#Some other scenes I still can’t fully piece but ahhh I think this is the gist
Okay here’s a whole post with my thoughts/theories about how the next two episodes and the finale are going to play out, using BTS footage, reviewer’s comments, and the promo. My attempt at piecing together an entire timeline for the rest of the season, basically. (Though pretty much focused on Ed + Stede’s plot)
Major spoilers, obviously, especially for the finale (though it’s mostly theory, but there’s some very spoilery BTS pictures)
So, starting with episode 6, we’ll be getting either a Pete/Lucius wedding or some kind of party. With the title being “Calypso’s birthday”, I think the party theme and the prior lupete proposal could be a red herring for a wedding, and it could be just a party for the sake of a party. Calypso could be wee John’s drag name, rather than a yet to be named character (and in that sense maybe it’s more along the lines of ‘the birth of calypso’ for the title) Who knows. Anyways. Some kind of party, that we then see interrupted by Ned Lowe, who begins to torture the crew for breaking his record of most ships hit in a day or what have you.
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Now from reviews we’ve been told that Blackbeard is not the one who ultimately saves the crew, and it is in fact stede who steps up and averts a crisis. I think this is what begins stede’s newfound infamy, defeating or at least stopping the torture of his crew from this famous pirate.
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With his open wound, it needs to be cauterized, hence this scene:
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Followed by these two hooking up, with stede having a confidence high, and them just completely giving into their horniness of averting a near-death situation:
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I mean, the wall slam, the next morning half nude bed scene, it’s a given. It’s happening. No doubt. 100% sure of it.
As far as how or why they end up at Spanish Jackie’s, for episode 7, “Man on Fire” I dunno. I think a review summary said they’re just chilling. Not really there with any intent. And with stede’s defeat of Ned and his other stories building him infamy, he has groupies and fans now.
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Which i think begins to build this divide between him and Ed. Being as Ed is probably looking at retiring from the pirate life, and stede is really just starting at it, I think they’re going to come to some kind of impasse by the finale.
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Regardless, before the season began all the reviewers had was up to the 7th episode, and everyone mentioned how it ended on a cliffhanger. And I think the cliffhanger will be this-
Based on the explosions, fire, and mass panic scenes that we have seen from here:
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And here:
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I think prince Ricky will be launching an all out attack on the republic of pirates, probably taking out several of zheng’s ships (likely with those suspicious ass clocks). Here is where stede and Ed will be separated, and the episode will leave us with them apart. (Possibly thinking the other is dead? Though we’ve had a LOT of near deaths this season so. Maybe not)
I think it could be a fight between the two about their diverging paths that separates them, leading to Ed back on the ship and Izzy’s “frowny face” line and him once again being a mediator for Ed and Stede’s relationship
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Part of why I think they’ll be separated is that it’s the only logical reason why they would have a reunion scene in the finale (which is called “Mermen” I believe?)
Where stede looks up to see Ed on the opposite side of the fight:
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Quite possibly this scene, of Ed emerging from the ocean:
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And they fight their way to each other:
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And embrace:
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And save Zheng:
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And team up with her
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Now I get murky on the rest here, but they probably come up with some kind of counter attack plan where they infiltrate Ricky’s/ the English army, and take it down from the inside.
See Ed here in what looks like English army clothes, as well as Frenchie and black Pete on the side in outfits as well, and the other shot of frenchie and Lucius.
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And from this plan, which I do believe succeeds in some regard, we get a ‼️‼️ major character death
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And I think (SPOILER SPOILER SPOLIER‼️) it’s Izzy. He’s the only one not pictured (except for wee john), Jim is giving some kind of eulogy:
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And everyone begins to walk away EXCEPT ed and stede, who remain looking down.
Unfortunately it narratively makes sense as well to have Izzy, who started as a purely selfish character, become someone who would sacrifice himself for his newfound family. PLUS it being a parallel to last season, where he gave them up to the English. I don’t like it, but it does make sense. It hits the hardest, too. And reviews of the finale have said it hits hard emotionally.
As far as how we’ll leave off, I have this feeling that Ed may stay behind and stede may go off to continue pirating. I just don’t see how they can stay together with their warring desires at the moment. But it’s not going to be an end to their relationship, I just think they’re going to try to both do their own thing. To have them choose to be apart yet together, instead of forcibly apart like where we ended last season, it just feels like something David would do. And it really would show them being secure in their relationship, allowing them to develop themselves outside of each other and come into their own on their own terms.
This scene in particular makes me feel like this is them talking about Ed staying, and possibly even fixing up this house for them while Stede goes out to pirate.
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Ed is stede’s lighthouse to come back to. I’m seeing fuckin parallels to pirates of the Caribbean with Elizabeth and will. Maybe we’ll get stede choosing Ed over piracy, especially with the end of the golden age of piracy looming, and his desire to build a life together instead of building his reputation but. That’s just my wishful thinking.
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helena-thessaloniki · 3 years
hi 💖😭 i just binged all your rivamika stories on ao3 and finished beyond the walls tonight… i’m floored. you’re an amazing writer and you characterised them so well, the writing was so incredibly captivating (when i say i binged i mean it 🤣). thank you for sharing your talent with us 🥺
I actually had a question about chapter 6 that i remained curious about - at this moment:
“Mikasa turns back to him, openly distraught. “It’s everything I’ve wanted, but it’s… it’s not—...”
Her words are wrecked with grief. Her watery, washed-out gray irises are drenched with it. A grief viscously different but no less despondent than others he’s witnessed from her.
It’s not…”
levi cuts her off so we never actually get to hear what mikasa wanted to finish her sentence off with. i tried filling in the blanks myself but i’m still unsure what the home is “not”. or maybe i was reading too excitedly that i missed the explanation 😅 i just felt compelled to ask and get this nagging question out of my mind - but in any case i still wanted to express my admiration and to gratitude to you for your absolute works of art ❤️‍🔥 take care and have a beautiful day x
Aw, thank you, thank you. Stumbling onto fics that I loved and binging is how I have survived this pandemic, and more than that, it's brought me lots of joy, so I'm absolutely honored to hear my works offered this binging experience for you hahah. Thank you! ❤️‍❤️‍
Oooh excellent question, you didn't miss anything. I was mostly concerned with showing how Levi misunderstood that sentence, I don't think I worked in the opportunity to be clear on what Mikasa actually meant. Full response below (:
(I'm an educator by day and writer by night, I talk way too much, please forgive the self-indulgent mini-essay below ahhh)
Since her POV is only before and after, I think I accepted that whole exchange would be understood better with a re-read, and some of it might still remain unclear. That said, I appreciate your question 'cause I definitely want to learn and revisit to see if I can make sure there's nothing leaving anyone hanging too much. :)
In the scene before, it's deliberately abstract, a rather vague description of her sudden realization. She starts off incredibly excited, jumping off her horse and walking straight for the house. It's a vulnerable position for her, to be completely open, excited and ready. But we see in live-time, even though we don't hear her direct thoughts, the crashing realization that she let herself be so excited to start a life in their home, whereas Levi was not. At that point, she thinks he would have gone there without her and it would have only been his house. (How important a home is to her as an adopted kid who lost her biological and adopted parents is a whole other conversation, but really essential here; their home is representative of so much more than the brick and mortar building.*) By the end of that scene, she's slowed down her steps and is hesitant to go in. The last lines hints at her shift. Only the physical house is perfect, but not the dynamics between her and Levi. He's had some (emotional) baggage she hasn't noticed. All in all, it's an especially harsh realization because she'd just let herself be so vulnerable right beforehand.
But it switches to Levi's POV immediately, while she's in the literal middle of this very abrupt realization. I honestly don't think she's figured how to put it into words yet. Once it does switch to her POV in the next scene in the next chap, she's still reeling in her mind and can't gather her thoughts or speak about it. Once she can talk, she only asks him questions to try and piece it together for herself.
So, returning to that exact dialogue exchange you mentioned, I think she's trying to figure out her thoughts and not able to verbalize them.
TL;DR: It isn't that Levi cuts her off per se, it's that she's struggling to understand her own realization and is talking out loud while she attempts to.
“It’s everything* I’ve wanted, but it’s… it’s not—...”
It's not what Levi wanted too.
Not as much, not as strongly.
Not as certainly. Not as fully and completely.
I won't say she would have said "It's not what you wanted, too", because as it comes up later, she knows it's what he wanted, it's just she's afraid she wanted it more, needed him more. I think that's a general human insecurity, but for me writing, it was a pivotal one for her character and her journey in healing. She deserved someone who wanted her as much. (Which is why she didn't really have this epiphany until after her self-awakening and self-commitment on the coast and swimming in the sea.) I don't think there's anything else she would have physically finished that sentence with either.
*Everything. When she says everything, she means so much more than just the house, which has become a symbol at this point. That's why in the very last scene, the title reveals itself to be about their home, not the three physical Walls. "Beyond the walls that surround them, she wonders what the rest of their life will look like..." And of course, the switching between 'the house' and 'their home' was pivotal to this, too. All in all, she was just afraid he didn't want the same everything as she did. Of course, he absolutely did.
❤️‍❤️‍ ❤️‍ Thank you for reading, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, and thank you for engaging, it helps me learn so much and I really, truly appreciate it.
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stray-tori · 4 years
Emma’s character arc in the anime (or what I think it is, anyway) (anime-only)
Her "nothing has happened in a year and it's my fault" vent is -- a) kind of meta (they literally have only been passengers in their s2-story so far*. rescued by mujika/sonju, directed by Minerva, chased out by the farm force & now on the run. right now, they have so small agency in the story and not only is the narrative acknowledging it, Emma's development herself seems to be a result of it)
* in part that's also true for s1, they have always been carried a little. By Krone, for giving them the pen, and by Norman for generally being the connecting piece until he was gone and even then he outlined most elements of the plan for Emma.
-- b) interesting because right now it makes her the opposite of Norman who despite not being in the season for almost half of its run time, arguably made more goal-related progression (i.e. stealing children from farms - assuming it was them -, while Emma couldn't even go back for the Phil and others; probably having a base to bring the children they steal (i doubt the group that was with him are ALL of them), while Emma's base, the bunker, had to be abandoned). He’s the plot-driving character even when he's not there and now that he is, I'm assuming there will be more of a lead / idea of where to go from there.
It feels like a foil setup but I'm not entirely sure for what.
so, clearly this season's theme is not burdening everything by yourself - proof:
Ray spelled it out in ep1, Gilda reaffirmed it in ep2 and the opening’s visuals with her in the vidaflower field also seem to carry the whole “we’re finding hope together” angle
Emma did agree to it but then still said “I’m fine” after the vidaflower scene and is now blaming herself for everything that has been going subpar
also, the tidbit about the older kids always leaving more food for the younger ones also fits this theme, though it's not just Emma in that regard. and Lani and Thoma were the “don’t burden everything on yourself” argument in that scene.
I actually think Emma has slowly become more self-burdening, because I feel like back in s1, while she always seemed strong, it never felt like she actively hid from anyone. She did some things by herself like figuring out the room measurements, but she still felt free to bring up anything to the others and involve the children (place trust in them) later with the execution of the escape plan. Even when Norman's life was on the line, she never really intended to fully sacrifice herself like Ray had with the distraction plan or Norman did with his shipment - she never said anything like taking his place, she was still very much in the "we" mindset (at least if I remember correctly). We haven’t seen her work together like towards the end of s1 where she coordinated everyone - even when the kids were a huge part of the solution, like Chris knowing the bunker’s layout, it wasn’t because she told them to do that.
In a way, I feel like Emma's development actually made her more like Norman (who usually used to keep stuff to himself, and tried to juggle all the conflicts himself, and in the end, took the burden of making the plan work even at the expense of his """"death""""). Heck, her words after the vidaflower scene ("I'm / it's okay" (daijoubu)) is something Norman says/said a lot, it's basically his trademark pff-
So I can't help but assume these are connected, and Emma is - whether intentionally or not - trying to mirror Norman because in her mind, everything's been going wrong since he wasn't there to aid them anymore (which she's actually right about, which leads me to my next point).
The fine line between character angst and the savior trope. I hope the anime will use this whole setup with Emma’s arc instead of just being like “ah, Norman Christ has arrived, our lord and savior, how good that we don’t have to worry about anything anymore”. Because they actually, in-universe, acknowledge that "nothing has happened" and that's imo a fine line they have going on right now, which could lead to some interesting character moments.... or they completely ignore it and thank god, our lord and savior.
Because it's not a problem that they are being carried, in fact, as mentioned before they have been carried outside of s2 as well, by Norman specifically as well too. He's always been a sort of savior figure, even after his death he motivated them to go on (see ghost Normans, see Emma talking about how she promised him, see Ray on the ground wanting to continue because he promised (to Emma too but you get the point, and Norman was the one who initially saw through his plan)) - he IS in a lot of ways, a savior. So I'm not saying it's bad narratively if now he's back and the plot moves more towards the goal again. I'm saying it's questionable, if now Emma's and the narrative's acknowledgement of that lack of progression go away too. Because THEN it's actually just "everything is solved now and we're useless without you", and I think it NEEDS to develop Emma further in order for that angle to still be there (and to still be kind of questionable), but to be narrative-ly significant because it's part of Emma's arc and therefore her later actions.
In short, Emma’s low-point revolves around the stagnation and to resolve it (the lowpoint) with Norman’s return would be questionable.
SO I have hope for juicy angst but also see how this could horribly backfire.
Now, I've been trying to figure out were her arc is going, considering all of that.
"Burdening everything by yourself is bad" theme
Emma hates herself for not being able to do anything
Norman is her opposite / foil in that regard
So possible ways to go here are
a) further make Emma feel inferior to Norman, since she never got to do all those things she took upon herself and make her mental state even worse
b) it will probably lead to Emma contributing whatever she can to her family’s rescue, no matter what it takes out of her.
likely both.
The interesting thing is that while narratively this sets up a sort of opposite-dynamic between Emma and Norman, they do both share the self-burdening-thing now (I doubt that changed about Norman, but maybe it did); so I feel like this can only end in a "who's more self-sacrificial and bottling up" contest.
Taking the theme into account, I feel like it’s going for one of the following things, maybe multiple:
a) they all work together in the end to reach their future (probably Ray has to bonk them both and be like "shut up, we're doing this together" because I feel like he's the only one who actually got out of his self-damning hole somewhat)
b) the kids come barging in with the/a solution while Norman and Emma are busy trying to be self-sacrificial (Lani and Thoma HAVE been observing and trying to balance the self-sacrificial out throughout the season, mostly by humor, so I feel like that could work even if I don't know how it could be DONE so hmmm)
c) if someone has to do a sacrifice like Norman in s1, it won’t be done through trickery of the others, or won't work / will be stopped / backfire
Because I don’t think what will happen is that someone actually gets to sacrifice themselves without massive consequences from the other characters because that’d contradict both the overall season's theme and if it was forced upon the others, it would just mirror s1 and show no narrative growth.
It's a fickle situation because I feel like the natural evolution of this arc would be to have Emma be, the "hero" or a leader-position or something of the sort.  But the self-sacrificial theme forbids her from doing it on her own or by massively hurting herself in the process so.... ahhh idk how they'll handle that!
because I like the "together" message it seems to be aiming for but at the same time, having a character struggle with not being able to do anything by herself in the same like 6 episodes as “yay, we need to do it together!” is a little risky since while it could work, doing teamwork in a way where everyone is important, while also not validating Emma's belief is.... hard.
It could work if Norman’s arc is the opposite, to let others do more for him and let Emma take over (who needs to built confidence as a leading figure); but even then Emma has to be driving force. If Norman initiates that, he’s actually saving her in every sense.
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narukoibito · 4 years
Ooh all of them are making me cry with happiness but I'll be restrained and ask about Someone else's life and when the smoke clears, please and thank you :)
Ding ding ding! You hit my favorite WIPs, @whiffingbooks​! 
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For that, and since I doubt anyone will ask but I’m dying to share, I’m also going to give you a snippet of The Other-Boy-Who-Lived.
Someone Else’s Life
This is my dimension traveling AU story, where Harry ends up traveling to an alternate dimension where Neville was the Boy Who Lived, and Ginny and Luna made up his trio. He has an existential crisis about whether Ginny loves him or the Boy Who Lives. It’s my dream fic that I haven’t made any progress on, unfortunately, but I’m excited to share some of what I’ve written in hopes you and others might like it and motivate me.
When Harry next woke up, he found himself staring at a blurry Neville.
“Neville,” he said, relaxing into the pillows behind him. “You’re okay.”
“Hey there, Harry. I am, though you’ve seen better days. Seems like you got in a bit of a scrape,” Neville said pleasantly.
