#State of independence
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failureofmylife · 1 year
in the day a couple of true hotheads made a song called state of independence. And a while after that Donna Summer did a cover, that is Pretty Damn Good I think.
That was the new version. The original was by Jon and Vangelis
In my mind the Jon & Vangelis version is the better, because it is after all the original and weirder one. And damn it, when the line “his truth will devour the lies” (or whatever it is, it seems to differ in different recordings) comes on, you feel like punching the sky. But Donnas version is smoother, less weird and more attuned to normal people. And I think it is a serious step from her “disco diva” days.
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folklorespring · 1 month
I was at the Independence Square in Kyiv yesterday and remembered how I saw the beginning of the tradition of putting little flags if you know someone killed by russia. It was a few flags at first, now it's a whole sea of them. We pay the highest price for our freedom and independence.
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piratingsoup · 10 months
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Beauty queen of only 16
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nudityandnerdery · 3 months
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megpricephotography · 3 months
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Beach Boy! Barney, jumping for joy during a trip to the beach in July of 2012.
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b0bthebuilder35 · 4 months
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noaluvs · 29 days
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It was brave of her to tell the truth and I am so glad she did !
It is a total lie that trump is a racist and anti semite
Joe Biden ran on that platform against Trump to win .
By showing what trump actually said , it shows just how evil the radical left is .
I want the normal democrats back 😔
The democrats who weren't anti semites
Who didn't lie all the time and spread fake news
I have a lot of problems with republicans
I am now independent
However , all anti semitism is coming from the left
These evil protests are lefties
I feel democratic Jews are stabbed in the back by a party they always supported .
I don't even know if I will even vote but if I do ?
It sure won't be for Kamala and Tim .
They are so fake 🤥 lies after lies
I can't even ................
I am american and love my country and what has happened in four years to it , is unbelievable..........😔
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thoselovelythings · 1 year
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texasaggie-seaknight · 3 months
Devil Ty Sonnet speaks Independence Day truth to power… Rah
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On this day, we remember that the founding of our nation was built on acts of defiance. It should be a day to reflect on the true spirit of independence and the courage to stand against tyranny.
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aro-culture-is · 21 days
Hey, I’m still a minor but I’ve been really stressing about this lately. I really want to know if aromantic is the right label for me, since I previously identified as a bisexual.
I’ve, like, NEVER had a crush. I want to. I love romance novels, couples, the idea of romance. But then I talked to my friends and family and realized that what I thought was a crush just…wasn’t.
I didn’t feel butterflies, or nervous, or ANYTHING. I genuinely thought butterflies in your stomach was something that people made up, like getting nosebleeds when something is sexually implicit or shirtless ppl r shown (stupid, I know, but heteronormativity is really ingrained in me). I wasn’t even INTERESTED in the person. Examples, if it would help: first grade, I saw pretty boy, tried to play with him and followed him around at recess, looking back I just wanted a friend and he just happened to be attractive. Third grade, saw pretty boy, literally did not interact with him nor did I want to, but called him my crush bc I thought finding someone attractive=crush. My friend got with him, I wasn’t heartbroken and even tried to set them up and tried to tell them of the other’s feelings (despite the two of them being aware) like I was a little Cupid. Third grade pt 2, saw second most pretty boy imo (notice a theme here?) had dreams of both of my third grade crushes saving me from monkeys and I was a princess and they were in knight armor until the end where they’d take off the helmet n kiss me, but I had to consciously change the face after my friend got w the guy bc I felt bad. BUT I NEVER TALKED TO EITHER OF THEM????? Like, with pretty boy 3, let’s call him C, I didn’t really talk or try to get close with him or even was interested in him, same w the previous two. I thought I had fictional crushes on both boys and girls (hence the bisexuality identification) only to realize finding someone attractive=/= having a crush. And now I’m so confused and devastated????????
I am interested in both romance and sex, but I just don’t have crushes??? I know that, most likely, there is nothing wrong with me, like rationally, but I don’t feel that way???? I’ve always wanted a wedding n kids, but I’ve never imagined it with another person, like having a wedding n there being my partner. I always imagined going solo in my beautiful dress, never stopping to consider that a partner would be there. I also think I want kids, but that might be my parent’s pressures talking. My dad has also said that “there’s only one natural orientation” and says there’s nothing wrong with having a crush (I don’t think he realizes that I genuinely never had a crush) so I’m also really upset on that part. All I want to do is fit in socially, to make my parents happy, to do what I love, and have someone to love. I’m upset and confused and I took a quiz, twice, got cupioromantic, searched up the definition, realized it was me, got scared, so I’m just fishing for validation at this point. I hope I’m at least grey romantic, because I WANT to have romance, and be happy with one person. I don’t want to be a single cat lady (no hate if that’s you, keep slaying). I want someone to love me, and I’m scared that I won’t be able to love them back.
