#Steven is kind of bad at ASL-
sincerely-astra · 2 months
Hiii <3
can i request Garnet with a s/o who uses ASL? like they can hear it's just their first/home language lol
☁️Garnet x reader who uses ASL☁️
As someone learning ASL, this request got me so excited! :)
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Garnet first met you in a party supply store, Garnet getting party decorations for Steven's birthday party.
You were trying your best to communicate with the cashier, trying to return an item you had accidentally bought the day prior, but no matter what you did the cashier was still left utterly confused.
Nonetheless, you continued trying to communicate with them even over their growing frustrations. They kept asking for you to, "Just tell me what you want!" Refusing to look at any note you wrote to them.
The tension kept rising as the cashier was about to kick you out, thankfully though, Garnet was there just in time to stop a potential fight.
She stopped the cashier mid sentence and turned to you, calmly asking, "What excatly do you need?" Then quickly taking the note you handed to her, reading it, and turning back to the cashier.
"They are looking to return this item."
And after one frustrated grumble later, you managed to get your money back! ...In store credit-
A win is a win you suppose.
Garnet led you out of the store, having bought her supplies while the cashier processed the return.
The automatic doors closed behind you two, and you turned to face Garnet, signing, "Thank you!" And although Garnet didn't understand what the sign meant, she replied with a, "No problem." Before walking off to the temple.
After that, you hadn't seen eachother for a while. Garnet had missions, and you had life to deal with.
Garnet being busy didn't stop her from thinking about you though, infact, your interactions intrigued her. Of course, she's met deaf and hard of hearing people before, but something about you stuck out to her...
Maybe, it's because she thought you were cute.
When she came to this revelation, she thought it was as good as a time if any to learn ASL.
' It's an important skill. ' She tried to rationalize, just a tad in denial.
When you guys met again, this time at the Big Donut, you can only imagine your suprise when you asked Garnet about her day in ASL, and she signed back-
You were rightfully ecstatic!
Only a few people in Beach City knew ASL, so it was nice to actually be able to communicate with someone else. Not to mention, Garnet was a fast learner too!
You rapidly signed back to Garnet, asking when she learnt ASL and if there was anything like sign language for gems.
Garnet and you grew expectionally close in one afternoon.
From then on, you would visit the temple to hang out with Garnet. This, of course, meant you met the other gems, Steven, and eventually Connie, you all got along well though.
Steven and Amethyst love to go on adventures with you, Pearl enjoys having you help out around the temple, and Connie is actually learning ASL from you.
You make sure to reserve some time with Garnet too amid the shenanigans.
As Garnet grew closer to you, it was getting harder and harder to deny her feelings for you. The inner Ruby and Sapphire in her were urging for Garnet to confess to you, in the most cheesy ways possible...
Garnet knew how she'd confess to you, and she didn't even need future vision for it.
Garnet invited you to go on patrol with her during the evening, which was really just strolling on the beach.
And as the sun set hit the tide, the temple back in the distance, Garnet turned to you and signed, "I love you." A simple gesture, but something she really hope you would love.
How could you say no to that???
You guys were now officially dating, And Garnet is absolutely in love. Ruby and Sapphire are not helping, as they urge her to hurry up and get a ring-
Garnet loves to get you any kind of ASL related thing she can find, shirts, mugs, pins, bumper stickers, all of it.
She also teaches the Crystal Gems (minus Pearl) ASL so they can communicate easier with you.
It was while you were dating that you told Garnet why you use ASL and it's cultural significance to you, which she is extremely supportive of. It really doesn't matter if you can or can't hear, she loves you for you.
And if you want to open up about your voice and actually speaking, then she's more than happy to help you. Definitely makes sure you are completely comfortable with it and makes sure you won't push yourself too hard, she doesn't want you to feel forced to do anything.
The first time Garnet heard your voice her jaw dropped, her thought process was literally, ' How can someone be so perfect? '
Loves your voice, 10/10, would 100% listen to it again, only if you want to though.
It really doesn't matter how often she uses her future vision, you always leave her breathless.
God help any bullies that try and mess with you, Garnet is not having it. She might seem calm, cool, and collected, but inside, she is seething.
How can they bully someone for such an arbitrary thing like using another language??
Personal bodyguard Garnet❤️💙
Now, when Garnet unfuses and you get to meet Sapphire and Ruby, you best believe they are all over you.
Ruby is determined to learn ASL from you and no one else!
Sapphire is just giddy to meet the person Garnet loves so much. She would also love to learn ASL too though.
Ruby and Sapphire would practice with eachother and go on dates while only communicating in ASL-
Garnet would also love to meet your family if you'd let her, being able to see your family and culture is definitely on her bucket list.
Sorry that this is so long, I just love Garnet-
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stormkobra-5 · 2 years
Batons and Unicorns: Part 2
Steven Grant x GN!Mute!Reader
Part 1 || Part 3
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Summary: You and Steven were recruited to the Avengers Initiative at around the same time, and you two introverts clicked immediately. Now, it's been three months and Steven is trying to gather up the courage to ask you on a date with the help of Marc. The problem? Layla shows up to see Marc about finalizing their divorce papers, but now you think he's married. The worse problem? There's a suspicious gathering of gangsters in Constantinople, and Fury has decided to send Moon Knight, Loki, and Captain America to investigate-- before Steven can explain anything to you.
Fluff, silliness, two idiots in love, and the second part to a very ridiculous One-Shot.
A/N: What's this what's this? Angst??? Yes indeed my Steven-Grant-loving friends, this is gonna hurt. It's mostly at the end. What sucks more is it's just a big misunderstanding. Don't worry-- there will be a part 3. Man I did not expect so many people to like this! Part 1 wasn't even proofread! Thank you guys so much! 😆
Notes: There may be-- may be-- Loki crushing here. Or so Steven thinks... Anywho so yes I know Layla is sweet and all and I absolutely hope her and Marc/Steven get back together at the end of Moon Knight but here I just made it so they decide that they need to move on-- no extra feelings or Khonshu threatening his wife. This is fiction, after all. [Yes Jake is Scottish because of the TheoryTM]
Warnings: This story is rated 14+ for strong language. Does Steven being the sweetest guy on Earth count?
"...You gonna ask him out, or are you just gonna sit here and stare at him from across the room?"
You lightly whack Steven's arm, and he stifles a laugh in his book. "Can't," You whisper, just barely; but he can hear it. You can say a few more words now, but you only say them to Steven. He wonders if anybody else in the Tower even knows what you sound like. He doubts it. When around others you strictly use ASL unless you're in a more secluded area of the room, in which case you'll whisper a few snippets of words to him-- but you also use your hands. You've been mute for so long that it's a habit now, and honestly, Steven thinks it's kind of cute when you're whispering about something and also saying the same things with your hands: it's like you have your volume down and your own personal subtitles.
But right now you're stiff against his side and quiet, in both ASL and spoken words. The two of you were in the library-- which is big, but you both prefer his personal arrangement-- as you studied for some extra tough exam coming up. Steven loves the moments like this between the two of you, when you feel relaxed enough to speak freely with him in your soft voice he wants to hear more of. But he's damning his luck, though, because guess who is here.
Steven doesn't fucking like him, okay? Sure, he's reformed and all and he's super nice to you-- maybe a little too nice-- but Steven doesn't want you anywhere near the Norse God of Mischief.
And that has nothing to do with Khonshu.
Who fucking admires him.
But you have a crush on Loki. Of course you do. Hell, Steven will admit that he's not bad to look at. The guy is a god, after all. But Steven doesn't want you anywhere near Loki for a selfish reason.
He likes you.
Like, really, really likes you.
You're spectacular. You're amazing. You're kind and sweet and wonderful and he really doesn't understand why or how you can care for him as much as you do. You just have that big of a heart, even if you're a mouse. Steven might even love you. He's never felt it before though, so he can't know for sure.
Even Marc and Jake like you. Marc compares how he feels for you to how things first started out between him and Layla-- but he's scared of getting you hurt, or worse. Jake, well... Jake absolutely loves you, but in more of a best-friend kind of way. At least, Steven likes to think that, because even sharing you with Marc would be bad enough.
He's fucking jealous.
