#Stabbington family
the-anxiety-academy · 2 years
The Westergaard-Tremaine Family
Part 2
Patchy Stabbington/Rudi Westergaard
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Madame Medusa
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Rami Stabbington-Westergaard
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Rodney Stabbington-Westergaard
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Sideburns Stabbington/ Runo Westergaard
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Ginny Gothel (mother: mother gothel)
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Riley Stabbington-Westergaard (mother: mother gothel)
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tomorobo-illust · 2 months
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See hi-res versions here: patreon.com/tomorobo/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=that+frotangled+70s+week
A big project I have been slowly chipping away at since last year and FINALLY completed in time for @freckledsaint's birthday gift! This whole thing was inspired by @jorongbak and their fantastic Dragonball + That 70's Show quote fusion [ check it out here ]
Characters: Erik Westergaard (King of the Southern Isles), Kristina Westergaard (Queen of the Southern Isles), Emil Westergaard ( 9th Prince of the Southern Isles, the fashion designer/seamstress ), Jules Westergaard ( 2nd Prince of the Southern Isles, has had enough with everyone ) ; created by @freckledsaint
BG: Emma (2020), Disney Tangled Series
Outfits: Disney Tangled Series, Phantom of the Opera Takarazuka
Quotes: That 70's Show
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hannahhook7744 · 9 months
Tremaine Family Tree;
Note: Faded lines mean the person is adopted. Faded text means the person is dead. Featuring @idontliketomatoesleavemealone 's ocs in Colombe, Felix, Frankie, and Elizabeth Tremaine.
Cinderella's Portion:
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Anastasia's portion:
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Drizella and Hans' Portion:
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@shouldwemaybe I think you were the one who said you wanted to see the Tremaine family tree on my poll. If I'm incorrect sorry.
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mudpuddlenl · 7 months
My headcanon of a VK hierarchy
(Thank you wikipedia list of Disney Villains. I will be listing canon VK's that apply where necessary)
Rank 1 (Reflections) Kids of the "13 reflections of evil" (the 13 villains that are used most often in Disney's marketing). Often these are gang leaders (or at least high up in the gangs). Messing with any of them is a really, really bad idea. You're going to end up dead, or, if you're lucky, severely wounded.
Evil Queen (Evie) Chernabog Queen of Hearts Captain Hook (Harry, CJ, Harriet) Maleficent (Mal) Cruella de Vil (Carlos) Ursula (Uma) Gaston (Junior, III, Gil) Jafar (Jay) Oogie Boogie Scar Hades (Mal again, Hadie) Dr. Facilier (Freddie, Celia)
While some with strong connections to these villains (such as Diego and Jade) will be elevated higher due to this, they won't be in rank 1. They're more likely to be somewhere in rank 3 or 4.
Rank 2 (Big-name VK's) Kids of villains that might not be part of the reflections of evil, but still have big name recognition. Think of a disney villain, which ones outside of the reflections of evil are likely to come to mind first? Yeah, those are in here.
Examples, but not conclusive: Claude Frollo (Claudine) Horned King Tremaine family (Dizzy, Anthony, unnamed cousins/siblings of these two) Madam Mim (Maddy) Mother Gothel (Ginny) Prince Hans Shere Khan Yzma (Yzla, Zevon) Shan Yu
Rank 3 (Small-name VK's) The villains that are in movies but that you're not likely to name if asked for a villain, or even have to check a list for in order to remember them. I'll be listing their movie with them.
Examples, but not conclusive: Amos Slade (Fox & The Hound) The Stabbingtons (Tangled) Edgar Balthazar (Aristocats) The Ringmaster (Dumbo) (Hermie)
I truly am not in the position to give more examples in this rank since it really depends on each individual person tbh, but you get what I mean.
Rank 4 (Protected) Sidekicks, family, gang members, kids; if they are under the protection of higher ranked VK's they go here. This is where Jace and Harry Badun, as well as Reza, would fall. Possibly the Smee kids, Diego, and Jade too, but those might be able to make it into rank 3.
Rank 4 might have a hierarchy within itself, but it's not as formal as the actual isle hierarchy. For most if not all kids on the isle, this is the highest rank that one can climb to; anything higher than rank 4 is unachievable.
Rank 5 and lower Honestly, these are harder to be specific about since we don't really have any examples. These kids aren't really VK's. Their parents were sent here for crimes, yes, but they're not villains the same way the above are. Crimes can range anywhere from minor offences to murder. There is likely a rank system between them too (which is why I listed it as rank 5 and lower) depending on the crime the parents committed, but ranks 4 and up don't often bother with them unless they're recruiting (in which case the ones joining go up to rank 4)
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princess-ibri · 10 months
Care to share some of your headcanons about The Southern Isles and its royal family?
So I go off Elizabeth Rudnick's "Frozen Heart" book for the most part, so yeah Han's whole family is kinda aweful, makes sense why he'd turn out that way :/
For his family, his father is King Gudbrand, and his mother is Queen Honoria (her younger sister Constantina is the mother of Prince Charming in Cinderella)
Here's what I had in my notes for his brothers and their families, names that are bolded come from the book
Caleb--Crown Prince of Southern Isles and heir to the throne, married to Princess Irina of Westberg, they have two daughters and a son
Peder-King Consort of Ingvarr, two daughters
Lars--Prince Consort of Westerberg, Daughter is Princess Cassandra
Ruddi/Runo-- Twins. Married at one point to duchesses but Outlaws now (yes they're the Stabbington Brothers, don't @ me it works and it's funny)
Elias--King Consort of Norberg, wife Queen Abigal and daughter princess Chloe
Mateo, Mikkel and Marius--Triplets. All married to minor nobility of various kingdoms, 2 boys and a girl between them
Theodor--married no children
Esben married no children
Hans was a suprise baby (and an unwanted one at that 💔 )
Yeah basically his family supplies grooms to half the kingdoms in the Everrealm xD
The Southern Isles was originally people by a banished group from one of the Northern kingdoms, back in the Everrealm's viking days, after they fell out of favor with the current king.
Their leader originally owned a fiefdom in the west of the country, hence his surname "Vestergaard" which became "Westergaard" over the years.
The power of the Southern Isles used to be a bigger deal in the old more warlike/sea faring days, both for their navy and as a needful port/place of defense. But as times and technology changed they've fallen by the wayside, and have tried to retain their failing power through alliances, but the king is very bitter about his sons all being Consorts only and not kings by right. Heck of a guy :p
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askauradonprep · 1 month
In my au, Drizella and Hans are happily married (because both kinda grew as people) but that does not mean there isn't drama in the family.
