#also the ghosts are allergic to cheese
abrielarnold · 1 year
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When most people ranted, their emotions were stuck firmly in -annoyed!- mode. Sam drifted constantly between -annoyed!- and -frustrated!- and, surprisingly, -jealous!-. It was a rainbow of emotions tapping gently against his nerves.
Real Life by @cordria is the fic that hooked me on spooky!danny fics. Ghosts are blind and feed off emotions. Everything is deliciously tactile, and Danny is Conflicted.
The first few chapters are on ao3 here, and there is a wonderful oneshot here [StarShots 85: You're Not Being You] that takes place a few months afterward and offers a ton of closure.
(Also here's the OG oneshot Real Life is based off of-> StarShots 49)
dannymay prompt: monster
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simplyghosting · 2 years
i'm guessing (true or false) that you order NEW stuff and not the same old same old when you go out to restaurants
Somewhat false?
This one is tricky because I LOVE trying new foods, but money is definitely an object and if I find a favorite I tend to order it because I don’t get to go out to eat a lot (abuelo’s triple try platter my beloved I will come back for you one day). It’s never things like pizza or nuggets which tend to be universals, but usually restaurant-exclusive recipe dishes like buttermilk chicken, fresh fish and rice pilaf, OG mac and cheese, seaweed salad, yakatori chicken, tortilla soup etc. If it’s a new restaurant, I’ll try to pick something strange (unfortunately they were out of alligator meat that one day). That being said, if you get me to an all-you can eat buffet, I’m trying everything and a cup of the gooiest mac and cheese.
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five-rivers · 5 months
Hunger Chapter 2
“Well, if it's the lone star tick, that only makes you allergic to red meat, right?” said Sam.  
“Yeah, I guess,” said Danny, staring hard at the plate of chicken nuggets Tucker had just pulled from the microwave.  He was also under the impression that the tick thing got you all at once, not gradually if rapidly over the course of a few weeks, with the effects going from thinking meat tasted off, to just ‘not being in the mood’ for it, to actively throwing up upon taking a bite of a hamburger.  
He tried to determine if the faint sense of nausea he felt while looking at the chicken was from his memory or, well, from looking at the chicken.  
“Cheese was fine,” observed Tucker.  “Eggs were fine.”
They had been.  Danny picked up a chicken nuggets and tried to ignore how his skin crawled as he did so.  Before he could double-guess himself, he popped it into his mouth and swallowed as quickly as possible, hardly even chewing.  
His body immediately rebelled.  
Luckily, he had a good mental map of Tucker's house, so he was able to dive through the wall and into the bathroom before he started puking his guts out.  
“Not the tick, then,” said Tucker, sounding like he was going to barf himself.  
“You know,” said Sam, “I'm all for having more vegetarians in the world, but I think you should maybe… see someone about this.”
Danny finished emptying his digestive system and went to the sink to rinse out his mouth.  
“Who?” he asked, tone matching the bitter taste.  “It's not like I can go see a doctor.  Half ghost and all.”
“I know that,” said Sam.  “I meant your ghost friend.  The one that helped you with your other changes.  The freckles and skin color and ghost puberty stuff.”
“Oh,” said Danny.  “I don't really want to bother him too much, though.”
And, when he wasn't actively experiencing the need to be eaten, or the disorienting second childhood that came after, he was rather shy about the whole arrangement.  Understandably so, he thought.  
Sam crossed her arms and stared at him, unimpressed, through the bathroom mirror.
“What happens when this does spread to eggs and cheese?  Or fruit?  Or vegetables?  Would you go see him then?”
Danny grimaced and went ghost, hoping he could get rid of the foul taste in his mouth that way.  If anything, it made it worse.  
“Whoa!  What's that on your back?” asked Tucker, pointing.  
Danny looked back at him, alarmed at the tone of voice, then twisted so he could see his back in the mirror.  Pushing up on his suit from below were two bumps, just under his shoulder blades.  He quickly unzipped and pulled down the top of his suit.  It wasn't something stuck on his back.  It was part of his back.  Two upwards distortions of skin.  
“I don't know,” he said.  He touched one of the tiny knobs.  It was sensitive, though not in a bad way.  On the other hand, it didn't really feel like skin.  More like… petals, maybe.  Soft and silky.  
He swallowed.  As strange as it may sound, being eaten had removed some of the sense of wrongness Danny had felt about his body since the Accident.  But this… this mutation… he didn't know what to do with this.  
But maybe Clockwork would.
Half curled in Clockwork's lap, listening to him rhythmically list off things he thought were appetizing, things that Danny could feel his core taking special note of, he didn't know why he'd been so nervous.  
When Clockwork finished his list (which included things like statues, silver, gemstones, the smell of lilacs and lilies, chocolate, vanilla, cream, sugar, and the sound of clocks) Danny looked up.  “So my wings will bloom… like a flower?”
“They tend to be similar in appearance, yes.”
“And my body will change to be tasty.”
“As you ripen.”
“And then you'll eat me, and that's it?  Things will go back to normal?”
“What do you mean by normal?”
“You know.  Like it usually is for me.”
“You will have to grow up again, and when you near ripeness, the wings will grow back, but, to some degree, yes.”  He paused for a moment, playing with Danny's hair.  “Once your wings bloom, you will find yourself compelled to seek out places with high concentrations of ectoplasm, so you can feed.  You may also find yourself losing mobility, either from physical changes or psychological pressure.  At least, those are all things experienced by other ghosts with this adaptation.  I cannot tell you your future, after all.”
Danny wrinkled his nose at the obvious loophole-ing, but pressed on.  “To make it easier for someone to find and eat me.”
“And this will happen again?”
“It may happen more slowly, if you are not under quite so much pressure to improve, but yes.”  Clockwork started to braid some of Danny's longer hairs. 
“Can I, um, can I come here, when I start to bloom, then?”
“Of course,” said Clockwork.  “I believe the garden will be most suitable, should you feel the need to plant yourself, but your bedroom is also available, and you may choose any space you like.”
Danny hummed.  “And you'll still eat me?”
“Of course.”
Danny's stomach rumbled, jolting him out of his half-doze and reminding him that he'd thrown up everything he'd eaten today.  
He blushed, then blushed harder when he realized that, without his top on, Clockwork could probably see the blush working its way all down Danny's back to the base of his spine.  
Clockwork chuckled.  “Speaking of eating, growing wings is hungry work.  Come.”
Reluctantly, Danny got up and followed Clockwork to the kitchen he had stocked with human things.  Danny hadn't thought about it much, but he must have made it especially for Danny, for when he was growing up again after being eaten.  
Clockwork reached into the fridge and removed a large, clay jug of something, then a smaller glass bottle full of something red like wine.  He examined the bottle for a while.  “I could,” he said, after a moment, “accelerate the growth of your wings.  Just this once.”
“Why only once?”
“The cycle of consumption and regrowth would become unbalanced if done too frequently.  You may eventually wind up growing wings shortly after hatching.”
“Yikes,” said Danny.  “Um.  I think I'll pass this time and just go at the normal rate.”
Clockwork nodded and put the glass bottle away.  Then, from the jug, he poured Danny a cup of what looked a lot like thick paint but smelled so good Danny's mouth was watering before Clockwork even gave it to him.  It tasted a lot like a vanilla milkshake, and as soon as he was done drinking it, he fell asleep.  
“He says it's normal,” said Danny.  
“Really?” said Sam, with all the sarcastic bite a goth teenager could manage, which was a lot.  
“The type of ghost I am doesn't eat other ghosts, and since I'm half human, that crosses over to animals.  It's not going to get worse, it's just…” He sighed.  “A thing.”
“And the stuff on your back?” asked Tucker.
“Same kind of thing.  They're like antlers.  They'll fall off eventually.”
“Well,” said Sam, when Danny failed to elaborate, “I can at least give you some vegetarian meal recipes.”
Danny found himself eating more sweets.  And more cream.  A lot more cream, since usually he didn't eat any.  He wasn't sure why, since it wasn't like eating those would make him taste like them.  Unless it did?  Ghost logic was strange, sometimes.  
Whatever.  It was food.  It wasn't like he was eating flowers.  
The process of growing wings was both painful and satisfying.  Painful, because the growing buds made his back ache in both forms, despite only existing in one.  Satisfying, because the bigger they got the less wrong they felt.  
Like he was growing back into himself.  
Okay, so he was eating flowers.  It wasn't like he was eating anyone's jewelry.  
