#Sticking to my guns and not voting
3H polls are about to give me another blocklist aren’t they?
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rulesforthedance · 1 year
I’m glad we passed ranked choice voting in the last election but unfortunately I still think a lot about how if we’d had it three years ago we wouldn’t still be stuck with Ted Wheeler
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The petty gremlin in me wants the republicans who won’t vote for McCarthy to keep up the good fight and not cave in to his nonsensical refusal to step aside LOL it has nothing to do with it being the opposing party, it’s just the principle for me
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vanillashusband · 1 year
I finished aggr/etsuko season 5 and. hm. I have some Thoughts
I normally don't talk about the media I watch unless its f/o related but its been bugging me so spoilers below!
ok. this season really felt a lot like all the themes of previous seasons were coming to a head and all the pieces were coming into place but then... they just wasted it. idk just all the talk of how life just sucks and there needs to be a change I really thought that retsuko was gonna usher in that change. as someone who was so desperate to get out of the "work grind" cycle of wake up, work, go home and repeat in previous seasons that she wanted to rush into getting married purely to escape from her shitty job just to go right back to that after when she found an obvious passion in otemgirls. like. i saw other people also discussing how it kinda sucked and that retsuko will never take risks and will always return to the status quo. and this season just kinda cemented that. haida experiencing how awful it is to be down on his luck, struggling with addiction, and being homeless. seeing other people struggling with that. shikabane struck me immediately as a hikikomori and seeing both of them stuck in their own cycles of shorts hit a cord with me. haida's speech about change and how if you try to change things and rock the boat you will be thrown overboard without another thought and left to drown only for the show to drop the ball was really unsatisfying to me. its like the show doesn't acknowledge its own message and just shut down season 5s ongoing theme and everything leading up to retsuko running for office to stick her right back where she was to maintain the status quo. and retsuko and haida dating felt so sudden to me hkjghfjg (and i'm totally not saying that because i've had a stupid gay crush on haida since season 1 but have been too self conscious and afraid to ship with him 🙄) and them GETTING MARRIED??? it was so out of no where to me and they just. rushed into it. idk even though they were dating there was nothing that made you think they were in love. like its not a children's cartoon but there wasn't even any hand holding or anything and haida maybe called retsuko a pet name like. once khjgfkjgf it just felt weird to me tbh (I'M NOT JEALOUS /j). all in all it was kinda... "eh..." to me jklgjhfj I really expected retsuko to beat jiro and be the voice to the tired and beaten masses like her who want OUT of their suffocating cycles and become the prime minister cause why the fuck not?? weirder stuff has happened hgjfdg but that would be too anti-capitalistic i guess 🙄
anyway. those are my thoughts hdfjgdf nonsensical and dumb please don't take it seriously
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dearreader · 2 months
k so i made this poll awhile ago to answer my question on if people would rather spend a date with a swiftie or an anti-swiftie (someone who hates her and devotes their life to hating on her). i mentioned i didn’t have the spoons to handle it being longer than a day and know it was going to be biased as it would start in my circle and would work it’s way out, so i wanted to do a longer poll when i had the energy to handle a week long poll like that. (i’m assuming when i post this, as i’m pre making it, i’ll be in recovery from my nose surgery since i’ll be stuck at home a week so i’ll have more time to monitor and look at the tags)
so nows the time, but i’m going to addendum the question a bit:
*some extra things that came up on the original poll i didn’t elaborate on fully that i want to make clear:
- you don’t get a say in what type of swiftie you get. assume that you’re going to be spending the evening with someone who massively loves her and her music and wants to discuss it. they’ll talk about songs, their favorite lines and meanings, symbolism behind the reputation album, etc.
- YOU MUST TALK ABOUT TAYLOR SWIFT. even if it’s the anti-swiftie you must talk about her. i understand the sentiment people made on her not coming up, and that’s valid, but that’s not the question i’m asking. YOU HAVE TO SPEND THE EVENING WITH SOMEONE WHOS GOING TO TALK ABOUT TAYLOR SWIFT NONSTOP, WILL IT BE THE LOVER OR HATER?
- im just trying to gather a general consensus on this and want to get data from a lot of people which means this is going to end up on people’s blogs who probably hate swifties and are annoyed by them. that’s okay as that’s the point of my question. but if you’re going to go off in the tags about how much you hate her or hate swifties and be an asshole about it im blocking you. you can just simple say “i hate her/i hate swifties” and don’t need to elaborate. you don’t need to sit in the tags going off on how much you hate her and trying to “defend” yourself from swifties. i just want an answer to the question.
- ALSO, this is not an open poll to go harass anyone in general. if you are a swiftie and see an hater in the tags and wanna fight DON’T FUCKING DO IT. just block and go read/watch your favorite media and think of blorbos kissing or whatever, but DO NOT SEND HATE OR HARASS ANYONE.
the hypothesis im trying to prove is that people in general would much rather spend an evening with someone that is going to talk about something they love all night vs someone who will spend the evening talking about something they hate. i want to gather as much data as possible to get a good consensus and if you go and be an asshole to someone because of their tags on this poll, either side of the swiftie to anti-swiftie spectrum, your disproving the point. if you see tags you don’t like just simply block and carry on. understand? k good.
- in general this is not meant to be a very serious or heavy question. it’s meant to just let me pick people’s brains and see what they’d want to do. i just want to get my results and go. just vote, drop your opinion in the tags, and go.
- also, this last part is silly and not at all related to my data, but since i’m forcing you on a dinner date i’ll at least let you pick the restaurant and food you have. so if you could also say what restaurant/food choice you’d want and what you’d want to order i’d love to hear it. sky’s the limit here. go nutz or even very specific on what you’d want to eat. i am trying to learn to cook and don’t know a lot of recipes or different food types, so i’m hoping this will give me a bigger idea of what food is out there to make. (this question is not meant to be a way to stick it to anyone or for you to go “i’ll go to a shitty ass restaurant and take a swiftie/anti-swiftie and make them eat garbage 🤪”, it’s just a fun question to give people something positive to add to the poll if they want. AGAIN IF YOUR GOING TO BE AN ASSHOLE ILL BLOCK YOU.)
- i’m going to be annoying and ask that you reblog for a wider sample size and such, if you don’t want to that’s fine, but i’m going to be polite and ask you nicely.
that should be everything, thank you for reading my long ass list and voting in this poll. i hope you have a good day and such.
