#Sparkle’s Character Stash
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i made this a while back and never posted it apparently ?? might be wrong
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schoenht · 6 months
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↳ if he wanted to, he would.
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characters: ace trappola, lilia vanrouge, rollo flamme, silver, azul ashengrotto
synopsis: things that he does because he wants to or without being told to do so.
a/n: SHOUT OUT TO MY MOOTS THIS IS FOR YOU @taruruchi @linabirb @kunikame @lunavixia this is my early Christmas present to you all :D
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Takes you out on spontaneous dates with nothing on his mind but you.
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ACE never has a set plan in mind. Sure, he is not as impulsive as others but that doesn't mean he won't show up to your dorm at literally ungodly hours of the morning, just because he wanted to annoy you. (He's just a softie and will not admit he wanted to see you really badly.)
But Ace also loves taking you on dates. They are his favorite things because you're there and he can find little things about you that he never noticed before. Like the way your eyes sparkle at the sight of something you want, how your lips try to hold back from either sighing or laughing at a horrendous pun you made, how meticulously you scoured through every aisle to ensure you got the quality object you wanted.
Stays with you in silence, even when you're feeling at your lowest.
Dates are also a perfect time for him to spoil you. Never will you have to pay, except for the one time he forgot his wallet. Other than that, he refuses to let you pay. It's not much that he can do, he cannot get you the moon just yet, but memorizing your order, looking at the way your face lights up at your food. And every second he can take to be in your presence is a second he would fight for.
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LILIA loves you and he doesn't need words to show it, albeit hardly being against it. But he also knows you and how you work when you're overwhelmed. There is a peaceful silence that you require and instead of getting up in your space, trying to hug you, he will give you options.
"Do you want me to stay?"
"Do you want a snack? A plushie?"
"Do you want a hug?"
Writes you pages upon pages of his adoration for you. The expression "[one] could write hundreds of books and still not a number would suffice" comes from his actions.
You could lash out, you could stay silent. He knows, he can feel it. So he will stay there quietly unless you tell him otherwise. There is nowhere else he'd rather be than at your side. You're his lover, why wouldn't he stay? Even if you think you're a burden to him, you never will be. He has the strength and the compassion to hold you up. He always wants to hold you up, to love you at your lowest and at your highest. He's there no matter how many things come between you.
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ROLLO is not too expressive, nor is he too reserved to interact. He prefers to release his adoration through ink and paper. The diary he has is barely finished and it is all because he is to focused on his journals that are written about you.
He studies your face when you're not looking, when he watches the moon with you. The moon itself pales in comparison to your beauty and while he doesn't think his sketches do you justice, they are enough to remind him of how precious he holds you to his heart. Every single bit of you is a part that he adores.
There is no shortage to the little things he sees about you. The things you don't notice? He does. Every single one. He writes it down with such careful handwriting, it feels like a caress to the cheek. He has love letters, poems, stories, date ideas, he has everything in those notebooks. They are stashed away in the back of his closet.
Makes you little crafts that remind him of you.
But one of those notebooks has one specific purpose and it will be your present for the day he gives his everlasting devotion to you. That notebook has love letters that could fill oceans with how many waves upon waves of adoration he has for you.
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SILVER cannot keep himself awake most of the time and he hates himself for it because the dream version of you couldn't hold a candle to the real you. So instead, he makes himself stay up to create things. He is a soldier, a protector, yes, but with you, he is so incredibly soft.
He starts by crocheting you your favorite plush animals. He gives you paintings of landscapes that remind him of your eyes. He draws your face in a small sketchbook so many times, he has every part of you memorized. He annotates books to commentate on them with things he thinks you might like. He makes fake flowers out of pretty paper. He even makes you a blanket at some point, draping it over your shoulders when you study for finals.
Silver cannot stay awake for long, but heaven knows that he will do his absolute best to show you that he would move galaxies for you. He fears that the small crafts aren't enough, that you won't like them.
Would fly halfway across the world for you, just to see you for a minute.
But every single one of them holds a tiny piece of his heart. When you know you have enough, that is when you'll know he has given his whole heart to you.
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AZUL isn't as open to showing love as most are. He tends to struggle with showing his vulnerability, even after all this time. He's afraid of losing his reputation but also afraid you'll find him too cheesy. So his acts of love comes in acts of service.
He's had to go across the world several times for his meetings and each time, he brings back some souvenir for you. But he knows that's not enough. If he misses you to the point where he would swim back, he couldn't imagine vice versa.
So, he has started traveling back to see you. He would drop a meeting, get on a jet, and get to your doorstep with flowers, just to see you for a minute. Maybe it's a hurried reunion but there is no denying the look in his eyes: the man is in love with you.
"You came from halfway across the world, just for me?"
He has to pause before he smiles a little. "I would do it several times, if only to see you for a minute." He definitely buries himself in an octopot once he leaves, but the sentiment is so incredibly sweet.
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whispereons · 10 months
Oracle!Reader Part 10
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 9, Part 11
This chapter has sensitive topics! This time it's less on the religious side and more on the general awful shit that happens. It's specifically about a child (and adults) so you are warned!
Sunlight streams through the flap in the tent waking you up. Crawling out of the tent a gift laid in front sparkling for your attention.
A rough and raw cut Cor Lapis innocently sat where the hatchling used to be. Fingertips gently caressed the object before you stashed it away. Another item to be sold if you came upon hard times.
After packing up everything and eating a light breakfast you began the trek to Liyue. Activating and using that teleport waypoint would be so much easier but the suspicion you would get from it was just not worth it.
Farmers, hikers, and the occasional adventurer passed by as you hiked and eventually got to the Guild. Katheryne spots you and smiles.
"Ad astra abyssosque! Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild. Ready to start your first set of commissions Y/N?"
"As ready as I'll ever be." You mutter as you take the paper from her hands. Moving to the side, more adventurers are welcomed and assigned commissions. Fingers crossed for easy commissions, you scanned the list and the corresponding map.
Straight to the Heart - Qingxin must be freshly picked to be made into effective medicine. Pick it off the mountain and get it to the caretaker within the time limit. Enemies may be in the area.
Full Speed Ahead - The path is needed for a transportation vehicle moving people. Make sure the path is clear within the time limit. Defeating enemies may be necessary.
Increasing Danger - Hilichurls are building towers in the circled area. Destroy these towers for the safety of the people.
That last one would be hard, you weren't comfortable at the thought of hurting the cursed people of Khaenri'ah as well as the other civilizations that Celestia bombed. Your characters were always strong enough to destroy the towers and leave but you aren't.
Perhaps you can lure them to a different area and destroy the towers once they were distracted? Do they count as creatures of Teyvat that could recognize you as the creator? Or is the corruption from Celestia too strong?
Spreading Evil - A abyssal mage is scheming something in the square area. Defeat it and it's hilichurl allies by preventing the completion of the ritual.
Nevermind, this one takes the cake on what you did not want to do. What will you do if the abyssal mage is electro? You're basically useless! Well, maybe not since you can light up a torch and burn it till the shield breaks but still. Your divine aura may be prominent to them and cause them to report back to the Abyssal Prince. You weren't eager to ever meet him.
You go back to Katheryne and show her the commission list.
"Just a question, is the abyssal mage in this a electro one?"
Katheryne opens a separate book and scans it for a second before nodding. "That's correct, it was reported to be a electro abyss mage with four hilichurl allies."
"I'm afraid I can't accept this commission. I can only control electro and the shield can't be broken by simply waiting for it to rain like I can with pyro mages."
Katheryne nods at your words and flips through the book as she speaks. "Understood, the only commissions left at this time are either in a rank above you or too far away. You can wait here or check back in a few days to see if we receive any more commissions."
Would it be worth it to try convincing her that as you have no rank, you can do any commissions? Probably not, arguing with a robot never goes well. Sighing you're about to move away when a man nearly bulldozes you as he tries to get to the counter.
"Please help me! I'll pay whatever I have to if a adventurer can accept my commission!"
Moving to stand at the side you look up at the man and narrow your eyes trying to figure out where you've seen him before. Katheryne takes the panicked state of the man in stride and asks what commission he is trying to request.
"My daughter Yiran was being babysat by a new nanny due to my regular one getting sick, and she was kidnapped! Treasure hoarders stormed the dock area, and the babysitter hid leaving Yiran in the open. I was working at the Blackcliff Forge when the Millelith approached me and told me what happened. The only thing that was retrieved was this."
In his hands is a child sized dirty dark teal shoe. You're only relieved that it isn't bloody. This man is the one who stands near the toy seller with his daughter. Manager Kuan if you remember correctly.
"Please, I'll pay whatever I have to for someone to accept my commission and find my daughter. The Millelith refuse to put more attention on my case due to the increase of monsters. But the more time passes the farther away Yiran gets."
Kuan speaks with urgency as Katheryne shakes her head sadly.
"I'm afraid we don't accept commissions like these. While the guild may rarely accept a lost pet commission, they are usually never completed. To protect our reputation the guild does not accept commissions that we aren't sure can be completed. Only if a adventurer or team personally accept it can we accept it."
This seems to break Kuan even further. Tears of frustration well up in his eyes making him rub them roughly pushing up his glasses. His grief and discouragement is visible on his face as he continues trying to convince Katheryne.
The wind rushing in your ears don't let you hear or make out his next words. The wrinkles in his face seem to deepen and his black hair turns grey. The once short fine hair grows into a shaggy mattered mess of silver. Facial hair grows and tangles together as his clothes are torn into ruin. The once middle-class looking outfit is covered in patches, holes, dirt, and dried blood. It's him.
"I'll accept the commission." Your words come out quiet, but he hears them. Turning to you, you see your adoptive father's face flash for a second before it melts away to Kuan's face. The illusion is broken as your father's image is gone with Kuan shakily smiling at you.
"Really? Name your price, I'll pay whatever I have to, to find Yiran."
Closing your eyes in a look of contemplation hides the tears that threatened to build up.
"Let me make it clear. I cannot promise to find Yiran and I will not accept any money unless I manage to find her or her body. I will try my hardest to find her but if after a week, I cannot find her I will have to leave this commission undone. Mostly because she could be in another nation by that point and it would be impossible to find her then."
"I understand, I just want you to try while there is still a chance." Kuan speaks to you with a sad smile. It's uncomfortably too similar to your dad.
Katheryne begins to walk Kuan through the process of drafting a commission and Lan places a hand on your shoulder. The rugged sigh that leaves her as she speaks hint to what she wants to speak to you about.
"Y/N was it? Come and speak with me for a second." Silently you follow her around the building, a safe distance from Kuan.
"You may have talked big game while the funeral director was here but you're a beginner adventurer. Do you understand what kind of commission you just accepted? If you somehow manage to find Yiran, it won't be a little girl. It'll be a gruesome corpse."
"At least that way I can bring something back to bury. Something to remember his daughter by." You say with a sense of longing. Memories of you sobbing over the lack of items to remember your father by rise to the surface.
"Even still, you should have left this to the Millelith. It may be hard not to accept it but you'll regret it when you cannot find anything and come back empty handed. You gave him hope when it's better to just give up-"
Firmly you place your hands on her shoulders. Your grip turns bruising as you force her body closer to yours. Lan's brown bob brushes against your face as you whisper in her ears.
"How hypocritical of you Lan. Don't you realize? You take on any commission containing the word 'sword', no matter the difficulty, to give your brother a proper funeral. That man, that father, is willing to put up with the emotional pain of hope to make the best of his chance at finding his daughter before it really is too late. And I will do what I want, for who I want, for anyone that reminds me of my own motivation. If I have to come back to him and hand him his daughter beaten, bruised, bloody body, then I will."
You push yourself away from Lan as she steps back with fear in her eyes. Her expression changes into a mixture of fright and wariness. There's no doubt that she's wondering how you knew about her mission about her brother. And despite the consequences that can come from this, you can't be bothered to care.
Kuan was not your father but he reminded you so much of him. Your dad that took you in and cared for you how no one else ever bothered to. If helping Kuan gives you the same feeling as when you would help your dad, then you'll gladly do it.
Turning back you turn the corner and Kuan is already smiling tiredly at you. The ache in your heart grows as the swell of happiness refuses to stop.
"Again, thank you so much for accepting. The commission I filled out has all the information I got from the Millelith, it's very little I'm afraid. They are taking this very lightly." There's a bite to his words this time.
"It's okay, I'll make do with the information you gave in. I should get going now to make the most of the time. You can expect to hear from me by the end of the week."
Taking the commission from Katheryne titled 'Missing Treasure' Kuan gives a wave as you begin walking to the city's main entrance. Not wasting time, you start flipping the pages and skimming the pages.
Yiran, a few children, teens, and two adults were taken around the same time. The adults were homeless while the children and teens were either poor or orphans. It seems the treasure hoarders did their homework on their victims.
Kidnapping these vulnerable minorities is a commen tatic in human trafficking. Orphans have no one that would look for them and the government could care less about the homeless. Liyue is such a bustling and thriving market that these kinds of people are pushed out and ignored.
You've lived through that on Earth, you intentionally avoided the rich areas due to this reason. Living here as a homeless orphan would be even worse. People look past you like you don't exist while those that do acknowledge your existence tend to behave violently. The government doesn't fix the problem due the fear of homelessness fueling people to work even when it's not good for them.
Yiran was probably a mistake. Either they were targeting the babysitter, mistoke her for a different victim, or saw her as a lucky grab. If Yiran wasn't kidnapped, the Milelith would have done even less. You shouldn't have expected Liyue to be any better than other rich cities on Earth.
The walk past the glamorous streets feels almost taunting. The guards that doze off and leisurely chat make your blood boil. Scolding them now would do no one any good. It would only eat up the time you need to find Yiran's body. Your thoughts were better off solving this case.
Making a detour you go to the scene of the crime, the docks. It's damp, with little security and it's mostly children and the poor. Makes sense as the main docks are simalir to a tourist area, no one wants trash around.
The majority of the ships are gone meaning no sailors are around. The timing was perfect. For once the treasure hoarders pulled off a good plan. Did the traveler only meet the stupid bunch or were the smart hoarders avoid the traveler intentionally?
Either way you followed the rough path the hoarders took until they left the city entrance. A cart must have been driven due to the amount of people to carry and restrain is too much for a group. This helps you narrow it down that they had to follow the path shown on the map. Liyue's terrarin is filled with mountains and rocks that make it nearly impossible to go off track.
You cross the wooden bridge, pass the small pond, climb the stairs and begin trekking through the path. There's a teleport waypoint that makes you sigh in relief. You really didn't want to have to walk the whole way back, plus it's a quiet enough area that you don't have to worry about witnesses.
Climbing up the boulder, you touch the waypoint and begin climbing back down. You weren't eager to use your wind glider just yet. The hike is pleasant but you keep your eyes peeled for anything that can serve as a clue.
Eventually, you get to a small village-like area, it's nearly abandoned judging by the lack of, well, anyone. You do freeze at the sight of Morax's Statue of the Seven.
The only question that runs through your mind is should you touch it?
On one hand you would get the geo element and just more power in general. On the other hand that would basically summon Zhongli to your area and you weren't ready for round 2 with a Archon.
The conclusion you arrive at is that you'll wait till you're injuried to touch it. At least that way you can test if you're able to be healed by it.
Making sure to keep a safe distance from the statue to avoid triggering it, you're about to continue your journey when you notice something. A book on a flat rock with the title 'Tracking and Hunting - a guide for the new and experienced'.