He'd thought he'd have to change his jumpsuit to accommodate the wing buds.  He didn't.  His jumpsuit changed on its own, not stretching, but weaving itself over the buds as they grew.  It was like the suit was part of the buds, too, that way.  
Even the seams lined up with the edges of the petals.  
He booted Johnny Thirteen from the jewelry store, then froze, looking at the display cases.  His stomach rumbled a little.  
No.  Just, no.  He wasn't an animal.  He had control over himself.  He wasn't doing that.  
In the dead of the night, he woke from the kind of deep, heavy sleep he only got when he had truly exhausted himself.  His core sang with resonance.  
With an automatic response that came from being taught it from early childhood twice, Danny rolled out of bed and followed the pull down the stairs and into the basement.  He transformed sluggishly, groaning a little as his wing buds came into being.  They were still furled, but they had grown long and heavy and while the weight and tension could feel good in some positions, the same tension could stress every muscle in his body if he moved the wrong way.  
He flew through the Zone on autopilot, following the resonance all the way home to Long Now.  He snuggled into Clockwork's side, seeking the core that had called him.  
“Hi,” he said, tiredly.  “What's up?”
“Hello, Daniel.  Your wings are about to bloom.  I thought it best to call you here.”
“Oh, thanks,” said Danny.  
“Here, I've set something up for you in the garden.”
“Hm?  Why?” asked Danny, letting Clockwork steer him.  
“The garden has the best ectoradiation and flow of ectoplasm.”
Those things did sound good…
When they got to the garden, in all its multi-season glory, Clockwork took Danny down a path he'd never noticed before.  At the end of it was a cool, pleasant glade, with a small pond and a wooden bench and table.  On one side of the pond was the statue of a veiled angel, holding a mirror.  Directly opposite the mirror, on the other side of the pond, was a clear space and a a moss-covered rock that was just the right size for a pillow.
Clockwork guided Danny down to kneel by the rock, then to rest his head on it so he was looking at the mirror.
The first thing that Danny noticed was that Clockwork had arranged him in the classic, semi-fetal “baby angel” pose.  The second thing was that it was absurdly comfortable, the position perfectly accounting for the weight of his wings.  
“I thought you would like to see,” explained Clockwork.  
Danny, still only half awake, was about to ask see what when his whole body was seized with acute, anticipatory tension.  
The covering of his jupsuit peeled away first, revealing the silver-freckled purple of the outside of his wings.  Then, with a sticky, tearing sound, the petals themselves separated, falling open to the sky.  There were three for each wing, their insides a dull, clouded green.  
He trembled with the sudden influx of energy.  He could taste the sky, the wind, the delicate variations of ectoenergy.  But none of that energy was available for him.  He could feel it being stored away, packed tight and out of reach, a treat for whoever ate him.  
He tried to stay awake, but the exertions of his new functions bore him under swiftly.  He didn't even remember closing his eyes.  
An advantage of his wings senses was that he knew exactly where he was when he woke up.  Directly in front of his face was a ladle with a note that said “stay hydrated!” on it, and a plate full of… clock parts?
He picked one up - a small silver plate with emeralds pressed into it - and popped it in his mouth without thinking about it.  
The freak out was immediately followed by the rest of the clock parts disappearing. 
Danny's jumpsuit was shredded and didn't seem to be reforming like it usually did, so Danny put on the pair of pajama pants that had been left, folded, on the bench.  Then, he went to look for Clockwork.  
(Stepping inside made his wings droop ever-so-slightly.  The environment outside really was better.)
“Thanks for calling me over,” said Danny, floating closer to Clockwork, “and for the, um.  Snack.  But should probably go back to Amit–”  Danny was hit with a massive wave of disorientation.  He very much wanted to go home, but at the same time, he was completely certain that was a bad idea.  He would have fallen out of the air if Clockwork hadn't steadied him.  His core whined, confused, and a very small part of him was pleased to detect a slightly mechanical, ticking note to the noise.  
“Daniel,” said Clockwork, very gently, “Amity Park is back on Earth, outside the Zone.  There wouldn't be enough ectoplasm there for you.��� 
“But,” said Danny, uncertainly.  
“Can you turn human right now?” asked Clockwork.  
Danny tried.  He couldn’t.  His wings held him firmly in ghost form, refusing to be banished before their task was done and Danny was being digested in Clockwork’s stomach.  
“I intend to keep our arrangement from earlier,” said Clockwork, before Danny could panic.  “You will not be missed.”
Danny relaxed.  The times Clockwork had eaten him, he'd stopped time until Danny could go home.  “Thanks,” he said.  
Clockwork nodded graciously, then pulled Danny towards him to kiss his forehead.  “I can already tell that you'll taste delicious in no time.  Please, relax.  There is no hurry.”
“I think I have more freckles than before,” said Danny.
“Indeed,” said Clockwork, setting a bowl of what Danny knew was just cream, sugar, vanilla, and ectoplasm mixed together in front of him.  
That didn’t stop his body from craving the mixture like nothing else.  
Clockwork stopped him from grabbing it, and emptied a small jar of flower petals into it.  Then flakes of silver and diamond dust.  
Danny made a hungry noise.  One layer of it was human enough, but whirring and ticking and something bell-like were clearly audible.  
(Danny could not match any clocks, yet, but he was working on it)
“They’re getting bigger, too,” he observed, after guzzling half the bowl.  
“I see,” said Clockwork.  
“And they feel different.  The skin.”  The freckles felt smoother, slicker, and cooler than the skin around them.
Clockwork picked up one of Danny’s hands and ran his thumb over a tight cluster of freckles.  “Like icing on a cake.”
Danny took his hand back and finished off the bowl.  “Do you think I’ll taste like cake.”
“I think you will taste like yourself,” said Clockwork.  “Sweeter than any cake.”
Danny tried to sleep in the room he’d grown up in, the last two times, but the air in there felt so stale when compared to the garden, and he found himself sleeping at the pond, resuming the position Clockwork had put him in the first time.  
Well, he supposed Clockwork had foreseen how well it would work.  
Clockwork spent a lot of time there, too, sitting at the bench and reading out loud to Danny as he dozed.
The freckles started to merge together into broad silvery-white patches.  When those patches were around a joint, the joint became hard to move.  Extra force was needed to bend the tough, shiny, skin.  And within those silver patches, gems grew, set into his skin like bearings in watches.  
Danny’s wings started to pale.  Streaks of color - silver, bronze, blue, palest lilac and pink - made appearances, organizing themselves into complex fractal patterns.  
“I know I’m sleeping more,” said Danny, “but I don’t know how much more.”
They were still in the garden.  Clockwork was rubbing a cream into Danny’s back, near his wings.  There were complex structures there, under his skin, woven through his ectoplasmic muscles and around his bones, and they were working hard, all the time.  Even in the best position Clockwork could put him in, they often ached.  
And even the satisfying ache of a job well done was still an ache.  
“How much time you spend here doesn’t matter,” said Clockwork.  “You should sleep as much as you need to, and not worry about it.”
When Danny woke up, he couldn’t open his right eye.  He looked at the mirror across the pond and saw that a silver patch had completely covered the eyelid.  
He groaned and tried to push himself up.  Tried.  His wrist didn’t bend when he told it to.  He glared at it, one-eyed.  Silver had circled it, too, and the thumb on that hand.  He tried to bend it again, and had some success, but as soon as he stopped actively forcing it, it returned to the position it was in before.  
A quick check showed that his eye and wrist weren’t the only body parts affected.  His left hip was partially covered, and so was a great deal of his spine.  
This would have been a much bigger problem if he couldn’t fly.  
“I can bring you breakfast in the garden,” said Clockwork.  “You don’t want to be stuck in an uncomfortable position.”
Danny was already itching to go back to the garden.  His wings had started to produce a thin, fragrant nectar from their bases the other day, and since then, sitting upright made his back feel bloated and leaky.  
He opened his mouth to say as much, but instead of a human voice, a complex series of ticks and chimes rolled out.  The ticks sent pleasing vibrations through his bones and flesh, and the chimes hummed in his throat.  It was all completely incomprehensible to him, but it felt good.
He glanced up at Clockwork, who was smiling.  “Go on,” Clockwork said.
Danny grinned - skin moving strangely around the silver patches - and started to chatter.  
The next day, Danny couldn’t open either of his eyes.  The air smelled strongly of vanilla and lilac.  
“Don’t worry, Daniel,” said Clockwork as he tipped a cup of cream into Danny’s mouth, “I will take pictures of what you look like ripe.”
