#Someone tell me they got the bat joke pls
roosterr · 1 year
white flag ✹ ch 4
note: i had to rewrite this chapter TWICE. im sick of it so pls enjoy. also forgot to mention on here that I have been away this week on a little holiday. didn't stop me writing tho lol.
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pairing: ghost x gn!reader
wc: 2.3k
no use of y/n
readers callsign is 'stingray'
summary: while you're gone on a mission, ghost has time to ponder your relationship, and comes to a long awaited realisation
warnings: ghost's pov, mentions of blood and injury, lil bit of angst
【prev】 || 【next】
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ghost never knew how to feel about you.
at first, he really did hate you; you were the bright-eyed new recruit with seemingly endless optimism, he simply couldn't help but be annoyed by you. honestly, he half expected you to tap out a week into the job. you were just so… normal, he found it hard to believe you were cut out for this line of work.
of course, he trusted price's decision to hire you, and deep down ghost knew he wouldn't have recruited you if he didn't think you could handle it, but he looked down on you anyway. it didn't matter how good price thought you were, you'd have to earn ghost's respect.
it was infuriating, the way you fit so easily into the dynamic of the team. they all liked you right off the bat, even the captain, who was notoriously hard to impress. he observed you from afar, watching how you easily broke down their walls and fell into place next to them like it was nothing.
if he was honest with himself, he might have even called it jealousy. it seemed that everything was so natural to you; everything that he struggled with, you did with such ease you made it look like child's play. he especially hated the way you could just be a person. you didn't lock up every time someone spoke to you, you didn't need to sit with a visual on every available exit, and you didn't need to analyse every person you met in the fear that the second you turn your back they'll stab you in it.
you pissed him off, but what was worse than anything else about you, is that ghost had to fight with himself not to like you too.
it was the first time he got sent on an assignment with you that he began to understand why everyone seemed to get along with you so well. the ruthless efficiency with which you did your job was almost shocking to see. he couldn't have predicted how well the two of you worked together; like a well oiled machine, by the end of the mission he didn't even need to communicate verbally, you could just tell what his next move would be.
he finally understood why price fought so hard to get you on the one-four-one – and he finally found it in himself to respect you.
but that didn't change the way he felt about you beyond the field. you were soft, too kind, and too optimistic, you weren't hardened by the job like him. so he went out of his way to be tougher on you than he was with the others, and he rationalised it by telling himself he was helping you; that without a little toughening up, this world would break you, and for some reason, he couldn't stand the thought of that.
when you started to resent him back, it made his stomach feel heavy in a way he'd never felt before. it was new, and uncomfortable, and it scared him. he wasn't sure when he first noticed it, but it only got worse when he came to the realisation that you didn't care for him like you did for gaz and soap.
you could joke around so easily with them, but you go quiet when he enters the room. you never meet his eyes, and make sure to never be physical with him. when he addresses you over comms, you answer with a quick 'yes sir' and that's the end of it. ghost would never admit it, but the distance between you hurt – even if it was by design. 
as he lay awake that night, he thought about what it would be like if you treated him the same way you treated the others. he couldn't stop the tiny smile that pulled at his lips as he imagined laughing with you, sitting next to you, touching you.
he imagined you, taking his calloused hand into your own, so gentle and kind like you always were, and the way his pulse skyrocketed scared him into staying up the rest of the night.
after that, the way he saw you changed. where he used to think you were soft – and therefore weak – instead he saw the way you chose to be kind. when once your constant jokes with the others was an inability to take things seriously, now it was your specialty way to keep up morale, and ghost actually found himself chuckling at a few of your quips.
it was like his entire perspective had shifted, everything about you that used to annoy him gradually became something he appreciated about you.
it took him a while, but he finally came to the conclusion that he… liked you. 
but it was bittersweet, because he already knew you didn't want him, and he doubted you ever would. you'd never see him in the same light, he'd ruined his chances before he even knew he wanted one.
maybe it was for the best, though. you deserved better, someone who would treat you right, someone normal. he already knew you didn't want him, and he could never blame you for that. people like you don't fall in love with people like him, that's just the way it is.
so he resigns himself to burying the feelings he harbours for you. you never had to find out, if you did you'd surely be disgusted by someone like him being interested in you. he couldn't handle rejection like that, not from you.
when price told him he'd have to take you in when your house burned down, he was fucking terrified. it shook him to his core, how much he liked the idea of the two of you living under the same roof. he did his best to avoid you, leave you in peace like he assumed you wanted; but you – wonderful, kind you – wouldn't just leave him to his misery.
you were being nice to him, and he couldn't figure out why. he assumed it was because he was doing you a favour by letting you stay with him; he couldn't even trick himself into believing that you might be doing it because you liked him.
every night, he'd go back to that fantasy of existing with you, by your side instead of at arm's length. you were so close, just a single door separating you, his hands started sweating every time he passed by the living room.
he knew he was a goner the morning you woke up before him. he'd scarcely ever seen you in a casual setting, but walking into the kitchen and being greeted by you sitting at the table, the domesticity of it all hit him like a bullet to the chest.
it was exactly what he wanted, and it scared the shit out of him, so he panicked. he needed to stay away from you, for your own good, so he did what the ghost does best.
he ran away.
he didn't even consider what you'd think, he just had to get away, before he said something he'd end up regretting.
when you came through the door, soaking wet, and laid into him – which he knew he deserved – he immediately regretted leaving you behind. seeing you cry, knowing it was because of him, it made him feel sick. he knew he never wanted you to feel that heartache again, especially if it was because of him.
he'd give anything to start again with you, go back to the beginning and do it all right this time, but the only thing he could do was try and make up for what he'd put you through.
the hot chocolate was a peace offering; he knew you loved it – he even knew about the stash you had of it hidden in price's office, away from the other soldiers. he half expected you to just tell him to piss off, but when you accepted it, he felt his heart soar.
it ignited a spark of hope within him. more than anything, he just wanted you to like him, it didn't matter if you never saw him the way he wanted you to.
he intended on waking you up the next evening, before he left for the pub, but when he saw how peaceful you looked while you slept, he couldn't bring himself to disturb you. 
you stayed with gaz and soap most of the night, and he spent the night watching you from the bar and dimly lit corners, assuring himself that you were okay. when it came time to drag you home with him, he had never been so nervous. taking care of people was the exact opposite of his strong suit, especially when they started crying at him.
he almost couldn't believe his ears when you said you liked him.
he'd dragged you home with an arm wrapped around your waist, his head feeling light as a feather. by all accounts, he should've been annoyed at having to look after you in your inebriated state, but he found himself smiling under his mask the whole way home – even when you almost threw up on him.
when you rested your head on his shoulder on the bathroom floor, he might've actually short-circuited. all thoughts except for you evacuated his mind, and a wonderfully warm feeling blossomed in his chest that made his stomach flutter like never before.
he came so close to spilling his guts to you, but then he remembered that you were drunk, and you most likely wouldn't remember it if he did. so he resigned himself to tucking you into bed with an uncharacteristically gentle touch.
the next day, sitting on that park bench with you, laughing with you like he'd wanted to for so long – it was everything to him. it sent his pulse through the roof, it was complicated, and it was so pleasantly warm.
the logical part of him knew that this would only end painfully for him, but found himself willing to risk that if it meant more of these moments with you.
but of course, he'd fucked it all up at the first opportunity. he'd screamed in your face and he had yet to even apologise for it – for any of it. he felt immeasurably guilty, but he was so scared he couldn't even force himself to be around you.
even price had yelled at him for how he'd treated you. you were traumatised, you had a very real phobia as a result of the house fire, and he felt like a fucking fool for not noticing. he swore to himself he'd make it up to you, he'd grovel at your feet for the rest of his life if he had to, and if you never forgave him he still wouldn't blame you.
he regretted it – of course he did. he let his fear consume him; the fear of you getting hurt, of losing you, and not being able to do anything to save you.
almost as soon as the words had passed his lips, he realised what he was doing, he heard himself. the anger in his voice, the fearful look in your eyes as they glistened with tears, it was everything he didn't want to be.
he felt just like his–
no. he refused to even entertain that thought. he'd never be… that. you deserved so, so much better than the broken husk of man that he was. no matter what he did, he would never deserve you; and it was selfish, but he still hoped that you could somehow forgive him.
it's only been a few days since you left on that assignment for laswell, but he's found that being alone in his house didn't bring him the same comfort it used to. the silence never bothered him before, in fact he greatly preferred it, but now it just felt empty. like there was something missing, leaving a hole in the space it used to occupy.
deep down, the rational part of simon knows that it's you, of course it is, but you wanted nothing to do with him right now. he knew he had to fix things, he would never get over the hollow feeling in his chest if he didn't. that's why he was currently standing at the edge of the runway in the middle of the night, watching the ramp of the helo lower to reveal you, gaz, and the captain.
you looked shattered, like you hadn't slept for days – which was probably true – and he was suddenly overcome with the urge to gather you into his arms and not let go. he wondered if the remnants of dried blood that were visible on your hands and face were yours.
he felt his heart rate pick up as you made your way closer to him, his icy stare softening when he sees how you drag your feet across the tarmac.
when you were close enough, he reached his hand out to grasp your arm, opening his mouth to speak, but he never makes contact.
you sidestep him, and he feels his heart break in his chest. any words he was planning on saying die on his tongue as he turns to watch you slip through the doors without a hint of acknowledgement to him.
price gives him a rough pat on the shoulder as he and gaz pass by. "fix it, simon." he murmurs, before disappearing through the doors as well, leaving him alone outside the building.
he will fix it – he'd do whatever it takes because simon doesn't just need you, he's come to the alarming conclusion that he loves you – he just has no idea how.
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taglist p1: @sofasoap , @siilvan , @mockerycrow , @i-love-ghost , @projectdreamwalker , @achelois-is-here , @adamsloverboy , @thatchickwiththecamera , @chickensandwich69 , @batmanunicorns523 , @tiny-kasper , @dezibou , @pampeop , @cumbermovels , @goth-boi-atlas , @berryjuicyy , @guiltgoreglory , @postmodernrevolutionist , @untoldshortsofthefandoms , @delilah-grimes , @sunflowerqueen1416 , @luvssemma , @ghostslittlegf , @imonmykneessir , @kenz-ee , @eistro-phobia , @rzmarona , @alanalanalanalanalanna ,
@cathnoneofyourbusiness , @madsothree , @geisterfvhrer , @lazyninjaphilosopher , @aliilium , @koi-feish , @chaoticgoblindev , @clear-your-mind-and-dream , @thrivig-n-jiving , @lesterous , @glitterypirateduck , @slu77ym4nw415ts , @livelaugh-light , @trulylavendedarling , @stateofcatatonia , @rivalriotrenegade , @yoichiislovie , @nirvanaaaonly , @ameliaamareeee , @batmanunicorns523 , @sapientiia , @thesecretwriter , @susanmukami , @ryze1113 , @stars-andfreckles , @spya1 , @tunaa-luvchrm , @tzutology , @kuruksenshi
if your name is crossed out, i can't tag you for whatever reason, sorry! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
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auspicioustidings · 10 months
Fixer Upper
Summary: Request for some fluffy established relationship PricexReaderxSoap for @bunnyreaper (pls be advised I am working through my ask box and the next one is this throuple but horny :D)
Words: 1.3k
“It's a fixer upper love!”
It was the first thing John had said to you when you had emerged from the trees and seen the cottage that was now yours and he was not lying. The place was falling apart.
“Och come on bunny, going tae have tae see the vision!”
Ah, Johnny could always read your face and right now your scepticism must be written all over it. He used bunny when he wanted to wind you up a little. The first time you and the two of them had really sat down and spoken about your relationship, turned it into something formal, he had joked you were their barracks bunny. John had laughed but smacked him upside the head for that.
“Sure thing Sergeant John, let me just get my rose tinted glasses. Now where did I put those things?”
He stuck his tongue out at you. You had your own nickname ready to wind him up. Usually you'd differentiate by calling him Johnny but if he was misbehaving then you differentiated by rank. John always liked that though, even if he did tell you in private all the time how Johnny would definitely make Captain one day and take over the 141 so he could retire and just have fat babies with you.
“Come on love, Captain John will take you through it” John laughed, scooping you up easily into his arms with Johnny rolling his eyes.
“Traitor, bonnie wee bunny bats her eyelashes and it's all Captain John this and Captain John that.”
Still, John placated him by leaning over with you still in his arms and planting a kiss to the side of his head. God you loved when they were soft and tender with one another. Even before you were all together you had loved just watching how they took care of one another. It was a solid sort of affection, the kind that had become instinct to them over conscious effort.
They both fell into an easy rhythm around one another when you crossed the threshold (twice you crossed it because Johnny had watched John carry you like a bride over it and then stolen you to do the same before you were finally put down). John would point out something to be fixed and how to fix it, Johnny would wax poetic about what it would be like when done.
It took you two rooms before you couldn't help but see it, could not resist getting drawn into their warm excitement. You joined in even, arguing with Johnny over where the Christmas tree would go, going on tip toes to give John kisses when he agreed he would teach you how to tile properly so you could help with his vision for the kitchen.
You knew them and you knew they'd want to do it all themselves, but they were away so often and it was so important that when they got home they actually had downtime. Of course they disagreed, but they had come to learn that while on the field they took care of everyone, here in the peaceful warmth of home it was you who took care of them. So they grumbled and sat down with you to go over tradespeople who you could bring in to help. You only had to smack John once when he refused someone on the basis that they had an attractive sounding name and he wasn't about to let their bunny wind up in a porn plot. Honestly it was probably the best you could have hoped for.
The soft glow of the lights made your cottage seem like something out of a cosy dream. It had taken time and effort and love but here you were with the perfect home all ready for the holidays.
There was a soft festive tune playing as John danced with you, holding you close with your head tucked into him. Johnny had braved the snow to walk down to the village and post your cards for the rest of their team. Well partially, mostly he was probably going in to say hi to all the old dears so they could fuss over him as always. You and John always teased him for being their favourite, but it was sweet to watch.
“I love you” you sighed against him, no reason for the words really other than knowing it made him smile to hear them.
“I know, everybody loves me, it's the beard I think.”
You laughed and leaned back, giving him a light tap on the nose in chastisement.
“That'll be it John, if you ever shave I'm out of here.”
“I love you too, more than I could ever put into words.”
Sometimes you couldn't believe you were so content, but softly being kissed by one of the men you loved in the home you had made together made everything just feel right.
“I spoke with Kate.”
You tilted your head at him, encouraging him to continue. It was always a struggle to try and not worry whenever he said something like that. Were they getting shipped out again? Was something dangerous coming?
“This is my last Christmas in active duty love” he said, smiling fondly at the tears already forming in your eyes. “Not told Soap yet, but I've recommended him for Captain. Simon is pushing for it too, don't think he'd accept anyone else as his CO.”
You knew it was always what John had wanted, for Johnny to take over. He spoke with you about it sometimes, explained how it would be tricky moving him from Sergeant to Captain, but with the Lieutenant backing him it would work.
It always seemed such a far off thing and now here it was, less than a year away. You were definitely crying, so happy for him and for Johnny and for yourself.
“Let's do a winter wedding.”
“You- you're supposed to propose first!” you half laughed, half sobbed.
He chuckled at the sorry state you found yourself in and smothered your face in kisses as he apologised for going about it all wrong. You heard the door open and turned to see Johnny shaking off the dusting of snow that had settled on him. He took in the situation and grinned, coming barrelling over to crush both you and John in a hug even though he was cold and wet from outside.
“Cannae believe it, ye went and asked her to marry ye without me here didn't ye?”
“Don't worry Soap, you'll get your turn. Got something to ask you later as well.”
Something about the fact it was clear they had discussed marriage before made you sob even harder, ugly crying about how happy it all made you.
“Love you bunny, love you Captain.”
You got to watch a few months later when John finally told Johnny about the promotion, all confirmed with the higher ups. You got to cry all over again when John actually did get down on one knee in the summer, proposing properly. Johnny had proposed not 2 days later.
You did have a winter wedding right in your garden. They bound your hands together in a strip of tartan cloth as you declared that this was forever. Gaz got drunk and wound up giving Farah the raunchiest lap dance you had ever seen. Simon deadpanned that it was allergies anytime someone tried to tease him for crying during the ceremony.
John retired from active duty before Christmas as promised. As Johnny kissed you both goodbye and left to go lead his team to save the world once again he only laughed when you flustered horribly at his parting words.
“Mind and get started on those fat bairnies while I'm gone, cannae wait tae meet them.”
