#So. I was supposed to be chilling on my bed relaxing and instead I did that
pasukiyo · 3 months
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remus lupin x f!reader word count; 3,286 warnings; very word vomit-y, very much a self-insert lol, very small mentions of sex summary; she wakes in the middle of the night and knows only two things are for certain: remus is not sleeping, and something is wrong.
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 There is an indentation in the shape of Remus Lupin in the space on the bed beside her. 
 She is not sure what actually wakes her, but she lifts her head from her pillow and knows one thing is for certain: Remus is not sleeping, and something is wrong. 
 She blinks away the sleep from her eyes to the best of her ability and pushes herself into an upright position. She leans over to the bedside table to click on the lamp, narrowing her eyes for a better read of the clock. It was three in the morning and the moon spilled its ghostly hues into the bedroom through the thin curtains of the window, slowly sinking further down past the horizon. 
 She yawns and rolls her neck, tossing the comforter away from her legs. When her feet lower to find the carpet, they meet denim instead and she kicks Remus' jeans away as she stands, pulling his burgundy jumper over her head while she makes her way towards the door. 
 There is a slight chill to the air when she peels open the bedroom door and her arms cross over her chest for warmth as she pads down the hallway leading into the living room and kitchen. It’s here where she finds Remus, sitting at the window, knees to his chest. He wears nothing but his boxers and she thinks that he must be cold, so she ambles towards the couch to grab a quilt. 
 Remus turns his head as she enters the living room, wearing his jumper and bringing a quilt over to drape over his legs. He glances up at her sheepishly, pressing his lips together in a tight smile. 
 “Did I wake you?” He asks, his voice still rough and gravelly with sleep. She inhales as she settles herself onto the window seat across from him, hugging her legs to her chest and stretching his jumper out to cover her knees. She shakes her head, “since it seems like you’ve been out here for quite some time, no. I just woke up.”
 Still, Remus apologizes softly, watching as she eyes him up and down, tilting her head to rest it against the cool glass. His skin erupts in goosebumps and he is unsure whether it is from the air or from the intensity of her gaze but either way, he readjusts the blanket on his legs, looking anywhere but at her. 
 “Are you hurting again?” She asks after a moment and Remus closes his eyes— he hates how well she knows him. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat again and swallows, nodding. He looks down to the quilt draped over his legs, “I’m quite surprised my tossing and turning didn’t wake you. I’ve been restless all night.”
 She shrugs, “I suppose I’ve gotten used to it.”
 A humorless laugh leaves Remus’s nose and she blinks, her gaze softening. “Have you taken your potion?” She questions and he tries to breathe through the irritation that tinges him at the question— of course he’s taken his potion, he does it every month but still, he hurts. He knows deep down that it is only a simple question and that she means well and the last thing he wants is to yell at her but this condition, this curse within him makes him want to scream, to kick and yell and hurt. 
 “Yes,” he answers a little too quickly, his tone harsh and sharp. He curses at himself beneath his breath and shakes his head, forcing his gaze back towards the window. Nevertheless, she does not flinch, doesn’t so much as blink. She’s known him far too long and been through too much with him to let something as small as this affect her. 
 “Where do you ache?” She asks and he snaps his head back towards her, his brows knit. “What?” He says as if he didn’t hear her and she repeats her question, to which Remus only blinks at her in bewilderment. Again, he knows she means well but really, how much does she think she can help?
 He inhales and closes his eyes, willing himself to relax. With great effort, he exhales, shrugging. “My shoulders, I suppose,” he replies. “It feels like they’re going to cave in on me.” 
 Without hesitation, she lifts herself from her seat and moves to stand behind him, tapping his back with her palm. “Scoot,” she says simply and Remus turns, with great effort, to peer at her from over his shoulder. Before he can even protest, her gaze hardens and he has no choice but to comply, scooting himself further up the window seat until she can fit herself comfortably behind him. 
 An owl hoots from somewhere outside the window and the moon slowly begins to sink below the tops of the surrounding buildings.  She uses the pad of her thumb to feel around his right shoulder blade and Remus winces. 
 “Where does it hurt?” She asks.
 He hisses between his teeth, “everywhere,” he practically growls.
 His muscles scream and his mind begins to swirl like a cyclone in a supercell and it takes everything within him to not snarl through his teeth and yell every obscenity in his vocabulary at her. She begins to knead through the clump of knots in his shoulder, her fingers not too gentle, yet not too rough either. Remus’s eyes flutter closed and he tries to shut his brain off, tries to just feel. 
 He can feel her fingers against the bare skin of his back, can feel her knee as it presses against his lower end, her hair as it brushes against his shoulder. He can smell her, the scented shampoo that’s now faint, giving way to the smell of sex and his skin burns with the memory of just mere hours before. 
 He begins to ease into her touch, his head even lolling back as his mind orbits thoughts of solely her. He can still taste her on his lips, his mouth buzzing with the phantom of her kiss. He drops his head and turns and she leans in closer, her breath rolling like early morning dew onto his skin. 
 “Does it feel good?” She asks and he hums, nodding. She breathes a laugh, “if I’d known you were in pain, I wouldn’t have provoked you earlier.” 
 His breath comes out as more of a laugh and he blinks up at her and their eyes meet and Merlin, it’s like all else ceases to exist when he sees her. He searches through her irises, the dilated pupils in the middle of them and finds that he’s falling more in love with her with every second that ticks past, even in the state he’s in. His heart aches in his chest and for a moment, his body forgets that it is in pain and his lips part, drawing nearer to hers. 
 She simply waits, continuing to knead the knots in his shoulders. His breath shudders and he wishes he had the words to convey to her how he feels in this moment but he’s too tired so instead he presses his lips to hers. They melt into one another and there’s suddenly nothing more important than her and her lips, her skin against his. 
 There’s a certain fervor that Remus kisses her with how that she’s never felt before and somewhere in the back of her mind, she knows that there’s more that’s been left unspoken. She kisses him back with the same zeal until she feels her lips begin to grow numb and she pulls away, chasing air back into her lungs. 
 Remus’s forehead falls against hers and it’s not until she presses her head harder against his that he meets her gaze. “Talk to me,” she whispers and he tilts his head. She narrows her eyes, “don’t play coy with me, Remus Lupin. I know when there’s something preoccupying that pretty head of yours.”
 He turns and almost curses beneath his breath again— she knows him too well. 
 He turns back to face the window, the street below that is illuminated solely by the orange street lamps, the dark sky and the twinkling lights that litter it. He eases himself into the pads of her thumbs as they rub circles against his shoulder blades locking his fingers over his opposite wrist.
 “I just…” he trails off, unsure where to begin. “…do you ever wish you could just… I don’t know… ask the universe questions?”
 She tilts her head. “What do you mean?” She asks, and he sighs, shaking his head. 
 “I don’t know… it’s just…” he’s beginning to grow frustrated with himself again but almost as if she can sense it, she leans in to press her lips against the nape of his neck and a slither rolls down his spine and all is well again. “…sometimes I just feel like I don’t know what I’m doing or what I should be doing with my life. I wish I could just, you know, ask the universe what exactly it wants from me.”
 She drops her chin to rest on his shoulder as she continues to rub through the aches there, and she grows silent. For a moment, Remus wonders if it was a mistake to open up at all. 
 Then, “all the time.”
 Remus sighs and although this feeling— one of being lost, like he’s living in slow motion while the world keeps spinning around him— is horrible, he is, in a way, relieved that he is not alone. He leans back into her and she pulls her hands away from his shoulders to instead wrap them around his neck, allowing him to be drawn further into her. 
 Her lips press against the crown of his head and he closes his eyes, simply ravishing the feeling of being wrapped in the warm arms of his lover. There’s nothing better than being completely surrounded by her and it almost makes him forget about his feelings, his lycanthropy, even. 
 “Sometimes I feel like everyone around me is moving so fast-paced, like they’ve gotten everything figured out and I’m just… stuck,” she admits in a murmur against his head. His eyes flutter open and he breathes, focusing on the steady beat of her heart against his back.
 He pauses to ponder her words for a moment, letting them swirl around his head before they finally begin to sink in. He turns ever so slightly, just enough to see her where she rests her chin on his shoulder. She blinks at him and he wonders how this girl, this beautiful, perfect, impossible girl could possibly be his, nor can he comprehend now she could possibly feel stuck. He thinks to himself whether he was failing her, if somehow, in his own state of self-destruction, he was tearing her down too. 
 It sends his mind down a spiral and his face darkens, which she notices his doubt as soon as it crosses his face like shadows over the moon. She nudges the underside of his jaw with the bridge of her nose, pressing her lips to his collarbone. 
 “Talk to me,” she urges him again in a soft murmur against his skin and Remus shivers, reaching to clasp a hand around one of her wrists as if to anchor her to him, like he’s scared that she’s letting go. She lets him, and she watches his other hand as it searches for something to do while he musters the courage to speak. She outstretches her hand and gestures for him to take it, which he does, albeit dubiously. 
 “I sometimes wonder if I’m even any good for you,” he admits quietly after a prolonged moment of silence. She blinks and he feels her eyelashes graze against his flesh and he almost regrets saying the words as soon as they come out of his mouth. He sighs and moves to drop her hand but she doesn’t let him, tightening her grip and lifting her chin from his shoulder. “What is that supposed to mean?” She asks and he almost flinches at her sudden clipped tone. 
 “I…” A breath leaves his lips frustratingly and he shakes his head. “…I don’t want you to feel stuck with me. I don’t want you to let me and my problems drag you down. I couldn’t live with myself if I were to burden you.”
 There is another silence that falls like snow over them and Remus’s spine begins to stiffen with frost as chills slither down it. The air has an icy bite to it now and he knows that he must’ve said the wrong thing because now she’s pulling away from him altogether and now he’s in his head thinking, ‘now you’ve done it, Lupin. You’ve reminded her of how you’re weighing her down and now you’ve lost the only good thing you had left in your life.’
 His gaze drops to his lap and he almost doesn’t realize she’s circling around to his front until he feels her middle and index finger against his chin, tilting his head up until their eyes could meet once again. Her brows are knit and the corners of her lips are cast downwards as if she’s angry but there’s a softness, a tenderness in her eyes that seems to make him feel small. It’s one he’s never really seen in her before, but he knows that what he said struck her like a blow to the chest. 
 Remus’s bottom lip trembles as it parts away from his top and he vows to himself that he will never, ever do anything to make her look at him like that ever again. He never wants to hurt her badly enough to see the glossy barrier form in her eyes, her tight-pressed lips that quiver ever so slightly like he sees now. All he can do is simply hold his breath and wait for her to speak again. 
 She swallows, and then she does. “Remus Lupin, you are such a fool!” 
 It comes out as more of an exclamation and she drops his chin, shaking her head and crossing her arms over her chest. He watches as she turns to stare out the window, rolling her bottom lip between her teeth. 
 “Do you not see how in love with you I am?” She asks with a scoff, her narrowing eyes finding his again. He blinks, taken aback by her outburst. “Merlin, I am so in love with you and I care so deeply for you that I cannot believe you would misinterpret it as you being a burden on me!” 
 He blinks again as she sinks onto the window seat before him, sinking her teeth into the plush of her bottom lip, eyeing him. His heart beats so fast with her abrupt proclamation and it takes everything within him not to shut her up with his lips on hers, he has to force himself to breathe to suppress the urge. Remus never once felt loved in the way he now knows she loves him, and he’s quite unsure what to do with himself. All he can do is sit and stare speechlessly at the woman in front of him. 
 “You’re the only thing I have that I’m scared to lose,” she admits, quietly this time. Remus’s gaze softens and although he wishes to move closer, he’s frozen to his spot so he simply waits for her to continue. “I said I feel stuck because it feels like nearly everyone else around me has found their purpose in their life and I’m still trying to figure out where I fit in this world,” she says and she looks off to the kitchen table across the room, an old typewriter with a blank sheet of paper standing erect on the top. 
 “I sit and stare at blank pages on my typewriter everyday, waiting for my will to write to come back to me,” she continues. “And somewhere deep down, I want to believe that writing is what I’m meant to do, that writing is my purpose in life, but then words don’t come and then I get into my own head and I begin to doubt.”
 Remus’s heart begins to feel heavy as it soaks in her words, absorbing through his skin like a sponge. He’s never seen her so vulnerable before and it hurts knowing she’s kept all of this bottled for so long. The best he can do now is listen, to allow her to take this weight off of her chest and throw it onto him, even if only temporarily. 