Was this not the book you were trying to find yesterday? What luck, you could use this to track the treasure hoarders with more effiency! Grabbing it you flip to the first page but are startled by a yell.
"Hey! Apologies for the intrusion but that book is mine for the time being."
Xingqiu and Chongyun run up to you as you hold the book to your chest. The pale blue exorcist is too busy calming himself down from the jog to pay much attention to Xingqiu reaching for the book with a polite smile.
How fake.
"Is it really? I simply saw this book laying on this rock, all abandoned. If you can't respect a book then you definitely shouldn't have checked it out."
Xingqiu grits his teeth and his polite smile strains in his effort to keep his annoyance in check. "Thank you for the advise, I'll be sure to keep better track of my belongings."
It seems Xingqiu is putting up his act due to his reputation as the second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild. You need him to break character so that you can recruit him to help you find Yiran. He's all about justice and chivalry after all.
"I'll be happy to return this book if you- wait what the hell is that?" Your tone goes from mocking to confusion as Xingqiu steps closer letting you view him. The change in your tone brings Xingqiu and Chongyuns attention to you.
You stare at Xingqiu's hair with increadibility that slowly morphs into laughter. Your laughter grows as Xingqiu inquires what you're laughing so hard about.
"What the hell is that haircut? It's more uneven than mountains, with more layers than an onion with some strands poking up like a porcupine. If you paid someone for this haircut then get your money back!"
You hold the book to your stomach as you double over in hysterics. Chongyun keeps a palm over his mouth as he struggles to contain his chuckles. Xingqiu's calm facade seems to crack with each ring of your laughter and your next words seem to break him.
"I don't know how much self-confidence you have to have, to go around with that hair, but I need some! Oh god, what are those bangs?!"
Chongyun turns away as he trembles with laughter that slips through his fingers. Xingqiu crosses his arms in annoyance as he begins his own tirade.
"What kind of person are you? Who begins to mock the person they are basically stealing from? Do you have no chivalry?! What gives you the confidence to give someone else shit for their style when you can't even choose one?! A Liyue style glider with Inazuma style clothing is terrible combination, only able to be worn by a simpleton like you!"
He pants harshly while pointing at you as the laughter dies down. Chongyun looks at his friend in some shock and seems to struggle in whether to intervine or not. You stand up with a smug grin and lean closer to the Guhua swordsman.
"Still not as bad as the bowlcut you're sporting."
Xingqiu groans loudly at your words and lays his palm open. "Let's just stop this stupid conversation. Return my book now."
"Like I said, I need it so either help me out or let me keep it."
"Return my book or else." Xingqiu's hands clench tightly and Chongyun places a hand on his shoulder. He ignores it.
"I'm not returning it unless you make a choice between the options I presented."
A sacrifical sword is quickly pointed at your neck as Xingqiu stares at you.
"Give it back or you'll know my sword." The familair line makes you smile happily as you place the book on his outstretched hand. "Sure!"
"It's just a shame that I'll have less resources to track down those treasure hoarders. I hope I can find them in time..." You speak outloud as you pass them making Chongyun glance back at you. Xingqiu is still gripping his sword without looking at you.
"Wait, please! Can you explain why you are tracking down the treasure hoarders?" Chongyun finally takes the initiative and calls out to you.
Smiling pleasantly you turn to Chongyun and speak while being well aware of Xingqiu resisting the urge to look at you.
"I'd be happy to. Last night treasure hoarders swept through the lower level docks in Liyue and kidnapped some people. That includes my commissioners daughter, Yiran. The cart they are driving must be following this path but I know it'll split at some point. That's why I wanted the book to help me track the hoarders down."
Chongyun's face returns to his usual frosty look. "I understand why you were in such dire need of the book. I would like to help you. My name is Chongyun and I'm a exorcist. I track down ghosts and evil spirits so perhaps my experience can help you."
"That would be a great, thank you so much! I'm Y/N and feel free to speak comfortably."
One acolyte joined, now you only need the other. But if Xingqiu is being too stubborn to help you then you're better off leaving him-
Your train of thought is cut off by the book being thrusted into your arms as Xingqiu walks toward the stairs leading further down the path. You and Chongyun send Xinqui a confused look at his sudden actions.
"What are you two doing gawking at me like that? We're wasting time standing around like this."
A huff of laughter leaves you at his words and you motion Chongyun to follow along as you begin to follow Xingqiu.
"Nice to see that his highness is willing to set aside time in his busy reading schedule to help out with this case."
"I'm a purser of chivalry and justice first and foremost. It seems you do know that I'm related to the Feiyun Commerce Guild. You've got guts to treat me in such a unabashed manner."
"What's the Feiyun Commerce Guild? Some small family business? You didn't really expect me to recognize you immediately right? I mean I'm just a traveler who recently arrived."
Xingqiu seems a bit embarrassed at how he psyched himself into revealing himself. The mockingly kind tone you use only enhances it.
"Can you two please stop arguing? The treasure hoarders will hear you both and run away before either of realize at this point."
Chongyun's calm demeanor and words remind you of your original mission. Now that you recruited the useful acolytes, it's best you don't get too distracted.
"Chongyun is right, why don't you tell me your name bowlcut?"
"My name is Xingqiu and I'm the second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild. A great displeasure to meet you Y/N." He scowls as he speaks but there's no real bite to his words.
"Nice to meet you too bowlcut. While I read the important sections on your book, why don't I hand you the notes from the original comission? Are you intrested in reading it too Chongyun?"
"No, my main focus is on exorcisim. I'll just keep watch of you both while you read and walk."
Nodding you hand the notes to the curious Xingqiu and search through the book as Chongyun guides you both down the staircase. The treasure hoarders must have lost time going down this steep staircase without crashing the cart.
Finishing it rather quickly due to your previous knowledge on the subject, you spot two Milileth guards on the right. They might have seen something suspicious! Tapping Chongyun's shoulder you point at the soldiers.
"Let's ask them if they saw anything, a cart being driven must have caught some attention."
He nods and stops Xingqiu from walking off, Xingqiu only waves you both away as he stands in place. Being careful not to touch and trigger Chongyuns yang enegry you walk with him to the guards.
"Hello, we were wondering if you saw any carts passing by from the Harbor. If there was too many then were there any that looked particularly suspicious?"
Only one guard answers you as the second is too busy relaxing at the table. "We do a routine inspection on everyone that passes through. If any of them were suspicous we would have escorted them to the city."
"So who was watching over whenever you escorted a suspicous person/group back to the city?" You ask in slight disbelief.
The guard goes quiet as if contemplating on what to say... You aren't sure whether to laugh or sigh. The second guard is dragged over by the first guard.
"Oh are you both here for a face reading? The blue one has some striking eyes which indicates a strong spirit but the other one is a bit harder. That mask makes it difficult but I can tell that you have a, what's the nice way to say it? A rather plain but ordinary face, you can think of it as good thing if you think about how easy it is to change it to something more interesting."
Your expression drops in unison with Chongyuns at his words. You had a feeling Liyue's guards weren't the best but this was even more pathetic than you thought. It's clear this guy was slacking off during his whole shift.
"We don't want a face reading so don't expect us to pay for your crappy words. We just wanted to know if you saw any suspicous carts passing by."
"Oh well I kind of left for some tea at the Emerald Maple Inn on the left. A older lady passed by me and stayed by the roadside during that time so I suppose you're better off asking her."
Chongyun presses a palm to his face at the second-hand embarrassment. The only thing that's stopping you from slugging this incompetent soldier is Yiran and the fact it's a nice sunny day.
"Thanks for the doing less then the bare minimum. We'll be on our way now." You say in a polite voice and push Chongyun back to Xinqui while ignoring the offended man.
"That was so embarrassing. A traveler like you who is new to Liyue should not have had to see such a... lazy soldier." He puts the truth very kindly before holding a hand to his head as he steadies his breathing.
You get back to Xingqiu and explain what happened. He managed to look even more disappointed than Chongyun and the three of you climb the left hill to the Inn. Xingqiu had already finished reading and you swapped the reading material to their original owners.
Tables are set up outside the Inn and one of them has a elderly lady drinking tea at one of them. Walking up to her, you smile kindly as the guys hang back to question the owner of the Inn.
"Hello ma'am, around last night or early this morning, did you go down by the road? If so did you notice a strange cart passing by?"
"In fact I did, I told one of the guards when he came back but he didn't take it very seriously... Well a few people were driving a cart loudly talking about meeting a group at the fork in Guili Plains. I'm afraid that's all I know."
...Was the book even necessary now? What kind of cliche convient villain move is speaking about your evil plans out-loud? There goes all the compliments you gave them for making smart choices. But they did choose the one time when no guards were present. Does that cancel out their stupidity or show just how lucky they are?
"Thank you so much for the information. I'll get going now and use it wisely." The old woman nods at your polite dismissal and rejoin the disastified duo who brighten up at the information you obtained. Until a young boy comes out from the Inn asking.
"Is that the cough adventurer with the medicine? cough"
That sounded familiar, too familiar to be a coincidence. The old woman attends to the boy's coughing fit as you look through your handbook.
Straight to the Heart - Qingxin must be freshly picked to be made into effective medicine. Pick it off the mountain and get it to the caretaker within the time limit. Enemies may be in the area.
Yup, the area where the comission takes place is your exact location. This was your commission to deal with.
Turning back to Xingqiu and Chongyun who are patiently waiting for you, you explain the situation. They agree to seperate from you and continue the path to Guili Plains while you finish the commission. Promising to catch up with them soon you wave and Xingqiu shoots you one last remark.
"Oh and be careful when climbing! Geovishap hatchlings have a tendency to push off unlucky climbers!"
...He was joking right?
With a mental note to get him back for that, you turn back to the old woman and show her the commission paper.
"Hello again, before I leave to continue my journey I would like to get that pesky qingxin for you first."
She smiles relieved and brings you near the back of the Inn. Pointing upward to a mountain that was more of a rocky hill, she tells you of a qingxin that grows there.
After she leaves to prepare the rest of medicine, you begin climbing. Your climbing skills are rusty so you slide down at the worst times but you manage to pick up on your old skills relatively quickly.
So focused on climbing, the wind brushing against your cheek goes unnoticed until a leaf hits you. Moving it away leads you to looking at the gorgous scenary of Liyue.
The clear water of Luhua Pool. The mountains dotted with trees and grass. And even the areas with ruins make for a picturesque view. In the distance you can see the Wangshu Inn. You really hope Xiao never catches wind of you or else you'll constantly be monitored.
Finally arriving at the top, you sit down and rest your body. You aren't aching but you weren't about to pick the flower and jump off. Planning was still needed to avoid a broken bone.
Should you use the wind glider or speed climb down this hunk of rock?
The wind seems to pick up as the pebbles are thrown off the rock you're on. That was not a good sign for a beginner like you. Seems speed climbing it is!
Mapping out a route that would have you alternating between sliding and climbing you double checked it before standing up. The moment you pick the qingxin from it's place that you remember that the time limit for this comission is 30 seconds unless you defeat an enemy.
Scrambling you hurry down while mentally counting down the seconds. That's probably why you didn't notice the geo slime that you kicked off the mountain in your rush.
It's only after handing the qingxin just in time to the old woman that you notice how squishy your boot is.
You end up leaving back to the path with a bag of rewards from completing the commission and some slime concentrate in your bag. There's a clear crunch of the leaves as you walk the path quickly in hopes of catching up to the duo.
You pass by the wilderness and animals as you keep jogging. There's a small stone bridge and you spot the different shades of blue hair moving rather quickly. Getting closer you see the new third indivual.
A black figure with glowing red undertones dives between the sword and claymore clashing against the sacrifical knife. The pyro delusions and maroon mask makes it clear that the fatui agent isn't going to relent easily.
Summoning your sickle, you run into the fray as the agent dissapears leaving a red silloutte behind.
"I didn't arrive too late right?" Xingqiu blocks a strike and Chongyun uses his skill to apply cryo to the area.
"Right on time actually. Quite suprising for someone like you." Superconduct heightens your damage as your sickle slices the agent's arm with electro.
"Ha ha. On the other hand when is your other earing arriving? I believe it's long overdue." Xingqiu's raincutter is summoned making reactions fly around.
Frozen, superconduct, electro-charged, and some shatters keep the agent from barely moving.
"For the last time, will you both stop fighting and focus fully on the fight?" Chongyun's cold clear voice seems to momentarily redirect your attention to the fight. It's only now that you can actually look at the state of the Fatui agent.
A mask half frozen with chunks of it biting into his skin, the blood stains the ice red and the eye's flicker. His arm and legs seem to jerk at random times, most likely from the electro-charged reaction still running in his system. With multiple slash marks and grave wounds that breeched his suit into his skin. It's the hand barely hanging to his wrist that bleeds the most.
This was less of a fight and more of one sided beat down. Compared to when you and Heizou fought those Fatui skirmishers this was a breeze. Made sense but it still felt nice to see some progress in your own strength.
The bone is visble as the blood continues to spurt out of the wound as the agent staggers. None of you move as he sways before falling backword onto a huge chunk of leftover ice. It stabs his stomach letting you see the now pink tip of the ice that went through him.
The force also wretched the hand off his wrist making it land with a sickening splat. Lucky as always, it lands at your feet. Blood drips down from your sickle onto the decapitated hand making you sheathe it back into nothingness.
Looking back to the freeze team, their clothes have much more blood but they ignore it and walk past the body. With them as your guidance, you follow them and grip the agent's sacrificial knife in your hand before quickly stuffing it into your bag.
"So how did that fight even begin? I never saw any mention of the Fatui being involved with the kidnapping."
The way you easily move on to a conversation is comical. You had just committed a joint murder with a duo that you met a mere hour ago and yet you don't feel distraught. Not like the first time you killed in Teyvat. It seems you're starting to adapt to Teyvat's laws. Would you ever fully adapt to it's religious beliefs about the 'creator'?
"The agent jumped at us yelling something about paying back a debt due. But judging how suprised he was when he saw us, he must have believed we were someone else." Chongyun explains thoughtfully.
Xingqiu presses a hand over his mouth seeming to ponder something.
"Do you think the Fatui agent met with the treasure hoarders at the fork? Since the hoarders cart were the only suspicious people going through, it would make sense that they would be meeting the Fatui."
"Then if you're right, something must have gone wrong at the meetup. Damn I wish he didn't die, we could have questioned him."
Depending on the meetup, chasing after the treasure hoarders would be useless if they gave Yurin and the rest of the captives to the Fatui.
"We would have gone easier on the agent if we knew you could control electro. I don't see any vision on you so how do you control the elements? Are you similair to a cartain golden haired traveler?"
"Let's just say it's an ability I gained after an upgrade. It's not a delusion though so forget that kind of possibility."
Xingqiu shoots you a skeptical look at the nonchalant way you dismissed his questions. Chongyun, ever as guilable nods in understanding before asking his own question.
"Did that upgrade also give you your perfect spirit?"
Being careful not to trip on a abandoned wagon, you glance questionably at Chongyun.
"I have no idea what that means. I've heard of yin and yang energies but I'm not well versed in it."
He places a finger to his chin as he struggles to explain the concept to you.