Lady Tremaine does not like Hans or his brothers (The Stabbingtons) at all.
Drizella and Anastasia could care less.
And Hans is petty enough to remind her she's related to Frollo if she annoys him enough.
So any Tremaine-Westergaard drama headcanons?
Awww, this is nice. I like seeing what characters people pick for villains doing better.
Lady Tremaine is like half the drama. She's in a bad mood half the time so she's usually yelling at someone (probably Dizzy).
Hans hates her for how she treats Dizzy most of the time. He has to plan his revenge carefully though because if it goes wrong they could end up in the street.
Hans would like to take Drizella and the kids out of the house. He's sure he could get Beckett to put them up in his home, even if only temporarily.
Anastasia is very little help. She's kinda dealing with a lot of her own stuff and doesn't have the headspace to help out with them and their kids.
I mean, we all know Hans isn't above murder but somehow he thinks murdering his children's grandma, even if she's awful, would be pretty traumatic. Plus, Tremaine is scary enough to keep a lot of the neighbours in check. So if he's gonna do that, he's gotta plan ahead.
Throwing petty comments at Tremaine is free though and he does whenever he can.
Drizella and Anastasia's arguments are very funny though. They're so catty that it's hilarious.
Once they're off the Isle, they're very quick to get away from Lady Tremaine. They know she's not as bad as she was a little while ago with the Isle improving a tiny bit but it's not worth hanging around her all the time. She can keep getting better and they'll talk.
They've still got Hans' brothers running around in Auradon but Drizella's gotten him to steer clear of that temptation. He has his own family to focus on.
In less sad drama - they felt like they were on a countdown for Dizzy to go to Auradon and they were happy but also going to miss her.
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winged-bat · 29 days
Still thinking about your tangled au lol it’s such a good idea and with cass’s suit being her tiara, I was thinking maybe give it medieval vibes and have it as a suit of armour? Perhaps it could be one Babs had made when she first adopted (or gave birth to I’m not sure which you’re going with) Cass to match her old one. I think it would be so fun to make corona a warrior kingdom in the au (obvi it’s up to you tho) and have babs as the warrior queen who lost use of her legs and now rules the kingdom in peace or something??? Anyways I would love to hear more of your thoughts abt the au I’m fascinatedddd
When I first thought about the au it was more a half-baked idea so I didn’t think out all the logistics of everything (or anything really). So this is really just more put together thoughts on what I had previously shared. I do think I want it to have a more found family theme so leaning toward the adoption route. Cass was still born out of the Cain and Shiva exchange only this time once she was born Shiva saw her sister in her and decided to take her and run. She keeps her hidden away to prevent her befalling her sisters fate but since she’s already had the realization that she was being held back decides to teach Cass her ways to replicate the bond she had shared but also so she could be molded to her levels without the need to hold back as the trainings would start from birth (does that make sense I feel like I’m not explaining it coherently enough). She takes trips throughout Cass’s life to hone in her martial arts skills and pass them along to Cass. Their proximity to Corona would be to deter others from finding them, specifically Cain. Since it would have been a Warrior kingdom (that is such a concept I’m actually in love with it and will be rotating it round the brain) turned Peace kingdom it still holds a strong reputation and turns other kingdoms off from attacking it.
Babs after the lose of use in her legs still wants to pass along her warrior(batgirl) legacy and have it bring purpose to someone. While she has turned to peace she still helps neighboring kingdoms and builds an extensive network that she wouldn’t have had had she still been a warrior. In the hopes of finding someone to carry the legacy she builds the armor (it having medieval qualities and being armor is so genius!!!) that would later be stolen. Babs holds a yearly mentorship type of event to find her mentee, only no one ever feels right. I’m thinking in the au Shiva would record those at this event to better develop Cass’s skills and have her test her prediction of moves as she would be studying these people rather extensively.
Enter Stephanie Brown though she’s only known as Spolier so far (Stephanie is to her what Eugene is to Flynn) in the moves of stoping her Father from forming a mass alliance to bring down the Corona Kingdom and take the power it holds for himself. I think in a way Arthur would be playing the role of the Stabbington brothers in this au. She steals the armor herself in hopes of donning it and scaring the alliance apart. But much like Flynn is chased down. She finds the tower and finally meets Cass. The exchange goes much the same as in the movie with Steph being tied up and Cass having the dream of going to this yearly event (I just realized this but that really fits so well with their first meeting where Cass demands Steph read her that ransom note). I think in this au in terms of Steph realizing Cass is her dream, it’s her not having a goal past stopping her father (she takes a more destructive route in which it doesn’t matter if this is the end of her as long as her father is stopped) and coming to the journey of wanting to have a life for herself and a future with Cass.
Also I very vividly see the campfire scene mirroring their dads talk from batgirl (2000) and it hasn’t left my head all afternoon.
The whole faked betrayal element would be followers of Arthur kidnapping Steph and turning her in for treason (they’re pinning the alliance on her with the reasoning of her taking the armor to undermine the kingdom and prove their power could be taken). In place of the ‘I’m the lost princess’ realization it’s Cass instead wanting to build onto the warrior legacy and help surrounding kingdoms instead of living as a reflection of Shiva (I do think in this au Shiva would had the goal of making Cass better than her so that she herself could always shrive for more and have that challenge (if someone with more Shiva knowledge thinks this is ooc pls feel free to weigh in) as well as serving a reminder of her sister).
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twotangledsisters · 4 months
Can you give us an updated list of all your WIP's and which ones are likely to be posted? Are there any WIPs you've got that are unlikely to see the light of day?
Of course!
It's hard for me to measure likelihood of a fic being posted and how soon because other than the scheduled main fics I just let inspiration take charge. I wrote MOST of Hair-Cut over a year ago, didn't have an ending, one day the ending hit me and I posted it.
But I will colour code them as My Beloved, I love this story soooooo much (might not be coming soon but definitely coming, sometimes they take longer BECAUSE I love them and keep adding stuff and working more on them), this just needs polishing but I'm struggling for some reason, has an outline but got a looot of work yet, this is an idea more than it is a story, probably won't see the light of day.
Inside Tangled Sisters AU:
-The Three Disciples (pending title change): The story of Gothel, Sugracha, Tromus, Zhan Tirir and Demanitus.
-The Adventurer and the Prince: Arianna and Frederic's backstory (also lots of Cap).
-The Making of a Thief: Backstory for Eugene, Lance, Caine and Stalyan.
-Stuffed Animals and Hidden Animals: Cass and Raps hide Pascal and Owl from Gothel, their stuffed animal disguises backfired when Gothel starts ripping toys apart as punishment.
