#Stress and Thyroid Disease
danielnelsen · 6 months
there’s so much i wanna do this week/month/etc but i’m just too sick, i have no energy, i can’t sleep, i’m constantly nauseous and headachey and on the verge of a migraine, i’m stressed and irritable and impatient and panicky…….how tf did i survive nearly 5 years of high school untreated if i can’t even manage this when i don’t have any major obligations rn
#at least i finally got my meds so hopefully i feel a little better soon#although i’m now on 20 pills per day which is Just Great#whenever i’m in remission it’s nice to just. forget sometimes that this can happen at any time#kinda wish i had the typical kinda chronic illness that people talk about with ‘flares’#or at least triggers that i can plan around#the other times have all had an easily identifiable stressor tho tbf. idk what caused this one#the first time was whooping cough and the next few were all very major life stressors like my cat dying right after i started uni#and i think also towards the end of my honours thesis?#but this…….there’s no major stress right now. nothing wildly beyond normal#i’m a little concerned about my joints tho. they’ve been so much worse than normal the last few months#so i’m kinda worried i’m developing rheumatoid arthritis (also an autoimmune disease and it runs in the family specifically)#so if that’s happening then it could set my thyroid off? probably should get to the doctor at some point#obv i’m seeing my endo for thyroid stuff. but i should see my gp and get her to run all the autoimmune blood tests again#i’ve done that before but it’s been a few years and my ankles and knees are so painful i can’t even walk properly a lot of the time#BUT I JUST WANNA DO THINGS I ENJOY AND I CANT AND I WILL CONTINUE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT IT#‘oh you’re so lucky you don’t have as many obligations because you’re chronically ill’ ha ha ha please swap lives with me immediately#personal#but seriously. i wasn’t diagnosed until i was nearly 17 and we can trace it back to whooping cough when i was 12#so it was the last half of year 6 and then all of years 7-10 and the start of year 11 of just being. uh. ‘very lazy and complaining a lot’#and TEACHERS joking about me and my sister (who was dealing with an arguably more severe undiagnosed disease) missing so many classes#wow so funny pdhpe teacher who’s supposed to be teaching is about health#and the thing with being a mentally ill teenager is that hyperthyroidism can just look like a very severe anxiety disorder#so i didn’t go to the dr until i was too sick to go to school at all. and luckily had a good dr who did a blood test#i’m just rambling now because i can’t sleep and i don’t wanna lie here doing nothing#might go play pvz or something. that’s been keeping me entertained
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year
well i didn’t get my paycheck in the mail but i did get a referral notice from my doctor saying that i can expect to see an endocrinologist... in SIX. FUCKING. MONTHS.
#no. fucking. no#i can barely get out of bed on a good day. i've been feeling this way for months.#bloodwork says i HAVE hashimoto's disease. i have a family history of thyroid issues on both sides#i am NOT in acceptable health to be waiting six months. i wanna cry. maybe i will#tales from diana#another fucking phone call i have to make on monday. i still haven't called the other specialist i need to see to make an appointment#the secretary told me they'd take care of this one and schedule it for me#they said it might take until the fall#i can't wait until the fucking winter solstice#i have so much anxiety on top of all of this health shit i have barely been able to think straight this week#everything in my life is falling apart#reducing/managing stress is all they told me i can do for now (until i potentially start a treatment course)#to prevent myself from developing full-blown hypothyroidism#AND LET ME TELL YOU... CIRCUMSTANCES IN THE LAST WEEK HAVE NOT BEEN GREAT FOR THAT#i'm gonna have to drop out of society and be a recluse again at this rate. this is so discouraging#i'm not gonna be able to continue my education or pick up a steady job#luckily being a substitute teacher is super flexible but i wanna fuckin be able to pick up hours at that job#i haven't been able to work more than two fucking days a week since april#i don't leave the house to see ppl anymore bc if i so much as walk in a parking lot im unable to get up for the rest of the day#im PISSED#i do wanna cry#ok bye i can't be ranting like this anymore i wanna cry
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vamptastic · 2 years
sick again. hatred and madness on planet earth.
