#Starfire x Reader
vinamari · 9 months
me seeing a ship I hate because it has my favorite character in it
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like, you belong to the x reader, you OUR fictional character 😢
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sugarandspicewriting · 2 months
Hihi!! I saw that you're taking requests? Do you think you could cook up some headcanons for your choice of DC characters with a s/o that really loves to do extravagant makeup? Thank you 🫶
Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl Like Me
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Summary: DC characters (Starfire, Wonderwoman, and Jason) react to your extravagant makeup
Warnings: Mentions of people making fun of you
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Starfire (Koriand'r)
I imagine there are probably some kind of cosmetic routines on Tamaran, but the standards of beauty are different.
I think she would be interested to see what you do and why. She doesn’t judge how extravagant your makeup is, because her frame reference is skewed. All makeup seems extravagant to her
I do think she’d be horrified by fake lashes at first if that’s something you do.
“What are you doing, my star?” 
“I’m putting glue on a fake lash strip to put on my eyes!”
“You… glue fake lashes on your eyes? But you already have eyelashes? How do you get them off?”
“I just rip them off-”
Seriously we never talk about how crazy fake lashes are.
If you let her, she’d want to watch you do your routine and grill you on what you’re doing and why. It might feel a little weird doing your makeup and she’s just sitting there like :0
Don’t mind her, she just loves you.
Might make you feel bad about how little you know.
“So this liquid goes on your lips? What ingredients are in it? Is it safe to consume?”
Oof. Now I feel stupid.
After careful studying, she’ll ask if she can try
Let her do your makeup for you. A 6 feet tall lady pulling you into her lap and doing your graphic eyeliner under your instruction. Yes. Call me Homotron 3000.
Honestly it might be a little rough the first time but that just gives her an excuse to do it again
She will absolutely defend your makeup if someone comments on it. She considers what you do to be an art worth studying. 
Scary dog gf privileges.
WonderWoman (Diana) 
Fresh from Themyscira Diana might be similar to Starfire.
They didn’t have makeup, but they probably had morning grooming routines. She would have similar reservations about fake lashes and ingredients. 
But if we’re talking about a Diana that has been here a while and is familiar with Earth culture, she’s probably more concerned about your why.
She questions why you do your makeup in this way.
But not in a judgemental way.
“Why is it that you do such exaggerated makeup? It is not how others do it?” 
“I like how it looks”
“I see. It is pretty”
And then she’d go back to whatever she was doing.
She would find your makeup amusing.She finds a lot of what humans do amusing.
Like sorry we can’t all be blessed with beauty by the gods. Damn.
She would still defend your choices though.
If someone were to comment on it in a negative way with her around, all she’d have to do is give them a look and they’d stop. 
Scary dog gf privileges part 2
Red Hood (Jason Todd)
Scary dog bf privileges but he’s actually going to bite people
Biting is more of a Damian thing but he will defend you.
Feminist king balances the “You look beautiful without makeup” and “I think your makeup is so cool” without being annoying. How does he do it?
He is friends with Artemis and Donna so he’s familiar with most of what you're doing. 
He enjoys sitting with you while you do your makeup. His life has been so chaotic that little moments of calm and domesticity mean a lot to him. He might watch you and chat, but he might sit quietly and read a book or check his phone and enjoy the comfortable silence between you.
If you ask nicely he’ll read to you
If someone were to insult you for what you do he would not let that slide.
He’s not going to immediately escalate it to violence; mostly because he doesn’t need to.
He can do that teacher thing where he can just look at someone and they act right.
Because he’s over 6 ft and 200 pounds. It’s giving Bruce energy a little bit but don’t tell him that.
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simpingforblackfire · 9 months
They were one of my favourite platonic yanderes, can you do one where the reader gets sick and starfire starts panicking because she doesn't know what to do and dick has to calm her down??
A/N: Haha yes I'm still writing DC is one of those fandoms I just don't think I'll ever leave like I have never not liked it. My bad this took so long I actually wrote most of this fic a lot closer to the time it was requested but then it was so close to being done that I procrastinated in finishing it anyway I hope this works for you babes x
Had you not been in the agony you were in and had you been fully coherent you would have thought of some snarky comment about how under any other circumstance you couldn't have possibly felt any worse than you already did but knowing your captors the pink-haired idiot and the simp would undoubtedly manage to find a way.
But you weren't. Pain rippled through you and your eyes felt as though they would forever sting with your tears and all you could do was lie there and take it all.
You brought your knees to your chest, tucking into yourself like an infant and quietly cried.
Unfortunately you could be silent in your pain and Starfire would still be able to hear it. 
Dick had been in the living room when Starfire practically shattered the door against the wall with how hard she smashed it open.
"Dick! Dick! Something's wrong she-"
Dick took in Starfire's appearance. Her face frazzled with worry and his hands itched to reach out and smooth all of her pain and all of her panic out of her expression as though he could simply massage the tension away. He couldn't. But even still his hand reached across and soothed her face.
His free hand he cautiously placed on the back of your head that was exposed to him, gently turning your head until your skin peeked out. 
"She has a temperature" Dick mused quietly.
