#Special interest go brrr
pixiatn · 1 year
Oh to be an autistic teen in 2023
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he has no idea how much of his time i’m about to waste
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cryptid-of-ohio · 8 months
most and least edible butterflies?
That’s a pretty good question. I had to put in a bit of research to get what I think are the objectively correct answers (I’ll give subjective answers too).
First, a few ground rules. I will only be looking at the adult stage’s edibility. My objective answers will be based off my research, while my subjective will be whatever the hell I want. I have never personally eaten a butterfly, so some of my reasoning will be based on assumptions. Anywayssss
The objective least edible is pretty easy actually. It’s the African Giant Swallowtail, which produces a cardiosteroid and could potentially kill a human if ingested.
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Isn’t it beautiful?
Also, fun fact, no one has published what the caterpillars look like, or what the host plant is for this species. So that’s a neat little mystery.
As for the objectively most edible butterfly, that’s a bit more subjective. For edibility, I’m looking for no poison (obviously), as it tastes bad even if it’s not lethal. I’m also looking for a larger main body since that is where most of the nutrients will come from.
I think a good butterfly that fits those criteria would be the Western Tiger Swallowtail.
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Some of you may suspect it’s poisonous due to its bright color pattern, but it isn’t. Its colors are a false warning to predators to stay away.
I will say though, if you really want to eat a butterfly I would remove the wings, or avoid them. The scales that coat them are made of keratin, aka the stuff our hair and fingernails is made of, which isn’t very tasty.
Anyways, now on to the subjective stuff. I think the least edible butterfly is the glass wing butterfly.
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I mean, look at it! If it were a human it would be so emaciated! There’s nothing tasty there to eat! Not to mention, it’s also poisonous! 0/10 would not recommend eating
As for most edible, I have to go with one that might surprise you.
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This is the Harvester Butterfly. It may look small and unassuming, but that’s not why I picked it for the most edible. I picked it because it’s going to be full of different nutrients than other butterflies.
See, the Harvester is unique in its eating habits. As an adult it doesn’t usually drink nectar, instead drinking minerals from the ground or sap. This is because they got most of their nutrients as a caterpillar where their diet was…
Other bugs!! That’s right! This is the only species of carnivorous butterfly on the planet. Their diet as caterpillars is almost entirely made up of eating aphids and the remains of other bugs. It also means that is isn’t poisonous, as most butterflies become poisonous by eating poisonous plants in the caterpillar stage.
I hope this satisfies your curiosity @json-derulo
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witchescollection · 6 months
Hello! How are you? I was wondering if you had any advice or tips for someone who was interested in learning and wanting to try folk magic? I've been interested in looking into it for a while, but I'm not really sure of where to go with it.
Hi! I'm good thank you!! This is my jam!!!
Okay so this might be a bit of a long one -
Folk magick is incredibly personal and local to where you are. It is magic for the people, by the people, and as such harnesses incredibly old ways of working. It is also, as a pathway, deeply accessible. I see it as a path that allows you utilise the energies around you, rather than requiring certain tools or garbs or timings like ceremonial magick does.
Some general tips I'd recommend include:
Get to know the flora and fauna in your local area, both through research but also actively communicating and working with those plants and animals. For some practitioners, like myself, this can influence the food and herbs you cook with and use for spell work (and even down to the tea I drink!).
Channel your community. Connect with the people whom you share these spaces with and understand them. You don't necessarily have to be besties, but saying a quick hello to your neighbour can go a long way.
Find your spot! When I moved for University, I picked a tree on campus that was my tree and sat with it, and - eventually - I brought more people to come sit with me. If chatting to people feels daunting, find somewhere to call your own (a booth at a coffee shop, a sofa at the library, a statue in a museum) and anchor yourself there. I like to avoid using my phone at my spot, and it's become an energetical hearth during my time at Uni, when I would often move physical spaces.
And some further reading I'd recommend to get you started:
Folk Magick vs WItchcraft
Folk Magick in the fight against Capitalism
Folk Magic Guide Video
I'll be doing a podcast episode on this shortly, so please stay tuned for that! And if you have any questions please don't be afraid to shoot me an ask - I hope this helped! x
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merlin-plays-ln · 2 years
(round up at 5 - ie 55% rounds to 60, 43% rounds down to 40)
Feel free to share exact numbers in tags/replies I'm curious!
Realized I was at 87% tho I'm trying to curb myself
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skyedancer2006 · 1 year
Help I was being so autistic about that new OMORI merch that I kicked Mare out of front XDDD
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shadowsbrainrot · 1 year
guy trying to explain how social media is spreading misinfo abt how easter is a pagan holiday:
me and my 15 layers of autistic fun facts:
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sparkystar26888 · 2 years
My brain is buzzing, my hands are flapping, goddamnit they have done it again.
More at 5
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artificialalienn · 2 years
anyway time to post dinosaurs
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zombiesama · 11 months
Recognized Rock's English VA in CSM!!!
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odd-density-guy · 1 year
im writing a summary of the magnus archives episode by episode, and im about nine pages/20 000 characters in, and ive gotten to ep 16, so im about 7% done. i have school work to do and exams to study for, but this is how im spending my time.-.
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luisleyyaoi · 1 year
If everything goes to plan imma go see the mario movie this weekend!!! :D
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nihtscada · 12 days
the amount of misinformation about deadpool under a vid just rubbed me the wrong way so here's a rant
deadpool isn't a mutant, he's a mutate, he was born human and experimented on, even if you've only seen the movies you should know this😭🙏
hes a parody of DC's Slade Wilson (Deathstroke) but is still marvel
hes an anti-hero, he does the right things with the wrong methods MOSTLY. bare in mind it fluctuates depending on the writer but that's what he's classed as :)
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You ever think a thought that feels too big for your brain
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space-wife · 1 year
I'm going to end up binge watching the entirety of Ranma 1/2 again aren't I?
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