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janieunknownwriter · 2 years
p style='font-weight:400;'Free Nutrition Masters Course! /pp style='font-weight:400;'on PRN's radio show, Ask The BloodDetective! /pp style='font-weight:400;'Michael Wald/pp style='font-weight:400;' /pp style='font-weight:400;'Basics of Healthy Diet - Episode One/pp style='font-weight:400;' /pp style='font-weight:400;'WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? /pp style='font-weight:400;'Anyone interested in improving their nutrition and health knowledge in many areas of health. Each course is independant so join in any time, or attend all presentations for the greatest experience./pp style='font-weight:400;' /pp style='font-weight:400;'WHEN & WHERE? /pp style='font-weight:400;'On PRN show, Ask The BloodDetective on Saturday’s at 1pm for the next 12 weeks �� it’s FREE!/pp style='font-weight:400;' /pp style='font-weight:400;'NO Pre-Registration is Needed – /pp style='font-weight:400;'Just listen to, Ask The BloodDetective every weekend on Saturday, 1pm. The order of the topics below is subject to change./pp style='font-weight:400;' /pp style='font-weight:400;' /pp style='font-weight:400;' /pp style='font-weight:400;' /pp style='font-weight:400;' Website: a href='http://www.intmedny.com%...
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cosmicintro · 2 years
Astro observations: Health aspects from the 6th house 💫
6th house in Aries: Be mindful of strong reactions, impulses and emotions as these could trigger high blood pressure, stress or unwanted headaches. Possible problems associated with the adrenal glands if health is not good. The person could be nearsighted/farsighted. Teeth issues and sensitive gums are common with this placement. 
6th house in Taurus: Be careful with ‘burnout’ and try to keep a healthy work-life balance. The individual is prone to respiratory conditions, jaw and neck pain/problems, weight gain (associated with thyroid issues). Thyroid disease. Problems with your voice or throat. Take it easy and follow a rhythm that honors your needs. 
6th house in Gemini: Allergies, infections, asthma, cough, breathing issues. Arms, hands and fingers might be sensitive. Anxiety and nervousness caused by too many unorganized/unwanted thoughts. Be careful with hand, arm and/or shoulder injuries. 
6th house in Cancer: Sensitive breasts/chest area. Inflammation associated with water/fluid retention. Pay close attention to your salt and fat consumption. Intolerance to different ingredients. It is vital for individuals with this placement to express their emotions as this can feel like a detox process for a 6th house cancer.
6th house in Leo: Hear what your heart is telling you. Don’t let stress or anger take you 'over the edge'. Similar to Aries in this house, it is common for the native to suffer from high blood pressure if a balanced lifestyle is not followed; a healthy diet will help this native tremendously. Be careful with hernias and your spine. Back pain/injuries. Spend more time outside. 
6th house in Virgo: Food sensitivities. Problems with digestion. Pay attention to sugar, fats, starches and the way your body reacts to them. Pancreatitis. Bloating associated with food intolerances. Meditation is recommended to calm an active mind and a healthy relationship with food will help with digestive issues. 
6th house in Libra: Lumbar pain. Problems with the lower back. Sensitivity to salt. Kidney stones. Insulin resistance. Diabetes. Partnerships have a big influence in your life; stress or strong (negative) emotions resulting from these relationships can have a big impact in your health. 
6th house in Scorpio: Constipation. Bladder/Urinary tract infections. Issues with libido/sex hormones. Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder; can cause pain or/and a burning sensation when peeing). Problems with the colon and elimination systems. Let go of any guilt/shame around your sexuality and keep a healthy relationship with your needs. 
6th house in Sagittarius: Issues associated with the pituitary gland. Hip mobility problems, pain or injuries. Obesity. For optimal liver health, alcohol and stress levels need to be monitored and, if possible, reduced to a minimum. Yoga can help ease stiffness around the hips and thighs. 
6th house in Capricorn: Knee pain. Injuries/procedures can cause significant scarring. Hair loss or scalp issues. Arthritis and joint pain. If your body is telling you to slow down, honor it and rest. Movement in every way is beneficial for the native. Be careful with your bones. 
6th house in Aquarius: Varicose veins. Frequent cramps. Arteries and veins might need to be monitored closely, as the native is prone to circulation problems. Calf pain. Stress, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia. Be careful with addictions. Stay hydrated. 
6th house in Pisces: Problems with the lymphatic system. Feet pain, inflammation, discomfort, injuries. Plantar fasciitis. Be careful with falls. Sleep problems, nightmares. Sadness that can lead into deep depression. Time alone is necessary. Make sure you’re getting the hours of sleep that your body requires to work harmoniously. 
Stay tuned for more! :)
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black-lake · 2 years
self care based on your chart
I talked about the signs and houses connection to body parts and many of you requested this post. These are ways to do your self-care using your chart, the signs, and planetary placements and aspects. The same concept can be applied using simple self-love practices in other areas of life too.
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I recommend you look at your transits chart or solar return as well to better know the best self-care practices at the time. You can base your general self-care on your natal chart but the transits can tell you the best times to take action or avoid taking action on something significant. 
Look for the planets placements and their aspects, mainly if in the angular houses or make many significant aspects. Like I mentioned before I got so much dental work done when saturn was in the 10th, conjunct my mc and opposite north node, it was expensive but I was able to afford it.
