#books where carla’s alive >
mikaswannabe · 1 year
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i imagine that miss mama carla was a firehouse baby. for the first 3 years of her life she grew up w two chaotic + unstable parents that just left her at a fire station one day.
then she grew up in foster care and from 13-18 she stayed in a group home with other girls of all different backgrounds, and they felt like family even if it was chaotic.
something that she took up during her childhood was sewing. like this bitch can make anything if she got a lil fabric. and she knows how to throw deown.
she has italian lineage with a thick jersey / new york accent in my head. curves like a disney mom.
after high school she went to a community college and also took classes at a fashion school. for money, she was the most one of the most charismatic bartenders & bottle girls you could ever meet, coming home with her pockets full of tips with the help of her pretty ass face.
everybody loves carla! if you don’t, you did something wrong. she has connections to so many helpful people because everyone just knows she’s that bitch.
and where do you think eren gets his firecracker ways from? she loves a good time, having all eyes on her at clubs, but if any jerk got out of line her mouth would run off the chaiinnn, and don’t make her have to slap the piss out of somebody, because she will.
at around 21, she met grisha, who was 26 and in med school. how did she meet him? partied too hard and wound up being treated by him.
“you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re just a student. get me an actual doctor.”
“or, you could go home. deal with the massive knot on your head and possible concussion by yourself.”
fuck, she loved his accent.
“at least i won’t have to see you again.”
yeah, they hooked up that night. knot on forehead and all.
she didn’t think she was gonna fall for the man, especially since he already had a kid, but then a messy 3 years of falling in love later she was pushing eren’s big head out and marrying this german man.
she worked a desk job while eren was young, but after grisha got on top of his medical school fees and started getting that neurosurgeon money, she was in her stay at home mom bag.
eren was such an troublesome bby to deal with. he would always be running around and making him sit still was a challenge. one of the only times he would shut up without even having to be told anything would be when he spotted his mom drawing sketches of her dress designs, crawling up on her lap and watching everything she did.
and something that always infatuated him was her few tattoos that he would see every now and again. like the dragon on her shoulder that had beautiful lilies drawn around it, or the butterflies on her left foot. when he got into his tattoo art talent, grisha was against it but carla embraced it, allowing him to refresh her old tats and them getting matching ones of each other’s names, his on the back of his shoulder while hers is on her arm.
as eren got older his favorite parent was evident. he loves his mom but he LOVES annoying her even more. just goes in her room and lays on her bed like “what we watching?” the amount of times she’s popped his hand for reaching into her food.
she loves her son, but she gets to that “get the fuck away from me, eren. my head’s throbbing like a fuckin’ drum with you around, god.” he know’s he succeeded when she has to physically push him out of the room.
when they’re at home it’s either, “sweetie, have you eaten?” or “get out this kitchen, you moose! i’ll throw this fryin’ pan at your skull, move!”
when ppl be like, “eren, your mom’s so nice.” he agrees, but not forgetting to say “to you guys.”
but seriously, when it came to being a community mom in eren’s grade school days, carla was it! always packing foods and drinks for kids at the games, taking them out to eat afterwards, and clearing hoes at pto meetings. that mama drama is no joke.
now that e’s in college, when other mom’s complain that they miss their baby so much, she just nods. she was glad eren got his ass out by 18. she loves her baby, but handful isn’t even enough to describe him.
she’s able to claim time for herself again, and then, she knows her son, and even with all the problems he can bring onto himself, she knows he’ll be fine.
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What to do when you find yourself to be an immortal vampire?
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Forever is a long time. Paul knew that, back when he was offered to change. He didn't care. He liked the idea of staying young forever, partying all night, never complaining about life like his parents did. Never complaining about long hours of work an dno payment to show for it. Never complaining about pains in his joints, headaches that wouldn't stop coming, never having to worry about any of those human things.
No, immortality was exactly what Paul imagined it would be. It was partying. It was freedom. It was flying in the sky and letting yourself fall to the ground, knowing you wouldn't be harmed. It was scaring the living shit out of people. It was gory, bloody, horrifyingly disturbing - but most of all, it was fun.
He loved racing on his bike, going faster than he would have dared when he was a human. He loved hunting and stalking his victims. He loved toying with them and making them think they had a chance of survival. He loved hanging with the guys, enjoying life in a way he couldn't when he was still alive.
But, as there always is with these things, there was a downside. Summer, for instance. When the heat began to roll into the cold cave, Paul already began to dread the coming months. The late sunsets, the early sunrises, the number of people in Santa Carla who paid way more attention to their surroundings than they used to. No, those summer months - even though he still enjoyed the nightly trips to the boardwalk - were the one thing he disliked about being a vampire.
He always woke up early, around four in the afternoon. In winter, it didn't really matter. The sun was already beginning to set, and it wouldn't be long before he could go outside. In summer, it was often a seven hour wait before sunset. The others had found ways to cope with their time waiting.
Marko had gotten pets. He cared for his pigeons, cared for the mice, and bugs living in the cave. He made sure the bats hiding in the dark corners were all still healthy - and helping them heal whenever it was necessary. Yes, Marko never complained about the time inside, having more than enough things and creatures to keep him occupied.
Dwayne, well, he was the one who probably enjoyed that time the most. He liked his downtime, preferring to have a quiet, calm evening instead of one filled with humans. He spent his time reading, going through the piles of books spread around the cave as if his life depended on it.
David, on the other hand, was often found writing or thinking up new ways to traumatise his victims. He enjoyed exploring his powers, seeing how far he could go with an illusion, how much suggestion something needed before the illusion took hold. He was often contemplating knew ideas, testing them out, and writing down notes on what to improve. He always played it off as child's play, especially when he had a thing for his victim, but in reality, it took a lot of training to get to the point where he was now.
Paul had never had the attentionspan to focus on his suggestion skills. Nor did he have a gift for animals or the patience to read a book. Over the years, he had done many things. He had tried to grow a bonsai tree - only to realise that he had forgotten to water it two months after getting it. Needless to say, the tree didn't live for long.
Once he had decided to get into making patches, seeing how Marko always decorated his jacket with them. He designed a few, and got better with each one he made - but then he forgot where he'd put his needless, and then just forgot about the thing.
He had asked Dwayne to teach him how to skate, which went surprisingly okay - until Paul decided to skate off the cliff to see how far he would go, and he lost the skateboard. He bought a replacement, but if asked, Dwayne was still a bit sour about it.
Paul tried everything, from making stop motion videos to organising his album collection to learning astronomy and figuring out how to put his bike apart and put it back together again. No matter what he did, over time, it began to bore him. Or he forgot about it, lost his initial interest.
His whole corner of the cave was filled with projects he once begun and then forgot about, things he bought or stole and then never used. But in the middle of all these things was his quiet pride and joy. It was the result of a bet made years ago.
At one point, when the boys were out on the boardwalk, they'd seen a video of a man cresting a solid aluminium foil ball. David was convinced it was bullshit, Paul thought otherwise. So he started to collect foil whenever he could. He began collecting it from the foil covered chocolate Easter eggs, to buying rolls of foil from the store.
The foil ball began small, but now, two years later, it was almost three feet wide and tree feet high. Not only that, Paul looked at it with a grin. It had become a solid ball. He spent his early mornings in the past years hammering on that ball, making the foil stuck together, making it one solid thing.
It hadn't cured his boredom. If he was honest, he was bored of it the second David had begrudgingly admitted that the TV show had been right, but then he realised it was a thing that kept him busy. So the ball kept growing, and growing and growing, until it was the size it was now.
But as Paul looked at it, the huge ball in his corner of the cave, he spotted the empty wall behind it. Marko had some paint left from when he had painted the Jim Morrison mural, and maybe it was time to add another face to the wall.
As Paul rolled the aluminium ball aside, the thing already forgotten, he started his painting. Marko looked at the scene in front of him, wondering whether this painting would get finished or whether he would spend eternity looking at another unfinished project.
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thereticx · 1 year
៚𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗌 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗂𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗌
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inspired by this song
pairing: Eren Jaeger x Reader
summary: Eren Jaeger shows his face again after a whole year away, recovering from the mess that was yours' breakup. Summer was already here and with it there's no escaping one another.
warnings: break up, ex's to lovers, cheating rumors, sexual themes, slight body talk
author's note: first attempt to write something that includes a song so I hope this isn't terrible (also the first one shot with smut after some time)
✎"Darling, you need to eat something. Please" Carla's voice rang through the massive room where she and her son stood for almost an hour trying to enjoy some good food. She hated seeing him like this, empty and absent.
Eren played with the fork while slowly raising his eyes to face his mother. He tried to mimic a smile as best as he could, maybe just maybe, she'll let it go "I'm not that hungry I ate before I got here"
The long ride to his mother's house gave him enough time to put himself together, to put up a front, convincing enough in order to not raise suspicions. But he forgot that it's his mother. Carla could read him like an open book, she was able to break through his facade and see him.
"Sweetheart, did you break up? Or is it something else? You know you can—"
"Yeah, we did" The boy felt how tears were about to fall from his eyes. God, he hated crying. It made him weak and hopeless. A single question was enough to take him back to that day where all went downhill.
「Hand over heart, I'm praying
That I'm gonna make it out alive 」
"Three years, Eren! Three damn years!" Your mouth tasted the salty tears that slipped over your chapped lips, then it hit you "Why?"
Eren stood in front of you, his eyes scanning your form. Your beautiful face was coated with tears and your eyes were tinted red from all the emotions flowing through them. Those eyes he got lost in every night held so much pain, so much betrayal, for him.
"Baby…please.. I can explain, just—" His trembling hands reached out for you, taking your face in them, his thumb brushing away a droplet of water. Eren's touch was so comforting yet so strange in that moment. You didn't know what to do, how to react. Part of you wanted to slap him so hard he would feel the sting for days, but another part wanted to give up. It was quite tempting to fall into his arms, to let him taste your lips and whisper what you so desperately wanted to hear.
「You got me scattered in pieces
Shining like stars and screaming」
No it's not right. You couldn't offer him your forgiveness not this time. With a shaky breath you managed to break everything you two have built. Every happy moment where you were laughing together, kissing, undressing everything crumbled. To say it hurt like hell was an understatement. It felt horrible. Eren felt his heart hurt, his chest moving up and down so fast he couldn't breathe properly "Please don't….please"
「This is a modern fairy tale
No happy endings」
That day haunted you for weeks on end. You grew to miss him so—so much that nothing had meaning in your life without him.
Eren was the air you breathed, he was the sun that warmed you up whenever you had a messed up day, when you wanted to smash everything in your sight and just hysterically cry.
He would warm you up with his little smirk that showcased perfect teeth, coming to embrace you and kiss your eyelids, your hair and finally your lips. There, he spent a good amount of time, swallowing every regret you had for the day and every bad thought. His lips were so gentle and sweet you couldn't resist. His fingers playing with the hem of your shorts while saying "Let me love you, baby"
And who were you to deny him?
「The bed's getting cold and you're not here
The future that we hold is so unclear
But I'm not alive until you call
And I'll bet the odds against it all」
The body that laid beside you was unknown, strange. Your soul refused to acknowledge it. The burning feeling you once got from Eren touching you, now it was locked up. There's no such thing as pleasure anymore. Only the gods now, you tried to love him. Your new boyfriend. You really did try.
If only he knew what was going on through your head a few hours ago when you had sex. If only he knew the boy who stole your mind and heart was far—far away and still you felt him so close.
His old shirts were kept in your closet, his ring that he had given you on your first year anniversary was kept beside you on your nightstand.
「There's a million reasons why I should give you up
But the heart wants what it wants」
Nights were the worst. In those moments you felt like the most. Your body tingles when you wear his clothes and when you click on the album you're faced with thousands of memories. All of them printed on your mind that when you close your eyes you're able to see him.