"What does that mean! Humans you- she cannot survive past certain temperatures I know that! she-"
"She" Dick cut through Starfire's sentence before she spiralled any further "will be fine".
Starfire's panic seemed to press on "How can you be so sure?"
"She has a human illness Star. I know you don't understand it, but if you could you'd know she's not in any danger"
Starfire held your lithe form a little tighter "I know that she is in pain Dick! I know that she is suffering!"
"Still she needs rest and for us to take care of her. Her fever should calm down soon. You're being-"
"No" Starfire glared viciously.
"Do not tell me I am being paranoid! I am not being paranoid! That is my baby!"
"Star" Dick grabbed Starfire by the shoulders.
"I know. You're not being paranoid you're being concerned. But I love her too. I know you're scared. I know. But it scares me when I see her like that too and I need you to remember that."
"I don't know what to do Dick" Starfire said quietly. Her throat chafed from screaming. "What do I do Dick"
"This is a human illness, Star." Dick gripped her shoulders, assuringly. If he could not ease her pain he'd hold her through it. "I know you don't know it and that is why. So, I need you to trust me when I tell you it won't kill her. Can you do that?"
Starfire wasn't listening her eyes stuck looking at you. Dick snatched her sight away from you when he grabbed either side of her face and tilted it to look at him "I said can you do that Star?"
She nodded and brought her hands up to hold his arms there.
His stare softened as her look of terror eased "I promise you she'll be okay. I wouldn't lie to you about her. She's mine too."
"I know" Starfire nodded "I know".
Dick let Starfire see you first. He knew she would not cope well with waiting and he did like the furniture in their home in a non-destroyed state.
She had been deeply emotional. She thought she lost you and she just grabbed onto you and broke into tears whispering earnestly against your cheek “I love you I never want you to think I don't because I do I always do no matter if we're laughing or fighting. You are mine. Mine to raise, mine to hold and mine to love.” Her fingers brushed the skin of your cheeks tenderly and she knew you were alive because she could feel your little heart beating against her and she remembered just how delicate and fragile and little you were.
She cherished the moments where you just let yourself be still with her. In a world that always seemed to find a way to spite her it was beautiful that she could just lay down and hold you in her arms. She relished in knowing that in that moment she was your shield from everything bad in the world "as long as I am here to do so you will always be loved and you will always be protected"
It doesn’t matter how big you were physically because Starfire was both bigger and stronger by a mile and you were always going to be her little baby.
You couldn't make out much more than the figures outline, but in your turmoil you couldn't help but reach out to the only comfort you could get. You nestled into the warmth and your body seemed to ease at the comfort. Starfire gladly took up all of the contact you were willing to share.
Eventually Starfire had calmed down enough and while Dick hadn't wanted to overwhelm you he couldn't resist seeing you the moment Starfire was out the room, though by then you were barely conscious at all having been overrun with the attention Starfire had undoubtedly smothered you in. He tucked you into bed, pulling the sheets over you carefully and pressed them down on either side of you before leaning down next to you and placing a tender hand on the side of your cheek before pressing a kiss into your hair. You looked so small and sweet and young and you were all his. Your eyes sleepily closing and smoothly shifting from a crumpled up exhaustion into a gentle tranquility as your body relaxed against the soft soothing of your pillow that you couldn’t help but just melt into like warm butter. Dick couldn’t help but be quietly affectionate to you “I love you” he spoke the words quietly into your hair and pressed another kiss to your cheek, smiling as he lingered by the warm, softness of your skin. 
So few times had he had the privilege of admitting love to someone verbally without it being on their deathbed. He almost hadn’t even noticed until he was already outside your door. It was so sweet and mundane and he was immediately addicted.
