#Starlords of Eternity
adrasteaeydiate · 7 months
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Behold, creatures of Earth
By your foolish meddling with the three artifacts of power
You have summoned forth the starlords of eternity
These weapons are not your playthings to be trifled with
And so for your impudent acts, your world shall be eradicated
Except for you, brave prince, join us
For your destiny awaits beyond the outer reaches of the galaxy
Context (kinda, also go check all the amazing arts in Gloryhammer server on Reddit and here BECAUSE PEOPLE IN OUR FANDOM ARE EXTREMELY TALENTED LIKE WHAT THR FUCK HOW CAN YOU BE THAT GREAT??!!) :
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samd1o1 · 2 months
Hey I don’t want to comment for real bc I’m sick of arguing with people on tumblr
I just wanted to say that in that post about deadpool and wolverine’s queerness, you are like 1000% in the right. Normally I don’t feel this strongly about stuff but anyone who thinks that Disney seriously and earnestly “delivered” on deadpool (and wolverine?) being queer is delusional
I mean, I love the movie. I’ve seen it twice and giggled my way through it both times. Obviously I enjoy the queer aspect of their relationship. But what you said about being able to be critical of your favorite media is important. The fact that people are arguing that there are no issues with the gay jokes in d&w but ACTUALLY it’s all indicative of a genuinely made film about two queer men is like actually SO crazy
Thank you, yes! The movie is absolutely amazing in the fact it's funny and well written. And yes I like the gay jokes, they're cheeky and enjoyable. But I think they'd be more enjoyable if any amount of Wade's (and also Logan's) queerness was taken seriously. Even just a little seriously.
I think the part that annoyed me about the movie most was Wade breaking up with Vanessa. Yeah it works for the movie and his character development. But at the same time I can't help but assume the reasoning for it was so queer people could go "hey they're both single, maybe just maybe Deadpool and Wolverine will get together?" No they won't this is Disney. He'll probably be back together with Vanessa eventually (even if it's not immediately).
Like I said on the comments of the post you're referring to; saying this is good queer rep is just an excuse so Disney (and Marvel) doesn't have to actually try to make good representation. The MCU has had many issues like this before. The single Loki bisexual conversation only for them to chicken out on the mlm ship they were hinting at in S2 promotions. Loki also being labeled as genderfluid in promo stuff just for him to be referred to as a male Loki and such. Characters who are canonically bisexual in the comics like Starlord showing absolutely zero hints to their queerness. Eternals is the only real representation I can think of, but it felt very one note and boring. Like that whole movie.
In conclusion Deadpool is a great movie but my biggest gripe is just that the queer aspect is not taking seriously. As much as I love the Honda Odyssey scene, it would be cool if it wasn't just a weird mix of coding/bait. Queer coding is still a great writing tool. Using metaphors for queerness in fantasy can be fun. But the reason queer coding existed in the first place is because you weren't allowed to show any queer people on screen. But times have changed! You can show it, but Disney are cowards. The movie is also queerbaity as they set up things like Vanessa's break up only to start them almost back up again with Logan himself telling Wade to go for the girl. Not to mention all the promotional posters like Deadpool and Wolverine as Beauty And The Beast. Disneyland Deadpool is also being VERY heavy on the gay jokes, which makes me feel like they KNOW who their main target audience was gonna be with this movie, but they still need to cater to the movie dudebros as well. Maybe one day guys, maybe.
It's important to be critical of even your favorite media. If you weren't then it could never improve. Let your voices be heard! And to the people who think movies don't deserve such debate; why do you think that? So many people say that so they don't have to discuss representation in media but then turn around and rant about the comic accuracy. Also what do you think happens in a writers room? Criticism is important in media even to professionals. A movie is a group effort, many people had different ideas that eventually came together and made Deadpool 3. They also probably had many ideas that were shut down and not put in Deadpool 3 for various reasons. Some most likely being criticisms.
Ok I'm done ranting now. Deadpool 3, great movie, one of my favorites. But it would have benefited not only itself by being true to Wade and Logan letting them be their authentic queer selves; But it also would have benefited the queer community.
