#So much work this lil sketch is refreshing
sk1llz-heeler · 1 year
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Gustavo moment (New pencils)
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ziorre · 2 months
✨Commission info✨
I'm ready, I'm rested, I'm refreshed! And I'm completely charged to take care of your new ideas and characters!! I truly believe that every character is awesome and original and deserves to be shown with their own story! And I'll try to help you with this in a way that is more convenient for you! You just pick one below ;)
- SEMI-REALISTIC STYLE (for the cases, when you want it looks more real without much stylizing)
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- USUAL STYLE (for the cases, when you don’t mind it looks more stylized and a lil sketchy)
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- CONCEPT SHEET (for the cases, when you want to present your character, their outfit and props)
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* you can find more examples on my page by the commission tag ** a helpful post describing a right order for your refs
✨ DEADLINES: After you DM me with a brief description of your idea, I’ll tell you the approximate date when I’ll be able to proceed with your commission  !!!!Always warn me in advance if I need to draw art by a certain deadline!!!
✨ PAYMENT:  What: USD or RUB When: full pre-payment (when you sent me the email and we approved the art idea) Where: Boosty/Hypolink (russian platforms, support payment via PayPal)
✨ PROCESS: You write to me in private messages on Tumblr, briefly tell me your idea of our future art, what style and what slot you want (full body / half body / bust). Then I give you my email address and you send me an email (with your Tumblr name as the topic please) with all necessary references (your character's face claim, their pose, clothes, background etc.). You describe the idea of the art in details, where it takes place, and other things that I need to know so that I can base the sketch on all that info, because after you approve the sketch, I don’t change art much in the further stages of the work, just some details. I send you the payment link on my Boosty page. Send you the sketch. After you confirm that you like the sketch, I finish the work and send it on your email😊
✨ OTHER: - I don’t correct the art after you approved the finished version. - I don’t copy other artist’s work. - I publish every commission on my social media, if you don’t want it to be published, just let me know. - If you’re not sure about the art idea, I can suggest you 4 sketches with different poses/concepts/angles for extra $20 and you pick the one you like the most. - For significant corrections or a lot of small ones at any stage of work, an additional fee may be charged (this doesn’t apply to some small adjustments or details witch I missed). There are 3 free changes at the each stages of the work (sketch, finished version), further - $2-$5.
And of course I can't skip to say a huge thank you to those who commissioned and continue commissioning art from me! It means a lot! For real! This is not only material support, but also moral one, saying that I’m not wasting my time and energy in vain, that I’m moving in the right direction, that people like what I do! I can't tell how inspiring it is!! 300 commissions! I’ve never imagined that one day I would draw so many art for others! Just.. wow!! Thank you again so much for trusting me bringing to life your ideas! I truly appreciate it!😌
I think this is it, right? If you have any questions, feel free to DM me ;)  
I’ll be VERY grateful for your reblogs!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤ (and thank you very much for this in advance, it helps me A LOOOOOOOOOT, you are the ones who keep me alive literally! I see each and every one of you doing that! You’re the best!!!) Thanks for your attention! Have a good day =)
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mikaswannabe · 1 year
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i imagine that miss mama carla was a firehouse baby. for the first 3 years of her life she grew up w two chaotic + unstable parents that just left her at a fire station one day.
then she grew up in foster care and from 13-18 she stayed in a group home with other girls of all different backgrounds, and they felt like family even if it was chaotic.
something that she took up during her childhood was sewing. like this bitch can make anything if she got a lil fabric. and she knows how to throw deown.
she has italian lineage with a thick jersey / new york accent in my head. curves like a disney mom.
after high school she went to a community college and also took classes at a fashion school. for money, she was the most one of the most charismatic bartenders & bottle girls you could ever meet, coming home with her pockets full of tips with the help of her pretty ass face.
everybody loves carla! if you don’t, you did something wrong. she has connections to so many helpful people because everyone just knows she’s that bitch.
and where do you think eren gets his firecracker ways from? she loves a good time, having all eyes on her at clubs, but if any jerk got out of line her mouth would run off the chaiinnn, and don’t make her have to slap the piss out of somebody, because she will.
at around 21, she met grisha, who was 26 and in med school. how did she meet him? partied too hard and wound up being treated by him.
“you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re just a student. get me an actual doctor.”
“or, you could go home. deal with the massive knot on your head and possible concussion by yourself.”
fuck, she loved his accent.
“at least i won’t have to see you again.”
yeah, they hooked up that night. knot on forehead and all.
she didn’t think she was gonna fall for the man, especially since he already had a kid, but then a messy 3 years of falling in love later she was pushing eren’s big head out and marrying this german man.
she worked a desk job while eren was young, but after grisha got on top of his medical school fees and started getting that neurosurgeon money, she was in her stay at home mom bag.
eren was such an troublesome bby to deal with. he would always be running around and making him sit still was a challenge. one of the only times he would shut up without even having to be told anything would be when he spotted his mom drawing sketches of her dress designs, crawling up on her lap and watching everything she did.
and something that always infatuated him was her few tattoos that he would see every now and again. like the dragon on her shoulder that had beautiful lilies drawn around it, or the butterflies on her left foot. when he got into his tattoo art talent, grisha was against it but carla embraced it, allowing him to refresh her old tats and them getting matching ones of each other’s names, his on the back of his shoulder while hers is on her arm.
as eren got older his favorite parent was evident. he loves his mom but he LOVES annoying her even more. just goes in her room and lays on her bed like “what we watching?” the amount of times she’s popped his hand for reaching into her food.
she loves her son, but she gets to that “get the fuck away from me, eren. my head’s throbbing like a fuckin’ drum with you around, god.” he know’s he succeeded when she has to physically push him out of the room.
when they’re at home it’s either, “sweetie, have you eaten?” or “get out this kitchen, you moose! i’ll throw this fryin’ pan at your skull, move!”
when ppl be like, “eren, your mom’s so nice.” he agrees, but not forgetting to say “to you guys.”
but seriously, when it came to being a community mom in eren’s grade school days, carla was it! always packing foods and drinks for kids at the games, taking them out to eat afterwards, and clearing hoes at pto meetings. that mama drama is no joke.
now that e’s in college, when other mom’s complain that they miss their baby so much, she just nods. she was glad eren got his ass out by 18. she loves her baby, but handful isn’t even enough to describe him.
she’s able to claim time for herself again, and then, she knows her son, and even with all the problems he can bring onto himself, she knows he’ll be fine.
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probablysimpledreams · 7 months
Omg hello Cam nation life has been wild but I wanna be on here more LOL I have two fics in the works rn (one Cora<3 and one Asahi <3 I have really been on my large and scary looking but actually loser sweetheart man kick lately <333) so hopefully spring break brings me creative energy or refreshes me so post-spring break me gets a creative streak
more to come regarding that
I started this post off half an edible last night and now am having a margarita at the airport since my flight got delayed💀 and since life has been crazy so the self ship brain rot has been INSANE lately esp bc me and one of my besties rewatched a bunch of HQ!! lately so I've been thinking about Asahi and am about to share all these ideas<3 I'm putting in undercut feel free to interact or share any of your self ships
We def met in class like some elective literature course. Our majors are so different with me being in anthropology and him in fashion school we both would pick some random historical literature class just to do something different and get out of our own departments. It would take at least half the semester for us to star talking though. I am notorious for a little classroom crush so I fell in love on sight, constantly talked about him to my friends, constantly had my friends asking if I had talked to him yet, stalked his Instagram to learn about him, etc. And though Asahi has a better grip on his anxiety when in college, he's still prone to anxious habits and after how people saw him in high school as "scary" he is not one to put himself out there. So he ends up having a lil classroom crush on me as the days go by and as I speak out more in class. I love a good chance to talk which I think he'd admire and it would make him fall for me. Half way through the semester I would finally make the move by asking him to be my partner on the newest assignment for the class. We'd both just be standing there like "holy fuck this hot person is talking to me" but not realize that the other is thinking it too LMAO. But you know as time went on and we got closer (being project partners meant the BEST reason to get his number see I be PLANNING) and I finally worked up the courage to ask him on a date and he said yes<33
Once finally in a relationship I feel like we'd have to opposite of a honeymoon phase. The first few months would be very awkward and we both overthink to the max so we'd be very scared of upsetting the other. After some time thought we'd finally have a nerve wracking yet honest conversation to actually establish boundaries, what we need, etc and like never have a relationship problem again. And that's when we both realize how much words of affirmations are both our love languages so we get comfortable being sappy<33 like we’re SO that couple saying cutesy shit 24/7 and leaving lil notes for each other on the mirror or in each other’s backpacks etc!! And we’re both not really PDA people so it balances perfectly😝
We have the same music taste for SURE like we both love some indie, mountain music I’m talking Briston Maroney, Noah Kahan, Backseat Lovers, etc we are both men with anxiety so this genre speaks to us🙏 However, Asahi does not understand the Lana hype but still supports me LOL sometimes I just have to cosplay a woman in a toxic relationship on the west coast (all things I’m just not💀) and he’s learned to let me have my fun after some reassurance that I just like the music and don’t actually think of him as bad (he’s too precious pls)
We are SO interested in each other’s line of work like I’m always excited over his sketches and pieces he’s making!!! And I’m always asking him a million questions about the process and all he does!! And on the same coin he’s always so fascinated with my research my main focus is on Pacific Archaeology so I always give him TedTalks™️ on everything he loves it!! I also intern at a museum so he’s always asking me questions about it. And a lot of what I’ve been lately at the museum is fashion history, so I love to tell him all about it!!
We compliment each other perfectly bc I’m very bubbly and outgoing!! So I’m very much a conversationalist and sometimes people think bc of that and my size that they can walk all over me. This is where Asahi’s natural intimation comes into play once mfs see him they KNOW not to fuck around. And on the other side, due to my extroverted nature I can easily jump into a conversation Asahi is actively trying to step away from without being rude. I feel like he gets quickly drained from strangers but I can talk to anyone for hours so I step him. This also is helpful bc I easily can make reservations and really any other scenario where he’s feeling too shy to directly say what he’s thinking/needs. I also am not afraid to fight for refunds and shit so he’s happy to let me take the wheel LOL
I just know we’d both get along with one another friends SO well😝 on that note Suga and I are so stoner buddies (you can’t tell me college suga didn’t smoke). Asahi would rarely smoke but when he does he just goes lol nonverbal and gets cuddly. Which honestly works good bc I just get happy and yap once again that perfect balance💗‼️
Most of our dates are just chill dates. We watch a LOT of TV together between anime and cooking shows and documentaries we just love a good lay in bed watching TV time. When we go out, it’s to museums and cafes!! We try and go to a cutey local coffee shop at least once a week just to get out. Sometimes it turns into homework dates or reading dates but mostly we just sit and talk and enjoy the fact there’s no rush. I currently have a coffee sticker book so he makes sure I always get a sticker when at new places🥺 I always switch up what I get but Asahi always gets a cappuccino and we usually split a lil pastry (usually I can talk him into buying multiple to try tho hehe)
I keep him updated on all the stupid TikTok drama bc I get disgustedly invested and that app can make me so mad so I go on RANTS about people being stupid it just always makes him laugh he thinks I’m just the most lovely thing all fired up even if it’s over something so unreal. I’m also OBSESSED with that Bistro Huddy tiktok series that is literally just one guy idk it’s SO good I make him watch it with me all the time LOL
Overall we are in love love🥰😝🥰
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kidwbeanie · 8 months
So fun fact about the Marley Art Process™
Line art is by far my least favorite part of art but also sort of one of the more rewarding parts?
I love sketching the most of anything, its my favorite always, being messy but expressive and requiring the least tangible amount of thought for me, so much so its where i stop sometimes
Line art is sort of the boundary between me finishing a piece or not in a lot of cases and its something i need to work on, but coloring my sketches or just cleaning my sketches isn't usually enough
even as my least favorite part probably, I still *like* line art a fair bit and its something i make myself do regularly, but im starting to realize that when i do it less it means im burnt out
Luckily I'm not burnt out, better yet a few friends need character designs right now and quite a few!
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This lil project a few friends invited me to is encouraging me to draw in some ways i don't consider often, like utility, deadlines, and just general new things i don't draw often, so its been pretty refreshing so far!
But yea lil ramble about my process and how I'm starting to recognize burnout a lil better, and yknow, a lil character design in there too! ...recog
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starrclown · 7 months
Yall wanna see a really silly guy?? :D
I said a while ago I was working on FINALLY getting a design down for my oc's. Wellllllllllllll....
I DID IT!! (Don't mind my notes on these pages lol.)
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Above is Antonio. He works at his father's monster hotel. He's a zombie, he's really coooooool. He's one on my favorites currently.
Those two sketches were potential designs. As you'll see, I ended up going with the second one with hints of the first one.
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No thoughts in his big ol head.
Bro has died and still has the courage to wake up in the morning.
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His limbs fall off pretty easily because he's litteraly a rotting body being kept alive by angel magic but it happens so often his dad's know how to deal with it.
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Lil persona doodle. Nothing much more.
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It feels nice to be able to work on oc art. It's refreshing. I'll make a digital version for him soon cause I can't WAIT to draw him more.
Feel free to ask about him or the world he lives in considering you have no context for him lol. If I make enough oc art then I'll make a oc blog cause I hate how jumbled this blog would get. It messes with my head.
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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bees-not-boys · 1 year
Hey you, it’s me. We are on day 2! Back into the LIKES…
I actually lost our place and the page completely refreshed 🙃 but I trusted the process! Scrolled back down! Did a bit of drawing to pass the time! And here we are again.
Worth noting is the interesting fact that I cleared our enough likes yesterday to have us at 10001 ✨ new beginnings indeed. Love some good ol’ fashioned numerology. Like a lil god wink.
just a few posts in and I come across a post that I would have ‘liked’ in present day. Discussing working on ourselves, questioning our beliefs/conditioning. Recognizing that doing that work/questioning is hard but should not be seen as Too Hard! I’m questioning my belief that I Don’t Finish Things by going through this archive of likes. I am unplugging from anywhere I bought or sold that belief, right or wrong. I’m aligning myself with a Maria who sees things through. Work worth doing
"someone else’s hope is hanging on your follow thru" of that hits. What great timing for that message. The synchronicities man…. // "no tree, it is said, can grow to Heaven unless it’s roots reach down to Hell" from Jung. That feels like a similar message of inner work, community work and collective effort to grow
so many posts with architecture, free information, factoids, beautiful objects. Wow I learned so much thanks to this site and the internet
I saved a vides with a beautiful cover of “she keeps me warm" set to a music video of a queer relationship blossoming. And now, 10 years later, I have my own beautiful queer love who keeps me warm! There has to be some inner child healing happening there! (I’m not crying you’re crying)
starting to see a lot more fandom posts - Zelda and HP and FMA alike. All of that is still so close to my heart haha that did not change!
finding fun posts from 10 years ago to show my partner. What sweet bliss. (Makes me think of the post "baby girl, I know so much fandom history you wouldn’t give a shit about"
in and among the funnies is also great poignancy: seeing full images from artists and exhibitions that I have forgotten about, but small details that I sketched out or I tried to mimic at one time or another. Those details lived on with me even when the memories and first impressions did not
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temptress-writes · 3 years
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🌺 Paradiso Rosa
A/N: Soft, famous Harry. Part Two of La Villa Gialla.
C.W: sexual content (softish smut again just dirty talk, lil bit of choking) alcohol & drug use (wine & weed- lightly mentioned) & coarse language. VERY NSFW. 18+
Word count—16.2k
If someone had told Harry five years ago that he would have three movie roles under his belt before he turned thirty, he wouldn't have believed them. He might have even laughed.
He always had a fascination with the movie industry but his management had been strict for the majority of his career. He couldn't see a life past the music and the touring. He was so overworked and controlled, he couldn't imagine them loosening the reigns. But now he was his own person. Solidified and powerful enough to go after what he wanted. He worked with his team now. He wasn't controlled like a money-making puppet anymore.
His latest film had wrapped up filming a few days prior. But he stuck around in Venice, not wanting to leave it just yet. He'd traveled all over the world. Seen wonders and sights that measured to indescribable beauty. But Italy was different.
Italy was golden sun bouncing off calm rivers. It was orange juice and charcoal on sketching paper.
It was a yellow villa, soft and selfless and simple.
With his fans crowding the streets for a glimpse of him, he holed up in his hotel room, brushing up on his Italian. They were camping outside in diminishing numbers and while he wanted to be kind, he couldn't help but wish he could have an ounce of privacy. At least while he was filming a movie, of all things.
Inwardly, he wondered how much of this film hadn't been spread across social media already.
He loved being on set. Truly. He loved that the different call times kept him on his toes. He loved getting to know the crew and his co-stars. He loved memorizing his script and finessing how to deliver his lines.
And above anything else, he loved pretending to be someone else.
But, however good his acting skills were, he couldn't hide his embarrassment at how his job was treated like a meet and greet. He felt like he was causing a strain on the entire film crew by simply being there to do his job. He'd been anxious showing up on set and filming scenes.
Italy had been a nice change in pace from the UK. It was sunny and exciting and, yeah, he'd be lying if he said he didn't think of Irene almost every moment.
He wondered where she was now. All this time on, was she still in her yellow villa? Taking dips in the pristine river with Cannoli, sneaking into her neighbors garden to pick fresh fruits from it. Drawing lovers, those who had passed and those to come. He wondered what kind of lucky lovers she'd had since him. And if, like him, she'd wish they were someone else. Him.
Did she think of him as often as he thought of her?
As Harry lay in the sheets that morning, he knew he wanted to leave those four walls.
His bodyguard, Ren, hadn't woken up yet, mostly because Harry had encouraged him to have a sleep in. He was in the next room over, unaware that Harry's inner turmoil was rooted to a single soul in a golden yellow villa.
He could have kicked himself for not getting her number or literally any way to reach her. But, at the time, it was meant to be as it was. Bittersweet goodbyes, reaching out to each other only in dreams.
He couldn't separate himself from her. From the life she lived and the day she'd given him. It was dreamlike, a glimpse into a life he'd desire if he wanted to simply exist. On his back, while the current of the river rushed around each cell in his body.
It's important to do things for yourself. Think of this river as your life. The current is something you can't control, but you can choose to struggle against it or float with it.