"A perfect spirit is something of a legend. Everyone has a mix of yang and yin that can changes depending on the day, mood, constiution and other factors. I'm one of the few that has a pure yang spirit that I struggle everyday to control. But your spirit is perfectly balanced and even during the fight it didn't waver. It's not just perfect, it's also similair to a void. It feeds on the surrounding energies and stabilizes them. Usually I would spend half an hour after a battle to calm down but with you here I had no need to."
Was that a perk of being the creator? If so that can be pretty neat but on the other hand it also makes you terribly shady. Under a better circumstance you could use it as proof of you being the creator. It really is a shame.
"When I studied the books in my families library, it said that only the creator could have such a spirit..." Of course you had to be right.
The red scrapes that you earned from the fight seemed to grab the attention of both vision holders. To them, it's proof that you aren't the creator and to you, it's proof that no matter what kind of evidence you gather, your blood will always disprove it.
"All those little things about you don't seem to be adding up Y/N. The electro, the vague backstory, the strange aura that surronds you, the so-called perfect spirit and that mask aren't making you any less questionable."
Xingqiu's voice slips through the cracks created by Chongyun in your identity. The crushing of dirt stops as Chongyun and Xingqiu block your way.
"The creator is not one to be messed with or imitated. Evil spirits and demons are the only ones filthy enough to do so. There's a large chance you've been possessed by one. Allow us to purge you, I can promise that in death you'll be freed."
His prototype archaic claymore is summoned in his hands, he always had a one track mind when it came to exorcisim after all. Xingqiu stays behind but the sacrifial sword in his hands is clearly visible.
The day had been going so well too.
"I think you both are getting ahead of yourselves." The smooth words only make them freeze and glare at you.
"I mean neither of you even gave me a chance to speak! Chongyun do you really belive that the creator is only desecrated by evil spirits and demons? I mean just think of Xinyan's concerts, many of those people were just simply terrible."
His grip on his weapon is firm but he nods his head solemly.
"I'm well aware of that but I earnestly believe that you're possessed. Someone like you who accepted a comission to save a little girl isn't one who I would suspect to be a sacrilegious person."
"And even if you are simply a horrible person that finds enjoyment in mocking the creator in this fashion, I could deal with you instead." Xingqiu leers closer as he expertly twirls his sword.
"Defending chivalry and spreading justice is my passion after all." The kind smile on his face mocks you.
Taking out your weapon would only agrivate the situation and confirm their belief. Instead you bow to them and speak curteously.
"As the situation has degraded this badly, I may as well reintroduce myself truthfully. I'm Y/N, an oracle for the creator. My main purpose is to investigate acolytes and the citizens faith simultaneously. The creators spirit envelops me like this to protect me and help me protect others."
Your words catch them both off-guard. Xingqiu double downs on his stance as Chongyun takes a step back.
"I was ordered to be as vague as possible which makes me very suspicious but I have to be careful in what I say. The perfect spirit sitaution may be new to me but there's a very logical explanation."
"And what may that be? If it's not satisfactory I will purge you as soon as possible seeing as you must be possessed by a demon of unknown caliber."
"Think back to when the creater controlls you, does your yang enegry ever get out of control?"
"Of course not, the creators spirit inhibits us and allows us to access blessings that belong to them."
"Then why can't I, who is constantly connected to the creator access those blessings?"
"Thats-!" Chongyun bits his lip as he looks away clearly conflicted.
"The creator is all powerful! Do you think that their perfect spirit isn't strong enough to completely overpower mine?"
Chongyun loses his grip on his claymore and it's dissapears into the air. He's far too anguished between what he knows is a fact and what his own feelings tell him. Too easy, easy to the point where Xingqiu steps in.
"That's a nice runaround and although I can't comment on this perfect spirit conversation as I have not been allowed to read those books yet. I believe it's your identity as a oracle that is the most questionable."
"I know, a clever and eloquent man like yourself would not be so easily swayed by a charlatan like me."
"Cut the crap and show me whatever proof you have. Or is your hands as empty as your skull?"
Ignoring his words, you send a mental thank you to Ayato and display the fan. It would be useless to use in convincing Chongyun but Xingqiu would know due to his high-standing.
Just as you suspected Xingqiu's eyes widen for a second before he moves closer to examine the fan.
"It's the real deal... This texture is one only used in Inazuma for those close to the Electro Archon." His fingers brush against the fabric of the fan before he pulls away with a softening scowl. "I suppose you weren't lying if you managed to get this fan. The Kamisato Commissioner is said to be a elusive man."
Chongyun looks at the fan and Xingqiu in confusion before sighing and giving up on understanding the conversation.
"If that quells all remaining doubts then lets get going. We wasted a lot of precious time." Quickly you walk past them and smile at the sounds of their footsteps following you.
Putting the fan back into the safety of the bag you remember how thankful you are for meeting Ayato. At least with proving yourself to him, you managed to get such a useful tool. It's only fair to milk it for all it's worth.
The fork comes into view and your breath catches in your throat.
The lush grass was crushed under a mix of debris and blood. Crimson stained and dripped down the stone hedge as pieces of dirty clothing drifted in the area. The huge wreckage of a smashed up transportation vehicle was the main center piece.
Aside from the dead bodies littering the area.
Bodies of treasure hoarders with elemental wounds were the most abundant. A few Fatui skirmishers with makeshift reaction and weapon wounds laid in the clearing. The war-machines were deactivated as the bodies rot inside.
Taking steps forward to the middle of the wreckage, it's a single item that installs fear.
A pink flower pin lays innocently on the ground. The blood and dirt on it seems to glisten with malice as the sun reaches it's peak in the sky.
It's finally out!!! OMG it's been so long since I last posted. Work's been burying me, every weekend is a birthday/event/funeral, plus the fall semester is going to start soon. Not to mention Fontaine is almost here and I didn't even finish a single area of Sumeru. Someone stop time, I need sleep. I hope I gave reasonable explanations for the stories behind the commissions. You know the first commission completed with the Qingxin? If you climb the mountain I described, you will find a Qingxin. I know this chapter may be a bit boring since it focused on the kidnapping but I hope Xingqiu and Chongyun were written well enough. I don't think they have a romantic relationship like many fans describe. Then again, I don't like shipping in general. I gave Xingqiu a similair dynamic to Ayato but there is difference. Ayato is more of a 'pretend to be formal while insulting' meanwhile Xinqui is more juvinele with 'I feel annoyed by your presence and the fact I like it is even worse'. Both are fun but if something else works better with Xingqiu's personality please let me know! Time for me to actually finish exploring the summer event and go to even more activites I don't want to attend T-T. (I'll recheck it when I can on my PC) Taglist: @vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @sielt, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @conspicuous-mayonnaise, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @sielt, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zeniths, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @undecidingfate, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @zhonglisfruityass, @fluffy-koalala, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling
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blue-slxt · 5 months
Kinkmas 11
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🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
A/N: I've actually had this written for moooonths, I just never got around to making it public. So here ya go! All characters are aged up!
Kinkmas Masterlist
Pairing: Neteyam x Fem!Metkayina!Reader
Warnings: Jealous!Neteyam, Breeding Kink, Belly Bulge, Creampie, Cockwarming
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You were out on the beach standing in the water. You loved just standing and feeling the waves crash against your legs. Something about the view of the horizon and the sound of the waves was calming. From the corner of your eye, you can see something sparkle in the water. You bend over to pick it up to find that it’s a bead with a gorgeous iridescent color. You hold it in your hand thinking that the color of it would look good in Neteyam’s braids. It would compliment his eyes perfectly. 
Little did you know, Ao’nung was standing in the distance watching you. He’d always thought you were the most attractive of all the girls he could potentially mate with. But everyone knew you had chosen Neteyam instead. Jealousy balled up inside of him, but not out of love. Make no mistake, Ao’nung didn’t love you and you knew that. He wanted you as a trophy. You refused to be an object to be paraded around which is why you rejected him. He still would find himself watching you, though. And when you bent over to pick up your bead, he got a view right up your loincloth. He imagined what you look like under that thing. What you feel like. His train of thought was interrupted by someone clearing their throat close to him. He turns around to find none other than your intended mate himself. Neteyam looked behind Ao’nung to see what he was looking at and when he realizes it was you, his eyes turn to daggers pointed right at  him. Ao’nung rolls his eyes before walking away, making sure to bump Neteyam’s shoulder on the way. Neteyam takes a deep breath to gather himself before approaching you from behind. 
The splashing sound behind you makes you turn to see who it is and you smile seeing your lover. “Ma Teyam!”, you wrap your arms around his neck, giving him a quick peck on the lips. “Yawne, can I speak with you? Back at our home?” he asks, taking your hands in his. 
“Of course.” You stash the bead you found in your satchel on your hip before walking off with Neteyam. 
Once you’re back home, Neteyam ties the flap over your entrance to give you two some privacy. Before you can turn around, his strong arms wrap around your waist and he nuzzles his face into your neck. You lay your arms on top of his and lean your head against his. You can feel him just breathing in your scent. “What is it that troubles you, ma Teyam?” you smile to yourself. “Ao’nung was looking at you again.” He mumbles against your skin. You smile a little wider loving his possessive side. He wanted you all to himself and you would give it to him if you could. 
“You need not worry about such things.”
“But you are mine. I don’t want another man’s gaze on you.” He continues lifting his head a little. 
You turn around so that you’re facing him now, but still in his arms. “I am yours. That’s exactly why you do not need to worry. I only want to give myself to you.”
He licks his lips listening to your words. You already know exactly where this is going. His hand cups your face. “Say it again.” He says never taking his half lidded eyes off your lips. “I want to hear it again.”
“I’m yours, ma Teyam. Always. Only yours.” You drape your arms around his neck and he pulls you closer against him. You purr into his ear because you know he loves it. He bites his lip feeling himself succumbing to his primal urges. 
His hands travel down from your waist to your hips and in one swift motion, he hoists you up by your thighs. He walks you over to one of the posts of your home and pushes your back against it. He closes the gap between your lips and kisses you with such hunger, but you loved when he got like this. He uses one of his hands to undo his tewng and you feel his tip poking right between your thighs. He bucked his hips up against you desperate for any kind of friction he can get. He slides your cloth to the side and trails his tip up and down your slit to cover himself in your flowing juices.
“You want it?” he teased. 
“You know I do. I want all of you.” You say brushing the tip of your nose against his. He slams his entire length into you at once and it makes you shudder in his grasp. His eyes completely haze over and you know you’re in for it. 
He wastes no time thrusting up into you at a fast, steady pace. “Oh, fuck, yawne. You take me so fucking good.” He growls out the human curses watching himself enter you over and over. You look down and can see your stomach bulge every time he pushes into you. “Fuuuuck look at that. You feel me, baby? You want me to cum deep inside you?” He thrusts harder into you with every sentence. “I swear I’m gonna put a fucking baby in you.” He squeezes his eyes shut reveling in the feeling of your walls gripping him. His words egg you on until you’re approaching your own peak. 
“Do it! Do it, Nete! I want your baby!” You scream out feeling your walls convulse with your first orgasm. 
Even in the midst of you riding out your high, there’s no time to come down because he never stops stroking into you at his same pace. If anything, he speeds up. Your words are still ringing in his head. ‘Do it’. ‘I want your baby’. The thought of filling you with his seed and making you carry his child drove him feral. Then everybody would know who you belonged to. No other man would ever touch you. There's not a single thing that would make him happier. The sight of your breasts full and your belly swollen all because of him. It has his head spinning with desire.
You feel like you’re losing your mind at the way he’s abusing your cervix. Especially with the position you’re in, he just reached that much deeper. It feels like your body has been set on fire. 
“Shit”, he grunts out. “I’m about to cum. I’m gonna fill you up so good, yawne. Make you pregnant with my baby.”
You wrap your legs tighter around his waist and tangle your hands in his braids. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Please, ma Teyam! Give me your baby!” you scream over and over like it’s the only thought in your head. And right on cue, he shoots everything he has into you. The warmth and the full feeling deep in your core makes you cum again too. Both of you can feel each other’s relief and following euphoria. 
You let your head fall forward onto his shoulder while you both regain control of your faculties. Neteyam holds himself inside of you. True to his word, he wants it to take so there's no way that he's going to risk pulling out of you and wasting a single drop. He carries you over to your sleeping mat and lays you down gently. He situates himself behind you and nuzzles his face into the back of your neck. He kisses your nape peacefully and you both drift off to sleep.
Taglist: @minnory @sussybaka10 @celess0 @funkyflamingo01 @itchaboi-itchyboy @loaksulluyswife @myloveforyouisforever @neteyams-wh0re @the-mourning-moon @wakanda-forever-andotherfandoms @zafrinaxyz @neteyamsyawntu @pandoraslxna @xylianasblog @hotdsworld @teyamsatan @sulieykte @neteyamsoare @neteyamswillow @cryinginthemoonpool @plooto @eywaite @quaritchsluts @jakexneytiri @luvv4j4ybe11 @eywascall
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takami-rising · 1 year
in aeternum ☀︎
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in aeternum
➳ eternally
character: rengoku kyojuro x reader genre: not full on smut but very suggestive, fluff, drabble warnings: 18+ MDNI, virgin/inexperienced reader, lots of intimate touching, implied intercourse/fade to black
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Kyojuro who is just so gentle on your wedding night. Oh, so sweet when he feeds you the bowl of strawberries he's discreetly stolen from the kitchen stash in the dead of night. Thumb swiping across your plump lower lip to gather the saccharine juices, and what a shame it would be to waste its flavor. Your eyes unable, unwilling, to stray from his as he licks the taste off his finger.
You're a bundle of nerves the moment he gets a bit too close, hands trembling in his, strong and firm as they envelope yours in their tender touch. On the verge of tears, you tell him that everything is just happening so fast. From the day you accepted his proposal to when they transferred your furniture into his estate and now you are to be the spouse of the new head of the Rengoku family - what pressure. How eagerly you wish to make him proud, to fulfill your duty at his side.
He cradles you in his embrace, fingertips painting languid strokes up and down your arm until your breathing slows. Touch so delicate, so innocent until disappears underneath the sleeve of your yukata, quivers rushing through your body in waves. He asks if you bear any regrets in regard to your union, but you shake your head into his chest. Kyojuro would do anything and everything to ease any worry you may have. How disappointed with himself he is that you would ever think otherwise when you ask to simply spend the night asleep, tangled in each other's arms.
"My darling, we have a lifetime together. We may take all the time we need."
Kyojuro, whose cheeks are flushed the loveliest shade of pink when you awake in the early hours of the next morning to feel his member prodding against your hip, thick and hard, twitching in response to the soft friction as he stirs. Apologies leave his lips in graces, tells you not to worry and he squirms to get away.
You crawl through the plush of your shared kakebuton to close your distance once again, chasing the tingling sensation his bashful expression brings forth in the pit of your stomach. Hands trace the collar of his tousled yukata, dips into the hollow beneath bones in the sweetest of caresses, a careful curiosity that sparkles your eyes.
"May I see?"
He stutters, flustered and caught off guard. He does not mind, of course. Would let you tear his clothes apart if you wished to, but the way you look up at him, through eyelashes wet with sleep, fingertips dangling at his hips, waiting for permission. It makes his cock twitch. "Yes."
