#Spotify wrapped drabble
aidanchaser · 6 months
Hi! Hope you're well :)
For the Spotify wrapped can I ask for 26 please and thank you <3
(and Jily if you fancy)
eeee i was hoping someone would ask for jily. i've officially hit like all my main otps now!
Come rest your bones next to me And toss all your thoughts to the sea
He collapsed into the couch beside her, nearly spilling his drink onto them both. It looked like butterbeer, but as he leaned into her, it smelled stronger.
"We made it through N.E.W.T.s," he said with a sigh.
His relief, however, was not shared. Her heart ached with the unknown that loomed before them both.
His eyes drifted towards hers, then down to her lips. He leaned in for a kiss, but she turned her head. He caught the corner of her mouth.
She thumbed the lip of her cup. "So what now, James?"
"Anything, long as it's with you."
Oh, oh, oh, don't leave me to breathe Don't leave me to bleed --My Heart is Buried in Venice, Ricky Montgomery
Send me a # 1-100 and I'll send you a 100 word drabble using my top 100 spotify songs
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harley-sunday · 1 year
Spotify wrapped 2022 drabbles - where you send me a number from 1 - 100 and I’ll write a 5-sentence drabble based on that song in my Spotify Wrapped list.
# 16 Remind Me - Tom Grennan Pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader Warnings: none AN: Set at what I conjured up to be Ferrari’s end of the year party. 
“Remind me of all those nights And all those fights And all those times we said, "Goodbye" All I'm asking is "why?" Would you please remind me?”
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You’re nursing the glass of champagne close to your chest as you let your eyes wander across the room, smiling when you see Silvia and her husband slowdance to a song you don’t think people could slow dance to, even more so because they are surrounded by people jumping and screaming and singing along at the top of their lungs.
A new song comes on then, painfully familiar, and you can feel your smile start to drop because even after all this time it still hurts and so you down your champagne in one go and look around to see if there’s a waiter with a refill closeby. It’s then you feel two hands on your hips but before you even have a chance to turn around warm breath hits the skin just below your ear and you can feel a shiver going down your spine when he whispers, “I can’t believe they’re playing our song, ma belle.”
“Charles-” you start but then the accusation sort of hangs in the air for a moment before it turns into something else when you lean your back against his chest. 
“Give me another chance,” he says as he pushes your hair to the side and places a kiss on the top of your bare shoulder, “please? I never should have given up on you- On us, this easily. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. We were so good together and-” 
You turn around in his arms then so you can face him, your heart skipping a beat when you see the way he looks at you and it’s all you can do not to kiss him, “Remind me.”
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sunofaraven · 6 months
Uhmm for numbers... 4 and/or 87 (dont ask) (numbers mean things to me lol)
I want you to take a guess what character Imma say
Have you guessed yet?
It's her <3
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Through and Through I’ve Come Undone
Gem had never been red before.
But as the book sat heavy in her hands, she could feel the bloodlust in her throat.
Gem knew the word and the associated fear, so she warned Scott and Impulse, interrupting their laughter. “Don’t come near me.”
There was already a resistance in her bones as she walked away. They’d have to die before the day was through—it would practically be a mercy killing to do it now.
Not killing didn’t occur to her. The haze was already thick at the edges of her vision—eyes bloodshot and hands shaking.
Am I a good ally?
Gem didn’t know. All she knew was that she needed blood on her sword.
She was only yellow, but the curse would paint her in red by the time the sun set.
And to be honest, Gem liked the way it felt.
They want a show? I’ll give Them a show.
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
How about #5 for poly Remus/Sirius/Bill 👀
Welp. Bet you weren't expecting an angsty stong. That took some creativity. 🤣 Enjoy! Thanks for the prompt!
It wasn't a common relationship. Bill knew that. He knew he was playing with fire when he stepped into an established relationship and became the third person for them. He knew it could burn him, but he didn't care. 
Bill just wanted them, and they wanted him too. 
He knew that Sirius loved him since the day after Bill's nth birthday. Sirius found out that he missed it and ran upstairs to make a card. He borrowed a quill from Kinglsey, signed his name at the bottom, and gave it to Bill with the biggest smile on his face. Everyone should have a card from someone who loves them, Bill. Bill smile wouldn't quit for days, and every time he saw that messily scribbled card, he smiled again. He never forgot it. 