He'd close his eyes and envision that he was back there. The crisp water enveloping him and washing everything away except for the essences that made the existence of him. If he focused, he could hear it. The turquoise water, serene and refreshing. He could hear Cannoli's needy little yaps. He could hear Irene's playful laugh. Hear the pencil sketching the paper. Hear her asking for a kiss.
Hear her soft little moans as she rode his face. Hear her sharp cries of his name as he fucked her on that tiny sofa.
Harry growled and clenched his jaw, fisting the sheets at his sides. His cock hardening at the thought of her, pressed up against his abdomen underneath his sweat pants. He often did this.
Thought of her while he shamelessly fucked his hand.
But this time it was so much more. He was in the same country as the one they'd met in. There were reminders of her everywhere. In the art he saw, in the azure skies, in the orange juice that came with his room service every morning. She tasted heavenly after a sip of citrus. Fresh and addictive. Almost as deliciously sweet as between her legs.
He could remember every sense he experienced with her so vividly.
So, he let his hand slip into his pants, the tip of his length wet with pre-come. He breathed out softly, his arousal magnifying as he gripped his length in his hand. He slid his sweatpants off and got comfortable, settling into the crisp sheets. He sighed, his brow creasing as he took himself in his fist again.
His skin felt silky and quickly became rock hard in his tightening grip. He brought his hand up, spitting into it before returning it to his cock. A deep, rumbling moan traveled from his chest and up his throat. Tumbling from lips the same raspberry hue as the tip of his dick.
He kept his rings on. Loving how they felt against his skin, rolling and adding another sensation entirely.
His other hand spread along his lower tummy, sliding up along his pecs. His body felt electric, every touch sizzling underneath the surface and emerging from his pores in plumes of arousal. He thought of her, arching his neck and burrowing his head deep into the pillow. His hips shifted and rolled against his touch, his toes curling as he fucked himself with a tight grip.
He remembered her sweet words. How she called him beautiful. Told him to fuck her mouth. Then how she'd asked him to fuck her.
Harder, please.
Fuck, she was so kind to him. So giving. He'd thanked her for it. Then soon after, asked for her permission to come.
Harry had always had a vivid imagination. And for whatever reason, his memories with her were so much more vibrant than they were with anyone else. Therefore, imagining that she was wrapped around him instead of his hand was easy to do.
Please, don't stop.
Fuck, he wanted her. Wanted her artistic mind, her colourful words, and her beautifully shaped body. Her delicious curves, his hands wrapped around her thighs, tracing the delicate stretch marks along them.
His fist tightened around his shaft, his pace picking up until his hand was almost a blur. She was dreamy. Wet in the river, sweet from orange juice, flirtatious from red wine. Her cunt was a plush heaven, even more so on that next morning when he'd woken up next to her and couldn't help but have her.
Come for me, Harry.
He gritted his teeth, rocking his hips up desperately as his orgasm loomed. It tightened in his balls, warmed his stomach. His toes tingled, his body was hot and slick from how hard and fast he was working his body.
He let a long, drawn-out moan into the air of the room as his climax hit, his other hand fisting his hair in euphoria. His hand and stomach soon painted in his orgasm. He pumped his hand slowly, reveling in his high before relaxing into the sheets.
An exploration of his hand found his release all over his rings, decorating the jewelry. Still so out of it, he sucked his thumb into his mouth, tasting himself. Wishing she were tasting him instead. Licking his come off his fingers like he was now.
He shook his head with a smile. He had always been a highly sexual person and she was the one person he didn't think he could ever survive. If he ever had the chance again. He internally mapped out the rest of his time in Italy, wondering if he had the time to slip towards Rome and her little yellow villa.
After a quick shower to freshen and clean up, he dressed in a pair of corduroy shorts, a beige shirt, and his checkered vans. He hadn't shaved in a couple of days and the facial hair was quite freeing, he didn't shave when he was at his most relaxed.
He slipped on his aviators as someone knocked at his door. He brushed his hair away from his face with his jeweled fingers before peeping through the hole. On the other side was his bodyguard, Ren, dressed and ready to go. Harry sighed, flexing his dimple and opening it.
"Morning." His tone was cheerful as always, Ren raising his brows at the fact that he was already dressed.
"Good morning, sleep okay?"
"Yeah, not too bad." Harry smiled. "Yourself?"
"Good. Where we off to today?"
Harry felt kind of bad. He figured he'd only need him during filming but judging by the crowds that gathered at set locations, his guard felt it anything but safe to leave him by himself. That's why it shocked him when Harry clicked his tongue and broke the news.
"Just me today."
Ren looked at him for a second, gauging to see if he was serious before he burst out laughing. "Good one, chief! Had me for a second there."
"I'm... being serious. Kinda just wanna go for a wander. Take pictures and stuff."
"Harry..." Ren shook his head, his hands on his hips. "It's not safe."
"Heaps of people think I've left, though. I'll be an hour tops. You can put your feet up, relax a bit. I'll text you if I need anything."
He just glared, not amused at all. He thought Harry was being irresponsible. At the end of the day, Harry was his employer and if he wanted a bit of alone time, the most Ren could do was advise against it. The crowds that waited for Harry had died down plenty by that point but that did nothing to lessen or ease his worry about it.
Harry pouted. "It's just an hour."
He rolled his eyes, hating when he acting like this. "Fine. An hour. I'm not happy about this, H."
"You won't regret it. Go relax, call the wife and that."
While it would appear ridiculous to some, it was a large victory to Harry. He thought he'd gotten quite good at being stealthy when he went out. That being said, cameras always found him. So... not stealthy really.
He grabbed his camera, slinging the strap over his neck and grabbing his phone, wallet and his hotel room key. He'd wanted to explore a little bit of Venice with his co-star before he had left but they both inwardly agreed it would cause a fuss neither of them wanted.
Harry wasn't sure exactly why he'd stuck around. Maybe because he wanted to live in this moment of his life a little longer. Maybe because the last time he was in this country, he had experienced something that had truly stuck with him. Immerged his soul into truly living.
And maybe, just maybe, he'd run into that feeling again.
It was another gloriously sunny day in Venice. He kept his head down, his march fast-paced. He stopped and snapped pictures with his camera, working to get the angles of the things he found beautiful. He adored the architecture, how pristine it was and how smooth the canals were. They didn't compare to Irene's river but were beautiful nonetheless.
His rings glistened under the sun as he lifted his camera to snap a shot of the canal. He had to hide a smirk at the fact that not long ago, they'd been covered in his orgasm before he'd licked them clean.
The sun was healing, browning his skin, warming his inked arms. Offering the perfect lighting for his camera roll and exposing every hidden gem the city had to offer.
He knew people were noticing him and taking pictures. He could always tell and he tried his best to ignore it all unless they actively approached him. He walked along the side of the canal, glancing into stores as he went and admiring the wares they had. Then, he spotted a group of girls notice him and yell excitedly, pointing at him and encouraging stares his way.
He tried to keep himself calm, feeling like he was about to be swarmed and suddenly kicking himself for being so careless. He didn't want to look like he was running but he also didn't want to stick around and cause a scene. He should have known that one fucking day to himself would be too much to ask.
After crossing a bridge and slipping down a side street, he glanced behind him and nudged his sunglasses higher up the bridge of his nose. He breathed out a puff of air, frustrated and vexed at how his day had flipped so quickly. He had to circle back around to where he just was to get back to the hotel.
He peered around the corner, wincing at the sight of a group of excited girls scanning for him. He ventured further down the side street, emerging onto another small row of shops. He felt like he was being caged in. Trapped. He could call Ren but he was still a sitting duck out in the open.
To his left, the girls closed in but hadn't spotted him yet. And to his right, a store that stopped him dead in his tracks. He wasn't sure why but all the moisture stripped from his mouth and his intrigue piqued tenfold.
It was quaint, an abundance of citrus hues and yellows. The name was sprawled in a handwritten font, Amore e Arte and as he neared closer to it, so did the group of fans. He ducked his head and slipped inside, closing the door behind him.
It was a small gallery of sorts, handcrafted pottery, paintings, and drawings spread along an array of canvases. Smatterings of paint, or simply shaded charcoal or pencil. An easel sat at the back, not too far from it was a pottery wheel.
The store itself was open and bright, a perfect partner to showcase the true art showcased. Whoever manned the store wasn't there, but he could hear someone in a back room and he figured he'd leave them to it. He wanted to calm down before he alerted them of his presence in their store.
Harry slipped behind a shelf of unfinished paintings as the group of fans marched past the storefront. He released a sigh of relief when they didn't even look in.
His camera was heavy around his neck, his throat a little parched from his efforts. He pocketed his sunglasses and sent a text to Ren, letting him know what had happened, that he was safe, and his location. Harry rolled his eyes at his response, a smug I told you so. Sit tight, on my way.
With another sigh, Harry ventured deeper into the store and he couldn't shake the feeling that the art style of some pieces were so familiar. Something so personal about the strokes and the shading.
Like it was a song he'd heard before, or a familiar spice long before tasted.
It was then that he saw it. In watercolour but clear as day. A little yellow villa, red roses, oranges, and a little dog curled up in the garden. He thought he had imagined it. Maybe he missed that little villa so much that he saw it in everything. To a point where it showed up in places like a teasing mirage.
"Is that you, paperotto?"
And then he thought he was definitely imagining things. Was he still in his hotel sheets dreaming of her? No, her voice was far too vivid for it to be a reverie.
He turned and he genuinely couldn't believe it. Irene. Delightful and beautiful. Her hair was shorter now, he noticed. Her eyes were still so warm and kind. Her lips always turned up in a small smile.
"Irene." He frowned, still trying to wrap his head around the fact that she was in front of him. "Am I dreaming?"
She giggled, soft and wispy before brushing her hair away from her face. "No, am I?"
"No." He shook his head with a chuckle, finally moving towards her.
He wasn't really sure how to approach her. They'd not seen each other in a very long time but he'd also thought about her while his hand was wrapped around his cock that morning. Did he hug her? Shake her hand? Fall to his knees and confess how much he missed her?
But, before he could have a full-on complex over it, she pulled him in for a hug. It was warm, close, and calming. He expected nothing less from her and he suddenly felt his chest become tight. Humans like her were so fucking rare and he didn't realise just how much he'd missed her soulful presence.
"So... this is a coincidence." He spoke into her hair.
"You always find me when you need me the most. Are you okay?" She pulled away, leaning back on the counter and he mirrored her.
Could she sense his skin-deep panic? Maybe she saw how disheveled he looked and just knew. Her words resonated deeply because, in a sense, they were true. Then where was she when he'd dreamed of her so much he felt like he'd lived an entire lifetime with her in a parallel dimension?
Cloudy skies viewed from rivers, broken apart by the trees framing the banks. Branches, and leaves interrupting the blue. She was everything it enticed and more. He'd tried other rivers and he was quick to realise it had always been her. Not the setting, but the beings within it.
"Just finished filming a movie-"
"Wait, you're a movie star, too? You've been busy."
Harry breathed out a laugh at that. "Yeah, it's been fun. Wanted to come out and get some pictures but a group of fans spotted me and I..." Harry twisted his lips, mildly embarrassed. "I ran."
"You ran?" She raised her brows, genuinely concerned for him. She peeked out the window but didn't see any crazed girls after him.
"First time out by myself, thought I could handle it. Wishful thinking." He muttered, glancing at his shoes before his eyes trailed up her body. A tiny sky blue dress that he really didn't mind looking at.
"Well, of course. You deserve some time to yourself. You work so hard. I'm sorry that happened, I know it can't be easy. You love them for all they do but some days you want to be away from it all."
"Exactly." He agreed, still in shock that he'd stumbled into her. "Is this store yours?"
"I wish." She huffed, crossing her arms. "An old man owns it, lets me sell some of my art here and work a few shifts."
He nodded to the pottery. "Did you make those?"
"I did. It's actually quite fun, have you tried it?" She walked over to the pottery wheel.
"No, not seriously." He laughed.
Irene's heart hadn't stopped racing since she'd stepped out from the backroom to find him standing in the middle of the store. A man she didn't think she'd see ever again. Dressed exquisitely, his tattoos dark and even more impressive than she remembered.
She thought of him more often than she'd care to admit. How lost and timid he was on the doorstep of her yellow villa.
She'd fantasised about how it might be to run into him again. Maybe if she was wandering the streets of London, turning a corner and bumping into him. Perhaps showing up to one of his gigs or maybe he'd even return to her villa one day. But she never could have imagined this.
He'd slipped into this store for shelter, and what were the chances that it was the one she was working in?
She was a beacon of refuge for him. Almost as if his soul knew the way to her, treating his body like an unsuspecting puppet, mapping his steps and guiding him to her.
"You left the villa?"
His favourite bright golden dream.
She smiled, sensing how fond he was of it. "Just for a little while, I needed a change in scenery. My brother keeps it standing."
"So where do you live now?"
While there wasn't even an inclination of something suggestive behind his question, their eyes met and they were both thinking about the same thing.
Her day had been quiet business-wise. Her boss was out of town for the rest of the day and it took her all of two seconds of deliberation before she was grabbing her store keys and locking the shop door.
"A little apartment out the back. Come, I'll show you."
Harry raised a brow at her sudden burst of movement, watching with an intrigued smile and then gasping when she grabbed his hand and led him through the back.
An open courtyard, framed by vines crawling up the pale pink exterior. The cobblestone beneath his feet felt ancient, intricate depictions that heightened his adoration. There was a fountain in the center of it, trickling peacefully in its ornate design.
He couldn't help but lift his camera and take some pictures of the fountain, the garden of the window above with a flower box, simple and perfect.
Irene watched him admire the space she'd gotten so used to. A quaint little home with all the same charm as her villa. She'd revived the garden in the courtyard, now alive with birds and insects. A small bench where she often sat during the warm evenings with a glass of wine or in the mornings with a jug of orange juice.
She'd planted an abundance of pink dahlias in the flowerbeds, brighter against the pale pink of the walls. Ensuring the space could be her little pink paradise.
And he could feel it. Feel the peace and tranquility in it. Like her river, she'd brought him to a haven and he felt it wrap around him like a warm hug.
Irene intruded the quiet of the courtyard with a whistle. Harry turned, confused and lost. But then he saw a familiar furry face. Four-legged, and as excited as ever, little Cannoli.
Harry gasped, crouching to meet his excitement. "Hey, little guy!"
The dog yapped, leaping up and licking at his face in delight. Harry scrunched his face up and groaned through a tight smile.
"He missed you." She laughed, knowing she missed him far more than her little dog did.
"He's gotten fat." Harry accused through narrowed eyes.
"Only a little bit!" She defended. "The butcher around the corner feeds him scraps all day."
"Lucky boy." Harry crooned, scratching behind the dog's ears. He stood, taking in the area again.
His next dreams would be more vibrant. Pink buildings and fuchsia flowers and sky blue dresses.
"How much of Venice have you seen?"
Harry shrugged, flipping through the exposure settings on his camera. "Not much. The canals, the view from my hotel room."
She felt a rush of sadness fill her veins. He was missing out on such a beautiful city because people didn't understand the concept of privacy. He was treated like a zoo animal on display to be stared at and fascinated over. He was treated like he owed them something.
"Well, that won't do." She said matter-of-factly.
"What?" Harry raised a brow and she grabbed his shoulders, guiding him to sit on the bench.
"Don't go anywhere." She instructed. He could have laughed because where the fuck else would he rather be?
She opened the front door to her little apartment and he clicked his tongue. "What, I don't get a tour?"
"Patience, paperotto."
Irene changed into her worn converse, grabbed her little purse, throwing the strap over her shoulder before retrieving Cannoli's leash. He was loyal and well trained but she felt safer having it on hand just in case.
Harry sat patiently, happy to submit as he lulled his head back and stared up at the sky. He'd do this often since he met her, imagining he was floating downstream on his back with her. He'd done it while he was filming in Venice, too. Between resets and setups for different shot angles.
Let his gaze fall to the giant blue and melt his thoughts away. Her dress matched the open sky. And he knew he'd be staring at it as long as she was wearing it.
Perhaps even still when it was a pool of azure on her bedroom floor.
When she emerged from her house, she stood in the doorway and admired him. His arms spread along the back of the bench, his legs spread freely as he wobbled them back and forth. He looked so much powerful. More solidified in himself.
Even in a year, he looked stronger. Like he hadn't aged physically but was more grown. His shoulders broader, the muscles in his inked arms more prominent. His jawline was dangerously sharp. His hair was glossy in the sun and he ran a hand through it as if he knew she was paying attention to it.
He noticed her, leaning in the doorframe and he wanted so badly for her to let him in. Into her home. Back into her heart. But he wanted to prove that he could offer more than a night or two with her. He just wasn't sure what more could ensue for their connection.
"You ready?"
"For what?" He frowned.
"Sedersi," Irene ordered Cannoli, waiting until he sat obediently at her feet." We're going to be your personal tour guides."
Harry's mind flashed back to the screaming fans and he winced. "I don't think-"
"And before you worry about getting followed, I know the secret routes and quiet spots. You deserve to experience the beauty of this place uninterrupted just like everyone else. I'll show you my favourite hidden spots, and the best food you'll ever taste."
He had really missed her voice. The way her accent carried every word downstream, curling them through her full lips.
His heart careened in his chest. He'd missed her so much. How did he live so long with only the memory of her?
"I'd really love that."
An abrupt series of knocks on the store door pulled them both from the moment. Irene raised a brow at the aggressive manner and Harry closed his eyes with a sigh.
"That might be Ren."
She frowned. "Who's Ren?"
"My bodyguard. I told him I was here. Before, you know, I knew you were here."
"Where was he when you were getting chased?"
Harry twisted his lips ruefully. "Kinda told him to take the day off."
"Smart move." She remarked jokingly and he threw her an unamused look before heading back into the store.
Ren was a sweaty mess. He'd texted Harry, and after receiving no reply, assumed the worst. Little did he know that Harry was far too distracted to even be thinking about his phone at all. He didn't even notice it buzzing in his pocket.
But he was fuming. Relieved that Harry was still in one piece, but fuming nonetheless. It didn't help that Harry opened the door with Irene's key and a big smile that only vexed him further.
"The fuck, man? Been trying to call you." He could have hit him. He really wanted to. He'd been worried sick since Harry left the hotel and seeing Harry so relaxed post his drastic text didn't do anything to lessen his stress.
"I'm sorry," Harry defended. "I ran into an old friend, we got busy chatting and it totally slipped my mind to check my phone."
