#Stanley Melvin
wizardnamensalex · 10 months
This season of puppet history did have lore actually. Dorthy Ruth got engaged to Elmer Walter Williams, ran away from the altar and is looking for her dead husband Stanley Melvin
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migorify · 13 days
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u guys r never gonna guess what i have in mind..
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rustycopper4use · 3 months
Here’s my court ordered character simp list
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@piffany666 @lunaritychuwolf
Judge my type (i think there’s a pattern)
I will elaborate on one of them the rest I will not your choice
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puppet-purgatory · 6 months
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a redraw of last year's piece done on nye, except this time with less attention to Horse..... i did him last and my arm Hort
looking forward to a fun 2010 with this fandom!
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ismellpestilence · 5 months
It is now the 105th year since the death of Stanley Melvin Murphy, may he rest in peace.
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comic-covers · 9 months
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i had to draw her. the absolute gal. dorothy ruth i love you.
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itz-alaine-12 · 2 months
My opinion on these shipsss‼️‼️
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brokehorrorfan · 5 months
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The 1997 version of Stephen King's The Shining will be released on Blu-ray on March 12 via Scream Factory. Displeased with Stanley Kubrick's 1980 adaptation, King took it upon himself to write the script based on his 1977 novel.
Mick Garris (The Stand, Sleepwalkers) directs the three-part miniseries. Steven Weber, Rebecca De Mornay, Melvin Van Peebles, Courtland Mead, and Wil Horneff star.
Special features are in progress and will be announced at a later date.
Jack Torrance (Steven Weber) and his family (Rebecca De Mornay and Courtland Mead) move into the sprawling, vacant Overlook Hotel to get away from it all. Away from the alcoholism that derails Jack's writing career. Away from the violent outbursts that mar Jack's past. But Jack's young son Danny knows better. He possesses a psychic gift called the shining — a gift the hotel's vile spirits desperately want.
Pre-order The Shining.
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n4talia-chaparro · 1 year
What do they think of (mostly book ver) melvin?
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"you see we already asked that to the girls and they didn't wanna respond," said George. "we asked the boys and they seem like they never heard of it before (they thought it was a cult LMFAO) but we got their honest response-"
Bo's response: "That version of him seems weird."
Gooch's response: "weird looking but he seem nice! I kinda like him, no homo."
Stanley's response: "I'll be honest as possible! The design seem fine but his personality is just...nerdy."
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tacomasterstudios · 1 year
Based on patterns in the show, both across the seasons as a whole and the odd numbered seasons specifically. This is also just speculation and at this point it’s more likely that there won’t be a fifth season at all.
The season will be seven episodes long. Seasons one and two, with their 13 episodes each, make up a 26-episode block used for international syndication. With S3’s 13 episodes and S4’s six, and not counting the hour long specials or the interactive “episode”, the series will need seven more episodes to get another 26-episode block for 52 total episodes.
Since so many DreamWorks cartoons end at 52 episodes (Home, Trollhunters, Spirit, She-Ra, VeggieTales in the House), it is likely this will be the final season.
Following the cliffhanger at the end of season 4 (the space one), the gimmick of this season will be time travel. The first episode will follow up on said cliffhanger, showing us a thoroughly messed up future.
On this note, the futuristic version of Captain Underpants and the lump versions of George and Harold on his arms will play a role in at least the first episode, if not the entire season.
Either when the initial bad future is ended in episode 1 or when the future is for sure saved in the finale, future CU, like Melvinborg, will be erased from time and vanish into the ether.
There won’t be a proper “season villain” like the second and fourth seasons, but the present day versions of Krupp and Melvin will be recurring antagonists. In this case, they get suspicious of George and Harold’s sudden access to time travel and attempt to investigate.
In addition, Melvin once again is the usual cause of the episodic villains’ creations, and usually by accident. If it’s not Melvin, it’s the boys.
Krupp and the boys will have a moment where they get along in the final episode of the season.
Mr. Meaner will be an episodic villain. Again.
Episode Four will center around Erica, and will involve some feminist issue that Erica represents (such as representation in media in season one, mansplaining in season three). It will also be the worst episode of the season.
Alternatively, the issue touched upon will revolve around some other social justice aspect, like racism or trans rights or something. Oh dear…
Keeping the transition of Dayci Brookshire-voiced character focus from Jessica to Dressy, as well as the pattern of Dayci-voiced character episodes in general (2 Jessica in S1, 1 Jessica in S2, 1 Jessica and 1 Dressy in S3, 1 Dressy), Dressy will have roles in two episodes, one as an antagonist (but not as one of the episodic villains).
For the episode where Dressy is an antagonist, the main villain could be music themed, and attempt to force everyone into singing and dancing forever. Dressy would be on the villain’s side because while singing and dancing forever would be torment for everyone else, it would be positively heavenly for her.
