#Steph Paynes
hellojuiceboxbaby · 26 days
I’m just imagining when they get back to London and the agency is all in order that Charles starts taking Edwin out on little “outings” ,that are really just dates in disguise, to help him figure out his feelings and also just to spend some time with him outside of the office.
Little things he knows Edwin will enjoy that Charles usually wouldn’t consider as such. Like going for a walk to just chat, and visiting the library in disguise to borrow books he might like. And general sight seeing of things they never got to see alive (stuff they haven’t yet done in the 30 years they’ve spent together)
I don’t know I just think it’d be nice to have Charles take Edwin out with the intention of potential courtship whilst Edwin just thinks he’s looking for excuses to get out and explore
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willstafford · 10 days
Legally Conned
CONSENT Crescent Theatre, Birmingham, Saturday 8th June 2024 First produced at the National Theatre in 2017, Nina Raine’s contemporary drama is still as sharp and as pertinent, but let’s face it, seven years is not long enough for human behaviour to evolve! We are presented with a case of rape through the eyes of the barristers who are conducting the trial.  Even barristers have home lives,…
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (S2) Ep. 100 - Enough (Part 1) | CRC Payne, Starbite
Jason and Steph fans get fed this week
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dcsnextgaycharacter · 6 months
Not a full list but can people send me panels they would like to see for any ship below, need to outsource help (Hank ships are in here but I don't need help with those, I am using Green Lantern/Sentinel: Heart of Darkness panels for HankTodd):
Hal/Ollie JayRoy HankTodd Match/Inertia Dick/Joey Joe Morgan/Al Pratt Bart Allen/Preston Lindsay Riddler/Scarecrow Jason Blood/Bruce Wayne Dinah/Helena Clark Kent/John Henry Irons Clark/Lex DinahOllieHal Mister Mind/The Joker Tiger/Dick Chastantine Rose/Cassie Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland Diana/Kate Kane Constantine/Lucifer Cassandra Cain/Rose Wilson Helena/Renee Sandman/Corinthian Jay Garrick/Alan Scott/Richard Swift Linda Park/Wally West/Hartley Rathaway The Shade/Jack Knight Richard Swift/Charles McNider BerKon Renee/Scandal Wally/Kyle Riddler/Penguin Hal/Earth Villains Lois Lane/Selina Kyle Ollie Queen/Eddie Fyers Plastic Man/Vic Sage Halowog Cosmic Boy/Lightning Lord Coldflash Maps Mizoguchi/Gold Beetle Nightwing/Catman Black Canary/Lady Shiva Tatsu Yamashiro/Selina Kyle Mr Freeze/Bruce Wayne Vixen/Wonder Woman Superbat Barbara/Kara Wally West/Pied Piper Max Lord/Booster Gold Harper Row/Punchline Brainiac 5/Superman Batjokes Riddlebat Jon Kent/Ash Damian/Jay Cir El/Natasha Irons/Traci 13 HalJohn HalGuy HalKyle HalAlan Beth/Yolanda HankCam Bluepulse
Sandwave Batlantern Brainiac 5/Invisible Kid DickGarth Lightray/Orion Catman/Deadshot Donna/Starfire TimKon MidDickPollo Wonder Woman/Circe Lee Travis/Wesley Dodds/Dian Belmont Boostle Todd/Kaldur Dinahbabs Bruharv Konbart BeaTora Anita Fite/Traci 13 JonDami CissieCassie Ghostbat TimJon StephCass Supercorp Dick/Wally Virgil Hawkins/Richie Foley Courtney/Emiko Talia Kane/Laurel Kent Isamot Kol/Vath Sarn Pied Piper/Trickster Two-face/Riddler Wonder Woman/Cheetah SinHal Tim/Lonnie Birds of Prey Polycule GuyJohn AnitaCissie StephMia TimBerBartKon DinahZatanna CarolDiana JessKori DickRoy BruceOllie GuyDick Bernard Dowd/Jay Nakamura Karen Starr/Helena Wayne Halbarry BruceConstantine Young Justice Polycule Lois/Diana Lex Luthor/Braniac Max Lord/Ted Kord Jessica Cruz/Soranik Natu Lex Luthor/Will Magnus Pre N52 Kara Zor El and Stephanie Brown Steph/Mia Mia/Cissie Alan Scott/Jay Garrick Selina Kyle/Talia Al Ghul Gotham City Sirens Polycule Kyle/Connor
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but-make-it-sapphic · 3 months
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🖤Writeblr Intro🖤
Who am I?