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hotjaneaustenmenpoll · 3 months
Quarter Final One
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Edward Ferrars (1995) :
Edward gets a bad rap because he's quiet and the whole lucy steele situation but he doesn't get enough credit for how honourable he is! It's easy to have honour when it costs you nothing he knows he'll be miserable with lucy but he knows it's the right thing and to do so he sticks to his guns and does it anyway despite the opposition from his family and to me that is hot! Also yes he makes mistakes but his family are vile - he grew up with Fanny and Robert and is still a good man! Also he looks like hugh grant and plays fun games with Margaret and he understands Elinor in a way no one else does - Hot!Hot!Hot!
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Mr Darcy (1995) :
Colin Firth (1995) is book Darcy brought to life. He uses tiny gestures and looks to communicate with us and Elizabeth… his struggle is so subtle but so palpable. A beautiful asshole with a creamy nougat center. Just perfect.
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GIF by sunsetboulevards
Those heart-eyes right up above☝️? Hot!
Passive-agressively drinking tea? Hot!
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GIF by jaeausten
The way he rushes over to see Elizabeth at Pemberley on those delicious long legs of his with that slutty wet curl hanging over his forehead? Hot!
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GIF by didanagy
Fencing? Hot!
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GIF by greengableslover
The way he is so concerned about Elizabeth crying and takes her hand even though he shouldn't? Hot!
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GIF by greengableslover
This dimple-y smile of pure joy because he knows he's married to Elizabeth freaking Bennet? Hot!
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GIF by didana
Colin Firth Darcy is simultaneously immaculately put together and entirely falling apart internally. The wet shirt scene is so iconic not (only) because ‘oooh almost-shirtless sexy man’, but because it’s a metaphor for how he’s absolutely falling apart!!! This is a private moment, when he doesn’t think anyone can see him. And then he bumps. into. Lizzie. At his house!! And the entire sequence that follows with him rushing out still doing his jacket up to catch her before he leaves. They are both on the back foot and it’s THAT moment of confusion that opens a more honest dialogue between them.
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Without Firth in a lake you wouldn’t get Macfadyen in a downpour!
There's a reason why Colin Firth is forever known as Mr. Darcy above all other roles he's had and will have! Even ignoring the wet white shirt, which has become A Thing now, he is so hot with his curly hair and his little half smiles and his intense looks of longing and his legs that go on for milessss.
This cannot be real. My fellow Jane Austen people. Without Colin Firth’s Darcy we wouldn’t have 90% of modern JA content. He opened a door and there was no turning back for modern culture. There would be no MacFadyen standing half undressed in a field at dawn without Firth jumping into a lake first. There would be no hand flex if there hadn’t been Firth doing his best impression of a man undressing Elizabeth Bennet with his eyes and hating himself for liking it. There would be no Bridgerton without Bridget Jones. Let’s face it people. We wouldn’t be here having these arguments if Colin Firth had not been Mr Darcy.
Colin Firth understood Mr. Darcy in a way no other actor ever has. He is awkward as fuck in a way that comes across as snooty and judgmental on a first watch-through, then can be read as awkward and longing on a second time. His performance had such depth while looking extremely shallow at first glance. This man WAS Mr. Darcy. (I love 2005, as well, and I love Matthew McFayden, but he was awkward for awkward sake.) Colin Firth made Darcy's awkward look snooty and aloof.
THE socially awkward Darcy is the 1995 Darcy - look at him coming and sitting in awkward silence with Elizabeth pointedly asking her if she wants to live a long way from her family (to obvious relief) and then abruptly leaving - vote for him please 😭😭😭😭
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Colin Firth served so much as Darcy that when they did Bridget Jone's diary, they brought him back.... AS DARCY. The smoulder. The angst. The man is the quintessential Darcy.
“Firthing” is an actual term that is used now to describe someone yearning intensely. It is named after Colin Firth’s Mr Darcy performance.
Colin Firth all the way. He's known in our household as Owl Eyes because in every frame he's mooning over Elizabeth Bennet. Unsurpassable, unmatched, golden television (and some of the worst dancing you've ever seen).
Colin has beautiful, touchable curls.
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My high school English teacher was very into using movies to teach alongside literature, which was a great teaching tool. When we read Pride and Prejudice, he used both 2005 and 1995 for various scenes. What stands out to me all these years later was when it got to the part when Lizzy went to help Georgiana after Caroline dropped Mr. Wickham's name and Darcy gives Lizzy this look:
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My teacher stopped the film and pointed at Darcy's face and said, "See that? That is THE look. If someone ever looks at you like that, you know they're in love." And what is hotter than that?
Also this teacher had two cats named Lizzy and Darcy. Not relevant to the poll but I wanted you all to know about them.
The best thing about the Colin Firth wet shirt scene is actually the scene that follows where him and Lizzie are both just dyinggg of embarrassment but Darcy pulls himself together refuses to lose his advantage and runs to get dressed and chase her down before she leaves - just the mix of cringe and hopefulness at seeing her again is so well done and so attractive!!! (this is just the bit where he's running after her but I love it all!)
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Bleeding Out, Bleeding In - the Start
This is the start of the resulting fic from the winning poll option of 'Crime Boss is a Dangerous Job'. And boy did it go places.
A solid 40 of you wanted to wait for ao3, but the other 59 are feral gremlins who want a part now! Those who want to wait, don't feel pressured to read. This might be up on ao3 this week or if not then next week! (Yes, that doesn't add up to 100, one vote is me so I can see the poll results.)
wc: 1059 Content Warnings: canon typical violence, blood, blood drinking, mentions of death and dying, brief mentions of human tracking, so much cussing.
Brainless motherfuckers.
Every single one of them, brainless motherfuckers.
One would think that eight heads in a duffel bag would have been enough.
One would think that people would learn his fucking rules. They were easy rules. Don’t hurt kids. Don’t sell to kids. Don’t hurt sex workers. Don’t traffic people. Don’t fuck with him.
And these motherfuckers had fucked with him. They had fucked with his rules.
Red Hood stared down at the lifeless eyes of the traitorous lieutenant.
Brainless motherfucker.
Hood was insulted that someone that incompetent had managed to make him bleed, even if it had been eleven against one. And fuck if he wasn’t bleeding badly. Hood pressed his hand tighter to his wound with a hiss and let himself slump back against the grimy wall of the ally that he had slunk into. His hand became wet with warmth.
He must have already bled through the hasty field bandage that he had slapped on the wound.
Numbers slipped through Red Hood’s foggy mind as he tried to calculate about just how bad of a fact that was— about how heavily he must be bleeding out. Fuck if he wasn’t bleeding out.
Could he make it to his safe house in time? No. Could someone make it to him in time? Maybe, but who could he call? He wasn’t going to turn around and let another lieutenant stab him in the other side. B— maybe it would be better to just bleed out than deal with B and another lecture. As if this hadn’t been in self defense. As if he hadn’t acted to stop kids from being sold. As if a moment of hesitancy about killing a man he’d been working closely with for a year had been what got Hood in this spot.
