#Steve Taylor
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Ahk sat up and stretched his back. His scars were badly bothering him tonight. He looked at Steve who was next to him. “Steve, are you working tonight?” There was a slight desperation in Ahk’s eyes, even though he tried to hide it.
Ahk 𓋹
“Uh—“ In all honesty, he was. But he was sure Larry could handle the rest of their shift. “No.” He said, firmly. “Do you need me?”
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nofatclips · 7 months
Kurzgesagt: 4.5 Billion Years in 1 Hour
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sleepii-freddie · 6 months
The guy who narrates the Kurzgesagt videos sounds like the Narrator from the Stanley Parable
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*Ahk goes to visit Larry the next night at the hospital again, his hood up and head down*
*Larry was currently sitting in his hospital bed, playing go fish.*
Ha! I told you I didn’t have any fives. *He said, a smug look on his face.*
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Steve returns back to Ahk, still pink in the face. He hasn’t exactly forgotten what’s happened. Honestly, while he was sweeping, his mind went to many places. Places that probably have shouldn’t.
“I’m done, sir.”
Shit— that slipped out.
“That was fast,” Ahk smiled. “You are a good worker. Because you got that done so quickly I will pay you extra,” this was Ahk’s excuse for wanting more touch without seeming desperate.
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humbug-demartino · 7 months
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"Art Burn" [S5 Ep07]
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neonspiral000 · 9 months
I am Manifesting that this game gets popular so that the narrator gets turned into a tumbler sexyman.
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steve-smackdown · 11 months
Bracket 6, Round 1
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 years
Numbers Three Lily by Steve Taylor
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christina-anon · 1 year
Christina? It’s Steve, can I talk to you for a moment. Its…important.
Sure, what's going on?
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downthetubes · 1 year
New artist joins the ranks of Commando
Offering cracking covers by Keith Burns, Neil Roberts and others, there's a great set of Commando comics available digitally now, in shops tomorrow
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hey-its-steve-taylor · 11 months
uhhh steve something happened
Oh god, what happened now. It wasn’t the minis again, was it?
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alexthepleb · 10 months
Book Review: Spiritual Science
I’ve finally finished reading the book “Spiritual Science: Why Science Needs Spirituality to Explain the World” by Steve Taylor. It was quite an interesting read. TLDR: I don’t believe Taylor’s idea is fully convincing, but it certainly made me think.
The basic idea of the book is that Taylor doesn’t believe physicalism (which he always refers to as “materialism”) can fully explain the phenomena of consciousness. He isn’t alone in this, and I’ve seen a lot more articles promoting an idea called “Panpsychism” as an alternative in recent years. Yet Taylor takes a somewhat different approach. Rather than all matter having consciousness as a property in itself (Panpsychism), Taylor holds that consciousness, which he labels as “Spirit” is the fundamental force of reality.
In a way I don’t fully grasp, he believes ‘Spirit’ or consciousness is the fundamental force behind all other forces, evolution, and the development of our individual minds. I must stress that Taylor doesn’t view every single aspect of reality as INDIVIDUALLY conscious. He still believes we need brains to “channel” fundamental consciousness. He simply believes the brain does not generate our consciousness.
Full disclosure, my reason leads me towards physicalism, even if not my heart. We must examine ideas critically, and I note that spiritual explanations of phenomena we have achieved answers for have always ended null. Whenever we have posited a spiritual force as the explanation for a phenomena, and we have discovered what the actual answer is, the answer has always been consistent with physicalism, not spirituality. 
Still, I won’t deny he made me think. I will have to research his claims surrounding the brain and consciousness more. I also now want to delve deeper into studies about phenomena like near death experiences. I remain skeptical, especially of the more fringe ideas he presents in his book (telepathy and pre-cognition particularly make me raise an eyebrow) but I haven’t actually debunked these ideas to my own satisfaction, and now I really want to. If anything, the book inspired me to think more critically.
Let’s get into the more ethical and political side of his book. Yes, there is one! Steve Taylor shares many of my own political intuitions. He’s concerned for the Earth and worried of the corrupting powers of capitalism. He believes that a materialist worldview pushes these harmful tendencies. With respect, I find that substance-dualism (the idea that we are ghosts in a meat machine) has caused way more harm to nature.
Steve Taylor grew up in a more secular environment (the UK, I believe). I grew up in East Texas. I was surrounded by a spirituality far more harmful than the grossest materialism. Physicalists see themselves as deeply connected to the wider tree of life and the cosmos. We see this in the profound words of Carl Sagan and many others. In my opinion, the ideological problems we face have less to do with our metaphysical beliefs than in the attitudes we form in response to them. A materialist can be a radical environmentalist as much as a pantheist might ravage the earth with the right justification.
Over all, I enjoyed the book. It didn’t really answer my questions, or feed the hunger in my soul (if I have one, lol!), but it did remind me of the questions I already have. 
And honestly, isn’t that what philosophy is all about?      
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-Steve Taylor, "I Want to be a Clone" ('Liver,' 1995)
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*It’s day time now. Larry rests against his pillow, stirring in his sleep. All he could hear was footsteps on the distance. He slightly opens his eyes.*
Wha- where am I?
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