#Sophia Stark-strange (oc)
heartsbreaking · 2 days
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WANTED CONNECTIONS ( mutuals only )
if you write one of the muses and are interested in interacting or plotting feel free to send some memes or hmu in the ims/on disco
these are 99% platonic, if you want shippy dynamic i have ideas on my muse's info pages
KÀRA HRAFN : i would love interactions with loki, thor, maybe sif or even odin. also i would love to write with wanda or strange, or legit any magic user in the mcu. would love some threads with the young avengers too (especially cassie, kate and wiccan)
ALEKS VASILYEV : would love to write aleks against either of her brothers anatoly & vladimir. would also love to write against any of the defenders and street level heroes in the mcu
MARINA REYES : robbie reyes. give marina her older brother. also any agents of shield muses
CLARY STARK : gimme tony, gimme pepper, gimme peter, mj, ned, flash, gwen, harley, riri, give clary friends.
KITTY CARVER : jason carver, give me sibling things and angst, also give me more interactions with adult muses in hawkins
MADELYN & VIVIAN KELLMAN : someone write gerri for the girls pls i'm begging.
VIVIAN KELLMAN : gimme friends from college, influencer girlies, gimme chaotic ships for her
OPHELIA WAMBSGANS : i would LOVE to have a tom or shiv to write with but i'm incredibly hesitant to approach someone first. i'd also love a kendall, connor or willa.
RAFAELLA FLORES & SOFIA LENNOX : gimme more members of the richmond wfc and plots with other ted lasso muses, i'd also love some interactions with people's other athlete muses
EMILY CRIMM : gimme emily interacting with the richmond team and staff, gimme her dad, give emily friends
ALEJANDRA ROJAS : would love some threads with her getting to know the richmond team/staff, and generally making friends with her older brother's friends. (would pay in cute instagram reels for a dani too)
ALICE LAHEY : more teen wolf muses come interact with her i miss this fandom
BEATRICE DE MARTEL : more interactions with legacies muses (generally begging for this love her or hate her for being a weird lil girly she needs friends and enemies), gimme mikaelson muses too! would love a klaus but i will accept anyone. also if anyone writes aurora and doesn't ship her with her fucking brother come write with me.
CECELIA DE MARTEL : same thing as above, someone find me an aurora to write with that doesn't ship her with her brother so that cece can have her older sister. also same goes above for mikaelsons. i would also love to throw cecelia at more witches
CARRIE DAVIS : gimme more interactions with the yellowjackets thanks
KAT HARRISON : literally any twd muses carl, enid, daryl, rick, alden
CARLY SIMPSON : someone write gwen (carly's co-pilot), give her more interactions with top gun muses in general
DANA CORTELL : give her more interactions with top gun muses,
JACK HARDING : if anyone writes bill, find me. also any twisters muses i would love to put jack in more situations
SABRINA TYLER : gimme brina interacting with the 118 and becoming friends with them through buck, also i will find a way for her to interact with the 126, i'm not sure how but i will
ALYSIA DIAZ : generally would love to see alysia interacting with the 118 & 126, would love a main eddie. would also love interactions with people's musician ocs
SOPHIA DIAZ : would love a main eddie, would love threads with the 118 and also threads with other people's like legal/crime based muses.
STEVIE BURTON : more threads with the 118 :)
LUCIANA SCARCELLA : give me vampire interactions, i would love to build up luciana's history with other vampires (both friendly and unfriendly dyns)
YASMIN KARA-HANANI : i would love to throw yasmin at y'all's muses who are more business and crime based. come love my nepo baby finance girlie
CALYPSO : would love some interactions with other pjo muses, the gods ect
GABRIELLE GAO : gimme bullet train characters, gimme people who know here as an heiress and not an assassin
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biggerbetterbat · 6 months
Daryl Dixon x oc!charlie reed
Summary: The group is led by new hope, just to understand that it was all an illusion. The group faces one more tragedy.
Warnings: death, dead bodies
Words: 2,564
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Mom, dad, Finn, Luke, Will, Pete...
Living is strange.
...Amy, Jim, Jacquie, Sophia, Dale, Shane, Patricia...
Every step taken in this world is shadowed with danger, every decision weighed against the backdrop of uncertainty. There are moments when the weight of it all threatened to crush us, when the pain of loss becomes unbearable and the future seems bleak. In those moments, we are forced to confront our own mortality, to question whether the struggle is worth it.
...Jimmy, Lori, T-Dog, Oscar, Axel, Merle...
However dying is even more strange.
...Andrea, Zach, Patrick, Hershel, Mika, Lizzie, Bob...
Each loss leave behind a void, a silent ache that echo in the depths of the soul. Perhaps, death is simply a doorway—a passage from one existence to the next. The only way to escape the current reality with something greater waiting at the end. Or perhaps, death is the end—the final chapter in the book of life, with no sequel to follow. Perhaps there are no answers, no grand revelations waiting to be unveiled.
"It was secure. It has a wall, homes, 20 people. Beth wanted to go with him," Rick informed the group. "It's a long trip, but if it works out, it's the last long trip we have to make."
"What if nothing is there?" Charlie asked.
"Then we find another place," Rick looked into her eyes.
The world became cruel, drowning in blood and death. Amidst the ruins of civilization, nature had begun to reclaim its territory, weaving a tapestry of life amidst the chaos. As Charlie wandered through this newfound wilderness, she couldn't help but marvel at the resilience of nature. Despite the devastation brought by humanity, the earth had begun to heal itself, slowly but surely reclaiming what had been lost.
But it wasn't just the physical landscape that had changed; it was the very essence of nature itself. In the wake of the apocalypse, the boundaries between the natural world and the supernatural seemed to blur, as if the earth itself had become a living, breathing entity.
