturing the.. ‘conversation’ you were having.
2 ࿔*:・
"y/n! wake up, immediately!" chris whisper-yelled, patting your head with one hand, the other holding his phone.
you were cuddled up in your shared bed, sprawled out on the huge mattress. a few teddies chris had gotten you over the years were also thrown around the bed. you opened one eye, seeing chris in front of you with faux-concern plastered on his face, which you couldn't tell from your tired state.
within a few seconds, your head shot up in pure terror. "what? what is it?" you mumbles, growing concerned. chris's tone was different from normal, so you were ready for any sort of horrific thing to have happened to something or someone.
chris then burst into laughter, now realizing he was holding his phone out, directing it at your face.
"chris! this isn't funny, i thought someone was hurt! fuck you, i was having the best dream of my life!" you groaned, plopping down onto your pillow as chris continued to laugh.
he then stopped, feeling bad for pissing you off.
"no, no! i'm sorry, baby. i was just fooling around," chris tried to hide his laughter, shutting his phone off as he laid down beside you in bed.
"i hate you," you mumbled back with a grin, pressing an angry-loving kiss to his forehead, before turning back around to continue your sleep.
"did you save the video, though?"
3 ࿔*:・
chris had seen a specific video on tiktok that he wanted to try out with you: puckering his lips in front of you while you're asleep, in attempt to get your immediate reaction.
he was having way too much fun with this. slowly, he made his way out of bed so he could face you, sitting on his knees on the floor to record you and his face on the edge of the bed.
with a giggle, he leaned in to pucker his lips, making sure to tap your shoulder a few times to wake you. at first, nothing happened, but as he tapped your shoulder again, you opened your eyes groggily to find chris’s lips puckered right in front of your eyes.
almost as an instinct, you reached out to cup his cheeks with both of your hands, kissing his lips passionately, before pulling away with a dazed smile.
chris simply couldn’t keep still, he was way too giddy because he has captured that moment on video.
“oh my god, you’re such a goof,” he laughed, his cheeks burning a reddish color as he stopped the video to lean forward, making you open your eyes again as you felt him kneel on the bed right on top of you.
“what..?” you whispered, but before you got an answer, chris was attacking you with kisses again. on your forehead, lips, cheeks, neck, nose even.
he didn’t seem to want to pull away, firmly grabbing your jaw with one hand, the other grabbing your cheek, as the kiss gradually got more heated.
“i’m not having morning sex with you today. goodbye, kind sir,” you giggled, now fully awake as you turned your body away from him, forgetting he was on top of you.
“uh, no?” chris scoffed with a grin, leaning down to kiss you again.
the rest is.. history. but chris kept that video, and oh boy, how many times he would rewatch it.
1 time nick recorded you ࿔*:・
you were currently spending the weekend at a hotel in texas with the triplets. they were going to spend the next few days filming a video with sam and colby, and chris had begged you to go with them, because apparently he needed you to hold his hands while they filmed the spooky content in a haunted hotel.
both you and chris were fast asleep in your shared bed, matt still sleeping in the one a little further in the hotel room.
nick though, was awake, and recently he had grown more familiar with chris’s fun and games, so he decided it would be funny to tease the both of you a little.
“y/n. chris. do you want a sip?” nick asked, waving a bottle of lemonade in front of your heads, recording you and chris in bed.
chris was spooning you, arms wrapped around your waist as you slept. during the night he always found ways to pull you closer, even though you weren’t sure that was possible.
“do you want a sip or not?” nick kept going, hiding his laughter as you both started shifting around. 
eventually, chris opened his eyes to see what was going on, still too tired to process anything.
chris’s shifting from behind made you more conscious, opening your eyes to see a bottle of lemonade in front of you, a camera facing you just a few inches behind it.
“hm?” you hum, closing one of your eyes due to the light. “do you want a sip?” nick giggled, still waving the bottle in front of you as he shoved the camera up your faces.
“of what, nick?” chris asked, annoyance evident in his voice, being able to tell even from your very tired state. “it’s like, a lemonade,” nick whispered, dangling the bottle in front of face, nearly hitting your nose.
“are you fucking stupid?” chris grumbles, pulling you in a little tighter, grabbing the cover to pull it up to your noses. immediately, you closed your eyes again, turning around so you were facing chris’s chest.
“you guys are so boring, what the fuck.” nick rolled his eyes, still recording the both of you as you flipped him off, signaling to leave you alone to sleep.
nick decided to add that video to the weekly friday photodump. a few weeks later, your entire for you page was filled with edits, comments, clips, of you and chris. you didn’t really expect it because you had practically forgotten about it since you were so tired when all of it went down.
chris seemed to enjoy it thoroughly.
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a/n: hello again🌝 this is rlly rushed, sorry😞
overall, i’m sorry for the inactivity. i’ve been to meetings, school is taking up all my time, plus exams are on their way. so so sorry!!!💞💞
taglist: @chrissgirlsstuff @leah-loves-lillies @toriinie @cupidzsq @lacysturniolo @iluvmattyb @ratatioulle @emma4eva @riasturns @sstvrnioloo @sweetbabydoe @elliewrites1 @its-jennarose @abbypost @chrisstopherfilmed @sturniolossss @ducksturniolo @junnniiieee07 @klaus223492 @urfavvev3lyn @vschrissturn @cicimayx @keerahsturn @sturniolololover @domaniquessidehoe @sturniolossss @orangelala @sturnioloslvtt@gwenloremain@k-l-a-w-s @pearlzier @pjmpcyy @mbsbaby
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buckyalpine · 2 months
18 + That is your warning so stop reading. Imagine being an absolute slut for your bodyguard Bucky even though your very much so dating Steve.
"You're thinking about him, aren't you" Steve snarled, picking up his pace while you hiccupped, "You filthy fuckin' slut, you worked up and down on his cock didn't you, I'm the only one who gets to fuck you like this"
“But I love riding his dick daddy” You wailed while bouncing on Steve's cock, biting you lip, your eyes rolling back thinking about how Bucky stretched you open like a whore, splitting you in half. "I wan Bucky's cock" You sobbed, sounding needier than ever and it made Steve leak.
"Fuck sugar, that right? You're that much of a desperate slut, you want my best friends cock?"
"Uh-huh" you nodded, nearly going cross eyed, making an utter mess all over the dark blond curls at the base of Steve's cock. He didn't stop his harsh thrusts as the door clicked open, your body guard striding into the office, his cock already rock hard.
"Hey pretty girl" Bucky cooed, smirking at how cockdrunk you were while he rounded he corner of the desk to where you were splayed across Steve's lap where he sat in his office chair. He traced your pouty bottom lip before slipping his thumb into your mouth, humming in satisfaction at the way you sucked it, moaning around the metal digit.
"Go on, finish what I started" Steve nodded while you squeaked as Bucky picked up you up effortlessly off of Steve's cock, and tossing you over his shoulder.
"Need my cock, huh Bambi, that all?" Bucky's wide palm rubbed your sore ass where Steve had spanked you, turning over to place a quick kiss onto the hot skin before laying you down on the table. You let out a needy moan at the sound of his belt hitting the floor, so deep in subby space, spreading your legs extra wide as he pulled his pants down just enough to free his cock.
"Look at that, such a good girl, spreading her legs for me" Bucky leaned over to take a good look at you, your dazed expression and wiggling hips making his balls impossibly heavy. "Wanna show Steve how well you take my cock baby? Show him how I make you moan and cum, n'how I play with that cute little button between your legs?"
