#Squid doesn't mean splatoon....
bingbongbugtime · 6 months
[I been thinkin]
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duskittycat · 1 year
i noticed nintendo hasn't drawn any attention to shiver's winning streak like they have in in-game dialogue relating to previous games' splatfests... really hope it's not because they're trying to pretend there isn't a blatant imbalance w splatfest teams
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colorfuldream · 1 year
Say all you want about the Shiver hate but the funniest thing is that people are making those stories addressing the hate with one character feeling so bad for poor Shiver because people are upset at her and the game iykyk
Especially if they include the "I'm so strong and protective" bit only to "subvert" our expectations with the character being upset FOR her and not AT her
Straight up hilarious, can't believe we're doing this unironically
Anyway yeah I'm salty too that she keeps winning and the Splatfests should be regional again but let's be real, this isn't gonna change and we all knew it was gonna happen when we saw the initial reaction for her. Being salty won't change anything, it's time to accept it y'all
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superluigiglitchy · 4 months
Post-If Mario was in... Miitopia
Meggy: -and thats how I learned how to use a sword after we got magical powers, almost suffocated to death from having our faces stolen and killed a cursed god! Meggy: anyways what happened to you this week? Paige: Paige: IS THAT WHY MARIO CAN COOK LIKE GORDAN RAMSEY NOW!?!?!? Meggy: *nods* pretty much yeah
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crescentfool · 9 months
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2023 year in review for the nintendo switch dropped and wow it really just said that all i do is play splatoon. this is so funny
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g4rchomp · 2 years
I tend to like octopuses more than squids bc I know more about them but I think both are so cool. there's also something more 'relatable' about an octopus idk how to explain but the way their intelligence is portrayed can make them really close to humans. I don't think squids benefit from the same treatment which makes me want to learn more about them bc they seem really really interesting
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Get someone who talks about you the way Aiko talks about the Sploosh
;w; I just have a lot of affection...
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thegreatcrowdragon · 2 years
Cassie took the ships in the divorce and that’s why Grizz uses helicopters now
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sage-nebula · 6 months
Yes, Pearl and Marina decimated Frye and Shiver in that rap battle—and yes, Marina recognized what was going on and knew what Shiver was doing and played accordingly. She is 23 years old and, as Pearl said, has a big mind—she knew she was in a rap battle, and Shiver getting increasingly irritated to the point of trying to end it with Marina giving the classic sassy "I can do this all night" proves it.
But I digress.
Yes, Off the Hook won that battle handily. But that doesn't mean that Shiver and Frye are bad at what they do.
It just shows their inexperience.
Compared to Squid Sisters and Off the Hook, Deep Cut is pretty much still an indie band. They're really only known within the Splatlands, and only reached the level of fame needed to take over Anarchy Splatcast a couple years before Splatoon 3. And that's fine, I'm not dissing them—but it means that they don't really know what it is to work within the broader music industry as a whole, or go up against musicians who have experience working on a world stage. Shiver and Frye feel threatened by Off the Hook performing in Splatsville because they feel as though Off the Hook could replace them, despite the fact that Off the Hook is famous enough to have done a world tour and this is a single drop in the bucket to them. Not to mention, Pearl has close to a decade of experience as a musician by now. Frye does not. So for Frye to step to her . . . no wonder she got stomped. This isn't Pearl's first rap battle and it won't be her last.
Of course, not all the members of Deep Cut show this inexperience. Big Man knows there is a lot to be learned from seniors in the music industry, as shown by his collab with Squid Sisters and how he was "awestruck" by Off the Hook and didn't participate in Shiver and Frye's confrontation.
But Shiver and Frye's inexperience IS showing here. They have so much skill and talent! But if they want to go beyond Splatsville, they need to grow up a bit and not pointlessly pick fights with those who could help them. Picking a fight with Off the Hook in particular is silly af, because they LOVE collabing with less known artists to give them a boost, as seen with their Damp Socks collab. This didn't have to happen at all, but Shiver and Frye picked a fight, Pearl and Marina finished it, and, well. They got served the dish they asked for.
(But in the end it was still a collab, so maybe it'll still help in a roundabout way.)
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lovewireds · 3 months
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been meaning to post my designs for these little guys forever. insane splatoon rambling under cut to explain design choices and lore related things ... read my autism boy
btw this is a repost from our art side blog this was written and drawn like months ago <- minorly rewrote some things tho
thx splatoon users drfreeman & drcoolatta for fueling my splatvrai autism brainrot ... i hate u /J
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idk how to explain this but Theoretical Physicist is inkling coded . maybe its cuz splatoon species social hierarchy
Native ink color is Orange, but he has Dark Brown tentacle roots.
Uses custom weapons to attach in place of his prosthetic; It works best with Splatlings but can be adjusted to attach other weapons.