A/N: I was too lazy to proofread this so hopefully its okay and everything makes sense lol
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cantdothis-nomore · 1 year
Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven with a cold and distant reader with the others more affectionate and kind to them
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Honestly he'd probably be the same
Wouldn't have a problem with it although it might be a problem sometimes with the others if they thought you were doing it to just be mean to them
Robin would probably actually appreciate that you're like that cuz he likes his privacy so it's probably a good thing
He loves watching you just cuddle up to him after a long day and it honestly probably serves as a source of comfort for him
He'd make up excuse after excuse after excuse of why you acted differently towards the others then you did to him just to see the other side of you when you two were alone
Wouldn't judge you for being like that tho he probably would ask you about it a few times gathering you had an idea about it
Wouldn't mind at all as it's more of you for him in the end lmao
Wouldn't understand and would try and get you to be nicer to others for the first few times until she basically realised she couldn't do anything about it
She wouldn't judge you for how you were but would be more confused than anything
She'd love seeing the more affectionate and clingy side of you when you two were alone but would wish you were just a tad bit friendlier to the others
Just like robin she'd make up excuses for you endlessly out of pure love of seeing the other side of you
Wouldn't have a problem of getting people away from you if she could see you were uncomfortable around them
She'd try and introduce you to others thinking thst maybe it's just the people your around and yeah you'd try your best for her but mostly it just wouldn't work out
But all would be forgiven when you two were cuddled up to each other late at night forgetting the day and leaving everything else behind you
Beast boy
Again would be confused about why you acted like you did
But wouldn't try and force you into doing anything you didn't want to with others
He'd shout at anyone who made fun of you because of how you were and took you away to his room so it was just you two
After he realised thst you were only nice and affectionate towards him and even more when you two were alone he'd try and be alone with you more than he did before to make you more comfortable and happy with your surroundings instead of being uncomfortable and uptight around others
Your #1 supporter til the end istg
He'd never have a problem about how you were and would state that to anyone who asked about you to him
He loved you more than you eould ever know and would never hesitate to drop anything for you ♡
This one's rather short cuz I couldn't really think anything up lmao
He wouldn't care or mind at all how you were to others unless you were purposefully unkind
It's your decision how you are not his and so he'd support you however you wanted to be
He'd have a go at anyone who dared to come at you for how you acted and protected you to the best of his abilities
He wasn't really the biggest fan of people either so it didn't really make a difference
Loved that you were affectionate to him though
Adored being around you alone because both of you could be how you wanted to be alone and also have some privacy without someone poking their head in constantly
Loved u no matter what you were like ♡
Wouldn't care
She would probably appreciate you being how you were because neither of you put up with anyone's shit
The rest of the team tended to stay away from you two to avoid any issues
You were both completely different whilst alone and preferred to be snuggled up into each other instead of talking with people who made you feel like your braincells were dropping out your head at an alarming rate
If you had to be around the others you tended to stay close to each other and limit speech towards the others
I feel like you'd have a resting bitch face and she'd probably have the thing of asking you if you were angry at her every two minutes just incase
Even though you didn't seem it around others you two were closer than everyone thought and adored being in each others company instead of having to struggle in others
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issacballsac · 8 months
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Gender Neutral Reader
Now just because Starfire is an alien doesn’t mean she’s an idiot
Of course in the first weeks she was oblivious to human customs
But after your PROLONGED advances she’ll get the hint
Unfortunately you don’t know that she knows
She’ll carry on like before and continue your normal conversations
But I mean EVERYONE knows about your crush on the princess
The long-heart felt stares, the intentional conversations, always wanting to go with her on missions, etc.
The team MOST DEFINITELY will tease you about the crush
Even going as far to have chores exchanged
But I mean c’mon.
It was HARDER to pretend not to know
She’ll eventually grow tired of this and just straight out ask about your feelings
Ofc she reciprocates etc etc
And congrats your now technically Tamaran royalty 🧚‍♀️
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yandereteentitans · 8 months
I don't know if you're still taking requests but what about reader mistaking chalking starfires yandere behavior as Starfire's normal bubble over affectionate behavior basically thinking it's normal Starfire behavior.
Huh, I can see it
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1st Artist: Chibimica.art 2nd Artist: AI [Artifical Intelligence] 3rd Artist: Gretlusky
It was easy to misconstrue Star's intent and even reasoning behind her actions
Anytime she does anything bad, like stalking you, it's justified by either her being an alien that doesn't understand Earth customs or that it's normal on Tamaran
She also really good at playing happy and go luck, which makes it hard to actually catch her doing something bad
She's quick to tears if she feels you're getting angry with her
She doesn't want you to be angry with her, but she's not going to stop what she's doing
Watches you while you sleep. You think it’s creepy but she thinks it’s protective
She’s very obsessive and jealous. She hates when you have friends outside of her
Gets very grumpy and pouty
She’s very warm so cuddling with her is like being by a bonfire
^ If you’re cold, just cuddle her
She LOVES cuddles and physical affection
Always wants to touch you
Doesn’t have a great understanding of boundaries
Will try and get Silkie into the cuddle sessions but you tell her you’re not doing that
She sometimes touches you in places that you have to tell her are not appropriate. Quickly remind her that humans don’t do that, which just leaves her confused
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gangrenados · 7 months
Do you have any thoughts on dating Kori and the outlaws? What's a relationship like w all of them? How possessive is she on her own? What kind of partner is she?
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•Kori is truly a sweetheart, she's caring and understanding and she tries her best to make things work with you.
•Kori is not afraid to show her love for you in any way imaginable, that being said I must warn you that this woman loves physical affection. I don't mean only sexual stuff, but things like hugs, kisses, just love caresses in general.
•She might come off as a bit too intense if you're not really into PDA, but it's okay, she'll try to tone it down if you ask.
•Out of all the Outlaws I think Kori is the one you could go to talk about your feelings, she'll try to understand or maybe give advice or her point of view of the situation.
•Now about possessiveness? (Talking in a yandere point of view) Kori doesn't want to scare you, so she will swallow both her pride and jealousy in order to not kill all the progress she has made with you.
•She might look happy and all lovely, but deep down she's burning with rage at the thought that you might want to be with someone else that is not them.
• The Outlaws care about you, she cares about you can't you see it?
•Kori is only down to share you with Jason and Roy, that's it. Not if or but, not even if you're the one to bring them up.
•If necessary Kori would take care of the things that try to take you away from them.