-Firsts: Rapunzel and Eugene have a lot of firsts to experience.
-Parenting Can Be Hard When You Fit In Their Pocket: Pascal and Owl parent the two human babies in the tower.
-Liars: Rapunzel and Cassandra had to lie to survive in the tower and carry those bad habits with them into the palace.
-Even Queen's Can Get Sick: Arianna gets ill and her daughters care for her for a change.
-Adopting The Thieves Who Stole Their Heart: Eugene and Lance travel through Equis with Keira and Catalina to get them officially adopted.
-Silent Screams and Loud Memories: It's hard being a father, especially when your two new adopted daughters came from the same horrific background as you and are still in the nightmare-phase of it all. (Lance comforting and loving Keira and Catalina, family fluff)
-Vardaros' New Fossil Exhibit: Lance takes the girls to the new fossil exhibit.
AU of Tangled Sisters AU:
-Three Thieves (pending title change): Cass isn't injured, nobody realises Rapunzel was the princess, Eugene, Cass and Rapunzel flee Corona to be thieves together but then Cass steals from the Baron and it all gets rather complicated.
-Tangled Now With Caine: Eugene steals the crown with Caine rather than the Stabbingtons.
-The Second Vial: Within Hair-Cut AU. Cassandra wakes up one day feeling unwell, but everybody is in denial about what it is. Day after day though she deteriorates fast and everybody is forced to accept the reality that the vials are what'll keep Cassandra alive.
-Caine the Handmaiden: Caine gets the gig as Cassandra's lady-in-waiting as part of a plan for vengeance but falls in love instead.
-Never Found: Eugene doesn't climb the tower just hides and escapes. Gothel takes Cass away from the tower once they're older. Cass escapes Gothel and finds a group of three thieves who she begs for help.
-Lost at the Gallows: Alternate S3 finale where Eugene dies. Pure angst.
-Evil Eugene: Rapunzel takes the moonstone, the shockwave of the sundrop and moonstone connecting leads to both Rapunzel and Cassandra's death and for Eugene to claim the sundrop/moonstone combined, following the instruction of Zhan Tiri as she promises a way to get his family back.
Everything Else:
-A History Major and a Knight: Cassandra steps through the door in The Inn of Yesterday's Tomorrow just to stumble into the room of a Modern Day Caine. Shenanigans and romance ensue! (credit to @rebecagpfs for this amazing idea!)
-No Matter What: Sequel to Always By Your Side. Lance has the moonstone wants vengeance on his brother who left him behind.
-Eugene slowly gets ill and Cass becomes a detective (obviously title pending change): Cassandra may not be fond of Eugene, but healthy people don't just suddenly fall ill and she's gonna figure out what's up.
-Shot: Cassandra takes and arrow meant for Eugene and Eugene is ready to tear the world apart finding out who did this.
-Mirror, Mirror, What You Took From Me: Cassandra shatters the mirror when hands reach out and try to grab her, a victory until they discover Eugene was already taken. Rapunzel is consumed by grief and manipulated by Zhan Tirir while Cass steals the moonstone and tries to fix things.
-Cass the Backup Body For Gothel: Gothel didn't have a child JUST for the chores. When the gang realises Cassandra didn't betray them, things get a lore more complicated, they must defeat Gothel but don't wish to harm Cassandra in the process.
-Anagapesis: Eugene realises he no longer loves Stalyan while trying to write his wedding vows.
-Father Tromus: Gothel fails to kidnap the princess and Tromus takes in Cassandra, teaching her magic and raising her to want vengeance on those who killed her mother.
-The Forgotten Future Queen: Cassandra is rescues at the age of six and adopted by Arianna and Frederic. She trains to become the best ruler Corona has ever seen, until one day the lost princess shows up and Cassandra no longer knows where she fits in the family picture.
-The Moon Slave: very dark AU where Eugene was an escaped slave and Cassandra is one who Rapunzel tries to save.
-Modern Tangled Dark: Modern-day tangled where Gothel keeps Rapunzel in atic and needs her blood for medicine, Eugene discovers her while running from the police and gets Cassandra's helps.
-Partners in Crime: Eugene and Rapunzel never realise who Rapunzel is so they flee and become thieves together. Captain is fired after the prison breakout leading Cassandra to leave Corona to hunt down Flynn Rider and enact vengeance.
-Lovers in a Tower: Gothel somehow convinced Eugene Rapunzel needs to be in the tower for safety but Eugene won't let her be there alone, except the tower soon becomes too claustrophobic for him.
-Islands Together: Captain returns to Corona with a four-year-old Cassandra and nobody knows what to do about it so they just let him. Which is fine until a full-grown Cassandra sees this.
-Royalty Can't Date a Thief: Frederic forbids the relationship between Eugene and Rapunzel. Eugene becomes Rapunzel's bodyguard and they date in secret.
-Queen for an Eternity: Arianna and Frederic die in the blizzard. Rapunzel becomes queen far too young.
-The Unknowing Indentured Servant: At four-years-old Cassandra is sentences for the crimes of her mother and her life belongs to the palace. Captain hides this from her under the guise it's just 'earning her stay'. Until Cassandra tries to quit and finds out the truth.
-Parcial Pardon: Eugene isn't given a full pardon, rather he has a lot of amends to do in Corona before he can start his new life.
-Strongbow Along For the Ride: Lance never got arrested, was there the day Eugene stole the crown and there to discover the tower and the lost princess... a tangled re-imagining.
-Queen of Amber: Arianna is consumed by the amber in the S1 finale and Frederic tries to kill Varian in his rage.
-Cass dies in the great tree: technically she dies outside of the great tree but the injure swere from there.
-The Hostage Situation: Instead of fight Hector holds a knife to Cass' neck and orders the gang to leave. Eugene splits from the gang to try and rescue Cassandra who was actually doing a pretty good job at bonding with Hector over their shared royal duties and how frustrating monarchs are when they just won't listen!
-Mothers Knows Best: Corona is heavily anti-magic and Gothel really did rescue Rapunzel. Eugene thinks he's doing good by bringing Rapunzel and her older sister to the lights until by the campfire he finds out about the magic but it's too late as the girls are now convinced the world is safe and flee Eugene to see the lights alone. Eugene goes to Gothel for help.
-Amber Alchemist: Quirin wasn't there to save Varian from the amber. Consumed by grief Quirin will do anything to save his son, including stand up to his old king and to the moonstone itself if need be.
-Mother Zhan Tiri: Zhan Tiri tries to manipulate a six-year-old Cassandra who's living in the tower with Rapunzel, it works to a degree but now Zhan Tirir needs to keep these babies long enough and eventually gives up leading them back to Corona so they can be somebody else's' problem.