Hey, I'm Steph! I'm a nonbinary author of fiction featuring nonbinary MCs and sapphic love. I love gaming, hiking, reading, writing, and well...womxn. I have two dogs and a ridiculous TBR, and I don't think I'll ever be able to keep up with either.
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What do I write?
The genres I like to write in are fantasy, dark fantasy, horror, and contemporary (sometimes romance). I prefer romance subplots, but it's usually in there.
My stories generally include some mention of modern witchcraft or focus on the elements, lesbians, and darker themes.
Sometimes I even dabble in fan fiction!
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The Book of Payne Series
This is a dark fantasy series about powerful Priestess with nature-based magic as they're pitted against each other by their warring Gods. Features: sapphic romance, heart-wrenching stakes, dark themes, character driven plot.
Start with The Ashes of Winter.
Fan Fiction
Let's Call It A Truce | Assassin's Creed Valhalla | Female Eivor
Cooking Up Romance | Coral Island | Chaem
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deniedmysign · 9 months
A reminder that Tim Drake does not have a "blonde type" like Dick Grayson has a "redhead type"
I swear to all that's canon, people look at Steph and Bernard and just assume Tim has a thing for blondes. Let's recap, shall we?
Ariana Dzerchenko
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Sure doesn't look blonde to me! She's legit his first girlfriend, btw.
Darla Acquista
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Hmmm, again, not very blonde.
Zoanne Wilkins
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Quite frankly, I'm seeing a very different pattern develop here . . .
Tam Fox
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Now I know y'all aren't sleeping on Tam, right?
Crossovers and Minor by way of comics standards romances (but not blonde):
Madison Payne (redhead) - in a relationship with one of the future versions of Tim Lynx II (black hair) Jubilee (black hair) Barbara Gordon (redhead) - specific to the Batman: Arkham Knight video game
And now, your blondes:
Stephanie Brown Greta Hayes (DEBATABLE! one sided on Greta's part, Tim did not reciprocate) Cassie Sandsmark (also a bit of an arguable one) Bernard Dowd
So tell me, does he have a preference for blondes? Does he really?
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diceriadelluntore · 4 months
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Storia Di Musica # 313 - AA.VV. - She Rocks Volume 1, 2017
Un giovane chitarrista di origini italiane (i nonni arrivarono negli Stati Uniti dalla Lomellina) nel 1978, quando ha appena 18 anni, manda una cassetta e una trascrizione del leggendario pezzo The Black Page al suo creatore, Frank Zappa. Il brano si chiama così perchè lo spartito è così pieno di segni musicali (punti, segni, note) ed è famoso perchè di una complessità mostruosa. Zappa impressionato dal talento del giovane chitarrista lo contatta e dopo che il nostro giovane eroe finisce la scuola, lo invita a Los Angeles, gli fa un provino e lo stipendia prima come trascrittore ufficiale e poi, dal 1980 fino al 1985, lo porta sul palco e in studio a registrare, presentandolo come il suo "little Italian virtuoso" e gli assegna spettacolari assolo definiti "impossible guitar parts". Quel giovane chitarrista è Steve Vai, unanimemente considerato uno dei più grandi chitarristi di tutti i tempi. Oltre ai dischi, ai concerti, ai premi, al ruolo di innovatore dello strumento (leggendarie le chitarre Ibanez Jem con lui sviluppate) il suo è sempre stato un lavoro di ricerca sia strumentale sia umano: cacciatore di talenti prima, e poi produttore ed editore musicale. Nel 1999 infatti fonda insieme a Ray Scherr, il fondatore di Guitar Center, la più grande catena di negozi di strumenti musicali di tutte le Americhe (con oltre 300 negozi) una etichetta discografica, Favored Nations, con il preciso obiettivo di sviluppare la musica chitarristica, di scovare nuovi artisti e di produrre quelli già affermati. Il primo disco prodotto è del 2000, Coming To Your Senses del chitarrista jazz fusion Frank Gambale, di lì in poi è un susseguirsi di grandi nomi. A metà del decennio successivo, Vai sente la necessità di rispondere, con un disco, ad una domanda: Who says the ladies can’t rock?.