Harry frowned, reaching for his glasses once more. He had had the strangest dream, earlier. It had felt so real. Sliding his glasses on, he blinked as Neville’s smiling face came into focus. He seemed…different. Neville had long outgrown his shy, insecure ways, and had grown fully into the self-confident, brave Gryffindor he had always had inside him. But today he seemed to carry himself differently — stand taller, somehow give off a relaxed demeanor but there was tension neatly contained beneath it.
“Yeah…” said Harry, his mind trying to catch up with his friend’s newfound charisma.
“Still won the game though,” Neville carried on with a smile, shaking his head with what seemed like admiration.
Neville’s cheerfulness was beginning to grate Harry’s nerves.
“Did you catch them? Was it Rookwood? Is Ginny —” The questions tumbled out quickly. He tried to push himself up, only for Neville’s hand to shoot out and land on his arm. It was light but firm.
“Harry, I spoke to Ron earlier, and it sounds like you got hit pretty bad. You may have a pretty significant concussion.”
“You were there,” Harry said. “Where is Ginny?”
“Ginny’ll be back soon, but she wanted to check out the stadium as soon as possible.”
Ginny was at Quidditch practice? 
“Neville, what — ”
Neville released Harry’s arm, and with a sigh, ran his hand through his fringe, mussing his sandy hair upward. All the words died in Harry’s mouth, and the blood drained from his face.
There was a jagged scar on Neville’s forehead.
Subconsciously Harry reached up to touch his own forehead. Where he was used to raised, scarred tissue, his fingers only found smooth skin.
A dull rush of noise filled his mind.
“I know you’re a bit confused right now, but they should help you get everything sorted out soon. Believe me, I’ve been here so much, they should name a ward after me,” Neville chuckled. He stopped, his brows furrowing. “You all right there, Harry?”
Harry was saved from responding by the door opening. He inhaled sharply, struck both with relief and an awful feeling of something having gone terribly wrong, escalating to the point his vision blurred. 
It was Ginny — with that famous fiery Weasley hair, those freckles, those brown eyes that he’d recognize anywhere — but was like the puzzle pieces were put together wrong. She wasn’t not rushing in headlong, face flushed, and eyes flashing, looking wild and ready to tear down anything in her way. No, Ginny was calm, collected, her jaw set with familiar determination, but not one unduly concerned, dressed in Auror robes with parchment tucked under her arm. Her eyes swept over him quickly as she approached them.
“Hi Harry,” Ginny said, giving him a brief smile. “How’s that head feeling?” When Harry simply stared at her, her smile turned anxious. She leaned toward Neville and spoke softly. “Is he okay?”
Through the haze of confusion, a lick of distress tinged through Harry. Something about their proximity, the familiarity in the way she addressed Neville, the way that Neville was looking at her, the way she stood just a sliver closer to him than Harry had ever seen before filled his stomach with dread.
It was almost as if…
Ah, want to share more with Ginny, but hope that’s enough for now. Who knows what will stay and go.
The Other-Boy-Who-Lived
Okay, this is my AU of the above AU because I’m crazy that way. Here is AU/not the Boy-Who-Lived Harry thrown into canon. In some ways, I’m even more excited about this AU because it’s fun imagining canon!Ginny with AU!Harry. Here’s a snippet I adore:
“Did you ever wish you were Neville?”
“Not all the time. Yes, there was fame and he was always doing something mad – more often or not with you. But now and again…there was one thing he had that I wanted,” he said, gently tucking her hair behind her ear.
Harry can’t believe his own audacity. Ginny didn’t want him, but some other version of him, always the Boy Who Lived. But she was looking at him with such a blazing look, with such fierce affection, that he couldn’t help but lean in and kiss her. It was different from the kiss in the hospital wing. This was a tender exploration, something that he’d only experienced in unspeakable dreams.
“Harry,” she said softly against his lips.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, pressing his forehead against hers. “It’s just that this feels like such a fantasy. You wanting me.”
She let out a small huff. “You and my Harry are more alike than you think.”
Oh AU!Harry, why are you so precious?
when the smoke clears
Ahhh, my elusive amnesia!Ginny story, inspired by the amazing @annerbhp​. There are several scenes I am dying to write, so know it will be written, but most of the time I sit around and daydream about how all these scenes will make a cohesive story. 
Here is a snippet. It may not stand the test of time or my beta.
When she opened her eyes, the first thing she noticed was the throbbing pain in her head, and the second was the absolute blank she drew when she tried to place the pain.
Or anything else for that matter.
A slow, buzzing fear started to build. She took in the nondescript room, the morning light creeping in, the empty beds, the potion station that emanated a sharp, bitter smell. There was distant noise beyond the door, the low murmur of life stirring. None of it was familiar.
Her eyes landed finally on the only other person in the room: a wizard with messy black hair and rumpled robes was slumped over in a chair beside her bed, his head hung low. His arms were crossed across his chest, his wire-rimmed glasses hanging crooked on the edge of his nose, and his wand held tightly in his hand despite his slumbering state.
Who was he? And — the panic began to rise — who was she? How could she not know who she was?
At the sound of her sharp inhale, the wizard’s eyes snapped open, revealing the most startling green eyes that immediately locked onto hers. He bolted forward from his seat, leaning close.
“Ginny! You’re awake,” he said, his weary face flooding with relief. “Are you ok?”
He reached out and took her hand. Reflexively, she snatched it away, already pushing her body back towards the wall away from him despite the increasing pain in her head at the movement.
“Who are you?”
His face drained of color, turning ashen. His hand seemed to go limp against the bedsheet. “What?”
Her eyes darted to the wand in his hand and back to his face, her fingers itching terribly. He glanced down where she had and straightened, looking as if he was trying to pull himself together.
“Ginny,” he said, a slight tremor in his voice, “do you know who I am?”
She looked into his foreign eyes. Try as she might, she couldn’t place them. “Should I?”
Eep, it was hard not to share more because these are my favorite, but hope you enjoyed the previews! One day I’ll post them... one day.
Feel free to send an ask for the WIP title game! 
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thesunshinebunny · 4 years
Idk if your taking requests right nowww buuut can you do Erik and Damian fighting over s/o? Ahhh sorry if I’m weird nahsjshjd I love ur writing btw❤️💕💖
Oh boy…ohhhhhhh boooy!!! The house is on FIRE
Thank u so much for your sweet comment ❤️❤️❤️❤️
PD: I maaaaaaaaaaaaayyy have used as reference The Prince vs The Brute episode (maybe, it’s a big maybe)
The day started like any other, a normal day. The sun rising at the horizon, one or two birds singing, the wind hitting lightly on the window and the heat of spring entering through the pores of the skin. Except that, in a normal life, you don't have five incubi sleeping under your same roof, waiting like any mortal for the first rays of the sun to start a productive day. Nor on a normal day is the slight knock on the door, knowing that one of the incubros awaits your response on the other side of it.
But these were normal days for you.
With a hoarse voice you allowed to enter the incubus who was waiting patiently, ignoring the reason for his morning awakening.
"I'm sorry it's too early, I couldn't go back to sleep and ... well, I made you breakfast"
Ahh, Damien, as thoughtful as ever. Even in your sleepy state you could feel the sweetness in his voice and how his feet moved on the carpet, avoiding making any noise that could bother you.
"This is the best way to wake up, thanks Damien." You felt the sheets sink to the empty side of the bed. Damien put the tray on the nightstand and waited for you to straighten up and be able to calmly open your eyes.
It took a few seconds, but when you were finally able to take your eyes off, your sight was rewarded with the warm orange-haired smile. But when your nose unconsciously smelled the aroma of toast with Nutella, your stomach growled with hunger. What a shame.
"Pff- hahaha, I'm glad to hear that you're hungry. I did a lot of things to tell the truth ”
He was right. On the tray you could see the pair of toasts, a cup of freshly made black coffee, a glass with orange juice, a bowl with small slices of fruits and some mini waffles in the shape of a bear.
"How adorable Damien, thank you very much."
"Sorry to disturb you, Your Highness, but ... oh, I see you've already been awakened." Erik was standing under the doorway, holding a huge bouquet of red roses. His gaze however didn’t find yours but his younger brother.
"Good morning Erik, the flowers look beautiful"
"Ah yes! These flowers are fresh from the gazebo, I hope they’re for your delight, your Highness ”
He put the bouquet down on my nightstand and gave you a nice smile before heading back to the door. "I was going to say that breakfast was going to be ready in a few minutes, but apparently my brother went ahead"
And with that he closed the door, leaving you and Damien alone in the room again.
During the noon and afternoon, having the mansion almost empty, you devoted yourself to review notes and books that were left in virtual classes. But still spending boring hours just reading, you also had the time to teach Damien. For weeks you was teaching him to read and write and now he can write the whole alphabet and read kids short stories. Sometimes you can see the frustrated face when he try to read your books and don't succeed. 
And that's where you come to the rescue! (baby steps Damien, baby steps)
“The audi… audio-visual montage is a process of uniting… uniting…”
"Uniting pieces of film to create sequences, ending in a final tape"
You appeared discreetly in the library doorframe. Damien was trying again to read a book from one of your subjects and from what you could hear, he had improved, but he had problems him a few words.
"You know the whole book backwards?" Damien scoffed slightly, setting the book down on the small coffee table.
"More or less, I mean, they are going to take an exam soon, it’s better to learn it as soon as possible"
You sat next to him on the sofa, leaving some children's stories on the table. A friend of your parents, who had become a father few years ago, lent them to you for a certain time.
"Thank you for helping me, but you shouldn't waste your time on me." He put his hand over yours and gave you a slight yet sad smile.
"No problem Damien, I like to help you and spend time with you" His eyes began to shine, but not because he’s about to cry, on the contrary, you could see a slight happiness in them. Which disappeared when a melody began to sound from the living room. 
Someone was playing the piano. 
The tune was slow and smooth, I would say even romantic. You and Damien went down the stairs to the source of the sound. In the living room, sitting at the piano, was Erik with a small glass pot with a red rose on it.
"Good afternoon, Your Highness, Damien. I'm sorry for the sound, but it had been days since I played a little ballad and seeing this little rose when I returned from work gave me the necessary energy ”
His slow voice accompanied the notes of the melody, as if he’s singing. As you went down the big stairs, Damien stayed behind you, watching as his older brother used his boring compliments. Perhaps the evening sunrays made the scene more romantic than Damien wanted to accept.
He watched how your gaze was lost between Erik's skillful fingers on the piano and how his gaze was lost on your innocent and happy smile. Damien's eyes flashed with determination; determination of not to let his brother win your heart.
"I'm trying to make us dinner, I don't know what you are trying to do"
A great uproar could be heard coming from the kitchen. Damien and Erik were apparently trying to cook in unison, but they couldn't get along with each other, much less make a decently cooked meal.
"Erik, it should be impossible to say this, but you are burning the water."
"And you Damien, dear little brother, you don't know how to clean a fish bone"
"Do you think you can do better?!"
"What The Hell Is Going On Here?!?!" James stormed into the kitchen to find his two younger brothers barely making a pitched battle in it. Pots scattered on the countertops, small puddles of water and bits of scales on the floor. You didn't have to have the ability to read minds to know that James wasn’t just fucking them up and down, but that he was counting from 0 to 1000 in milliseconds so as not to kill them right now.
“Both of you. OUT. NOW ” Both brothers left the sight of James with their heads down and when they were about to cross the threshold the brunette spoke again “If you have something to fix or just want to have a real fight, go outside to the gazeboo”
When they went out to the dining room they could hear their brother talking on the phone, apparently ordering Chinese food since the food had been spoiled.
"If you end up destroying the plants I will kill you"
A minute later, loud screams could be heard from outside the mansion.
"What's going on outside? Who is fighting?” You ran downstars to the dining room trying to understand the situation. You had heard a few small screams a few minutes ago, but didn’t understood a word, not even the context.
"Miss / Mister, you better stay out of this..."
"James? What do you mean?" The incubus was standing in front of the front door holding two bags, apparently of Chinese food. Weird coming from James, who was always willing to cook.
“Well… let's say… Erik and Damien have some business to settle. I don't think it's a good idea that you get involved. ”
You understood very well the fighting between brothers, it was something that an outsider to that bond couldn’t fully involve. You’re about to help James bring the food to the table when the screaming from outside increased.
What? What they were fighting about? Or… maybe… for WHO were they fighting?
Oh no. They were fighting over you. 
That’s not good.
You bolted out the door of the gazebo and opened it wide. Even before opening it, you could feel a slight charge of their powers, they were about to transform into their original form and it was better to stop this.
"You better stop that RIGHT NOW"
Both brothers were frozen in their places. Damien's skin tattoos peeked over the collar of his shirt and Erik's eyes shone with that golden color characteristic of his race. They stared at you for a long time, so long it made it uncomfortable. You were about to speak again when Erik cut you off.
“You heard our fight, we have nothing to hide" His eyes returned to normal and he gave Damien and you a sad look.
"I don't want to continue fighting anymore" Damien instead tried to avoid your gaze, like a sad and wet dog, but something in the environment prevented him from avoiding it for a long time.
"Me neither" Erik looked you straight in the eyes while giving off an intense aura "The decision is yours, your Highness"
"Erik! You can't ask them like that out of nowhere”
"It’s not our place to decide who is best for them. It’s their heart”
"In that ... you're right" Damien walked to position himself in front of you "The decision is yours"
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authenticcadence18 · 4 years
M, R, S for the fanfic asks
hiii thanks for the ask!!
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
hmmmm ok I’ve been ruminating on a one-shot or two based on the premise “what if Phineas got to read Isabella’s letter in Operation Crumb Cake?” The first would actually depict that scene, and the next would take place a few years later. Hopefully I get to writing those out fully someday!
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
oooooh ok as far as non-fanfiction writers, Lemony Snicket (aka Daniel Handler) is a HUGE influence on me. I love his wit and fourth wall breaks!! There’s definitely a few bits in “Can’t Help Falling in Love” that take inspiration from his style. A Series of Unfortunate Events was my favorite book series growing up, and it still holds up today!  
 As far as fanfiction writers go, Frsdgirl on AO3 has some AMAZING Phinabella stuff that only inspires me to write more! And @macaronsforchat is sO INSPIRING LIKE. WOW. She wrote SO MANY AMAZING PIECES for the various Love Square months that happened from April-July and totally inspired me to start writing again, and she’s been super encouraging and supportive of me, especially while I’ve been writing “Can’t Help Falling in Love”. They’re both amazing!! 
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
In general, HAND HOLDING and COMFORTING HAND SQUEEZES. if you ever read a shippy fic of mine and the characters don’t hold hands at least once, something might be wrong. i LOVE IT WHEN CHARACTERS HOLD HANDS. or when one grabs the hand of the other and gives it an encouraging squeeze i just. oh gosh. my heart. it gets me every time. ahhh. I also love blushes! Flustered blushes, soft blushes, embarrassed blushes, ALL THE BLUSHES. YES. 
For Miraculous, I am a sucker for reveals and the phrase “...it’s you...” , lolll.
And for Phineas and Ferb, I really love it when Isabella and/or Phineas are written as obviously pining after one another while also being super oblivious (Frsdgirl does this PHENOMENALLY well, oh my gOSH). I think it’s hysterical and adorable (and maybe also a little heartbreaking but like...it’s fine).
thanks again for the asks!!
Fanfiction/writing asks 
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1.1 - DEMURE | Sephiroth
A/N: AHHH, this was supposed to be up yesterday but my internet SUCKS sometimes so I’M SO SORRY. I HOPE YA’LL ENJOY IT!!
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1.1 - Chapter 1
“What matters most is how well you walk through the fire.” - Charles Bukowski
[TRACK: Ancient Roman Music - Synaulia I]
(You can listen to the tracks in the background if you wish, these are just the songs that either inspire me/listen to while writing the chapter. Some of them are not in the taste of some readers, so it’s not necessary to listen to it. Anyway, enjoy!)
SEPHIROTH had no time to react. Just the immediate grabbing of a woman falling into his arms, blood coating his gloved hands, the collective angry screams of the other girls ganging up on a man still hiding in the room behind them. When he had entered the Poppy Circus Outlet, there were a number of things he was prepared to witness, but what happened in front of room 423 became more or less an example of how he can never be fully able for everything. 
One moment she had been hiding in his chest for help, her neck nipped with a blade, soaking the white sheet that barely covered her body in a light coat of red and soft tears, the next she was being dragged from his hands, and finding himself in the owner’s office with a wet rag to clean the dried blood upon his leather.