-Gothel the Guardian of the Flower: Gothel goes to Corona after the sundrop's taken, begs to be left alone with the queen and flower for just a moment as she can heal her. Frederic is so grateful he gives Gothel a home in the palace garden where she is Corona's official healer. Arianna doesn't like how Gothel cares for her child and often brings Cassandra in to play with Rapunzel. One day things get more complicated when the thief Flynn Rider appears claiming he too can heal using the sundrop and isn't as picky as Gothel about WHO he heals! (one of my very fave WIPs)
I tried my best to keep this brief cause I feel like I usually over do it! However, if you want to know any more about any specific story go ahead and ask! I was going to include links to posts where I'd talked about each fic I'm not organised enough to locate those posts I'm afraid.
Also, I grabbed the stories from my WIP file, I try to stay organised but sometimes fics end up existing as a draft in another program so if I missed any, please do tell me and I'll add it! (both to this post and my WIP folder for safe-keeping)
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
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Clive, hush. Not only is it appropriate to give you the title of Mythos, but it’s one that you should’ve reclaimed and taken for yourself. In fact, I don’t know why Ultima even gave you that title. It’s kind of like naming a kid “Roger Stabbington” and then being surprised when he says “ok” and stabs people.
FFXVI had a lot of storytelling problems, but one of the issues that stands out the most is the refusal to explain the whole Mythos/Logos thing. There’s ATL entries about them, sure, but they’re kind of the most barebones, reductive explanations as to why those particular words/titles were chosen for Clive.
It’s time for me to put my “I was raised in an obnoxiously Greek family” hat back on once again and -- just as I did with the Hades II trailer -- break down all of the dumb ancient Greek nonsense being thrown at us in a video game.
“Mythos” isn’t actually a word that’s meant to be used as a title. The word “mythos” in and of itself refers to one of two things, depending on how it’s being used:
1. the compilation of folklore around a particular subject. For example, there’s the very famous myth of Hades and Persephone’s marriage, but there’s a whole mythos around the explanation of why seasons exist, and Demeter’s mourning of the loss of her daughter is only part of that mythos.
2. the plot of an ancient Greek tragedy -- just in general. The mythos of the story should have some sort of reversal (either the story starts off with the protagonist in a good place and ends with them in a bad one, or vice versa), and the intention should be to evoke fear or pity from the audience. Aristotle believed that the most tragic of stories were those involving violence between friends and/or family (and who does that sound like?) -- and, the worse the tragedy, the stronger the mythos.
So, to use the word “mythos” as a title implies that the person holding this title carries with them the legends and stories born from the hearts of mankind -- the “reason” behind mankind’s existence -- and then, through great tragedy, will become a legend in and of themselves.
Yeah, that kinda sounds like Clive, doesn’t it?
Ultima’s a fuckin idiot moron for naming him that and then expecting him to become anything else.
Another fun fact about the word “mythos” and how it relates to Greek tragedies, though:
Greek tragedies were historically performed in worship of Dionysus, who was the god of pleasure and indulgence. So, for Clive to be the human embodiment of Mythos, that means that his very existence serves the purpose of exalting carnal pleasure.
Clive Rosfield is actually, literally just personified sex appeal. He, himself is not a walking libido, per se -- but he’s meant to inspire that in everyone around him.
And he kind of does, considering how many characters in-game want to polish his knob.
The word “logos” is also not meant to be a title -- and, to be completely honest, I don’t feel like it works the way that the devs wanted it to work. Like, it’s fine. It’s serviceable. But it doesn’t exactly fit what Clive becomes the way that Mythos does.
A more modern interpretation of what the word “logos” means would probably be The Discourse(TM). Logos is the use of logic and reason to explain the nature of the world and mankind’s role in it. Aristotle basically thought of logos as being the thing that sets humans apart from animals -- it’s our sense of self and our ability to think objectively enough to create an actual moral compass.
So, basically, by calling Clive “Logos” Ultima’s just saying he’s attained free will and learned to think rationally on his own -- but that’s also a very basic bitch way of thinking about logos as a concept.
And it’s not as clean of a fit for him as Mythos is, considering that it wasn’t exactly Clive’s sense of self that got him to where he was (he spends like 85% of the game wondering what his purpose is), nor did his attainment of power have anything to do with rational, logical thinking. In fact, the game even goes out of its way to say that Clive is being held up by the faith of those who believe in him, which, I mean --
sure, if you also take into account the whole “Jesus Christ is thought of as being logos incarnate” thing, but like. Then that pulls away from the whole ancient Greek philosophy thing happening and goes into a different metaphor entirely, and everything just gets really muddy.
There are some scholars who believe that the concepts of mythos and logos aren’t mutually exclusive -- and, in fact, that logos actually grew out of mythos. The idea was that people started looking at the myths that they were using and started to apply logic and reason to them in order to get a more nuanced view of the world. But like...
In XVI, mankind started with rational thought when they realized that God (the God that they knew existed and were not just making up as myths) had abandoned them, and then they joined together as a community to create their own image for the world through their use of mythos.
So, I really think the game got it backwards. Clive wasn’t Mythos who became Logos. He was Logos who became Mythos.
But like. Gold star for trying.
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the-anxiety-academy · 2 years
Riley: If you wanna be a real artist you gotta do something wacky. Like cutting of your ear! Like Van Gogh
Hallie: Great idea! Do it!
Riley: *Whips out huge breadknife*
Hallie: Count to three but do it on two
Hannah: I'll keep in on ice 'till you become famous
Hallie: Thanks, Hans
Riley: Here goes. Now listen Hallie, I'm gonna have trouble cutting through the cartilage at first
Hallie: umhm
Riley, yanks ear: While I'm doing this just think about your art
Hallie, in pain: OKAY!
Riley: Alright, ready? 1, 2, AAAHH-
Hans, walks into room: Hey, kids
Riley: Oh, Hey, uncle
Hans: What are you doing?
Hans: What do you mean what knife? Why are you holding a knife?!
Riley, hands knife to Hannah: Why am I holding a knife?
Hallie: She's turning me into an artist!
Hans: *sighs* *walks out room*
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ask-missparker · 7 months
Season 2 ideas - Jeremy, Liane, Joshua, Belladonna and Nikolai are all accidentally stuck in the enchanted forest.
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—They have to find a way back home but on their way home they stop by a few stops, meeting old faces and a couple of new ones 👀 meanwhile in the town they have their own little spots of trouble.