But then he sees your starry heart eyes and blushing face whenever Loki so much is mentioned, and he feels his heart sink to the soles of his shoes because Loki is... well, not Steven. Loki doesn't have two other people living in his head and occasionally occupying his body, he doesn't have Khonshu puppeteering him. And you're fucking amazing. If anybody could ask the god out, you could. He was sure of it.
Yeah, he's jealous. Beyond it. But he's pretty sure he loves you, so he wants you to be happy even if it's not with him.
Luckily-- he selfishly thinks this, allows himself a moment to be selfish-- you're too damn shy to approach him.
You haven't said so much as two words to Loki any time he shows up, except to actually defend Steven when he first met him. Marc had met him first, so when he heard Steven, he thought he was making fun of his accent. He'd never seen you move your arms so fast when you signed out why Steven's accent was different from Marc's.
Steven knows that you're absolutely terrified of approaching Loki to even say hi, and asking him on a date is absolutely unimaginable.
"Good," Marc says, speaking from the reflection of Steven's watch. "Make your move now, Steven. The worst they could do is say no, right?"
Yeah, and that would be crushing to hear.
He can't comprehend how brave Marc is. He'd ask you out in a heartbeat.
"No can do, buddy. You've gotta do this. You're her friend, not me. Make your move! Do it tonight!"
Marc's been trying to talk him into this for days.
And seeing you watching Loki, he knows that if he asks you and you say no, his heart will break. If you ask Loki out and he says nothing, his heart will break anyway. But he'd still be your friend, because he can't imagine life without you, even if you're spending it with somebody else.
And if Loki ever hurt them...
"Oh, sure. You'd let me front then, wouldn't ya?"
"In a heartbeat," Steven answers aloud, catching your interest-- you don't look at him like he's crazy. You know he's talking to Marc or Jake, and accept it. But Steven must have said it a little too loudly, because Loki-- trying to read some classified file-- whips around with a wild look in his eye.
"Would you please keep your voices down, you two?"
"Sorry," Steven immediately responds, "Won't happen again." He notices the way you shrink away from him as if trying to make yourself as unnoticeable as possible, like you're begging the universe not to let Loki talk to you.
Loki narrows his eyes, but turns back to his file. You go back to staring dreamily at the back of his head.
Which Steven personally thinks could use a shower.
But that's just him. You vehemently deny this every time he brings it up.
Steven nudges you with his elbow. "You wanna go back to your flat? Doesn't look like you're gonna get much done here. Although you might wanna come to my flat, because I don't have posters of Loki."
He's teasing, of course, and you're the only one he's ever felt comfortable enough with to tease. You don't really have posters of Loki, at least, he doesn't think so. He might rip them down and blame it on wind.
You swat him again, but you're also standing up. I'm done for the night anyway. I've got my essay. Thanks to you.
Steven beams under your appreciation, which is something he's not used to. "I didn't do anything, birdie. It was all you." His nickname for you makes you flush. At least, he thinks it does. He's tested it when Loki's not around, and you have the same reaction.
As you pass by Loki, Steven catches the way you look at him. Worse, he catches the way Loki looks at you.
Damn, he's gotta make his move. Soon.
"Make it tomorrow night," Marc tells him in the reflection of the shiny elevator door. Marc's eyes flick to you as he talks to Steven, hands on his hips. "Tomorrow you're gonna build up the courage and you're gonna do this."
The two of you step into the elevator, and Steven lets you go ahead of him so you don't see him nod to Marc. He can do this, right?
I mean... the worst you can do is say no.
You fucking blew it.
How the fuck could you have blown something so easy when you had backup?
You stand in your little kitchenette at 3:00 am wondering how the fuck you could have fucking blown it.
A smooth, velvety voice behind you makes you jump. "Wow. You humans really are suave, aren't you? I applaud your creative and unwavering way to ask somebody out."
You turn around and narrow your eyes. There, leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed, is Loki, eyebrow raised. You flush and narrow your eyes.
The guy is a literal god. Everybody has a crush on him. Even Steven thinks he's hot. How he got into your room at 3:00 in the morning is beyond you, but whatever. He comes closer, towering over you; you avert your gaze to the counter, blushing madly. How could you have fucking blown it. You had fucking backup.
Loki grabs the top of your head so he can make you look up at him. For a second, he just stares at you. You glare back. "...I was sitting right there. You couldn't have found the courage?"
You frown, shaking your head. Loki scoffs. "So am I just going to have to take your form and ask him out for you?"
Yeah, that's right.
Not what you thought, huh?
Loki is your wingman.
You're not sure when, really, you and Loki became friends. Somehow it just happened while Steven was at work. Loki noticed how you acted around the guy who is also like three other dudes immediately, and instead of teasing you or telling you to stay away from the crazy, Loki decided to help you. He gave you a list of awesome restaurants you two could try and even helped you pick an outfit for your first date.
You just gotta ask him out.
Which is really fucking hard.
Because Steven is so sweet and nice and cute and he's just so fucking kind that you really don't wanna fuck this up or ruin your friendship. Honestly? You think he deserves better than you, but if he ends up with somebody else, your heart is gonna break whether you've tried or not. So why not try?
Loki even gave you a nice save. Like if you asked Steven to dinner and he said that he wasn't interested like that, you casually conceal the fact that your heart has fucking shattered and just reply with "Nah bro, I didn't mean like that. Lemme show you this awesome place I know that's got some killer sushi."
'Cause nobody would have fish on a date, right? Yuck.
When you left the library, Loki was giving you the "really you couldn't just fucking ask him" look, to which you responded with a half-hearted glare. Whenever you get within ten feet of sweet Steven you just fucking lose all sense of confidence in your asking-out abilities. His big brown eyes and messy hair and the way he's just so fucking dorky has your stomach doing somersaults.
Loki steps back, leaning against the counter with a sigh and a shake of his head. "It'd be easier, honestly."
I want to do it, you sign, to which Loki is sighing again. "I know you do. But if you're not going to, I swear, I'm going to do it for you." Loki pushes himself off the counter. "Look... I had an idea. Tomorrow night, Stark's hosting that party."
The party to celebrate his new arc reactor? The one Steven and I promised we wouldn't go to because ew people? Partying?
"That one," He confirms, "I'm going to pretend to be Stark, and I'm going to mandate that you both come."
Fuck, why???
Loki towers over you with a scowl. "Wear that nice outfit I bought you. This won't be a date. It will give you the confidence to ask him on a date, because unless Marc is fronting, Steven's too terrified to do it himself. I've seen the way he looks at you when he thinks nobody's paying attention."
You don't believe that, of course. Steven??? Looking at you???
Pshaw, one might say.
Steven has you so flustered you just thought pshaw.
Dammit Steven.
Loki continues despite the fact that you're blushing. "Have fun. Spend time with each other. Do what you usually do. Except dance with him."
With Steven?!
Just the thought has your heart pounding.
"You'll have that chance, and then you'll have the confidence to ask him out." Loki turns to leave. "I'll do it first thing in the morning. And for the love of Odin, act surprised, will you?"
He leaves you standing in the kitchen half terrified and half excited for tomorrow night.
When Steven gets a knock on his door at five am, he expects it to be you. You're the only one that really comes to call on him. What he does not expect is Mr. Stark.
"Oh. Mr. Stark. Hello. What can I do for you?"
Mr. Stark pats him on the shoulder. "I'm mandating everybody that lives in the tower has to come to the party tonight."
He's not good at parties. He's a wallflower and everybody treats him like he's weird. It's not just the Avengers at this party, either. Stark has invited everyone who's anyone in the science community, so it's gonna be full of people. That's exactly why you and him had promised to sit and watch Avatar together with a pizza. Away from people.
But now he has to fucking???
Dress up???
"This is perfect," Marc says in the fish tank. "Steven. You can ask Y/N to dance--"
"I don't know how to dance," Steven admits softly, but Mr. Stark thinks he's talking to him.
"Don't worry, man. You don't have to. Just show up, 'k?" Mr. Stark makes his way to your door, and he jumps when you yank it open. Steven's never seen you look so disheveled and tired. You look like you haven't slept at all.
Mr. Stark gives you a look. "Hey Y/N. I'm mandating--"
I fucking heard you, You sign, and Steven wonders if something has happened between you and Mr. Stark, because you're usually nice to him. As Mr. Stark nods and walks away, you shuffle up to Steven.