Having spent so much time at Long Now, Danny hadn’t released the cold energy that naturally built up in his core over time.  It spread outwards, now, freezing him from the inside out even as the silvery-white coating his skin did the same from the outside in.  
But it did not touch his wings, which stayed soft and flexible and took in energy and ectoplasm at the same steady rate.  
“I wonder if you are even aware of all the sounds you are making,” said Clockwork, fondly, as he rubbed Danny’s back in that way that felt so good.  “They’re enough to make me want to eat you right away, but I can tell you aren’t quite ripe yet.”  He patted Danny’s back.  “Just a little longer.”
Danny knew when he was ripe.  Not from any external stimulus, but because something like a switch popped up in his brain.  Not a literal switch, of course, he wasn’t hallucinating, but he knew that if he flipped it, if he made this one, last, tiny conscious decision, he would send out a signal that said eat me, I’m tasty!
He flipped the switch.  
(The next thing he consciously remembered, he was hatching from an egg in Clockwork’s hands.)
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Call of Duty Bio Headcanons✦
(I know they have canon ages and heights and stuff, but listen. It's fiction, and I think I know better(/j). You can disagree, but these are my opinions. Also, obviously, not all of the info has changed.)
✧John Price✧
Age: 42 y.o Height: 6'2" Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: "Sexy-Is-Sexy" (Or Pansexual) Middle Name: Samuel Likes: Whiskey, vintage radios, old westerns, horses, & mint ice cream. Dislikes: Streaming services, cigarettes(ironic), spicy food, dust, & cottage cheese. Birthday: January 1st Zodiac: Capricorn -Trivia- -Allergic to cats and didn't know until he moved out because his mother had like, four. Grew up around them his entire childhood and was honestly devastated when he realized they make him sick cause he loves'em. -He was definitely a fuck boy in high school/college. Not an asshole one, he made his intentions up front and he was overall sweet, but he didn't wanna be tied down. Ironic given how he ended up wanting the exact opposite later on. -Wishes he took better care of his teeth as a kid. They look great now but he has five fillings in his molars and one (now replaced), silver tooth all the way in the back. Phobia: Amenisphobia; The fear of amnesia Neuro...: Neurotypical
✧Kyle "Gaz" Garrick✧
Age: 26 y.o Height: 6'0" Pronouns: He/Him (I heavily support the trans!Gaz HC) Sexuality: Bisexual w/ a male preference Middle Name: Dylin Likes: Hot chocolate, the smell of lavender, coconut, licorice toffee, & nostalgic music. Dislikes: Milk, politics(irony again), Winter, grocery shopping, & spiders. Birthday: September 5th Zodiac: Virgo -Trivia- -Second oldest of four children, the only boy. He's a family man when it comes to his siblings, but not so much when it comes to his parents. Barely present father and a stressed out mother create for a shaky relationship with them. -Cannot cook to save his life. Man lives off of delivery, MREs, and cup noodles. He knows like...four dishes, and most of them are really simple. -Struggles decorating and making outfits cause he likes tons of different aesthetics. Everything from Scene Kid(for his inner teen) to streetwear. His version of housed decor are a bunch of plants. (Fake so they don't die when he's on deployment) Phobia: Arachnophobia; fear of arachnids/spiders. Neuro...: Neurodivergent (Dyslexia)
✧Johnny "Soap" MacTavish✧
Age: 29 y.o Height: 5'8" Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Omnisexual Middle Name: Neil (heh) Likes: Knickknacks, loud music, punk aesthetic, chickens, & football(aka Soccer for us pathetic Americans). Dislikes: Silence, sitting still, vague answers, being told what to do, & big dogs. Birthday: August 12th Zodiac: Leo -Trivia- -Constantly on & off with a caffeine addiction. He'll do really good about just drinking water, then he'll have one energy drink and he's fucked it all up again. -The scar on his chin is from a dog, the scar in his eyebrow is from a fight he got in as a teenager. He got in a lot of trouble as a teen. -Borderline pyromaniac, honestly. Hyperfixated on fire as a kid and now he's really happy to be a bombtech. Bro loves blowing shit up. Phobia: Cynophobia; fear of dogs. Neuro...: Neurodivergent (ADHD, hyperlexia)
✧Simon "Ghost" Riley✧
Age: 36 y.o Height: 6'4" Pronouns: He/It (Using "it" makes him seem more ominous, which he thinks is fun) Sexuality: Gay or Homoflexible, demisexual/demiromantic probably Middle Name: Achilles Likes: Birds, alternative indie music, dark chocolate, Victorian architecture, & murder mystery books. Dislikes: Snakes, graveyards, the dark(when it's completely pitch black), 99% of physical touch, & fluorescent lights. Birthday: December 30th Zodiac: Capricorn -Trivia- -He'll never admit it but he loves babies. They're super tiny and super cute, and Simon's heart always melts when one's around. Alas, he's also terrified of scaring them or getting attached, so he avoids babies as best he can. Can't have people thinking he's soft. -Makes the best steak in Manchester. Sometimes his seasoning is bland but the meat itself is perfection, you won't find any better. Melts in your mouth every time. It's a steak equivalent of 6 orgasms. It IS an orgasm. He makes great fucking steak. -Isn't fond of pure silence like Soap, but he doesn't often wanna fill it with loud sounds. He has a playlist of softer, more instrumental songs for this. Or he'll listen to nature sounds. He likes quiet, just not silent. Phobia: Taphephobia; the fear of being buried alive. Neuro...: Neurodivergent (Autistic, dyscalculia)
✧Alejandro Vargas✧
Age: 38 y.o Height: 5'11" Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bisexual (Maybe Poly? He's not sure) Middle Name: N/A Likes: Hot drinks, the smell of roses, his nieces/nephews, physical affection, & cowboy hats. Dislikes: Sweaty palms, tourist-y Americans, caramel sauce, white-lies, & the feeling of glue. Birthday: March 25th Zodiac: Aries -Trivia- -Was with Valeria for awhile, but differences, stress, and Valeria discovering she was pretty gay broke them up. They had some tension, but he wasn't bitter towards her. Until she betrayed them, of course. -Was actually the last of his friend group to lose his virginity. He's a passionate, flirty man, but he's not throwing that kind of trust out willy-nilly. He had a few relationships but didn't reach that point until he was like, 19, about to turn 20. He asked a friend to share the moment with him. ...a close friend. -Cannot function in the cold at all. And his definition of cold is 21 degrees Celsius. (70 Fahrenheit for us Americans) He layers and complains all day, he's got a fuckin' heated blanket. A heated blanket owner in fucking MEXICO. Phobia: Coulrophobia; the fear of clowns Neuro...: Neurotypical
✧Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra✧
Age: 38 y.o Height: 5'9" Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bisexual (Also maybe poly but he's very hesitant about it) Middle Name: N/A Likes: Ice baths, windchimes, baked sweets(mostly pie), clean handwriting, & naps on the couch. Dislikes: Cutting onions, heavy blankets, confrontation(with like, loved ones. Not on duty, obviously), slow walkers, & reptiles. Birthday: June 20th Zodiac: Gemini -Trivia- -Super good at singing, but he never does, because he's embarrassed. His mother would often encourage him to sing when he was younger at family gatherings, and now he cringes when someone hears him sing and comments on it. -His house is full of fans. Some rooms have more than one. They're running basically all the time, as well as the AC. Sometimes he has to get a family member to go home and turn them off when he's on a long mission. -He knew Alejandro before Alejandro knew him. When they were kids, Rudy was shy and had some problems with his health(exercise induced asthma mostly), so he didn't go out of his way to befriend other kids much. But he was a people watcher, and Alejandro was the most fun to watch. They actually met because one of Alejandro's friends pointed it out and called him creepy, only for Alejandro to defend him. Then they became super close friends! Phobia: Bufonophobia; the fear of toads Neuro...: Neurodivergent (Autistic, echolalia)
✧Valeria Garza✧