Side-note: Idk if we will do another AU season 🤷‍♀️ yet. I still wanna continue the Wandavision one 💘
For the OUAT: We might change some things because i was thinking about Michelle being in the forest as well, she hasn’t been washed over during the first curse. Like maybe Michelle was in hiding after all theses years once the curse broke in real time and makes her grand return saving the day.
In the enchanted forest 🌳
Jeremy ties to men up to the tree, shining his hook and asks, “What do you want? Why do you want to go to our town?”
The older brother spat, “Because you have something of ours. Well, more importantly your husband does.”
“Oh god, what did he do now?”
The young brother added, “He has our sister locked in a pendant! Every time someone uses it, it drains her magic.”
Liane asked, “What’s her name?”
“Stella..he lost her to a duel with Gold’s husband..we want her back!”
Meanwhile Belladonna was looking at the young pretty blonde who played with her sword like it was a magical stick. They found her when they landed here and her mother requested she followed them. Joshua watched her eyes line and snorted as his friend told him to shut it.
“I didn’t say anything.” He replied.
“And I said shut it.” She repeated.
Nikolai gave both of them a look and half smiled sheepishly noticing how her son reminded her of his father. Even better, Belladonna reminded him of Cole at times, then he looked back at the brothers.
Nikolai asked, “What are your names?”
“Why do you want to know?” Asked the young one.
Jeremy responded for him, “My first mate asked a question. What are your names? Give me one other reason why I should let you go and not let you be eaten by Ogres.”
“Thiego and Leonardo, pirate. I don’t need to give you another reason onto why..”
“There is nothing for us in this land. Cora is asking us to help her out of a reward.”
“What reward?”
“Go to this new land, get revenge on your husband and most importantly, restore our family.”
Jeremy looked at his niece and nephew at the last part. Joshua was looking into the guys bags and scars on their chins, noticing deep daggers as he mutters, “Stabbington Brothers?”
Nikolai looked at his son raised an eyebrow, “You know them?
Belladonna stopped looking at the blonde to look at the others saying, “It’s from Tangled.”
Liane blinked confused wondering about where is Rapunzel and her man, Flynn Rider, at if theses guys are here.
Jeremy mumbled, “Of course you’ve seen that movie too. At least it’s better that Ames’s movie.”
He gasped in response, “Hey! That movie depicted us horribly..”
Joshua joked, “Yeah, dad, all you did was kiss mom once after one single encounter while she was asleep.”
Bella snorted, “Well my movie they made my dad kinda one dimensional and only slaying my mother instead of helping her.” 
Liane’s eyes almost flashed purple but Nikolai put a hand on her shoulder to just let it go like Elsa.
The brothers were about to question a couple of things, even bargain a deal to help the others. When suddenly a voice caught into the background of the woods.
“There you are, sons of bitches!” Yelled the voice of the young woman who it seemed to belong to.
Everyone looked around to search for the voice in question. Whoever it was, she has a mouth on her! Jeremy grinned as he thought he was dreaming when he heard it. Nikolai smirked not wanting to get his hopes up yet.
The sun was shining across the thick blonde curls as shiny armor came into view, it looked more Royal than most. She held a small smile as she walked over to the group, her sword resting on her hip, her boots pounding against the ground and her eyes bright was the ocean. Liane looked a bit confused onto the women in front of her, almost like she seen her before but the pirate boys beat her to.
“Michelle?” Asked Nikolai and Jeremy at the same time seeing their old friend.
“Who were you expecting? Lancelot?” She joked with a smile, but her glared stayed on the two men tied up against the tree, who robbed her earlier.
Bella, Alice and Joshua were all dumbfounded by the young blonde.
Hehe ok I now want our OCs watching and roasting the Disney versions of themselves 😂
Tags: @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @cherrysft @luna-d-marsh @rickb-chaos @rooster-84 @sherloquestea @thecavalrywife @thisgirlisonfayeeer @rickb-chaos @sherloquestea @thecavalrywife @thisgirlisonfayeeer @cherrykissthings @mera-xebella and etc
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Tremaine-Westergaard-Stabbington family headcanons updated;
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Trigger warning; child abuse and death.
Hans was spelled by the Trolls.
Anna, upon realizing just how badly Hans’ family treated him when she was visiting the Southern Isles, helped him flee in secret. 
Which allowed him to meet his wife, Drizella, who he went on to have 7 daughters with.
Said Daughters names are; Dorothy, Daphne, Deborah, Delanie, Dixie, Dotty, and Dizzy in that order.
Dorothy’s full name and title is Princess Dorothy Annabel Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she (like Anthony) is 21 by d3. 
Daphne’s full name and title is Princess Daphne Adeline Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she is 20 by d3.
Deborah’s full name and title is Princess Deborah 'Debbie' Abigail Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles (which she hates) and she is 18 by d3.
Delanie’s full name and title is Princess Delanie Marie Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she is 15 by d3.
Dixie’s full name and title is Princess Dixie Sonia Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she is 15 by d3.
Dotty’s full name and title is Princess Dotty Delphine Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she is 13 by d3.
Dizzy’s full name and title is Princess Drizella 'Dizzy' Sophia Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she is 11 by d3.
Dorothy is close to her cousins, Cormac and Iggy, and is a beauty guru prankster who will do almost anything for a laugh.
She loves yoga, dancing, and doing crazy hair styles and Halloween make up.
Dorothy is scared of drowning because of a bad experience she had with water when she was 3.
Daphne is a fun loving, playful, beauty queen who wants to take over the family business when she grows up.
She, like her close friend Shan Shiro, is an impulsive pyromaniac.
She was always afraid of losing her siblings because of when Dorothy almost drowned—which was her first memory.
She also loved music and knew how to play many instruments.
Daphne never knew it, but Shiro was in love with her.
She had been bestfriends with Shiro since they were babies basically.
Daphne and Dorothy got along like cats and dogs. Which is to say not at all.
Debbie was a close friend of the Gaston twins and worked out with them.
She, like her sisters, was into being as beautiful as she could be but also liked sports and weight-lifting. She could out drink the Gaston twins even at 14.
She also liked hiking, biking, fighting, and sleeping. She was also never good at doing things with hair—at all. She was the only Tremaine who couldn't do hair. Something no one ever let her forget.
The one thing Debbie was ever afraid of was spiders. Something her siblings found hilarious.
Delanie and Dixie are twins, and get along like peanut butter and jelly. They are the best at braiding and always helped their cousin, Tega, do hers.
They love sewing, knitting, crochet, floral design, and embroidery but they also have their own separate hobbies.
Delanie collected bugs and solved puzzles while Dixie did scrapbooking and Calligraphy.
They like their siblings work at Curl up and dye but they also run a spa out of their home as a side Hustle.