Lockwood “Daring” Heart kept his lips sealed as Sephiroth cleaned up the mess, trying to find words on how to describe the situation they all just had witnessed. Daring, who had owned the Poppy Circus for nearly six months, had never considered a mishap as large as one of his girl’s being targeted, let alone letting one of the top men in Midgar see the action unfold.
Daring was the type of man who was always dressed in a pressed suit of purple stripes, short yet thin, with a mustache curled at his sides. Daring had a kinder personality, especially compared to the others in the business. He’d never allow someone like Mr. Dunes to come cut his girls, let alone his most prized ones. He’d always kept such strict regulations, made sure his girls were just as happy as he was. He missed the ball on that one.
“I wasn’t aware you’d be coming in,” Daring said through his teeth, lighting a cigar with shaky hands. A moment passed as he took in a puff, letting it blow through his nose briefly before he tried to continue with his voice more steady. “Your SOLDIER men enjoy their time here, more so than the Honey Bee Inn apparently.”
Sephiroth didn’t say a word, but the tension building in the room made Daring take in another long inhale of his cigar, this time, taking the moment to let it fester in his lungs. Daring was terrified. Even more so when Sephiroth placed the wet, now bloodied, rag on the table beside him, and the ice-cold stare he had given Daring made his heart beat a little too fast.
“Genesis enjoys-”
“I’m not going to have the place shut down,” Sephiroth said, his voice as icy as his personality, but Daring still let out a deep breath at those words.
For a minute, he had thought his booming business was going to shut down. All his girls would be homeless on the streets, no longer taking refuge in their piece of heaven located in sector two.
The Poppy Circus Outlet was a rival to the infamous Honey Bee Inn, but had a lot less strict rules and more beautiful girls to choose from. The only pop of color amidst the construction, decorated in pinks and red, golds and yellows, the lobby displaying artistic views of the female form just to tease on what was hidden behind the iron doors. 
Daring always believed the underdog slum locals would be taking advantage of the Poppy Inn more than any other demographic, but he had been mistaken, poorly so. SOLDIER and all their tight-ass personnel kept coming back, and the more they did, the more money lined his pockets. The red-head with a bit of an attitude problem, Genesis, was a continuous source of money. Despite his ego problem and ridiculous requests, the girls not only loved him, but he always counted on that big paycheck to pay off the building.
If there was one man with the power to turn heads, Sephiroth would be one of them.
“Kalista is perfectly alright,” Daring reassured him, despite not getting a sense he even cared. “Just a little cut, the cheese knife got a bit too close I guess, caused her to panic, and when she panics,” he tried to smile, “they all panic.” Another deep puff caused Daring’s true personality to shine a little more, the happy-go-lucky, eccentric owner the rest of Midgar knew him to be.
“It would be more than a pleasure to continue having SOLDIER business,” Daring said with a click of his tongue, “and I’m sure Kalista would be willing to give an apology if-”
“An apology isn’t needed, it wasn’t her fault.”
“Right, but you know, for the blood. Can be quite damaging to clothing sometimes.” And his forced laughter cut off with an unexpected silence. “Okay, maybe an apology isn’t needed. But I’ll throw in some deals for your SOLDIER and we can forget this ever happened.”
Sephiroth’s brows furrowed just a little, almost as if his face hadn’t moved at all. But Daring could tell, the type of solace only found in men like Sephiroth, the ones who have kept everything so bottled in sometimes it was hard to convey even the best emotions. An enigma, both the same and different from Genesis.
“I want to meet her.”
Daring’s ears burned a bit, thinking it was some play on his mind in the heat of excitement and adrenaline. “Excuse me?”
The small office appeared smaller. The soft glow of red hiding his locked jaw, Sephiroth’s subtle grin, how Daring wished he wasn’t face-to-face with the one and only 1st class General. Any other man who had asked would have been given a flat out no, unless a payment had been provided first, but his tongue dared not say it. His stomach at his feet, the cigar no longer calming his nerves. A million things jumbled in his brain momentarily. 
He let out a nervous chuckle, but the lack of humor in Sephiroth sent shivers down Daring’s spine.
“Kalista is what we call a circi here in Poppy. You need an appointment, money, you can’t just ask to meet her and expect it to happen.”
“You just offered to have her give me an apology.”
“An apology and a meeting is different, at least here it is. Kalista is a busy girl.”
“Genesis always talked so fondly of this place.”
“We don’t allow mundan meetings, General.”
“Mentioned you could leave them on retainer.”
“I’m sorry.”
“A high price to make sure they’re yours and yours only.”
Daring let off a grin, another puff, nodding his head. “If you’re threatening me over this I won’t go down without a fight.”
“I only came to see where Genesis spends his time. No better way than to apologize than allow me just a meeting.
Daring let the smoke of his nose, finally setting his cigar on the ashtray, leaning forward. “One meeting. Ten minutes.”
Sephiroth’s subtle grin returned, “I’ll see what I can do in that time.”
KALISTA bit her tongue as she cleaned the blood from her skin, the graze stinging from the antiseptic soaked in the towel. She couldn’t help the shaking, how close the knife had gone to her face, the blade in her eye’s vision as he ran it up and down her body, scaring her, waiting for her panicked reaction to take over. But as she sat still, feeling the coldness of steel ponder above her thighs, near her waist, up near her neck, her heart began to beat fast, but she couldn’t move a muscle. She was just silently allowing him to lay wet kisses on her cheeks, the blade moving so close to her artery.
Her body hadn’t reacted in time as he pressed it in, his drunken breath filling her nostrils as she shoved him back. Grabbing the spare sheet on the floor in an attempt to run, her eyes growing wet. She didn’t even make it far in the end, simply colliding with something heavy, smelling of soap and a light sense of musk, a man, no one in the Poppy Inn left without a scent of vanilla and honey.
An outsider.
She couldn’t help but hold onto his arms until one of the other girls heard the running. How the man yelled behind her, requesting her to come back. She wouldn’t look, she wanted to escape in the outsider’s scent for a few moments longer.
Kalista  patted the skin as she glanced back in the mirror, inspecting the small cut like it was a war wound. It hadn’t even pierced deep, but Kalista was shaking like it had cut through her muscle and veins. 
Just focus. And Kalista shut her eyes briefly, trying to pine in on the small burn it left. One deep breath, fists clenched on her knees, She’d have to use all her energy, stop shaking for just a second to get the desired results, and just like that, it was done.
Kal took a moment to inspect again, parting her hair to examine her own work. One moment she had bared an unfortunate cut from a cheese knife, the next, it was as if nothing had happened. Minus the still chipping blood near her ear, the deed was no longer visible. Just as she liked it. Daring wouldn’t question it, nor would the girls. 
They knew her secret as well as she did.
Kal took a long drink of the champagne bottle left on her vanity, hoping the alcohol would ease her shattered nerves even briefly. She could hide it, but she couldn’t hide from it.
Thankfully Daring was a good guy or else Kal would have to do everything in her power to hide from that bastard Mr. Dunes. She’d have no need to wait in the halls for him to pass, for him to glance over her as if she was a piece of meat, he’d never have to endure that again, and neither would the others.
Kal finished off the rest of the bottle when a knock had come at her door. She instinctively wrapped her robe around tighter, wiping the smeared red lipstick with her sleeve before she approached the expected visitation.
But when she opened the door, she wasn’t arranged to meet the tall man standing behind him. For a second she had thought Daring was trying to strike up a conversation as he always did with her and her potential customers, but his solemn look said otherwise. It was like he was trying to send her a neurological signal as a warning, but Kal couldn’t tell why.
“Kalista.” Daring greeted her, a smile popping on his face for a second before it completely disappeared. There was a small amount of happiness in his eyes left, but the unfortunate accident had left Daring just as shaken up as she felt. “this is General Sephiroth. He’s the one you bleed all over.” 
Kalista bit her cheek, as always he was pretty blunt when it came to the job. 
“He works for SOLDIER.”
Kal nodded slowly as if she was intently listening, but she was a bit drunk at that point, not to mention Sephiroth seemed a little chillier than the other men Daring would bring down. She constantly walked cautious, and despite Sephiroth not giving off any terrifying vibes just yet, she still had to remain a bit hesitant. It’s how it started with Mr. Dunes. He was a very generous man in the light, but drunk and in the dark, knife-play was possibly the least dangerous thing he could have pulled. She was lucky to find out so quick.
“He wanted to come meet the bleeding woman.” Daring continued with a revamp of his playful tone. Allowing himself into her bedroom, Sephiroth following, Kal got a quick whiff of his soapy smell yet again as he brushed by, and she took in a deep breath. 
“I’m sorry if that’s worth anything,” Kalista said, trying not to bite her lip. She had already scraped off the excess dried skin the past few hours, anymore and she’d tear off her whole bottom lip. The other girl’s would be constantly tearing her apart with their humor, and after the knife, she needed a few days before she could handle being teased by childish entertainment. 
Daring patted her shoulder, “he doesn’t want an apology, Kal. Calm down. He just needs to ask you a few questions.”
Kalista was prepared to say something, but Daring had shushed her like a disobedient child, closing the door behind him before Kal could protest. She should have guessed he’d spring something on her so quickly. 
Sephiroth took a moment to inspect Kalista’s bedroom as Kal reopened her door, escaping to find Daring wherever he had disappeared to. 
Her room was much different than the bright crimson decorating throughout the rest of the Poppy Circus. Everything was coated with deep wine, burgundy, much more calm compared to the exaggerated golds in the hallways. Huge tapestries hung on the walls, a canopy hanging off her bed, large curtains blocking the sunlight, leaving nothing but the soft glow of the candles surrounding him.
Sephiroth stopped in front of her wall paintings, noticing a white streak that read Kalista Shir hidden in the corner. His fingers scraped over it, letting the leather run over the rough texture slowly, but before he could circle through her name, Kalista had stopped him in his tracks.
“I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t.” She said, taking in a deep breath. “The oils and dirt on your gloves would erode the paint faster.”
After a quick debriefing with Daring in the hall, she realized Sephiroth was a bigger name than she had originally thought. But that didn’t mean she had to let him run his hands all over her things as if he owned them. Customers paid for sex, not to view an art gallery.
“Do you paint?” Sephiroth asked, and she was taken back by his deeper voice. 
Kal shrugged. “Sometimes.”
“Do you also sometimes bleed on men in the hallways?”
Her eyebrows cocked, suppressing a smile. She had a hard time trying to tell if he was being serious or joking. “Yeah, it’s how I always find my next client. You know, a way to make sure they know I mark them before they mark me.” She let off a small grin.
Sephiroth had seen beautiful women all over Midgar, but none who had captivated him as much as Kalista seemed to. Underneath the soft candlelight glow, he could still see the freckles dusting her olive skin. Everywhere. On her exposed shoulders, her cheeks, small moles seen on her hands. Hair as dark as a raven’s wing, curly, cascading down her back, and eyes unlike one’s he’s ever come across. Auburn, almost even more gold than the designs of the Poppy Circus.
“That’s why I asked to come talk to you,” Sephiroth said, moving from the painting, inspecting Kalista’s vanity clear on the other side of the room. “Daring said you're a circi, what does it mean?”
“Daring has a big mouth,” she said quietly, “it’s a fancy word for reserved whore mind you.”
“A bit brash are we not?”
“You can sugarcoat a lot of things, that’s not one of them.”
Sephiroth tried to hide the grin, “how much are you usually reserved for?”
 “Depends I guess. When you put girls on retainers it adds bonus funds.” Kal swallowed hard, but she still tried to remain still, taking a seat in one of the leather chairs in the middle of the room.
“Hmm, like what?”
“The daily cost alone can range between five thosand to six thosand gil, added costs are unknown to me. You’d have to ask Daring about it.”
“He’s a strange man.”
“He’s annoying,” Kal corrected. “He can be good, but most of the time I’m stuck doing his work. If he allowed me to do my job and he does his, we wouldn’t be crossing paths so often.”
Kalista found another bottle of champagne, half-full, and took a moment to take a drink while he continued to inspect the paintings surrounding her room. She kept her eye on him as she tasted the sweet undertones.
“Kalista, correct?” Sephiroth tested the name on his tongue, pausing, turning back towards the open door. He could hear the small giggles and whispers of the other girl’s on the floor, probably listening in. He couldn’t ask the things he wanted. Not yet anyway. 
She was about to answer when he said a simple “take care, Kalista.” Leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. Quietly, Kal sunk deeper in her chair.
When Sephiroth had officially left the building, Daring had popped back into her bedroom, his boisterous voice back and booming in her ear as she always remembered to be. Him begging her to tell him the things Sephiroth had asked, wondering why he had even walked through the Poppy Circus Outlet in the first place. But Kalista had nothing to say, and it would be another twenty-four hours before Kal could hear what he had wanted. 
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prismatic-cannon · 5 years
uhm sis (or bro or whatever u prefer i just call everyone sis) pls reblog more fics like i need some good ones and pieces was hella good
Ahhh i’m really glad you like Pieces!!! It deserves more love for sure and the feels are only going to get better I can promise you that hoho \o/ (and I’m good with both sis/bro, I don’t mind either or it’s cool)
So far I’ve been blindly going through the AO3 tags for jojo fics so I’m not sure if my fic recs would entirely appeal to you … but if you’re interested you could definitely take a look at some of these faves! (Do mind the fics’ tags if you’re sensitive to certain tropes) Most of these are going to be heavily skewed towards part 4 and 7 (absolutely no one is surprised), but there’s other parts under the cut too!
Part 2
see you again by efthemia (6k oneshot with background Part 7 ship) - A Caejose reincarnation fic! This is set in a modern day au where Joseph and Caesar meet in another life … by crashing vehicles into each other lol
Can You Ever Go Home Again? by alexclusive (4k oneshot, contains Part 4 spoilers but is mostly centred around Part 2 and 3 characters) - I don’t want to spoil too much for this fic so I’m just going to copy paste the fic’s original summary here: “A few months after his adventure in Morioh, Jotaro goes on another personal errand at the request of his grandfather, and ends up discovering yet another lingering ghost.” A lowkey fix-it with feels!
Part 3
Torture Me by Xyloto (nsfw 2k oneshot) - The SDC gang walks in on jotakak inappropriately using their stands lmaooo enough said
Young Flame by greenteafiend (nsfw 7k multichaptered) - More Jotakak! Takes place during the Devil-Yellow Temperance part of SDC where Jotaro and Kak share that hotel room in Singapore lol
Kiss With A Fist by nevermordor (nsfw 6k oneshot) - Tempers and egos flare between Jotaro and Kakyoin as they make the long tenuous journey to Egypt – Fistfights inevitably happen. I really like how much of a cold hardass bastard Kakyoin gets in this lol
time after time by dimolto (11k oneshot) - TIME LOOP TIME LOOP TIME LOOP!!!! God time loops are one of my favourite tropes of all time, I don’t think I could get sick of it. SDC canon compliant (kinda) – Jotaro is the only person that’s aware of the loop and has to work his way out of it somehow. It’s jotakak too!! Highly rec this fic
Part 4
No place where we can’t go by tjesje (4k oneshot) - Josuyasu! Two dudes slowly fall in love over the course of their summer break. OP really nails the friendship between Josuke and Okuyasu – the banter flows so easily you can’t help but get caught up in how close and in sync they are with each other. Also, the summer vibes are super strong in this fic! Always a big plus with duwang content lmao
electric word life by Fluffifullness (8k oneshot) - More Josuyasu mutual pining + confessions, suuuuper sappy and sweet with some light post DiU angst.
Just Let Me Know, How Do You Feel? by hushroom (6k multichaptered) - Post DiU – Set during their college years, Okuyasu meets up with Josuke for the first time in a while, and they work towards overcoming emotional distance caused by the strain of long distance relationships and misunderstandings. Aged up Josuyasu content is always such a treat and this one doesn’t let down!