「You got me sippin' on something
I can't compare to nothing」
"Eren…this is my boyfriend" A knife ripped his skin and struck his heart. Was this really happening? He shook his hand trying to be as polite as possible but deep down he wanted to break your boyfriend's head and steal you away from him.
Eren was dressed handsomely but adapted to the hot weather. He had his key necklace hidden under his shirt and a smaller one sitting right at the base of his neck. His arms were decorated with bracelets all of them from the time you went to parties together but what really caught your attention was the ring he wore. The one you bought him when he turned nineteen.
He always wore it, even at the gym. Despite the fact that it left nasty marks on his finger, he didn't dare take it off.
When you trailer your eyes up his form you caught his eyes. You could see the pain and regret was still there, but he restrained himself from making a move. His body just couldn't move. You saw the innerbattle he endured seeing you with another man. It was hard for you too, because if he was to take your hand in his right then and there you'll give in and abandon your morals.
Please do it.
He didn't.
「But then you disappear and make me wait
And every second's like torture」
This was a terrible idea. You shouldn't be here with him. Not alone. It's not like you didn't trust him, you didn't trust yourself.
"So, about that thing. I didn't cheat on you. Historia just got into a fight with Ymir and I hugged her. That's all" Eren felt like it was too late to explain everything. But he had hope that you'll take him back.
「Save your advice 'cause I won't hear
You might be right, but I don't care
There's a million reasons why I should give you up
But the heart wants what it wants
The heart wants what it wants」
You smashed your cold lips against his, licking his lower lip to ask for entrance. His hands cupped your face keeping you so close your breaths became one. The taste of him was so addicting you desperately wanted to rip his clothes off.
"What about him?" He whispered, opening his eyes to scan your reaction. You smiled "The only one I care about right now is you. So, shut up and kiss me"
(the two of you broke up before this)
His arms lifted you by the hips and wrapped your legs around his waist. You felt him smirk against your neck, pressing wet hungry kisses. You tilted your head to the side allowing Eren to mark your neck. Your fingers were in his hair taking out his hair tie and letting the long strands of hair to rest on his shoulders "Eren..please"
"I know baby, I know" With one kiss pressed on your lips he laid you down on his bed sheets, admiring your body. You were curvier than he remembered, more beautiful if that was even possible.
Eren removed his shirt, his torso and abs on full display. He let your finger travel on his pecks while he rested his forehead on yours "I fucking missed you" Your touch raised goosebumps on his whole body and his pants were tighter with every second.
You sat up discarding your clothes along with your bra and underwear. You kept your thighs together to stop the slick from slipping further down your legs.
Eren watched you with hungry eyes when he noticed something. Your arms were around your middle, to hide something. He leaned in, taking your lips in his, meeting your tongue. You couldn't escape him. His overwhelming presence made you remove your arms from around you and pull him in, working your way to get him out of his pants.
Eren gripped his dick in his hand aligning with your entrance. His slit moved briefly up and down teasing you "Eren please.." You raised your hips to get some kind of friction.
The boy gripped your hips and stopped your movements "Tell me if it hurts" He pushed his tip inside, making you gripp the bedsheets. It's been a long time since he had been inside you and your now ex boyfriend wasn't even near as big as Eren.
He pushed forward making you close your eyes to stop the tears from building up "Relax baby I'm almost halfway"
"Eren it hurts—" Upon hearing you, he moved no more. His hands grabbed yours and squeezed them "Shh…you're doing so good love..so good" You opened your eyes seeing him look at you with so much love and admiration. He was painfully hard but still he took it slow for you.
His thumb drew circles on your hand while he whispered "Do you remember the first time we did it? You took me so good. Fuck, this pussy is perfect baby. You're perfect"
While he talked you were so focused that you didn't pay attention to the pain anymore "Can I move?"
You slowly nodded your head and felt Eren's thrusts. His movements were slow but deep. Your walls hugged him so good he felt like cumming right then.
"Oh fuck—" He picked up the pace, making you see stars. His dick went deeper with every movement reaching your g spot.
You arched your back feeling your orgasm build up "Eren I'm about to cum" He let go of your arms letting you wrap them around his neck. You rested your face in the crook of his neck, panting.
Eren felt your pussy clench around him as your orgasm hit you "That's it baby. Let it go" He put his hand on the back of your head, stroking your hair while he kissed your hair line.
When he pulled out of you, your juices where running down your inner thighs "No..you didn't get to cum"
He laughed sweetly pecking your lips "Don't worry about me—"
But you didn't listen. You pushed him on the bed, your lips kissing him lower and lower, reaching his still hard dick.
You looked up at him and god, he was about break. His hair stuck to his handsome face, his cheeks reddening. He was embarrassed.
You started kissing his dick from the base until you reached his tip. Your tongue came in contact with the precum and didn't hesitate to take him in all the way.
"Fuck—fuck" You felt his fingers grip your hair while he held you there for a second. He didn't apply pressure letting you do whatever.
You moved your head up and down, your tongue flat against his dick. He wasn't able to contain himself and thrusted up in your mouth "Don't stop fuck—"
You didn't dare to. Your hand squeezed his balls while you went faster. His moans were getting louder which indicated that he was close. Eren wasn't the one to shy away when having sex. He was as loud as he wanted.
His dick hit the back of your throat, releasing his load.
He watched you swallow his cum. You crawled on top of him kissing him. He trapped you with his arms, his lips biting your earlobe "I love you, Y/N"
You didn't reply with words but rather you kissed his jaw resting your head on his chest.
I love you
He knew that. You didn't have to speak.
For him it was enough that you were there.
That night the two of you made a promise. Through breathless moments you admitted to yourselves that…..
「The heart wants what it wants, baby
It wants what it wants, baby」
Your hearts want one another.
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Stan Pines Headcanons Part 01
A Tight Squeeze
No doubt that he has some level of claustrophobia after being trapped in a trunk. I wanna say it was from an artsymeeshee post where a fic idea (a fic idea I still have and is still 95% finished…) that dives deeper into Stan’s quote of ‘chewing out of the trunk of a car’. When trapped in said trunk, the car it was attached to was pushed into a bog or something to sink (from I think Zeragii’s fic on AO3). With Stan in it.
Bi the Way
Because why the heck not? And, yes, I do think he dated Jimmy Snakes for a short while. Even so, Stan leans more towards women.
Hablo Español
I think it is canon that he knows some Spanish (The Last Mabelcorn). I do believe that he’s actually quite fluent in Spanish, something he picked up while in Colombian prison. Speaking of, it is said that he was imprisoned in three different countries. I’d take the guess that Colombia was one of them. As for the other two…still thinking on that, though I’d imagine the countries aren’t too far from the USA because I can’t imagine Stan being able to take a plane to, say, England. After some consideration, I think that the other two countries he was arrested in were Canada and Brazil. He knows some French and an exceptional bit of Portugal.
For Protection
Those ten guns he has? They’re for protecting himself (plus his family) from not only people from Stan’s past, but also from any aggressive anomalies that call Gravity Falls home. Or really anyone/anything else he deems as a threat to his family.
Love at First Sight
Stan claims that he’s not a fan of kids. He even wanted nothing to do with his nephew when he was born because he was all snotty and drooly. However, when Dipper and Mabel were born, it was like a switch was flipped and Stan adored the twin babies.
A Froggy Dream
Stan once had an occurring dream that he was the owner of some wax museum, which actually inspired him to get (steal) those cursed wax figures. The oddest part about the dream was that he was a frog instead of a human. And he swore that Soos was in it too.
Still Got It
He started going back to keeping in boxing shape some time after the twins were born.
Second Thoughts
There had been maaany times during those 30 years that Stan wondered if his brother was even still alive and if all this work was worth it.
Somewhat Sentimental
Similar to how Mabel has a section in her scrapbook of failed romance, Stan has a booklet that contains his own failed love life. Of the known partners he had, they were: Carla McCorkle, Jimmy Snakes, Marilyn Rosenstein, and Lazy Susan. There was probably more he tried to sweet talk over the years, but never panned out. Heck, Darlene the Spider Woman is probably in the book too. Also, I find it funny how three of the six known lovers are magical in some way (Jimmy is basically Ghost Rider, Marilyn Eda is a witch, and Darlene is...I guess a Jorogumo)
Former Biker
Pretty much a scrapped idea that is now in headcanon land, that Stan was part of a biker gang at one point, which was how he knew Jimmy Snakes, who was the biker leader. He still has his helmet and leather jacket. I wonder if he still knows how to drive a motorcycle.
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mintbubbletea606 · 5 months
Sharing (Carla Tsukinami x Reader x Shin Tsukinami)
Requested by: @Hanakaoni
Eyes flying open as you felt a weight crash on the bed, you tried your best to keep your breathing steady and give off the ruse that you were still asleep.
“I can hear your heart hammering, human. Don’t pretend like you’re asleep. You need to explain something to me-” Shin started as you rolled over to face the man.
“What did you wake me up for?” you asked, watching as his golden eyes slitted in response.
“Why were you cozying up with Carla earlier?” he asked as you let out a deep sigh. “Your blood belongs to me-”
“Carla practically forced me to stay with him, just as you are forcing me to be with you at this moment,” you answered, instantly regretting your agitated response when Shin moved to grab your wrist and pull you towards him.
“Shin-” you started, your eyes widening when you heard the rumbling voice of Carla calling out his brother’s name as well.
The man in question let out a snarl as his fingers unfurled from your wrist. You quickly pulled back from him and turned to face Shin’s older brother.
“We need to keep her alive long enough so that she can choose which of us she prefers. We need to keep her in good enough shape to bear a child as soon as this happens. You can’t decide to break her wrist on a whim. That won’t help anything,” Carla lectured his brother, who rolled his eyes in defeat. “Come. She needs to get her rest. Lack of sleep will cause her blood to turn bitter.”
Shin tossed you a final glance before he headed out of the room with his brother, quickly mumbling a ‘good night’ to you.
As soon as the door was shut, you hurled yourself back on the bed and rolled your eyes.
You had been snatched away from your ordinary life, and now you had to manage two vampire brothers that were both vying for your attention. If you made one wrong move, you would end up injured or even worse, dead.
Trying to rid yourself of dark thoughts, you relaxed your still tense body and curled up under the sheets. That night, you were plagued with restless slumber, broken by intense nightmares that depicted your demise.
From the moment that you opened your eyes, you were in the company of Carla. You were given the task of stacking up tomes in alphabetical order, only for the man to hinder your progress in some way. Hours of this tedious work continued until you finally set down the final book and gave the white-haired man a furtive glance. Carla inspected your work thoroughly, letting out an unimpressed noise upon finding that one of the books was out of order. His striking gold eyes moved to study you for a solid second before shifting back to the pile of books. He moved his foot to topple over the pile, a cruel smile turning his lips up when he saw the shocked expression that crossed over your face.
“You’ve displeased me,” he simply said, lifting you up in his arms. His mouth found its way on your neck, a soft breath leaving your lips, before his fangs tore through your flesh, causing you to cry out in pain. “And yet, I’ll still reward you for the time you’ve spent on it. How does that sound, hmm?”
You let out another small whimper as his arms tightened around your frame.
“You smell almost exactly like Carla,” the younger brother complained as his eyes studied you. “I’m being completely honest when I say that you absolutely reek-”
“I’ve got it!” you exclaimed, watching as his eyes crept over your neck.
“And what’s with that damn turtleneck?”
“It’s cold,” you tried, only for Shin to snort at your response.
“For a human like yourself, it’s hot.” His mouth turned down as he added, “Aren’t you smart enough to come up with a better answer than that?”
Shin sat up from his seat and stalked over to where you sat. His fingers tugged at your collar, the neck of your turtleneck ripping off.
“Hey-!” you exclaimed, your eyebrows shooting up. “You’re paying for that-”
“Oh, shut up! Damn, what the hell did he do to you?” Shin interrupted, his irritated eyes scanning the bites that covered the expanse of your neck. “How dare he touch what’s rightfully mine?!”