If the thing above didn't make it obvious, he's a Splatling main. He switches out depending on his mood though.
sighhhhh technically an Agent... stares at the ceiling...Main character...
His arm loss is like pretty much the same as in-canon but it's with the octarian army shrugs. don't ask me why he doesn't just regenerate it cuz hes a squid thats for me to know and you to find out. (get partially sanitized loser)
Born & Raised in Inkopolis pre-splashtags; He wasn't informed of the switch to Splashtags being expected when participating in most activities around Inkadia.
I forgot why i made him an inkling why did i do that. I think it was bc i didnt wanna make them all octolings but i was wrong srry we all make mistakes /hj I ALREADY REDREW HIM ONCE IM NTO DOING IT AGAINNN
Native ink color is orange-brown.
His hat has an eye guard for sensory reasons; He covers up as much of his skin as possible because he doesn't like the feeling of foreign ink on him.
He isn't a specific weapon main, he just uses any long-range weapon to minimize the possibility of getting ink on himself. If he has enough guarding, he prefers to use N-ZAP '89.
Makes his own gear for sensory reasons as well :) It's legal when ur dad's the G-Man.
Exclusively plays in Turf Wars, Anarchy Battles, etc with friends. He hates playing with people he doesn't know.
Born in Splatsville !! He feels like a Splatsville resident. His occupation is resident I cannot imagine him doing Anything
His dad is that creepy curtain in one of flounder heights windows /j
Octoling bc I wanted him to be sanitized :) Other than the visual part of being sanitized, I thought him being clinically dead fits /hj also lore reasons below
Pre-sanitization, his native ink color was blue.
Great Turf War veteran; He didn't do anything in the war itself, he was just enlisted lol. He was primarily security for the Octarian Domes in the years after the war. Yes, that also means he is over 100 years old.
"Raised" (debatably) in Octo Canyon.
E-liter main (4-star Base + 5-star Scope) and avid squidbagger. He also uses any heavyweight weapons (dynamo, tenta, etc)
Absolutely hates working at Grizzco, he only does Turf Wars and Anarchy Battles. He only works at Grizzco during Big Runs. The type of guy that does X battles.
Professional Anarchy / Ranked / X Battler btw. That's literally 90% of what he does.
Got on Gordon's azz over him not having a Splashtag; i wonder what that parallels.
Genuinely don't have a lot to say about his design. He gives off Splatoon 2 Octoling vibes (showoff /hj) also i wanted to make his hair wispy like it should be.
Native ink color is a light blue-gray gradient.
The drawing doesn't give it credit but I swear those are glasses not goggles .. they're opaque-colored slanted oval glasses !! ^_^ u can interpret them as spiked or just eyelashes, both are right.
oh also the text under bubby says "Is Best" in some splatoon font we downloaded awhile ago . i think it was ripped from splatnet
Blaster main. I don't know how to explain this one but it feels right.
helps with the practical Map props (ie ink rails) and with some weapon gear manufacturing ^_^ tech guy
Was going to make him an Octoling for the convenience of making his hair curly but i didn't want to make all of them octolings + i think his personality generally fits Inklings more.
Native ink color is an off white gradient.
Slosher main cuz he likes moving his arms. this makes sense to me. Also is a fan of Splatlings and other Shooters.
i felt ill trying to design coomer without making his eyes two lines with eyelids
War Veteran...Stole some octarian tech and got fucked up super limbs. Cyber Inkling stealing from octos !! [inkadia crowd goes wild] /j
anyways outside of the war™ he's a data researcher. just generally. he does shit with splatfests and eggstra work.
If you splashed him with ink he would stand unmoving. He would not shake it off.
Ok i'll be honest the Octoling choice is primarily bc Octolings have the afro style & inklings have no textured hair styles (i didnt have the energy to design smth that could work) . His personality fits octoling too though :3
Native ink color is red-orange.
The fucked up guy that makes those drink effects people never use ( i use them ... )
He doesn't participate in Turf Wars or Anarchy Battles, but he works some gigs at Grizzco for extra cash every once in awhile !
the type of guy that goes after flyfish cuz no one else will . god bles !!!
not a lot to say about his design & his place in inkadia , it kinda speak for itself . he just wants to get by and make his drinks in peace . #autism ... he is pretty much exactly the same as his canon self
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dr-spectre · 5 months
Splatoon 2 Callie Explained - (In my interpretation)
So in this blog post I wanna go over what is going on with Callie in Splatoon 2 because there's a lot of misinformation being spread around due to how unclear the events of Splatoon 2 were. I'm going to provide my own thoughts into how the Hypnoshades actually affect Callie and clear up what hypnosis actually does to a person, because a lot of people think that Callie was kidnapped and then mind controlled but its actually a lot more complicated than that. I've done a ton of painstaking research into this so if you would like some sources to what I'm saying then I'll be happy to provide it in the comments below when asked!