Delanie is scared of snakes and heights.
Dixie is scared of blood and worms.
Yes, this results in many many mean pranks by those who know about said fear of snakes and worms.
Dotty, like Dizzy, is a sweetheart though she can be a bit mean spirited at times as well.
Dotty makes dresses for her dollies and does their makeup and hair.
She loves playing various games, helping out at Curl up and dye, and climbing on things.
She's afraid of the dark and of the tooth fairy and Santa clause because of a mean prank Dorothy, Cormac, and Iggy played on her when she was very little.
The Stabbington brothers' real names are Runo and Rudi Westergaard. Yes, they're Hans' older brothers.
They are number 7 and 8 respectively.
Rudi is the one People refer to as Patchy and Runo is the one people call Sideburns.
Runo/Sideburns married Lady Caine and Rudi/Patchy married Madame Medusa for some unfathomable reason.
No one knows why. And he never gives a reason when he's asked.
Runo and Caine have 2 kids together—Cormac and Tega in that order.
Rudi and Medusa have 3 kids together—Darlina, Iggy, and Rex in that order.
Though only few people know that those are their names since they go by nicknames all of the time.
Cormac goes by "Brunet" because of the color of his hair and Tega goes by "Braids" because her hair is always braided.
Darlina goes by Greeny because of her startlingly green eyes, Iggy goes by Cheekbones because of his prominent Cheekbones, and Rex goes by nosey because of his pointy nose.
Greeny is responsible and bossy, and a no nonsense type of girl who is a master thief. She was the one—aside from Hans and Lady Caine—who took care of the family horses the most.
Cheekbones is a sarcastic, impulsive, cheeky boy who is slightly narcissistic. He is a prankster who can be a bit mean spirited and Greeny's twin. He is always driving her nuts.
Nosey is a shy, meek, introverted bookworm who likes making things and playing board games. He also likes astrology.
Braids is a multi-talented sweetheart who enjoys cooking, gardening, and taking care of animals. She usually hangs out with Rex, Dotty, Delanie, and Dixie.
Brunet is a nerdy party animal prankster who is easily excitable. Bad decisions is his middle name.
Greeny is scared of her siblings getting hurt or dying on her watch.
Cheekbones is scared of being disfigured.
Nosey is afraid of being noticed by people. He just wants to go through life without getting into trouble.
Braids is afraid of her hair getting caught in a propeller or machinery.
Brunet is scared that he'll drink so much one of these days, go to sleep, and never wake up again.
Iggy’s full name and title is Prince Ignatius 'Iggy' Zigmund Stabbington-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and he is 22 by d3.
Darlina’s full name and title is Princess Darlina 'Greeny' Earlina Stabbington-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she is 22 by d3.
Rex’s full name and title is Prince Rexford 'Rex/Nosey' Arthus Stabbington-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and he is 14 by d3.
Cormac’s full name and title is Prince Cormac 'Brunet' Augustus Stabbington-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and he is 22 by d3.
Tega’s full name and title is Princess Tega 'Braids' Augusta Stabbington-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she is 15 by d3.
Drizella and Medusa became best friends.
Lady Caine, on the other hand, steered clear of them both as much as she could because she found them very unpleasant.
Anastasia had four biological kids with the Baker—Anthony, Aaron, Amara, and Anya—before being sent to the isle with them.
She went on to adopt four kids—Ellie, Colombe, Felix, and Francis.
Ironically, four of them became pirates but to different crews.
Anthony (21) joined Harriet's Crew.
Aaron (19) joined Uma's crew.
Amara (16) joined an all girl's crew along with Anya (12).
Lady Tremaine did not like this at all because she says it's a stain on their good family name.
None of the kids care. Their parents don't either.
Anthony is in love with Harriet.
Aaron has no love life and just likes drinking and singing and dancing. Piratey things.
Amara is a fiery redhead like her brothers who fights so much that her mouth is nearly full of Silver teeth. She loves fake magic and is fun loving. Oh and she taught Dizzy a lot of what the little girl knows.
Anya loves gardening and often helps braids fix up her garden. She also loves swimming and reading. Oh and she's an absolute tattle tell who almost always gets the older kids in trouble for swearing.
Anthony is afraid of being disfigured and losing his family.
Aaron is afraid of letting Uma down and of his mom getting hurt. He's also scared of being a familiar.
Amara is afraid of curses but that's about it.
Anya is afraid of King Beast and Maleficent.
The other 4 died.
Runo and Rudi, like the rest of their brothers sans Lars, were horribly abusive towards Hans in their younger years.
They ran away from home at 15 and the longer they were away from the southern isles, the more they realized just how messed up their lives were.
They eventually made up with Hans after running into him when he escaped the southern isles once and for all.
It took time but they managed it eventually, even if Hans was still a bit wary around them.
They encouraged his relationship with Drizella because it made him happy. They soon regretted this when they began living with her and when they got stuck living with her on the isle.
The twins met Medusa and Caine in a bar on the isle and eventually they started dating them.
Unfortunately for Rudi/Patchy, Medusa is just as bad and annoying as Drizella. Especially now that her crocodiles have left her.
Medusa and Drizella have nearly killed their kids several times.
Only to be stopped by Anastasia, The twins, Caine, and Hans every time.
They only stayed together because of the kids because if they left, they'd be homeless and the kids wouldn't be under their protection.
Caine, Patchy, Sideburns, and Hans also work at Curl up and dye but they have side jobs as well.
Like Caine and Sideburns running a bar for instance.
And Patchy running a self-defense course that people have to pay for.
Hans makes weapons.
Patchy fights with Medusa just as often as Hans fights with Drizella. Which is to say almost daily.
Anya looks like her father, the Baker, Jacob Lathyn.
The Tremaine-Westergaard- Stabbington family has several pets.
6 horses and 7 cats.
The cats' names are L, Lord, Liar, Luci, Lu, Lucifer, and Lily.
The horses' names are Sitron, Saturn, Satrina, Axel, Ace, and Arrow.
Also they are distantly related to Nancy Tremaine.
Dizzy and Anthony are the only known human survivors of the Tremaine fire.
The Tremaine fire was caused by a drunken Shan Shiro who was trying to set the barrier on fire.
Dizzy was in her room when the fire started. Anthony was asleep on the couch.
Drizella, Anastasia, Lady Tremaine, and Medusa were all in their rooms when it started. And were fast asleep.
Hans and his two brothers were fast asleep at the table, having fallen asleep while trying to clean up after the party.
The fire happened on Anastasia's birthday. One of the few nights a year where everyone is in the same house as one another.