In a second, you were roughly thrown over Shin’s shoulder, and the First Blood was storming down the hallways before any word could leave your mouth. In a whirl of noises and movement, you heard a door open and before you knew it, you were dropped to the floor. A knife of pain sliced through your body as you shakily propped yourself up on your elbow.
“Shin, what is the meaning of this?” came Carla's voice, which was faint since your ears were pounding with blood.
“That’s what I was about to say-”
“You could have hurt her, and that would not have helped our mission-”
“You bit near her arteries. That could have ended her in an instant.”
“If you had been the one doing so, she would have surely died. I was mindful of her every move and breath, however. I would have known if something was wrong. Everything was under control.” The room was filled with silence as you realized that Shin, for once, had nothing to retort back. Was he like this with his brother all of the time?
“Was there anything else?”
“Yeah, wasn’t she supposed to choose or something like that? You’re already marking her as yours.”
“I’m simply making my presence known.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Shin muttered, echoing your thoughts perfectly. He gathered you into his arms and walked you back to your room, throwing you on your bed and going to sit on a nearby chair.
“Where else did he touch you?” he immediately asked, causing you to fall into a stunned silence. “Did you hear me?”
“N-nowhere else,” you got out as Shin’s eyes narrowed.
“You’re not lying?” As soon as he saw you shake his head, his lips cracked open to reveal his fangs. “Good, now I can go even farther with you than he has.”
“Wha-” you started, silenced by his hand curing around your neck. His fangs sunk down into your revealed shoulder as his hands trailed down your back. He pulled back to mutter, “You’re mine, got it?” before biting back down.
Your eyes opened to the darkness of your bedroom, your body enveloped by an arm slung around you. You peeked back at Shin and moved to get out of the bed. However, you were roughly pulled back and he opened his eyes, annoyance evident in them.
“Were you going off to be with Carla?”
“N-no…” you answered, waiting as his suspicion grew. “I just needed water.”
“Ugh, humans with their needs. I’ll get you some. Don’t dare you move!” He moved out, closing the door behind him.
A few minutes passed before someone knocked against the door.
“Thank you!” you called out as the door opened. You barely got out the words before you noticed that the person was Carla.
“O-oh….” you trailed off as you peeked around the man, in time to see his younger brother returning to your bedroom.
A stagnant silence filled the room upon Shin noticing that Carla had made his way into the room. After a few minutes of silence, Shin seemed to gain his bearings and he moved around his brother to give you the glass of water.
“Oi, what are you doing here?” he asked, moving to sit beside you and throwing an arm around your shoulder.
Eyebrows creasing, you noticed how Carla’s eyes moved to look over the position you two were in. Deciding not to question it, you took an experimental sip of the water and waited for the event to unfold. Hopefully, you would manage to see another day after this altercation was over.
“I was trying to make sure that she was okay,” Carla answered as he moved to cross his arms in front of his chest.
“She’s completely fine. I was with her all night long,” Shin quickly responded, pulling you closer to him. “I thought that you had everything under control.”
“From the way that you were carrying on, I thought that something was wrong with her, something that I couldn’t catch.” Carla paused to study you intently before continuing, “After all, we must keep her at peak condition until she makes her decision.”
“I would have thought that she had made her decision. She’s obviously picked me-”
“I wouldn’t say that so easily, brother. She has spent most of her time working with me. She must favor my companionship.”
The two boys continued with their rebuttals until you let out a heavy sigh and broke free from Shin’s grasp. The two watched you closely as you moved to a corner of the room, safe way from the two of them.
“How am I supposed to pick either of you when I hardly know either of you?”
“We can solve this easily. Just pick me-” started Shin as his gaze shifted over to his brother’s calculating face.
“Would it be easier for you to choose if you were able to be in a relationship with the both of us?”
You tilted your head as you mulled over his suggestion, finally coming to your answer. Though you did not know the two as much as you would like, you knew that you were interested in both of them.
“Yes, I would like that…” you answered as you watched Carla nod in response.
“Then it’s a plan, my dear…” he murmured before moving forward to grab your hand.
“I’m good with the idea. Heh, you’ll like me more, won’t you?” Shin let out as your eyes shifted over to the man, whose lips were spread in a teasing smile. “Get ready. You have no idea what you signed up for, love.”
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misslavenderlady · 2 years
The Lost Boys Former Lives - David 🖤
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Others: Marko, Dwayne, Paul
TW: Child abuse, neglect, depression, illness, runaway, smoking, fatal injury, death
The leader of our Lost Boys and the first of Max's "family".
This is what David's life was when he was human.....
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Born in 1885 as the only child of wheat farmers, David was brought into an impoverished and struggling world. In his early childhood, his parents faced a decline in the quality and production of the wheat they desperately tried to make. They had to downgrade significantly and could barely afford to feed themselves, let alone their son. 
David had so little in his life. Nothing but his imagination to play with, a cold, gray house to call home and no friends to make due to where they lived. Life was so dull and when his parents grew angry with the struggles they faced, it also became hurtful.
His parents used their words as weapons, telling him what a burden he was on them as another mouth they had to feed. That him being alive was a mistake. Not once did he ever feel any sliver of love from his parents. He felt like a stranger in his own home.
So David took care of himself. He stayed out of their way, finding time in the early morning to travel long distances by foot to attend school. It was his saving grace, and he actually thrived when he learned how to read and write. It made him feel confident for once.
He longed to travel to new places and see the exciting things life had to offer. He could never tell his parents about his wishes, as they only saw him as potential labor for them as he got older. They would never understand. So whenever he borrowed books from the schoolhouse he went to, they were always hidden in various spots of his room. He even preferred to stay up late into the night and read his stories. 
His love for the night followed him into his second life.
The older David got, the more he feared what kind of life awaited him. His parents already put him through back-breaking labor, as they had no other children or workers to help out with their duties. Every day, he was exhausted and struggling with pain. He didn’t want to die knowing he never truly got to live as he wanted. So when he was 17, he ran away from home, stealing one of the horses to sneak off into the night.
It wasn’t an easy journey, but with time and patience, David made it to the city of San Francisco in 1902. Never before had he seen anything so incredible before. It was bustling and exciting, full of shops, restaurants, entertainment, and people from far and wide. For the first time, he had a sense of hope for his future. A reason to keep going. He’d never been happier in his entire life.
David still struggled to care for himself. He lived on the streets most of the time and did a series of odd jobs where he could find them. Still, he never regretted his decision. Seeing the flashy sights of the city kept him motivated.
When he found honest work wasn’t enough, he turned to more devious ways of earning money. He became a natural pick-pocket, robbing wealthy travelers and socialites blind. The more he stole, the less he felt bad about it. After struggling to keep warm and be fed all his life, why should continue to suffer while others got to spoil themselves?
Though he thought he'd be better on his own, David found himself struggling with the loneliness that came with his new life. He yearned for someone to talk to. A companion, a friend, a lover. Anything. Every day, he wished to have someone by his side.
In late 1905, David made his way from San Francisco to Santa Carla. It was even more exciting than the previous city. There were lavish hotels and resorts that filled the city and brought in more wealthy travelers. More suckers to rob blind.
In his downtime, David loved the beach most. The sound of the waves crashing onto the sand soothed him. It felt good to be somewhere so colorful, warm, and lively, unlike the home he grew up in.
One night, he got curious and found himself in front of the Atlantis Hotel, the finest resort in all of Santa Carla. It was New Year's Eve, and he had quite a bit of cash to spend from his dirty work for the day. He had been careful about spending his money on only necessities, but for the first time, David decided to treat himself. He snuck in amongst the crowd, enjoying fine wines and treats while listening to music. He’d never felt so alive until then, finally experiencing the joys of life as he always wanted.
However, his festivities came to a halt when he was cornered by the proprietor of the establishment— Max Lawrence. 
David denies this claim, but he was terrified of Max when they first met. The man was so tall and intimidating with his calm, collected personality, even when he was angry. Not to mention, when he grabbed David’s arm to get his attention, he found the man’s touch to be incredibly icy. He could feel the chill in his bones.
To his surprise, Max didn’t want trouble. He wanted to ask questions. It started off with the simple ‘why are you in my hotel when you’re not a guest?’ and ‘where did a poor-looking boy like you get that kind of money?’. David was purposely vague in his answers, not wanting to fess up to a total stranger.
But then Max started digging a little deeper. He wanted to know where David had come from and what kind of life he was running from. If he had a family that cared for him. The strangest question of all was whether David would want to live forever if given the chance.
He was thoroughly creeped out and tried to leave. The only thing that stopped him was Max’s offer to give him a room to stay in, free of charge, for as long as David desired. It certainly intrigued him, as it would be the first time in years he wouldn’t have to sleep in the gutter or in local poorhouses. 
The catch? Max wanted to be an official caretaker for him. 
Confused and skeptical, David asked for time to think about it. Max allowed that, giving David the key to his room. Before leaving, Max told David he could be found during the night hours. It was all so baffling, but with the desire to enjoy a bed and a warm room, David decided not to question it. 
He did his best to avoid Max for a while. Something about the proprietor thoroughly creeped him out. Since Max was only busy at night, David woke up early in the morning and turned in fairly soon into the night to avoid any confrontation. The times he did bump into Max, he feared the man would demand he take on the offer. Instead, Max just asked if David had eaten or if he needed anything.
A few months went by, and David grew nervous. Max always seemed to be lurking, waiting in the shadows to strike. David sought refuge in the Resort’s library. He spent days and days lounging in the sofas and reading any book he wanted. He learned more about other countries, history, art, culture, languages, fashion, absolutely everything, and anything.
Despite living in Santa Carla, he still had the desire to see more of the world. There was so much to see and do, and he wanted to witness it all while he was still young and healthy. 
And then it happened. April of 1906. The Great San Francisco Earthquake.
The ground on the Bluff split open from the force of the earthquake, creating a crack so massive, the Atlantis Hotel fell in, taking down all of its guests deep into the caves and sea below. David was one of them. He survived but was impaled through the chest on an iron spike from the infrastructure of the hotel. He was paralyzed with shock, too scared to move and make it worse, and too weak to scream for help. For hours, he was stuck like that, slowly dying with no sign of hope.
When the sun went down, a figure stepped through the rubble of the fallen resort. Even in his injured state, David could see that it was Max. Unscathed and surprisingly unbothered by the ruins of his beloved hotel. He simply called it ���a bother”. 
David used his dwindling strength to plead for help. Whether it was for Max to save his life or put him out of his misery, he wasn’t certain. Max had a smile on his face as he made his offer again.
“Would you like to live forever, David? Thrive and enjoy life while surviving terrible things like this? All you have to do is say ‘yes’, and I’ll help make that dream come true”
Of course, David said yes. Moments before he could take his final breath, Max forced a bottle of liquid down David’s throat. It was the last thing he remembered before blacking out. 
While the rest of California was suffering the disaster, Max had freed David from the spike and had taken him away to recover in a neighboring state. For days, David’s body recovered from the injury. He was half-conscious the entire time, only remembering Max pushing him around in a wheelchair and feeding him sips of the same drink from the bottle. It was absolute hell, and each time he closed his eyes, David feared he wouldn’t wake up.
One night, when David was nearing the end of his recovery, Max sat him down, finally explaining himself. He was actually a vampire. One who had been alive for over a century. He had spent decades building up a status of wealth and success, thriving in every place he went. But the years of loneliness were catching up to him, and Max admitted he longed for a son. He explained that with David being estranged from his family, he could be like a father to him, taking him along to see the world and make the most of it all while humans suffered around them.
All David had to do was make his first kill and complete the transformation he hadn’t realized he had started.
It was all so much for him to take in. He was surprised by how grateful he was to Max for such a thing. After all, he would have died the day the Earthquake hit. His life would have been over before it even began. He would never have to know pain again. No sickness, no struggle, no death.