"When I was little and I was in my dad's car, there were always those stories on the radio. Something happens 1,000 miles away or down the block. Some kind of horror I couldn't even wrap my head around," Tyreese said. "But he didn't change the channel. He didn't turn it off. To face it. My dad used to all it paying the high cost of living."
"I lost my dad in Atlanta. Still got a mom and a couple of twin brother," confessed Noah. "I hope."
Charlie felt a pang of compassion as she watched Noah, recognizing the pain etched in every line of his face. She knew all too well the pain of losing someone dear, the ache that lingered long after the tears had dried. He was a good kid - still just a kid, who needed someone to rely on.
"I hope so, too," she said.
Noah turned to face her and see a bit better. Tyreese saw that, so he said: "Charlie lost her family in Atlanta, too."
Charlie felt a knot form in his stomach at the mention of his own family, a topic he had long avoided. She hopped that Noah wouldn't ask why or how, as she tried to escape the past. "I'm sorry."
"Mhm," Charlie nodded and dropped her eyes from the boy to the clock. "Two more miles," she said to Rick.
"We'll go on foot," Rick said as they left the car in the middle of nowhere. "Stay off the road."
As Charlie and her companions walked, they came upon a solemn reminder of the world they once knew—a skeleton, its bones picked clean by time and decay. But instead of a symbol of despair, it was a testament to nature's resilience, for upon the skeletal remains, vibrant flowers bloomed, their petals a vivid contrast to the stark white of bone.
Continuing on their journey, they encountered another curious sight—a network of wire spread between the trees like a spider's web, its purpose unclear. But as they came closer, they realized that it was a makeshift barrier, a feeble attempt to ward off unseen dangers lurking in the shadows.
Though the wire served as a stark reminder of the world they now inhabited—a world where survival meant constant vigilance, where danger lurked around every corner. Yet even in the face of adversity, there was a sense of solidarity, a shared determination to press onward despite the odds.
"They have spotters? Snipers?"
"We built a perch on a truck, Sometimes it's out front."
With each step, Charlie felt a sense of purpose stirring within her, a fire ignited by the trials they had overcome and the challenges that lay ahead. For though the path to Shirewilt was fraught with peril, it was also a journey of hope—a journey toward a brighter future, where life could flourish once more in the wake of devastation. As they approached the outskirts of Shirewilt, Noah's pace quickened, his footsteps echoing the rapid beating of his heart. His nerves were palpable, a potent mix of anticipation and fear as he neared the fabled gates of their destination.
Without a word, Noah broke into a run, his determination propelling him forward like a man possessed. The rest of the group exchanged glances, their own apprehension mirrored in their expressions, before following suit, their footsteps falling in line behind Noah's.
As they reached the gates, Noah skidded to a stop, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he surveyed the scene before him. The gates stood tall and imposing, a barrier between the outside world and the sanctuary within.
"You hear that?"
"Just wait," she said. Charlie took off her bow and a gun and handed it to Glenn, who took it without a question.
As Charlie began to climb the wall, her muscles tensed with each upward movement, her fingers gripping the rough surface with determination. With each foothold gained, she could feel the anticipation building within her, the promise of safety.
But as she reached the top and peered over the edge, her heart sank like a stone plunging into the depths. A wave of disappointment washed over Charlie, mingled with a profound sense of sorrow for Noah. She turned to look back at him, her eyes brimming with sadness as she took in his crestfallen expression. In that moment, she felt a pang of guilt, knowing that she had destroyed hope when all along the reality may have been far bleaker.
With a heavy heart, Charlie descended from the wall, her movements slow and deliberate as if weighed down by the weight of their shattered dreams.
With heavy hearts and a sense of resignation, the group ventured to the other side of the wall, their footsteps muted by the somber silence that hung in the air. Burnt-out buildings stood silent, their remains a grim reminder of the horrors that had befallen the city. Among the ruins, they encountered bodies lying motionless in the streets, their eyes staring sightlessly at the sky. Some were burned beyond recognition. As they cautiously made their way through the streets, they encountered another threat lurking in the shadows—walkers, their decaying forms drawn to the scent of the living.
"Noah, hold up,"Rick called the boy as he started running mindlessly. "Noah!"
Charlie felt a pang of sorrow as she watched Noah dropping to his knees, sobbing. Everyone knew that his old life was gone with the ashes, and that his family was most certainly gone. She knelt beside him, torn inside about what she should do. Maybe a pat in the back would be enough, as they barely knew each other. But her heart was moving faster than the brain, her arms reaching out to envelop him in a gentle embrace. At first, Noah tensed at her touch, his body rigid with the weight of his grief. But then, slowly, hesitantly, he allowed himself to lean into her embrace, his tears flowing freely as he sought solace in her presence.
"It's okay," she whispered. "You're one of us now."
"We can make a quick sweep," said Glenn looking at her.
"Charlie?" Rick asked.
"I'll stay with him," Tyreese said and placed a hand on her shoulder.
As Charlie walked through the remnants of lives left behind in Shirewilt, a sense of unease gnawed at her conscience. Each item she gathered felt like a silent accusation, a reminder of the lives that had been lost and the pain that lingered in their wake.
She couldn't shake the feeling of intrusion as she rifled through the belongings of those who had once called this place home. Every photograph, every trinket held a story—a memory of laughter and love, now tainted by the death. Beside her, Noah's somber expression mirrored her own conflicted emotions. She could see the pain in his features, the weight of grief bearing down upon him like a heavy burden.
As Rick's words washed over Charlie, a mixture of emotions swirled within her. There was a sense of sadness, a heavy weight pressing down on her chest as she grappled with the reality of their situation. Coming to Shirewilt had been for Beth, he didn't care about Noah - making Rick's admission was a bitter pill to swallow.