"An old friend? Do you realise how worried I was? I thought yo-"
"Ren, stop." Harry hissed quietly, aware that Irene was coming up behind him.
"What do you mean stop? You think you can just- Oh. Ciao."
Irene peeked around Harry's shoulder, giving a soft smile. "Ciao, I'm Irene."
Ren shot his brows up at Harry who was bugging his eyes out at him. He cleared his throat and softened his expression. "Ren."
"It's lovely to meet you."
Harry grinned down at her. Ren stared at the slight flush in his cheeks and suppressed a smirk. She was ethereal, radiating a warm and kind aura that he could pick up on straight away. It was his job to read people, and she wasn't the type of woman he was used to Harry having around. Soft and loving and earthly. Some old friend.
"Irene is going to show me around."
That wiped Ren's smile from his mouth. He gestured over his shoulder with his thumb. "Out there?"
"Out there." Harry nodded.
"I don't think that's wise." Ren had seen many groups of fans searching for him. The last thing he wanted to do was let him out of his sight again.
"I understand." She chimed in. "If you'd prefer to come with us-"
Harry shook his head, turning his gaze between the two. "He doesn't. He doesn't prefer that."
Ren frowned, confused but then suddenly caught on when Harry gave him a look that said, don't even think about it.
"I know Venice very well. And we have a guard dog." Irene assured, pointing to a little oblivious Cannoli who was chewing on a toy.
"See? We're sorted here."
Ren sighed. There wasn't a lot he could do. He hoped Irene kept them off the main streets where the fans were hoping to snatch at him like vultures. Harry was his own person. As much as it was Ren's job, if Harry said he didn't need him, he had to listen.
"Fine." He muttered, still not happy about it. "I'm a text away, okay?"
"You got it." Harry nodded, suddenly sounding very chipper.
Ren decided to stay in their proximity, finding a small café to stop at for some lunch. He never let his phone out of his sight, ready to come to Harry's rescue.
Irene giggled, patting her leg to get Cannoli's attention. "Let's go, boys! Lot's to do, lot's to see."
As it turned out, she knew Venice like the back of her hand. Each side street a vein, hiding them from persistent fans. She navigated them away from busier places with ease, still making it exciting for him. She told him tales of old buildings, pointing out things for him to take pictures of.
He plucked a small yellow flower from a vine, holding it out to her with a courteous bow.
"Un fiore per me?" She giggled, thanking him and gasping when he pulled it from her reach.
"May I?"
She nodded, not knowing what he was asking for but ready to give him whatever he wanted. He tucked the flower behind her ear, letting his fingers dance along her cheek for a fraction of a second. His touch was brief but they both felt it tingling in their skin for a long time.
He brought his camera up to his eye, squinting as he aimed it at her. "Smile, darlin'."
She tilted her head to the side a little, showcasing his gift proudly. He snapped the picture of her. Stood against the vine of yellow flowers and green entwining them together.
Blue skies, pink heavens, teal rivers, orange juice. He knew he'd keep this picture of her in his wallet. Keep her essence close to him. Fiore. A small, delicate flower he'd treasure forever.
They stepped into an ice cream shop, needing something to cool them off. Cannoli lapped at a water bowl provided while they stood outside under the shade with a cone each in their hands.
"I don't think I've ever tried mint chocolate chip ice cream." She commented on his flavor.
Harry stared, dumbfounded. "What? Are you kidding? You've never tried mint chocolate chip? It's my favourtite."
She laughed at his reaction, her tongue stained pink from her raspberry scoop. "Maybe I have, but I didn't like it very much."
"No, I will not accept this." He shoved his ice cream in her face with a determined expression. "This is the best I've ever had. Promise."
She licked a bold stripe along the frozen treat tentatively. Harry's breath caught in his throat at the sight of her tongue. He was taken back to how good she was for him, so good at having his cock on her tongue before sliding down her throat-
"Okay, it's not bad."
"Better than yours." His mouth made a beeline towards her scoop sat atop the waffle cone in her hand.
She knocked it upwards, a dollop of raspberry ice cream smearing on his nose. "Cattivo!"
He yelled dramatically, using his fingers to wipe the ice cream from his nose. After innocently checking to make sure no one was watching, she grabbed his wrist. Her touch burned straight through his anchor and into every cell beneath it.
When she sucked on his fingertips to clean him of the ice cream, he just about melted into a puddle at her feet.
He'd dreamt of her so often she had no choice but to be a part of his life again. And now here she was, being free and brave with him and willing him to do the same.
Harry hadn't travelled like this before. Or, at least, in a very long time. Where he could exist and simply be human. Get excited over everything travelling offered, take pictures and let his jaw drop and his excitement run as rampant as the currents of her river.
They kept to more secluded spots, staying out of sight just in case. He couldn't keep his eyes off her for long. Admiring the sights for a time but then watching her. While she marveled at the views, he was marveling at her.
"So, how was filming?" She asked.
"It was amazing." Harry smiled with his dimples on full display. "I think it's definitely going to be different for people to see me in that light, you know? I like acting, pretending to be someone that isn't me... It's refreshing."
Harry felt like he had been acting for most of his career. Trained in how to act and talk, falling into a persona that slowly deteriorating who he actually was. But his recently found freedom and withdrawal from that stage in his life had done wonders for him. He was more comfortable in his skin, knowing there wasn't an evil team of management treating him like their puppet.
"I'm excited to see it."
He grinned, looking down at her as they meandered along the canal. "Yeah?"
"Mmhm. See my little paperotto on the big screen."
"Love a little romantic drama, do you?"
"How we met is a romantic drama, Harry."
"So true." He laughed. Their hands brushed between them, roaring rivers, gifted flowers. She felt so good. In her soft touches, the way she spoke. Everything about her was just so pure.
They walked for hours. Stopping routinely so Harry could take pictures while she told him about different areas. They stopped by the Rialto Bridge, and Irene took a picture of him with the iconic setting in the background. Cannoli was his usual behaved self, happy to trot along beside them with a wagging tail. Harry texted Ren often, ensuring him he was safe.
It was seeping to the evening by the time they made it to the Grand Canal. Most of the city's locals retracting to their homes, the streets far less busy now.
The sky melted above them. A composition of burnt oranges and fiery pinks, the golden yellow of the sun bleeding along the edges of the horizon as it gave the stage to the moon.
Irene approached a man balanced in a gondola, paddling towards the dock and wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.
"Buonasera!" She smiled sweetly. "Puoi portarci a fare un giro?"
"Ho finito per la giornata."
Irene pouted and clasped his hands together. "Per favore, ti supplico."
The man grumbled under his breath. "Entra."
"Grazie." She gasped, clapping her hands together.
Harry held her hand as she stepped into the boat, watching her legs as she balanced and sat down. He sifted through his wallet, producing a few notes and she spied a folded page, a glimpse at a textured paper she knew all too well. But then he closed his wallet and she snapped out of her thoughts.
He slipped the gondolier a stack of cash, more than enough Euros to cover the fare. He sat next to her, his arm around her shoulders. He let his fingers play with her hair, watching how the sunset danced through the brown tendrils.
Cannoli peered over the edge as they set off, the gondolier humming a tune as they rowed down the canal. Harry's other hand reached over and came to rest on her thigh. They fell into a comfortable embrace, wrapped up in each other.
"Sei in ognuno dei miei sogni." Her confession was spoken so softly that he almost missed it.
He loved when she spoke Italian. It was wispy and creamy, almost. Slipping past his ears, melting into a sweet symphony in his eardrums.
"What does that mean?"
She smiled, moving closer to him as they floated under a bridge. "You're in every one of my dreams."
His heart dropped from its pedestal in his chest and straight into her waiting palms.
They felt so much for each other at that moment. They hadn't forgotten one another since he stumbled upon her little yellow villa. She'd accepted him there so openly because, in a way, it had been fate. And they'd been brought together when he needed her most. Needed her sanctum and her guidance.
You always find me when you need me the most.
"Sei in ognuno dei miei sogni, fiore."
His arm around her shoulder tightened, pressed her up to him. He was so close, she could smell his cologne. See how his nose was a little red from all the sun he'd gotten. Stubble along his jaw and upper lip, a naked and vulnerable look in his eyes.
She tilted her head, blinking and staring at his lips. She knew them well and thought of them often. How they felt against her own. On her neck, her breasts.
Between her legs.
His hand on her shoulder squeezed almost pleadingly. His grip on her thigh crept higher with each passing second and she suddenly felt like she was back in her river with him. Aimlessly floating, purposefully existing for the soul next to her.
His lips brushed hers and she inhaled a sharp breath at the sensation of him again.
Cannoli, blissfully unaware of the moment he was about to ruin, let out an alarmed yap at a small flock of birds paddling past the gondola. Irene gasped in fright, pulling away and tutting at him. Harry swallowed, his ears ringing at the idea of having her that close again.
They passed under another bridge and he took a second to gather himself, toying with his camera. He tried to veer his attention back to the beauty of Venice but his eyes started to blur and distort everything that wasn't her.
As the sun set, the lights of the city lit up to replace it. Irene subtly leaned into him as they floated down the current. He was precious, pointing at things he liked, taking pictures of the sights and even more of her.
Glowing golden lights twinkled along the border of the canal, igniting the couple in a transcendent and heavenly radiance. He couldn't stop taking pictures of her. She wrinkled her nose, grabbing for it and angling herself so she was leaning in front of him. She aimed the lens at him and he shied away, holding a hand in front of it.
"Don't be shy. You look dreamy, I want to take a picture."
He smiled, reaching for the camera but she pulled away. "Come here. I want one of us together."
Seemingly happy to meet him halfway, she slipped him the camera and settled back next to him. Scooting up real close so they could both fit in the frame.
"Come." She ordered Cannoli to join them on their laps, who was more than happy to do so with his tongue sticking out one side of his mouth.
"You ready?" Harry checked as she posed.
"Come closer." He instructed, holding out the camera but knowing full well they were in the frame. She got closer, their faces pressed together. "Three, two..."
His spare hand gripped her chin and their lips met in a long-awaited kiss. One. The shutter clicked, the picture was taken at the moment their lips locked.
She tasted like everything he'd been dreaming about. A tall glass of orange juice, a dive into a rushing river, a glance at a summer blue sky. Heavenly. Devine. Everything pure about life all wrapped into one person.
Soft here, too.
It was slow at first. Tentative almost. Nervous as to how willing the other person was while they scrambled to get on the same page. And then, they found a rhythm. One that he felt in the pit of his belly in the form of butterflies. His lips cradled her lower one, nibbling on it a little before he took her deeper, his tongue flicking out to meet hers.
Kissing her again. It was every kind of bliss he'd imagined it would be.
Her hand met his thigh, corduroy beneath her fingertips that she squeezed. She'd missed him. She never thought she'd see him again but he was thrown into her life once more. Whether it be a higher power or a really funny coincidence, she was thankful.
She requested the gondolier to stop at an upcoming port. They hopped out and she gave Harry an incredulous look as he slipped him a few extra notes.
"Grazie!" They chorused with a wave.
"Amare l'un l'altro. L'amore è più lungo della vita."
Harry shot her a raised brow and she shrugged. "He said he liked your shirt."
He stared down at the fabric, pinching it at the hem and admiring it. "It's new."
She would tell him everything sweet and more. But first, she wanted to see where his head was at. And she wanted to do it in her own words.
They dined at a small restaurant on the canal. Adorned with an array of golden bulbs that glistened off the water. She ordered him her favourite dishes, the Italian cuisine so much more to him when it came from her. Like she knew what would make his taste buds dance.
They sipped on glasses of deep red wine and he couldn't help but notice it was the same as the one they'd indulged on in her villa. On her patio with the Italian countryside sculpted before them. Not long before she started to draw him. And then kissed him.
He kept one hand on her knee, massaging and squeezing, his thumb tracing circles into her skin. He kissed her a lot because he couldn't get enough. Seizing small pecks between bites of food or sips of wine. She threw Cannoli scraps from her plate and praised him for such good behaviour.
They delved into a shared slice of chocolate cake, enjoying people watching over the canal. He'd barely been approached all day. But he internally knew there would probably be pictures of him all over social media. He could always sense when a camera was being pointed at him. But he was glad he had more space to breathe, at least.
They approached the counter to pay, happy with wine running through their veins. Happy that they both missed each other so much and couldn't hide it.
Harry opened his wallet and she put a hand on his wrist. "Harry, I can-"
"I'm paying."
"I don't feel comfortable-"
"Consider it a thank you for saving me. Twice."
She bit her lip with a nod. Not willing to fight him on it because she knew she wouldn't win. And then she saw that folded page in his wallet again and this time she was sure she knew exactly what it was.
They exited onto the street, and she gently grabbed his hand and let their fingers intertwine. He grinned, pulling her close and cupping her cheek before planting a kiss on her forehead. The flower somehow still wedged behind her ear, hard to shake much like his adoration for her.
An exposed bar sported a live band, lit in candlelight that twinkled as beautifully as the ivory keys of the piano. Harry slowed to a stop, smiling down at her and wiggling his brows.
"Un ballo, fiore?"
She laughed softly, turning to face him as he placed a hand on her waist and grabbed her hand with the other. In their own world, between a lively bar and the canal, they danced. Slowly, mesmerized with each other. Crazed at how they'd been brought together by the universe once more.
"You kept the drawing." She whispered into his ear shyly, their cheeks pressed together.
The drawing she'd done of him at her little yellow villa. Sat on the bank of the river with Cannoli next to him, and a little duck. It was a venturing statement, but she knew after seeing it that second time that she was right.
"Of course I did. Had to keep you close to me somehow." He felt the weight of it in his wallet every time. "I want to thank you."
"For what?"
"For saving me. Again. For showing me around and for giving me something I'd never thought I'd have. This would have been nothing without you. You're so special to me, I hope you know that."
You always find me when you need me the most.
"You're so special, Harry. I could never forget how special you are. I went for swims every day but it wasn't the same without you."
"I never forgot how good it felt. What you said stuck with me. That the river is like life. The current is something you can't control. You can choose to struggle against it or float with it. I remembered that when I couldn't remember anything else. When I was struggling."
"I'm glad."
She felt so close to him. She could feel the heat radiating from his body. Feel the longing reaching from his soul to hers. They danced like no one was watching. As if they were two simple lovers and nothing more.
Until they were reminded with a flash of a camera that they were anything but.
Harry sighed, shielding her with his body. And as the song concluded, so did their bubble of privacy. Popped. A vivid reminder of how they'd found each other again.
As he was noticed by a couple more people, Irene gripped his hand tightly and called Cannoli to follow. They zigzagged down side streets, crossing bridges and avoiding crowds. As much as he hated having to do it, staying hidden in plain sight was quite exciting when it was with her.
They made it back to the pink heaven of her courtyard, sat on the bench wrapped up in each other. The sky had long since melted from its caramel hue into a burning violet, strains of darkness bleeding into it. They kissed for ages. Too enthralled with being together again.
Golden lights reflected off the pink walls, igniting the firmament between them and the one that surrounded them.
"Do you enjoy it? Venice, I mean."
She pursed her lips in thought. "I do. It's different. I like to move around and travel a lot, which keeps me inspired for my work. That's why I came here."
"I'm glad you did." He smiled softly.
"Me too." She agreed before kissing him again. She smirked against his lips. "Wanna get high?"
They soon found themselves on their packs on a patch of grass in the courtyard, the fountain trickling nearby. Surrounded by pink dahlias while the sky put on a dazzling show of stars for them. The buzz tingled through their whole bodies, transfixed on each other and how blissful today had been. The lit joint was sucked between her lips with a deep inhale before she passed it to him.
"Wanna ride a shooting star." He said aimlessly.
The mental image made her laugh. "Like one of those mechanical bulls?"
"Yeah." He narrowed his eyes, holding his hands out. "Like how sick would that be? Riding a rock through space?"
"So sick." She agreed, fully getting it now. His mind was racing at the idea of seeing the universe that way, riding shooting stars to get to different milky ways and planets.
"Space uber." He jutted his lower lip out, nodding at his impressive pitch.
"I can't believe I asked you if you were any good at music." She laughed about their first meeting when she'd asked what he did for a living. She had no clue who he was even after he told her that he was a musician.
He chuckled. "It was... humbling."
"I googled you after you left."
"You didn't..."
"But you're a movie star now, did the music not work out?"
With a shrug, he took a long drag of the joint before slowly exhaling. "Been writing some stuff for another album but I'm just having fun trying new things."
She leaned up on her elbow, facing him with a sudden burst of excitement. "You wanna try something else new?"
And while his brain was reeling and seaming with different things he'd be willing to try with her, she got to her feet and pulled him up impatiently. He decided to go with the flow. She slipped off his rings one by one, slowly and watching him from underneath her lashes. His heart was just about beating out of his chest and she dropped the jewelry into his palm with a harmony of clinks.
He slipped them into his pocket and she grabbed his hand. She led them back into the store, flicking on a couple of dimmed lights. She buzzed around the room, readying it for their next activity. Harry stared, raking his fingers through his hair, sure it was a mess at that point.
"What are you up to, little fiore?"
She grabbed a ball of clay, one she'd kneaded earlier that day so it was bubble-free, and then got the pottery wheel spinning. She pointed to the stool in front of it.
"Plant it, paperotto."
Harry grinned, taking a seat and staring at the wheel as it spun around. "Something new, huh?"
"Si, qualcosa di nuovo."
She sat on his lap until he scooched back a little so she could sit comfortably between his thighs. She centered the clay on the wheel, perfectly wet for her to work with. His hands trickled down her arms as she turned back to look at him.
"What should we make?" She queried, grinning when he nudged his nose against hers.
"Surprise me."
Her hands molded the clay, creating a taller form that he watched come to life. "Give me your hands."
She placed them over the clay forming tall, curving in and hollowing out at the top. He spread his hands along it, the clay cold under his touch.
"Like this?"
"You can press a little bit. Mold it to how you want." She guided him, her hands over his applying pressure to his fingers. His chin was on her shoulder and his cheek pressed against hers. "That's good."
He hummed and she felt it rumble in his chest against her back. He turned his face in towards hers and she took his mouth in a deep, lush kiss. He sighed at the feel of her. Completely distracted, their tongues met in a frenzy. He sucked on hers, loving the taste of her. Addicted. She could feel his stirring arousal against her back and she deflected a whimper by kissing him deeper.