Bosozoku Boys by VulpesVulpes (nsfw 4k oneshot) - Takes place a few years after DiU. One night during a sleepover Josuke accidentally stumbles upon a porn mag under Oku’s bed – midnight confessions and feels ensue. This fic always has a soft spot in my heart just because of how vulnerable Josuke gets, argh my heart it aches
Crashing Waves by chamomilekai (7k multichaptered) - Post DiU – Josuke and Okuyasu deal with the lingering effects from the final Kira fight. It’s a slow burn romance with heavy feels where both bros find comfort and support in each other, very delicious part 4 h/c sob x10000
Part 5
the passenger by havisham (nsfw 5k oneshot, contains Part 6 endgame spoilers) - A Brugio fix-it …. of sorts. Ten years after Vento Aureo ends, mob boss Giorno somehow finds himself sent back in time with the opportunity to save Bruno and the others. I really like how desperate and jaded Giorno is in trying to save everyone, and how despite everything things still don’t go entirely the way he wants them to …
DIOmestic by writers_haven (4k oneshot) - Yep, it’s modern au mudad lmao. Some JonaDio here and there but the focus is mostly on Dio+Gio father-son fluff. It’s stupidly cute and there are little nods to canon material that I love to bits, like Hamon being reimagined as a fancy form of new age yoga ahahaha
Part 7
Riches and Wonders by etymology playground (8k oneshot) - A lighthearted gyjo fic that takes place during canon events – Two weeks after Sugar Mountain, Johnny and Gyro spend some R&R at a stand-powered onsen lmao. This was one of the first few fics I read right after finishing part 7, and it really helped to soothe the post SBR pain … not that I’m completely over it yet but then again would anyone ever be lol
Laundry by Petronia (2k oneshot) - Another lighthearted canon gyjo fic with lowkey ust lol – Johnny and Gyro take time between travels to do laundry. Idk, there’s something about gyjo domestic downtime that’s so comforting sob
i’ll see your face again by queenieofaces (2k oneshot, Part 7 endgame spoilers) - Oh boy this one … It’s a reincarnation au where Gyro experiences deja vu and misplaced memories from Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency during the events of SBR. 10/10 lots of feels bc reincarnation aus pair so incredibly well with gyjo gosh
nowhere to go; I’m already inside by librisdedita (31k multichaptered, major Part 7 spoilers all around) - A canon compliant gyjo fic – Johnny’s perspective on life is especially bleak in this one. OP tore my heart asunder by the end of this fic but oh man I wouldn’t have it any other way lmao
Cowboys Ain’t Easy To Love by jotarosgirl17 (36k multichaptered, Part 7 spoilers) - A series of interconnected slowburn gyjo canon compliant fics, suuuper heavy on angst and period-typical homophobia and internalised homophobia. Very good for a cry … or ten lmao
see you when the sun sets east by mourn (nsfw 2k oneshot) - Two cowboys sit five feet apart from each other not talking about their repressed feelings yeehaw. Jokes aside this is a quick but intimately tender glimpse into the beginning of Johnny and Gyro’s relationship
Spin This! by polyphenols (17k multichaptered) - A modern day office au where Diego works at a new tech startup named Steel Ball Run. Honestly, I don’t think I could ever properly articulate how much I love this fic – It’s full of sooo many nods and easter eggs to all the bizarre eccentricities that happen in part 7′s canon, and I think nearly every major/minor character gets featured one way or another, if not all (everyone works in the same horrifyingly open air office space after all). The witty banter and dialogue between characters are so snappy and succinct you can’t help but smile or laugh while reading along. Diego in particular stars as the long suffering Straight Man and audience surrogate into the madness that is SBR, with a lowkey crush on HP that slowly builds as the fic progresses (there’s background gyjo too!). While there’s more of a central focus on Part 7 at first, characters from other parts also make an appearance and gradually become more involved as well. I can’t rec this fic enough!!!
Diamond Ball Run by polyphenols (15k multichaptered, Part 7 endgame spoilers) - A gyjo fix-it of sorts … Johnny takes up Funny Valentine’s offer and asks for an Alternate Universe Gyro. The fic is mostly told from Alt Gyro’s perspective in the later half, and argh this makes my heart ache in so many ways I didn’t know were possible god help me –
happy new year, johnny by 3kanite (7k oneshot, Part 7 endgame spoilers) - Aaaah I just read this one today lmao – The fic is written from Johnny’s POV over the course of several new year celebrations – pre-race and during SBR canon. It really nails Johnny’s characterisations and personality shifts down nicely and makes the last year spent with Gyro that much more bittersweet and heartbreaking oh why won’t these part 7 feels stop coming for me
desperado by 3kanite (35k multichaptered) - Features missing scenes that take place during the events of SBR – Admittedly I’ve only read the first two chapters so far and haven’t fully processed things yet but I’m already so caught up in these pre-slash gyjo feels that I can’t help but rec this one catch me crying behind Owson’s @ 3am bc it’s just that good urgh I need an adult Could possibly be nsfw but I haven’t gotten that far in yet obvs
Aaaand that’s about it for now! Hopefully some of these interested you haha. Go show these wonderful OPs some love because they deserve it!!!
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS episode 11 commentary (Shin...)
Thankfully at least the Crunchyroll subs weren’t so bad this time. I mean, there was the usual weirdness, but no major mistranslations that effect the plot like that time. So.... great!!
(After last week my standards are so low....)
But anyway. A reminder that the commentary you guys are getting on these episodes now is coming from the place where I am after having two months to digest things. After seeing this in the theater I didn’t really want to talk about anything to anyone. HOW COULD I COMMENT ABOUT ANYTHING REMOTELY CASUAL WHEN SHIN IS SUFFERING. Was my thought. But... eventually............
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I should have pointed this out last week, but did you catch that they added Dorachi to the OP?
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So yeah, there are a lot of little moments in this episode that it took me weeks to even begin to think about (what with everything else that happens) and this is one of them. Joji leaves Jin so quickly once he’s not cheating at prism shows anymore. Haha I know this is just a gag scene probably but really! When you think about it in the context of that line Joji had last week that was like “He’s changed....” it made me realize that maybe Joji really does love the “do anything to win” Jin.
And since Jin isn’t interested in that right now, here we have Joji kissing Sanada. 
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Jin doesn’t care about winning anymore. All Jin cares about is Louis.
The relationship between Jin and Louis is something I have a lot of questions about. Why is this a part of the plot? For what purpose? 
My only guess is it’s here to show that Jin can still love? Because he seems to really, truly love Louis. (Could you imagine him cradling one of the Shuffle boys after they failed a jump....) 
And this is all despite the fact that Louis also reminds him of his worst enemies, Hiro and Hijiri................. 
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All of my past comments about how Shin changed things for everyone and how much everyone loves and believes in him have all been leading up to this moment. 
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Even after what just happened, they all run to him without any sort of hesitation. They aren’t afraid of him. They all still love him. Edel Rose.  
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For people watching this on TV, the titles of the episodes are all spoiled in advance. 
But for us watching in the theater, we didn’t know.
When I saw Part 4 the first time, I chose a bad seat in the theater on purpose. Front row, far right. Because I just wanted to be alone, and there was guaranteed to be nobody sitting next to me unless the theater sold out. The theater sold out. And there I was in the right corner craning my neck up at an angle to this GIANT screen immediately right before me. Watching this happen. Small and helpless. Terrible chills washed all over my body and I think it was the most horrified feeling I have ever gotten while watching fictional media. I will never forget it......
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When I first watched this, I got the feeling that Shine had been floating in a void for a long time. (Maybe even the 1,000 years they always talk about.) But recently I realized, maybe it was just the amount of time Shin’s Mom was pregnant for? Since Shine wasn’t sealed that long ago (recent enough that Yamada-san knew him) it could be possible that he was sealed the instant Shin was conceived....?  
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One of my biggest questions about Shin for the longest time was whether he was actually..... born or not. Since the date 2/29/2001 does not exist. But he was. And I am glad about that. 
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This is the first time we learn Shin’s name is written 新.
Also Shin, when will you accept your megane destiny. 
(I guess he did in the last episode lol. But really, does he wear contacts...?)
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So this is our Young of Prism reference. 
Shin did meet Louis on a night at his grandmother’s house when he woke up and saw sparkling light. But Louis didn’t exist yet at that time. It was Rinne. 
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FUTURE 4TH PLACE (technically should have been 3rd) IN PRISM KING CUP 
....ahh Shin................ I love you......................
His childhood was just so normal.......... 
(Shine must have been so bored...........)
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This answered another one of my long-time questions about Shin. Where was he going? Why would he be out biking at night in casual clothes (not school uniform or sports uniform) in the middle of the night far from home? 
At one point I was so concerned about this (and his birth date not being real) that I wondered if he didn’t even exist before he was biking along the river. But he did. Shin had a normal, happy, real childhood. Ahhh........ 
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Christmas live! I already talked about this in my post about Leo’s episode, but yes it’s both an analog for the real life Music Ready Sparking concert, and a big part of the main story on Prism Rush: https://prism-rush.tumblr.com/mainstory
I’m so glad it was confirmed to be canon. (Well, it was already briefly mentioned in Pride the Hero. But still.)
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Well, we finally got the answer in the last episode: Because the prism gods found out and changed Louis’ mission. 
But you can kind of understand why Shine was..... pretty pissed off at Rinne/Louis when he finally resurrected in the last episode...................................... to say the least........
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So this was weird. Shine said “Rinne” before Louis said his line from Pride the Hero “we’re the same now”, but the subs make it look like it’s the same line....?
This is honestly the only thing in this episode which I think is flat out wrong though. There is some other weird/inconsistent wording of course but I mean seriously FUCK IT. THAT’S NOT IMPORTANT NOW.
Crunchyroll A++++++++++++++++++++++ job this time.  
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I didn’t realize it at the time, but..... 
Subconsciously, in the back of my mind somewhere....  at that very moment when Ace says CHOU YABEEE..... he became my favorite member of the Shuffle. 
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Just like..... Look at them. They’re all so happy. They didn’t look like this when they were with Joji. The best part about this episode finally airing on TV is that I can finally watch the new Shuffle’s performance on its own (without having to be forced to also watch.... the suffering....). 
I can’t wait for this full song to come out. Even though we only hear it for like 10 seconds it’s actually gotten stuck in my head before. 
And I don’t know if it was intentional, but I think having Ace perform in this episode is very ironic and incredibly significant. Because here we have Ace at his highest point while Shin is at his lowest point. 
Ace doesn’t know about Edel Rose and why they needed to win this. He’s on the top of the world. This is his moment. He’s finally getting to perform. The Shuffle is finally free from Joji. For the Schwarz Rose boys.... Ace is the hero. 
Since I am already on a roll talking about them, I guess I’ll bring up something I forgot to mention in my episode 5 commentary. When Part 2 premiered in theaters, nobody knew what Ace’s color was. People were actually using red, which would make no sense because Kokoro is red. You can’t have two members of the same group with the same color. But gradually people realized, due to the light blue A on his shirt and the light blue wrist band he has in some official art, that Ace is actually light blue. And here it was confirmed.
The interesting thing about this is, up until very recently Tsurugi was light blue. Only since his art for SSS he suddenly became pink. 
So when we first saw that SSS concept art.... was it hinting all along at this very performance? That Ace would become the new center?
I don’t know. 
What do you think?
No I’m not stalling. 
Why would I be stalling? 
Well okay.... I guess.... the next scene we have to talk about is......
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Where do I even begin.........................
So, a little while after this was shown in theaters I made a vague post containing my raw emotions about a particular prism show in Part 4:  https://lunawings.tumblr.com/post/184802787153/okay-i-am-ready-to-talk-a-little-bit-about-king-of
So if you read it at the time, I’m sure now you know I was talking about this. 
If you were scared or uneasy about it while watching it on your computer screen, imagine what it was like in the theaters. This performance effected me to the point where I had nightmares for about a week. And I’m not making a joke either. They weren’t the kind of nightmares I could describe, it was just like.... seeing bits and pieces of this show over and over again. I’d wake up panicked and have to watch something on YouTube, anything else, to try and get my mind off of it so I could sleep. 
And like I said in my original post, the thing is, I just cannot get over how good this prism show was....... at accomplishing exactly what it was supposed to do. Which I’m assuming is, to make you feel VERY VERY UNEASY. It is just...... I can’t even..... I......................
And of course. The worst thing. The worst thing was coming to terms with the fact that I.... liked..... it..... ?
Because if I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t be thinking about it so much. 
If I didn’t like it, it wouldn’t have been stuck in my head FOR 24 TERRIFYING HOURS after seeing Part 4. 
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It’s just it.....
This is so frighteningly real. 
It actually worked. 
I actually felt like Shine had some kind of power over me which lingered for days and days........... 
I guess..... I can understand why Rinne loved him........................
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He meant like consecutive jumps. 
Shin(e) is not doing a chain of consecutive jumps like Taiga, Yukinojo, etc. did. Instead he split himself and is doing a whole bunch of jumps at the same time. 
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So, I gotta take a moment to make this clear. Since, to my horror, people were actually referring to him as Shin in this scene in the livestream chat. 
He used Shin’s body and Shin’s voice. But this was not Shin’s prism show. 
Shin does not perform in this episode. 
So, people who don’t actually follow me and/or just stumbled upon these posts may not know this. But Shin is (and basically always has been) my favorite. 
After Part 4 premiered in theaters, I had multiple friends in Japan send me messages to check if I was OK. It was even the immediate reaction of a girl I just met in the theater after I casually mentioned that Shin was my favorite. Like practically grabbing my shoulders ARE YOU OK. 
Am I OK?
No, but..... yes. 
By that I mean, I am not bitter that Shin does not get a new solo in SSS. In fact, I can recognize the irony, since up until this point Shin was the only Edel Rose boy to perform a proper show. And now he’s the only one who didn’t perform a new solo in SSS. So it’s even. Technically. 
So that is not what upsets me about this episode. What DOES upset me is how this emotionally effects Shin the character, who now thinks this was all was his fault when it wasn’t.....................
I personally have known for a long time that something like this would happen, and have basically been emotionally preparing myself since the Pride the Hero era. No, scratch that, even since the first movie era when I suddenly noticed the dark moon mark on the back of his neck in Over the Sunshine (which took me months). I just had a bad feeling. Something told me that loving this character would someday bring me pain. 
So if I truly loved him, I knew would have to be strong.
If you take the good, you have to take the bad.   
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King of Prism SSS premiered in theaters in Japan after Taiga’s episode aired on TV, and right before Kakeru’s. In that gap, I came back a changed person. 
During the week of Kakeru’s episode I was just trying to feel normal again (while all y’all be sending me anon messages about whether we should pave over Africa or not FFS guys......). But from the next week onward was when I began to recover and was starting to want answers. You may have noticed, that was when I suddenly started talking about scores all the time.
Yes, part of it was trying to understand Taiga’s score and hoping it wasn’t lower for mathematical reasons since it later gets cut in half. But the truth is. The actual truth is. All that time I was trying to understand.... this. 
This zero right here has been weighing on me for a long, long time. Every time I brought up scores, it was always there. Looming at the back of my mind. 
For example, when I wrote “ I guess no matter what someone has to be last………………………….. ” in my episode 8 commentary, I wasn’t talking about Yu. 
So. Let’s discuss this. How can someone perform, as actually get up on stage, but end up with 0 karats? Clearly the audience did have a reaction to Shin(e)’s show..... 
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But Kakeru said there wasn’t a system error. So it’s not that. 
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According to June, if I understood correctly, it was judged based on Shine himself. There was no heart in his show. 
This lead me to question if this could explain some of the other character’s shows. How much does your own heart matter?
(According to this, it’s everything.)
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No, I do not know why they still released a periodical update for a discontinued program. I guess there was a miscommunication in the prism IT department. 
(But I suppose it’s possible other Shines still exist in other worlds....? But I really don’t want to touch that right now.)
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So, in case you didn’t fully understand the gravity of this, with the way the score is now it is mathematically impossible for Edel Rose to win.
Even if they get a perfect score with their unit show. 
Edel Rose has lost.
It’s over. 
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So this was the moment when I forgave my idiot son Taiga.
Even after Shin got a zero, he still blames himself. 
And this may be a terrible way of thinking, but... I’m kinda glad they included this debacle with Taiga. Because it made it so this situation is not entirely Shin’s fault. (Technically it’s not his fault at all. It was Shine. But they don’t know that.) 
They treat it like everyone’s fault.... oh Edel Rose..... 
Also, my favorite moment in this episode and it has nothing to do with Shin. 
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Kakeru offers Taiga his support.... 
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And Taiga actually takes it. 
Also, I may be wrong but, I think this is the first time we have seen Kakeru cry. And not just in the main series, I mean like in ANY King of Prism media. 
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I find it interesting that he doesn’t mention Kouji here. He goes right to Hiro. 
Despite their “rivalry”, he felt Hiro was counting on him.
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I can’t believe y’all actually pointed this out in the livestream but it’s so true now that I think about it. There may be intentional symbolism with Hijiri’s hair here. 
There are a lot of scenes where Hijiri is trying to pull his hair back. But in this scene he pushes it FORWARD. 
He’s finally realized what really matters, and why he’s done all this in the first place. 
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Oh Shin. Baby. It wasn’t your fault............................
And that’s basically it. For now. We’ll talk about their gay unit outfits next time. 
So to answer perhaps your most burning question: Yes, next week is the last episode. 
Next week is the finale of King of Prism SSS. Yes. For real. 