Age: 39 y.o Height: 5'7" Pronouns: She/It Sexuality: Sapphic Demiromantic Middle Name: N/A Likes: Expensive paintings, perfect nail-polish, sandalwood incense, lemon water, & flowers. Dislikes: Shaving, back-talk, tiny text on documents or books, chunky rings, & pineapple. Birthday: January 23rd Zodiac: Aquarius -Trivia- -Has a pull to religious imagery in a darker light because of religious trauma. Roman Catholicism is quite common in Mexico, but her parents were really heavy about it. To the point it makes Valeria bitter over it. She has a rocky relationship with God, but finds Mary comforting. Because when she was brought to church, but wanted to hide, she'd hide beside a Mary statue in a corner. -She has an odd sleep schedule. She often only gets four hours of sleep, but she doesn't seem to be tired at any point. In fact, the more sleep she gets, the more lethargic she is that day. -Her first girlfriend was when she was still in the military. A traveling medic from Italy. Unfortunately, the flame came and went thanks to the medic having to leave. Valeria has moved on, but she does mourn their lost time sometimes and has a little dream of meeting her again one day. Though she knows that's not practical. Phobia: Ecclesiophobia; the fear of church Neuro...: Neurotypical
✧Alex Keller✧
Age: 36 y.o Height: 6'1" Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Heteroflexible Middle Name: Sebastian (he's embarrassed about this) Likes: Golden retrievers, bad jokes, most seafood, provolone cheese, & hummus. Dislikes: Thanksgiving, the sound of rubbing styrofoam, being told to "do what he wants"(makes him feel aimless), tobacco smell, & overzealousness. (He likes simplicity...excluding his tattoos) Birthday: December 2nd Zodiac: Sagittarius -Trivia- -He doesn't really talk to his family excluding holidays. BUT, he will always keep in contact with his older sister, and his niece by proxy. They're the only two that made him feel wanted in his family. He wasn't abused in his mind, but he wasn't paid attention to much either. He always seemed overshadowed by something/someone, and as he got older, he got tired of feeling like an outcast in his own family. So he slowly drifted away and he goes on the guidance of orders he receives. -Probably born in a small town in a place like Utah. He's got small-town-mid-south manners. But I like to imagine he spent a lot of his time in California too, he seems like he'd enjoy the sun and the ocean. -Picks up languages really quick, somehow. At least, when he's around people that speak it. If he had to learn purely from books, he'd have choppy speech at best. He's fluent in English, Spanish, and Arabic. Also, knows a bit of ASL, but he's still working on that one. Phobia: Lilapsophobia; the fear of hurricanes/tornadoes Neuro...: Neurodivergent (Hyperlexia, SPD)
✧Farah Ahmed Karim✧
Age: 30 y.o Height: 5'5" Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Aliquaromantic Demi-Bisexual Middle Name: N/A Likes: Poppies, motorcycles, pretty much any food with chickpeas, super spicy stuff, and the sky at dusk. Dislikes: Overly salty things, riddles, genuine cockiness, the feeling of rust(that includes on spoons...), & long winded responses. Birthday: July 1st Zodiac: Cancer -Trivia- -Keeps her hair long despite the fact it's annoying to deal with sometimes. Purely for sentimental reasons. To her, it represents the growth she's had as a person. A far cry from the buzz-cut she was forced into when under someone else's control. So she refuses to cut it. -She will never use it, and she despises it, but she's semi-fluent in Russian. Being around it for so long made her pick it up. It works well if she needs to translate, but she'll be caught dead before she speaks Russian. -Honestly can't cook for shit. She doesn't know what the hell she's doing in the kitchen and basically relies on MREs or the skills of others. She's not a picky eater though, and she'll always finish what's put in front of her, even if she's not fond of it. Phobia: Agniophobia; fear of choking Neuro...: Neurotypical
Age: 28 y.o Height: 6'10" Pronouns: He/They Sexuality: Bisexual Middle Name: Obercht (Bonus)Last Name: Badubrecht Likes: Making bracelets, boxing(watching or doing), soda, heavy metal, & fresh bread. Dislikes: Certain kinds of wool, small cars, low doorframes, having to go to the medic, & the smell of hay. Birthday: March 9th Zodiac: Pisces -Trivia- -Was bullied all through high school for various things. His demeanor, his size, his hair(which was long), his cleft lip scar, etc. It took until he hit the largest growth spurt he ever had in secondary school when people began to stop poking fun, but instead avoid him. He maybe had 2-3 actual friends in his entire life before the military. And even now he mostly has acquaintances, not friends. -Doesn't talk to his mother, she was overbearing and cruel, mostly because Konig looks a lot like his father. He doesn't really talk to his father much because the man is hard to talk to. He's not completely cut off, but they are estranged. Konig's grandma hears from him almost every day, sometimes twice a day. She's a badass in her 90s who has never done him wrong, and he would blow up the entire world if anything happened to her. -Sometimes Konig gets comments that say he's got multiple personalities. (By uneducated people, clearly) Because he seems to switch dramatically between modes depending on time, place, and circumstance. Sometimes he's childish and giggly, cute even. Sometimes he's silent, unreadable, and withdrawn. And on the battlefield he's...inhuman, terrifying, and nothing short of bloodthirsty. Phobia: Equinophobia; the fear of horses. Neuro...: Neurodivergent (autistic)
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mutantthedark · 8 months
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OC: Halia "Sigma" Connors
Name: Halia Connors
Age: 23 (As of 2022)
Alias(es): Halie (by her aunt), Lia, Raven, Sigma, Corporal, Bravo 7 - 3
Gender: Female
Birthday: March 7th, 1999
Nationality: American
Place of birth: San Diego, California, USA
Languages: English (her mother language), Spanish.
Occupation/Rank: Senior Airman/Corporal
Affiliation: U.S Air Force (formerly), associate member of Task Force 141, JTF - Ghost Team
Hair color: Natural black
Eye color: Bright blue
Scars: None
Piercings: 1 (belly piercing)
Face claim: Emily Rudd
Height: 5’5 (165 cm)
Weight: 120 lbs (54 kg)
Build: Toned
Blood type: O+
Family: Unnamed mother (deceased), Unnamed father (deceased), Lala Connors (aunt), Ruby (German Shepherd dog)
Siblings: none
Personality: ISTJ, a quick thinker and has high intelligence, not wasting any time, gets a job done.
Friendly: not afraid to start conversation, likes to chat with people when not on the missions.
Serious: Serious, yet logical, she's beauty, she's grace, she'll break your knees.
Strong-willed: has a lot of determination and always tries to do what she can. FAVOURITES
Color: Toriquise
Season: Autumn
Food: Macaroni with cheese
Drink: Black tea with lemon, hot coffee and kiwi lemonade
Dessert: Coconut Yogurt
Hobbies: Singing, hiking, play tennis, spending free time with Ruby ABILITIES
Fighting style: Can rely on strength, speed, intelligence and stealth, but she's more into stealth type, can sneak attack enemies from behind, but she's brutal too while in combat.
Weapons: she's mastered firearms mastery, also very proficient with knives and in-field crafts.
Planes: a safe flyer, she only flies for air support if needed.
Sigma is a dog person.
While Halia is left to train in the Air Force, her aunt felt lonely. But in 2 years (2020) Lala bought a female German Shepherd to prevent loneliness. After Hassan's death, Sigma came back home to her aunt and she was greeted by Ruby in surprise, then she began to love her.
The "Sigma" callsign not only mean the eighteen letter of the alphabet, but also an cosmology. A property of galaxies used when trying to work out the mystery of galaxies and their supermassive black holes.
Sigma sometimes wears darkers gears and clothes on a missions. (stealth type)
She can drive. She started her driving lessons when she was 18, but still was in high school. Missed most of her classes, but did her school work in time.
Used to have a long hair. HATES PONYTAILS. Uncomfortable, tight, hurts her scalp, because it gives her a headache. While being in U.S. Air Force, she used a fishbraid.
Sigma never dyed her hair, because she wants to keep her natural black hair healthy.
Sigma is allergic to sunflower seeds.
Had a boyfriend once in high school, but it didn't worked out well.
Sigma is ambidextrous. Can work with both hands well.
Born and raised in San Diego, Halia’s parents were killed by the secret organization when she was 10 years old, they destroyed their home while Halia managed to run away safely. Until then, Lala, her aunt found her and adopted her.
Years passed by, when she finished high school when she was 19, Halia decided to join the U.S Air Force, living up to her father’s legacy, then she found her code name "Sigma" in the first place, passed every training with flying colors. Halia was intelligent and very active all those days while in training. She left her aunt too to live her normal and peaceful life.
Other than being in Air Force, Halia rarely contacted her, writing letters, had no time to rest for the training. She build her relationship with her aunt very well for years. Until then, she made her allies in U.S Air Force who could trust them.