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Okay so first off we need to establish one thing right off the bat, no, Callie was not kidnapped in the sense that she was snatched up by DJ Octavio and then brainwashed while she was kicking and screaming trying to stop him. The idea that Callie was snatched up randomly is simply not to true due to the fact that the OFFICAL Splatoon 2 relationship chart states that Callie was willing to hear out DJ Octavio and go with him. Why? Because if you look at Sunken Scroll 21 and 22 in Splatoon 2, it gives insight into Callie's declining mental health as she struggles to put on a happy face as she walks through a huge crowd of people, as well as the fact that she drew a squid with a sad face on it in Sunken Scroll 22 which is a very clear giveaway that she isn't doing well. Also keep in mind Marie was busy with her own solo thing too and Callie even states in the relationship chart that she's busy and lonely. It also explains why Callie doesn't experience any sort of trauma, turmoil or resentment after Splatoon 2 because well, she wasn't kidnapped and the shades were not forcibly put on her. (Also in Squid Sister Stories chapter 7 there's an artwork piece of Callie walking towards DJ Octavio's star mark so there's that too....)
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Now I want to get into how hypnosis actually affects a person and what being hypnotized is actually like. Being hypnotized is described as having "heightened attention, increased focus and heightened suggestibility." You do not get put to sleep and become a puppet as popular media shows it to be, but instead you are hyper aware of what is going on around you. It's also said to be highly relaxing and can help with patients who struggle with anxiety and other mental issues, which might explain why Callie kept putting the shades back on, she enjoys wearing them to some degree as it helps her deal with the pain of being a celebrity, kind of like an addiction but unfortunately Splatoon 2 doesn't explore it at all and Marie (CALLIE'S OWN GOD DAMN COUSIN BTW!) jokes about it..... ugh...... at least she overcomes that addiction OFF SCREEN unfortunately....
Now that part about "suggestibility" is important to consider because contrary to popular belief, you don't lose awareness and memories while you are hypnotized and the person who is in charge of hypnotizing you, CANNOT force you to do anything that's against your wishes and you do NOT lose control of your behavior. Meaning that on some level Callie actually wanted to side with the Octarians because her life beforehand was shitty. The shades do not control Callie but instead put her in a hypnotic state that relaxes her and increases her attention and suggestibility.
For example, if DJ Octavio were to tell Callie to kill Marie instead of Agent 4, she would probably have a ton of hesitation about it and probably not follow his orders. Callie doesn't want to kill Marie, but she doesn't care or know about Agent 4 and that's why she had no problems with following DJ Octavio's suggestions. She also didn't try to attack Marie during the final boss when she was flying around and she just wants Marie to leave her alone because guess what, she's suffering from mental health issues!!!!!! And her relationship with Marie got worse and worse overtime as shown with the Squid Sister Stories.
If you were hypnotized and then the person responsible of your hypnotism handed you a weapon and told you to kill your best friend, you wouldn't do it because it's against your wishes (unless you secretly wanna kill your best friend for some reason....)
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With all of this information laid out, it actually does make Splatoon 2's admittedly mid story a bit more interesting, it shows that Callie does have these dark traits and flaws about her, and the Hypnoshades bring out the worst in her. The angry, power hungry and harsh side to her, that was even built up from Splatoon 1. If you look at the dialogue from the Naughty vs. Nice, Early Bird vs. Night Owl and Callie vs. Marie Splatfests, you can see that Callie actually got upset at Marie multiple times due to her attitude.
It really does make Tidal Rush more emotional and powerful as a song if you really think about it. It's a clashing of two cousins whose relationship has been broken apart and Marie is desperately trying to reach out to Callie and fix what she has done. Maybe Marie blames herself for why Callie ran away and that's why she sounds like she's on the brink of tears in the song.... And it makes Spicey Calamari Inkantation more triumphant as a song too.
It does make me a bit angry that Nintendo doesn't wanna dive into these topics as well as Callie. She is flawed and has dark traits about her but, she doesn't try to change or grow from them in any significant or well written way, its like they forgot about it in Splatoon 3 which.... sucks man. I'm hoping we get a Side Order type deal with the Squid Sisters for Splatoon 4 and we dive deeper into the psyches of these girls, because what we have is really interesting but it lacks explanation and nuance and everyone keeps boiling it down to "welp Callie got kidnapped and mind controlled!" Which... its more complex than that... With Agent 3 and Marina it's for sure mind control and i would like to talk about them in a future blog but, with Callie? It's different and there's a lot of layers a lot of people tend to ignore because Splatoon 2's story is just... meh.