EDIT: OH MAN. Junta Terashima just confirmed in a Tweet that this is the outfit Leo originally made for Shin’s show. Ahhhhh.......
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shimikonde · 5 years
Romeo and Juliet and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Return of the King pt. 2/5 (4th light novel, pg 86-95)
Sorry for the wait!! But I finally got this finished. :) Thank you to @imitationpersonne for doing the proof reading!! u guys would all be getting such drivel otherwise.
first part available right here
Holding her hands together as if praying, Shiozaki muttered to herself while standing in the wing, “I am the spirit of the ring… I am the spirit of the ring…” Shiozaki’s role was that of the spirit living inside the legendary ring. It would be some time before her debut, but she seemed to be getting into character.
Kaibara, who was standing next to her, attempted to ease her tension. “You’ll be fine, Shiozaki. You’ve already got the spirit look down.”
“Thank you. However, it’s not a question of how I look. What’s important is that I’m able to understand the spirit’s heart…  Would it possess a heart of compassion, like a divine messenger, or would it have the simple innocence of one loved by nature…?”
Behind Shiozaki, Pony and Shishida Juurouta, who where changing into their beast suits, spoke up.
“Shiozaki’s the type who gets toootally absorbed in her role. The three of us practiced a bunch!”
“In order to fully become a fairy, Ms. Shiozaki has been waking up early to pray to the spirits of the forest. Accordingly, so as to become hippogriffs, we envoys of the spirit have also been wildly patrolling the forests.”
“Ahh, so that’s how that rumor about the weird noises coming out of the woods early in the morning started.” Tsuburaba said, as if he’d just realized, to which Juurouta and Pony both voiced their apologies.
“Oh, was there such a rumor?”
Turning back toward them, Honenuki said, “It’s just about time we put you-know-what on standby in the back.”
“Oh, you mean that surprising one!”
“I feel somewhat reluctant to do this to our honored guests, who have come all the way here to watch us perform, however…”
“Surprises are just another part of showbiz. Now...”
Lacking the others’ enthusiasm, Shiozaki took Pony and Juurouta with her behind the set. Tokage, Kuroiro, Tsuburaba, and Rin Hiryuu all quietly slipped out along with them, full of excitement.
Honenuki called out to them. “Everyone, I’m counting on you.”
“Names and natures do often agree, as they say.” Rin grinned, before disappearing down the pathway.
“Good luck, everyone…” Tetsutetsu cheered, using all of his strength to whisper.
Honenuki watched them for a moment, and then looked at Kodai, who was getting a mike check from Komori in the back.
“Kodai, you’re almost up.”
“She’s finished! The perfect heroine!”
“Oooh!” let out Tetsutetsu and Bondo Kojiro as they appreciated her handiwork.
“Ufufu.” Komori giggled, puffing out her chest in pride. She’d chosen a simple one-piece-style dress to highlight the natural purity of Kodai’s features. This was somewhat hindered by her expressionless face, but that also helped to add to her aura of mystery.
Even if she didn’t do or say a lot, Kodai was the type of person who drew the eyes. While poor at expressing herself, she exuded beauty just by existing, and it was for that reason she was chosen to be the heroine. She wasn’t much of a talker normally, so they’d also done their best to ensure she didn’t have many lines.
“Aah, why must the stomach hunger? Meat…. I want to eat meat…. I can’t go any further as long as I don’t eat meat…”
“But my prince, this forest is said to be inhabited by demons… There isn’t a single animal.”
“That’s right! Now that you mention it… There it is! When I left, I stored a bit of dried meat in the bottom of my bag to use as emergency rations!”
“Hand it over! Your prince orders you!”
“But… Even so, is that something a prince should say?!”
“Shut up! An empty stomach makes a fiend of everyone, even a prince!”
“Wha—to point your sword as us…!”
“Before, you said that an empty stomach could even turn a prince into a fiend… Very well. In that case, let us take up arms, one human to another. Come, my prince! It’s a battle, with the dried meat as the wager!”
On the stage, a sword fight to the death between two men on the edge had begun. At first glance, it seemed only to be a terrible dispute caused by people nearing starvation, but it actually held much deeper meaning, challenging the notion of loyalty amongst men. The fierce clashing of their swords reverberating through the hall and the lighting brought the scene to its climax, leaving the audience breathless as they watched the fight unfold.
In the end, after the prince’s inevitable loss, the two split the dried meat equally between themselves, tearfully discovering true friendship for the first time.
“Who knew that dried meat could taste so delicious…” the prince said, still sobbing. “Not even Gondor’s specialties, Spring Breeze Grilled Robin or Hangnail Crocodile Steak, can even come close to comparing to this delicacy…! Aah, please forgive me! I’ve been so foolish up until now…!”
“I don’t think I shall.”
“Unless you swear to become a splendid king, I shan’t forgive you.”
“Alright. I’ll swear it, here and now. I will definitely become a splendid king worthy of Gondor. And when I do, I swear that my people’s bellies will always be full—that I shall bring them happiness!”
In response to the young prince’s proclamation to set his eyes on the future, the venue, unbidden, erupted in applause. Seeing Monoma’s face had begun to dawn a nasty smirk in response to it, Nirengeki ad libbed, “Well, then, my prince! Let us continue on our journey!” as he forcibly pulled him away.
“I wonder what you’re doing, in the middle of my scene?”
Turning their backs to the audience as if continuing down the forest path, Monoma voiced his opposition in a low whisper.
Nirengeki replied, just as quietly, “We’ve finally captured the audience’s hearts, but I doubt they’re going to want to root for a prince that makes that sort of awful expression.”
“Nice ad lib, Nirengeki,” Awase said in whisper.
Monoma still didn’t look entirely satisfied, but he put on a smile as he looked back to the front of the stage.
“Now, it’s time for Juliet to make her appearance.”
Kodai-as-Juliet came onto stage, riding atop a giant rock wall set piece.
“Someone, help me…!”
Immediately following Kodai’s cry for help, an enormous dragon flew out from behind her.
Under the spotlights, the dragon looked almost real as it soared all the way out over the audience, making them shout in surprise. As Kodai jumped down from the rock wall, Monoma caught her, saying, “Watch out!”
“It’s a dragon!”
“Run for it!”
As Nirengeki and Awase spoke, they helped Monoma and Kodai right themselves.
“Hurry, over here!”
The lights dimmed around four of them as they ran away, and when they came back on the dragon had moved so that it was flying right beside the audience seating. Again, the lights dimmed and came back on, this time moving the dragon behind the audience, and then once more, the dragon lunging down at them from above. Shiozaki and company, controlling the dragon with their quirks, timed its movements carefully with the lighting. Further adding to the atmosphere, scales from Rin’s quirk, Scales, fluttered down from the dragon with every motion.
Voices of astonishment and excitement could be heard amongst the crowd’s continuous chatter. Honenuki nodded to himself as he heard their responses. “Okay.” He wanted to let himself bathe in the simple happiness of the audience enjoying themselves just as they’d planned, but it was the stage director’s job to ensure that the stage moved along without the slightest delay. With a moderate amount of joy, Honenuki sent the next cue over the radio.
“Lightning in six, five, four, three… now.”
In the next moment, lightning flashed across the stage, and the dragon’s roars faded into the distance. The auditorium finally quieted again as the soft sound of dripping water came from the stage. A dim light shined over the corner of it, where Monoma and Kodai sat. The scene had been written that the two of them had gotten separated from Frodo and Sam while running from the dragon.
“Thank you very much for saving me.”
“It was nothing… I’m Romeo. Why on earth were you being chased by a dragon?”
“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine… But, if you could at least tell me one thing: what’s your name?”
“…Only now I realize just what an ignorant life I’ve lived. To think that I didn’t even know the name of the most beautiful person in the world…”
Watching the two as they gazed into one another’s eyes from the wing, Tetsutetsu, mustering all of his strength to whisper, said, “Leave it to Monoma… I’m impressed he can say such an embarrassing line with a straight face…”
“Phew, it’s so romantic!” Komori sighed, standing beside him and watching on with rosy cheeks. Team Dragon Flight, having quietly returned, also gathered around.
On stage, Monoma gasped and made a face as if he’d just realized something.
“Juliet…? I could’ve sworn I’d heard that name before… If I remember correctly, that was the name of the Rohan’s princess, the kingdom that has been engaging in hostility against my Gondor for years… Juliet… It couldn’t be, you are… Rohan’s…?”
Kodai bobbed her head in a quick nod. Tragic music played as a spotlight trained on the shocked Monoma, who staggered to the center of the stage.
“…Juliet… Oh, Juliet, Juliet…! Wherefore art thou Juliet! What a cruel fate god has cast upon us…! That the person who would steal my first love would be the princess of an enemy country… God? Ha! You’re no god, but a demon that uses his name! What enjoyment do you get from eating away at my poor heart?! I curse you! I shall send all of the lovers in this world to hell…! May all the love in the world burn away to nothingness! Hahahaha! Ahahaha!”
The audience swallowed as they watched Monoma’s ghastly performance.
“I guess Monoma’s really best at acting out these kinds of hopeless characters, after all.”
As Togake voiced her observation, Rin retorted, “Can you really call that acting? More like he’s just showing his true nature. He’s totally into it.”
The maddened laughter filled the auditorium and made the entire room chill over. In the middle of this penetrating coldness, Kodai gently grabbed Monoma’s hand, staring straight at him.
“…You can’t burn it.”
Her words drifted through the silence left in the wake of Romeo’s madness, and in that moment everyone in the room fell for her.  
Monoma seemed to crumble down on himself, looking repentant. After a pause, he said, “I really was ignorant. There may be no god in this world, but beside me sits an angel…”
Then, as if spellbound, he muttered to her, “In this dark cave, your eyes are like ancient treasures that have been long since hidden away. Their dignified beauty makes my heart quiver, like glittering lapis lazuli…! Your hair, as soft as silk, makes me uneasy—for it seems as if it might melt away into the darkness. Your skin, smooth like ivory, is dangerous… If I were to reach out and touch it, I’m afraid that I would never be able to retrieve my hand.”
“Aah, I know. If I did that, the two of us would never be able to part again… But, even so, I want you to know how this chest of mine quivers! My heart is screaming that this is fate, and I would tear it from my chest if it would only prove to you my love! If I die, so be it! I don’t care if you’re the princess of an enemy country! To me, you are…”
As Monoma said this, a ring fell from his pocket, and he gasped.
“Ah…! But I have something that I must do… I must search for the king…! To choose between you and my duties is impossible!” He paused. “Wait. Who was the one who said I had to chose? It was me! It seems I’ve misunderstood. If I can’t chose one, then I should choose both! Juliet, right now I’m on a journey, but when I get back I intend on becoming a splendid king. I promise you that I’ll right the relationship between our countries. Let’s become a couple who can bring peace and prosperity to our people! Please, would you be my queen…?”
After taking a long while to think, Kodai gave a short nod of her head.
“My dear… I pledge my love to you now, with this ring…”
Monoma wrapped Kodai in a sudden, tight hug. In the audience, the girls let out dreamy sighs, while jealous mutterings could be heard coming from the guys. There was even a commotion in the wings, where Pony and Komori amongst others squealed softly at the scene. Beside them, Kaibara looked at Kodai’s expression and snickered wryly.
“Kodai could really stand to look a little bit happier.”
Tokage followed up, “This is already the best Yui can manage, though.”
Without looking from the stage, Honenuki said, “…No, on the contrary, her lack of expression makes the audience think that she’s a heroine with a secret. It’s just as Monoma said.”
The audience were all fixated on the expressionless Kodai. Monoma was a guy who, if it was for the class he loved, could put all priority on stage direction. His personality was a bit abnormal, but the fact that he’d gotten into UA at all was proof of his competency.
Nirengeki-as-Frodo and Awase-as-Sam joined the two of them on stage. However, upon seeing Romeo completely enraptured with Juliet, they couldn’t help but be suspicious of her.
“…It’s almost my turn…” Dressed up in a cape, Tetsutetsu came up beside Honenuki.
“Go destroy that sappy atmosphere!”
“Make them despise you!”
As Kaibara, Tsuburaba, and all the others cheered him on, Tetsutetsu burst onto stage at Honenuki’s cue. He swept Kodai-as-Juliet into his arms like the wind and took in a deep breath, opening his mouth.
“I’m taking back my property!!!”
part 3
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aelaer · 5 years
Tagged: All about me and fanfic
Thank you for tagging me @dragonnan! My fan fic history is a long one... and in three fandoms. Which is why most of this will be under a cut for anyone who has a lot of time to waste. And is morbidly curious. But there’s some (okay, dozens) of fanfic recs for three fandoms under there too, sooooo.
Tagging at the top so you don’t have to read my verbose-ness if you don’t want to: @amethyst-noir @cairistiona7 @mdcbd @phierie if you’re interested in giving it a shot :)
1. At what age did you start writing fanfiction?
13. You can still find my earliest works online, too; I kept up anything that wasn't completely deplorable (though fanfiction.net deleted my stupidly popular, several hundred reviews of a story I did in 2004 because it was script format. The bastards xD Popular with all the little kids).
2. Who is your favorite author?
Lmaooooo what a question. Okay so for three fandoms. The big thing that’s common between all my favorite authors is that romance is not a primary genre with any of these writers. So if you like gen (of all genres) you’ve come to the right post.
If anyone here is a LOTR book fan (especially Aragorn), let me direct you to storiesofarda.com. It’s an old site, not even mobile friendly. Anyway, go read the works of Cairistiona and Meckinock. If you're more into hobbits and anything fluffy, go read Shirebound. That I remember their names since I was last active in fanfic in LOTR in 2011 speaks to their quality. I've had the honor of meeting Shirebound several times in real life as well, this last time in New York back in April after several years apart (though I'd like to meet Cair one day for sure, as well). I had a lot of favorites years ago but I’d need to reread the old stuff to see what still lives up to my expectations.
Scanning my favorites in Sherlock, Jolie Black , CaffeineKitty, and hollyesque on AO3. Stillwaters1, chappysmom, Radon65, and Morgan Stuart from fanfiction.net. But I have a couple favorite stories from authors who only wrote a couple fics (below).
Now the MCU (okay basically Doctor Strange, let’s be honest), on AO3: Grim Revolution and merrywil (the latter is pretty new and needs a hell lot more attention, she is a great writer). I love those long, introspective character one shots. There's not a lot of authors who don't focus on romance in the MCU with Stephen as a main character -- indeed, it’s partially nonexistent -- so shorter list. ElenaCee wrote some great stories just after the first film but has sadly moved onto other fandoms.
Dragonnan on AO3 is currently my favourite whump writer. Two of my fandoms and lots of my favorite tropes. I feel spoiled. My favorite romance-is-their-primary-genre writer is amethyst-noir for her characterization of Stephen combined with the oh-so-fun (for us) scenarios.
3. Favorite type of scene to write?
I can usually tickle myself quite a bit when I get some really great situational comedy into a story. I can never be fully an angst/whump writer because I adore comedy. So yeah, situational comedy for sure.
4. What is your favorite fanfic?
Stop asking me these questions ahhh. Okay so I'll be mentioning fanfics not by any of the authors listed above (which are in my most favorite stories too but, well, their works are all favorites anyway. Just look at all their works in said fandom for more favorites if you’re lacking reading material and have similar tastes. And once you’re done reading all the works by those authors, come back here for more. Seriously, read the authors above).
I listed these fics in alphabetical order because that seemed most fair.
LOTR (Most are book-verse. I need to reread a lot of these. Most of these authors have several works for the fandom, though I think each of these particular stories have Aragorn as a primary character):
A Proper Course of Action by GadFlyGirl (absolutely hilarious one-shot after Helm’s Deep about ‘the Denethor situation’)
Across the Years by MistyC (a very creative and well-written story that spins an old cliche in a much more interesting way)
Butterbur and the King by Eledhwen (fantastic character one-shot from one of my favorite minor characters)
Conversations with the King by athelas63 (great characterizations, good healing scenes)
Conversion by Pentangle-linnon (for everyone who says that first person can’t be done in fanfic - read this one-shot, then tell me what you think now. A work of pure brilliance)
Crossroads of Light and Shadow by Mirach (this one I recommend simply for the creativity alone; the art she was able to execute with the text in flipping fanfiction.net is really mind-boggling. Very creative!)