 “All I do is doubt myself and it makes me feel so lost,” she says, her voice slowly beginning to lower and he knows that she is nearing her end. He scoots himself closer to her, reaching for her hand. She blinks down at their laced fingers, “I just feel like I’m falling behind. Sometimes I just wish things would slow down so I could have time to catch up and not doubt.” 
 She uses her free hand to press the pads of her fingers into one of her closed eyelids, sighing as she throws it back down to her lap. “But the only thing I never doubt is you. Never once do I doubt loving you, or caring for you. I could never see you as a burden, Remus.”
 The pad of Remus’s thumb soothes over the back of her hand and she sighs again, her shoulders heaving. He lets the quilt over his legs drop to the floor and with the hand he has in hers, he draws her closer, guiding her in turning around so that this time, she could fall back against him. His arms wrap around her shoulders and he falls back against the wall so they could sit comfortably, melting into one another. 
 “Sorry,” she says after a moment and he shakes his head. 
 “Don’t be,” he murmurs against her hair. “We should’ve been talking like this a long time ago.”
 She hums and they both turn to look at the night outside the window. He wishes there were more words, better words he could offer her now but he’s unsure what he could say that he hasn’t already tried telling himself. So instead, he tells her what he knows is for certain. 
 “I should’ve said this to you more often before but,” he starts, pressing a kiss to her temple. “I care for you too,” he says and he breathes a laugh. “I’m so completely and desperately in love with you that not even my lycanthropy can make me think it’s untrue.”
 She sniffs and it comes out as a laugh and she squeezes Remus’s arm as it tightens around her. There’s not much more either can say but holding each other, even in the silence, is enough. It’s just enough to be near each other, to feel each other, and soon, both of their eyelids begin growing heavy. There’s words they left unspoken for now, but still, a silent agreement seems to hang between them and Remus feels more at ease as he finally allows himself to drift away in the arms of his slumber. 
 The girl in his arms feels lighter than she had just moments before, like an invisible weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Even through her tired and blurring vision, she can make out the old typewriter from her periphery. As she, too, succumbs to her sleep, she begins to dream about a story, one that’s borne by the feeling of the boy holding her’s heartbeat against her back, by his soft breathing as he drifts to sleep, by his arms as they envelope her in his warmth. 
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a/n; so sorry for having been inactive for so long! if you couldn't already tell from this mess of a fic, i've really been struggling trying to write. i've started at least five drafts each of different fics over the past few months but none of them were able to get very far before i doubted myself and grew too frustrated to continue. i'm very surprised i was even able to finish this one lol it's really not my best work, but it was, in a way, an outlet for me to vent and get some of this weight off my chest. i hope you are still able to enjoy this one!
(ps, i tried a new writing style here, i hope i didn't butcher it too much lol)
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moonstruckme · 6 months
Hey lovely! I saw you wanted some doctor rem requests, so I was wondering if you could possibly write something where the Remus wakes up in the middle of the night because the reader has a fever and is burning up right next to her, and he gets up and takes care of her, puts her in a cool bath to cool down and then reads to her to get her to sleep. Just a bunch of fluff haha 💕
Thank you for requesting my love !
cw: non-sexual nudity
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 834 words
It’s not uncommon for Remus to get too warm in the middle of the night. He’s always careful to flip just his part of the covers off, sticking an arm and a leg out without exposing you to the cool air. It is unusual for the heat not to be coming off of his own body.
Remus rolls over, feeling for you without opening his eyes. The temperature under the covers increases before he’s even touching you, emanating from your skin and heating the space around you. He opens his eyes. 
You’re curled up tight, one hand trapped underneath your cheek, blankets pulled up to your chin like you’re chilled instead of burning. Your brow is puckered as though you’re concentrating hard on something in your unconscious, and you don’t rouse when the bed creaks as Remus gets up. 
He plugs the drain in the tub and turns on the tap, feeling for the right temperature before leaving it to fill.
“Sweetheart.” It’s one part exhaustion and two parts love, sleep still clinging to the edges of his voice. You don’t stir in the slightest when Remus touches your shoulder, worrying in itself. 
It takes a few gentle shakes to do it, and you’re none too happy to be woken. Remus can’t help his small smile at your sleepy frown. 
“Your fever’s gotten worse,” he tells you, stroking the baby hairs at your temple. “I’m starting you a bath, okay?” 
You close your eyes, reluctant. “Can it wait ‘til morning?” 
Remus slips a hand beneath your shoulders and brushes his lips under your eye. “Afraid not, lovely girl. Do you need help getting up?” 
He has to smother a grin when you react just as he predicted, grumbling and crawling out of bed. Still, you don’t reject the arm he wraps around your waist to guide you into the bathroom. Your skin is clammy under his hand, and you lean into his side like you weigh more than you did yesterday. 
“Is your head still bothering you?” he asks while you strip out of your pajamas. 
“A little,” you say, your words soft and stuck together by drowsiness. “Not as bad as yesterday. What time s’it?” 
“It’s early yet.” Remus wraps his arms around your shoulders, kissing your nape as he encourages you closer to the tub. “We’ll go back to bed as soon as we get you cooled down. You can sleep in as late as you want.” 
“You’ll make me think I’m dreaming,” you tease. But your smile vanishes as soon as you set a toe into the bathwater. “Rem, it’s cold.” 
“I know, sweetheart.” He smiles, rueful, when you look betrayed. “Like I said, we’ve got to get your temperature down. Your body will adjust.” 
“You’re supposed to be nice to me when I’m sick,” you mutter, but take the hand he offers you to step into the tub. 
A couple of little shivers tremble through you. Remus stays, stroking the lines of your palm, until your taut muscles start to relax and you let your body unspool in the cool water. Then he goes to get you fever reducers. 
He’s not gone long, but you look as though you’ve nearly fallen asleep again in his absence. You’re curled loosely on your side, one cheek resting on the porcelain lip of the tub with your hands folded under it. The arcs of your shoulders are shiny wet, and your lashes droop as if drawn towards their other halves by magnets. 
When Remus sits on the bathmat, you raise your eyes up to his lazily. His reaction is predictable: fondness that sticks in the back of his throat and nestles into the space behind his sternum. 
“Better now?” he asks, and his voice is soft for reasons he doesn’t entirely understand. It’s an instinct, as if to protect some precious part of you that might still be slumbering. 
You hum. “A little.” 
He holds up the water and tablets. “Think you can sit up to take these?” 
Those pretty eyes roll skyward at the question, and you do, finishing the water without him needing to ask and murmuring a thanks when you’re done. Remus sets the empty cup on the floor. He dips a hand into the bathwater, cupping some and spilling it down your back. Not strictly necessary, perhaps, but it’s nice for him and you don’t seem to mind. Your eyes slip closed again. Remus follows the path of the water with his hand, coasting between your shoulder blades and down the curvature of your spine. Your skin is still warm to the touch, but he thinks there’s been some improvement. 
“Don’t fall asleep here,” he murmurs. Your eyes peel open again. “I’m just giving it a few minutes before I check your fever, and then we can go back to bed.” 
“I’m gonna sleep all tomorrow,” you sigh. 
He smiles. “If that’s what you want.” 
You hum satisfiedly. “Will you sleep in with me? Please?” 
Remus huffs a laugh. “Sure, sweetheart. Twist my arm.” 
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jjtheresidentbaby · 7 months
Hi! I just saw that you’re doing obx fix’s now and I’m so happy! I was wondering if you could do one with cg!Rafe Cameron and a little!reader, where the reader stayed up all night playing and they are very sleepy. If you can, could you make it very cute and fluffy?
It’s totally fine if you can’t write it!
Btw, I love your fics!
˚. ❝₊˚ 𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥 ❞ ˚₊·
» rafe cameron x reader
» a/n: ah sorry this got a tad angsty, i swear i can’t write rafe without it turning angst *stares at all my wips with him*
» warnings: slight angst, rafe being insecure, pet names
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“Here you go sweetheart.” Rafe smiles as he slides a plate of pancakes over to you from the other side of the island in the tannyhill kitchen. You rub at your eyes and nod in thanks, still tired from not going to bed when you were supposed to last night but waking up at your normal time.
“You okay?” There’s already a furrow of worry in Rafe’s brow, his voice soft but concerned in full. It’s always been easy to tell when Rafe gets worried about you, his go-to emotion with anyone else is anger but with you it’s different, you get his vulnerable side.
“I’m tired.” You huff and stare at the cut up pancakes on your plate, feeling slightly guilty for not eating them when Rafe had spent the morning cooking for you.
“I guess you did go to bed pretty late last night, you don’t have to eat if you don’t want to.” Rafe assures and plucks the plate from its place in front of you, slipping it into the fridge and instead pulling out a reusable bottle of water he keeps on hand for you. You don’t know when the bottle got bought or what prompted Rafe to get you your own bottle instead of just grabbing one from the cabinets, but you won’t ask, there’s no need to, the fact that he did it is more than enough.
“Do you wanna go lay on the couch? We can watch a movie, have a chill day.” Despite how nonchalant Rafe is trying to sound, you can tell he’s studying your every move to see if something else is wrong or if he’s the one doing something wrong.
He’s been hesitant about taking care of you in certain ways, always checking to make sure that you’re okay, second guessing things under his own anxiety that he’s messed it up, trying to do things perfectly in fear of you leaving and finding a new caregiver because he slipped up. It’ll never be the case and you’ve told Rafe both when little and big that you don’t care if things are perfect, you just want him, in any way shape or form. You think in the past few months he’s been getting better at accepting what you say as truth, but times like this you can see the insecurities poking through.
“Yeah, movie.” Once you have the bottle of water securely in your hands, Rafe comes to scoop you onto his hip. You happily take the physical contact and lean your cheek onto his chest, breathing in his familiar pine scented cologne and snuggling against the soft sleep shirt he still has on.
“The normal?” He asks and sits down on the couch without putting you down, content to hold you throughout the movie- and if he’s being honest it’ll be easier to put you down on a bed if you fall asleep this way, avoids the risk of waking you up by picking you up.
“Yeah.” Your favorite movie is already queued up on the Tv, as it has been since the second week of Rafe stepping in as your caregiver, it’s a small detail but it always makes you smile.
“You can go to sleep, little one.” His hand reaches to lay on the back of your head, thumb rubbing back and forth against your hair as you nod along.
It doesn’t take long for your eyes to slip shut and for Rafe to pull a blanket from the back of the couch around your shoulders. You can feel how he relaxes against the back of the couch once you’ve sunk farther into his chest, finally accepting that being tired really was the only issue. You find it fascinating how expressive Rafe’s body language can be without him knowing, how much him being calm makes you calm, how your body naturally leans into his when you know he needs it and that he subconsciously does the same. It’s a comfort you don’t find with other people, you cherish it with Rafe even if it is just the two of you falling asleep on the couch for an afternoon.
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seriouslysnape · 1 year
hello! can i get a severus lazy sunday morning with the reader? 🖤
Severus Snape x Fem! Reader Tags: None. Word Count: 1.1k "You can stay right here. I'll call you when it's ready."
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It was the pattering of rain on the roof that initially woke Severus up. It drummed on the house and sprinkled across the windows. The trees outside rustled from the wind that whistled outside. He let out a slow exhale at the sound of the low rumbles of thunder rolling off in the distance.
Three days of solid rain was more than enough, and frankly, he was missing the sunshine. Nonetheless, there wasn't a thing he could do about the weather, so he supposed that griping about it wouldn't do him any good.
After all, it was hard to complain when there was a beautiful woman curled up next to him.
Severus was a bit of a stirrer in the mornings. He wasn't typically one to lounge around in bed, typically getting up and on his feet the moment that his eyes opened. But you, on the other hand, liked to gradually wake up instead of getting a fast start to your day. If there wasn't an immediate reason to get up, then you were more than likely going to stay snuggled in for a little while.
With that being said, he tried to keep his movements to a minimum to avoid waking you. He could bear staying wrapped up in the sheets if it meant you getting some extra rest. He was perfectly content with holding you close and watching the weather rage on outside through the window.
Unfortunately, he couldn't control the volume and intensity of the thunder that accompanied the rain. One booming crack of thunder spooked you awake with a hard flinch and a light gasp. The sudden reaction even made Severus jump a bit, his arms holding you tighter as a gesture of protection.
"It's all right," He nuzzled his nose into your hair, pressing a kiss just above the tip of your ear. "You're safe. It's just a storm."