So when he was ready, Max took him back to the site where it all happened. David was nearly finished healing thanks to the power of Max’s blood. They traveled through the wreckage, searching for a sign of life. A survivor was found in the ruins of a cave, barely clinging to life. To this day, David doesn’t know who that person was. All he knows is that he fed on them, which ended their suffering and completed his transformation all in one go.
David was reborn that night. He was permanently made a vampire, and Max was incredibly proud. Finally, he had the son he wanted, and David was ready to live life to the fullest. He held a deep sense of gratitude to his Sire, promising to be devoted, no matter where they went. David still doesn’t see Max as his father, as the previous father figure he had was a terrible one, but he holds a sense of respect for him.
From then on, he would get to experience the world how he truly wanted to.
Additional Facts:
David was born with brown hair. When he ran away from home, he used hydrogen peroxide to make it blond. He saw it as a form of changing who he was for his fresh start. When he became a vampire, the color change was permanent. He secretly enjoys it when people say he looks undead with it. They’re technically correct.
He can’t remember his parents’ names or faces. One of the effects of vampirism is the memory loss of human life. What he does recall is the suffering he went through, and that’s enough to make him not regret his choice.
He actually goes by his middle name. David is a junior, as his first name was his father’s name. When he ran away was when he started going by “David”. He can’t remember what his first and last names were.
For several years, David's parents thought he was mute because he spoke so little. He just didn't have anything to say, nor did he want to speak to them. He was much more talkative in school.
One of his favorite activities was horseback riding. He loved the wind on his face and the rush of going fast. When he got his first motorcycle years into his vampire life, he felt the same rush, choosing it as his go-to transportation when he’s not flying.
Speaking of motorcycles, the Triumph motorcycle was invented the same year he was born. Technically, he's as old as the bike he rides.
His favorite power is hallucinations. He has excellent control over it, creating physical sensations along with visual changes. The others have called him a magician for how good he is.
Max gave him a cigar on New Year's Eve when they met. It was the first time he ever smoked, and he’s been hooked on it ever since. It makes him feel mature and distinguished.
In life, David constantly had a bad cough. His parents never took care of him, just telling him to "knock it off". He actually had asthma, which went untreated. It was cured when he became a full vampire, and he's grateful to have strong lungs again so he can smoke without issue.
The reason why he screamed “no” when Michael shoved him onto the antlers was that it brought back the trauma of the first time he “died”.
David loves causing mischief whenever he can because he knows there are no consequences to his actions. Max thinks it has spoiled him a bit.
David is secretly a hopeless romantic. Whenever he read stories about romance, he longed for someone to love him so passionately. He never had a crush as a child and he never saw his parents display affection toward one another. The first time he saw a couple kissing in public, he was astounded. Overcome with a sense of longing like never before. He promised himself that if he ever fell in love, he'd never stop showing his partner adoration and attention.
When Max first brought him to Europe, David took a variety of dance lessons. He's surprisingly graceful (thanks to the flying ability he has), and his favorite style is the Viennese waltz. At some point, he's danced with all three of the boys.
Although he is a delinquent, David actually likes it when he comes off as someone who is well-spoken or dignified. He really valued his education in life and enjoyed showing off what he knew. Though he talks very casually with slang, sometimes he’ll slip more into a mature style of speech. The others describe it as “poetic”
He has little patience for people he deems to be rude. He had enough of that in life, and now, with his power as an undead vampire, he quickly gets rid of the cruel, snobby, and obnoxious people he comes across.
In life, David’s favorite food was lobster. When he got to San Francisco, he loved getting it straight from the ocean.
Max offered to get him a hellhound for protection, but David insists he can take care of himself. The feeling got stronger for his boys, as he wants to prove he can protect them on his own.
The wheelchair Max gave him during his recovery is the same one we see in the hideout. David left it there the night he completed his transformation. When they returned to Santa Carla after decades of travel, he immediately went to find it. In a strange way, it brings him some comfort to sit in it.
He will usually only hunt people who cause problems for him first. He and his boys are like bees, they won’t attack unless you attack them first. 
He met Marko in 1920, Dwayne in 1937, and Paul in 1960
David has a very warped view of what love is because of his past and how things are with Max. Despite their differences, he has always been thankful for Max giving him the gift of immortality, and in David’s mind, that’s the biggest form of love you can offer someone. If he offers it to you, that means he loves you. When Star and Michael try to go back to humanity, it breaks his heart because he sees it as them denying his love for them. 
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spaceorphan18 · 9 months
Which book should I read next?
Inspired by @ckerouac - I picked out one book from each of my eight bookshelves** - one that I haven't read and that's been on my TBR list for a while. I'm letting you guys decide which one to read! Let me know what you think! And I'll read the one you pick next....
**- one of the bookshelves is dedicated to Young Reader books, and sitting on top of it are a couple of books that my bother loaned me, so I've included that instead of an actual YR title.
Info about the books under the cut
From the Fiction/Classics bookshelf: Less by Andrew Sean Greer
You are a failed novelist about to turn fifty. A wedding invitation arrives in the mail: your boyfriend of the past nine years now engaged to someone else. You can’t say yes--it would all be too awkward--and you can’t say no--it would look like defeat. On your desk are a series of half-baked literary invitations you’ve received from around the world. How do you arrange to skip town? You accept them all.
From the Graphic Novels bookshelf: Sandman by Neil Gaiman (Vol. 1)
In PRELUDES & NOCTURNES, an occultist attempting to capture Death to bargain for eternal life traps her younger brother Dream instead. After his 70 year imprisonment and eventual escape, Dream, also known as Morpheus, goes on a quest for his lost objects of power. On his arduous journey, Morpheus encounters Lucifer, John Constantine, and an all-powerful madman.
From the Sci-fi/Fantasy bookshelf: The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
It has been centuries since the fall of the ten consecrated orders known as the Knights Radiant, but their Shardblades and Shardplate remain: mystical swords and suits of armor that transform ordinary men into near-invincible warriors. Men trade kingdoms for Shardblades. Wars were fought for them, and won by them. One such war rages on a ruined landscape called the Shattered Plains. There, Kaladin, who traded his medical apprenticeship for a spear to protect his little brother, has been reduced to slavery. In a war that makes no sense, where ten armies fight separately against a single foe, he struggles to save his men and to fathom the leaders who consider them expendable.
From the Mystery bookshelf: The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman
In a peaceful retirement village, four unlikely friends meet up once a week to investigate unsolved murders. But when a brutal killing takes place on their very doorstep, the Thursday Murder Club find themselves in the middle of their first live case. Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron might be pushing eighty but they still have a few tricks up their sleeves. Can our unorthodox but brilliant gang catch the killer before it's too late?
From the Non-Fiction bookshelf: The Great Green Room by Amy Gary
The extraordinary life of the woman behind the beloved children’s classics Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny comes alive in this fascinating biography of Margaret Wise Brown. Margaret’s books have sold millions of copies all over the world, but few people know that she was at the center of a children’s book publishing revolution. Her whimsy and imagination fueled a steady stream of stories, book ideas, songs, and poems and she was renowned for her prolific writing and business savvy, as well as her stunning beauty and endless thirst for adventure.
From the Agatha Christie bookshelf: The Science of Murder by Carla Valentine
Agatha Christie is the bestselling novelist of all time, and nearly every story she ever wrote involves one―or, more commonly, several―dead bodies. And the cause of death, the motives behind violent crimes, the clues that inevitably are left behind, and the people who put the pieces together to solve the mystery invite the reader to analyze the evidence and race to find the answer before the detective does. Nearly every step of the way, Christie outlines the nuts and bolts of early 20th-century crime detection, relying on physical evidence to tell the real story behind the facades humans erect to escape detection.
From the Young Adult bookshelf: Scythe by Neal Shusterman
A world with no hunger, no disease, no war, no misery. Humanity has conquered all those things, and has even conquered death. Now scythes are the only ones who can end life—and they are commanded to do so, in order to keep the size of the population under control. Citra and Rowan are chosen to apprentice to a scythe—a role that neither wants. These teens must master the “art” of taking life, knowing that the consequence of failure could mean losing their own.
From (on top of the) Young Readers bookshelf: What If It's Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera
Arthur is only in New York for the summer, but if Broadway has taught him anything, it’s that the universe can deliver a showstopping romance when you least expect it. Ben thinks the universe needs to mind its business. If the universe had his back, he wouldn’t be on his way to the post office carrying a box of his ex-boyfriend’s things. But when Arthur and Ben meet-cute at the post office, what exactly does the universe have in store for them?
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strscrossed · 10 months
🏹 thg au hcs // part 1 🏹
** this isn’t following the actual books or movies. just the world and all that.**
honestly this is a rough idea I have in my head and there are things taken from the series but also not really. anyway if I think of anything more I’ll make another post.
EMA are District 12
Zeke is a Gamemaster like Plutarch and much like him he’s actually plotting
Grisha was Capital and part of a secret plot to overthrow the current government. he was sold out by his own son and instead of being killed he was forced to watch the execution of his first wife and banished to district 12 where he met Carla
Eren, naturally, hates life out here and just dreams of getting out of District 12 with his friends and seeing the world they lost.
Levi and Kenny were the victors of their respective games so when Mikasa was reaped, she was the clear favorite to win.
Eren would’ve been focused on winning but when Mikasa was reaped alongside him, he was determined to do everything to make sure she came out of this alive.
Levi is the em’s mentor. first time too because Kenny is absolutely done with this shit.
behind the scenes, Armin was reaped on purpose. due to his connection to the Jaegers. Eren volunteered as tribute on his behalf and this was actually what was anticipated
Levi has to bring Eren down because he knows the kid and his whole MO is kill as many as he can and he’s like that’s a great way to ensure he’ll die in the first minute.
Possibly in this case, Eren’s whole attitude is very outwardly rebellious and he’s angry. He’s a Jaeger, everyone knows that name.
During his interviews, he actually confesses very publicly to being in love with Mikasa. this was not part of the plan and he more or less blurts it out but it works in her favor
He doesn’t die and there’s something inspiring about him just refusing to die and it just inspires people nvm how off putting he is.
When they’re the last ones, he gives Mikasa a knife and urges her to kill him. she refuses to but also says if she has to, he’ll have to as well.
I feel like the whole game is going to be them trying to keep the other alive. and they’ll only kill to protect the other.
naturally a jaeger winning this outrages the government.
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cellsshapedlikestars · 2 months
What fandoms/pairings did you get into before Jonsa? Or the first work/story that made you discover fanfic?
Just randomly sharing, broke my phone other day and looking for my downloaded fanfics made me look even further back.
😭 Final Fantasy VIII rpg game was 25 years ago and beloved fanfics of it published 20 years ago (still there in internet).
Also realized my love for broody, sulky male protagonists with angry chip in their shoulders and female characters that receive hate just bc they’re “princess”-y, “damsel-in-distress” not-the-strongest type was there too. (Prob started it.)
(we def share a ship preference for broody/princess lol)
It's been so long, I can't remember how I found fanfic. Probably in my Sailor Moon phase (elementary school-ish) because I absolutely wrote Sailor Moon fanfic. (I never posted it online or showed anyone, though. I can distinctly remember writing a Sailor Pluto fic where she's still alive after all the other sailors are killed, and she just stands there as the keeper of time waiting sad and alone for millennia for them to be reincarnated. Really fun and chill story, 12 year old me!) I can't remember any fics specifically that I read, though there was this website that used to MST3K "bad" Sailor Moon fanfics, and I remember reading a lot of those. I didn't ship anyone in Sailor Moon.
If you want to know about any prior ships/fics I wrote, below the cut!
Considering how much media I have consumed over the years, I don't tend to ship very hard. I tend to go with what the piece of media tells me the ships are tbh. Jonsa is the first that wasn't canon.
The first fandom I had a ship for, and the first fandom I actively remember reading fic for. I was big into Miroku/Sango. Never wrote anything for that, though.