Bill knew that Remus loved him when he offered to walk him home after an Order meeting. They stopped for a drink on the way home, tucked in the back of a pub, whispering with rosy cheeks that were part excitement and part alcohol. When the headed home again, Remus walked with an arm around Bill's shoulder--he said it was to keep Bill steady, but Bill hadn't drank that much. When he saw Bill's shoe was untied, the silly man got on his knees to tie Bill's shoe. 
It was absolutely ridiculous to fall for two men who already loved each other, but they loved Bill too, and he couldn't turn them away. 
Perhaps if he had, he wouldn't have to learn what it felt like to live without them. 
Bill stood by their headstones, which he made sure were placed next to each other, and he couldn't stop the tears that ran down his cheeks. He loved them, and they left him behind. 
Bill missed them. He missed the way they laughed, and the way the three of them took turns dancing in the library late into the night, music playing on the gramophone that Bill could not convince them to update to something more modern. He missed everything about being with them. 
"I love you, you know. Both of you." He laid boquets of mixed flowers on both of their graves. "Why did you leave me? Why did you have to go so soon?"
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alexanderossis · 2 years
Ooo… that’s an interesting prompt idea with the songs, could you do number 4 for Lando/George? 🥰
Vegas by Doja Cat
Love it when you be cryin' out when I'm corseted
Could've been what we should've been, but you lost a bet, now you gotta find me
NSFWish so it's below the cut 😉
They place a bet on who will be in the lead for the championship when they get to Vegas. George bets on Lewis, of course. Lando bets on Max, of course.
The prize: the loser has to wear whatever the winner wants.
Lando wins, and Lando knows exactly what he wants.
"Lando, I'm not sure about this," George groans from the bathroom.
Lando is perched on the bed, waiting, anticipation thrumming through his body.
"Shut up, George," Lando sing-songs, "You lost."
"I thought you'd make me wear like a McLaren race suit or something."
"That's no fun."
George grumbles something in response but it's lost in the noise of George opening the door, the sound of heels on the tile floor, and the blood rushing in Lando's ears.
Despite his earlier groans, George feels a flush of confidence as he stands in front of Lando, whose jaw is currently on the floor.
He wouldn't have picked it for himself to wear, but George doesn't hate the way that the corset hugs his waist, how the cups press into his pecks. It digs into his skin a bit but he likes how tight it feels, snug and safe. The garter and stockings are a little itchy but with the black, shiny heels, everything feels complete. He feels...
"Pretty," Lando blurts, taking the words from George's brain, "You look so fucking pretty, George."
George preens under the attention, blushing as he watches Lando's eyes roam across his body, taking it all in.
"Get on the bed," Lando bites his lip.
"I wore your outfit, I'm done following your orders," George retorts, but he shifts closer, desperate to feel Lando's hands on him.
"George, I swear-"
"George, I swear-" George mimics but manages to topple onto the bed without spraining an ankle, leaning down to press a kiss to Lando's lips.
Lando indulges him for a few kisses before he shoves him onto his back and leans over him.
"I should have done this a long time ago," Lando traces a pattern down the side of the stocking.
"I shouldn't have trusted Lewis' driving, apparently," George grumbles.
"Please do not talk about Lewis Hamilton while you're in my bed," Lando pinches George's side.
George giggles and Lando is captivated by the sight in front of him. A year ago he never thought he could even have George, and now he has a giggling George Russell in his bed, dressed in lingerie, at his mercy, in his hotel room in Vegas.
He itches to touch, to mess George up, to ruin the corset. But first, he reaches down to where he's stashed his camera next to the bed.
"Arms above your head, baby," Lando orders, and George goes willingly this time, with only one complaint.
"This better not be going on Lando.jpg."
"No," Lando snaps a couple of photos, focusing on the way the corset cuts into George's perfect, pale skin. He knows it will leave marks tomorrow for Lando to kiss and trace. "Just for me."
He puts the camera down and leans over George, "You're all for me." He leans down, pressing his lips between George's tits, where the corset pushes them up.
"Yours," George whines, aching to feel Lando's hands, his lips, his tongue.
Lando doesn't make him wait much longer.
Hope you enjoyed! Can't believe this was my fourth most-played song this year.