And Dick was off world.
Dick was always off world when he needed him.
That wasn’t fair. What did Dick owe him? It’s not like they had ever been family. Dick had never wanted him. The last person who had wanted him didn’t even want him enough to stay sober.
Blood loss made him maudlin, apparently.
Dying by explosion had been easier.
“You know, not what I expected to find dumpster diving tonight.”
Hood’s hand dropped to brush over the grip of his gun. It was up and aimed before his head even had time to lull towards the voice. The hand holding the gun was steady even as his vision swam staring down the sight.
“Not that I’m doubting you can use that, Boss, but would rather you didn’t,” the stranger said, hands up in the air. One large duffel sat at their feet. Another smaller duffel was slung over their back. A hoodie at least three sizes too big swamped the slim figure— hiding both their form and face. The steel toed boots looked comically large at the end of stick thin legs.
Hood knew better than to think they weren’t a threat.
Anyone could be a threat in Gotham.
“Really, Boss, I’m just out here dumpster diving for supplies,” they continued, motioning to the warehouse district around them. “Not going to lie and say I won’t happily loot your corpse if you keel over right there, but would rather you stay breathing. I can help with that, if you let me.”
“And if I say no?” Hood asked, his voice a breathless rasp even through the modulation of the helmet.
“If you say no to the help, I’ll just be on my way. There are other dumpsters to go through like the feral raccoon that I am.”
His arm dropped down to hang limply at his side. He didn’t take his finger off the trigger. He shouldn’t trust this stranger. “Look more like a street rat to me.”
“We’ll compromise to possum then,” they said, slowly lowering their arms.
He shouldn’t trust this stranger. Did it mater if he did?
He was bleeding out.
The gun slotted back into its holster.
“There you are Boss, we’ll get you patched back up.”
Hood blinked. They were tucking themselves under his shoulder, leaning him up off the warehouse wall.
Hood blinked. They were disabling security on a heavy, cast iron door set into a concrete floor.
Hood blinked.
“Not going to lie, Boss, you’re in a bad way.” The words were distant— like listening to them through a thick wall. Static ran under the words. Static that burrowed under his skin and into his blood.
Static that burned at a part of him he tried to ignore.
“Think they got something pretty vital with that knife.”
He didn’t want to burn.
“Stitched you up but…”
He didn’t want to die.
“Oh Boss.”
Not again.
“I know, Boss.”
A cold hand brushed over his temple and he couldn’t hold back the whine at the sensation. He strained to arch up into the touch. He wanted it. He wanted to feel. He didn’t want to slip away again. He didn’t want that void of death. He didn’t want to die again.
The voice shushed him. “I know.”
He trembled. The static sang in his veins.
“There’s something I can try, Boss, but it will change thing.”
Things were always changing.
“Not like this. You’re not on the knife’s edge yet. You’re still living. If you die you right now you tip over to the other side.”
He’d done that before.
“I know, Boss. But if we do this, you’re not going to tip over anymore, you’re going to balance on that knife’s edge. Not dead but not alive. It’s a fine line to walk.”
Everything in his life was a tightrope: hero, villain; son, enemy; brother, stranger. What was one more thing? Alive, dead.
He didn’t want to be dead again.
“Okay, Boss, okay.”
The hand pulled a whine from his throat as it moved away. A soft coo hushed him quiet again. The sound rumbled in with the static untill the soothing noise sat inside him.
His head tilted up as something slid under his neck. Hands guided his head to lay back down onto a soft surface.
Something wet dripped against his lips. Spice bloomed across his tongue.
“There you go, Boss,” the voice soothed. The coo rumbled in his chest like a fluttering bird. “Drink up.”
Cold skin and wet warmth pressed against his lips.
Jason drank.
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 month
Crown’s S Class Mission - Roger Barel (Part 2)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this.
Kate: Aaah. No…I can’t anymore, Instructor…Roger.
Roger: Keep going…your body can still handle it right?
Kate: Ah… No, not anymore…
Roger: When you think you can’t take it anymore, that’s when it actually starts. Same thing in bed. Come on, 10 more sit ups.
Kate: Why are you talking about doing things in bed? You’re absolutely the worst!
Instructor Oliver: Oh, is something the matter?
Roger: No, Miss Kate wants me to be stricter.
(......Excuse me?)
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Roger: 10 more sit ups. Muscle, muscle!
Kate: Muscle…muscle…Ugh…
(It’s no use, if I do a bad job, I’ll look suspicious)
Roger put his lips to my ear as I desperately tried to do sit ups…
Roger: Maybe the ‘S’ in S class mission stands for ‘sadist’?
Kate: …Eh?
Roger: Hey, you stopped. Come on, muscle, muscle!
(D-damn it!)
Kate: Haaa…haaa… So…did you find anything?
Roger: Nah, haven’t “heard” anything suspicious yet. I’ll keep an ear out ‘til I get a lead.
Instructor Oliver: Roger, a moment!
Roger: Yeah, I’m coming over.
Roger: Keep digging. Stay on guard, Kate.
With a nod, Roger went to where Instructor Oliver called him.
(I’m thirsty. I’ll get  a glass of water)
Kate:Huh, where’s the drinking fountain…?
Blonde lady: Excuse me, I can show you where it is.
I turned toward the voice and saw a dignified lady smiling at me.
After being shown where the fountain was, the rigorous training continued— 
I snuck outside.
(No one will come out here, right? I’ll just take a short break and then head back in)
Maybe it was because I’m not used to doing hard exercises, but my knees were about to give out.
???: Who’s this student skipping class?
Kate: Eek! I’m sorry! I won’t slack off anymore!
Roger: Haha. Dummy, it’s me.
Kate: Roger… Geez, don’t scare me like that!
Roger: Sorry, sorry. I’ll give you something nice as an apology, so open your mouth. Say ‘aah’.
Kate: Huh, mmm. It’s sweet… Is it chocolate?
Roger: You look like a sad puppy.
(You were strict with me, and now you’re spoiling me…)
Perhaps Roger often tames using a carrot and stick.
That’s really, really annoying…
Kate: Oh yeah, I made a friend just then. Her name’s Emilia Winslow. She told me that her dream’s to go into politics.
Roger: That’s an insane dream when you know women don’t have the right to vote.
Kate: Yeah…She mentioned that. She wanted to get out of her current situation, but didn’t know how. So she came to the club in desperation. She thought that if she got stronger, she’d be able to change her absurd situation.
Roger: The women who gathered here all want to get stronger and fight.
As his amber eyes looked up to the sky, a question I wanted to ask suddenly popped in my mind.