"Mph, Bucky please" You whined, pouting at the disappointed tsk Bucky made.
"That's not what you call me Bambi, c'mon, whose cock do you want, say it"
"Fuck me, Sergeant-OH-MY-GODD" You cried out as Bucky slammed into you, setting in a brutal pace without waring, your body bouncing against the desk as he gripped onto your hips.
"That's-it-good girl-good. fucking. girl" Bucky snarled through gritted teeth, slamming your body down onto his cock, his head thrown back, moving one hand to wrap around your neck. He was too enamored with you to notice the way Steve's hand was wrapped around his cock, working his swollen, silky tip, watching his pretty princess take his best friend like her life depended on it.
Bucky spat right onto your clit, rubbing tight circles around you with a feral look on his face feeling you squeeze around him, bending your thighs up till they hit your chest, hitting a deeper angle.
"Feel that? M'so deep in your pussy baby, s'fuckin' deep, can feel your little clit throbbing, it's all swollen huh Bambi, you're soaking my cock, make a mess all over it princess, it's all yours"
"Sergeant-gonna-I-" You couldn't forumalte words, tears streaming down your face and falling onto the desk under you, the band in your belly ready to snap-
"You gonna cum for my best friend babygirl?" Steve's focus was locked in at where Bucky was connected to you, watching his cock slam in and out of your tight cunt, stretching you wide open, his own cock growing impossibly harder, "Fuck, you're a dirty slut, I'm gonna-fuck m'cumming" Steve's voice was breathless, his chest heaving as he worked his cock faster, eyes rolling back as white streams of cream decorated his black shirt, nearly shooting to his beard. "Holy shit"
"BUCKY M'CU-UMINGG" You wailed, your back arching off the table, screaming with every muscle in your body pulled taught. You couldn't tell where your orgasm began or where it ended, unending waves of pleasure drowning you while Bucky began to chase his own.
"Cum for your Sergeant baby, that's it, such a good girl, you make my cock so hard Bambi, y'feel so good, not gonna last, shittt-HNG" Bucky let out a guttural moan, not giving a fuck that Steve was right there, pumping you full of his cum until his balls were empty and his cock was soft. He tucked himself back in his pants before removing his shirt to wipe you down and picking you up, letting you wrap yourself around him like a koala. Your boyfriend followed closely behind, smirking at the needy noise you made, checking to see that Steve was also coming for some post sex naps, sighing contently when you saw him following near by.
"Off to bed, Bambi"
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kiyinian · 2 months
Getting closer to the lieutenant
Simon has never been one to believe in fate, much less would he believe it if someone told him that he would be head over heels for someone, he would say it was a lie. But that had to change when he met you, at that very moment, the fate of the two of you was intertwined.
He met you for the first time when you joined the base, a simple rookie recruit who would be trained by Simon. No big deal, just another part of his job. Little did he know that within a few months, you'd have him wrapped around your little finger.
It all started in training, the way you obeyed his every command, without hesitation or anything like that, hell, even when you didn't understand what you were supposed to do properly, he couldn't get angry with you.
If it had been any other soldier, he would have yelled or complained, but when you looked at him with those little eyes of yours, your eyelids fluttering as you focused on his every word.
"Hold the gun more firmly." Simon murmurs, in the same thick, husky voice as always.
You nodded hesitantly, aiming at the target, you concentrated, knowing that Simon was looking at you. You focused, concentrating on the target and trying to hit it - you narrowly missed.
If it had been any other soldier, Simon would have been rude, too strict. But with you, he couldn't get angry, watching you poke your cheek, your lips pressing together in a thin line.
It was impossible to get stressed with you.
He stopped frowning, took a few steps closer to you, positioning himself behind you, keeping a respectful distance.
"Relax, keep your elbows here." He says, holding your elbows underneath, straightening your posture.
He had never, ever, done this with any other recruit, but something about you made him do it.
After a few attempts, you managed to hit several shots on target, in sequence, and this drew a few murmurs from him. Apparently he was complimenting you, in his own way.
Maybe he was being too gentle with you, maybe he really should be stricter, but he couldn't make himself do it. He was probably treating you too well to be just a recruit.
In the corner he could see Johnny smiling, the bastard knew Simon perfectly well. Something was brewing there.
It definitely was.
Little by little you got closer, and it became more and more obvious that your relationship wasn't just one of superior and subordinate. He couldn't deny the concern and closeness he had for you, it was just unconscious.
He was always giving you tips on how to take better care of yourself, teaching you defense techniques, giving you clear and precise instructions so that you would follow them to the letter, all for your protection.
On missions, he was always on the communication device with you, asking every now and then if you were all right, always keeping in touch. You often didn't speak to each other, but just the fact that he could hear you breathing, or even giggling at something he said, was enough for him.
And that became even clearer during your last mission. Because of a mistake by one of the soldiers, things went wrong and you had to separate.
Simon despaired, he thought he would never see you again, or that you had been taken by the enemy, or something worse. He felt as if he had stopped breathing, and he only thought straight again when he heard your faint voice on the communication device.
"Sir...?" You mumble, and Simon almost falls to his knees and thanks whatever God kept you safe.
"Where are you? Hurt?" He asks in a hurried way, ready to come at you anyway.
"Just scratches, sir. I'm down south, in the abandoned blue house." You explain hurriedly, hoping he'll understand.
"I'm coming." Simon didn't wait for your answer, he knew where you were, and he wouldn't stop until he saw you again.
Once he found you, he held back every urge he had to hug you, to keep you safe in his arms. At that moment, he realized how much he had grown fond of you. The fear he felt at the thought of losing you. You'd taken up space in his heart. You'd done so much.
That day he realized that you were much more than a teammate, you were much more than he wanted to admit.
Even after promising himself that he would never fall in love again, he found himself breaking that promise in a conversation with you.
It was meeting day, you were sitting next to Simon, Gaz and Johnny were in the corner smoking a cigarette. You were waiting for Price, and then you started playing with a hair tie.
Simon looked at you, taking a sip of coffee, he even had an intrigued expression for you.
You then wrapped the elastic around your ring finger, admiring it.
"I think I'd look nice with a ring." You say, looking at Simon with a smile.
He raised his eyebrows, his lips threatening to form into a smirk.
"You want someone to put a ring on you?" Simon says with a certain amusement, looking at your finger.
"Ah, maybe so..." You say, starting to whisper, "I don't know, I think Riley would be a great surname."
That's it, you left him speechless, all giddy over a simple sentence. He was nervous to speak.
"Don't you agree?" You teased once more, giving a silly little smile.
He grunted, pulling down his mask, hiding the blush that appeared on his cheeks, as well as the grin.
At that moment, he knew it was you.
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igotanidea · 3 months
First time: Jason Todd x reader
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A/N: despite the title and the gif there's nothing explicit in this story. :D :D
Your first time with Jason left you in tears.
Not because it was bad or rough or hurtful.
Quite the opposite it was all a girl could ask for. He was so careful, holding you like you were a glass doll that could shatter upon being treated too harsh. Touching you just the right way, kissing you just the right way, moving just the right way, hitting the g-spot perfectly at every thrust, creating the most satisfying pace without missing a beat.
Checking on your face expression over and over to know whether to stop to avoid crossing boundaries or to continue because your eyes were closed and lips open, breathing out his name. He didn't need to constanly ask the questions what to do or if something was good, the man could defnintely read the room.
Not to mention the mind blowing orgasm that left you panting and crying out his name in endless strings of syllables, cause saying one word on one breath was pretty much impossible.