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dogtoling · 6 months
I know that Inkling societies mirror human ones because of plot reasons going back to Alterna, but I've really enjoyed seeing your 'convergent evolution' takes on the biology, so why not apply that same logic to something like, say, architecture? At a glance, sure, Inkopolis and the Splatlands look recognizable to us, but would for instance an inkling or octoling's home have a layout differently built for their unique needs and behavior?
Thank you! also yes this is a good point! I've been avoiding doing anything too outlandish with the architecture or much of any of the worldbuilding to be honest because we know very little about Splatoon architecture and... well, stuff like this, to begin with. And it's harder to try and change major things about the world itself than it is to work with alternative biology for a creature in my opinion; all we really know when it comes to architecture and city- and building design in Splatoon that it is very similar to those of humans, and a lot of the elements are based on modern day Japan. I doubt the developers are doing that much to differentiate the architecture from human buildings and stuff because granted it would be a ridiculous amount of thoughts and work to sculpt a society and buildings that accommodate like 500 different species MINIMUM.... there's some little things here and there, like the Giant Doorways in the Deepsea Metro, but then there's other things like the freaking escalator in Inkopolis Plaza that's literally the width of maybe 1 Inkling and no other species even fits in that. Hell, it's not even the width of TWO PEOPLE which is at least expected of escalators to my knowledge--- anyway....
my point being I don't like to make sweeping differences to human architecture when it comes to Splatoon, because whether I like it or not a LOT of their stuff is just human architecture a little bit to the left. But that doesn't mean you can't make any changes to it, and it also doesn't mean there aren't any changes, those changes just might not be as visible.
Some random things I've thought about: Modern housing in Inkadia has VERY strong windows. Glass in general is very strong in urban environments, especially buildings near Turf War areas for obvious reasons... you don't want people Super Jumping through your window nor your window blasted to smithereens by a Trizooka shot that missed.
In apartment buildings, if there are mail slots on the doors, there's a container on the other side. Prevents people from slinking into your house through the mail slot. Apparently this is a common thing to have in Japan? We just have mail slots or postboxes out in the yard or lobby.
Also to prevent people from slinking into your house: residential buildings have dense grates, nets or spikes in their ventilation shafts. In some older buildings and non-residentials, these might be missing. But without things like this, any Inkling (typically) can just fit straight through a pipe as long as their beak fits in it, so you would end up having guests you maybe don't want.
Quickly about apartments; they're actually a very popular form of living not just for cost-cutting and because there's a fuck ton of residents in Inkadia, but because inkfish are mostly very social and do better surrounded with lots of people living in close quarters. The two most popular types of apartments are single-person ones that are basically just a single-room hole, and bigger apartments that have several small rooms and a community area that are meant for a whole school of squid (usually a friend group) to live in. People who live in the single-person apartments typically just go home to sleep and maybe cook or something... unless you're an introverted squid, or not a squid at all, and just settle for very little when it comes to space.
Inklings ALWAYS have some type of direct heating in their houses, from space heaters to a kotatsu to heated blankets to sun lamps. This is because Inklings are mostly cold-blooded and become very sluggish if their body temperature falls too much (for example from lack of physical activity or from cold room temperature), so there's a focus on keeping one's living quarters comfortably warm. Most lamps marketed for inkfish are actually heat lamps to the point where finding a lamp that Doesn't Make The Room Hot if it's on for too long is kind of hard.
Inklings are pretty vulnerable to dry air due to their thin skin and dependence on humidity to keep them thoroughly hydrated. As a result, you'll find air humidifiers in like, every house. In some AC units, a humidifier function is included. From a human perspective, the average Inkling apartment feels warm and humid - but to them it feels just normal. Due to the relatively high humidity, it's pretty common for electrical outlets to have covers for when they're not in use.
It's common for Octarian homes to have "sleeping holes" or "dens" carved into the wall. These haven't really become trendy in Inkopolis yet, but they probably will. It's also quite common for inkfish homes to have stacked furniture and interior made in layers - because they can fit in very tight spaces in swim form, maze-like interiors are still fully usable to most inkfish. Though it's rarer to find people who actually want to deal with the clutter.
Most Inkopolis bathrooms have a combined shower-bath. Inkfish showers come with a shower head that only really lets mist through on the default setting. (You're expected to test this BEFORE you take your first shower and replace it if necessary because you don't want to get into the tub and then find out it's a normal cross-species shower head on fucking Jet Mode.) Bathtubs are mainly used for re-absorbing moisture and soaking in ink rather than cleaning (because inkfish don't do very well with actual baths).
Most flooring is specifically made to be ink-resistant and non-absorptive. The combined humidity of the air and the ink that inkfish naturally get everywhere would ruin wooden floors IMMEDIATELY.