Doomed to Live by fliewatuet (it was never completed, but it’s so freaking good that I am putting it here anyway)
For Every Evil by Mirrordance (fantastic modern incarnation AU that spun out into a series)
Greet the Dawn by Neoinean (a great, very long long-shot with two characters meeting and it’s just a great combination of humor and angst. More great characterization)
Helping Strangers by Imaginigma (fantastic one-shot, really interesting OCs, a wonderful scenario)
In Shadow Realm by Legolass Q (original concept, well-developed characters, engaging plot, truly magnificent)
Light Fingers by Aearwen22 (I think this is the only fic here that doesn’t star Aragorn- he’s a pretty minor character. Brilliant brilliant characterizations of the OCs and a look of a part of society often ignored in LOTR fan fic)
Pale-Faced Tark by Carafinwe (everything by this author is brilliant, but the visceral imagery she managed to capture in two short chapters here still blows my mind)
The Patient by Scribe (another fantastic modern incarnation AU that spun out into a series)
Ransom by MP brennan (man I just continue to see how much the LOTR fandom completely spoiled me with all of these brilliant, plotty fics. Another original concept with brilliant OCs and fantastic execution)
Shattered Stones by MCat711 (a very creepy, original, well-executed one shot that keeps you guessing the whole way through)
The Weight of Power by Nefhiriel (does it follow canon as established by the Appendices? No. Do I care? No. The story’s absolutely fantastic and makes those small discrepancies mean nothing. This was also the first story I ever drew fan art for. I then made something for Shirebound a year later, then didn’t make anything again until that Ebony Maw piece I posted a bit back)
With Hope and Without Hope by docmon (AU scenario in that the Three Hunters are captured while trying to rescue the Hobbits. Very well-thought out and compelling plot, fantastic characterizations all around)
Annie’s Song by Berouge (One of the only romantic-leaning fics listed here [Sherlolly], but that is due to its excellent characterization and execution. Creative one-shot.)
The Case of the Missing Bus Ticket by Unsentimentalf (I think I burst a rib laughing to this story. Long one-shot. Situational humor at its finest)
Constantly by thesignofserbia (great one shot concerning Serbia)
Drowning by Dayja (I like a lot of her stuff. Angsty.)  
Firestorm by Dustbunny13 (This is... beyond words. So gorgeous. I adored it from beginning to end. Have read a few times. Sometimes accept it as season 3 alternate canon, it’s just fantastic)
Fortune and Bust by ThessalyMc (a wonderful gap-filler fic, very similar to a lot of my favorite authors listed above in quality and type of content)
The Green Blade by verityburns (excellent case fic)
The Holiday by Scriblit (both whumpy angst and humor and case fic? Yeeeessss. Another I’ve read several times.)
Landscape With The Fall Of Icarus by Caitlin Fairchild (another Serbia fic? Yes predictable of me)
London Orbital (another story, very long one-shot, where I burst a rib laughing)
Rigging screws, size 1 3/8 inch, galvanised by AJHall (another excellent case fic)
World Enough, and Time by StoneWingedAngel (an excellent and creative execution of a trope that you'll realize by the time you get to day three)
Doctor Strange (unless stated otherwise, they’re all one-shots. Need more multi-chapter fics... or just gen Stephen content in general):
The Architect by mudgems (a great what-if with Stephen, Loki, and the Time Stone)
Born of the Same Impulse by GwendolynStacy (WIP multi-chapter. Time stone shenanigans send Stephen and Tony back to just before Ultron and a few months after the car accident, but before Kamar-Taj [the accident happens in 2015 rather than 2016 for this to work. It’s brilliant])
Citizen Erased by Imagined (WIP multi-chapter. One of the only romance-is-a-major-genre story [ironstrange] on the list, but the plot concept is incredibly unique, the mystery is being unraveled so wonderfully well, and the collection of characters is really fantastic and in-character.)
The End of Infinity by FriendlyNeighborhoodFangirls (WIP multi-chapter. It’s canon compliant, only Stephen does a fantastic trick after canon and snatches Loki from the claws of death to go back to 2016 and fix everything. Peter, Tony also co-star. I am very much looking forward to where this goes)
Extracurricular Activities by EmptyHead (I am cheating here and linking a series. But it’s so damn creative, and while Stephen plays a big role, he’s definitely not the starring character. Synopsis is that MJ learns the mystic arts. It’s really brilliant!)
Geniuses by decotex (Stephen Strange's and Tony Stark's backstories, published before IW came out)
Hearth Sorcery by keshwyn (Another cheat here with a series of 5 one-shots, but this is too excellent and undervalued not to link. Excellent OC and world-building, highly recommend)
Holiday Magic by KarToon12 (Stephen plays Santa Claus for sick kids. It's adorable)
i hope you hold the mirror up (to show me what i chose) by CallicoKitten (Stephen and Tony being assholes to one another, published way before IW. I love it)
Like an Old Coat by ValmureEld (Could definitely see this as a follow up scene to the events in the Doctor Strange film. Great character interaction sequence)
Magic In Our Veins by Luna_Heart (the lack of Loki and Stephen interaction stories is criminal. Absolutely criminal. I want more!)
The Night’s First Watch by fathomfive (omg this is so good. So so so good. Excellent character study, I can’t recommend it enough)
of coffee and (questionable) first impressions by Phierie (Ooohh I love this alternate first meeting lots. Beat up on monsters and a coffee break after the work. Great stuff)
Project Code 131793 by StrangeMischief (Absolutely haunting and incredibly well-executed AU. I would adore to see more in this universe, it is so interesting)
Replay by INMH (the horror of Dormammu and coping with it)
You’ve Got Mail by Jadesfire (it’s about the mail situation with the Sanctum. What is not to love about that concept)
5. What tags do you avoid like the plague?
A/B/O, mpreg, not Mary friendly (for Sherlock), not Team Cap friendly, anti-Steve, anti-Wanda (or similar). Any of that anti-character bullshit, but in the MCU those are the two I see the most (and so probably make me rage the most. I once saw anti-T’Challa for instance and that just confused me more than anything). A bit of a rant in the next two paragraphs (I have Strong Feelings on this topic).
I don't tolerate the anti-character crowd. I really don't. Disliking a character is one thing and completely normal (I have my own list), but expanding time and energy to write just how much this character sucks is mind-boggling (and tends to make for really shitty fanfic. So you create a strawman villain of the character you hate for your favorite character to go against? Good job, you’ve made your favorite character appear entirely too stupid to deal with a well-developed character in conflict, and have made your favorite character 2D. Have a gold star). Your energy can be used elsewhere that isn't focused on hate. If you hate the character but aren’t creative enough to present them as anything but a strawman in your writing, don’t bother. Create an OC for your antagonist instead. Stop making canon characters so ridiculously OOC.
The real world is too filled with negativity to have it as part of a major focus in my fandom experience. It actually really, really bothers me that I cannot save a filter that automatically excludes all those anti tags as they haven’t been canonicalized on AO3. What perhaps bothers me even more is the number of kudos those hate-filled fics with incredibly OOC characters receive. The hypocrisy in this crowd is just astounding when you start pointing out the flaws in their favorite characters, too (FYI: All well-developed characters have flaws. I love Stephen Strange for his flaws. Before Stephen made his debut, Tony Stark was my favorite for similar reasons. It makes them INTERESTING).
Anyway, rant over.
6. What AU do you wish to write but feel like you won’t manage?
If I really really really want to write something, I'll write it. That said, there are things that I don't plan to write that I would adore reading (like that unfinished Stephen travels to the HP universe in Harry's fifth year fic ahhhhh I want that it would have made the 5th year so much better. Maybe if I bribe the original writer with fan art... wardmason you’re killing me).
7. Do you outline, or write as you go?
Depends. The outlines only tend to come into play for long stories with several scenes, and writing tends to happen first before outlining.
8. What has been your favorite story to write so far? Why?
Such hard questions! Uhhh I had great fun writing in my youth but I can barely remember it. Within this last year, uh... can I just say all of them? I've written about 100k in 6 months, I'm clearly enjoying myself here. I’ve had vibrant moments of delight in writing or planning several of them.
9. Do you prefer to write one-shots or multi-chapters? Why?
Both. Just depends on the story I want to tell and how long that story is saying it should be. I like posting a variety too; have one-shots coming out while I am working on the longer stories in the background.
10. What is your favorite kind of comment?
Oh those deep analytical ones that clearly took time to write. They're so lovely and really make my day. Every fanfic writer knows exactly what type of comment I am talking about.
11. Why did you start writing fanfiction? Why are you still writing?
I started because I had just seen the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie and I really liked the characters (before the sequels ruined them in various capacities) and I thought, "I should put them in Middle-earth!" 45 chapters and 7 years later that damn fic got completed (after dozens and dozens of rewrites as my writing abilities improved over the years).
Now, it's because I really enjoy writing and I like playing in copyrighted playgrounds with characters and worlds I love. Yeah, I could write an original novel, but it wouldn't be nearly as much fun.
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loki-subterfuge · 6 years
Author: lokilover9 Chapter: #20 Rating:Teen The morning following the storm, Shandi made her way to the kitchen and found a note next to the coffee maker from Loki. ‘I heard my unexpected absence yesterday, left you rather concerned. Should it reoccur, Kroshka suggested leaving you a horse tranquilizer. I opted for a note, instead. Currently, I'm inspecting the grounds for damages and forest debris from the storm. Tell me when you're ready to go. ;) Yours truly, Brat.’ She poured a bowl of Fruit Loops. “A horse tranquilizer? You're in deep doos doos, Natskies.” Loki's secret destination turned out to be a Mini Golf course and minus some amusing mishaps, the two quite enjoyed themselves. While returning to the car, he couldn't stop smirking and Shandi finally caved. “Okay, let's have it. I can tell you're ‘dying’ to comment.” “You're hilarious.” He laughed. “It was enough one ball struck the ass of a senior, then a second flew beyond the fence, but a third nearly decapitated a squirrel.” “Well..he shouldn't have sat atop the challenge marker. I thought the little twerp was part of it.” “Yes, but you were to aim the ball through it.” “Listen, I've a hard enough time seeing my feet, nevermind a tiny ball before them.” “Fair enough, but Norns you've a violent swing Lizzy. It's a good thing we weren't bowling. Imagine the carnage, then?” Before driving off, they received a call from Tony. “Hey guys. As it turns out, S.H.I.E.L.D didn't know of Shamus selling at the fair because the Antiques are owned by his son and common law wife. Their main shop is located in Jersey and ownership is under her name. With a fair happening there this weekend also, I'm guessing Shamus is selling here as a favor.” “Perfect timing.” Said Shandi. “You bet, Doll. On another note….” Shandi and Loki were elated to learn the couple were expecting. “Ahhh! Does this mean I get to play auntie? I'm going to spoil your little one, rotten!” “Maybe I'll postpone any shopping until this missions over.” Said Pepper. “Nat expressed the same.” “You must celebrate with some Asgardian Whiskey, Tin Man. Thor should still possess a few bottles.” “Not after the birthday incident.” Said Pepper. “He's forbidden to drink that, like you're forbidden to conjure him gifts, Loki.” “As you wish, Virginia.” “Yeah, see Cactus? You traumatized my girl.” The call ended and Loki chuckled. “I conjured him a blow up doll of the hulk, with breasts, a lacy bra and feathered butt plug.” Shandi rubbed her brow. “Oh my goddd. You're truly warped.” “Eh he he he.” Carters Bakery was busy when they arrived and Shandi went straight to the ladies room, in the basement. It had recently been renovated, given three new stalls, each fully private from floor to ceiling. While doing her business, she paid no mind to another who’d entered, until hearing an oddly familiar sound outside her door. “Hello? Who's there?” Footsteps quickly faded, after the entrance door closed and she carried on. Upstairs, Alice was behind the counter, aiding Mrs. Carter, Beth was working in the back and Loki patiently waited for Shandi at a two seater table. Focused on his phone, he hadn't seen Tanya enter until she purposely stood in his view. Clad with thick makeup, heavy perfume, a snug, cut off t and jeans so tight, they sported a camel toe, he thought her absurd. Especially when parking it on the opposite chair, with a sly grin. “Hello friend. Remember me?” “Can't say as I do.” He flatly replied. Her frustration due to insult, was hardly concealed behind a fake smile. “The grocery store?” “Oh..right. That seat is reserved for my wife. Would you mind?” Tanya pouted and twirled a lock of her hair. “Does she accompany you everywhere?” Loki replied, politely. “Not that it's any of your business, but I prefer it that way.” Ignoring his comment, she leaned onto the table, attempting to lure his gaze to her cleavage. “What a crime one so tantalizingly handsome would waste himself on only one.” He returned to his phone. “Your time would be better spent elsewhere. Good day.” Mrs. Carter then approached and customers lessened their chatter, when she plunked a bag down before Tanya. “These are what you came for, yes? Daddy's steak pies? Today, they're going on his tab. Now, be off.” A short, stout, woman, close in age to Alice, she carried an air of one you’d hesitate crossing, yet it was clear by her tone and demeanor, Tanya frequently indulged. With a smug glare, the young woman quietly left. Once out of sight, Mrs. Carter had no sooner introduced herself as Judy when a young girl came tugging on her mother's arm. “They're out of order and I really have to go.” “The washrooms?” Asked Judy. “No they aren't, Cassie.” “But, the sign said so.” “What sign?” “On the door and there's a lady inside asking for help.” Loki was downstairs in seconds and found Shandi trapped in her stall, by three large pieces of duct tape across the door. “What the fuck?” Magic quickly peeled them away and when she stepped out, sweaty and flustered, he was genuinely concerned. “Are you alright? How long have you been in there?” “Since we arrived.” She dabbed her face with a paper towel. “Why the hell would somebody do this?” Judy suddenly appeared, gasped at the scene, then scowled. “Because they aren't playing with a full deck. Good heavens girl, are you hurt at all?” “No.” Shandi replied. “Might I ask who you're referring to?” “Tanya. I heard you'd the misfortune of already meeting her?” Alice arrived and her mouth fell agape. “Unbelievable, she hasn't been back two weeks!” “You're surprised?” Asked Judy. “She must've come from doing a duct tape run for daddy, before coming for his dinner.” By this point, Shandi was visibly pissed and Loki gained her attention with a kiss to the temple. “Please Elizabeth, try hard not to let this upset yourself, or the baby?” He then addressed Judy. “Are you certain she's responsible?” “I'd bet my life on it, son.” “I still don't understand.” Said Shandi. “What was her intent and how was she aware I was down here?” “I'm guessing she saw you enter together, via the window, then watched yourself head downstairs. Her intent, was to access him.” Judy gestured towards Loki and Shandi stared up at him, subconsciously crossing her arms. “And did she?” Battling a smirk, he replied. “Briefly, but I was quick to dismiss her.” She relaxed again. “Oh...well okay then.” Cassie and her mother entered, so Loki excused himself to wait upstairs. When Alice followed, he asked if Tanya was prone to such behavior. “When learning you’d encountered her through Laura, Beth and I gave a subtle warning to Elizabeth, hoping not to raise needless concerns. In light of this, you need to be better informed.” Judy waited as Shandi washed her hands, apologized for the incident, then offered her and Loki free lunch, plus any other intended purchases. When Cassie was settled in a stall, her mother was introduced as Rachel and a short conversation began. “I gather princess evil has struck again?” “Unfortunately, yes.” Judy replied. Rachel shook her head. “Was that your husband, honey?” Shandi nodded. “Then you've a problem.” The stall reopened, all went quiet and Judy shot Rachel a reassuring wink. “You can always call Dahlia or I, if you need to.” “You're busy, Judy.” “It doesn't matter.” Rachel smiled. “Thanks.” The bakery was empty when Shandi returned and as Rachel and her daughter left, Loki insisted they accept Judys offer. She requested they remain until after she made a call, excused herself, then Beth nonchalantly locked the Bakery’s door and lit the closed sign. Once the couple were served and seated, the ladies retreated into the back and Shandi whispered. “Don't you find it odd we’re locked in?” “Apparently, Judy likes privacy for such calls.” “Huh?” At that moment, Judy's angered voice rang loud and clear through the walls. “GOD DAMMIT, SCOTT! SHE TRAPPED A PREGNANT WOMAN IN A BATHROOM STALL! YOU’VE HEARD FROM ENOUGH OF US WHAT SHE'S CAPABLE OF, GROW A DAMN SPINE AND STOP TURNING A BLIND EYE TO IT!” “Is she actually addressing the Chief of police, Tanya's father?” “Yes, Alice warned me of it.” “What? And you agreed to stick around? We can't risk him wanting to question us about this.” “OF COURSE THERE WERE NO WITNESSES, THERE NEVER IS! FROM NOW ON, COME FOR YOUR OWN PIES, SEND YOUR NEWEST ROOKIE OR HIRE A BLOODY COURIER! IF SHE STEPS ANOTHER FOOT IN MY BAKERY, I’M FILING TRESPASSING CHARGES, YA HEAR?” “Apparently, being questioned about today, will not occur. Tanya, however, may become a problem." “Why?” “According to Alice, she’s caused several divorces in this town, takes pride in such accomplishments and is known to be relentless in the pursuit of those she fancies.” “Are you implying she now fancies you? I mean no offense, but you only..met once.” Shandi recalled the immediate effect Loki had had on her and the thought of anyone else trying to win his affections, sparked unpredictable jealousy at a level she'd never experienced, until Tanya entered the picture. And of course being the God of Mischief, Loki couldn't help but tease, finding amusement in her reactions. “Do you not think it possible, she could?” “I never said that.” “It may be pure physical attraction.” “It's pure stupidity thinking you can boink a guy, buy taking the actions she did.” Loki cackled at her frown. “Boink? There's a way of putting it. Does that mean I'm, boink-able?” A smirk curled on his lips when she blushed. ‘Oh lord.’ “I'm hungry. Let's eat now, Clifford.” ‘I'm hungry too, Pet. Yet not for a sandwich.’ “Certainly.” Once Judy regained her calm, the women reappeared, sat at the next table and without hesitation, began speaking about Tanya. They revealed she'd been absent from town almost a year and always returned to Scott after a relationship elsewhere went sour, or they'd have a blow out of sorts, then he'd allow her back. Her daddy's weakness, she was spoiled to an atrocious degree and most in town, were reluctant to challenge her with Scotts position. They warned she's a master manipulator and liar, lacks empathy and respect, is highly charismatic and applies these talents along with her beauty, seeking out the hearts of unattainable men to appease her ego. Once realizing her charms have failed, or she's rejected after an affair, her talents are then used destroying her desires life, regardless of who else she hurts to succeed. Shandi was silent, thinking Tanya was indeed despicable, when Loki spoke up. “Has she ever been violent?” Alice and Beth looked to Shandi, as Judy responded. “Yes. That's why we're telling you all of this.”