"Harder." She said against his lips.
It took him a second to realise she was talking about his hands on the molding clay. He'd honestly forgotten about it. His expression was surely exactly mirroring hers. Lulled eyes from the weed, cheeks hurting from smiling too much.
She felt his dick harden at her request and she flicked her tongue against his lower lip before turning back to the clay. It was slowly taking shape which would usually excite her but all she could think about was his body pressed against hers.
But she kept firm and determined, guiding him expertly around the wheel and talking about her skills. He loved hearing her talk about it. Like she was describing cloud formations or how the rain sounded pattering against the roof on a stormy day. So simple and calming.
"I like new things." He said after a while, addicted to the way it felt to be tucked behind her and creating something so unique.
Their hands were covered in the clay. Hers were tiny in comparison to his and it tugged at his heart every time he looked.
His body felt electric. Running his tongue along his teeth felt euphoric, her hands on his tingled. And every time she moved, his dick grew harder and harder.
"Creating things, molding it to the perfect shape. It's what we do to ourselves throughout life, don't you think?" Her hands squeezed his. "And sometimes we need help, but it makes us even better. Makes us appreciate the shape we become even more."
Is there ever a perfect time to tell someone that you had grown to love them? That you love their mind and their soul? How did he find the words to tell her that her heart was his favourite thing he'd ever encountered in his life? She was a continuous sanctuary, even when they'd been apart. Did she know? Did she grasp how much he cherished her?
"You're better than anything I could ever dream of," He said quietly, nestling into her neck and squeezing his arms around her. "everything beautiful that life has to offer and so much more."
"Tu sei tutto, sempre."
As limited as his Italian was, he knew that. Straight away. "Everything, always."
The clay set into a shape that was small round and hollow, slowly came to a stop on the wheel. It resembled a vase, imperfect, a little uneven around the neck but it was perfectly them.
She pursed her lips in thought, tilting her head from side to side at the art. Harry kissed her temple.
"What are you thinking, pretty?"
"It needs something."
"I need you." He muttered against her, bringing his hands to her thighs and smudging clay on the skin.
She giggled, tapping his hands and standing. She rummaged through her art supplies and Harry clenched his jaw and got up, locating a sink and thoroughly washing his hands.
He turned and she was bent over the counter, their pottery sat atop it. A small, sharp tool in her hand that she etched into the drying clay. He pressed himself up behind her, his hands finding her hips and squeezing the material of her dress until it rode up her thighs. The flower had fallen from behind her ear, sat on the counter next to the pottery.
He bent forward, folding himself over her and pressing his lips to the space where her jaw met her ear. And then he almost snorted when he viewed the addition to their creation. A little duck, a simple outline, slightly wonky but adorable nonetheless.
"You're never going to let me live that down, are you?" His voice rumbled in her ear.
She dropped the tool with a sigh, pushing her ass back against his crotch. "No."
"I missed you so much, you never left my mind." He told her, feeling the warmth of her skin against his length.
"Really. Think about you so much. Do some dirty things while I think about how pretty you are, how good it felt to be inside you."
"Tell me, Harry."
"I fuck my fist, come so hard in my hand and wish it was inside of you. I cry your name every time. Remember how nice you were for me, baby? Making dinner and then sitting on my face after?"
"Yes, I remember." She whimpered. "I think about you, too."
"Do you, honey? Tell me what you do."
His cock rocked against her ass, so hard for her. Her dress came up, bunched around her waist with her front pressed against the counter. His heavy breaths fanned against her cheek.
Her face heated. "I play with myself and think about how good you tasted me, Harry. How you made me come so hard."
"You came so hard, didn't you?"
"Fuck," She gasped. "Yes, Harry."
"Will you let me taste you, little fiore?" His hands clawed at her hips. "I missed how you feel on my tongue. Wanna see how wet you are for me, get you dripping before I give you my cock."
"Per favore."
"Good manners, thank you."
She whimpered in response and he kissed her neck, sucking and nibbling. His hands moved to the front of her thighs, squeezing. They fanned inwards, brushing the lace concealing her. He hissed, pulling away to admire the soft pink panties.
"Have you been hiding these under this sweet little dress all day, hm? Just for me?"
She didn't want to egg on his ego by admitting that she'd changed into them right before she changed her shoes earlier. Hoping he'd get a chance to see them. She simply nodded, turning back and watching him admire her.
His hands squeezed her hips some more before pulling the panties down. He'd missed her too much to delay tasting her any longer. He crouched behind her, settling on his knees and spreading her cheeks to look at her.
She stifled a moan above him, biting down on the back of her hand as the anticipation rocked her. She was saturated. Glistening pink, pulsing as his thumbs reached inwards and brushed her. Not where she needed him, but so close.
"What's got you this wet?" He mused, knowing full well he was to blame.
"Sì," She breathed out. "You."
"Then I better take care of you, shouldn't I?"
She smiled. "You better."
"Where are those manners?"
"Do you want me to sit on your face again?"
The idea didn't sound horrible but he left a quick, stinging slap to her ass. "What do you say?"
"Assaggiami, per favore."
His mouth enveloped her clit. Scorching hot and so sudden. Her legs shook as he sucked deftly before his tongue delved between her folds to taste her properly. She arched back into his face and he moaned, pulling away.
"There we go, missed you so much."
She collapsed into the countertop, her skin heated, tingling fiercely as he ate her. No one had given her so much attention. This kind of attention. He did it as if he were starving for her. While many treated it as a chore, he cherished it.
His hands wrapped around the backs of her thighs, right below her ass. He anchored them open as she shook on his mouth, so close from being high. High on him and the blunt they'd shared.
Her hand reached back to tangle in his curls, holding him in place. His teeth nipped at her clit before softening the act with his tongue.
He slipped a lone finger inside of her, her walls trembling and sucking at him desperately. He'd internally wondered if she'd been touched lately. But with how she was quivering for him and crying out his name, he doubted it. Or if anything, it wasn't any good.
Harry pulled away, gripping the skin of her ass. He admired how pretty she was in between her legs.
His pink paradise.
He helped her turn around, sitting her up on the counter and standing between her legs. Her body was so sensitive as he ran his hands down it, kissing her deeply as the pads of his fingertips found her clit. He circled it slowly, applying pressure that made her clench her legs around his hips.
"Is that good?" He checked in.
She mewled out a small, "Yes." And rolled her head back.
Her hips rocked up to his touch and he offered a sympathetic look. "What do you need, pretty? You want my fingers inside you?"
"Please." She gasped.
He slowly worked up her arousal, teasing her before he slipped two fingers inside of her. She clenched around them immediately and he hooked them up. His fingertips pressed tight against her g-spot before he started to massage it.
Everything from her waist down locked up tight. She gripped his neck to anchor herself, her fingernails digging into the skin. The clay dried on her hands and flaking off as she clung to him.
He hissed out a low noise at the sensation, moving his fingers faster. She cried out softly, allowing him to swallow her moans as he kissed her. It was wet, hot, frantic. As if allowing how pent up they'd been all day finally break open like a dam.
Leaning down, he put his mouth back on her, sucking her clit. She gasped, taking a fistful of his curls and holding him tight against her. His eyes didn't leave hers, obsessed with her blissed-out expression, the way her jaw was dropped, and her brows were turned up. Fuck, she felt so good. Tasted so good. He'd missed her like this and his memory, however strong, did not do her justice.
She often wondered if she'd potentially marveled over how good he was at eating pussy a little too much. But here he was, making her feel so insanely good she didn't know which way was up.
She could feel how much he missed her. Eating her and touching her so enthusiastically. Her orgasm rushed towards her, and as if sensing it, he moved his hand harder to work her g-spot with more intensity.
Tasting her again. It was every kind of bliss he'd imagined it would be.
He hummed, narrowing his eyes as she clenched and pushed around his fingers. Her gaze met his as she pushed breathless praise past her lips. Telling him how good he felt, how much she'd missed him, how no one else had ever made him feel this way.
Maybe it was because she was still a little buzzed, or maybe it was him. She came hard and fast, swimming in a euphoric bliss that had her shaking. She collapsed against the counter, cold against her back. Her thighs clenched around his head as he worked her through her orgasm.
"That's so good, honey, keep coming for me."
He didn't let up. Driving her already rapturous state higher and bleeding into another orgasm that tailed the first. She writhed against the counter, her moans echoing through the store. Her back was arched, pressing her cunt right up against his mouth.
He hummed against her, his fingers slowing to caress her as his lips met her inner thigh, kissing the skin there.
"Wanna make you come every day. Wake you up with my cock, put you to sleep at night after I've had you on my tongue."
He'd always been so vocal during sex. It was because he felt so comfortable in himself and his desires. So he'd babble, say whatever came to mind.
"Every day," She smiled as she tried to catch her breath. "do you promise?"
It was the first implication of any form of future for them. Two hearts careened behind two rib cages in joy.
"Te lo prometto, fiore."
He stood, cupping her face in his palms and kissing her.
"I need you, Harry. Please." Her hand came down to palm his length through his shorts. He was so hot and throbbed at her touch. Harry moaned at the feel of her.
They kissed deeply, frantically clutching each other. He grabbed her thighs, encouraging her to wrap her legs around his waist. His hands slid around her lower back to press her core against his. She pushed him away, standing and grabbing his hands to lead him from the store and back into the pink courtyard.
She fumbled with her key, struggling to unlock her front door. His hands gripped her sides, squeezing as his teeth marked her neck.
"Hurry up." He growled against her skin.
"I'm trying." She breathed out, her hands shaking as she tried to slip the key into the door.
Her entire body felt like jelly, hot as a furnace and tingling. Impatient, he grabbed the key and slipped it in, unlocking the door and guiding her past it before slamming it closed.
Her back was pressed against the door, his hands all over her, his mouth devouring hers. She took two fistfuls of his hair and kissed him strongly, sucking on his tongue with a hum. Her core rocked against his cock, so hard and firm beneath the corduroy of his shorts.
She slid her hand down while he unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it away to display the expanse of his long torso. Inked, toned, and delicious.
She palmed his dick, feeling him throb before pulling the zipper down and slipping her hand past the waistband to feel his silky skin. He was scorching hot, the tip of him wet with pre-come.
He sighed against her mouth at the feel of her. He pressed himself against her after stripping his shirt off, throwing it behind him on the ground.
She wrapped her hand around his shaft, pulling up slowly to get him fully hard for her. She bit on his lower lip before pulling away to look at him with a slow curling smile.
When her hand tightened and her pace quickened, he clenched his fist and knocked it against the door next to her head. He clenched his jaw and moaned, his forehead pressed firmly to hers as he tried not to crumble.
"I missed you so much." He whispered against her lips.
"Show me how much."
He groaned, his hips rolling against her hand wrapped around him. He kissed her and gripped her thighs before hauling her up, holding her up between his body and the door. Her dress bunched up, the straps falling down her shoulders and he jumped to kiss the skin there.
"Get wet on my dick, honey. I want to feel you wrapped around me."
She gasped, her trembling hand reaching between them as her hips flexed to run the tip of his dick between her saturated folds. The crease between his brow deepened as he slid inside of her. So warm and wet. So tight. Pulsing from the orgasms he'd given her.
The stretch of him filling her was a blissful burn. So thick as he slowly pushed inside of her. Ripping open an absolutely blinding pleasure deep against her g-spot.
As he sheathed himself in her warmth, he released a breathless moan. "Fuck."
She cried out softly, her head lulling against the door with a quiet thud. "Please move."
He retracted until only the head of him was inside of her before slamming his hips forward with a growl. And then he just didn't stop. He didn't think he could. His strong inked arms held her up while he destroyed her. Her soft moans edging him further, adoring each sound and wanting to entice more.
His fingers were surely going to leave marks from how hard he was holding her thighs. His mouth attached to her neck before a hand came up to pull the front of her dress down to expose her full tits to him. He licked them, biting her nipples while his hips snapping fiercely against hers.
He was phenomenal, showing her how much he'd missed her and her body. Filling her to the brim and ruining her.
"There's my girl." He rasped, his eyes narrowed as he watched her tits bounce. "Feel so fucking good."
She leaned forward, kissing him again with a deep moan. His thrusts were sharp, his skin slapping against hers. The skin already reddening from his drive.
Enthralled with how tight and wet she was around him, he pulled her away from the door. With his hold on her thighs, he started pumping her up and down onto his cock. So open and accepting of his thickness. She cried out, her fists yanking at his curls.
He turned them, placing her on the stairs that led up to her home without breaking their connection. He kissed her, wrapping his hand around her throat before fucking into her so hard that every thrust took her breath away.
He was so deep this way, hitching her legs up high so he could hit her g-spot every time. She clung to his sides, his skin so smooth and warm. She dug her nails into him, a hiss leaving his mouth as she dragged them down.
With his hand around her throat, he started screwing into her. His jaw wound so tight as her walls rippled around him. Sucking him in further. He was so powerful, the muscles in his body flexing as he worked her, holding himself up perfectly above her. His abs flexed beneath a forming film of sweat, his biceps bulging, each vein in his arms and hands on display.
"H-Harry, I'm so close, please don't stop, please don-"
He growled out, hitching her legs right up his sides and fucking into her brutally, so deep she was seeing stars. He slipped his hand from her throat and gave her two of his fingers to suck on.
"Get them nice and wet, there we go." He crooned as she sucked on them with a hum. Her walls trembled profusely around him as he retracted his fingers. "You are close aren't you? You want me to make you come again?"
"Yes, please I need it."
"You're such a good girl for me, aren't you?"
"Yes," She gasped.
"Mm, you want me to rub your clit, baby? That would get you there wouldn't it?"
His hips didn't let up, demolishing her from the inside out. Tears pricked in her eyes at the intensity of him.
"Ask me properly. Ask me to rub your clit while I fuck you."
"Oh my god, please rub my clit while you fuck me."
"Good girl."
His wet fingers reached down between them, and as soon as the pads of his fingertips touched her sensitive nerve endings, she was exploding around him.
He swore, holding her down and fucking her through it. She sobbed his name, writhing against the stairs as his fingers kept rubbing and his hips never faltered.
Her cunt was delicious when she came on his cock. Rippling and throbbing notoriously around him. His name leaving her mouth in breathless cries. Her fingernails dug into his sides and he had to grit his teeth at the sharp sting.
Praises were spilled into the air. He told her how beautiful she was. How incredible she felt. How he was so fucking glad they'd found each other again.
Irene blinked away tears at the intensity of her orgasm as she came down. Her hands slid up his arms and then his neck to pull him close. He kissed her and it was messy with how hard he was fucking her.
His thrusts came to a slow roll of his hips. His hands wrapped around her thighs and he stood, carrying her. His dick slipped from her warmth and she whined at the loss of him.
He nodded up the stairs with a crooked smile. "You gonna give me that tour, now?"
His comment made her laugh. Recalling earlier in the day when he'd asked for a tour and she'd told him to be patient. She slipped from his grasp, standing on shaking legs with her dress askew. She grabbed his hand with a flirtatious smile and led him up the stairs into her apartment.
Her apartment was an array of yellows, muted oranges, and soft pinks. It was modest, piles of books, knickknacks decorating many of the surfaces. Smatterings of art both completed and abandoned on scraps of paper and varying sized canvases.
His view of the apartment was scarce, her hand still pulling him along through the space. He pulled her back, kissing her and fisting the dress at her sides.
"So, this is my lounge." She informed against his lips.
"'S nice." He murmured, squeezing her thighs before moving back to her full ass and taking handfuls of it. His kisses moved to her neck and she whimpered.
"Kitchen is through the door on your right."
She felt his teeth on her skin as he grinned at her tour, though far more interested in her. He bit and sucked on the space below her ear.
"Is that a good enough tour, paperotto? Or do you want an inventory list of my books-"
He gripped her throat, not hard but the shock of it stopped her sentence before she could finish it.
"And where's the bedroom, fiore?"
She blinked, a slow smile growing on her lips. He was in a daze for her. His hair a mess, curls draped along his forehead. His chest heaving, his cock still so ready and hard for her.
"Through there." She nodded behind his shoulder, on edge as he took a step back.
His eyes didn't leave hers. "Take your dress off for me."
As much as he loved the dreamy blue, he adored what was underneath it even more. She gripped it at the hem, slowly pulling it up over her head before dropping it on the floor. A small patch of heavenly sky at her feet.
"Get on the bed."
He watched her as she brushed past him, heading towards the bedroom. He clenched his jaw at the sight of her, her full hips swaying as she walked, her hair messy from him. She took her time. Testing his patience.
But she should have known that his patience would be non-existent by that point. He went after her, circling an arm around her waist and lifting her. She let out a surprised gasp as he carried her into her bedroom.
He threw her onto the bed and she landed with a bounce. She giggled, leaning back on her elbows and crossing her legs, kicking off her shoes. He stripped his briefs and shorts off along with his vans.
"Look at you," He cooed, grabbing her ankles and gently yanking her to the center of the bed. "Pretty girl, can't believe we found each other again."
She sat up, taking his dick in her hand and pumping slowly. He was saturated from her warmth and she gripped his hip and brought him closer.
"Please fuck me, Harry."
"Fuck, I love the way you say that."
"I love the way you fuck me." She purred. "I want you to fuck me as hard as you can."
"Jesus..." He felt lightheaded. Her eyes wide and feigning innocence as she worked his cock in her hand. Looking up at him, searing and delicious.
"Please, baby. I missed you. I want to feel where you've ruined me tomorrow."
He pushed her back onto the bed, gripping her legs together and placing them over one of his broad shoulders. He reached between them, gripping his shaft and running the tip of his length between her drenched folds.
The sound she made as he slid inside of her was one he felt in his soul. A soft gasp, accompanied by narrowed eyes and hands that clung to his sides. Her nails digging his skin, her toes curling. He was so dreamy. Intense green locked onto her. Curls framing his forehead weighed down with perspiration.
His thrusts were sharp, barely retracting before he was fucking deep into her. He hooked her legs higher, hitting her sweet spot with a precision that took her breath away.
He leaned forward, kissing her messy and wet, his hips never faltering. He could feel her tightening and clenching around him. He fucked her harder, wanting her as blissed out as he could get her.
She whimpered at the quickened pace. He was all she could fathom, so deep inside of her and filling her to the brim. She cried out shamelessly, looking up at her with desperate eyes that glistened with tears of pleasure.
"Oh my god, just like that."