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jayflrt · 10 months
𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐒 13. banned in the name of love
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the performance in question (recorded by kim sunoo):
prev | masterlist | next
SUMMARY ▸ in which you work at the starbucks where heeseung is a regular at (and considered a public enemy). also he only goes when he’s stoned off his ass.
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
You can't tell me that Eddie doesn't get very protective of his Spotify wrapped. He posts it everywhere and let's everyone know how "superior" his listening tastes are. That is, until one year when he's pining over a certain jock. Suddenly, Eddie is very bashful about showing his Spotify Wrapped.
"Edward Munson, is that Tears for Fears as your Top Artist this year? 11000 mins listening to them?"
"Shut up, it got me you didn't it?"
"Yes, yes it did."
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serafilms · 6 months
song 1! ditto (newjeans) + na jaemin (spotify wrapped event)
i want you so, want you, so say it ditto
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Today is the day. You’re going to do it. As you walk up to the school, you pass your friends. They give you firm pats on the shoulder and encouraging words. You clutch the envelope in your hand, basking in their praise and admiration of your courage.
“You’re so brave,” says one.
“You got this!” says another.
“Yes, I know,” you say to them. “Thank you.”
Your stomach flutters in a way that is only slightly uncomfortable and you swallow your nerves and go on.
“Good luck!” they all call.
Today is the day you confess to Na Jaemin.
It rained yesterday, leaving a nice sheen on the pavement and the grass from where the sunlight hit them. A few clouds linger in the sky, but are too weak to cross and overshadow the sun.
During yesterday’s rain is when you made the decision to confess. You’ve liked Jaemin for god knows how many months now. He’s always been nice to you (a little nicer than is necessary for just a friend, you think hopefully), he’s cute, smart and a little strange and you like him so much.
You remembered vaguely something from English class about rain representing baptism — a fresh start. As you wrote the letter clutched in your hand, you hoped it was a good omen.
I like you, Na Jaemin, you wrote. I don’t want to stay in the middle or be stuck in this maze anymore. Please tell me how you feel.
The autumn chill vanishes as you step through the doors of the school and make your way to where you know his locker is. He’s not there, but Lee Donghyuck is.
“Hey, Y/N.”
You smile politely, “Hey, Donghyuck. How are you?”
“I’m great,” he says, and starts rambling on about some achievement he hit in a video game. You listen and react appropriately, but your heart’s not really in the conversation and he can tell so he asks, “So did you need anything?”
“Yeah actually, I was wondering where Jaemin is?” You feel your cheeks warm when he looks at you knowingly but strive to fight through it.
“Well,” he beams and claps his hands together, “you’re in luck! He’s headed this way.”
You whip your head around to assess his claim and find that Jaemin is, in fact, walking straight towards you both. When you turn back to look at Donghyuck, he’s already taking off down the hallway.
“Hi,” Jaemin says cheerfully, “What’s up?”
Nothing comes out when you open your mouth to speak, so instead you thrust out your hands and bow your head, holding out the letter.
He takes it carefully and is about to tear it open when you stop him. “Wait! Open it after school, please.”
Your embarrassed demeanour offers him enough explanation so he nods and tucks it into his bag. You offer a smile and then speed walk away. “Bye Jaemin!”
There, you think, I did it. No holding back.
As you lay in bed the same night, you hear your phone buzz from the side. It’s a text from Jaemin. Theres a photo of a letter, a love letter, presumably written by himself.
Accompanying the photo is one word.
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requested by @amoonlght
sorry if this wasn’t what u wanted but i just chose a member!! feel free to request again if u want something else :)
and we all cheered!!! my top listened song this year 🫶 thanks newjeans for this masterpiece
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hopefulromances · 6 months
1k Celebration Spotify Wrapped Game!!
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Hey besties! So Ik I've been a little absent here so I wanted to try out a little game!
Send me a number between 1-100, one of the names or ships from the list below and I'll write a little blurb/headcannons/ficlet based on the corresponding song!
I'm cleaning my room today so I'll be writing later tonight so make sure to get your requests in before 5 PST if you want a chance.
As always, a request does not guarantee a response, I will do my best to respond to as many as possible!
Reader Insert Names
Jamie Tartt
Roy Kent
Sam Obisanya
Keeley Jones
Colin Hughes
(You can always send me a name not listed and I'll lyk if I'll write it)
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aringofsalt · 6 months
(+ steddie, mentioned in another ask)
thank you!!! this one was fun haha i hope you enjoy 💕
So I take pleasure in the detail, you know
It starts small.