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melancholy-queen · 7 years
i’m putting all of my thoughts about the series reign on this, i probably forgot a lot of shit, but thats okay. also I’m sorry if this is very long, i have lots of opinions. scroll past!
so im on season 3 episode 7 and here are my thoughts as of this moment:
- francis is everything but also he was so controlling of mary jfc
- nostradamus is really hot
- im sad for mary that francis is dead
- frary is endgame
- but i was totally down for bash and mary to get married
- conde was so hot. i miss him already
- i was not down for the whole cheating plot line with mary
- antoine needs to chill and stop being so vengeful
- kenna is a piece of shit, i mean stop self sabotaging yourself please for the love of god
- so apparently, kenna was masterbating on the staircase in the pilot? i thought she ran out of breath from walking up all those goddamn stairs (chill, this is a joke, but i still think it's funny that she couldn't wait to get to her room)
- henry was fucking gross from the minute he walked on screen
- did everyone forget about aylee?
- poor lola, she couldve been so much more
- on the topic of lola, where tf did john philippe go? like he hasn't been in the past few episodes
- bash is so great
- bash does no wrong, i love him
- i liked diane and i miss her
- leith is honestly the most tragic character in this whole show, i love him
- megan follows does such an amazing job, like she is such a good actress
- why tf couldn't greer marry leith? i guess im just not understanding
- they totally brushed off the whole incest thing between claude and bash, gross
- but also good for greer, she's a great madam
- i don't give any shits about lord narcissi
- i loveeee claude and leith, get married pls
- i really wanted mary and francis to have a child and i almost cried at the miscarriage
- charles is a dick, but also fuck me
- catherine de medici is the best thing to have graced this show, i mean fuck me up bitch ahhh
- poor mary! its so sad that she was raped. to me, the show handled the repercussions fairly well
- i liked the whole catherine going crazy plot line, i thought the writers did a good job with her emotions towards her children
- the end did not pay off though, like how did she get better?
- also, the crazy henry plot line was ass, but i liked it almost?
- i thought the francis killing henry was done very well, subtle, but not out of the blue. plus, you could go back and look at the clues in previous episodes to aid to the murder
and now these are my thoughts past season 3, episode 7 all the way to the end:
- yes i want some bdsm in this bitch fuck it up queen
- catherine and mary are so kinky hahahaahahha
- mary's pussy literally killed don carlos (jk)
- this is the best plot line on this show so far lmao
- i like it better when mary and catherine get along
- god i love princess claude
- i hate narcisse
- fuck narcisse
- even though claude's fucking stupid for writing that her mother poisoned her in her diary and not hiding the diary well, i still love her
- narcisse's secretary is hot in a lowkey kind of way
- also, his death scene was very unrealistic
- thank god lola is leaving, fuck narcisse
- i don't like elizabeth, but i guess im not supposed to
- why does claude have to fuck up leith like that? he's already traumatized by greer
- greer is honestly the secret mvp, what a good woman
- i am more invested in claude and leith's story then anything else in this entire show
- i feel so bad for dudley's wife, she didn't ask for this
- catherine is a sex queen and i stan her
- stubble leith is so hot
- adelaide kane is so fucking pretty goddamn
- honestly, fuck the prince of spain
- charles looks like mary and francis' child grown up tbh
- i have no investment in any of the england storyline
- why do none of the ladies in waiting get a normal marriage and life jeez louise
- narcisse can suck my dick
- im all for in charge charles
- i don't like gideon
- i have no investment in the elizabeth/dudley shep, but i still find it really sad
- god i hope that gideon doesn't stab mary in the back
- christophe is really creepy
- my inStiNctS weRe cOrRecT jEsuS ChrISt, christophe is insane
- gideon is also insane
- bash is perfect
- bash needs better sleuthing skills
- i fully support the lola and elizabeth friendship
- mary and gideon have no chemistry haha
- greer is so strong, i love her
- I’m so for greer and leith’s friendship
- jc not the bash love storyline again
- i totally forgot mary killed narcisse’s son
- wait at what point did mary meet her ladies??
- literally the only part in this show so far to make cry is when mary went back to defend catherine tbh
- idk why i feel sympathy for catherine
- if bash dies i will stop watching
- thank god
- elizabeth is honestly a better friend to lola than mary was
- charles is so dumb
- god why can’t he learn anything, obviously his friend was a traitor
- charles’ traitor friend is bobo nick jonas
- dark mary is my everything
- claude is her mother’s carbon copy
- the valois children have other siblings? where are they and why haven’t we heard of them?????
- munro is so hot
- bash is actually fucking insane
- why is charles so trustworthy?
- when did james become hot?
- mary is so great when she’s not needy and crying for a romance
- how does everyone just kill people so easily??? i can’t even get my blood drawn without wanting to throw up
- lola is HEARTLESS
- also troye sivan? i love it
- charles totally sucks
- wait what happened with the pagans in the blood woods?
- i cannot stand gideon and mary together
- i’m so sad for lola, she was such a good character
- dear god, this was the only death that i’m actually sad for (and this includes francis)
- i want more for john philippe
- knox is such a creep
- marys brother needs to stop
- i’m so down with seer bash you guys don’t even understand
- mary is wild omg i love this turn around
- when did james get so hot
- lola and francis’ child is so fucking cute omg
- charles’ mental breakdown is crazy
- ewwww gideon and mary are gross af
- I’m all for darnley
- poor claude honestly, but she is a saint
- if he hurts her, ill beat him up
- damn charles is a vampire
- leith deserved so much better
- i love him
- dude i don’t even give a shit about the other relationships in this show, leith and claude are the greatest
- poor leith, I’m so sad
- agatha’s death is so fucking depressing
- i love mary when she actually has a backbone
- yes motherfucker, murder darnley
- i have no sympathy for darnley’s true love dying, he’s so rude and deceiving
- i love the friendship between catherine and mary ahh
- i don’t know how i feel about greer and james
- where did lady kenna go?
- i like the juxtaposition between mary and francis’ wedding and mary and darnley’s wedding with the flowers and attendees and just overall feeling and how adelaide kane acted in it. you could tell that she truly loved francis but doesn’t love darnley and feels scared with him
- also the fact that mary doesn’t match with darnley’s outfits is an interesting choice
- the timeline on this show is very strange
- claude’s character development is beautiful
- the horny witch is my fav
- umm what she’s pregnant?
- nicole can suck my fucking ass fuck her stupid ass
- i wish the end wasn’t so abrupt tbh
- the last five minutes was so good, i teared up
- ugh now i feel empty inside and want to watch it again!!
ugh this show is so good, like insanely good. i feel like most of the time the characterization was wonderful. claude was my favorite, so its no surprise i like claude and leith the best. i didn’t like francis most of the time while he was alive but i missed his presence on the show. bash was an absolute gem. adelaide kane is so hot oml i died multiple times. i really enjoyed watching it!!!
rate: 9/10 archduchesses falling out of a window during sex (still my favorite part of the show)
favorite character: claude! queen catherine!! runner ups: bash, greer, leith, sometimes mary, elizabeth at the endish
favorite season: season 1!! can’t beat the drama!
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somemilanlove · 6 years
BoBo’s Gravy
Day 3 & I’m def behind for most of the day. Despite being up early  I spent my morning looking for a good body shop that isn’t backed up for months due to the oil boom out here. Demarcus’ truck is leaking oil and it’s up to me to find someone to find out why. I am planning to remake the gravy for dinner. It just wasn’t as good as I know it could have been so I’ve got myself mentally ready, Besides, we still have biscuits and I don’t know what else to do with them.
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Demarcus always helps by sending the kids off in the morning. I’ve fallen back into  a night owl routine & fit in uninterrupted work hours. Anyway he hasn’t sent any extra biscuits with the kids like I had hoped he would.
Anyway the day goes by so much faster than I expected, I fit in a few good pockets of work between the “let me check under the hoods” and googling where else to go, but I didn’t get enough done. I’ve made a pact with myself that no work will be done when the kids are home. So as soon as the school kids are home I won’t be on my phone at all until they are in bedtime mode. It’s’ hard for me to do that esp. this week when I’m hosting a behind the scenes look at what a virtual online coach does.. ugh.
Idk if I mentioned but this year my goal is to help 5 women every month learn how to earn an extra $1000 a month, part time. It’s a huge undertaking and I’m def under pressure because a leadership role for me has always been scary. It’s one way to be able to push yourself to achieve big things, but to lead others and help them stick to their goals well not so easy for me.  I’ve always been the quiet one in the group or room, who never spoke up, just remained unnoticed. Leading, as I’m finding out isn’t telling people what to do, per say, it’s more of a teaching thing. You show what you’re doing and set an example. They can follow it or tweak it as long as they find something that works for them and still gets them the results we both want.
As soon as the kids get home I start whipping up the BoBos Gravy (where do these names come from anyway?). The recipe was so simple that I remembered exactly what I needed and how much, the only difference this time is that I’m working with raw Jimmy Dean sausage. This way I get more of the fat reserves from the sausage.
Without dragging out a simple gravy recipe I’ll say that it went really well. I followed the recipe exactly as it was and it came out perfect. The kids were not as excited this time around to have it for dinner.
I really don’t have much to say about the food today or feel inspired to share very much in a hopeful light. . I’m tired more than anything and have of ton of mundane mom duties to get to tonight. To add to it Demarcus and I had a huge argument about how his expensive taste in cars were consuming unnecessary money. I’m not usually one to fight about money these days. Especially since I know it comes and goes.
I think maybe it has to do with the fact that I didn’t have money growing up. We grew up poor with a single mom, usually getting things from salvation army and Goodwill. We never had fancy cars, brand name clothes, and almost always shared a room with one of my four siblings. As long as I had clothes on my back, food in the fridge & people that loved me back I was happy I’ve never cared for flashy or fancy things, but experiences.
DOING things is what I would spend any $$ amount on. To me spending 90K on a car is absurd unless it’s going to pay you back in a way other than getting you from point A to point B.
Earlier this year we traded in my car in to get another. I almost feel embarrassed to say the words traded in. As if its something poor people do. And now in writing that I guess I do have some sense of significance when I own nicer things. My husband had traded his brand new Chevy Silverado in for a more “useful truck”. An F250 Diesel- lightly used and costing twice as much as the other, the year before & I was still sour about it. The repairs on a Diesel are outrages and finding someone to do the work out here, in the middle of a boom? Damned near impossible!
Nevertheless we traded my car in since he would not be giving his baby away. I thought it would be a good way for us to trip the fat off of our spending & get ahead. Makes sense. A one Chevy Suburban for a Jeep Cherokee. We traded in one car only to wreck it 6 days later. Totalled. I hadn’t even received our plates yet. Don’t worry we were ok, but the deer Demarcus hit on our way to Big Bend National park didn’t make it.
We(I) decided to take this as a sign for us to use the extra money to pay off debt and get ahead on other bills like the house payment. (well I decided and spent the next 30 days convincing Demarcus it was in our best interest) That lasted all but 6 months. He just couldn’t keep sharing his truck, he won’t openly admit it but the evidence of 4 kids in he PRIZE truck was/is too much for him to handle.
I gave in, tired of hearing him complain about crumbs and the miles I was putting on his truck,  and agreed to choose a car, nothing new, and something that would fit all my babies. I didn’t want new because that would automatically come with a high payment and I had ZERO interest in paying interest for the next 5 years.
I found a fully loaded GMC SUV of sorts, nice enough for Demarcus to agree & big enough to lug my kids and all their things in. Mileage was so so, and it was made in the USA.  It was priced around 11-12K so totally affordable, which made me happy.  I thought this is the one, but nope. Demarcus had other ideas.
Long story short we ended up with a 2008 Land Rover. I know what you’re thinking. Who would complain about a Land Rover? ME.
Not only was it not what I had picked out, it was a year older, with more miles and foreign. Despite every I came up with to convince him this was NOT the one, that’s what I ended up with.
Buying a used car is a gamble as it is, but anytime you add a label to it becomes an expensive gamble. Not even a few week in I had to pay for an oil change.
$500!! We live in a small West Texas town with 1 person to do repairs on this thing. A few days later, turns out I need 2 new tires. “You can’t replace just 1 of the tires ma’am, because of the suspension sensors on this thing.” its a special made car, $600. We still hadn’t made the $300 car payment on this thing and I was out 1K!! FML.
A few weeks later --check Engine light -- catalytic converter. $440 a piece (it has two). A repair my husband pretended was optional and could wait. Now my “mom car” sits under the carport awaiting an $3000 repair factoring in labor.
So yesterday as I drove around desperately trying to find a Diesel mechanic with time to get the oil leak fixed in his truck I lost it. I tried to explain to him that it’s not the money, or the fact that a car needs repairs. I am fully aware of the fact older cars need repairs & that with maintenance a vehicle will last longer. What I was so upset about is that we were paying high end prices for these repairs. I’ve owned 4 other cars in my life time one used and 2 new so I totally get it!
My Nissan cube had the same issue with catalytic converter a few years back & it cost a fraction of the price to repair.
My husband is the kind of man who wants physical proof of how hard he works, big house, big truck, big guns. Maybe to compensate for the things he didn’t have growing up. idk , but Not me. It baffles him that I don’t “ooo” and “ahhh” at the fancy cars. He is totally confused how I could turn down the change to drive such a “classy car” and why I wasn’t happy when he got this car for me.
So that was it. Our huge battle over paying too much for basic things had me under stress. I was tired. Not inspired in anyway to make my mark on the world and certainly not any closer to finding my purpose as I poured extra creamy gravy over soft flakey biscuits and thick bits of sausage.
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Maybe tomorrow’s recipe will bring me more luck.
0 notes
Hikaru no Go: Heian Gensou Ibunroku Translation - Scene 2
Scene 1 | Scene 3 | Scene 4
This is a long one, with a lot of exposition, and a lot of familiar faces. I won’t be including video footage this time, since apparently outside links make Tumblr posts unsearchable and I suspect that’s why the previous scene only has two notes, but if you’d like to see it for yourself, go on YouTube and search “ヒカルの碁 平安幻想異聞録”.
But as always, I have included visual descriptions in my translation. Also, if anyone finds my blog theme too difficult to read, just shoot me a message and I’ll send you the google docs link instead!
DISCLAIMER: This is not a 100% word-for-word translation. I’m not totally fluent in Japanese, so there are some things I just couldn’t fully grasp, and I also revised some dialogue to sound more natural in English. I hope that even if it may not be the most accurate translation possible, it’s at least entertaining. 
[Hikaru and Sai arrive at the palace in Heian-kyo. The background is an open-air corridor with nobody around.]
It’s the palace! Haven’t been here in a while.
Do you not come here very often?