When became an Senior Airman/Corporal, General Shepherd and Kate Laswell contacted her that she has a mission in Las Almas, in close air, to help Ghost, Alejandro and Soap to capture Hassan and work with Graves and his Shadow mercanaries.
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invisibleraven · 11 months
"It's December and you're eating ice-cream?" for Julie and any of her himbos. Plz and thank you
Julie stretched, sighing as she felt the kinks pop in her shoulder, scowling at the history paper that caused it. Too many hours slaving away over Charlemagne, but now it was done, triple proof read and saved so she could hand it in to grumpy old Mrs. Jenkins the following morning. Then the semester would be over and she could enjoy her winter break, finally.
She glanced at the clock and figured it was still the right side of midnight for a snack, creeping down the stairs and wondering if she wanted the fuss of making a grilled cheese or if a simple PB&J would suffice.
Only when she got to the kitchen she saw three familiar figures siting on the island, passing a pint of Chunky Monkey (Carlos's favourite, not hers) around, each with a sticky spoon in their grasp.
"Really guys?"
Alex, Luke, and Reggie all looked up a little guilty before jumping off the counter. "Julie!" they chorused.
"It's Decembe and you're eating ice cream?" she asked, hands on her hips, eyebrow arched in judgement.
"Hey, I'm happy enough we can eat again at all," Reggie said, scooping out another hunk of the frozen treat.
"You'd think we'd be put off eating given the whole dying of food poisoning thing, but nope!" Alex added, swiping the pint to dig out his own share, then passing it to Luke.
"Plus it's not like LA gets overly cold in December, so really any time of year is fit for ice cream," Luke concluded, draining the pint of the last of it's delicacy and tossing it into the garbage with a swish, fist pumping when it went in.
Julie rolled her eyes, and moved around them, gone were they days where she could walk through them. Sure they were still ghosts, but they were tangible now, and apparently, hungry after being denied for so long.
"Well you three are the ones explaining to Carlos where his favourite treat went when he comes looking for it after his game tomorrow," she replied, pulling out the bread and fixings for her sandwich.
"Aw, little dude won't mind," Reggie said, licking the sticky residue still lingering on his digits. "He loves us!"
"And Alex, aren't you lactose intolerant?" Julie asked.
The drummer shrugged, then paled as his stomach let out a loud gurgle. "Oh come on! I'm a ghost it shouldn't count!"
"There's Lact-Aid in the medicine cabinet," she called as Alex rushed off, wrinkling her nose at the thought of what dairy would do to his system.
"We'll replace Carlos' ice cream with some of our gig money boss, promise," Luke assured her, sending her that boyish smile of his and Julie let her annoyance melt.
"See that you do," she replied, hip checking him out of the way as she constructed her sandwich.
"Can I get one of those too?" Reggie asked, his best puppy dog eyes on display.
"Reggie you're allergic to peanuts!" Luke protested. "And I know for a fact you do not wanna go get your very expired EpiPen from Alex's fanny pack right now."
Reggie stuck his tongue out at Luke. "Julie's using sunflower butter!"
"Julie is also not making you a sandwich," she stated.
Reggie shrugged. "Fine, I'll make my own later."
Luke batted his eyes at her in an exaggerated fashion. "What about me boss? Do I get a sandwich?"
Julie rolled her eyes once more. "No. Maybe try that move on Reggie and he'll make you one. I'm taking this to my room and eating it before I hit the hay. It's a school night after all."
"Oh did you finish your paper after?" Reggie asked, opening the fridge once more, but merely to hand her the orange juice so she could pour herself a glass, receiving a nod in thanks.
"Finally," she replied. "Now it's just handing it in and a day full of teacher's putting in minimum effort until early dismissal."
"Then we can work on our new song!" Luke exclaimed.
"Or we could let Julie relax and have the girl's night she planned with Flynn," Julie piped up. "Saturday we'll do some song writing before our gig at the Toys for Tots drive."
Luke grumbled but nodded while Reggie bounced a little on his toes. "I can't wait! I've got my antlers ready and everything!"
"Dude, you know we don't have to dress up right?" Luke asked.
"Tis the season!" Reggie protested.
"You're Jewish!" Luke retorted back.
"Well yeah, but Chanukah is already over, and I celebrated the secular Christmas stuff with my dad's side of the family too," Reggie replied.
"Reggie you are more than welcome to dress up, I have a festive dress picked out, the other two Grinches can wear what they like," Julie assured him. "Now, I'm off to enjoy my snack, please keep the fridge raiding to a minimum, and one of you check on Alex in like five."
"Night Julie!" the boys chorused, and as Julie passed the bathroom she heard a weak echo of it from Alex.
Her guys might be weird, and a little self destructive Julie thought, but she loved them all the same and she couldn't wait to spend the holiday season with them-though she was gonna make sure to keep Alex far far away from the eggnog.
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ilovecheese42069 · 4 months
Cheese Diary
We need to update our cheese list because we've tried a bunch more cheeses the past month but we've forgotten some of them.
BUT, this past Saturday we got. Goat Gouda and Holy Sheep Gouda which we've already had but they're so so good. (Thank you mister cheese monger for cutting down the goat gouda so we could afford it).
We also tried a habanero and ghost pepper cheese but we didn't buy it (Yet) and that was amazing, loved the heat. We're gonna get it for either burgers or nachos.
And then he gave us some Bourbon Bellavitano to sooth the heat and it worked perfectly. So we bought some of that too. It's nice and smooth and a little sharp, the cheese crystals are wonderful in it.
And we also got some Honey Goat Gouda that we haven't tried yet but are looking forward to it! We're just nervous to try it because we had a pretty bad allergic reaction to lobster and we're also allergic to raw honey so we hope the honey isn't raw in ithvgsvgh.
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in-arlathan · 1 year
Get To Know Me
Who dis? It's me! Been a hot minute, hasn't it? This year has been a pile of dung up until now, if I'm being completely honest, hence my absence from Tumblr and most social media. I had an accident in December and have been feeling like dirt ever since. But: I'm back now! Mostly thanks to my beloved @johaerys-writes and the amazing @mogwaei who tagged me for this game. Thanks to you two! ❤ It's been a please reading your posts.
And now: Let's dive in!
Share your wallpaper: I'm a very boring person who has her own artwork as a wallpaper on her phone (talking about this study I did last year). XD It reminds me that (every once in a while) I do create something that I actually enjoy without any self-doubt or regret, and I like that.
Last song you listened to: "Eyes Closed" by Ed Sheeran. I'm a very basic person, lol.
Currently reading: Let me check Goodreads real quick... Yeah, I'm reading far too many books at the same time again. So here's the top 3 of books I'm reading and enjoying the most atm:
The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman
Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
There's also a bunch of fanfic I need to catch up on but my mind has been all over the place.
Last move: "Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves". My P&P podcast party had been invited to a preview 2 weeks ago and we had a fun time watching that movie.
Craving: Time off. I've been working non-stop for the past 8 months or so (with Christmas being the only exception) and I'm feeling super drained right now. Luckily, there are a few short trips coming up in April and July, so there is that!
What are you wearing right now: Basic black jeans and a white knitted sweater. It's spring but it's still flipping cold in my apartment. Ooph!
How tall are you: 168 cm or 5'5 feet (I guess?)
Piercings: Just the two for my earrings. As I said, I'm *very* basic. :')
Tattoos: Currently I got two but I plan on getting more later this year. Gotta save up some money first.
Glasses? Contacts? I got 3 different glasses (transparent, gold and brown frames) and contacts because I like to switch things up.
Last drink: I'm currently having some coffee with oat milk aka The breakfast of Champions. Or so I keep telling myself XD
Last thing you ate: Chicken wrap with lots of cheese. It was amazing.
Favorite color: My taste in color(s) shifts constantly but I'm currently obsessed with green in various tones. I keep getting back to like a warmer green because it makes me feel very cozy. But I also adore a good color combo of orange and violet/lilac or yellow and dark blue. It depends on my mood.
Current obsession: Truth be told, because of the current state of my mental health, I have a hard time being obsessed about anything. It's not like I can't enjoy things (I know that that feels like and I don't want to get back to *those days*) but there's not hyperfixation that lives rent-free in my head. And you know what? It feels terrible! I miss the feeling of being utterly obsessed about something. I crave that level of excitement, honestly!
Unrelated Obsession: Okay, I guess this means non-fandom obsessions. I do have one of those! A short while back, I read a book by the title "Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World" which was fascinating. I loved that it was not Euro-centric and instead focussed on the achievements of Genghis and his successors. I've been gobbling media with the same or similiar topics – including finally playing "Ghost of Tsushima" which send me reading up on the Mongol invasion of Japan. It's been an intriguing ride!