Per questo in collaborazione con l'associazione Women’s International Music Network mette su una compilation, insieme con Brad Tolinski, direttore di una delle bibbie dei chitarristi e chitarriste, Guitar World, di strepitose chitarriste, a cui dà il titolo di She Rocks Vol.1, sottotitolo: A Collection of Kick-Ass Guitar Goddesses, che esce nel gennaio del 2017. In scaletta 11 brani di 11 chitarriste che comprendono diversi generi, dal jazz rock al blues, ma che spingono forte verso l'hard rock e l'heavy metal, per un assortimento niente male. C'è una delle scoperte di Vai, la tedesca Yasi Hofer (qui presente con una torrida sua composizione, Cosmic Star), c'è la leggenda del rock femminile Lita Ford, delle Runwayas, che si unisce alle Lez Zeppelin, una tribute band femminile dei mitici Led Zeppelin, cantando The Lemon Song (uno dei testi più maliziosi ed erotici del catalogo di Plant e soci, nello slang "lemon" è una metafora del pene) accompagnata da Steph Paynes, che nella compilation regala una meravigliosa The Sun At Her Eastern Gate (Payne è stata anche scrittrice e giornalista del rock per riviste come il New Music Express e Rolling Stone). C'è il blues di U Know What I Like di Kat Dyson (che è stata più volte la lead guitar dei tour internazionali di Zucchero), il trascinante heavy metal di Transmogrify, brano scritto da Orianthi, chitarrista e polistrumentista australiana che accompagnò Micheal Jackson nel suo ultimo tour This Is It. Jackson era un grande estimatore di chitarriste, tanto che nella compilation c'è pure il contributo di un'altra sua storica sessionista, Jennifer Batten, che lo ha accompagnato nei tour di Bad, Dangerous e History: qui è presente la sua In The Aftermath. Si passa dal jazz rock di Sarah Longfield (The Taxi Time Travel Task Force) alle sonorità sofisticate di Yvette Young, uno dei talenti più puri in circolazione (Hydra), alle super prove di nomi più famosi come Nita Strauss (la chitarrista di Alice Cooper), che contribuisce con Pandemonium e Gretchen Menn con Scrap Metal. Da ricordare anche il brano di Nili Brosh, A Matter Of Perception, la chitarrista è stata per anni star degli spettacoli musicali del Cirque Du Soleil e insieme ad altre protagoniste di questa compilation suonerà in una tribute band, The Iron Maidens, che omaggia al femminile la musica degli inglesi Iron Maiden. In copertina c'è un disegno di Laura B. Whitmore, musicista, produttrice e ex manager di importantissime etichette discografiche, che nel 2012 fondò la WiMN per fornire supporto, informazioni e un senso di comunità alle donne in tutti gli aspetti del settore musicale, compresi artisti, addetti ai lavori, educatori e studenti.
La dicitura Vol.1 mi ha fatto sempre sperare in un Vol.2 che al momento non è ancora arrivato. Tuttavia questo disco è prova viva che " A Lady Can Surely Rocks".