Kate: Roger, have you ever wanted to get stronger?
Roger: I have. It’s not like I’ve been like this since I was born. When I was a kid, I had my first friend. He was cursed. But because I was weak, I betrayed him in the worst way. I couldn’t protect him.
(This is the first time I’ve heard something about Roger’s past…)
It felt like his eyes, still focused on the sky, wavered for a moment.
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Roger: Maybe I’ve always been fighting something?
Seeing that smile on his face, as if he were trying to laugh away the pain, reminded me of what Roger told me that time I fired a gun at someone for the first time.
(At the time, I hated myself for being weak…What Roger said…)
“People who want to get stronger and are able to continue on are really the strong ones.”
When I first met Roger, I thought he was “just a strong guy”.
However, now I can clearly see that he’s someone that “tries to be strong”.
—Suddenly, Roger’s eyes became sharp.
Roger: …
Kate: …Roger?
Roger: Oy…who’s there? I can hear your heartbeat.
Instructor Oliver: …
(What do we do…? If he finds out that Roger and I know each other…)
Instructor Oliver: I’m sorry for eavesdropping… Will you please hear me out?
Somehow Oliver had a feeling that we were different from those that visited the Beauty Muscle Club. 
So he followed us—to ask for help.
Instructor Oliver: In the beginning, I was just an instructor working at the club. But then I uncovered something unthinkable about this place… The owner of the club and master of the estate belongs to the House of Lords. He has an extremely distorted view on women’s empowerment.
Roger: Does this have anything to do with the fact that women who visit here end up ill?
Instructor Oliver: How did you…Just who are you people?
Roger: That doesn’t matter now. Are the women here getting drugged?
Instructor Oliver: Illegal drugs disguised as muscle-enhancement drugs.
Kate: Why…that’s so ridiculous.
Roger: It’s to stop brilliant and strong women from entering the workforce, isn’t it? So stupid. Even though they were tricked into it, they took the enhancement drug. And now the women are afraid to speak out in fear of being accused of taking illegal substances. And so the truth doesn’t come out.
Kate: …Such a cowardly way of operating.
Instructor Oliver: I don’t want to do this. But they threatened to kill me if I ran away.
He looked like a little kid with how he weakly hung his head, face pale.
(We can’t overlook this evil)
Kate: …Roger, I have a request. I—
Roger: Don’t do anything reckless that’ll put yourself in danger, okay?
Kate: Okay!
—Then, Oliver and I went to where the illegal drugs were being sold.
The person who welcomed us was a man from the House of Lords, the wonder of the club and estate.
After Oliver introduced me, the man handed me a small bag of medicine with a friendly look on his face. 
(...I got the evidence. All I need to do now is leave)
Master of the estate: This will make you stronger and more beautiful. Let us build a better society.
The way he so easily lied filled me with rage.
Kate: …These are illegal drugs.
Instructor Oliver: ?!
As if he caught on, the master of the estate’s eyes turned terribly cold.
And he smiled cooly.
Master of the estate: Britain thriving, but with that, comes women getting louder… Give them the right to vote, give them places to work. Women are inferior creatures to men who are just clever enough to serve.
Kate: So, why would you do such a despicable and foolish thing?
Master of the estate: If I don’t pluck the useless weeds, then who will?
Kate: There are a lot of women trying to get stronger, you know?
Master of the estate: And for what reason, when it’s all in vain? 
(Oh my god…)
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I slapped the man before me as hard as I could.
Master of the estate: …You’re a woman! I can have you killed for this you know!
Kate: …
Before I could get the gun from my garter belt, a gunshot rang out and a bullet grazed the man’s cheek.
The window behind the man broke and Roger, with his hunting rifle, bursts into the room.
Roger: Hold up. Not gonna let you kill my cute student. Now then, it’s time for Instructor Roger’s fun and exciting punishment.
*House of Lords is the upper chamber of UK Parliament.
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drasilfaemir · 8 months
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My entry for the Unsounded Fanworks Contest and tribute to the bestest girl Pantoffel! If you like it please give it a vote!
Edit: Holy shit you guys! I won?! Thanks to all who voted and hope you enjoyed it!
In the meantime, here are some detail photos and a breakdown of the work that went into making it under the cut, featuring the bestest boi and model, my pupper Sharky. Scroll to the end for a special treat!
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The saddle is real leatherwork at a tiny scale. Everything patterned, wet-shaped, dyed, finished, and assembled by yours truly. The saddle blanket is custom-made to match as well. The seat of the saddle is stitched to the base just at the front and back to allow the pieces to move in relation to each other for a more comfortable fit.
The pommel and backrest are both modeled and 3D printed by yours truly as well, with sports tape for the fabric on the pommel. Both are attached using rivet backings set through hollow points in the prints.
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From the back more detail can be seen for the backrest. It is wet-shaped and stretched over the base, and then flathead pins were cut short and turned into the tiniest nails to nail it in place. No glue was used at all in it's construction.
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The collar was constructed so that it fit around Sharky's head and then the tension in the straps under his legs pulled it tight. Those straps are attached to loops placed in the stitching with lobster clasps. Much of the construction is hidden in his majestic chest fluff, but a good chunk of it can be seen here.
And now on to his co-star, Captain Emil Toma!
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This was a Finn action figure that I did heavy modifications to. Original details were mostly sanded off for a vaguely person-shaped base thar I then sculpted details back onto with epoxy-putty. Even his face recieved a bit of shaping to change the underlying bone structure to match Emil better. All of the original joints still move save for his left wrist, which needed to be sealed in place lest his hand fall off. The gun the figure was holding was replaced by his sword. I decided to stick to mostly early/mid-comic designs, picturing this as a toy a Crescean kid might play with before the events of the comic take place.
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From the back we can see the leather pouch which was hand-stitched together and attached with a rivet back. It's fully functional and can store approximately 4 quarters in it. The scabbard was 3D printed with a peg for attachment purposes and the parts that 'hold' it to the sash are clothing tags.
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The sash itself is fabric and held in place with fashion tape. Edges were melted to seal them and then folded under to allow me more control over how they wrinkle. The badge is hand-sculpted from the same epoxy-putty used to modify the body. It's about as tall as my thumbnail and I have never wished for a resin printer more ardently than when I was sculpting it with a straight pin.
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Proportionally the two of them are nearly perfect together! But, regrettably, the figure was too heavy to sit in the saddle on his own. Especially on a dog that can out-run a dalmatian! Hence why they were photoshopped together for the final image.
I hope you enjoyed this tour of the utter insanity that has been my free time for the last few months. I actually started this before the contest was announced...and through some setbacks and bad timing of life events still didn't get done until the last minute. As promised, here is your special treat!