Glenn's agreement resonated with Charlie, a reminder that sometimes the hardest decisions were the ones that needed to be made. Charlie felt a knot tighten in her chest—a familiar ache that she had long tried to ignore. The admission that they had come to Shirewilt for Beth's sake brought back a flood of memories, memories that she had buried deep within her mind.
With a trembling breath, Charlie stepped forward, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke.
"I killed my family," Charlie confessed out of nowhere. All three of them looked at her with wide eyes. "I told people Atlanta was safe. You were there because of me...And you all almost died because of me. I let Dale die because he knew the truth. I wanted to be a better person, but then I killed Lori," she said. "And back in the woods, right after prison...I killed a little girl, because she killed her sister and she wanted to kill Judith. I did it because no one else could do that," she choked as tears filled her eyes. "And I just can't live with this in my chest, even if that will take your trust away. I can't die with this being a secret...I don't want to take it to my grave."
As Charlie's confession hung heavy in the air, Glenn stepped forward, his heart brimming with empathy for his friend. Without a word, he wrapped his arms around Charlie, pulling her into a tight embrace. In that moment, words were unnecessary—the warmth of his embrace spoke volumes, a silent gesture of solidarity and support. With a nod of acknowledgment, Rick offered Charlie a reassuring smile, a silent promise that they would face whatever challenges lay ahead together. In his eyes, she saw a flicker of hope—a glimmer of possibility amidst the darkness.
And then there was Michonne, her expression unreadable as she observed the scene unfolding before her. "We need to stop. You can be out there too long," she said and for a moment, Charlie felt a pang of uncertainty, wondering what judgment lay behind her eyes. But then, to her surprise, Michonne stepped forward, her usually stoic demeanor softening as she reached out to gently squeeze Charlie's hand. "In this world, trust is all we have to hold onto. It's what binds us together when everything else is falling apart," Her gaze swept over the group, lingering on each member in turn. "So let us trust each other, not just in the moments of triumph, but in the moments of doubt and darkness."
In that moment, Charlie felt a sense of unity wash over them—a shared bond forged in the adversity, a bond that would carry them through whatever trials lay ahead. And as they stood together, united in purpose and resolve, Charlie knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would face them as one.
It was as if the city had been frozen in time, its streets empty of life and its buildings standing as silent sentinels of a world long forgotten. As they moved through, Charlie couldn't help but feel a sense of disquiet gnawing at the edges of her consciousness. Shirewilt had been their beacon of hope, their sanctuary in a world gone mad, but now it lay silent and still, its promise of refuge shattered like glass.
"We could start taking down the trees," Michonne broke the silence. "We use them to build the walls up," she said and walked to the opening in the fence.
Michonne tried to persuade Rick to staying in the city. The group could repair what was broken and destroyed, and create a normal life in here. Charlie felt hope in her heart at the thought of abandoning the life on the road when every day was uncertain; however, her heart sank at the sight that greeted them, once they approached destroyed fence. Strewn across the ground outside the barrier lay the remains of bodies—eaten, torn apart by some unseen horror. The stench of death hung heavy in the air, a bitter reminder of the fragility of life in this unforgiving world.
"Oh, God," Charlie placed a hand over her lips not to throw up.
"Washington," Michonne said. "Eugene lied about the cure, but he thought of Washington for a reason."
"He said whatever popped into his head," Charlie said.
"What if he didn't? What if he did the math and thought that the Washington was a place where there'd be a chance," the woman said. "We're 100 miles away. What if there're people? It's a chance. Instead of making it, because right now, this is what making it looks like," she pointed at the bodies. "Don't you want one more day with a chance?"
As Charlie listened to Michonne's impassioned speech about their journey to Washington, a spark of hope ignited within her. In Michonne's words, Charlie found a glimmer of possibility—a beacon of light guiding them through the darkness of uncertainty. It was a promise of a new beginning, a chance to leave behind the trials and tribulations of the past and embrace a future filled with hope and possibility.
"We should go," said Rick looking at the forest and Walkers that were appearing from it. Charlie looked at defeated Michonne, and she also saw the loss of hope in Glenn's eyes. "It's only 100 miles away. We should go to the Washington."
"Rick! Charlie! Help!"
Some may find solace in the idea of death as a natural part of life's cycle, while others may see it as a motivation to live fully in the present moment. But sometimes, the world just stops for some. When life becomes just a moment between living and dying, and you can't really tell where you are. When living is just pain and death is less scary than living.
Living in a new world. World that belonged to the dead and not to the living anymore became too painful sometimes.
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ghost-king-kai · 10 months
The Requesting Hall Guidelines
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Welcome to the request guidelines! Here you can be informed of my dos & don'ts, characters & fandoms available, and rules in The Requesting Hall.
Please review (or at least skim through) these rules prior to sending a request to the hall.
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Request Rules
Be sure to keep asks and requests respectful.
Make sure the request is detailed enough for me to write for.
Anons are welcome! (if you'd like a specific designation, feel free to ask)
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The Dos & Don'ts
These are the types of requests I do and don't do.
I Do...
x Male!Reader
x GN!Reader
x Transmasc!Reader
x NB!Reader
Fluff Fics
Angst Fics (Heavily dependent on the topics)
Platonic Fics (Familial, Teammates, Colleagues, Crewmates, Etc.)
Character Concepts for Reader (As long as the idea is feasible)
Oc Requests & Asks
I Don't Do...
x Fem!Reader
x Transfem!Reader
NSFW/Smut (Besides implications)
Triggering Topics (Sexual Assault, Rape, Abuse, Self Harm, etc.)
Fetish Requests
Character Ships
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Characters Available For Requests
The listed characters and fandoms are the ones I am usually inspired to write on the regular or as of right now but that doesn't mean you can't ask if I write for a specific fandom or character that isn't on this list, especially if it's from the list in the Kingdom Directory.