And while he was expecting some compliments or praise, instead he got a sobbing, shaking mess with tears running down his girl's cheeks like a waterfall.
"Baby... princess, talk to me, did I do something wrong?"
Was I too hard?
Was that too much?
Did I read the signs wrong?
Did I hurt her?
His mind was spinning and he had no idea how to behave or react. Words failed him once more upon seeing you in this state, fragile, vulnerable, laying on the side, your back to him with your knees to your chest and arms wrapped around your shaking form.
"Y/N ..." he whispered, snuggling closer to your form, slowly, hesitantly wrapping arms around your waist from behind, ready to withdraw at the slightest gesture of discomfort. Mentally preparing himself to be pushed away, yelled at, even slapped or scratched.
Nothing like that happened.
The second his calloused hands met with your sensitive, sweaty skin, you turned around and burried your face in his chest, unknowingly taking all the weight from his shoulders. Snuggling so close as if you were trying to melt into him, to dissappear.
And it was pretty obvious you felt safe therefore he couldn't have hurt you.
So what happened?
He had to know. He had to ask.
"Princess-" he started, tightening the grip on you, planting soft kisses on top of your head and brushing your hair in the most tender way he could produce (which was THE MOST).
"I'm okay-" you sniffled, the words muffled a bit due to the stuffy from crying nose. "I'm okay..."
'Then why-"
"Cause I never thought I could be loved like that." you pulled back looking deep into his eyes. "with all my imperfections, with all my insecurities and doubts and-"
"What?" he scoffed and laughed all the tension leaving him immediately, creating space for his usual bickering and teasing attitude. "You crazy, woman?! You thought I would be measuring your thighs or something?" he pinched her leg playfully causing her to squirm.
"Hey!" you puffed and shoved his arm playfully "do not use my sensitivity against me!"
"I would never." Jason grabbed you again and started ticlking mercilessly until those tears from before were replaced by giggles and smiles.
"Jason!" you cried out trying to cover yourself from the unexpected assault, rolling in the bed. "stop! stop! you said you won't-!"
"I never said a word" he retorted continuing the attack.
"You said-!"
"Nah, I won't be saying much any time soon. You, however-" he pinned you to the bed hovering over you and meeting your eyes with a smirk on his face "you'll be saying my name a lot. As long as I get those crazy thoughts about insecurities out of your head, baby."
And seriously, how could you say no to those pretty eyes, dexterous lips and curious hands?
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vivwritesfics · 27 days
Hey! I love your writing and would love to see a 'imagine' (don't know if call it like that) where the reader is Max's teammate and Kelly best friend and both of hers friends are always saying that reader and Lando will still end up together, because despite hating each other, there is also a GIANT sexual tension between them and at a party the two are crazy about each other and get their relief
i've changed this for the win lmao
warnings: post race blowy, face fucking
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It was supposed to be a Red Bull one-two. Max was supposed to be on the top step of the podium and she was supposed to be in P2. She didn't care about who was P3.
(Let me clear it up, she wanted to win, of course. This was just what was being said since the end of the Chinese Grand Prix).
But Miami had other ideas. Nobody expected Lando Norris to end up on the top step of the podium. She didn't expect to be beside him, unable to stop smiling up at him as Max was on the final step of the podium.
She'd lost, but she'd lost to Lando Norris. And there was nothing better than that.
But let me take you back, back to when he jumped out of his car. She was waiting for him, helmet off, ready to pull him into her arms. Max was there, celebrating with the team. (Mad Max didn't care that he was losing out to these two).
He watched as she immediately jumped at Lando. Apparently the two of them hated each other, she and Lando couldn't stand each other. But Kelly, Max's girlfriend, said she knew better. Said she knew they'd end up together.
And, the fact that they hadn't let go of each other just proved it. She attempted to pick Lando up, but couldn't quite do it. So, she let go of him, let him run towards the McLaren team.
She made her way to Max and her team, celebrating her P2 with them.
Even in the drivers room, She wrapped Lando in her arms. There was at least a moment where they held each other, his large hand on the back of her white fireproofs. "This is so fucking deserved," she said, their bodies rocking slightly (not that either of them noticed).
On the podium, her champagne was sprayed only on him.
I don't think she expected to be welcoming him into her hotel room that night. I don't think she expected him to pull of her Red Bull shit and lay her down on her bed, his lips making their way down her body.
But she flipped them over, pushed him onto the bed and worked at unbuttoning his jeans. She freed his cock and pumped her hand up and down his length. Her tongue swirled his tip before she took him into her mouth.
The Red Bull driver bobbed her head up and down his length. She hollowed her cheeks around him and pulled all the way back, paying special attention to his tip.
"Fuck," Lando hissed, hips bucking up.
Her eyes watered as he held her head, hips gently rocking towards her. "Holy shit," he hissed, eyes shut, head thrown back.
When he opened his eyes, god he'd never seen a sight so pretty. Lips wrapped around his cock, eyes watering. He came then and there.
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luvyeni · 4 months
𐙚 : SOMEONE WALKING IN ON YOU W/ RIIZE (reaction) ֶָ֢ !
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content warning. oral ( f. and m. receiving), unprotected sex, being walked in on
request: riize reaction to being cockblocked ...
authors note. i hope you like it babez, i hope this is what you wanted 🩷🫶🏾!!!
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𐙚 : SHOTARO ֶָ֢ !
embarrassed to say the least; like he can't even look his member in the eye. he didn't even notice sungchan walk into the room , his face nuzzled in between your neck, leaving little marks on your precious skin; heavily breathing as he slowly rocked his hips; his cock rubbing against your clothed heat. "fu-fuck taro." you moaned out — he couldn't take it anymore, he needed to be inside you. he pulled away from you neck, smiling down at you as he unbuckled his pants. "gonna treat you so good baby." he said ready to free his cock out. "fuck you nice." you whimpered out, but before he could, the door came swinging open. "bro you wan— oh fuck im so sorry." he quickly did a 360, closing the door. shotaro was red in the face; just wanting the world the swallow him hole. "i-i thought i locked the door." he said. "it's okay." he whined , the mood no longer there, hiding his face in your neck. "taro it's okay." he shook his head. "no it's not." you just laughed, scratching his head.
"we gotta double che— no triple check the door next time we have sex."
𐙚 : EUNSEOK ֶָ֢ !
annoyed is what he is — cause even if he wasn't doing anything; why the hell are you bursting through his door like that? his members knew that if you were over and his door was closed — then don't come in; apparently sohee didn't get that. "i don't want to hear anything out of you." he pumped his fingers in and out of your pussy, you bit down on your lip hard; keeping all your noises inside as he curled his fingers , your eyes rolling to the back of your head. "look at you slut, going dumb just from my fingers." he smirked. "gonna cum for me?" you felt your orgasm approaching — to bad the door open , making eunseok halt his movement, his head snapping to whoever it was. "hyung— get out, now." he deadpanned. sohee didn't even need to understand what was going on, but he heard to tone of his friends voice and immediately walked out. "fucking hell." he cursed under his breath, turning back to you , his fingers still inside you.
"don't think i didn't feel your cunt clench when he walked in — fucking whore you wanted someone to catch us."