Her praise hit him deep. Right in his core, buzzing and addictive.
"Yeah? Tell me how good I'm fucking you."
"So good, I missed you so much. No one fucks me as good as you did."
"Do." He corrected with an extra hard thrust that took her breath away.
"Yes, fuck please don't stop." She managed out between gasps. Her muscles pulled up tight and he swore at how she clamped around him like a vice.
He gritted his teeth, putting everything behind his hips and driving into her. "Not fucking stopping until you come so hard on my cock, leave me fucking dripping, that's it, fuck."
She came with a sharp cry, writhing so much that he moved her legs to his sides and held her down with his body. He didn't stop praising her through it, her body released more explosively after being so worked up and climaxing so many times already. She bit into his neck, not hearing when he growled at her sharp teeth but fucked her through it.
He felt fucking dizzy. Like her body was drawing all the pleasure from deep down inside of him to the surface. He could feel the avalanching force of it looming, threatening to knock him out and explode inside of her.
She came around from her orgasm, nudging him so he could flip onto his back. She quickly reconnected them, sinking onto his cock with a relieved sigh. He admired her body from this angle. The fullness of her hips, her gorgeous breasts. He squeezed them, running his hands along every inch of her. Obsessed. In awe.
Upon feeling her cunt throbbing around him, he smirked. "You did miss me, didn't you?"
She shot him a playful glare. "Shut up."
Her hands met his chest to anchor herself before she started rolling her hips. His brow creased as she found a rhythm, bouncing on his length. His hands encased her hips with a growl, encouraging her to fuck him faster.
His dick was pressed tight against her g-spot and she wondered if there was anything that wasn't heavenly about this man.
She leaned over, gripping his face in her hands, stubble prickly against her skin. Her lips brushed his as he countered her thrusts with his own. Screwing and grinding up into her. He panted against her lips, feeling the muscles in his stomach tighten, his dick unbelievably hard inside of her.
"I'm so close." He breathed out.
"I need to taste you, Harry. I want you to come in my mouth."
"Fuck, please, I'm so close I-"
She lifted herself off of him, settling between his legs and taking his throbbing cock in her hand. She worked the skin, slick from her warmth. As she took him past her lips and down her throat, he moaned and took a fistful of her hair to hold her down.
"Yes, that's it, don't stop."
He was so close. He could taste his orgasm on the tip of his tongue. Feel it tingle in every nerve of his body. She worked him deeper, taking him as far as she could until her nose was pressed against his abdomen.
He choked out a broken sob as his orgasm hit him hard. Crashing into him like a tidal wave of pleasure. His muscles tightened as he came deep into her mouth, coating her tongue in his release. Her hands spread up and down his tensed thighs, each touch sending sparks of white-hot heat up his spine. She hummed around his shaft, the vibrations heightening how good she felt.
She held him in her mouth as she swallowed all that he had to give her. Gently working his shaft as he came down. Harry's chest was heaving, the warmth of her mouth around his spent length an overwhelming sensation.
He looked down at her, still working her mouth on him as he softened. He hissed out, so sensitive from his orgasm but she didn't let up. She slowly worked her mouth along his shaft, his hand coming down to cup her cheek. She hummed, staring up at him with lulled eyes.
"Gentle, fiore." He pleaded, so fucking delicate after coming so hard.
She licked the entirety of him, laying him flat and flicking her tongue on his balls. Harry breathed out a light laugh at the attention she was giving him. He pulled her up, taking her mouth in a lush kiss. He could taste himself on her tongue and it reminded him of this morning when he'd licked his orgasm from his rings.
After brief trips to the bathroom, they settled into the sheets again. Wrapped up in each other, lulled and droopy from the weed and how hard they'd fucked. He pressed his cheek firmly against hers as they cuddled and she wriggled away with a whine.
"Prickly paperotto." She commented on his growing stubble.
"You don't like it?" He smirked.
"I love it. I miss the moustache." She brushed his stubbly upper lip with a small smile.
He chuckled at her sleep expression, her eyes barely able to stay open. She giggled and he pulled away with a perplexed expression. "What?"
"I'm just imagining a duck with a moustache."
He rolled his eyes. "Silly girl. You're still high as shit."
"Prove it."
"Duck with a moustache... somehow funny..." He ventured, eyeing her as if it were obvious.
"Says the man with the world's worst jokes." She started giggling again and he felt it in his chest, pulling her closer.
"Sta 'zitto."
"Fammi." She threw him a glare that was anything but menacing, and he watched as her eyes drooped closed before he kissed her forehead.
"Sleep, dreamy fiore. I'm here."
Having her again. It was every kind of bliss he'd imagined it would be.
Harry was awakened by the sun kissing his skin. Warm rays of it beamed through to the windows, golden on his chest, bright on the sheets spread along his hips and legs. He stretched, feeling temporary disorientation as he blinked open his sleepy eyes.
He was in the warm, pink heaven of the soul he'd been longing over for a while. It wasn't a dream. An illusion that he often got lost in. He was actually there, had actually experienced her light and essence. Her body. His hands spread through the sheets, searching for her.
But before he could pine for her, the bedroom door opened. Irene entered with a tray of food and an orange vase sat amongst the plates.
"Good morning, paperotto." She smiled gingerly before setting the tray on the bed. She climbed in next to him and let him kiss her cheek.
"Morning, fiore. What's all this?" His voice was scratchy and rough from sleep.
"Breakfast in bed."
He grinned, pulling her into his side and admiring the spread she'd prepared. A stack of buttered toast next to a jar of homemade jam, a few crumbling pieces of biscotti, a bowl of fresh oranges, and strawberries. And of course, two tall glasses of orange juice.
Then he noticed the orange vase was the one they'd molded the night before. She'd gotten up early, far before him, to finish the creation. Adding depth and shading to the duck she'd etched into the clay. Beside it, a few small pieces of scrap paper and a pen.
"You said you loved trying new things. You can write all the things you want to do and keep them in here. Pull one out to do now and again, keep yourself inspired and add new ones as you think of them."
Harry felt his heart squeeze tight, pumping an abundance of love and awe and appreciation for her throughout his veins.
"It's perfect, I love it so much."
He'd treasure it so much. He wanted to ask her if she intended them to use it together. Or was it another parting gift, like her drawing had been?
He grabbed the pen and wrote something down on the paper, his scrawl messy and hurried. She tried to peek but he quickly folded it and tossed it into the vase. Then, he handed the pen to her.
"Your turn."
She smiled, taking a second to think before jotting something down on the scrap of paper. She folded it, doodling a little flower on it. She didn't give him a chance to see it before popping it in the vase.
Another nod towards a potential future for them. They'd see each other again. Then they'd reach into the pottery they'd crafted together and reveal their next adventure.
They delved into their breakfast, sharing bites and indulging in top-ups of the orange juice. Enjoying the sweet morning that it was. Tucked away in a little pink heaven, simply existing together.
Harry was heading back to London the following night. He'd used up all the free time his schedule could allow. He didn't want to bring it up with her, afraid it would shatter the illusion that they could be with each other with no other worries. He knew it wasn't realistic or fair... but he really didn't want to ruin the moment.
She knew he wouldn't be able to stick around for much longer. In a way, she didn't want to know. She wanted to enjoy him for a little bit longer and not know the expiry date this time.
So, they didn't mention it. They polished off their glasses of orange juice and showered together. Harry was insatiable, washing her body from head to toe, leaving soft kisses on each inch of skin.
Irene missed her river. Missed the freedom of the soft currents carrying her. Missed how refreshing it was to dive in on a hot day. And since they couldn't return to the teal haven, they planned to spend the day at the beach.
Harry had gone back to his hotel to gather clean clothes and his swimming trunks, encouraging Irene to meet him around the corner of it. Ren was happy to have another day off, encouraging Harry to call if he needed him. When he finally met up with her, his backpack slung on his shoulder, she was perched on a rental bike. Another was leaned against the wall next to her and she dinged the bell on the handlebars and nodded towards it.
"Hop on, dreamy. The sunshine and sand await."
They cycled for a while, Cannoli happily trailing along while Harry waved at a few fans who spotted him. Irene wore another tiny sundress and he kept glancing at her legs and the straps of her bikini on her shoulders. They veered off-road and he realised she was taking him to a hidden gem. Another safe place that she frequented.
It was a small cove, though well equipped for locals who frequently swam there. They set up on two lounging chairs, spreading out in the sun after a thick application of sunscreen. Harry adored her body. A soft green bikini that did wonders for her curves. She tugged and teased at his They fed each other slices of oranges and kept hydrated.
Irene pursed her lips. "Don't think I've seen a duck sunbathing at the beach before."
And while he usually rolled his eyes at her duck jests, he smiled softly this time. "Maybe this one's trying something new."
After indulging in the warmth of the generous sun, they raced each other to the water. She squealed in shock at how cold the water was and Harry scooped her up with an arm around her waist and carried her out. She clawed at his arm but he was determined.
"Dio santo!" She yelled. "Put me down, testa di cazzo!"
"I don't know what you're saying but it's hot."
She climbed around, latching onto his back as he strolled deeper into the water.
"Mangia merda."
He tutted, his hands wrapped around her thighs with a squeeze. "I understood that, naughty fiore."
Her lips met the back of his neck before feathering around to his ear, nipping at his earlobe. "Mi sei mancato più di ogni altra cosa."
"What does that mean?" He requested softly with genuine intrigue.
Always a cheeky and endearing woman, she shrugged and dove into the water. He watched her underneath the glistening crystal surface, waiting until she breached it before approaching her with a broad stroke of his arms.
His hands gripped her waist as they swam deeper, their lips brushing as she wrapped herself around him. Her legs around his waist, hands around his neck to toy with the curls at the nape.
"I missed you," She whispered against his lips. "more than anything."
"I missed you, too."
Her hands slipped to his stubbly cheeks, drawing him closer so she could kiss him. The waves lapped at them, pushing at his broad back as if enticing them closer together.
While it wasn't the river that flowed behind her little yellow villa, the currents of their connection coursed just the same.
They swam around, splashing each other and conducting breath-holding contests. They kissed under the surface, his hands attempting to untie her bikini before she slapped him away. The sun sat high, glistening down on the cove with unrelenting beams.
They paddled back to shore, heading to the shower provided to wash off. She couldn't help but run her hands over his strong inked torso, sculpted and taut under the warm trickle of water. Her fingers brushed the waistband of his blue shorts and he shot her a flirty look before guiding her under the spray with him.
They relaxed on the lounging chairs once more, drying off in the sun. Harry dragged his chair right next to hers and grabbed her legs so she could spread them across his lap. He squeezed her thighs, checking in on her to make sure she was hydrated and feeding her strawberries when she demanded them.
Cannoli was happy to relax on a blanket next to them under the shade, occasionally venturing to the water only to be afraid of the waves as they lapped at the shore.
A comfortable silence fell upon them, a book of his with too many dog-eared pages sat in his hands. Irene turned the page, two very familiar pieces of paper falling from their concealment in the novel. She raised a brow at him and his eyes were mischievous beneath his aviators.
"Did you take these from our dreamy vase, paperotto?"
He laughed, picking up the one with the doodled flower and handing it to her. He had, in fact, swiped them from the pottery and slipped them into his book while she had her back turned. He was far too impatient to wait. He wanted another adventure with her.
"I wanted to hear what you'd written down. The next new thing you're going to try."
Wanted to hear it from her mouth, the unfolded paper in her fingers grasp.
She smiled, fluttery from a sudden jolt of nerves. Her eyes scanned the paper and he waited patiently.
"I want to ride a shooting star."
There were a lot of things he wanted to say. The fact that he'd said something so ridiculous when he was high the night before and it had stuck with her as it had with him. Like she really got it, past the actuality of it. They wanted to see the universe. See it all, feel the freedom of solely existing to explore.
He wanted to express his deep devotion, spill his deepest secrets. He battled with what he wanted to say in response because his own scrap of paper would inspire a similar retort.
"You rode one last night."
He scrunched up his face as she slapped his chest. Of course, not actually bothered by it because she thought he was pretty funny even if his jokes were intolerable at best.
"Harry, that was so bad." She scolded even though she was fighting back a laugh.
"I love that you understood what I meant. Even if we were high as shit."
"Yeah, yeah. What's the new thing you'll be trying, then? Maybe brushing up on your Italian? Learning some funnier jokes?"
Harry was quiet for a minute, flipping the folded paper between his nimble fingers. His eyes met hers, his lips pursed as he waded through his thoughts.
"I'm going tell you how much I care about you."
Her heart felt like it was being squeezed tight in her chest.  She turned to face him fully, his eyes flickering between her and the piece of paper in his hand. It was a shock to hear the words leave his mouth. Another nod towards a potential future for them.
She brought a hand up, placing it on his naked chest. She felt his heartbeat quicken under her touch.
"When we met it was... I don't know, like this super-quick connection. And I'm a people person, you know? I get along with everyone. But with you, it was like you could see how much I have to put on this façade and your presence told me I didn't need to do that with you. You're just such a comfortable and refreshing person and I'd be lying if I told you I didn't think about you every day. I regretted not getting your number or anything but somehow we found each other again. It was like I walked into that store and nothing really mattered anymore. Just you and what I feel for you."
"Harry..." She pressed her forehead to his with a shaky sigh. "You're so beautiful. I'm so happy we found each other. I thought of you every day, fantasised about all the different ways I could run into you. But my imagination could never prepare for how magical yesterday was."
He kissed her. Needing to taste her and feel her. His nerves simmered down into grains of sand, settling into the beach where they finally found themselves on the same page.
"My one seems stupid now." She grumbled and he had to laugh at her displeased expression.
"No, fiore. It was perfect. You're sweet."
The pieces of paper were tucked back into the safety of his worn novel, placed to the side so he could pull her closer. She nestled into his side, grateful that their chairs were pressed together so she could be this close to him. She kissed his cheek, brushing his curls away from his face as they dried, textured from the seawater.
Harry's chest expanded on a deep breath before he said, "Come to London with me."
She pulled away to look at him, and he gauged her reaction.
"Really. I-It doesn't have to be anything, it can just be a holiday, you can come for as long as you want. You can stay with me or I can get you a hotel. You can bring Cannoli if you want and we can spend time together. See where this goes, take it day by day. Just, you know, to try something new."
She wasn't sure how to respond. There had been many implications of a future for them. Small things that they both picked up on and clutched onto. Her life in Venice wasn't permeant. She loved traveling and loved London and truthfully loved Harry even more.
She could picture their connection strengthening. She could see it as clear as the blue sky above them. They just needed a little bravery, opening their palms to catch each other in deep flowing harmony.
They didn't want to let each other go again. And here he was, inviting her into his life as she had done so easily to him. Little yellow villas, pink heavens. Everywhere was a paradise with her.
"Tu sei tutto, sempre."