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myths-tournaments · 8 months
Awful Characters Round 2 Part 1 (5/8)
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Propaganda under the cut!
YES he abused a child and killed an entire manor of people, but it was probably only one child and allegedly the people sucked. Surely this is not behavior deserving of being turned into a human stick or having your body possessed by a weeb. I love him because sometimes mean people are fun and also who can resist a good redemption tale (he deserves one).
The first thing that happens in new vegas is that benny fucking shoots your character in the face, steals your shit and leaves you in an open grave. Benny is by all accounts a bastard. He kills you, steals from you, he killed his last boss, he is the single most duplicitous man around. His gang are all about honesty- except him. He's a lying, cheating bastard. The guys who helped him catch you? He skipped on paying them and left them to get shot to death. His new boss, mr.house? He stole his robot, broke it open, got someone to reprogram it and decided to use it to TAKE OVER THE WHOLE OF VEGAS. Benny literally kills people, lies to people, steals their shit and takes charge. That's all benny does. He gets fucking CRUCIFIED if you don't help him out just because so many people fucking hate him. And yet. And yet. Benny is the single most compelling character in the whole game to me. He's just a little guy! He's just there! You can get shot in the head and come back and he goes "what in the goddamn" and then if you try and flirt with him he's like "uhhh sure? Okay?" And leaves you a polite note in the morning. He's fancy. He wears a stupid suit. He has a tiny gun with shitty bullets. He's catholic. He talks like an old timey news presenter. Literally nobody else in the entire game does that. He's got an intelligence of 3. He's my funtime boy. My silly little man. He's so funny. The antagonist in this game is a guy dressed like a tablecloth who looks at all times like a confused dog who doesn't understand what a tv is. And like. He's compelling. He robs from you, shoots you, but…. he never seems to actually wish you harm. He kills and robs and lies but like. He apologises for doing it to you. When he sees you again he doesn't attack you, he's just… confused. He tries to defuse the situation. You can convince him to talk to you, alone, with no guards and it's not that hard. If you spare his life, he doesn't go after you, like. Even if you sleep with him he doesn't take advantage of that and kill you, even if you try to. He… he just leaves. He gives you an apology. If he gets kidnapped by Caesar He just… apologizes again. He tells you his whole plan to take over the city, too. He thinks he'll die, and he wants something of him to survive. He's happy that you made it. And if you let him free, he just… leaves. He knows he's beat, he doesn't want to cause any more trouble. He walks out and leaves. The NCR will kill you if you cross them. The legion will crucify you. House? He'll blow you the fuck up. But benny, the guy who lies and cheats and schemes, he's honest. He's polite. He's… harmless. You can kill him with a single shot if you want. And he can't kill you. He doesn't kill you the first time, and he'll never really hurt you again. Benny just wanted to win. When he knows he's beat he just leaves. No lingering, no harm, he's off, off into the desert heat, and never seen again. Isn't that just insane? like have you ever known an antagonist so polite? He just leaves!! He offers you a drink!! His plan is genuinely probably the best one for the people of new vegas!!! He's. Benny is Benny.
Anyway if you want to see some REAL propaganda go to the blog @letmebegaytodd and look in the #benny tag. You'll Understand < https://www.tumblr.com/letmebegaytodd/717051175751614464/in-another-life-i-wouldve-really-liked-just> <- look at this shit man
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amored-core-hotties · 6 months
Attention, mercenaries. The semi-finals are here.
Our survey has almost concluded. Only four candidates remain. Carla is still here r r r hello o/ ...Even more infuriatingly- forgive us, unlikely- Gun Five Iguazu is here. We should be happy that one of our candidates is considered fuckable, but... We've collected the data. He isn't. Not even close. ALLMIND does not make mistakes, so kindly remove this mistake.
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toxic yaoi, anyone?
his hate boner for you is so big he kinda loses his mind
hates you hates you hates you
enemies with benefits
actually annoying
what a brat. i want to punt him into a wall
full-on obsessed with you. cant get you out of his mind. cant get killing you out of his mind.
oh yeah that twink that popped up at grid 086
you sure spent a while disposing of him, tourist
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he's funny adn i love him
vote chatty or i blow you up
how do you fuck him? I'm sure you can figure it out
makes cute little clicking noises
its in the semifinals I'm so proud of you lil robot
cmon tourist ill let you kiss his chassis
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gotham-ruaidh · 5 months
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass)|| Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round)|| Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger)|| Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) || Chapter 7 (Stick To Your Guns) || Chapter 8 (Time For Change) || Backstage (5) || Chapter 9 (Take Me To The Top) || Backstage (6) || Chapter 10 (Home Sweet Home) || Backstage (7) || Chapter 11a (Nightrain) || Chapter 11b (Nothing Else Matters) || Chapter 12a (Handle With Care) || Chapter 12b (I’m So Tired of Being Lonely) || Chapter 13a (Angel) || Chapter 13b (She’s My Addiction) || Chapter 13c (Patience) Chapter 14a (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14b (Where Do We Go Now?) ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 14C: Where Do We Go Now?
Soundtrack: “Sweet Child O’ Mine,” Guns N’ Roses, 1987 [click here to listen]
Where do we go now?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go?
- Guns N’ Roses, “Sweet Child O’ Mine” (1987)
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Tucson || July 1988
AA met every Thursday in a church hall not far from the studio. She’d borrowed Bobby’s Trans Am to drive Jamie, holding his hand the whole way, hearing about his chat with Alec – who had graciously agreed during their January trip to New York to be Jamie’s sponsor.
She kissed him when he went inside. Needing some peace and quiet of her own, in the car, as she waited.
She had tried NA off and on, but it hadn’t really clicked. She was so very happy that AA really worked for Jamie – it was always much easier for him to open up to perfect strangers – and she was grateful that he could get the support he needed, at a moment’s notice, in any city.
Not to mention that the Friends of Bill took the “anonymous” in Alcoholics Anonymous quite seriously – meaning, in those meetings Jamie was just Jamie the alcoholic, not Jamie Fraser the frontman of Print, not the rock star. Just a man who fought daily battles with addiction, who was trying to be better, who just so happened to have the number six record in the country today.
It was hard. It was always going to be hard. But he was worth it. The life they had together was worth it.
She pulled out the folded envelope. Smoothed the creases against the steering wheel. Reading and reading and re-reading the return address.
Listening to Guns N’ Roses and Def Leppard and Poison and Cheap Trick on the radio.
She didn’t see Jamie cross the parking lot. Jumped when he slid into the passenger seat, smiling, with a kiss.
She offered a tight smile. “Hey. How are you?”
