#So we have two options
lonely-cereal · 3 months
so me and my bestie may have made a kinda detailed TPN X breath of the wild AND sorta ocarina of time AU
(stuff in the tags bc it's SUPER messy rn)
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tarufai · 4 months
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
I just want biden to know that him being a ‘trump alternative’ is not a sufficient enough reason for him to be re-elected and he can stop making that shit his only personality trait.
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ricky-mortis · 1 day
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Curtwen Week Day 5: Disguise
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Man, I genuinely owe my life to FtM Girlies. Without them I wouldn’t have figured out my gender shit anywhere near as well and would probably still be going “Yeah I’m a trans gal. That’s… close enough. I’m happier as that than a Cis guy so I must be, right?”
Without them I wouldn’t have really taken the time to sit down and realize just how fucking weird gender can be, and the kind of things you can do with it.
I will forever remember the moment someone I was chatting to was discussing their pronouns, and pulled out a damn FLOWCHART. It could more or less be summed up as “Cis people: I am a trans dude, I use He/Him pronouns. Binary trans people: I am nonbinary. I use They/Them pronouns. Everyone else: Use whatever weird shit you think applies best to me.” and looking at it forced my third eye open and allowed me to realize just how vast the potential of gender was as a means of self-expression and identity, and how much of our identity rests in our relationships with others.
That was the moment that made me take a step back and go “Well now hold on a second. DO I want to be a girl? AM I a girl at all?” Sitting down and questioning “If I was AFAB, would I be cis?” And realizing that the idea of being a cis girl was just as revolting to me as being a “cis” guy for so much of my life was. Had I been AFAB I absolutely would still end up as trans! Which got me thinking about what my transition goals actually WERE.
Even now years later I stilled haven’t explored the full extent of my gender, and the potential that still lies within it. It’s become so tangled up in my relationship to DID as well as my views of animism. It’s something deeply personal, and I’m not sure if I’d ever even be capable of sharing the full extent of it, though am happy to try for the curious.
The more I talk with friends, the more I realize I’m not alone in this. Bespoke genders are AWESOME and incredibly common actually! Even my ‘cis’ friends that I’ve talked to, when we really explore it, and up saying stuff like “Yeah I’m like 90% cis. There’s certainly SOME complex stuff there but it’s small and not worth the hassle”, but even as they say that I can see that bit of joy of not HAVING to bottle up that tiny bit anymore. And it’s beautiful!
EVERYONE should be comfortable exploring the full extent of their gender. Everyone should take pride in that little tiny sliver of gender fuckery dwelling inside them!
Fucking… reply or tag this post with what your own personal brand of genderfuckery looks like! I wanna hear it! I wanna give everyone that outlet!
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luthorao3 · 1 year
alrighty, my fellow wlw gamers, i don't know about you but bioware are directly responsible for breaking my heart several times over due to their big No Homo rule on women that femshep should absolutely be able to smooch but cannot. i'm curious, though:
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arsenicflame · 4 months
i think the thing for me about edizzy is the potential of it all- we know they have history together, but we don't know what it is, how long it went on for, what it meant for them. there's endless possibilities there to explore, and any of them could be real! or not! but theres so much to explore with them and its so fun to imagine all the what-if's and could-have-beens of their relationship
#like yes!!! i love stizzy and steddyhands and rizzy and ouizzy and ALL the izzy ships!#but it always comes back to edizzy for me simply because of the ties that bind them#we see all the other relationships grow in canon and build off of that#but we KNOW theres more to edizzy that we simply dont know about and imagining all their possible pasts is so interesting to me#how did we get to where we are now? where can we go in the future? what underlies their relationship that we simply dont know?#were they married? unrequited love? mutual pining? never considered it until it was too late? divorced a dozen times over?#have they known each other since they were kids? did they meet on Hornigold's ship? did they meet after ed became blackbeard?#does izzy have a navy past? is that how they met? a brothel? the streets? a prison? a bar?#they could literally be anything!#maybe theyve only known each other two years! maybe its twenty!#we literally do not know and the possibilities are there and it CONSUMES me#i cant settle on one favourite reality for them because i just have so much fun messing around with all the different options#what will they be this week?#nyxtalks#ofmd#our flag means death#izzy hands#israel hands#edward teach#edizzy#blackhands#and im so sad canon didn't take any opportunities to explore it in s2#like we got a few hints that they are Something; but not even a passing comment about who they really were to each other#nothing!!#im not a writer so i couldn't tell u how to do it well but. a passing comment! anything!#a moment explaining izzys loyalty to ed after everything; talking to lucius about complicated relationship and moving on; to ed face when#hes confessing or after his leg; to Ned or to Zheng or Ricky or Hornigold or anyone! anything! Ed to Fang in the boat!!#im just surprised that wasnt a path they at least tried to explore; given how much of s2 was focused around them to some degree
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iovealexivs · 3 months
i swear most of you people don’t even give primary candidates a CHANCE before jumping straight to biden. just perpetuating shit by making it worse. if you at least made a dent in the primaries public opinion could shift but i have not seen shit talking about that. people have just given up and assume it’s a trump vs biden round 3.