𐙚 : SUNGCHAN ֶָ֢ !
he wouldn't even know to be honest; neither one of you would honestly — when you two have sex , the entire world doesn't exist at that moment, only the feeling of sweet cunt tightening around him as you rode his cock. "sh-shit baby, keep going." he groaned. "that's use my cock baby, fuck yourself on me." his hands coming down to your ass, slapping it. "faster baby." you rocked your hips faster , holding yourself up — bucking up into you. "sh-shit princess you're gonna make me cum." both of your highs vastly approaching. both of you so wrapped up in each other, neither one of you notice eunseok walk right into the room, quickly walking back out. "fuck!" his hips stilling, as your legs shook both of you cumming hard , his cock twitching as he came inside your hole. "fuck baby, you feel so good." he groaned. after he cleans you up , and your both cuddled up in his bed, when you bring it up. "did someone walk in on us?" he shrugged , bringing you closer to his body.
"at least they got a good show, you look so fucking sexy bouncing on my cock."
𐙚 : WONBIN ֶָ֢ !
another one who would be pissed off , he finally got you alone after being bothered all day by his members; not having a minute of alone time — him sitting up against the headboard; you sitting on your knees, in between his legs, bobbing your head up and down on his cock. "fuuuuuck baby that's." he groaned, his hands on your head , pushing you further down on his cock , you gagged on his cock , spit spilling out from the cornrs of your mouth. "make a mess on my cock." this is all he wanted , was to feel your mouth on him, alone on his bedroom; away from everyone — anton clearly didn't get the memo. "hyung food is — oh my god!" wonbin quickly picked up a pillow chucking it at the poor boy who was already trying to get out the room. "can't even get a second of peace in the damn dorm." the moment was clearly gone, you pulled off of him, he tucked himself away. "get dressed." he said. "where are we going?"
"to your house , im not gonna walk around with a hard on because they don't know what
𐙚 : SEUNGHAN ֶָ֢ !
his only worry is if they saw you or not; if they didn't then oh well they should've knocked , he's not gonna focus on it for too long especially if you still want to continue after. "you feeling good princess." he slowly rocked his hips , his cock dragging along your walls, your sweet cunt fluttering around him , both of you in complete ecstacy. "hannie." he hushed you up with a kiss. "shh baby, don't want them to hear how pretty you are." he groaned. you looked so pretty, your chest heaving up and down , tits bouncing with every thrust — your pretty does eyes looking up at him, you looked so good. "fuck baby you're perfect, gonna fill you up with my cum." you were on cloud nine, so you didn't hear the door open or shotaro walking in — you just felt seunghan covering your naked body. "oh fuck im so sorry." he ran out closing the door. "who was that?" he didn't say anything , just continued to rock his hips, you moaned out.
"don't worry about it princess — fuck, just keep your eyes on me pretty girl."
𐙚 : SOHEE ֶָ֢ !
#1 munch right here!! he doesn't care if someone is in the room , when his mouth is on your pretty cunt , lapping up everything you had to offer; your hands yanking at his hair signaling for him to slow down. "fu-fuck sohee." you moaned. "slow down , your friends are still outside." he hummed against your cunt , but he didn't slow down; so drunk on your pussy he couldn't bring himself to slow down, his nose brushing against your clit. "fu-fuck hee, im gonna cum." you whimpered , tugging at his hair , he moaned out. you both swore you locked the door — but that was proven wrong when the door opened , sungchan walking; both of you making eye contact , you shrieked. "of yn im sorry." he covered his eyes, walking out. "so-sohee fuck stop." you pulled him off of you. "what baby?" he wiped his plump red lips. "did you not hear the door open , sungchan walked in." you were heavy breathing. "it's alright baby." he smirked , kissing your clit.
"you should've let him stay , so he can see how pretty you look with you're cumming on my face."
𐙚 : ANTON ֶָ֢ !
he is mortified — the last thing he wanted was for one of his hyungs to walk in on him and you in the current position you were in; but you insisted that you'd be quiet, and he really couldn't say no, especially when you were grinding against his hardening cock. "oh-oh fuck." he moaned, you shushed him. "they'll hear you if you keep making noises." you groaned against his ear, biting down on his lobe. "ca-can't help it." his big hands in your ass, rocking back and forth. "you feel so good." he sighed. wonbin didn't mean any harm , he swore — but the he could've sworn he heard a pained noise coming from antons room; and he didnt know you were there— which lead to him opening the door. "anton you okay?" the horror on all of your faces, wonbin quickly shuffling out the room, yelling "lock the door next time!" it's safe to say both of you were even to scared to continue. "even with the door locked, the fact that he knows what we're doing is haunting me." you climbed off of him.
"i swear i won't even kiss you when he's around , i won't be able to look him in the eyes again."
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lev1hei1chou · 28 days
Sleeping Beauty
Gojo x reader Genre: Fluff Words: 384 Synopsis: You fall asleep on Gojo Masterlist
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You and Satoru Gojo had been dating for quite some time now, facing curses and missions together. Despite the chaos that often surrounded your lives, there were moments of peace that made everything worthwhile. Tonight was one of those rare calm evenings.
After a long day of exorcising curses, the two of you found yourselves back at the Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical High School dormitory. The soft glow of the moon illuminated the room as you and Gojo settled onto the couch, exhaustion finally catching up to you.
In the midst of casual conversation, fatigue took its toll, and your eyes began to droop. Sensing your weariness, Gojo chuckled softly, a grin never leaving his face.
"Well, well, looks like someone's ready for a good nap," he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You shot him a tired glare, your lips curving into a half-smile. "Shut up, Gojo. It's been a long day."
But Gojo wasn't one to pass up an opportunity to tease. As you rested against him, your head finding a comfortable spot on his shoulder, he couldn't help but comment, "You know, you're surprisingly light when you're asleep. Almost like a baby bird."
You groaned, both amused and annoyed. "Can't you be serious for once?"
Gojo's laughter rumbled through his chest as he wrapped his arm around you protectively. "Who said I can't be serious? I'm just making observations. Besides, it's kinda cute."
Rolling your eyes, you mumbled something unintelligible, drifting further into the realms of sleep. Gojo continued to hold you close, his teasing demeanor softened by a rare tenderness. The room fell silent, the only sound being the rhythmic breathing of two exhausted souls.
Time passed, and eventually, you stirred awake. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, you found Gojo watching you with an affectionate glint in his eyes.
"Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty," he said, his tone still laced with humor.
You yawned and stretched, realizing the position you were in. "Guess I dozed off, huh?"
"Just a little," Gojo replied, a smirk playing on his lips. "But you were adorable, so I'll let it slide this time."
You shot him a playful glare, swatting his arm. "You're insufferable, you know that?"
"But you love me for it," he retorted, pulling you into a tight hug.
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selenascorner · 4 days
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo x fem!reader
Summary: You've been in a situationship with Chris for quite some time. Feeling weary of this, you decide to stir things up when his brother Matt shows interest in you. After all, if he isn't ready to call you his out loud, he shouldn't get bent out of shape about it.
Warnings: MDNI, 18+ content, dom!chris, possessive!chris, rough sex, teasing, degradation kink, unprotected sex, oral (m!receiving), deepthroating, face riding, missionary, sex tape, edging, orgasm denial, use of pet names, angst, jealousy, cursing.
a/n: settle in ig, this is 4,4k words; also i listened to unforgettable on repeat while writing this
On a casual Saturday night, you were on your way to meet some friends at a bar. This was a well-deserved break after a stressful week of work. It was just you and your friends, but one of them was more than that - Chris. Your relationship with Chris was a secret, shared only when no one else was looking. He didn't want an official relationship for various reasons - the fans, his busy schedule, and his fear of commitment. Yet, he only desired you. Despite being his secret, you couldn't help but want him more each time you saw him. His treatment of you was special and caring, unlike anyone else.