His morning voice always sent a chill down your back. It was deeper than usual, groggy and sluggish. You relaxed at the sound of it, releasing a relieved sigh when you realized that your house wasn't being attacked by some outside force.
"Mm. Still raining I assume?" Your eyes fluttered closed again in an attempt to slow the hard thumping of your heart.
"Unfortunately." He grumbled, his focus on you instead of the storm.
"It's not all bad. I've had you all to myself for three days straight." You giggled, the sound of your laugh spreading a warmth over his chest.
"Darling, has there ever been a time where you didn't?" He answered.
He pushed some fallen strands of hair out of your eyes, a small smile appearing on his features as he admired your calm expression.
"Generally, no. But sometimes the duties of being a professor steals you away."
He couldn't deny that. Just being a professor could be overly demanding -- adding in being the head of Slytherin and some occasional administrative responsibilities could most definitely dry up the well of his free time.
Before he met you, he spent pretty much every night at the school in his personal chambers. He didn't see the need in traveling home every night (as easy and convenient as it might've been) if he had no real reason to. He spent all of his time at Hogwarts from September to June.
But after meeting you and having the pleasure and blessing of your lives intertwining, he had to learn how to balance his work life and personal life. Now, he traveled home almost every single night, unless he just couldn't get away from his office and/or classroom.
He did everything that he could to ensure that you were his top priority...although, sometimes he still fell short.
"We still have well over a month before the term starts," He remarked. "Plenty of time before my schedule gets overly full."
"What's on your schedule until then?" You asked, eyes opening just enough to peer up at him.
He let out a low chuckle when he kissed your temple, the vibrations running down your side and causing a brief tingle in your toes. He exhaled a satisfied hum when one of your legs settled between his.
Another roll of thunder rumbled, yet not quite as vigorous this time. You smiled at him, which caused a tint of a blush to appear on his cheek.
"Doesn't sound too busy then." You ran your index finger's knuckle across the apple of his cheek with a feather-like touch.
"Just the way I like it." He smirked.
A round of silence followed. The two of you were just enjoying each other's presence and taking advantage of the fact that you had absolutely nothing to do...not to mention having a great excuse not to come up with something to occupy your time.
The rain was relentless after all. Who in their right mind would want to go out in this kind of weather? It was a perfect setup for a day inside.
There were plenty of things to do around the house. The only problem was that you had already been doing them for three days now.
You could only take a crack at raiding and reading your entire library for so long. The house was spotless and lemony fresh, so cleaning was crossed off your list. You were looking forward to trying a new recipe for dinner, but you assumed that you still had an entire day to get through first.
"What time is it?" You asked, realizing that it could've been noon for all you knew.
Severus raised his head just enough to peek over you to get a glimpse of the alarm clock on the bedside table on your side.
"6:47." He answered.
"Oh, that is so early," You gawked. "I'm too awake to go back to sleep though."
"Shall I make us some breakfast then?" He suggested. "You can stay right here. I'll call you when it's ready."
"Pancakes? Coffee?" You asked, a glittering admiration for the man talking sweet to you shining over your face.
"Of course," He nodded. "Whatever you want, angel."
He peppered kisses across your nose and down your neck, bubbly giggles and squeaks sounding out from your chest. You managed to squeal out an "I love you" through laughter and shrills.
He couldn't understand how someone like you could love him so much. He liked to think that he had done something in his life to deserve some like you. But in reality, he knew that he was just plain lucky.
"I love you," He returned the endearment before whipping the covers off of the bed, ignoring your hiss of disapproval. "Pancakes are on the way."
Once he was on his feet, he pulled the covers back over you, chuckling at the way you shimmied further down with a gleeful whimper. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before leaving to whip up the best stack of pancakes you had ever tasted.
"Enjoy the rain, my love."
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skzpixiekaifei · 8 months
Happy Valentine's, my love//happy ending saga
CW: a lil bit of angst at the beginning. Tooth rotting fluff. One small innuendo
Taglist: @mynameisnotlaura, @palindrome969
Part 2 - Part 3
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Changbin never knew he would be in a relationship with Kai. He thought it was a dream, every time he woke up and she was sleeping beside him, or the times they ate together, even the time they did remotely anything couple related. 
I guess that’s what happens when you’re dating the love of your life. They had left the honeymoon phase years ago, but to others, they were still in the honeymoon phase. They never fought in front of others, so maybe that’s why people thought that way? Sure, they had their small arguments, their fights (mostly about Kai’s health), and their disagreements. Like the one they are having right now. 
“Why can’t you just believe me?” Kai shouted in the empty apartment. The two just moved into their first apartment together a little while ago, and this is how they chose to christen the new space. 
“Stop being jealous! She wasn’t flirting with me!” He yelled back, angrily stuffing his scarf into the coat he wore. It was Valentines Day, and this is how they spent it? Instead of the fancy dinner reservation that Changbin had booked that they were most definitely late for, they were there, fighting like a couple that had never fought before. There goes their dinner, you would suppose. 
“Oh please! She even called you ‘babe’, with her hand groping your arm! Tell me that isn’t flirting!” Kai threw up her arms, storming into their shared room to start taking off her clothes. She sure as hell isn't going to that dinner now that the restaurant will be closed. 
“You do that all the time! What’s the big deal?” He followed her, arms crossed over his suit-clad chest. He leaned against the doorframe, rolling his eyes at her dramatic flair that he swore he found endearing. 
“I was flirting when I did that!” She angrily threw the dress she had on off and grabbed her sleeping shirt to put on. It was his, which made her all the more mad. It still smelt like him, which gave her anything but comfort now. “Okay, believe me or not, I don't care.” She shuffled under the covers, back turned to the door where he stood. She felt like he was being too chill about this. 
Changbin sighed frustratedly, shedding his own clothes and changing to go to bed. She was on the far side of the bed, so it was easy to saddle up behind her and hug her to his body. She didn’t push him away, hating the way she relaxed into his touch. She was still mad at him, after all. 
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled into her hair. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that.” She turned to look up at him. Her lips were pulled into a frown, eyebrows furrowing at the quick change of mood. 
“Why didn’t you believe me?” she asked, her voice was above a whisper. 
“I don’t know, I just didn’t want to believe everyone had an ulterior motive. I thought she was being friendly.” She turned away after his confession, him pressing a kiss to the back of her neck to calm her down. She nodded, feeling herself start to fall asleep. He hugged her tighter, hands falling to her waist to pull her closer so they both can fall asleep in each other’s grasp.  
She fell asleep in Changbin’s arms like she always did. Changbin, however, couldn’t sleep. The small velvet box in his nightstand was the reason for that, along with the guilt he still felt in his heart from making her jealous. 
He knew just the way to make it up to her. 
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Kai giggled as Changbin led her to a chilly rooftop, her eyes covered with his callused hands. He brought her up there for a surprise, much to her dislike of surprises. 
“Is this a way to finally get rid of me, Bin?” Kai joked, which got a snort from the older man. 
“You wish,” he finally took his hands away from her eyes, making her gasp delightfully at the scene. 
It seemed like a scene straight from a romcom. A picnic blanket covered the ground, pillows laying down to sit on. The rooftop was covered with string lights, making it seem like there were stars in the middle of the city. A basket on top of Kang table sat in the middle. She smiled at the scene, turning and giving Changbin a quick kiss on the lips. 
“I love you, Changbin. Thank you,” she gave him another chaste kiss, before rushing to the blanket to sit down. This made him giggle, following suit. He got their two favorite meals prepared; Jjajangmyeon (his favorite) and Char Siu (her favorite), along with several side dishes. 
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“Ah, I'm so full.” Kai groaned, stretching before taking a sip of the wine he got them. It was her favorite as well, eventually becoming his own. The wine, 2018 Egon Muller Scharzhofberger, was hard to find, especially in South Korea. His determination to make his girlfriend happy weighed in his mind overpowered any type of price. 
“Hopefully not too full for dessert.” he started, wiggling his eyebrows. Kai laughed at the innuendo, shoving him from under the table for the joke. 
“Dork,” she ended with a content sigh. “You really are full of surprises today. What’s next? A mariachi band?” She looked around the rooftop, silently chuckling at her joke. 
Changbin’s heart dropped slightly. “Did you want a mariachi band? I’m sorry-” he was cut off by Kai, who was very confused. She cupped his face in her hands, eyebrows furrowing. 
“What? No, honey. What’s wrong? That would usually make you laugh.” She questioned, looking into his eyes. He sighed, chuckling awkwardly. 
“Nothing ever gets through you,” He stood up, making her stand as well. He walked over to where she stood. 
“My love, what’s wrong-” She was cut off by him kneeling, making her eyes widen. 
“Fei Kai, for as long as I knew you-” It was her turn to interrupt him, kneeling in front of him. 
“Please stand up, for the love of god please.” She begged, tears already springing to her eyes. He chuckled, bringing the blue velvet box out and opening it. She gasped, taking in the sight. 
It was a simple black band, but around the circumference were blue sapphires, each encrusting the beautiful, black metal. She looked up at her boyfriend astonished. 
“Will you do me the honor of being my wife?” He whispered and that was when the floodgates started. She laughed through the tears, launching herself at the man and wrapped herself around him. 
“You stupid, stupid man. Of course, I will.” She sobbed, before connecting their lips hastily. He chuffed out a laugh, breaking the kiss to put the ring on the respective finger. That was when the kids showed themselves, practically leaping out of nowhere.  
Kai screamed, before letting out some more tears and laughs. “You stupid idiots,” she cried, noticing the camera in Felix’s hands. They planned this thing, and she sobbed even harder. 
Tonight was the perfect night. 
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New post from FLYAWAY on instagram...✔️
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Liked by: Therealstraykids and 100.8k others
FLYAWAY: To the love of my life, you have made me the happiest person in the past three years. I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together as husband and wife.
@/min.nicha: AHHHHHHH!!!!!
@/yezyizhere: 어머나! 아기들이 어른이 되어가고 있어요(OMG! The babies are becoming adults)
@/asiansoul_jyp: 새로운 여행에 행운을 빕니다(good luck on your new journey)😊😊
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Stray Kids Pixie and Changbin announce engagement after rumors circulate online
Posted on: February 16th, 2024
Pixie posted an Instagram post announcing the engagement when just weeks prior, she teased fans with engagement-like pictures. Along with this, the official Stray Kids youtube posted a video titled "My love, forever and always", showing the moment Changbin had proposed. Stays have shown overwhelming support for the two, sending them many gifts of congratulations.
OMG!! so excited for these two
They deserve the best!
Honestly, he could've gone for a better ring... He's rich yet he is cheap with the ring? My girl deserves better...
---The ring is gorgeous. Tf you mean "better ring?"
---Just because you're sad and lonely doesn't mean you should take it out on others
He probably feels sorry for her. Or she made him propose. Seems fake imo
---Be actually fucking for real
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petersbaby · 2 years
Long chapter in honor of number 10
Stepbro!eddie installment #10
Warnings: oh boy. Stepcest, a lot of smoking/being high, slight exhibitionism but not too crazy, use of “daddy” a couple times, oral (m receiving), smut
A/N: I want to add this trivial detail, if I ever reference the clothes you’re wearing in vague and general terms such as top, bottoms, shoes, etc that’s basically for you to imagine what you wanna be wearing. Kinda fill in the blanks, you know? Hope that makes sense. You can choose to be wearing whatever you would wear irl. I hope you like this :)
Tonight, you suppose, you fell victim to peer pressure. Your step brother was a pothead for sure, he sells it as well as smoking out of his own supply all the time and pretty much losing money instead of making it a lot of the time.
He said it was a perfect opportunity: you had the house to yourself. Of course, with him always wanting to be a troublemaker, he wanted to smoke in his room.
Usually, he’d have to go out to the van or just a friends house or something, so he was excited to do it. You told him it was a really bad idea and that he wouldn’t be able to get rid of the smell before they came home, but he seemed very sure of himself. “I’ll just open a window, it’s that easy.” He said.
You told him you wanted nothing to do with it, that he can get in trouble if he wanted to but you weren’t gonna get caught up in it with him. You did decide to sit in his room while he did it, but you weren’t smoking so it wasn’t technically doing anything wrong. That’s what you told yourself, anyway. It was justifiable.
You lay back on his bed, flipping through a random magazine out of boredom while he sat with a lit joint in his lips, radio playing and scribbling words on paper. You didn’t ask, you knew it was most likely a song. Getting high was part of his “creative process” when it came to music.