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moviesandmania · 1 year
TALES FROM THE APOCALYPSE (2023) Sci-fi anthology trailer and release news
‘Five terrifying visions of the future’ Tales from the Apocalypse is a science-fiction anthology film featuring segments directed by the likes of Thomas Wilson Brown, Damon Duncan and Gabriel Kalim Mucci. The movie stars Rachel House, Jacqueline Joe, Jiao Xu, Arthur Roberts, Katie Simmons, Levi Payne, Steph Barkley and Thomas Wilson Brown. Stories within the movie include one about an engineer…
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angelloverde · 1 year
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"Mo Soul" Player Playlist 3 February
1. Opolopo Feat. Angela Johnson - Good Lover 2. DJ Spen & John Khan, Earl TuTu Feat. Bianca Gerald - Let It All Go 3. Lisa Fischer & Cindy Mizelle - Into My Life (Louie Vega Roots Mix) 4. Soulful Session Feat. Lizzie Nightingale - Before The Night (Rightside Remix) 5. Soulista Feat. Rona Ray - Love Yourself (Rightside & Mark Di Meo Remix) 6. Beat Rivals Feat. Lifford - Help Me (Michele Chiavarini & DJ Spen Remix) 7. Sharon Brown Adams - We Got The Funk (Thommy & Spen Remix) 8. John Morales & Thommy Davis Feat. Richard Burton - Was That All It Was (DJ Spen Remix) 9. Common - Go! 10.Steph Payne - Pull Up 11. Restone Feat. Laura Benack - All Night 12. Julian Jonah - A Little Lovin' 13. Laura Jackson - Sprung Out 14. Miracle Thomas - I'm All You Need (Rob Hardt Mix) 15. Tuxedo - The Tuxedo Way
If you really want to enjoy music and help musicians and bands, buy their lp’s or cd’s and don’t download mp3 formats. There is nothing like good quality sound!!!
(Angel Lo Verde / Mo Soul)
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andynortonuk · 2 months
ALAN THE INFINITE from Parabella on Vimeo.
Alan’s excited! It’s his first day at Lamin’8– a stale, grey, humdrum lamination company. Oh boy! If he buckles up, stays focused and impresses Gary, his unhinged boss, this might just be a job for life. But all is not quite as it seems, and when Alan accidentally unleashes cosmic, supernatural forces into the office, he realises that fitting in at Lamin’8 is going to be infinitely more tricky than he ever could have dreamed.
CREDITS Written & Directed by - Mikey Please & Dan Ojari Produced by - Mikey Please, Dan Ojari, Alex Holberton & Kev Harwood Executive Producers - Mikey Please & Dan Ojari, James Stevenson Bretton, Tom Stuart & Bart Yates Music by - Ben Please & Beth Porter @ The Bookshop band
CAST ALAN - Dan Ojari GARY - Baker Terry PREA - Theodora van Der Beek SUSAN - Jessica Rayner NEIL - Rob Carter SCIENTIST - Elliot Dear
Sound Design - Adam Janota Bzowski, Ben Please & Dan Ojari Sound Mastering - Simon Harris @ Offset
DOP - Simon Paul Camera Assistant. - Giles Warner Additional lighting - Mikey Please, Dan Ojari, Peter Elmore & Max Halstead
Lead Animators - Andy Biddle, Dan Gill, Steve Warne, Anthony Farquhar Smith, Mikey Please & Dan Ojari Animators - James Carlisle, Luke George, Rachael Olga, Nick Black & Angie Palethorpe
Puppet Design - Mikey Please Puppet Fabrication - Mikey Please, Adeena Grub, Rosie Tonkin & Thomas O’Meara Rigging - Robin Jackson Crowd Puppets design and fabrication - Adeena Grub and Natasha Wigoder
Set Design - Dan Ojari Art Direction - Dan Ojari, Emma Rose & Kat Simpson
Modelmakers - Katy Haggerty-Marks, Becky Weston, Rachael Olga, Nick Black, Luke George, Campbell Hartley, Emily Suvanvej, Millie Tennant, Adeena Grubb, Antonia Trister, Jack Pratt, Rebecca Howell, Steph Marshall, Natasha Wigoder, Beatriz Dominguez, Sofia Rodriguez Serrano, Maria Crus, Mireia Mendez & Brin Frost
2D facial Animation - Mikey Please Additional 2D - Mathias Sgard & Elliot Dear
Lead Compositor - Mikey Please Additional compositing - Mathias Sgard, Dan Ojari, Simone Ghilardoti & Tom Fisher Grade - Elroy Gaskin-Payne @ Onsight
Post Production Supervisor - Benjamin Lole Post Production Manager - Mira Valcheva Post Production Creative Supervisor - Quentin Vien 3D Modelling - Lisa George-Gilroy Rig Removal & 3D facial tracking - Elipse FX Production Support - Ali Albion
Recording Engineer - Robert Frank Hunter
Behind The Scenes Film - Joseph Eckworth
THANK YOU - Charlie Perkins, Matt Day, David Cann, David Lupsein, David Rodger, Katie-Mae Griffith, Lydia Larson, Cross Street Studios, Clapham Road Studios
A Parabella Studios & Blink Industries Film
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kartikdutt · 4 months
ALAN THE INFINITE from Parabella on Vimeo.