there ARE other candidates. this IS the month to be nominating them if you genuinely dislike biden. do research. i won’t tell you how to vote but if you care about ceasefire, if you care about rent going through the roof or student debt, about codifying roe v wade and lgbt rights, look elsewhere since biden has continuously not delivered.
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Look at all five of them!
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silver-horse · 10 months
it really annoys me that during Astarion's confession scene there isn't a dialogue option to just say "I knew you were dishonest from the beginning" there are multiple shocked/surprised responses and that's especially ridiculous given the fact that he is now even more fake sounding than he was in early access.
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lovecoredeity · 18 days
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hi art besties! after discussing prices with a friend I was thinking of charging a flat rate price of $50 for my inventory ref sheets, the sheets would include 5 big items and 5 small items (subject to change depending on feedback) and wanted to get peoples opinions on if this is a fair price or not, I haven’t figured out how much additional items would be because as stated before, I struggle a lot with figuring out how to price my art which is a big part of why I’ve been so reluctant to open commissions (and also commission sheets being hell for me to throw together.)
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Was thinking about your au and realized that whichever neighbour wakes up last is in for a very awkward reunion
Imagine waking up to your entire neighbourhood being in an apocalyptic scenario, and you’re the last to find out about it-
technically the last neighbor is Sally BUT Julie is the last "normal-sleeping" neighbor to wake and yeah! she sure has a hell of a time! i mean tbh it's kinda her And Barnaby? they wake up within a week of each other (the neighbors wake via Pacific Rim kaiju rules) so their breakdowns overlap <3
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Honestly, I do think it's kind of funny when cis people talk about how Big Trans is forcing them to date, bed, or be friends with trans people because, truly, most of us wouldn't have wanted to be around them, anyway.
If you don't want to be seen as transphobic, there are ways to state your desires without being seen as transphobic. However, you can't have it both ways: treating trans people as second-class people while also not being seen as a bigot while doing so. You need to make your peace with that if you are going to go about this in a transphobic way.
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astarionsbeloved · 7 months
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Whenever I ask Astarion for a kiss in front of Halsin, Halsin smiles. Sometimes he'll look a little longing; but he is always very interested in what's going on.
I don't think it's _just_ Ny'fein he wants. I've seen it argued that Halsin is interested in player, and their partner (typically Starry, Shadowheart, or Karlach) might be of interest to him later or as a play partner along with Tav. I can't speak to Halsin's reactions to any of the other companions, because I haven't romanced them: I've only ever romanced Astarion and Gale (and gale never into act 2). And the way he watches the interactions with Astarion imply interest.
Or maybe I'm reading way too fucking much into it, but I'm gonna enjoy my read on the situation and their interactions and have a lil bit of joy.