After about 20 minutes, he slams his hands down on the desk and stands up, startling you. “I’m a fucking genius. Whole goddamn song, all in one sitting.” He announces proudly and you just stare at him with wide eyes.
“You scared me.” You mutter.
“Oh. Sorry. Speaking of, I think it would help a lot with that sort of thing. You know, being so jumpy.”
“I’m not jumpy, you just yelled. And no, I’m good.” You reply, acting mad but you weren’t.
“Come on, just a little. Look, here.” He comes closer, bending down to your level as you lay on your side. “Just breathe in.”
He gets close to your face, dizzyingly close. he turns to the side briefly to take another hit and then returns, and you part your lips to inhale while he blows the smoke into your mouth.
You take it and hold it in your lungs for a moment, not really expecting to get much smoke from that. You were surprised to see the cloud that left your lungs when you exhaled, and he just smiles.
“I guess this doesn’t count, right? I didn’t technically smoke, so you can’t take me down with you when you get in trouble for this.” You reason with yourself as he prepares to feed you the smoke once again like a baby bird, from his mouth to yours.
You breathe in deep, closing your eyes as you exhale and feel your body starting to relax ever so slightly. This was a good feeling, and you hoped it would stay this way and nothing more. You wouldn’t get that high from doing this, surely. It’s secondhand smoke.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, princess. But I’m not gonna get in trouble.”
You roll your eyes at his confidence, taking a moment to glance around the room which had smoke floating in the air and quite a smell as well.
“You didn’t even open the window, oh my god.” You laugh, pointed at the closed window.
“Chill out, I will.” He saunters over and pushes it open, and you feel cool fresh air drifting into the room to replace the fog that was lingering.
You realize that it worked quickly, and felt the high creeping up on you. You’d gotten high before, just never with Eddie. You didn’t wanna say or do anything stupid so you just never did.
You made it seem like you cared most about getting caught or in trouble, and that was a big part of it, but it was really because it let your guard down. Much like alcohol, it caused you to be a little bolder and a lot more impulsive, flirty and more sexual than normal. Not to mention giggly. You want just a little more.
“Can you do that again?” You ask him, and he can already see you’re more relaxed.
“You’re already high, you fucking lightweight,” he jokes, “One more time.”
You smile and he comes back to you, repeating his actions. Only this time, before he was even done exhaling, you pressed your lips sloppily against his and started to make out with him. You held the smoke again for longer this time, then breathed it out through your nose as your mouth was busy.
It burned inside your nose, just a bit, but that didn’t matter. You grab both sides of his face, pulling him even closer to him and kissing him feverishly, starting to become breathless. You start to moan softly into his mouth, tongues lapping at each other and fighting for dominance.
“Ow, shit.” He pulls away suddenly, and you look to see the the joint had burned down so small that the cherry was touching his fingers. He quickly goes to put it down in the ash tray while you watch him through heavy eyes.
“You’re so fucking hot, you know that?” You ask him, randomly. He turns around and chuckles.
“Thank you, pretty girl. You feelin’ good?”
“Mhm. Wait. Actually, no.”
“No? What’s wrong?” He asks with concern.
“Thirsty. No, thirsty AND hungry.”
He can’t help but laugh again, liking this side of you. So sweet, he could almost imagine you’re innocent until he remembers all the shit you do with him. He briefly considers that he’s corrupted you, but doesn’t put much thought on that idea. You frown, not understanding what he thought was so funny.
“I have an idea.” You start, looking at Eddie determinedly. “And you have a car.”
He puts the pieces together in his head. “You know I’m high too, right?”
“Mhm. But you drive just fine, I’ve seen you do it before.”
He sighs, knowing that if he takes you to the store you’re probably gonna spend all his money but he couldn’t say no. “Gas station?”
He grabs his keys and you jump up excitedly, following him but first stopping by your room to grab a jacket and some shoes. You both head out the door, not bothering to lock it because you’d be right back.
After making sure you get in okay, he plops down into the drivers seat and starts the van. It’s not a far drive at all, and you’re there before you know it. You get out, stopping at the door of the convenience store and waiting for Eddie to open the door for you.
“You are so spoiled.” He grumbles, but does it anyways. You head straight for the candy, looking at the colorful selection intently before choosing a couple. While you were at it, you grabbed a bag of chips too and then headed to the coolers. You looked at all the drinks with wide eyes, not having thought about what you wanted to get at all. Eddie comes to meet you, having grabbed his own arm full of snacks.
“Cmon, what do you want?”
“Hey. Don’t rush me.”
He puts his hands up in defeat and you settle on apple juice. You bring all your junk food to the counter, and it came to a little less than $20. Conveniently, he had a 20 dollar bill in his wallet. He pulls it out and slides it to the cashier, who gives him some change and put all your stuff in a bag. He thanks the person and walks in front of you, holding the door open.
In the car, he turns on some music for the trip back. Not too loud, because he knows you don’t exactly love some of the stuff he listens to. As you’re driving on the dark road on the way home, you can’t help but take the opportunity that’s nagging in your head. You can’t stop thinking about it, and you really wanted to do something outside of your house.
The sheer concept of it was exhilarating and you wanted to see if you could get him so weak that he gives in to your fantasy. You reach over the middle console and to him, placing a hand on his thigh. He just smiles, thinking it’s a little out of the ordinary but still sweet.
Then, your hand starts wandering. Up and down his thigh, into his inner thigh tracing imaginary patterns on the surface. Once you had touched his inner thigh, though, he had shifted. Spread his legs slightly in response.
“You okay?” You ask.
“Y-yeah I’m okay. Calm down, though, alright?”
“You don’t mean that.”
“I do.” He tries to remain firm and keep you behaving.
Your hand is finally drawn to the place it so desperately wanted to be, and you’re excited because his dick is hard just from your touch. “I think he says otherwise..”
You grab his bulge, squeezing lightly, and he groans.
“Jesus H Christ. You can’t wait five more minutes? You’re not being very good.”
“That’s okay, I wasn’t really trying to be.” You shrug. You carried on being touchy, roaming your hand over his body while he drove. Up and down his arm, over his chest and stomach, his shoulder.
You felt like you needed to be touching him or else it didn’t feel right. You just really wanted it. Wanted him. You return to his crotch to grope him, and it takes every part of him not to throw his head back and shut his eyes at the pleasure.
“Goddamn it, give me a second.” You wait for him to do something, you weren’t really sure what. You had pulled into a dead end street, only a dim, faded streetlight and the glowing moon illuminating you. He puts it in park, shutting the car off.
“Wanna suck it. Is that okay?” You look up at him with your big, dumb and pretty eyes, awaiting an answer.
“Yes, shit, that’s okay.”
He leans his seat back slightly, unbuckling as you to the same. You lean over, making work with the belt and button which were keeping his jeans covering his neediest part. He lifts his hips slightly, aiding in helping you get them down enough to free his erection. First, you spit in your hand. You bring it to his achingly hard cock and coat it with the saliva, stroking up and down his shaft slowly.
“You’ve got the prettiest little hands. So soft.” He muses, but you soon replace the strokes of your hand with something even better. You kiss the tip first, licking at it, swirling your tongue around it. It was torture, delicious torture. He reaches down to gather your hair in a make-do ponytail and pulls on it hard, causing you to moan.
“C’mon, give me more. I know you can do it. Fuck, give it all to me.” He puts the slightest amount of pressure against the back of your head, gently pushing you down more and more until you got the memo. You deep throat his dick all at once, and he groans a little louder than he maybe should have.
Realistically, no one was gonna see or hear you guys so you don’t worry about it, hollowing your cheeks as your pretty pink lips are wrapped around the base of his cock. The only thing you can hear are the faint sounds of crickets in the distance and your pretty boy’s moans and curses.
Every sound only encourages you more, and you speed up the pace. You bobbed your head up and down quicker, with no need for his help guiding you. Instead, his hand just stayed tangled in your hair, trying his best to keep it out of your face and let him get a full view of the magic you were working on him. After a few minutes, you started to slow down, letting your mind float away while going at your own lazy and relaxed pace now.
You look so pretty, so peaceful and content, but he couldn’t let you take your time. He knew you could suck him off for an hour straight if you could, but you were technically in public. He gave another pull to your hair, harsher this time. You moaned around his dick at this, and he feels it vibrating through his whole body.
He needs to feel more of it, so he doesn’t stop. Each pull of your hair elicited a main from you, the sting hurting so good. You couldn’t help but notice your hand slipping down between your legs mindlessly, starting to rub your covered clit.
“Jesus Christ,” he groans again at the sight, “I’m gonna cum. You’ll take it like a good girl, yeah?”
He knew you would, he expected nothing less from you. You knew you didn’t even need to respond, just keep sucking. He pushes your head down, making you take the entire length in your mouth til there was nothing left. You gag slightly, but not too bad, not to the point where you choke. His cock twitched briefly, and you prepare your throat to swallow down everything he gives you with ease, knowing it was coming any second now after that tell-tale sign.
You move your head faster while he keeps a fistful of your hair, guiding you to use the pace he needs. You feel it on the roof of your mouth, the first bit of cum, and keep sucking determinedly til you’ve milked him dry and he’s pulling your head off of him. It wasn’t the best taste, for sure, but since it was his; you drank it down happily without fail every time.
He looks over and sees you still squirming, desperately trying to feel something while you touch yourself and swats your hand away.
“Hey, quit it. I’ll take care of you when we get home, okay?” He assures you and gets situated to start driving again. His heart was still beating out of his chest. You continued to wiggle in your seat.
“Wait a minute, this is why you never wanted to smoke with me, isn’t it? It makes you absolutely feral, oh my god.”
“It does, but still. Don’t make fun of me.” You pout. He just smiles and you get to your house pretty quickly after that.
Back in his room, you immediately and eagerly start undressing. You shrug your jacket off first, then pull your shirt over your head, and push down your bottoms and step out of them. It left you in only your underwear, hard nipples exposed to to air and tits on display. He looks downwards to see your bare chest and adoring the way your breasts sat so pretty.
He wasn’t aware that you weren’t wearing a bra beneath your shirt, and so it comes as a lovely surprise to him. You come to kiss him, lips meeting yours.
Yours are puffy, swollen from sucking the life out of him, but he thinks that just makes them even more kissable. He quickly turns you both to where you’re pressed up against the wall, pinned by him. He reaches down between your legs and into your panties, running a single finger up and down your slit.
“Holy shit.” He comments, most likely about the fact that you’re wetter than he’s ever felt you. He starts rubbing circles over your clit, causing your mouth to fall open at the sudden stimulation when it finally happened.
He keeps kissing you, or at least trying to, but your mouth keeps falling open to let the moans and whines escape. You feel a hardness pressing against your lower stomach and immediately need to have him inside of you.
“Please,” you started, ready to beg.
“Please what, sweetheart?”
“Fuck me. I mean, please fuck me, please.”
Surprisingly, that was all it took, and he walks you backwards to fall onto the bed. You’re used to putting up more of a fight to show him how bad you wanted him, but for whatever reason, it was different this time. He gave into you so easily, just had to get you what you want. You lay back on the bed and watch as he pulls his shirt off to reveal his shitty black tattoos adorning white pale skin.
Your eyes fall down from his torso to his belt, and it’s like he could read your mind. He hastily unbuckles it, and pulls the tight black jeans off and then his boxers. He climbs on top of you, capturing your lips in a sloppy, wet, and heated kiss.
You wiggle a bit, desperately trying to grind up against him. He reaches between your two bodies and pulls your panties to the side and slides into you like it was nothing.
Once you get the full length inside you, you clench around it because you loved the way he groaned when you did that. He pulls out slowly, painfully slow, then pushes the entire thing back in at once. It took your breath away each and every time, and you were gasping for air.
He pulled away from your lips to give you a chance to breathe, instead looking down between your bodies to watch himself disappear inside of you over and over. Something was missing, though, and you needed more. You pause to change positions, bending over on your knees with your ass arched in the air.
“Holy shit, such a whore for me. A good whore. My fucking good little whore.”
He enters you again, slamming into you with deliberate and pronounced thrusts. Thrusts so hard that they rocked your entire body with each one.
Instinctively, you had your face pressed into the mattress, muffling your moans as they spilled out at the praise. Well, the praise and degradation at the same time. He reaches to grab a handful of your hair, pulling your face up.
“Don’t gotta be quiet. Let me hear you.” He demands, and your pussy clenches involuntarily at the harshness in the way he speaks to you. “Yes, daddy,” you whine, “god, it’s so fucking good”
You knew he was gonna ask a hypothetical question about how good it feels, knowing damn well he’s fucking you so good you can hardly think.
