#Star Wars romance
freesia-writes · 9 months
Chapter 25: Repentance
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During the Clone Wars, the Bad Batch is tasked with a variety of missions across the galaxy. An unexpected addition to their team throws a wrench in the mix, particularly for Tech, who finds a particular connection with this disillusioned Padawan-turned-mechanic named Vel throughout the events in this action-adventure romance. COVER ART BY @zaana!!
Master List of Chapters
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The surface of the dark water bubbled lazily as Vel relaxed back in the spring. The moonlight filtered through the glass roof, bathing the room in a peaceful glow. Stately vines wrapped around the pillars that were peppered throughout the recovery wing, and although that was its official title, it felt more like a garden retreat than any sort of medical structure. 
"I didn't think you meant right away, and I didn't think you meant to come along, but I'm glad we got that all sorted out," Vel said, smiling blearily at Tech, who was perched on a bench across from her, his helmet at his feet. They had been chatting for what felt like a few minutes, but judging by the moon's journey across the sky, it had been significantly longer. 
"I intend to ensure your safety and comfort for the duration of our stay," Tech responded. "And for the duration of any future endeavors we may share. Romantically or otherwise."
Vel laughed, feeling the delight wash over her as she grew reaccustomed to his mannerisms. "Look at you, a regular Lasa Nova all of a sudden. What happened?"
"I assume you refer to the infamous literary figure of Ryloth, with whom I share very little in common, but if your intent is to question my more forward nature since our reunion, it is simply because I realized, after time away filled with deep thought, that every potential scenario I can envision for my future appears more desirable with you in it. My only option was to pursue you, in the hopes of your agreement."
"And what am I agreeing to?"
"Rejoining our crew as the ship's assigned mechanic, employed by the Machinist's Guild of the Galactic Republic, for as long as you consent. And... considering my attempts at affection."
Vel sat up, nearly forgetting her nakedness, concealed only by the dark green waters of the hot springs. She dipped back down, still processing the offer. "But I still have to complete my service here to pay for all the treatment I received," she said. 
"Actually, that has been taken care of by Senator Bail Organa," Tech informed her, "After we shared about your involvement in some of our missions together."
"Everything is changing so fast," Vel said, head spinning. Her hair was piled messily on top of her head, tied up with a spare strap, and she brought a hand to it as if to calm the storm within. 
"Indeed. It has been a tumultuous evening for you," he agreed, rising to his feet with a large towel in his hands. He stood at the end of the steps, holding the towel open invitingly, and turned his head as far away as he could, "You may be assured of your privacy."
Vel smiled, taking a moment to be grateful for his respect and kindness, and got up out of the hot spring with only a few jerky movements. She wrapped herself in the towel he held, tucking it snugly under her armpits, before turning around to him. "I'll see you at the door?"
But Tech remained in front of her, arms moving from his sides to loosely clasp together in front of him. He looked at her intently, with his signature head tilt, his eyes dark pools of emotion and warmth in the soft light. "Yes, but... May I try something?" he asked.
Her stomach lurched and her chest tingled, and Vel couldn't remember a time that she had felt safer or more comfortable. How was she back here so suddenly? She thought the months apart had buried it all deeply, but all of it had erupted back to the surface in a mere week. "Yes," she said, almost breathlessly. 
Tech took a step closer, unclasping his hands to reach for hers. He gave them both a gentle squeeze, moving to leave only a few inches between them, before gliding his hands up the outsides of her arms, coming to rest on her shoulders. One hand remained there while the other moved toward her face, caressing her cheek with the backs of two fingers and tracing their tips down the side of her neck. 
She closed her eyes, taking a slow, deep breath in, savoring the moment fully. His fingers traveled across the top of her shoulder and came to the end, dropping off her arm as light as a feather but meaningfully enough that she wanted to preserve that sensation forever.
"Thank you," Tech said quietly, and Vel could swear she heard a husky tone to his voice. "I shall see you at the door," he finished, picking up his helmet and quietly walking to the exit, leaving her there in a blazing wildfire of tingly bliss.
* * * 
Vel couldn't believe her eyes as she lowered her bag onto the cot in the corner of the hold of the Marauder. It was if she had been here yesterday, both in its appearance and in the way it made her feel. The only reminder of the whole ordeal on Alderaan was the tingly weakness that surfaced occasionally.