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superyum · 5 months
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 𝐊𝐞𝐲𝐬:
𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐭¡𝐜𝐚 💦 | 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 🃏| 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 🪼| 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ☘️ | 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭🍦| 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 💉 | 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 2 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 🎻 | 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 🔌 | 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 🧸
𝕻𝔱 1
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*𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙨 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙗𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣
☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ★
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☆ 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬/𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬 ★
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☆ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 ★
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*𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙨 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙗𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣
☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ★
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☆ 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬/𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 ★
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*𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙨 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙗𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣
☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬/𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 ★
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*𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙨 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙗𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣
☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬/𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 ★
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*𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙨 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙗𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣
☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬/𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 ★
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☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬/𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ★
☆ 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 ★
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mikyapixie · 9 days
18 years ago today Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo premiered on Cartoon Network!!! THIS CHASE SCENE WAS THE BEST!!! I really loved the poster they made for the movie!!!
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mysadcorner · 1 year
How do you think the Titans would react if reader rejected them when they asked reader out???
Titans Being Rejected Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owners - Please be specific about characters in requests -
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Dick Grayson
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• Dick would be pretty distraught at the fact that you’ve rejected him, especially as he wouldn’t have made a move if he hadn’t thought that you felt the same way. He usually understands people very well, so this rejection would be a huge shock.
• Dick would be pretty confused for a while since he thought he understood how you felt, plus he isn’t used to rejection. He’s especially confused if you don’t interact with him much anymore and things become awkward between the two of you, since that is one of the last things he ever expected to happen to your relationship together.
• If you're mean to him while you reject him then he definitely won't think he deserved such treatment or a rejection, but if you try to let him down gently then he'll completely understand. Regardless, he'll still think that he deserves to be with you in some way, but will settle for a platonic relationship if he really needs to.
• He wouldn't be too pushy about trying to get you to be with him, but he may be pushy about wanting a direct answer from you eventually. Your rejection stays in his mind for a long time, and he needs a sort of closure so that he can feel safe about not losing your friendship after he put you in an awkward situation.
• He'd feel guilty about confronting you about his romantic feelings if it then made you uncomfortable to be around him, which was the last thing he wanted. Especially if this then drove you away from him in the long term or affected your performance while fighting crime. He wouldn't feel uncomfortable around you if you rejected him with honest intentions, and will continue to spend time with you platonically if he can.
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• Rachel would feel very let down and confused at first, and it may even make her emotional to the point where she needs some time alone to process the rejection. She's been building herself up for this moment, and rejection was the last thing she was hoping for which does upset her depending on how you turned her down.
• She would be very confused for a while and would have to take some time by herself to try and figure out how she feels about the whole situation. She doesn't want the current relationship she had with you to be ruined, so she will probably end up confiding in someone for advice as to what she should do to move forward.
• She would only feel as if the rejection wasn't deserved if you were rude to her and started to treat her differently because of it. She understands boundaries and doesn't want to put you in an uncomfortable position, but she'd much rather be honest with you. If this resulted in a complete change in your behaviour then she's definitely going to change her feelings towards you pretty quick.
• She would never try to push her feelings onto you when she’s well aware of how you feel, especially if the two of you had a strong bond before she confessed her feelings. It will be a big let down, but she can’t expect you to artificially change your feelings surrounding her and will have to accept that some things just don’t work out instead of forcing her own feelings onto you.
• She would feel guilty for approaching you about her feelings if she knew it had made you uncomfortable, but she wouldn’t feel uncomfortable if you also didn’t. She’s able to put her feelings past her if she needs to in order to keep your friendship, but will feel terrible if it impacted you in a negative way.
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• She would feel let down but she would try her best to understand why she may have misread the situation after all this time. It would ruin her hopes of being with you and it’ll make her quiet for a while, but it wouldn’t stop her from being your friend in the long run.
• She may be confused for a little while, but after she’s had some alone time to think about it she really doesn’t want anything to come between the two of you. She’ll try her best to understand, but it may be hard for her to grasp at first.
• If you were gentle with how you let her down then she would feel the rejection was genuinely deserved, but if you were harsh with her then she absolutely wouldn’t feel that way. Any rudeness towards the situation would cause a huge tear in your relationship and would make it hard for her to interact with you again normally.
• She may be slightly pushy if she feels like you’re hiding your real feelings, maybe due to you both having chaotic lifestyles or not being the right time to enter a relationship with her. If this is the case then she’ll keep reminding you of how she feels about you until you’re clear that nothing with happen between the two of you or explain when the time could be right for a relationship.
• If you felt guilty about letting her down then she would feel bad, mainly as this could clearly cause strain in your friendship. Plus, if it made you feel uncomfortable in any way then she would try her best to straighten things out, although she is pretty blunt so it may not always work out the way she intends them to.
Jason Todd
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• Jason would be pretty outlandish with his behaviour after you reject him and would probably resort to something extreme even if you tried to let him down gently. He’s built himself up so high just to have the genuine confidence to ask you out, so for this to be brought down would shatter him completely even if you didn’t intend it to be that way.
• He would be confused for a long time after you reject him, even if you tried to explain why you did so. He sees himself as being perfect for you and knows that he would treat you better than any one else ever could so he spend a lot of time thinking about how he could better himself for you even after you rejected him.