Hope you enjoyed it, babies! Love you very much x
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catch-the-wind · 3 years
when reader is sick hc's
finally posting writing here so true
n e ways okay so i’m brainrotting about the genshin charas taking care of their s/o’s when they’re sick 🥺 and now i'm feeling sick, sigh
ohm and sulien ambros belong to @teyvattherapist! they're such good chara's, i know i'm writing them here but i deffo recommend reading up on them
okay here u go, have some hc's that are kinda sorta long and by that i mean 2.5k- i haven't proofread this bc it's 4am and im going to BED but if i write for any other chara's i'll post a second part <3 mwah
tags: gn!reader, diluc x reader, kaeya x reader, jean x reader, lisa x reader, albedo x reader, dainsleif x reader, tartaglia x reader, ohm ambros x reader, sulien ambros x reader, soft bean hours
is not working or traveling when his partner is sick
absolutely makes them soup and hot tea and drinks
he’s trying to make them food but he’s not the best cook so he’s asking adelinde for help
absolutely asks jean, barbara, and ohm for help while his partner is sleeping but he’s so awkward LMAO
was absolutely frantic the first day he found out his partner was sick tho, he made them come over to the winery so they could sleep there and he can take care of them <3
absolutely lied about what room was his so they slept in his bed
“hmm this guest room is so furnished diluc are all your rooms like this” and no, no they are not, this room is his, bestie
diluc slept on a sofa in his bedroom and did work on the table that was supposed to be for flowers. kinda stressed over abyss order locations but was more worried ab his partner being okay so he was distracted
he just put the flowers on his nightstand for his partner to see when they woke up <3
gives his partner forehead kisses because they won’t let him kiss them on the lips and he gives them the gentlest cheek kisses while they sleep
also gives his partner his clothes to wear <3
cuddles them and reads to them when they’re awake and TEMPLE KISSES OH MY GOD
kaeya comes over because he’s worried his brother and his brother’s s/o haven’t been seen in a little while
n e way, diluc gets sick after his partner gets better and they nursed each other back to health
like diluc, he took off work so he could take care of his s/o i,mediately after he found out they were sick
wouldn’t force them to stay at his place tho, he’d probably let them recover in their own place
but he might make them go to the kof hq or the cathedral just so they can be taken care of by a proper healer
he absolutely soothes their fevers and stuff w cryo and also the man can heal himself w his elem skill ofc he can fix someone if he tries hard enough <3
he gives kisses no matter how much his partner says not to but he’ll also give them butterfly kisses so it’s soft moments too~ sigh, ur too cute alberich
asks ohm and barbara and albedo and lisa for potions and such to help his partner feel better but he’s really lowkey so he doesn’t seem SUPER worried
he just hates seeing his partner not feeling so well </3
refreshes his partner’s vase of flowers at their bedside every day
brings home work so he can watch over his partner. he can’t cook super well either so he asks for help and brings stuff home from good hunter too
jean was okay to let kaeya off of work and diluc would never admit it (man practically swore everyone to secrecy smh) but he helped take up some of kaeya’s duties in his stead
and kae, the alcoholic, didn’t even drink while his partner was sick bc he was lowkey worried they would need his help w smth and he didn’t want to be drunk just in case <3
many cuddles despite protests of getting him sick <3
absolutely uses her healer skills to make her partner feel better
panicked when they were still sick and thought it was her fault </3 she asked barbara and ohm for help and they just told jean to relax a bit bc her partner was sick and it wasn’t going to be a quick fix
wanted to take off work but didn’t, so she just brought her work with her
kaeya and ohm very kindly took up her other duties where she had to leave so she could be w her partner
her partner is staying in the kof hq where they get access to ohm and barbara comes to visit <3 but also so that jean can sleep comfortably enough close by bc you cannot tell me this woman does not sometimes sleep in her office or the library and barely makes it to the kof dormitories sometimes
she’s so worried the entire time, she’s probably got a few gray hairs and a new frown line smh
she has clothes that aren’t her work clothes???? it’s so foreign seeing her in stuff like pajamas. you didn’t even know jean owned pajamas
jean sets them up in her bed at home (yeah she has a place outside of the kof hq??? it’s surprising) but it’s a big bed so they can rest and she’ll have the lamp on her side on while she sits up and does work
absolutely dotes on them. she’s good at making foods that make them feel better, she’s just a good healer that way <3
albedo, klee, venti, kaeya, lisa, and ohm all come over to check on jean and co and make sure everyone is doing okay <3 lots of food brought
if jean was asked to sing to her partner normally, she probably wouldn’t bc she’d probably get embarrassed but i think she probably sounds v good and venti would give her his lyre to try out a musical instrument too. but also she’d read to her partner and they’d probably fall asleep together uwu
works part time hours at the library so she can go visit her s/o
probably asks them to stay at the kof hq for easier access to medical assistance and plus she’s almost always there
“cutie” but worried and very 🥺 (pleading emoji)
makes soup and potions and reads to her partner until they fall asleep
also super playful omg she’s still got a smile on and is full of affection while she walks her fingers up her partner’s arm to their face so she can cup their cheek
she’ll make her partner laugh and smile and blush even when they’re sick, but she makes them laugh until they cough sometimes and immediately feels so bad
jean, barbara, kaeya, albedo and ohm all come to visit with different foods and soups and medicines and such
klee comes knocking and gives lisa some good fisherman’s toast and asks lisa’s s/o if they want to hug dodoco b/c that always makes klee feel better
purple roses galore, lisa has them in her partner’s room and they’ve got a potion to make the. uh. sniffer? to make the sniffer feel better. don’t ask me how, idk but she would find a way to make them physically feel better with flowers
reads to her partner ofc, and she tells them stories ab her own life and time at sumeru sans the crazies
worried looks when her s/o is sleeping but also the softest smiles when they wake up pls-
cutest lil frown on his face when he finds out his partner is sick
immediately they are taken home and he’s testing to confirm what’s wrong w them and what he can do to speed up their recovery
he’s more distracted than usual at work but he’s coming over to your place all the time w what paperwork he can do
also sketches his partner while they don’t know. he’s got lots of beautiful candids of his partner sleeping, looking out the window, falling asleep, reading, even drinking water. he’s made the most mundane things look captivating
kaeya and ohm come to check on albedo when he doesn’t show up for work after a few days and it’s bc he’s taking care of his s/o with food and soup and alchemical potions and shit. and when kae and ohm come in, they find his partner opening the door wrapped in a blanket while albedo is asleep cuddling the pillow they left bc he stayed up the night before making soup and reading to them
klee has camped out on his partner’s couch, she helps w the cooking too~ she absolutely lets them hug dodoco and gives them a treasure to feel better too LOL
many kisses from klee and albedo, and they also go out to get treats for albedo’s partner too
domestic albedo cooking in his partner’s kitchen and for once it isn’t some alchemical potion that he might blow up the stove with
takes off work entirely but BOY OH BOY is he stir crazy smh
brings his partner to his apartment to rest <3
he’s so worried ab his s/o that he makes all the sick ppl food the first day, orders from wanmin restaurant when his partner wants smth different, and also gets toys and such to entertain them otherwise
also reads to his partner but, again, he gets stir crazy after a while
absolutely does workouts and katas in the living room and phew shirtless tartaglia working out? gets the heart rate up for sure ahem
rushes to his partner tho omg- need soup? water? a trip to the bathroom? another blanket? he goes to them the MOMENT he hears them moving around. absolutely dotes on them <3
his family knows ab his partner and he’s probably written letters ab them being sick~ his family sent snezhnayan herbs and flowers and medicines and such
zhongli comes around because he wants sugar daddy!tartaglia with tea and medicine from bubu pharmacy. hu tao is in tow with well wishes and a “hope i don’t find you at work!” which is. a little worrying because aren’t you just a little sick-
many kisses from tartaglia because he is Needy and he’ll absolutely get sick from cuddling his partner while they sleep
also he’ll probably just like. envelop his partner while they sleep. they’re all cuddled into him and he’s actually so warm it’s nice bc they’re cold w a fever and he’s living for comforting them
he’s so worried tho, he’s got the frowny face and he’s so adorable but he just doesn’t want his partner to feel sick
the man camps in ruins, he’s going to his partner’s house smh
he doesn’t go into the church either LOL so expect him in his partner’s home making dinner and doing their grocery shopping thanks
he would get ohm and barbara to come over tho <3 “fix them please” but also “how can i fix them”
is so dead set on making sure his partner takes their medicine at the right times, he’s so soft for them and them alone
cooks soup and old recipes he barely remembers from khaenri’ah. he doesn’t really get sick, so he doesn’t remember these ones too clearly. deffo brings back old memories he’d long forgotten
reads to his partner and tells them old stories of how the world used to be, his travels, gives them the gossip on a certain khaenri’ahn but doesn’t give away the name
ohm comes over with medicine and lollipops bc dain is so unlikely to go to the cathedral to get barbara smh
but also dain, so self-sufficient, is unlikely to want to ask for help, so ohm just goes to help anyway
dain with the old khaenri’ahn lullabies and tucking his partner into his arms and singing quietly while he holds them and rocks them to sleep
dain is immortal, he’s giving his partner kisses bc “i’m immortal, ofc i won’t get sick”
he got sick
but his s/o nursed him back to health and then there were smooches the end
ohm ambros
the doctor with his ill lover oh my god
he’s frowny, he’s taking care of his partner at his home in springvale and his home clinic is open to everyone else. but everyone knows his partner is the first priority LOL
kaeya and albedo come over to see if ohm is okay or if his house needs to be checked up on. they’re wondering if he went on a last-minute expedition to sumeru and didnt tell them
diluc comes over too, he’s just checking up on his best friend but he’s also stealing a cherry lollipop smh. he heard from kae that ohm’s partner is sick tho, so he brings some soup and good food over from adelinde. he also brings some of his own specialty food tho, the once upon a time in mondstadt <3
sulien sending letters to his big brother to see if his brother’s s/o is okay
ohm is also just super protective of his partner, there are not many people who come into his life who he loves and lets in in the first place. he’s absolutely trying to heal them with his own vitality, so their recovery is much shorter than initially expected
barbara also comes over w jean to check up on ohm and co, complete w a goody basket of soup, a teddy bear, flowers, and books
ohm reading to his partner <3 he’s got such a soothing voice even if his accent is wack LMAO. he’s reading stories and even his paperwork because just his presence is comforting
he puts his hands on his partner’s forehead to soothe the fever goodbye
ohm will not sing for his s/o simply bc he doesn’t think he sounds v good. and he probably doesn’t but it would be so cute to hear him try and please ohm? 🥺
n e way i want smooches idc if i’m sick KISS ME OHM AMBROS
sulien ambros
when he finds out his partner is sick, the man blinks like twice and then suggests so calmly that they go to his apartment in liyue
man does not sleep normally, he’s just going to nurse his partner back to health and read during their recovery. fruit tart can cover his duties for him <3
sulien cooks for his partner tho, he’s making soup and stuff and getting medicine from bubu’s pharmacy. he’s also picking up books on the way home but some of them are to be read to his partner so it’s okay-
like tartaglia, sulien works out while his partner rests and goes to them if he hears them moving around. he’s reading to his partner and not so frowny, but the slightest furrow of this man’s brow is already such a big expression of his concern <3
sends letters to ohm asking for advice ab how to help his partner feel better. ohm just sends a letter back with “i’m coming” and shows up within the day LMAO
reads to his partner, and the monotony of his voice is soothing and lulls them to sleep. he just looks at them affectionately (well affectionate for him) and presses a kiss to their forehead before finishing the story on his own and in his head
tartagalicious comes over and brings food, flowers and a teddy bear with some of sandrone’s paperwork but he sends a smile to sulien’s partner with some well wishes
scara comes over too just to visit and check to see where sandrone is, but scara is a grumpy bean so he just says “feel better” all brooding and like it’s a command to one of the fatui subordinates LOL
sulien like ohm uses his cold hands to soothe his partner’s fever and also gives them forehead kisses <3
Edit: a link to part 2
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princesscallyie · 2 years
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Some rough concept sketch for the new characters. Nothing is final. Mostly testing out colors, outfits and such.
Okay so first, I had to re-familiarize myself with Emperor Awesome and I forgot how much I liked him, his voice sounds hot to me lol. (So the fish man thing was before Hody… interesting…) He likes to party and get chicks so I thought okay, so he goes to Earth, parties, and knocks up a chick and then it’s the kid and the mom together. Then I was like… I feel like I do that a lot, the whole mom/son relationship so I thought I’ll switch it up by a fun son/dad relationship where the mom kinda just drops the kid off and now Awesome has this random lil guy to take care of. Speaking of which, I’m leaning on the name Guy for him cause I feel like that’s definitely what he’ll would call him. “Who the hell is this guy? How am I supposed to party hard now?” Or something like that. Or some other silly name like Bodacious or Duke Awesome. Design wise, I’m really digging a 90’s vaperwave surfer bro vibe for him. Bright saturated colors to match his dad. For his transformation thing, I’m leaning towards something like this:
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Like his arms turn into beefy orca arms so he has super strength and he can give himself gills and whatever. He has a full orca beast form but for whatever reason he can’t go into often.
Next for the girl. Obsessed with y2k vibes on this one and I think green is the color I work with the least with designs so she is kinda refreshing. She walks around with a retro custom laptop and one of those new touchscreen flip phones with charms hanging off. She’s cool. The parents come the idea of combining Abby and Priya from turning red. And the idea of best friends dating their partners best friend cause of AJ and Mee Mee, I thought that would be cute. For her personality, I’m thinking she’s not as chatty as Gigi and she’s like the cool collective popular girl, who’s lowkey a techie. If Gigi is star and voice of the gossip blogs she runs, Meesha (placeholder name for now) is like a moderator in the background, who will find your information in seconds if you even think about talking trash about their favorite boy band member. Again inspired by Turning Red, it’s like weaponized female adolescent. Like what is the typical 00’s omg let’s go to the mall teenage girl could ruin your life.
Alright, so final designs and descriptions coming eventually, I might loop back to the Calypso kids so I don’t forget all the ideas I had for them.
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ziorre · 9 months
✨Commission info✨
I'm ready, I'm rested, I'm refreshed! And I'm completely charged to take care of your new ideas and characters!! I truly believe that every character is awesome and original and deserves to be shown with their own story! And I'll try to help you with this in a way that is more convenient for you! You just pick one below ;)
- SEMI-REALISTIC STYLE (for the cases, when you want it looks more real without much stylizing)
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- USUAL STYLE (for the cases, when you don’t mind it looks more stylized and a lil sketchy)
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* you can find more examples on my page by the commission tag ** a helpful post describing a right order for your refs
✨ DEADLINES: After you DM me with a brief description of your idea, I’ll tell you the approximate date when I’ll be able to proceed with your commission   !!!!Always warn me in advance if I need to draw art by a certain deadline!!!
✨ PAYMENT:  What: USD or RUB When: full pre-payment (when you sent me the email and we approved the art idea) Where: Boosty (russian platform, supports payment via PayPal)
✨ THE PROCESS: You write to me in private messages on Tumblr, briefly tell me your idea of our future art, what style and what slot you want (full body / half body / bust). Then I give you my email address and you send me an email (with your Tumblr name as the topic please) with all necessary references (your character's face claim, their pose, clothes, background etc.). You describe the idea of the art in details, where it takes place, and other things that I need to know so that I can base the sketch on all that info, because after you approve the sketch, I don’t change art much in the further stages of the work, just some details. I send you the payment link on my Boosty page. Send you the sketch. After you confirm that you like the sketch, I finish the work and send it on your email😊
✨ OTHER: - I don’t correct the art after you approved the finished version. - I don’t copy other artist’s work or poses from their work. - I publish every commission on my social media, if you don’t want it to be published, just let me know. - If you’re not sure about the art idea, I can suggest you 4 sketches with different poses/concepts/angles for extra $20 and you pick the one you like the most. - For significant corrections or a lot of small ones at any stage of work, an additional fee may be charged (this doesn’t apply to some small adjustments or details witch I missed). There are 3 free changes at the each stages of the work (sketch, finished version), further - $2-$5.
And of course I can't skip to say a huge thank you to those who commissioned and continue commissioning art from me! It means a lot! For real! This is not only material support, but also moral one, saying that I’m not wasting my time and energy in vain, that I’m moving in the right direction, that people like what I do! I can't tell how inspiring it is!! 300 commissions! I’ve never imagined that one day I would draw so many art for others! Just.. wow!! Thank you again so much for trusting me bringing to life your ideas! I truly appreciate it!😌
I think this is it, right? If you have any questions, feel free to DM me ;)  
I’ll be VERY grateful for your reblogs!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤ (and thank you very much for this in advance, it helps me A LOOOOOOOOOT, you are the ones who keep me alive literally! I see each and every one of you doing that! You’re the best!!!) Thanks for your attention! Have a good day =)
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Albedo. I just rolled him and finished his quest.
I would love to talk about travelling with him, or at least being someone who brings in the ingredients for alchemy. Someone who goes out of their way for him and gets the best. Maybe the only gardener in Mondstadt to grow alchemical roots and grasses.
I'm happy for you, rolling the cute alchemy boyo ywy I only rolled in his banner to get Bennett in five rolls I'm sorry Albedo, my primogems are for Xiao and Hu Tao- *shot*
Back to business! I really, really like this cute idea awww thank you for distracting from the angst fics in my head haha (TUMBLR DIDN’T SAVE IT PROPERLY AND SO THE POST IS HORRIBLY SHORT WAIT- FIXED IT WOOHOO)
Albedo's Personal Botanist
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Most ingredients in alchemy usually come from ores and liquid ingredients formed by chemistry methods. Stuff like Tuttia, Bismuth, all that shindigs-
So while plant life can be useful for alchemy, not everyone recognizes its utility straight away, and provide for the common plants for arrangements rather than scientific inventory
I can imagine that you'd be a normal gardener at first but very passionate of their properties.
Might be a Dendro vision wielder too, the Dendro archon loves those who wield the power of knowledge, more so when they use it on nature.
You carry with you a lil book about all the plants and shrubs that you've personally cared for, down to their finest detail and properties. But you're a gardener, not a master of Alchemy, so some parts of the notes you couldn't really figure out yourself.
The first time you met Albedo, he was around a year into staying in Mondstadt. He was forced to go out and take a breather because of his workaholic schedule, and instead of relaxing in a bath, he ended up drifting to the market area to get more ingredients local to Mond.
Unlike the other flower stalls, he was pulled into yours because of the wide variety of your wares. Roots, grasses, shoots, plants you couldn't just find outside of the walls.
You were tending to your mini greenhouse in the back and left your botania book on the shelf outside, and this LIL SHI- Albedo, having no proper training for social interactions, straight up just opened that shit and read it all.
"Oh, hello there, mister- HEY, THAT'S MY STUFF, WHAT THE HECK"
Flustered, confused and alarmed, Albedo tried his best to quickly reason with your garden-spade-wielding self. And with his pretty boy self, you managed to calm down and listen.
You may or may not had smacked him with a bouquet of horsetail for good measure.
"Such vast knowledge and detail orientation, why waste away your talents in selling productive fauna when you can wield them into something more?"
Master Phytologist of the Knights of Favonius acquired!
Working with Albedo!
Your greenhouse in the Knight of Favonius HQ is most definitely connected to Albedo's laboratory! And very spacious too.
More than one occasion, you've seen the Chief Alchemist casually sneaking around the area, plucking a Flaming Flower or scraping dandelion seeds from the pot while you were busy tending to other flowers on the other side of your area.
65% of the time you caught him red-handed and you will be met with the rare sight of a fumbling, queasy Albedo.
30% of the time you just find out something is missing after checking inventory for the day, usually ends up with you hunting and shouting for Albedo. Because the guy seem to have a sixth sense as to when you find out his thieving adventures.
5% of all of that, Kaeya would be the one stealing from your 'safer' floras to woo a random citizen in Mond. And as a master of botany, your precious babies are always in tip top shape. Top quality bouquets all day, all night.
Those moments are the ones Albedo hate more than getting smacked with your spade. Those are your flowers, and by association, his. Grown to their maximum potential by your calloused yet gentle hands FOR HIM-
Kaeya: *reaching out to pluck a perfectly healthy glaze lily*; Albedo: *his short ass of a shadow looming over him*
The atmosphere of your work area is significantly different from his own messy laboratory. The glass walls and roof that lets in just the right amount of sunlight, with a perfect view of the scenic landscape of Mondstadt and beyond.
When Albedo reaches a wall on his research, he picks up his sketchbook and just- waltz in to your workshop through the door connecting your workspaces.
The fresh air, the soft kiss of the sun, your humming, it was all a symphony of heaven concocted just for him.
He’ll find himself sketching your babies, dozen or more times you are included.
Your notebook’s illustrations are mostly courtesy of him, and he greatly basks in your pure admiration of his drawing.
To help him focus, you once took on the great task of organizing his laboratory, to no avail. Even if you manage to fix and align his inventory, it’s gonna go back to chaos after three days minimum.
It’s okay tho, it’s normal for him, more excuse to visit you-
Guilty, he wants your spacious and refreshing greenhouse and often asks for a redesign of his laboratory to share similar workspace with you.
Acting Grand Master Jean had to decline this idea just because it costs more than a million mora.
He’s definitely gonna sulk in your greenhouse after that, back leaning on the warm glass wall as he does nothing but sketch you and your plants the whole day.
Don’t stop him
Just admire the pout
Actually Working with Albedo! (Finally)
Whenever Albedo discovers/explores a new area, you’re always sure to tag along whether willingly or by force
I imagine that despite being his assistant/student, Sucrose and Timaeus are more focused on research and the application of Alchemy, so they’re not much of the resource gathering type. That said, Albedo is very thankful of your existence, it’s a breather to his already full schedule.
Albedo is both considerate and inconsiderate unconsciously : While he may run off to experiment on the traveler and leave you scouting the area yourself, he doesn’t willingly set you on fire from the inside.