She had reveled in the reunion with the squad, arm still smarting from where Wrecker squeezed her too hard in a massive hug, and remained overwhelmed with gratitude and excitement as she pondered what lay ahead for them. Tech's injection into the unconscious Arthen apparently served as some sort of selective short term memory loss; Vel had been surprised at the repertoire of tricks up his sleeve and had also made a mental note to look into the legality of it.
She had always been the type to want to have a solid plan for her life, reaching far into the future, but if the last few years had taught her anything, it was the total unpredictability of it all, especially around this team. She took a deep breath, aligning her shoulders with a new sense of resolve, and turned to the lift, to see what the Force had in store.
A couple months' worth of missions had been punctuated by Tech's absolutely adorable attempts at romance, and Vel's heart had truly found its home in his. They had fitted various opportunities into their free time, ranging from blurrg jousting on Ryloth to the reenactment of the civil war of Florrum. The latest had been an art class on Bimmisaari, where she had been thoroughly embarrassed to turn her canvas around at the end, revealing a primitive rendition of the sunset, while Tech had produced a breathtakingly detailed portrait of her. She gasped as he showed it to her, his lips pursed as he continued to scrutinize the finished product.
"I didn't know you could paint!" Vel said breathlessly, a million other things fighting to be said next.
"I simply applied a variety of artistic principles common in dramatic realism," Tech said matter-of-factly, as if anyone could have done it.
"Naturally," Vel replied, laughing quietly, "But how did you choose that moment to capture?" She was flattered by his creation, but she found a part of herself wishing it had been an image of her in some heroic pose during one of her few but notable accomplishments on a mission. Instead, he had opted to recreate their exploration on Kashyyyk, specifically her rather dorky-looking delight in a close inspection of a tree trunk.
The image was as colorful as it was moving: wisps of her brown hair fluttered in a light breeze as she bent close to examine a tree trunk with no bark. Tech had preserved the exact pattern that she remembered marveling at: lines swirling around knots, sprinkled with reddish brown dogs that looked like an entire galaxy. She was enthralled by the expression on her face, which she didn't think she'd ever worn before: it was unbridled curiosity and childlike fascination, and it made her feel a need to smile as she looked at it.
"My mind seems to return to that experience more frequently than any other," Tech replied, eyes moving from his painting to her, "And upon further reflection, I believe that may have been the moment that I first..." He drifted off without finishing, tilting his head, eyes flitting back and forth as if searching for the answer in the air. Vel waited patiently, for what seemed like an agonizingly long time, before he finished: "I am unable to accurately put it into words. I will ponder this further."
She laughed again, reaching up to tenderly touch his cheek. She yearned to embrace him, to show him how deeply she had come to feel for him, but while he had been clear in taking the lead in his pursuit of her, he had been notably reserved in physical affection. She didn't want to push him further than he was comfortable, still enjoying the waves of ecstasy that washed over her at a single touch and trusting him to explore at his own pace. He was receptive to her touch, although it always caught him off guard, and his surprised reactions always brought a smile to her face. 
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Tag List: @merkitty49 @vimse @arctrooper69 @dystopicjumpsuit @starrylothcat @ghostperson69 @dreamie411 @savebytheodoresnonjosestuff @523rdrebel @clonemedickix @sinfulsalutations @ughhhhfoff @coraex @amorfista @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @followthepurrgil @littlefeatherr @sunshinesdaydream @thew0nderer2342 @dangraccoon @iceskategirl18 @chickentenderx
(If you're on my regular tag list, let me know if you want to be tagged in this; I didn't want to spam ya!)
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jedimandalorian · 7 months
An excerpt:
“Father explained to my mother what I had been trying to tell her all along: I wouldn’t marry for any amount of wealth or power or to make a political alliance for Clan Wren. He knew I would only ever marry for love.”
“Love?” Ezra asked. “Is that the reason that you’re still alone? After all these years, it’s hard to believe that you didn’t find someone to…want to be with.”
At that moment Sabine had to resist the urge to smack Ezra for being so incredibly dense. He really did need things spelled out for him.
“Ezra,” she spoke carefully, “I gave my heart to someone a long time ago,” She extended her right hand to touch his scarred cheek, tracing the old wounds with her thumb and marveling at the thickness of his beard…
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pleasuremehere · 1 month
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asocial-skye · 1 year
i know anidala isn't that type of couple, but if george lucas gave us a single scene of anakin and padme doing her taxes, i would have been ready to burn for their love. i already do that, but it would have been been better.