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pushing500 · 3 months
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Against all odds, asexual Buckeye and reduced-fertility-gene Magic Man have managed to make a baby! However, because Buckeye is Animakin, she needs to plant the baby in soil... And there is no soil in the ocular forest where Monster's Basin is. Only red sand and red dirt and other nasty red stuff, which apparently doesn't count.
So, we have unexpectedly had to up and move in order to give this new baby the best possible chance of survival! We were hoping to be able to prepare a bit more first, but desperate times call for desperate measures. We'll leave everything behind for the sake of one of our own if we must.
However, moving means it's time for another (rather rushed, I'm afraid) colony tour! Presenting: Monster's Basin!!
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Here's the whole thing from above. If I had to describe it in one word, I would say "red".
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Here is the central room, the kitchen/dining/ritual room. Next to it, we have two bathrooms and our freezer. Magic Man is already packing some of our human leather kneel sheets, as you can see.
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Some bedrooms: Top left is Vasso and Laursen's room, top right is Euclid and Socks' room, bottom left is Dire Wolf and Pro (and formerly Bella's) room, and bottom left is Magic Man, Buckeye, and Dopey the razorjack's bedroom.
We also have a small, utilitarian hospital.
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Up above the bedrooms and the main room are our dinosaur museum (we can't go without a dinosaur museum) and our research laboratory. Also a better view of the freezer.
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Our farms and a huge stack of red bricks that we'll never get to use.
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Here's a nutrient-paste barn that we got from a prefab some traders sold us. Mostly so we could see what it was, but our animals seemed to appreciate it.
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Bella's room that she was given when she grew up into an adult, the sauna, and Blackdragon, Duchess, and Night Stalker's room.
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The wardrobe, the chemfuel room, the miscellaneous devices room, the hot spring, and the small place where we attempted to plant Buckeye's sapling child before we realised it didn't work in this biome.
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Finally, our animal pen/archery range. We were very fond of the moose named All-Powerful (she fell out of the sky), but we'll probably release her into the wild (along with a self-tamed hare and three baby wolfchickens some traders gave us) to help us conserve food on our abrupt journey.
And that concludes the tour of Monster's Basin! I wonder where our caravan will take us. Hopefully, somewhere with plenty of fertile soil for a growing sapling child...
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wah i looove their designs and animation...
#sketched last night looped ''hot air balloon'' track last night rewatched elemental last night you know just how it is....i love it all augh#elemental#elemental 2023#pixar elemental#elemental fanart#ember lumen#wade ripple#it's so fun how just going w/the flow waviness drawing a wade is Correct. some flamey shiveriness / jaggedness in ember's lines is Correct#and it's all the more fun how it's like oh ofc not quite hitting the mark of how great their designs really are....so so good#and of course the expressive elasticity not only with their faces but the way their bodies ft. respective elements can be expressive#in addition to just usual [assume you have a usual literal human body] expressiveness options in posture / movement etc lol#also was thinking about how like we know everything we Need to know re: wade & his dad but also have so [zero details there]#which is interesting to wonder about. kinda assumed like oh a parent got sick & died but now considering how it could've been an accident..#the tiny layer of A Reaction he has when ember's talking abt parents giving up everything for you: could be nothing much; or Anything#also noting i Didn't note the first instances that they hear each other's names or introduce themselves thusly lol#or at least i sure can't recall it. just start knowing the other's name partway through which Isn't A Problem but it's like#ooh just more to consider & reexamine. i love to pick up More Details & that's helped by my difficulty in catching them in the first place#one thing about me i don't Catch things i don't Notice shit i don't Get stuff. and also of course: i do though lol#always a trip when it's like oh i love this movie i'm seeing it probably the two dozenth time#and then i notice something for the very first time that was clearly straightup meant to be Gotten upon the immediate viewing#even to the extent that smthing later seems to be kinda happening out of nowhere if you didn't. & i'd just rolled with it#like ok i'm autistic ofc that's something i gotta do all the time. & the adhd means i might keep getting distracted around the same pts.
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