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transdimensional-void · 3 months
my headcanons for trans!myne:
urano's past-life memories are awakened within amab myne
myne decides that because of his body and because his family only knows him as a boy, he should just think of himself as a boy
keeps unintentionally slipping into feminine language because it feels more natural. myne assumes this is because urano used feminine japanese and it's just a bad habit he needs to overcome.
struggles more than he expected to switch over to masculine language but manages to force himself to eventually. however, it takes constant work, and he can't understand why. he’s in a boy’s body now, so shouldn’t it be easier?
lutz notices his occasional slips into feminine language and asks about it. myne claims he's just doing it as a joke, but lutz remains suspicious.
myne doesn't even realize that she exclusively uses feminine language within her internal monologue.
tells his mom that he doesn't want to cut his hair just yet because he wants to try a longer style. he's seen men with ponytails so feels it's still masculine enough and doesn't dig too deep into why he wants it longer. he's already invented rinsham at this point, so his family just accepts that he's got some weird obsession with his hair.
lutz notices the longer, shiny, nice-smelling hair and compliments him on it. myne feels confused happiness and then realizes that being complimented by a boy makes him all flustered. oh no! could he be gay? what even is this society's attitude toward gay people?
tries asking around about gay people and generally gets an answer like, "everyone's gotta marry and have kids, don't they?" which doesn't really answer the question he's trying to ask, which is "if i'm gay, will that get me in trouble?" eventually, effa's like, "myne, you'll have to marry and have kids someday, but you and lutz can still be close if you want to be," and myne gets so flustered he stops asking questions.
lutz confronts myne about not being the real myne. myne confesses that he used to be someone else. lutz asks whether the person he was before myne was a woman. myne says yes, and lutz nods as if that makes sense. for some reason, myne feels really relieved, but that's probably just because lutz isn't going to tell anyone, right?
one day when left home alone, myne decides to try on the baptismal dress effa's been making for tuuli "just out of curiosity." she cries because it looks so nice on her.
the same thing happens with the hairpin they make for tuuli. she's starting to suspect this being a boy thing isn't working out exactly how she expected.
when effa starts working on myne's baptismal outfit, she decides she at least has to try. she tells her mom that she wants to wear a dress to her baptism instead of pants and a shirt. effa nods, smiles, and agrees to sew myne a dress for everyday use as well. myne is shocked. she never suspected that it would be that easy. effa laughs and explains that sometimes that just happens. jurgenschmidt society is fine with trans people, as long as they fulfill their societally-assigned gender roles.
no one bats an eye when myne starts wearing a dress and using feminine language. she finally feels like she's really at home in this world.
fast forward to myne staying the winter at the temple after becoming a blue shrine maiden. it's her first morning in the temple, and she gets summoned to ferdinand's chambers. he takes her into his hidden room, and she prepares for a lecture, but he just sighs and says, "you should have told me when you first entered the temple that your body was different." and myne is like, "huh? different? oh, right." because she genuinely forgets a lot of the time that she has a penis, so much so that ferdinand didn't even question her being a woman in her past life when he looked into her memories. she realizes delia must have noticed when giving her a bath last night and reported it. she tries to apologize, but ferdie just waves her to silence while tapping his temple. "i will need to rethink my plans for your future," he says, and myne's like, "uhhhhhhh, what?" but he doesn't elaborate, and after asking her a few questions about her life as a commoner, he sends her back to her rooms.
it isn't until later, when ferdinand explains to her that she will likely need to marry a noble someday, that she understands what he meant about his plans for her future. ferdinand explains that she will need to marry a man who is capable of bearing her children or have a mistress on the side to provide children for her. myne starts desperately thinking of ways to avoid either of these fates.
fast forward to myne starting to attend the RA. during her return to ehrenfest for the dedication ritual, ferdinand takes her into his hidden room and introduces her to the potions she will begin taking once she is sufficiently recovered from her time in the jureve that her body begins growing again. "potions? like the ultra-nasty rejuvenation potions?" but he shakes his head. "no, these potions are to help you develop the type of body you want." and then he explains that as she grows, she can use these potions to control whether or not her voice changes, she grows facial hair, she grows boobs, etc. myne immediately makes a grab for the titty potion but ferdinand slaps her hand away and reminds her she's still recovering from her time in the jureve.
hartmut and lieseleta both become experts in mixing the potions to help myne manage her body's changes through puberty, and she finally begins using them during her third year when her thinned mana allows her body to begin growing again. she's just sad that ferdinand isn't there to celebrate this moment with her.
when lestilaut tries to woo her at the tea party, she reveals that she is incapable of having his children, but he immediately brushes that concern aside with a, "i don't want you for your ability to produce children. that's not where your value lies." she internally clicks her tongue that the ace up her sleeve turned out to be useless.
during her fourth year, in the garden of beginnings, as anvachs begins to grow her body, she desperately reminds the gods that she's a girl and she wants a girly body with huge titties. when she's finally done growing, erwaermen explains that anvachs was so excited about making her look like mestionora, he hadn't even heard her request. myne gets a chill thinking about how close the gods came to fucking up her entire transition.
after rescuing ferdinand, myne is baffled when various people who know she's trans, starting with hannelore, start suggesting that she marry ferdinand. "it might be a political marriage, but i'm not interested in having a mistress on the side!"
it isn't until she rushes back to ehrenfest's castle to warn ferdinand that people are trying to marry them to one another that ferdinand casually drops the bombshell, "my body is different too, rozemyne."
yeah, that's right this is also a trans!ferdinand AU ha ha bet you never saw that one coming XD
anyway, everyone's fine with myne and ferdie becoming a couple since they're t4t and the two of them laugh all the way into the sunset with their happy qpr marriage
the end
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sagemoderocklee · 6 months
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
startin out rlly swingin' ok... well lotta rlly shit takes out there so it's hard to pick just one. i def dont have any screenshots of anything... pickin' one at random is just like anyone callin Neji horrible or abusive for kickin the crap outta Hinata in their match in the prelims of the Chuunins. like 1. designated match; 2. she was literally goading him about his literally enslavement????????? like anyone who wanna cop for hinata is already someone imma side eye cause for all that she goes through from her dad she never actually suffers from the caste system itself and being 12 doesnt excuse her goading him when she knows damn well what shes doin; 3. the girl would not stop cause of stupid ass naruto, so like yeah she got her ass beat and then everyone and their mother jumped in to protect her but only Gai stepped in to keep Gaara from straight up killing Lee like the double standards. like pls tell me you have no concept of slavery without telling me you got no concept of it... prolly watch movies about white women in the south during the civil war and empathize with them too cause their husband or dad beat them
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
i dont know if there is a character i started to hate causa fandom? like i keep to myself and to my focus, and i generally like what i like and dislike what i dislike on its own merit. genuinely i cant think of a single character where im like yeah the fandom has made me despise them. like if i hated a character, i already hated them.
i think if there was anything i could say i developed a hatred for because of the fandom itd be like n*r*gaa but i still like hate that ship on my own too.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
rlly swingin' a bat i havent swung in a minute but or*ch*m*r* is not a trans icon. he's a homophobic and transmisogynistic caricature and tme ppl are quick to disregard that and deny whats textual about this character's preying on children because it doesnt impact them. lack of critical engagement from fandoms has rlly done a number on the way ppl view this character because back in the day we all knew what was up with him re sasuke and didnt need our hands held to know he a predator in multiple ways and that is rooted in the aforemented -phobic caricature-ness. ppl do the same shit with like bugs bunny where it's like no this character was not a queer icon, this character was doin this shit as a joke and ppl need to learn how to differentiate harmful shit from the shit that's in good fun/genuine
and lord if someone tries to send me anon hate about this like they used to just kno you wastin your breath cause i aint gonna give you the time of day
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little-robin-bird · 1 year
A Robin Story
Chapter 4 a Red Rose for a Lovely Lady
After lunch we went home. I told Duke I needed to talk with him. "Duke, I need your help." I said as Duke looked over to me. "With what?" "I know this is going to sound crazy but I thought you could help me. I need to talk with Batman and I don't know how but maybe you may know because it's important." I said to Duke. "I have a couple of questions. 1. Why do you need to talk to Batman and 2. What is the game plan?" Duke asked. "It's hard to explain but I think there is someone who works at Wayne Enterprise with no good intentions. You know that bat Symbol that Lights up every night, do you know we're it comes from?" I said. "From the Gotham's police department, why?"Duke asked.
"What if we go there at night and ask to use the light?" I said. "I know it would be a dumb idea but I need to speak with him." I said. "You're joking, they're not just going to let anybody use the bat single for no reason." He said. "But there is a reason, and If I don't do something fast then someone may get hurt! Pls Duke I can't do this alone." I said. Duke looked at me, "I got a better Idea, I know a person who can get in contact with Batman tell me where and he'll be there." Duke said. That night I waited in the Abandoned apartment where I used to live. I Wait on the rooftop. 30 minutes have passed. There was no Batman. But there was Alarm that went off. It sounds like one of the jewelry stores. Maybe I could see Batman there. I ran down the street and made a left turn and stopped at the Jewelry stores. The police haven't shown up yet. Neither did Batman the doors of the jewelry store were broken into. I walked in the dark jewelry store. I remember I had a flashlight with me and turned it on. I looked around looking for clues. There was a Diamond ring that was stolen. The person who was here also smashed into the casing there was blood on the broken glass. He or she must have cut themselves when breaking the glass. I grabbed the broken glass and put it in a plastic bag. "Please tell me you're not the one who robbed the jewelry store." I looked behind me and saw Batman "no of course not I was here looking for you." I said, trying not to point the flashlight in his face. "So, you wanted to talk to me?" Batman said. "Yes, my name is Alex Wilson. I'm one of Bruce Wayne's adopted daughters. I was at Wayne Enterprise today and I met one of the Engineers but he was also a Scientist or something like that. He has 9 Robin's in a cage but the birds didn't look happy but Before I left I picked up a Piece of paper. It said, "Whistler, I think he's going to do something with the birds." I said to Batman, also Startled by the police sirens. The police have Finally arrived, one of the police cars Commissioner Gordon walked out. He walked over to us. "Hello Batman, is This the thief who robbed the jewelry store or?" Commissioner Gordon asked. "No, she is here to help." Wall Batman and Commissioner Gordon talked, I looked around.
I looked at the door of the jewelry store and there was a piece of fabric that was bright orange. "Hey I found something!" I said holding the piece of fabric. I gave Batman the piece of glass with blood on it as well as the fabric. "I found that they may help us find the person who did it." I said.
I found it very strange that he or she just took the diamond ring and nothing else so it couldn't be any normal villain or crook.
I looked at the ground and saw a trail of blood. I looked at the blood and followed It.
I followed it to a flower shop. The door was opened a bit so I walked inside. I shined my flashlight and saw someone. "Hello?" I said pointing the flashlight at the person hiding behind a bouquet of flowers. He peeked his head out like a child that was filled with curiosity. "You're the one who took the ring. You cut your hand on the glass. I want to help you." I said as I walked closer to him. "I just want to help." I said. He slowly walked over to me. He looked my age, He was wearing a jester's outfit the color ware Purple and bright Orange, he had green hair. His skin was very pale and he had hazel eyes. "What is your name?" I said. "I'm The jester." He bows like he was bowing to some queen.
"Can I see your hand?" I asked, at first he did want to give me his hand, maybe because of the pain when he hit his hand on the glass.
I told him I would never hurt him and I wanted to help him. He finally gave me his hand.
I looked at his hand and there were Multiple cuts on his hand. It didn't look like he needed stitches but it needed to be disinfected and bandaged up. I walked to the counter of the flower shop and behind the counter was a first aid kit. I took the first aid kit and walked over to him. I gestured to him to sit next to me. He sat down and gave me his hand. "This may hurt a bit." I took the cotton ball and put rubbing alcohol on the cotton. When I put the cotton ball on his hand he yelled in panic. "YOU LIE TO ME, YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T WANT TO HURT ME!" Hr said with Tears running down his face, I didn't understand why he lasted out like that, but then it hit me. He must have been born on the street. There are different tips for homeless people but he must have been living on the streets since birth. That is why he didn't understand. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." I hole up the bottle. "This is rubbing alcohol, it helps clean the cuts on your hand, then pain will go away soon." I said. He looked at his hand and walked back to me and sat down and gave me his hand again. I disinfected the cuts and bandaged the cuts. I got up and put the first aid kit back where I found it. He looked at me with joy in his eyes.
"Oh thank you! You're a miracle of wonders!" He said as he hugged me. He picked a rose off a bouquet of roses and kneeled and gave me the rose. "A Perfectly beautiful rose for a perfectly beautiful girl!" He said. I didn't know what to think. "Thank you." I said. He also gave me the ring as well.
"Until you meet again, miracle of wonders. Oh and before I go." He said, kissing my cheek and then he ran away. "Did he just kiss me!" I said to myself. I looked at the ring and the Diamond wasn't there. "Dang it." I said. I walked back to the jewelry store where Batman and Commissioner Gordon were still there. I gave Batman the ring. "I found the Person who stole it." I said. "Are you ok?" Batman said, looking at the ring.
"Yea, I'm fine." Puting the rose that The Jester gave me in my pocket. "The Diamond is missing." Batman said. "Yea, he took the Diamond." I said. When The investigation was over one of the police officers drove me home. I thanked him and went home. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup and filled it with water. I walked to my room and put the red rose in the cup and placed it near my window. I wonder who The Jester was, and If he is someone I could trust.
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nanbaka-82 · 3 years
You should tell me all your hypmic crack theories
Oh. my. GOD
- Dice wanders into ‘Bukuro accidentally (He was on a gamble spree at night, went drunk, took the wrong trains, ain’t got shit for money to get back to Shibuya), he tried calling Ramu and Gents but they decided to “After a lot of very very very important talking with Gentaro! Your gamble punishment is to spend a day with no money in ’Bukuro! Okay have fun byeee~”
- So yeah our piece of shit was basically cockblocked for a while
- After a few hours of groaning on the streets, he walks into one of these do it yourself lunch stops
- I’m not exactly sure what they’re called but they’re like a simple restaurant where you get whatever food and drink combo you want from the stalls then pay later
- Anyway this man found a wallet in the park and took literally a few bills, not enough to hurt anyone and not enough for him to thrive (stealing is fucking bad don’t ever take this advice EVER)
- He was so hungry he instantly hit the first place with food which of course happened to be the restaurant thing I talked about
- Dice goes in and realizes he can get a small meal and drink, the meals have a line by them and he WONT wait his stomach is eating itself goddamnit
- So he jumps to the what looks like it’s semi empty drinks stop
- But apparently it’s out of order for shortage of cups as the staff get them from the storage, there were even two particular ravenette and red-head standing by and waiting
- But, Dice gave zero shits
- Man literally goes to the cola machines, puts his mouth over two taps, and fucking opens the drinks full power
- The cola went out his nose he can’t fucking stop the taps if he takes his mouth off he’ll make a mess and his brain cell can’t think of what to do he can’t breath HELP HIM
- When Dice thinks he’s kissing life goodbye someone suddenly turns off the taps before someone else grabs him and slaps his back multiple times as a gesture to (try) and assist him
- Advice: Don’t ever do that that only leaves the person‘s back in tatters
- 5 mins later Dice breathes again, two people are laughing their asses off, and the place’s manager is furious
- “Dude what the FUCK was THAT BWAHAHAHA”
- Laughs Kuko as Dice gets scolded by a few staff members
- “I TOLD YA! No wonder Ramuda chose HIM“
- Replies Ichiro, wiping some cola off while laughing along
- Anyway, 2 minutes tops and all three are kicked out.
- “Sorry guys I really—Oh shit! You’re Ichiro Yamada and Kuko Harai!”
- Dice’s mind is in knots
- But he’s quickly brought back to reality with Kuko’s laugh and Ichiro’s chuckle
- After clearing things up, Dice explained he was in ‘Bukuro cus his ass was broke
- Kuko and Ichiro would offer him a ride home, but he’d say he wants to spend the rest of the day in this city
- They will hit all the snack shacks (due to Dice’s pleas)
- They’re laughing, having so much fun
- “Then Gentaro kicked me out”
- Any way Kuko accidentally gave Dice a half hour lesson on not stealing
- And Ichiro joins in with the “If you ever do return it later” till Kuko scolds them both
- They’ve had so many slushies oh fuck they’re gonna piss themselves
- They head to Ichi’s for the night, sleep over time bitch, it’s this homeless man’s lucky fucking day
- Jiro and Saburo howl when they first see Dice walk through the fucking door
- “Dontcha sweat it! He has good taste in slushies!”
- Says Kuko slinging his arm on Dice who is just taken back by this adorable little family (insert Arisugawa angst)
- Any way they hole up in Ichiro’s room and play Mario Karts, eat chips, and talk about stupid shit till they pass out on the floor
- Sorry I got carried away I love this too much
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haijmei · 2 years
next in line 
you thought that suna had reciprocated his feelings towards you, until a game of truth or dare had told you otherwise. so, the one next in line gets his turn: miya atsumu.
ʚ suna rintaro x reader + miya atsumu x reader | college!au | 3.9k words
warning: alcohol, mentions of sleeping with someone, suna breaking our hearts
author’s note: EVERYONE !! thank y’all so much for the love y’all gave my last drabble! i was so surprised and wondered where everyone came from. we have over 200 notes on it !! please give some love to this work too pls !! <33 i’ll be writing a part 2 to this soon!
(p.s: i was inspired from picka: 30 days to love! this is inspired by me being upset over the partner game around day 20 😭)
(part 2: amendments)
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“hey! we’re playing truth or dare here! anyone interested, come through!”
a few bodies had moved from their previous spot, others had moved away from where the voice had come from.
a few familiar faces sat in the little living space near the front door. lots of the members from the college’s volleyball team were there too, including atsumu and suna. bokuto was there too, along with some unrecognizable faces. 
staring at the circle, you didn’t catch the ball of orange running behind you and ushering you into the space. 
“h-hey wait!” you stood your ground, feeting dragging every other step yet the sheer force of his running and pushing behind you stood a chance against your movements.
behind your ear, you hear hinata’s laugh as he was pushing you along. “come on, y/n! it’ll be fun! trust!”
you sighed, knowing that the only outcome to this situation was to play along. and played along you did, sitting right beside bokuto and hinata, you sandwiched between them. 
“hey y/n! how’s it going?” a roaring voice across from where you sat called out to you. staring up, you locked eyes with atsumu who was clearly already drunk from the amount of alcohol he had earlier and the glow of red on his cheeks, maybe from the alcohol or just the extra smiling he’d been doing the whole time. sat next to him was suna who was uninterested and on his phone with one hand, a bottle of beer in the other.
atsumu was one of your good friends and the one you got close to the quickest due to his extroverted personality. he was someone you could rely on, and him the same, with you always talking about everything from the one girl you hate in one of your lecture halls, to your crush on suna.
“hi, atsumu. i’m good. i’d ask how you are but i think i can tell,” you joked. he had smiled back at you with a much wider grin and chuckled before waving his arm around and shushing the group.
“alright guys, let’s get this thing started. hopefully all of you know what to do.” atsumu grabbed an empty beer bottle from his side and set it in the middle. “i’ll spin this, whoever the bottle lands on must answer truth or dare. pass a truth or dare, you have to drink!” from that announcement the crowd got a bit rowdier. claps and hollers circled around you before atsumu took the clear bottle and spun it.
the first round landed on an unfamiliar person, who decided to go for a dare right off the bat. he was forced to lick the underside of someone’s shoe, much to his dismay.
the second round had landed on yaku, who you knew to be someone on the volleyball team. he was given a truth to answer, which was to answer when the last time he slept with someone was. denying to respond, he had taken a shot and everybody moved onto the next victim.
a few rounds passed. several disgusting dares and shocking truths came out until the bottle had finally landed on you.
atsumu had stared up at you. “ah, miss y/n, truth or dare?”
“i’ll go with truth.” 
he smiled before he responded. “is it true that you’re still madly in love with suna?”
your mouth went agape. out of all things, he asked you this question? this was embarrassing for you, especially when he was sitting in front of you. plus when his name was mentioned, he had stopped staring at his phone and stared at atsumu before staring back at you with a questionable but upset gaze. 
suna and you had some history back then. you had found yourself knees deep in your crush towards him when you told yourself you wouldn’t find any romantic interest for the guy. yet, there you were, with your lies embodied in you. 
he had actually reciprocated the flirting that you had done with him, to the point where all your friends and even the team had wanted a happy ending for the two of you. he even took you out on a date, kissed you, did so much of the stereotypical romantic stuff that you were absolutely swooning over him. however, you just choose to keep your gigantic crush on him on the low.
“atsumu, really?” you groaned, but the others around you had been hyped from such a scandalous question. you quickly took the bottle of alcohol from the middle and poured yourself a shot straight into your mouth. sounds of disappointment surrounded you.
the bottle spun a few times, with even more truths and dares being given out. some players quit due to their alcohol limits being reached, and some were still left. including you, atsumu, and suna.
the bottle spun once more, taking a while to stop until its momentum slowed down and stopped right in front of suna.
