#Stress Fracture
bc-mo · 1 year
I look good, I dress good, I smoke good, I stress a lot
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Watching me try to hobble around the house on crutches is hilarious. For how athletic I am I can be painfully uncoordinated. I'm actually concerned I'm going to hurt my good leg in the process of trying to heal this fracture.
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forensicfield · 6 months
Types of Bone Fractures
The various types of bone fractures exhibit distinct characteristics and can be classified accordingly. #Typesofbonefractures #forensicscience #forensicfield #forensicbiology
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la-deee-da · 5 months
It's going to be fun trying to figure out a comfortable way to have sex with this stupid boot on my foot. Please please please be healed enough at my follow up to come off.
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healthyboom · 9 months
How to Overcome Stress and Find Inner Peace
Life has a sneaky way of piling things on, doesn’t it? One moment you’re breezing through your to-do list, and the next, you’re wondering why you got misty-eyed over a cereal commercial. It’s wild out there, so it’s totally okay to need a little time-out every now and then. For those times when you’re not quite sure if you’re just tired or on the brink of a meltdown, here’s a fun (but oh-so-real) list of signs that stress might be doing the tango on your last nerve.
Sleep? What’s That?
If you hop into bed and your brain decides to replay every episode of your life instead of letting you snooze, stress could be the uninvited sleepover guest. Try some lavender mist on your pillow or Naturecan’s CBD gummies to help you chill out before bed and see if that helps.
Coffee Can’t Fix This
We all have our morning rituals, but if you’re guzzling down cup after cup and still feeling like you’re in slow-mo, it’s a sign all might not be well in your body and mind.
You’re Suddenly Tearful
Ever find yourself getting teary at the drop of a hat? Yep, even over those weird infomercials. Stress can turn those tear ducts into open faucets. It’s much harder to regulate your emotions when you are under a lot of stress, which is why seeing a good therapist can often be a great idea.
Your Belly’s Upset
If your stomach’s acting like it’s on a rollercoaster when you’re firmly on solid ground, stress might be steering the ride. Butterflies in the stomach can be a sign of stress and anxiety, but they can also be a sign of something physically wrong with you too, so if they persist best to get them checked out.
A Case Of Forgetfulness
Ever read a page of a book and then had no clue what you just read? Or forgot why you opened the fridge? When stress levels rise, memory can take a nosedive. So, before you start panicking about cognitive decline issues, think about whether you have been feeling particularly stressed lately.
Your Skin’s Not Playing Nice
When you’re adulting, but your skin decides to revert to its teen years, it’s time to check in with your stress levels. A good therapist may well be better for you than a dermatologist at this point.
Everything Feels Overwhelming
The mail’s piled up, the laundry’s giving you side-eye, and even choosing a snack feels like a major decision. If the small stuff feels like climbing a mountain, it’s time to take a breath, and think about whether you might need some help for your stress.
Obviously, if you think you might have a stress problem, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible. This information is just a general summary and only a medical professional can diagnose chronic stress in you. That being said, fi you do spot any of these signs, you should act sooner, rather than later.
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familydocblog · 1 year
Stress Fractures in US Military-Age Adults
Introduction Stress fractures are a common overuse injury among military-age adults, particularly those undergoing rigorous physical training. This review will provide an overview of stress fractures, including symptoms, causes, treatments, and recovery expectations. Additionally, we will provide external resources for further information and guidance. Explanation of Stress Fractures Stress…
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newmusicbreakthru · 2 years
What’s Causing Your Leg Pain?
What’s Causing Your Leg Pain? This is serious...Here's what you need to know...
 Medically Reviewed by Melinda Ratini, DO, MS  updated September 5, 2022 Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) With this condition, your limbs — typically your legs — don’t get enough blood. It usually happens because your arteries have narrowed. Your legs may feel weak or numb or cramp when you walk. They might feel cold and be an odd color. Some people can manage PAD with habit changes, like…
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transmechanicus · 16 days
Kind of hard to ask as anon
But you doing ok?
Need to vent?
Hi very kind and thoughtful of you to ask, i am doing mmmmm suboptimal but i do not need to vent to a person per se, so much as i need to say absolutely insane shit in my tags and have everyone pretend not to see <3
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alexi-01 · 8 months
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here’s why tcho is one of the only RM players i like, actually telling madrid media to shut it with the agenda
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Ambulatory Wheelchair user Vil Schoenheit, AU
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As a dancer and a highly active person the stress put on his joints and injuries to the hip and torso area gave him chronic pain. Formed a pars fracture and sprains became fairly common. With the additional injuries from his overblot it was decided that he would benefit from a mobility aid.
References below cut:
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#I hope the wheelchair looks right#I had to use a couple of reference photos for proportion#Spondylolysis is a defect caused by alternating full flexion and extension movements#are more common in ballet dancers than in the general population.#“Spondylolysis” is the medical term for a small crack (fracture) between two vertebrae in your spine.#the pain usually spreads from your lower back into your thigh and butt muscles .#Feels like a muscle strain in or around your lower back.#Gets worse during physical activity and improves with rest or when you’re less active.#Overuse: Repetitive motions that put stress on your low back cause wear and tear on your vertebrae. Over time#this damage can add up to cause a pars fracture. Doing physical work for your job#playing contact sports and repeatedly injuring your low back can all damage your vertebrae.#Dancers require extreme ranges of motion in their hips. They require this for many styles and performances. Hip pain and hip injury are#often seen in dancers as well as soft tissue injuries.#Dancer athletes exhibit extreme range of motion of their hips#a requirement for many styles and choreography. Hip pain and injury are leading causes of lost work and lost performance time for the dance#disney twst#disney#twisted wonderland disney#disney twisted wonderland#twistedwonderland#twisted wonderland#twisted series#vil schoenheit#schoenheit#ambulatory wheelchair user#ambulatory mobility aid user#twisted wonderland meme#vil twst#vil twisted wonderland#wheelchair
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qzse-rtv · 5 months
My body has the tendency of giving up and breaking before my brain does
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southeast-northwest · 2 months
'puter how do you get rid of shin splints, quickest method, no rest
'puter do you hear me
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thembohux · 20 days
I’ve fucked up my ankle (again) and it/my foot are swollen. Loving life rn 🙃
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thresholdbb · 8 months
Who exercises in a collared v-neck scant with combat boots?
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drinkurkombucha · 6 months
Started reading yna for like the 4th time or something cus it reminds me of winter (I'll be taking no further questions). And I'm wondering if you could share some pictures of what versions of matty and george you pictured while writing it 🤠
ANON I am OVERJOYED that you asked this question !!!!!
Allow me to spam you with my EXACT VISION for these characters:
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returntotheground · 1 year
so just to be clear, the oceangate titanic submarine had:
a viewport rated for a max depth of only 1,300 meters (they were diving to 4,000 meters)
a $30 logitech controller to run it
communications apparently running on starlink of all things
a system where passengers were bolted into it from the outside
no extra food/water and 4 days of air as the only safety precaution
commercial off the shelf (cots) components all over (including items from a camper supply)
no buddy submarine in case of emergencies
no beacon in case of emergencies
no mechanical redundancies
no proper stress testing especially of where the viewport and hull met
left during poor weather conditions despite being cautioned against it, with the ceo and a bunch of rich folk on board, and was not reported missing until 8 hours later
absolutely terrifying. nightmare scenario of their own making
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