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borealopelta · 4 months
mission control
fandom: Gloryhammer characters: Angus McFife II, Starlords of Eternity, Angus McFife V words: 1716 summary:
“You will be our eyes and hands in the timeline of the prophecy. You will do what we ask of you, you will wield this hammer as we command. You will handle the anomalies and keep problematic strands in line. You will ensure the correct progression of events and you will do so at any cost, even your own life. You are for us what that hammer is for you. Our weapon. A role you are not unfamiliar with.” Angus has a chat with the Starlords after the events of Maleficus Geminus.
happy first birthday to return to the kingdom of fife!!! have some sillies
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ravenirene · 2 years
Idk who needs to hear this but Mcu buckys backstory is NOT based off of arnie roth. His backstory is based off his ultimate universe counterpart. A lot of the mcu is based of the ultimates: sam being military whil 616sam being a social worker, clint with laura barton and their 3 kid and is a shield operative while 616clint married bobbi morse and has no kid and never worked for shield, samuel l. jackson Nicky fury, etc. Ultimate universe bucky is steves childhood friend.
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And secondly 616 bucky is caps kid sidekick, the mcu just didn't want to put a child soldier in their all American propaganda movie hence why rebel wasn't part of the howling commandos in the mcu either because he was a kid. As u can see in this tweet they changed it for that reason.
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Thirdly even if he was based off of arnie, removing a gay character doesn't automatically make a different character gay. although i would love if bucky was canon queer but that's just not how it works.
Also what I realize about these bucky is arnie roth truthers is that a lot of u don't care about arnie or the fact he was erased from the mcu u guys just want "proof" for your headcanon/ship. Which there's no problem with having headcanons, if u hc bucky as gay and/or jewish that perfectly fine and valid but then ppl spread false info that he's suppose to be that when it's simply just not true. I don't ever see ppl bring up arnie unless it about bucky. Also steve and arnies dynamic itself never came off as anything other than friends or brothers
I don't ever see these bucky is arnie roth truthers ever talk about how thor:ragnarok replaced thors and lokis actual long lost older sister, angela, who is a canon lesbian and is dating a transwoman, with lokis daughter, hela, who has only shown attraction towards men in canon.(hela is currently married to a woman but they married out of business not out of love and it happened after the movie came out)
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nor do I see them talk about in ca:tfa other than arnie roth there was also brian falsworth. In ca:tfa u can see James Montgomery falsworth, more commonly known as union jack, in the mcu he's part of the howling commandos. The thing is he's the union jack of ww1 while his son and daughter fights alongside captain America in ww2. His son Brian falsworth has been canonically gay since 2002 and was dating roger aubrey, destroyer, until he died. There's no reason why his dad was deaged and was part of the howling commandos instead of him for the reason other than he was gay because Brian shows up more in comics than his dad, u can't know about Monty falsworth without knowing about Brian
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I feel like y'all don't actually care when an actual gay character gets replaced but instead make up lies about characters that u want to be gay instead. Like when eternals came out and phastos and his husband where said to be the first gay characters in the mcu and instead of complaining about loki, valkyrie, starlord, ayo, korg. Who were(at least at the time) not confirmed canon queer in the mcu despite being so in the comics, u guys complained about steve/bucky not being canon queer despite neither ever canonically showing interest in the same gender in mcu or comics because u mixed up canon and fanon/your headcanon.
Again headcanoning bucky and gay and/or jewish and shipping mcu stucky is completely fine, there's nothing wrong with it but bucky being based on arnie roth is just simply not true.
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
And S1 of What If? comes to an end with the Watcher breaking his oath. Truly the godzilla threshold has been met. :D
So recruit number one in the Watcher's fight with Ultron is Evil Strange - a good choice. He won't want anyone else to suffer what he has, being the sole survivor of his reality.
This episode picks up with Peggy at the start of what must be her universe's version of the events of The Winter Soldier. So Natasha's match maker instincts come off more as flirting with Peggy than they do with Steve. Or maybe I just like Peggy/Natasha better than Steve/Natasha? I dunno.
Anyway, Peggy is recruit number 2. Followed by Starlord T'Challa. Gamora - from an episode I think I remember hearing was pushed back to the second season. (The Not You Stark is funny) Killmonger next. Thor, who is not paying attention, until the Watcher picks him up.