“hey! i got one for suna when he answers!” a player shouted. something bubbled in your gut. not from the alcohol, but from the bad feeling you had gotten from the voice. it felt like it had mal intentions. 
“okay. i’ll uh, go with truth this time,” suna adjusted his position on the floor before looking at the onlooker. 
“are your feelings for y/n real?” this time, the crowd was rowdier than ever before. those outside the game came to see the drama going on, and all eyes were on the two of you now.
you glanced at suna before hiding your gaze to the floor. to be honest, you never knew where his intentions with you were. he had a hunch about your infatuation with him, but none of you really ever acted on it, only going for occasional flirting and the one kiss you shared. nothing more. but this question had certainly caught your attention.
suna stared out a little before he glanced towards you. he looked back at the ground before he spoke his mind.
“no, they were never there.”
saying that the silence was so loud you could hear a pin drop was a wildly low understatement. the silence was so loud that you could hear your own heart break. atsumu had embarrassed you first until suna had completely obliterated you. you were so embarrassed, you wanted to die. be swallowed up by the earth. have a plane crash into the house. everything but face the repercussions of the truth suna spat out.
there you sat, frozen solid. you stared at him back onto his phone, scrolling through who the hell knows. what he didn’t know was the amount of sheer shame he brought you. all you could do was sit there for the longest time and hold back your tears and onto your broken heart.
beside you, hinata had broken the silence first. “h-hey, suna, don’t you think that was a little too much?” from his question, all suna could say was one simple word:
and that broke you. you stood up and nonchalantly walked out the front door. you just wanted to get out of there, forget everything that happened tonight, cry yourself to sleep. you hated what suna did to you tonight, and you don’t think you’d have it in you to forgive him if he had the pride to apologize.
you were already out the door and a block away. behind you, you heard the heavy steps of running and heavy breathing. you came to a stop before turning and seeing the blond setter coming towards your way.
“atsumu? what are you doing here, go back to your party. i’m going home.”
out of breath, he took a moment to respond, hands on his knees trying to slow his breathing down. “can’t… go alone… walk with… you…” 
you put a hand on his shoulder for reassurance. “no, it’s okay tsumu, i’ll be okay.”
“no it’s too dark… rather walk you home myself…” atsumu slowly caught his breath. he stood up normally before looking down at your worried stare. 
“if you’re sure, then i’m okay with it.” you continued walking before he jogged up to you, standing on the side closest to the street.
“i forgot to apologize.”
you stared at the twin. his gaze was facing forward, face molded with his serious face. 
“for what, tsumu?” you questioned.
“i kind of brought up the whole suna thing. that was me being drunk. i’m sorry that it snowballed from there.” he looked down at you and smiled with a sheepish grin. you couldn’t help but to smile back, looking down at the ground before you while you two kept walking.
“it’s okay. really, i promise. no one really expected things to go this way. i’m just upset at suna i guess. he led me on this whole time.” you pouted. atsumu could see the disappointment in your face. oh how he wished he could be the one to turn your frown upside down.
he sighed before speaking up once again. “well, y/n. at least you know his true character. i’d say you dodged a nuke back there,” he joked with you.
you laughed back. “you’re right, but it’s hard to not forget about him, especially in my case where i was attached to him by the strongest glue imaginable.” 
atsumu had hummed to that statement and the conversation soon turned silent, the clacking of your heels and his steps the only sound around for you two to hear. not before long, you returned back to your campus dorm, where he stood at the entrance.
“well, guess we’re here huh? text me when you get inside. and text me if you need anything, okay?” atsumu had asked you, and you told him that there was nothing to be worried about before walking inside to your dorm.
but to his experience, one who says there’s nothing to be worried about is usually the one that you should be definitely worried about. 
for the next couple days, you stayed cooped up in your dorms. you hadn’t bothered to go to class or even open your computer. noticing your absence, atsumu decided to check in with you.
in your dorm, you laid underneath your blankets scrolling through social media before your phone buzzed and atsumu’s picture came up on your phone. you answered his call after a few seconds.
“y/n? how are you? i haven’t seen you since… you know.”
“i’m okay, really, don’t worry about me,” you let out a breathy laugh. you spoke in a tone that would hopefully convince him of your wellbeing.
but he wasn’t buying it.
“hm, okay. just checking in on you, bye!” he spoke before quickly hanging up on you. you thought nothing of it, tossing your phone to the side and taking a quick nap.
atsumu had hung up, but he decided that enough was enough and he had to go see you. he walked at a rushed pace all the way to your dorm and put in your door code. once inside, he took the elevator up to your floor, then walked out and straight to your door.
three knocks were heard. 
“who is it?”
you were met with silence. the knocks were heard again, at a quicker pace. 
you walked up and out of your bed and the knocks were even louder and much more frantic. you trudged to the door, and opened it to see none other than atsumu behind the wood.
“why are you knocking at my door?” you questioned him. you looked like a mess, but you didn’t care.
“i know you’re not okay,” atsumu breathed out. he noticed how pale you were, your eyebags grew more prominent, and your whole attire was unlike what you usually wore. you were more, put together, to describe it. yet here you were, looking like the total opposite of put together.
“i told you, i’m perfectly fine,” you grumbled. you walked back to your bed, letting atsumu in who shut the door behind him. your room was much worse— the whole room was dark, save from your screen on your phone. your trash can had been filled to the brim with tissues and junk food, clothes piled on the floor. you were normally such a neat freak too, but from looking at your state of your being and your room, he could obviously tell how much the situation at the party affected you.
he sat back on the edge of the bed, looking at you typing on your phone before going back to sleeping. he felt bad about everything, but more than anything he felt bad about suna saying that about you too. he wanted his friend to feel better.
“do you wanna go on a date?” atsumu spoke out loud. he had asked without hesitation and out of the blue, which definitely shocked the both of you.
you sat up from where you laid, looking at him in confusion. you were glad the room was dark though, because he would’ve seen how much your words had an affect on you. but maybe he could tell from the tone of your voice when you wondered about his question.
“i mean, as friends of course. but i wanna take you out, forget about that jerk. you deserve better, and you gotta get over him before you can find someone new.” atsumu had stopped looking at you from that point on, opting to stare down on your bed and playing with the fabric of your blanket that poked out. 
you thought about his words for a second. it would definitely be a great distraction, but you still had a crush on suna. it wouldn’t be so soon as to where you can find someone else. but, it would be fun to go on a date with atsumu for a day.
“okay.” he looked up from what he was doing, finding you gazing at him.
“yes really,” you smiled. he gave you a gentle smile back.
“okay, is tomorrow too soon? at 6?”
“no, i’ll be good then.”
atsumu smiled widely, hopping out from where he sat. “alright, guess my mission here’s complete! guess i’m outta here.”
“w-wait is that all you came here for? to ask me on a date?” 
the blond turned around once again and smiled at you. “no, my plan was to make you feel better again. seeing you genuinely smile today means i did my part. but we still have that date, so hopefully i’ll make you happy again!” he walked out but not before waving you goodbye and shutting the door on his way out. that miya may be the death of you, but at least he made living fun.
the next day, you had wallowed in self pity all day up until an hour before your date. atsumu had planned to pick you up later in the day, but you still had no clue on what to wear even minutes before he said he’d come.
with great timing, he had texted you asking if you still wanted to go on that date.
[yes, i’m still down. but what am i supposed to wear? i’m not exactly aware of date attire or anything.]
he texted back, telling you to wear something warm and casual, so you opted for a warm top and comfortable bottoms, making sure you’d be warm at this hour of the evening. 
[i’m here.] he texted you half an hour later. you walked out of your dorm and went down to the first floor. you walked out of the building to see atsumu wearing slacks and a hoodie layered by his volleyball letterman. he had been leaning on the brick wall, before noticing you and walking up to you.
“hey! you look good, y/n.” you smiled up at him.
“this was just something i put on. it’s nothing fancy or anything,” you spoke. atsumu laughed at your humble attitude.
“you still look good anyways. oh, and here,” he pulled out a bouquet of pink flowers. it was absolutely beautiful and smelled amazing.
“atsumu! you didn’t have to.” you flustered over the sudden gift. he patted your head before saying that this was a date, you deserve some flowers on a date.
he walked you to his car, but not before opening your door to let you in and closing it behind you. he circled around the hood to get into the driver’s side.
you buckled in and settled the flowers on your lap. “so, where are we going tonight?”
he started the car, then started driving out of the campus. “i got two things in mind that you’ll hopefully love. but it’s a surprise, so you’ll know when we get there.”
you groaned and he laughed. the rest of the car ride was some banter between the two of you while his playlist of your shared music was on a low volume before you arrived at some unknown location.
“where are we?” you spoke as atsumu had opened your door again. as you stepped out, your nose was flooded with the scent of all kinds of food. it was hard to figure out what was what, but nonetheless it made your mouth water. 
“a food festival. hopefully you haven’t eaten yet, but food’s on me. get whatever you want.” he held out his hand for you to hold. you looked at him before looking back at his hand, hesitant on whether or not it was okay.
“i don’t have chickenpox, y/n. it’s okay,” he joked. you grumbled back at him before holding his hand and he squeezed it in comfort.
the both of you walked around the food festival with you looking at all the options you had in front of you and him suggesting on what to eat. the both of you first tried some savory foods, grabbing one meal from a food stand and eating it before moving onto the next. some foods were absolutely amazing, others were not as good. but you continued to eat your hearts away with some meals, and ended it off with some different desserts.
“dude, i’m so full.” atsumu had stretched and rubbed his stomach. you did the same and laughed out loud. 
“me too, but that was great. never thought i would see the day where i eat a peanut butter and jelly mac and cheese.” you sipped on the drink you had bought earlier, and headed back into atsumu’s car.
“alright, part one done. now, it’s the second part of the date,” he spoke. he drove out of the parking lot and towards the hills. 
“where’re we going now?” you questioned him, but you would’ve guessed that he would be keeping it from you as a surprise.
“i have a spot where we can see all of tokyo and the bay.” he spoke, eyes staring straight ahead. you looked out the passenger window, taking in all the lights you can already see.
compared to the ride to the food festival, this one was quiet but not overbearing or awkward. in fact, it felt peaceful. the music was still playing over the radio but was nice background noise that accompanied the sounds of the car.
eventually, the car came to a stop. you stared out the windshield to be met with a view of tokyo. the lights were bright, the bridge in front of you sparkled as you saw several cars come and go on it. behind it were all the lights of the buildings in the busy metropolitan area, and on the bottom of it all was the bay, reflecting all of its lights and moving with the wind. it was truly a sight to behold.
“wow,” you broke the silence. “it looks amazing here.” the both of you stepped out the car and sat on the hood, where you continued to take in the scenery. 
“nice, huh,” atsumu spoke to you.
“yeah,” you responded.
you both sat in silence. the air was cold, and your hands froze. you shoved your hands in your pockets while atsumu rubbed his and blew his breath on it.
he shuffled around a bit, leaning his weight onto his other leg before breaking the silence once again. “what did you ever see in suna, by the way?”
to be honest, you didn’t know. all you knew was that you had a crush on him. but thinking more on his words, was there really anything notable about him that made you infatuated? maybe you liked him because of his looks, or his “love” that he showed you, or even the banter between you. maybe because he was a volleyball player and a mutual friend? but even so, there was nothing about him personality-wise that really attracted you. maybe you were just attracted to what he gave you instead of him as a whole.
small tears started spilling out, hitting a sensitive spot that had healed temporarily only to be forced open once more. “i don’t know.” 
atsumu held onto your hand. his was warm compared to the frigid feeling of yours. you were such a bright and warm person but now your hand felt like ice. was this the effect of what that middle blocker had done to you?
you looked at him, where he continued to look at the bay all while his grasp on your hand kept on. 
“be mine. i’ll treat you better. but i mean, you can say no too. i know it’s too soon, but i really admire you and you overall. and i want to be able to make you happy.” he squeezed your hand as his breath fogged out. this was surely a distraction from suna, but was it a good one? you were unsure.
just like how you felt about him attempting to court you.
“atsumu…” you looked down at your feet, unsure of what to say.
“it’s okay to say no, y/n. i just wanted to tell you. and if you do say no, i hope we can still be friends.” 
you looked out at the sights before you. would it really be better than what suna had gave you? atsumu on this date had been nothing but a gentleman. he was really caring towards you and even bought you flowers. suna hadn’t done that but he was also kind to you. so what would be different?
“atsumu i’m flattered, really, but i think i need time to figure it out. you’re really sweet but what would be different if i decided to be by your side?”
he squeezed your hand. “everything. we can take it slow, i’ll go the long way for you. i just want you to be mine.”
you were still hesitant. but as you wondered, you realized that maybe things could work out for you if you would open yourself up to the opportunity. so you spoke to him.
“okay. i’ll be yours. but you have to take me on another date. and prove it to me. prove that you’ll be better than him, then i’ll decide if i want to take your offer.”
atsumu smiled at your answer. he smiled and took your hand up to his mouth where he placed a gentle kiss on your palm. he grabbed your hand with both of his, and stared at your eyes.
“i promise i’ll take care of you. anything for the best."
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Can’t Keep My Hands Off Of You | Bruce Wayne x m!reader
@satan-incarnate-666 asked: same as before, bats x m!reader pls!!
"People are looking." "I don't care."
summary: Bruce does sometimes take you to fancy events that he has to go to, but when he gets you a new, finely tailored suit, he’s not sure if he can actually keep his hands to himself anymore. 
tws: swearing
word count: 1145
Although for the most part, Bruce had every intention of keeping you well the fuck away from the paparazzi and from the newspapers in order to keep just a little bit of privacy, he would still offer to take you to events such as galas and fundraisers, often remarking that it was just so he had an excuse to see you all dressed up and to parade you around on his arm like he was some sort of trophy spouse; if you felt up to it, you were more than happy to go, though, if only because it was an excuse to see him all dressed up and so that you could steal some fancy food from the buffets that were always there. Sometimes it would be because your friends had asked you to get a picture of someone famous, and you were all too happy to oblige such a request and to get the best that you could - usually it was a selfie, but sometimes it was just a picture taken of them while they stood and posed for the camera. But when Bruce asked if you wanted to attend a fundraiser at the local zoo, you were all too happy to agree to go, as he had admitted that after all the boring usual stuff, you were allowed to walk around and to see all the animals; you couldn’t wait to go into the reptile house, and Bruce knew it - if it was closed, he would still be able to get you in, as he was a donor, and he could always throw some extra cash the zoo’s way. 
He made sure that you had a new suit for the occasion, finely tailored and with an extra pocket on the inside of the blazer for anything extra you might need; when you tried it on, though, Bruce couldn’t help but to gawk at you, his eyes wide and his jaw slack as he swallowed thickly and stared. 
“What?” You asked. “Does it look bad?”
“No!” Bruce yelped, shaking his head. “No, it… fuck, you look so handsome. Like, really fucking handsome.” 
You grinned, hanging your head as you bit at the inside of your lip, able to feel your features get a little warm as you shifted from foot to foot; all this time as his boyfriend and he still managed to find ways to make you all flustered and flattered. All this time as his boyfriend and he still found the right buttons to push that made you swoon. 
“You’re an awful flirt, Mister Wayne.” 
“Then how come I managed to get the most handsome boyfriend in all of Gotham?” He mused, offering you his arm. “Can I walk you to our car, Mister (y/l/n)?”
“Yeah, go on then,” you chuckled, taking his arm and letting him walk you to the car. 
He opened the door for you, letting you get in first before he got in next to you, tapping the passenger seat and smiling at Alfred. 
“The zoo please, Alfred.” 
“Of course, Master Bruce,” he replied, sparing a look in the rear view mirror. “And my God, Master (y/n), you look very handsome!” 
“Thanks, Alf,” you smiled, biting at the inside of your lip. 
As he started to drive down the road, Alfred couldn’t help but to joke, “now, Master (y/n), if anyone dares to try and funny with you, you call me and I’ll bring the car around as soon as I can, alright?”
“Thank you, Alfred,” you said again. “But, I think I’ll have more of an issue trying to get Bruce to keep his hands off me.” 
Bruce shot you a smile as he nodded. “That’s probably gonna be true, yeah.” 
“See?” You chuckled. “He’s a devil, that one.” 
“But you love it,” Bruce told you. 
“Mostly,” you agreed, daring to lean over and kiss him. “But sometimes it’s a bit annoying - especially when I’m trying to steal from the buffet.” 
“I keep telling you we can just buy the same stuff at home,” he shook his head, still smiling as he reached over and took your hand in his. 
“Yeah, but it’s fun to steal,” you pointed out, making him roll his eyes as he laughed. “You know I’m right!” 
Thankfully, the zoo wasn’t too far, and it was easy enough for Alfred to find a place to park amongst all the Jaguars and Bentleys and Rolls Royces and the Aston Martins; Bruce’s Lamborghini Aventador stuck out like a sore thumb, painted grey with its engine purring. Far flashier than the other cars, and far nicer. Bruce opened the door when Alfred came to a stop, holding the door open while you got out and then grinning when you took his arm in yours, daring to quickly kiss you as he hummed softly. 
Alfred caught Bruce’s attention, beckoning him forward while you went to go and have a quick cigarette. “Bruce, do me a favour?”
“Look after him,” Alfred said. “Don’t cock-up for the love of God.” 
“I won’t,” Bruce chuckled, shaking his head and looking over at you for a second. “I like him too much.” 
Alfred nodded. “You let me know what time you want picking up, alright? I’m gonna go have something to eat in the little caf down the road.” 
“Sure thing,” Bruce agreed, daring to go and join you. Once you finished your cigarette, he gave you his arm again, and grinned when you leaned into him as he guided you towards the entrance. “You do look so fucking handsome tonight.” 
“Oh, stop it,” you laughed. 
“I mean it,” he grumbled, flashing his invitations at the doorman, who let you in and greeted Bruce warmly.
He took you near the back of the reception area, a big ballroom used to hold meetings and to discuss things like conservation of engaged species with people from all over; but he could keep his hands off of you, pulling you close and letting his hand rest at your jaw, pulling you in for a long and passionate kiss, one that made your head spin as you put one hand in his hair, tugging at the soft brown strands, the other at the back of his neck as you smiled against him. 
“Bruce,” you whispered upon pulling away, “people are looking.” 
“I don’t care. I want them to look,” he growled, daring to steal another kiss. “I want them to see who has the most fucking handsome boyfriend in the room.” 
You couldn’t help but to laugh softly before you pulled him in for another kiss. “I guess I was right, though, you can’t keep your hands off of me.” 
“Can you blame me?” Bruce joked, looking you up and down. 
“Not really,” you admitted. “But I don’t think I can keep my hands off of you, either.” 
“Then don’t.” 