Upon entering the bar, the scent of beer greeted you. You looked around, spotting your friends at a table, laughing and chatting. You approached them, smiling at the sight of Matt, Nick, and Chris.
As you neared, Matt waved at you with a genuine smile. Nick and Chris turned around, with Nick waving and Chris just smirking. Your heart pounded in your chest as you neared the table, with Chris' smirk doing nothing to calm your nerves.
"Hello, fancy people," you greeted, placing your purse on the chair next to Chris.
"Hey y/n, we missed you lots!” Nick exclaimed, giving you a warm hug. Matt also got up, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"How have you been?" Nick asked as he sat back down. You turned to Chris, who simply raised three fingers in greeting. "Hi," you responded, sitting next to him.
"I've been good," you answered, turning your attention to Nick and Matt while Chris smirked at you.
“Alright, alright. What you been doing? You up to something?” Nick asks you, you shake your head, crossing your legs under the table.
“I haven’t been doing nothing special, it’s just like that. I’m so stressed because of work though, I’m glad we finally fitted a night out that is somewhere else rather than your place. Was getting tired of the smell of junk food.” You say, a chuckle escaping your lips.
Suddenly, your phone lit up with a text from Chris.
come closer, don’t be shy
You glanced at him, seeing his smirk, and decided not to give in to his request. Instead, you focused on your conversation with Matt and Nick. However, Chris scooted his chair closer to you, unnoticed by the others. You felt his hand slowly move up your leg, causing your heart to flutter with nerves.
You shake your head and your eyes shut, aware of what he’s doing, your face getting hot as all you can see is Nick and Matt laughing.
You hummed, enjoying his movements. Your attention was instantly grabbed when Nick slapped his hand onto the table, calling Chris' name.
"Dude, what the hell?" Chris asked, as Nick stood up.
"Bathroom. Need to talk to you," Nick replied. Chris grabbed his phone before standing up, giving you a quick glance to let you know he would return soon. That left you alone with Matthew.
You and Matthew didn't often converse. He was more of a quiet person, but this time he seemed like he was in the vein to talk.
"So, why are you so stressed?" He abruptly asked, prompting you to shift uncomfortably in your seat.
"Work's been a bit overwhelming. I have too much to do by the end of June," you answered. He tilted his head in confusion.
"What kind of stuff? Can we help in any way?" He inquired, activating the Do Not Disturb mode on his phone as a sign of respect toward you.
"Well, I don't think you guys can help, but thank you for showing interest," you replied with a smile.
"Are you sure? Anything at all?" He leaned back in his chair, his eyes sincere. Sometimes you wished Chris had Matthew's temperament, but it was what it was. Unfurtunately you liked Chris for what he was, not for what he could’ve been.
"Yes, Matt. I'm okay. But you could pay for dinner to really help me out," you joked, turning around and reaching into your purse for a hair tie.
"Alright," he just agreed, adjusting his hat.
"What?" You turned immediately around, taken aback by his response.
"I'll pay for dinner," he repeated, removing his hat to fix his hair before putting it back on.
"Wait- no, I wasn't serious, I was joking-" you protested, but he quickly dismissed your concerns.
"Relax, y/n. It's no problem at all," he laughed at your reaction, but you couldn't help feeling guilty for making the paying joke.
"Matthew, seriously, I was joking. Please, I'll feel guilty," you insisted, reaching for your wallet. He stopped you gently, placing a hand on yours, and you couldn’t help but glance at this.
“Y/n, you need to relax. This is the least I can do. Let me pay," he calmly reassured you. His sincerity was apparent. He genuinely wanted to do it.
"Are you sure? I don't want to make you-“ you began, but he cut you off, his thumb softly brushing against your hand.
"Completely sure. Chris and Nick probably would've made me pay anyways, so it's no big deal," he said, laughing as he glanced around the room. You were too focused on him.
"Alright, big man. Thank you," you said jokingly, a smile spreading on your face, his hand still on yours, giving a little squeeze. You were interrupted by Chris, who threw himself into his chair. That was probably why Matthew had been looking around. His hand quickly left yours.
"Please, don't mind me," Chris laughed at your interaction, scrolling through Instagram on his phone.
"I'm sorry?" Matt asked, catching Chris' attention as he chewed on some breadsticks.
"What?" Chris asked, a teasing smile on his face.
"It's not like something was going on," Matt retorted, gesturing over the table.
"Matt, I don't care. You know what's surprising? The only girl you can pull is literally our best friend," Chris said, making you feel weird. He had never referred to you as 'best friend' before. He’s never done that.
"You know what's surprising, Chris? That you can't treat a pretty girl right. You always make us feel miserable because your attitude scares every girl away," Matt responded, clearly irritated. A smirk spread on Chris' face, knowing he had you wrapped around his finger. Matthew's irritation was precisely what Chris had aimed for.
"Sure, buddy," Chris responds, just teasing Matt further. As the waiter delivers the food to your table.
Matt pauses his speech, seemingly unfazed by Chris' indifference. Chris, meanwhile, starts eating while Nick settles into his chair, casually brushing his hands against his legs.
"So, what did I miss? Chris, could you pass the salt?" Nick asks Chris, licking his lips.
Chris, without looking away from his food, grabs the salt and hands it to Nick. This odd behavior leaves Nick feeling a bit unsettled.
"Thanks. Your food's not going anywhere, you know," Nick jokes, sprinkling some salt over his fries.
"What did you mean by 'sure, buddy'?" Matt asks, his meal cooling as he hesitates to touch it.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Chris replies, taking another bite of his burger and completely ignoring Matt's question.
"What the hell does that mean?" Matt demands, causing Nick to turn at the sound of his harsh word.
"What's going on?" Nick asks, looking at Matt and Chris, a concerned expression on his face.
"Matt, I'm eating. D’you mind?" Chris says, finally looking up. 
“’m sorry.” You feel guilty about the tension at the table, so you excuse yourself to the bathroom, getting up from your chair and rushing to it, feeling the urge to cry but holding the tears back as much as you could.
In the bathroom, you try to calm yourself. A sudden knock on the door startles you, but you wait for the person to identify themselves before opening it.
"Y/n? Can you open this fucking door? I'm trying to eat," Chris' voice comes through the door.
You quickly open the door to see Chris looking at you, concern etched on his face at the sight of your watery eyes.
"What happened?" He asks. You avoid his gaze, but he gently lifts your chin to make you look at him.
"I'm not playing, Y/n. What's wrong?" he asks again, his tone firmer. He wants an answer.
“Chris I- I really wasn't doing anything with Matt," you explain him, nervously fidgeting with your shirt.
"Matt was trying to do something with you, though," Chris says, gritting his teeth.
You just gulp, shaking your head as Chris places a reassuring kiss on your forehead.
"Don't worry. I got exactly what Matt was trying to do. I'll show him what he got from it," he murmurs into your ear, tucking a loose strand of hair behind it. "I'll get us a hotel room after dinner, okay?" Despite the situation, you can't help but feel excited. You nod at him, and he gives you a reassuring smile before leading you back to the table.
Back at the table, he does nothing, he simply sits on his chair as soon as he reaches the table and continues his meal as if nothing happened between you guys.
You begin to eat your burger, feeling a bit embarrassed by the situation you are in. It wasn't really your fault, though you wonder why you didn’t tell Matt to back off. But if Chris isn't ready to acknowledge your relationship in front of others, you don't see it as a problem. Despite everything, you find yourself really liking Chris. You steal glances at him as he enjoys his meal, seemingly oblivious to the world around him. You give Matt a playful smile, biting your cheek to suppress your embarrassment.