Delanie and Dixie were asleep in their bed, hair braided and expired face masks on.
Aaron was drunk in his room and singing some old sea shanties.
Anya, Braids, Nosey, and Dotty were all asleep in the corner of Nosey and Braids' rooms after deciding to have an impromptu sleepover that Dizzy wasn't allowed to participate in because she was too little.
Nosey's face was buried in a book, Dotty was drowning in her dolls, and Braids and Anya were snuggling with one of the foals they had managed to sneak in when the adults weren't looking.
Dorothy, Cormac, and Iggy were in the attic, plotting a prank and giggling as they chugged some booze they had snagged from Aaron's stash.
Daphne was listening to music, dozing off while Debbie snored loudly in her bed beside her.
Dizzy was under her bed, fast asleep after crying herself to sleep because of her cousins excluding her from her sleepover.
And finally, Darlina was out in the barn, having fallen asleep while grooming the horses.
Anthony will never forgive Shiro. Never. He refuses to. He hates him for what he's done.
Mainly because Shiro waited four months to tell him he had done it and not Daphne.
Everyone had thought Daphne had started the fire until Shiro admitted he did it.
Anthony has never felt more betrayed than he did in that moment.
Dizzy is the only one who doesn't hate Shiro. Even though she was hurt by what he did just as much as Anthony.
Neither of them have ever been the same since they lost their family.
Anthony stopped cooking after the fire. He actually stopped doing most things.
And Dizzy? Well, let's just say she doesn't do anything that involves fire.. ever.
Colombe, Ellie, Felix, and Francis Tremaine are @idontliketomatoesleavemealone 's ocs.
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zonerobotnik · 1 year
Okay, please no offense, but I rewatched the episode.
Please tell me that they aren't smiling.
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They enjoy doing this.
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Please look at his actual expression when he is pulling Varian closer.
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He smiled just like that when he was about to kill Cassie.
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Well, then why did they hesitate? Why did Andrew raise his sword in the stupidest way to strike someone that is unsuspecting, and not stab Cassandra in the back like Gothel did for Eugene? (Which I had happen in my fic "The Moon Calls".) Why did Andrew not just open his hand to drop Varian as soon as he said that traitors had to die? Why hold him out there so long, like he was hesitating? Why did Andrew run at Rapunzel with his sword held up like he had very little experience in actual fighting? Why did they not hurt Varian in any way when they locked him up in the castle that they clearly intended to keep intact? They didn't even punch him for turning on them and trying to attack them. Go on, guys, punch the kid and throw him in, you're bad guys, right? The Stabbingtons wouldn't hesitate! OH, wait, maybe they aren't actually bad people.
Clementine may have just been enjoying taking him down a peg or two but she never actually swiped at him, just pointed a sword. He could've easily stepped away or to the side. If she really wanted to threaten him, she'd use a wand. Imagine threatening him with the loss of his memories? That's scary. Why were they smiling, I have no clue. Expressions aside, their actions speak pretty loudly to them not actually wanting to hurt anyone. If Andrew was going to destroy Corona anyway, why did he not stab Rapunzel and Cassandra as distractions once they were cuffed to the book's pedestal instead of leaving them to potentially escape and call the guards on him? They knew his face, he'd have Wanted posters by the end of the night! He's either supposed to be conveyed as extremely stupid, unlikely based on his other actions, or he didn't actually want to hurt anyone. Once he actually got out of prison, if he was such a bad guy, why would he not kill the royal family and just keep Varian distracted in the lab and in the castle with scary stories about the outside? Why give Varian so much power? Why erase the memories of the King and Queen? Why not just send away all the citizens of Corona, if they really wanted to keep the promise to not hurt anyone, and rebuild Saporia on top of its remains after destroying it long before Rapunzel came back? If he was such a bad guy, why reason with Varian at all? Why would he care about preserving the lives of Coronans or keeping promises to kids? There's a lot of questions here, and not enough to answer them. All we can do is try to use the hints and clues to solve the mystery ourselves. I think the answer is that Andrew ISN'T such a bad guy, and the Saporians just want their lost Kingdom back. You know, the one that Corona clearly destroyed and lied about there being a union while only celebrating the Corona side on the "Day of Hearts".
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Where's the other castle, Corona? Why is no one flying the Saporian colors? Everyone is so quick to villainize the Saporians, but they have valid reason to be mad, I think. And if they have been so much trouble, why is Andrew the first that Rapunzel hears of them attacking? Why is Xavier the only one that even acknowledges they exist? Anyways, actions speak louder than words and expressions can be forced and I'm looking at the actions and the actions say that they didn't want to hurt Varian. As for the rest of the Coronans? Well, Varian has some pretty vivid nightmares of being mobbed.
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And he tells Rapunzel that everything he sees in the rocks is stuff that really happened. So, with THIS and "we don't have time" connected...I think the people were going to storm the castle enmasse under Rapunzel's banner and desperate times call for desperate measures. Even Varian resorted to violence when he felt cornered.
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Omfg Lady Van Tassel! She was one of my first major crushes.
Also, can I ask if you have anything Disney villain related coming up? ^^
I love her!! She's so pretty and devious! And yes you can ^^
Disney Villain stuff in my Drafts that I Actually Want to Finish (Who know if I will though):
Almost's Parts 1, 2 and 3: I have 2 parts of a Jafar series completed- I just need to finish the last part then I can post it all (But I've been stuck on it for a long time). Its about a reader who is a cousin of the royal family and is sent to Agrabah to live with Jasmine and the Sultan until she finds a suitor. Well, she actually falls in love while she's there, with Jafar! ^^ Not only do they truly enjoy eachother, but he's an excellent choice in her over-bearing families eyes. She thinks its going to work out! She's actually going to get to marry a man she loves. ... But then she is proposed to by a Greek King's bastard son who's about to be legitimised. And Jafar's a great choice, yes,... but he's not about to be King.
Evening Routines Drabbles: Just a set of 4 Drabbles where reader helps their milf S/O with her evening beauty routines (Hair curlers, face masks, baths, hand and nail care, chatting- all that warm domestic stuff). This one features Cruella, the Evil Queen, Lady Tremaine and Madame Medusa. I have to finish the last two, still.