Harry Potter
I did vaguely ship Harry/Ginny while the books were coming out, and even wrote a few chapters of an alternate book 2. That was on ff.net and is probably purged at this point. I could not tell you what my username or the fic title were lol.
Later, I dipped my toe into the Marauders/Jily fandom, but never went all out, because by that time, I'd become disillusioned with Harry Potter. Every once in a while, I'll go read a Jily fic.
While this is my favorite show, I didn't ship too much. I kinda shipped Buffy/Spike (have thoughts on it now) and also Angel/Cordelia. I never read nor wrote fic for either of these pairings.
Veronica Mars
Veronica/Logan. Read some fic, never wrote anything.
I wrote a one shot for Sid/Cassie. Posted on my old livejournal and now re-posted to an alternate ao3 account. I don't hate it. I'd probably change some things if I were writing it now, but I think it's pretty solid.
(No, I just re-read it and it's very solid. Kinda proud of this one)
I am SO embarrassed to say this, but I wrote a Rachel/Puck one-shot after the episode where they decide to date because they're both hot and Jewish. It wasn't a super shippy fic and mostly centered around him telling Rachel Quinn's baby was his. I stopped watching Glee after the first season lol and did not repost that fic from my livejournal to ao3. It can die on livejournal.
Carla/Samuel!! LOVE me some poor boy/rich girl dynamics. I got really into them and even read some fic, though there wasn't much out there. Never wrote anything. Have debated writing a Jonsa Elite AU
The Other Fandom
Now. I have hinted in the past that I used to be in another fandom that I wrote fic for.
Oh, the OC. You held my heart for so many years (well. 2 years). I wrote so much fic for you (mostly in the first year, kinda fell off and did more experimental stuff in the second).
That fandom was the O.C.
I'm kind of afraid to say the pairing, because there's only 1215 OC fics total on ao3, and for my pairing is not one of the popular ones, and I wrote about a quarter of those, so I feel like you could find my alt account pretty easily...
I dunno. I'm a little embarrassed about some of the fic I wrote back then. Some of it is SO unnecessarily dramatic (AND IN FIRST PERSON. I HATE FIRST PERSON POV!!). I also wrote a wild amount of smut for someone who didn't really know what the fuck she was talking about lmaooo. I've spoken a lot about how skittish I am about writing smut now, but as a teenager I was cranking that shit out. (ok I actually just looked and it's only 5 explicit fics, but still. That's about 1/5 of the fics I wrote)
I'm probably making too much out of it, because there are some fics I'm proud of, but enough that I'm embarrassed by that I have yet to be able to publicly say what my apt account is
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
OC Questionnaire
Thanks to @elizaellwrites here, @mysticstarlightduck here, and here, @the-golden-comet here, and here, @urnumber1star here, @duckingwriting here,
@thepeculiarbird here, and @paeliae-occasionally here!
And that's STILL not all the tags! Stopping at eight again because that seems like just enough (yes there are nine tags but one of them repeated questions)
Other Questionnaires:
Round One Masterpost
Round Two: Tyler, Gwen, Liam, Noelle, Akash, Robbie, Sam, Ewan
Round Two: Jazlyn, Carla, Wade, Rose, Maddie, Xitlali, Jedi, Lexi
Round Two: Ash, Kelsey, Atsila, Teo, Carmen, Issa, Raissa, Gabriel
See below for George, Wendy, Hye-Jin, Alex, CJ, Anathi, Niri, and Parker!
#1- George
Where and how did you learn most of your skills?
“Well as a matter of fact, I learned most of my skills in the easement of my own home! I grew up here, and I even took a lot of my schooling here, remotely. As for how, well... I don't mean to brag, but I am self-taught in a lot of areas. Miss Donner was my teacher when I was younger, but uh... Anyway, my chemistry skills came from years of studying my father's books as a young adolescent. Technology came so naturally, I didn't need many lessons for it to stick, and I fiddled around with it so much that I learned it. I got bored super easily even before my superspeed, so I had to do something! I went from project to project, so much abandoned. And I got a degree in technology, but nothing too fancy. Only got something to get a job to support myself and Carla.”
Who has had the greatest impact on you? How?
“That is a hard decision. I don't remember my parents very well, so not them, even if my father's journals helped me. Damian, maybe. Damian was like a second father to me, and he stuck around and supported me more than anyone else did. He's the reason I was able to help Carla.”
Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist? Why?
“I am an optimist! Things can always get better. They did with Carla! And also, despite a lonely five years, we have so many more friends now! I got to see Carmen again, who I barely remembered before. And I met Liam! And now I know what Mario Kart is! Things are awesome now.”
Other George: OC in three, questionnaire one
#2- Wendy
Do you know how to dance? If so what kinds?
“Conceptually, yes. Occasionally I'll find myself reading a book on dancing through the ages. Many kinds. Alii and Ceter dances. Even styles that are a mix of both!”
What's the season you hate the most? What's your favorite season?
“I find all seasons fascinating! But summer is hot, and I can't wear my favorite style of clothing.”
Do you have any unusual fears?
“... I wouldn't call my fear of being buried alive unusual. I've read plenty of history books, and this happened on Ceteri all the time four hundred years ago. It's perfectly reasonable that a terrakinetic could bury me even deeper! A mean one, I mean.”
Other Wendy: questionnaire one
#3- Hye-Jin
How good is your sleep schedule?
“I think it's pretty good! Though it did mess up a bit when Dr. Asghar scheduled early sessions to study my powers. It's okay, I fixed it!”
Do you have any siblings? If so, how good is your relationship?
“Yes! A younger brother named Ye-Jun! We have a good relationship, but there's a few years between us.”
What was the toughest time you had to endure while growing up?
“... My parents were protective, and I love them for that, but sometimes I did find it difficult not knowing how to fit in. But it's okay! They were looking out for me.”
Other Hye-Jin: OC in three, questionnaire one, bingo, origin
#4- Alex
What's your relationship with your family like?
“Oh, it's awesome. It's just me and my mother now! Well, uh, she did kinda get this new boyfriend, and I dunno, it doesn't seem like he likes me. But it's okay! I always have my pia!”
Do you have any hobbies? if so, what ones?
“Yes! I love designing things. Like, interior stuff. I have some models that I work on sometimes, and I work around the house so much. My pia lets me decide what things should look like since she's busy, and I have a more convenient power.”
Do you dream often? what about?
“I remember a lot of my dreams, actually. A lot of them seem to involve me getting lost. Which is so silly since I'm a teleporter!”
Other Alex: questionnaire one
#5- CJ
How much time do you spend on your phone, if you have one?
“Yeah, we have phones in this dimension, too, but they also work in Alium, we just have to change the settings before we go through the portal so it works in the other dimension. I don't spend...too much time on it... though I'll admit I'm checking my school email often and I have to reply to all notifications immediately. I hate them building up."
Do you often lose your stuff?
*laughs for almost a full minute* “Oh, no, no no, I never lose things. I'm serious. One of my hobbies is organizing things and knowing where they are at all times!”
Tv shows or movies?
“Oh, that's a tough one. TV shows are pretty big commitments, but I like the routine of them. I'd say weekly shows are the best.”
Other CJ: questionnaire one
#6- Anathi
Would you ever kill another person?
“What, no! ... I mean, I don't think I would... I could... And I hate that I can!”
What is your biggest dream?
“I want to hold someone without being scared I'll hurt them.”
If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
“My powers. Superstrength is already awful, but I have a rare condition that makes it nearly impossible to 'turn off,' and it's greater than any recorded, growing at a much faster rate than most. Maybe I'd give myself a lower level of superstrength, but I'd rather just get rid of the power altogether.”
Other Anathi: questionnaire one
#7- Niri
What's a book that you'd recommend?
*getting extremely excited and signing furiously* “Scarne’s Encyclopedia of Card Games!” [pause...] “I understand that sounds weird. I really like card games. Maybe you'd prefer normal books.... I like romance dramas and comedies and dramedies. I started reading Jane Austen. But I sometimes stop by the romance section in book stores and get some modern stuff! Like if you want a tragedy, maybe They Both Die At The End? It became popular during my childhood. My older cousin read it then. I also started While We Were Dating recently. I don't read often, but I like reading.”
What's your favorite type of cuisine?
“Hard decision. I like Cajun food and Mediterranean.”
What's your favorite way to unwind after a hectic day?
“Art. Card games are fun, but I feel like I have to be in the mood for them. I can do art whenever, especially when I'm stressed. I just paint or draw or sculpt something to understand my emotions.”
Other Niri: questionnaire one
#8- Parker
Would you give away secret information if tortured? Be honest.
“Uh, obviously not! I've literally never given away someone else's secret! It's true! *Sigh* WADE BACK ME UP! He's not answering, but believe me, I can keep a secret. And I have a high pain tolerance. So I'll be good.”
Who could you trust the most with a secret?
“Another secret question! HA! What, did you run out of questions? Alright, fine. Anyways, Wade, of course. I'd say Teo is up there, but he's slightly more likely than Wade to forget something is a secret. He's my number two, though.”
You have been caught somewhere you shouldn’t be! Quick, what is your excuse?
“This ALL depends on where I've been caught. If I'm in an unfamiliar building, I always use the classic 'I can't find the bathroom' excuse. Works every time.”
Other Parker: questionnaire one, two truths and a lie
Tagging @winterandwords @loopyhoopywrites @mrbexwrites @sarahlizziewrites @sleepywriter00
Your questions: 1) What was your biggest fear as a kid? Are you still afraid of that? 2) Do you ever go on passionate rants? If so, what was it about? If not, what would it be about if you did? 3) What's the biggest obstacle in your life?
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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thenightling · 2 years
Reasons I think Coach Vlad in Wednesday is Count Dracula
Okay, maybe I’m a little hyperfixated right now because I’m still relatively fresh from watching The Invitation where Walter Deville was very blatantly Count Dracula in disguise.  But I’m convinced Coach Vlad on Wednesday (Netflix series) is actually Count Dracula.  Here are the clues... 1..  His name is Vlad, credited as Coach Vlad.  See how close that is to “Count Vlad” as in “Count Vlad Dracula.”  Coach is even the same amount of letters as Count besides both starting with C and O.   There’s also the gag in Rick and Morty of Coach Feratu (Nosferatu) poking fun of how bad vampire aliases are.  Dracula and Carmilla are infamous for having terrible aliases in movies. 
Dracula has been Alucard (Dracula backward), Drake (meaning little dragon.  Dracula means Little Dragon or Son of the Dragon).  Deville (a play on ”Devil” as Dracula can also mean “Son of The Devil.”)  The only time I felt Dracula had a clever alias was in Fred Saberhagen’s Dracula novels where he eventually takes on the alias Matthew Maule, a name he stole from the novel House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne.  He liked it because the character’s last words are “God will give you blood to drink!” Carmilla usually just scrambles her name.  Marcilla, Mircalla, Millarca, and in The House that dripped Blood Carla (removing some letters instead of re-arranging them). Vampires are lazy with aliases...   2.  The character and actor is Romanian.  Not only that but he plays the character with his natural Romanian accent.  In most American-made shows Romanians tend to try to adopt an American accent.  See Sebastian Stan in the TV series Once Upon a Time and later the films of the MCU.
3.  Coach Vlad was perfecting fine with letting two students duel until first blood drawn.  Blood...          
4.  Vampires are definitely real in this continuity. In fact the school is about 1/4 vampires with Vampires being one of the biggest species cliques in the school along with Werewolves, Gorgons and sirens.  Though there are also varying psychic abilities like seers and telekinetics, and the principal was a shapeshifter.  If you have a fiction with vampires and there’s a Romanian man named Vlad, he’s usually Dracula if not a Dracula knock-off.   5.   Characters of folklore or characters of the nebulous and murky “was once a real person and is now more heavily associated with a fantasy figure” have appeared in Addams Family canon. Dracula, in the fiction, was Vlad the Impaler (historic figure) when he was alive and he became the famous vampire after his death.  Saint Nicholas, who was a real person, became the fantastical Santa Claus, who, according to L. Frank. Baum (author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) was granted immortality.  Why do I bring up Santa Claus?  Because in the 1960s Addams Family TV series Santa Claus is real.  In a universe where Santa Claus exists, chances are Dracula is also real.  Both were once real people who upon their death became famous immortals (but in very different ways).   Note: There is a comic book Santa vs. Dracula.  