You unwrap his robe, slide the fabrics off his shoulders with such endearing determination, he cannot conceal the chuckle on his lips when you stop to brace yourself before the removing the fundoshi on his hips. Your eyes search his body, orbs flickering and he wonders if you're looking for something specific, any confidence he yet possesses slowly dwindling. Perhaps he did not live up to your expectations. Perhaps it was too much and the scars embedded in his skin repulsed you more than anticipated.
Your hand falls flat against his chest, fingers curling to drag the pad of their tips in your featherlight touch. His heart forgets a beat. He dares not take his eyes off of you as the golden hour laves you in its colors, your chest rising to chase its next breath quicker than the last as you carefully trace the scars that litter his body, rests over the one centered in his sternum. The skin goes taught with the hitch in his breath, twists and contorts around veins and muscle. You hesitate, then caress the hardened flesh tenderly. "Does it hurt?"
"I cannot think of pain when the one I love is touching me so intimately."
"Would you like me to stop?"
Kyojuro feels lightheaded, euphoria clouding any last comprehensible thought left in his mind, his voice reduced to nothing more than a breathy whisper. "No."
Your lips press a kiss under his left eye where the gold in his iris has turned to a setting sun while your hands continue their explorative dance. It doesn't open fully anymore, barely has any perceivable vision left, but you're heavenly even in the haze of its shadows. He melts into your touch, lets you mold him into any shape or form you desire.
"I think you are very beautiful," you say.
Dearest, loveliest Kyojuro who gets impatient, grabbing your hands and nearly begs against your lips. "My love, I wish to consummate our marriage now."
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Unfair Fair Games - Eddie Munson X Female Reader
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Title: Unfair Fair Games
Eddie Munson X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's parents (Mentioned), and Random game vendor
WC: 2,347
Warnings: Parents don't like Eddie mentioned, slight baby angst, overall fluff
"Eddie," You whined softly, "I can't." You answered as Eddie leaned on his arms across the picnic table, giving you his big brown puppy dog eyes.
"Come on, babe, it'll be fun." He tilted his head to the side, "We need a break."
You let out a sigh, closing your eyes briefly before looking up at him, "You go on and on saying you're going to graduate, but you wanna skip classes for the day to go to a fair... One town over?" You repeated, just to make sure you were here this right, only to see Eddie nod his head.
Leaning back, Eddie leaned his hand under his chin, staring over at you with a small smile on his face that made your heart do a few somersaults. His eyes sparkled mischievously as he continued talking. "You need a break, babe. And we hardly have time to ourselves, minus all the times I sneak into your bedroom."
Your lips quirked into a smile as you looked down at your lap, thinking about what you should actually say. You really didn't want to go to the rest of your classes, but skipping? You didn't know if you could do it. You weren't really one to break the rules, most of the time. Your parents would ground you until graduation if they caught you. They thought Eddie was too irresponsible, and even though they knew how hard you worked and how dedicated you were, they still wouldn't approve. They thought Eddie was a 'bad influence' on you. If they found out that you skipped school with Eddie... Oh, even though you were technically an adult, they'd ground you for sure. 
You bit your lip, "I suppose it will be fine." You gave in, smiling brightly, "But only because you asked so nicely. Persistently." You muttered the last word as Eddie fist-bumped the air, before leaning back across the table to press his lips quickly to yours.
"Thanks, baby," He leaned back, almost stumbling out of the picnic table and going around to your side; offering you his hand. "You won't regret this."
You rolled your eyes with a small laugh and took his hand, allowing him to pull you off the bench and onto your feet, "I've got money saved up, so I am treating you tonight. You don't have to pay for anything." He added, his grin widening as you rolled your eyes again.
"That seems hardly fair, Eds. What if I want to get you something?" You asked as he led you to his van.
He waved you off, opening the passenger side door for you, even taking the time to buckle you in, surprising you slightly. Then, he closed the door behind him, walked over, and got in the driver's seat. He began humming some song that was probably Metallica as he himself buckled and started the van. You leaned down and pulled a small cassette case out from under the set, opening it and flipping through the small stash of cassettes; picking one of Bon Jovi's. Sliding it into the cassette player, you began bobbing your head as 'Livin' On A Prayer' started to play, Eddie reluctantly bobbing his head too, knowing how much you loved the band; wanting to make you happy.
"Ooooh, we're halfway there!" You sang, holding an imaginary microphone in your hand, before moving towards Eddie as he drove.
"Ooooh, living on a prayer!" Hebelted jokingly, smirking as you hit him lightly on the arm, making him chuckle; his hand finding its way to your thigh, making you blush as you sighed, placing your hand on top of his. 
Intertwining your fingers with his, you continued to hum the song with a content smile on your face, your pointer finger fidgeting with the rings on Eddie's fingers.
The two of you finally arrived at the fairgrounds after about forty-five minutes of driving around and getting lost. Eddie parked his van next to some other cars and hopped out, walking to your side to help you out. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders as he led you towards the gates where a sign reading 'Welcome to the Freaky Fun Fair' was posted. You sputtered a laugh, covering your mouth slightly as Eddie looked down at you, raising an eyebrow; curious.
"This seems like our type of fair." You explained, pointing to the sign with a teasing smirk. "You're the freak, and I'm the fun one."
Eddie scoffed, pulling you closer to him, "Y/N, babe, I think it's the complete opposite. Who has brought you to a fair? Me. That means I'm the fun one!" He assured, kissing your temple before leading you towards the entrance.
"Okay, Mr. Freakster." You laughed, squeezing his hand in yours as the two of you walked inside, where you were immediately greeted by the bright lights of the festival, the people around you shouting and laughing, children cheering and running to their favorite rides. The smell of food assaulted your nose and made your mouth water. Oh, you really wanted elephant ears... And cotton candy. So bad... Eddie chuckled beside you as he held you close to his side.
"What do you want to do?" He asked, looking down at you with amusement sparkling in his chocolate brown eyes.
You looked up at him and smiled, "Whatever you want, honey."
Eddie shook his head, his hair running through your hair briefly, "Ah, my dear, this is your night." He spoke in a terrible posh accent, "For you to drag me to all the rigged games and dangerously fun rides." 
You couldn't stop smiling, "So... In simpler terms, you don't care what we do?" You questioned, cocking your head to the side.
Eddie pulled you closer into his side, "No, babe, I just care about what makes you happy."
You nodded in understanding, "Then I'd suggest the cotton candy, since we're already here."
"Oh! I want the pink one!" Eddie cheered as you tugged on his hand, walking with him to the cotton candy vendor.
In the line, you turned to look up at Eddie, an adoring smile on your face, "You're adorable." You cooed, earning an eye roll from him. "And, thank you, Eddie. Thank you so much."
He blushed a light shade of red as he looked away, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "I just want you to be happy, Y/N."
"Eddie, I am so happy. I'm happy whenever I'm with you." You smiled widely, grabbing his hand once more as the line moved forward. Eddie looked over at you, his lips turning up into a small, but genuine smile as he squeezed your hand. 
The two of you made it to the front of the line, buying two cotton candies, you grabbed a piece from the large puff of your favorite flavor of cotton fluff, stuffing it in your mouth, sighing happily as it melted in your mouth. Eddie munched on his strawberry cotton candy, smirking as he watched you basically skipping beside him in joy. Pausing your happy munching, you pulled off another piece, turning to Eddie and offering the sweet treat to him.
"Open wide," You teased, as Eddie raised an eyebrow before he opened his mouth and you placed the cotton candy in his mouth. Eddie's eyes twinkled mischievously as he almost bit down on your finger; you squealed slightly as you pulled your hand away and Eddie laughed evilly. 
"Eddie!" You exclaimed, and Eddie looked at you with wide eyes.
"Hey now, I wasn't gonna bite your finger off." He replied innocently, giving you a small shrug as he ate another piece of his cotton candy. "It was like my mouth had a mind of its own." You huffed and rolled your eyes with a small laugh, shoving his shoulder playfully as you both continued your way towards the rigged game vendors.
With your cotton candies finished, and the paper cones tossed in the trash, you wandered with your arm looped with Eddie's, looking at all the games. There were games like shooting pool, ring toss, darts, you even spotted a claw machine, which Eddie had been absolutely mesmerized by as he watched the claw move, sadly he didn't win anything. You continued to wander until your eyes spotted a small plush bat, hanging from the posts of a vendor. Before you could even think twice, your feet moved on their own, dragging Eddie with you as you made your way to the game, which was a catch-a-duck game. 
Noticing how much you wanted to play the game, Eddie paid fifty cents, and the bored vendor handed you a small, but long net. "Scoop a duckie, whatever color is on its bottom will correlate with the prize you can receive." He spoke, his voice and tone slow and low.
"Duckie?" Eddie muttered, sputtering slightly as the vendor sighed. "Why not just say duck?"
"It's mandatory, sir. This is Mister Duckie's Duck Hunt." He explained, "Please play, we are growing a line."
At his words, you leaned the net over the small wooden railing before you and over the wall pool where tons of plastic yellow ducks swam in a circle. Hovering slightly, you stuck out a bit of your tongue in concentration as you chose a duck, before just going for it; scooping a duck into your net. You pulled the net back over to you, grabbing the duck and flipping it over. A giant red sticker was on its bottom, quickly looking up your smile widened as you realized that was the right color to get your bat. You quickly handed the net and duck to the man, "I'll take the bat, please." You spoke, pointing to the small brown bat plush.
The man sighed and reached for the bat before handing it to you. You instantly hugged the plush, before looking down at its beady black eyes. Going to stand off to the side in an empty part of the fair not too far away, you softly squealed as you showed the bat to Eddie. 
"Isn't he cute, Eds?" You gushed, admiring the little toy in your hands.
Eddie tilted his head slightly, "He's kind of funky looking." Eddie spoke, as you flapped the bat's little wings up and down, simulating flying. 
You gasped, swiftly pulling your bat to your chest, "Edward," You scolded, "That's no way to speak of your child."
Eddie's eyebrows shot straight up, "I'm a father already? I haven't even graduated yet and I'm a father."
"You better be ready to change diapers." You teased, as Eddie puffed out his chest jokingly.
"It'll be a sacrifice I'll be willing to take... As long as I can spend time with you and our beautiful son." He jested, placing a hand on his chest before letting out a dreamy sigh. "What are you going to name him?" He then asked, and you hummed, frowning in thought as you looked at your new bat son.
"Um... I'll name him... Batty." You said with a laugh, watching Eddie give a small smile in response. You took the bat from your arms and gently rubbed its soft, fuzzy head. "I think it fits him quite nicely."
"Well," Eddie began, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, "I think it's time we ride some rides." You couldn't help but agree.
With stomachs full, and having ridden most of the rides, you and Eddie began walking back toward the entrance of the fair. You shivered, the wind picking up slightly as you clutched Batty close to you. Eddie noticed immediately how cold you seemed, your hand brushing and rubbing your arm. Quickly shrugging his jacket, he laid it over your shoulders, making you immediately smile as you glanced at him.
"Eddie, you'll get cold." You spoke softly, but he waved your concern aside.
"You're cold. I'll be fine, babe." He assured you, and you nodded, knowing there was no arguing against his stubbornness, feeling your face flush from not only the cold. Slipping your arms through the holes, you instantly felt warmer, stuffing Batty in the front pocket of Eddie's jacket. As you walked, you unconsciously lifted the color of the jacket, taking a big whiff; right away smelling smoke and fire that was ingrained in the layers of fabric of Eddie's jacket. Eddie glanced at you, noticing you non-so subtly smelling his jacket, smirking, "Like what you smell?" He teased, making you freeze up slightly, dropping the collar, staring at the ground embarrassed that you got caught.
"What?" You spoke up defensively, "It's not like you haven't stolen my shirts. I'm still missing like three of them, and one of them is my favorite.” You crossed your arms, "You even stole my shampoo once."
Eddie gave you a teasing grin, "Okay, you've got me there."
You sighed in defeat, shaking your head at him before glancing up at him, "Well, if I don't get my shirts back, I'm keeping the jacket hostage."
Eddie raised an eyebrow, "Can I switch them out for new ones?" He asked and it was your turn to raise an eyebrow.
Eddie looked away at his feet, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets as he sheepishly smiled, "Well, they don't smell like you anymore..." He confessed, making you blush as his statement sent chills down your spine. He glanced over at you, smiling brightly at the sight of your flushed cheeks.
"Oh shut up..." You groaned, kicking a pebble that rolled across the pavement.
"I'm not joking, Y/N." He tried to convince you, "I'm serious. I use them as pillowcases. And they don't smell like you anymore. I need them... They help me sleep better."
You opened your mouth, feeling like a fish out of water before you looked away with a similar sheepish smile, "Fine. Only if I get one of yours." You muttered as Eddie fist-bumped the air again. The two of you continued to walk, laughing and talking together, as the sun slowly slipped behind the horizon and the stars began to twinkle in the sky. 
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wolfish-trickster · 2 months
Choso x hematologist!reader imagine
Imagine you're walking from a late night lab. As you pass around a lake you see a dark figure under a street lamp with spiky black hair and white and black attire with bloodspots. Huge ones.
You panic and run up to him and ask him if he's okay. Only to discover he's removing the blood from his clothes and it levitates back into his body. The woman was too stunned to speak. Both of you got surprised, you becuase you've never seen anything like this and him because he didn't want anyone tk notice him. He was ready to attack and get rid of you only for you to start fangirling which surprised him even more. You started asking him bunch of questions, lots of them were too sciency for him to even understand. In the end you were too adorable and fascinating for him to kill you.
He explained who and what he was and patiently waited for the sparkle of wonder in your eyes to change into horror but the sparkle only got brighter. You talked a bit about yourself too, explained your job and what it entails. He was surprised humans study blood, and even more surprised how much can you find out from a single drop of it. He wasn't the one for company except for his brothers but he enjoyed talking to you. You excusing yourself to go home as it was already close to midnight made him sadder than he thought it would.
The next day he waited for you under the same street lamp you met at. Unfortunately you were too tired to notice him so he had to walk up to you and tap you on your shoulder, to which you jumped nearly five meters into the air. As an apology he suggested helping you with your research (and also to spend more time with you).
You snuck him into your work and locked yourselves in your lab. You ran bunch of tests on his blood. Almost lost your mind when you found out he has no blood type. After a while you quickly asked him to donate some of it to your personal stash to do some experiments with later. You asked for a half a liter, he gave you full one. You marveled as he used his cursed technique infront of you.
He watched you when you were finishing a project from last night. He asked if he could help. You showed him how to make blood smears to keep him busy. You didn't expect him to make perfect ones every single time he tried. He cheated btw.
Few days later he started visiting you and climbing into your lab through the window. Sometimes it annoyed you but other times you found it charming.
At one point he even formed the blood you were working with into a heart. Without you knowing. You initially panicked because yoj thought somethin went wrong with your project but then Choso hopped in through the window ans changed it back to your relief. He changed his nose mark into a heart instead.
One time he snuck through the window as usually but you were nowhere to be found. Not the next day either. He started to worry your friendship has ended. But he kept showing up the entire week just in case you came back.
After you did you explained you were at home with sickness. He never felt so reliefed. Which made him think about his feelings for you. He was only ever worried like this if one of his brothers was in danger. He knew that was love. He was worried for you the same way. Could he call it love as well? He wasn't sure.
Either way, he asked to walk you home so he knew where to look for you the next time you go sick.
At home you made both of you dinner. And decided to watch some movies as well. You wanted Choso to watch something including his cursed technique so you put on a movie with the majn character getting leukemy. Choso felt really bad for some reason after he found out blood can be deadly even if it isn't leaving the body in huge amounts.