It’s not really a place where a police chief like me can come and go as he likes, you know? So cool… This place feels like a whole other world compared to the city. All the nobles spend every day of their lives here, don’t they? Must be fun…
...It isn’t, really. Everything always has to be strict and formal here.
...Is it. You did say before that you were expelled from court. Does it bring up bad memories?
Not really… I just like the city better, that’s all.
[Move to a different area of the palace.]
I’ve brought Fujiwara no Sai-dono.
[Ashiwara, referred to only as “nobleman”, enters the scene.]
I’ve been waiting for you. Come, come, this way.
Doesn’t this way lead to the emperor’s quarters? Are we in the wrong place?
No, this is right.
...Sai, just what were you summoned for?
Your guess is as good as mine. Only one way to find out. Come, let’s go.
[Enter a room with several tables.]
Well then, please wait here for a moment.
The emperor’s quarters… In all my life, I never thought a police chief like me would get to see this place… Aah, I’m starting to get nervous…
I don’t think we were summoned for anything bad. So there’s no need to be nervous, is there?
But still…
[Akira enters the scene.]
Thank you for waiting. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the onmyouji*, Kamo no Akira. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
(*T/N - An onmyouji is a sort of priest in traditional Japanese spiritualism. Quoth Wikipedia: “Onmyōji were specialists in magic and divination. Their court responsibilities ranged from tasks such as keeping track of the calendar, to mystical duties such as divination and protection of the capital from evil spirits. They could divine auspicious or harmful influences in the earth, and were instrumental in the moving of capitals. It is said that an onmyōji could also summon and control shikigami.” TL;DR, Akira’s position here is something of a combination diviner, priest, spellcaster, and exorcist. Pretty cool!)
(Onmyouji! The city uses guys like this to get rid of the yokai.) (More than that, it’s Kamo no Akira! Even I’ve heard of him, he’s the most talented onmyouji in the capital!) (...But what’s he doing here? Sai and the onmyouji… Do they have some sort of connection?)
[Touya Kouyou enters the scene.]
I hope you weren’t kept waiting too long.
Huh? Huuuh?! (Fu… Fujiwara no Kouyou-sama?!) (The esteemed noble?! Why such a high-ranking person?!)
Something wrong?
N-no, it’s nothing! (First Kamo no Akira, now Fujiwara no Kouyou-sama.) (J-just who the hell is this Sai guy anyway?!)
I apologize for the trouble, Konoe no Hikaru.
Now then, the reason I have summoned Sai-dono here… I have a request for the great go master.
(Huh..?! “Go master”?) (Getting a request specifically from Fujiwara no Kouyou-sama…) (...I had no idea Sai was that good at go…)
Now then, Kamo-kun.
Right. Everyone, this way, please.
Does that include me?
Naturally. This does concern your job, as well.
[Enter a new room. The room is small and dark, with several elaborate screens and furniture pieces. In the center is a table with something flat, square, and glowing blue hovering over the table.]
It’s so… dark in here. Hm? Something’s glowing..?
[The background changes to a closeup of a thin, glowing blue go board with several concentric circles in the middle, and various kanji written all over the board.]
A-a floating go board?! And glowing, too!
At first glance, this may seem like a strange go board, but it is in fact a powerful divining board.
Di… Divining board? You use this for fortune telling? (A go board that floats in midair… I really don’t get what sort of things onmyouji use…) (But what’s with this weird feeling I get from it..?) (...That’s it, it’s those black stones!)
[Cut to an overhead view of the board.]
Sai-dono. Look at this game. If you were playing it, where would you place the next move?
What a spectacular move… Being able to understand the logic behind these moves, and look at them for the first time… It truly is wonderful.
Sai. There’s nothing but black stones here, what are you talking about?
… Hikaru
...He can’t hear me at all. He’s totally focused on the board.
Basically, on this go board, in spaces where white or black stones could go, Black stones are placed regardless. You have to imagine where the white stones would be, based on the progression of the game.
Hmm… I don’t really get it at all. Can Sai understand this?
[Sai points to a spot on the board (or more accurately, a fan-shaped cursor hovers near it). The point is G-11 in English go terms.]
The next move is… Here, I believe.
[A black stone is placed at the indicated point.]
This is where a yokai appeared and attacked several people yesterday.
...As I thought, I’m not just imagining things after all.
Huh? What do you mean?
Excuse me. Could you explain this to me in a little more detail?
This divining board represents the capital city. The gridlines represent the roads. The area with no lines* is the palace.
(*T/N - I’m not 100% certain, but I think he’s referring to a 5x5 square at the middle of the top edge of the board where the gridlines are not as dark.)
And the black stones represent places where yokai have appeared.
I think this is where we’re hearing about the yokai outbreaks. [Uncertain translation] There have been repeated occurrences of strange damage, the likes of which has never been seen up until now And so, as Kamo-kun and the onmyouji of the court have discovered, It seems the yokai are creating a puzzle through go.
And that’s… what’s on this go board…
[The background changes from the closeup of the board to the room again.]
Yes. But the reasons are unknown. We don’t know what their purpose is... Either way, it’s pointless unless we can catch a yokai…
Can’t we just all band together and grab ‘em? What’s the problem?
Yokai only appear for a very short time. That’s why nobody has been able to catch one. Even if all the police officers and onmyouji in the capital came together, I doubt we’d be able to do it.
So then, where the next move will be… In other words, where the yokai will strike next. I assume your plan is to guess the next move, and prepare an ambush there.
Indeed. This is a crucial stage. We need you, Sai-dono, to figure out the next move where the yokai will appear tonight.
You want… me to?
Go, whether old or new, is ever-changing. The one who can manage it... I thought it absolutely necessary to find a player like you, who can see beyond standard joseki. (T/N - I actually don’t really know what he said here. I kinda made that up a bit.)
So that is why I was brought here…
(Awesome…) (To be relied on like that by Kouyou-sama… Sai’s just too amazing!) (I thought he was no ordinary noble, sure, but this completely changes my opinion of him.)
When we catch the yokai, Sai-dono will be reinstated into the court… And… I will recommend you to the emperor as a go instructor. So what do you say?
This is your chance, Sai! The emperor’s go teacher! What better job could a go player ask for? ...Huh? Aren’t you happy?
… To live at the palace, after all this time…
To tell the truth, we are not the only ones trying to capture yokai.
What? Who else is there?
Zama no Nagafusa-sama, a gentleman competing for the same position as Fujiwara no Kouyou-sama. Like Sai-dono and myself, I believe Zama-sama may also be employing onmyouji and go players. I wouldn’t… say we’re ahead of them. We must be careful that they do not become a problem for us.
Sai … So in other words, the nobility are using the extermination of yokai as a means of displaying their political power… So that’s how it is...
Hm… That’s harsh. But it can’t be denied. But I firmly believe that there is no player more suited to this task than Sai-dono. Please cooperate with us. Above all, this is so that all those residing in the capital may live in peace.
Sai-dono. The fact remains, I feel we are close to capturing yokai. But before we can, we need you to figure out the next move. So… Where do you read it?
[The background changes to the overhead shot of the board again.]
… Here.
[A black stone is placed at C-11.]
[The background once again returns to the room, and Zama, Kurata, and the emperor’s other go teacher from canon Sai’s backstory enter the scene.]
Hoh, so this is the Sai-dono I’ve been hearing rumors about? He’s so thin. Is it really ok to recommend two different people?
Ahhh, I get it. You’re so fat, you’ve got no reason to worry.
(T/N - I really don’t know what they mean here..? Like, my translation’s not wrong, I just have no clue what they’re talking about.)
Hey. Compared to me, the great onmyouji Kurata no Masutaka, you’re… Pretty rude, you know? And anyway, what’s the likes of you doing here at the palace, officer?
I’m doing an important job!
Kurata-san, that’s Konoe no Hikaru. He’s acting as Sai-dono’s escort.
He gets an escort? Must have some impressive power. Maybe he really can exterminate the yokai.
(What’s with this guy? ...Whose side is he on, anyway?)
And that person there is..?
Sugawara no Akitada-dono.
Someone who teaches go on the streets does not deserve to be compared to his talent.
Town, palace, whatever! A go player is a go player! What difference does it make?
To have free access to the palace, one must be refined and elegant. So that I may teach go to the nobility, I am always refining my skills. To work with someone who delights in playing go in the company of commoners would be an embarrassment to me.
What’d you say?!
Now, now. Come on, Sugawara-dono, give us the next move.
...Here, I say.
It’s a different move from Sai’s… Which one is correct?
It’ll be fun to see who kills a monster first. Now then, if you’ll excuse us, I believe we have an appointment with a yokai.
Zama-sama. Don’t you think your teasing is just a tiny bit uncalled for?
You think so? Well then, I’ll have to be more careful from now on. Ha ha ha ha!
[Zama, Kurata, and Sugawara leave the room.]
What’s with those guys?! They’re so stuck up!
Everyone knows that Fujiwara-sama and Zama-sama are political rivals… They want to find the correct places to destroy yokai, so that they may be even one step ahead of each other.
(T/N - Again, don’t really know what he said here…)
Hmph! That’s so dumb! So this is nothing more than a political competition, is it? Sounds like they don’t care about the city at all!
Hikaru. You’re saying that right in front of Fujiwara no Kouyou-sama…
Oh… Sorry.
It’s alright. You have nothing to worry about. You are correct.
Sai-dono, Konoe… Originally, this assignment was given to me directly from the emperor. Be it with Fujiwara no Kouyou-sama, or Sai-dono. You were summoned here only because it is necessary to eradicate the yokai. I need you to believe that much, at least.
Sai-dono. Is this move correct?
Yes. With this move…
Then let’s go to that location. So that we may stop the yokai.
Hey, what’s my job? Am I supposed to destroy the yokai?
Sealing them away is my job, but… I would like your help as well. Above all else, you are to protect Sai-dono’s life. That is your most important duty.
Got it. Leave it to me!
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disarmingly · 7 years
fanfic asks (part 1 is here! feel free to send the other numbers tho at this point i lost track im sorry lmfdslfjdskfdskfdlsjl)
2 [ things that motivate you ]
i think this is likely true of most people who make things for public consumption and that's honestly…when people respond to something we make? whether it's a comment or the notes on your bookmark or a message or an ask or a dm on twitter or anything just saying 'hey i read this i liked it' or something in the same vein (more or less a nice thing is a nice thing!) i touched on this with the last set in number 27's answer on the last set.... where i refer to kindnesses as a currency. to be clearer, i write fic to explore ideas for personalities i am already in love with whether characters from an era or canon images or, more likely, a hybridization of the two (plus extrapolations) and also stories/theories that appeal to me but also MEAN a lot to me and in doing so i hope will mean something to others. i write it to connect (i am a broken record but it's what it is isn't it ^^) and sort of see if the way that i think and process can in fact be translated to other people. to see that it can, here and there, is immeasurably important to me. 
i have always wanted to be one of those people who can self-motivate but i find more and more that the truth is i very much look to other peoples' approval and responses, and perhaps that will always be the case, which i suppose means i have to just keep working harder and honing the art as best i can -- give or take. i hold comments close, asks, messages, all of that. i screencap them because i'm afraid the eternal internet will fail me ^^;;; and sometimes people remove t hei r bookmarks or whatnot so like…um i'm glad i screencapped them ^^;;; and there was one twitter convo where the nice thing they said was so far back i couldn't see it anymore ;_; so lol i'm glad i screencapped that too….a-and now u all know i am crazy T////T hahikesduiojklefdsiojk OTL s-seriously though. have i said before i think sometimes people have a natural baseline? i said it in 'below zero' but outside of that i mean…so a good thing a tangible thing when i am below zero (often) ends up being…many things to me. i'm grateful even if i fail to fully harness people's generosity to the extent i ought to.
5 [ since how long do you write? ]
mmm…since i stopped drawing entirely so like hum… /squints/ /rubs chin/ /rubs head/ ahhh like i guess i really started wholly focusing and shifted from visual to verbal in my last year of middle school! ^^;;/ but i wrote fiction primarily at the time because i had a dream of writing a book that would stay with people the way my favorite books have stayed with me. weirdly i am only now able to write narrative for fanfic and otherwise all my original writing is poetry…which is significantly less relatable for people and has such an unforgiving set of standards that i mostly have lost hope for making my way in that area, though i still produce material.
9 [ do you set yourself deadlines? ]
mmm not hard deadlines. i can't trick myself that way per se. but i can trick myself by being like mini deadlines so a paragraph a morning or something of that ilk? i'm very flow-by-flow so hard deadlines are just lolololololol however, i do have friends who work very well within the stricter parameters of a due date; basically your mileage may vary, but for me it works best to say: try to have something complete by the end of a 30 day period, and then to adjust along the way i.e. i clearly won't have this done by 30 days at least get the first draft done. etc. OTL i'm so wishy washy ;_;
36 [ one-shot or multi-chaptered story? ]
NERVOUS LAUGHTER RUBS MY EYES uiojrlekfsdiok i do better when i do one-shots i am like shudders at my multi-chapter ideas but fall down lightly began more as a vignette series and oops got a narrative in real time my MISTAKE because i know everything that happens but have basically made myself so nervous about it i've been staring at the next real chapter for five thousand years. it just doesn't seem good enough ;_; lololol so for the sake of not releasing something that is a waste of time for other people to look at i….haven't. it's a verse i love and i want to complete because I KNOW HOW IT ENDS LMFALKFJD and even what happens along the way but like lololol /stares at my hands unhappily/ ljldskjfs ah well anyway though one-shot i do trust myself more with. because when it's done/posted? it's done. barring revisions ^^;; (and typos T_T;;;)
39 [ do you want to be published some day? ]
the dream ;_; ah. i don't delude myself thinking i could ever make money doing what is most important to me…poetry is not largely a money making facet of the writing industry and even the ones that are real jobs aren't very um…whatchacallit um……huh….productive money wise? not that that should be my focus but i always dreamt if i made a lot of money i could give people lots of things and stuff…which…i always wanted to do… 
._.;;; i digress. but like to get poetry published would be nice. to be accepted a little in that way would be nice. but even honestly if i started releasing it online and people liked it that would be enough for me at this point. i had a teacher who once said to me: your real strength lies in essay writing, you should change your track. and it has been hurting me ever since haha. i don't like writing essays. i HATE it. same goes for journalism. all of which i avoided despite being told 'it's what you're good at'….i …is it weird to say poetry is what i love even if i don't love my own writing? i want my writing to be better and i'll try to keep doing it regardless but that really…ah it's funny how one thing can be a shadow isn't it? long answer OTL I apologize ;_; but like…so yes. i would love it. it feels impossible but … it would be….it would be nice.
42 [ do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind? ]
i do both. it depends on the story. sometimes it is literally both for one story and sometimes i run out the gate with the exactitudes and it is what i think it will be (mostly). save me was a combination. follow was precisely as i planned it and so was sidereal. fall down lightly i know the exacts of what happens but not how i want to convey them so there's that. this time around i knew exactly. time and again i had all down in notes so i do know what happens but again not how i verbalize. call and answer was PAINSTAKINGLY planned help me lmdlskfdsj…..as was so far away. dearly beloved was a moment, begin was inspired and stream of consciousness -- as was one thing and balancing act. ;; i'm not very one or the other i suppose…. T////T
44 [ do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it? ]
like 42 i am both. it depends. i wrote save me as you read it but i literally hop around time within it so i'm not sure if question means that or if i write it all out linearly first??? in which case no??? but only because weirdly if i plan to hop around in time for a story it's best if i do so in real-time as i write it or i lose the rhythm i wanted to actualize for the story's feeling and resolution/end-point. i have notes all of the time too about things i haven't paragraphed out so like…if that is part of the answer….
47 [ how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time? ]
o_o;;;; w-well my drafts folder is divided into two parts -- one is complete drafts that need looking at again and one is unfinished works entirely, if you want the final headcount of both it's lolololol
rest in pieces me….
._. nowaskmehowmanyaresugakookie lmfdslkjfs no don't. mostofthem. andsomenamkook. lolololol…….helpme…
as with the first asks, thank you for reading. thanks for talking to me and taking an interest. i feel boring and anxious and very sporadic and like too weird/???? like really awkward lame???? but i do like talking about writing...even if i feel...also rambling rambling rambling.....granted these were shorter bc i wanted to do them before i had to run ^^;;;  if any of them need elaboration i can be clearer!!! a-anyway /shoves paper bag over my own head/ …./w-waves gratefully as scurries to the train!!!!…..
also gosh i might've taken too long but …butterfly anon….your message…has been helping me survive this week…ah…i replied longer to your message in a previous post but like.../mentions again…. T_T;;; it's been really….hard…haha…so thank you t_t
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