Specify Timeframe
Available for Romantic Requests: Peter Parker (Only Tom & Andrew Portrayals)
Platonic Only: The Avengers (Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, The Vision) [All Together & Individually] The Marvels (Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, Kamala Khan) [All Together & Individually] Etc. (there are literally so many characters-)
Specify Adaptation & Timeframe (I mostly do DCAU & Young Justice, though)
Platonic Only: The Bat Family (Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown) [All Together & Individually] Jon Kent (Supersons Comics Series Version) The Team (Dick Grayson, Wally West, Kaldur'ahm, Artemis Crock, M'gann M'orzz, Connor Kent) (Young Justice TV Series) [All Together & Individually]
Persona 5
Specify Timeframe
Available for Romantic Requests: Ren Amamiya
Platonic Only: The Phantom Thieves (Ren Amamiya, Morgana, Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Nijima, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura) [All Together] Futaba Sakura Zenkichi Hasegawa Goro Akechi Sophia
Criminal Minds
Specify Timeframe
Platonic Only: The B.AU. Team (Aaron Hotchner, Jason Gideon, David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, Alex Blake, Luke Alves, Tara Lewis) [All Together & Individually]
Star Trek
Specify Timeframe
Strange New Worlds
Platonic Only: The Crew (Christopher Pike, Una Chin-Riley, Hemmer/Pelia, Joseph M'Benga, Christine Chapel, Erica Ortegas, Nyota Uhura, Jenna Mitchell, Spock, La'an Noonien-Singh, George Samuel Kirk) [All Together & Individually] James T. Kirk
Platonic Only: The Crew (Michael Burnham, Saru, Sylvia Tilly, Adira Tal, Keyla Detmer, R. A. Bryce, Joann Owosekun, Hugh Culber, Gen Rhys, Paul Stamets, Jett Reno) [All Together & Individually] Cleveland Booker
Kelvin Timeline
Platonic Only: The Crew (James T. Kirk, Spock, Montgomery Scott, Keenser, Pavel Chekov, Hikaru Sulu, Leonard McCoy, Nyota Uhura) [All Together & Individually]
Resident Evil
Specify Timeframe & Version
Available for Romantic Requests: Leon S. Kennedy
Fair Warning: Fandoms and characters will be added and removed a lot over time. Apologies in advance if a character or fandom you would like to request disappears overnight. Inspiration comes and goes and this section just reflects what and who I am gladly willing to write for at the time.
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lunareaum · 1 year
REMINDER THAT THIS IS A PLOT BASED BLOG. without plotting there's very little chance we're interacting in any deep way. like this for me to chase you down to plot. my muses are here. list of fandoms and characters under the cut in case you wanna take a quick peek.
arcane - jinx buffy the vampire slayer - buffy, dawn and giles dceu - harley quinn game of thrones - drogon, nymeria, lady and sansa stark the walking dead - sophia peletier, sue rhee (oc) a song of ice and fire - elia martell twilight - alice cullen cyberpunk 2077 - judy and v detroit become human - alice, markus and north dragon age - artoria amell, athelya tabris, branson rutherford, linni lavellan, lydia achilleos (oc), lynnwith gregorius (oc), marian hawke, morrigan, oriana cousland fallout 4 - andy littleton (sole survivor) far cry 5 / new dawn - jane manfred, nicole rookfield, faith seed, joseph seed life is strange: true colors - alex chen mass effect - aria t'loak and commander shepard the elder scrolls - kynarethia (oc), lilith (oc), nocturnal telltale's the walking dead - duck jr.
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funkylittlebidiot · 3 years
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jackiequick · 2 years
OUR OCs SIBLINGS ( & extra family)
The Strange Siblings
Leonardo Michael Romano Strange
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Age (Depending on the universe: : 26-35
Nickname: Leo, Mr. Strange, Dr. McStupid, Dr.Sexy, Señor  suave~ 
Occupation(Depending on the universe): Lawyer, Any kind of teacher that the school needs, Doctor in orthopedics and Knight.
Personality: A goofball, flirting with guys and girls and can be a bit overdramatic. He can act like the sitcom dummy who jumps into the closest person’s arms with scared. He’s natural stubborn and careless at time but when he’s serious—he’s serious!
Likes & Dislikes: He likes to cook, ride his motorcycle, sing his heart out, model and dance. Tends to watch a movie with his friends (such as with Luna). He dislikes being ignored and not being understood properly and when things get out of hand. Sometimes they are his fault since he loves a good challenge!
Other background information: Since he is a Strange and a human being in MCU, he got some trauma. Has some self esteem issues always putting himself down and very careful with his body. He got into a car crash (Depending on the rp chat it’s different how the car crash happened) so in result he broke one of his legs (almost both of them or died!) and wasn’t able to walk again. So he fell into a state of depression, anxiety and nervousness. With time got over it and was able to win back the ability to walk again.
Estella Sophia Romano Strange
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Age (Depending on the universe): 25-32
Nickname: Stell/Tella, Ella, McCrazy. Señorita sola
Occupation(Depending on the universe): Avenger, Biology teacher, Spanish Teacher, Doctor and Queen
Personality: Kind, sweet, stubbornness! She can get pissed off very easily and doesn’t take things lightly. She’s the sitcom big sister for sure (even if she is the little sister) who will stand their pissed off, can get seriously upset and slightly dramatic. However she can be clueless at times and goofy like her older brother.
Likes & Dislikes: She likes to sing and study, riding on her bike and model out the best outfit. Shopping is her thing. She dislikes when people don’t understand her the first time and ignore her rules. Girl got a temper (It’s probably why she’s around Bruce Banner or Tony Stark all the time) who knows? I could go on but we will be here all day.
Other background information: Like I said before, if your a character in the MCU you got some trauma for sure! Similar to her brother, her most traumatic moment came for the famous car crash. She resulted in having both of her hands broken (depending on the rp the storyline might be changed around a bit on how it happened) but it caused her fall in a state of depression, shame and anxiety. With time she got over it and got the ability to move her hands again but still. Never fully recovered from it.