You told him about your friend's kid with leukemy and how the little boy had it since he was 4. He immediately asked you to take him to the hospital where the little boy is being treated. You had to sneak in XD. He did yome hand movements above the sleeping boy and told you he'll be fine.
The next day your friend called you and practically cried that their little boy is miraculously cancer free. Out of pure excitement you hugged Choso when you first saw him that day. It startled him but he found out he doesn't exactly hate it.
Since that day Choso has hugged you everytime you guys met. And also since that day you started to see this brooding guy in a different light. As a half curse he had nk obligation helping your friend's son and yet he did it anyways. Has spent all his free time with you. Helped you whenever you asked him. Asked about your work, what you studied in school, how you came to be a scientist, but also about your hobbies, passions, family... you might've started developing a small crush, but you weren't exactly sure of it yet.
Anyways, at the end of the day both of you gained a very valuable friend, and maybe in the future something more. Time will tell.
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
Flashback o'clock with Valere and Zale.
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Staff Girl and Sword Boy are pretty standard tropes but I appreciate that Valere and Zale think they're being clever by coming up with it. Credit to Valere all the same for using her staff for martial arts instead of spellcasting.
I mean, we're supposed to learn to "use magic without using magic" so I assume they'll both be spellcasting at some point. But my point is, Valere isn't slotted in the Dedicated Caster role. By her own admission here, she picked the staff because she wants a beatstick to bludgeon her enemies with.
She's in the box, but she's being innovative about it.
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NUH NUH NUH NUH NUH, you don't get off that easy. What's your weapon gonna be, Garl? We've got beatstick and slashy blade covered so might I suggest something long-range like a bow?
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Is that our plan? Because I gotta tell you, I've been down that road before. And while the magical kingdom of Disney Animation is indeed a treasure trove of wonderment, it comes packaged with. Just. The wildest bull crap you've ever heard in your life.
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She's nice, but a bit shallow in terms of personality. She was an early character when the writing wasn't all there. Her villain, however, is one of the all-time most popular in the brand.
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Ohhh, you mean the Midgard Serpent.
Yeah. No. Don't frick with that. Bad things happen if he wakes up.
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Somebody's going to block those holes at some point. I know it. You know it. Any sedative that relies on a geographic feature is easy to interfere with.
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Um. Are. Are they.
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Did we already harvest most of them? Because this is an awful lot of space for nine crops.
Does our village have problems and no one's telling me about it 'cause I'm just a little one?
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And what the hell are these? They are not in the designated crop field.
Is our farmer skimming off the top? Are we going hungry so he can have his own secret blue melon stash?
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I found an adult!
These two look like the Pokemon Legends ancient past leaders for Team Magma and Team Aqua.
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Oh, she looks terrifying in sprite portrait. Any human being that has more bones outside their skin than in is not to be fucked with. General rule of thumb.
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Are we about to see the "Zale smacks a sunball with his bare hand" incident? Because I'll be a little miffed if they repeat that joke but I'll also be too busy laughing to care.
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I love her confidence. Valere only wants one thing out of life: Validation for how hard she can hit a person with a stick. She has feral goblin energy and I'm here for it.
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Fucking rude. I hate this guy already. I'm going to drown him.
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OMINOUS. Erlina has some damage that she's not talking about, on account of the fact that we're like ten. I'm starting to get the impression that this whole Solstice Warrior thing isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Do they pair a Sun and Moon person for every mission? Or do Sun people and Moon people have their own stuff they do on their own, and they only get paired up sometimes? I'm very curious to understand how that works.
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Oh, sweet! THIS IS MY HOLY TIME. Sorry, Zale, but as a Moon person, the night of the full moon is my holiday. That means you have to do whatever I tell you to. Those are the rules that I just made up.
Go fetch me a blue-melon soda.
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That sounds like a wonderful place to visit multiple times. I'm there.
Oh, shoot, this is the mistake that cost us Garl, isn't it?
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Wait, that's our plan? B&E in a place literally called Forbidden and then run straight to the authority figure and brag about what we've done?
Yeah, I see that ending super well for us. This is a great idea. I'm happy to be a part of it.
Hahahahahaha we're so going to get banished. Well, I guess we might as well--
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EVEN MORE SPARKLE MELONS in another random patch! Okay, so maybe he's not skimming off the top. Maybe he just doesn't freaking know how to plant them in the gosh darned field.
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anna-neko · 1 year
fandom and cosplay is a wild ride y'all!
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doin a cut so if anyone doesn't wanna have their screen full of glorious ME*, they can just move along
*there's gonna be a lot of pics, and rambling & gushing
back when was still a teenager and went to my Very First Anime Con was like "oooh man, luv this one anime so much, Imma cosplay it!" Grandma made me a dress in a couple hours, the shirt under it is some polo bought for a fiver. Didn't wanna cut my hair, so its just... there (fun fact: my first proper paid-for-in-salon haircut was because of cosplay ... but thats another story frm diff outfit) the manga art made her dress more Blue than Green, nobody at me
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skip ahead couple years - feeling that itch to Akane-chan again.... The OG dress had zero chances of fitting, we made me a new one! Instead of something shapeless, the overall dress follows manga cues (and is u know... fitted to me) The blouse is now real-life school uniform blouse (used to be able to buy these at Sears)
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this is where the shenanigans begin! A friend was gonna cosplay Ranma-chan w/ me, so my old dress is what she's wearing, and P-chan is actually her plush that she would loan me (we did this arrangement a few times)
the greatest accidentally-in-character moment was us both trying to get to the con! It was pouring rain, we had one umbrella. Which totalz got wrecked by wind while we're still couple blocks away Everyone visualize now - an irritated Akane is tryin to run up the street with a very annoyed (and wet) Ran-chan chasing after her
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skip ahead couple years more! Viz Media announces they will be reprinting the manga and releasing the entire series on blu-ray me: pardon??? brb fabric shopping!!
Brand new dress yet again, with a lil bolero because Winter Uniform
anyway, companies like having their series' characters in their booths during cons, guess what! They picked me to staff at theirs that one time!! (and run a lil promo game thing all weekend)
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THE ABSOLUTE MADLADS LET ME BE IN THE PROMO VIDEO?!?! its one of the bluray bonus clips
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are we done yet? Almost! Because do still wear this... a friend decided that it has been ages, so might as well - was gifted their P-chan plush for keeps! (Viz release back in 90s. he vintage!) a different friend donated fabric from her stash for a more accurate bandana for P-chan. She also cut & dyed my hair for the prev bluray ...event.... appearance... thing
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so yes... fandom is wild! You decide to make a silly lil outfit that one time, and suddenly you've made fellow nerd friends! and cosplay? Cosplay is both spectator sport but also a team effort! While providing incredible lil adventures and gettin these sparkling ego-boosters (japanese guest was super excited to see an older series rep and wanted a photo with me?!?! Seeing their fav anime chara cosplay gave someone that final push to cosplay the series too?!? allowed, nay encouraged to CosplayChess violence!!) Ya gotta really chase a high that sweet
📷 some photo credits: Lionel/usagichan2.com, ACParadise, Ollie/orobouros.net
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xinambercladx · 1 year
"The Double Cross" A Star Wars Cad Bane Fanfic
Genre: Action Adventure Word Count: 2,700 Rating: General. (SFW) I dreamed of Cad Bane again. But this time, I was nowhere. This was his story, not mine. I floated about like a ghost with no form. I was an observer. It like the perspective of a camera from which an audience might watch a film.
The planet was a dry beach land. It reminded me of the Kanan comics where the rebel Jedi stashed his prized ship The Escape. Kanan kept the ship on the planet called Lahn for safe keeping. Seeing as I read that comic some time ago, and the two places seem so similar, for simplicity’s sake I will refer to this planet as Lahn. Lahn was a blue planet located in the Outer Rim Territories. It was known for its beautiful forests, beaches, and sparkling oceans. Cad Bane was far from the strangest alien to walk the sandy trails here. There were the Ithorians with the humped backs and swooping heads, stepping slowly on stumpy feet. They had two mouths on either side of their head, and spoke in harsh, reverberating mumbles. Gran ran the shops and most of the business properties on the cliff side offices. The docks below where waves crashed against the cream and gray colored masonry hosted the water loving aliens. Famous for their sailing, fishing, and swimming prowess, the Nautolans, Mon Calamari, and Quarren had varying aquatic traits like tentacles, large eyes for seeing in dark depths, or even claw like hands.
Then there was Cad Bane, a member of the Duros species. Compared to the other races, his deep blue skin sparkled like the sea that clashed against the stony or aglae colors of all the others. He would clash more if his leather clothing weren’t as brown. Only exposed the blue skin was the tips of his fingers peaking out from gloves and the front of his face peering out from the shade of a wide brimmed hat. From afar, he would appear as a tall human man. He was a bounty hunter, and was on the isle of Illmek. He left his ship behind him at the hilltop spaceport and made his way down to the sea port.
The sea spray was refreshing. It had been a while since he last spent time at a pleasant place like this. Sea birds flew lazily on the wind. Some slept on the wing. There was an occasional whiff of rotting seaweed, but otherwise the smell of salt and of the beer the sailors drank openly. It was a carefree place on the surface. Such places often hid the most unexpected crime underneath that surface. It was subtle, like that occasional whiff of rotting seaweed.
I thought I smelled somethin’, Cad Bane thought.
His client met him out in the open, bold as could be. Dark corners didn’t seem to exist in a beautiful place like this. To meet in a corner would signal something was up to a discerning lawman, but a casual meeting between two men? Now that wasn’t anything to note. The sailors and passers-by minded their own business of exchanging fish and drinking beer. The client was a shifty eyed Quarren with a sharp chin surrounded by a tentacled mustache. I shall give the name of Shift to this Quarren.
The job was easy enough. He was to embarrass and intimidate a well-to-do businessman at the top of the hill. Shift had bad blood and jealousy with the business man, who I will name Sebastian. Sebastian reminded me a bit of a certain crab character, but had a friendlier voice. Did I say easy? The task was easy, but the execution was more elaborate than I first recalled. After dwelling on this part of my dream I remember there were three steps to it. Several days were spent harassing Sebastian's workers, causing fear and spreading rumor to spread by word of mouth up the ranks until it reached Sebastian's ears. Once the business man heard that a bounty hunter was causing trouble Sebastian sent out guards to deal with him. The pitiful guards returned empty handed, and disarmed. Cad Bane had bested them all and sent another message. Sebastian began to really sweat (if a crustacean Mon Calamari could sweat that is). Things began to go missing from his business properties. Items were lost at sea. Then things went missing from his house. By the time a week had passed, Sebastian had enough. He was about to storm out and confront the bounty hunter himself, or so he claimed.
“This is an outrage! I should... I should see about this myself! How dare this bounty hunter pick a fight with me?” Sebastian asked the room, where a droid and his secretary stood sheepishly. With no answer, he went on. “Why would he do this? I don’t even know the man! I’ve had it. I’m going to demand he come here and explain himself!”
Before Sebastian walked two steps to the door, a resonant voice spoke from the window.
“Demand? I don’t take well to demands, unless yer a client.”
Sebastian turned to face the bounty hunter, who had somehow climbed in through the window and leaned against the sill as if he were perfectly comfortable with invading someone’s home. In fact, Cad Bane was perfectly comfortable invading someone’s home, especially when he was being paid to do it. Sebastian froze between reeling back from shock and urging forward with anger at the intruder. “You! You??” “Me,” Cad Bane said.
The description the guards had given him of the bounty hunter matched perfectly. Sebastian recalled, “A Duros with a big hat and a big mouth. You have some nerve! What do you want? Return my belongings, my property to me! What does a bounty hunter want with my livelihood? I have no quarrel with you.”
Cad Bane replied coolly. “Not the brightest bulb, are ye, bubble brain? I have no quarrel with you, but my employer does.” He was on the Mon Calamari in three long steps across the room. He snarled in Sebastian's fishy face, “He wanted to run you dry, fish man, to squeeze you ‘til ye shut down.”
It was true. The bounty hunter had cost him a fortune. It was a small fortune, in the grand scheme of the galaxy, but for the small island port town? It was too much.
“Shut down? I can’t do that. People depend on me, my business. They’d all starve…” Sebastian finally clicked on the fact Bane mentioned being employed by someone and wasn’t working alone. “But why? But who?”
“Feh,” Bane scoffed. “Everyone has enemies.” He leaned forward and rested a hand on his hip. There were two LL-30 blasters holstered there. The droid gave a robotic gasp. The secretary rushed to Sebastian’s side. He pushed her back behind him, even though she tried to shield him from Bane. Their little scuffle would have been cute if they both didn’t have terror in their saucer shaped eyes. Bane stepped suddenly even further into their space, causing both of them to freeze. “Shut down and I’ll leave ye be.”
The secretary urged, “Sebastian.”
“Alright… I’ll shut down.”
“Gooood,” Bane said. He turned to leave. “My employer will be pleased to hear it.” He strolled to the round metal door. It opened wider than Sebastian’s mouth. “My job’s over. Stay closed for business or my client will hire me again.” Bane was about to step outside when he heard the most peculiar thing. It was Sebastian asking a question that made him stop in his tracks.
“What if I hire you first?”
Bane gave Sebastian a second, more serious look. “Well, well, maybe yer not so dim after all,” Bane reassessed. He rejoined them in the room, but his countenance was with interest instead of intimidation. “Not often I’m hired by someone I’ve offended. Whad’ya need?”
“I want back all the items and cargo you stole.”
Bane groaned, “I was to bother and badger, not steal.”
“Then if it wasn’t you…” Sebastian took a moment to think. “I want you to find out who, arrest him, and return everything to me.”
Cad Bane grinned, and looked about the room. “Since you’ve nothing credits-wise to barter with, Sebastian, consider your lovely establishment as collateral.” The secretary gasped. “If that seems fair to you…?” Bane reached out a gloved hand to the clawed Mon Calamari. Sebastian shook his hand. The contract was signed, and Bane questioned Sebastian about his missing property, when and where each occurrence happened. He noticed a pattern. He had a feeling he knew just where to start looking.
Down at the docks, the most remote dock to be exact, Shift adjusted his brand new diving suit. It was the finest he had ever bought. It glistened in the summer sun, and his tentacled face wriggled with glee. His friends had taken notice of his change in attitude. The once salty man turned sickly sweet, and they soured in repulsion. Something had changed, but they had no idea why. So when they saw the bounty hunter that had been harassing the island walk up to the Quarren, they drew their own conclusions, and most of them were instantly suspicious of their… friend.
“Contracts done. I did what you wanted,” Cad Bane said, putting a toothpick in his mouth. Shift began to act shifty, realizing Bane approached him as boldly in the open as he had done when they first met and struck the deal. His friends would see and hear everything, even if they pretended to be fixing nets or fixing machinery. Shift asked, “He’s shutting down?”
Cad Bane nodded, “I’ll be taking my full payment now.” Shift scooted to the edge of the dock, and began pulling up a rope hanging overboard. The bounty hunter continued, “I couldn’t help but notice during my stay, folk ‘round here complainin’ about belongings going missing...” He eyed Shift as Shift eyed him right back, still pulling the rope in from the water. “Right about the same time as my antics.”