• Jason would never think that The rejection was deserved unless he was forced to snap out of whatever temporary delusion he’s found himself in. He’s probably been using the thought of a relationship with you as a coping mechanism so for him to realise that you weren’t trying to cause him pain would mean that his mental health has greatly improved after all he’s been through.
• He would probably be pushy with you for a while after being rejected trying to find out why you turned him down and ask what he could possibly do to make you reconsider your decision. You’d be all this many times, and others may need to ask him to knock it off if it happens too often.
• Jason would feel extremely guilty after he realises how he treated you after the rejection and would go out of his way to make up for it if he can. And if he feels like he made you uncomfortable, he’ll give you space after seeking the advice of others and trying to find out what you would prefer him to do indirectly so that he doesn’t personally bother you for a while.
Garfield Logan
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• Garfield would be incredibly upset and emotional when you first reject him, and he probably wouldn't know how to handle it at all. He'd be a bit frantic about your rejection and try his best to get an answer as to why from you straight away, and may even plead for you to reconsider.
• He's very confused for a while and would need the comfort of others just to help him through his emotions, although he would try to close himself off for a little while to process the rejection. He'd try to confront you many times to see if there is anything he can do to change your mind, and after a while he would calm down and try to reform your friendship.
• Garfield would realise that his behaviour wasn’t acceptable after you rejected him, and would slowly know that the rejection was deserved. You’re entitled to your own feelings; so if he has to settle for just a friendship, then so be it.
• He would have been quite pushy about it, even to the friends and people around him. He’d constantly ask why you didn’t want him in that way to everyone including you and would go out of his way to leave you gifts and do favours for you u til he got the hint that a relationship would never happen.
• Garfield would be very guilty afterwards and would also go out of his way to seek forgiveness from you for making you feel uncomfortable after the rejection. He doesn’t want you to be pushed away so afterwards he’ll be on his best behaviour until he feels you’re both on common ground again.
Conner Kent
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• Conner’s first reaction would be incredibly emotional and would result in a scene being caused. He’s not very good at handling his own emotions, even after years of trying his best, so after building himself up so high just to be rejected by you he’s going to take it pretty hard.
• He’d be very confused for a long time, and even after processing the rejection he still wouldn’t feel like he understood exactly why you didn’t want him. This may result in him going off the rails for a little while, but you can’t be blamed when he’s the one who can’t regulate himself and you’re entitled to feel however you do.
• It would probably be a deserved rejection after seeing how he behaves afterwards, especially if he isn’t able to control himself well. He may act desperate for you to change your mind, and after having more life and social experience he would also realise that he didn’t act in the best way over the whole situation.
• Conner would be incredibly pushy and it seems like you can’t avoid this for a while. He’ll go try his best to impress you and will keep finding out things you like in order to try to convince you to change your mind.
• After realising how he behaved, and how disrespectful it was after you rejected him, he’d be very guilty about how he may have made you feel. He realises that how he acted isn’t how normal people do, so he will try to apologise and will avoid you if you don’t want to interact with him for a while.
Tim Drake
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• Tim would be pretty upset if you ever rejected him, especially as he’s always had a soft spot for you. He’s sarcastic but gentle to the people he really likes so you may see a big change in his personality and attitude towards you after the rejection.
• He’d be very confused about the whole rejection, mainly as he was very sure about you possibly feeling the same way as he did. He thought he had determined the situation well, and since he hadn’t he would be completely stunned about his wrong judgement.
• Tim would understand why you rejected him and would try to avoid any hard feelings, but it would still be hard for him to forward from. He’d be a bit distant for a while and after talking about the situation to those he’s close to he would gradually understand more than he did when it first happened.
• He wouldn’t be pushy if things went normally and he had just misunderstood how you had felt about him. However, he would be demanding if you had misled him and flirted with him before he confessed with you as the rejection would have then hurt him a lot due to being given false intentions from you.
• Tim wouldn’t feel guilty about the whole thing if he knew that the two of you were able to get back on track with your friendship and there was no weirdness between the two of you. But he would feel guilty if you were now uncomfortable around him and would try his best to show you that he can move past his feelings and wouldn’t put you in that kind of situation again.
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yourmumsweirdshit · 2 years
In Love With Her? - Part 1
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“He said ten o'clock. He did say ten, right?” Kory asks as she paces back and forth. “He said ten.” Connor confirms as he watches Kory pace around. “He'll get here. Eventually. He always does.” Rachel speaks up from beside me. “Hey, did someone order a bus?” Gar asks as we stare at the RV in the distance honking as it approaches us. Looking the front windows I notice Dick and Donna take their seatbelt off before disappearing. I walk over to the door and as Dick opens it hops out, I look behind him and offer a hand to Donna and she whispers a thank you to me before Rachel speaks up again. “Hey, Dick, uh, what is that?” She asks unamused. “That's an RV.” He says looking back and pointing at it. “I figured it'd be way more fun than taking Bruce's Jet.” Dick says as he pats the vehicle behind him. “Why would that be a more fun?” Kory sighs almost whining as she looks for anyone to agree. “Road trip!” Gar yells before running past us and onto the RV leaving us to put his bags in.