Morris Siblings List 👇🏻
That’s the siblings list ofc @mcbident has more family to be added soon 😉
Tags keep the chain going with ur siblings/family list: @parisparker269 @msrochelleromanofffelton @bucky-barnes-1112 @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @mallowbee4 @rickb-chaos @meirafireshield @rooster-84 ❤️
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heldheartinfo · 3 years
FULL ACCOUNT SHIP LIST ( @heldheart ) :
Blair Waldorf x Dan Humphrey
Caroline Forbes x Klaus Mikaelson
Harry Osborn x Mary-Jane Watson
Fleur Delacour x Bill Weasley
Rosie x Otto Octavius
Emily Lyman x Norman Osborn
Pansy Parkinson x Draco Malfoy
Makkari x Druig
Lizzie Saltzman x Hope Mikaelson
Christine Palmer x Stephen Strange
Buffy Summers x Angel
Buffy Summers x Spike
Willow Rosenberg x Tara Maclay
Kiara Carrera x JJ Maybank
Sarah Cameron x John B. Routledge
Rory Gilmore x Jess Mariano
Sigyn x Loki Laufeyson
Davina Claire x Kol Mikaelson
Heike x Baron Helmut Zemo
Ruby 2.0 x Sam Winchester
Pacey Witter x Joey Potter
Caroline Forbes x Tyler Lockwood
Lois Lane x Clark Kent
Heike Zemo x Bucky Barnes
Lizzie Saltzman x Landon Kirby
Love Quinn x Theo Engler
Heike Zemo x Bucky Barnes
Roy Kent x Keeley Jones
Lizzie Saltzman x Percy Jackson
Selina Kyle x Bruce Wayne
Selina Kyle x Matt Murdock
Anna Smith x John Bates
Mary Crawley x Matthew Crawley
Mary Crawley x Henry Talbot
Sybil Crawley x Tom Branson
Anthony Bridgerton x Kate Sharma
Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett
Daphne Bridgerton x Simon Bassett
Siena Rosso x Anthony Bridgerton
Emily Walker x Cordell Walker
Geri Broussard x Cordell Walker
Nancy Wheeler x Steve Harrington
Joyce Byers x Jim Hopper
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Bexley Rogers x Logan Howlett
Sam Salvatore x Clint Barton
Sam Salvatore x Steve Rogers
Sam Salvatore x Klaus Mikaelson
Sam Salvatore x Elijah Mikaelson
Sam Salvatore x Edward Cullen
Sam Salvatore x Tony Stark
Logan Thibault x Natasha Romanoff
Astraea x Ikaris
Bexley Rogers x Tony Stark
Bexley Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Bexley Rogers x Helmut Zemo
Bexley Rogers x Stephen Strange
Sam Salvatore x Enzo St. John
Kassandra Mikaelson x Damon Salvatore
Bexley Rogers x Wanda Maximoff
Bexley Addams x Wanda Maximoff
Bexley Rogers x Natasha Romanoff
Bexley Rogers x Winn Schott
Megan Walker x Eddie Brock
Megan Walker x Peter Parker
Harriet Carter-Rogers x Shang Chi
Jonathan Stark x Kate Bishop
Bexley Addams x Dean Winchester
Elizabeth Taylor x Steve Rogers
Bexley Rogers x Thor Odinson
Sarah Stark x Harry Osborn
Avery Osborn x Peter Parker
Sophia Rogers x Wally West
Mara Winchester x Druig
Karolina Addams x Lucifer
Sam Salvatore x Caroline Forbes
Bexley Rogers x Matt Murdock
Megan Walker x Matt Murdock
Caroline Burton x Matthew Crawley
Caroline Burton x Tom Branson
Anthony Burton x Thomas Barrow
Kathryn Vaughn x Hoyt Rawlins
Jeanette Byers x Steve Harrington
Jeanette Byers x Eddie Munson
Violet Munson x Jonathan Byers
Violet Munson x Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
Andrea Kazanky x Jake Seresin
Caroline Mitchell x Bradley Bradshaw
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OC x OC ~
Josephine Octavius x Harley Stark
Josephine Octavius x Harry Rogers
Steven Stark x Melody Barton
Steven Stark x Sadie Barnes
Jonathan Stark x Georgia Maximoff
Freyja Thorsdottir x Daniel Rogers
Elizabeth Taylor x Leo Kennedy
Adam Mikaelson x Alaina Carpenter
Sarah Stark x Viktor Barnes
Sarah Stark x Caliux Darkknight
Sarah Stark x Sord-Menn
Hazel Mikaelson x Caliux Darkknight
Bexley Addams x Caliux Darkknight
Avery Osborn x Caliux Darkknight
Jo Octavius x Caliux Darkknight
Caroline Barnes x Harry Rogers
Evelyn Barnes x Franklin Richards
Connor Lang x James Carter-Rogers
Bexley Rogers x Piotr Koskov
Ellinor Lokisdottir x Tommy Maximoff
Bexley Addams x Stephen Reed
Melissa Masterson x Cameron Kincaid
Sasha Stark x Valentina Silva
Sasha Stark x Valeria Richards
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Jo Harvelle x Dean Winchester
Lizzie Saltzman x Hope Mikaelson
Lizzie Saltzman x Landon Kirby
