#Spooky Lads
pieofdeath · 11 days
Sitting bolt upright.
So ROTD takes place in 1877. Spooky!Lads Dan was bitten in the late 1890s.
So it's ENTIRELY FEASIBLE that ROTD!Dan and Spooky!Dan could've met. ESPECIALLY as children.
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cryptidzatitagain · 11 months
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A comic I made about the spooky lads AU by @alittlesliceofcucumber that was inspired by a conversation on the discord.
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moonbedoodling · 2 years
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Funky perspective + tired lol
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jxckyx3 · 1 year
Haven't done a spook lads in a while, so have this!
Sort of a part two to Blood lust, but it's a different ship. You don't need to read it to understand this one, but you can if ya want!
Fandom: Irish lads
Ship: Sean x Daithi
Top: Sean -- Jacksepticeye
Bottom: Daithi -- Nogla
AU: Spooky Lads
Setting: Forest
Type: Smut
Warning ⚠️: The chapter that you're about to read contains swearing, sexual themes, sexual intimacy, flirting, slight blood and other mentions or situations that may disturb, trigger or offend the viewer. Reader's discretion is advised. 🔞
Third pov -
Sean wrung his hands nervously, bouncing his leg as he sat and pondered over his options.
He hadn't lied when he said his rut was coming up. Having told the lads about a week ago when he asked Daithi for help.
He had been joking at first. At least he told himself that he was. But as the days dragged on, with the thoughts of Dan's and Daithi's time together, he couldn't help but to think about what it would be like with the ghost.
He'd never looked at the ghost that way. Yeah he was attractive, but he didn't see him like that.
Did he?
Sean didn't know. All he knew, was that he had been too horny to care these past few days. Thoughts and memories running through his head of the night Daithi cured Dan's blood lust.
He stared at the ghost as he connected a few wires in Brian's arm. He had much smaller fingers than the cyborg, so he often helped when Brian couldn't, or if he needed the assistance.
Sean was supposed to watch. That way he could study and learn a bit so that he knew what to do to help Brian when Daithi wasn't around to do it himself.
Monster hunters had been around more lately, and the roommates were taking any precautions they could.
A click of Daithi's tongue brought the werewolf back to his senses, refocusing his eyes to watch the ghost.
Daithi was pretty, that was for sure.
The way he squinted when he concentrated, the way his top teeth peek out to bite his bottom lip. Even the way he tutted his tongue to himself when he was thinking.
Sean loved everything about his looks. Not only that, but Daithi was a nice guy. Sweet and caring.
That was a reason why he had wanted to spend his rut with Daithi. He trusted the ghost, and he rather have it with someone he knew and could depend on.
Of course, Sean has spent his time with other monsters or werewolves for his rut. Since it was a season for all of them. But it was never fun, nor satisfying, nor fulfilling.
The Heat Dome where all the werewolves went to sucked, he didn't want to spend some time with someone in some shady hotel room-like feel. Plus, he was pretty sure that some werewolves gave the place fleas and infested the whole place.
He did not want to deal with fleas.
Sean sighed, rubbing his eyes with his fingers as he felt about wave of warmth rush through his body. It made him sweat and cramp up. Teeth and claws growing more than necessarily needed.
Rut--as fun as it was-- was irritating. Once you bypass the amazing sex that lasted for hours, you needed to deal with the second wave to have more.
Then more, and more. Until you couldn't feel your legs anymore and until you felt so damn drained of semen that it felt as if your balls could fall off.
Sean hated rut. He hated that he had to deal with it. But other monsters had it worse than him. Zombies having their limbs fall off from time to time and mummies having sand fall out of their ass all the time.
He was a werewolf. He was considered lucky.
He groaned slightly, spreading his legs a bit to make the tightening in his pants less intense.
Sean considered himself big in size, something that he was usually proud about. But at times like this, he just wished he had a tiny choad. So that his bulge wasn't obvious, and so that the strain in his pants wouldn't hurt as much.
"Daithi." Sean growled out, not meaning to sound so harsh but his tone definitely caused the two to jump in slight surprise.
"Yeah?" The ghost replied, glancing at Sean in acknowledgement before looking back down to his work.
"Can I talk ta you?" He asked, bouncing his knee again as he focused his eyes on the way Daithi's fingers carefully entwined the exposed copper of Brian's wires.
"Yeah sure, whatcha need?" Daithi said, frowning as he looked down into Brian's exposed plates, leaning closer to see more clearly. It took everything of Sean to not just leap up from his chair and attack the ghost.
Not like it would do much, since he'd just fall right through him. But the thought still counted.
"Uh...alone, preferably." He reworded, glancing over to Brian.
Daithi finally looked up at that, looking confused, as well as Brian.
"Alone?" He asked, glancing at Brian before looking back to the werewolf, sitting up straight in his seat.
"Yeah...alone." Sean nodded, looking at Brian as if to say 'fuck off'. The cyborg clearly got the message, sighing loudly as he clicked the plates of his arms back into place.
"Uh, just help me later Dai. I need ta go help Kev with prowling right now anyways." He said, ruffling his friends head before moving to gather up a few of his tools.
He shot Sean a direct look, immediately catching his attention.
"Is this what I think this is?"
Sean could hear the cyborg's mind clearly, thankfully having the same mind reading thing as Dan.
Sean gave a curt nod, feeling his face heat up as Brian held in a laugh, smirking to his friend as he hurriedly left the room.
Well that's just embarrassing.
"So, what do ye wanna talk about?" Daithi asked, moving to sit on the bench next to Sean.
Brian's engineering room was usually filled with tools and spare mechanical parts. So there was no furniture other than two long benches on either side of his large work table.
"Uh, yeah..." Sean muttered, moving to sit up straight. He winced slightly as the movement caused a shift in his pants. He tried to seem casual as he sat on the edge of the bench, rubbing his clammy hands onto the thighs of his jeans.
"Remember when ye helped Dan wit' his blood thing about a week ago?" He started, trying to maintain eye contact as he watched the ghost flush at the reminder.
"Uh...y-yeah. I remember." He said, sounding more flustered than confused as he spoke the words.
It wasn't like the whole incident was a big deal or anything. Yeah, Daithi had sex with Dan. So what? It wasn't that interesting.
Or so everyone brushed it off that way.
It had been eating away at the others for days since it's happened, and Sean had been dealing with the his friends' thoughts as well as his own since then.
It had been increasingly harder to not stop Daithi sooner and bring up this conversation days before, but Sean had been too shy and embarrassed to ask for help.
He was never one to even need to, as he had werewomen on him all the time. Hence why he had no weremen friends except a few he had known since he was a pup.
"And i-i was wondering...y'know, since ye helped him, I was...psh, I dunno. I'm sorta in a rut right now and I, uh...I need help. It's okay if yer uncomfortable and ye don't wanna do it, but I could really use te hell with...touch." He explained, not wanting to beat around the bush nor splutter up on his words.
He wanted Daithi to know exactly what he wanted. That way, they'd be no misunderstandings, only clear conversation.
The other seemed to be shocked at his friend's words, lips parting in speechlessness and eyes widening.
Sean swallowed nervously, hating how right now all he wanted to do was kiss Daithi's pretty little face. This was a serious conversation they were having, and his thoughts were already screwing with his mind.
"T-touch?" Daithi asked, surprised.
Sean had asked him this same question five days ago, but Daithi had thought it was a joke. A tease jabbed at him because he had helped Dan.
But now just seeing the purse of Sean's lips and the twitch of his eye in discomfort, he knew the other was being serious.
Dead serious.
"Oh...well, I did help Dan." He mumbled, the words so quiet that the average human ear wouldn't even have been able to pick it up.
But Sean had good hearing. Great hearing, in fact.
He perked up, pupils seeming to dilate as he snapped his head to the other. He had subconsciously lowered his head when he asked for the favour a few seconds ago. Daithi's silence over it having made him ashamed of himself.
But looking up at him now, along with having heard his answer, Sean was sure as hell more confident than he ever has been.
He had heard what Daithi sounded like when him and the others caught him with Dan.
His gasps, his pleas, his whimpers.
Just looking at the flushed face of the ghost and reading the arousal swirling in his piercing green eyes had the memories he had been trying to repress, all come back to him in waves.
"God ye're a slut...fuck- sorry I dunno why I said t'at!" Sean quickly exclaimed, clamping a hand over his mouth as he apologetically looked up to the ghost.
Daithi laughed at that, not expecting such mood swings from the werewolf. Yeah Sean had always been a loose canon, but his rut seemed to make him more so.
"I-It's okay, I'm not offended. And if we're being honest, I'm pretty sure we all think I'm a slut by now. Myself included." He replied bashfully, waving his hands to brush the insult off like nothing.
Because to him, it was more of a compliment.
"Uh, right. Still, I dunno why t'at...came out of my mouth." Sean said, nervously scratching his nape as he averted his gaze.
"It's fine." Daithi smiled.
The two fell into a heavy moment of silence, the awkwardness of it all eating away at them.
Sex was a natural thing, they felt as if they shouldn't be getting all flustered and embarrassed over it.
But they were still close friends, and it felt strange. Odd in a way. Daithi had sex with Dan, and it was great yeah, but he was embarrassed around Dan from time to time.
He still felt embarrassed around Dan.
Not because he regretted his decisions or because he felt ashamed. But because his friend had seen him in such a lewd way that nobody else ever has. It almost felt domestic in a way that they seemed to live perfectly and normally with eachother after the incident, but with more...love?
He wasn't sure, but it felt as if Dan had been a lot sweeter to him these past few days. Sweeter than he already was.
"So uh, where do ye wanna...y'know?" Daithi asked, fidgeting with his hands as he looked back over to the other monster. Sean hummed, standing up and holding his hand out to the ghost.
"I have a place. Follow me." He said.
It wasn't like he had been planning this or anything...
Okay, he totally had. He'd been planning on asking Daithi this for three days now and he wanted it to be perfect. He didn't just wanna take him to some random room in their home and mercilessly rut him like Dan did.
He wanted to be able to remember their moment. For it to stick with him for a long time.
The ghost was confused by his friend's words, but took the hand offered to him and followed along.
He yelped as Sean yanked his hand and started to run for the door, pushing out of it and towards the front doors.
He was so excited and so impatient, that Daithi only felt right laughing as Sean pulled him through the entrance doors with him, already running down the leaf covered hill.
Daithi hummed a quiet tune the whole way Sean led him to his secret secluded spot. He just held his hand and floated along, not needing to do much to keep up.
Sean had been delaying this moment for days, so he already knew how and what he wanted.
Him and his werewolf buddies had this nice spot down in the forest. Away from civilization and other monsters. It was a quiet, chill spot that they liked to hangout at from time to time.
He was sure that since it was rut season, they would be off getting laid. So he was confident that he'd have the space alone just for him and Daithi.
It wasn't too long until the wolf had led them all the way to his spot, pulling Daithi through the large bushes that covered the entrance.
The ghost looked around, amazed by the scenes before him.
The clearing was filled with long soft grass, filled with exotic-like flowers and plants boarding the edges near the trees circling it. A pond was near the bushes of flowers, rocks surrounding the outer sides of it and the moon was highlighting the crystal blue water. Seeming to make it glow.
Tips of blue brushing the rocks and bushes where it would shine. Large mushrooms up to a foot tall were growing near and around the pond randomly, the nice red white and brown colors mixing well with the nature.
Daithi thought it was beautiful. He was speechless. But it didn't matter. Because before he could even speak, Sean was pulling him down towards the grass and tackling him to the ground.