Any pets: I'm too allergic to have cats, dogs, and other animals and I hate it. I want a little doggo so badly... 💔
Do you have a crush on anyone: IRL? Not anymore. I used to have a crush for most of last year but since he started ghosting me a few months back, I decided to focus my attention elsewhere. I'm *done* with dating and have been for the past couple of years. As for fictional characters... I have to go with Solas, although (as I mentioned) my excitement has died down somewhat. I still love that boy to death but I'm not as obsessed as I used to be.
Favorite fictional character: How dare you make me chose one?! I have a trillion fave characters and they're all precious to me ;_; No, I will not pick one because I truly can't!
The last place you traveled: I went to Cologne, my hometown, three weeks ago, but I assume that doesn't count as traveling. I think my last real vacation was in 2019 when I travelled to the Leipzig Book Fair. Oh my... 😅 (And I was wondering why I felt so drained all the time, lol. Dang... what a reality check. This hurts!).
That's it! Hope you enjoyed the read :3
Time to forward some tags. As always, please feel free to join in or ignore the tag: @serial-chillr @faerieavalon @thebookworm0001 @ohmypawsandwhiskers @pikapeppa @oxygenforthewicked @fiadhaisteach @noire-pandora @ellie-effie. Sending all of you lots of love. I hope you're doing great!
Until next time, lovelies! <3
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casiavium · 1 year
Tag game!! Ty @seagullcharmer :)
Rules are tag ten people but idk if I know ten people lol
Relationship status: I have a girlfriend!! @theywontletmedothecrabemoji here's your first tag game when you log into Tumblr once every three months
Favorite color: blue! I like lighter and more saturated blues that lean green, like teal and cerulean and aquamarine. Baby blue and Robin's egg blue are also pretty 🩵☄️🗡️
Song stuck in head: I, Me, Myself by Will Wood
Last song I listened to: Mary on a Cross by Ghost
3 favorite foods: bread, cheese, and fruit. However.
Jkjk though I do like gluten and dairy products more than I should considering I'm not supposed to/can't eat them, three of my favorites foods are macaroni and cheese, dark chocolate with caramel, and jarred peaches (they're cooked in the process so I'm not allergic to them at all)
Last thing I googled: german-english dictionary : art history, archaeology = deutsch-englisches wörterbuch für kunstgeschichte und archäologie
Dream trip: I really want to go to Scotland, Ireland, and England. Specifically the mountains in Scotland
Anything I want right now: a nap 😩 I am very jet lagged
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kitxkatrp · 8 months
GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MOOTS BETTER ! Fill out the info sheet below & tag your friends to do the same ! Repost , don’t reblog !
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Name / Pen-name : Kitten
Pronouns : She/Her
Country / Region : United States!
Timezone : Eastern
Age / Age group : 30
Favourite colours : Red, Black, Pastels (mainly pink and blue), orange
Favourite foods : Pasta, Tuna, Cheese, Shrimp, Crab, Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, Coffee
Non - RP Hobbies ? : Making icons, screenshotting anime, watching Ghost Adventures, watching anime, selective gaming (mostly Genshin and Kingdom Hearts)...
Favourite animal : Cats, Owls, Bats, mice/rats, Cheetahs, Caracals, Servals, Springbok
Any allergies ? : I am allergic to cats (yes I also have a cat fml sometimes), and I am allergic to trees (yes all trees) and dust mites
Favourite Season : Autumn!
Scents you like : Vanilla, Coffee
Coffee / tea / hot cocoa : Coffee, but I like hot cocoa as well
How long have you been in your current fandom ? : My main fandom at the moment is BSD, so I'll say over a year.
Do you prefer to ‘ wing ’ your threads or discuss plots with your partner during or ahead of time ? : It depends on the thread. For major crossovers I like to plot a little bit just to make sure I have something to go off of, but for normal threads? Winging it is just fine.
Are you okay with getting to know your RP partners outside of writing / becoming good online friends or even offline friends ? :Absolutely. I hope for it actually. I feel really awkward when my rp partners shut me out, refuse to talk outside of RP, or just aren't friendly.
Finally , what are your favourite genres of RP ?: Psychological, Romance, Horror, Paranormal...
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kayfabebabe · 1 year
Hey Mitch!
peppermint: what’s your favorite holiday and why?
milk: do you have any allergies?
honey: type out the last text you sent
Smash! Thank you so much for the Ask <3
Peppermint: What’s your favourite holiday and why? I absolutely adore Halloween. Now, I've got to admit that I get freaked out easily, but that doesn't stop me from watching horror movies and ghost hunting shows. This year, I'm planning to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters as my family has never done that.
Milk: Do you have any allergies? I do, however, my allergies are a little weird. I'm allergic to Cauliflower and Eggs. Does this stop me from eating Cauliflower cheese or Egg and Bacon sandwiches? No.
Honey: Type out the last text you sent… 'Also Naked Jon Hamm?' For context - My sibling and I were talking about the new season of 'Good Omens' that was released yesterday.
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nearbloodmoon · 2 years
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I posted 406 times in 2022
17 posts created (4%)
389 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 207 of my posts in 2022
Only 49% of my posts had no tags
#0 - 2 posts
#boytoy tag - 14 posts
#met gala - 7 posts
#prev - 4 posts
#yeah - 4 posts
#wwdits spoilers - 3 posts
#theme parks - 2 posts
#this is the entirety of action park - 2 posts
#wwdits - 2 posts
#overworked myself so hard my first semester of senior year that i got bronchitis so bad - 1 post
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#i told a manager once that i was going to crawl through the drive thru window with a knife if she didnt take over drive thru for a bit
My Top Posts in 2022:
I have a person that I kiss again I'm about to be the most insufferable version of myself
1 note - Posted May 8, 2022
Stop forgiving celebrities for dressing bad just cause theyre hot jack harlow is literally wearing a brown suit with black shoes
3 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
Also hot take but everyone who's like "nothing can beat the 2018 theme" okay girlies we both know there was a fair share of men in black suits in 2018 too don't be blinded by nostalgia
5 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
Why are there productions of Ghost Quartet where each "character" is played by a different person. That's. Thats the entire point of the musical. It's a quartet for a reason.
16 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"can't believe Jonathan Harker complained about paprika dreams and then ate paprika the next morning" I know you're lactose intolerant and have eaten cheese in the last 24 hours. My friend is allergic to tomatoes and I have wrestled bowls of spaghetti away from him. I have never once seen a person avoid cats because they're allergic. We're all in this together.
1,110 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tastesoftamriel · 3 years
I find people often overlook the value of sauces and the like, and all they can add to a dish. What sort of sauces /condiments can be commonly found in the provinces?
Ooh, sauces are always fun to make, and always make dishes more exciting! These are some of my favourites from across Tamriel. And yes, you may note that I'm particularly partial to a good cheese sauce...
Peach and white wine sauce over mint sorbet? Of course the High Elves have a dessert sauce, you're thinking. Well, obviously. Peach and white wine sauce is jelly-like in consistency and is served with ice desserts, fruit, and peach-and-cream pie. Light and fruity, this is one way to liven up any dessert!
I thoroughly enjoy an Argonian chili sauce called sambal, which is made from chilis and other ingredients ground by hand with mortar and pestle. Commonly mixed into the chilis are things like lime juice, ginger root, vinegar, and scuttlebloom nectar, and there are many varieties of sambal originating in Black Marsh.
Mixing mammoth cheese, egg yolks and jagga, you get a yummy cheese sauce that's unique to Valenwood! Served over roasted meats, casserole dishes, and even mealworms, this cheese sauce is even better with a bit of bacon (of course).
Who doesn't love a Breton red wine sauce made with a base of beef jus and a good amount of cracked black pepper? This fancy sauce is delightfully simple to make, and goes with red meats like a dream. Also fantastic with mashed potatoes and beef stew.
Scuttle sauce is more or less identical to Breton cheese sauce, except for colour and ingredients. It is thick but not runny, cheesy but not too mild, and it goes fantastically well with everything from kwama eggs and nix-hound bacon to fried saltrice.
I will always stand by the creamy mushroom sauce that comes with Colovian veal escalopes. I don't even like veal, I just want the sauce! A cream-based sauce with a blend of forest mushrooms, this also goes well with other meats, eggs, and even vegetables.