Every time he comes back to camp after finishing the step by step experiment with/on the Traveler, he makes sure to check up on how you are doing.
TAKE NOTE: Our prince is very occupied and busy with his own work a lot, so he’s never really seen you in action when you go out to get the the materials he needs-
So he is purely horrified when he saw you hanging off the cliff with nothing but a rope around you to keep you safe, carefully investigating a petrified tree branch up close.
Suddenly, elevator.
Again, Imma bet, he’s gonna be accompanying you in all your expeditions after that. He’ll need to know where and how you acquire every ingredient outside of your greenhouse.
Does it require you to climb a mountain? Are there any Hilichurl camps nearby? Maybe mobs that are attracted to that type of flower?
He would be very attentive of your inventory reports and would recognize if a dangerous gathering journey is near. He’ll be right there with you.
Violetgrass x1000
He’s gathering more than a month’s worth just to make sure you don’t go back to make that dangerous trip. It’s very impractical, but let him rest his heart.
You and Albedo: Resource Gathering Expedition; Other Knights: Outdoor Dates Disguised as Work-Related Outings
Flower crowns are good and all but have you heard of flower bracelets?
Omg so cute hhh imagine a Flaming Flower Stamen bracelet for his Dragonspine expedition- it’s not gonna last forever but it’s so precious he’s definitely keeping that shit even when the heat already dissipated from it gah-
“Paimon wonders, what’s that thing around your wrist?”
“A flame bracelet, made to keep the cold away.”
“Woah! Sounds very useful! Sure would be handy for exploring, you think we can borrow it-”
Something angst-y: Albedo has yet to make a Dendro affinity potion and he’s really, really devastated about it and himself. You’ll have to forcibly pull him out of his self-deprecation, force him to get a breather.
Overall, Albedo greatly appreciates not only your utility but also your consistent company. He values your tenacity and comfort, sharing unadulterated curiousity as you both venture the great unknown. There’s a lot of stuff he can pray about to thank whichever archon has graced you. And despite his Vision lacking the function to actually help in the advancement of his research, he is now thankful for it, for he has found with it a greater purpose: Ensuring the safety of his precious Gardenia.
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lampoest · 4 years
Unfiltered thoughts watching mission impossible rouge nation inspired by @chaotically-cas
(sorry its so long my brain is all over the place)
this is also part 14 of me watching it every day :/
why is brandt first to speak
starting out with "shit" good call benji
brandt man we get the package is on the mcfucking plane
badass luther 10/10
nervous benji 10/10
that one sound effects sounds like the discord notif
why he in a fancy suit
*jumps on a plane with almost no plan on getting inside*
why did tom cruise think this was agood idea?
but like why would benji even open the ramp?
how is he not winded from that?
classic ethan
THE INTRO 1000/10
wait you can already see lane in the record shop.
how do they tell the agents these little convos?
also damn way to give it away
what if someone just looked in that room and saw the secret message?
also how did the disc get changed? because the imf definitely didnt make that
and how did lane know where he was going?
speaking of lane---
dang that man is pretty
he always sets guns down carefully
i can only see alec baldwin as trump from his snl skits so i dont take hunley seriously ;-;
damn brandt needs to step it up. man keeps letting himself be inturrupted
bruh the imf is only luck
why did no one resrict his legs?
also why is janik such an asshole?
dang she cool !!
why does it take janik so long to get that gun?
bravo-echo 1-1
this man is bleeding but decided instead of taking care of his wound he calls brandt.
i like how you actually see ethan worried and confused trying to plan his next moves. he is rarely caught off guard so it's refreshing to see his more human side
hunley spitting accusations damn bro
also a big fuck you from ethan to hunley
dang ethan is good
brandts little hidden smile
and ethan leaving trails
bitch how you sketch that good???
youve won, your way out of a job
benji is good
my little brandt x benji shipper in me is happy
simon pegg is such a good actor
the first time i saw this i was like: aww noooo
all dunn with that
i cant tell if that was ethan
it just looks like youre talking to yourself thats more sus than using a phone
want drama? go to the opera
ok but like if you look like that im sorry you are a bad guy. thats like a stereotypical bad guy face
you can see ethan in the background of that scene
flute gun flute gun
oh no benji is in the closet. dont worry man we love you
if i were there and i just had a good vantage point i could find lane in an instant
ooh ilsa pretty
pipe gun
also pamphlet computer
those key things are cool and plausible
spiderman spiderman does whatever, ethan hunt can?
a W O M A N
what W O M A N?
reminds me of a marshmallow gun i made out if pvc pipes.
why does she not put that thing back?
also the dude loads it and then later it is unloaded
dang that guy is pretty tall.
ethan is so tiny
dis bitch is like uhh gimmie a sec to catch my breath mate
why he only dropkick people?
only 30 mins in ?!?!
the cinematography is exquisite
yes benji goin sicko mode
*gets shot* just a flesh wound
bruh i would've been so startled at that
i love how confused he is at that
ilsa saves ethan once again
they did this on the first day of filming
ah yes random package in car = not bomb totally
if she tried to shoot benji then yes she is a bad person
but she didnt try to, she could've easily but didn't
benji being paranoid
she could just say the dude's name
benji being scared
hunley jumping to conclusions
brandt actually cares yeey
why di they approach from different sides of the street they were in the same car.
benji was far away from the sparks why he flinch?
friendship goals
oop plot dump that only mission impossible can get away with
why this mf's voice so smooth
lane is struggling with chopsticks
also lane :))))
ive chocked on my water so many times watching this scene
lanes voice :))))))
this man dont know what personal space is
gotta look up these peeps mbti types
casablanca references
also benji is wearing dollar store lookin glasses while ethan is wearing some fancy glasses
luther is top notch
as much as i dont like jeremy renner he delivers these lines really well
because atlee is a bitch
oh honey please, impossible is a walk in the park
benji just wants to wear a mask
id be so nervous walking through those
personal wellbeing who?
why not bring a plastic bottle full of air?
tom cruise can hold his breath for 6 minutes and he learned to do so for that scene
luther big brain
damn cctv
why did they need to break in while benji was going in?
das sus but ok
also isnt et voila french?
she just randomly tapping the ipad
benji being stressed
if he missed the exact center
i want one of those to open my locker's lock
if he just went with the current and didnt try to force his way against the water ilsa wouldn't have had to save him
imagine if he put the wrong one in-
she is breathing heavily to over saturate her body with oxygen so she can hold her breath longer
see ilsa makes it out without well and she went with the current
no you didn't
you gave her a false sense of security
ethan's confused face for the next like 10 mins is great
why does that one man look like sean ambrose?
the facial acting in this
the glare yesss
vrrrm vrrm
hey its you !
drivin like a grandma
shit !
benji just screaming
im convinced that ethan is indestructible
no you didn't survive that
ethan didnt just-
also why didnt benji just tell ethan he made a copy ???
dont shoot and drive kids
high speed motorcycle chase with no helmet or leather. tom cruise, how?
i wanna learn how to drive a motorcycle
the lighting
ofc brandt would be the person why sits backwards on a chair. fkn bi vibes
benji to the rescue
fuck off atlee
i am so proud of us ...
the lines are done so well here
benji lookin like how i look when my parents argue
im too fucking gay for this movie-
once again no personal space
*inhales* :))))))))))))))
ive like memorized the entire script of this including the music
1 man performance of m:i5 ???
benji's outfit
also i love how youre able to see the characters in the background. props for the attention to detail
i need that haircut because his hair is lookin A+
fuck you atlee
ilsa spitting straight facts
uhh ilsa he still loves julia
speak of the devil-
actin sus
his posture shdhskhsj (i cant be talking though)
0 personal space whatsoever
why does everyone have the same haircut in this???
simon mcburney pretending to be hunt prentending to be atlee
manipulation !?
the syndicate you say ? i know a thing or two about them 😼😼😼
damn though renner delivers these lines really well
a black tie? how informal. ..
complimenting hunt right infront of him
but he really didnt
i never realized that they were on the clock for this
the lil head nod though-
is it bad that i hate atlee more than i hate lane?
ethan big smart wrinkle brain
janik just reading a fucking magazine
ethan has a photographic memory
oh look its benji :)))
lane :))))
ethan being tough
it must be aquward to get the low angle shots
lane is running out the clock to put pressure on ethan hmmm big brain
it isnt working though :\
damn he so cocky that hes telling the villain his plan
ill give you 1/5 of the money you wanted to get my bf back
ok but like does tom cruise just not age?
kill the woman
ugh i hate janik
the trust that is shown between those two is great
yes the score and the chase are so great
also this man really hates windows for some reason
fuck off janik
sneaky sneaky
yeyy janik is dead
once again dodging bullets and hating glass
couldve killed him but needed him alive
the glass box
badass ethan
all the pretty men assembled
lane really let himself go aster this
dang though lane is my favorite villain ever
i like how for once the girl and the guy just are friends instead of romantically involved
eyy the callbacks to how the movie started.
welcome to the imf
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uwuch9n · 4 years
hey !!! today i’m gonna be trying to write some fluff to calm myself down and also try out something new in the process ! hope whoever reads this enjoys it :)
characters: kenma, nb y/n (self insert or oc) and a bit of kuroo :D
warnings or possible triggers: ear biting, neck kissing, wrists/arms being touched, stressed/overworked/anxious reader, and a thunderstorm/heavy rain ! please do not continue reading if any of these things could trigger any unwanted reactions ! maybe the next time i write some fluff or sfw fanfics you’ll be able to read ‘em !
a nice welcome home.
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after a long day at your new job, a manga artist, you decided to end your shift for the night and head back home. you wiped the sweat off your forehead but the stress wasn’t easy to get rid of. the office wanted the manga to be done as soon as possible and you couldn’t get the last few pages right. it was very obviously a hard week for you. luckily it was a friday so you’d get saturday off, but sunday you had to go back.
after getting yourself together you stuffed your things into your bag and walked out to get in your car.
“hey there y/n! lookin great huh, i see you’re ready to go home to lil kenken right?? how you doing?” said kuroo as he ran into you right outside the establishment. he worked near that area and decided to stop by, luckily he walked into you at the right time.
“im doing well,, i guess.. i just was overthinking a bit but i’m sure tomorrow, or even tonight, i’ll be able to refresh myself and relax..” you said almost trying to avoid contact for the time being. kuroo noticed you didn’t seem to excited about things and so he decided to give you some words of encouragement.
“i’m sure whenever you get to relax you’ll be ready for work again! and besides you got a lil pal waiting for you at home, don’t you look forward to that?? he’s pretty good at comforting,, and i should know”- he chuckled. you gave him a smile and nodded in agreement. you let out a sigh and walked off to your car right before kuroo grasped your left shoulder and pulled you in for a hug. he patted your head with his hand and reassured you. you got a little flustered,, but kept it in.
“you’re doing amazing, really. i know you work really hard, so make sure to cool off, ‘kay? you got this in the bag!” he said, you clearly being able to sense his smile through his decently raspy voice. he let you go and gave you a little push to get you back together after the short hug, and you both waved goodbye.
well that was quite an experience. you knew that kuroo wasn’t a homewrecker, especially when it came to kenma’s s/o, but he was getting much more comfortable and supportive with you. that made you happy, but after thinking about what had just happened, you refocused and started your car.
you drove through the freeway and noticed all the billboards promoting businesses that you knew you’d rather be working at. you meet a stop sign and let out a sigh while other cars drive by. when it’s time to go, you go, as one would normally do, but you noticed that some water droplets were gently hitting the windshield of your car. it started getting a bit rougher and even more water droplets starting hitting your windshield, only this time they got louder.
you could hear all the other cars driving by thanks to the water that was slightly flooding the streets. you make a swift turn into your apartment complex and slowed down as you arrived at your apartment. you park at your designated spot and turn off your car. you adjust your bag straps that had fallen off your shoulder without you realizing, and reached into the back side of your car to get your umbrella. unfortunately it wasn’t there so you’d have to get wet, and it was raining pretty heavily. you sighed and reached into your cup holder for your apartment keys and got the right key ready in your hand for when you got to the door.
you slam your car door and lock it.
“goddamit” you let out as you start feeling your clothes getting humid. your shoes were hitting the floor inundated by the rain. you started running towards your door which fortunately was on the first floor. you inserted the key into the keyhole and turned your wrist gently as you peeked into the window. you could see the flashing lights of the tv. kenma was probably playing games again.
you closed the door and brushed yourself off as you glanced at kenma who had turned to see what that noise was. he knew it was you but he still wanted to see your pretty tired face. you gently took of your shoes and put your jacket and bag on the racks on the wall next to the door. you pushed your shoes with your foot and went to put on your favorite slippers.
“hey love, how did today go..?” asked kenma in a soft gentle voice, as to not startle you while you still were trying to shake off the water that had been absorbed by your clothes. you look up at kenma with an exhausted expression. “today was very stressful,, my manager told me to hurry up,, the artwork is due literally wednesday of next week and i can’t even get the stuff i’m working on now finished and-” kenma stopped your rambling by gesturing a hug and making gentle movements to come here with his small hands. you looked at him with a surprised expression, and then quickly changed it to a pleasant smile.
by then you realized that he had paused his game and the music of the game was still playing in the background, only a little quieter then when it’s actually on. you head to his little pile of blankets and pillows, and saw your favorite stuffed animal and a few snacks already set up for you for when you came home. that made you feel a lot better than before. “hey kenken, what’s all this stuff?” you asked acting clueless, but also trying to hear what he had to say about the setup. “it’s just a few things for you to pick out from,, i even brought you your little frog plushie; i know you like it..” he said while grabbing it and handing it to you. he blushed a little as you took it from his hands, gently caressing his as you did.
you took a look at a frog plushie but before you could get a full 360° look of it you saw kenma’s slender hands covering the two small black eyes of the plush. he set the plush down on your lap and grabbed your wrists. he knew your wrists were probably tired and sore after all that nonstop sketching at work, so he started gently rubbing them with his thumbs. he looked at your hands as he did, and then looked up at you. you had a cute shocked expression which he loved to paint on your face. he giggled and then went in for a kiss on the cheek.
after his soft tender lips were lifted from your cheek, you felt a bit of rustling and then a little blow on your ear which made you squirm. he bit it gently and kissed the side of your neck, while you sat there a bit flustered. kenma was usually the type to just give you a kiss on the cheek and continue playing his game, but recently you were getting much more attention from him. you didn’t mind it though, you kinda enjoyed it rather.
“you don’t have to give me neck kisses y’know..” you said hoping that he wouldn’t listen and just continue for a good minute. he of course didn’t stop and completely brushed off what you had just said. he moved to your shoulder and started kissing it, and then he pulled away. he look at you and gave you a smile, leaning in for a kiss afterwards. you kissed back and then grabbed him by the shoulders. both of you were blushing intensely, his blush just a little more calmed down, but it was there nonetheless.
“let’s eat some snacks, shall we?” you say after pulling away from the kiss and sitting there being a hot mess. you could hear the rain only getting rougher and rougher, and at one point you heard thunder. it was gonna be a loooong night. “let’s do that then” he said smiling as he reached over to the bowl full of strawberry pocky and small chocolate chip cookies. he fed you a stick of the strawberry coated biscuit and you nommed down on it happily, while he pulled away the excess pocky stick and brushed crumbs off of your lips with his thumb. his hand grasped the side of your face and he went to kiss your cheek once again before feeding you the rest of the pocky.
kenma turned to face the tv and then slowly got up to grab another controller for you to play with, since he was already playing a game and he wanted you to play along as well. you watched his flimsy self get up and come back to the floor in front of the couch. he sat down criss cross apple sauce style and handed you the controller, all while the thunder was still alive and the rain was still pouring.
“do you want to keep playing this game or... another game i have in our room...?” asked kenma in hopes that you’d say you wanted to continue playing the game he was already playing. he didn’t want to get up when he was right next to you. “this game seems fun, i’d love to play it with you” you said happily as you took the controller he had handed you and held it correctly so that he could get the multiplayer setting on and you’d be ready when he did.
you heard silly sound effects from when he switched the setting to multiplayer, and it filled you up with motivation for some reason. the thunderstorm and heavy raining didn’t bother you anymore because you knew you’d be safe with kenma. the music of the game got louder and kenma slowly lowered it a bit as to not disturb the apartment building. “you have to jump over the brown mushrooms and then jump into the green tubes and-” “..super mario bros..? don’t worry baby i know how to play this one” you winked at him and he let out a giggle.
he layed his head on your left shoulder which made you blush, and you followed it with a wide-eyed expression. he didn’t look too into it though, he was just focused in the game, and for him it was only nature. you rested your head on top of his and continued to play. time passed and it was around 2 AM. you and kenma had played for hours, and kenma was seemingly getting pretty tired, just as you were. “hey bub do you want to maybe go to bed now?” you suddenly paused the game and asked. “bed..?” he looked confused. he directed his eyes to the couch behind you two and you followed, quickly looking back at him.
“do you want to sleep on the couch tonight?” you put the puzzle pieces together. he nodded his head. “you don’t have work tomorrow so i figured you wouldn’t mind sleeping with me on the couch....” he said quietly in hopes that you would. you grabbed his face with your warm hands and kissed his forehead. “yeah of course i do!” you said trying to be enthusiastic, although your tired face barely allowed it. you both got up and he laid on the couch. you tried getting the bowl of snacks from off the floor and bring them to the kitchen but kenma quickly pulled you into his arms.
“tomorrow.. tomorrow we can clean up...” he said exhausted as you now were covering his body with yours. you adjusted yourself as did kenma and you both got into ‘cuddle mode.’
his arms wrapped around your body and you slowly started to kiss him all over. he laid his head back onto the arm of the couch. you relaxed your stiffened body, and closed your eyes as the music from the video game slowly faded away into nothing. kenma’s arms rubbed your back and moved to your head and shoulders. he gave you a final kiss on your head before drifting off to sleep.