He let out a small sound as his back met the ground, blinking up at the other in confusion until warm lips crashsed against his.
He hummed his surprise, lifting his hands to rest on Sean's cheeks. He closed his eyes, taking in the warmth of the werewolf.
Dan's kisses were warm. But Sean's were hot.
He felt sharp teeth nip at his lip gently, breath hitching in his throat.
Sean pulled back, panting lightly as he stared down at Daithi, both of their eyes glowing from lust.
"You're so pretty. So feckin' pretty." Sean mumbled, Daithi feeling his face heat up at the compliment.
He wasn't sure if it was ever this way with him--if he had a praise kink or not. Maybe even a degrading kink when he was with Dan. But regardless he liked to be called things or get compliments. It wasn't often that he even did, but sometimes the lads would throw in a comment of two, and he could always feel himself melt at it.
Even if it wasn't sexual.
"You're like a...a firefly." Sean said, running a hand down Daithi's throat. He shivered at the touch, lashes fluttering from the light graze of Sean's claws.
It was weird how he was called a firefly for the second time. Did he really glow that bright when he was flustered?
Daithi gasped when Sean suddenly gripped his throat. Not painfully tight, but tight enough to where Daithi could feel the strain in his breathing.
Sean mumbled words to himself that Daithi couldn't quite hear. Teeth baring every few seconds the longer he held the grip on his throat. He then growled, and yanked his hand away, snarling to himself.
Daithi wasn't sure what Sean was doing, or why he was acting do...hesitant.
He then squeaked when he was forced into yet another kiss, teeth immediately nipping at his mouth this time. He ran his hands up into Sean's hair as the latter's moved from gripping the grass, to sliding around Daithi's back and feeling up his spine.
Sean groaned as he felt the way Daithi arched his back into him. Thinking it'd look better than those pornstars on video.
Sean's kiss was fierce. Fast and greedy. Like Dan, his mouth was making animalistic noises and his hands were ruthless in feeling up Daithi's body.
Sean was clearly out of control, but he did his best to be gentle and not go full blown sex-crazed dog. Because he didn't want Daithi to feel like some dirty sex doll, or some random chick he picked up to dine and dash.
He wanted to make love to him rather than hookup.
Sean slid his tongue between Daithi's lips, enjoying the breathy moan and the tightening in his hair that he got.
He felt his hands down Daithi's spine, stopping at his hips and gripping the soft skin. He then moved them lower, palming the ghost's bottom before gripping that as well.
He loved the noises that were spilling out from Daithi's lips. Soft gasps of air and hums of pleasure.
He pulled away from his mouth, licking at the string of saliva that connected them. Daithi tilted his head up slightly, and Sean wasn't sure what to make of it.
He remembered Dan explaining one night what happened in his room with Daithi when the ghost was off in his flower field, just because Sean and the lads wanted to hear about the full thing.
He recalled Dan explaining that Daithi liked when he bit him, and that he practically begged for it.
Sean didn't have long fangs like Dan, but he did have pretty nice k-nines.
He leaned his head down, dragging his tongue across the ghost's pulse point. Daithi let out a shuddered breath as Sean trailed his tongue up to the crook of his neck, sucking a nice hickey before he sunk his teeth into the soft skin.
Daithi gasped loudly, bucking his hips up as Sean held his teeth in place, sucking the skin and tasting the blue blood. It wasn't coppery or bitter, but sweet and tasty.
If Sean were a vampire, he'd be all over Daithi. So he wasn't too surprised now when he remembered all the bites Dan had left on him.
"Sean..." Daithi moaned, causing the werewolf to shiver at the plea of his name. It sent a weird--but pleasant, vibration through his spine, tingling all throughout him until he could feel it at the tip of his tail.
When his ears and tail had popped out, he didn't know. But he didn't have time to think about that, when he has such a beautiful man underneath him in such a prone way.
It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. He didn't want to waste it.
Sean pulled up, earning a whine from the ghost. But it was quick to cut short when he was reaching for Daithi's clothes, tugging to pull them off.
Daithi allowed it. Raising his arms when Sean slid up his shirt and lifting his hips when he moved to yank down his jeans.
He blushed as Sean grabbed a hold of his hips, lifting him up roughly. Daithi let Sean manhandle him, gasping when he was pushed over one of the larger mushrooms and bent over.
He gripped the soft mushroom top tightly, whining when he felt Sean slid his briefs down his legs. Leaving him in full nude.
The werewolf took a quick second to look at Daithi's body, bright and beautiful, curvey and slim. His thighs were thick, as well as his ass. Connecting nice with his beautiful hips and his pretty little waist. To his sharp shoulder blades and his long feminine arms.
Sean loved everything about his body. And Dan had not been exaggerating when he said he was a work of art.
"You ready ta start baby?" Sean asked, running his hands gently up Daithi's back as he spoke. The ghost shivered, despite him being dead and there being no chill in the air.
"Y-yeah." He stuttered out, not mentioning that the pet name had made him a bit harder. But it wasn't like Sean didn't notice, so he didn't need to voice it.
Sean placed soft kisses on his spine, moving lower with each one. He'd scrape his teeth against skin every so often, and it had Daithi absolutely withering.
He sat behind the ghost on the floor, raising his hands and cradling his ass, taking the ghost by surprise and jolting at the feeling.
Sean squeezed the mounds softly, very much enjoying the soft feeling on his palms. They were like tits in a way.
They look fun and bounce when the owner jumps, but they feel so soft and delicate when you touch them. Feel them between you fingers and knead the flesh.
"I love yer ass." Sean growled, placing kisses across the perfect rump. Daithi didn't respond that time. Simply keeping his head down and gripping the mushroom underneath him when he felt more shivers racking up his spine.
Sean moved up, sitting on his knees as he moved one hand down to unbutton his jeans.
He knew he didn't need to prep Daithi, since the ghost didn't feel any pain. He would've liked to though, because he wanted to hear the other to beg for him. But Sean was too impatient, and knew he'd end up hurting someone if he didn't speed things up.
Because as slow and gentle as he wanted to go, he was still in pain from his rut. And if he didn't hurt someone, he'd hurt himself.
He pulled his cock out, spreading Daithi's cheeks and spitting a large ball of saliva on his entrance.
The ghost flinched at the feeling, memories of him and Dan coming back in a flash.
He remembered thinking to himself what the others could do to him. Since Dan was euphoric, he had always wanted to try and ask them. But he was shy, and didn't want to ask for sex for no good reason.
So this was nice. Being intimate with Sean.
He gasped when he felt the head breach his body, lashes fluttering as the shaft started to slide in little by little.
Sean had a nice girth on him. Thicker than Dan. Daithi could feel his insides quickly adjusting to the stretch, almost uncomfortable but very pleasant.
"Shit..." Sean growled, loving the tight clenches of Daithi's ass. They felt amazing.
He rested his hands on Daithi's hips, bottoming out until his knot nudged the ghost's entrance.
He sat like that, simply admiring the warmth and the fluttering. It was nothing like straight sex, and up until now, Sean had only been with women.
Of course, he was openly pansexual, but he's never been approached by a man so he gave up on trying. Women were easier to hook up with anyways.
"S-sean, ye can move. I...I can take it." Daithi whispered, resting his chin on the mushroom as he spread his legs slightly. Further allowing Sean to have his way with him.
The werewolf growled at the words, finding them too innocent for some god apparent reason.
"Ye sure?" He asked as he leaned over the other, wanting to make sure he had the ghost's full consent. Daithi giggled at that, reaching back and pulling Sean closer to place a kiss on his lips.
"'M sure." He smiled, giving the other one more kiss before he moved back, lifting his hips up for Sean.
The latter could do nothing but obligate, already too horny at this point to care about anything else.
He pulled out slowly, stopping at his tip before pushing back in. Daithi mewled at that, biting his lower lip as Sean repeated the action.
The pace was set slow, to savour the nice feeling to remember it.
He ran his hands up from Daithi's hips, resting up at his waist as he gently pulled him back in to his thrusting. Daithi gound back, moaning at the feeling of Sean's tip rubbing deeply into his prostate.
"God...I feel so much more sensitive now that we're going slow."
Sean wanted to laugh at Daithi's thought, almost purposely slowing down more to tease him. But he felt as if he went any slower, he'd die right then and there.
He leaned down to suck on the ghost's nape, growling at the keens he got in response. Daithi pushed back into him, trying to get Sean's cock as deep as he possibly could.
Sean loved it, digging his claws into the blue skin. He didn't want to pierce skin and draw more blood. Even if Daithi couldn't feel pain. Because he knew his inner Alpha would be upset at him for hurting a potential mate.
Sean hated his Alpha's thoughts. It shared a mind with him, so what it wanted, he'd want sooner or later.
Like now, all his Alpha could think of doing, was impregnate Daithi. But he was male, and his Alpha would surely be pissed later when he found out Daithi couldn't get pregnant.
But for now, Sean didn't care about that. He didn't care about anything, except the man underneath him. Moaning and withering with every thrust inside his delicate body.
Sean sucked one more hickey on Daithi's shoulder, leaving a trail of dark blue spots behind.
He then pulled back, sitting up to see if what Dan said was true or not. And sure enough, looking down at the ghost's lower back, he could see his own member thrusting in and out of the transparent, glowing skin.
"Fuck, that's hot." Sean groaned, tightening his grip on Daithi's hips as he sped up slightly, invested with the way the outline of Daithi's walls squeezed around him.
"Fuck, I can even see my precum...sexy." Sean shook his head in disbelief, earning a whimpery moan from the ghost at the words.
Sean was mesmerized, watching his dick go in and out of Daithi's body. When he pulled back, it stopped right at his tail bone. When he pushed back in, it ended up past Daithi's lower back.
His prostate would glow a bright blue each time Sean nailed it, and it was fun to watch Daithi's reactions each time he did so.
It was like a fun game to him.
Sean grabbed one of Daithi's thighs, pulling it up and grinding into the bundle of nerves harshly.
"Oh God, S-sean!" Daithi cried out, feeling like he was going crazy as Sean sped up even more.
He dug his nails into the mushroom, feeling the light green plant juice ooze past his fingers and down the sturdy stump.
He could feel himself loose control, his humanly figure morphing into something much more messy. More ghostly. Creepy.
Sean watched in arousal as Daithi came undone. Hair growing longer and messy, claws forming, and he could see the light of his eyes highlighting the leaves and rocks not too far in front of him.
He was now glowing so bright, that it illuminated the dark of the forest. Shining on all the flowers and plants of the opening. He made the forest look ten times prettier than Sean originally thought it looked.
It looked magical.
But the thing that really took Sean's attention, was Daithi's moans. He was so full with pleasure, that he was starting to sound off. His cries and whimpers sounded eerie and static-like. Like the times he made his voice sound more scary to ward off the monster hunters that sometimes wandered into their home.
Almost demonic.
But instead of scaring Sean, for some weird reason, they sounded cute and pretty to him. Like little weak sobs that could be mistaken as pain or sorrow. But Sean knew they were of pleasure, hence the desperate tightening around his cock.
They were on cloud-nine.
Sean grunted as he leaned back down onto Daithi, lifting his thigh higher as he started to hump more aggressively. He was close.
"Good boy, such a good boy. For me, only me." Sean growled, letting his Alpha take the driver's seat just for a second. He scraped his teeth over Daithi's shoulder, glancing over to get a good look on his face.
And he was not disappointed.