Alan’s excited! It’s his first day at Lamin’8– a stale, grey, humdrum lamination company. Oh boy! If he buckles up, stays focused and impresses Gary, his unhinged boss, this might just be a job for life. But all is not quite as it seems, and when Alan accidentally unleashes cosmic, supernatural forces into the office, he realises that fitting in at Lamin’8 is going to be infinitely more tricky than he ever could have dreamed.
CREDITS Written & Directed by - Mikey Please & Dan Ojari Produced by - Mikey Please, Dan Ojari, Alex Holberton & Kev Harwood Executive Producers - Mikey Please & Dan Ojari, James Stevenson Bretton, Tom Stuart & Bart Yates Music by - Ben Please & Beth Porter @ The Bookshop band
CAST ALAN - Dan Ojari GARY - Baker Terry PREA - Theodora van Der Beek SUSAN - Jessica Rayner NEIL - Rob Carter SCIENTIST - Elliot Dear
Sound Design - Adam Janota Bzowski, Ben Please & Dan Ojari Sound Mastering - Simon Harris @ Offset
DOP - Simon Paul Camera Assistant. - Giles Warner Additional lighting - Mikey Please, Dan Ojari, Peter Elmore & Max Halstead
Lead Animators - Andy Biddle, Dan Gill, Steve Warne, Anthony Farquhar Smith, Mikey Please & Dan Ojari Animators - James Carlisle, Luke George, Rachael Olga, Nick Black & Angie Palethorpe
Puppet Design - Mikey Please Puppet Fabrication - Mikey Please, Adeena Grub, Rosie Tonkin & Thomas O’Meara Rigging - Robin Jackson Crowd Puppets design and fabrication - Adeena Grub and Natasha Wigoder
Set Design - Dan Ojari Art Direction - Dan Ojari, Emma Rose & Kat Simpson
Modelmakers - Katy Haggerty-Marks, Becky Weston, Rachael Olga, Nick Black, Luke George, Campbell Hartley, Emily Suvanvej, Millie Tennant, Adeena Grubb, Antonia Trister, Jack Pratt, Rebecca Howell, Steph Marshall, Natasha Wigoder, Beatriz Dominguez, Sofia Rodriguez Serrano, Maria Crus, Mireia Mendez & Brin Frost
2D facial Animation - Mikey Please Additional 2D - Mathias Sgard & Elliot Dear
Lead Compositor - Mikey Please Additional compositing - Mathias Sgard, Dan Ojari, Simone Ghilardoti & Tom Fisher Grade - Elroy Gaskin-Payne @ Onsight
Post Production Supervisor - Benjamin Lole Post Production Manager - Mira Valcheva Post Production Creative Supervisor - Quentin Vien 3D Modelling - Lisa George-Gilroy Rig Removal & 3D facial tracking - Elipse FX Production Support - Ali Albion
Recording Engineer - Robert Frank Hunter
Behind The Scenes Film - Joseph Eckworth
THANK YOU - Charlie Perkins, Matt Day, David Cann, David Lupsein, David Rodger, Katie-Mae Griffith, Lydia Larson, Cross Street Studios, Clapham Road Studios
A Parabella Studios & Blink Industries Film
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radioeuroextasis · 10 months
Get Down On It - Skip Martin
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Skip Martin es un artista, compositor, productor y autor ganador de premios Grammy y Emmy, mejor conocido por su mandato como cantante principal y trompetista de dos grupos legendarios, Kool & the Gang y The Dazz Band. Sus logros incluyen el Premio MOBO al Logro Sobresaliente, ganador del Disco de Platino y Oro, Canción R&B del Año, seis álbumes consecutivos Top 100, dos sencillos Top 100, entre otros. Skip también ha recibido un Grado Honorario de Doctor en Música, varios Certificados de Agradecimiento por sus numerosas giras a Irak y Kuwait