“Much better.”
His gaze found the envelope.
He didn’t need to say anything.
She couldn’t say anything.
But now that he was here, she opened it.
Held out the single sheet of paper.
They read.
Dr. Claire Beauchamp
via Colum Laird, Broch Productions
Dear Dr. Beauchamp,
Thank you for your letter and providing a forwarding address. Three months ago, the BMC board unanimously voted to terminate your employment. For legal reasons we will not provide further details, and the board’s decision is final.
However, we have communicated to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that your medical license should be restored, with the provision that you no longer practice medicine in any kind of high-stress environment. You may contact the medical board at the below address to request a copy of…
Jamie watched Claire read and re-read and re-read.
“Sweet Child O’ Mine” played softly on the radio.
A long, long moment.
The song shifted to the bridge.
Where do we go now, sweet child? Axl Rose murmured.
Jamie took a breath. “Where do we go now, Claire?” he whispered.
She folded the paper and put it back in the envelope. Laid it on the dash. Reached beneath her shirt to pull the long chain up over her neck. Settled her left hand on Jamie’s thigh, skin hot through his jeans.
Jamie unclasped the chain, letting his grandmother’s engagement ring slide free. He slipped the ring onto her finger. Brought her hand to his lips, kissing so softly.
“I’d like us to have an extra day in Boston when we’re there next week. So that we can pack up my apartment.”
She was looking through the windshield, face turned to him in profile.
“Yes. What else?”
“I’d like a little house in the mountains of North Carolina. Not too far from The Ridge. It’s so beautiful and peaceful there. I’m sure Dougal and Gillian can help us find something.”
Gently he bit her knuckles. “Something small. Kitchen and living room. Bedroom for us. A room I can use for music. And a room for your medicine.”
She nodded. “I’ll transfer my license – I’ve already looked into how to do that. I can file the paperwork when we get to Boston. I don’t know if I want to be in a private practice, or just volunteer in a clinic, or maybe something else. We’ll get settled, and then we’ll decide.”
“We will. I – are you happy, Claire?”
She smiled tightly. “More…relieved. And yes, I’m happy, Jamie. Happy to be free. Happy to be marrying you.”
They sat in silence for a long while. Listening to the final notes of Slash’s guitar. And then the first two minutes of INXS and “New Sensation”.
Memory flared – the last time she heard this song was the one time she’d seen Jamie nude, changing into his leather pants backstage in Orlando, when she’d entered his dressing room without knocking.
She swallowed. “I want the house to have at least one spare bedroom.”
He laced their fingers. “Of course – for guests.”
She flushed. Finally met his eyes.
“Yes. And for children.”
He released a suddenly shaky breath. “Oh, my love. Yes.”
She squeezed his hand. “I’m never taking this ring off again.”
He leaned across the console and kissed her. Kissed her. Kissed her.
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thekillingvote · 9 months
Tʜᴇ Kɪʟʟɪɴɢ Vᴏᴛᴇ
Thirty-five years ago, DC Comics opened a phone poll to kill Batman's child sidekick, Robin.
The poll was open to paying callers in the U.S. and Canada for a window of 35 hours, starting on 15 September 1988 at 9AM EST. There were two premium-rate phone numbers—one for Robin's survival, and one for Robin's death. Each paying caller could call multiple times. The results were decided by a margin of 72 votes out of a total 10,614 votes—the difference was just under 0.68%.
Now you decide.
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Jerry Smith of Covington, Kentucky claims to have sold his Mercedes-Benz to pay for votes to kill Robin
"Who Killed Cock(y) Robin? I Killed Cock(y) Robin" article by Glen Weldon (2008)
"1-800-DEAD-ROBIN" autobiographical comic by Tony Wolf (2015)
"We killed Jason Todd" feature by Matt Markman (2021)
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), a noted Bat-fan and scholar, denounced the episode as a "Roman gladiator-like readers vote."
"I loved him [...] I personally voted for him to live 100 times, and my mom flipped when she saw the phone bill," says magazine writer Savas Abadsidis.
MJG6 said: I was dead broke, working my way through college, but I voted. My first job was at a comic book store, making me an OG fan girl, I guess, and I encouraged people to vote to save him. [...] Because killing a teen, in a role kids are supposed to identify with, that was just sick.
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Further Reading
"A Death in the Family, or: How DC Comics Let a Phone Vote Kill Robin" via r/HobbyDrama
"Living Dead Boy: Jason Todd vs. The Culture That Killed (and Resurrected) Him" on Women Write About Comics
"The Vote to Kill Robin" - trivia, misconceptions, opinions by comic-commentary
Some fan letter columns from Jason's later times as Robin
No Birds Allowed: Batman without Robin
"A lot like Robin if you close your eyes": Displacement of meaning in the Post-Modern Age by Mary Borsellino, an essay on dead Robins, sexism, and classism
🦞 The Tale of Larry the Lobster 🦞
Submitted arguments below:
Kill Robin
Anonymous propaganda IN FAVOR of killing the lobster the Robin!
I love Jason Todd. I love his post-crisis Robin days, I love his sense of justice and his adorable love of learning and his silly curly bangs! I say this to emphasize that I don't want him killed out of any dislike of the character.
I want him dead out of a love for storytelling that gets to stick to its guns and doesn't pull its punches. In context of the poll we readers have just seen Dick Grayson get kicked out of the role due to Bruce's fear of him getting hurt, then he turns around and gets a new Robin anyways because he misses him! I really like that Bruce is being messy and hypocritical! Let that have some real consequences please!
If there were no real consequences then Dick got shoved out of being Robin for what? Hairbrained overprotective worry? Why even change the way he graduated into being Nightwing so much then or heck why even kick him out in the first place?
One might argue that we haven't even given this Robin proper time to develop, that instead he might be taken in new and interesting directions as his own unique Robin shaping the mantle into a legacy rather than just something that was Dick's. I admit this is a very good point, and we are cutting off some possible interesting avenues. As I mentioned, I do like this character! But are we really going to get that?
If DC is already prepared to toss him out of this mortal coil and through the pearly gates after such a short while, do we really think we're going to get much more love and care applied to him?
I say let's roll the dice for something new! May the comics world and all these characters have to deal with the ramifications for many years to come!