The ghost had an expression of love on his face, eyes literally glowing with white, heart shaped pupils and glowing pink around the edges--Sean didn't know that Daithi could do that, but now he did. And it was something he'd definitely hold over the rest of the lads' heads--, lips parted for loose moans and drool dripping down his chin. His tongue was nearly sticking out. Panting like a dog.
And Sean loved it.
His eyes were cloudy and unfocused, filled with wet tears that Sean wanted to kiss away. His face was layered over in a dark blue, and his tears would drip each time Daithi batted his lashes.
Daithi felt a familiar bubbling in his gut, his hips jolting as the feeling crept nearer and nearer. the overwhelming feeling of Sean's heavy breathing and growls in his right ear were lewd, and drove him mad. He could hear the disgusting noises of their bodies colliding at the bottom, liquid creeping down his thighs.
He wasn't sure if it was spit, Sean's precum--and hell there felt like a lot-- or possibly blood. But regardless of what the substance was, he enjoyed it. A warm wet feeling creeping out his hole and down his legs.
Daithi never considered himself a slut. No until Dan had called him one--which had been very unexpected--, but now he considered that he was one.
Because now that he was here with Sean, he imagened what Brian would be like. Or Kevin.
And those thoughts were easily washed away as they were to come, as Sean nailed his prostate repeatedly, seeming to hit harder each time, and he wasn't sure how.
But he loved it.
"Sean, i-i...I can't...angh!" He let out a wanton moan, tone laced with desire and need when Sean's claws broke skin, digging into his hips.
Sean was all Alpha at this point, trying to hear Daithi's words, but all he could hear was the gasps and cries leaving his mouth instead.
He was edging closer and closer, he could feel it tightening.
"Can I knot you?" Sean asked, voice so unfamiliar that Daithi had to take a second to register that it was the one inside him that was talking.
His tone had been deep and husky. So gravely that he had barely even made it out.
"Yes! Please, Sean! Fuck me, knot me, I don' care! Anythin' ye want!" He sobbed, words slurring as he rested his head onto the mushroom, smearing his tears across the red cushion of it.
Sean grinned at the words, hips pistoning and out of control from the sentence alone. He unhinged his jaws and pierced Daithi's skin once more, clamping his teeth around his throat tightly.
Daithi came at the feeling, semen spewing from his cock as Sean's teeth dug deeper. But before he could voice his pleasure, Sean shoved his growing knot inside and cut off all the air that was in Daithi's lungs.
Sean growled loudly as he came deep inside of the other, his knot still enlarging quickly. He panted as Daithi twitched underneath him, thighs quivering from the large intrusion.
Sean moved to ask if he was alright, but Daithi was losing his grip on the mushroom and he slipped.
He finally made a noise when the two fell, practically screaming when Sean's knot was forced deeper. The werewolf groaned at the feeling of the tight, wet heat enveloping his cock and knot, feeling at peace as his body slumped over.
But he didn't want to hurt the other, so he rested his forearms on the grass to hold his upper body up, not wanting to squish Daithi in to the floor.
Sean wanted to ask if the other was okay, but he decided against it when he saw the hearts still glowing in the other's eyes. Taking it as a good sign.
So the two lied in silence, panting heavily as they came down from this highs. Simply basking in the afterglow of sex.
And Sean wondered if he would be able to see his knot through Daithi's body. He definitely needed to check later.
He felt a chill run down his spine, wind starting to pick up a bit. And he was fully clothed besides his pants being pulled down, so he could only wonder what Daithi felt like.
Could he even feel the wind? Were ghosts even bothered by weather? Regardless, he still felt bad for just letting him lay in the cold.
Sean leaned over and reached a hand up to brush Daithi's bangs out of his eyes, having morphed back into his natural form.
The hound placed a soft kiss to the ghost's forehead, chuckling as the hearts seemed to brighten at the loving gesture.
"Thanks babe. Really appreciate it, Dai." He muttered, voice scratchy from all the growling he had been doing.
Daithi hummed back, shifting his hips a bit to get more comfortable on his knees. And Sean had to prevent himself from repeating what they just finished.
"Of course. Anytime Sean." Daithi replied, closing his eyes as he lay exhausted. Sean felt his tail wag at that, the words 'anytime' running through his head.
Did he mean that? We could fuck him anytime?
Sean rolled his eyes at the thoughts of his Alpha, brushing them away to focus on the other.
"Anytime?" He asked teasingly, nudging his nose against the mating mark he had left. Daithi shivered at the slight pressure, still sensitive there.
He never felt pain, but whenever he was wounded, he felt sensitive there. In a sort of arousing way, and he blamed it on Dan for making him a masochist.
"Well duh. Ye guys are my friends. If ya want sex, just ask. T'ats what friends do." He said jokingly, earning a laugh from the hound.
He sighed in content, peppering a few kisses on Daithi's cheek and lips.
"No but seriously, I really needed t'is. Thank you." Sean smiled, nuzzling into Daithi's cheek and neck like he did when in his wolf form.
And oh God, did Daithi wonder what sex would be like with Sean in his wolf form. All big and fluffy, hovering over him like he was some measly squeaky toy. Ready to be torn in half, manhandled, fucked stupid.
"You really are a slut. A bit freaky too." Sean laughed. Daithi blushed, realizing that Sean was reading his thoughts again.
"Outta my head, mutt." He said softly with no heat. Sean could only laugh, tail wagging at the thought that Daithi wanted more of him.
The one named looked up, cursing as he saw his group of werewolf friends. He quickly lowered himself over Daithi, trying to cover as much of him as possible.
Partly because he didn't want to embarrass him and because he respected his privacy, but also because his Alpha was being possesive.
"What are ye guys doin' here? I thought ye'd be out getting laid our somethin'." Sean said, the irritation in his voice obvious.
Of course he wasn't mad at his friends. But he just didn't like the fact that they were ruining this perfect moment. Daithi had said 'anytime', but Sean still wanted to treasure it without people interrupting.
Now he knew what Dan felt like when they had all found him and Daithi.
"Well shit, we came to bitch about how we got no lays and here you are, having sex in our hangout spot." One of the wolves laughed, crossing his arms as he looked at Sean like he was proud of him.
Daithi looked up at them, trying to see Sean but it was hard from the position they were in.
Sean winced as he looked away from them in embarrassment, all anger leaving and being replaced.
"Oh...uh, these are my friends. Guys, this is Daithi. One of my roommates." Sean poorly introduced, just trying to change the subject.
"Hi." Daithi greeted softly, waving hesitantly as he looked up at the five hounds, trying his best to hide his obvious blush.
"You're banging your roommate dude?" One of the hound's asked, the others just smiling and waving back at Daithi all friendly-like. As if they hadn't caught the two doing the dirty.
"N-not necessarily..." Sean replied, averting his gaze as he felt his face flush even more.
God, this is embarrassing...
"Well get up so we can meet him properly, Sean!" One of the others said, laughing down at the one mentioned.
"Uh...we sorta can't move right now." Sean mumbled. He was sure they could pull apart faster if Daithi floated away from him, but he was still naked, and he'd still need to show himself if they were to do that.
So that option was off the table.
"Oh, you knotted? Lucky bastard." The hound said to Sean, growling lightly in jealousy. But he still had a small smile to show that he wasn't mad.
"T'ats one way ta put it." Sean rolled his eyes, not really thinking he was lucky if his friends showed up during the moment.
"So Daithi..." One of the other wolves started, using a tone that Sean knew all too well.
"You mind helping us out as well?" He asked, trying to seem seductive as he leaned against a tree, crossing his arms over his chest with a stupid smirk.
Sean growled loudly at that, barring his teeth as he hovered over Daithi. In a possesive stance as he glared over at his friend.
Daithi blushed at that, pursing his lips as he shrunk down. He could feel the vibration of Sean's growl on his back and it was nothing but arousing.
God, he was turning himself into a whore.
"Jeez, I was joking man!" The hound laughed, putting his hands up defensively. But Sean could clearly see the nervousness and regret through his eyes.
"No ye weren't!" He shot back, sounding more like an arguing child than an angry adult at this point.
"Okay you're right." The hound huffed, blushing a bright red as he looked away. Sean rolled his eyes again, growling under his breath.
He loved his friends but his they could be so stupid at times.
"Uh...Sean?" Daithi asked, bringing the hound back to his senses.
"Yeah?" He asked softly. It was evident that his tone had changed completely. Using a much softer tone and causing his friends to laugh and scoff in offense.
"Uhm, how long does t'is last fer?" He asked bashfully, unsure of how long he'd have to lay underneath Sean.
Not that he was complaining, but it was certainly as embarrassing as it was arousing. He didn't want to end up getting hard just after they finished.
"Just a minute baby. I'll be able to pull out soon. But uh, some damn privacy would definitely help." He said, directing his last words over to his friends with a sharp glare.
"Fine! We'll leave, gosh!" The first hound said playfully, pretending to be mad as he stormed away. The others laughed at his act, but followed along anyways after a few goodbyes.
"Sorry about t'at." Sean said once he couldn't hear the chattering of his friends anymore. Daithi giggled at that, feeling Sean's knot die down enough to try and pull out.
He lifted his hips, pulling forward to let the knot slip. He gasped as it popped out, panting lightly from the slight effort.
Sean grunted, flinching from the unexpected action. He then pulled back, his pupils dilating once more at the sight.
Cum was dripping from Daithi's entrance, begining to spill out and run down his thighs. Sean growled, shifting his eyes up to see his cum through Daithi's body. Resting inside his body.
"Fuck you're hot." He groaned, sliding his three fingers into the other. Daithi yelped at the feeling, not having expected it at all.
Sean swirled his fingers around, watching the way the cum spilled out past his fingers from Daithi's transparent body.
"This is just...this is just somethin'." Sean shook his head, pulling his fingers away and fanning them out. Strings of cum connecting to each finger.
"God...okay, let's go again." He said, aligning himself back up. His cravings were still there, begging to be fulfilled and to breed the ghost.
"Wait, what?" Daithi asked, only to be cut short when he was thrusted back into, body shaking at the feeling of his prostate being overstimulated.
It was going to be a long night.
"Took ye two long enough. Where were you?" Dan asked as the two monsters entered the workspace in the library.
"Why? Did somethin' come up?" Sean asked, pulling out a seat and sitting across from the other three. Daithi didn't follow in suit, simply floating in place as he crossed his arms.
"Yeah, a few monster hunters on our case. We made a plan ta ward t'em off. Daithi, sit. It's gonna be a while." Dan sighed, gathering his papers and setting them out on the table.
He didn't see any movement, looking up to see Daithi still hovering where he was. Having not listened.
"Daithi, sit down." Dan repeated, this time more firmly as he gestured to the chair. Brian and Kevin exchanged a look as Daithi still didn't listen, for some reason blushing as he hugged himself tighter.
"What's up wit' him?" Dan asked, looking to Sean for awnsers. The vampire had been dealing with the humans for a few days now, and it had been starting to piss him off.
And when Dan is pissed, he gets mean. So right now, he didn't have the patience for this.
"He...he can't sit right now." Sean just shrugged, shaking his head at Dan.
"Why?" Kevin asked, reading the clear annoyance on Dan's face.
"Uh, I...I kinda fucked 'em too hard. He's sore, and if he sits, he'll just get horny again." Sean explained, having found out Daithi's pain pleasure thing not too long ago.
The three looked up at Daithi for confirmation, only getting a curt nod as he averted his gaze.