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - you SHOULD reblog it; if you don't wanna reblog, then you'll get blocked; reblogging is the BARE MINIMUM. don't just "like", REBLOG
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owlmylove · 3 years
Just had the very distressing thought that if I ever want to have a girlfriend I'm gonna have to TALK to a girl?!?!??!?!?!?
I'd have to talk to a girl that I LIKE and HAVE A CRUSH ON?!?!? Impossible! Please help a distressed lesbian if you have any advice
okay so: in my personal experience 90% of all lesbian flirting is eyeing up fellow women to discreetly try to determine if they, too, are wlw. then you compliment each others button downs and never speak to each other again
BUT if you would like to painstakingly attempt to challenge the starfish fallacy then read on for my comprehensive guide on flirting w/ women! (credentials: i have accidentally flirted with So Many Women oh my god)
first up: start with the art of compliments! if you're too shy to tell a girl they're gorg out of nowhere, then focus on their clothing, their haircuts, their cool shoes, the patches on their denim jackets, etc. opening a convo with a compliment is one of the easiest shortcuts, as it neatly prevents you from having to come up w/ a witty rejoinder right off the bat (save those for later)
physical proximity makes it easy to do this to someone standing or sitting next to you. if, however, they're on the other side of the room/otherwise engaged, it gets trickier. if ur confident enough to walk up to a girl in a coffeeshop + compliment her, GO FOR IT. but if you're too anxious to just coldcall her, approach with a question.
you can warp the compliment to fit the question, i.e. "Hey! Sorry to interrupt [your reading], but your book looks super interesting/I've seen it around & am debating whether to buy it. Would you recommend it?" or, re: outfits/haircuts "Hey! Your ____ is super cute, can I ask where you got it [done]?" if they're a classmate/coworker, you can make it even less direct: "Hey! Do you know when we're scheduled to do ____?" (<- this one comes w/ the perk of, pending her response, immediately asking for her # to swap shifts or trade notes, which can quickly allow for inviting her to a study group/after work drinks with coworkers. speedrun!!)
once Conversation is Initiated, maintain eye contact, listen attentively to their replies, and keep smiling/smizing. if they're reticent, follow up with more questions unless you're getting fuck off vibes ("I'm trying to get more into reading lately, would you have any other reccs?" or, "I haven't found a hairstylist yet since I moved here from _____, are there any other local spots you'd recommend?")
BUT if they're returning eye contact, smiling, and keeping open body language towards you, make it a full-on convo! offer some personal details in return, don't be afraid to make (non-risky!!!!) jokes, and (if you can control when & where you're moving, i.e. not during a job or class) have a built-in exit.
even if convos are going good, it's polite (+ leaves them wanting more via scarcity principle, etc. etc.) to end a brief first-time convo after a few minutes, ideally before the energy winds down & you're left feeling awkward. "it's been so lovely meeting you! [insert name here], right? I've got to get going, but thanks for the ___!" if you wanna play the long game/are in a coffeeshop/aren't confident enough yet (no shame!) ask if she comes here regularly and say you hope to see her around sometime soon.
if you've managed to get a good enough energy going: ask if she has an insta/social media you could get for _____ purpose, i.e. letting her know if you like the book/music/media she recc'd or asking for more local spots. IF, however, you don't wanna put yourself at the whim of her generosity: give yourself a cheat code during the initial conversation.
namely; reference something you'd recommend, think she'd find funny, or can't believe she hasn't seen yet, etc. etc. then, at the end of the convo, you can naturally offer "Oh! Lemme send you that X I mentioned--do you have an insta/social?" et voila. asking for social is always less awk/direct than asking for phone numbers, AND it lets the flirtee decide whether she wants to offer that level of trust just yet
if you're not coldcall flirting a girl in public, but rather have an object of your affections at work or school: this formula works p. much the same, but on a slower scale (if you don't use my speedrun ofc) start building a rapport via compliments/questions, progress to chatting briefly whenever you see each other, and third step: say "I saw something yesterday that totally reminded me of you/I just have to send to you!! Here-do I have your insta yet?"
once you have someone's insta: continue chatting when you see them irl/replying to their stories over social, and see if you can pay close enough attention to what she likes to do. judging by the number of accidental lesbian dates i've been on, it's probably
art museum
botanical gardens, or
burlesque shows
however, hikes, used bookstores, underground shows, and grocery shopping together for a subsequent picnic also feature prominently. invite her to do whatever activity you think you'd both enjoy most (over social or irl, whichever you're comfortable with [tho irl gives you a better judge of facial expressions/body language]) and boom. if she says yes, shoot back "it's a date!" after setting the day/time, bc if she's anywhere near as clueless as i am (i'm so sorry wlw) they may honestly think you're still just friends.
if, over the course of your irl convos or DMs, you have the chance to casually mention your sexuality (patches, pride is coming up, mention "my teenage crush/my ex-girlfriend") and ask for hers, go for it. if you can be direct: ask directly. it will save you time, trouble, and mild heartbreak. but if you suffer from the conflict avoidance that plagues lo so many of us: just lean into the subtext.
offer your celebrity crushes and ask what hers are. mention an ex (BRIEFLY, in connection to another topic entirely [she recc'd this cool band to me!] and always in a positive context). wear birkenstocks or docs and say Portrait of a Lady on Fire is the best film of all time, say you listen to girl in red or w/e those charming youths do. just lay the foundation in barely-subtext and keep an eye on her responses, while accepting the risk of wooing what may or may not be a fellow wlw
once you are, in point of fact, ON the date: standard rules and rates apply. relax! be urself!! enjoy spending time with a cool person, regardless of what may or may not come of it!!!! if she seems into it lean into physical proximity, do the whole Tarzan hand-comparison wlw are addicted to, offer to feed her bites of food or swap sips of each other's drinks, and casually set intentions for future plans ("I've never heard of X cafe--we'll have to do that next time!" or, the infamous buy-her-smth-secretly and then offer "You can get mine next time c:")
again, the most important thing is to be sincere. it's good not to place too many expectations on the other person, but don't force yourself to be overly "chill" if you are not, in point of fact, a chill person. dating is always a process of getting to know one another, and it's important to be polite but pls don't feel like you have to follow a script or be someone you're not. just be you babe: you're already plenty lovable. godspeed + good luck!!<33
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
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📣: Seungcheol // university au // enemy to lovers (but not quite there aka im spreading the seeds of luvv😎) // 1047 words
A/N: thanks for the request anon! i changed school into uni because... i dont rmb how school works anymore lol plus its a little weird for me to imagine them being high school kids. also, lets just pretend they can change locker for some reason bc ive never had lockers looooll pretend it makes sense pls(ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥ enjoy! another update in a few hours bc i might not be able to update tmr hehe
 find the rest of requested drabble here 
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At this point, you don’t even remember what’s the problem between you and Seungcheol; you just know what you share with him is hostility.
You think it’s probably some childish prank he did on you somewhere during middle school that started the whole thing, but somehow it carries on until now. You don’t even know how you end up attending the same university as Choi Seungcheol when you’ve both opted to go to university outside your hometown.
You can still remember the annoyance waving through your body when you’ve first encountered him in the corridor, the both of you gaping in disbelief before you took the first step to scoff and continued your way to class.
It’s all good  for the first two semesters until you somehow end up sharing a class with him during the third. Since then, Seungcheol has made it his mission to annoy you, and you’ve sworn to get back at him one way or another.
The reason why this…relationship isn’t a good thing is because this has drawn unwanted attention to you. As much as you hate to admit it, Seungcheol is an attractive man with a pretty good reputation. He’s got his fair share of admirers that he usually ignores.
It pains you to say he’s not an asshole (he’s just an asshole to you, not one in general), but that’s the fact. He’s just not interested in his popularitty. You’re not sure why these girls (and some boys) keep on trying to get his attention when he never even bats an eye on them.
So, when they notice Seungcheol actually pays attention to someone that they’ve never seen before, it’s only nature for them to find prey in that person.
You don’t really mind them at first, you figure they’d get bored once they realize you’re just some unfortunate person Seungcheol decides to pick on. But apparently, Seungcheol’s attention is the only thing that matters to them, not the fact that he’s attentive to you just so he can annoy you.
“Sup, loser,” Seungcheol says as he opens his locker two rows next to yours. Of course, the universe hates you enough that he’s somehow able to move his locker near yours.
“I’m really not in the mood, Seungcheol,” you roll your eyes, hastily taking all the stuffs you need before closing the door and leaving just like that.
Seungcheol frowns, you haven’t been showing him any reactions these days, which kinda worries him if he’s being completely honest. Instead of annoyance, your eyes just seem tired eveytime you see him and he wonders if he’s taken his joke a bit too far these days.
But if the actually thinks about it, he hasn’t been pranking you these past few weeks because exam week is nearing and he has way too many deadlines to meet. He frowns, did something happen to you? Or is it something back home?
Quickly shedding the thought away, Seungcheol shakes his head before he steps to his next class. Maybe he’ll try bothering you again once and see if you’re just in a bad mood earlier.
He’s about to pass by when he hears your tired voice, asking someone what they want this time. An alarm goes off through his entire body, he looks through the small gap from the door, the sight of you with a few of girls he doesn’t recognize greets him.
“We just want to know what you did to get Seungcheol’s attention,” one of the girls say, crossing her arms. “Why won’t you tell us? Are you afraid he won’t be paying attention to you again?”
Seungcheol sees you visibly sigh, leaning slightly on the table behind you as you shake your head. “How is it my problem that he doesn’t pay attention to you?”
He frowns at the way the girls snicker between themselves, muttering something under their breath that he couldn’t hear but knows for sure isn’t pleasant.
“Are you that desperate for his attention that you don’t want to tell us?”
“Isn’t it you who’s desperate?” you sigh again. Honesty, you’ve been trying your best to avoid Seungcheol these days because you’re getting tired of these encounters. You’re nowhere near afraid, just very bothered and doesn’t have the energy to deal with them everytime you’re in uni. “Isn’t that why you’re always following me around these days, asking about him?”
“Why you—”
“Anyone mind telling me what’s going around here?” Seungcheol’s bored voice cuts through the empty classroom, the girls immediately turn to him in shock and so do you. His eyes find yours as he leans on the doorway. “You okay?”
You nod hesitantly, unsure why the sight of him stopping these girls from bothering you gets your heart skipping a beat.
The girls stay silent at his question, avoiding his eyes altogether. Seungcheol considers threatening them, a sense of annoyance (and protectiveness, though he would never tell you that) rushing through him as he hears your tired voice. No wonder you haven’t been reacting to his pranks these days.
He opts for a glare instead, looking at them with ice cold eyes as he softly grabs your wrist and pulls you out of the room.
“Have they been doing this for long?” he asks. Why do these girls think they have the right to do so?
“The past month or so,” you answer truthfully. Your gaze is locked at the way his hand is still on your wrist; why isn’t he letting go?
He stops in his track, his grip tightening a little. There are a few seconds of silence before he speaks again. “I’m sorry they did this to you.”
“…What?” you blink in confusion. Is he actually apologizing to you for things he didn’t even do?
“What about I walk you to your classes until they stop?” he offers, which surprises you a little.
Not used with this sudden turn of mood with Seungcheol. You playfully go past him, brushing his shoulder in purpose.
“Might as well apologize for all the time you’ve been pranking me.”
Seungcheol bites back a grin, he doesn’t know if the change of phase between the two of you was something he’s always wanted, but maybe it might turn into something he never expects it to be.
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morguemaw · 2 years
Could you please go off on all your characters that need time in the spot light I know it makes you happy AND we get entertained >:3
oh man oh man i really wanna go off on my newest fursona!!!!!!! I wanna call him a sona so badly but i cannot replace Gutsy in my heart or soul QoQ ( ok maybe soul abit ) So, about a few days ago, i got a custom from a fantastic friend of mine, his current name is Cinder but i am still semi on edge with it, allow me to babble !!!! ( i use the hashtag Cinder Ash to keep him diff, kinda like how Rotting Rot is, just something to keep him from getting mixed up in.. idk pictures of cinder?? x,D )
So, for starters is that i really really, REALLY love this design. I connect HUGELY with it!! He is an amazing off balance of what i normally have, such as my persona Gutsy, who is a one eyed, fluffy pink rabbit. yet my fursona is a edgy looking lion. I will say i will miss calling my older bat-sona my fursona, but i just didn't connect well to him, and i guess its a situation of "his pink too.. shit.."
I have made him a ton of outfits, and he currently has these SIX!!
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If you cant tell by his sleep wear ( i have this same outfit ), one of his inspirations is a certain explosive bastard from one of my all time favorite animes, My Hero. ( though, more based on the fantasy AU version of him <33333 ahhh... <3 ) Cinder has a ability i originally gave Gutsy, but again due to Gutsy being so pink and.. Well not so bad-ass looking ( he can kick ass dw ) i gave it to him; Cinder is able to create a liquid lava esc spit, so he basically has a volcanic ability. He can form a type of smoke breath, which he can exhale from his nose and mouth. He can create smoke from his hands too, not too sure if he should have the ability linked to his hands too, but we will see :) Incase he is enraged enough, smoke can also slowly form from his head, think of those "hot-headed" jokes where smoke rises from their head. Since its volcanic based.. Maybe sparks of lighting can form, like those rare occurrences where volcanos can form it.
He is a hugely cocky, sly, snarky and huge sass-master. He constantly grins, but be careful; he may look serious, but can indeed be soft. Tho, its hugely recommended to treat him like a business partner then you would a friend. He is fine with having them, just hugely prefers to be alone, but if he calls you a friend, he will absolutely protecc u!!! I currently have a pattern for him rn im inlove with, im sad personally with myself since i wanted to keep it as close to the custom as humanly possible, but i got carried away...
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Incase you are curious, here is the original art piece made by my friend, Lapi <3 awaa sometimes i just stare back at it because i love it...
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I already have a packback in mind with him.. He loves rice with egg + beef, adores steak alot ( specially medium rare, he would eat it rare if he wanted. ) and his current drink addiction is my own current one, the all green Ultra Paradise monster.. It tastes like Gummies, and since my teeth cannot handle alot of sweets, this drink is perfect for my sweet tooth!!!
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He also hugely loves beef jerky and dark chocolate!! I havent figured out what all i wanna do with him; He is a lion but i wanna make him apart of my own type of species ( in the sense of like.. He is a lion but is apart of a ___ bloodline?? help D: ) He def is gonna have the tribal vibe from the one fantasy AU i mentioned.. Someone who loves to hunt hogs and feast like a king!! Job i havent decided; currently had an idea he helps train people, hence his training suit, he loves to workout, and so he helps others ( maybe those with abilities too? ahh im so making him a MHA version. fuck. ) learn how to fight and protect themselves.
pls help me i can still go off but im fighting because i have nothing esle to go off about
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Hi! I love everything that you write and heh I am a fan! 😄 tbh this is my first time requesting something on Tumblr! If you don't mind and if I am not being a bother...can you write about how the guys would react If MC suddenly starts making meme references? I don't know how I got the idea but I am REALLY curious. And love you! :D
Hiya! Tyvm for the kind words, and apologies that this took a while! I hope you have the chance to enjoy it regardless ❤️❤️❤️ Love you too, sweet pea! I promise to get to the next request you’ve sent ASAP~
Aight but this would be hilarious because the range of the reactions is just ungodly. I will be putting this under a cut after Napoleon so I don’t clog up everyone’s dash, but all the suitors are included below otherwise! 
Comte is the one that recognizes a few, but didn’t really stay in modern times long enough to be as well-versed as a Gen Z kid might. Regardless he finds the wittiness and absolute chaotic fuckery to be delightful, and will 100% support the harmless nonsense. It never fails to get a laugh out of him
Mozart that first day be like: “Buzz off MC I hate you” MC, because she likes swinging bats at wasps’ nests: “Well that’s not very cash money of you” Mozart: ?????????? Comte, giggling in the bg like the secret fae he is This one’s just because I’m petty, but after the events of Comte rt I just imagine them encountering Vlad again and MC’s just “I lived bitch.” while Comte is flipping him off behind her lkjahgkjhdsg
Comte @ Leo when he finds the latter under his desk: Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.  MC: wheezing from the hallway as she’s about to give him his letters
MC: So how was your day, honey? Comte: Good, good--briefly had to go beastmode upon the punk that pilfered my lint roller MC, biting her lip to keep from laughing: So does Leo still have his kneecaps? Comte: for now.
Comte, @ literally anyone upsetting the MC: I won’t hesitate, bitch
Comte: Be careful with my emotional baggage, it’s designer
MC: What if I was evil and ran towards you at very fast speeds Comte: My arms are strong, I would catch and hug you
Leo and Dazai are the ones that don’t have a single reference point but are filled with so much dumbass chaos energy that they just. Understand immediately???? Nobody knows how or why, but they just catch on so fast--adapt the language in a matter of weeks. Never underestimate the power of combined boredom, depression, and humor
I swear to god I just see MC taking them their Blanc/Rouge and being like “here you go sir, one enslaved moisture” and they just go fucking hog wild from day one. MC starts impersonating Theo when he leaves the room around Dazai, like fake deep voice “you all only hate me because you do not like me and I am mean to you. grow up.” Or like the MC meets a baby on her travels with Leo around town and she holds them and says v seriously and sagely “So you are Baby? I have heard tales of your exploits.” and Leo about loses his shit right there. They both think MC is the funniest person alive--they’ve never been more eager to throw a ring at someone in their entire life.
Also a bonus for my beloved Dazai:  MC, facing even the slightest inconvenience (like dropping her fork) in the most dramtic voice possible: Life is not daijoubu. Dazai: wheezing
MC, after watching Theo turn down a woman at the bar in the meanest way possible: bro quit letting the darkness consume you u r scaring the hoes Dazai, literally rolling around on the ground, half-drunk and dying:
MC, walking alongside Dazai and stopping to stare at her reflection in the River Seine. Dazai’s expecting some sad or twisted shit, since people often feel comfortable talking about those things around him, but instead she just: “Oh, it’s you. The source of all my problems.” And he about falls into the river from shock HAHAHA
At this point don’t be surprised if his next book is about an absolute madlad woman similar to MC
Napoleon finds it to be a delightful quirk more than anything? He doesn’t really understand it, but he finds it funny when they change their voice for effect or speak in exaggerated tones. If it’s just comprehensible enough for an outsider to understand--or Sebas gives him context--chances are it’ll send him into a laughing fit
For this one I just imagine MC singing that Ratatouille meme song obnoxiously bad while cooking, and Napoleon and Comte are just so wildly amused by it bc it makes zero sense and it’s only vaguely French at this point
MC @ Napoleon while they’re cooking brunch: Can I offer you a nice egg in these trying times?