There will be an episode dealing with Mr. Ree’s past, uncovering another mysterious secret.
Given the theme of this season, it’s likely that George and Harold travel back in time to this event, and possibly attempt to change it.
At least one of the big five classic monsters (mummies, werewolves, Frankenstein’s monster, vampires, and ghosts) will be a theme for one of the villains. (Vampires and mummies were used in S1, ghosts were used in S3, this leaves werewolves and Frankenstein’s monster as the remaining two.)
One villain will be plant/vegetable themed (like Avocadwoe in S1 and Combotato in S2).
TWO villains will be based around classical mythology and/or legends (like the Homework Hydra and Claylossus in S1 and the Barflilisk and Melviathan in S3).
One villain will cause people to sleep or fall unconscious in some way (like DJ Drowsy Drawers in S1 or Blah Borelock in S3)
TWO villains will be robots or otherwise mechanical (like DJ Drowsy Drawers and the Homework Hydra in S1 and the Water Warmongers and Sugamechanger in S3)
Mr. Meaner and Harold’s relationship could possibly be explored after implying that Meaner and Harold’s mom were in a relationship in the Halloween special. Then again, six episodes, an interactive special and a Christmas special later, nothing. So I don’t know.
If they do touch on that, that episode could be the episode where Dressy plays a role but ISN’T the antagonist, since one of her mothers is Misty Meaner, Mr. Meaner’s sister, so if Mr. Meaner and Harold’s mom get married, Harold and Dressy would become cousins.
Gooch will finally get an episode where he plays a major role. Huzzah!
Other Sophie will finally get a break at the end of the season/series.
Much is the seasonal tradition at this point (the Egyptian kids in S1, the other school in S2, the rich doppelgangers in S3, and the Utopiquans in S4), one episode will feature duplicates of the kids.
Edith makes cameos throughout the season, but does not play a major role.
Heidi will not appear. Sorry.
The MISFARTS will appear in an episode, possibly the finale.
The finale will be only a single part, but plot points from the previous episode will continue into the finale.
Said finale will feature returning villains (like how Smartsy Fartsy returned in S1’s finale, and the Poopetrators were made up of returning villains in S3’s finale).
There will be no cliffhanger ending.
POSSIBLE EPISODE LIST (with a ton of less-than-founded assumptions and guesswork)
Episode 1 - The season premiere. Following up on the cliffhanger of season 4, this episode features the boys following the future Captain Underpants to the dystopian near-future in which he originates. At the end, he is erased from time due to the timeline being prevented, but he leaves the boys with one of the Time Toads. The main villain is a rogue AI of some kind, likely invented by Melvin.
Episode 2 - This is a musical episode, and another episode set mainly in the future, though a different one than last time. The boys find themselves in a future even more terrifying than the last- mainly because disco is back in fashion! The world is ruled by a monster named Funkenstein and his human enforcer Dressy, and the law of the land is you either sing and dance (preferably through disco), or you die. Funkenstein was actually created by Melvin back in the present, and Dressy quickly bonded with him. Dressy used Funkenstein to force everyone into her own song-and-dance filled utopia, while Funkenstein in turn manipulated Dressy into bringing disco back- permanently! George and Harold eventually manage to convince Dressy that singing and dancing is more fun if people are allowed to choose when to do it and in what manner, and the boys, Dressy, and Captain Underpants defeat Funkenstein with the power of rock and roll. Then George and Harold go back to the present to destroy Funkenstein before he’s created, making Melvin suspicious…
Episode 3 - The boys go back in time to Mr. Ree's past, uncovering yet another mysterious secret. The villain for this episode will be vegetable-based, with the ability to make people fall asleep.
Episode 4 - This is the long-awaited Gooch episode. This episode will also feature Erica in a major role, and the featured issue will be… (drumroll please) racism. Let’s set it in ancient Japan, mayyybe include a werewolf and move on because this episode is a trainwreck waiting to happen.
Episode 5 - This episode revolves around Harold’s mom and Mr. Meaner getting married. In some Melvin-related way, Mr. Meaner is transformed into the Meaner-taur and goes on a rampage, and it’s up to Harold (and to some extent his new cousin Dressy) to stop him. To tie it into the time travel motif, it’ll probably begin with a jaunt into the future where everything is a gym-class style dystopia. The end of the episode, after Mr. Meaner is back to normal, will feature the wedding.
Episode 6 - George and Harold go back to ancient Greece, and get in a tussle with the ancient gods! For some reason, they all like the students and teachers. At the end of the episode, the Time Toad begins to spark, then shift and change, much to our heroes’ horror.