"Hey, Y/n, it just occurred to me, you haven't been hit by cupid's arrow yet, have you?" Matt asks, laughing as he takes a bite of his burger, as you cringe as his own question.
Chris drops his burger for the first time that day, clearly agitated by Matt's teasing, rolling his eyes to the ceiling.
"Uhh... I haven't. But I'm good. I don't need one," you simply answer.
Nick chimes in, "It's weird you haven't found a boyfriend yet.”He says, and Chris can’t help but tease you at the occasion.
"Yeah, really weird," Chris echoes, feigning amusement.
"I'm not looking for one. At all," you spat, your cheeks turning red.
"But you're fucking someone, right?" Chris teases you further by asking this, causing you to gasp and Nick to choke on his food.
"Whoa, alright Chris," Nick intervenes, as he laughs nervously.
"Man, I'm just curious. She's our best friend, right Y/n?" Chris says, pointing at you, licking his lips..
Nick steps in to defend you, "That’s none of your business, Chris. Leave her alone."
"Alright, alright," Chris concedes, lifting his hands in surrender.
"But are you seeing someone, Y/n?" Matt asks, taking a sip of his drink.
"Didn't you hear what Nick said? Leave her alone," Chris retorts, mocking Nick’s tone.
"See, Matt asked politely. You didn’t. ‘Are you fucking someone?’” Nick says, mimicking Chris' earlier tone and expression.
This provokes Chris to stand up and walk over to Matt, "Wallet, your turn." Matt gives you a playful glance, his lips mouthing the words ‘told you.
"There we go," Chris says, handing Matt his own wallet. You were waiting for him outside the restaurant, knowing that he wouldn't take long.
Nick opens the back door of Matthew’s car, noticing how you don’t walk over them.  
“Come on, we can take you home if you’d like.” Nick says, inviting you.
You’re about to open your mouth, however, Chris interrupts before you can reply,
“We have some things to do. I'll walk her home. It’s not a long walk, anyways.”
"But-" Matt starts to protest, but Chris wraps an arm around your neck.
"We're supposed to... do something together," you state, a hint of shyness in your voice. The thought of what you're about to do together fills your mind, different scenarios playing in your head.
"But-" Matt tries to interject again, but this time Nick stops him.
"Matt, let them be. They'll be back, right?" He asks and the both of you nod, Chris giving you a pleased smirk.
Matt proposes to you. Chris can't help but chuckle, the way he’s trying too hard is just so funny to him. You simply nod in response before Chris waves them goodbye and leads you in the opposite direction from where their car is parked, and Chris pulls you into the nearest hotel he can find, just around the corner.
“Chris- the prices are crazy here-“ you try to argue, but Chris doesn't let you finish.
"I don't fucking care," he interrupts, approaching the front desk with a fake smile, letting go of you.
“Hello, a room for two, please." he requests, as the receptionist begins typing on her computer.
"When would you like the room?" she asks, looking up at him.
"Immediately, if possible. Just for a few hours," he answers, while you stand quietly by his side.
"Would you prefer a standard room or a suite?" she questions, to which Chris promptly responds, “Suite’s fine.” He pulls out his wallet from his pocket.
"Could you provide your IDs, please?" she enquires, you watch as Chris reaches into your bag for your wallet, retrieves both your IDs, and hands them to her.
"Excellent, here is your key. The room number is 205. If you need anything, please call the reception from the desk phone. Enjoy your stay!" she says, as Chris pays for the room.
You're stunned that he's got you a suite. You had a hunch about what was coming next, and strangely enough, you were looking forward to it. Chris leads you to the elevator, not even looking at you. The thought of your dinner conversation with Matt has him seething. He was fuming mad, the words 'wanna do something later at my place' made him snap, and said by his own brother? God. As if you were going to fuck him. You were his. Not Matt’s, you were Chris’.
As soon as the elevator dings to signal your floor, he hurries you to your room. As you enter, he locks the door behind you tightly.
He sighs, places your bag on the desk and flops onto the bed, arms behind his head. You just gaze at him, waiting for him to speak first, anxiety rising in your chest.
"Strip," he finally commands, not even bothering to shift positions.
You comply without hesitation, looking at him as you remove your shoes, socks, shirt, and pants. Left only in your underwear, being braless, you go to remove them too, but he stops you.
"No, c’mere," he says, patting the space next to him. You oblige, walking up to him and finally straddling him as he remains laid back.
He pulls you closer by your hips, his hair brushing against your chest. He then slides down onto the bed fully, lifting you so your underwear meets his face. He rips them apart with his mouth, which makes you complain.
"Chris, what the fuck!” you say as he further tears them with his fingers and discards them on the floor. His face then dives into your wet cunt, pleasuring you like a man starved. He ate you like you were a meal, and as he hasn’t eaten in days.
You let out a loud moan, and you can't help but look down at him. The way he grips your thighs while sucking your bud is enough to make you whimper. He eagerly plays with your clit, alternating between it and your entrance, sending jolts of pleasure coursing through your body.
You moan his name loudly, and he responds with a hard slap on your ass, reminding you that you could be heard, and you just moan louder.
“Fuck- Chris, oh my god, I’m so close, fuck!” you manage to get out before he slaps your ass again, signaling that you're not allowed to cum yet.
You groan, knowing he won't let you finish. Just when you were about to pull away from him, he grabs your thigh, forcing you to stay in place, your clit bumping against his nose, making you bite your teeth to muffle your moans. The pleasure was overwhelming. You close your eyes, ready to climax, but just as you're about to let go, he pulls away from your saturation, panting heavily while pushing his hair back.
"Turn around.” he instructs with labored breaths. You turn around, confused, so your ass is now in his face.
It’s not until you lift your hips for him and feel his nose teasing your entrance while his mouth pays attention to your clit that you understand what he's doing.
"Chris, oh my god!" you moan, and he rewards you with another slap on your ass.
He starts to flick your clit with his tongue, and that's what pushes you over the edge, giving it slow teasing kitten licks.
“‘m gonna- Chris, ‘m gonna cum..” you warn, your climax suddenly hitting you as your legs shake around his head. He doesn't let you go, continuing to pleasure you throughout your orgasm, sucking on your bud.
"Oh, fuck…” you gasp as you come down from your high, his mouth still on your clit, his nose now covered in your juices, making you bite your lip at the thought.
"Chris, it's sensitive!" you say, clenching your muscles as he finally lets you go. Your thighs slightly bruised from his grip.
“On the floor, on your knees” He orders you, while wiping his nose from your juices, sucking it off from his fingers, his tone laced with fury.
He sits up, and you kneel on the floor. He brushes his hair back, finally looking at you.
In a swift motion, Chris unbuckled his pants, his shirt discarded carelessly on the floor. He slid down his boxers, they were just on his thighs as he approached you. He slammed his throbbing cock covered in pre-cum against your lips, a smirk spreading on his face. 
He held your face, inserting a finger into your mouth to keep it open, and then slid his dick between your lips. His size was intimidating, and you gagged as he filled your mouth. Your hand instinctively wrapped around his base, to take him better.
"Yes, choke on my fucking cock, fucking brat," he hissed, his hand gently stroking your hair. Your head bobbed up and down over him, each movement taking in more of him until he slid himself out of your mouth.