"You alright, birdie?" Steven asks you.
"This sucks," You reply hoarsely.
"Yeah, it does. Kind of hard to enjoy yourself at a party when you'd rather be anywhere else in the world, innit?" Steven sighs, bracing himself. This is your chance. "You gonna ask Loki to be your date?"
Surprisingly, you shake your head. "Rather go with you."
He hears Jake give a whoop of laughter. "Jackpot!"
Marc snaps into commando mode. "Steven. Steven. Get your ass in here. You need to learn to dance so you can ask them out."
Steven blushes. "M-Me? Are you sure?"
You grab his hand, leaning into his chest. You do that when you're tired, and it makes his heart palpitate every time you do it. "Sure."
With a sigh, you step back. "Gotta go get ready for... for school."
"Knock when you're done, and I'll walk you down to the bus stop, alright?"
Steven doesn't trust New York. Sure, he knows if anybody tries to mug you on your way to school you're turn into a crocodile that is really grumpy from waking up so damn early, but it makes him feel better if Skinchanger is accompanied by Mr. Knight and all of his alters, so he's made a habit of walking to it with you.
As soon as you're gone, he disappears back into his flat. In one mirror, Jake is beaming at him. In the fish tank, Marc is still extremely serious as he turns to look at the mirror. "You can dance, right?"
"Yes I can dance," Jake scoffs, "And let's be glad you can't. You'd bloody terrify poor Stevie. He needs a good teacher."
"I can be a good teacher."
"If you're teaching him how to murder."
"Guys," Steven interrupts. Marc and Jake have fought before, and it gets awfully loud. Right now he doesn't need that. He needs to learn how to dance before six o'clock tonight or he'll blow this. "Please."
"Sorry, Stevie," Jake mutters.
"Ste-ven," Steven sighs, "Steven. My name is Steven. With a V."
Marc puts his hands on his hips. "Alright. You got a suit?"
Steven looks about nervously. "Y-yeah, but it makes me look like a bloody knob."
"You could wear the Mr. Knight suit," Jake suggests, to which Marc scoffs.
"Yeah, and I'm sure Stark will be in the iron suit. Dumbass." Marc jerks his chin at Steven. "Soon as Y/N leaves for school, you're going to buy yourself a suit. A good one. Then you're gonna ask 'em to dance. Then will you please ask them out?"
Steven takes a deep, shaky breath. He's got built-in wingmen. He can do this. He will do this. Because he's pretty sure he loves you, so he's got to give it a try.
You look at yourself in the mirror, frowning. After you'd gotten back from school, you'd all but ran to your apartment to get ready. You threw on your outfit after a shower and have since been messing with your hair and clothes over the next hour because you wanna be fucking perfect for this man.
You glance at the clock. Ten till six. Eesh.
You'd never felt so fucking nervous. You can hardly stand up. You're gonna throw up. You're gonna faint. Your heart is gonna explode. Would Steven just fucking knock on the goddamn door so you can get the initial shock over with?
Steven knocks on your door.
No wait I didn't fucking mean it.
Damn you are so glad your clothes stay on your human form when you shift because you, I shit you not, puff into a startled cat that screams in terror.
"Birdie? You alright in there?" Comes his muffled voice.
"I'm good," You squeak, a human once more.
Here you fucking go.
You make your way to the door, knees knocking. When you open it, though, you're awestruck.
He's fucking gorgeous.
He's wearing a sharp black suit, all black, and he's standing a little straighter than usual. His hair is still a bit messy, but it looks like he's tried to comb it. A single curl has fallen onto his forehead. He still looks tired, but he's also extremely shy, like he's afraid that you're gonna turn him away. His eyes light up when he sees you, and he lets out a breath of astonishment. His whole form relaxes at the sight of you. "Y/N..." He says softly, "...You're amazing."
He flinches as if hit. "No, wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean--"
You smile and come forward, shutting your door behind you and linking your arm with his, to both of your surprise. "Thank you, Steven." You finish in ASL, and you look absolutely gorgeous.
Steven blushes profusely. You've never seen him go so red. "Th-thank you, birdie."
The two of you fall into comfortable silence as you head to the elevator, and then you exit onto the main living floor. Soft piano music floats to meet the two of you, and most of the guests have already arrived. The sheer amount of people here have you and Steven clinging to each other like Shaggy and Scooby.
Eesh, you sign, to which Steven signs back, yikes, we should've stayed and watched Avatar.
Mr. Stark greets you both with surprise. "Oh! Steven! Y/N! Thought you guys said you weren't coming?"
Steven furrows his brow as you feign confusion. "Wha... You mandated everyone who lives in the tower to come."
Mr. Stark turns to fully face you both, concerned. "No I didn't."
You and Steven glance to each other, shocked, before Steven comes a realization.
That fucking asshole.
He's the only one in the tower that can shapeshift, after all, and he knew you'd decided not to come. So what, was Loki planning to make a move on you?
"Let me front, Steven," Marc growled, cracking his knuckles, "I'll make sure he doesn't get a chance to."
"Easy," Jake soothes, "We don't know for sure yet. Just... stay calm, Steven. Keep them close. The first dance should start soon."
"Weird," Steven mutters to you as you make your way to the bar. You nod, stiffly, and Steven realizes you're hiding something. He knows you well. Did... did they decide to come for Loki?
"Then why would they have said they would rather be with you, dumbass?" Marc asks.
"Nice of you to call him names when he's already nervous."
"I've always called him names, dipshit."
"You're saying they come from a place of love, you sodding wanker? Real fucking nice."
"Stop it," Steven hisses, and you jump. "N-not you. Marc and Jake." He gestures to his head. You know they bicker, and flick his forehead.
Boys. Stop fighting.
"Sorry, Y/N," Jake mutters, though he knows you can't hear him right now.
Finally, you're at the bar. Instead of being in the reflections of trays, plates, and the wine glasses waiters carry around, Marc and Jake are now reflected in the wine glasses hanging over the bar, watching nervously.
The two of you sit down, and Steven orders both of you non-alcoholic drink-- neither of you really drink. You've chosen a spot apart from everyone else, by yourselves, and you slowly sip your drinks in comfortable silence.
As more guests flood in.
The two of you speak quietly, comfortably, in ASL. Neither of you are really paying attention though, because you're bracing yourself to ask him to dance, and he's bracing himself to ask you the same thing. Both of you are shaking from your nerves, and both of you have butterflies in your bellies.
Finally, the whole crowd quiets as Mr. Stark begins his speech. He thanks his wife, Pepper, and his colleagues and anyone else. Mr. Stark gives an introduction for his new arc reactor, and twenty minutes later after everyone's been discussing it, the band starts up a soft, slow dancing song. The floor clears as couples make their way over to the floor.
You and Steven, tired of waiting, launch into the question immediately.
At the same fucking time.
"Do you want to--" Think we should--
You both stop, flushing, and then the two of you gesture back and forth and insist the other go first. Marc puts his face in his hands, exasperated, and Jake sighs. Steven just blurts out, holding your hand tightly, "Do you want to dance?"
You go silent, eyes wide. Steven swallows hard and opens his mouth to apologize, but then your whole face erupts into a beaming smile. You're glowing. He's never seen you smile so brightly. His heart skips a beat.
Maybe he is in love.
"I'd love to," You reply, audibly, taking him by surprise. You're in a very public place and there are a lot of people who can hear you.
Steven takes you by the hand and starts pulling you to the dance floor. "I-I have to warn you, I don't dance very often, so I-I don't dance very well."
Neither do I, you admit, and he feels better.
You feel like a fucking Disney princess. Or prince. Or neither. Dream come true? Fuck yes to that. Neither of you can dance very well. You're stepping on each other and laughing at yourselves but you're having fun. You're being held close by Steven and you don't think you've ever been happier in your life, and you're pretty sure you've never seen Steven smile like this.
The night is spent dancing. By the time you're making your way back to your apartments, you're both limping because you've stepped on each other's feet so much, but you're both still smiling and laughing.
At your doors, both of you finally have courage. But Steven doesn't get a chance to ask you the question. "You... wanna have dinner?" You manage.
Steven is in shock for a second until Marc and Jake yelling at him to respond makes him stutter out, "Are... Are you asking me out?"