MC, conflicted because she’s tired and wanted to sleep in but also got to see Napo’s cute sleeping face for a few hours: For my next stunt, I’ll wake up at 5AM on the day I can sleep in. Sebas: Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise MC: early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch Napoleon: laughing in agreement
Isaac is the type to be bewildered and concerned at first (especially when he hears the more nihilistic ones hoOOOoooOO BOY) but eventually begins to understand it’s some bizarre attempt at humor (that hurts Zack baby). While some part of him laments that it reminds him of Dazai and he’s secretly jealous of how she and Dazai bond over it, he will sometimes join in the chaos when the mood strikes him and he’s feeling mischievous
Isaac: How are you feeling? MC: Oh, I’m not Isaac: seconds from dialing 911 Isaac: Are you okay? MC: Oh yeah dw I just suffer from that syndrome where your neutral expression makes you look like you’re an angry serial killer Isaac: say sike rn
Isaac, tutoring MC and correcting something:  MC, muttering while redoing it: The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math. Isaac: unable to help a laugh
One time MC was avoiding Isaac for fear of hurting his feelings and he just confronts her like: Isaac: back by unpopular demand, me! What’s wrong, MC pls MC was so hecking proud of him
Isaac, telling MC about a recent discovery he learned at uni from another professor: bones typically heal stronger after they’ve been broken--so long as they’re set properly, of course MC, looking him dead in the eyes: So what you’re saying is that I should break every bone in my body until I become superhumanly powerful? Isaac: please do not, no
Mozart and Jeanne are just. Totally lost. Why are you talking like that??? Why are you making “crab hands”???? They don’t understand. Maybe never will. They reach a point where they just kind of laugh and shake their heads, endeared by the oddity after they’re used to it and have determined it isn’t a threat/insult. 
MC: It’s a cold and it’s a brooooken, Waluigi. Waaaaluigiiiii...waaaahluigi..... Mozart: surprised, then starts snickering and playing along on the piano
Arthur, asking MC very personal questions out loud because he is an idiot sometimes: Soooo MC, are you a top or a bottom? MC: I’m a threat. (If he asks a second time, the response will be “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy.”) Jeanne, fighting a smile:
MC, about to punch an asshole: Your free trial of being alive has ended Jeanne, seconds from laughing for the first time in 100 years:
Also, because I genuinely can’t help myself. You know that knight meme like “Parry this you fucking casual.” I cannot stress enough that it is literally the personification of Jeanne’s entire character. I’m not even joking.
Arthur and Shakespeare are utterly fascinated by the rapid evolution of wordplay and the sheer hilarity. They will ask all about these so-called “memes” and ask for examples of them if MC can show them (either somehow accessing her phone or drawing them). MC draws Arthur the knife cat meme and he about a s c e n d s at the hilarity of it all, points and yells THEO IS HOLDING THE KNIFE. He is correct. They will be delighted and follow along eagerly, and--god forbid--will make their own based on late 19th century struggles.
Is this where Shakespeare got the idea for “What, you egg? stabs him” and “You are a saucy boy.”? I’m too scared to ask. Don’t even get me started on “The Fool jingled miserably across the floor.” That one is just too on the nose...
I can’t even imagine what would happen to Shakespeare if MC like translated vines and memes into Ye Olde English around him. Imagine she’s at one of those noble balls and hears rumors of these two guys living together and they’re so obviously gay and he says “And those gents w’re roommates.” And in the most false surprised tone ever MC just replies “oh mine own god, those gents w’re roommates.” Imagine having a wife that’s just as hilarious as you are and hits you with all the force of a bag of wet mice every time you speak in retaliation, he’s going into palpitations.
Every time Arthur does smth stupid MC just: “I Pretend I Do Not See It.”
Vincent is tickled pink by MC’s penchant for finding joy and/or amusement in nearly everything they do, and he smiles gently when he sees them muttering and laughing to themselves. He wants to be able to join them in what they love, but he has a harder time following along and understanding the darker humor sometimes. Mostly gets confused??? Please give him the easier ones to mimic and laugh when he tries--or just include him in your jokes MC. He’s babie your honor...
But he also. Will not. Stand any kind of self-deprecation or borderline verbal self-harm. He’s usually very easygoing and calm, but for whatever reason that stuff makes him go deathly quiet and upset.
MC, after something goes horribly wrong, hugging Vincent: Oh Vince, we really in it now Vincent: giggling a little despite his worries, relaxing
MC: Theo stop simping for Vincent that’s my job
MC, when Theo leaves the room and she gets Vincent all to herself: The evil is defeated.
MC: And this is where I would put my will to live...if I h a d one! Vincent: ;-; MC: oh shit, oh fuck, I was only kidding Vincent wait (MC was subsequently lectured and loved on for many hours)
Theo is conflicted because on the one hand, he loves to see you smiling and having fun. On the other, you’re clowning as hard as Dazai and Arthur and he can only handle so many monkeys in his circus. Most of the time he will roll his eyes and be the straight man of this comedy, but you might find him cracking a smile--or accidentally letting a chuckle slip past his lips now and again.
MC, after meeting Theo: I’m a nice person, but I’m about to start throwing rocks at people.
Theo, those first days: Oh? You’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me? MC: I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.
Theo: Every time I ask MC to explain “vibe check” to me she hits me with some kind of improvised weapon
MC, after the “incident” (you know the one): This year, I lost my dear lover Theo Theo, in the distance: QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD! MC: ;-; sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Sebastian is last because oh boy. OH BOYYYYY I LOVE HIM. Okay so the way I see this happening with Sebastian is just. So wild. Because at first he’s t r y i n g so hard to be the proper butler man. He does not meme. But then he starts to drift closer to what Niles from The Nanny was, where he’ll quip and joke in private or when the situation is just beyond the amount of absurdity he can handle without making a snarky comment. Everyone in the house can’t fathom how Sebas and MC got so close so fast, but there are points where they’re just “Are they even speaking English anymore???” It’s 11 times funnier than normal because Sebas almost never smiles or laughs when memeing, the deadpan quality of his playing along sends MC every time
Has ABSOLUTELY said “HEY. PANINI HEAD. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME???” jokingly when MC made a mistake in the kitchen. They laugh about it for y e a r s
MC: I can’t date someone who keeps a lamb as a pet, that’s so weird Sebas, brushing Lotte in front of MC: MC: MC: Okay, I will make an exception because she looks very polite
MC and Sebas, fully aware of the fame some of the men will reach in modern times: We will watch your career with great interest.  (I s2g that’s like half of Sebas’ rt right there I’m crying)
Sebas rt with Lotte be like that 500 dollar Mareep meme: “sometimes a family can be just a boy, his gf, and their 500 dollar two foot tall Lotte”
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tsukishumai · 4 years
Chemical Reaction - Kuroo Tetsuro
Summary: When the universe hands you a second chance, will you be able to move on from the mistakes of your past? 
college!Kuroo x fem!reader
a friends to friends w/ benefits to lovers type of deal.
Warnings: some light NSFW, slow burn, aged up characters, mentions of smoking, mentions of alcohol, fingering, cursing, and a little heartbreak. angst to fluff
Word Count: 7.3k (it goes by fast, I swear (′ꈍωꈍ‵))
A/N:  Jesus... this started out as a prompt, but it snowballed into whatever the hell this is. And it was supposed to be done by Kuroo’s bday T-T but better late than never! I poured in a lil extra love into this, pls give it a shot, lmk what you think, and I hope you enjoy !
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Your history with Kuroo Tetsuro went back a little bit further than you’d like to admit.
He had been in your class for all three years you were at Nekoma, but you had really only popped onto each other’s radars second year.
He had been assigned the seat next to you, and while you were upset that your best friend, Eri, had been sat all the way across the room, you didn’t exactly mind the view.  
Right off the bat, you knew this was going to be trouble for you.
The guy was cute, funny, and smart. How hadn’t you noticed him before?
“Hey, L/N-chan,” he said, already making you blush with the addition of the honorific, “I have many chemistry jokes… but I’m afraid they won’t get a good reaction!”
You couldn’t stop either the face palm or the giggle that slipped out of your lips.
Kuroo was an easy person to get along with. He always greeted you in the mornings, and never really bothered you during class. On the rare occasion he stayed in the classroom for lunch, the two of you would strike up a conversation, but it never went past the surface.
Until about halfway through the school year. Your teacher had assigned a project that required a partner.
You looked to Eri, only to find the little traitor pairing up with the guy she had been eyeing since first year.
You sighed, not even mad at her for trying to shoot her shot.
“Want to be partners?” your head shot to the boy next to you.
“Uhm. Sure!”
And so it went like this; the project was due at the end of the year, requiring a research paper, and a 7 minute power point presentation.
Once or twice a week, the two of you would meet up at the school library either before school or after your club activities.
Kuroo was smart; smarter than you but you’d never say that to his face, so more often than not, the two of you would finish what needed to be done that day, and spent the rest of the time just talking, and getting to know each other.
By the third time the two of you had gotten kicked out by the librarian for laughing too much, Kuroo suggested meeting at his house on the weekends.
Surely that doesn’t mean what you think it means right???
It doesn’t, lmao. This guy was a good student, he made sure you guys finished your parts, because there was no way he was going to get anything less than an A.
Oh, you guys finished a little early today? Great! L/N-chan! Help me with my receives!
As the weeks pass by, there was a mutual progression in the relationship, neither of you seeing each other as project partners anymore, and falling into a comfortable friendship.
For Kuroo, that is. You, on the other hand, just became way too good at acting like you weren’t falling in love.
The school year is coming to a close, and you turn in your project.
Surprise, surprise! You guys got an A.
Seriously, the teacher said she was going to start using it as an example for the future students.
You couldn’t even be happy about your passing grade; you were too sad that your time with Kuroo was ending.
“Well, it was really fun being your partner this year,” you said, and Kuroo cocked an eyebrow at you.
“Why do you sound like someone’s dying,” he joked, “Anyway, Kenma said he bought a new game, but it’s multiplayer. What time are you coming this weekend?”
Bitch, ya heart nearly jumped out of your chest.
For a little while, you were content with things being like that. You had become good friends with not just Kuroo, but Kenma as well. You guys weren’t always together, but definitely made a point to make time for each other.
While you guys were usually busy during the week, club activities, homework and school taking up most of your time, Saturdays at Kuroo’s had become a thing well into your third year. As much as possible, you would try to attend his games, and he would try to bring you snacks when he knows you’re stuck studying.
You tried really hard not to read into the things he would do for you.
Surely, he’s also held Kenma’s bag while walking him home, right?
He’s memorized his whole team’s schedule; it’s nothing special if he also has yours memorized.
You know that he only brought you lunch today because he had to share half of his when you forgot yours.
All normal friend stuff, right! Right?!
“I met a cute girl the other day,” he said to you absentmindedly one morning before class.
Wait. Your chest shouldn’t feel so tight, should it? Your eyes are swimming, and your head is floating. Every breath feels like lead in your lungs, and you kinda wished the ground would swallow you whole.
“Oh, Really?” you tried to be nonchalant, and hoped he didn’t notice the shakiness in your voice.
He nodded. “Yeah… she’s kinda funny.”
But you were really funny, weren’t you? You were the one that made him laugh like a hyena, made him clutch his stomach and gasp for breath, right?
“Is that so?” your mouth felt like sandpaper, “Why don’t you try taking her out on a date?”
You wish you had never said those words.
You knew the girl he was talking about; you had seen Kuroo approach her in the hallway.
She was your teammate in the track and field club; not one of the fastest, but she was beautiful, kind, friendly, and Kuroo was right – she really was kind of funny.
“You should have told him first, you know,” Kenma had mumbled from next to you once, eyes never leaving his game while yours quickly shot him a glare.
It was just the two of you at the lunch table – Kuroo mumbling an excuse about having plans with another “friend”.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Kenma just rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
You spend the next few weeks avoiding him; it was easier since he didn’t sit next to you in class anymore, you weren’t really replying to his texts as often, you stopped visiting him and Kenma at practice, and you had missed the game you had told them you would try to go to.
You were kind of starting to realize that it was mostly you that had to go and seek them out.
Now that you weren’t doing these things… where was he?
You would catch a glimpse of Kuroo when he would visit your teammate during practice; he would try to greet you but you’d only shoot him a tight smile.
So when you heard a loud knock on your door at eight o clock in the evening, the last person you expected was the roosterhead himself.
“Hey,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, “I could tell something was bothering you, and I’ve been trying to give you your space, but… it’s been weeks now so, I just have to know… Are you avoiding me?”
You didn’t really know what to say, if there is even anything else to. Even with your head down and eyes trained to your feet, you could feel the burn of his gaze.
“I...” the deep timbre of his voice always managed to give you chills, “I miss you.”
Is he fucking serious right now? He’s so smart, yet he can’t put two and two together? He can see his opponents’ moves before they happen, yet he can’t even see you standing right in front of him?
“I have feelings for you, Kuroo,” you blurted out before you could stop yourself.
Kuroo’s eyes widened by a fraction, his mouth slightly hung agape, dumbfounded by your seemingly random confession.
Except, it wasn’t random to you. You’ve been harboring these feelings for months, and after hurting yourself by staying silent for so long, you decided that you deserve better.
You’ll accept whatever the outcome, if that’s the price for your peace.
“Y/N…” it took him a long time to finally speak, and you try to ignore the fact that this is the first time he’s called you by your first name.
His face clearly showed his struggle to get the words out. “I’m sorry, I didn’t… I –“
You raised your hand. You didn’t really want to hear any more than that.
“It’s okay,” you said, giving him a small smile.
And with that, you shut the door on Kuroo Tetsuro.
You do your best to move on, smiling and laughing with friends you wouldn’t usually talk to you, ignoring the ghost of your past that haunt you every time you walked passed by Kuroo and your teammate down the hall.
You throw back a laugh at whatever the person next to you had said, turning away to miss the fact that Kuroo’s eyes always followed you wherever you went.
Graduation day came and in the blink of an eye, your days at Nekoma were behind you.
The days passed, the seasons changed, the flowers bloomed, and then they died.
You started university, moving to a different city and living with the very same best friend whose betrayal to quench her own thirst became the catalyst for your greatest heartbreak.
You’ve forgiven her for that though, you guess.
Life in college was the breath of fresh air that you needed.
New things to learn, new places to discover, and new faces to help you forget the scars of old ones.
Years pass by, and while you’ve allowed yourself to feel the touch of others, allow them to make you laugh, allow them to make you cry, you’ve never really allowed yourself the luxury of falling in love again.
Who has time for that any way?
Definitely not you. You just needed to finish your undergrad, and get into med school.
You had plans for your life, you weren’t going to compromise your dreams just for another person, and no matter whom you dated or how much they liked you, this fact had always rubbed them the wrong way.
You were finally starting your last year at your undergrad, quite possibly one of the most important years of college, what with your thesis, med school applications, and your entire future pretty much on the line, no big deal.
Your first class of the day was chemistry. You had been avoiding the last chemistry class required by your degree, all of your friends telling you that it was one of the hardest classes they’ve ever taken, and so naturally, you ran away for as long as possible.
The class wasn’t due to start for another fifteen minutes when you walked in, giving you a perfect opportunity to grab a seat of your liking.
You ended up choosing one in the third row – you knew that if you sat in the back, you wouldn’t pay attention.
You take out your laptop, books, and all required materials, using this free time to check any emails from your professors.
You were checking the time – 5 minutes left until class started – when you were interrupted.
Your feel your body stiffen up at the sound of a voice you hadn’t heard in years.
You turn your head to your left, hoping to all the gods that maybe you were mistaken.
“Kuroo?” you said in disbelief, and oh honey… you could not believe he was standing right before you.
Kuroo seemed like he hadn’t changed at all. His hair seemed a little bit more managed, he was a little bit taller, his muscles filled out his shirt better… but he still had the same goofy smile on his face, and that undeniably mischievous twinkle in his eye.
“What are you doing here?” you blurted out. “I thought you went to a university in Tokyo?”
“I did, but I transferred this year,” he said, “This university has a great marketing program.”
“I can’t believe it,” you mumble out, more so to yourself than him, “It’s been years.”
He gave you a smile. “It has.”
He took the seat next to you, much to your surprise. You almost wanted to open your mouth in protest, but what could you say? ‘You can’t sit there’?
You were thankful that the class had only gone over the syllabus, because you didn’t hear a word the professor said.
When you told Eri about it later, she just laughed.
“I always thought Kuroo-san was a nice guy,” she commented, her back turned while she cooked the both of you dinner.
“I never said he wasn’t,” you said, throwing back the rest of the wine in your glass.
“What, you still like him or something?” Eri teased, plating the noodles she had created and setting it in front of you.
“Of course not,” you grumbled, stabbing at the plate with a fork, and the amused look on Eri’s face tells you that her silence was just to placate you.
The next few weeks of the semester went by without any incident.
Kuroo stayed in the seat next to you, and you didn’t let yourself wonder why.
You were proud at yourself for being able to talk to Kuroo the way that you were; he still made the same stupid chemistry jokes in high school, but now you felt like you could laugh at them without choking on the air around you.
It was easy.
Until it wasn’t.
“Alright everyone,” your professor began one rainy morning, “We’re about halfway through the semester, and this is usually around the time I like to assign a little project.”
All of a sudden, you felt a strange feeling of déjà vu.
“Now, it’s only going to be worth about a third of your grade in the class, so I suggest not slacking off on this one. This is going to require a partner, and before you go texting your bestie that you want to ‘link up’, I’ve taken the liberty of assigning your partner for you.”
Oh, Christ. You were praying you wouldn’t get partnered up with a dead weight.
“When I call your name, raise your hand so I could introduce you to your new partner.”
You waited patiently for your name to be called, but Kuroo’s had been called first.
“Kuroo Testuro.”
Kuroo raised his hand.
“Your partner will be... let’s see here… ah, L/N F/N!”
No. No fucking way.
Your arm involuntarily raised, the professor nodding his head in acknowledgement.
You slowly turn to face Kuroo, who had an unreadable smile placed on his lips, your professor’s voice droning on in the background.
“Well,” he said, laughter laced in his words, “Isn’t this familiar?”
At first, you felt incredibly apprehensive at the thought of being partnered with your high school crush, but at the end of the day, you were actually incredibly thankful.
Kuroo was just as smart and diligent as he was back then, and you had every confidence that your project was going to get the highest grade.
You tried to make it a point to meet in public places – cafes, libraries, and the like.
But soon, Kuroo suggested that it would just be easier and more comfortable to meet at either your place or his.
He only ever came by when Eri was home too, which would have been fine if the smirk on her face didn’t make you so nervous.
You noticed that his roommate was always around when you came over as well. You learned his name was Bokuto, and though he was a little loud, his presence was actually a little comforting.
Honestly, it all felt so… nostalgic. Whenever you would finish your work for the day, then the two of you would spend the time talking, catching up, and laughing at stupid jokes, almost as if the two of you were friends again.