You prop yourself up on your elbows and arch your back even further, feeling his nails dig in to each side of your ass while he fucked you from behind. He always forgot how tight and perfect you felt in this position, and he was grateful you took the initiative to show him what you wanted.
“God, you’re perfect, all high and horny for me. You wanted this cock, huh?”
“Mhmm.” You nod weakly and pathetically as you cry out softly from the intense pleasure.
“Gonna give you what you wanted, okay?” He asks, not wanting to change the way you were right now but also wanting to get you off, so he pulls out briefly to flip you back over onto your back. He fucks into you again, looking down at you into your desperate eyes.
“Play with that clit for me, want you to cum all around my dick. Can you do that?”
He whispers roughly into your ear after leaning impossibly closer to it, to the point where you felt his lips on your earlobe.
“Mhm.” You confirm, taking two fingers into your mouth and sucking on them while looking right into his eyes. He groans and his mouth falls open, watching the fingers be pulled from your mouth and connect with your pussy. He watched as you start to rub circles on top of your clit and quickly finding a rhythm that worked in accompanying his thrusts to get you to the edge and fall over it as soon as possible.
He can tell by the cock drunk, blown out look in your eyes that you were about to crumble.
“So pretty, baby, give it to me. Let go.”
“Okay, fuck… oh fuck.” You whine, just before your eyes roll into the back of your head and he watches you proudly while you cum and also takes time to appreciate the way you feel, squeezing him hard while your body contracts.
“So good, so good. Oh my god,” you babble, coming down from your orgasm while he continues to fuck you. You let him continue, but pulled your hand away from your sensitive pussy. You instead bring both of them to your chest, groping your tits and squeezing them together to give him something to look and and push him further to his own orgasm.
“Fuck.” He curses, going faster than ever but also sloppier than before. Before you get the chance to feel him fill your pussy up, he pulls out abruptly to cum on your body. Still holding your tits and pushing them together, thick ropes of his cum adorn them and get on your hands in the process.
You just stare up at him with wide eyes, and he tries to catch his breath. Not breaking eye contact, you bring your hands up and start to lick the cum off of each of your digits lewdly while he watches, feeling his face get flushed at the sight.
Once you’re both cleaned up and have your clothes back on, you sit in comfortable silence for a minute.
“Holy shit.” He breaks it.
You giggle. “Yeah, shit.”
“I’m not even high anymore, are you?” He asks, turning his head to face you.
“Nuh uh.” You shake your head.
He takes that information and gets up, going back to his desk and grabbing his rolling tray. You watch as he puts all his focus and brainpower into rolling this new joint and smile, still laying in the same spot.
“Done. Ta da.” He holds it out to show you.
“Alright, that was impressively quick.” You comment the observation.
“I happen to have a lot of experience, thank you.” He places it between his lips and flicks the lighter, coming back to the bed to sit next to you. This time, he passes it to you and you take a hit directly from it. You already did the things you were afraid you’d do, so you may as well. You pull smoke from it and bring it in deep, breathing it out all at once.
“There ya go, good girl. Look at you.” He smiles endearingly and takes the joint when you pass it back to him. You do this several times until it’s all gone.
Soon, you’re back to your sleepy and extra relaxed self, feeling the second high of the night kicking in.
“Wait. I’m thirsty.” You remark.
“Shit, we never brought the bag from the gas station inside.”
“Oh yeahhh,” you remember, “would you go get it? Pretty please?”
“Ugh.” He groans dramatically but gets up anyways. When he returns, you pull your stuff out and take a sip of your drink.
“That’s better.” You both smile, starting to eat your candy and steal pieces from each other.
The next thing you know, your eyes slowly come open and you softly grunt in confusion.
“Wait, I fell asleep?”
“Yeah, it is bedtime after all, but I didn’t want to move and wake you up.”
You had your head in his lap as he sat up in the same place he was earlier. You get up, rubbing your eyes.
“Sleepy baby. You wanna get under the covers?”
“Mhm. You have to lay down too though.”
“Trust me, I was planning on it.” He lifts the blanket and crawls under it, holding it up for you to come settle next to him.
The truth was that he was really tired too, so much so that he probably would’ve eventually fell asleep while still sitting up with you in his lap dozed off. He wraps his arms around you, spooning you from behind and you melt into the embrace.
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itzpris15634 · 4 months
Not Just Yet (ft. Blythe and Sue)
While all of my previous fics were based in Human and Aged Up AUs, this one is based in the original LPS. Like, teenage Blythe, animal pets.
"You wanna adopt a pet?" Blythe sat on the side of her bed, watching as Sue paced around her room.
"Yes! And I need your help," Sue responded, sounding very determined, "Because, you know, you helped Youngmee find Nutmeg and all. Can you do the same for me?"
Helping Sue find a pet? Sure. The whole scheme that involved needing to rescue a dead man's dog from men that were going to use her as a means to obtaining his wealth? Definitely not. Though Blythe only thought about that to herself, of course.
Instead, what came out of her mouth was, "Oh yeah, absolutely! Is there any kind of pet in specific you're looking for? Knowing you, I'd like to guess that you want a pet that's… active and athletic?"
"Uhhh… maybe?"
"Or not! Maybe a more chill one that you can relax with after a long day of running and so."
"That doesn't sound too bad… but, I dunno. You just… you're supposed to know when you know, you know?"
"Hey, that's what Youngmee kept saying at the auditions! Maybe I could set one up for you too-" Blythe stopped before she said too much.
Sue raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Auditions? And what are you going on about?"
Right. She doesn't know yet. And I'm not telling her. Yet.
"…N-nevermind. Inside joke between me and Youngmee."
"Woah, you guys have inside jokes?" Sue took a seat next to Blythe on the side of the bed, playfully jabbing an elbow into Blythe's side, "Should I be jealous?"
Blythe laughed and gently pushed Sue's arm away, "It's not much, really. Anyway, you were saying about pets?"
"Oh, right! It's just… yeah. I know I want a pet to love and care for. But I don't know what I want from it…"
An idea popped into Blythe's mind.
"How about we… go visit an animal shelter?"
"Animal shelter?"
"Yeah! You could go around, meet all the animals inside, and see which one is most fit for you!"
"Ohh yeah, that could work! Are you busy? Maybe we can go today."
"I mean… other than my designs, but those can wait. And sure, we can go!"
Day 22: animal shelter
Did petnapped ever stay a secret between Blythe and Youngmee? I think. Maybe.
Lowkey wanna write people's reactions to Blythe's talking to pets ability. We only got it out of Youngmee and Roger. HHhh
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One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
112. Maroon
Midge | Lenny | Part 3
“How’d we end up on the floor?”
He laughs. She’s fully lying on top of him, her bare skin against his on the floor of her hotel room at the Fontainebleau. At some point he grabbed a pillow that rests under his head, and the comforter shields them both from the chill of the air conditioner. “I’m gonna blame the gin,” he answers. “You were pretty eager to get my clothes off, Mrs. Maisel.”
She giggles and kisses his chest. “You’re one to talk. I think my dress is out in the hallway,” she jokes.
He cranes his neck. “Nope. It’s by the door,” he says, lying back against the pillow.
She rests her chin on his chest and looks up at him, his dark eyes on her, and she can’t help kissing him again. “You were sensational tonight,” he murmurs.
“So were you.”
“I’m talking about your act,” he explains.
“I’m talking about your dick,” she counters with a smirk, and he laughs.
“I aim to please,” he tells her.
“And you did. Twice.”
“Only twice, huh?” He asks as he slips his hand between her legs.
Midge gasps and then moans before kissing him again.
A while later, after number three and four for her and a second for him, she relaxes against him, her head pillowed on his heaving chest. “Bed?” He asks breathlessly.
“Can’t move,” she grumbles.
He chuckles, the rumbling in his chest pleasant under her ear. “I’ll give you a few minutes then,” he concedes as his fingers brush through her hair tenderly.
In the morning she wakes to the sound of knocking on her door. At some point during her sex coma, he moved them to the bed, so instead of waking on the floor, she’s comfortable on the soft mattress of her hotel room.
With Lenny’s arm around her waist.
She groans when the knocking becomes more insistent, and she rolls out of bed, tugs on her dressing gown, and heads for the door. Unfortunately in her haze, she doesn’t think to look through the peephole.
She opens it to find her father on the other side.
“Papa!” She greets, a little too high-pitched to sound natural.
He looks at her in confusion. “You were supposed to meet us for breakfast twenty minutes ago,” he comments as he takes in her appearance.
“Well, with the amount of alcohol Mama consumed at my show last night, I sort of assumed breakfast was off the table,” she counters, trying to subtly nudge her dress out of his sight with her foot.
"We ordered room service,” Papa explains. “Come when you’re...decent.”
“Okay. Ten minutes,” she says. Behind her, she can hear rustling.
Papa opens and closes his mouth a couple of times. “Who - nope. I don’t want to know.”
“That’s probably for the best,” Midge says. “I’ll see you shortly, Papa.”
Her father turns, looking utterly gobsmacked as he heads back toward his room.
She closes the door, and when she turns, Lenny’s leaning against the wall in his underwear, arms folded as he looks at her fondly. “Get a better breakfast date?” He asks.
She sighs, wishing she could crawl back into bed with him. But Papa’s interruption reminded her that Susie’s getting in today after her flight yesterday was cancelled. “Not better,” she tells him. “Just...obligatory.”
He huffs a soft laugh and reaches for her. He tugs her hand until she’s pressed against him and he’s kissing her slowly. Her fingers slip into his hair, and she groans, “I don’t want you to go.”
“I could stay,” he offers. “Wait until you get back from breakfast.”
“Susie’s coming in a few hours,” Midge replies sadly. She loves Susie, but her presence is going to prevent her from exploring this new relationship - she can’t exactly run off to see Lenny without explaining her absence.
Lenny exhales a sigh. “So I guess this is it for a while,” he murmurs, his long fingers toying with her more delicate ones.
“Yeah,” she whispers.
“I’d offer to let you spend the night in my room, but I recall you saying you’ll never sleep in that bed again.”
She laughs quietly. “I can’t exactly escape without explaining things to Susie, and...I don’t know how she’s going to take it.”
“Tell her when you’re ready,” he says. “I’m not going anywhere.”
She feels her throat tighten. God, he’s the best. She kisses him slowly one more time before heading for the bathroom, where she yelps when she looks in the mirror.
There’s a maroon mark on her collarbone. “Lenny!” She cries through her laughter.
He comes into the bathroom where she’s pointing to the hickey, and he chuckles, slipping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck. “Just making sure you don’t forget about me,” he husks in her ear.
She grins and turns her head to kiss him.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 11 months
The ending of this killed me and I changed it so many times agh. Anyways idk if I wrote Tillieth well but I tried 😔 important note that Sarah is very chill and calm so she is drastically different from Tillieth who is a bundle of anxiety lol. Dad switcharoo :>
Ammon didn’t know what just happened.
He was sleeping at a stable on the way to Hateno, excited to see his family after so long of working. And then he woke up in the morning, being met with screaming and being shoved out of the bed. He barely had time to register what happened, the person who screamed was a woman whom he’d never met before, and she took off running before he was able to explain himself, so he simply sat there in shock.
“What the f— what just happened?” He muttered under his breath, looking around at the home. This was not the stable he was sleeping in, and he was in bed with another woman. Based on her reaction, she probably wasn’t expecting him to be in bed with her as well, and he felt awful for scaring her. But he couldn’t explain why he was in a home with a random woman instead of in the stable. He got up, panic spiking through him as he noticed that everything he had was gone, including his prosthetic. Was he drugged and robbed? Put into a random home just to be disposed of? He wondered if this was a cabin near fort Hateno of sorts, and he got taken from the horse stable and thrown into it after having everything taken from him. That had to be the explanation.
Of course, when he left the home, it appeared to not be the explanation, instead he found himself on the other side of Hyrule, on the Great Plateau.
“Oh goddesses,” he groaned. He didn’t have time for this. He barely had any time to be with his family, and being dragged away when he was so close was just cruel. Anger bubbled up inside his chest and he marched towards a random direction, ignoring the branches and rocks stabbing into his bare feet. He was cautious, not knowing who could’ve possibly taken him here, and being unarmed in more ways than one didn’t help with his unease, but he heard panting from somewhere, and he spotted the woman from the house.