The Quarren finally pulled the remainder of the rope out of the water. On it end, a briefcase was attached. He detached and tossed the weighted rope. It splashed and sunk back down into the water, its upper portion slithering like a snake on the dock.
Shift said, “Seems like someone saw an opportunity.” Shift handed it woefully to the bounty hunter.
“Seems so,” Cad Bane said, removing his hat and propping it gently on cargo crate. He grabbed hold of Shift’s squid-like hand, gripping tightly. Shift grunted. The onlookers halted their work. The rope slithered, sinking further into the water. Cad Bane sneered, “I don’t like being used as a distraction without getting paid fer it. You altered the deal, so I have no qualms takin’ a job from Sebastian to get back at ya.”
Shift’s tiny eyes blazed, “You back-stabbing Nemoidian! I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
Bane showed fang and wrenched the Quarren’s wrist, “Ye don’t, do ye? Then why’s yer fancy new suit soaked when there was no diving scheduled today? Let’s have a look-see where that rope leads.” The rope snapped taut. The weight had reached the bottom.
“What? No!” was the two words Shift shouted in pain, shock, and anger before Bane launched them both into the water. Once splashed down, Bane fired his jet boots and followed the rope down into the depths. The dock was positioned over the reef’s drop-off. Down and down they went, and the water, as clear as it was, became darker. Shift struggled against Bane’s tight grip. He was a Quarren, so the water was his natural habitat, but he wasn’t used to being dragged.
“You fool! You’re a Duros! You can’t breathe underwater like I can.” Shift warned, “You’ll never reach the bottom before you need to breathe. I’ll help you back to the surface before you drown. We can call it even!” Bane laughed. Shift couldn’t believe it. The Duros had let go of his only breath of air. Shift yelled, “Do you have a death wish? There’s nothing down there worth dying for!”
Bane, even though he should have no more air, spoke and more bubbles escaped his mouth, muffling his mocking words. “That so?” With his free hand, Bane tapped the tubes protruding out of either cheek. The Quarren realized it was a breathing apparatus to the Duros’ nostrils. He had lost his only hope of leverage. Then they reached the bottom. Bane’s eyes gleamed at the sight.
Crates upon crates of valuable goods waited for extraction. Boxes marked everything from medical supplies to diving equipment. The chrome of brand new engines for small water craft shined. Leaning against the crates were propellers, oars, and unused lobster cages (that already seemed to have caught a few). These were all business supplies for every sailor on the planet. Everything they could possibly need, Sebastian provided. Sabastian’s personal items were the shiniest. Boxes filled with credits and gold, jewelry and brand new robes. These things sparkled the brightest, even as deep as they were and so far from the sun. Cad Bane grinned, thinking of the extra cut he’d be asking for from all the wealth displayed before them.
Shift had other ideas. He reached for the tubes at Bane’s cheeks. It was a last ditch effort to thwart the bounty hunter. He grabbed one and pulled, and Bane, not accustomed to the water, was slow. His head was yanked to the side. More bubbles escaped with a grunt. Shift didn’t know this, but the tubes required a twist before they could be removed. This was the only thing that saved Bane from drowning. Bane retaliated. Flames erupted from his gauntlet at the Quarren. It acted like a depth charge,. Both of them were shaken from the instantly exploding air and imploding water. The two were blown apart. They drifted for a moment, dazed. Bane gathered his senses first. He used his gauntlet again and a lasso lashed out and wrapped the criminal in a tight hold. Shift awoke and struggled uselessly. He had lost.
On the way back to the surface, Bane recovered his briefcase. There was something else he spotted on the way up, something he didn’t know was special. There was a creature, an alien he had never seen before. It was a native to the planet, a female looking thing with a fish tail instead of legs. It was a pale blue and bright yellow. Its torso was like that of a Nautolan, but had fewer tentacles on its head. She smiled approvingly. Bane figured she had seen the whole fight, and maybe knew about Shift’s poor behavior. Then she was gone with a flick of her strong tail.
I would like to note that this female alien was not me. Again, I was but an observer of this story. I also wondered who she was and why she appeared so briefly? When I was a child, I read some star wars books that chronicled the renewed Jedi Order, where Luke Skywalker taught the next generation. One of the books told a story about a Padawan needing to return to her home world, before puberty would turn her human legs into a fish tail. It was a reverse of a tadpole turning into a frog. She was a space-mermaid, going from land and returning to the water. I always liked that story. I wonder if my unconscious remembered it and made a reference to it?
This is where the dream ends. It was a happy ending, except for Shift anyway.
Bane dragged Shift onto the dock, where he was taken into custody by local law enforcement. His friends were no longer his friends, as Shift had betrayed them by ruining their jobs. However, everything lost was returned to Sebastian and his business. Sebastian and his workers were overjoyed, and overlooked the fact that Bane had been a part of Shift’s deeds. Sebastian was true to his word and paid Bane handsomely (with his items returned, Bane took credits instead of the house as collateral). Bane normally left a planet he had caused trouble on as soon as the job was done. This time though, he spent a day or two on its beautiful beaches. He fancied burying some of the credits like a pirate would on that beach, but resisted the urge. Bane learned from Shift’s mistake. Hordes of that kind were always found by those who looked for them. He breathed the salty air deeply. In a way, after two successful jobs, the opportunity to relax was a great reward too. --------------------------------- Read on AO3 &lt;- Read my other crazy Cad Bane dreams. <- Some of the hazier details of my dream were embellished, mostly dialogue. This may seem too perfect of a plotline for a dream to make up, but honestly it's pretty common in my dreams. I'm very bewildered every time. Wow, unconscious. Pretty good storytelling right there.
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oc posting teehee (i barely tried on these)
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glittergrubz · 1 year
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askldhaj this was super fun to make! But also took a decent amount of time, and yet I love it so much! I'm very proud of how they all look! I'm also happy with the changes my art has gone through, altho I need to do way more different poses,,ack my weakness lol.
All I ask is that you guys aren't to harsh about these headcannon designs. I personally hate that almost every Sandwing is the same sandy desert color. So I wanted to expand that, your allowed to like the cannon designs! Don't worry, just don't shit on my designs for being different, I want my designs to be different! I think it's fun to reimagine characters espically the WoF families. BTW: I plan on doing more in the future. Queen Glacier's family is next bc Dravvona gave me a great idea for Glacier's design >:]
Also yes these will be used for my Rainbow Sparkle Chaos AU/Rewrite. Even have some headcannons for each of these little guys. --- These designs are FTU! Here are just a few rules for the designs. I even have seprate files for each headshot so you guys can get a better look at each of these fellas! - DO NOT claim the art or designs as your own. Credit me with either a tag on websites I have or linking my DA profile. - Do not edit my headshots or trace these designs, you will be blocked and blacklisted. - Take inspirations! I don't mind at all, just credit me! (I love seeing people use my designs or inspirations hehe) - Do not repost headshot designs either
Stash Link -> sta.sh/210nk11kfs1c?edit=1
Character Headcannons -
Blaze - The blue jewelry she owns is from her girlfriend Glacier. She made it especially for her and she wears it with pride. - While ditsy she's gain some plant knowledge from her dead brother Scald. They were very close, spending hours together painting claws, tending to plants and trying on makeup! - She sounds like Pinky Pie from Gen 4! (I love pink characters so much agh!!) - She now spends her time with Glacier (I'm sorry but I can't let her die, Blaze needs her so badly) often helping healers with plant knowledge and trying to figure out how to get plants to grow in the Ice Kingdom. - I wanted her to look like a strawberry dragon, it just felt perfect! PINK PINK PINK!!
Blister - She's quite thin compared to her more plump or round family. Built like a snake and sounds like one too. - Her amber jewerly was gifted from her father, she loves her jewelry as she despises her mother. Giving all her attention to Blaze because "she's the baby of the family" while Oasis boasts about Burn's power in battle. Her mother tried to connect with her but she liked Char. He always knew what to say when she was upset. She was devastated when Char passed away. - She sounds like Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty 1959 - Has an secret obsession with poisons, although she herself is quite afraid of being poisoned.  - I wanted to stay mostly close to the pale snake motif. Although I just couldn't help adding orange n red to make her look fiery, almost like a super venomous snake. One that wears it's toxicity on it's scales to warn others. Also wanted her diamonds to look more interesting, I always though cannon diamonds were way to cluttered.
Burn - Had a fling with Scarlet, thought she was pretty and quite interesting. But really wasn't looking for a relationship, and after the whole face venom thing well they were not getting back together. - Def sounds like Lady Dimitrescu from RE8 - Despises her brother Singe. Everytime she looked at that awful weasel he always had something to say, either behind her back or right to her face. He always teased her for not being great at speaking or writing. Teased the way she walked, her slight mouth gape at all times. Till one day she ripped his neck to shreds, sending the dragonet almost to the heavens. After that day she was placed into fighting training where she became the power house she is now.  - Once she killed her brothers she took her time with Singe, torturing him for as long as she could. She gave Scald a more, "merciful" kill but anything would seem merciful if you saw what she did to Singe. - Yes she's a dark color bc I thought it was neat, made her look alot like her papa. She has also cut most her frill/hair off bc of dangers of fighting. Less things to grab! I tried making her hair kinda like a roman helmet but kept the theme for most the family. 
Oasis - Big boss bitch who knows exactly what to do! Smart, cunning and beautiful, she does have one odd thing about her. Body mods, she loves them dearly and enjoys her horn piercing's (altho they were a bitch to put in, their horns have a lot of nerves). She's also a adrenaline junkie, so her piercing addiction, lots of treasure and devious tactics are perfect for her.  - Loves her small man Char. If you walked in a room with both of them it's a lot like Mortica and Gomez Addams. She was devastated when Char passed away, become a more unhinged dragon in the process.  - She sounds like Mortica Addams from Wednesday (I just had to, sounds perfect). - I wanted a more light, warm theme with Oasis. Almost like desert terracotta, and yes hear scales! I thought it was cute on Blaze but Oasis HAD to have them. I also had to give her dark curly hair with highlights bc omgomg I loooove that so much. 
Char - Sounds like Gomez Addams from Wednesday (hehe small man n big wife gang) - Malewife energy all the way. He constantly embellishes himself in beautiful amber jewels while taking care of the look of the palace. Talking to his servants and giving all his children as much time as he can. His wrinkles and bags are from all the duties he does. Although he would never change it for the world, especially for his love for Oasis.  - Def has an addiction to coffee, I mean how is he going to help Scald get those new plant imports in, and buy Blaze's new makeup, help Singe hunt that beautiful beast he saw in the desert- (you get it lol). - I really wanted "im very tired" vibe with him. I also wanted to go with a dark/char look to him while keeping bright reds, oranges and yellows for fire! It gives him an intimidating look, but also has alot of warmth to it. 
Smolder - Hoenstly I don't have much for Smolder, other than that he was probably the straight man of the family. Although way more chill and with horrible sleeping issues! He's an insomniac and takes traditional medicine Scald makes for him to help him fall n stay asleep.  - Sounds like Legoshi from Beastars  - I had to make this dude greasy n tired. It was just a great idea imo. Like he has to be tired dude, and he doesn't have time to bathe!! I also made him more orange than Blister altho making sure it make them look like they come from the same hatching. 
Scald - I made him into a femboy- ENOUGH SAID, lmao. Seriously though I really wanted to give Blaze a best friend, she really deserves it! So: a very femine brother who loves beauty products but also looooves plants! He's obsessed with em and his mother made him his very own greenhouse. He loves his plants and takes care of them as much as he takes care of Blaze.  - Do not underestimate this small dude, he will kick your ass. Not only is he pretty but he will fight to protect Blaze and to prove a point. Although he is no idiot and will not pick fights, more so he fights for things worth fighting. Although he has a fear of needles so no peircings for him! - Sounds like Stolits from Helluvaboss - Blaze is a strawberry dragon, SO TANGERINE DRAGON TIME! I just really think the orange works very well for him, and I honestly wanted to make a femine male character bc I havn't really done that in a bit. I espically had fun with the flower necklace as I think it makes him stand out quite well against his family.
Singe - Awful stinky man, so smelly! He's two faced, lying, manipulating and egotystical dragon. Often picking fights with Burn as its easy for her lack of brains....well untill he was torn to shreds by her. After that he became way more fearful of the dragoness. Using expensive furs from the animals he's hunted. He's also very cowardly so no fighting or even peircings for him. - Obv sounds like Karl Heisenberg from RE8 - Honestly just a peice of shit, I have really nothing else to say lmao. - I wanted to do one more pink dragon before I finish the designs. I espically wanted a burnt pink dragon idea in mind, kinda like Char but pink! I was also done making jewerly so fur accessory sounded so much fun to draw.  --- ★ Not for Other's Use ★ ★ Feel Free to Take Inspiration but Credit Me ★ ★ NOT FOR AI USE OR NFT USE! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND BLACKLISTED ★ ★ DO NOT REPOST/TRACE/EDIT! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND BLACKLISTED ★ DA: https://deviantart.com/glitterbonez TW: twitter.com/GLITTERBONEZx Tumblr: khaleern.tumblr.com/
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marganuniverse · 2 years
Holofilter fun ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Was thinking about filters and saw a star wars gif with Obi-Wan and then had the brainworm of "what if star wars had the equivelent of beauty filters?"
Warning for Order 66
He hadn't realised until he was far far away, stowed safely away in the middle of a cargo ship deep in hyperspace, cradling a cargo far too delicate for the Hutt-infested scumhole he was delivering him to, and happened to have a spare bit of time to sort out his belongings.
Yoda and he had scavenged the Temple before they left. The stash of ready-to-go packs were severely depleted by this stage of the war – not enough Jedi padawans to keep even this small necessity stocked. Obi-Wan had managed to compress several packs into one, forgoing most of the clothes in favour of supplies; water, ready meals, credits, and a travelling Jedi's best possession: warm large cloaks.
It served him well now, hiding his face in one such cloak. Another wrapping baby Luke, who was sleeping very soundly now.
The ready-meals could sustain Obi-Wan, but not a baby. To be fair to the Obi-Wan who packed the kit, babies were not even in the same parsec of thought he was accounting for when going to confront a Sith after realising that the Republic had turned - very lethally - against the Jedi. He'd thought that they might need to go on the run, yes, but Yoda and his search of the Temple had not found any living younglings in the devastation of the creche. And they hadn't dared linger long, constantly trying to evade the patrols of men invading the Temple.
They had made their way out, scrounging along the way, trying not to cry even as they pick up pieces of equipment from the dead bodies of their fellows. And it was the comm of one of the padawans he had used to record a message - Obi-Wan recalled vividly the little tactile stickers on the side opposite the unlock button of their comm, and another character sticker taking up most of the back he wiped a smear of blood from as he propped it up against a small ledge to record his message.
"This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi…" he had started, feeling the faint stickiness of his family's blood on his hands as he reported the demise of the Jedi and the Republic to anyone else still living. Tucking his hands into the sleeves so that the camera wouldn't pick it up.
Watching it over now, Obi-Wan couldn't help but chuckle. He hadn't checked the settings of the camera before he started to record, and didn't know that he needn't have worried about the smear of blood.
It was pretty common amongst the younger Jedi to personalise their comms and its settings - one of the common modifications was what was colloquially known as a beauty filter. It smoothened out embarrassing blemishes, particularly important for those going through puberty, and made any pictures taken with it look slightly sparkly.