Toilets usually have a flap or gate blocking the drain that flips open when it's flushed. There are too many historical cases of people falling into toilets and just fucking dying or going missing forever because it's difficult to get out. (Mostly kids, but also people who fell asleep or too far into thought and just slinked into there. The world is full of danger when you can fit into any gap.) also lots of people accidentally laying eggs there which for obvious reasons is REALLY BAD if there's nothing to catch those.
All modern apartment buildings are required to have elevators. I'm pretty sure this is also just a real-life requirement nowadays. A lot of older buildings in Inkopolis don't have any, though... and while Super Jumping on street level is usually prohibited, most apartments have roof access, so a lot of people still jump between work/hobbies and their house. It is A LOT faster than dealing with traffic or walking (but it's also mostly illegal).
uh probably more things. My brain is empty now but hopefully that's some kind of inspiring ty for asking!
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channel-eclair · 1 month
Who is the Luigi archetype of every major Nintendo series? - An Essay
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I love Luigi, I love Nintendo, and for some reason I want to go on a mental quest to determine who the "Luigi" of every Nintendo series is.
What does it mean to be a "Luigi"?
Usually the second most important character in a series, but can often be less important. Also works well if they're a player 2 character
Parallels or connects to the main protagonist in a few ways shapes and forms
Could be green. Not necessary but it is bonus points if they are green.
And without further ado, let's begin!
The Kirby Series
This is one that is very debatable. Many might say Bandana Dee, which makes a lot of sense! Often player 2, looks similar to Kirby, not as important as the main protagonist and antagonists..
But honestly? I am kind of leaning towards King Dedede.
When you think of Kirby, the second character most people think of behind Kirby is Dedede. He is like Kirby's shadow, Kirby's parallel.. but he is NOT a villain in modern day Kirby. Dedede is not the Bowser of the Kirby series.
King Dedede being royalty could also have him be compared to Peach.. but Dedede's immense amount of playable roles make him feel more in line with Luigi to me.
I think Dedede is the second most important Kirby character; and with his parallels to Kirby's moveset, I honestly will crown King Dedede as the "Luigi" of the Kirby series
Plus, the best Smash game already knows whats up!
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Pokemon Series
It's Eevee. 100%. It's Eevee.
Pikachu is the "Mario" of the Pokemon series, the beloved mascot.
Eevee is the parallel of Pikachu, beloved and different but always second behind Pikachu. The two mirror each other excellently, and Eevee really just feels like the perfect Pokemon to call "the Luigi" of Pokemon.
I will say, Mimikyu fits nicely as a ghostly doppelganger (and I think Luigi would totally have one on his team), but purely from a brand and gameplay standpoint, it is Eevee.
Animal Crossing
This is a bit of an odd one, but I'm going to give it to Isabelle.
In many forms of promotional material, the face of Animal Crossing flipflops between Villager and Isabelle. I geniunely think Isabelle is more iconic and known at this point, as Villagers are so customizable yet the right amount of plain that they're often not seen as a character (unlike say, Inklings, who are super customizable but have such unique designs they stand out a lot)
However, Villagers ARE the player character. Not to mention Isabelle is only in two of the five Animal Crossing games! I would say that despite her popularity, she is only the second most important character of Animal Crossing.
Also she wears green. Luigi!
And now after mentioning Inklings, here we are at Splatoon!
If Inklings are the Mario of the series, I'd say Octolings are the Luigi, I guess? They aren't enemies anymore so Octolings aren't really a Wario (even if DJ Octavio's the Bowser of the series more or less)
However I want so badly to point out that the Squid Sisters are basically a parallel of the Mario Bros. Callie is "Mario" and Marie is "Luigi". This doesn't make sense with the pattern I've established but I wanna throw Marie into consideration here too, as the possible Luigi of this series.
And if the "Mario" of the series is Callie... maybe Inklings are, uh.. the "Yoshi" of the series, since they're a species? Hmmm..
Fire Emblem
So FE is an interesting one because it has SO many different casts. And honestly; there's not really a definitive "main cast". Like Marth is the face of the series, but his OWN game is not that popular compared to other and greater entries. Fire Emblem is a lot like Pokemon where every game is a new cast, but Fire Emblem's first cast doesn't hold onto the series as much as Gen 1 of Pokemon does (except Marth)
For Marth alone, I'd say Merric is the Luigi. He's green, Marth is the Mario, Caeda is the Luigi.
For the Binding Blade and Roy, I'd say Wolt is the Luigi. He's green, Roy is the Mario, and Lilina is the Peach. This one is also kinda funny considering how forgotten Wolt is in this trio, compared to the other two.