Sweet and spicy go hand in hand with a mango and ghost chili chutney hailing from Elsweyr! Sweet and fruity yet delightfully hot, this chutney is great for rice, meats, and dipping flatbreads. Definitely one for the adventurous eaters.
You won't find many Nords who disagree with the fact that we make Tamriel's best brown gravy, full stop. It's imperative that one learns to make brown gravy as soon as they learn to cook, because it's the backbone of our cuisine from rabbit meatballs to steak pies, mashed potatoes, and vegetables. I'm not revealing what's in in besides onions and bone marrow...that's a Nord secret.
Wrathberry jelly is always there to accompany every meat from echatere to timber mammoth! Sweet yet bitter, this jelly goes well with roast lamb, beef, pheasant, and venison. Use in moderation, as too many wrathberries can cause an allergic reaction!
Mint yoghurt sauce is the perfect cooling sauce to offset fiery hot Redguard curries, and are usually served with soft flatbreads for dipping. It can also be drizzled over grilled or roasted meats, like goat seekh kebabs.
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1/2 I just had a random thought that went into a bit of a tangent. One where Superman & Kryptonians in-general are allergic to cardamom. I have no idea where it came from, but it got me thinking that it would only get a mild reaction, getting in their noses like pepper does us, causing sniffles & a mild rash. Then, I was like, they probably have a reaction to magical plants too. However, the reaction varies depending on not only the individual but the plant too.
2/2 But it works like the magic plants are more effective on them, so a magically toxic plant would be more toxic to them & a magically healing plant would heal more effectively. I then thought to myself that they'd be severely allergic to kryptonium because my brain jumped to the idea that kryptonite is a compound of kryptonium & ectoranium & the kryptonium in the crystals are what allows kryptonite to affect them.
~ ~ ~
i've seen talks about kryptonium and ectoranium being the same material. to me that does make a level of sense. kryptonium is the radioactive remains of a dead planet, it could very well have a ghostly effect.
i also just personally think it would be funny if kryptonians and ghosts had similar immune systems. just in a general sense it makes sense for someone from a different planet to have more immune reactions to our plants and animals. caffeine is literally technically a poison that humans adapted to. aliens would not have that adaption unless their planet had an equivalent. i'm mentally applying this to all aliens, not just the kryptonians. i could see j'on and m'gann having extremely sensitive stomachs. no milk, no caffeine, no spicy food. some aliens even have a thing against citrus. i could also see a few of the aliens being as stubborn as our human ancestors and putting up with the discomfort because ice cream is good. this is why m'gann continues to bake and eat cookies. it tingles so good.
ironically, conner being part human due to the nature of his cloning process, inherited the adaptions and can eat anything a human can. yes, he absolutely gloats at sups. danny likely has a similar thing. ghosts and human food don't mix, even the lunch lady didn't eat anything so much as control the food and try to feed others. but danny has a human stomach and he's gonna use it. we already know vlad isn't lactose intolerant what with the cheese castle.
but that's just the food allergies. in terms of plant allergies, again it depends on the immune system and childhood exposure. in this sense clark actually has an advantage having grown up on a farm. he would have been exposed to many allergens and his system would have the opportunity to get used to them. in that sense conner, being lab grown, is the opposite so he may have severe pollen allergies. m'gan would have less allergies than j'onn but still get em pretty bad. ghosts, mostly being formerly human and having a similar ecosystem with ghost plants, are fine about plant allergies.
but magical plants, now that's where it gets interesting. because those are rare. therefore no one's body has a chance to get used to it. i assume you were specifically thinking about blood blossoms when writing this, and yes i can definitely see the aliens having as severe of a reaction to them as the ghosts. i'm also reminded of the ghost nip concept and think it's too funny not to include as well. clark getting high on chamomile is comedy gold waiting to happen and i need it. i don't know exactly what makes a plant magic compared to anything else. probably some kind of compound, like you said. but ghosts and aliens being equally threatened by these plants has a lot of story potential as well.
i could see the magical enemies the league has, pulling out the stops and downing 5 (including danny) of the most powerful team members with one plant. it could really effect the course of a fight. also presents the opportunity for sick fics. the team try to find a cure for magical plant poisoning, while clark and danny lay dying together in the medbay. and again high clark sounds hilarious.
it's also just kind of convenient as a story tool. if the fight is too easily ended by danny and clark being op, you could keep the fight going by having a substance neither of them can get near. leaves the fight in the hands of less op characters and means we can watch them shine. good ask, buddy, i really like this - Hestia
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pascalsky · 4 years
Ooh would you mind transcribing the bonus episode for those of us who can’t listen? Like literally can’t listen, not because we won’t pay haha
Ok here’s what I transcribed for the bonus episode...I did not transcribe some of the dialogue between Zetty and Indy that I felt wasn’t that important. Also Indy’s got a little doggy crush on Pedro it seems lol So here you go...sorry if there are any typos!
Zetty: So, you’ve been on so many big movies and television shows. What’s it like being on those sets? Like do you just have beautiful assistants that feed you grapes and fan you all day at the palm fronds?
Pedro: Um I don’t insist on the grapes but the palm fronds are a must, um I think you both know what I’m talking about…how good it feels.
Indy: It’s amazing.
Zetty: Life of a celebrity is just mind boggling.
Pedro: You just wouldn’t believe it.
Zetty: What’s like the weirdest thing that anybody has ever done to you on set or in real life? Like I’m sure people like Indiana are super nervous when they are around you. Have you ever had anybody like faint or anything in front of you?
Pedro: You know weirdly people faint in front of me on a daily basis. It isn’t exclusive to a set experience; it happens in life. Maybe it’s my smell. I’m not sure.
Zetty: You do smell really good, we can totally smell you through the microphone. It’s amazing.
Indy: I’m a little dizzy just smelling you myself. So Mr. Just Pedro, you’ve played so many types of characters before. Good guys. Bad guys. Which ones do you prefer?
Pedro: Uh I like the bad guys.
Indy: Why’s that?
Pedro: It’s just so much more fun being baaaad.
Zetty: Don’t I know it.
Pedro: It’s not the same when doggies are bad. It’s different.
Zetty: Did you ever think that you were gonna play a bad guy? Like did you always go ‘Oh I am always...I’m gonna be the bad guy’? Or did you ever think about it or did you just accidently fall into playing bad – well you played good guys too but have you played more bad guys than you have good guys overall in your career?
Pedro: That is a good question. I think I would have to do the math on that, um it might be balancing out.
Indy: You’re more kind of like the middle road kind of guy.
Pedro: Yeah. I guess the bad guys neutralize the good guys and at the end of the day I am just somewhere in the middle. Indy: If you had to choose another profession other than acting what would you do and why?
Pedro: Hmm I’d like to find a way to help people and be of service, maybe in counseling or teaching. That kind of thing.
Zetty: You come from a family of Doctors, do you think you could ever be a doctor if you weren’t an actor?
Pedro: I don’t think I’m smart enough to be a doctor.
Indy/Zetty: Oh come on!
Pedro: It would take a lot of studying you know…
Indy: You’re a pretty sharp tool in the shed you know. You’re not one of the dull ones.
Pedro: Well there’s different kind of smarts I guess you know. I don’t know if I would have the stamina to go through all of that medical school.
Indy: Isn’t like being a doctor kind of what the ultimate aspects of that?
Pedro: Well you can also be a counselor or you can be a teacher. You can save dogs.
Zetty: Yeah! Have you ever had a dog and if so what kind of dog have you had?
Pedro: I have had a dog, I guess I kind of had a dog for most of my life. My first dog was a German shepherd named Rocky and then there was a Labrador named Amarillo and in my adult life I had a dog named Gretta and she was a pit bull mixed and her brown was so dark it looked purple.
Zetty: You didn’t dye her hair?
Pedro: I didn’t.
Zetty: And out of those dogs that you had, which one was your favorite?
Indy: What an awful question! How is he supposed to answer that?! Mr. Just Pedro, please don’t answer that. We know that’s a terrible question to ask.
Pedro: I have to say I loved all of them and it would be literally impossible to choose...but Gretta was my favorite.
Indy: How do you feel about you know being with a black dog, I mean half of a black dog?
Pedro: I loved my black dog and she I guess wasn’t technically black but she was very very very dark brown, almost like a dark roast coffee and she shined like a seal. She was the most beautiful thing. She stopped you know she turned heads; other dogs were jealous. Did you guys meet her? You guys never met Gretta.