Lizzie Saltzman x Ethan Machado
Ruby 2.0 x Sam Winchester
Katherine Pierce x Elijah Mikaelson
Katherine Pierce x Klaus Mikaelson
Sigyn x Loki Laufeyson
Haley James (Scott) x Nathan Scott
Brooke Davis x Lucas Scott
Brooke Davis x Julian Baker
Nancy Wheeler x Eddie Munson
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WHAT I SHIP: (May be doing already or may be wanting to do)
Jo Harvelle x Dean Winchester
Pepper Potts x Tony Stark
Lizzie Saltzman x Hope Mikaelson
Lizzie Saltzman x Landon Kirby
Lizzie Saltzman x Ethan Machado
Buffy Summers x Angel
Buffy Summers x Spike
Blair Waldorf x Dan Humphrey
Katherine Pierce x Elijah Mikaelson
Katherine Pierce x Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Pierce x Klaus Mikaelson
Heike Zemo x Baron Helmut Zemo
Willow Rosenberg x Tara Maclay
Willow Rosenberg x Daniel Osbourne
Willow Rosenberg x Kennedy
Ruby 2.0 x Sam Winchester
Lois Lane x Clark Kent
Emily x Cordell Walker
Geri Broussard x Cordell Walker
Pacey Witter x Joey Potter
Pacey Witter x Andie McPhee
Sigyn x Loki Laufeyson
Sarah Cameron x John B. Routledge
Kiara Carrera x JJ Maybank
Davina Claire x Kol Mikaelson
Felicia Hardy x Peter Parker
Anne Weying x Eddie Brock
Anne Weying x Dr. Dan Lewis
Makkari x Druig
Haley James (Scott) x Nathan Scott
Haley James x Brooke Davis
Brooke Davis x Julian Baker
Brooke Davis x Rachel Gatina
Brooke Davis x Lucas Scott
Christine Palmer x Stephen Strange
Caroline Forbes x Klaus Mikaelson
Caroline Forbes x Tyler Lockwood
Caroline Forbes x Katherine Pierce
Rory Gilmore x Jess Mariano
Rosie x Otto Octavius
Emily Lyman x Norman Osborn
Roy Kent x Keeley Jones
Rebecca Welton x Ted Lasso
Anya Jenkins x Xander Harris
Pansy Parkinson x Draco Malfoy
Fleur Delacour x Bill Weasley
Daphne Bridgerton x Simon Bassett
Anthony Bridgerton x Kate Sharma
Malia Tate x Stiles Stilinski
Allison Argent x Scott McCall
Allison Argent x Isaac Lahey
Braeden x Derek Hale
Sybil Crawley x Tom Branson
Mary Crawley x Matthew Crawley
Mary Crawley x Henry Talbot
Anna Smith x John Bates
Claire Dearling x Owen Grady
Ellie Sattler x Alan Grant
Padme Amidala x Anakin Skywalker
Nancy Wheeler x Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley
Cassie Perez x Trey Barnett
Twyla Jean x Cordell ‘Duke’ Walker
Joyce Byers x Jim Hopper
Chrissy Cunningham x Eddie Munson
Katherine Pierce x Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Pierce x Elijah Mikaelson
Max Mayfield x Lucas Sinclair
Natasha Trace x Jake Seresin
Katniss Everdeen x Peeta Mellark
Jessica Day x Nick Miller
Annie Cresta x Finnick O’Dair
Lydia Martin x Allison Argent
Lydia Martin x Jordan Parrish
Jo March x Theodore Laurence
Rachel Berry x Finn Hudson
Rachel Berry x Quinn Fabray
Quinn Fabray x Sam Evans
Quinn Fabray x Santana Lopez
Donna Troy x Dick Grayson
Jade Tulle-Salvatore x Josie Saltzman
Hope Van Dyne x Scott Lang
Tatum Riley x Stu Macher
Mary-Jane Watson x Peter Parker
Mary-Jane Watson x Harry Osborn
Mary-Jane Watson x Gwen Stacy
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NOTPS: ( Ships I don’t like for whatever reason and/or have no interest in rping )
Lizzie Saltzman x Sebastian
Blair Waldorf x Nate Archibald
Joey Potter x Dawson Leery
Caroline Forbes x Matt Donovan
Caroline Forbes x Alaric Saltzman
Rebecca Welton x Sam Obsinya
Haley James x Chris Keller
Buffy Summers x Riley Finn
Nancy Wheeler x Jonathan Byers
Katniss Everdeen x Gale Hawthorne
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Would you guys be interested in learning about my ocs?
This is just out of curiosity tbh. I’d like to interact with my followers/enjoyers of my fics (if there are any). My ocs are listed below along with their ships. If you want to know about my ocs just say their name and I’ll post their character sheet and faceclaim as well as say how many fanfics I’ve written for them.
Harry Potter
Marauders Era
Ella Underwood (James Potter, Henry Potter)
Gaia Devereaux (Sirius Black)
Violetta Cook (Remus Lupin)
Cecelia Potter (Regulus Black)
Madeline Potter (Xenophilius Lovegood)
Henry Potter (Dorcas Meadowes, Ella Underwood)
Antonius Black (N/A yet)
Adina Black (Barty Crouch Jr.)