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virtie333 · 2 years
Loving all the stuff for Day One of Han and Leia Appreciation Week! Don't get me wrong, I'm still obsessed with Poe and Rey, but Han and Leia were my first ship!
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reallove-truelove · 2 years
“They found home within each other’s eyes.” - Faith Ferguson
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spicygamesworld · 3 months
Love Jedi
We have seen Jedi always fighting. This time we will see them in a different avatar i.e. making love to beautiful women from different planets. Want to see it. Then, play the game Love Jedi.
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months
Luke : Wow! Clearly this Jedi code was more of a set of guidelines! Ezra : Yes that must be it!
Cal : *Stops making out with Merrin for a moment* I concur!
Ahsoka : *Watching as Ghost Anakin tackles Ghost Obi-Wan off screen to keep him from spoiling the moment* No comment.
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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papanowo · 1 year
Through out your posts you indicate that you head-canon Rex as gay, but who’s he got a crush on and or how’d he figure it out?
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he likes anakin. hes not happy about it either lmao
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freesia-writes · 9 months
Chapter 27: Relentlessness
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During the Clone Wars, the Bad Batch is tasked with a variety of missions across the galaxy. An unexpected addition to their team throws a wrench in the mix, particularly for Tech, who finds a particular connection with this disillusioned Padawan-turned-mechanic named Vel throughout the events in this action-adventure romance. COVER ART BY @zaana!!
Master List of Chapters
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"Can I take you somewhere?" Vel asked, on a restful evening where they'd managed to find a few hours to themselves.
"Where?" Tech asked immediately, already considering his responses to the possibilities.
Her initial reaction was to insist on a surprise, but having a better understanding of how his brain processed the world, she opted for a better approach: "To a lookout over the asaari forest."
"That sounds optimal."
She smiled, reaching slowly for his hand and slipping her fingers through his. She felt him stiffen for a second in response but he allowed it, and off they went. Vel was so distracted by the warmth of his hand around hers that it was a struggle to stay on the right path. Fortunately, without getting too off-track, made it.
The lookout was in a quiet tower on the edge of the central complex. The floors beneath were filled with indoor green rooms, full of plants in various stages of growth and study, and the lookout itself was a simple, circular platform at the top of the building. There were a few macrobinoculars on stands at various points around the edge with informative placards next to them. They were punctuated by long benches under lush trellises of vines and flowers, each one angled to allow for leisurely viewing of both the expansive forest on one side and the plains on the other.
Tech immediately gravitated toward the nearest placard, dropping his visor to augment the information with his own records. Vel allowed him a moment of exploration, standing quietly at his side, before inviting him to an open stretch of balcony. The sun had set recently, and the golden haze had faded into a cool blue glow that allowed the first few stars to peek out.
They leaned on the railing for a moment, simply observing, before Tech removed his helmet, holding it at his side. He then turned to Vel with a sudden sense of urgency.
"Vel," he began, regarding her earnestly, "I am aware of the beauty of the situation, as well as the growing connection between us throughout our recent adventures. I hope you feel the magnitude of my attraction toward you and my desire to bring you delight and comfort. However, I am also aware that our dynamic is weaker in one area that traditionally accompanies this sort of thing. Do you remember when we were dancing on Cantonica, and you said you wanted to kiss me again as you had at the waterfall?"
A little bolt of lightning flashed in her chest, and Vel nodded as he continued. She hadn't expected it to be this easy, but then again, she wasn't surprised at his insight. A small smile flitted across her face as she wondered if she could ever get enough of his sudden (and very thorough) thoughts.
"Do you still share that sentiment?" Tech inquired, assuming the slight head tilt that she had come to adore so dearly.
Vel gripped the railing, trying to keep her composure as her heart thrilled. She had been hoping for this for months... much longer if she were truly honest. "I do," she responded, expecting to see the hint of a smile on his face. But she was met with a frown, which threw her off for a moment.
"I surmised as much," Tech said, eyes dropping, "However, I must admit, no matter the amount of information I consume on that topic, I am finding myself thoroughly unequipped to navigate it successfully. I apologize, if you have been unsatisfied with our progress in that area."