She looked to be grabbing some things, clutching a bow in her hands for dear life, and when Ammon got close enough, she spun around, shooting him a glare.
“W-wait!” Ammon shouted before she reeled her hand back, ready to throw the bow at him. “Please, let me explain myself…”
“What is there to explain?” She spat. “Who are you? What were you doing in my bed?”
“Um… to be frank, I’m not sure,” Ammon relaxed his posture and rubbed his head. “I was sleeping at a horse stable last thing I remembered, and then I woke up here. I swear I wasn’t trying anything.”
The woman looked around, her brows pinching together. “How did you get up here?”
“I… I really don’t know. I was on the other side of the kingdom last thing I remembered.
She glared at him, her bow still raised above her head. “Where’s my husband?”
Ammon frowned. “Your husband?”
“Yes, he was supposed to be where you were. We were together and then you just appeared.” She looked him up and down. “And I know for a fact that you’re not my husband.”
Ammon frowned. “I really don’t know what happened, nor do I know who your husband is, in fact, I didn’t know that people were living up here!”
The woman glared at him, squinting her eyes at him as if to study his face. Ammon groaned, looking at the plateau around him.
“Look, I was going to Hateno village to see my wife and kids, alright? I was in a horse stable when I randomly appeared here! I’m just as lost as you are!”
The woman’s glare softened a bit, and she relaxed, though she was shaking pretty badly, and Ammon could see that she was on the verge of breaking down. He bit his lip and looked down.
“I’m sorry I scared you, I had no ill intent, I swear by it,” he said genuinely, and she stared at him, hugging herself. She opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it again.
“I— I—“ she started, then turned away. “Give me just a moment?” Her voice shook, and Ammon nodded, though she didn’t see it. He watched as she walked away, still clutching onto her bow, her bouncing blond curls reminding Ammon of Sarah.
Goddesses, Sarah. She was no doubt worried sick about him, and he wanted nothing more than to see her again. The whole family was going to be together, with Link being able to make it home as well. That rarely happened, and Ammon was frustrated and upset that he would miss this rare moment with his family. He rubbed his eyes, longing for the comfort his wife brought him, her calm demeanor always helping him relax when he needed it. He let out a loud sigh and watched the woman in front of him disappear, deciding not to follow her. She seemed to be distrusting towards him, and he really couldn’t blame her. Besides, he needed to find a way off the Great Plateau, and get back home.
Appearing on the Great Plateau mysteriously was indeed strange to Ammon, but what was more strange was how different everything looked. He couldn’t explain it, but the world felt empty and somber, somehow lacking the Sheikah technology littered across Hyrule. Either he was losing his sight, or the Sheikah towers and shrines simply vanished. No matter how hard he looked, he couldn’t see their faint glows anywhere. It was strange. What disturbed him the most however was the castle. An ominous red glow of malice emitted from it, reminding Ammon too much of the calamity. But it didn’t make sense, the calamity was defeated, why was the castle looking like it was under siege again? Was this an explanation as to why he was here? Was that why there was no technology? Was he just losing his mind?
He began to panic as he thought about his family in Hateno village, perhaps oblivious to whatever was happening at the castle, or perhaps knowing since Link was a champion. But he needed to be there with them, he needed to be there with Orman and King Rhoam, but he couldn’t get off this stupid plateau without risking breaking his back. He just felt trapped, and it was infuriating. He could’ve sworn there was a staircase or something that led to the bottom, but there was nothing, so all he could do was watch the castle helplessly, praying for his family’s safety.
He wandered around the plateau, finding monsters scattered around the place, which wasn’t a good sign. The plateau was rid of monsters since the calamity, which means that they took over once again thanks to this… second calamity. It made Ammon sick, and it only got worse when he saw the temple of time, completely in ruin.
What happened? He wondered, feeling nauseous at the thought of another calamity taking over Hyrule. He almost died, his family almost got hurt, and he couldn’t bear not being with them at this time.
He just needed to get off this stupid plateau.
He eventually ran into the woman again, who looked to be a mess. She seemed to have been crying, and was practically jogging around the plateau. She still clutched onto her bow, and she flinched when she noticed Ammon.
“Abel—?” She blurted out, but her hopeful expression dropped. “Oh, sorry, never mind,” she muttered, quickly turning to go the other way, but Ammon caught up to her.
“Please wait, I have so many questions,” Ammon called out, stopping right in front of her. She took a step back, giving him a warning glare. Ammon raised his hand defensively and studied her face for a moment. She reminded him so much of Sarah. The brown eyes and blond hair, the gentle wrinkles around her eyes and mouth, it only made Ammon’s heart clench. Goddesses he was so homesick. “Um, what’s your name? I’m Ammon.”
The woman watched him cautiously, studying his own face, her brow pinching together more and more. “Tillieth,” she finally said after a moment.
“It’s nice to meet you Tillieth.”
Tillieth gaze softened a tad, but her posture remained defensive. Ammon sighed.
“Can you please tell me what happened at the castle? Why is it like that?” He pointed to the distant castle that continued to be shrouded in malice. “Do you know what the status is there?”
Tillieth stared at him like he had a mushroom growing on his head, and Ammon frowned. He didn’t think it’d be such a strange question.
“How do… how do you…” she stammered a bit, looking baffled. She shook her head and faced him fully. “How do you not know about the calamity?”
Ammon ignored the sinking feeling in his stomach. “The calamity? That’s what’s happening over there?”
“Yes, the battle that happened ten-thousand-years ago and—“
“Was prophesied to happen in our time, I know. But why is it happening again?” His voice was shaking a little. This couldn’t be happening, not again. There were no signs whatsoever, so how could it happen again?
Tillieth grew more confused. “‘Again?’”
“Yes again! We defeated the calamity over a year ago! We should be at peace now!”
Tillieth stared blankly at him. “You… defeated it?”
“Yes!” Ammon’s frustration was getting the best of him. Why was she acting so confused? The calamity affected everyone, all of Hyrule knew about it.
“I—I’m not sure how to tell you this… but… the calamity appeared ten years ago. The king is dead, the champions are dead, the princess is… sealed inside the castle and my son…” she choked back a sob, tears forming in her eyes. “All I have left is my husband and now he’s gone too. The calamity was never defeated,.”
It was Ammon’s turn to stare at her blankly. Ten years ago? King Rhoam dead, the champions dead, Zelda sealed within the castle. That never happened. That shouldn’t have happened! They defeated the calamity, Hyrule should be safe! So why was he here? Why was he in this nightmare? Where was his wife and children? And Link…
“What of the hero?” He asked desperately. Tillieth’s eyes only filled with more pain. She glanced over at where the shrine of resurrection was.
“He’s… my son, and he’s healing in the shrine of resurrection,” she sniffed and wiped away a tear, “I don’t know when he’ll wake up again, or if he’ll ever wake up.”
Ammon stared at her, and he looked at the shrine of resurrection. He was injured, he was dying, his son was dying, and he didn’t even know. He wasn’t there. But that led to another thing that bothered him.
“Did you say that he’s your son?”
Tillieth looked up at him, fear apparent on her face, she began reaching for an arrow that was strapped to her back and he took a step back.
“Please I mean you no harm! I just… you’re his mother?”
Tillieth’s face grew grim and she nodded. As much as Ammon knew that it couldn’t be true, he couldn’t help but believe her. Everything about her seemed to be genuine, but if that really was the case, how could she be Link’s mother? They were talking about the hero he assumed, which was Ammon’s son, but he knew for a fact that this wasn’t Sarah ten years in the future. She was too tall, and acted too different from her. But he didn’t understand why this woman was somehow the mother of Link, when he already had a mother.
“What is it?” She asked when Ammon stood there, staring blankly at the ground. He looked up at her.
“I’m just confused, is all. Is… is Link really your son?”
Ammon frowned. “He’s the hero?”
“I— yes… why are you asking me this?”
Ammon let out a breath and turned away slightly. “Tillieth, I fear that there is a lot about this situation that we don’t understand.”
“What do you mean?”
Ammon bit his lip and looked down. Being a bodyguard to the king of Hyrule, he had to keep his personal life private. It was to keep his family and himself safe. He’s never told anyone about his relationship with Link, let alone strangers. He let out a sigh and looked away.
“I think we should sit down. There… seems to be a lot we should talk about.”
Poor Til definitely spent that whole time tearing the plateau apart looking for Abel 😭
I love that she was just gonna straight up throw the bow at him like YES LOL SHE WOULD
Poor Ammon just wants to be with his family awww 😭😭😭
Boy howdy do they have a lot to talk about lol. I’m glad Ammon is trusting her to tell her everything! That’ll help them get even more befuddled sort things out much faster! Meanwhile, Abel is just frozen in horror and trying to play it cool in Hateno until someone figured out he isn’t Ammon
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ocean-anchored · 10 months
Continued still.. December 3, 2023
Monday night I went to the Knights & flames game with Shane, he got really great tickets & I got to wear my jersey. It was a nice evening, he was good & I had asked him before not to ask me if Im ok at any point to trigger my emotional mess. Chrystal was gone the week so I was going into okotoks everyday to cover. Tuesday I originally didn't have plans but then Connor asked to hang out after work. Went for Taco tuesday which was nice then back to his place. I ended up staying the night, I felt like he wanted me to stay but idk, I still can't get a read on him. Part of me just thinks we're kind of doing the same thing to each other. I mean I know i'm not really going out of my way to ask him or make plans but his texting just sucks that I can't read if he wants to or not. Like its hard to keep any convo up over text & maybe he's just like that, I understand his work is a lot so keeping that up is tough, but then after we talked about how I might not be doing a roadtrip in January it died off & he didn't reply so whatever. I mean he has asked to hang out so I assume, & he does ask me to stay so maybe? But to what benefit? Idk. I do enjoy his company though. Wednesday I went for dinner with Ed & Mariana a founder of ours from Mexico city. Ill have to write another time on how I had planned to do a road trip down to the states or mexico for a few weeks but I dont think it's going to work out in January so I'll talk about it later for now. Went to Charbar which was really great, nice environment & cool, really great food. Thursday I finally had a night to myself, I was pretty tired from the week & had a lot this weekend so I chilled & gamed for a bit, took it easy. Friday had lunch with Ed, again I might talk about that later but I'm still really blessed to be working with him. Friday night was my ugly christmas sweater games night which I think turned out really well! 9 people including me, jeremiah brought his friend Dan, steven, amanda, shane who came 2 hours late... that was another whole other story of annoyance & triggering for me, Kamber, amber & naythan. It was fun, started around 6/6:30 & everyone stayed till like midnight so it was a lot of fun. Saturday I chilled for day, Marc forgot about our facetime which sucks but whatever. Was supposed to go to anneriekes to decorate the tree but didn't want to be around that environment again which I think I forgot to mention anyways that I went for dinner two weeks ago & it was just a lot to take in & I'm tired of talking about Steve. Anyway I went to amber & naythans instead with nova, nova did so good with Rue, it was honestly so sweet watching nova play again & be so gentle with her, made me so happy. We played catan & had a really great night. Amber also got me the exit game advent calendar that were all in a challenge together, like 4 of us couples minus mine of course & that's super fun so far, proud that I've solved the first two alone with no hints! Anyways, love those people so much. Today, sunday, went to 8:30am service which was so good again. I really love this church I think & want to stay in it. Its so lively & actually makes me want to lean into God when I leave & "sets my heart on fire" again feeling. Went to brunch with Daniel at Diner Deluxe which was great again, he's a good guy. Hes really smart & very... aware. Its a breath of fresh air & its really nice to be able to talk to someone emotionally on the same page especially about relationships & the struggles. Then mom surprised me at being at my house after so we could go for a walk & we had some good conversation. Then went to a movie with steven & amanda which was good so im finally relaxing now winding down for bed. This week will be busy again & the weekend but then it get's quiet which I think Im finally looking forward too.
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crows-father · 1 year
When he awoke, the soft brushing of a chilled hand over his hair brings a sense of emotion with it. Kristin's touch was unmistakable.
It's quiet, here. There's the soft, muffled, distant noise of crows and Tallulah's laughter outside somewhere, and the soft noise humming from the box fan Phil kept in the room. It was never turned loud enough to hide the noises that could be important- but up just enough to lull him to sleep most nights. Tallulah's was the one that drowned everything out.
The bed was warm, the covers pulled up and applying a soft pressure to everything below his chin, minus his wings, and he didn't dare disturb the comfort of it as he cracked his eyes open, soft blue gently rising to meet the depths of black void looking down at him.