6.  Hyde monsters are real, suggesting that the original Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were also real and likely was the first Hyde monster.  If this is a world where Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were real, that increases the odds that the Romanian man named Vlad might be Count Dracula, himself. 7.  We see the vampire students (the ones in sunglasses) walking about by day.  That means they follow “Dracula rules.”  In the novels Carmilla and Dracula vampires could walk around in daylight. They were just weaker by day and it’s their natural time of rest.  They won’t burn in the sun. Vampires didn’t actually burn in the sun until the silent film Nosferatu where it was originally intended to be symbolic as it was a German expressionist film.   Even the first Universal studios Dracula (1931) didn’t have Dracula burn in the sun, it’s just it was his time of rest.  It was only in the sequels that sun became a weakness.       
 8.  Shapeshifters exist in this universe and Dracula was supposed to be a shapeshifter too in that he could turn into a wolf, bat, or mist at will (usually unable to transform during daylight hours). And he could change his apparent age dependent upon how much he had fed. (Average appearance being around age forty-five to forty-nine but could look much older).
9.  Edgar Allan Poe and his Raven, Hyde Monsters...  It seems Gothic literature and literary monsters are a theme here.  And each season may focus on another classic monster.  We already have had Hyde. 
10.    This is more of an Easter Egg.  Tim Burton is a fan of Hammer Horror (old British monster movies made by the Hammer film studio).  In Sleepy Hollow Tim Burton uses “Kensington Gore” AKA Hammer Horror Blood.  It’s a bright red, edible, stage blood that is usually flavored to taste like mint. The recipe can be found on TV Tropes website.  Also up until Christopher Lee’s death, Tim Burton liked to work with Hammer Horror actor Christopher Lee, who played Dracula in film more times than any other actor. Christopher Lee appeared in Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, and Dark Shadows.  I bring this up because Tim couldn’t resist making reference to a Hammer Horror Dracula movie where Christopher Lee was Dracula.  When Crackstone is raised from the dead, the first thing he does is he holds out his hand so that his disciple might kiss his ring. This is a direct nod to the Hammer Horror film Dracula ‘72 AD as that is what Dracula does right after Johnny Alucard (Yes, Dracula spelt backward) raises him from the dead.
 These are all reasons why I think Coach Vlad is actually Dracula.. Unless this is a redherring and Principle Weems is actually Dracula.  I only say that because I read a script for the pilot of a never completed show for ABC called Gothica (I think they filmed a pilot episode) that had a surprise twist at the end that a certain cunning woman character turned out be Dracula (able to shift gender besides animal form and mist) at will.   
But it’s more likely Coach Vlad is Dracula.  Count Dracula is never that clever with his disguises.   
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Hii could I request Paul and Marko with a reader who is like Lisa Frankenstein? Just some head canons if you don't really know who she is
Okay, listen, I just finished watching the movie, and I can't stop thinking about it - that last scene? Beloved wife? I told you I would hold your hand - iconic. So yeah, eh there are some spoilers here for Lisa Frankenstein.
It has gotten a little bit linger than i thought, and it's a bit more Marko x reader than Paul x reader x Marko, but the pairing is definitely there! 😅 Hope you like this!
"Where are you going?" Trent looked at me. His schoolbag was hanging from one shoulder, his sunglasses slowly sliding down his nose. I shrugged. "For a walk."
"Mum said you had to be home by five."
I rolled my eyes, sighing. Ever since my dad had decided to not only date but marry Trents mom, my life changed. Of course, it had already changed before. That kind of tends to happen when your mom decides to leave. And then die.
"Fine." I walked away from Trent, away from the stuffy schoolbuilding filled with people I didn't want to know. I didn't want to move here, I had liked my - miserable - life back in Santa Cruz. But, with dad being married and all, I had little choice. Moving to Santa Carla, it was. Trent was okay, I suppose. He didn't force me to hang out with him, and he'd let me be - mostly. His mother, however, was overbearing, always wanting to know everything and controlling everything. It gave me an odd, almost claustrophobic sense. And dad? Well, he was more focused on keeping his wife happy than he was worried about me. Luckily for me, it wasn't all bad. I had found a small little sanctuary hidden within the woods.
"Hello again," I said softly as I found my way through the woods. Hidden between several thick trees and bushes was a headstone. The stone itself was rather sober, only a name etched into it. On the ground in front of it, however, was a small bust of a devilishly handsome face. I assumed the face and name went together. It was a shame, really, that this guy had been dead. Had he been alive - well, damn... But he wasn't, and besides, there was this guy in my history class - Michael Emerson? - who was actually kind of cute?
I sat down next to the stone, making my homework, reading in some books, and finally feeling a little at peace. I looked up when I felt a raindrop fall on my nose, quickly grabbing my stuff. "I'll see you later, Marko!" I said softly before running off. The rain started to really pour, and I ran as fast as I could to make it back home to my place.
That night, a storm raged over Santa Carla. Rain, winds, and heavy thunder rolled over the small town. Lightning striked multiple times, but there didn't seem to be any fires anywhere. I lay on my bed, ready to go to sleep. I stared at my window. Lightning flashed again. In the bright flash of the light, I saw a shadow appear in my window, a silhouette. I shot up, looking straight straight my window. Red eyes stared back at me.
I screamed. The red eyed silhouette waved at me, motioning for me to be quiet. Who was he to tell me to be quiet? Angrily, I stepped towards the window, ready to give him a piece of my mind, when suddenly my window flew open. The man stepped inside. I froze. I wanted to scream, but nothing came out. I just looked at him. He looked at me, then at my room. The bed that was slept in, the clothes laying on the chair, the walls filled with drawings and sketches...
He slowly but surely moved towards my art wall, tilting his head as he looked at one of the drawings.
"What is it?" I asked, not sure what to do.
He just pointed at it. It was the drawing I made of Marko's headstone and the bust. I frowned. "So? What about it?"
He pointed at it again, then at himself. I frowned. Surely he didn't mean that-
"You're Marko?" I asked in a whisper. With a sly grin, he nodded. I froze, frowning. "How? Why are you here?"
This time, he gave me a genuine smile. He made a C with his hand and then waved. Puzzled, I looked at him. "Because I said see you later?"
The next morning, I was woken up early by dad. "We need your help."
Once again, he nodded. I took a deep breath.
"I- Hiw? I didn't mean for you to come and see me? I mean - you're dead! I meant I'd come back to your grave?"
Marko looked at me, a hurt expression on his face.
"Sorry! I'm sure you're an alright guy if you were actually - you know - alive?"
I could have sworn I saw his expression turn even more sad. I sighed, deciding I could deal with zombie emotions later. Right now, Marko - or whoever he really was - desperately needed a shower and some clean clothes, and I was in desperate need of some sleep.
I sighed - the woman he married had been working in the meat industry, selling blood. I didn't know why, nor did I want to know why. I had tried to tell my dad that I didn't want to help with the work on the farm, what with me not eating meat anymore and all, but apparently that was not a conversation I could have. I had no say in the matter, I had to help.
Thirty minutes later, I showed up in the barn, begrudgingly starting the work of cleaning them, when a loud metallic clang caused me to look up. One of the many pipes through which the bodily fluids moved had made the sound. I looked up, screaming when the pipe snapped and gallons of blood were poured on top of me. I dropped the shovel I'd been holding, running out of the barn, leaving bloody footprints everywhere I went. I quickly went into my shower, cleaning the blood off of myself.
When I got out of the shower, dressed in my bathrobe, I noticed Marko sitting in a dark corner of my closet. He had changed his muddy clothes for some bright coloured pyjama trousers and an old band shirt I'd gotten from Trent. He looked at me, a certain hunger in his eyes.
"Are you alright?"
He nodded, then shrugged.
"Oh! You need food!" I was already halfway through my room towards the door when I stopped and turned to look at him. "Eh - what, what do dead guys eat?" I asked.
I froze when Markos hand grabbed my wrist, finding the one spot of blood I'd missed, and slowly licking it up. I pulled my arm away from him, disgust written all over my face. "You can't just lick people!" I hissed before realisation dawned on me. "Wait, you need blood?"
That evening, Marko and I sneaked out of the house towards the barn. I had spent the whole afternoon dragging an old and rusty bathtub into the barn, placing it under the broken pipes. I told Marko to wait by the tub as I opened the faucet. It didn't take long, or blood ran into the tub, filling it quickly.
Marko nodded, grinning. I sighed. "I can get you some blood tonight, alright?"
The more Marko drank, the more handsome he became somehow. I couldn't help but feel a warmth inside me when I saw him drink, heard the moans of delight...
"What the hell are you doing out of bed, young lady? And turn the faucet off! It's bad enough that you made us lose so much product today!"
I jumped, freezed, and looked at my stepmother, not sure what to do.
"And who the hell is that? Is he drinking blood? I told your father that I didn't want you to bring your kind over to this place. He wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I knew that morbid loving people like you would only bring trouble, you freak!" She was about to scream, but before I could do anything, Marko was already upon her. Her neck was ripped open, her blood was drunk, and then her lifeless body fell to the ground. I stared at Marko, not really knowing what to say. 'Thanks' felt wrong in this situation. And yet, it was somewhat right?
"You just killed -" I stopped talking, not sure what I was going to say. "We need to bury the body," I decided, grabbing her feet, smiling shyly as Marko easily lifted the dead weight in his arms. I lead the way to the forest, back to where his grave had been - and I couldn't help but feel rather content when he dropped her body in the grave.
"Is it bad, down there?" I asked. He shrugged and then nodded. I grinned. The woman deserved it. Just a little bit. "Good."
One night, he stopped me when I was about to enter the barn. I stopped, puzzled, before realising what he wanted. "You want human blood?"
In the days that followed, every single night, I sneaked him out of the house unseen, making sure he could drink more blood. The more blood he drank, the more whole he became. The more time I spent with him, the more I realised I liked him beyond his looks. And yet, he was still dead. And yet, I still fancied Michael Emerson.
"You know, at the party two weeks ago, he spent a lot of time talking to me? And you'd think it was great, because at the time it was, but then at school he just ignored me? As if we didn't spend three hours connecting? Like, who does that?"
Marko looked at me, clearly telling me that it was Michael Emerson who did that.
"Maybe it was because I was drunk and ran off to throw up, but still. How hard is it to get a guys attention?"
Marko shrugged. I agreed - it shouldn't have to be so hard. But even with his presence, even with his clothing suggestions - no matter what I did, Michael ignored me. I sighed as I pulled the bathtub into the barn again.
He nodded.
After that meal, Marko finally began to talk. His voice was hoarse, but he could tell me about him. How he enjoyed art, how he had been turned into a vampire in the early 1900s, how his vampire family was probably still alive. In the four hours that followed Michael's death, I couldn't help but realise I had never loved Michael. It was Marko. I wanted to make him happy. It was him I wanted by my side. I took his hand in mine as we walked down the forest towards his old grave.
"Shit. I can't just give you human blood, I mean, I wouldn't even know where to get it and -" he was already gone. Quickly, I ran after him, not wanting to abandon the creature I'd come to see as a close friend. He ran towards the boardwalk, the beach - and he found a lone man. Before I knew it, he had bitten the man, draining the blood out of him. It was over surprisingly quick.
The next evening, we spent some time outside the house, lounging on the roof, when I saw Michael riding up to the house on his bike. "What's he doing here?" I asked out loud, looking to see what was happening. Downstairs, the front door opened, and Trent stood there, grinning. Not only that, but within seconds, he was kissing Michael. I looked at it with wide eyes, before jumping off the roof and screaming.