Almost like nothing happened between you at all.
“Hey,” you started one day, curiosity getting the better of you after a particularly steamy conversation about past relationships, sitting on the floor with your iPad on your lap and homework strewn about all over the living room floor, “Whatever happened between you and that girl from high school?”
Kuroo just gave you a sad smile, and you thought she must have broken his heart pretty badly.
“Oh that…” he waved it off, “That was a mistake. A big one.”
You figured it was better not to ask any more questions.
Eri walked out of her room soon after Kuroo left that night, her arms crossed and leaning against the door’s archway as she watched you wash the dishes.
You guys are getting pretty close,” she mused.
She couldn’t see you roll your eyes. “Well, yeah, we were pretty good friends in high school.”
Eri let out a humorless laugh. “I stand by my statement that Kuroo-san is a nice guy,” she said, walking up next to you to place a hand on your shoulder, “But I haven’t forgotten how long it took you to get over what happened.”
Your hands stilled in the soapy water for a second, but you chose not to say anything.
“I’m just saying,” Eri started to walk back to her room, calling out her last words behind her shoulder, “Be careful.”
Eri’s words echoed in your head whenever you were with Kuroo.
Every time he offered to pay for your food, you made sure to insist you’d pay for it yourself. If he tried to grab your bag from your shoulder when you walked, you’d hold on tighter and say you were fine.
You didn’t avoid him like you did before, but you made every attempt to keep him at arm’s length.
It seems your attempts were all for nothing, however, when the semester ended.
“Amazing job,” were the words that came from your professor when giving your passing grade.
“We did it,” Kuroo said happily, the two of you making your way out of the class, “It’s finally over.”
“Thank god,” you laughed back.
“Hey,” Kuroo started, though he was looking at everywhere but you, “Bokuto’s gone and visiting his boyfriend for the weekend, but I was wondering if you wanted to come over for drinks later?”
You blinked, trying to even your breathing.
“You know, to celebrate the end of the semester, and acing that nightmare class.”
You should say no, right? Wait, but you’re grown now. You’ve moved on from what happened back then. The two of you did work really hard this semester, what’s wrong with celebrating your achievements?
“I think we’ve earned it,” Kuroo laughed.
“Yeah,” you said, and you were glad for it just from the smile that spread on his stupid face, “We really have! I’ll be there.”
“See you at eight?”
You nodded at his words as he waved goodbye, going your separate ways.
Ten hours later, you were sitting next to Kuroo on his living room floor, sake cup full to the brim as BNHA plays on his TV.
“Ah, Deku’s in the hospital,” Kuroo slurred, sake sloshing out of his cup when he pointed to the screen, “That’s a shot!”
The two of you threw back the warm liquid, and you were kind of worried that it didn’t taste like anything anymore.
“Kuroo,” you laughed, “We’re only on the second episode… and I think I’ve taken, like, twelve shots at this point.”
“This was your idea!”
“Well, I have another idea,” you started to get up, causing Kuroo to get up as well, “Let’s order take out!”
He laughed at your red face, agreeing with you.
You started to make your way to the couch, but all of a sudden, you felt dizzy, a head rush taking over your senses as you stumbled over your feet.
Kuroo caught you before you could hit the floor.
“You okay?” he laughed, and the sound of it elicited a laugh from your own lips.
In a second, the two of you erupted in giggles, snickering at nothing in particular while his strong arms still held you in place.
Suddenly, you were hyperaware of his touch on your skin, and you let your eyes trail from the strong hands around your waist, to the golden honey eyes that were already staring at your face.
You can’t exactly remember how, but the next thing you knew, you were pinned under Kuroo on his bed, his soft lips moving in tandem with yours while his hot tongue took over your whole mouth.
Your arms were looped around his neck, and he slid his calloused hands up your arm.
You felt his hands grip onto your wrists before he pulled them off his necked and pinned them onto the mattress.
You took in a deep breath once he disconnected from your mouth, planting a trail of kisses along your jaw line and down to your neck, before you slid his tongue across your supple skin.
You shivered, acutely aware of the fact that he has you trapped.
“Be careful,” Eri’s words echoed in your mind.
Fuck, you tried to think but it was hard when Kuroo just threw his shirt across the room, hovering over you with chiseled abs and defined muscles.
The heat returned to your body when he lowered his head, and popped a hard nipple into his mouth.
Your body arched at the feel of his teeth grazing against your skin, goosebumps racing when he dipped his hand beneath your underwear, a slender finger gliding down your folds before inserting into you.
You weren’t prepared for the intrusion, and he captured the gasp that came out of your mouth with his lips.
He was now holding down both of your wrists with one hand, never realizing that he was that much bigger than you.
He slid out his finger, bringing it to his mouth to give a long lick, before dipping his hand back down, and pushing in two.
You threw your head back when Kuroo curled his fingers, wondering how the hell he was able to find your g spot so quickly.
You felt like an animal caught in his trap, caged in with your arms pinned down, no choice but to let Kuroo draw out your orgasm while he pumped and curled into you, circling his thumb over your swollen clit.
Your legs were shaking while you screamed out his name, embarrassed that you were cumming so hard when he hasn’t even actually fucked you
He didn’t give you a chance to recover from your orgasm
In one swift movement, Kuroo let go of your hands and pulled out his fingers so he could grab a leg in each hand to fold you over in a press.
You don’t even know when Kuroo had taken his pants – or yours – off, and you didn’t have time to wonder.
A moan escaped your lips at the feel of his length filling you up, and you distinctly hear Kuroo tell you to say his name.
“Kuroo,” you moaned, bringing your hands to his shoulders, grasping at his body.
Every buck of his hips shot a jolt of pleasure throughout your body, unable to escape the feeling with Kuroo holding you down in place.
Who the hell would want to escape from here anyway?
“My first name,” he growled, quickening his pace when he felt your walls tighten around his dick.
“Tetsuro!” you screamed without a second thought, the brutal rhythm Kuroo has set driving heat onto your stomach, repeating his name over and over even after you feel your pussy gushing all over him, your cum dripping down from his shaft to his balls.
“Fuck,” Kuroo growled out, driving into you one last time before he spilled hot white, trying hard to catch his breath while coming down from this high.
The two of you lay together in the darkness for a while, your head on his chest and his arms around his shoulder.
The silence that surrounded the room was comfortable; almost like a bubble of peace that neither of you wanted to pop by saying anything.
“Be careful,” Eri’s fucking voice told you, yet again
While you didn’t regret what had just happened between you and Kuroo, doubts were beginning to creep in your mind.
What the hell was supposed to happen now? You’re not sure if Kuroo was expecting this outcome when he invited you over for drinks, but it happened, and you’re not really sure where to go from here.
You’ve already built a life for yourself – one that was truly yours – and you had a path that you had every intention to follow.
Would Kuroo be like every other guy and run away when he finds out you’re not compromising your plans for him? Would you even want to try to fit him into your plans?
You shake your head.
Jesus, get a grip. A guy dicks you down /once/, and all of a sudden you’re thinking about this shit?
“Y/N? You okay?” He asked from beside you.
You lift your head from his chest, sitting up so you could lean your back against his headboard. Kuroo was quick to mirror your actions.
“Kuroo,” you begin to tell him, and he frowned a little at the sound of his last name, “That was… amazing.”
Kuroo blushed a little at your compliment, though he knew it didn’t stop there. “…But?”
“But,” you bit your lip, “I’m not really looking for anything serious right now.”
Kuroo didn’t respond right away, but maybe that’s because you just kept babbling. “It’s just… I have so much going on with school, not to mention grad school applications are due in a few months, and who knows which university I’ll end up going to after graduation…”
You finally had the courage to look at him, and you caught a glimpse of what you would have thought was sadness in his eyes if it hadn’t been blinked away so quickly, soon replaced with that same unreadable smile.
“Whatever you want, Kitten,” he replied, “This doesn’t have to be anything more than what it is.”
You let out a breath of relief.
He walked you home that night (or morning, considering it was 1am), still trying your best to set boundaries even though you pretty much let him thoroughly wreck you.
He didn’t give you a kiss goodbye, instead sheepishly waving when he sees you entering the door to your apartment, saying he’ll shoot you a text tomorrow.
You thought things would be weird between the two of you after that night, but you were happy to find that it wasn’t.
You had managed to rekindle your friendship with Kuroo – meeting up to study, grabbing lunch if you had the time, maybe catching the occasional movie.
Though, you didn’t tell Eri about the added benefits.
(Kuroo Tetsu-hoe) Today: 12:37AM
You up?
[To: Kuroo Tetsu-hoe] Today: 12:49AM
Yeah, doing my Lit. paper.
(Kuroo Tetsu-hoe) Today: 12:50AM
Wanna do me instead?
[To: Kuroo Tetsu-hoe] Today: 12:58AM
Say less.
ou didn’t have to tell Eri about the added benefits – she wasn’t dumb, where else would her roommate be going in the middle of night?
You’ve had other men before, going through your fair share of sexual experiences before climbing into bed with Kuroo.
But he was still managing to show you new things, reaching spots you never even knew existed before, putting his mouth in places that made your eyes water and lungs burn from gasping for air.
You can’t explain the feeling you get when he’s running his hands across your body, and when he stares at you and nothing but you while he’s pumping into you and making you feel so full in more ways than one, it’s something akin to a chemical reaction.
There was one time, when he took a belt, secured it against his head post before he brought your legs up to –
“Earth to Y/N,” Kuroo said, waving a hand in front of your face.
“Sorry,” you said, shrugging your shoulders, “I was having a flashback.”
Kuroo smirked, knowing exactly what you meant.  
The two of you were lying in bed, your back against his chest and a strong arm wrapped around your waist.
You laid your hand on top of his, fiddling with his fingers and reveling in the calm that always came from being with Kuroo.
“What you thinking about?” You ask, and the way he stiffened up in your grip let you know that something really was bothering him.
It took him a little longer than you’d like before he replied.
“Do you ever feel like… you want more?”
This time, it was you that stilled in his arms.
“Be Careful.”
You turned around to face Kuroo.
“I thought we talked about this?”
Kuroo’s eyes searched your face, for what, you have no idea. But you stared back with just as much intensity, hoping that he would find the answer he was looking for.
Fear. That’s what was written all over your face.
Kuroo let out a humorless laugh. “Forget I said anything.”
He stood up to put his boxers on and slipping on a shirt before heading out onto the balcony that was attached to his room.
You gave him a few moments before getting up to gather your clothes from the floor, silently putting them on before you joined him outside.
You find him leaning against the balcony railing on his forearms, a cigarette lit in one hand.
He doesn’t turn his head towards you, but he does offer his cigarette, and you take it quietly.
You bring the white filter to your lips, taking a deep drag, closing your eyes when you feel your head get lighter, and releasing the smoke from your lungs.
“Kuroo,” you started, voice nothing but a soft whisper, “I’m sorry… I didn’t – “
He raised a hand to stop you.
“It’s fine,” he replied. “Like I said, forget I mentioned anything.”
He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“Hey,” he said, taking his cigarette back from you and taking a drag himself, “Kenma’s having a party this weekend. They’re inviting over some old classmates from Nekoma. He says he misses you. You should come.”
Your ears perk up at the invitation, excited at the thought of seeing your old friend and a little happy that he’s moving past the subject.
"Kenma? Is having a party?”
Kuroo laughed. “Alright. Yaku is having a party, but we’re doing it at Kenma’s place. It’s actually not that far from here, just one train ride.”
You chuckled, shaking your head knowingly.
“Yeah, I’ll go,” you agreed, “But, uhm… I’ll just meet you there?”
Kuroo nodded. “Yeah. I’ll just meet you there.”
You didn’t see Kuroo the rest of that week.
You weren’t sure what it was – he wasn’t ignoring you, he replied to your text messages and answered your calls.
But he hadn’t once asked you to come over. And after what happened that night, you were scared to ask him to come over.
The night of Kenma’s party came, and you entered to find way more people than you had expected. You didn’t recognize more than half of the people there, but relief washed over you when Yaku threw an arm around your shoulder.
You didn’t see Kuroo right away when you arrived, but you were too distracted at the joy from seeing some of your old classmates.
You were half way through a game of beer pong with Lev as your partner before Kuroo was able to make an appearance.
He made his rounds, saying his greetings to everyone before stopping at you, giving you a friendly one armed hug.
You didn’t want to admit that you were a bit sad at the generic greeting.
Was it because maybe… you want…. mor –
“Y/N! Shoot the damn ping pong ball,” Lev exclaimed, and you were shook out of your reverie. 
Kuroo excused himself, saying he was going to the kitchen to make himself a drink, but you were too focused on winning your game to notice.
Before you knew it, you lost three to two against Kenma and Yamamoto, cursing at Lev for forcing you to carry the team on your back.
By this point, the alcohol had spread all through your system. You were still able to walk straight, but with considerable effort. The words that came out of your mouth were just a little slurred, and you were kind of having a hard time controlling the volume of your voice.
“Where’s Kuroo?” you asked Yaku, who instantly shot a hand up to rub his ear.
“Jesus, woman, you don’t have to yell, I am /right here,” he grumbled, but he still let you sling an arm around his shoulders for support. “I thought he went into the kitchen to get some drinks?”
That’s right, he said that. But that was hours ago. Where could he be?
You stagger away from Yaku, pushing your way past unfamiliar bodies to get to the kitchen.
The first thing you saw when you tripped into the kitchen was Kuroo, dressed in a fitted black shirt and blue jeans, looking every bit the Greek God he was as he leaned against the counter. His arms were crossed atop his broad chest, a drink in one hand.
He was talking to someone, and you thought you recognized the long black hair that flowed from the back of their head, but were too distracted studying the veins that protruded from Kuroo’s forearms.
You opened your mouth to call out to him when the person in front of him stepped up, pressing their body into his. She uncrossed his arms and snaked two long arms around his neck.
You recognized her in that instant.
It was his ex from high school.
Looking down, you were surprised to see your clothes dry, because it felt like someone poured a bucket of ice water directly on top of your head.
“Be careful,” Eri’s words echoed in your head for the ten millionth time.
Yet here you were
In the same exact place you were a little over three years ago.
You scoffed at yourself.
Well, there’s nothing else for you here now, is there?
You shoot Yaku and Kenma a quick text in a group chat to let them know you were leaving.
The air outside was cold, your breath coming out in puffs. You wrapped your jacket around a little tighter, cursing yourself silently for not wearing a scarf cause it’ll ‘ruin the outfit.’
“Hey, the party’s that way.”
The sudden voice behind you nearly made you jump ten feet in the air.
“Jesus, you really are like a fucking cat.”
Kuroo chuckled.
For some reason, the sound made you angry. You kept walking, following the path of dimmed street lights that led you to the train station.
“Yeah, but home’s this way.”
His heavy footsteps trailed behind you.
“Great, I was getting tired of the party anyway.”
“What are you doing here?” You finally turned your head to him and asked.
Your voice was surprisingly clear and even, despite the unsteadiness of the ground beneath you.
“What do you mean? I’m walking you home.”
“Because it’s late, and you’re my friend.”
‘Friend’. The word made you wince, even though you were the one that drilled the idea into his head.
“I saw you talking to your ex,” you grumbled, crossing your arms and turning the other direction.
You could practically feel his smirk.
“Oya? Is that jealousy I’m hearing in those words?”
You felt your face get hot.
“Of course not!”
- “I thought we were just friends?”
“Will you shut up for once in your life, idiot!”
He wanted to tease you some more, but was stopped by the pensive look on your face.
“Why would you leave the girl that broke your heart behind just to walk me home?”
Kuroo looked at you with a confused expression.
“Girl that broke my heart?”
You nodded. “When I asked you about her, you said she was a big mistake.”
Kuroo stopped walking. You turned your head back to look at him curiously when he doubled over in a full bellied laugh.
“Are you laughing at me?!” You asked incredulously, giving him a glare from where you stood.
“You... you think she’s the one that broke my heart?”
Kuroo wiped a fake tear from his eye.
“Wow. That was a good one.”
“What the hell are you going on about, Kuroo?”
The jovial look on Kuroo’s face slowly faded, the entertained smile on his face shrinking his lips into a thin line.
“Y/N, she didn’t break my heart.”
Now it was your turn to be confused.
“You want to know why I said she was a big mistake?” Kuroo took a step towards you, “It was because of her that I lost you.”
Your jaw dropped.
Kuroo ran his fingers through his hair, ruining the perfectly waxed locks that he had spent thirty minutes styling.
“Please don’t run away when I tell you this.”
You couldn’t move your feet even if you wanted to.
“The only reason I ever brought her up to you in the first place was because I wanted to see your reaction. I wanted to know if you would get jealous. But without hesitation, you told me that I should just go ahead and date her, and you know dumb young men and their pride... then... it just... snowballed into something I didn’t even...”
Kuroo couldn’t finish his sentence.
Your vision begins to shake.
“But... but I confessed to you!”
“Yeah, then you slammed the door in my face and stopped talking to me!”
You couldn’t deny that.
“Do you have any idea how confusing that was for a teenage boy? I had no idea what the hell was going on, one day, I blinked and I was stuck with a girl I didn’t love while I watched my best friend smile and laugh and walk passed me like I never even existed.”
You swallowed the guilty lump that was caught in your throat.
“All I knew was that you weren’t around anymore; you weren’t there to make me laugh with your dumb jokes, you weren’t coming over and leaving your presence all over my room, nothing, it was all gone, and it all felt so fucked up. Being without you felt so fucked up.” 
Had Kuroo always felt this way? Were you really so busy running away from him that you couldn’t even see that he was hurting too?
“Now the universe or the gods or whatever brought me back to you, and it’s like everything makes sense again, and fuck, all I want to do is just show you how much I’ve missed you, how much I care, how much I love you.”
You gasped, and you were waiting for Kuroo to try and take those words back, but the resolve was painted in his eyes.
“But all you do is just keep me at arms length. You wanted to be just friends when I wanted everything.”
You choked back a sob, tears were now steadily streaming down your face.
Kuroo closed the space between you, wrapping one arm around your waist while bring his other head to wipe at your tears with the pad of his thumb.
 “She wasn’t the girl that broke my heart. You were.”
He moved to place his fingers on your chin, tilting your head up to force you to look at his eyes.
He wanted you to see that he meant every single word.
“If this is all you’re willing to give me, I’ll take it. I’ll break my own heart. Every day, over and over again, if that’s what it takes to be with you.”
His voice was in a whisper now, bringing his lips to kiss both sides of your cheeks.
“Because I love you.”
He brought his hands to cup for your face before pulling you in for a kiss.
This wasn’t anything like you’ve ever experienced before.
Every time his tongue brushed against yours, you felt all the love adoration he was trying to convey in this one physical act, hoping he could transfer it all into your lips.