Kristin was beautiful. She always was, in every form and shape, but this is the one he recognized most. Deep, dark eyes of the abyss, flowing hair that tickled just slightly against his exposed hand, and the chill of her hands as they carefully palm his cheek. Her extended nails scratch softly as they move down and do so, sending goosebumps rising all over his skin. His feathers fluff softly at the touch. Her hands felt physical, the contact so very real despite the see-through sheen to her body.
"Good morning, my Angel." She coos softly. And, as always, he melts. Just hearing her voice, the ache of love in her words. She always did that for him. Tacked a 'my' onto any pet name she gave, a symbol of love, to him. It was something he couldn't quite explain, but never really had to. Not to her. Not when her Mellow voice carries words over him, settling them into his weary body.
"Kristin." He breathes out, in greeting. His voice was too soft, crackling from sleep, and he still does not rise; instead closing his eyes as her thumb traces a scar along his face. "You're here."
"Not for long. But you had a rather rough time, the other day. I came to help." She hums. There's sadness in her voice, thick like syrup, the weight of those words not matching exactly what they were. She saw it all, then. She knew his mental plummet had been approaching. "Songbird… Your wings…"
"I know." Phil whispers. He wonders how he looks right now, in comparison. He scrubbed the soot and dirt out, because he had to, and was laying in a half-nest of his own feathers and blankets, exhausted even while rested. He wonders just how deep the bags under his eyes are going to get before his body simply stops working.
But his wings… his wings were the worst off. Completely trashed, feathers damaged, burnt ones sticking together. Phil never let them get so bad. Oily, yes, in disarray? Yes. But this was horrific. He shouldn't have been able to fly at all. Every time someone tries to help, they only get worse than before immediately after. Symbolic, he supposed.
It's honestly… like he didn't want to get better. (God, as long as the kids were happy and healthy, he honestly couldn't care less anymore.)
Cold hands gently sweep through feathers. His eyes rolling back, Phil promptly goes limp, letting Kristin start to softly remove some of the worst of them. The top layer, gently burnt and any of the damages Phil didn't remove while trying to scrub them clean. It's a heavenly touch, cold hands a sharp contrast to the warm one's Forever had been and felt like. Even Bad had been warmer. But no matter what, it always still felt amazing. It's so relieving.
He coo'd softly, relaxing. Only around her, does he give into that overwhelming instinct, giving weak chirps at the sensation.
"Promise me you'll talk to someone, when you get the chance." After a long time of silence, Kristin asks. "Or at least message me. You don't have to do everything alone."
"I don't."
"You do. You're always trying to do things without anyone's help." Kristin spoke a little sterner, but her hands don't waver, and Phil doesn't shrink or flinch. "You're a mostly single parent of two children, working a farm and trying to keep this house orderly, darling. You do quite a lot, even if you don't think so. But you have so many people wanting to help you, waiting for you to ask. And you don't."
And Phil doesn't. He doesn't accept Forever or Missa's offers. He thinks about it, and it tastes like failure. The idea of failing Tallulah and Chayanne by needing so much help- that's worse than fucked up wings and loneliness and heartbreak. He just wanted them to be okay. He doesn't want them to think he's pawning them off because they're too much or-
He just doesn't want to fail. And he doesn't want to be seen as weak. He was a solider. He fought in a war, grew up in an arena, fought his way through death games and worlds of agony and made it out of spawn in 2b2t with ease. He was more than just a charity case.
"Please." She leans down and he finally moves, sitting up, and they meet face to face. And she's so, so pretty, staring through thick eyelashes. He swears he could see stars in her eyes. Only the brightest, the ones that die in blazes of glory.
When she presses her lips on his, it feels like coming home.
"Okay." He whispers, against the chilled, soft skin, and she kisses him again before pulling away. "I promise."
She let's him lay back down. She can't fix all the damage to his wings- not without being here fully, as more than just a spirit- but she does a little bit before he watches her form waver and gently begin to disperse.
She can't interfere with the living too much. He knows this. But the moment she's gone, he aches.
Phil rolls over and goes back to sleep, imagining what it would be like to be able to hold her again.
The bed feels far too big, now.
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scribblesofwolfe · 2 years
Title: One Cold Morning
The soft chill brushing against his skin stirred him in his sleep. It was not enough to wake him up. Alucard let out a low moan before turning on his side. Pulling the blanket tighter around him, Alucard returned to a deep slumber. Though it did not last long until the cold pulled him away from his sleep again. Alucard exhaled loudly before his eyelids fluttered open. His hazy vision made it hard to see and his groggy head was still confused for a few beats before everything cleared up.
Alucard lifted a hand and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He opened them again and turned to look at the window. It was dark outside. Alucard frowned. He turned to his clock - it is 7 in the morning. It should be a little brighter.
“Mmm~” Alucard arched his back as he stretched. He sat up on bed and let out a sigh. It took him a few minutes to regain his senses. Alucard swung his legs to the side, standing up and headed to the window.
The sky was darker than usual. Alucard could hear faint rumbling in the distance. Gray clouds stretched as far even as the mountains near Azrya Woodlands. He sniffed the air, noting the strong sulfur smell.
Rain? I didn’t expect the season to come by so soon. Alucard thought while frowning.
A deeper groan pulled him from his thoughts. Alucard looked over his shoulders to a certain figure still underneath the blanket. A head of silver hair laid on the plush pillow. A single arm draped over the blanket while the other underneath the pillow. Alucard smiled and walked over to the bed. When he sat down, the bed dipped and the other person soon awoke from his sleep.
Alucard laid down beside him. “Good morning, chentaku.”
Martis groaned. His eyes were squeezed shut before he actually opened them. Ruby eyes lazily gazed around before falling on a certain person looking at him. His brain digested the image and a warm smile stretched his lips.
“Good morning…” He whispered softly.
They closed in for a quick peck on the lips. Alucard scooted close to cuddle with Martis. He rested his head on his husband’s chest before closing his eyes. Martis’ gentle heartbeat played in his ears. With the cold weather and quiet morning, the calm energy soothed Alucard.
“I never agreed to be your teddy bear.” He heard Martis mumble.
Alucard scoffed and retorted back, “Can’t the Ashura Queen snuggle with his beloved king?”
His answer was just a soft grunt. Alucard felt a hand brushing through his hair, slowly as if appreciating each strand that went in between his fingers. Alucard sighed again and practically melted into Martis’ touch. His own arms slinked up Martis’ torso to wrap themselves around his waist, hugging him in place. They both closed their eyes and the small hint of drowsiness slowly began to lull them back to sleep.
As they lay in each others’ arms, the sky began to rain. Soft pitter patter of rain hit the windows. The cold temperature dropped even more but the two men were unbothered. Instead, the cold only made them more relaxed.
“You have any plans for today?” Alucard opened his eyes again. He looked up to Martis and hummed a questioning tone.
“No,” He replied. “Why?” Alucard asked Martis back.
Martis shook his head. He tucked a blond strand behind his ear. “Nothing,” He said. “It’s raining. I was just wondering.”
Alucard hummed. He gazed ahead, staring at the bedroom door. To be truthful, he had a long list of tasks to be done for the day but this weather is making him feel extremely lazy.
“I’m supposed to be patrolling the Southern Border,” Alucard mumbled. “Tigreal asked for my help personally. He said his knights couldn’t handle those demons infesting that area.”
“Then, you should be up and ready.”
“But I don’t wanna!” Alucard whined. He snuggled closer to Martis and buried his face in his arms. His voice was muffled since he pressed his face there. “Tigreal should train his knights better instead of relying on me all the time.”
Alucard heard the disapproving hum from Martis. He turned to his husband with a pout.
“Come on! I’m just saying…”
Martis raised a brow at him. He looked like a judgy mentor to his student. Nevertheless, Alucard admitted defeat. He sat up and began to scoot to the side of the bed.
“Fine!” Alucard groaned. “I’ll go. I’ll go.”
Alucard got up from the bed with a sour face. He did not realize one mistake of his. Unaware of the wolfish eyes staring at him, Alucard headed for the bathroom. He placed a hand on the door knob but before he could go in, a pair of hands grabbed him. They spun him around. Alucard yelped and his next words were cut off by Martis pressing his lips on his. Strong arms slipped around his waist, holding him firmly in place. They kissed hard with their tongues poking out to have a taste of each other. Alucard brought his hands up to grab on Martis’ jaw as he pushed in the kiss. They moaned softly before pulling back for air.
Lust was swirling in the Ashura King’s eyes. Martis smirked at him and said, “Is this attitude intentional? Are you trying to test me by walking around naked and acting like a brat?”
His words made Alucard look down at himself. His cheeks flared up upon realizing he barely had a single thread on his person. He looked up at Martis and gave a shy laugh.
“Heh, guess I was too caught up to realise that.”
Alucard exclaimed loudly when his feet left the floor. Martis held him on his shoulders like a potato sack and carried him back to bed. He threw Alucard on the bed before climbing on top of him. Wasting no time, Martis dove into Alucard’s neck where a bite mark was near fading away. He caught the skin in between his teeth and bit hard, making Alucard hiss sharply. His hands caught his husband’s wrists and pinned him on the bed.
“Mar-” Alucard moaned. He tried to wriggle out but Martis locked him in place. “Please…Isn’t this too early?”
Martis did not answer. He continued kissing and giving soft bites on Alucard’s shoulder. He let go of Alucard’s hands just to massage his chest. Alucard sucked in a sharp breath when he felt calloused fingers brushing past his nipples. Those strong hands began to squeeze onto his breasts, pushing more wanton moans out from Alucard’s lips.
“Martis…” Alucard breathily sighed. His body was reacting to the touches, especially the one in between his legs. “Martis, please.”
“Consider this as your mood booster.” He heard Martis whisper into his ear. “You mortals require some motivation to start the day, correct?
Alucard felt Martis’ hand cupping his face so he would only look at him. Those red eyes were glowing and the way Martis was licking at his top row teeth, Alucard swallowed heavily.
“Consider this as your…morning coffee, chentaku.”
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the-duckless-pond · 8 days
I could NOT catch a break yesterday. It was supposed to be a day of rest and recovery to make sure I was feeling well enough to go to class tonight and tomorrow, but it did not turn out that way.
First, I found an ant on my ceiling??? And I had to use the swiffer to squish it. How am I supposed to put ant bait on the CEILING?? And what if it had fallen on my head!!
And then I had to go pick up my medicine from the pharmacy across town. I haven’t switched to a closer one because there is a Culver’s right down the road from it, the only one close by, and so every three months when I pick up my medicine I get an order of cheese curds as a treat. I always look forward to it. Anyway, I’m vegetarian. That’s important for this story. So I got my cheese curds and was driving and had two and they were wonderful and then I take a bite of a third and it was MEAT! I think maybe chicken? I didn’t swallow and immediately spat it out but ughhhhh I totally lost my appetite. I’ve been a vegetarian for like 21 years so this was extra gross to me than perhaps if I had only been veg for a year or two. Totally foreign and awful.
After that I had a mini moment and bought a carton of cigarettes which was $93. After not smoking for five days. Yes, a whole carton. Ten packs. Not one or even two. Ten.
Anyway, then I got home and sat on the couch with the cats and I heard a tap tap tap and saw something out of the corner of my eye. I look at the window, and there is a WASP on my window. I got stung by a wasp on my birthday in 2020 and it was awful and ever since I am afraid of it happening again!! Fortunately I have two living room windows and can open the screens on them. So I very slowly went to the other window, less than a foot from the wasp, and opened it and the screen. After maybe five minutes it flew out. Phew. What a relief.
After that, I could finally relax!
Maybe twenty minutes later I was getting ready to distract myself from my bad day by watching a marvel movie. And then I saw Calliope slowly approach the window and begin to paw at the… track area thing? I feared the worst, and I was RIGHT. THERE WAS ANOTHER FUCKING WASP JUST CHILLING THERE. I hurriedly opened the window and screen and I guess it got smushed in the track and died? Oops. So I felt kind of bad about that because even though I am afraid of them I can appreciate their part in a healthy ecosystem. So. Double wasp day. And I accidentally killed one.
AND THEN I went out to my car for a smoke and met a young man standing on my stoop smoking weed abd was like hey are people gonna narc on me if I smoke out back, dude? And he was like nah you’re good. So I went for a smoke out back. And one of the units had their windows open so I walked a little bit away. Finished my smoke, came back inside.