They are the Guardians of the Multiverse. I do love it. :D
Thor - *is annoying* Strange - You picked him. The Watcher - *silence*
Strange is having a bit of trouble keeping his form. Now that he's not ripping reality apart for selfish reasons, I do feel a lot more sorry for him. He's shit at speeches, though. Thankfully T'Challa bails him out.
Thor - I know how to deal with this Party Pooper. Viva Los Vegas!!! Ultron - Have not heard that one before
Oh, the zombies are back. Not a bad plan.
And there's Natasha, making new friends. But can they successfully play keep away with the soul stone?
Where's Zola during all this, anyway? He was still with Natasha at the end of the last ep...
Ah, there he goes, finally using the other stones to retrieve the one he lost... but of course Strange has a time stone of his own...
Thor is still using Vegas as a battle cry. I love it.
Seriously, though, where is Zola? Well... at least there's still an arrow with Zola on it, but what about the drone??? Oh well, Natasha gets to be badass with an arrow to honor Clint. That's cooler.
Right in the eye. Ouch.
So out with one bad guy and in with another. Zola has the imagination Ultron lacks, which I assume is why he wins. Of course, now they've got Zola to deal with. And Killmonger showing his evil colors...
Killmonger vs Zola for a cosmic tug of war over the stones and Strange figures out what the Watcher really intended, which was sticking those two in a pocket dimension to fight for eternity. I do like it. :D
The Watcher sending everyone home. And giving Natasha a new home. Awww, he does have a heart.
That was fun. :D
And then in the epilogue, Natasha leads Peggy into the depths of the ship and... the Hydra Stomper. With someone inside. I am so curious.
I hope we get another season at some point - I'd love to see the universe Gamora came from. And, uh, maybe not have Tony get killed off for a change? (The only surviving version of him here was basically a cameo. Let's give him a bit better?)
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jazzapples3 · 1 year
Ok so according to fife eternal the laserblaster is in Strathclyde in a ancient citadel lost to the starlords so perhaps that's where they first landed and its in ruins now that the starlords are gone. But the magic dragon in the first album was also found in strathclyde in an "enchanted chamber" (spaceship). So now its just mined for technological marvels that are left behind with potentially no one left who knows how they work anymore?
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heartman · 2 years
What are your favorite MCU movies?
Hey anon!! I think my faves are as follows:
1. Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers my beloved, I am so in love with her it isn't even funny)
2. Werewolf By Night (because who doesn't love a good shlocky fifties style horror movie? A masterclass in classic horror which surprised me but I adored it)
3. Eternals (I can't gush about this movie enough. There's something about someone being so old and all knowing yet still struggling to find a place even amongst those who are like them and I adored everything this movie had to offer. I love the slower pacing and it was serene and almost sensual in a way and every about it makes me gush I will never shut up about it ever)
4. The Thor movies (always have a good time with these and while Love and Thunder felt a little lacking, every movie has been a good time, Thor never fails)
5. Ant Man 1 & 2 (I love how laid back they are and it's a good starting point because they're so self contained and I loved Ava Starr/Ghost)
6. Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness (Wanda being an iconic horror girl? We love to see it. Also Charlize Theron as Clea is exciting. I loved the creativity with the magic and the set pieces and Christine Palmer is *chef's kiss* perfection. America Chavez was a fun addition and I love Sam Raimi's flair on his movies)
7. Captain America The Winter Soldier (this movie OWNED MY ENTIRE ASS IN 2014 okay I was pretty convinced I was gonna become Sebastian Stan's best friend if we ever met but alas 17 year old me could only dream)
8. Shang Chi and the Legend Of The Ten Rings (the fight scenes! The whole sequence in the beginning where Shang Chi's mom and dad do that fight at the gates of Ta Lo was sexier than any sex scenes I've ever watched like it Did Things ™️ to me and I still haven't recovered)
9. 2012 Avengers (the one that started it all. I still get the same feeling I did that some great was happening with this movie and I love seeing where it all started compared to where they are now. It's a good time and yeah I have nothing more to say on it other than Natasha was fantastic and the fact that Thanos was in Loki's head even back then is mind boggling)
10. Infinity War (Avengers Endgame wants what this movie has and I will not elaborate)