You blush. Steven doesn't let you nod. He closes the distance between you and pecks you on the cheek in an impulse. He realizes what he did a second too late. "I-I'm sor--"
You cut him off this time.
With a quick, shy kiss.
Like a kiss kiss.
On the lips.
Lightning speed.
Your face is redder than Thor's cape. Steven is frozen like a statue. Then you both smile. "I'd love to have dinner with you," Steven says quietly, biting his lip. "I-I've heard of a great place down the street."
"T-tomorrow... at eight?" You squeak out, and Steven nods.
"It's a date," He whispers, partially in disbelief.
You both step away to go into your apartments, but you're idiots and neither of you can take your eyes off each other.
Steven fucking trips and face-plants through his door. You peer around the corner to find him hurriedly getting to his feet, brushing himself off and flushing with embarrassment. "That uh... That bit of floor there's a bit wonky, innit?"
You bust out laughing in such a clear, beautiful voice that Steven's glad he fell even though his face clipped the corner of a stack of books.
He's in love.
And so are you.
The next day, you're buzzing with excitement even though you haven't slept in two days for two totally different reasons. You're giddy and happy and practically skip down to the bus stop, although you're a little worried because Steven was called to the briefing room this morning before he could walk you down.
You're just leaving the tower as somebody comes in. She's a beautiful woman with dark frizzy hair and even darker eyes, and she stops you before you can leave. "Excuse me, do you know where I can find Marc Spector?"
Hm??? The fuck???
You tilt your head, signing with one hand Do you know ASL?
She smiles in understanding and signs back, Yeah. I'm Layla. I'm looking for Marc Spector.
He's in the briefing room right now, You sign back, curious, but you can wait for him in the lobby if you want. Just tell the woman at the desk who you're looking for and they'll let him know to come see you.
She smiles in appreciation. Thanks.
As you leave, you pass Happy, who stops you too.
Why the fuck, you may think, is everyone fucking talking to me???
"Y/N," He says, sullen, "I've gotta warn you about Steven."
Nobody knows you two have a date yet, but everybody knows that you and Steven walk to the bus stop together. Happy might have read into that. You tilt your head, concerned.
Happy hesitates. "...That woman that just came in?"
Oh fuck.
"...That's his wife."
Your whole heart and soul feel like they're smashed into rocks. Steven-- your sweet, lovely Steven who you've completely fallen for and who you'd spent the night dancing with and who you'd been excited to have dinner with-- is married.
And he didn't tell you.
Marc didn't tell you.
Jake didn't tell you.
They deliberately never told you that they were married. Yet they let you fall for Steven. They let you believe that you could date him. That you were his one and only. You were the other person. The one he'd apparently planned to cheat on his wife with.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," Happy says, gripping your shoulder.
Tears bubble up, and you can't force them down. You run back into the tower, discard your books and backpack in the elevator, and run to the most secluded location you can think of where Steven will never find you. You go deep into the basement, which you're terrified of. You bury yourself between two stacks of crates and burst into sobs.
Steven is in a full-fledged sprint for your flat.
Finally, he makes a date with you and what happens? A considerable threat brewing in Constantinople. Why does Fury have to send him? Not to mention Loki. At least Mr. Rogers is in charge.
He knocks on your door hurriedly. "Y/N! Birdie! Are you in there?"
"She's in school right now, stupid," Jake scoffs in the doorknob.
"Bollocks," Steven huffs, and rushes into his own flat. He comes back to tape a note on your door in a hurry, then gathers his things and rushes to meet Mr. Rogers and Loki in the lobby, where Happy will take them to the airport.
What he sees though, is entirely unexpected.
"You're married?" Is the first thing Loki says, glaring at him.
Layla's here. Realization hits him: he still hadn't finalized the divorce papers for her. Marc balks at the sight of her. Oh shit.
Layla realizes this too, and hurriedly corrects him. "Oh, no no. We were married. I'm just here to get his signature for the divorce papers."
"I'm sorry, Layla," Steven sighs, "Really, I am." He glances to Mr. Rogers. "Do I have time to sign them real quick for her?"
Mr. Rogers nods. "Hurry up. We'll wait for you in the car."
Steven and Layla sit down to sign the documents. Layla sighs with relief when it's over. "There. It's done." When she stands up, she smiles down at him. "It was good to see you again, Steven."
"You too, Layla," Steven replies, and he's rushing past her out the door to join Mr. Rogers and Loki in the car.
Mr. Rogers smiles smugly at him. "So. You never told us you'd been married."
Steven shrugs. He never really tells anyone he was married, because it was Marc, not him. "Marc was married. They eventually drifted apart, and Layla and I met when she hunted me down to sign the divorce papers for her."
"W-wait," Happy stutters, "She's your ex?"
Steven wishes that everybody would just leave him alone about Layla.
"Oh shit..." Happy breathed. Steven seen him gripping the steering wheel tightly. "I'm sorry, man. I told Y/N that she was your wife."
Oh no.
Steven tries a couple times to say something, but finds he can't. Mr. Rogers looks up awkwardly. Loki's jaw fell. "Why would you do that?"
"I-I thought--"
Steven can't help himself. He's angry. He loves you. He wants to go on a date with you and he hopes that you might want a second. And a third. And maybe more than that. And now you think he's married. He's digging out his phone, regardless of Mr. Rogers and Loki sitting near him, before he's even finished spouting off, "Thought I was being a bloody pig, yeah?"
He knows you don't like it when people call you, because you can't very well communicate being mute, now can you? So he starts texting you. He knows you're probably in class right now but he doesn't care. So many times he's just backed down and given up when something seemed hopeless, but not with you. He can't. He's blowing up your phone.
Or at least, he should be.
But what he doesn't know is that, curled up in the basement, you're angry, you're heartbroken, and you're trying to deal with the fact that you think he's used you, tricked you, lied to you. Steven, Marc, and Jake. You're thinking about the kiss and the dancing and you're devastated.
And you've already blocked his number.
*evil laughter*
So yes. It ends on a cliff-hanger. But don't worry everybody, there's definitely gonna be a part 3.
Thanks for reading!
If anybody else wants to be tagged, just let me know!
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prince-liest · 3 years
fic writer interview!
How many works do you have on AO3?
37, though another one is going up tomorrow because haunted AO3 hours started and I don't want to post it in the middle of the night on a Monday. Also like 4 or 5 more in reserve from zines/bangs. I'm kinda impressed with myself, but also, side-eyeing y'all with fic counts in the 100s. Phenomenal. Effervescent.
What's your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
In chronological order of first fic on AO3: Percy Jackson, Soul Eater, Steven Universe, My Hero Academia, Dragalia Lost, Avater: the Last Airbender, the Witcher, and Genshin Impact! That's 7 fandoms and I'm not counting Homestuck (I only wrote OC stuff) or D&D (same thing).
I also have works from Axis Powers: Hetalia and Katekyo Hitman Reborn! on Fanfiction dot hell that none of you will ever see. I definitely posted and deleted a Twilight OC fic once.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Dish Duty | ATLA
The Sword of Damocles is Swinging | MHA
The Ancient Art of Jerkbending | ATLA
Dishabille | MHA
Summer Break | MHA
ATLA is a powerful fandom so I'm not surprised both my ATLA fics made top five. Dishabille's popularity continues to pleasantly surprise me. Damocles is only surprising because it isn't first. I am so proud of Summer Break and that entire Shinsou series, I'm glad it made top 5 and is gonna break 1k kudos soon. <3
(Now get Dog-Tired up there, I fucking love that story. q^q)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
To quote Mido: I do, but not consistently. Q^Q I read them all and I really want to reply to them all, but I very frequently simply to not have the energy. I have it posted on my AO3 profile, though, so hopefully it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings... I have recently been trying to at least answer all new incoming comments and not let the backlog increase! (That said, the backlog is over 100.)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't tend to do angsty endings (I am a hard lover of angst with a happy ending), but I've written some questionable and bittersweet ones. I think arguably the best contendor for angstiest ending is probably Kindred Spirit. I wrote it to low key revenge myself on @thegc4life for insisting that Shinsou gets a hug (he does! technically!) and it certainly ended ominously.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
As much as I love "Edward Elric gets transported into X universe and proceeds to kick everyone's ass" crossovers, I don't relaly write any. I do enjoy full transplant AUs, though, and the one I recently posted on AO3 is an MHA-at-Hogwards AU called the Birds and the Mares that I wrote for the HP/BNHA Zine!