You can also consider the degrees if you're feeling extra, in your natal chart and your solar return. Degrees can be associated with signs, so they can be simply linked to the areas they rule.
Planets rule things related to body parts like diseases or accidents and influence certain parts of the body depending on the aspects they make. Also two planets can influence the same body parts.
Aries/1st house - head, face, brain, eyes 
— Prone to headaches so get quality sleep, wash your hair often, and do wash your makeup, nothing heavy on the head. Exercise and workout in general helps release any pent-up energy or stress. Take good care of your eyes, sunglasses, eye drops, natural eye products/makeup. Keep your brain healthy. Foods and supplements that regulate your energy levels. Head massages, soft pillows, facemasks, frequent haircuts, breathing exercises, get enough brain oxygen. Fast thinkers and can have racing thoughts, so journaling, running, meditating can help. Release anger in healthy ways.
Taurus/2nd house - neck, ears, throat, thyroid 
— The senses can be heightened so make sure your environment is comfortable, the temperature, the sounds, scents, fabrics, the food, arrange it like it's a visions board. Coffee, tea, warm soups, breads and oats, and warm herbal drinks that work for you. Can cling to that one thing they like, so do change your diet from time to time to get different nutrient. Renew your clothes, make your space cozy. Neck massages, aromatherapy, and body relaxation methods. Singing or writing, chill playlists, comfy places and peaceful walks. Cooking your own food can be therapeutic and healing for you. 
Gemini/3rd house - arms, hands, lungs, shoulders 
— Tend to be anxious and restless, since it also rules the nervous system and is ruled by mercury, so the mind is central. Can't stress it enough, but writing,  journaling, speaking just getting your thoughts out. Since the mind is always active, look for ways to release that mental energy. Cardio, pilates, fast sports, board games, socialising. Can have fast metabolism and lean long body parts so accustom your diet and exercise based on that. Massage your shoulders, read a book, and do stretch regularly. Honestly..  joke around, taking all those thoughts seriously is no good. DO YO NAILLS 💅
Cancer/4th house - chest, breast, stomach, womb 
— Ruled by the moon, get a healthy outlet for your emotions, accept your emotions, write, speak up, cry when you need, watch something funny, your comfort show, make yourself laugh. Check your hormones regularly, find a good diet for stomach health, whole grains and high-fiber foods, take your digestive supplements. Do yoga, stomach exercises, breathing exercises. Drink lots of water. Choose your friends wisely, find people you trust. Make your bedroom comfy, invest in a quality bed, get yourself comfy clothes. Cooking your own food is again a self love thing to do, baking, homey places, nature and quiet places. Get you a furr baby.  
Leo/5th house - heart, spine, spinal column, upper back 
— Ruled by the sun, go out more and get your vitamin d. Choose heart-healthy foods, leafy greens and soluble fiber foods and supplements. Check your heart health and blood pressure. Do exercises that work for both your heart, your upper back and shoulders, aerobic exercises, fun sports and activities. You can be generous to everyone but be generous to yourself too, buy yourself gifts, spoil yourself. Do a full hair and skin routine, find a hobby, watch shows that inspire you, make your inner child happy. Embrace you emotions, your skills, pursue your passions, be expressive and go out for adventures.
Virgo/6th house - abdomen, digestive system, intestines, spleen
— Listen to your body and keep adjusting your diet and routine to fit your needs. Your body can be just as picky, so be mindful of the food you consume, of any allergies or foods that are hard to digest. Get your digestive supplements and enzymes, do your research. Choose gut-healthy foods and the best times to eat for you. Go for a nature walk, exercise to release any pent-up stress, cardio or pilates. Get indoors plants or plant them yourself. Spend time with pets. Make your own natural medicine that works for you, even if as simple as tea. Read a book, journal to organize your thoughts, keep your space clean. Reward yourself and acknowledge your efforts and progress. 
Libra/7th house - kidneys, lower back, bladder, buttocks
— Find a way to maintain a balanced lifestyle that works for you. Add a variety of nutrients to your diet, foods for healthy kidneys to make that skin glow, antioxidant foods and supplements. Keep your kidneys and bladder healthy. Lower body and buttocks exercises, strength training, dancing, going out for walks. Decorate and beautify your own place, try new recipes, go for a picnic. How you feel is more important than how you look, make yourself feel pretty, do a skincare routine, create a vision board, romanticize your life. Be the person you want to love and identify your own opinions from those of others, yours matter. 