“Right, 'cause who would want to fly in the Bat jet?” Rachel asks as goes to take her bags and grab them before her. “Don’t worry, I got them.” I say winking at her as she shakes her head and thanks me before following after Gar. “Alright. Destination San Francisco. Forty-four hours.” Dick says to Kory and I. “Forty-four hours?” Kory whines once more. “Yeah, I know.” Dick says laughing as he closes the storage compartment of the RV. “Okay, fine. But I get to DJ.” She says making me perk up. “You have terrible music taste.” I say laughing as I watch her jaw drop. “I do not!” She yells back at me as I get into the RV and see Rachel, she calls me over and pats the seat next to her on the couch before moving over a bit to give me some more room. “Thanks again for the bags.” She says as I sit down and turning away from Gar and Tim as they continue to talk to each other infront of us. “It’s not problem, I’m pretty strong anyways.” I say flexing my arms in-front of her which makes her cringe and slap my arms away with a laugh.
As it gets closer to night Dick calls out to us. “Do you guys wanna sleep in a motel or do you guys want to sleep in here?” He asks making me shake my head. “If there’s enough room for all of us there’s no point in the motel.” I say back which causes him to stop the RV in a parking lot and walk back to where the rest of us are seated and talking. “Well the couch is a pull out but not enough for 2, there’s a single above that, 2 others on the opposite side and one queen in the back. Don’t worry about Connor because he said he wants to sleep on the roof of the RV. So it’s up to you guys, 2 people will have to take the queen together.” He says as he looks at each of us. “Y/N and I will take it.” Rachel says making my eyes widen. “We will?” I question as I turn my head towards her but she stares at Dick and answers confidently. “We will.” She confirms as Dick nods to the two of us. “Great, we’ll stay here for the night and go grocery shopping in the morning.“ He says as I watch him clap his hands together before going to his bag.
Suddenly Rachel grabs my hand and stands up making me get pulled up with her before she drags me to the back of the RV and opening the door to which it reveals the queen bed. She pulls me in and shuts the door behind me, I look around, it looks like a bedroom, with its own ensuite and walk in wardrobe. The room closed off from the rest of RV giving the two of us privacy. “Holy shit this is nice.” I say as I take a seat on the bed. Rachel taking a seat beside me as she nods. I sprawl out on the bed, the mattress extremely soft and the silk covers have me wrapping myself in the blanket. Rachel laughs at me as gets off the bed and pulls out her phone. “Smile!” She says unable to contain her laughter as she takes the photo. I watch as she smiles at the phone before turning it off and putting it into her back pocket before she grabs her things and walks to door of the bathroom. “I’ll be out in a minute.” She says before shutting the door after her.
I get out of the bathroom and see Rachel laying down on the bed smiling at me as she looks up from her phone and lifts the blanket giving me access to get into the bed quicker. I slide in bed beside her and thank her before pulling the blanket over me. I watch and she leans over me to put her phone on the bedside table before snuggling herself even more into the blanket as she stares at me. “Comfy?” I ask as she smiles up at me. “Very.” She replies as I turnover and put my phone in charge. “Excited to go back?” I ask as I turn back to face her. “I can not wait to get back to my bed.” She says making me raise an eyebrow. “First you’re telling me you don’t like being in the same bed with me? Secondly you’re telling me your bed is comfier than this?” I ask making her making her let out a laugh. “First off you can sleep in my bed at the tower and secondly I’d prefer to be back in the security locked tower instead of a car in the middle of nowhere.” She says making me scoff. “Do you forget you have powers?” I ask making her roll her eyes. “I like the extra protection okay?” She says making me laugh. We continue to talk for a while until deciding we should go to bed at like 3am.
I wake up to Rachel tapping my shoulder gently before whispering to me. “Y/N. Y/N. Wake up. We’re gonna have breakfast.” She says as I slowly open my eyes. “Yeah I just need to think.” I mumble to her. “About what?” She asks as I turn over and close my eyes. “Wait, no Y/N.” She says as she tried to grab my shoulder as I roll. “Y/N wake up.” She says turning me back to her. “I am, see.” I mumble as I slightly open my eyes to look at her. “Cmon, get up.” She says as she pulls my shoulders to sit me up on the bed. I close my eyes as she holds me up. She lets go of me for a second and then I fall onto my back which makes her whine. “Come on Y/N. Please.” She begs as I feel the bed sink beside me. “Pretty please.” She begs as I open my eyes to her leaning on her elbows as she stares at me, her eyes pleading with me to listen to her. “Why do I need to get up so early?” I ask as rubbing my eyes. “Because I don’t wanna hang out with the boys and because your breakfast is going to get cold if you don’t get up.” She says making me sigh before I groan which makes her smile and let out a cheer as I slowly drag myself up and off the bed. “You go eat, don’t wait up for me.” I say to her before closing the bathroom door and begin to play music on my phone as I brush my teeth.