"You motherfucker!" I launched at Trent. "You knew I liked him you fucking piece of-" I stopped when I heard a pained groan beside me. Marko held on to Michael's body. His teeth latched onto his neck, draining him dry. I looked at Marko, a small smile appearing on my face. I then looked at Trent, who was about to either scream or faint.
"You're going to be fine. Just don't tell anyone about this, alright?"
"We can try and find them?" I offered.
"They'd kill you upon sight."
"But you'd be reunited with them."
He chuckled. "You may not value your life, but I've come to value yours quite a lot."
I froze. "You do?"
"You saved me."
"I didn't mean to," I admitted. "It purely happened by accident."
"Happy accidents do exist."
I smiled, laughing when he pulled me close. "I think they do."
"Are you going with?"
"Sure. Do I need to bring the shovel?" I asked, a bit enthusiastically. Of course, killing was bad, I knew that, but there was something about it that gave me an indescribable thrill.
"Nah, we'll find a bonfire." He grinned as he took my hand, leading me towards the boardwalk and the beach.
I'd started a fire while he fed, enjoying the warmth of the flames when I suddenly felt a strange presence behind me.
"What's a pretty thing like you doing all alone?"
I looked at him. "Waiting for a friend."
"I can keep you company if he's running late."
"Don't worry, he's right on time." I grinned, knowing that Marko wouldn't say no to a second meal.
"Shame he isn't here yet, " the young man chuckled, "he might have enjoyed the sho-"
I screamed as he grabbed me, pulling my head to the side, feeling his teeth grazing my skin. I struggled in his grip, moving as much as I could, trying to hold him off when finally I heard his voice.
"Get the fuck off of her!"
Within seconds, I was freed. Marko was standing protectively in front of me, staring at the other vampire. "Paul?"
"Marko? You - you were dead, man! How did this happen?"
"Lisa did. She's a bloody Saint-" I groaned at his pun. "- If it hadn't been for her, I'd be buried still."
"So you saved my mate?"
"Your mate?" I spat the words out. Marko could have told me something about that before leading me on. For weeks he'd been sharing a bed with me, for weeks I'd helped him kill and cover up, for weeks we'd been circling around each other, and now?
"You didn't tell her?" Paul asked, and then he looked at me again, a look of compassion but also curiosity in his eyes.
"Tell me what?"
"Only a mate can save a vampire from the death." Marko said. His eyes softened as he turned towards me. "I didn't want to overwhelm you more than I already did that first night."
"What does it mean being your mate?"
"So, how is he-" I pointed at Paul, "- connected to us?"
"You're one of the loves of my life."
"Aaawh!" I grinned. "That's why you killed Michael? For us?"
Marko chuckled and nodded.
"He's also my mate. And yours."
I grinned. Sure, him almost eating me was quite bad - but if you looked past that, he seemed to really care about Marko, and maybe he could also do that for me?
"So... we - the three of us? We're a thing?"
"We can be," Paul said with an enthusiastic grin. "If you want that is."
"How about I get to know you first?" I asked, smiling as Marko stood next to me. Paul chuckled. "Want to go out for a kill?"
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bread-lady · 1 year
Scout came to the warehouse at "age" 2 after escaping from Rachel (aka insane lady that tortured the poor girl for all if her life till that point) being found in the woods without and eye or arm giving rikey the theory she was unfinished (but that was just a theory A RILEY THEORY) her ark was rediscovered and attached unlike her eye where she got it replaced with an old spare green one meaning one eye is purple the other a bright green she's quite skilled in the magic of the book taught by mortimer himself.
She's much closer with rosco being big scary but silly looking dog means safe (the lord only knows how rarely if at all she ever did) following that is risky is mortimer closet thing she has to real parents she's a little scared of daisy due to her danger mode but she's nice and now a very sweet wine aunt non the less she was terrified of nick the first time she met em riley thought it was hilarious but now he's like the fun uncle who bring you sugar and carelessly throws you around because it's fun
The workers those who didn't go insane and survived the transformation caused by the book became wooden puppets (all of em have legs btw) Jake Carla and Joel, being the original host, got the puppetfacatoin and lived as well as Katie and harper, her where a bouts are unknown for now as well as owens Anthony is very much alive and is sorta close with mortimer helping him decipher things about the host world and keep tabs on the cuckoo bananas employees Rachel being one of them (but she wasn't a good person to begin with in my au soooooooooo)
Why Jake has lost baby sitting privileges THE FUCKING BABY HOLSTER it was funny at first figuring out the harness used to help the low cordnated scout (her feet injuries and the fact she was taught nothing but to speak and still it's very limited) she's mostly carried around in a harness and haha very funny it can fit like holsert on jakes leg riley and mortimer were not very pleased with the fact that's how Jake carried there kid around baby sitting privileges were revoked
Scout has holes in her hands and feet and neck due to the "punishment" Rachel would give of nailing her to a wall commonly by her neck and feet occasionally by her hands the holes in them around on the bigger side and need quite often routed care to prevent infactoin running though a forest with bare feet the look like Swiss cheese is not good for you
She tried escaping during a mental break after Rachel had found where scout ended up and all she could see was herself back in the celler nailed to the various support beams host being the one trying to guide her though the studio and her mental sprial that was being impacted heavily by a spell host got out and scout was left behind, this is when she received rosco as a mental support and service esc dog he helps protect her and guides her though the occasional time the books grasp over the town tries dragging her in
Conclusion rosco is best boy scout needs thearpy and Rachel needs to be handed over to riley
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I went on a tiny tangent that I figured deserved its own post so eh.
Team Natsu is probably one of my least favourite of the teams. I don't hate them but they aren't as interesting now as they used to be.
I enjoyed watching them when they had character arcs that I cared about. You know, Gray's unresolved trauma with Ur, Erza learning to be open with those around her, Lucy learning to stand up to her father. Those I enjoyed because they were good character arcs that actually got me feeling emotional.
Now, eh. Its kinda dropped off. Like Natsu has one of the most interesting concepts possible, He's a demon from the X300s who probably remembers dying to fire and is the younger brother of Zeref. Like that's such a cool concept. But nothing is done with it. Like yeah his relation to Zeref is brought up once or twice (which him using it against Alderon was definitely a smart move. Like I've said, he is smart but in his own way) but we never really address the whole, he's a demon thing again. Yeah Lucy rewrote his book but that doesn't magically make him human. And what exactly happened to the book? Is it tucked away in the guild library? His house? Dunno. Never mentioned.
My main issue with Gray is that he kinda just stopped with the creativity of his spells. Like maker mages can make whatever they imagine based around what they can do. (Lyon could make any animal, Gray any object and Rufus can combine an infinate amount of spells) Yet he sticks to the same 5 spells with some Devil slayer magic thrown in on occasion(which why is it canonically called Devil slaying magic when it slays demons. Why not just call it demon slayer magic?) Also I will say this over and over, I don't hate Juvia but I can't help but see Gray now liking her as him just being worn down. Like he was on and off constantly and its just.... Kinda uncomfortable.
I think I really dropped of the Erza bandwagon during the Alveraz arc after she destroyed an asteroid with only one arm that wasn't broken. Like that's one of the most op things ever and then her power level seems to have dropped slightly in 100 years. I know she's always been strong and such but that was a bit much for me (Alveraz was a pretty hit or miss arc anyway. Its not as focused as it probably should be and is full of too many fakeouts to keep the stakes high enough throughout. The good arcs are the ones where the stakes don't get absolutely hammered into the dirt with a metal stick. You know like almost all the arcs before it. All of them had some form of stakes that kept me on the edge but Alveraz ruined the stakes when anyone who was supposed to die didn't. Gajeel, Juvia, Makarov and Natsu all had last minute ass pulls to keep them alive or bring them back. (Natsu kinda makes sense since his life essence is the book Lucy rewrote and Gajeel I can give a slight leeway since he wasn't physically harmed and while Irene's spell was convient, it wasn't to do with Gajeel but Acnologia so I can forgive that. Juvia and Makarov rocked the boat though and that fake out with Anna and Ichiya was pretty cheap along. Lucy was never actually dead so that one doesn't count and Carla came close but she was suspended in time so I can believe that she'd live too)
With Lucy I'm half and half. I don't hate her (in fact I think she is pretty unfairly 'teased' a lot (Happy's weight comments come to mind when he's carried people who must weigh more than Lucy. He's carried Gajeel for one who I'm 100% confident is heavier than Lucy considering he is taller, more muscular and has a lot of hair. All things that would contribute to him weighing more than Lucy does. So really the comments are just not warranted or needed and its one of the running jokes I just can't get behind now like I did when I was younger) although 'teasing' seems to be common place for certain members of the guild considering Gajeel gets his own fair share of hurtful comments thrown his way. They aren't of the same nature, Lucy's mainly focus on her personality and appearance while Gajeel's are more focused on either his strength or his likes but still, both ways are mean) but like I don't have as much intrigue in her as other characters. Like she has a bit more to her than some other celestial mages (Sorry Yukino but the only time you are entertaining is in the twin dragons manga and anime only people will def not have read it. Make the dragon slayer side manga's into ovas or something you cowards) But like, I just don't get that excited overall with her.
Maybe its kind of telling that most of my favs are characters we rarely see. Like The sabers, the thunder legion, crime sorciere don't get as much focus after their original introductions. Like I'd love to see Gray interact with Bickslow or Freed at some point or Erza with Ever(even if it is petty fights, its fun to see) or even show Laxus interacting with his own team more often. That's what I enjoy most, the interactions so it kinda bums when we mainly stick to interactions with the main group. Its why I like the second split up in KOTSH because it actually has the characters work with someone else. (Shame we didn't get to see much of team ups like Freed and Gray) I liked seeing Erza being petty with Ever, Bickslow trying to protect Wendy only for her to insist that she protect him (the whole cow thing was funny) Gajeel and Juvia having drifted apart after bonding with others. It was fun and I wish to see more of it.
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chirp-a-chirp · 2 years
Court of Darkness: Wedding Head Cannon (Roy)
I wanted to get ONE head cannon of a consort’s wedding this week--especially since it’s the week of my anniversary. So here’s one short story (~1500 words) of what I think Roy’s wedding could be like with the MC--MC’s name is Carla. This story takes place after book one on the English Server. Who knows how cannon it is with the Japanese server (oops if it isn’t).
Bonus: Story also includes Sherry, Grayson, King Klaus (Team Invidia!), Rio, and Lynt
Fluffy/sap level is like a 15/10. I make ZERO apologies for this 😝
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Roy and Carla are flying on Aurora the pegasus’ back in casual clothes. The light blue shirt Roy wears and his pink tinted hair blend into the sunset.
It is a week before their wedding and both have been feeling stressed. Though Roy’s parents are aware of Carla’s magic thanks to Roy’s interventions with the Headmaster, the Invidian court is not due to the ramifications of her power in Saligia. The court believed Carla to be an Avari citizen, and Invidian diplomats and courtiers were in a frenzy to ensure the wedding combined the best elements of Invidian and Avari customs. The wedding had become a national extravaganza and now one with Avari eyes on it. King Klaus sympathized with his son and his soon to be daughter-in-law’s desires for a simpler affair, but the country’s needs came first. Or so Roy assumed his father would say. He and Sherry had heard it often enough.
Carla feels the arms around her tighten as they soar from town. She turns her head and sees a smile free from tension for the first time in days.
“Would you care to tell me where we’re going?”
“It’s a secret.” Roy nibbles on her earlobe. Carla shivers.
“I thought we had no more secrets from one another? And don’t think you can distract or embarrass me so you don’t have to reply back!” Though the Invidian capital is quickly fading from view, Carla is aware they are outside, in public, even if their figures are difficult to detect from where they are in the sky. Roy is not concerned. His carefree smile borders on cocky yet angelic. Roy trails a line of wet kisses at the nape of her neck.