It may even start before he notices it.
The first one he notices is a tiny wooden baseball bat on a keychain. It’s not something he would’ve bought for himself; it’s definitely not something his parents would’ve bought for him, or themselves. It’s sitting on his dresser, behind a crumpled-up shirt that had been there for longer than he cared to admit, and under it is a little post-it note that just says YOURS IS COOLER in scratchy block letters.
The handwriting isn’t Robin’s, or Dustin’s, or Nancy’s; and that’s pretty much the end of the list of people whose handwriting Steve knows by heart, so he shrugs, sticks the note to his mirror, and pockets the keychain.
He puts it on his keys the next morning, and it makes him smile every time he sees it.
The little gifts continue, and they don’t always have notes. There’s a little silver thimble one day the following week, with a single yellow flower bud in it; the following morning there’s a chocolate bar left on his windshield with a note that just says EAT UP. He finds a little pink seashell sitting on his windowsill one evening, practically glowing in the sunset. Another week passes and he’s cleaning up a few hours after a D&D session to find one of their little painted minis. This in itself isn’t weird, but this one has SIR STEVE scrawled on the bottom, and it’s a clearly heroic figure wielding a mace—thanks, Dustin, for the vocabulary—and posed like he’s rushing into danger. It has a more than passing resemblance to him, too, the hair and the eyes, and the armour painted in Hawkins green and gold. This trinket, more than any of the previous ones, gives him a hint to who may be leaving the little gifts, and he hopes he’s right as he jumps in the car, figurine still clutched in his hand.
He drives straight to Eddie’s.
It’s getting dark by the time he gets there, Eddie’s porch light a beacon in the night. The door swings open as he’s setting foot on the stairs, Eddie stepping out to lean casually on the doorframe.
“Sir Steve! To what do I owe the honour of your presence?”
“Well, funny you should mention Sir Steve,” he said, holding up the mini. Eddie stared at it, then snapped his eyes back to Steve’s.
“Um, look, I’m sorry, that’s probably weird, I can get rid of it—”
“Dude, no, if you think I’m giving this up you’re crazy,” Steve laughs. “I love it. But. It was you, leaving the other stuff too, wasn’t it?”
“Yeee-eees?” Eddie drawls out, clearly unsure what reaction he should be having. Steve can practically see the mental battle he’s having over whether to apologise again or turn it into a big joke.
“I liked the seashell,” he blurts out, before Eddie’s expression can fall any further. “I mean, I liked all of them, drove me nuts trying to recognise the handwriting, but. They were all pretty cool. I just… I just don’t get why.” He takes a step forward, emboldened when Eddie doesn’t step back. Why did you do something so nice for me is what’s flying through his head, unsaid, but he can tell Eddie sees the question anyway.
“Because you deserve it,” Eddie tells him quietly. “It’s something stupid my dad used to do for my mom when I was a kid. He always said that life is meaningless anyway, you know, you should take pleasure in little things. He’d find the most random things that made him think of her and leave them around the house for her to find. And you always do stuff for other people so,” he shrugs, “I wanted to do something for you.”
“Oh,” Steve breathes. Eddie grins back, then holds up a finger.
“Hold on, I had the next thing already, may as well give it to you in person now.”
He disappears down the hall, leaving Steve to his own devices for a minute, the sounds of clattering and shuffling papers and muttered curses flying as he searches. It only takes him a moment and then he’s back, holding a fist out, dropping the object into Steve’s waiting palm.
It’s a guitar pick, the twin of the one Eddie always wears around his neck, but instead of red and black, the one in Steve’s hand is swirled in yellow and white. Eddie’s fingers linger, tracing the contours of the pick and brushing Steve’s skin.
Steve closes his own fingers, trapping Eddie’s hand in his, smiling when the other man blinks owlishly in surprise.
“Thank you,” he says quietly. “It’s perfect.”
send me a number 1-100 and a character/ship and i’ll write you a mini fic 💕 original post
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aidanchaser · 5 months
hi!! for the drabble game, 17? 🎄💗
thank you <3 getting to open my ask box to treats and reply with gifts is a helpful way to spend my morning
I wanted to do something felix and adrien related because I adored your twin telepathy fic but 17's a very romantic song so we're recalibrating:
Her eyes and words are so icy Oh but she burns
The winter morning drifts in through the open balcony. Her shoulder, bared to the world, is cold like marble against his palm, but beneath the sheets her legs slide against his as smoothly and warmly as last night's wine.