I walk out of bathroom and with my music still playing and I notice on the bed. “How was it?” I ask as I pause the music and walk towards the door. “I haven’t eaten.” She says as she gets up and off the bed. “Why?” I ask as I hold the door open for her. “Waiting for you.” She says as she walks through. “Wait, what? Why’d you wait? I told you not to.” I say sighing as we walk past the boys talking. They all greet us good morning as we walk to a table with 2 plates of pancakes. “Ooo pancakes.” I say as I take a seat, Rachel doin the same from the opposite side the table. “Good morning Y/N.” Dick says looking at me through the rear mirror, Kory saying the same thing as she turns around on her seat and waves at us. “Morning.” I say back putting a fork into the stack of pancakes and taking a bite. I look up at Rachel who’s staring back at me a smile tugging at her lips making me tilt my head. “Do I have something on my face?” I ask as I put a hand on my face trying to feel if I got any food on my face. “No, no. You’re good.” She says smiling at me before taking another pancake.
“Hey Dick!” Rachel calls out to him making me look in his direction. “Yeah?” He asks keeping his eyes on the road. “How long until we arrive at the tower?” She asks from beside me as we watch the boys play monopoly. “We’ll arrive tomorrow night.” He says making my eyes widen. “Tomorrow night?” I repeat after him as he nods. “Yeah, we’re gonna have some fun today.” He says as turns into a parking lot that has a massive sign of a bowling pin. Rachel scoffs from beside me turns to me. “I should warn you that I’m pretty amazing at bowling so don’t be surprised if you lose.” She says smirking at me and standing up as Dick parks the RV. “Wow, okay. I see how it is.” I say scoffing before following after her.
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sophfelt · 1 year
send in asks!! :3
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hearts4court · 10 months
DC Masterlist
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Main Masterlist | rules 4 blog | navi!
A/N: Beastboy and Starfire are only SFW! Everyone else can be NSFW and SFW :)
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Harley Quinn:
None yet!
The Joker:
None yet!
Bruce Wayne:
None yet!
Beast Boy:
None yet!
None yet!
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Don’t copy, translate or repost any of my work w/o my permission.
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simpingforblackfire · 9 months
i LOVED the aggressive babying. reader is humiliated and they just doesn't understand why
mabye because you want to dress? and bath? an adult??
how would they punish reader for misbehaviour/for trying to run away
for trying to harm herself? the babying and overprotectiveness will be intensify like crazyyyy
A/N: My bad this took so long. I decided to do both scenarios because I probably would eventually anyway :)
Where reader tries to run away:
"If you think this is going to be forgotten you're mistaken"
Dick knew that technically he didn't really need to punish you for you to get the message. Not encouraging Starfire to tone down with you so she doesn't smother you would be punishment enough. But this hurt. This hurt and for him to forgive you he needed you to understand just what you've done to him.
You didn't get far. But the fact that you got anywhere was enough for worry to creep and break the dam of their fears loose. It took hold of them like a poison.
Starfire's initial thought was to break your legs.
It would be so easy. You were so young and weak and feeble. Your legs were weak anyway. You didn't hold a grain of the strength she possessed. It was hard to sympathise with your loss when there was so little strength in what you had anyway.
But she loved you. She loved you and she didn't want to see you hurt nor did she want to clip your freedom. Humans couldn't fly and she couldn't imagine a world in which she couldn't fly. But to immobilise her by preventing her from walking? That was a cruelty she wouldn't wish on anyone. Still she wanted to. You might not think it but she felt guilty sometimes keeping you in the house all of the time and not letting you out.
But then she would remember how you were when she first met you. So young, and wide-eyed, vulnerable and completely unregulated. She needed to take you and keep you here where you were safe. You didn't belong in a world as cruel and dangerous as this. You didn't need your legs to live. You didn't need your legs to be happy. It was a small sacrifice if it meant ensuring you would live.
But she wouldn't stand to see you hurt and she couldn't bare the look of hate in your eyes that you would give her. You might have washed her trust away with ease but no matter how hard you scrubbed you couldn't get rid of her love.  
She had mused the thought of breaking your legs to Dick, who said that was tempting but would be a drastic action, as it would harm you so significantly and would lead to your distrust of them. They had not hurt you physically. Dick intended to keep things that way for as long as possible. You would not see them as monsters.
Dick had known your running away was inevitable. He'd been anticipating it happening since they decided to keep you. A voice had whispered in the back of his mind that perhaps you wouldn't. That you wanted to stay more than you missed your old life. But he dusted away those thoughts and found he was right to. It hurt. He loves you. But he knew that you would. That's why they had to keep you with them after all. You were too naive and ignorant and unknowing of the true ways of the world to be on your own. Of course you ran away. Of course you made the wrong choice. You didn't know any better. 
He'd seen too many people have their innocence stolen from them. No one got to be innocent. You either bloodied your heart or your hands. Only monsters got to live. He'd ensure that you'd never lose that childish naivety of yours. The glint of youth in your eyes would never leave. He'd always be there to polish it and make sure it would never fade to the dirt of the world.
They had to punish you. You were but a child. Children had to be taught. So, they kept you immobile. They hadn't broken any bones or physically harmed you. At least not on purpose. You arms were littered with bruises where Starfire had gripped you too hard when she grabbed hold of you. Your waist too was lined with shapes of blue and purple where Dick had pulled you too forcefully in his desperation to get you back.
They kept you locked up more than you had been. They carried you everywhere you went. You weren't allowed to so much as move on your own. You were kept still at all times. 