11. Black Panther (a beautiful movie with a superb cast. The way Chadwick Boseman exudes class and charisma and charm through the entire film is stunning and the idea that even family can learn and grow as you learn and grow and try to be better is a wonderful message, I love this movie and Chadwick Boseman is gone too soon. Rest in peace, sir. I am very excited to see Namor in the sequel but it won't be the same without T'Challa, I just know it)
12. Black Widow (a wonderful sendoff for a character who deserves better. This movie came too little too late but it did introduce the wonderful Yelena Belova and Red Guardian. Natasha, I miss you and yeah. Natasha deserved better than the MCU gave her, especially considering she was one of the original six Avengers)
13. GOTG 1 (A great intro to a great team. Gamora has my heart alongside basically every other woman in the MCU and Bucky, and it really was just a fun romp through space after the MCU introduced a much darker tone with The Dark World. I am ecstatic for Adam Warlock's introduction in GOTG 3 and I do wish Dennis from Always Sunny was playing Starlord instead of crispy rat man. It also bugs me that Peter is confirmed to be half celestial in the MCU as of GOTG 2 and it is NEVER TOUCHED UPON AGAIN LIKE WTF FEIGE)
14. Basically the first three movies of the Fox X-Men series (so First Class, DoFP and Apocalypse)
15. LOGAN (made me cry shut up Caliban I miss you)
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anothersebastianblog · 4 months
10 is a lot in an assemble movie // GOTG are ensemble movies and Starlord is the nominal lead, yet he is far from the only one with more than 10 minutes of screen time. Even in the widely panned Eternals film, all of the main cast got more than 10 minutes on screen. I don’t watch Beef, but one comment I read when one of the Beef writers got hired for TB is that Beef is great at portraying the supporting cast as real, fully rounded people. So whatever the size of Bucky’s role, there’s reason to believe that it will meaningful and not the glorified cameo that some scoopers keep trying sell us.
Also, Seb spent 5-6 weeks in Atlanta. That’s a lot for just 10 minutes of screen time. And even though TB will be shooting in NYC from mid-June to end of July, apparently Seb will be in NYC in June and end of July *only* for Don’s Challenge and *not* for TB—because Seb has wrapped on TB according to AF. 🤡
No one said his plot will sucks, we know the screenwriters fo this movie are talented ppl (in this case they still have to follow orders tho)
Apparently there is the possibility that the movie won’t be filming in nyc after utah, but let’s wait and see. If they film there it will be easy to know
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mi6014ikepearson · 2 years
Target Market Research is an essential stage in any marketing project. and as such this module would not be doing itself justice if it didn’t appreciate the extent in which I’ve gone to with my research, so far, and will continue to do so..
in order to appeal to our target market audience; we need to do some research into their universal interests; and what better way to understand the interests of Gen-Z / Millennials than to look where such valuable data is eternally catalogued: 
the internet. 
I have opted for using the internet as a tool for retrieving this data; as it will allow me a unique opportunity to get a combination of the most current, and historically accurate data.
the process of decoding archival data is only possible through actually having this data - and the accuracy of said statistics is best represented through the search analytics, across the different internet browsers, over time.
as opposed to the first-hand research methods I had used for this course which included holding focus groups, as well as plenty of interviewing; where there is more of a front put on to protect yourself from what could be seen as embarrassing, untrue, and or unthought of; I instead argue that it would be more beneficial to studying these strange breeds of human being using the archival potential of years of proven analytical data, and as such will do so using it.
using global analytics I looked across the globe to see what sort of things were currently trending, amongst our age range of Gen Z and Millenials and to start with eliminated all of the commonplace buzzwords like ‘drama’, ‘fail’, etc. 
my original plan was to manually use a dropdown menu to eliminate search results I thought were too topical, out of concern that due to the Covid 19 pandemic the current state of internet usage has since doubled, and as such people are using it more - over-saturating it with content, and thus decreasing the shelf-life of what is popular.
with this, I wanted to ensure that I would not pick a topic that could possibly lose its relevance by the time this module was over; and as such, I looked more broadly than trending keywords and instead turned my attention to topics.
as always, animals were very high up there, as well as people getting hurt, but one subject eluded me enough to catch my attention and force me to research deeper.      ( and if the title didn’t give it away; I’m honestly shocked..)