Cairo Lupin (Isadora Diamandis)
Isadora Diamandis (Cairo Lupin)
Golden Era
Anastasia Lestrange (Harry Potter)
Rayna Longbottom (Ron Weasley)
Cecily Sadler (Draco Malfoy)
Mallorie Bishopp (Fred Weasley)
Corinne Alastair (George Weasley)
Cassandra Foster (Percy Weasley)
Adora Parrish (Charlie Weasley)
Sophia O’Malley (Bill Weasley)
Chloe Eratos (Ginny Weasley)
Calypsa Trelawney (Luna Lovegood)
Dinah Fanley (Cedric Diggory)
Charlotte Creevey (Neville Longbottom)
Jessica Stix (Oliver Wood)
Holly Diggory (Viktor Krum)
Ophelia Teagarden (Nymphadora Tonks)
Judith Stix (Seamus Finnigan)
Rosemary Clover (Tom!Peter Parker)
Andrea Louis (Bruce Banner)
Hannah Clearwood (Tony Stark)
Alina Cetus (Pietro Maximoff)
Amy Penn (Sam Wilson)
Georgia Barnes (Steve Rogers)
Minna Olesia (Natasha Romanoff)
Ingrid Meller (Stephen Strange)
Maeve Nadine (Andrew!Peter Parker)
Hali Brooks (Benjamin Barnes)
Lyra Beatrix (Brunhilde)
Valerie Urson (Quentin Beck)
Julie and the Phantoms
Daisy Sloane (Luke Patterson)
Hattie Rowland (Reggie Peters)
Evangeline Buchanan (Alex Mercer)
Danielle Poet (Willie)
Juniper Dalton (Charlie Gillespie)
Allison Hicks (Jeremy Shada)
Hazel Matthews (Owen Joyner)
Mila Evans (Booboo Stewart)
The Hobbit
Pandora Potts (Bilbo Baggins)
Sienna Hollyfoot (Thorin Oakenshield)
Nessa Thorn (Kili Durin)
Celeste Nasrin (Fili Durin)
Gemma Rankin (Bofur Rankin)
Roslyn Stardust (Bard the Bowman)
Aster Everwood (Thranduil Oropherion)
Iris Cricket (Elrond Peredhil)
Marina Willow (Lindir Talierin)
Artanis (Erestor)
Elletta Nightstone (Glorfindel Laurefindelë)
Netra Underlake (Elladan Peredhil)
Adaia Taleasin (Elrohir Peredhil)
Lord of the Rings
Lalia Featherborn (Frodo Baggins)
Brooke Bilberry (Merry Brandybuck)
Camelia Tunnelly (Pippin Took)
Adelaide Stoor (Samwise Gamgee)
Issa Goodwin (Aragorn)
Citra Underlake (Boromir)
Alphine Barrowes (Legolas Greenleaf)
Mirabella Holidan (Haldir)
The Lost Boys (1987)
Elizabeth Carlton (Paul)
Julie Burton (Dwayne)
Wendy Miller (David)
Heather Brown (Marko)
Edith Jackson (Michael)
Hilda Snow (Paul Lahote)
Amarie Taylor (Leah Clearwater)
Raven Lance (Edward Cullen)
Eleanor Martin (Charlie Swan)
Arielle Swan (Seth Clearwater)
Anastasia Whitlock (Demetri Volturi)
Olivia Hale (Caius Volturi)
Charity Cullen (Embry Call)
Sarah McCarty (Edward Cullen, Alec Volturi)
Cruella (2021)
Angela Young (Jasper Badun)
Amethyst Ellet (Cruella de Vil)
Gemma Harlow (Artie Katz)
Isabel Abbott-Fry (Joel Fry)
Hannibal (2013)
Maya Morano-Graham (Will Graham)
Fleur Ramsey (Hannibal Lecter)
Celine Lennox (Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham)
Lizabeth Alva (Hugh Dancy)
Prodigal Son 2019
Elena Nadis (Malcom Bright/Whitly)
Plebs (2013)
Helena (Stylax)
Karisa (Marcus)
Sofia Riley (Tom Rosenthal)
Lucy Margeaux (Ryan Sampson)
Kiyara Tallhart (Hizdahr zo Loraq)
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The Marvel Kiddos
Let’s face it. They’re my kiddies and I adore them.
Posters Team 2 Albums Team 2 AMV Team 4 AMV Team 5 Albums
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Amanda Wilson (Sharon and Sam)
Áræði (Fandral, Bucky, Loki)
Astri Danvers (Brunnhilde and Carol)
Benjamin Rogers (Carol and Steve)
Carson Lang (Natasha and Scott)
Catherine Murdock (Natasha and Matt)
Charlie Barnes (Bucky and Loki)
Cori Palmer-Strange (Christine and Stephen)
Danneel Starr (Ava and Warren)
David and Lewis Lang (Hope and Scott)
Eerca Quill (Gamora and Peter)
Elena Lokisdaughter (Wanda and Loki)
Elizabeth Barnes (fem!Steve and Bucky)
Emma Danvers (Carol and Thor)
Frigga Lokisdaughter (Brunnhilde and Loki)
Georgina Strange (fem!Loki and Stephen)
Henrietta Thorsdaughter (Jane and Thor)
Hope Sophia Stark (Sylvie and Tony)
Irene Danvers (Rogue and Carol)
Isaac Lewis-Lang (Darcy and Scott)
Jamie Rogers (Wanda and Steve)
Jensen Barton (Natasha and Clint)
Jillian Stark (Maria and Tony)
Jorund Lokison (Natasha and Loki)
June Barnes (Maria and Bucky)
Lena Parker (MJ and Peter)
Luka Barnes (Natasha and Bucky)
Maggie Howlett (Peggy and Logan)
Melina Banner (Natasha and Bruce)
Michael Maximoff (Wanda and Vision)
Mila Stark (Natasha and Tony)
Monty (Loki and Mobius)
Nathan Barton-Barnes, Evan Barnes, and Harper Barton (Variations of Bucky and Clint)
N’Dazhne (Ororo and T’Challa)
N'Daré Howlett (Ororo and Logan)
Oscar Danvers (Carol and Loki)
Raelynn Starr (Ava and Brunnhilde)
Rebecca Barnes (Wanda and Bucky)
Regina Wilson (Natasha and Sam)
Renae Wilson (Domino and Sam)
Riley Parker (Felicity and Peter)
Samuel and Katiya Rogers (Natasha and Steve)
Sasha and Terrance Wilson (Sam and Bucky)
Sebastian Strange (Wanda and Stephen)
T’Chané Parker (Shuri and Peter)
Timothy and Carol Rogers (Peggy and Steve)
Tyrkir Thorson (Natasha and Thor)
Unnem Munroe (Ororo and Okoye)
Vivian Lewis (Darcy and Loki)
William Howlett  (Ava and Logan)
Yri Fandraldaughter (Fandral and Loki)
OCs that aren’t Marvel Kids, but I made them too    
The Kiddos and the Other OCs as OUAT Characters (WIP)    
OC x CC: Oliver Barnes (Geneva and Bucky)
Updated: 12/29/21
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marvelkiddos · 4 years
This is going to be the official RP blog for the Marvel Kiddos. Any and all are welcome to come hang and you are welcome to interact with anyone on the long list of Marvel Kiddos.