"So shouldn't he sit down?" Brian smirked, only finding fun in this situation. Daithi covered his face with his hands, shaking his head as Sean could only growl in possession. Kevin was the only one laughing at the joke, where as Dan was just pissed that Sean had to go and fuck the main subject of his plan.
Because Daithi had a big part in it, and if he couldn't pull through because of what Sean did to him, then Dan swore he'd suck his blood dry.
"Ok, just stand then. We have more important things ta worry about." Dan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"Sorry baby." Daithi mumbled, letting the pet name slip without much thought.
The room went silent, Daithi blinking nonchalantly as he held his hands in front of himself. As if he didn't know what he had just said.
"Yeah...yeah, yer fine." Dan said, softer this time. Daithi smiled at that, accepting the words as a win.
"Anyways, back ta what I was saying." Dan blushed, averting his gaze as he shuffled through the papers.
Wow, Daithi could get used to that. He should use pet names more often.
And if Kevin and Brian needed help with some...things, he'd be there for them as well. Like he said before, it's what friends do.
7,408 words
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Hope this was good, I kinda rushed the ending but I was tired.
Anyways, if you guys want a third or fourth part with Kevin and Brian, then just ask and you shall receive!
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay beautiful!
Until next time my loves!
- Jxcky
Featured or mentioned characters:
Main -
Nogla - Daithi, Dai
Jacksepticeye - Sean
Featured -
Terroriser - Brian
RTGame - Dan
CallMeKevin - Kevin
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casart · 9 months
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Sketch for the purp man's birthday~💜
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whydoihavetoart · 2 years
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vampyriix · 2 months
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spooky!lads rt i would die for you (ref image under the cut)
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feralcryptid-art · 3 months
Some fan art for a spooky YouTuber I enjoy. It’s been on my list of things to draw for a while 😂
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The character is called Clyde and belongs to @pastraspec
Closer look below 👇
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pinofsix · 11 months
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"shut the fuck up." (x)
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faeriekit · 1 year
Health and Hybrids (V)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and whatever prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
PART ONE is here PART TWO is here PART THREE is here PART FOUR is here and this is part five💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts
Where we last left off... Batman had a meeting! Danny acquired age appropriate enrichment toys. All is well. You know. Except for the everything else. But it’s fine and MM is on his way so it’ll all be great soon for sure! :)
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my awful attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
One…Morning? Evening?
Well. One day, Danny rediscovers his tongue.
Most of the muscle is there. Things taste better after he remembers how to taste.
(If everything tastes like iron, well…Danny tries to ignore that.)
Its main function is social. When Danny needs the quiet humans he can’t see to Shut Up or Go Away!, it is now within his power to blow a raspberry.
A slightly bloody raspberry. But still! A success! And when the fuzzy red human buzzes and whines about scaring them off, Danny blows it one too.
If all it does is make the human cry more, hey. That’s not Danny’s business.
The buzzy human comes back with its friends, with fresh sheets, spilling nervousembaras!sednervous all over the room.
Blech. Danny saves himself the trouble and phases through his bed and through the floor below. He does not need to be grabbed again.
He has more energy than he used to. It gets him farther than he’s used to; by the time he finds and works his way through an apple, a pear, and a whole plate of chicken wings, he’s still not sleepy.
…Huh. He rolls over underneath his usual haunt: a conference table. He isn’t feeling the urge to drop into his core. He’s achy, sure, and his limbs hurt and his mouth hurts from eating and he can’t see, but also…
Is Danny bored? Is he finally well enough to be bored of being sick and injured?? That’s. Is that progress? Is it…regression??
Danny sulks under his conference table (his now) with a pile of chicken bones and a few stems and doesn’t know what to do.
If he goes back to his bed…will the sheets already be done? Will people be waiting to get him? Did he lose his…ugh, he doesn’t want to think of them as toys. His…enrichment? Educational tools?
…Okay they might be toys. Whatever. When Danny feels better, he’ll grab something more age appropriate. Maybe he’ll get them from his—
Danny flinches.
…From his house.
If he can get there.
Whatever. He doesn’t want to think about that right now. He wants to figure out how to get rid of his trash without revealing his location. Or leave his conference table shelter.
Danny drums his claws against the low-pile carpet that stretches below him. Should he stay? Rest up? Wait for the threats to his admittedly-kinda-pathetic territory to leave? Should he…go get more food? Should he explore more? He feels all kinds of sore and tired but his head mostly feels clear. Maybe if he—
There’s a hissing noise. Danny bristles. He hisses in like, but—oh. It’s a door.
…Oh. It’s the door.
Uh oh. That’s um. That’s.
Uh oh.
Danny quickly pretends that he hadn’t hissed. He invisibly pushes the top of his head through the thick wood of the conference table. They shouldn’t be able to see anything if he peeks.
Well. Unless they can? But if they can, that’s. Uh. That’s a whole new problem.
Several tall, colorful, adult humans walk into the room. He can’t quite tell how many. Just a bunch. And they’re tall. But hey, they’re color coordinated for easier determination, at least.
Danny lowers himself back down through the table. Should he leave? Will they see him if he tries to leave? Can they spot him?
He sits and worries and he dithers as the humans slowly surround the table and the hidden ghost underneath. Should he…should he go through the floor? Will they know he’s there? Is it even safe to get back to his cot yet?
Feet start appearing underneath the table. Danny shies away from them. He pulls his chicken bones away from them too; if they step on one, they might notice him.
Then everything gets quiet. There’s only one quiet, droning voice.
So maybe Danny peeks again.
There’s a giant shadow at the front. It’s probably human. It has black arms and black legs and a patch of what is probably skin in his very fuzzy vision. It stands beside a lit screen.
Danny squints.
…Oh. He can’t quite tell what it’s about, or what’s exactly is being shown on the screen, but he knows what a powerpoint presentation is supposed to look like: a person, a lot of talking, a screen, and a lot of people listening. They’re just…talking. They’re not even talking about Danny.
Okay. He’ll rest under the table. It seems…safe enough for now.
It’s better to listen to human heartbeats and breathing in a room than it is to sit in his silent one, waiting for some new horror to break the everpresent quiet. Danny lays on his belly, nose to the carpet, and counts how many feet are under the table. (There are sixteen feet.) Some humans are wearing real shoes, with inch-thick soles of hard rubber at the bottom. Some are wearing things that look like shoes, but are too flexible, with soft soles that bend and curl as they flex under the table. Very few of them have laces or fixtures. Huh.
A wrapper falls. Danny watches the ball of foil flutter to the floor, at peace with his position, tired of inspecting shoes. And then a face pops down.
Danny freezes. (It’s not the smartest move.)
The face that popped down probably sees him back, considering how still it goes. And then, very slowly, so slowly, a hand reaches down. Danny flinches back, and—
…It grabs the wrapper. The adult carefully gets back up. The face disappears.
Danny doesn’t move. Danny doesn’t leave. Danny doesn’t breathe.
He waits. The human slowly goes back to tapping its toes, wiggling in its seat—and vibrating, in a way that says bored/bored/bored the way the younger human sometimes does.
…No one says anything. No one does anything. No one jumps under the table to get him, there isn’t a break in the speaker that indicates identifying Danny as Present, or as A Problem. Danny is simply…hidden.
He should leave. It would be smart to leave. Danny would be safer if he left.
But also.
This might be the first time he’s been so close to humans in so long.
They don’t know he’s here. It should be…safe. If he just. Listens to the indistinct sound of human voices. Let them wash over him, like a radio left on in the other room.
Danny’s sated. He’s achy. He’s bored. He’s sad. He’s lonely.
…He stays.
He doesn’t notice his humming or the quiet purr in his chest before the hand comes back down again. Danny flinches away from it, the hum guttering to a stop where it had laid.
There’s something about its hand. The hand came down, before, but now there’s something more to it. Another color—a darker color. It’s hard to tell in the shadow underneath the desk. Maybe a—green? A blue? Maybe?
The hand shifts, just a little. And then the thing comes flying at him. Danny jolts backwards, digging his claws into the mere millimeters of carpeting underneath him, and—
Oh. The thing isn’t moving. It hasn’t even exploded.
Danny reaches out a hand. Taps it, gently. It doesn’t hurt. It doesn’t attack him. It doesn’t excrete anything acidic or bite him. He sniffs it, just to be doubly sure, and nope. It smells like plastic. The wrapper crunches under his hands, even when everything sounds mute and muffled. The noise is borderline imaginary, so Danny can’t exactly tell what it sounds like when he plays with the little plastic flaps.
He can tell what it is now, though. The food bar goes down whole, wrapper and all, into his gullet.
Nice. The outside tastes bad, of course, but it’s nice.
The hand goes away, and no one bothers Danny. It’s nice. There are voices, but they aren’t yelling. They aren’t mean to him. They aren’t talking about what his insides look like or how bad he is or how to take more pieces off of him.
…Danny’s core thrums evenly. Peacefully. Maybe he will want that nap after all. His body gets kind of grouchy when it comes to plastic. He can pretend that it isn’t grumpy with his improvised diet with a nap.
Danny curls up on the floor, core beating along with the quick and even taptaptaptaptap fluttering of a too-quick human heart, and settles in for a quiet one.
(When he wakes up again, no one is around to see him throw out his chicken bones in the tiny trash receptacle by the doorway.)
(His toys and new sheets are all there when Danny gets back to his cot.)
(He’s too relieved to do anything but take a second nap.)
“So,” Wally tries, leaning against the wall. “The… Alien? Extraterrestrial?”
Barry shrugs. Fishes a cheeto out of his bag. “Bart’s been calling it a ghoul. They crashed half a mile off the Kent farm a little after you popped out of the Speedforce; there’s a huge chance something happened to them as part of the temporal anomaly.”
“Happened as in…?”
“Yeah.” Barry takes another cheeto. “Bad.”
And theeeere is the visible guilt. There isn’t exactly any great way for Wally to feel after his unintentional resurrection led to an unintentional…something else.
Barry shrugs. There isn’t anything they can do about it; short of rewinding time and shoving Wally back into the Speedforce, which has been shoved off the table with a great deal of force by all of the man’s former teammates, there’s no way to undo the accident that landed the poor alien smacking straight into good-old-fashioned American dirt.
“Don’t worry about the way it happened. It wasn’t your fault, and it sure wasn’t intentional on your part,” Barry points out, and offers the bag of Cheetos towards Wally. The snack is gone in microseconds. The curse of speedsters is really footing the bill of all their emotional eating.
“So, they’re…do we know what they are? Because they definitely shapeshifted fangs as soon as I found their little—whatever that is. Container? Unit? Under the table.” Wally traces the vague shape of the thing’s cerulean heart in the air. “One second I was holding a glass paperweight, and the next I was on the opposite end of a very angry shadow-snake. I think they would have done worse than bit me if it hadn’t had a clear escape route out of there.”
Barry balls the empty bag and shoves it into a pocket. If he litters in the Watchtower, it’s going to be water cooler gossip for years. Bats would never let anyone defile his super cool, super-secret base with garbage without his own form of petty revenge. “Medical says it likely serves as an organ for him,” he says instead, since monologue about how inconvenient it is to be held responsible for his own actions wouldn’t be professional. “So. Think of it less as a container; think of it more as a turtle shell. Medical is pretty sure it’s a part of their body. Messing with it would really hurt them.”