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2014 saw the release of Marvel’s ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ a science-fiction adventure film starring a rogue group of intergalactic criminals who team up to keep a valuable orb out of the hands of one evil ‘Ronan the Accuser’.
it’s thematic setting is due in part to the character of StarLord who is a comedic blast from the past; dancing to a ‘wicked good’ tape deck on his Sony Walkman that compiled all the greatest tunes of the ‘80s.
this film is often held responsible for the resurgence of 80′s culture, within modern society: and as such caused a substantial spike in said topic, that I thought to have been long dormant..
however, this was not the case
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looking around, the more you think about it, the more obvious it is: with current day fashion heavily leaning into elements from the past, with a substantial majority of men now rocking moustaches, and mullets - it is a sign that this resurgence of 80′s fever, is seemingly only just kicking in..
as such, I think I’m going to be using this as the baseline for my film - and will research into the topic, later on down the line in an attempt to find a way to blend modernist humour, with 80′s fever to create a compelling and interesting end product.
for most companies whilst rebranding to appeal to a new generation: the first step is to introduce themselves to the current era using social media, and as such: I thought to check William Lawson’s internet presence.
I decided to check what the brand’s social media situation was; and found that they had accounts and were available to follow on Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and YouTube. however, William Lawson’s is most active on facebook - posting often to their 953,877 followers, as of the time of writing this blog post.
this is part of why the brand is limited in it’s consumer-base; and should expand to posting this level of consistent updates to the rest of the socials in order to reach as many people, as possible - and thus increase the likelihood of having a younger audience base.
the memes they post aren’t exactly top tier levels of comedy; but nor are they offensive in any way - and as such, it will only do good with them being widespread across all platforms.
it’s here on the internet that I wanted to focus my attention once, more: as I showcase a very limited and simplified timeline of events that tell us how we, as a generation have come to the current state of post-ironic humour; and finally found a way to incorporate the modern style of humour into media.
growing up, I seemingly missed out on the era of childhood people so fondly remember where they describe watching Nickelodeon shows such as Victorious, Zoey 101, and Drake & Josh
however, amongst these shows was Icarly, which I’ve come to learn was a powerhouse of the early 2000′s Nickelodeon line-up.
Icarly was a show that followed a girl and her best friends hosting their own web-show called iCarly from their apartment. it’s full of very early Nickelodeon staples of humour; with loud noises, slapstick comedy and plenty of subliminal foot fetish content courtesy of Dan Schneider, himself..
during the show’s air; popular YouTuber Fred was the first user on the site to surpass 1 million subscribers; and with his new found celebrity status, he was invited to be a guest-star on the show.
it was here that we saw Nickelodeon dipping their toes into the idea of toying around with bridging the gap between the internet and television..
the special was apparently fine enough, for the show: with the two mediums bouncing off each-other relatively well due to their similar premises - with Icarly & Fred both being internet web show creators.
and with every big fish comes a leech on the belly:
after the success of Icarly - Nickelodeon kept chasing the wave; and attempted to bring in some fresh-faced children to carry a new series for ‘years to come’.
however, when trying to create a show; it’s important to flesh out characters and not to create one-dimensional roles to fill, with no charm or personality.
out of fear of television as a media dying, and the company being left in the dust; Nickelodeon apparently shilled out show after show in similar manners to this, and with each commercial failure companies became less and less interested in investing their money in projects that followed the internet, and soon fell a stigma with audiences that the internet and television were incompatible and could not mix, well
at least whilst out-of-touch show-runners were behind the scenes...