Episode 7 - The season- and series- finale. Following up on the cliffhanger from the last episode, the Time Toad grows unstable from overuse, and comes to life! It also turns into a giant-ish monster, and summons all the monsters/villains from past episodes, even reformed villains (like Smartsy Fartsy and Laser Lightmare), villains that were turned back to normal (such as the Vimpire or Cloggernaut), multiple instances of the same person (Flabby Flabulous, Blah Borelock, and the Meanertaur as examples), and even villains who were erased from the timestream (like Funkenstein. the Space villains, and Melvinborg)! Fortunately, the future Captain Underpants, the Cosmicops, Grace Wain, the Littlites, and other temporal allies from previous episodes are also brought back! Now, it’s up to George, Harold, the MISFARTS, Mr. Ree, Sergeant Boxers, the returning allies, and even Melvin to stop the villains and deactivate the Time Toad! (During the battle, students and allies who were previously turned into, related to, or the basis of monsters fight the monster counterpart, Other Sophie quickly puts the Crocobats in their place, Erica saves Jessica from the Vimpire, Sergeant Boxers fights the Meaner-Monsters while protecting Harold, etc.) At the end, the Sophies finally get a break, and the boys befriend Melvin and even have a nice moment with Mr. Krupp, before destroying the Time Toad once and for all. Harold is ready to create another Captain Underpants comic, but George (noticing that every time they create a CU comic, the monster comes to life) suggests they make a Dog Man comic instead, foreshadowing the Dog Man movie.
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browsethestacks · 8 months
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Vintage Comic - Melvin Monster #01
Pencils: John Stanley
Inks: John Stanley
Dell (Apr-Jun1965)
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migorify · 11 days
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i have a buncha stuff to share about purple potty: expanded! heres a bit of info about each character under the cut :-)
- likes sharks instead of dolphins
- likes jawbreakers instead of gum
- likes coconut biscuits instead of chocolate chip cookies
- had a pet bionic sugar glider (split) and a titanoboa (crinkle)
- could barely read and has bad sight
- his favorite activity is playing tea party
- he likes to make fun events for the school to enjoy :-)
- every student is his favorite
- despite being evil he still cares about george and harold
- hes suuuper smart !
- he uses asian insults instead of whatever og melvin was on
- he dislikes melvin for his bunny slippers
- shes not as dumb as melvin but shes still kinda stupid
- at least she has good sight tho
- her voice is kinda raspy from all the screaming she does
- (other) sophie is the leader with sophie one now being jessica one and jessica being other jessica
- they all have short hair
BO :
- he knits plushies instead of making clay figures :-)
- he has good hygiene and doesn't sweat a ton
- he uses hair gel
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the pets in question :-)
crinkles was shrunk down to normal size from goochs shrinker invention! george and harold "borrowed" it from him !
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smashedpages · 3 months
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Remembering the late John Stanley on his birthday.
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puppet-purgatory · 1 year
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immature-mel · 1 year
CU AU: Put in someone else’s shoes
This AU is inspired by the MLP Season 3 finale episode “Magical Mystery Cure” where Twilight Sparkle accidentally swaps the destinies and cutiemarks of her friends when she cast Star Swirl’s old spell.
However in this AU, Melvin’s invention, switches around the interests/hobbies of all his peers, Well when I say all, I’m talking about George, Harold, Erica, Bo, Gooch, Dressy, Jessica and Stanley.
And it doesn’t take long for Melvin to notice that something in Piqua has gone wrong or at least the fourth graders of Jerome Horwitz are acting out of place and this time it’s not an immature prank:
-Gooch is trying to show everyone his drawing for his comic books, but can’t seem to catch anyone’s attention with it.
-Harold is overworked from his chores at the farm.
-Stanley is trying Jessica’s fashion/textiles hobby (this one’s a headcanon hobby) but can’t keep up.
-Jessica is suffering from writer’s block and failing to be satisfied with her captain underpants comic books.
-George is unable to impress anyone with his clay figurines.
-Bo’s singing is unable to soothe people when they’re stressed.
-Dressy can’t provide good advice or morals to people when they need it.
-Erica is in despair, not fully sure what her talent is supposed to be.
And sad thing is the kid’s entire timeline had changed with their interests, they all recalled being good as their swapped interests the day beforehand and that day seemed different and everything was going wrong for them, For an example in their altered timeline,Gooch was a gifted artist and every kid adored his and Jessica’s comic books, But one day when Gooch went to draw some sketches for his next comic book his hand seemed to go clumsy and the sketches left him unsatisfied, This problem arose when he discovered that Jessica was having a severe case of writer’s block and couldn’t find any ideas for the comic book.
I’ll leave the AU at here for now, But feel free to ask any questions about it either in the replies or ask box.
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