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Deeeeepends on what you mean by 'hate.' :X has gotten two comments (one much politer than the other, haha) complaining about my use of the r-slur in Shinsou's internal narrative in one of the chapters, but one person backpedaled and said they understood the purpose of it while the other (more vehement) one never replied to my explanation. That's all, though!
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yeah. It's never going on my main AO3 (and the one time it did, I orphaned the fic). I have a side account I might post it on once I get over the fact that people who know me also know about the account. It's all 100% PWP of stuff I personally am into, and I have a very specific set of things I'm into, so... idk, feels a little personal! ^^"
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, but I've had people adopt general concepts I used (fabulous!) and steal my RP OCs back in ye olde fantroll days (not at all fabulous! incredibly hurtful, actually). I am vehemently opposed to plagiarism, even of concepts. It feels so gross.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone in the comments mentioned that they are translating Bloodied Hound into Russian and I am SO EXCITED. I desperately want to read it. Of all the languages, it happened to be the only other one I'm decently literate in! I also want to show my grandparents. I really hope the person follows through. <3
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've roleplayed a lot, but I can't see myself ever co-writing a fic. I'm not even sure how it works, to be honest!
What’s your all time favourite ship?
Urgh. Pass. I can't pick one. Perils of a multishipper.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I was going to proudly say "I never post things I don't plan on finishing!" but in reality that is a lie, because Falling Down A Rabbit Hole exists from back in 2015 and is in fact the reason I made that rule for myself. ^^" Honestly, what's there still holds up, but the reality is that I didn't actually come up with a plot, so there's nowhere for it to go.
What are your writing strengths?
Interesting/relatable/funny dialogue, and also writing feelings in a 'show, don't tell!' kind of way that leaves strong impressions with people!
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting out long stories with good pacing! People thought Damocles had a plot, apparently? Joke's on you, it was a series of "I wanna see this happen" scenarios that I made Hawks suffer through and subsequently strung together like a haphazard multicolor plastic bead necklace that I told everyone was actually pearls.
That's why all my stories after Damocles are either short or split into a series. Shinsou's Bad Days is my attempt at proper pacing, hence it being so episodic.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I'll do it if I know the language well enough (so, Russian and ASL, I don't trust my casual Japanese), but I'm generally a stickler for making things come off naturally, so I otherwise will instead try to find the closest tonal equivalent in English (such as having Childe call Zhongli "professor" instead of "xiansheng"). Sometimes there just isn't one (like Kazuha calling Beidou 'big sis' but in a way that doesn't sound kiddish and overly casual for him), though, which sucks. :( Language is cool!
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
T. Twilight. QUQ I wish that fic still existed, it was like a single chapter of two multicolored hair OCs befriending Alice Cullen and being cool. I deleted it but I SHOULDN'T HAVE. IT WAS HISTORY.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
This totally changes with each new slew of fics I post. I think currently it is Dog-Tired because despite being unsatisfied with the title, I think the story itself turned out amazing. I also am extremely happy with the entire Shinsou's Bad Days series (including upcoming installments).
Tagged by: @touchmycoat (THANK U LOVE <3)
Tagging: anyone who's read this far, LOL. seriously, though, I have a lot of writer moots and I don't have the time to tag them all but PLEASE do this and tag me so I can read it if you are so inclined! <3
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inkchantress · 4 years
20 questions tag game
Tysm for the tag @aelenko!!
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
1.) NAME: [redacted]
2.) NICKNAME: i don’t really have one in real life, on here i guess it would be inky
3.) ZODIAC SIGN: gemini 
4.) HEIGHT: 5‘6‘‘ i think i haven’t checked in a while
5.) LANGUAGES: english is my first (i’ve been taking french in school for 10 years and i know some basic asl although i dunno if that counts haha)
6.) NATIONALITY: american (black)
8.) FAVORITE FLOWER: um idk. i really love the ~vibe~ from sunflowers, so them i guess
9.) FAVORITE SCENT: pine trees, clothes from the dryer after they’ve been washed with lavender soap, and especially the kind of smoke that comes after a fire
10.) FAVORITE COLOR: purple
11.) FAVORITE ANIMAL: idk why but ever since i was a kid i’ve always loved snakes. they s l i t h e r and are cute
12.) FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: so many. i answered the short version in an ask earlier but a more comprehensive list would include leo valdez, nico di angelo, hazel levesque (pjo); zoya nazyalensky, inej ghafa (grishaverse); connie, padparadscha (steven universe); adrien agreste, alya cesaire (miraculous); lance mcclain (voltron); fishlegs, camicazi (how to train your dragon book series); noah sweetwine (i’ll give you the sun). there are so many more but i can’t remember them all lol
13.) COFFEE, CHOCOLATE, OR TEA: i’m sorry coffee but chocolate is just superior. i don’t make the rules
14.) AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: 4.5, i know it’s bad don’t judge
15.) DOG PERSON OR A CAT PERSON: i love both as animals, and cats are adorable, but i personally believe dogs make better pets, just because they’re always happy being with you. cats are so independent that you have to force them to spend time with you
16.) NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: completely depends on the night because the temperature of my house fluctuates. Usually about 2, but i cannot sleep when i’m hot so sometimes none.
17.) DREAM TRIP: either something beachy and tropical with cool animals and lots of nature, like the Galapagos, or Rome again. i’ve been there once and holy crap it was incredible
18.) BLOG ESTABLISHED: i think i made this one in the fall of 2019, but i’ve been on tumblr since 2017
19.) FOLLOWERS: 213 (thank you!!)
20.) RANDOM FACT: uhhh in 5th grade i hit my head on a locker and cut open the skin next to my eye. the doctors had to come and glue it shut and i still have the scar. they said if i’d been standing half an inch to the left i would have lost my eye
Tagging: @readerofthewilderwest, @hairasuntouchedaspartoftheamazon, @grayghostlights, @myhusbandsasemni, @a-real-human-person-not-fake, @randomontheinternet, @anti-kalvin-club, @thefamilyidonthave, @granny-griffin, @tigerlilyhasablog, @i-bleed-ichor, @ms-veralis-the-writer, @atychiphobiasucks, @yv-sketches, @thepotatoreader, @martinkoepl, @strange-as-it-may-seem
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yumenofude · 5 years
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Steven Universe AU part 3/?
Robin: Azurite - “has a strong effect on intellectual functions of the brain, improves studies and stimulates concentration and memory. It also relieves from stress, anxiety, worry, grief, sadness, and is much beneficial for meditation and controlling one’s own emotions.”
Franky: Turquoise - “protects you and your possessions against theft, loss or attack, helps prevent accidents. It is used as a physical and emotional healing energy: it fights exhaustion, depression, panic attacks and supports a healthy body. Turquoise promotes self-realization and aids in creative problem-solving.”
Ace & Sabo: Fire opal - “powerful energy good to use in order to realize your dream or goal, it boosts and improves one’s self-confidence. It can help in abusive relationships and get over bad experieces and memories. It encourages loving, kind and loyal relationships as well as a stronger sense of independence (+ Ace bonus: it can also ease the birthing process for pregnant women)’.
+ Ace’s gem is on his left hand, whereas Sabo’s is on his right hand.
[Part I] - [Part II] - [Part IV] - [Part V] - [Part VI] - [Thank You art]
More ASL brothers art and info to come~
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apeironaxiomaton · 5 years
Biscotti, Dutch letter, and wafer
biscotti: what languages do you speak? which one feels the most intimate to you? I only speak English. I can read (and I guess sound out) Attic Greek although only on a rather rudimentary level and I’m quite proud of how good I’ve gotten at it since I started learning it just over a year ago. I also took American Sign Language for two years back in high school because my friend who I had a crush on at the time was starting it that same year even though she knew basically all of it already because her mom was our school’s ASL teacher, which all sounds like a very bad soap opera (and it was: by the time that first year was over we had both been so awful to each other that we literally never spoke to each other again for the whole rest of high school, it was that bad). Anyway, I can still fingerspell and I roughly remember how the grammar and word order work, but I’ve basically lost everything else to the point where I wouldn’t say I know ASL anymore. 