“Mmhmm. One micro-sec.” Barry darts out and away from his nephew; he just remembered he has bottled smoothies in his room. In the time it takes him to fetch two from his mini-fridge—one of his favorite flavor and one of Wally’s—and circle back, the dust motes in the air have hardly even realized he’s gone. They hardly drift even upon his return. “Here.”
Wally catches it easily. To anyone else, Barry would barely have blinked away. To any other Speedster…Barry knows intimately how lethargic and thick time feels against his skull. Slowing down to a mortal, human speed can feel maddening. Sore. Viscerally and bone-shatteringly wrong in his skin, maybe.
“No problem.” Barry would do that and more for his family.
They drink their smoothies.
“You know,” Barry breaks back in, the thoughts of their previous conversation looming lightly in his mind, “Medical says that the fact that we sometimes see their—let’s call it a core—is really, really bad. It’s not a shock that they’re hiding. It would be like climbing in a closet when you’re so vulnerable that you don’t feel like you can defend yourself.”
The rim of Wally’s smoothie bottle drops from his lips. The man frowns. “Oh?”
Barry shrugs. “Imagine losing your skull so that your brain is exposed all the time. Imagine being a cell and having your cell wall break so your nucleus is exposed?”
They both wince at the image.
“Oh boy. And Bart is…playing? With that entity?”
His uncle snorts. “You tell me. I think you’ve seen more of them than I have at the moment. All I did was catch them hanging out in a conference room. I have to admit, the purring can get a little loud in the…” he makes a vague gesture that could mean anything from room to atmosphere to Speedforce.
Wally’s been mostly of the same mind—the physics of the entity, whatever they are, aren’t specifically third-dimensional. It might be related to how they only sometimes manifest, or how they manifest with only partial corporeality.
“It’s been at least some play and some games for him, I’m sure,” Wally admits, a smile pulling at his mouth nevertheless. “I spotted him going through a stim toy website before he suddenly and mysteriously had a mission on the other side of the planet. But I think most of his concern is the…”
Wally winces at the thought of the myriad of medical issues the entity’s faced since his arrival to Earth. Barry’s wince stretches to match. They both saw the report.
“…So it’s been a lot of food on Bart’s part. A lot of managing his care of them too; Superboy and Rob aren’t the most straightforward team in the world, but I think they’re largely keeping Bart in check on this one— not that they’re on base as much as Bart is.”
Wally smiles. It’s not a very happy smile, or very relieved of his earlier guilt, but it’s a smile nevertheless. That’s fine. Barry’ll work on the rest on Sunday; they’re due for a good luncheon out somewhere nice. Their JLA-approved food budget can foot the bill. Maybe…Indian? There’s got to be good food in Delhi they haven’t tried yet.
“At least J’onn’s back on base next week.” Wally sighs, crooked and a little weary. “Maybe this will finally get them to stop running every time someone gets within forty feet of them. Like, they realize they’re losing vital fluids, right? Wait, is Bart even giving them any water?”
“…I’m going to hold off on that worrying thought. I have a different one I’m sweating over. Do we even know if Bart will let our resident telepath get within forty feet of his new playmate?”
Wally groans, face in his hands. Barry can’t help but laugh a little—perhaps tinged with desperation.
Sidekicks. Always with the new problems. At least last time they had this problem, Kon could talk.
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abrielarnold · 1 year
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When most people ranted, their emotions were stuck firmly in -annoyed!- mode. Sam drifted constantly between -annoyed!- and -frustrated!- and, surprisingly, -jealous!-. It was a rainbow of emotions tapping gently against his nerves.
Real Life by @cordria is the fic that hooked me on spooky!danny fics. Ghosts are blind and feed off emotions. Everything is deliciously tactile, and Danny is Conflicted.
The first few chapters are on ao3 here, and there is a wonderful oneshot here [StarShots 85: You're Not Being You] that takes place a few months afterward and offers a ton of closure.
(Also here's the OG oneshot Real Life is based off of-> StarShots 49)
dannymay prompt: monster
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circuitreats · 18 days
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I̶ ̴f̶o̸u̷n̵d̷ ̵y̵o̵u̴.̵.̶.̵!̸
An illustration of my FNAF OC, Neo the Neon bat!! An 80's arcade themed lad who runs the laser tag area...!
Might be offered as a print in my etsy shop soon too ;)
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I know your not active much in the spooky lads au but I wanted to make sure you see this. Your au has its own tag on AO3 which is pretty hard to do!
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I am... flabbergasted??
I kid you not I just sat here with my jaw open for 5 minutes. I-
look mum i made it??? seeing my username on ao3 feels so strange like what is this timeline
Thank you so so much for telling me! Maybe I'll write a little thing to celebrate...
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tavtarnish · 1 year
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Ghost as a Eurovision contestant? Broke
Ghost as the Iceland spokesperson? Woke
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jxckyx3 · 2 years
Been a while since I've done a SpookyLads shot, so here ya go!! I know this should technically be in my BBS one shot book, but I'm already writing it here, so.
┐⁠ (⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠)⁠ ┌
Ship:  Daithi harem - Daithideterroriser centered
Top: Brian
Bottom: Daithi
AU: SpookyLads
Setting: Haunted mansion
Type: Nsfw lemon
Warning ⚠️: The chapter you're about to read contains heavy swearing, tentacle sex, smut and other mentions or situations that may disturb, trigger or offend the viewer. Reader's discretion is advised. 🔞
Daithi's pov -
Eight years. Eight years I've known him and he's never once told me anything about his robot abilities.
Yeah, Brian shows off his calculations all the time like the know-it-all he is. Yeah, he likes to detect where me and some of the lads are whenever we hide from him to ignore his bitch ass needs. And yeah, he likes to experiment in the lab with his arms and add attachments or add in new guns.
But he never does anything else! Nothing new, nothing different, nothing unseen.
I've asked him many, many times before but he never elaborates. He doesn't speak on the matter, and likes to dodge any questions about his robot anatomy.
I've always wanted to know more about it, curious as to what he's able to do. I know he can shift his arms into guns, swords—pretty much any weapon. I know that he can make fire, I know he can detect danger from a mile away, I know he can feel human electronics from even further away and—god, it sounds like we knew a lot about Brian's perks but there really wasn't!
It was all small things for convenience. Like popping the breaker in the mansion with a small flick his wrist or being able to fix the microwave in less than three seconds whenever Kevin blows it back up again.
There was nothing cool, or spectacular about those things—as helpful as they are— and I'm starting to get frustrated with this stupid thought.
I know Brian is capable of more than to what he's letting on, but he won't budge on the matter at hand!
I always ask him about it and he gives me a certain look that he makes whenever he's nervous. He doesn't want to respond to the question and I know I should respect it.
But Brian my best friend for fucks sake! I tell him everything! Literally everything!
I even told him that I was gay! Not even the others lads know that. Though I'm sure it's obvious at this point.
But that's besides the fact. Brian and I tell eachother everything. Hell, he even told me about the time he had a crush on Minx until he found out that she liked to peg men.
And that's saying a lot.
I sighed in annoyance, pouting as I crossed my arms over my chest.
I watched as Brian twisted in a few new screws, replacing the old rusty ones on his left arm.
He winced, grumbling to himself quietly before knocking on the table and holding his hand out to me, not looking away from his work.
I picked up a nearby screwdriver with a smaller head on the desk, setting it in his palm.
He mumbled a small 'thanks', before continuing his work.
I've assisted him in many things before. Machines, trinkets, gadgets, and many more. His main focus on modifying his own body.
He never tells me what any of the chips or hard drives he makes are for. Just asks me to fetch sometime for him or hand him something. Either that or find another book in Dan's library to help him out.
I never have a clue as to what he's working on, and to be frank I think he likes it that way. He likes to tease me by being 'mysterious', as he described it.
It's mentally painful.
The amount of questions of curiosity that I've been trying my hardest to hold back have been eating at me for God knows how long.
I do ask a few questions here and here—which are bypassed or unanswered— but the amount of them asked, comes nowhere close as to how many I have on my mind.
"I...I need ta do something important. I'll be back." I sighed, pulling myself off the table and floating over to the door.
I glanced over as I heard the clicking of Brian's tools stop, his eyes fixed onto me.
"And what is t'at?" He asked, looking curious yet uncaring. I shrugged, setting my hands on the dark wood of the door.
"Jus' somethin' important." I excused, swallowing nervously as his gaze dropped to suspicion.
"Right... important." He muttered, doubtfully nodding his head at me slowly. I hummed in confirmation, nodding back at him.
We sat in a heavy silence. The room suddenly feeling awkward.
I cleared my throat.
"Well t'en...see ya later!" I smiled with a small wave, turning away from his prying eyes and going through the door.
I waited on the other side for a few seconds, knowing that Brian was probably using his x-ray vision to see where I was going.
So I didn't move until I heard the soft metal clicking of his tools again.
I floated through the dark house, making my way up the flight of stairs.
I could always just fly straight up from the floors, but I was too used to following the lads around so there really was no point in taking short cuts unless I really needed to.
I moved along the long empty halls of the mansion, stoping at the two large doors. I pushed myself through the wood, glancing around to scope the area.
In the far corner, I could see a small movement. Brown hair bouncing a bit as the owner hopped off of one of the tall ladders to reach the higher books.
Just the man I needed.
"Hey Dan." I greeted cheerfully, hovering behind his back as I peeked over his shoulder at the book in his hands.
He shouted and jumped in surprise, almost dropping the small stacks of books in his hands.
"Heh, sorry." I apologized, nervously smiling at him as he tried to catch his breath.
"Jesus- you're alright Daithi. Just spooked me a bit." He admitted, giving me a soft smile.
"Ye need something?" He asked, gesturing towards his desk as he motioned me to follow. I hummed with a nod, hovering close.
"Uh yeah...I was actually a bit curious if ye had any dirt on Brian?" I asked, lowering my voice. Dan raised a brow as he sat in his chair, setting his books down.
"Dirt? What, like secrets?" He asked, folding his hands over one another. I hummed again, seating myself in the chair opposite of him.
Not lots of people knew it, but floating around as a ghost is exhausting. People thinks it takes energy to physically touch stuff but in fact, it's the other way around. It takes more energy to go through things.
It's much easier to just maneuver around like a living human.
"Like any secrets on his biology and stuff." I said, leaning forward like a puppy waiting for treats.
Dan stared at me for a moment, his face dusting an almost unnoticeable red on his pale skin as he looked down at me.
Must be really nervous to share his input on the matter.
"Daithi...may I ask why ye want ta know?" He suddenly asked, leaning forward as was I—just not as far. I simply shrugged, pouting my lips in thought.
"'M just curious. He usually tells me everythin' but he doesn't bother on t'is topic. I think he just likes ta tease me by not tellin' me." I admitted, huffing in slight annoyance.
Third pov -
Oh if only he knew, Dan thought.
Brian wasn't as secretive as Daithi thought. The little Irish ghost was just oblivious.
Brian didn't care to hide his feelings for Daithi as much as the rest of the lads did. Of course, Kevin came next, showing the ghost in affection but he never flirted.
Sean flirted. Just not as often.
Dan himself didn't do much to show his love, thinking his feelings were an inconvenience. The last time he fell in love it was with a mortal, and she died before he could tell her.
Now that he loved a monster like Daithi —who couldn't die tragically because he already did—he didn't have the same misfortune. But he still felt it was useless to admit his love.
What was the best that could happen? They get together? Hold hands? Cuddle? Kiss?
Although it did sound tempting, Dan wasn't gonna risk his friendship with the ghost. And that goes for the others too.
It was too risky to make any real moves for the ghost's heart.