Newgrounds content creators Chris O’Neil (OneyNG) and Zach Hadel (psychicpebbles) attempted to pitch their popular internet series ‘Hellbenders’ to Adult Swim - but were turned away, after what was described as “the worst pitch they had ever heard”.
the world truly was not ready for the possibility of freely outrageous internet humour and the harsh censorship rules of television combining, yet: a climate that began to change, as a transition to the digital age became more and more common-place for elements of everyday life.
as time passed; more and more people were using the internet, and as such; it became more commonplace for the general public to be exposed to the weird and wild side of internet-based humour; and as such the potential for blending television and the internet is finally managing to take form, with shows like Michael Cusack and Zach Hadel’s ‘The Smiling Friends’ being commercial successes and paving the way for a potential new type of content, separate from both pre-existing entities.
internet humour, is slowly just becoming ‘regular humour’ and as such, this is not something that needs to be stressed about, as much as people collectively imagine it to be.
how many times in a daily conversation do you reference something from the internet; whether that be recommending a video you watched, quoting a particularly funny phrase that’s popular with your friend-group, or opening up your phone to pass the time.
the internet has become an integral part of day-to-day life for some; and as such its humour blends with it to some degree.
much like all things - it’s important to strike a balance: and this is exactly what needs to be done; with a fair blend of build-up to reach a good punchline: so far, I’m thinking it would be good to see something that twists viewers perceptions?
potentially keeping a sense of normalcy to ensure relatability through having a seemingly happy and light-hearted film suddenly turn dark, through a character death, cutting straight from a story following them to a funeral or something that is so out of left field that the tragic nature is overridden by shock and this influx of emotions causes people to laugh. 
with a good starting point, plenty of research and a new understanding of both topic and humour for our film, now under my collective belt - I feel comfortable to change a course, and run with this new found direction to create a brilliant final outcome to be proud of.
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ferdyjoe · 3 years
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The 5th episode of "What If..?" is crazy 😍😍🔥 And the surprise at the end 🔥🔥🔥 As usual the only problem it is too short. What are your thoughts? 🤔 • • -Like, comment & Share the post to support ❤️ • -Follow @ferdinandj_16 for more HD content. 🔥 • -🚨Turn On Post Notifications • #avengers #endgame #marvel #whatif #loki #ladyloki #kang #thefalcon #thewintersoldier #wandavision #wanda #scarletwitch #Eternals #elizabetholsen #shangchi #kang #spiderman #starlord #model#pics#picoftheday#followme#cool#vscocam#happy#healthy#dog#baby#black#yummy#instagr https://www.instagram.com/p/CTkaojrrAbP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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etrnty-a · 5 years
anyone who still blames pete/r qu/ill for the ending of infinity war will feel the wrath of his grandfather 
aka eternity
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go-sentai-rider · 3 years
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#JamesGunn has reiterated #StarLord's Celestial heritage following #Eternals' release! Full quotes: https://t.co/4jRGawxjKa https://www.instagram.com/p/CV_p_MOB_WD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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duchessonfire · 2 years
I know we all love Taika and have high hopes for Thor 4 but in the frenzy of the trailer dropping and all of us stanning Jane as the goddess of Thunder and that one amazing shot of Valkyrie in a suit, remember that Chloé Zhao gave us Marvel's first openly gay couple of color being married and parenting a child.
Never forget the Eternals walked so Thor 4 could run with the homoerotic tension between Thor and Starlord.
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Just thought of this, but imagine if Danny met the Guardians of the Galaxy. He’d probably ask them a few thousand questions about what space is like, wouldn’t it be hilarious? XD
Starlord was expecting a lot of weird shit to happen in space, but a glowing, floating teenager who was thrown out of a green circle in the middle of space was not one of them.
"Woah," the kid said with nothing short of sheer excitement. "Are we in space? I don't recognize any of the constellations. Where are we? Oh my god are you guys aliens? That's so fucking cool."
"who are you?" Gamora asks. He turns, and she places her blade at the base of his throat, but he seems woefully unbothered by it. Instead, he thrusts his hand forward.
"My name's Phantom! I accidentally flew through a natural portal. Sorry for crash landing in your ship."
Starlord calmly walks over and nudges Gamora's blade to the side while he takes Phantom's hand and shakes it. "Where are you from?" He asks.
"Oh, I'm from Earth," Phantom replies. He's not looking at Starlord, though. No, he's looking every which way and that, bending over backwards to get a better view of everything. "Is this your space ship? Oh my god am I on a space ship?"
"Yeah," Starlord answers, an amused tone to his voice. "You said you're from Earth? We're not too far, we could take you back if you need us too."