Within ten minutes I see maintenance guys (the law enforcement of my community) walking up to my building. I panicked. I hurriedly hid the smokes and lighter in my underwear drawer. My buzzer buzzed. They were coming for me. I considered not answering, but instead decided I would play dumb to the rules and agree to go off site to smoke and be very compliant and apologetic. I buzzed them in. My heart was racing.
They get here and are like DID YOU BUZZ US IN????? And I’m like… uh… yeah??? Panicking. I do not sound innocent in my mind.
Turns out they were here to look at my buzzer because sometimes it doesn’t work and makes a shhhhhhhhh sound when people buzz me. My secret was safe with the young man!!! But the fear of the Lord was put into me and now I was scared of smoking out back. (The buzzer is third party and they will have someone from the company come take a look).
The rest of the day passed rather uneventfully. I bargained with myself and tossed the carton and smokes and put on a nicotine patch. I did not end up having any more past my last one around 5pm. Because I was afraid of getting caught. I threw them all out before bed.
And then it took me like four fucking hours to fall asleep. And I was so tired but so fidgety! I laid down around 8:30pm like normal and read boring news to lull myself to sleep. I stayed wide awake. I got up at 10pm and took one of my as needed sleeping pills. I text my bff while I waited for it to kick in. I was very fidgety and kept waking up the cats who were in bed. Also I was overheating but I was very afraid of having exposed skin because what if there were more wasps and I stretched out when I woke up and they stung me all over!!!!! It was very scary.
I finally fell asleep sometime around midnight.
At, according to my text log with my bff, roughly 1:40am I woke up to a loud and rhythmic beeping. Beep. Silence. Beep. Silence. Beep. I was so tired I thought it was still part of my dream and was confused because I was having a renaissance dream and why was there mechanical beeping??? (Side note my costume had arrived in the dream and it was soooo pretty and not too warm at all)
When the beeping didn’t stop I groaned and got my phone and googled it. Smoke alarm low battery. I texted my bff in irritation about it. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore it and fall back asleep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
So, I got up and investigated each of my three smoke alarms to find which one was doing it. Finally found the culprit in the office. It was very loud. I grabbed my osha earphones, put on my glasses, and got a chair. I took out the battery and it was 9 volt which I do not have on hand so I just set it aside and unplugged everything in the office until today so that I could go back to sleep.
I, of course, had trouble falling back asleep and felt wide awake after all the beeping. I fell back asleep around 4ish probably. Sigh. Also I was very congested from allergies or something so I couldn’t lay on the side I like to sleep on.
And then my cat woke me up from a deep slumber too early around 7:45am and I had a headache and was kind of annoyed but I love her so I got up.
And now I am sniffly and have a cough from smoking yesterday and I took advil for my headache but I’m still waiting for it to kick in. I hope it is gone by class time tonight. I’m going either way, I am determined.
Anyway. That’s the saga of yesterday. In my BFF’s words, I just could not catch a break. I am planning for a low impact Wednesday to compensate and make sure I can get to class tonight. Doing nothing except reading a few pages of the book to cover what we are learning tonight. I will watch more marvel movies in between to distract me from my woes and keep my mood light and airy. I just finished Thor before laying down last night so I think the next two are the first Captain America and Avengers, respectively. I recall really enjoying those ones, and should be able to watch both before class tonight and still get my studying done.
Sigh. Thank fuck for caffeine.
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keefwho · 5 months
May 12 - 2024 Sunday
I know I did a day wrong when I can barely remember what I did. It's because I'm so caught up in my thoughts that everything blurs together. I don't honor the things I do. I know when I woke up that I called mom to wish her a happy mother's day and if there was something I could clean for her. She declined but I said I wanted to work on the area of the walkway outside my door so I got the greenlight to do that. First I wanted to eat breakfast since I assumed the cleaning could take awhile. I had left over mexican style rice a roni that I put some cheese and hot sauce in. Then I tried to relax and drink my coffee while I played some KSP. But I was stressed thinking about the kind of schedule I wanted to have today and I felt like I was putting off the cleaning for too long. Sucks because I went into today trying to have the mindset that I didn't HAVE to do anything at all, I was gonna follow my heart. After coffee I got out and did my cleaning. I got up a bunch of trash and moved things out of the way to be a little bit tidier. I swept the area and got a mountain of debris up. I wiped down their chest freezer turning it from a dull brown back to white like it's supposed to be. Then I cleaned the main door windows. It was a big improvement even though its still a little dirty. I think I need to vacuum but I'm not going to use mine out there. It all only took maybe an hour. I also got my outside chair sprayed down well with the hose and put away properly so I can use it later. After all that I took a very long shower and got super clean. Out of the shower I thought about twitch streaming until lunch but I was trying to figure out how to make it fun. I didn't want it to turn into me feeling lonely. I figured I could hit up someone like BD and ask if they wanna call while I stream but I don't think I was quite in the mood for that. Instead I did a little journaling and got my grocery list ready for tomorrow. I was trying to put on a stream to fill the air and maybe feel a little bit less lonely without the effort of actually talking to anyone. I watched Henry's Kitchen while I made lunch which was some crackers I baked and a can of beans n weenies. I tried adding seasoning to the flour to give the crackers some taste but it didn't do much. I also melted parmesan cheese on top. After lunch I mainly chilled with Kerbal for awhile. I got some mods to help with the lame standard contracts and I made a couple more little crafts. BD told me she was gonna get in VR so I decided to join them for a bit. It was a good idea, I hung out with them and we ended up in the FWA world. DS joined about that time and I got to hear about her day and we continued hopping. We came back to the furry world to chill and watch the live portal where 57 and TG showed up on the other end. There was also a guy that looked just like PBG on youtube. After VR she got in bed and we did our puzzles before I beat KH2 finally.
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doueverwonder · 7 months
Happy Valentines!
notes: I present a colab MH fic between me and @iron--and--blood, I wrote the first part and they wrote the end! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!
pairing: Morton x Rabenmark
warnings: none
Morton blinked, suddenly aware of the sun coming in between the blinds. He panicked; he was supposed to have finished studying, there was a final today, and a paper due tomorrow he couldn’t be sleeping. He tried to sit up only to realize he was stuck in bed, he knew Rabenmark was awake as he wrapped his arms tighter around him; 
“Stay in bed”
“I can’t. I have to look over my-” 
“Nooooo” Rabenmark held him even tighter, pulling Morton completely against him in the action. Rabenmark’s breathing was still steady and deep and if he hadn’t even woken up. 
He wanted to protest, he knew he needed to get up and look over notes again and write at least a paragraph or two for his paper. But he was still so tired, he had stayed up so late before he had been dragged to bed for a ‘short nap’ that had turned into a few hours of sleep so heavy he couldn’t even remember closing his eyes. 
He relaxed for a moment thinking maybe it was a good idea to stay in bed; It was warm in bed, and he knew it was cold outside, the idea of walking to class through the February chill wasn’t something he was looking forward to. Rabenmark didn’t go to any of his classes unless he absolutely had to–which wasn’t often, but maybe he could at least convince him to walk to his first class with him. 
Morton tried closing his eyes, maybe if he fell back asleep and slept through his morning class he wouldn’t feel so bad about missing it. He could say it was an accident afterwards and maybe take the test another day. The voice in the back of his head insisted though that if he missed this one test he would fail the entire class, and then not graduate when he told his uncle he was supposed to, and he would be so angry he would make him come back to Boston and then he wouldn’t get to see Otto ever again. 
It didn’t matter if he knew this professor was lenient and would let him take it another day. It didn’t matter if the chances of Joshua getting mad over a couple extra months was extremely unlikely. And worst case he could stay with Rabenmark, effectively run away from his uncle instead of going back. 
“You’re overthinking again,” Rabenmark’s voice cut through Morton’s anxiety as if he was deftly wielding his saber. A hand came down on the far side of his face as Rabenmark’s weight shifted until Morton could see his lover’s face. Gray eyes perpetually ringed with red stared down with concern and Morton could not meet them
“Look at me” Rabenmark says gently.
“I need to get up,”
“Pleaasssseeeee?” Rabenmark said, and the combination of the childish plea and his overdramatic pout made Morton crack a smile.
“There he is!” Rabenmark grinned. “You are just so cute when you smile,”
“Shut up,” Morton mumbled, turning his face in an attempt to hide the blush on his cheeks, “I need to get ready”
Rabenmark responded by promptly relaxing his arms and falling, pinning Morton underneath him.
“Get off!” Morton protested, but the smile on his face betrayed his true.
“Do you know what day it is?” Rabenmark asks.
“Uhhhh Wednesday?”
“Nope! Valentine’s Day”
“Fuck!” Morton exclaimed, bolting upright in panic. Or at least, he tried to. because Rabenmark was pinning him down, all he did was his slam Rabenmark’s face into his shoulder and knee him in the groin.
Rabenmark let out a few strong German curses, rolling off of Morton and nearly falling off the bed in the process. A broken wheeze escaped him and Morton was terrified that he had seriously hurt his lover. Then Rabenmark wheezed again and Morton realized he’s laughing.
“Hell of a Valentine’s Day gift” Rabenmark said with a smile.
“Oh God, a Valentine’s gift!” Morton exclaimed. “Fuck! Oh I was going to make so many plans—I didn’t realize—I would have-mmph!!”
“Shut up” Rabenmark muttered as he broke the quick kiss. “Do you want to know what the best Valentine’s Day gift could be?”
“A morning of cuddling with my boyfriend”
“Alright,” Morton said with a smile. “In that case, I offer you that gift,”
“Thank you very much, my darling”
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ggstargetedlife · 2 years
Graced by the strength of God, I got through this day a bit more psychologically whole than days of recent, despite the continued persecution against me. I purposely stayed busy, doubling my efforts most times I was blasted. As tired as I've been, I refused to retreat to my bed to go to sleep as urged repeatedly via V2K. I kept right on working, doing chores around the house and checking in with my aunt when it was time. Push, push, push, I did, determined to remain stabilized and productive. Whenever I did choose to relax a bit, I kept the music pumping through my earbuds and read books on my phone.
Worked on my room a bit, or as Angel has taken to calling it, HER room. Got all the spots off the wall. Tomorrow I'll wash it down so I can begin putting up some of her decorations in the new theme we have planned. I won't feel bad over throwing away the navy blue rugs I just bought a year ago. They've started to look cheap. I suppose vaccuming them rather than shaking the dust and dirt out didn't help matters either. Ahhh well. Time for fancier replacements.
Amazingly, I was able to tune out a bit more on the V2K, relying a lot on Grey-Rocking whenever I did feel the need to mentally respond.
Most of it's just been the same ole same ole script anyway from their end. Thinking too much and too hard on it all is depressing so I tried not to as much today, focusing instead on just surviving each day at a time. One day it'll all be over and I'll be completely in God's hands; no one can keep you from death, so just have to "tough" it out until then.
I came outback to chill with a cigarette. No sooner than I did, the B.Y. neighbors came out too because you know, it's not enough they torment me through V2K and DEW's. They still follow the usual pattern of "joining" me outside when I go out. Why? I have no clue. They could stay in their house V2King me all day and night as they usually do. This time though, in addition to continuing the V2K, they cooped up in their backyard and began smoking weed to further get my attention. They know I can't stand that smell. I once complained to dad about it a while back. He just shrugged and said they always do that whether in the backyard or the front yard, as do another particular set of neighbors close to our house. Call me a pussy, I'd actually been hoping he'd snitch them out to the cops to have them shutdown lol If they weren't doing it to try and aggravate me, I wouldn't mind as much. After all, their business is theirs. But I know they're doing it on purpose as instructed by their superiors, all because they know I hate it. Anything I dislike or hate in general they run like a ticker tape, always. Never the things I like or love. Talk about petty-minded sleazy losers.
Besides that, the B.Y. neighbors weed always smells like what my former coworkers at Sunshine used to refer to as "Skunk's weed." The cheap stuff you can smell from a mile away. My god. Smfh. There's literally a cloud emanating from their backyard into Kim's and ours. Like, Jesus Christ folks.
But it's whatever. Earlier, they made a comment referring to Brinley. It isn't sitting well with me nor J, but I'll leave it alone. For now. When they inevitably piss me off again, I might rant about it a little. Maybe. Hell, he isn't as closely involved anymore in this shit with the Elites so it shouldn't matter really. He's been reduced to Watcher status.
Anyhow, it's been an alright day for once. Gotta get up and do it aaaaallllll over again tomorrow. Oh the joys of living 🙄
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