The effects of this filter was thankfully subtle – in his time Obi-Wan had gladly taken the filters to the extreme to generate some hilariously glamorously unsettling holos of his friends – but in the dingy hold he was currently squatting in, he couldn't help but notice how the filter had changed him.
The poreless skin, not yet unsettling but looking very much like he had a layer of makeup on to smooth out his complexion and remove the blotchiness of crying and stress and dishevelment from being hunted where he grew up. The slight added sparkle to his eyes, as though there was still hope when he could see in the corner of his eye as he spoke where a padawan lay, braid unravelled where they had fallen protecting the three smaller bodies behind them.
The smoothness of his hair, concealing the grime of the war he had hurried back from, the slight singes he gotten when his men shot at him. The filter had even taken away the wrinkles in his robes, from where he had to push and shove at the rubble that blocked the entrance to the nursery, only to uncover more devastation they were too late to prevent.
This was the image that was memorialised: a put-together Jedi Master, giving assurance to other Jedi. Strong and confident, giving hope to others. Would they notice the filter? The work of one bored Jedi decades ago, that had spread across the Temple and been built upon for generations after, giving the façade of composure to the Jedi announcing their family's demise just because Obi-Wan hadn't checked to see if there was a filter commonly used by tweens for entertainment enabled on the comm he had picked up.
Perhaps he should have felt a surge of anger - the fact that he had to pick up a random comm to use since his own was damaged when he fell off a cliff when he was shot. The fact that the previous owner should have been able to happily take holo pictures or videos with their filter and dance to stupid trends on the holonet instead of having to defend themselves from the government that should have protected them. The fact that Obi-Wan was on the run with a child that should have both parents and his sibling, that the babies' birth be celebrated instead of hidden, that Luke's father should have embraced his wife and not choked her how could you ANAKIN-
But all that Obi-Wan could feel was a deep black hole yawning in his chest, sucking up every emotion in him. It wasn't healthy, but it was keeping him moving for now so he let it take the confusion, the sadness, the anger -
And all that was left was the absurdity. If the war had gone a different way, could Obi-Wan also have been captured by the same filter? Perhaps doing some dance that was popular with tweens, having fun with the younglings in the creche, or simply because someone had asked and Obi-Wan had the time to do so, having fun in the safety of his home.
So Obi-Wan laughed, alone but for a sleeping babe destined for a different family. So far from his home and his family, Obi-Wan laughed.
Because the alternative was crying, and if he started he didn't know if he could stop.
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heresathreebee · 2 years
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Tom Grant | Make-Up (2019) || Prompt 69 // Dirty Talk
Upscale Trailer Park AU; 3.2k words (long fic, sorry); NO BETA/ SELF EDITED, American Author Writing British Characters, Slav and Lana Are Completely Made Up For This Story, Swearing, Drinking, Mutual Pining, Best Friends to Lovers, Jealousy (minor), Body Shots, Mild Voyuerism, Hair Pulling and Spanking (brief), Oral Sex (male and female receiving), Face Sitting, Messy End
Masterlist | Next: Eddie Munson Floor Sex
Cornwall was celebrating the coming new year with the catastrophic crash of all televisions in the county. It had taken you ages to get Tom to do anything other than sulk about no pubs playing matches tonight, but you still made the best of a short pub crawl and returned to your flat with a few friends. 
Your old mate Slav whispers something in his girlfriend’s ear and smacks her ass as she stands to get him another beer. A spike of jealousy shot through you and your eyes darted to Tom, who noticed nothing and was counting his points again. 
“No bloody way I’m down by 3.” 
You chuckle at his dismay and tease with a pinch to his arm. “Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. How do you expect to win if you can’t even get on the board?” 
“I will twat you, swear to God,” he threatens you with a shake of his finger and you roar in laughter. “Oi, how ‘bout you make yourself useful and get me a beer, eh?” 
“Oh it’s like that, is it?” You slap Slav on his thigh and stand. “Watch the board, make sure this git doesn’t change the score while I’m gone.” 
“A’right…” Slav says, still very distracted by his girlfriend’s tiny skirt. 
“Jesus bruv,” you hear Tom groan. “Pick up your jaw before you drool on the table!” 
“Oi Lana.” you take a few shot glasses from the cupboard and reach to the very back for your stash. "Wanna get absolutely knackered?" 
Slav's girlfriend squealed, snatched the bottle of tequila, and bounced back to the rummy game shouting, "let's do body shots!" 
Both of the boys’ heads perk up with interest and you feel your heart pound against your ribs. Tom orders you to grab limes and you don’t bother to snap at him for bossing you around because you need a second to collect your thoughts. Your thighs unconsciously squeeze together as you cut the lime into wedges, thinking about Tom’s tongue gliding up your stomach. Maybe Lana would take the bullet and everyone would just do shots off her...
As you turned around, she was already laid out on the table with her shirt pulled up and the glittery sparkle over her belly made you certain you did not want to get body spray in your mouth. You pass two lime wedges to Slav and turn to Tom expectantly (ignoring the obvious glance he gave your cleavage). 
“Alright you, ready up.” You sprinkle salt into your hand and hide a grin when he balks. “Come on, I know you’ve been dying to show off Mr. Rugby, so on the table you go!” 
You tried unsuccessfully not to openly admire the way he reaches back and rips his rugby shirt over his head, and musses his curls. You pat the table which has already been cleared of cards. “Chop chop, we’re two shots behind already.” 
Tom looks down his nose at you before obeying. He shivers as you pour tequila into his naval cavity. Mirroring Slav, you wipe some overrun off the table and smear it along the taut length of Tom’s torso before sprinkling the salt on the line. Feeling awkward, you tie up your hair and lean over Tom’s lazy face. 
“You been cleaning the lint out, right?” 
“Fuuuck you,” Tom’s belly shakes from laughter and spills most of the tequila you prepped. “Just fuckin’ do it, mate. Got a game of rummy to win.” 
You laugh together and Slav helps you top off Tom's innie again while you hand Tom the lime wedge to hold in his mouth. After a deep breath, you dive in. You slurp the cheap tequila out of his belly button, lick the line of salt up to his pecks, and steal the lime from Tom’s mouth in record time. The feeling of his warm breath brushing over cheeks causes your nipples to tighten under your shirt. 
Tom laughs at the sour face you pull and sits up. You don’t expect to feel his hand firmly grasp your hip and guide you to stand between him and the table. When you look at his face for an answer, his eyes are mischievous and unusually dark.  
“My turn.” His voice is low, almost a growl and warm instantly pools between your legs. It’s embarrassing the way your eyelids flutter, but you recover quickly and slap his bare chest and make a pathetic noise around the lime wedge you were chewing on. He chuckles at your feeble swat. “Seriously, let me do my shot and get back to the game. Unless… you want me to use Lana, instead?” 
You and Tom are just friends. Tom is teasing you and you two are nothing more than good friends....
And yet, another spike of jealousy slams through you and you rip the lime rind from your mouth before pointedly taking Tom’s place on the table and lifting your shirt to your armpits. Somehow the company decided Lana would also take a shot off of you as well. She went first, suctioning your stomach like she was trying to invert your naval and slurp your guts out. 
Tom and Slav both laughed as you squirmed and by the time Lana took the lime wedge from you, you were laughing too. All humor escaped your body like a breath when you realized Tom was next. He was redressed and tilted his head lightly as he refilled the tequila, Lana sprinkled the salt, and Slav took his seat and began to shuffle the deck for a new round. With Lana distracted by her lighter, it felt like what happened next was just between you and Tom. 
His hand resting on your hip for support. The puff of warm breath as he leaned over your bare flesh. The very indecent way his tongue dipped into your naval and swirled over your flesh. It made your sex throb painfully, and as he flattened his tongue to catch as much salt as he could off your chest, you gasped and inadvertently let the lime slip deeper into your mouth. 
Before you knew it, Tom’s face was hovering over yours expecting easy access to the last step and god, grunting, as his slick lips touched yours. Without ceremony, his fingers were suddenly digging into your cheeks and forcing the lime to peak out of your mouth. You can’t help but whine and lift your head, startled by this unexpectedly rough treatment. Your fingers dug into his shoulders and you almost cried out as you felt his tongue poke into your mouth for just a second to gain more leverage. 
You were panting and dizzy as Tom finally pulled away. Your entire face was boiling hot and your body ablaze, but Tom? Tom chewed the lime and grabbed another like he had no idea of the sparks between you (to be fair, he really hated the taste of tequila). He held out a hand without even looking at you. 
“Come on up, off the table now. I gotta kick your ass in rummy.” 
Somehow you recovered yourself and during the next round threw away an ace to get Tommy to the 30 points he needed to get on the board and actually start keeping his points.
“You suck at this game Tom,” you teased after the fifth time he finished the round with cards in his hand. “You know you wouldn’t have to subtract points if you emptied your hand.” 
“Yes,” he hissed, “I know the rules, thank you. And that’s rich coming from the bottom of the board.” 
You looked at the whiteboard where you were keeping score to find you were at the bottom (for now). You shrugged at Tom and kept playing, on and on until 2 am when Slav declared Lana won 75 points just to push her to the required 500 to end the game. The group laughed and began cleaning up the table. Tom asked Slav and Lana if they were sure they could make it home. 
“We’ll be fine,” Slav said as he tucked his girlfriend under his arm. “Peace, mate.” 
“Yeah, peace er whatever.” 
You finished rinsing the last dish and stuffed it into the washer to start. “I’m gonna watch ‘em, make sure they get in alright.” 
Tom grumbled something but followed you out to nice porch of the trailer. As you looked over the dirt road to spot them, Tom saddled up behind you. His hands gripped the varnished wood railing on either side of you and he very gently rested his chin on your shoulder. A shiver ran through you (you pretend it was the wind picking up). 
"D'see 'em?" He asked, his words a little slurred. 
“Think they went the other way, oh wait,” you leaned back into his shoulder and pointed to a weak lightpost three trailers down. “They’re sucking face over there.” 
“Oh yeah,” Tom sang. “God, he’s eatin’ her!” 
You laugh so hard you snort and double over the railing in embarrassment. It fills Tom with mirthful pride. “I’m serious, look! It’s like watchin’ your toothless grandpa suck a boiled potato.” 
“S-stop!” You wheeze and bury your face in your hands. “I can’t! I can’t...” 
Tom giggled right along with you. You feel one of his hands catch you by your waist as you sway drunkenly before him. You both manage to get a hold of each other and find your friends have escalated their tryst. 
“Are they for real?” 
Slav had one hand up the front of Lana’s skirt and one hand tangled in her messy bun. They were too far away to see the motion but you could imagine what he was doing to her. That's when Tom decided to lean into your ear and whisper, "what do you think he's tellin' her?" 
"Something dirty," you answered back. "Absolute filth." 
"Yeah," came Tom's teasing voice. A gentle laugh tickled the skin of your neck. "Like uh…" 
A hand gripped your hip tightly and his voice dropped an octave. "Can you feel your greedy little cunt grippin' my fingers?" 
It's painful how hard your own throbbed. 
“Too much?,” Tom says, “or maybe you like that kind of thing.”
He was just teasing but there was no hiding the way your body responded. You knew he felt you shiver against him. You watched as his eyes darkened and a sly grin appeared on his face. You should have said something, protested, anything, but you were paralyzed on the spot. 
"Oh, you do like it!," he teased and pressed you harder into the railing. “Shall we have a look and see if your knickers are wet?” 
You grabbed Tom's wrist like it was a lifeline. In an instant, he took a full step back and had to catch you to keep you from falling. You felt… a lot of things in that moment. Lust above all else. It has to be why you said what you said next. 
"Don't start something you can't finish," you said in a low voice. 
All breathing stopped between you. Tom's eyes darted down to your lips several times. You had never been more sure of anything in your life before this that what Tom Grant wanted right now was to kiss you. 
And you watched helplessly as his brow furrowed and a sigh escaped from him, one so woeful his shoulders sagged from it. "...you're drunk, probably. Should let you sleep it off…" 
Disappointment filled your gut like a busted dam. You didn't want him to see you get emotional, so you pushed past him and stormed off to your tiny bed closet. You dumped yourself face first into your pillow and tried to focus on your anger so you wouldn't cry. 
You were half way to falling asleep when there was a soft knock at your door. You grimaced into your pillow and ignored him even when Tom called your name, but you did peek out when he invited himself in anyways. 
Your weak "go away" was completely muffled by the pillow pressed to your mouth and you buried your face harder to hide. Now you were ticked off at him, and growing more so when he decided to straddle your hips and poke your ribs. 
Your name rolls of his tongue in a purr. "I was thinking…" His hands wandered up your back and began to massage your shoulders. "Tequila time was 2 hours ago, and I will admit one thing: you hold yours better than me. And I dunno about you but after that fucking marathon of a game, I'm stone cold sober!" 
Muffled giggling turns into a relieved moan when Tom accidentally works out a knot in your back. You want to respond but you are a tad bit tired and you would hate for him to stop, so you wiggle your hips and bump his crotch with intent. Tom’s hips come down hard against you and are swiftly replaced with his greedy hands grasping handfuls of your cheeks and massaging you there roughly. 
“Fuckin’ hell, babe.” 
Tom’s hands slide under your hips for leverage as he humps your ass like an animal. You can’t take it anymore and lift your head just enough to yell at him, “stop teasing, Tommy, and fuckin’ fuck me already.” 
“Someone’s impatient,” he chuckled and buried his face and his fingers in your hair. “God, you smell good. D’you want a towel? Gonna need one for what I’m thinking about doing to you.” 
You were too busy rolling your eyes in your head to respond and yelped in surprise when he took a fist full of your roots and pulled your head back by them. His chin brushed your forehead, a five o’ clock shadow leaving burns where it touched you. It was mortifying, this vulnerable position… and yet, so rewarding. 
“I asked you a question.” 
“I,” you say with a gulp, “I don’t care! I just want you. On me, in me, I don’t care how or what fucking mess you make, but take my fucking clothes off.”
Tom tutts in your ear but relents. You lift your hips to give him access to your button and fly, and an extra gush of wet soaks into your pants as he works your shorts off (he has to exit the little close where your bed is as theres no floor room here). Once they are free from your ankles, you feel the bed dip again and a fat smack lands on your bare ass. 
"FUCK!" You can feel every inch of his hand leaving a print that stings like a thousand needles. "Tommy!" 
Tom just laughs and slips out of his shirt before going to work on his trousers. He swears when they tangle at his ankles because he hadn’t taken his shoes off beforehand and he sits down on the bed, struggling to free himself. 
You are quicker to undress and as soon as you are free, you slip a hand between your thighs for some much needed attention. Your sigh of relief is cut short when you remember something very important. “You haven’t got a condom, have you?” 
Tom freezes instantly. You can only see his back from your position but the silence that lingers between you is concerning. When he does speak, it’s timid. 
“...I’m sure I have one… somewhere.” 
He starts to search through his pockets (trousers still tangled around his ankles making it even harder) but you are beyond impatient at this point and you huff and crawl over the bed to him. Tom is given another moment to jack about before he is unceremoniously thrown onto his back. 
“No more talking,” you command. “You ready to put that mouth of yours to good use?” 
Tom nodded, his neck flushing red. He glances up and leans his head back as you hover over his face before lightly sitting down. Instantly, you are rewarded with the feeling of Tom’s tongue, flat and wide, licking a stripe over your clit to your hole and his hands settling on your hips lovingly. 