Just have fun :)
Kids Listed Below the Cut:
Amanda Wilson (Sharon and Sam)
Áræði (Fandral, Bucky, Loki)
Astri Danvers (Brunnhilde and Carol)
Benjamin Rogers (Carol and Steve)
Carson Lang (Natasha and Scott)
Catherine Murdock (Natasha and Matt)
Charlie Barnes (Bucky and Loki)
Cori Palmer-Strange (Christine and Stephen)
Danneel Starr (Ava and Warren)
David and Lewis Lang (Hope and Scott)
Eerca Quill (Gamora and Peter)
Elena Lokisdaughter (Wanda and Loki)
Elizabeth Barnes (fem!Steve and Bucky)
Emma Danvers (Carol and Thor)
Frigga Lokisdaughter (Brunnhilde and Loki)
Georgina Strange (fem!Loki and Stephen)
Henrietta Thorsdaughter (Jane and Thor)
Hope Sophia Stark (Sylvie and Tony)
Irene Danvers (Rogue and Carol)
Isaac Lewis-Lang (Darcy and Scott)
Jamie Rogers (Wanda and Steve)
Jensen Barton (Natasha and Clint)
Jillian Stark (Maria and Tony)
Jorund Lokison (Natasha and Loki)
June Barnes (Maria and Bucky)
Lena Parker (MJ and Peter)
Luka Barnes (Natasha and Bucky)
Maggie Howlett (Peggy and Logan)
Melina Banner (Natasha and Bruce)
Michael Maximoff (Wanda and Vision)
Mila Stark (Natasha and Tony)
Nathan Barton-Barnes, Evan Barnes, and Harper Barton (Variations of Bucky and Clint)
N’Dazhne (Ororo and T’Challa)
N'Daré Howlett (Ororo and Logan)
Oscar Danvers (Carol and Loki)
Raelynn Starr (Ava and Brunnhilde)
Rebecca Barnes (Wanda and Bucky)
Regina Wilson (Natasha and Sam)
Renae Wilson (Domino and Sam)
Riley Parker (Felicity and Peter)
Samuel and Katiya Rogers (Natasha and Steve)
Sasha and Terrance Wilson (Sam and Bucky)
Sebastian Strange (Wanda and Stephen)
T’Chané Parker (Shuri and Peter)
Timothy and Carol Rogers (Peggy and Steve)
Tyrkir Thorson (Natasha and Thor)
Unnem Munroe (Ororo and Okoye)
Vivian Lewis (Darcy and Loki)
William Howlett  (Ava and Logan)
Yri Fandraldaughter (Fandral and Loki)
OCs that aren’t Marvel Kids, but I made them too    
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ao3feed-mcufemslash · 5 years
About Them
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2lpiOO1
by funkylittlebidiot (illbealonedancing)
Stephen was just helping out a friend, really, but now they have a new member of the family.
Supreme Family Fluff. That's it.
Words: 5926, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of About Them
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (2016), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Harley Keener, Peter Parker, Sophia Stark-Strange (oc), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Christine Palmer, Michelle Jones, Wong (Marvel), James Rhodes, Maria Hill
Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Background, Christine Palmer/Pepper Potts, Tony Stark & Stephen Strange & Harley Keener & Peter Parker
Additional Tags: Supreme Family, Parent Stephen Strange, Mama Bear Stephen Strange, Parent Tony Stark, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange parenting Peter Parker | Supremefamily | Strange Family
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2lpiOO1
0 notes
by funkylittlebidiot (illbealonedancing)
Stephen was just helping out a friend, really, but now they have a new member of the family.
Supreme Family Fluff. That's it.
Words: 5926, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of About Them
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (2016), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Harley Keener, Peter Parker, Sophia Stark-Strange (oc), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Christine Palmer, Michelle Jones, Wong (Marvel), James Rhodes, Maria Hill
Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Background, Christine Palmer/Pepper Potts, Tony Stark & Stephen Strange & Harley Keener & Peter Parker
Additional Tags: Supreme Family, Parent Stephen Strange, Mama Bear Stephen Strange, Parent Tony Stark, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange parenting Peter Parker | Supremefamily | Strange Family
0 notes
funkylittlebidiot · 3 years
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[image description: Twitter thread: Stephen Stark-Strange: “This adorable baby girl at the store just looked up at me and said “mama?” Pffft what a dumbass. Tony Stark-Strange: by any chance, did that baby girl look like our daughter? Stephen Stark-Strange: FUCK-. End ID]
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funkylittlebidiot · 3 years
Tony: we can’t stop for lunch because Sophia’s waiting on me for my princess transformation
Stephen: you’re going to let a five year old give you a makeover?
Tony: prepare to be turned on that’s all I’ve got to say
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funkylittlebidiot · 3 years
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The Stark-Strange Bunch
Harley - rabbit pasture: loyal, responsible, family-oriented, energetic 
 Peter - stone, small rock: powerful, easy going, excited, courageous 
 Sophia - the wise: charming, intuitive, confident, sociable
 Isaac - ‘he who laughs’: idealistic, loving and kind, loyal, honorable, unsure 
 Nora - the honorable: determined, ambitious, grounded, family-oriented
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funkylittlebidiot · 3 years
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About Them AU:
Family picture wall 🥺💕
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