"-plus, I'm his assistant! I should be allowed to know what's he's up ta, right?" Daithi asked, snapping Dan out of his daze. He didn't realize it before, but the other had been rambling on about why Brian should tell him what he's up to.
"Oh I agree. Ye deserve ta know." Dan butted in, thankful he had payed attention to the question. Or else he would have to be dealing with an annoyed ghost—and though it is cute, it's not the easiest side of Daithi to deal with.
"See! T'ats what I'm sayin'! He should be tellin' me all the stuff he's working on considering te fact tat I'm helping him wit' it all." He huffed, resting his chin on his folded arms on the edge of the desk.
Dan nodded, sliding his books out of the way and leaning down closer.
"Mhm, I understand. And how does t'at make ye feel, Daithi?" He asked softly, reaching for a comforting approach as he watched the expression on the ghost's face twitch.
"Mad. Annoyed. Betrayed. Angry. Pissed off. Like I want to smack the living shit outta—"
"Alright, alright. How about t'is. If ye feel betrayed when he doesn't tell ya what he's up to, do you know why ye feel t'at way?" Dan cut the other off, taking his question in a different direction.
It seemed to stump Daithi, pursing his lips and fidgeting with one of his locks of hair with his fingers.
He then glanced up at the vampire, looking into his red eyes as of he'd find the awnser to his question in them.
"Because we're best friends. We're supposed ta tell eachother everything eventually. But it's been eight years." He grumbled, averting his gaze and looking off to the many shelves of books lining the large room.
Dan hummed, nodding to himself as he felt he was getting somewhere.
"Hmm, and do ye tell Brian everything?" He asked, reaching his and out to brush the loose bangs away from Daithi's face. That way he won't be distracted from their conversation.
The ghost flushed slightly at the action, refusing to meets Dan's eyes when he reached out and held his fidgeting hand.
"Well...no." he admitted, seeming to realize that he in fact didn't tell Brian everything.
He never tells him anything embarrassing unless it's someone else in the story that's getting embarrassed. But if for example he couldn't digest something due to his entity form and ended up puking it up into a pile of exoplasm, he wasn't gonna let Brian know about that.
It was unnecessary and embarrassing.
"Well then, should he feel betrayed because of something ye hadn't told him?" Dan asked, continuing on with his therapist-like conversation.
He always found that misleading their questions would distract them from their real worries.
"Ye're trying to distract me, aren't ya."
"Heh- what? No! I'm just helpin' ye see both sides of the situation!" Dan laughed nervously, shooting up straight in his seat.
Daithi glared up at him in annoyance, pushing himself off the seat and floating over the desk, getting real close to Dan's face.
"Ye didn't answer my first question, Dan. Instead you flipped it around and started askin' questions of yere own. Now spill the beans." He growled softly, his voice and expression terribly adorable despite the threatening aggression.
Dan leaned back in instinct, licking his teeth to feel the fangs grow slightly. Daithi was way too close. His instinct to mark him as a mate was overpowering. He needed to focus.
Dan heaved a heavy a sigh.
"Fine. Listen, I don't know much about his robotic biology. But I do know t'at he can do some freaky shit." He said, lowering his voice into a warning tone.
Daithi nodded eagerly, sitting himself on Dan's desk with his legs on either side of the other as he waited for him to continue.
Dan flicked his eyes down, trying his hardest ignore the vulnerability the other was presenting himself in.
Legs spread open and his body calm, his guard set down.
The sooner I respond the sooner he leaves me to my own lovestruck misery.
"I caught him in his room one time and it was dark besides candles lighting up te room. All I saw was his shadow at first, but it was... Inhumane. He looked like some kind of octopus or demonic monster. When he heard me open te door though, the extra limb lookin' things shot back into his shadow and when I saw him, he was completely normal." Dan explained, quieting his voice down to a whisper.
Daithi nodded rapidly in interest, eyes wide like a child and mouth slightly parted in awe.
Though it wasn't much, he felt like he was getting somewhere.
"But other than that, I haven't seen anything else much. He's very discreet about keepin' his body functions ta himself, so I'd be careful if I were ye." Dan sighed, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back in his chair.
The ghost nodded, pinning his knees together and sitting up straight like the innocent little being he was.
"I will, thanks Dan." He said sweetly, flashing him a wide smile.
Somehow...Dan doubted those words.
"Ye better. Last thing I want if fer Brian ta kill ye a second time because he caught ye diggin' fer his manual in his room—"
"He has a manual?!"
Damnit Dan.
"W-well manual? Did I say t'at?" The vampire stuttered nervously.
"Yeah, ye did. A manual...a manual fer his body? Could be..." Daithi mumbled to himself, a mischievous smile breaking to his face as he leaned back with his hands, spreading his legs again.
Dan flushed, biting his bottom lip and looking away again.
Hell, he was making himself so appetizing.
"Well, looks like 'm on a hunt for a manual." The ghost chuckled, tapping the tips of his fingers together like some kind of villain.
"Hey Daniel, do we have te-... Am I interrupting something?" Sean walked in, his elf-like ears pointing back as he caught the two in place.
Dan's face red and his fangs visible with Daithi sitting on his desk with his legs spread in front of him.
Anyone could assume the worst in this scenario.
"Ah, Sean! Did ye know Brian has a manual for his body?" The ghost perked up, shooting up from Dan's desk and getting up real close to the werewolf's face in excitement, his body floating in the air.
Sean stuttered, feeling his face blush at the sweet flowery smell of the other.
"Manual for his body? Like manuals on how to put together a computer or some shit?" He asked, raising his brow at the other.
Unlike Dan, he didn't care for being so close to the ghost. In fact, he didn't even make a move to step back.
Daithi hummed with a nod, a smile still plastered onto his glowing face.
"And guess who's gonna find it? Me! I'm gonna find it! I'm gonna find all his dirty little secrets." He giggled with an evil glare, to which just looked adorable to the other two monsters in the room.
"Well, good luck. He keeps that shit locked in a safe." Sean said, walking around the ghost to drop off the paperwork on Dan's desk.
"A safe? How do ye know?" Daithi asked curiously, following close to the werewolf.
"I walked into his room one time when I needed help with something. I saw te safe an asked him what it was. Said a manual's in it." He explained. Dan scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"More like pestered 'em about it till he told you. I could hear te both of ye's from my room." He said with a raised brow. Sean just blew him a raspberry, plopping down in the chair that Daithi sat in earlier.
"Safe...did ye see the number code?" The ghost asked. Hope gleaming in his eyes.
Sean hummed in thought, bouncing his leg over the edge of the air chair as he rubbed his chin.
"Can't say I do...but it's only three numbers like any other." He stated. He then winced, regretting his words as Daithi cheered with a happy clap of his hands.
"Great! Thank lads!" He said, floating over to the library doors in a hurry. They were then slammed open abruptly, slightly startling him—thinking it was Brian— and in came walking was Kevin.
"Oh, hi!" He greeted cheerfully, giving the ghost a not-so-apologetic grin.
"Jesus Kev, ye scared me." He sighed, ruffling the human's hair before continuing his way down the hall.
Kevin hummed happily, watching the other go before stepping into the room and looking at the other two.
"What'd I miss?" He asked. As nonchalant as ever.
Dan sighed, shaking his head as he stood up from his chair and leaned against his desk.
"Sean here practically gave Daithi permission ta rummage through Brian's room and now he might experience his second death from doing so." He explained, Kevin's eyes slightly widening as he looked over to the werewolf.
"Hey, I didn't give 'em permission, alright? He asked a question and I simply answered it." He said in defense, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked away.
Dan rolled his eyes.
"However way ye put it, Daithi's gonna go through Brian's stuff ta look fer his manual. Ye know how safe-keep he had t'at thing, so I need someone to convince him not to go in t'ere." Dan sighed, looking up at Kevin.
The human blinked, glancing at Sean in question before moving his gaze back to Dan.
"Kevin, he's talking about you. You need to go get Daithi back." Sean explained with a small laugh.
"Oh- oh! But why me?" Kevin asked, already grabbing the library doors and preparing to run after his supernatural friend.
"Because if we do it we'll just give in because we can't resist his adorable feckin' face." Sean deadpanned. Dan frowned, thinking before nodding with a slight blush.
"Essentially, yes." He confirmed.
And it wasn't wrong. Dan and Sean were more likely to give into the ghost than Kevin was.
The human just matched the same energy as him, and somehow it leveled out. It was almost impossible to make Kevin flustered. Of course, not that Daithi hadn't been able to, he has.
It was just harder considering that Kevin could literally give zero fucks about hiding his crush on Daithi.
Dan arched a brow at the human, Sean mimicking the same expression.
"Okay...yeah, good point." Kevin muttered, nodding at their silent message before heading out the library.
He ran down the halls towards Brian room, mentally hoping that the other hadn't taken a shortcut through the walls.
When he turned the corner that led the hall to Brian's room, Kevin was thankful to see his ghost friend hovering there, about to enter the cyborg's room.
"Daithi, wait!" He called, running the rest of the way over. The ghost turned his head, smiling upon seeing the human again.
"Hey Kev, ye need somethin'?" He asked politely, tilting his head in an innocent manner. It was almost hard to believe that he was about to ransack his best friend's room.
"Uh...I need help wit' somethin." He lied. He found this solution easier than trying to convince his friend not to do what he was about to do.
Daithi was a stubborn mother fucker. Probably the most stubborn of all of them. He was not gonna back down from this even if the Grim Reaper himself told him not to.
"Oh, with what?" He asked, subconsciously lowering himself to the ground a bit to be eye level with Kevin.
Daithi found it that when he wasn't looking down at his friends, they became more comfortable to share things with him. It was a psychology trick, really.
Also, because his roommates like the power of being taller when deep in a conversation. Though, he didn't mind it.
"Uh...uh- oh! I want ta put moon flowers in the empty field where ye like to hang out. It seemed like a cool idea but I don't know shit about gardening like ye do." Kevin came up with on the spot.
He felt slightly bad for lying, but at the same time, he didn't mind spending some time with the ghost alone.
Of course, it's likely that one of the lads would come over just to invade their privacy —Sean— just because they all had a huge, noticable crush on the ghost.
"Moon flowers? Like ta kinds that only Bloom when the moon shines?" Daithi asked, looking interested in the matter. It was no secret that he loves flowers.
"Yeah! Those kind. I don't have any seed though, so we might have'ta scavenge the forest fer some." Kevin said, already trying to plan ahead so he didn't seem stupid.
Daithi opened his mouth to agree, but was quick to remember why he was here in the first place.
"Oh...well 'm kinda busy right now. Maybe later or tomorrow night?" He suggested, giving Kevin a sweet smile. The human had to literally restrain himself from kissing the other, so he faked a disappointed look.
"Aww, but I wanna do it now Daithi." He whined playfully, smiling as he tried to annoy the other 'till he said yes.
But Daithi had that look that said he wasn't gonna budge from his decision. It's already been made, and he wasn't gonna change it.
"Sorry Kevin, but I promise I'll go wit' ye later." He sighed, grabbing Kevin's face and pressing a small peck to his forehead.
"Okie, bye!" He said happily, giving the human a tiny wave before flying through the thick wooden door.
Kevin didn't move, still in a daze from the little kiss.
Daithi never does that. He never kisses them. Now Kevin had a new mission.
He smirked to himself with a red face, turning on his hell to head back for the library.
He was gonna brag so much about this and annoy the living shit out of the other two.