It felt like time stopped just for the two of you, to have this moment in the middle of the sidewalk, bathed in the orange glow of the street light that hung above you.
He pulled away finally, resting his forehead on yours for just a second before he engulfed you with his arms.
His head rested on top of yours, feeling the vibrations as he spoke.
“I’m going to ask you one more time,” he said nervously. “Do you want something more?”
You wiggle out of his grip just so you can move your hands up to caress his cheek.
“Tetsuro... I love you so much.”
Later that night, in the safety of your room and away from Eri’s judgmental eyes at the two of you stumbling in and giggling through the door, you trace small circles on Kuroo’s chest with your fingers while Kuroo had an arm wrapped around you tightly.
“Hey, Tetsu,” you broke the silence with a whisper, “What if I end up going to grad school that was... further away?”
Kuroo couldn’t help but smile and shake his head. You were never going to change.
Not like he would ever want you to.
“Y/N... we didn’t talk for three years, and not once did I stop thinking about you. A little distance isn’t going to get rid of me.”
You try to bury your face in embarrassment.
If he had to spend every day of the rest of his life reassuring you that he’ll be by your side no matter what, well - that’s just too easy.
You find yourself holding onto him a little bit tighter, making a silent vow that never again were you going to push away Kuroo Tetsuro.
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hangovercurse · 3 years
The Things We Can’t Tell Pete About vi
You and Colson grapple with being “just friends.”
Colson X Reader
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 1871
| i | ii | iii | iv | v |
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Hi friend
You were in the studio working on editing one of your songs when you got the text. You hated it, but you smiled automatically when his name popped onto your screen.
Hi friend
The past few days had been weird, but necessary. Colson ended up staying at Pete’s apartment the next night too, so you had plenty of time to figure out how “friends” worked. Unsurprisingly, you hated it. But it was the only way to keep Colson close to you, so you’d take it.
I’m bored
I thought you were friend?
But seriously you should entertain me
As friends
I’m in the studio rn
U can take a break
What would we do if I took a break?
You tried really hard not to flirt, but it came so naturally. But maybe if you convinced yourselves that you were just friends, it would happen. Because that’s how things work.
I’m hungry
I thought you were bored?
That joke is lame
Will u pls go out to lunch with me
As friends
I suppose I could think about it
You sighed, saving the audio project and shutting the computer down. You hadn’t eaten all day and spending time with Colson wasn’t the worst way to spend your lunch break.
Y/N I will find you and drag you out of that studio
You don’t even know where I am
Where do you wanna go?
I could find out…
Whatever u want
Mediterranean? There’s a cute place right by me I’ve been wanting to check out.
You sent him the address, asking him to meet you in 10 minutes.
It’s a date
Not a date
Like I’ll see you then
You laughed as the texts came through your phone, shaking your head. You headed out of the building, walking towards the small restaurant. You weren’t exactly dressed in “lunch clothes,” because you had expected to stay in the studio all day, but you would survive.
You got in line at the blue painted restaurant, thankful that it wasn’t too long. You waited a few minutes before a familiar voice spoke from your side. “Now what’s a pretty girl like you doing all by herself?”
You smiled, turning to Colson. “Waiting for her friend to show up.”
He raised his eyebrows, a smirk on his face. “I hope your friend is as hot as you are.” He chuckled.
You rolled your eyes, “not even close.”
Luckily Colson understood you were joking and he laughed with you. “How have you been?” He asked, “did they catch the guy breaking into apartments?”
“I’ve been good, working.” You nodded, “yeah, they caught him. He broke into this police officer’s place while he was home.”
Colson huffed in amusement, “talk about bad luck.”
“Right? I mean, I’m glad they caught him but, I mean, what are the odds?” You moved forward in the line, reaching the hostess stand.
“Two please.” Colson asked, flashing the girl a smile. You bit your tongue to hide the scowl that almost instinctively came to your face.
The hostess was young and no doubt attractive. She batted her eyelashes towards the tall man, not even acknowledging you. “What’s the name?”
You furrowed your eyebrows as Colson answered, wondering why she would need his name if she was taking you to the table. “And what’s the number?” She asked sweetly. If you were drinking water you would have spit it out.
Colson blushed slightly as you stood in shock. “Um-I’m.” He looked at you as if to say “I’m here with someone” but then he must’ve realized that he wasn’t technically on a date. “You’re lovely, but I’m not interested.” He muttered out, an awkward look on his face.
You were trying your hardest not to look pissed off, because if you looked pissed off then the lie you and Colson have been telling each other about being just friends would be exposed.
The girl looked you over, eyes raking up and down you with a disgusted look on her face. You felt very self-conscious suddenly, your head turning towards the floor in embarrassment. Colson noticed and cleared his throat, “our table?”
The girl didn’t speak a word as she grabbed two menus and led you to the table. “Your waiter will be with you shortly.” She spit out, anger on her face. Your heart was beating very fast, but you couldn’t tell if it was from anger or sadness.
Colson eyed you from across the table as you played with the hair tie on your wrist. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You spoke too fast to convince him, your quiet demeanor also giving you away.
He sighed, his foot kicking yours lightly and pulling your focus up to him. “Okay, you just seem a little uncomfortable.”
You huffed, “yeah, well, having girls look at me like I’m the scum of the earth does that to a person.”
He frowned, “You know she has, like, nothing on you, right?”
A small blush found your cheeks, and you looked down at your hands again. “You can’t say stuff like that.” You muttered.
“What? Friends say that stuff to each other! I’m trying to make you feel better.” His smile told you he knew what he had done, but he didn’t care.
You sighed, “yeah but you can’t say that to me.”
Colson gaped dramatically, “why not?”
“Because it’s different coming from you.” You laughed. “Why didn’t you give her your number?” You asked, curious for his answer.
He shrugged, “wasn’t interested. Guess I have high expectations.”
You rolled your eyes, “it’s not because I’m here, right?”
Colson let out a sigh, “N-“
He started to speak but was interrupted by the waiter at your table, “Welcome to Shuka, my name is Oliver, I’ll be your server today. Can I get you guys started with something to drink?”
“I’ll get a water, please.” You said, smiling at the man. Colson raised an eyebrow at you. “I have to go back to work after this.”
He chuckled, scanning the menu, “can I get a Nitro?” Oliver nodded, sending you both smiles before heading back to the kitchen.
You sent Colson a look, expecting him to continue your previous conversation. Instead, he continued to read through the menu. “Do you know what you want? I’m thinking about the Shak-Shakshu-.” He tried to pronounce the name of the dish but was failing.
You giggled, finding the dish on the menu, “Shakshuka.” You told him, “and I haven’t even looked.” You scanned through the menu in your hands, reading the names of the various dishes. Colson took to studying you, a small smile on his face.
“It’s not because you’re here. It’s because I’m genuinely not interested in anyone else.” He said out of the blue. Confusion flashed across your face before you understood what he was referring to. You took in a breath, trying to figure out how to respond. “I know I shouldn’t tell you that, but I just think you needed to know.”
You smiled to yourself, “I don’t mind, I just- it makes it harder to convince myself this isn’t a date.”
Colson nodded, “this is not a date. We are just two friends having a friendly lunch. As friends.” He was trying to convince himself too.
“Right. Friendly friends. Two people who are just friends.” You said, exaggerating the word “friends”. Awkwardness hung in the air for a few moments before you both started laughing.
You fell into the familiar pattern of conversation that seemed to come naturally to you both. When your meals arrived, you were both very excited. “Can I try some of yours?” You asked, sending him the most convincing puppy dog eyes you could muster. He chuckled, placing some of the poached egg onto his fork and moving it towards you. You rolled your eyes at the cliché but smiled anyways, letting him feed you. Your eyes widened in shock “that’s so good!”
He nodded, swallowing his food. “My turn.” He said, reaching over and plucking up a falafel from your plate with his fork. Once he finished eating he smiled at you, “you have excellent taste. You’re picking the restaurants every time now.”
You raised an eyebrow, a sly smile on your face. “So we’re going to have more of these friend lunches?” You asked.
“Duh. We’re friends. This is what friends do.”
You giggled, “I don’t hear about you and Pete going out for lunch together.”
The man chuckled, eyes closing for a moment. “If it’ll make you feel better I’ll take Pete to lunch one of these days.” That made you giggle even harder, shaking your head.
 Neither of you finished your meals, packing them into to-go boxes to eat later. When Oliver brought the check over, you were very flustered. Colson automatically reached to pay but you grabbed his wrist, “we’re on separate checks.” You told the server. Oliver nodded, moving to fix it until Colson spoke up.
“I got it, it’s not a problem.” You sent him a look. “I asked you to lunch, I pay.”
“Friends let their friends pay for themselves.” You muttered, moving your hand from his wrist.
He rolled his eyes, “you can pay next time.” Smiling smugly, he handed his credit card to Oliver, who was very confused. “Relax. I’m just being nice.”
You sighed, pouting slightly. “It’s already hard enough and then you make it worse by flirting and paying and- ugh.” You cut yourself off, frustrated.
Colson clenched his jaw, letting out a hard breath through his nose. “I know, I’m sorry. This isn’t exactly easy for me either.” You nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed at your small outburst. “We can do this.” He said, confidently. If only you could feel as confident as he sounded.
Once Oliver came back with the card and receipts, you both left the restaurant. You hadn’t noticed the cameras as you walked down the street with Colson, the conversation returning to light banter and jokes, but they noticed you.
Colson walked you all the way back to the studio you were working at, insisting on going with you all the way inside. “I just wanna see where you work.” He claimed, but you insisted it was just like every other studio.
You got into the elevator to ride up to the fourth floor, where your space was. Colson stepped in with you, a smile on his face. You sighed, pressing the button and waiting for the elevator to close.
“Hey Y/N?” He spoke as the doors began to shut. You looked up to him, eyebrow raised in question. The doors closed and instead of responding, Colson leaned down, pressing his lips to yours.
You kissed him back, hands cupping his face. You heard the elevator beep as you passed the second floor, and then the third floor. He pulled away, smile on his face.
You took in a deep breath, “I thought you…”
“Fuck it.” He muttered, standing up straight. You smiled, biting your lip. “But we’re not hiding this from Pete. We’re just… testing the waters.”
You hummed in agreement as the elevator doors opened, stepping into the hallway and leading him to your studio.
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lcnelyinthesky · 4 years
admiration - tsukishima kei
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a/n: okay hi?? im ellie?? heres this??? i worked on it for like four? days?on and off? and its longer than any oneshot ive written but yk shes cute ig. pls be nice pls enjoy... but also my last piece got 2 notes and im really hopin in not shadowbanned here lmao
genre: fluff, angst, rivals to lovers!!
pairing: bisexual!female!reader x tsukishima kei (yes bi reader its a vibe)
warnings: a break up with a beautiful woman i made up myself, swearing
word count: 3.7k (ahhhh!!)
enjoy!! :D
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Elementary second year. Your newly-assigned seat was next to a much taller, blond kid. He was smart and bright, rivaling the sun in terms of unbridled joy. Now, none of that can be seen by eight year old eyes, but looking back and comparing, it's easy to spot that he changed. 
Tsukishima Kei was an excitable kid, just as everyone was, but he was still snarky; his arrogance seemed to be something that just festered within his soul, no matter the trauma that brought it out. 
Childlike wonder is still alive and well at eight. 
The teacher you had back then was quite rude. She was pushy and angry, and she assigned way too much homework. Everything she uttered made you huff in disappointment, crossing your arms and hoping for some sort of reaction from someone. The kid next to you was named Koji--or, at least, that's what you called him. He was your best friend, spending every moment with you like you were siblings. You'd be able to crack a joke with the smallest glance and you’d talk constantly. As soon as your handwriting was legible to people of your age group, you'd pass notes back and forth and cackle at their contents. Until, of course,
“Tsukishima, will you switch seats with Kojikata today?” Your teacher sounded exhausted, huffing her sentence out on a sigh before going back to the multiplication tables on the board. Suddenly, your little world was interrupted.
“Y/N, right?” He didn’t look at you, placing his folders down on the desk and pushing his glasses back up as he sat. His words were hushed and quiet, but the class had moved into individual work--he wasn’t interrupting anyone.
“Yeah. Can I call you Tsukki?” You were angry, gripping your pencil tighter in your little hand as you wrote numbers down on white paper. One times one is one. Two times two is four. This is easy.
“No,” he was long doing the same thing, but writing quicker than you. That’s how it is, huh?
Three times two is six. Four times five is twenty. Six times three is eighteen. Five times six is thirty. This is easy-
“Miss, I’m done.” His voice was always so dry. Uninterested. 
Four times three is twelve. “Me too!” Your hand shot up with the paper in it, sending a death glare at the boy next to you.
That's how it is, huh?
This pattern continued for weeks. Tsukishima didn’t move from his seat next to you, as your teacher had made the realization that you worked far harder without friends around. Tsukishima lit a competitive fire under you; everything was now a race.
It started with handing in assignments. Who would go up to the front desk first to have their work checked over? Who would finish this quiz faster? Then it transferred into everything. 
Who would get to class faster? Who finished their lunch quicker? Who could read faster? Who scored higher on spelling tests? Who could run faster in gym class?
And then it was middle school.
Middle school brought in Yamaguchi Tadashi. 
It'd be an understatement to say he warmed to Yamaguchi quickly, but the basis behind that was strange. Tsukishima was never one for friends, even though everyone wanted to be friends with him. He was cool in the eyes of a handful of eleven year olds; letting everything roll off your back seemed to be an admirable trait. Yamaguchi worshipped him, and Tsukishima took him under his wing to teach him the ropes of being a cool kid.
At heart, though, Yamaguchi was kind and attentive. He could tell when things were going wrong, and supposedly it was him that changed the rest of your life.
The rivalry continued just as it had in elementary, just with higher stakes. You'd fight for answering questions first, working ahead of everyone else to just beat him. He’d never bat an eye at it, and sometimes you thought it was all over, but then
“Y/N.” Tsukishima Kei stood three steps behind you, looming over you with the height he was seemingly born with. The hallway was emptying by now, kids walking into their classrooms once again. The white floors rung with the quiet sounds of soft-bottomed shoes and a light above your head flickered calmly.
“Yeah?” You spun around to meet his gaze.
“What’d you get on that lit essay?”
“A 96. Why?”
“No reason,” he smirked and tilted his head up, looking down at you, “I got a 100.”
A huff and a stomp away gave him the answer he needed as he followed you into the classroom, sitting down behind you and next to Yamaguchi just as he did every day. The little shit.
Tsukishima was never better than you, technically speaking. On average and on paper, you were always both roughly the same. You'd fight for being top of the class, the position switching between both of you every day. You excelled in creative things while he excelled at sports, but both of you dabbled in the other. When people in your year began dating, everyone came to assume you two were. It was embarrassing, really, because Tsukishima Kei was a little shit know-it-all who will never beat me at anything ever and people need to stop thinking he will because he won’t I’m better than hi-
“Hey?” Oh right. Friends.
“Koji!” He never left, at least not yet. His nimble fingers tapping on your shoulder brought you back to reality, making you jump and turn around to face him, wrapping your arms around his body for a split second.
“You looked zoned” his face was riddled with concern that was easy to write off.
“Oh, whoops” a small blush heated your cheek as your hand migrated to rub your neck. “Did you want something?”
As you walked into the classroom a bit further, Koji sat on your right; he seemed to buckle down more when you had moved away from each other way back in the day, so there were less mid-class comedy shows. He grew up just as you had, and with the closeness of the two of you people began to think you were dating. At twelve, it was incredibly necessary to date someone--anyone. Theories bounced from everywhere and anywhere and with you it was either your best friend or your biggest rival. Your lack of attraction to either of them became the center of many late night crises. 
“Not particularly,” his gaze switched from you to the board again, beginning to write something down when he turned his head. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah! Of course I am,” you smiled at him, the kind of smile that made your eyes crinkle at the corners, and suddenly it was high school.
“Tsukishima is really cute! And he's smart, I heard that Kageyama wasn’t too bright somewhere.”
“But Kageyama’s so much hotter! His being a little dumb sometimes is endearing.”
“Are we not going to talk about that third year setter, Sugawara?”
“No, he’d never go for a first year. Besides, that Hinata kid is more of an enigma.”
“Have you even seen them play?” A howl of angry “yes”s fell over the crowd, trying to prove something. None of them had ever seen them play.
That asshole Tsukishima getting popular felt like a stab in the soul. None of them knew him or how much he sucked, but the amount of girls fawning over him was horrific.
There's something consistently poetic about young love, no matter where it comes from. Something extra sweet about holding pinkies in school corridors when no one is looking and seeing them every day, smiling loudly as the sun broke over the horizon all bright and early. The raging hormones and dumb, fake social hierarchies of fifteen make emotions run wild, and only the deeply immature end up helplessly infatuated. Others are more cautious, but there's only so many precautions one can take at fifteen. Sometimes some of us just want to be loved, no matter the sincerity of it.
Cared for, and whatnot. No harm in that, in the long run at least. 
“Y/N, right?” Her name was Mei. She was in your class; 1-4, just like Tsukishima. She was pretty. Long, black hair was preceded by two green streaks at the front. She’d always have those down, making her features look like a photo in a perfect frame. She had a collection of hair clips with small shapes on them that she’d have somewhere on her person at all times. Her more mid-sized body was paler than most, and she was covered in freckles and moles. Her eyes were an unusual shade of blue that looked deep enough to swim in. Her cheeks were always stained with a peachy blush that moved up her collarbones and into her ears, making her look like she was always smiling no matter what her face was doing. Karasuno’s school uniform did wonders for her curves, the skirt swaying up on occasion and making her look so damn perfect.
“Yeah! You’re…” a second of dumbfounded pause felt like years in your mind, coming to the conclusion that she was the most beautiful girl you had ever met. “Ojiro Mei?”
“Yep! I just wanted to tell you you looked really pretty today!” Her voice always had an upward inflection, and was higher than most. It was cute. Incredibly cute.
“Oh.” A moment of confidence fell over you like you weren’t in control of your actions, “you’re beautiful.”
“Thank you very much,” she bounced back on her toes and then rolled back to her heels, hands intertwined behind her back, “You’re too kind, Y/N.” Her sentences were always punctuated with an eye-crinkling smile.
Later that day, you found her on every social media account you could; she messaged you first.
When you don’t know you’re interested in women, it’s hard to notice that they’re flirting with you, but after a handful of supposed gay panic, you asked her on a date.
She was two inches shorter than you, and somehow that persisted no matter what shoes she was wearing. Every small outing with her felt like cloud nine--watching the sunset, small conversation over tea at a nearby cafe, cuddling in your bedroom with only a string of Christmas lights on. She always looked so wonderful in soft lighting, the potential cold of winter disappeared with pale beiges that made her freckles look like stars. Every action Mei ever did was soft and full of care. She could send every single emotion through her fingertips on your jaw, deepening a kiss you started moments before. She was like magic, until she wasn't anymore.