I would have to say English is the only one I feel any intimacy with; I have a lot of fun with Greek and I enjoy how it makes me think differently and has changed the way I think about words and how I say and interpret them, but at the end of the day, English is the one where I can say precisely what I want to say and always have the right word for it in reach and where I never feel scared about saying something wrong and that’s intimacy baby!! 
dutch letter: if you could decorate your room anyway you wanted, how would it look? I mean, there are so many different factors at work here?? I have a whole dream home! dream home! that should give some idea of what makes my heart leap out decor-wise. But the answer to this looks so different based on if this is the only room I have to myself (as is my situation now and has always been) or if I have a whole house or apartment to work with and that’s mainly because of my 329 volume library, which would take up the bulk of my room in the former scenario but be it’s own room entirely in the later. If we’re accounting for that, I’d love to have shelves that fit right into the walls so they didn’t take up floor space and that went all the way to the ceiling and were some kind of rich dark wood. In either case, I’d ideally want a large window that let in a bunch of natural light and that could come with a window seat long enough to lounge in comfortably and that might have some stained glass detailing to it and it’d have curtains or those cabinet style shutters instead of blinds, obviously. There are lamps near anywhere I might lie down and they’re the main light source of the room because lamplight feels better and so that I don’t ever have to walk over and flip a light switch off before going to bed. And I’d love to have some nice art to hang on the walls, be they originals or reproductions. Oh, and it should have a ceiling fan because, being from Arizona where like you’re legally required to put one in each room, I can regulate the temperature of a room much more easily with those than thru a thermostat. Anyway, I could just go on for days about this.   
wafer: what kind of music manages to totally transport you somewhere else? My music taste is eclectic enough at this point that I’ve given up trying to have any concise description of it. Maybe you can come with something that includes it all from looking at it from the outside, but I sure can’t! There’s I guess two kinds of songs that transport me somewhere else--there are 1. songs with such a strong sense of story and place that you have to surrender your surroundings to them. Bruce Springsteen writes these, so does Sufjan Stevens, they’re Belle and Sebastian’s bread and butter and Jens Lekman’s too. then there are 2. songs that offer a whole wonderful melodic world to sink into, which can be subdivided into a. big unabashed pop songs that hammer you over the head with exactly how their magic works (Cary Rae Jepsen is a master at this, A.C. Newman and his New Pornographers do this, Bowie, Prince, and Madonna were all about this at their bests while still also leaving in room to be weird; the great insight of punk music was that anyone could make music that was this delightfully obvious, so your Clash and Ramones and Talking Heads probably fit best here) and b. songs that are transcendently ethereal and esoteric and that leave you hearing new things all the time each time you listen: Kate Bush and Beach House and Cocteau Twins and the Field Mice all live here. These categories and subcategories are all very fluid and a lot of my favorite music somehow manages to do all of them at once: R.E.M. and Pavement instantly come to my mind as bands that do sense of place and story, blatant beautiful melodicism, and ethereal esoterica all at once in the same song very often. But if I talk about a song being “transporting,” I’m probably talking about a song that does one of those three things.  
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a-young-lion · 5 years
REALLY LONG CHARACTER SURVEY. RULES. repost ,   don’t  reblog  !  good  luck  !
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TAGGED. @qcaesitr​ [ Thanks! ] TAGGING. @ghcstlydj and literally anyone else who wants to do this
FULL NAME: Serena Leon
NICKNAME:  None at the moment
AGE: 17 nearing 18
BIRTHDAY: April 1st
ETHNIC GROUP: None but I might consider her human form to appear Irish 
LANGUAGE(S): English, Spanish, ASL
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Demiromantic Bisexual
RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Dating with Ava [ @bystcrdust ]
CLASS: Middle/ near high 
HOMETOWN / AREA: Aspen Heights, CA
PROFESSION: Student at high school
HAIR: Dark pink
EYES: Sky blue
NOSE:  Lion nose
FACE:  Rectangle
LIPS:  Pink
SCARS: Burn scar on her lower left leg
Tattoos: None
HEIGHT:  5 feet 4 inches
WEIGHT:  Around 190 lbs [ which is a lot less than the average weight of a female lion, but more than the average human ]
BUILD: A bit chubby
FEATURES:  Spots on her shoulders
USUAL FACE LOOK: Probably a neutral cat face
USUAL CLOTHING: Likes wearing sweaters, maybe a scarf once in a while. Long sleeved shirts underneath unless if its summer, where she wears polo shirts. Sweats in the colder seasons and loose jeans in the warmer seasons. No shoes since they don’t exist in her universe
FEAR(S): Burdening people, hurting the ones she loves the most, not being missed, not being able to help
ASPIRATION(S) : Learning about magic to protect the ones she cares about
POSITIVE TRAITS: Kind, empathetic, sympathetic, intelligent
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Quiet, anxious, sensitive
TEMPERAMENT: Pretty good
SOUL TYPE(S):  Um..?
ANIMALS:  A bird
REINCARNATION?: Same than above.
ALIENS?: Same than above.
FATHER: Leonard
MOTHER: Minirva
SIBLINGS: Robin, Melodi [ @pinkheartmelodi ]
NAME MEANING(S): Chosen by her mother due to her feeling oddly tranquil after delivering Serena
BOOK: Definitely any Rick Riordan book
MOVIE: A lot of Disney
HOLIDAY: Christmas
MONTH:  November
SEASON: Fall or Spring
PLACE: Forests
SOUND: Birds, gentle guitar songs
SCENT(S):  Roses, lemon grass, rain
TASTE(S): Vanilla, grapes, anything cheesy
FEEL(S):  Fluffy sweaters, smooth stones
ANIMAL(S): Wolves, hawks
COLORS: Depends on her mood, but mostly oranges and yellows
TALENTS: Rock climbing [ but only at a moderate level ] , tree climbing, singing [ but does it by herself ] , drawing 
BAD AT:  Letting loose since she feels awkward all the time
HOBBIES: Hiking, stargazing, traveling
TROPES:  Silent when she gets embarrassed and blushing at the same time; stutters if extremely nervous; the friend who will be willing to help with any problem
AESTHETIC TAGS:  #goodies; #space; #colors; #forest;
GPOY  QUOTES: [ What ]
MAIN  FC(S): None
ALT FC(S): None
VOICE CLAIM(S): [ The closest so far in my head would be Stevonnie’s voice from Steven Universe. Might try to record myself imitating her voice though ]
Q1: if you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?:  [ Probably it would be called Wanderer. It would essentially about Serena’s life turning magical, and would be in a Legend of Kora style]
Q2: what would their soundtrack / score sound like?:  [ Like Legend of Kora ]
Q3: why did you start writing this character?: [ Around a year ago. I was getting bored and just started to make a back story for them around the reason she had wings ]
Q4: what first attracted you to this character?:  [ When I realized a pink lion with blue wings is something that anyone would be curious about ]
Q5: describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse: [ Probably that I can’t bring myself to write dark angsty stuff with them despite liking to write sad angsty stuff ]
Q6: what do you have in common with your muse?: [ A LOT OF THINGS TBH. Mostly we’re both very nervous, insecure about talking about their personal feelings, and were bullied during elementary school ]
Q8: what characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?: [ Definitely Ava, though Dipper and Mabel are runner ups ]
Q9: what gives you inspiration to write your muse?:  [ Probably wanting to distract myself from doing homework <-< ]
Q10: how long did this take you to complete?:  [ A VERY LONG TIME ]
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jacketbuttons · 5 years
Nickname: Jackie
Zodiac: Scorpio
Height: 5′ 7″
Last movie I saw: Netflix's Godzilla: The Planet Eater
Favorite musician: Honestly I am kind of boring and just listen to game/movie sound tracks most of the time.
Last thing I googled: Steven Universe AMA time for tomorrow so that I can start avoiding the internet.
Song stuck in my head: Ending theme to Doki Doki Literature Club
Other blogs: I have my art blog, @JacketButtonsArt, though I have still been burnt out and not drawn in a while.  I also have an aesthetic blog for just random things I think look cool that I post in every so often, @ButtonsAesthetic.  
Following: I guess I don't quite get this one.  Most of the people I follow are art blogs that I find inspiration from.
Do I get asks: The only asks i've gotten has been comments on the old Jurassic Park post that went viral but they have died off after I got rid of the hyphen in my username.