Daithi looked around the large room, taking a second to admire the pretty moonlight flowing into the room and illuminating a beautiful highlight.
He glanced around, looking for anything that resembled a safe.
He moved over to the nightstand. Nothing.
He looked under Brian's bed. Nothing.
He then looked under his work desk and even checked around the closet. Nothing.
He huffed in irritation, feeling impatient with himself. Sean never said exactly where the safe was, so he had as to no clue where it could be. He didn't say it was hidden either though, so it had to be somewhere in plain sight unless Brian moved it.
"If I were Brian, where would I put a safe that kept a book..." He asked himself, tapping his chin in thought. He then came with realization, turning to the small bookshelf that sat kitty-cornered in the room.
He rolled his eyes upon immediately seeing a small metal box the size of his own head sitting on the middle shelf.
Of course.
He floated over to the shelf, putting his ear on the box and raising his hand on the dial. He twisted it slowly, listening to the tics until he heard a small click on the inside.
He then turned it counter-clockwise, using the same method until he head another click.
He smiled to himself, turning the dial to the right side one more time. Waiting for that single click that determined his victory.
He pulled back, opening the door to the safe slowly. In all it's glory, sat a red, dusty leather book. Three inches of pages and over thousands of papers that surely had every one of Brian's secrets written in print.
He reached his hands up, just barely grazing the leather cover with his finger tips before he heard the door creak open.
He flinched in surprise, quickly slamming the safe door shut and turning around to see the owner of the book.
"Daithi?" Brian asked, looking confused as he entered the room slowly. Daithi smiled innocently, trying to ignore it when Brian closed the door and flicked the lock.
"Hey Brian! Done wit' ye're arm so soon?" He asked glancing down at the polished looking metal plates that sat embedded into his limb. Well, they were his limb, but.
"Yeah...what are ye doin' in here?" Brian asked, taking slow steps towards his friend. Daithi felt a cold shudder run down his back despite always being cold, considering the fact that he's dead.
"Oh, just... lookin' fer a book." He excused nervously, pointing to the shelf behind him. Brian pursed his lips, nodding in suspicion.
"Oh? Me too. I needed my manual." He replied, glancing over to the safe—that looked like it had been tampered with.
"Heh, what a coincidence. Me too." He said with a visibly forced smile.
Fuck, why did I say that?!
"Yeah... Some may even say hard ta believe." Brian mumbled, his voice lowering as he crossed his arms and looked at Daithi with a sharp glare.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Daithi knew that look anywhere. It was the look that Brian had when he was deep in thought. And usually when he has that expression, he sees right through his friends' lies and confronts them right away.
And he was right. Brian knew exactly why Nogla was here, in his room.
The evidence was concrete.
He was standing at the book case, the safe was clearly cracked open, his face was paler than usual with nervousness and he was fidgeting with his hands.
Brian knew that Daithi's wanted to know more about his biology, never getting any clear answer in return of his questions.
There was a reason that Brian never told the lads anything—especially Nogla, about what he was working.
And recently, he didn't want to tell him jack-shit because he was preparing sometimes in his system for the ghost.
Something that was secret for a reason.
"Ye really want ta know what I've been up ta lately... don't ya." Brian muttered, lowering his voice. The words came out as more of a statement than a question, seeing as it's so damn obvious.
Daithi stared in surprise, blinking a few times before nodding sheepishly.
Brian sighed, nodded his own head before gesturing at the ghost and leading him over to his bed.
Was this it? Was Brian finally gonna tell him what he's been doing these past few months?
It wasn't a secret that the robot's been working on a project these last few weeks. Researching for half the days and attaching more prototypes into his database the rest of them.
But nobody knew what he was doing. But now, was Daithi gonna finally find out.
"Ye wanna know what I've been doin'? Fine. I'll show ye. But I did try ta warn ya by not answering beforehand. This outcome is totally on you." Brian said sternly, rolling up the sleeves on his leather jacket to reveal his full metal arms.
"Wait, wha- ah!" Daithi yelped in shock as Brian forcefully grabbed his wrists and shoved him into the bed, holding him in place.
Daithi didn't have time to question how Brian was able to touch him without going through, as he stared in fear as sharp pointed tentacle-like, metal limbs sprouted from under Brian's jacket, slithering around his back to reach the front.
"T-te fuck?! How are ye- what are ye- huh?!" Daithi exclaimed, no knowing what to ask first as the tendrils slithered forward, sliding under his clothes and grazing his delicate skin.
How was Brian's hands not going through him? How the hell was he able to pin him down like this? Why did he have metal octopus tentacles sprouting from his back in the first place?!
Lots of questions were going through Daithi's head. A lot of which he wanted to ask right now. But he couldn't find it in himself to speak.
He was too shocked and surprised, tensing up in fear as Brian's cold, metal limbs ran across his body, sending shivers down his spine.
"Ah, b-bri, what a-are...how?" He asked, ignoring the feeling on his body to hesitantly meet the other's gaze.
Brian smirked down at him, finding the blue blush that was smeared across the other's face too adorable.
"Daithi, ye really are stupid aren't ya?" He chuckled, watching a flash of offense flicker onto the ghost's face, that was quickly washed away when a metal tentacle glided across one of his nipples. Earning a wince of stained pleasure instead.
"Ye really can't give yer'self anyway anymore than ye are right now. Diggin' through my shit just to find the littlest hint of what I've been doing. How I'm built. Ye really want ta know? Then I'll tell ya..." He grinned, switching his hands for two of his metal tentacles to wrap around Daithi's wrists.
"Ye remember those paranormal investigators t'at came ta visit the house a few months back? T'ey had me thinking...since they have machines ta capture ghosts, then surely they have prototypes ta physically touch one, no?" He asked, moving his hands down to caress the others hips.
He stopped his explanation momentarily to sigh in satisfaction, loving how well Daithi's hips fit between his hands.
The ghost grunted as he felt one of the metal limbs slid around his upper thigh, wiggling his legs at the unfamiliar sensation of Brian's body between them, their crotches pressed up against one another.
"So when we scared t'em off, I took their gadgets and picked them apart. I found the initial prototype that made it possible to touch ghosts, and added it to my hard drive. It took a few weeks of research ta make it work properly all through my body, but I got it eventually." Brian continued, slightly grinding his hips into Daithi's.
The latter gasped at this, gritting his teeth to hold in the moan that climbed up his throat.
"And then, it took me a month or so ta add in a few other adjustments. Such as these." The cyborg spoke, slithering one of the cold tentacles up his friend's shirt and trailing it down the center of his body, stopping just short of the hem of his jeans.
"Tentacles. I really had no use for this whole 'being able to touch ghosts' thing, but then my mind wandered over ta ye. All te times you've pranked me by possessing my arms and making me slap myself, all the times you've been blatantly wrong and refused ta take the blame even when ye yer'self knew it, and god damnit, all the fuckin'times ye've teased us all wit' t'is body of yours." Brian growled, gripping the other's waist tighter.
He held in a whimper at the action, biting his lip as he felt the tentacles—almost unnoticeably— slowly spreading his legs apart.
"And in that moment...all I could think about was that I could now touch ye all I wanted, and ye can't float away no matter how much ye want ta. But now...I think ye wouldn't mind t'at, considering you're harder than me right now." Brian smirked, flicking his eyes downward. Daithi stiffened, shooting his eyes down to see the tent in his pants. He cursed quietly.
He hadn't even felt the pressure down there.
He felt his face flush deeply, shooting a glare up at the older male.
"Desperate, are we now?" Brian chuckled. Daithi just deepened his glare.
If anything, this wasn't his fault. Being a ghost came with it's consequences. You couldn't touch someone unless you used energy, nobody could touch you back without feeling cold to the bone, all you could feed on was lost souls and even when you could eat real food, it never really tasted the same as you could remember.
Hell, when Daithi died, he mentally cursed all heaven and hell for making him a ghost and would have rather had been reborn as an ugly, disgusting fallen apart zombie.
But he was blessed to be a ghost.
Only years later was he thankful for it, as he didn't get many disgusted stares and could disappear from a conversation in the snap of someone's fingers if his anti socialism got the best of him.
But he'd never had any sort of sexual relation in over thousands of years. He didn't even remember that his lower half had a second purpose other than to use the bathroom.
And now here he was... about to be used in that other purpose. And he didn't think he minded much—as embarrassing as it was to be in this position by the hand of your best friend.
"Shut up." He snapped, only feeling his face heat up more as Brian's smirk grew.
"Man, ye're still t'is stubborn even after I have ye pinned down like this? Admirable, really." The cyborg laughed, leaning forward to smash his lips in with the ghost.
Daithi felt a warm fluttery feeling in his chest at the action, whimpering softly at how much he realized he missed physical affection.
He easily gave in, leaning into the kiss carefully. This was his best friend, after all. He didn't know how many boundaries were laid between them.
However, the way Brian's tentacles ripped his clothes off and the way his hands were sliding up his sides made him think that Brian had no boundaries.
The taller of the two wiggled his wrists in the tight grasp of the metal tentacles holding them down, wanting to touch his friend.
He had had a taste of physical touch, and all he wanted was more. Brian was right. He was desperate.
"Aww, is my little ghoul giving in now? Well t'ats not as fun. Still as satisfying though." Brian teased with a shit eating grin. Daithi hissed a curse at him, turning his head to the side and averting his shameful gaze.
Out of all his roommates, why did Brian have to be the one to do this? Not that he's complaining or picking favorites—but the cyborg was known to tease and hold a moment over someone's head for the longest time.
No reason this wasn't gonna be different. Daithi was definitely gonna get teased about this moment for as long as his immortal life drags out.
"So shiny..." Brian muttered, trailing one of his hands down the others slim neck and admiring the ghostly glow of his smooth skin.
He leaned down and placed soft kisses to the flesh, earning small gasps and winces of pleasure in return.
"So pretty..." Brian muttered again, feeling his hands around the bare skin of the other's body.
Daithi was completely nude now, not having cared to word his surprise or anything of the sort. The only feelings he had room for, was embarrassment and want.
He wanted—no, he needed more, but he wasn't gonna go and ask for that.
He shivered when he felt Brian's large hands find home at his rear end, squeezing curiously at the perfectly round mounds.
The ghost shook in his arms, feeling shocks of pleasure with each feeling of the other that reached his body.
Wether it be one of the tentacles brushing against a sensitive area, wether it be one of Brian's hands groping softly at his body or wether it be the cyborg's breath, warming up his cold skin that hasn't felt any sort of body warmth in over years.
Regardless of what it was, Daithi felt pleasure from it. He loved this new sensation and would give up anything to have more of it.
He rolled his hips up into the other male, moaning quietly at the rough fabric of Brian's jeans rubbing against his naked erection.
"Ye're so needy. Ta be honest, I didn't picture ye t'is way. I thought you'd be cursing me out right now and maybe telling me ta fuck off, but...this is different. I like it." Brian stated, pulling Daithi's hips against his own, being rewarded with a small call of his name.
He chuckled, leaning back up to get a good view of the other. His body was now tinted with a darker blue, an illuminating blush that looked so beautiful on his pretty face.
Brian slid one of his tentacles towards his lips, brushing the metal across the opening.
"Open ye're mouth darling." Brian cooed, smirking at how quickly the ghost gave in. He was like his little servant, abiding by any demands he gave him.
Daithi subconsciously moaned when the tentacle slid between his lips and into his mouth, tip playing with his tongue.
Brian slowly thrusted it in and out, running his hands down Daithi's body until they reached his pelvis.