Save Robin
robin’s death (and subsequent resurrection) is, frankly, an insult to robin fans of that era. to want to see this child get killed in a brutal manner for no apparent reason, to see jason essentially removed from the narrative so batman could go back to being gritty and depressed—this is awful to me. he hadn’t even been robin for very long!
but that’s not why he should’ve lived.
the resurrection of jason todd as the red hood was narratively interesting enough that it kept most fans of the original jason hooked, and it still does! he has become a prime example of a trauma survivor: his death changed him, and those who loved him have difficulty accepting that.
but there is no resolution to that story, nor was there a resolution to jason’s tenure as robin. dick chose to leave robin behind and take on a new mantle. tim, steph, both had robin taken away from them (and let’s forget about how tim is still robin, because that doesn’t matter right now). damian’s role as robin conflicts with his misconception of his role in the family. everyone else has had an ending, and jason’s death…well. after his resurrection, he has somehow remained stagnant and wildly inconsistent at the same time. this applies to under the red hood too.
at its core, utrh is a deeply classist retelling of jason’s life pre-death in the family. winick makes him a villain—albeit a sympathetic one—who fucks over or kills people that he would’ve thrown himself in front of to save as robin. in utrh, the implication is that jason had always been violent and angry (and morally compromised), and that he was destined to become worse.
it sometimes feels that jason’s transition into being the red hood (and all the characterization that comes with that) was a decision dc made for shock value. just from jason’s robin run, it’s difficult to imagine jason becoming the red hood. it doesn’t feel inevitable. it’s tragic.
ultimately, i believe that jason never should have died, and that his death was a stunt by dc for its shock value. jim starlin wanted jason dead because to him a child sidekick, in a medium that was originally made for children, was “sheer insanity”. he was fridged, plain and simple.
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bleucommelhiver · 3 months
update: wayward children ch 7 + poll
2 updates in a year, so far -- that's got to be a record for me! unfortunately (or fortunately), this is not the elusive "ch 7" that has already been written since um 2018(?). anyways, here's chapter 7.
here's also a short ranked poll regarding the story if you're so inclined to vote. just a way to gather anonymous feedback and pick the minds of my readers (whoever you guys are, I love you for still sticking with me). after some time has passed, I'll edit this post with a link to the results. (psst if there's a character you're gunning for this would be a good time to make it known ha).
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grumpycakes · 1 year
So as the house gets warmed up to go let me give a few updates I found out!
Voting Present LOWERS the number necessary to win, so it SHOULD be 219 with the full house but because Spartz votes Present it's 218
ARGUABLY if more Republicans vote Present but the 20 stick to their guns, the Democrats COULD win with 212 but Republicans don't want that
Buck who left for a non emergency medical procedure yesterday may not be back
We're starting up with only 275 reps present cause it's more than half but YIKES. Though I would assume more are showing up
a Californian Republican just got up to nominate McCarthy just to see how fast he loses. He's saying it's NOT ABOUT McCARTHY. FRIENDO YEAH IT IS. Lolll he's talking about serving the country with "Pure and Selfless intent~" and like idfk if any human can do taht.
ughghg the Republicans also keep bringing up fentinol overdoses and immigration and how it's going UnChEcKeD while we vote.
oh interesting, he thanked the national police (happily everyone got up and clapped for them) to pretend like Republicans care AT ALL about them.
... Sir why we talking about China, I don't think this is gonna move anybody you wanna move???
Jesus, he's trying to scare ppl into voting together cause the world is in DANGERRRR but like, THESE ARE THE PPL THAT REFUSED TO WEAR A MASK CAUSE IT MADE THEM UNCOMFY while people DIED. So loll ur talking for nothing sir. Hahahaha he's like, I agree w you shits but I WOrk w OtHeRsss and that's how you gotta WoRk!!! lolll
Oh here we go, telling the Dems they're on the EDGE of a VERY IMPORTANT VICTORY. Loll sure you lil dipshit. OH OH RUDE he just said, looking to the Dems I realize i haven't met many of you cause you're not here, voting by proxy. WOW, rumbles in the crowd and then the Clerk had to bang the gavel and be like HEY, UR SUPPOSED TO DIRECT COMMENTS TO THE BENCH.
Ur useless dude, this is too long of a speech. And stupidly blaming all of it on the Dems
South Carolina Rep is up for the Democrats
Awww he thanked the Clerk who's been running this circus and all the Dems rose and the Clerk smiled and mouthed thank you.
He's talking about learning lessons and working to be a better govt but flowery-er. Ah okay he's bringing up Jan 6. Resiliency. USA was made for liberty, justice, and freedom. Pointing out that it's the first time in over 100 years that they can't figure out who to vote for. The goodness of the american people is at stake??? Jeffries is a good dude i guess lol.
Oh lord almighty Gaetz is up and saying HE TAKES EXCEPTION TO THE CALIFORNIA REPS STATEMENTSSS. LOLL oh shit and he's saying that McCarthy is only speaker if he GETS THE VOTES and he DON'T HAVE THE VOTES. And he's saying it's vanity making McCarthy keep going. LOLL AND I THINK THE DEMS CLAPPED FOR THAT. hahaha ppl are yelling at him and order had to be called. HAHAH Gaetz just called him LaBron James but that would mean that McCarthy was a WINNER AT SOME POINT.
Oh dude don't fucking bring up PURITY you lily white fuck. Damn he's just calling out his own party. He's saying their intentions when trying to negotiate w him weren't PUUUREEE. Again humans, nothings gonna be pure my dude.
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Bottom line, they don't trust McCarthy, saying it's for the ppl
Boebert is up to nominate Hern. She keeps pointing out that he was unanimously voted as chairman for something and that he's gonna be united. Blahblahblah inflation, republican talking points. Oh yay quickly ended
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sparkanonymous · 6 months
I didn't see! But episodes 7 and 8 got uploaded! YES!! Time for some more notes!
⚠️ Total Drama Reboot Season 2 Spoilers Below ⚠️
Episode 7
Damn, Priya has some muscle to catch Caleb.
Why did Zee sound different? Am I going crazy? Also, why was he watching them?
I'm... I'm sorry? JULIA, MK, your gay. Is. Showing! Holy fuck.
Damien teaching a squirrel how to finger gun.
Chris did not hesitate to traumatize the campers. Fake killing his husband? No.
Why did they bring back the "is it real or is it cake" thing? I thought that trend ended years ago.
Look, I understand we need more interactions from the campers, but I always hated when the teacher would pick who we would work with.
Julia and MK just... they won't stop flirting.
Ah, so we have Zeemien and Priyaleb as a team. Perfect! (This is not sarcasm. I actually quite like it.)
So, for Chris to choose the teams, that just means that he's picking all the characters that have already interacted? That's pretty fucking lame. We needed some new interactions. I'm assuming that they did this just because there would've been practically nothing to work off of, though.
Wait, so when did Wayne and Raj figure out that Julia was behind Bowie's elimination? Did I miss something?
I like how Raj and Wayne just immediately accepted that Julia was just a part of their team and then immediately started torturing her by ping pong-ing her between their chests. Their dynamic is everything.