Eventually you broke when they wouldn't let you feed yourself. Starfire smiled and it was almost cruel that it was so tender and genuine in its sweetness as she pushed the spoon of food against your lips.
You burst into tears and screamed at them. But they would just smile fondly as though you were nothing more than an amusement. Nothing to take seriously. Just a child throwing a tantrum.
They'd take turns watching until you exhausted yourself, before scooping you up and shushing you "that's right sweet girl just calm down. I bet you were so very cross" their words were gentle and demeaning "it's okay honey its all over now. You don't have to think up anymore anger. That's it just lean into me. You really tuckered yourself out"
Your anger had simmered into soft sobs of a hopeless sadness. You were so tired you couldn't help but succumb to exhaustion. "That's right baby just relax into me. You must be so sleepy after that tantrum. You're such a silly little girl making yourself all mad like that. It's okay I'll forgive you. I always will"
The kisses on your head that felt more mocking the more filled with their love they were.
Where reader tries to harm herself:
Starfire's heart broke, as she just couldn't understand why you would do such a thing.
Where Starfire's heart froze, Dick's heart roared with an angry fire. 
He'd lost so many and he knew he would continue to. But not you. You were his. You were the one person he got to keep. He would not lose you. Nothing would take you away from him. Not even yourself. You didn't get to just opt out.
In all they did to protect you they only had one oversight. Yourself.
It'd be a similar punishment to if you tried to run away. They'd have you on absolute lockdown. Blaming you, but not properly blaming you, because you're just a little child incapable of making your own decisions.
This is just further proof that you need to be taken care of. You can't even handle and regulate your own emotions. 
Your thoughts had led you into this. So, it's better that you don't think at all.
This is when they wouldn't let you do anything by yourself at all. Anytime you tried to speak they'd just shush you, pretending they couldn't understand you, like you couldn't speak English. 
They'd try to cut off your senses. Keeping cloth over your eyes so you can't see. Maybe even making you wear noise cancelling earphones. They wouldn't physically damage you in anyway that hurt you. But they would make you rely on them entirely.
It's better that way after all.
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cantdothis-nomore · 1 year
Raven, Starfire, Cyborg, Robin, Beast Boy how they react to the reader saying he loves them
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She would be hella surprised
Not at all ready for it and if you guys weren't sat on her bed she probably would have collapsed
She'd need a few seconds to wrap her head around what you just said to her but afterwards she would be all over you
Hugs for the rest of the day just all over you whenever wherever
She would be really excited that the words were finally exchanged, even if a little embarrassed at first because she didn't know how to react
Even if she did fall back into her old demeanor later on didn't mean that she didn't feel all warm and fuzzy inside after hearing it
Kept asking you to repeat it days after just because she loved hearing you say it
She would be allllllllll over it
Hugging you, kissing you everywhere!
She'd be so excited that you finally said it and wouldn't let go of you for the rest of the day
Her face pretty much went red as a rose with excitement
If possible she loved you even more in that moment than ever
She would think about it for days and just like raven ask you to repeat it randomly but alot over the next fee days after
She'd get alot clingier afterwards and would basically be attached to you
She wouldn't really be surprised that you said it, more happy that you said it first, or well, before she did
Every single time she'd look at you asking you to say it again she'd have that little shimmer in her eye out of adoration towards you <3
He wouldn't show it but would be really really really happy that you said it even if it was out of the blue
Like starfire he'd be happy that you said it first so he didn't have to (he just really wanted to hear you say it)
He'd go around all day just feeling really happy and warm all day and if you looked at him he'd have a tiny little smile on whilst replaying that moment over and over again
He'd hug you more then he regularly did and would be found at your side more then usual and almost always touching you in some way shape or form
When you two were alone he'd ask you to repeat it now that other people weren't around
You'd tease him silly for it but he doesn't mind ♡
He'd freeze during what he was doing after your words hit his ears
His face would go really red and he would start stuttering trying to form a sentence whilst having an internal breakdown
After finally processing what was said he'd be attached to you for ages
Whenever people saw you, they'd see him aswell literally connected at the hip
He'd be more huggy like everyone else but would also randomly say it to you afterwards aswell now that the original embarrassment was over of who was saying it first
He'd go really red whenever he'd think about it and you'd tease him silly about it when you caught him
He'd adore even more if it was possible after that day and you'd receive random messages or whispers in your ear as he passed or as you were laying in bed together of that little phrase ♡
Beast boy
Oh man he'd be bouncing off the walls shamelessly
He would ask you to repeat it over and over again while either hanging off your back or randomly picking you up bridal style while you were doing something
He'd yell it back to you over and over again whilst running around the tower with his energy levels through the roof
Eventually he'd just crash straight into you and down onto the sofa or somewhere in his room and wouldn't let you so you'd both just be laying there for the day whispering it back and forth whilst tangled together
Instead of asking you to repeat it, he'd be repeating it for ages on end for weeks afterwards whenever he'd get the chance
Soulmates I'd say ♡
Thank you and I hope you like it!
Thankfully this one came through along with another one so I can answer them again :D
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julia-b00 · 5 months
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