He carefully griped the leaking shaft, pressing on the bead of precum at the tip with his thumb.
He pulled it back slightly, admiring how much brighter and more sticky the substance was than normal semen.
Like glow in the dark slime.
Daithi mewled helplessly as Brian swirled small circles on the head of his circumcised penis, fingers stroking the side skillfully.
He brought his free hand up to his mouth, coating his fingers in saliva. He then pulled the ghost's legs further apart with his tentacles, lowering his hand towards the little entrance.
Daithi was so occupied with the metal intrusion in his mouth, that he could barely think when Brian had started to stroke his erection. He was even more unready, for when he felt a finger slowly slid inside of him.
He let a squeak escape his lips when the digit pressed into his walls, another one of the same size sliding in alongside the first.
Daithi moaned at the uncomfortable feeling, but the hand on his dick brought him back to the thought of pleasure, that he didn't even realize he has started to moan louder when the fingers brushed against the bundle of nerves inside his body.
His noises were muffled from the tentacle down his throat of course, but to Brian, they were like music to his ears.
The sounds were just so submissive and helpless that it made him feel even tighter in his pants—if that was even possible.
He slid his fingers in deeper, going down to the knuckle before curling them inside the other. Daithi arched his back at the feeling, his body visually trembling at the intense feeling.
Back when he was alive, gay sex was a sin. A crime. Of course, that didn't stop him from trying. He's had many sex relations with men, but they were all handjobs or blowjobs.
Never had he spread his legs for a man and been given pleasure down there. And never did he think he'd even get to try it.
But now, he had Brian hovering over him, pinning him in place and giving him the pleasure wether he wanted it or not.
And he did want it. He wanted it so bad. His fingers didn't seem like enough and all he wanted was for the robot to whip his fucking dick out and take him already!
But he didn't think he was gonna get that pleasure. Not any time soon at least. It seemed that Brian has planned to drag this foreplay out for as long as possible.
The tentacle occupying his mouth slid out with strings of saliva and a slick noise, a choked moan slipping free from Daithi's mouth as Brian's hands were removed.
He wiggled his hips in need, wanting to feel those fingers touching him again. Brian laughed at the impatience, running his hands up his inner thighs.
"Don't worry love, you'll get my dick soon. Just relax an' enjoy yer'self." Brain chuckled, discreetly sliding the wet tentacle down between the other's legs.
Daithi whined loudly, feeling the tip play with his rim. He then let out a gasped moan as it pushed into him unexpectedly, spreading his walls more than Brian's fingers had.
It was still thinner than any dick, but at least it was a step up from fingers. The metal felt warm inside of him—but that was a common occurrence due to the fact that he was a ghost and had no sort of heat radiation in his body.
"F-fuck, Brian...p-push it deeper." He pleaded, fluttering his eyes—unable to keep them open nor closed— as he balled his hands into tiny fists.
"Yeah? Ye want it deeper?" The cyborg asked with a grin. It was a rhetorical question, but Daithi nodded anyways.
Brain obliged, but not without a bit of added measures.
He pushed the tentacle deeper like Daithi had asked, but only a few inches. When the ghost opened his mouth to protest for more, the tentacle started to vibrate violently as well as twist and press into his walls aggressively.
The reaction was instantaneous, as Daithi moaned and gasped at the mechanical pleasure, zaps of euphoric bliss shooting up his spine.
"Oh fuck, Brian! Brian! Angh!" He cried out, jerking and jolting uncontrollably as the harsh vibration went on. His insides were tingling in places where he's never felt before and his body felt like it was a hundred degrees.
Choked gasps and moans left his lips, unable to control his noises no longer. Tears slid down his cheeks like neon, glowing water, his cheeks now a dark blue hue.
He couldn't contain his sounds no more, whimpers and squeals of pleasure following up along the rest of his innocent sounding noises.
Brian bit his lip to hold back a groan, already feeling himself gather precum of his own down in his pants.
The sight was simply too much to handle for him. The way Daithi's lips parted for each and every small or loud sound that left his throat, the way his eyes fluttered with each pump of the tentacle and the way his body seemed to vibrate along with it.
It was honestly too breath taking for him to come to realize of how long he's been sitting here pleasuring the other.
Daithi was close to cumming. Way too close to think or squeak in a warn.
"B-brian! Brian, I'm gonna- fffuck-!" He managed to get out in an unbelievably high pitch tone. His body convulsed harshly in the grasp of the tentacles still holding him down, his moans breaking into desperate, overstimulated sobs and sharp gasps.
Brian blinked out of his daze, realizing he still had the vibration on his tentacle. He quickly switched it off with a swift flick of his wrist, slowly pulling the metal limb out of the other.
The ghost gasped quietly, body still jolting every few seconds as cum continued to leak from his member, his orgasm depleting.
"Shit...got a bit carried away." Brain muttered, running a hand through his hair before leaning down and placing small kisses to the taller's tears that dripped down his flushed face.
Daithi whimpered at the feeling, hating that the gentle care made him grow hard again. Brian was quick to notice this, feeling the manhood grow against his own already hard crotch.
"So ye did like it, huh?" He chuckled, feeling his own pride grow at the flustered gaze the other had on, averting his piercing green eyes.
"Ye liked it." Brian confirmed with himself, knowing the other was way too embarrassed to speak right now.
The two were best friends. Always have been, always will be. They've seen each other at their worst and at their best.
But never have they seen each other in this sexual fashion. Now, they did. And both equally wanted more of it.
"Now how about we go all the way now, huh? Ya ready to feel what it's like to be possessed from the inside instead of doing the possessing?" The cyborg joked flirtatiously, the sound of his zipper being opened sending a delightful shiver down the ghost's spine.
Oh, he was ready. He was so ready.
"Shut up an' get on wit' it ye fucktard." Daithi mumbled in a pout and heavy blush, looking up to send a soft glare up at his friend.
Brian smirked.
"There's te Daithi I know." He grinned, aligning himself up.
"Hey uh...I need some help over here?" Brian called as he burst into the library, heading straight for the large desk in the center.
Dan perked up, glancing around for the ghost that was surely found out by the cyborg.
But no Daithi.
"Hey Brian! Uh...what d'ye need?" He asked politely, yet suspiciously. The robot seemed to be more upbeat and in a better mood than usual.
"Oh well, I need help finding a few books, if ye can. And it's sorta urgent so it'd help if ye aren't busy." He replied, wringing his hands nervously as he made his way to the front of the desk.
Dan hummed, glancing at his stack of due paperwork before nodding his head and standing up.
"Sure! I got nothin' ta do." He lied. In fact, he was busy. Really busy. But he wanted to see where this was going.
"Really? Great, I could use some help finding books on ghosts and te paranormal." Brian explained, following close behind as Dan led the way.
There it was.
Dan presumed that Brian did something bad to Daithi, and now can't undo it. Probably some voodoo or some shit.
"Oh? And why is t'at, if ye don't mind me askin'." He replied casually, leading him over to book guides for myths and legends.
Brian winced, looking around with a slight chuckle as Dan started to shift through the books—not really paying attention to what he was looking at—while still having an open ear for his friend.
"Well...sort of a funny story, really." Brian smiled with a light laugh, running a hand through his hair.
"I sorta, kinda...fucked Daithi so hard t'at he's now unresponsive." He said quickly, wincing as Dan slammed his fist against the bookcase.
"You what?!" Dan yelled, but was joined by two voices behind them. Brian turned around to see both Kevin and Sean staring at him in disbelief, both holding more stacks of paperwork.
"Brian... please, for the love of all t'at is holy... please tell me t'at ye're joking." Dan sighed with a slight growl in his voice.
Brian chuckled again, feeling a nervous cold sweat slid down his spine.
"Uhh...no. 'M not." He laughed it off. Dan took in a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose as he held it in.
It seemed like forever that he held in that breath, pondering over his options before slowly letting it out.
"Take me ta him." He sighed.
"Wha?" Brian asked dumbfounded.
"Take me to him, so t'at we can see what te problem is." Dan repeated, a bit annoyed that he had to repeat himself.
Brian simply nodded, too taken aback by Dan's sudden annoyance to protest.
Dan let out a shaky breath, holding a hand over his mouth to cover his erect fangs as he looked upon the sight.
The ghost was carefully laid on Brian's bed, mostly covered, but still obviously naked underneath the covers. His gaze was clouded over and his eyes were half lidded as he looked up at the ceiling, in a daze.
His body would quiver every few seconds, his hips jolting as if he still had something inside of him. His body was flushed in blue, his eyes were wet with tears and his breathing was stuttered, a few whimpers escaping every now and then.
"Damn Brian...ye really fucked em up." Sean laughed, having to hold his nose due to the intense smell of lust coming off of the ghost. Kevin nodded in agreement, biting his lip in thought before he frowned.
"So, how do we fix him?" He asked, turning over to look at Dan. The vampire shrugged dramatically, not knowing either.
"I dunno, he's not a robot. Of wait, a robot made the problem, maybe he should be te one ta fix it!" Dan huffed, shooting a glare over at Brian.
The cyborg simply snickered, too proud of himself to be ashamed.
"No. I don't think it's a health or ghost issue. I've seen this case many times." Sean muttered, tapping his chin as he walked around the bed and ran his hand through Daithi's hair.
Not a single response but a mewl.
"Really? How so?" Dan asked, ignoring the smug look on Brian's face as he looked up at his other friend in hope.
"During rut times when werewolves go in heat or some shit like t'at, we'd fuck- obviously. But after knotting and the whole mating process, ta wolf on the receiving end ended up in a state like this." He explained, plopping down on the bed and laying himself down next to Daithi.
The ghost immediately shivered at the feeling of body warmth, cuddling close to the other male and pressing himself close into Sean's chest despite his own undressed state.
The lads stared in confusion, trying to process the words.
"Uh...so t'at means?" Kevin asked with an apologetic smile. Brian nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, ye gotta dumb it down a bit lad." He said. Sean chuckled with a roll of his eyes, knowing it was coming soon if not later.
"In other words, ye fucked him so hard he needs rest and care. Lots of it. Cuddling usually helps." He sighed, wrapping his arm around Daithi's waist and pulling him even closer.
The lads still stared in confusion, not understanding how that helped at all.
"It's the 'after care' process of mating. C'mon, t'is is logic lads." He smiled with a roll of his eyes.
The guys just nodded or hummed in understanding, standing there awkwardly.
Hell, could you blame them? They were standing here, in the presence of their crush who was roughly fucked by one of their roommates. He was currently naked under the blankets and now cuddled up with one of them.
They were filled with shock, jealousy, anger, surprise, nervousness, curiosity, love- fuck, you name it, they were feeling it!
But one thing they did know, was that they were gonna beat the fuck out of Brian later.
8681 words       
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A bit more smuttier than I was going for, but regardless, here it is!
I was going for a soft lemon since I haven't done it in a while but I kinda...sorta...got carried away...
Haha, anyways this is the shot for any of my Spookylads readers in here, and I hoped y'all liked it!
Anyways, stay safe my loves. I love you all!!!
(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)
- Jacky    
Featured or mentioned characters:
Main -
Nogla - Daithi, Nogla
Terroriser - Brian, Bri
Featured -
RTGame - Dan, Daniel
Jacksepticeye - Sean
CallMeKevin - Kevin, Kev
Mentioned -
JustaMinx - Minx
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crossover-enthusiast · 3 months
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These designs would be perfect if Pump was correctly proportioned
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