For Awakening, I'd actually argue Robin as the Luigi, as Chrom and Lucina really take over as protagonists. Also I just kinda feel like Robin and Luigi have a lot in common. They were both vessels to become final bosses with Grima and Dimentio, they both use electricity, they both kinda sleep a lot with Dream Team, idk! I think they'd be friends
For Three Houses... Claude, maybe? Amidst all the main intensity in 3H, Claude kinda sits back and goes his own path. He's not as beloved as Edelgard or Dimitri but has his fanbase, and if Edelgard and Dimitri are the "Mario, Peach, or someone else" then Claude really just feels like a Luigi to me.
Also worth mentioning is the "Christmas Cavaliers", the pair of red and green knights in almost every Fire Emblem game. I like to joke and call them the Mario & Luigi knights, but they're just not important enough characters to be "Mario" and "Luigi".
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Thanks for making this one easy Pikmin, it's Louie
(To properly explain to non Pikmin fans reading this: Olimar and Louie are somewhat named after Mario and Luigi, with Louie being the second playable character in the series!)
The Legend of Zelda
So.. I saved the series thats always by the Mario series side for last. I wanted to do it first, but I saved it for last because honestly??? This one is a doozy
Link is "Mario", Zelda is "Peach", Ganondorf is "Bowser". It is set in stone and easy, that part I got.
But... that's the trio. That's the main part. That's it.
Who, uh, who's Luigi..?
I initially thought Midna or Fi or Navi.. but wouldn't those companion characters be more akin to Cappy and FLUDD and the Luma in Mario's hat?
Beedle comes to mind cause he always shows up, but I dunno- he's just a shopkeeper? Maybe he's a candidate? But that just doesn't sound... right.
Dark Link is "Wario", alter egos. Tingle is "Waluigi", both joke characters more or less.
If I used the logic for Callie and Marie from earlier, then it'd just be Ingo from Ocarina of Time who's blatantly based off of Luigi.. but the issue is, saying Marie is "Luigi" works because its debatable if Inklings are the "Mario" of their series. Here, Link is 100% the "Mario" of the series, meaning that it wouldn't make sense to say Mario is Talon and Luigi is Ingo because then who would Link be????
But.. who is "Luigi".... where is the "Luigi" of Hyrule..?
I looked up anything I could about "who is the Luigi of Zelda" but alas, literally nobody has asked this question nor do they want an answer and so I was left with nothing but more questions.
I honestly consider maybe even like... a different colored Link, like in Four Swords and Triforce Heroes?
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ITS YOU!!!!!
Allow me to explain: Link is green. Mario is red. Link is the "Mario" of his series. In Four Swords/Triforce Heroes, you have other colors of Link as other players (red, blue, and purple. at least purples in four swords)
But Link is already green.. so what if you put Mario's color ON Link?
Then there we go. Red Link is Luigi by way of parallels.
So there we go: Link is Mario, Zelda is Peach, Ganondorf is Bowser, Dark Link is Wario, Tingle is Waluigi, Midna/Fi is Cappy/FLUDD, we could keep going on like saying Daisy is Hilda since Hilda is a parallel Zelda!
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And yes, I know that Ravio is near identical to Nabbit (even Miyamoto himself commenting on this!) However, I feel like Nabbit still lacks a solid role and story in the Mario series that could really tie him down. On the flipside, Hilda is basically the Daisy of TLOZ due to paralleling the main princess. I feel like the connection of Ravio and Hilda connecting back to Luigi and Daisy gives Luigi enough of a connection to Ravio. If Nabbit is the "Ravio", then who is Daisy's Zelda equivalent?
...I have no idea what I'm saying.
ANYWAYS by all means if Nabbit takes Ravio, I resort back to Red Link as the Luigi archetype.. but for the sake of making it simple, both Ravio and Red Link will be marked down as Luigi archetypes.
And there it is. For all 9 of Nintendo's main series (according to My Nintendo's store pages and various Nintendo advertising), there is the Luigi archetype. Luigi lives on in every bit of the wonderful world of Nintendo.
Maybe the real Luigi was the friends we made along the way. Thank you for reading.
Final "Luigi Archetype" Summary
-Ravio / Red Link (Zelda), Isabelle (Animal Crossing), Octoling / Marie (Splatoon), Eevee (Pokemon), King Dedede (Kirby), Merric / Wolt / Robin / Claude (Fire Emblem), Louie (Pikmin)
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xewanu · 7 months
In today's episode ? The symbolism of the green//pink theme in Splatoon
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Okay so it all goes back to the great turf war. It seems to have been the first ever color picked, representing octolings vs inklings. We all obviously know that inklings won, pretty unfairly, and octos were pretty much forced to step back. Ever since, the green//pink and inkling//octo themes have been omnipresent in the Splatoon universe.
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In Splat 1 comes Callie and Marie. They are not opposed as octo vs inkling, yet pick a side in a Splatfest (Octopus vs Squid, won by Callie, on the 10th of October 2015, Squid side), and end up opposing to each other, as Callie vs Marie. The outcome is clear, Marie wins, Callie is sad about it, and joins her pink theme by joining the octo troups (I'd REALLY like to know how the pink//green theme would've been handled if she won). So yeah, the Squid Sisters give us a continuity that Splatoon 2 MASSIVELY used LOL.