"Quill-" a racoon starts, but Starlord shoots him a desperate look. he doesn't want the kid on his ship. Especially one that doesn't even really know about space travel. Plus, what if he was dangerous? he wasn't about to let the kid take down his ship and his friends. Earth could deal with that problem.
It was a three day trip, which was a three day delay in their plans. Thankfully there was a port close to Earth that they could use to refill. According to Phantom all they had to do was drop him off near the atmosphere and he'd be fine on his own.
The kid talked a lot. In fact, the only time he's not rattling their ears off with facts about space and stars and stories behind constellations is when he's wolfing down a Drax-sized serving of food.
They answered his questions to the best of their abilities, and while Rocket hadn't been too excited to interact wit him, when he found out the kid had a knack for unconventional technology he had all but taken him under his wing. He traded battle stories with Drax, who would pull him into a headlock and he would show Starlord all sorts of new music on his cell phone. He talked to Gamora about Earth literature and he had a very heated rock-paper-scissors battle with Groot that lasted nearly three hours.
All in all the kid was an absolute riot to be around. Phantom and Rocket figured out a way to get the music from Phantom's phone downloaded into the ship's system, which Starlord was eternally grateful for. There were thousands of new songs for him to go through.
Ghosts were something Starlord couldn't quite wrap his head around, but with Phantom pulling off more and more ghostly shit, it was starting to become almost normal. Though eh could do without the kid walking through him. That had been a weird, terrifying experience for him, and Rocket still hasn't let either of them live it down.
Just as promised, they stop near the Earth's atmosphere. And though he had been nothing but a ball of excitement over the past few days, Phantom seems pretty reluctant to go home now.
"You okay, kid? Don't you wanna see your family or something?"
"Or something," Phantom grimaced.
"Well...If you need us, just call us, alright?" Rocket held out his hands, and a small communicator was placed into Phantom's. The teen gave them a watery smile as he held out his hand for them to shake. Starlord couldn't help it. He rolled his eyes and grabbed the front of the kid's suit. He tugged him into a tight hug, lifting the laughing teen off of his feet. Gamora had gripped his forearm warrior style that Phantom returned with the utmost respect. Drax had also pulled him into a hug, and this time Phantom's vertebra popped all the way down until Phantom was fully relaxed against Drax's chest.
"That felt good," he says.
"Of course it did," Drax replied, setting Phantom down. "I am the best."
Danny snorts and gives him a two fingered salute. Groot gives him a soft hug and a flower from his shoulder, and Phantom holds it like it's the most precious thing in the world. He fist bumps Rocket, and with one last goodbye, he's phasing through the ship's hull and flying towards Earth.
It doesn't take them long to get back to their seats. Phantom's music is queued up as Starlord settles in. He meets Rocket's gaze, which looks...Almost sad.
"You think we'll ever see the runt again?" He asks. Starlord just smiles at him.
"I don't see why we wouldn't," he tells Rocket. "Besides, if the kid needs help he'll call us. We live in space, it's not like he'll let us get far without begging for a joyride or something."
"He's very intelligent," Gamora comments. "If he knows what's good for him he'll find us when he's ready."
"I am Groot."
"Yeah, you got that right, Pal," Rocket huffs. "Come on, Quill. Daylight's burning."