The kisses have abated; the warmth has not.
"You don't have to go back," Félix whispers, afraid that if he breaks the silence he will break this moment between them. He reaches for her hand.
Kagami climbs out of bed and reaches for her dress. Her tone is cold, but her words burn in his chest. "You don't have to run."
And it's worth it, it's divine I have this some of the time --Cherry Wine, Hozier
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harley-sunday · 1 year
Spotify wrapped 2022 drabbles - where you send me a number from 1 - 100 and I’ll write a 5-sentence drabble based on that song in my Spotify Wrapped list.
# 3 Next to You - John Vincent III Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x reader Warnings: None AN: This is the dream. And again, part of the Pieces of Us universe because of reasons :)
“Let's pack our bags And head to the Rockies, baby Just you and I Getting lost in spaces”
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It’s here, in this little cabin somewhere in Montana where it’s just you and him and the family of moose that seem to have taken a special liking to the pine cones you’ve been gathering for them, leaving them at the edge of the clearing as a sort of bribe to keep them away from the poppies you’ve planted, that you finally feel like you’ve gotten your husband back after the worst two years of his, and thus your, life.
Daniel’s in the kitchen, singing along to whatever song he’s hyperfocusing on at the moment, a little off key and entirely too loud, making what he claims is going to be the best burger ever. You watch him from where you’re sitting on the couch, the book in your lap long abandoned because you much rather watch your husband being a goof instead. 
“Five minutes, babe,” he yells from over his shoulder. “You better prepare for this foodgasm because let me tell ya-” he brings his fingers to his mouth, “-chef’s kiss, babe. Chef’s. Kiss.”
“God, I love you,” you whisper, definitely not loud enough for him to hear but it doesn’t matter. He knows. Still, you get up and make your way over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind, smiling when you notice he’s finally starting to fill out a little, not as wiry as he was before, and let your cheek rest between his shoulder blades, “Can’t we just stay here?” 
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oknowkiss · 6 months
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I said I was going to do this last year and then I didn’t, but maybe this year will be different lol
Send me a number between 1 - 100 and I’ll write you a 100 word drabble based on that song.
If you’d like to select a pairing that isn’t drarry you’re welcome to. I’ll write the below pairings:
- drarry
- dron
- dronarry
- plantseeker (harry/neville)
- lunarry
- pots and pans (harry/pansy)
- renga (sk8)
- kenhina (hq)
- kagehina (hq)
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
@impishtubist gave me my first Spotify Wrapped rabble prompt, which was #14 for Wolfstar.
“Say something.”
The problem is that Remus loved him, even if unrequited. “Don’t give up on me. On us.” 
Sirius groaned, frustration pouring off of him. “Why were you with Rosier?”
Remus pressed his lips together. “You know I can’t say.” 
Sirius turned away from him, like it hurt to look at him. “I have to get away.” 
“I’ll follow you. Anywhere you want to go.” 
“No.” Sirius walked to the door. “I’m going to stay with James.” 
“Give me the secret, and I’ll come to.” Sirius paused, and Remus waited. 
“No. I can’t. I’m sorry.” 
“Why not?
“Goodbye, Remus.”
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zhongliologist · 2 years
Hello!! I'd like to send in a request for the writing challenge. I'd like to request a drabble for Alhaitham, and since today's my grandmother's 70th birthday, let's go with the number 70! No specific requests, feel free to take any and all creative liberties with this one! I like surprises. I've been following you for some time now, and think your writing is wonderful, so I'm excited to see what you come up with!!
Hope you have a great day!
(Hi! Thank you so much for supporting this blog and liking my work!! Hm idk if Al-haitham here is a little ooc but whever skskskks hope you like it! I recommend listening to the Korean version as well!)
Al-haitham + Fallin' Flower by SEVENTEEN
It was that time of the year again where flowers bloom amidst the lush green of Sumeru’s forest, like life beginning anew; like love blooming earnestly.
Al-haitham paced in his study, tasked with the job of sorting out old books and journals which have collected dust over the past two years. Some will be placed in the dedicated library of his home, while some will be donated to the House of Daena, usually those which have higher value to scholars.