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that’s all ! i hope you enjoyed this self insert x kenma fluff fanfic ! if this does any good i’ll consider writing more fluff in the future :))
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orbitariums · 4 years
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦 | 𝐜𝐡.𝟏𝟑 𝐒𝐍𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐓 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝟏𝟑)
hence the title! this is a sneak peek/snippet of chapter 13 which has been in the works for a while and i just haven’t updated!!! but i’ve been so inactive on here, i figured i could at least share a snippet. plus i missed yall :’))))
no telling when ch. 13 will actually be done/out! but i hope y’all like this lil sneak peeeeek <333
words: 3.6k 
warnings: smut!
playlist *updated recently, go check it out!*
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐭/𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐤 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬
       You woke up to the feeling of Steve’s body heat against yours, the flimsy fabric of his sheer white t-shirt bristling against your bare skin. He was laying next to you, a book open in his lap and a pencil in his hand. You weren’t quite paying attention, still settling into the day as the blur in front of your eyes slowly disappeared. Memories of last night flooded your mind fondly— Steve’s soft touch against your thighs as he carried you in from the car into the bed, the thought of someone caring so much to even do that for you, the plush feeling of his pink lips against yours. 
       You felt your heart swelling just to think of it, so pleased by the events of yesterday and last night especially. You felt like everything was just right at the moment. Before, some part of your brain was afraid that since things were going so well, something would inevitably go wrong later on, but you were past that fear stage. Now, you were just settling into enjoying the good moments and expecting nothing but good to come next.
      Since yesterday, especially after the grand afternoon you’d had, and the way Steve treated you carrying you into his apartment, there had been a shift. It was almost imperceptible aside from the way your heart seemed to surge even higher when you were around each other. Yesterday had been such a relief once you both met Bucky and cleared that up. Any unnecessary fear or anxieties that would’ve stemmed from that dilemma were removed. 
        And now you felt so drawn to Steve, so inclined to trust him impossibly further— again your mind ran back to thoughts about his touch on your thighs as he carried you inside, his soft but strong hands against your smooth skin. And you thought about how you wanted his touch all the time. You’d been physically close multiple times, but only once in the intimate sense, and you were yearning for more of his touch. Though you both wanted to go slow, you found each other irresistible in every sense of the word. And you only had two weeks together—why not get closer? 
Steve noticed you shifting, and looked over at you, the side of his lip quirked up into a grin. You stretched out like a cat below him, batting your lashes inadvertently. 
       “Morning, sleeping beauty,” Steve teased, and you chuckled. 
You were still getting comfortable with each other, but it was easier with each and every day. The more time you spent together, the more you felt used to each other, like waking up next to the other was the norm. The thrill wasn’t gone, but the atmosphere was comfortable at the very least. 
       “Morning,” you said back. 
You snuggled into his shoulder, hesitating a bit in case he wanted personal space, although you were craving an even closer proximity to him. But he squeezed you in closer to him, sensing your hesitation and reassuring you that there was no reason for pause. You noted how much you loved to be near him. The last few days had felt so unreal, almost childish in nature, like a silly little schoolgirl crush that wasn’t anything more, though you both knew you had strong feelings for each other. Yet now, you were sinking into the realization that being near him felt like being near a source of warmth and light that you were so grateful for— you needed it. And he needed the warmth you gave him too. 
Your eyes widened as you realized Steve was drawing in his sketchbook.
       “You’re drawing?” you grinned excitedly, and he laughed sheepishly and shook his head. 
      “Yeah. Haven’t done it in a while, it’s just random sketching… it’s a mess, honestly,” he brushed it off, but you frowned.
      “I like it. I like your random sketches. You should do it more often,” you tilted your head up and kissed his cheek, another leap of courage that made Steve’s cheeks heat up, along with your words of encouragement. 
     “Maybe… I got time. But,” he grunted, closing his sketchbook and turning to face you. “I wanna spend time with you. Go head, get dressed. I wanna take you out today.”
      How ready Steve was to take you out made you perk up. His tone, his demeanor, just the prospect of going out with him on this lovely day full of sunshine amped you up. The fact that Steve had plans for you was so refreshing. He really did want to show you just how much he cared, and he was putting in the effort, day after day. He was doing everything to make sure you knew how much he wanted to be with you and be around you. Even though it seemed as though the bar was low, that wasn’t something you were used to. Just thinking that he made time to plan things out between you and him made you feel all warm inside. 
      So you got ready with ease, taking a shower and getting dressed, putting on just a bit of makeup. Steve complimented your dress when you came out from the bathroom, looking you up and down with the purest, kindest admiration in his eyes. 
        “You like it?” you echoed, flouncing around, unable to fight off the urge to grin. You didn’t struggle with confidence in the physical sense, but Steve made you feel so sure of yourself, like even in these strange circumstances you two were under, he still wanted to show you off and make you feel good about yourself internally. 
       “You… look gorgeous all the time,” he shook his head as if he couldn’t believe it, pulling you close under his arm. 
     “You’re sweet,” you grinned, and laid your head in the crook of his armpit, letting him lead you out of the apartment, letting him lead you to bliss. 
When you got in the car, you saw that in the backseat there was a picnic basket and a blanket. You gasped, clasping your hand over your mouth and gaping wide eyed at Steve. 
      “Are we going on a picnic?” you cooed, grinning wide. 
He smiled back, 
         “You figured it out. Listen, it’s nice out, and I know a great woodsy area where we can be alone and in peace.”
You raised a brow,
       “And here I was thinking New York was a concrete jungle.”
       “Gotta go up north for the good stuff,” Steve shrugged. “It’s nice and secluded, so we won’t have to worry about laying low. Just wanted to take my girl out officially.”
You leaned your elbow against the window, facing Steve as you pressed your palm to your cheek with a smug smile,
       “Your girl, huh?”
Part of you was teasing him, the other part of you just wanted to hear him say it again. Neither of you had had the conversation about labels yet, but it had only been a few days. It was safe to say you weren’t quite worried about labels. You just liked each other’s company. Steve was a man of formality and tradition though, so there would be a point where he probably made things official between the two of you. But for now, he was taking it slow out of respect for you. 
Steve glanced over at you, dimples forming at his cheek as he smiled back, 
      “My girl.”
      “I like the sound of that,” you cooed, your eyes glimmering with admiration for him. 
       “Me too. Glad you like it,” Steve replied, his chest warming up with satisfaction. 
     He was testing out how calling you his girl sounded, and he loved the thought of it. Even though you were his girl, you were still entirely your own woman. That’s what he loved about you. 
      Steve’s hand shifted over to your lap, a gentle grip on your thigh, tapping his foot absentmindedly. He thought nothing of it, but it made your head swarm. Even days after meeting him in person his touch was electrifying and every thought of being close to him thrilled you. You’d been intimate only once with him and not again since then, but every kiss since then seemed to last longer and each one was somehow better than the last time. But even though Steve’s hand on your thigh made you feel warm all over (all over), you just grinned to yourself and faced the boundless road ahead. 
| | | 
     “Oh, this place is so beautiful,” you said for probably the third time since you’d arrived. 
     The woods where Steve had brought you reminded you of California. It was bright and full of summer colors, yellow flowers springing up from the earth and surrounding the verdant grass that crushed underneath the soles of your Converse. The sunlight peeked through the forest canopy through gaps in the leafy honey locust trees and tall redwoods. Everything was lush and green and the air in the woods felt and smelled fresh and much better than the city. Steve knew you all too well, because this was the kind of place you’d go on a weekend with friends back home. You were definitely down for an adventure in the woods.
Steve set the things down on a nice clear patch of grass — he had refused to let you carry anything no matter how much you insisted — and started to set up. 
     “I was hoping you’d like it,” he grunted, spreading out the blanket and gesturing for you to sit down as he started to unpack the picnic basket. “I was planning this for the other day when it rained and we stayed in and…”
      Steve trailed off, his cheeks threatening to go red as he remembered what you did instead of a picnic that day. He couldn’t deny that he thought about it often—that he thought about touching you over and over again because there was nothing better than that feeling you gave each other. But nothing much had happened since then, mainly due to lack of time— you just recently had to deal with Bucky finding out, but now that that was over, you’d have more than enough time. You both felt like the fact that that situation was over called for celebration, and you knew just how you’d celebrate. 
Luckily, you had been distracted by a flower poking out by the tree Steve set up the blanket next to, and you wouldn’t poke fun at him or make him any more hot and bothered than he already was just from thinking of that night. 
      “For you,” you stood in front of him, tucking the flower right at his ear. “Aw, Steve. You look so soft.”
As soft as someone like Steve could look. It was funny— you watched him consistently and he constantly switched between looking like this scary macho man to becoming the softest Golden Retriever puppy when he looked at you. Your chest swelled with pride at this hunk of a man you’d managed to get. Nothing screamed Alpha dog more than Steve Rogers and while manliness wasn’t your top priority, you liked knowing that you were with a man when you were with Steve. So many people would die to get to know him on a personal level, but it was just your luck that you were actually able to. 
Steve grinned, fiddling with the stem of the flower behind his ears for a moment before settling down and opening up the picnic basket. He pulled out all the food, along with a bottle of sparkling rose and two wine glasses for the both of you. You sunk down to the blanket, sitting on your knees and marveling at the miniature feast before you. Steve was constantly putting in the effort and making it look so effortless, and you couldn’t help but watch everything he was doing with a smile glued to your lips. 
      “Not too early for a drink, is it?” Steve asked, tilting his head up to the sky, glistening with sun. 
      “Never too early,” you grinned mischievously, biting down on your lip as you watched Steve pour two glasses of rose. 
He handed you yours and then raised his own, and you reached forward to clink the glass in a toast.
     “To us,” Steve said, and you nodded in agreement.
     “To us.”
You took a sip of your drink and sighed in satisfaction, smacking your lips. Looking at Steve in front of you felt like such a sight to see. Your heart swelled as you took in your surroundings—the beautiful woods around you and the picnic Steve had somehow put together without your knowledge. And Steve was looking at you just the same way, so unaware of your nonchalant beauty as you leaned back, your skin glistening in the sunlight. You humphed, wanting to be closer, and practically crawled over to him. Steve’s eyes lowered as he watched you approach him, then settle into his lap with your legs on either side of his thick legs. The faintest grin appeared on his lips as you slung your arms around his neck lazily, holding the glass of wine between your fingers in one hand behind him. 
      “You really did all this for me, huh?” you asked, letting a finger trail along his chin, prickly from the beard he was growing. 
He bit down on his lip, his hand traveling to grasp your wrist softly and keep your hands touching his face, coming down to cup his chin. 
       “I hope you love it,” he replied, and you giggled,
       “Are you kidding? We have to go out here again before I leave,” you decided then and there. 
You still had loads of time left with Steve, and luckily there was so much you had yet to do together.
      “I promise we will.”
      “Steve,” you sighed out his name, leaning in closer to him. “I’m so happy here.”
You kissed his lips, a sweet and full lipped kiss that left both of you wanting more. Your lips tasted like cherry flavored gloss and rose. You giggled to yourself at the way that Steve leaned in, searching for more when you pulled away. His voice was low and soft, 
      “I’m happy you’re happy.”
You both laughed quietly and Steve pulled you in for a kiss, his hand on the back of your neck making you lurch forward as he led you with his lips. 
      Your tongue slipped in against the roof of his warm, firm mouth. His grip on your neck got stronger, his hand drifting down to the nape of your neck and squeezing just right, eliciting a lush moan from you. The touch of your body in such close proximity to him combined with the vibrations your moans made in his mouth got him hard. Like a reflex, he shifted his hips upward, pressing the outline of his hard length into the white cotton underwear that was exposed when you fit your legs around him. 
       “Mmh,” you whimpered when you felt him. You unlatched your saccharine lips from his, which tasted faintly like rose, and threw your head back only slightly, which urged him to lurch forward and press his lips to the exposed skin there, all sunkissed and warm. You grabbed at his hair. “Fuck, Steve.”
     “We haven’t even eaten,” you realized aloud, a giggle bubbling up in your throat that became a moan as Steve purposefully nudged his knee against your clothed clit again, finding the sensitive bundle of nerves easily underneath the fabric that hid it. 
     “No, not yet,” Steve shot back in a suggestive tone, and you raised a brow.
     “Steve, are you trying to tell me something?” you teased him, choking on your words halfway through because Steve was practically making you ride his thigh, rocking your body back and forth between his erection and his thighs after you slid down his knee. 
     Every movement he made, he did it with ease, bringing you closer to climax just by rocking against you. He could feel every contraction your pussy made against the outline of his erection as you squirmed and bucked your hips and rolled into him. Any logical thought process had left your mind— here you were, riding Steve’s thigh in the middle of the morning during what was supposed to be a sweet picnic in the woods. He had you gripped close to him, so even with all your squirming there was no way you were going to be able to move away from him, not with how strong his arms were. 
     He didn’t seem to notice, but this was just another way he asserted that nonchalant dominance over you that you died for. His hands fit perfectly around the small of your back, keeping you in place. He kept suckling at your chin and occassionally leaving tiny love bites on your neck as you rolled your hips euphorically. The slow, tantalizing pace he kept you at only drove you closer to your impending orgasm, the friction between his body and your own unbearable. 
     Steve had this unbelievable control over you while you helplessly, wordlessly rode his thigh, brushing up against his dick every now and then. And to think you were doing this in such a beautiful outdoor surrounding, removed far enough from others that no one would walk up on you. The silence was filled with restless panting from you as your orgasm drew closer, and the ambience of wilderness - the birds chirping, the greenery scuffling in the breezes of wind that drew past. 
      “Gonna come, princess?” Steve whispered hotly into your ear, reaching his fingers down and feeling the wet mark that had formed in your underwear, pressing against your throbbing clit. 
     “Mm, mhm,” you groaned, arching your back as your hips rolled in tune with his fingers. You came with a shuddered moan, soaking your own panties as your climax coursed through your veins. Your whole body seemed to shake, only stabilizing once Steve dug his fingers into your hips to ground you again. 
You stayed there for a moment, still grinding your hips against his and kissing him, holding him tight against you until you pulled away and pushed him back, still straddling him. He was laying on his back and marveling at the sight of you on top of him as you began to kiss him, your lips leading the way down against his toned body where they’d soon reach the place you wanted your mouth the most. How desperately you wanted your lips against those muscles, kissing there and really being able to feel him. You could feel Steve’s heart pounding when you layered kisses on his chest, and he was glad you couldn’t hear the thoughts in his head because they were positively swarming with nerves. 
     “There’s— oh,” Steve groaned when your lips reached his v-line, unsure of how he was still even able to talk with the way that his voice felt so constricted. “There’s still food—”
     “Just relax,” you interrupted, and he accepted without argument, throwing his head back and letting you do the work. 
| | |
     Today, Steve was out at work until further notice, but he made up for it by ordering breakfast for you, accompanied by a lovely note that he left on the kitchen table that morning.
Had to go in today. Promise me you won’t miss me too much. Be back soon. 
- Steve Rogers
The note had made you chuckle—he was such an old man, signing his first and last name like you were colleagues and you didn’t give him the best head of his life just a few days ago. With each passing day you were growing more and more used to each other, more comfortable with expressing intimacy and acting like… well, a couple. It was just, you hadn’t exactly given what you had a title. And while you thought about labels off and on, you weren’t rushing. Steve probably thought about it much more than you did—even though he was adapting to this modern world and the products of modernity (ie: cam girls), he was still traditional in a sense. 
      He didn’t want to string you along in a weird, titleless relationship. And while he knew that what you had didn’t need a title because of its unconventionality and the fact that you truly liked each other, he knew he’d feel a whole lot more secure when he could call you his girl, and have it be official. So he was brooding on it, because he knew that you didn’t want to rush things either, and in the back of his mind he knew you’d probably be fine going through these two weeks without an “official” title, but he decided the time for a conversation was due soon. 
      Though right now, he decided he’d take it easy, leave the harder conversations for later. He had something he wanted to show you. Now that you both seemed to have settled down, he wanted to take you out as much as he could. At least, while keeping a low profile. 
You had only spent a few hours alone when Steve came home through the front door. You sauntered over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek when you saw him. He kissed you back, wrapping one arm around your waist. 
     “Hey!” you chimed. 
     “Hi,” Steve grinned, smiling down at you with that very same look in his eyes— it was funny, neither of you seemed to notice how infatuated you looked when you set your gaze upon each other, but you always noticed it on each other. “How was your day? Didn’t miss me too much, did you?”
You smirked, placing a hand on his chest,
     “Maybe a little. Maybe.”
      “Well, I missed you,” he grinned, his voice getting softer. He nodded towards the open door behind him. “Get dressed, I wanna take you someplace.”
mkay i hope y’all enjoyed that suuuper short lil sneak peek i miss y’all tons & missed posting my writing on here. i can’t wait to get back to normal <333
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vulcandroiid · 6 years
lil life update for ppl who only follow me on here
life’s good! currently having an allergic reaction to the red tide algae plaguing the gulf coastline right now, which sucks, but other than that everything is pretty good.
still working at the bar downtown which is super fun, everyone there is like a big family and it makes it bearable working in the service industry. it’s good knowing people you work with care about you and are looking out for you and shit.
sagan is teaching middle school for the 2nd year now, and they love it. we just had our 4yr anniversary, as well! we’re chillin and making plans for the future and are on a health and exercise kick right now, lol.
our roommate moved in with her family bc of her pregnancy so it’s just sagan and me here now, and it’s kind of nice to have our privacy and our own space, though i do miss seeing my friend so often.
i haven’t done any drugs (including smoking weed) since st. pats day so i’m in the clear to apply for county jobs now and am actively looking for library positions. changing fields freaks me out bc i know i will be broke as shit, but it will give me the opportunity to do the things i want to do - go back to school, volunteer, have a social life, and be there for my significant other and my family.
i got a new car! probably my fav recent occurrence. spock (my old Honda) started really struggling a few months back and breaking down from something new every week or so and he was getting very expensive to maintain and was not even reliable so i had to find a new ride. super sad saying goodbye but i do love my new car. it’s not brand new, just new to me, but new enough that i have, like, bluetooth instead of a tape player, lol. it’s a lexus hatchback and it’s a hybrid so i spend like no money on gas on a regular basis, it’s so dreamy. it’s a white car and super fast so i named him asfaloth.
i’ve also been reading a LOT more instead of being online which is so refreshing. i started reading annihilation by jeff vandermeer and loved that, then i rolled right into the old kingdom trilogy and have been devouring it. i’m about a chapter from finishing abhorsen and then i get to read clariel and golden hand for the first time ever so i’m stoked about that. i also don’t have a tv anymore so i pretty much just read or do puzzles when i4’m home.
i’m still struggling with finding time and motivation for art but reading really helps. i’ve only done a few lil sketches and one watercolor recently though.
anyway i just ordered Uber eats so bye
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