#Soylent green is people
flights-o-fantasy · 6 months
I made a video about Soylent Green, and here were my takeaways:
1.) It's hard to believe this movie is over 50 years old, because a lot of it feels eerily familiar (even if it is a bit exaggerated).
2.) Never forget that we KNEW about climate change 50 years ago and the publis was gaslit by the same companies causing it for DECADES.
3.) Good god, watch this movie for Edward G. Robinson if nothing else. He was a hell of an actor.
4.) It will never NOT be funny how this movie was approved:
Movie team: "We want to adapt this book!"
Studio: "Mm, no."
Movie team: "What if we add cannibalism?"
Studio: SOLD, DO IT.
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fortunesrevolver · 1 year
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Please enjoy the dumbest thing I've ever contributed to a fandom.
I'll show myself the door...
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i-don-world · 2 years
It's Thursday So...
here are two for the mix -
kiss of the spider women
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Boris is bitter -
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hully-gully-gee · 2 years
The fact that pickles have zero carbohydrates leaves me less than 100% convinced that they aren't some sort of pickled worm in the form of a cucumber.
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venomgaia · 1 month
Hey do u think any of the district 23 chefs have ever gotten 'ingredients' from R corp. All that meat has to go somewhere, unless R corp is pulling a soylent green
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I'm sure there are plenty of places that could actually manage to use 'ingredients' from R corp seeing as there's absolutely a surplus! Although, anyone who's procuring fresh 'ingredients' for the sake of the culinary arts...may end up with more of a mess than they bargained for...
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prince-liest · 4 months
cooking anon! I really like your takes. I haven't thought about how Alastor might value hard work from his one bit in Dad Beat Dad (wonder if this is something he values in friends *early era Vox ?cough*) But! I am intrigued! Do you have any headcanons/ideas for the scenario where Al can only derive nutrition via cannibalism?
Aw, thank you! I felt a little bad that I took it in a tonally totally different direction from what you intended, haha, so I'm glad you enjoyed nonetheless!
I totally think that this is one of those things that fits in with Alastor's general vibe of prioritizing traditional values - which I mean not in the religious sense but in the "hard work and good manners" sense. I think a lot of his dislike of Lucifer stems from the fact that not only is Lucifer swanning in to threaten Alastor's position as hotelier....he's doing it by snapping his fingers and using his powers as royalty to offer to bougie the place up just like that while being super judgmental of the things that they've put together. Alastor also snaps his fingers and summons shadows to do construction work, but Alastor is occasionally a fucking hypocrite. Also his shadows don't provide champagne and caviar while implying people are 'the help.'
And I totally think that this is something he valued in Vox before Vox went off the deep end of perpetual self-improvement in a way that threw the baby out with the bathwater. I feel like Alastor is one of those people who thinks you should warm leftovers up using the stove or oven instead of the microwave, and meanwhile Vox is out here inventing Voylent Blue because eating normal food takes too long or something.
As for the cannibalism thing: I don't know if this is meta canon or word of god or just popular fanon, but I've seen the idea floating around that all sinners come to hell with a curse designed to punish them. I really enjoy the idea that Alastor's is that he is an obligate cannibal. I am in general perpetually fascinated with various forms of disordered eating in fiction, and I like to write Alastor as too skinny under all his layers, perpetually hungry, and really only able to eat people. He gives me the vibes of a rangy, starving predator hidden underneath all of his pizzazz.
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i keep thinking "its crazy how confident sega are in sxsg" and then new things come out and like. AAAA? AAAAA! HER SCALESONA IS HERE????
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shutinlear53 · 3 days
I want to grind the powers that be into a nice tasty pate
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reverieaudios · 5 months
would you rather eat the nice good burger or the living EVIL burger with posion sauce ? :3c
Is... is the living burger people? Does that mean the poison sauce is made of prions?
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aunti-christ-ine · 3 months
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raitrolling · 1 year
'grubloaf isnt actually made of grubs its just what trolls call bread' sorry you can pry the culled grubs are commonly used as food additives and paint ingredients headcanon out of my dead hands
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crimsonclad · 7 months
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haha cool anyway I guess the internet had a good run
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millionmovieproject · 3 months
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i keep thinking i have been sooooo careful not to describe any organic life in flatland except for flatlanders and plants, and was soooooo proud that i've never messed up and had any of my flatlanders mention eating meat or mention any pets or animals
and then i reread a section of an old chapter and realized chuck and bill were going back and forth about whether or not they had any butter
also as i'm typing this i'm realizing that gus used the term "butter upon bacon" which IS an accurate victorian turn of phrase but implies Meat which i have been trying to avoid
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ghostinthepepper · 7 months
A horror!farmtale would just farm people
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It's not a cold it's COVID!!!!!!!
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