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uncomicmas · 4 years
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¡Ya está disponible el EPISODIO 8 de Un Cómic Más EL PODCAST en @circuitoliderfm! . Esta entrega es dedicada al nuevo universo de personajes de Marvel Comics que van a introducir en Marvel Studios en febrero 2021 con #Eternals y sus breves menciones en las películas. . Imagen 1: arte de @johnromitajr Imagen 2: afiche del filme Eternals de Marvel Studios Imagen 3: arte de @ribicesad con diseño para el #iglive de @bastadetodo Imagen 4: vídeo donde Ego le explica el poder de los Celestials (como él) a #StarLord en #guardiansofthegalaxy vol 2 . Para escucharlo sólo deben ingresar a la página www.circuitolider.com y revisar la pestaña "podcasts". . También está disponibles los episodios: Episodio 1: #Millarworld y #Netflix revolucionan la industria del cómic. . Episodio 2: el oscuro pasado de #Hulk . Episodio 3: las versiones más polémicas de #Superman. . Episodio 4: la nueva editorial independiente @awastudiosofficial #awastudiosofficial . Episodio 5: la historia del Avenger Sintesoide #Vision . Episodio 6: los cómics y la música volumen 1. . Episodio 7: los cómics y la música volumen 2. . Episodio 8: Eternals . . Este viernes en la noche les doy un adelanto en @bastadetodo con @leocolmenares_ por 94.9 en @circuitoliderfm a las 9 PM #vzla . Créditos: Idea original / Dave Da Silva Producción General / @leocolmenares_ Edición y montaje / @pincay030 Diseño / @soybany . . Fuente @marvel @comixology @marvelstudios . . #marvelstudios #mcu #marvelcomics #avengers #spiderman #ironman #captainamerica #blackpanther #podcast #eternals #marvelcinematicuniverse #podcasts #blackwidow #marvelfan #podcasting #marveluniverse #phase4 #avengersendgame #shangchi https://www.instagram.com/p/CFAJyJDn7F_/?igshid=jmsq5nyk9o16
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delicatefury · 2 years
You know what’s fun about Marvel movies?
The sheer, indisputable downward trend.
Hear me out. Phase 1, favorite movies. I can say Iron Man, and no one would dispute that it’s a worthy contender. I love the first Iron Man movie. It’s up there in my favorite rewatchable movies of all time. But someone else could say Captain America, and I would get it. I like the personal relationships of Iron Man, but this other person might just prefer WWII movies. And Captain America plays out a lot like a classic WWII movie. With updated action sequences, of course.
Iron Man II is weaker, yeah, but it was an understandable progression, and if you’re a Pepperony shipper, then I definitely get it. Tony once again suffering from the unintended consequences of his actions. He’s in a better place than IM, but he’s still struggling to be the better person he wants to be.
Or Thor. I could even understand someone saying Thor is their favorite. It’s a rom-com superhero movie. Star-crossed lovers and all that. Probably one of the weakest movies of phase 1, but it had heart. Actually, if they had leaned in more into the rom-com or more into the Loki-Thor conflict, it probably would’ve been better, but I liked it (kinda wish they kept Thor’s OG intro, but I get that it probably felt too close to Steve’s). Didn’t fully track the Loki descent into darkness, but that can probably be solved with a rewatch.
Now. Current Marvel (phase 4, i think?), favorite movies. I would say about 90% of people still watching would say one of the Spider-Man movies. Actually, having double checked the list of phase 4 movies, I’d say 95%. And what else is even a contender? The Eternals bombed and broke the lore. Black Widow went on about 20 minutes too long (all for mediocre CGI, too) and was disjointed in tone and morals. Love & Thunder isn’t doing too hot. Shang Chi? That’s probably the other 5%, to be honest. But it also kinda broke the lore. The Ten Rings were heavily hinted at in Iron Man, totally misused in Iron Man III (aka Disney’s Iron Man. Which almost, but not quite, hit the mark), and then completely changed for Shang Chi. If any non-Spider-Man movie is your favorite in phase 4, you have an uphill climb defending it as an objectively good movie the way you could for phase 1. And that’s probably because the Spider-Man movies are the only ones that don’t feel like a “Disney Marvel” movie.
Phase 1 (and 2!) movies all had a different tone and feel. From the introspection of Iron Man 1 & 2, to the war movie of Captain America, to the rom-com feelings of Thor, the Spy-Thriller of The Winter Soldier, and the heist-like conventions in Guardians of the Galaxy.
I could keep going. Like how AC/DC and other classic rock used in the soundtrack makes sense in Iron Man, since 1. It’s Tony’s favorite music, 2. he’s flying around in a mechanical suit with built in speakers, with similar reasoning for GotG with Starlord and his walkman. But how, while it was an impressively coordinated fight scene, the use of Immigrant Song in Thor:Ragnarok makes no sense,
Okay. Rant over. Disney Marvel is on a downward trend. Not because it’s trendy to hate on Marvel, but because the movies are objectively of lower quality and off the path laid out by the pre-Disney Marvel movies.
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