Vel's smile grew wider, and she reached up to touch him again, tracing the side of his cheek down to the tip of his chin before dropping her hand to his chest plate. The vulnerability in both his words and his earnest expression melted her inside, and she tried to commit every detail to memory. Searching for the response that could convey the magnitude of her feelings, she sighed contentedly as the perfect words seemed to come to her effortlessly: "I assume you are familiar with the various methods of literary narration?"
Tech's head jerked up quickly as he observed her, taken aback by such a refreshingly accurate statement from someone else for once. "Of course," he responded, "But there is such a wide array that I must request further specificity."
Vel's heart swelled in her chest as she continued, "You might find it easier to adopt a 'show me' instead of a 'tell me' technique in this particular aspect between us." She found herself wanting to explain more, but she knew he would understand completely and would appreciate her assuming his comprehension. So she remained silent, one hand on his chest, the other on the railing.
After a moment of consideration, the pieces fell into place in Tech's mind, and without any verbal response, he turned to carefully place his helmet on a nearby bench before squaring himself in front of her. He looked deeply into her eyes, an intent focus on his face that sent a thrill down her spine, and raised his hands to cup her face. His gloves on her cheeks were gentle yet firm, ghosting a thumb across them as he regarded her fondly. She placed a hand on his hip, yearning to pull him to her but enraptured by the intensity in his honey brown eyes.
"I believe you are right," he said, tilting his head to achieve the optimal angle. Vel flushed with heat and excitement as he leaned forward to bring mouth lips to hers. She closed her eyes, reaching over his shoulders and nestling her torso against his, feeling every fiber of her being come alive. His lips were indescribably soft, pressed into hers with calculated tenderness that hinted at a greater fervor simmering under the surface, and he lingered for a while before pulling away for a shaky breath.
Tech's heart was beating hard, and he simultaneously sought to organize the thoughts and sensations and interpretations that were flooding his mind while also fighting to remain fully in the moment. He swallowed, observing her face for any and all feedback, and was met with glowing bliss as she slowly opened her eyes.
"I think you're onto something," Vel said playfully, cheeks curving into a smile.
"It would seem so," Tech responded, lowering his hands from her face. That husky tone was back, sending a wave of tingles through Vel as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close against him, and lifted the other to caress her hair away from her forehead. His sparkling gaze dropped to her mouth again, and he cupped her head with more confidence as he kissed her again. She pressed herself against his armor, arms around his torso, melting and exploding at the same time.
After a long moment, they separated, and he rested his forehead against hers, taking a deep breath. There were no words for once, from either of them, and they simply soaked up the twilight glow and the deep, satisfying connection of the spark between them.
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artwork by @vimse! <3
Tag List: @merkitty49 @vimse @arctrooper69 @dystopicjumpsuit @starrylothcat @ghostperson69 @dreamie411 @savebytheodoresnonjosestuff @523rdrebel @clonemedickix @sinfulsalutations @ughhhhfoff @coraex @amorfista @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @followthepurrgil @littlefeatherr @sunshinesdaydream @thew0nderer2342 @dangraccoon @iceskategirl18 @chickentenderx @skellymom @girl_scout_reject
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jakeperalta · 2 years
just saw the hunger games on a "fake dating booktok books" list alongside romance novels.... I am begging people to start categorising books by genre or mood again
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zyphnn · 10 months
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@codywanweek day 3: dancer/musician/theatre AU
can someone PLEASE tell the stage manager to stop making out with the lead actor on the prop table
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mimsilverarts · 7 months
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Literally how their first meeting went
A Quintress redraw of that iconic Princess Mononoke scene because it’s literally them, also because Dark Disciple broke me
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barissoffee · 1 year
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Tech and Phee in Star Wars: The Bad Batch | 2.13 Pabu
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virtie333 · 2 years
Half-way there. Day #4 was a long one, almost 6000 words! But, I have to give them a happy ending!
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(not my art. credit to the artist, who is unknown to me)
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spicygamesworld · 1 year
Malevolent Planet 2d
Emma Miller, the beautiful graduate from college has joined International Space Academy. She thinks she will be a big help to space academy. Hardly she knows that her role is not to apply brains but charm everyone with her beauty. Will she agree to work here or will she relent? Let's find out in her romantic adventure Malevolent Planet 2d.
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