“Still," he commanded. You complied, and he gripped your hair, using it as leverage to guide his movements. 
He slid himself in and out of your mouth, using your throat to fuck his own cock.
“F-fuck… take me like that, you slut.” He cooed, his eyes closing in ecstasy, his head thrown back, a whimper leaving his mouth. 
He slammed his tip against your pouty lips again, and he suddenly pulled out, knowing he was gonna cum, leaving your mouth empty. 
"Get on the bed, angel. 'Gonna hit it raw for you," he purred, his eyes ablaze with lust as he tossed his boxers to the side.
"Spread those legs for me, hm?" he whispered. He got on the bed, crawling over you, as his lips finally met yours for the first time in the night, his tongue sliding in your mouth. He broke the kiss, and for a moment, he was silent, his eyes scanning the room. He grabbed something from the night table and then turned his attention back to you.
"So, we're gonna do something-" he started, but his words were interrupted by a soft ring from his phone. He picked it up and a smirk spread across his face.
"We're gonna show this to Matt ,so that he'll finally stop bothering my girl," he said, proud of his own idea. His phone was now recording, capturing what was happening in the room between you two. He teased you, sliding his tip through your folds, but not inserting it inside you. The anticipation building up to an unbearable level.
He finally pushed himself inside you, and your moan echoed through the room, his name escaping your lips. 
"Good girl, take it like this, mhm," he cooed, his pace slow and deliberate, giving you time to adjust to his size.
“Please, Chris…” You purr, desperate for him to quicken his pace.
He continued moving, his thrusts gradually gaining in speed. His phone recorded every detail, the moans the whimpers could be heard, as he framed the sight of your face contorted in pleasure, then the sight of his member sliding in and out of you, glistening with your arousal. It was all on tape, so that Matt could play it, again and again if he needed to understand that you weren’t his girl. You were Chris’.
He gripped your hips, tilting your body so that he could hit that sweet spot inside you. “You need Chris, hm?" he cooed, his tone sweet and gentle. You could only respond with a soft moan, your body too focused on the pleasure coursing through it.
“Yeah- yes, please…” You lightly moan out, his hips quickening his pace as he hears you begging for it.
“Yeah? Need Chris’ big cock, huh? What you gonna do for Chris, hm?” He asks, his tone seductive and teasing, and that led you to spill another moan from your mouth.
“I’m gonna be a good girl— mphh- a good slut!” You almost scream out, not able to contain yourself at the feeling of Chris slamming himself inside you. He brings the phone to your face once again, showing the expression that’s on your face, so pleasured and then back on his cock, now drilling in you faster, covered in juices.
“Yeah? Chris’ good girl? You gonna let Chris use you?” He asks, you nod immediately, your thoughts blurred in pleasure.
“Hm? Is Chris giving you everything you need?" He questions once more, now holding the phone above his head, as if capturing a selfie, flashing a peace sign to the camera, sticking his tongue out, while his hips are ceaselessly moving within you. However, he doesn’t allow himself to show your boobs on camera. That was just his thing to see.
“Fuck Chris, yeah- mhmm…” You hum, your climax getting closer and closer, a familiar knot forming in your stomach, being completely brainfucked. All you were seeing was black, and all you felt, aside of Chris’ fat cock drilling into you, was the soaked sheets and the sweat all over your body.
"Are you tired, poor thing? Come on, gimme that leg, mhmm," he said, grabbing one of your legs and placing it over his shoulder. Then he did the same with your other leg, changing the angle of his thrusts so that he was hitting your g-spot with every movement.
“Chris- just like that, fuck, yeah!” You moan desperately, his other hand gripping your hip.
“‘Feel better now, sweet thing? Worn out still and want me to fuck you, you must love this dick, don’t you angel?” He chuckled, as continued fucking you as he placed a  sweetkiss on your ankle, his dick driving you closer and closer to the edge. 
"See, Matt, this vision is a fucking blessing, and I get this every single night," he said into the phone, his voice laced with pride.
“I see why you wanted to see my girl like this too, but if you expect my girl like this, fucked dumb, so fucking horny you can’t expect to not see my cock stuffed inside her, y’know?” He says, his hand pressing on your stomach, knowing that’d finally make you cum.
"Shit- cumming! I'm cumming, Chris, yeah!" you finally screamed, your body convulsing as waves of pleasure crashed over you. His name on your lips, filled the room.
“This girl goes crazy for this cock only, not the lame replicas.” He said, and then you released all over his dick, mixed liquid and thick cum coming out of you, as he pulled out of you, his phone framing every single detail.
After what felt like an eternity, he finally pulled out, his throbbing cock glistening with your release. "Turn around, fuck- turn around now!" he ordered, his voice hoarse with arousal.
 You turned around, and he stroked himself, his release painting a messy "C" on your back with his cum. "You read that, Matt? Hm? Stands for Chris," he said, a chuckle escaping his lips. His phone captured the final act, his mark on you, a declaration of ownership. 
“Say hi to Matt!” He says, and you wave at him, your eyes closed. “Hi, Matt.” You say, completely worn out as he finally ended the recording and sent the unedited video to Matt without a second thought, a clear message that you were his and his alone.
He gently moved closer to you, pressing a tender kiss against your face. "You did so good f’me. So good,” he murmured appreciatively. The sudden loud knock at the door startled you, causing Chris to rise, his face appearing in the small opening of the door.
"Yes?" His voice echoing through the room.
"I feel compelled to bring this to your attention. There have been several complaints lodged regarding the level of noise coming from this area. It's becoming increasingly disruptive, so I must insist that all of you vacate the premises for now." relayed a hotel staff member from the other side of the door, his voice barely audible.
“Not gonna lie, I didn’t get shit of what you just said.” Chris says, making you chuckle while you still were coming down from your high.
"You guys need to leave. There have been complaints about the noise." the staff member clarified, his words resonating more clearly this time. Chris' face twisted into a frown.
“What?” He asked, disbelief coloring his tone.
"Do I need to call security?" The staff member questioned,warning him. Chris was quick to dismiss the threat.
"No--absolutely not. Just give us a few minutes. We need to... uhh-,” He trailed off, his gaze shifting to you, sprawled out on the bed, still recovering.
“You need to leave now," the staff member insisted. Chris slapped his thigh in frustration.
“Do I just walk out with my dick swinging from side to side, genius?" Chris shot back, a sarcastic smile tugging at his lips. The staff member sighed audibly.
"Fine. You have a few minutes," he conceded, leaving Chris to close the door behind him with a resigned sigh.
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@inkyray @mattslolita @hysteria-things @spaznongirl @worldlxvlys @nickgetsmewetter @patscorner
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tarjapearce · 10 months
👀👀 of course.
Inspired by farevalee9s on insta fanart of Cowboy Miguel 🤭
The first time Miguel arrived to your family's farm, you were borderline intimidated by his sheer size. You had seen tall people before, but never someone like him.
Your father was in dire need of someone that would take care of his horses and do some maintenance around the farm. Agustín, a horse that seemed a lost cause, was the one that concerned your dad the most. He was a bit aggressive with the other horses, Joaquín Y Luis. He was kept in a different location. The farm was a mess.
Not tolerating a bit ounce of further embarrassment, your mother looked up for people, even put you to post adds through, but none of them actually met the requirements, until a friend of your dad brought him.
"Buenos días, señorita" (Morning, ma'am)
He'd always greet you with a tip of his hat. Unlike your parents, a bit stuck up people, devoted believers and servers of faith, and always speaking the necessary, you were kind to him. Polite and respectful.