Head over Heels Headcanons: Headcanons for the Disney's baddest bitches reacting to you falling hopelessly in love with them XD Along with individual slow-burn romances for each as well ^^ This one includes Cruella, the Evil Queen, Maleficent, Mother Gothel, Ursula and Yzma. I've made pretty good headway on most of them except Ursula 😅
Walking In Drabbles: This is MultiVillains drabble set where Villain #1 walks in and catches an eye full of something~~ between reader and villain #2 (Includes Chris McLean and Topher, Michael Myers and Bubba Sawyer, ‘Sideburns’ and ‘Patchy’ Stabbington, Slenderman and Offenderman, and Smartass and Greasy Weasel)
Also a couple that I'm Not Sure i want to finish anymore:
Tensions between Hopeless Lovers High Drabble: Okay so I still do like this idea, its just bound to take an emotional and mental toll so I'm struggling to dig up the energy XD So reader is Gaston's housemaid and they do not really get along... but they have a lotta hate-sex (He needs an outlet, and she doesn't see a future for herself anyway). One night Gaston comes home mad and drunk from a hunting trip, which is not unusual, and she makes him tea (Also not unusual), and... there's a moment. A realising-in-another-life-this-could-really-truly-be-something kind of moment.
Forced Proposals Drabbles: Pretty self explanatory. I only finished Hades' so I might Just clean that one up and post it on its own.
Waking Up from a Love Potion Drabbles: Again, self explanatory. Villains give you a love potion so you'll be with them, and you wake up from it. I only finished Captain Hook and Hades, but who knows- I might still do some of the others. 😕
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skullamity · 2 years
TLOU finale thoughts: Seeing a lot of people arguing about whether Joel made the right decision, or that it is indesputable that he made the wrong decision, and listen, listen...
I have not played the game, I haven't had a PS since the PS2 and my computer can't handle modern games. That's fine. I'm just saying that I don't know how the game presents it, but the show did a fairly good job of convincing me specifically that there's never going to be a cure for this.
In the very first episode, a foremost expert in this field is offered literally any resource by her government to work towards a vaccine, and what does she tell them? You can't make one, that's not how cordyceps and how we interact with them (or aren't supposed to be able to interact with them) works. And when she is offered all the resources they can offer, she opts to go home and spend however long she has left with her family. The episode really fucking sold me on this point.
Fast forward, and we have Dr. NoHypocraticOath lying to a child so he can give her brain surgery that will kill her on purpose. Is he the foremost expert on this shit in North America? Well I don't fucking know--if he had a name I don't recall anyone saying it. Didn't get to see much of his face, but he didn't look Joel's age. It's been 20 years since the apocalypse, does he even have a medical degree? Did he make one up? Did he read some books and decide that he was an expert/had a degree? And even if he does have a medical degree, what does he know that that FOREMOST EXPERT IN EPISODE ONE DID NOT, EVEN WITH UNLIMITED RESOURCES OFFERED?
And let's be real, since we are talking about resources. Expert in episode one was like...the amount is NONE. NONE resources will be required because we are literally all going to die, you can't make a vaccine for this shit. Would she have changed her tune if Ellie had been alive then and available? I'm not sure the answer is yes!
But Dr. Childmurder is like yeaaah I think we can pull this off in this extremely unsanitary operating room in this burnt out pediatrics ward using equipment that may not even run properly because anyone who knew how to service it is probably dead. DOUBT!
Now, I guess you can argue that Joel doesn't know about that lady in episode one. He was on the other side of the world and never met her, probably wouldn't have even seen her on TV because she was spending her last moments with family. He's running on limited info, you could say, and I suppose you could argue that because he doesn't know this, he's in the wrong because for all he knows, maybe Dr. Stabbington McBraintheif had the right idea! He should have believe Marlene when she said it was for the best!
And to that I say...again, no. Joel's maybe not a rocket scientist, but he is a survivor before anything else. Even if he wasn't emotionally compromised and his ability to not crumble wasn't all in on Keeping This One Kid Alive, he's been built up to be competent enough to sniff out shoddy reasoning, bullshit and decisions made out of desperation rather than sense. If I can look at this shitty hospital and these garbo conditions and these desperate people who have elected not to inform someone volunteering to help that they've decided to just kill her and hope this works and think that that's super fucking suspicious, then Joel can too, and should have, and did.
Do I agree that lying to Ellie was the best way to cap that off? No. Their entire relationship has been based off of being truthful even when the truth was mean, and being real and him not treating her like an actual child. Whatever's going to happen in season 2 is probably going to be super fucked up, it's probably going to hinge on that lie, and it probably could have been completely avoided if Joel had just said, "I woke up and Marlene wouldn't take me to you. She proceeded to tell me that she'd tricked you into thinking you were having some tests done, but that they were literally just going to kill you. Maybe you would have wanted that, if they'd asked you! But that was the biggest fucking red flag, and there were A Lot of red flags, from the Doctor willing to just flat out murder you looking not old enough to have gotten his pediatric brian surgery degree before colleges stopped being a thing to the shoddy equipment to the fact that they literally tried to bribe me and when I was like absofuckinlutely not, she started to march me out to the highway and told them to shoot me if I at all deviated from that path. Isn't that completely fucked up?" Because even if Ellie was mad about that, she has generally respected Joel's opinions on people and things and probably would have forgiven him eventually for killing them.
But yeah--maybe it's different in the game and for all I know someone does manage to synthesize a vaccine form Ellie's brain at the end of the second one. But the show? Has made it pretty clear that Marlene's cure was a last ditch attempt to find a cure and there was zero guarantee it went anywhere. I see a lot of people addressing this like the cure would have definitely been able to be made, but there was like...zero evidence to suggest that this wouldn't have just been a total waste that also killed a beloved child, and making the call Joel did was objectively the right decision based on the info he had at the time, and based on literally everything else the plot has told us about cordyceps for the entire season.
If you were for some reason convinced that the cure had even a tiny chance of being synthesized form this, you're welcome to explain it to me. I just can't see it!
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
I know that Garden of Secrets and Enamored aren’t in the same fic universe (is that’s thing? If not it should be) especially because we will be getting Anthony x Charlotte, but I can’t stop thinking of Clover and Cherie interacting. Everyone would not expect them to become fast friends but they bond over 3 things.
Their love for their siblings
Their love for the Bridgerton men.
And their need to stab people 😂😂😂
Cherie keeps Clover dressed to impress and Clover keeps Cherie’s home full of the most beautiful flowers. And if anyone ever messed with them or the rest of the Bridgerton family they’d have to face the wrath of the stabbington twins!
This is hilarious 😂
Clover and Cherie interacting would be so much fun though 😂 Cherie keeping Clover dressed to impress while Clover keeping Cherie's home full of beautiful flowers yessss😍 I feel like they would also be incredibly protective of each other and considering how in love they are with Anthony and Benedict, they would be spending so so much time together 😂
Oooh can you imagine how Clover would be when Cherie first started talking about how love is the best thing in the world? 😂
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