As for the journals, he once thought it would be useful to have a handy notebook whenever he needed it, but now, it had become quite an obsession. Writing his thoughts in a journal seemed to clear Al-haitham’s mind, and he would just write whatever and whenever, often in various scripts and languages he was fluent in.
Picking up a tattered dark green notebook, Al-haitham pulled it open. It reminded him of the time he has to go to Liyue for a business trip; a time where your relationship were still tiny buds emerging from a branch.
Entry #57
I discussed various things with her again. It was fascinating, to say the least.
She said to me, “What a mind.” Not that no one has ever said that to me before, but why is it different with her?
Perhaps I would calm down once I return home. Out of sight, out of mind.
Entry #59
I told her I’ll be leaving tomorrow morning.
She only smiled to me—a smile that hurts more because it’s beautiful.
Like a heart filled with sadness.
But even so, it’s better this way. No one reaches their hand for falling petals.
Al-haitham closed the journal and placed it in a box on the foot of the table. There was a time when he thought it was the last time he would see you, and he had even resolved himself to that eventuality. Yet, the ultimate truth—fate, liked to play hooky with him in times and places he was the least prepared, much to his chagrin.
He found it, the red journal he was writing on a little later on. Opening it to an entry he remembered writing, he continued reminiscing.
Entry #12
I had thought I’d once again return to my peaceful life as the Grand Scribe, yet I am only confronted with complicated emotions. Going about this rationally; trying to overthink my way out of my feelings remain futile. What is it that makes her special anyway? Why am I feeling this way in the first place? I don’t want to admit it but…
In the end. I simply miss her.
I fly scattered in the wind, drifting away, where will I end up falling?
Entry #22
How hilarious this must be for fate.
For her to appear like this in Sumeru City. What are the chances? I could only laugh at the circumstances.
But then again, who could stop me from seeing her again? This isn’t how it should be. But maybe it’s true that somehow, you change unexpectedly for a person.
Al-haitham chuckled at his stubborn indignation from a year before. “Soon you’ll see that you have already fallen into the trap long before you realized you were in it.” Flipping a few pages forward, the dates change as well as the seasons. From the unbearable summer heat, to the leaves finally getting drenched in light rain, you had already taken root in Al-haitham’s heart.
Entry # 67
I sit here in my office facing this blank page before me. Even though there are numerous words which swirl in my head, I cannot fathom where I begin or end.
It had taken me a few days to reconcile with myself. It is either I be honest or I’ll lose her forever. The wound in my pride, that I can bear but losing her is a thought that is difficult to imagine. Perhaps the Lesser Lord was right, I already have the answers I seek. I just need to face what those answers entail.
I have never thought I would want to fall for someone. I was living in the moment. My life was alright here in Sumeru—my job as the grand Scribe, my peaceful nights reading. I thought that was enough for me. That is, until I met her.
There I realized that everything had a reason after all. This world to me now means more than what I had thought, I came to know that.
Entry #79
In my heart, a flower has bloomed.
It may not be me to say such things, yet I cannot withhold myself. After meeting her, I now understood what Kaveh was fighting for. This love, this romance which grasped even me who was drifting in the wind. The place where my fallen heart has reached is definitely the happiest place in the world. With her, even my dim future becomes clearer as time goes by.
I want to be with her.
I realized that just now.
Entry #89
To you,
It is the time when flowers bloom and fall, our wounds heal and you bloom. We are now living our first and the last, so I will treasure you for all my days. You have truly loved me, a scattered petal in the wind, and I have come to love you too.
Al-haitham offered a small gentle smile at his final account, remembering the day when flowers fell upon you; your smile radiating like the sun. He had no words left to describe how he felt at that time. It was a feeling which needed to be experienced to be understood.
“Al-haitham? What are you doing?”
Your voice rang through the doorway of his study, curious at how his gaze has softened at you. It was not every day that the ever-serious man would give you that look. Surely, there was a reason for it.
“Oh, just reading something interesting,” he replied, smiling gently. “But you know, I’m truly glad to have you in my life.”
You leaned your head to the side, intrigued by his sudden honestly. “Huh? What’s that all about?”
The man only hummed mischievously and continued with his reading. “Oh it’s nothing.”
Spotify Wrapped Drabble Challenge is still open!
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runawaymun · 6 months
help i'm already so tired and I still have a social thing tonight and a dog to walk and no time to nap
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