Zetty: No, we weren’t around I don’t think. But did you get her at the pound? Or how did you find her?
Pedro: I did, I got her from a shelter.
Indy/Zetty: Yay! Way to go rescue!
Pedro: That’s right!
Zetty: If you could be any kind of dog what would you be?
Pedro: What kind of dog would I wanna be or what kind of dog would I be?
Zetty: Answer both of them.
Pedro: Um I don’t wanna choose what kind because the only thing that would matter is that I had a good sense of smell and I could run fast. I guess I would like to be mixed!
Zetty: So you’re like a big dog guy right? Oh but you had a little dog before?
Pedro: I did have a little dog.
Zetty: Have you ever had a cat?
Pedro: I am allergic to cats unfortunately.
Indy: That’s why you are a god! Zetty: I can smell you were a badass but now you just confirmed it! Pedro: Well I like cats but can’t live with them that’s all.
Zetty: Ok just don’t be ridiculous, you don’t have to be politically correct and say you like cats. No one in their right mind has ever liked cats.
Pedro: What is your problem with cats?
Zetty/Indy: They practice witchcraft!
Pedro: I don’t think that’s true [laughs]
Zetty: What is your favorite smell?
Pedro: My favorite smell would be dirty dogs!
Zetty: Oh really? That’s amazing. Like you mean from the streets of New York City?
Pedro: Any kind of dog smell. Smell of a dog, you know what I’m talking about! Don’t make me get specific.
Indy: Mr. Just Pedro, would you rather be a ghost or a clone?
Pedro: Be a ghost or a clone? I would like to be a ghost.
Indy: We have been in a very deep debate on whether or not the rainbow bridge exists –
Zetty: He doesn’t care.
Pedro: I do care, what do you guys think?
Zetty: Well I think it’s all bullshit…I believe personally that when the light goes out, that’s it. Darkness. Blackness. It’s over.
Indy: Pay no attention to Zetty’s bleakness. As for me, it’s too deep of a question to ask when I am sooo deep into you right now. If you wanna leave your personal phone number with me, I would be happy to call you back directly with my answer.
Pedro: Oh my gosh, I love that.
Zetty: Ok careful, this bitch is gonna call you and then she’ll just start sleeping so she’s a complete snore.
Pedro: [laughs]
Indy: If you can eat one thing right now, what would you eat?
Pedro: PIZZA!
Indy: Straight cheese or do you get toppings?
Pedro: Sometimes I’m a real basic bitch and I like pepperoni only or you can just put anything on it, anything as long as there’s cheese and tomato sauce.
Zetty: But not pineapples?
Pedro: Uh I don’t love the pineapple pizzas. I don’t love them but I respect them.
Indy: Yeah, it’s a good stance on the pineapple debate.
Pedro: Who doesn’t like pizza?
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askmalal · 3 years
THE VASTLY BELATED 2021 Secret Santa Gift Exchange.
Me: Thank you all for Zooming in. With the events of the last few months, it’s ridiculous this has taken this long.
Screen: *IHeartHelloKitty* is connecting.
Me: That’ll be Khorne.
Slaanesh: Can we get started? I’m super excited and I’ve also got a full blown Roman Orgy to attend. I have to get there early.
Boudicca: *from the next room over from my office* WOO Hoo!
Me: *calling over my shoulder* Are you twelve?!
Nuffle: Why do you have to go early?
Slaanesh: Bringing my 7 Layer Dip.
Me: I don’t think I’ll ever eat that again.
Slaanesh: Well, I can make it sex-party free. It’s not a problem.
Me: Erm. It’s more the visual.
Boudicca: WOO HOO!
Me: Humans…
Nurgle: I’ll go first. *unwraps a perfectly wrapped gift* Ooh, ooh, it’s a complete set of Fanny Cradock’s cookbooks! So many aspics, so many things to suspend in gelatine! So much green dye!
Nuffle: I’m glad you like it, grandfather!
Nurgle: I’m stunned you thought of it, frankly.
Me: Last year he got me a lifetime subscription to “Goldfish Fancy.”
Nuffle: I didn’t know how long the full lockdown would go.
Me: We are gods.
Nuffle: Not my point.
Hashut: Also, I’m pretty sure they just recycle the same articles every few years.
Tzeentch: Is this thing on? Hello?! Can anyone see or hear me?!
Me: Much to my regret, yes.
Gary: Fuck it. My turn. *unwraps a large, wheel shaped object wrapped in pages from the ‘Chuck Norris and His Karate Commandoes’ comic book* Oh gee. I wonder what this wheel shaped thing could be. I’m the god of chaotic rodents. Hmm. I bet this will be a huge surprise…
Nurgle: I can’t hear you over the sound of your sarcasm.
Gary: *holds up a wheel of cheese in a white rind*
Nurgle: Ooh! Stinking Bishop!
Nuffle: That’s rude.
Nurgle: No, it’s a kind of cheese. Lovely stuff.
Gary: I’m lactose intolerant. And milk allergic.
Slaanesh: I honestly didn’t know… it was from me, by the way.
Gary: Sure you didn’t.
Slaanesh: The comics were a nice touch, don’t you think?
Gary: *scowls*
Me: I’ll go next. *unwraps a grey box… well, it’s a green box, but they are all the same to me* Hmm. It’s… What the hell is this? *holds up a box marked ‘APPLE NEWTON’*
Nurgle: The very latest in Terran technology, so I’m told. Happy belated Christmas, favored Grandson!
Tzeentch: Yes, I hear you! Can’t see you though! *taps at his screen* Damned camera! Magnus, come here, I need your help.
Magnus: *from another room* Fuck You. Get that sniveling weasel Ahriman to do it.
Me: *removes a black plastic box from the larger grey box* Apple, Copyright 1993.
Nurgle: Be a good boy this year and I’ll order you one of those ‘Lisa II’ computers. I understand they now come with the Packing Man game you kids are all abuzz about these days.
Me: Hathor Ma’at’s ghost…
Hathor Ma’at’s Ghost: *poof* What?
Me: Erm… just an expression.
Hathor Ma’at’s Ghost: Oh. Okay.*poof*
Khorne: MY TURN. *tears his entire box, beautifully wrapped, to shreds*
Hashut: That -was- a gift certificate.
Khorne: FOR WHAT?
Hashut: Idunno, dude. Something I ordered from a an ad in ‘Goldfish Fancy’
Khorne: NOOOO! *shatters camera*
Screen: User -IHeartHelloKitty- has Disconnected.
Hashut: I’ll go. *doesn’t so much unwrap the gift as incinerate the wrapping paper* Hmm… Looks to be the 8 Track tape boxed set of the original “Wuthering Heights” audio book recording. Narrated by Neil Diamond.
Gary: You’re welcome!
Tzeentch: Okay. Now I can see you all, but I can’t hear you.
Me: You are a bird fornicator. *third eye sparkles merrily*
Tzeentch: Fortnite? Yes, I play Fortnite. Sorry, I can’t make out all of what you are saying!
Hashut: Of course you do.
Me: Open your present!
Tzeentch: WHAT?
Nuffle: I’ll open mine! Ooh! *tears open a bag* It’s a spatula! Someone loves me!!!! Ohh! And a fruitcake. Hard as a rock, but absolutely fruit cake!
Me: I believe that Khorne was your a secret Santa.
Nuffle: *tears up* How sweet!
Tzeentch: I’m going to open my present, okay? Is it my turn to open my present?!
Me: YES.
Tzeentch: Didn’t catch that, Malal. I’m going to open it. *opens a gift wrapped entirely in black and white, slightly stained with blood* Obviously from Malal. It’ll be something truly awful, I’m sure. Yes, there you go. A cheap… wait a minute.
Me: Open the tissue paper.
Tzeentch: *tearing up* It’s… it’s…. *holds up a silver picture frame, tears streaming from his eyes* It’s an autographed picture of Big Bird operator Caroll Spinney…I… why? How?
Me: *sigh* You’re welcome, little brother.
*sappy music poofs into existence* the GHOST OF HATHOR MA’AT materializes*
Ghost of Hathor Ma’at: And they say that nearly two months after Christmas had gone, Malal’s heart grew three sizes that day!
Boudicca: WOO HOO!
Me: *calling over shoulder* he said -heart-
Boudicca: Aww.
Ghost of Konrad Curze: *poof* Mal, we’re out of TAB. Can you pick up some diet Tab? Oooh!! Is that Stinking Bishop cheese?!
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