You supposed, when thinking back, that things fell out around month thirteen. The rose colored lenses everything was viewed through faded a bit, and it's easy to notice her pulling away. There were less late night phone calls and less recommended music and less hands running through your hair. Everything has a natural progression to the end, right?
“Do you still feel it?” It was raining. Large drops of water fell down to the floor, smacking the pavement at speeds you couldn’t even try to measure. She was wearing a bright yellow raincoat that looked almost dull in the four pm light. 
“Feel what?”
“Anything, baby.” All of her words ended with a huffed out sigh, like she was tired of something. Lying, maybe. 
You pondered the question, and it seemed like your hesitation gave her all the answer she needed. 
“Ya know, Y/N.” She looked down and grabbed your hands with hers, rubbing her thumbs on your palms as you grabbed around them. “This was fun. We had a good run.”
A solemn tear fell down your cheek at the ending, but there was no use in self pity or anger now. She was so sweet and kind, and it's truly unthinkable how she continued that kindness in the end.
“Yeah. A good run.” The pink in your cheeks grew as you choked out a laugh, pulling her in for one final hug under the dim fluorescent lights on the front door overhang of the school.
Fifteen came and went with love, and when sixteen rolled around you wondered if you’d ever be loved like that again.
A spirit can't be broken overnight, and if you’ve spent the last eight years of your life having a strong, consistent rivalry with someone, it won’t leave any time soon. Tsukishima and you were on similar playing fields for most of your life, but you had one thing he didn’t: relationship experience. In that way, you always counted yourself one point higher, like a boy scout badge. 
For a spell, however, your intensity changed. There was nothing more driving you than spite, and there was nothing you wanted more than to beat him. You were well into your second year of high school at this point, and--volleyball notwithstanding--you had wins over Tsukishima. You had seen him play volleyball, every match in his second year, and you deemed he was simply okay. You refused to count his success onto the list of wins for both of you.
June fifteenth. Tournaments were coming up around the corner when it happened, which explained every reason why he was there. You weren’t exactly prepared for the rain, so the best bet seemed to be sitting at the front entrance of Karasuno High School and wallowing in a little bit more self pity before you went home. You were just dumped after all, the tears weren’t done falling. 
The feeling between sadness and shame overflowed you, shades of yellowish green painting the world around you and churning your gut into oblivion. And the tears fell. It felt like a scene in a movie; in a few seconds, a strong, capable man would show up to your rescue.
“Y/N?” what the fuck?
He was sweaty. His face was matte from a light film of saltwater. He had a grey umbrella over his head, keeping himself dry from the still-pelting rain. His six-foot-two frame was covered with a black tracksuit, and he still had his sports goggles on.
Those fucking sports goggles.
“Tsukishima.” you deadpanned, trying to get him away as fast as possible. His words were snarky, as always, but this time laced with concern. Like he actually cared.
“What are you still doing here? It’s almost six,” he stood under the overhang with you, crouching to take a few feet off of his incredible height. 
“Ah,” he huffed and sat down next to you, “it’s not great for your posture, ya know.”
“Oh shut up, Tsukishima.”
“Remember when we were eight,” he looked up, studying the moths as they flew around the lights on the ceiling, “and you asked if you could call me Tsukki?”
“Vaguely, but we were eight.”
“Yeah, true” his head dramatically fell to his lap, staring at his knees as he chuckled, “but you can. Call me Tsukki, that is.”
An uncomfortable laugh fell from your lips, and he spoke for you, “this one kid, Koganegawa, the setter on Date Tech, calls me that too. It's not a Tadashi-only nickname anymore.”
“You say Tadashi-only like I wasn’t there first.”
“He never asked.”
“Would you have said no?”
“Probably” he hasn’t actually looked at you yet. 
“Should I not have asked?”
“It doesn’t matter anymore.”
“Okay, Tsukki” you drew out the last letter, giggling at the situation before you had time to think about your emotions.
He noticed that you weren’t crying anymore and helped you stand, grabbing your hand and pulling you up. Tsukishima and you lived closer than you thought, walking the same direction and only splitting up seconds away from your home.
You walked in silence the whole time, but it was comfortable. While he was your rival, he was always a friend. There was nothing scary or intimidating about him, as is with most people when you’ve known them forever; it was almost like his facade just didn’t work on you. You were huddled close to him to stay out of the rain. 
The second you parted ways, you ran home. The rain was more of a drizzle now, but the temperature began a free fall--getting out of the cold as fast as possible was your first priority. Upon entering the front door and taking off your shoes and jacket, leaving everything to sit in the entryway, you took a shower. The rain didn’t do enough to wash away the pain of the day, and warm steam would let the rest evaporate. The expected unrelenting sadness wasn’t really present as much as was expected, though. Everything felt fine. Content. Okay.
And it continued that way. He sent you a snapchat asking if you had gotten home safely, which prompted a memory of you never giving each other your phone numbers. After a quick yes, tsukki. no need to worry ;), you sent him your number asking to play some game.
Whatever is meant to happen does, right? Any excuse for falling for him. You didn’t want to, of course, but things happen. Time changes. Thus, the excuses. Thus, the ignorance. Thus, the five stages of grief. 
It started with the denial, because no Y/N you can’t like Tsukishima Kei. He’s so competitive and mean and snarky and horrible and you hate him! Then, the anger, because Tsukishima sucks and he’s horrible and you’re going to punch him in his stupid cute face. Next, the bargaining, because please don’t let this be happening you’ll do anything to lose these feelings, even if it means letting him win at something. Going into the depression, because all you’ve ever wanted was to be free of this assclown and now you’re stuck thinking about him at three in the morning when you’re supposed to be dreaming about anything other than him. And finally, acceptance, when you scowl at him in the hallway because fuck, you like Tsukishima Kei.
The worst bit of acceptance is getting over it. Now you had to confront your feelings. Now you needed to tell him. 
It was roughly five months since he found you sulking on school grounds, and you regretted most days the way you let him text you every morning. It’d always be something stupid, like a joke about the novel you were reading in lit or sometimes he’d tell you, off hand, something dumb Hinata and Kageyama did at practice. Sometimes he’d text you, within the first twenty minutes of the school day, pointing out something little you did with your hair. They were never really compliments as much as comments; he’d say “your socks have a pink ring at the top” and give you nothing to work with from there. A simple yes would suffice, you always supposed, because “yes, tsukki. they do.”
He’d linger at his desk during the break between classes and would stay there if you didn’t leave, but would leave a few steps behind you if you did. He wouldn’t follow you, but he’d watch to know where you were going. Everything he did was concealed though--you'd only notice if you really wanted to know.
Yamaguchi was the only one to notice, even after a while of it. You’ll never know what he said to his friend, but the conversation you had with the aforementioned friend a day later gives some guesses.
“Y/N?” Tsukishima was never the shy type, and you knew him in the days where everyone was shy. He wasn’t loud, but he was bold. His words were always pointed and important. Everything he did always had purpose and intensity behind it.
“Tsukki?” You were sitting under a tree, enjoying the late spring weather of the beginning of your third year. Nothing became intense yet classwork wise, so there was ample time to chill on the school grounds. Overlooking the soccer field was a large oak tree. It was big enough to comfortably have multiple groups of people under its shade, but it was empty at the moment; save for you and the book you were reading.
“I was just wondering if you’d like to maybe go out sometime?” He somehow didn’t pause while talking, but his words came out more something akin to word vomit. You we’re more shocked than you should have been, if you had picked up on the signs. But you were feeling the same as he was, as far as you could tell.
“Sure, when?” You looked back down at your book for a second, placing the bookmark in it and folding the pages shut.
Tsukishima looked dumbfounded, standing there with his eyes bugged out and his mouth slightly agape. He started making unintelligible babbling noises, hoping to get something out that had any meaning at all. You took the reins instead, gaining confidence in his lack thereof.
“I was planning on getting coffee or something today after school. It gets really cold at night now, huh?”
“Yeah, I suppose.”
“Would you like to join me?”
“There's a break before practice today so” he hesitated, letting the pink in his cheeks finally catch up to the beating in his chest. “Sure.”
You wouldn’t have ever pegged Tsukishima Kei as the flustered type.
There was never a drop in conversation, as there never really was between you two. A whole life together and you still had things to talk about, mentioning everything from your individual childhoods to recent developments. Turns out he never knew what genre of books were your favorite. Or what kind of music you listened to. Or what any of your hobbies were. 
Turns out you both had more in common than you thought, competitive spirits notwithstanding. Tsukishima Kei was a strange man in every sense of the word. He was arrogant and snarky and disinterested and bright and passionate and smart. He was your rival, smug look plastered on his smug face making your chest bubble in anger just as it had a million times before--or was that admiration this time? The world may never know. 
All that was real right now was the deck of cards on the table, being separated out into a card game both of you learned as kids. The small, round, cafe table shook with every slap of your hands, but the basis of your relationship would always be competition. It's just that now the anger behind that competition was gone. All that was left was admiration. 
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all her skies are yellow
new drabble! wrote this during english today. not proofread whatsoever but it’s 10pm pls cut me some slack lmao
summary: set a few months after sing, jet survived.
content warning: slight su*cidal ideation, bl**d, raygun usage
word count: 2,176
"you let us die. why were you the only one to get out? you're a monster, jet." jet can imagine the way kobra's lips turn up into a snarl with his words, the same way he'd talk to dracs during claps, and jet recoils.
jet can't even get in a word to kobra because poison's stepping up, footsteps always so hard, and once again he can see it in his head: poison's eyes always lighted with fury that almost matches the cherry red of their hair.
"you think you're brave? that you're a killjoy like we were? you can't even see anymore." their voice is cruel and jet's heart is going rabbit-fast in his chest, he's pretty sure he's gonna pass out.
"it's all dark, isn't it? that's what you deserve." ghoul pipes up. jet can't help but agree.
and then there's soft footsteps around him, and he braces because he expects to be kicked, but then somebody's got a hand hooked under his jaw to force him to look up. of course, he can't see who it is, but their presence feels familiar. too familiar.
"you're nothing." the voice says, words light as feathers but hitting jet like a ton of bricks.
the hand on his face is snatched away, and he barely manages to catch himself with his hands and avoid faceplanting onto the ground below him.
there's a cold barrel of a ray gun pressed between his eyes. he knows it's her, because he can hear the far-off cackles of ghoul and the venom siblings.
his ma is going to kill him. he disappoints her that much. he wants to talk, wants to beg for his life, but he can't. the words are stuck in his throat. why would he beg? it's not like he's got any purpose here any more. the girl's got pony, doc, and cherri; she's in good hands. he only weighs them down, hiding away in the shadows and never leaving his room. he's another mouth to feed, and he can't even fucking see now.
"you should've been a better son." she says, voice just like he remembers it as a kid when she sang him to sleep, except now it's nothing but knives that cut straight through and lodge so deep he thinks her words are just enough to kill him. he wants her to just shoot, he doesn't want to think about it anymore. he hopes the witch has room for him.
except she doesn't shoot, just rears back the barrel of the gun and hits him between the eyes so hard that the blackness of his vision fuzzes and spins before he jolts awake with a start, still in his bed at the station.
he's gasping for air, hands flying up to his throat because it feels like his lungs are simultaneously working double time and not working at all, he's getting lightheaded and there's alarms going off in his head.
it's all so loud, he needs it all to stop. he can't think, it's so, so loud, he can hear his blood rushing in his ears. his ma's voice is playing over and over in his head, he can't, he just needs it all to shut up, he-
"you're nothing." her voice repeats like she's standing right there next to him, and he falls off the mattress trying to flinch away from her. he's scooting back, the noises of things falling and breaking with his scared movements are so loud. something falls and he whimpers, clamping his hands over his ears.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i don't know, i'm s-"  he's choking, coughing and sputtering and he thinks he's dying. maybe this is how he's supposed to go, the witch just kept him alive for longer than the others as a cruel mockery. she's gonna come and take him away any minute.
poison's talking again, and it's drowned out by ghoul's cackling and kobra's snarling. he's got his legs curled to his chest, and he buries his head between his knees.
he wraps his arms around his torso protectively, trembling so hard he can barely keep himself backed into the corner. his shirt feels wet, and he knows he's most likely torn a few of the stitches on his chest. the stitches over the raygun blast that nearly killed him that night. he wishes it had.
he can still feel the hood of the car, he's staring up at the city sky, thinking the witch was gonna take him. no, instead she had just frowned at him in his dreams and swiped her hand over his face, and the sight in his working eye was no more.
now he's sniffling, arms wrapped around himself so tight he can feel his ribs. he needs to eat. that's what doc tells him. maybe doc would agree with his mom, he's a failure. who would willingly parent such a wreck?
he's twenty-three, he's lived in the desert his whole life. he should be able to process death by now. but instead, he's hiding and shaking like a stray dog. witch, the blood is seeping through his shirt now and onto his hands.
the words of his ma and the others hit a crescendo and he digs his nails into his face, hands clapped over his eyes. he wants to hide. he knows he's probably getting blood all over himself, but better that it's his own than someone else's. he's had too much blood of others on his hands, both figuratively and literally.
he can hear other voices, there's footsteps out in the hall and he knows they're looking for him. shit, he woke them up. he just hopes the girl hasn't woken up.
the door creaks open and he cringes, and little footsteps patter across the floor. well, that question is answered. he grimaces.
"found him!" the girl shouts back in the direction of the hallway.
"you should go back and rest." cherri's voice is hoarse with sleep. it makes jet feel a million times worse.
"but-" she asks, voice trailing off.
"girly. go on." doc says. he sounds the same, he's likely been up for hours. he almost never sleeps anymore. the girl huffs but her footsteps disappear down the hallway and jet assumes she's gone back to her room.
"you opened your stitches." cherri says. he's closer now, his voice is soft. jet doesn't answer, and when cherri goes to touch his arm, jet's hands tear away from his face and he curls himself closer into the corner.
"oh, jet..." pony's voice is behind cherri now, soft and sympathetic. jet wraps his arms back around his torso, fingers digging so hard into his sides he knows he's gonna have bruises. it's the only thing grounding him right now.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry-" he's rambling again.
"sorry for what, tumbleweed?" doc asks. doc hasn't called him that since he was a kid. it just makes jet feel even worse.
jet doesn't know how to answer him, doesn't know how to tell him he's sorry because he lived and they didn't. so instead he just shakes his head and digs his nails even further into his ribs.
he doesn't know how to tell doc that he feels so alone, that his bedroom feels like a prison and he thinks he'd be better off with his mask in the mailbox.
doc always tells him the girl needs him now more than ever, but jet has a hard time believing him. jet can't even see her anymore, her smile has been replaced by the permanent black fuzziness that is his vision now.
poison and kobra are yelling in his ears again, and ghoul sneers so sharply it makes his head hurt. he just wants it to stop. his ma was right. he's nothing.
why did he have to be the one to get out that night? and not the others? poison is- no, was (it hurts to correct himself) poison was a natural born leader, kobra was a genius, and ghoul had so much spirit.
who was he? just the damaged, desertborn kid they hauled around with them? the fact that he made it out was a sick joke.
witch, it's all too much. he's gonna be sick.
"c'mon, let's get you cleaned up." cherri says. jet doesn't want to get up, he just wants to be left alone, but he still stands up on shaky legs and follows cherri to the bathroom.
jet slides onto the edge of the tub, hands gripping onto the sides harder than necessary. cherri's turned the sink on, jet can hear the water running.
"look up." cherri says, and jet tilts his head up so cherri can swipe a washcloth across the scarred mess that is his eyes to wash away the blood that smeared from his chest to his hands and ultimately onto his face when he was panicking. it reminds him entirely too much of the encounter with his ma in his nightmare, and he resists the overwhelming urge to pull away.
"jet, i'm sure you can understand why we're worried." cherri says. his way of enunuciating every syllable is odd to jet, city kids in general are weird, but kobra and poison never had the poshness in their voice like cherri does. it doesn't match cherri, jet thinks.
"these nightmares are getting worse. you're not eating too well, either. you of all people should know how important food is." cherri says.
jet knows that cherri didn't mean it that way, but his words felt like a jab at the fact jet was homeless as a kid. jet just clenches his jaw as he hears cherri put the washcloth away. cherri turns back to him, sitting on the edge of the tub next to him.
"what's really going on?" cherri asks. and then the words are tumbling out of jet's mouth before he can stop them and shove them back in, permanently bottled up in the pit of his stomach.
"i'm a monster. it's my fault, isn't it?" jet asks quietly. the question's been weighing in his head for so long that it feels strange to speak it out loud.
"what?" cherri asks.
"it's my fault they're gone."
"jet." cherri's voice sounds firmer than before.
"no, it's true. please don't try to-"
"jet, you're not a monster. you're like a little brother to me. the others were too. and doc? doc can't handle losing you too. he's already gone a little funny in the head, he's asking where kobra and ghoul are constantly. the girl, she's..."
"she's fine without me." jet interrupts, voice small.
"you have no clue." cherri sighs.
"she's not okay without you. she's so scared, jet. pony dropped a pan yesterday and she ran like a bat out of hell. she thought it was a raygun blast." cherri says.
"she misses you so much. you know, she still sets aside the blue crayons for you when she colors. all her skies are yellow now.” cherri chuckles sadly. jet can imagine it in his head, and it makes him too damn sad to think about it for long. the girl setting aside his favorite color for him, and he's barely left his room since they both came back.
"i'd just scare her now." jet mutters. the texture of his face is enough to tell him he doesn't look the same. the gnarled scars covering his face are mostly healed now. sure, he's been missing his right eye since before the girl was born, but it wasn't as bad. she grew up knowing the singular, thin scar across the bridge of jet's nose. what she doesn't know nearly as well is the raygun blast scars from that night, the ones that hit him before the final shot to his chest that sent him back against the hood of the trans am.
"i know you think you're doing the best thing for her by staying away, but she needs you, jet. now more than ever."
"you're slipping, jet. we don't want to lose you too. the girl can't handle losing you." cherri says, and his voice sounds suspiciously tearful.
"you won't."
"then promise me. promise me things will change and we won't have to have this same conversation in a month." cherri's practically begging now. jet doesn't answer.
he can't.
they've had this exchange before, and nothing changed. he can't promise to cherri that things will change this time either, because witch, it's so easy to just hide away. it's so easy to curl up in his bed and think about what could've been. it's so easy to sit there until the grief washes over him like a wave and he's practically drowning himself to feel past the ebbing and flowing numbness that settles in his bones now.
"if you're not gonna do it for me, do it for her. please, jet." cherri pleads, but jet barely hears him because he's thinking about the girl drawing pictures with yellow skies.
"i promise.”
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