So let's continue with Off The Hook, shall we ?
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First of all, can I point out the fact the colors are not the exact same bright pink and green we knew this far ? Yes ? Alright thanks. MARINA RAN AWAY !!! SO SHE'S GREEN !!! You have no idea how I love the entirety of these colors symbolism, reader. But yep, Marina is obviously green because she rejects her past, as seen in the Octo Expansion logs. Also, her color ressembles very slightly sanitization. A mutation. You following me this far ? I find Pearl being pink actually adorable, her color isn't THIS muted. It fits Marina, and also implies hey, no octoling racism here. Zamn this making me tearful.
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Continuation to the green//pink linked to squid//octopus is this. I REALLY love the possible yin yang reference with the shirts btw. We think inklings are so good and perfect, but maybe there's evil within them, to the opposite of octolings, who are actually not as mean as depicted by Craig. I'll also point out the inkling in the poster is smiling, fist clenched, confidently, as the octoling is a bit less self assured, looking concentrated. The need to win for their nation, teehee okay sorry I'm reaching :3
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Oh you knew it was coming you DEFINITELY knew. Yup. Agent 24. To me they sign the end of this stupid "inkling vs octoling" war. 3 first saves 8, 8 then saves 3 and Craig (And Inkopolis but yeah LMAO.) To me it really means "This is where we end the fight", 3 sees the potential in 8, and doesn't see them as an enemy nor a threat, but a partner (NOT ROMANTICALLY SPECIFICALLY, you ship who you want, but they do seem like they respect each other). Splatoon 3 doesn't return with pink//green, or inkling//octoling. We can play an octoling, who fights octolings, to protect octolings. Our ink is just yellow, we fight non octo bosses. We fight along Octavio. The band is red, yellow and blue, the primary colors. Harmony, although their principal song's called Anarchy Rainbow. All colors mixed together :'0
Okay, thanks for coming to my ted talk BYYYE.
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universeskies · 16 days
I wanna talk and appreciate so much... Marina Ida. AND I mean That since beginnings. Not beginning Splatoon 2, But rather back in the First Hero Mode of Splatoon! Back when, Marina designed and built ALL The kinds of weapons and Octoweaponry bosses We Fought. (Note, Im gonna refer as First Hero Mode as "Hero Mode" and Splatoon 2's Hero Mode as "Hero Mode 2")
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Something that I LOVE SO MUCH about Hero Mode and Hero Mode 2!! Is that, there's a nod and details in how much like, Marina isn't there with the Octarians anymore per say, and its not only on the Music! Given that the little music motlifs that Marina loves to give are present in Splatoon's Hero Mode, but it couldn't be heard during the Hero Mode 2 (instead You hear Callie's voice and as well the song titles being a callback to Squid Sister songs)
And that is on the machinery that We see in both Hero Mode. Marina Ida is recognized and very much so well known to be a HUGE Genius when it comes to building and Machinery, especially when it comes to Octarians Weapons. Thus earning Her ranking of quite a GREAT Elite Octarian. And We do see that during Hero Mode. We do have that confirmation during Octo Expansion and a hint from the first Sunken Scrolls from Hero Mode 2.
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Upon closer look, Octostomp doesn't look That much threatening. If anything this could Even Be seen as The Testing of Power before going to the Big guns!
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And it shows! See, one thing that I noticed is that, the Bosses that We fight during Hero Mode, really relies in so many kinds of Machines that of course to a degree uses the Octo's limbs of course. We know these. Like all kinds of weapons and all of these are really intimidating and incredible design to go against the Inkling Menace. I really appreciate how out of what the Octarians have and the little scraps they got from the Underground to build all of these. Marina Ida, Elite Octarian everyone. Really should SO MUCH get such incredible appreciation of Her insane skills, and not only that? But We also know this as well with how MANY Shifty stations She has made. MONTHLY MIND YOU. The second Boss is based on rotating and throwing so much Ink, to shoot Around! THIS to test The aim. Then The Third to test The reflex and agility of The Inklings Menace. It's ALL and they get stronger to it.
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Now then. With that being said, lets look at Hero Mode 2. And already, There's a really great decrease of what can be considered Octoweaponry compared to Hero Mode. One could even say that the Bosses are easier in Hero Mode 2, though that is mostly subjective to how one plays. Could be harder or easier in-gameplay. Both are valid.
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But then lets look at the designs and what goes behind them. See, for me, I believe that the Octoweaponry in Hero Mode 2 isn't as impressive or like...really unique compared to like what We saw in Hero Mode.