“Fu-u-uck Tommy…” 
He’s a little clumsy starting out but his skill is made up for by his enthusiasm. You have to rest your head on his lower belly and bite down on the soft skin there as he slips a long finger into your channel. His tongue dances a figure 8 over your bud causing your hips to rock against his face. You feel his other hand sneak down your naked chest, taking a moment to grope your boob before continuing down until his fingers graze your throat. 
You’re not sure what his plan is, but you have others. Like making him groan as your hand squeezes the base of his cock. 
“Fuck darlin’, don’t tease me, not now,” came Tom’s slightly muffled voice. 
“Oh now we’re worried about teasing?” You yelp when he nips your thigh. "Ouch, okay okay!"
You collect the pearlescent fluid leaking from his tip on your palm and spread it around on his cock. He grows just a tad thicker as you work him, but it's still not enough lubrication so you spit in your hand and use that. Tom groans from beneath you again and plants his unused hand on your ass like an anchor. 
Now with your hand gliding over the soft, pink skin, you hesitate to put him in your mouth. Tom inserts a second finger and stretches you as he works your sex desparately. You grind your teeth and tug on his cock harder to try and make up for your lack of reciprocation. 
“Fuuuck Tommy,” you purr and immediately bark “HEY” when he spanks you. 
“Hows ‘bout you put your mouth to good use, eh!” 
“Alright, bossy,” you giggle which turns into another moan. 
You push aside thoughts about your mounting pleasure and try to focus on him. You slide back the extra skin of his cock and pop the head between your lips before giving a firm suck. Tom groans against your clit and has to pull away for a second to breathe. He retaliates by adding another finger to his thrusting and pushes faster into you. 
While you are pumping the lower half of his shaft, you bob your head, taking it deeper inch by inch. You feel Tom’s chest rising and falling faster beneath your dangling belly and breasts. It’s intoxicating, the assault of sensations from all around you. Energy thrums in your body, and pressure builds quickly in your gut. You’re getting close to coming way too quickly and have to back off of Tom’s cock when you gag. You use the gallon of saliva and precum to lubricate the movements of your hand. 
“Fuck, darlin’. You gonna come on my fingers?,” Tom asked (can barely hear him with his mouth full). 
“Yes, please Tommy,” you begged.  “Always wanted you like this…”
Tom hums against your clit and his fingers hit that special spot inside you. “‘M never gonna let you leave this fuckin’ bed...” 
All you needed was one more tug on your clit and then you were coming hard, digging your nails into his thighs and screaming. Tom's so worked up and turned on his free standing cock throbs and shoots cum all over your neck dribbling down to your collarbone as he whimpers and writhes beneath you as you ride out your orgasm on his face. You frantically try to catch his tip in your mouth only to take the last shot cum up your nose and sputter and laugh as you come down from your high. 
Tommy laughs too as you roll over, your head resting on his thigh and politely dodging his softening cock. Your both panting like dogs.
"Sorry love. Least I didn't get it in your hair." 
You check. "Yes you did!" 
"Well fuck it!," and you both descend into another fit of giggles.
Masterlist | Next: Eddie Munson Floor Sex
Thank you for reading! Happy Fall and approaching Halloween!
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viatrixtravels-a · 2 months
Send "Love Story with ____" for my muse's reaction on finding a romantic fanfiction about themselves paired with that character
"Love Story with Xiao: Sparkle" (Based on: Kimi No Nawa and The Angel Next Door Spoils me Rotten)
Submitted by the infamous 'long ask anon'. uwu
When Lumine first picked up the book, she was a little skeptical. It was quite hard to imagine Xiao as a character inside a romance novel after all. While he could be very romantic when he wants to be, he still did not strike her as your typical male lead type of character. However, perhaps this story would prove her wrong.
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"Well...I have to wait for Paimon to wake up from her nap anyways. Might as well read this in the meantime."
With every page, the blonde became more and more invested in the story, her cheeks now dusted a pastel pink hue.
She completely lost track of time, completely absored by the book and before she knew it, she had reached the end.
"That was..."
Letting herself fall back onto the mattress, she covered her face with both hands and began to roll around on top of the bed before burying her face in a pillow to silence her squealing.
( ...Amazing!! )
Cheesy love stories had always been a guilty pleasure of hers ever since Fischl introduced her to them. She had secretly bought countless of romance novels from Yae Publishing House - keeping it top secret from all of her friends besides Paimon. But this one was special since it featured Xiao and herself. She would implode from embarrassment if the former were to ever find this book and read it, but she would definitely keep it stashed somewhere to read again at a later time.
In the first scene, you both wake up in your respective homes preparing for school. You are a Grade 11 Student who is good at travelling, language, reading, and some cooking. Xiao is a Grade 12 Student who is really good at martial arts, history, and playing the flute. You go out first to walk to the train station to go to your school. Along the way, you catch a glimpse of Xiao but then, the train stops, and you lose him in the crowd. After getting off at the correct station, you try to find him but can't so you continue on in school. Xiao meanwhile, seemed oblivious to all this but could some what sense that something is going on and continues going to school.
You arrive and meet your friends Xiangling, Amber, and Sucrose in the school entrance, and the four of you talk about the typical things in highschool life. Amber asks if you have a crush on anyone but of course you say that no boy is attracted to you or has an interest in you. Xiao meanwhile, was sparring with Xinqiu while Kaeya, Diluc, Thoma and Childe and even Bonanus, Menogias, Indarius and Bosacius watch on. Xiao beats Xinqiu and Xiao and his Yaksha friends congratulate him while the others clap. The scene then moves to Xiao and his Yakshas having lunch in the canteen and Bosacius teases Xiao how he needs to find a crush soon and that he can't be that uninterested in finding a liking to someone. Xiao of course says nothing but then Menogias says to him that he has been looking at a certain golden haired girl across the other side of the canteen. It's you. And talks to him that she does look pretty and a pretty intelligent student too.
Days pass, you're fixing things in your locker, but then once you close it, you come face to face with...
You get startled, and you drop all your things. It was a mess of books and notebooks and papers. Xiao first apologises to you, but then you let out an annoyed look as you told him that you had just fixed your locker. He decides to help you, and as both of you are fixing your mess, he accidentally touches your hand as you try to grab a book. You look at each other with confused looks at first, but then Xiao says he's sorry for touching your hand and just continues fixing the pile of books. You, on the other hand, are... blushing. Blushing in stunned silence as you look at how... handsome he is? Yes. Xiao looked handsome. It lasts for a few more seconds until he looks at you with a confused look and snaps you out of the trance. Quickly, you fix the remaining books and safely place them in your locker. You thank Xiao, and he returns the favour, but then, he asks you your name. You respond back with typical hospitality and also tell him your class and grade level. He then tells you his name and class and his grade level and tells you that it's nice meeting you. Before he leaves however, you ask him where he's going, and he responds by saying that he was going to the library. As were you, so you both decide to go together and along the way you both ask what your daily lives are and what hobbies and so on you both have. You're interested in Xiao's knowledge of history thanks to being a student of Professor Morax, and you want to know how to get into a martial arts class while he is interested in the amount of places you've been.
As time goes on, you both grow closer and become good friends, and you both travel on the same train, and you both sometimes visit each other's apartments, which are just a block apart. Soon, you introduce him to your group of friends and he introduces you to his fellow Yakshas as well as the other martial artists students.
Months have passed since you first met, and you're in Xiao's house cooking some food for him and yourself since you both agreed that he would be the one to wash the dishes while you cooked. After eating dinner, you both study and share some knowledge together, and he decides to share you a story about one of Professor Morax's lectures, but halfway through, you fall asleep. Xiao was surprised by this and decided to bridal carry you to bed. As he covers you in a blanket, you slightly wake up and see him looking at you. You tell him goodnight, and he does the same but before he left, he couldn't help but stare at you. Maybe he's enthralled by your beauty but he wouldn't want to make it known. Not yet at least.
When you wake up, you ask how you ended up in bed, and Xiao tells you that he bridal carried you. You become embarrassed as your face turns red and you ask him why he carried you without asking you first, and he simply told you that you were already asleep and he didn't want you on the couch or sleeping on the floor. Still embarrassed, you make some punches on his thigh and when he asks why you say "Shou-Kun no baka!" but you do let it slide for now and he does apologise.
The school semester goes by, and the two of you start to become closer as rumours start to spread of you possibly being with the school's top martial artist student. Do you want to admit your true feelings for him? Or course not. It would cause too much of a ruckus and bad publicity.
One day, you and Xiao are walking together at a festival to which you were invited to attend by Ayaka and Ayato. You were wearing a beautiful shrine maiden kimono and have a kitsune mask you bought, while Xiao keeps close by holding your hand. Yep, he was trying his best to hide his embarrassed look as he held on to you for about 15 minutes or so. After some time, you finally meet with the Kamisato siblings, and Ayato comments on how your bond with Xiao is only growing stronger, it seemed. Before you could say anything, Xiao talks first, saying that while he and you are close friends and that there's nothing romantic about the relationship. Ayato only laughs while Ayaka says there's nothing wrong with admitting your true feelings someday. She had a point. Perhaps you and Xiao will have to spill the beans someday.
More days pass by, and on one occasion you both sleepover in Xiao's house, as you both talk about what your plans are for the next day, Xiao thanks you for being the closest person he's ever had and that he was able to open up more to you and his friends because your presence made him feel more comfortable. You do the same, and you take his hand before telling him that she still feels uncertain about how he would feel if you said this to him, so you write on the palm of his hand, "好きです". It's "I love you" in Inazuman. Xiao is taken a back and isn't sure how to respond, but eventually, he also says that he, too, has strong feelings for you and thanks you for everything and so you kiss him on the cheek before leaving. Xiao is only stunned silent.
On the school's sports event, you have to compete in a track and field sprint with a partner, and since all others are taken, you decide with the best person. Xiao. When it's your turn, you both run at full speed while everyone cheers you on. Thanks to learning and exercising with Xiao himself, you match his speed, and it appears that neither of you will take the lead. You both spend every last bit of stamina until...
You both reach the finish line at the same time, and everyone is unsure who really won the contest. When asked who won by the host, you write down, "Someone lovely," and then Xiao responds with "The lovely person beside me." Everyone is shocked at this revelation. Your friends, Xiao's friends, the professors. The judges, the host, and every student watching the event. You look at Xiao with a beautiful smile, and he smiles back at you while holding your hand. He leans in and kisses you at the forehead, and you respond back with a tight hug.
The days past have been very interesting considering now that everyone knows that you and Xiao are a couple now. The paparazzi was crazy.
The next scene is you on a train returning home, but then the train you are on stops and breaks down. With no choice, the passengers are forced to leave the train and walk on foot. Your phone is low battery, and you are far from home. So you tell Xiao to meet in a particular place near the city outskirts. However, it was late at night, and you get lost, trying to find a place. Xiao too was lost but was able to find his way to a low ridge where he tries to contact you. Before you could give the exact details, your phone dies but you know he's close. You run everywhere, but you still can't find him. Hours pass, it's certainly past midnight, and you trip on the road and roll until you stop after 10 seconds. You're in pain, and you're exhausted. However, you are determined to find him and feel his embrace. Your lover was doing and thinking the same, and he was busy walking on a small road in a forest while desperately trying to look for you. Hour after hour passes but you still can't find each other. You both swore that you both checked every place and are just going around in circles. But then you both remembered...
The sun. The sun rise can be seen on the mountain top. The place where you can directly signalling a new day. There can be no other place in the city right now.
As dawn approaches you successfully go on top of the flat mountain face and start to run everywhere until...
You just ran past someone.
You slowly turn around.
That face. You know that face, and it knows yours.
Tears start to stream down your face. But then you start to laugh. He laughs too. How absurd was it? To run for hours until the dawn and meet at the mountain top. You then embrace Xiao as hard as you can and he embraces back, thankful that you're okay, despite the bruises and scrapes on your skin. He too was crying. After a while, he then takes your hand and writes "大好きです" on your palm. He was saying "I love you" but this time it was out of true passion, and he is elated to finally to have said those words to you. You say "I love you" back to him and give him a passionate kiss on the lips. He returns it back. Relishing in the moment as the Sun rises above the clouds on the mountain and the surrounding city.
Years pass, you both graduated to college but didn't come to the same school this time. You decided to study abroad for two years while he stayed. After a while, he for some reason, stopped receiving your calls and messages. It seemed all would be forgotten until one day. Maybe all the things you experienced before were just a dream. But after returning to your home country, you walk past an all too familiar face.
On a flight of stone stairs...
You both look back at each other.
It's certainly him.
You both ask "Kimi no namaiwa?"
-The End
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natsuki-bakery · 5 months
꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ CG leon with girly puppy/age regressor !! ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱
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hiii i know this is so self indulgent but would you be able to do CG leon with a v girly puppy/age regressor please? :3
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•Leon affectionately calls you : Little star, tiny rose and pinky cupcake or sweetie pup'
•Leo loves coordinating outfits, creating adorable matching ensembles for special occasions !
•He reads bedtime stories, using soft tones and sweet nicknames, ensuring a peaceful night's sleep for you
•Bedtime is accompanied by British nursery rhymes sung by him
•You would create awesome Lego structures, impressing Leon with your creativity !
•Weekends are dedicated to outdoor activities like picnics and gentle hikes, with Leon leading the way and making sure everyone has a great time
•Leon always keeps a stash of your favorite snacks, using endearing terms like "Sweetie Pie" and "Cupcake" when offering treats
•Whether it's holding hands during scary movies or comforting after a bad dream, Leon's protective instincts are always present, creating a sense of safety and security
•Playtime includes a variety of games, from imaginative play with toys to interactive activities !
•Special Nicknames: Apart from the general pet names, Leon has specific endearments for different moods, like "Sunshine" for happy moments and "Braveheart" for times when encouragement is needed
•Leon often wraps you in warm hugs, creating a cozy atmosphere filled with love and care
•Leon hosts charming tea parties with dainty teacups and pastel-colored treats for you. It's a delightful occasion filled with laughter and joy
•Papa Leon encourages artistic expression, providing a space for you to engage in arts and crafts. Glitter, pastels, and sparkles are staples in their creative endeavors
•Girly Movie Nights: Movie nights feature classic girly films, complete with fluffy blankets, pillows, and lots of giggles. Leon might even participate in impromptu sing-alongs to animated princess songs
•You two would spend cozy afternoons crafting matching friendship bracelets
•Leo might gives you a cute, floral-patterned journal where you could document your thoughts and adventures. Leon sometimes adds surprise notes of encouragement
•Birthdays and special occasions are celebrated with girly decorations, balloons, and a homemade cake adorned with flowers
•Arts and crafts time involves creating tiny accessories and props for the Sylvanian Families, fostering creativity and attention to detail !
•He has a collection of Sylvanian Families and creates stories and adventures for each character with you
•Papa Leon surprises you with miniature tea sets designed specifically for your Sylvanian Families collection, fostering imaginative play and storytelling !
•Movie nights include special screenings of Sylvanian Families animated stories, and Leon may even create homemade popcorn for the occasion
•Leon introduces you to various girly British traditions, such as making flower crowns, participating in garden tea parties, and enjoying the charm of English gardens
•Dada Leon and you enjoy girly sessions, decorating cookies with colorful icing and sprinkles
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