You'd bring him cold fresh lemonade after he was done with his training session with Agustín. The sun would hide your embarrassment, since you couldn't help but give subtle glances at his naked torso.
He'd always train the horse, without much on him. Pants, belt, boots and hat. He'd always accept the lemonade with a small smirk and a grateful heart.
"You made it?" You nodded and smiled sheepishly.
"Best thing I've ever tasted." He'd mumble while staring intensely at you.
"Could you teach me how to ride?"
His eyebrows would rise in surprise
"H-Horses, I mean." He'd chuckle and nodded.
"Lo que quieras, guapa ." (Anything for you, gorgeous.)
Sure, you wanted to ride horses, what would the point of having them would be if you couldn't ride them? But in truth, You just wanted to be closer to him. Something that earned you a bit more than you had actually bargained for.
He'd take you by your waist and help you get on Luis, like you weighed nothing. His skin irradiating with heat, calloused hands held you firmly, you could feel his thumb taking a taste of your soft skin. His tongue wetted his lips upon his eyes trailing your form.
Sun blazing on your skin, rosy cheeks, a sweet look that could disarm anyone, gorgeous body. You were such a sweet little thing. Just like the cherries you'd eat in the porch. He stared at your lips, as you dexterously peeled the cherry from it's flesh with your tongue.
He needed to have you.
Of course your mother had seen the not too subtle looks you gave eachother.
He'd always greet you with a knowing smile, and you'd be a flustered mess after. Sometimes your head would hurt by the many times your mother would swat your head with whatever she was choosing to read. Your dad was busy with Church.
Oh, the church.
He didn't seem like a strong believer, neither did you, but respected the business enough to be almost every Sunday in church. Just to see you all dolled up and pretty.
You'd kiss eachother breathless in the barn behind some stacked up hay. You just tasted as sweet as he had imagined. Your first kiss.
You had to be on your tip toes to wrap your arms around him and pulling him down to deepen the kiss as his hands finally were able to touch you and savour you
Your mother was growing suspicious of your sudden absentminded behavior, so she had settled you up a date, and made sure for him to know. Even had the nerve to ask him to have the horses ready.
You had apologized to him, but he seemed unbothered by everything. It kinda bummed you to see him a bit indifferent to the situation. But once you left, he'd glare holes at your mother's window.
"No te dejes montar de nadie, ok? " (Don't let anyone to ride you)
Agustín would just flare and pat the ground. As if understanding him.
Every date your mother had arranged to you, ended up in the same scenario. Your dates on the floor, being chased by Agustín or the other horses.
"I don't know what that wicked man has done to the horses. None wants to come here anymore if he isn't around!"
To your mother's mortify, you were turning older enough to start your own family. But you didn't want none of that. No. At least you'd have some time away before she started to getting you on the dating scene again, to get you a husband.
They had a sudden trip to see other properties out of town. You were left alone with Miguel, He'd throw you over his shoulder like nothing, after kissing the daylights out of you and took you inside his place in the barn. Your cherry was popped that night.
Ever since then, every time your parents left, you'd be holed up in your room with him, kissing, making love and talking.
You had corrupted him somehow, always wanting to touch and be near around you, and always wanting to put a baby inside.
"Funny you think I'd let you marry some other guy. Tú eres mía, y eso no se discute." (You're mine, and that's not up to discussion.)
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Going to Victoria’s Secret with Percy Jackson…<3
“stay here” you said to your boyfriend. You stood in front of a child play area.
He shook his head wrapping his arms around you.
“Please Perce” you begged your boyfriend. You really didn’t want him with you when you enter Victoria’s Secret. You were fine with any other place, just not here…
“No…” he pouted squeezing his arms around your body
“please…” you asked with puppy eyes, a trick you had mastered.
Fine," he grumbled and let go of you. "Do you have everything you need in case of a monster attack?"
Yes, mother," you sighed at his protectiveness, "I have everything."
"Your dagger?" He questioned. " Your cellphone? What about-"
"Percy!" You interrupted him. "I'll be fine. We don't even have cellphones. You're only a couple of feet away from the entrance," you reminded him.
Ever since the war with Gaea, he's become way more overprotective in thoughts of losing you.
You thought it's adorable, but he could sometimes cross the line.
"You're right," Percy shook his head to himself. "You're a big girl."
You kissed his cheek, and then walked into Victoria Secret. You threw a quick look over your shoulder to make sure Percy isn't following.
He wasn't were you last saw him. He was with a little girl, helping her up a pair of steps that lead to the slide.
Your heart melted at the sight, he looked so cute with children. Your mind even wandered to the thought of Percy and you having kids one day, that little girl being your daughter.
You smiled to yourself, heading to the panties section. You chose a few pairs of panties, and then headed to the bras section.
You wanted to make this quick, you didn't want to make Percy wait long. You already knew what you were looking for.
"Uh, sir," you heard a female employee near you speak behind a rack of bras. "We need to ask you to leave. We're having complaints from other customers."
"I can't," you heard, this voice being much deeper and more masculine. "I'm here with my girlfriend."
"I'm sorry, sir, but until you have proof, we need to ask you to leave."
The people around you began to mutter, some pointing.
You almost laughed at the guy behind the rack of bras, thinking what type of pervert would come in here and claim he had a girlfriend when he clearly didn't. 15
Behind the rack, the figure rose to his feet, beet red.
You continued to think what a lunatic the guy is for spying on girls.
That was until the pervert turned out to be your boyfriend.
Percy sent you an bashful look. 41
You sighed. "Ma'am, he's… he's with me," you spoke, your face flushing red.
The employee nodded and left to fix the underwear close by, but she kept an eye on the two of you.
Percy wouldn't meet your eye.
"I told you to stay and wait," you scolded him.
"But I wanted to be with you, (y/n)."
You tried to muster some anger, but you couldn't. He only wanted to spend time and be with you. You began to think how sweet it was. You kissed your boyfriend, catching him by surprise.
You pulled away, looking at the selection of bras to choose.
Percy chose one, picked it up, and held it to his chest. "How about this one, (y/n)?" He asked, the bra he chose being blue with jewels decorating it - almost like seashells. "I would look hotter in this than you," he smirked. He slid his arms through the loops, looking down.
The employee near by looked ready to call security to escort both of you out.
"Percy!" You attempted to scold, but ended up in laughter.
He took off the bra and placed it back. Only this time, he chose an even larger sized bra. "This one fits much better," he felt himself as if he had boobs. "Yup, much better," he said as he smiled innocently at you.
There's nothing innocent in that smile.
The employee spoke to the mall security guard from a far distance, throwing glances in your direction.
"Uh… Perce," you began to place down the panties and bras you selected. "Put that back, we're leaving."
"Why?" He looked at you confused. "Aren't you buying these?"
"I was but not anymore," you said as he took off the bra. He followed your gaze and then understood what you meant.
"Come on." You laced your hand with his and started to take off running leaving behind your cute pantries you sadly didn’t buy.
“Hey!!” You heard from behind you, Percy took off in a sprint dragging you along to the bathroom and locking yourselves in a stall.
“Fuck. I love you…” Percy exclaims before kissing you, your mouths moving in perfect alignment. You guys were soulmates… your hands reached up each other’s shirt’s ,he pushed you against the wall before taking his hands out of your shirt and gripping your ass causing you to moan lightly, gifting him the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. “Percy…” you grumbled in between kisses. “Yeah?” He replied in a haze.
“we forgot Annabeth at Cotton on Kids…”
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