Thats a GREAT AWESOME Narrative detail in this retrospective! Marina Ida has desserted the Octarian Army. Marina isn't there anymore to like design or build up or built the blueprints for these kinds of Octoweaponry that We see in the first one. If anything, One of the bosses are more so, a Mano-to-Mano combat, which is the Octo Samurai Himself.
See, You could say, what about the Roller he wields? That has to be that, right? Like very heavy machine? Well yes, but also no. I think its kinda like an Octo Version of the Dynamo Roller. Octo Samurai could be one of the many Strongest Octarians all around to wield such Dynamo Roller with ease like it was a Splatana, or even like a Carbon Roller.
Not only that, if You look more, Hero Mode 2 has a RETURNING Boss, which is Octostomp!! But with a New Sick coat XD
That being said, already in Hero Mode 2, We really only have TWO NEW Octoweaponry designed for the Inkling menace. And these two machines....really don't seem that much impressive.
Octo Oven? Feels more like a Bubbler or Shield like weapon to be defensive rather than Offensive.
Octo Shower? Its just a bigger version of an Octo Drizzler...that can fly and not FLY BY ITSELF. With help. Add Stingray to it, but to be honest, the Inkling Menace can also use Stingrays...and Tenta Missile...AND a Charger. There's already limit with these two.
We talk about Octo Samurai and that dude isn't really a machine. Just one Honorable Octarian that wants a fair duel. Splats with Honor after all.
Then We have Octostomp that of course, is a returning one. And to be honest, the new coat just seems a more of a simple thought going "More face, means more difficult right? The more the merrier." HELL!! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE EASIEST BOSS IN HERO MODE!!! And it came back trying to act like being a Third BOSS! When it's Just... They just simply added few more things to make it more of a nuisance rather than Threatening or DANGEROUS.
I want everyone to ALSO know and be aware That... I won't talk about Both DJ Octavio's fights. Cause I believe That those fights speak already from My point in what I'm speaking ABOUT How Marina is such an incredible skilled Set Elite Octarian.
She built then Octobot King used for Both fights!! The FIRST fight was really challenging and was equipped with SO MANY Special weapons. From a Killer Wail to an ALMOST STINGRAY. A FUCKING STINGRAY.
ANd The Octobot King II simply had an added platform for Callie to dance. And spam Bomb Rush specials. Hero Mode 2 DJ Octavio wasnt at full Power and That Made sense since I lean, there really wasnt much to Work with.
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Soooooo, I feel that Marina's skills and mindset is just one INCREDIBLE set of thoughts. If anything, I can feel that the Octarians, dealing with the loss of Marina, decided to so much take inspiration and follow in per say what Marina thought. But thats as best as they could get.
There's nothing much You can do and such with already limited resources and already with Marina gone, they have even more struggles to really seek what could go against an Inkling Menace.
So I really enjoy how the details of how the struggles of the Octarians are still seen and not only that, but also showcase as well, that Marina is still quite struggling cause I'm pretty sure that She still has to deal with just those kinds of thoughts. She doesn't have to deal with it alone of course, but its simply incredible the kind of attention its given within the narrative of Splatoon's Hero Modes.
Hell, We see inspirations of those Bosses in Side Order. The Ball boss from Side Order is clearly inspired by the same one in Hero Mode from Splatoon. Not only that, but if anything the kind of weapons and the uniform plate armors that Parallel Canon AND Eight uses, are very Octarian-like. Not only that, but also the way that the Pearl Drone functions is really similar to how many Octarians will try to pin point the Inkling Menaces and try to attack with mini Inkstrikes.
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seffien · 1 year
splatoon misconceptions i cannot stand
agent 4 is an idiot. i think this one makes me the most upset because 1. they have at least a little experience in a variety of weapon classes and 2. they didn't know who the squid sisters are because they were busy with extracurriculars. people saw them in the anniversary art, suddenly assumed they were an airhead, and ran like the wind with it. extinct (for the most part) thankfully but uuuuuuuughhhhhhh
agent 8 is a soft girl/boy who needs protecting and is a cinnamon roll too pure for this world. almost as upsetting at the first misconception. not only did they save inkopolis as a whole from doom, but they're clearly the thoughtful and wishful type as seen in the mem cakes. also, they don't speak inklish well and are unfamiliar with inkling culture because THEY DIDN'T GROW UP IN INKOPOLIS. also mostly extinct
agent 3 is a brooding jerk who sulks and is mean all the time. just because they don't smile doesn't mean they're flat out rude, they're just hardened by the events of every game. sure, they're more mellow and not super joyful, but that doesn't automatically make them mad at everything. still ongoing, but not on a large scale
that frye/callie are just airheads. they might be, but they're also just. silly. callie is sweet and considerate while frye is also that and an all-in-all team player. haven't seen this much, but i know it's happening
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