y es Miembro Honorario Especial de la Banda Heritage of America de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos. Además, Skip es Embajador de Buena Voluntad tanto en la ciudad de Kakegawa como en Okinawa en Japón. Esta es la primera vez que un residente de un país extranjero recibe este honor en Okinawa. ¡Probablemente te cruces con Skip regularmente y ni siquiera te des cuenta! Además de grabar más de 60 CDs, destacan los créditos en películas como Air (2023), Big George Foreman (2023), M3GAN (2023), The First Purge (2019), Almost Christmas (2016), Pitch Perfect (2012), Adventures of Power (2008), Next Friday (2000), Grosse Point Blank (1997) y Pulp Fiction (1994). Además, "Let It Whip" se puede escuchar en videojuegos populares como Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas e incluso se reproduce durante la emocionante ronda "aw Snap!" del programa de juegos de NBC Ellen's Game of Games. En su proyecto ganador del Emmy, "People Get Ready", Skip encabezó una campaña apasionada en apoyo de los niños de St. Jude y sus familias afectadas por COVID-19. Este esfuerzo involucró una colaboración con 28 artistas prominentes, como Az Yet, Dazz Band, Royal Bayyan, Robert Kool Bell, Maxi B, Reggie Calloway, Kevin Chalfant, Jay Chan, David L. Cook, Darcus, Taylor Dayne, John Elefante, Doug E. Fresh, Howard Hewett, John P. Kee, Stefan Maier, Neal McCoy, Ray Parker Jr., Steph Payne, CeCe Peniston, Tom Schuman, Tony Terry, Alyson Williams y Stevie Wonder en la armónica. En mayo de 2023, Skip fue honrado con un prestigioso Premio a la Trayectoria por el Presidente en reconocimiento a sus notables contribuciones a la comunidad. Read the full article
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willstafford · 1 year
An Enchanted Evening
INTO THE WOODS Crescent Theatre, Birmingham, Sunday 30thApril 2023 Tackling this masterwork by the late, great Stephen Sondheim is no easy task.  It requires a large cast of excellent actor-singers to pull off its dissonant melodies and to breathe life into the often complex and witty lyrics.  I’m happy to report that the Crescent rises to the challenge and succeeds.  Impressively. The story…
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thejasontoddarchives · 11 months
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It’s nice that in the WFA au Bruce/the batfamily was actually good to Steph.
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (S2) Ep. 101 - Enough (Part 2) | CRC Payne, Starbite
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arun-pratap-singh · 1 year
Depleted Suns spoil Steph Curry’s return with win at Golden State
Depleted Suns spoil Steph Curry’s return with win at Golden State
Two-way force Mikal Bridges had a team-high 26 points, Damion Lee celebrated his ring ceremony with 22, and the injury-ravaged Phoenix Suns quieted the San Francisco crowd on Stephen Curry’s return with a 125-113 victory over the Golden State Warriors on Tuesday night. Playing without injured Chris Paul, Devin Booker, Deandre Ayton, Cam Johnson and Cameron Payne, the Suns put a six-game losing…
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ladyflavanews · 2 years
My Review is Up for Block Party at Arizona Charlie’s on Decatur Las Vegas
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