If you read this far, thanks, it means a lot.
So, I have a few thoughts after reading this, and I'm just gonna do my best to lay out some of them
All that introductory section about never having had a crush? Absolutely classic aromantic life story. Completely the sort of thing where if someone told me that IRL, my immediate thoughts would be "oh, they're probably aromantic", and "I want to let them know we're community in some fashion, and I get it."
Secondarily, on the note of finding someone attractive: folks so frequently discover their a-spec identities by starting with "I'm equally or similarly attracted to all genders, so I must be bi/pan/etc", and then get hit by the phenomena that 0=0. Also, aesthetic and sexual attraction are typically experienced quite differently - despite not being talked about as such, usually because it's not socially acceptable to talk about sex except when shaming others for interacting with the concept from any angle, including not wanting it. Yay society! (/sarcasm)
Next: yeah, cupioromantic absolutely fits what you've described so far. But I have some news for you: you can be aromantic and still have a wonderful, healthy romantic relationship with others. Some of the very, very early first followers of this blog - and i'm talking first 30 out of over 10k - have openly talked about being married as aro people to alloros for longer than I've run this blog. It's possible, it's been done, and if that works for you and any future partners, fantastic!
But. That said, I don't get the impression that your approach to this is coming from a place of necessarily wanting romance? I could absolutely be projecting, and that's on me, but between what your dad said and the desperation in your message, I have to wonder if what you want is a close, healthy relationship where you are able to feel safe discussing yourself, where you feel like your emotions are validated, and you can engage in a kind and mutually open hearted way. And y'know? Especially as a minor, that can be so hard to handle. You deserve to be listened to, for your feelings to be validated, and to know that who you are is as natural as anything.
Side note. natural is such a cop-out word. Speaking as someone in a multidisciplinary STEM field: natural means it happens. Not 'is the norm', not 'comes from plants', not 'works exactly the same way every time'. Consider the platypus is a natural creature, despite being a wild abomination of every 'normal' trait it could fit in its weird little body. Consider that even in humans, sex is not a dichotomy and for the most part, sex is a socially defined set of characteristics. Consider how many birds and fish have 4 or more sexes. Consider the fungi, weep, and learn that defining them by sex is an absolute nightmare of thousands of possible sexes and matches and honestly, what even??? Consider that even if we only look at similarly sexed creatures to us, dolphins, penguins, so many birds, octopuses, dogs, spiders, cats, and more that I can't name in the literal 10 seconds I spent on that list, engage in clear same-sex sexual and romantic bonding. You ever seen a boy dog just jump anything that exists? I don't think Fido gives a shit about "natural orientations". Unless he can eat it and poop it out, and eat that. (/affectionate)
Some final thoughts: you will be okay. Being a minor is so incredibly hard, and the more you grow into adulthood, the more clear it becomes that literally everyone is following all sorts of rules that they learned once upon a time because it's hard to change the system, hard to change your thoughts, and not because it ever made sense to follow those rules. The idea that two people have to love the same way to enjoy each other is bullshit. The idea that you can't just experience all sorts of weird things, even though the human brain is among the most complicated things known to science and does so much we'll never live to know, is wild.
You will be okay. Everything will get better, and I believe you. Teen years are a lovely blend of the worst and best decisions you'll ever make because your brain and body are doing some phenomenally complicated things, and society said "hey, what if we shove all of them into an institution because labor laws say we can't put them in the mines anymore?", and this is understandably a really terrible idea. Promise you, the tigers and lions in the average zoo get better enrichment than teens seem to be allowed.
The longer you have to experience the world and its weird and inconsistent ways, the more you learn to just... be. You don't have to question it every step of the way. Maybe you do get a crush. Maybe you don't. Maybe you find yourself being visited by the cat adoption fairy, and oops, there's another, and suddenly there's several creatures who bring you warmth - and maybe being a crazy cat lady is for you. Adulthood is weird, just to be honest. This has actually happened to several people I know. So many "oops I have a cat now? help?" messages.
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and-loth-cat · 3 months
nothing says texas more than people wearing trump masks, having trump cutouts in the windows of their cars, preaching about how trump will "save us" in november at a fourth of july parade (while i, dressed in my pride outfit proudly help up my inclusion pride flag in silent protest)
and me being the only person cheering when the democrats came by, waving my pride flag because theyre my only hope
celebrating independence day while the people you endorse are working to take away every right i have is hypocritical. you can't preach about independence and freedom if you want to take away my humanity
please vote blue for those who can't yet. our future, my future, is up to you.
vote blue
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nocternalrandomness · 3 months
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Happy Fourth of July
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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