“I am replying to you Heartspell. Just not in the way you anticipated.” He whispers in her ear.
“Roy.” Carla aims her best glare at him. Roy chuckles at her earnest attempt to stare him down. Carla’s expressiveness and forthright nature were among the many reasons he loved her.  
“You’re right about the secrets.” The cocky smile shifts to one that is earnest, almost pleading. “A surprise then. One I sincerely hope you like.” He shifts himself so that his chin rests on top of Carla’s head. “I promise to behave until we arrive. Which,” Roy scans the ground with his golden eyes, “shouldn’t be too long now.”
Aurora begins her decent. As the landscape becomes clearer, Carla notes they are in an Invidian field covered with flowers. As Aurora lands softly on the ground, Carla is shocked to see Sherry, Rio, and Lynt waving their arms. Grayson stands stoically behind the trio holding a tome of some sorts.
“Hey Roy! Over here mate!” Rio trots to the duo.
“You’re here.” Lynt says.
“Carla! I’m so excited for the two of you!” Sherry runs and throws an arm around Carla in a hug. In the other arm Sherry holds a bouquet of flowers. The pink flowers Carla recognizes as Invidian roses. The white and purple flowers look like a Saligia version of lilies and lavender, flowers Carla’s mother adored when she was alive. Rio and Lynt wear boutonnières with the same flowers.
“What’s all this?” Carla looks at her friends in befuddlement before turning to Roy.
“You didn’t tell her?” Sherry looks at her brother in confusion.
“Surprise, Heartspell.” Roy kneels to the ground and takes one of Carla’s hands in his. “I know next week’s ceremony is not what either of us desire. So, will you pledge yourself to me today, before everyone here?”
“What?” Carla’s eyes are wide with shock.
“This ceremony is not official, but, if you’re willing to have it, it will be the one that is official in my heart. Our hearts, I hope.”
Grayson coughs loudly. “Prince Roy, it can be.” Grayson inclines his head towards Lynt.
“Grayson has been officiated. Compliments of Akedia and the Headmaster.” Lynt smiles softly. “The ceremony will count even if held here.”  
“What?” Now Roy’s eyes are in shock. He still holds Carla’s hand in his.  
“Hehe! You and Carla have the same look on your face!” Sherry preens.
Carla tears her eyes from Sherry and looks at Roy, who’s still kneeling. “How did you know I wanted this kind of ceremony? With these kind of flowers that my parents had at their wedding?”
“I heard you talking to Sherry about it some days ago.” Roy smiles ruefully. “The ceremony next week is for the people of Invidia. And we are actors on the stage. It’s not for us. This ceremony is, if you want it.”
Carla’s heart is overflowing. “Roy, this...is everything I could have asked for.” She kneels on the ground, still holding his hand, needing to talk to him at eye level. “However,” she asks hesitantly, “What about your parents?”
Roy and Sherry exchange a sad glance. Grayson grimaces. “Roy and I discussed this. We…” Sherry’s voices trails.
“We didn’t want to put our parents in a difficult position.” Roy’s eyes drop to the ground. “I didn’t want to force father and mother to have to choose between their son’s wishes and Invidia’s.” And, I know which choice father would have made. Roy sighs and looks at Grayson. “I am already putting Grayson in an unfair position. And that was even before him becoming an officiant.”
“I chose to do this, Prince Roy.” Grayson’s gaze is steady as he looks at the prince. “If I ever marry, I would want a ceremony of my choosing. Consider it my gift to you.”
“Thank you Grayson.”
“And, you’ll still have next week’s ceremony!” Rio pipes up. “It’s not like you’re denying Invidia that!”  
“True, dear Rio.” Roy smiles and squeezes Carla’s hand. “So, Carla, what do you say? Will you marry me now?”
“YES!” Carla launches herself at Roy, arms twirling around his neck. Roy hugs her close, face buried in her hair.
“When we became paramours, I imagined us in this field one day.” He mutters softly in her hair so only she can hear. “In that image, you were beautiful. It pales to how radiant you are now.”
“But I’m not in my wedding dress.” Carla gestures to her simple frock.
“It doesn’t matter. Do you mind me dressed as I am?” He gestures to his light blue shirt and simple black pants.
“No, of course not.” Carla nestles closer.
“Ahem.” Grayson coughs.
“Carla! Brother! You’re not married yet!” Sherry chides the couple, touching Carla’s shoulder.
“They aren’t?” Rio looks puzzled.  
“I don’t think so?” Lynt tilts his head.
Carla and Roy rise from the ground smiling and walk to Grayson. Grayson opens the tome, intending to speak. Suddenly, the entire group turns as they hear hoof prints running on the ground.
Roy is stunned to see a white horse zooming towards them. His father, King Klaus, and mother are ridding his father’s favorite stallion. The horse comes to a stop and Klaus dismounts, holding a hand to help his wife off.
“We hoped you would be here Roy.” His mother walks towards Roy, her golden eyes exchanging a look with Klaus, who follows close behind. The tension Roy had felt for weeks comes roaring back, fear clawing his heart. Please understand. Please. Creator help me, I wanted you to be here, but I couldn’t ask. What if you said no?
“How did you know where to find us?” Sherry asks. Even in her shock, Carla is reminded of how similar Sherry and her mother look. Sherry tries to hide her flower bouquet unsuccessfully. Lynt and Rio share a guilty look. Grayson’s cheeks redden as his eyes are fixated on the family scene.
“A mother always knows.” She replies quietly and looks at Carla. “Roy often came here as a child after his studies. His favorite place to escape.”
“I was not escap—“
“You came here to think. To breathe. To ponder your future.” She smiles fondly at her son. “When I could not find you or Carla, this was the first place I thought you might be.” Roy’s mom looks at Klaus before continuing. “I know the wedding preparations have been trying. For you both.”    
Carla lowers her eyes apologetically. “I’m sorry your majesties. Roy and I, we—”
“Carla.” Roy takes a hand and strokes her cheek briefly. His eyes meet his father’s. He’s prepared to hear his disappointment. Roy sighs before continuing. “Carla did not plan any of this. And please do not blame Grayson and Sherry—they did as I asked. I—“ Roy stumbles, trying to explain. “Selfish as it is, I did not want to share this moment with Invidia.” Roy takes Carla’s hand and kisses it softly. “The people will have their ceremony next week. And they’ll have us for the rest of our lives. I…wanted the wedding Carla and I wished we could have. If you are angry, let it be at me.” Please don’t be mad at Carla. Please. “We wanted you here. But I didn’t want to put you in an awkward position by asking you to come when you’d have to say no, or discounting the work done by the court for the official wedding. I apologize for—”
“Are we too late?” Klaus interrupts. He looks at his son.
“No.” Roy stares at his father, unbelieving. “You—you’re not upset?”
“Roy,” Klaus begins. “As royalty, we often have to suppress what we want for our people. Our lives are not our own. Often, I must choose between being a ruler and being a father. This is not one of those times.” Klaus gazes affectionately at his wife. “Your mother has often told me she wished our wedding had been different. I was not brave enough then to give that to her.” He smiles at his son. “We would have come here if asked. You have our blessing.”
His mother touches Carla’s shoulder. “It’s time for a new tradition. There’s no reason why we can’t have a family ceremony now and the public ceremony next week.” She waves a hand; a ring of flower pedals forms a crown and falls on Carla’s head.
“I—“ Roy hugs his father, then mother, speechless. “Thank you.” He kisses his mother’s cheek. Carla follows with her own hugs, a tear trickling down her face.
“Welcome to the family Carla,” Klaus says. He and his wife stand beside Sherry. “Grayson, will you begin the proceedings?”
“Yes your majesties.” He smiles softly.
Roy and Carla stand together in front of Grayson, before their friends and family. The first day of their new lives together.
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wiltf · 2 years
manny wasn’t actually expecting the five foot nothing to make it back alive. worse for wear, heavy boots trudging up dinky, stinking up a storm. but alive. and there was a feeling in his gut then, that only grew at the sight of twisted skin along the temple, that someone had fucked with something fierce.
instead, he gets a companion as the sunsets. a twinkle in the sky that damn well could’ve been a rocket. sarsaparilla and narrowed eyes watching out over the horizon. that gets him talking. bite and bile and manny was sure that no one expected the dead to keep on. finger that points out, north by northwest. straight into one hell of a shithole.
gets a few words out, at least. thanks, mostly. wrapped up in a gravelly voice, accompanied by boots on a stool. a sigh, like everything left in the courier might actually leave her. there’ll be a stain there, where the sniper should’ve been. 
such a thought gives manny that little twitch. back of his brain, all a-misfiring, as he expected boone back. sitting where he should be. “if it’s not too much to ask…”
the look says, something else? brows raised and perhaps a touch of judgement. manny expected that. what he didn’t expect was the roll of the wrist. the keep going. a “midaswell,” coming from around the rim of another bottle.
“my friend’s been missing for a couple of days now.”
“’s’not unusual.” a snort. cap rolling over knuckles now. manny didn’t know much, but he knew how to read people.
and that was a sign of interest, he was sure of it.
“sniper, first recon. went that way,” south-east, the finger travels now. “dead into legion heartland. didn’t say much when he left, but—”
“said it yourself. ‘dead’.” the cap stops, caught between middle and index. manny looks up from it, to find a pair of dark eyes.
“boone’s too stubborn to let himself get killed by a bunch of legion fuckers, and if he took some down, we would’ve heard about it.”
it’s not crickets that sing in novac. manny had only ever really read about them in books that had been held together by willpower, when they’d been at camp. could only imagine it might’ve been the high pitched whine out there, past the hills and dirt. helps him focus, as he holds the courier’s heavy gaze. she’s a funny one; he doesn’t particularly like her much.
but the cap starts moving again. “what was he looking for?”
“why do you think he was looking for something?”
the courier snorts, in a way that manny had found people from the strip did. reminded him of carla (and he got why everything went all grainy up in his head then, when he thought of that sneer). “ain’t no one stupid enough to go to cottonwood cove without a reason.”
“how do you know it’s cottonwood cove?”
“said so yourself: legion heartland.”
that grainy feeling turns into something. cooler. sticky. like there was no blood but he couldn’t move. first kill adrenaline. prey fear. manny swallows his own tongue, trying to not croak out a “you legion?”
didn’t check that shit out. just took the fucking hand for the ghouls and their rocket. cottonwood cove. maybe the legion figured out where boone was from. needed new tactics, probably. a hundred different thoughts, as manny tried to work out why his gun was within reach, but his arm just couldn’t quite cooperate.
it would’ve been seconds. it felt like hours. whether or not the courier noticed was another thing, with how she gets to her feet. “fuckin’ legion. fuckin’ ncr. i got no time for that shit r’now.” hands on her hips, and she stretches back, until an incredibly audible click snaps them both out.
manny can only manage a, “right.” what else was he supposed to say. clamped that tongue down on the ncr, but whatever. not legion. maybe he might still sleep with a gun under his pillow, but he was a little safer now.
“your friend. he got a wife?”
“yeah, her name’s carla. went missing a couple of days before him. folks think she upped and left him for the strip. but… boone. he thought something else happened.”
more joints click and crack and when she’s pushing against her chin, until her neck let loose, manny recognised this. thinking. debating. an officer he knew did the same thing, claiming the release on the joints gave him all kinds of ideas. no surprise when he ended up getting taken out by raiders, but that was all because of a stupid plan. and whether manny wanted to admit it, he might’ve just planted a stupid plan in that head over there.
that scarred, scarred head.
“i’ll sleep on it.”
it was not a final answer. not a yes, not a no. manny can only nod mutely, as the courier disappears down the steps. turn back towards the horizon once more, how it was dipped in a dark blue. telling him something was wrong. out there.
and manny sat back down, binoculars in hand, deciding it had nothing to do with him, as his heart finally started to rest.
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