What I’m wearing: A tshirt with a person mining away at the moon to turn it into a cresent and jeans.  
Lucky number: 13
Amount of sleep: I have had chronic insomnia since i was 5 years old, so my sleep schedule has been really rough.  I usually have a sine wave where some nights I'll need 5~6 hours of sleep that will lead into a period of not being able to sleep at all, back to 5~6 and ending with me having a period of needing 7~8+ hours.  
Favorite food: I really like garlic bread.  Cheesy garlic bread is the best.
Dream trip: Not entirely sure.  I've never left the US before, though it's always seemed interesting.  However, I don't have any specific places in mind.  Suppose I would like to go to Iceland, New Zealand or Australia for gorgeous scenery.
Dream job:  I've always wanted to be an illustrator/concept artist full time.  
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Fluffy blankets on a bed full of pillows, flow in the dark stars on the ceiling and a purring cat curled up under the blankets. (am I doing it right?)
Random fact: I had a really bad childhood and I tend to deal with it by randomly telling them as stories that sound rather outlandish yet still horrible out of context.  My friends refer to them as 'Iowa stories' and I usually preface them with that as a content warning before I continue.
Languages: English and just the alphabet in ASL.  I learned spanish in highschool but my school was so poor that we learned from travel brochures with the answers upside down on the bottom, so I never retained any of it.
Tagging:  Avoiding those who Dani tagged, I suppose @lordburn, @faharis, @mrbadhairday and anyone else who feels like they want to. 
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fbwzoo · 6 years
@lotzofcritterz tagged me in this & I nearly forgot! Chilling after feeding the critters dinner, so here we go!
Rule: Answer these 20 questions then tag the blogs you’d like to know better
Nicknames: fantasybookworm, FBW
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Time: 8:32pm
Favorite band/artist: Dove Cameron currently, but also Idina Menzel. Idk other than that, tbh, I mostly listen to soundtracks from movies/tv shows lately.
Song stuck in my head: Evil, by Dove Cameron, from Descendants: Wicked World (shhh don’t judge me, it’s catchy af)
Last movie you watched: I think it was Princess Diaries 2
Last thing I googled: Steven Universe wiki so I could get to episode transcripts
Other blogs: fantasticbooksblog, my book blog. I have one that I meant to use for other special interests, but I haven’t been on it for months, woops.
Do I get asks: Yup! And I love it, even though I sometimes get anxious over it. 
Why’d I choose my username: I loved the book of Fantastic Beasts with all of the magical critters described & was pleased I thought of something slightly clever, lol. (Have not seen movie though, and don’t care to)
Following: 127. I like to scroll to the last point I saw on my dash, so I keep the number down so it’s manageable.
Average amount of sleep: Something like 5-6 on weeknights, 8-9 on weekends if my brain cooperates.
Lucky number: don’t have one
What I’m wearing: soft tank top I like to lounge in, no pants bc pants are overrated
Dream job: Own/run a pet supply store that sells only safe/appropriate supplies for both dogs/cats & exotics and has rescue animals available & contacts to reputable breeders, and runs educational events & seminars for pet care & enrichment; ...also own/run a used book store. Also a wildlife rehabber/educator. Also basically Twilight Sparkle, but like, with a princess to sponsor me just researching whatever the hell I want so I can read about countries, history, animals, etc. all day long. Also if someone could pay me to just set up appropriate animal enclosures for all kinds of animals, that’d be neat. 
Dream trip: New Zealand! Also Australia. And Scotland & the UK. And California/Oregon/Washington, and the Rocky Mountains. Also like 50 other countries but I’m actually really bad at traveling & also I get really anxious bc I’m already bad at hearing English, so non-English speaking countries would probably be spent in a state of permanent panic.
Favorite food: Potatoes! 
Play any instruments: Played clarinet for 2 years in middle school & never want to again. I used to take piano lessons too, and I’d love to get back into that.
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Uhhh dark blondish-brownish idk?
Languages: English (dying to learn ASL as soon as I have time/spoons)
Most iconic song: Idk.....
Random fact: I’m autistic! Also I’m really bad at choosing just one thing, lmao.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Quiet old used book store that smells like you’ve walked into a giant book. Large squishy armchair by a fireplace with raspberry tea. A rooftop in the middle of summer with crickets chirping, fireflies blinking, laying & looking up at the stars. Running through grass in the middle of a summer downpour to dance in the rain. 
(Please, no one feel obligated to do this or tag anyone else) @followthebluebell @pangur-and-grim @dogs-on-logs @abirdkeeper I...dk who else to tag, but if anyone else is interested & just wants to do it, feel free to tag me so I can see! ♥
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werealljustwinginit · 6 years
The 20s and the 30s
For the “These are actually nice, you fucking nerd” ask:
20. what is your favourite song at the moment? Oh lord, I have a great deal of fave songs…I’ve never been able to pick when it comes to music. I guess some recent jams I find to be total bops are One Foot by Walk the Moon, American Girl by Tom Petty, and the entirety of The Greatest Showman Soundtrack.
21. age and birthday?This is a creepy ask to publish online…so I’ll give you I’m 23!
22. description of crush.Fictional characters and heroes.
23. fear(s)Spiders…that’s all I can think of? There has to be something else…but I can’t think of a single thing besides spiders.
24. heightTall my dude.
25. role modelHmm, my Dad, my two professors, and my favorite fictional characters.
26. idol(s)Tony Stark? Idk, I’m such a nerd…any celebs in shows and movies that I blog about on here. Beyonce, RDJ, Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Daisy Riddley, Zendaya, Obama, Julie Andrews, Tom Hanks…the list goes on.
27. things i hateSpiders, bad drivers, people, eating things from the ocean, waking up early in the morning or by alarm, cats, allergies, Donald Trump and most of the republican party…the list goes on. Why was this the easiest thing to answer so far.
28. i’ll love you if…You’re kind, you’re passionate about what you do, you are good with kids, you love shoes, are athletic, are tall, or are a nerd. Lol. You at least need to be prepared to listen to me talk about film and television.
29. favourite film(s)I LOVE THESE TYPES OF QUESTIONS. LET”S DISCUSS FILM. (Sort of in order:)Forrest Gump, La La Land, Les Miserables, The Lion King, Hook, HP, Marvel, and Walter Mitty.
30. favourite tv show(s)(In no particular order:) The Nanny, Parks & Rec, Boy Meets World, Steven Universe, The Office, Black Mirror, Bob’s Burgers, and Classic Spongebob.
31. 3 random factsI’m deaf, I can snowboard, anddddd did you know you breath mainly  through one nostril at a time? You can breath out of both but there is a stronger air flow to one nostril at a time; it changes every half hour or so. This is why when you are sick sometimes your nose just clears and you’re like “WHAT IS AIR???” …because it’s changing nostrils. I’m currently on my right nostril.
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?Girls
33. something you want to learnIt’s on my bucket list to learn ASL and calligraphy. 
34. most embarrassing momentOf life? Recently? I’m gunna just share the most recent embarrassment of mine…Back in March I had shoulder surgery and was in a sling, unable to move my arm for 8 weeks. (and even after that but at least the sling was gone). A few days after my surgery, my parents had gone out to this local bar and tavern and invited me out for the first time since my surgery. They called and asked me to meet them there and while I didn’t feel well enough to stay and hang, they were gunna buy me some food to bring home and eat later. But mind you I only have the use of my left arm and this was all new to me…so I couldn’t shower yet, couldn’t brush my hair or put it up and out of my face on my own, couldn’t really dress myself yet, def couldn’t put a bra on, couldn’t tie shoes, etc. It was a mess. 