I'm so glad to see him, but he really should've gotten a different design. Also, I thought that these were two separate realities?
Oh, who fucking cares? IT'S OWEN!
I'm so happy to see Priya's knowledge on the show get used again, but why would she have studied Owen's moves in particular? Maybe she means his personality? Like, they're both pretty friendly. He was kind of a dumbass, though, as evident by the next scene.
Dawg, it's obviously cake. You of all characters would be the first to figure that out.
Owen's voice sounds kind of different. Like... it sounds younger. Did he change VAs? I'm going crazy, aren't I?
Ripper doggy paddling.
Both Wayne and Raj do not hesitate to beat up other contestants. Wayne might not understand what a battle cry is, but he charged at Priya and smacked her pretty good. Raj's kick could have probably broken MK's jaw if he had kicked just a tiny bit harder.
Holy shit, Damien could've killed Wayne had he not aimed correctly. He didn't even seem hesitant, either. That was a trident, dude!
Oh my god... a "This is Sparta" reference in 2023?
Julia kicking Raj and Wayne off the boat because of their dumbassery.
Damn, raw ingredients?
Raj and Wayne
Poor Chef.
"Very good, Owen; that IS the sound a doggy makes!" LMAO
Raj and Wayne... is it gonna be another double elimination with these two? They're basically asking to get voted off at this point, my god.
Yeah. I like Wayne and Raj. But yell at them, Julia!
Owen listening to the confessionals.
Chef showing his cooking knowledge. Look, he might make disgusting food, but he still knows something about cooking.
I like how MK and Julia are both suffering on separate teams, especially after that fruity ass scene at the beginning of the episode.
Wayne apparently knowing something about chickens. Interesting!
More bird trauma for the hockey bros.
The sad way Julia said MK when she sicked Owen on her.
Poor Raj and Wayne.
Axel, Ripper, wtf
Chef was so excited to help MK, and then he doesn't even help.
Actually, I hope Axel and Ripper are the double elimination. This is disturbing.
I'm sorry, MK did WHAT to fix her brother's posture? That was a fucking STICK in a CAKE.
Julia is such a kiss ass.
Caleb being smart.
"I don't know which Chris to eat!"
Damn, Damien is good at cake sculpting. He's still a kiss ass, but considering he's probably never sculpted a cake before...
MK foreshadowing killing Chris.
Owen taking cake Chef home with him... it's just canon.
"I biffed it good today." "Well, as long as you know."
Wait, Axel got eliminated? Not Ripper? After the whole sweat thing.
No, Axel and Ripper break up? Ripper sounded so fucking genuinely upset.
Episode 8
Poor Damien. So desparate to keep the idol.
Caleb... running his fingers through her.
MK, why were you looking for Julia all morning? And why do you look so sad to think that Julia might be avoiding you?
What the hell, Zee? I want the girlfriends to talk, and you're back there eating your pants. :(
Zee, you really did say too much. MK and Julia are going to destroy you, and then the rest of the camp.
What the hell? Julia and MK trying to scare the secret out of him.
"Zee, I need to tell you something." "Please don't." "It's about Caleb!" "No, I don't wanna know-" The delivery from Zee, LMAO
Priya is so cute. But Zee is clearly struggling, girl. Poor Zee.
Zee, at least grab another pair of pants to put on your ass.
Julia able to carry the giant coin, but MK not being able to. MK is so unathletic. I'm actually kinda glad to see that diversity.
Priya obsessively brushing her teeth just to prepare for a possible kiss from Caleb...
Wayne and Raj unintentionally making the game so much more difficult.
Caleb catching the rock to save Priya. The timing to move for the kiss was a little too quick, though. And then she gets crushed by rocks. If they treated this like Raj and Wayne's injuries from last season, she'd be going home with a concussion and casts, but I know they won't.
Zee, don't fall for Julia's fake concern!
The fucking glare he sent Julia after stuffing a squirrel in his mouth. He knew what she was trying to get out of him.
Raj, you would've heard him falling.
"Why does it feel like something terrible is about to happen?" "Yeah, Chris's face gives everyone that feeling." LMAO Caleb serving something here.
"That looks... not safe." Caleb, nothing in Total Drama is safe.
"Relax, rabbits are supposed to jump." "... not that high."
Raj, just put your coin in the slot. "If you want me to go ahead without you, say nothing!" Well... at least that was resolved lol
Wayne, where are you going? Also, surfer Wayne. Canon.
Caleb calling Priya his girl. Possessive? Yes. Is it still cute? Also yes.
Zee using a fucking tire to block his mouth.
Julia's fucking evil face when Zee ran past.
Raj landing on the table in front of Chef and Chris.
"Did I win?" "No! And where is Wayne?!" He sounded so genuinely concerned.
I really don't like the music that keeps getting played when Caleb and Priya are about to kiss. What happened to the original romance que from Total Drama Island? That was WAY better.
Duncan and Courtney posters? They're REALLY trying to bring the nostalgia back. "The OG power couple." Yeah, maybe in the first season. After that, they were the absolute worst. (I'm kind of a Duncney hater.)
Poor Damien. They're playing on his trauma with Scary Girl :(
"Would that be good or bad?" "It can be both! That's what makes this show so magical!" He knows.
Also, why would Chef allow Chris to add the jackhammer bit? That is obviously dangerous, and he wouldn't have allowed these campers to go through that last season...
"Thanks for the ride!" "Reeeeal fresh this week." I'm loving this episode.
MK's a gamer girl? Does that mean she'll be Julia's gamer girlfriend?
MK lunging forward to bit Caleb's calf... I'm sorry, who did you say was an animal, MK?
Poor Wayne.
The overdramatic kissing scene... ugh, I hate it.
Damien celebrating Priya and Caleb finally kissing. He wasn't paying attention that much throughout the season, nor has he really interacted with either of them, but he's still such a sweetheart.
Asexual MK?
Zeemien break up.
ZEE SHUT THE FUCK UP. Okay, he's getting eliminated.
Wait, why is Raj a hockey bag sniffer? ... We just gonna skip by that? ... Okay...
Damien, you're the neat freak. What the hell.
Why did anyone tell Zee their secrets? Most of them don't even hang out, nor would have told a soul those things. What?
All of them glaring at Caleb. That's awesome.
Caleb, you ran after Priya. You had plenty of time to explain yourself, especially since it was still day, and the campfire doesn't happen until night.
Julia, you're no better.
They put more marshmallows on the platter just to throw more at Priya.
Okay, at least Caleb is still here. At least for another episode. More drama.
Aight, that's it. I really hope the next episodes have fewer problems coming out next week.
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