But I end up getting myself there in the rain. So I 134% look like a huge mess–not even a hot mess. Just literally looking like garbage, and I’m still in my sling, and it’s raining. But I at least wanted my mom to put my hair up for me to look somewhat decent in public and in a place where I know a ton of regulars. So I’m outside in the rain, calling my mom’s phone asking her to meet me by the back door to put my hair up, but to be discrete about it. She drunkenly interprets that as “go and bang on the bathroom door in the pool room as loudly as possible and start screaming for me to open the door (because I’m deaf so I might not hear the knock).” So the back door is cracked and I can see her doing this in front of all of these VERY handsome, fit, young men playing pool. The bathroom door is locked because some poor soul is in there, and I am trying to whisper through the crack in the door for her to get her stupid ass outside. Literally like a minute and a half goes by of this fucking scene and she finally notices me. But again, fuck everything, she just opens the back door wide, exposing me to all of these beautiful men, while the lady who was in the bathroom starts yelling at us. And then she says she isn’t going outside because it’s raining so she pulls my garbage looking ass into the pool room. Now all of these hot guys are staring at me, wondering why any of this is happening, and my mother then proceeds to start bushing my hair and putting it up for me in front of all of them. As if I was five. These men literally are just staring and trying not to laugh. And then I notice I know one of the guys and they are all his friends hanging out…so once she is done I (mortified) try and flee the room immediately, but she then calls out and says I need to turn around and come say hello to Brad (the guy I know). So not only was I horrified, but she made me walk back into hell to say hello to this handsome lad and his friends.UGHHHH. SO EMBARRASSING.
35. favourite subjectEnglish! Art History!
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?Get married, have kids, and meet a really cool celebrity. 
37. favourite actor/actressTom Hanks, RDJ, Julie Andrews, Hugh Laurie, Hugh Jackman
38. favourite comedian(s)Amy Poehler, Christine Sydelko, Jimmy Fallon, idk.
39. favourite sport(s)Track and Field, Snowboarding, Soccer.
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35 facts about velvet!
buckle in lads because this got long
velvet welch is, if you haven’t guessed, not japanese! wow, surprising, i know. they were born in the united states, and moved to tokyo about a year and a half ago. they’re of white, syrian, and libyan descent— mostly syrian, though, although i don’t have the exact percentages figured out. 
their family is christian— southern baptist, specifically.  velvet is not, even though they were raised baptist. however, they are extremely spiritual. 
(velvet welch isn’t their birth name btw, but it is the name they have listed on all of their official japanese papers. they’d really prefer if you don’t try to pry and figure out what their dead name is.)
fun fact: i got their name from an old 90s instructional video teaching old people how to use the internet. i’m not joking. this was yuro’s idea.
they’re from myrtle beach, south carolina! as the name suggests, it’s a beach town. and as that implies, they love the ocean? it’s like home to them. i could go on and on with this fact alone because i may or may not have been self indulgent and plopped them in a city i’ve visited multiple times a year for like, the past ten years of my life, but. 
velvet’s family consists of their parents and their eleven-year-old sister, rachel! she really looks up to them, and they used to babysit her when she was younger. they’re really good with kids, which is surprising for a lex character.
velvet makes friendship bracelets when they’re bored, anxious, or trying to relax. it’s something they picked up when they were fourteen— their sister wanted to try it out, and velvet (as her babysitter) ended up getting into it as well. she eventually grew out of it (after like, a couple months), but velvet still enjoys it. they usually wear a bunch of bracelets, and will carry around half-finished ones. it calms them down. they will make bracelets for your oc. 
this is the important one, guys: they have a pet cockatoo. she’s going into the game with them because she’s kind of a handful and they didn’t feel right leaving her with their flatmates. her name is felt. she’s basically a small child and velvet adores her. good birb. 
oh yeah, they’re sharing an apartment with some friends, i may or may not make a separate post about them at a later date. 
they love animals in general (and i mean looooooove), and have always grown up around them. their parents have two dogs, their other friends have a bunch of cats, they had a hamster growing up, and they’d really like getting more pets in the future once they have a bigger living space.
velvet is a huge furry, and their fursona is a goat! one of these days i’ll draw it. also hashtag kinfeels. this is why you’ll see me calling them the goat kid a lot, btw. 
their first job was working at a candy store! they love sugar tbh. they’re especially fond of things like sour gummi worms and ring pops, but they like most sweets in general.
they also really love soft serve ice cream! like, a lot. there’s a place on the boardwalk that boasts over 100 flavors of soft serve, and it’s their aesthetic. they especially like chocolate soft serve dipped in a cherry shell!
they wear those LED light up sneakers. like. these
they’re a capricorn! i’m planning on filling out a natal chart for them soon. i associate them with the hierophant card, followed by the devil, the high priestess, and the star! 
they fucking love cool ass rocks. they’re also a steven universe fan. i think their favorite rocks are bismuth, any kind of quartz (especially aura quartzes), opal, and amethyst? i have no idea what their gemsona is yet.
they have four piercings— both ears, a septum, and a medusa! they’ve considered getting more. if they were to get more, they’d probably want a bridge piercing, a labret (maybe? that or snake bites, but not both), and/or probably some extra ear piercings. not sure if they’d go for an industrial bar there but [shrugs]
they've recently been trying to learn how to cook, with varying degrees of success. they’re not bad just..... still in the process of learning. and they’re fairly forgetful
[ear trauma implied?] velvet suffers hearing loss in their left ear and wears a hearing aid! 
they love glitter. especially in their makeup. they’re also the kind of person that’ll wear cute little stickers on their face for fun. they also like rainbow sprinkles and confetti
they follow a bunch of stimming accounts on instagram? they’ve made slime for themself before, and really like that kind of stuff in general. they like slime and frosting stuff more than kinetic sand and paints, though.
they own a bunch of decks, including:
the starchild tarot (which i desperately want)
the 1980s tarot deck 
the hardy tarot deck
the golden thread tarot
tbh i can’t decide between this, this, or this so i might just say they have all three
they also have the food fortunes deck but that one isn’t an actual tarot deck. it was a holiday gift
their hogwarts house is hufflepuff, and their god tier is the seer of light! yeah, they’re rose lalonde. they’re also an ESFP, a chaotic good, sanguine, and enneagram 2w3 (the giver)! they’re right-handed, type B blood, and yes i’m throwing all of the cheap facts together in one slot.
they know english and japanese! their japanese isn’t perfect, and sometimes they don’t make sense, but they’re trying. they also know ASL, but don’t practice it often, so they’re not that great at it. 
i feel like their handwriting would be similar to the woodlands? in english, they write in cursive! 
they love sweet tea. i don’t get it. i live in the south and i fucking hate sweet tea. but, in general, tea is their drink of choice? whether its iced or hot! herbal teas are super nice too, but you gotta be in the right mood for them, y’know? otherwise, they like strawberry lemonade.
alright lets break out the musical aus because you know i love them:
in hamilton, they’d be john laurens
in heathers, they keep accidentally being JD when I AU with sieves, but in all honesty they’d probably be ms fleming
reefer madness? jimmy harper
(”what musical do you associate the most with them, lex?” ha ha, well, that’s a secret)
i mentioned this in my earlier post, but they currently live in ikebukuro! they love the city aesthetic, almost as much as they love the boardwalk aesthetic. 
they’re also a huge fan of like.... idk how to describe it but? they like kitschy cheap tourist-trap souvenir shops with bright neon hoodies advertising the city (side note— they fucking hate that tan / pale blue “life is better at the beach” style of home decor. hate it. their parents love it.). on this note, the gay dolphin. it’s legendary. truly a landmark in myrtle beach. 
and they like... i don’t know how to describe this flavor of psychic advertisement. they also really love miss cleo commercials. because i love miss cleo. they also binge watch old 90s commercials sometimes. because i binge watch old 90s commercials sometimes. they also like that old VHS tape aesthetic. and neons. 
they prefer animated movies and tv shows tbh, and cry over them a lot. their favorite movies include howl’s moving castle, song of the sea, zootopia, and bee movie finding nemo? all animation is good tho. they also really love pokemon!
they’re kinda lowkey goth. on the inside. they went through a (closeted, as best as they could do when their parents would kill them if they get scenekid hair) scene phase when they were younger (it was kind of embarrassing in hindsight), and a lot of their friends are goth, so they still really appreciate the subculture, even if their everyday style is more colorful and floral and obnoxiously neon at times. on occasion, they’ll get dressed up in something trad, but...
they absolutely hate feeling stuffy and restricted in their clothes— you’d be hard pressed to catch them dead in a button-up shirt and trousers and a sportcoat. not happening unless the suit is bright pink or otherwise fun. 
they keep a dream journal! i hate that this became a popular meme.
they’re gay  (...pansexual and very polyamorous, to be exact, and prone to getting crushes on their friends and being super affectionate in general but. gay)
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