Scorpio/8th house - genitals, colon, urethra, reproductive system
— With all those transformative energies, change what you consume to fulfill your changed needs, feeding your body and mind the proper nutrients. Maintain healthy reproductive organs and balanced hormones, do your check ups. Maintain healthy guts, fiber and antioxidant rich foods, high vitamin drinks, herbal medicine can be beneficial too. Lower body and muscle exercises, stretch regularly, breath and meditate to calm your mind. Invest in quality skincare and unscented hygiene products. Journal, write your reflections, your progress and goals, positive affirmations, light your great scented candles and watch a funny show. 
Sagittarius/9th house - thighs, hips, liver, legs
— Go out and wander around, exploring new places, foods, and random things will light you up, you know it. Find a diet that works for your energy levels, protein rich foods and shakes, citrus and greens, simple nutritious meals. Watch out for any leg injuries. Go out for running, do leg exercises, muscle building, any outdoors sports. Write a bucket list, update your wishes list, go for mini solo adventures, speak to the locals when you travel, learn new words, find authentic travel souvenirs. Listen to a podcast or watch a documentary, keep a positive outlook on your future, positive environment and self-talk.
Capricorn/10th house - bones, joints, knees, skin, hair
— Can get caught up in doing or not doing things, so allow yourself to both be active and rest when you need. Find foods and supplements that are good for bone strength and joint health, calcium and magnesium rich foods, going out and getting your vitamin d is good for both your skin and bones. Going for morning runs, muscle building workouts, chiropractic-approved exercises and stretches, any leg sports. Invest in skincare and dental care. Write down things like goals, tasks list, and self development notes. Watch things that motivate you and light you up, acknowledge how far you’ve come.
Aquarius/11th house - ankles, calfs, achilles, circulatory system 
— Can be very future focused, so do protect your hopes and find an outlet to express them but enjoy the present as it is. Add water-rich foods to your diet, foods that help the blood flow like fatty fish, avocados and other circulation boosters or supplements. Exercises that improve circulation like jogging, cycling, cardio, dancing, swimming. Find ways to express your ideas of the world and fantasies, music can put you in that creative energy, meditation, talking to a friend. Take a long bath, light some candles, write down your ideas, your hopes and dreams, your thoughts and what you're grateful for. 
Pisces/12th house - feet, toes, pineal gland, lymphatic system 
— Can also be spacey and future focused so any self expression activities can help that energy flow. Choose foods that help maintain your body fluid balance, water-rich foods, leafy veggies, omega 3 rich foods, and supplements that boost lymphatic drainage. Avoid foods that drain your lymphatic system. Find hobbies that light you up, listen to music, paint, be creative. Nature walks, swimming, cardio, cycling, dancing. Taking frequent baths and soaking your feet in soap and epsom salt water can release stress from the feet area, grounding activities, reflecting, journaling and writing down your hopes and thoughts.
Sun - heart, head, spine, spinal cord, eyes — can influence vitality, heart function, headaches, fever, eyesight.. etc
Moon - stomach, breast, lungs, blood circulation, body fluids — can influence colds, blood flow, dehydration, stomach issues.
Mercury - nervous system, ears, mouth, skin — can influence ear problems, mental illness, restlessness, breathing issues.
Venus - face, cheeks, throat, bladder, skin —  can influence skin issues, bladder infections, throat issues, carbs and sugar balance. 
Mars - chest, muscles, blood, genitals — can influence accidents, wounds, muscles weakness, energy levels, genital diseases.
Jupiter - liver, kidneys, pancreas, thighs — can influence cholesterol issues, fatty liver, toxins overload, diabetes, kidneys issues.
Saturn - bones, teeth, hair, legs, joints, knees — can influence knee or joint problems, dental problems, wisdom teeth, bone diseases, hair loss.
Note that these are just suggestions that I hope remind you and inspire you to listen to your body and take good care of it, discern, do your research and take only what works for you. much love 🫶
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tarotfairy0919 · 1 month
✧—⊹ ˖🥟⊹ ˖—✧Health meanings in tarot Minor Arcana edition - Suit of Pentacles✧—⊹ ˖🥟⊹ ˖—✧
©tarotfairy0919 - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter or repost my work.
Please REBLOG if you find this information useful! ༄˖°🪐.ೃ࿔*
The pentacles get their health meaning from their astrological connection to Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Taurus rules the neck, ears, lower jaw, throat, cerebellum, and thyroid gland.
Virgo rules the intestines, duodenum, peyer’s patches, solar plexus, abdomen, and parasympathetic nervous system.
Capricorn rules the knees, bones, teeth, skin, joints, hair, parathyroids, right side of the body.
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⚕️Ace of pentacles ~ Suggest starting a diet, fitness program, and taking supplements.
⚕️Two of pentacles ~ Two of pentacles in a health reading can also be a sign of weight gain and issues with teeth, swollen joints, arthritis. Two of pentacles can also mean the Seeker is run down and easily catches the cold/flu.
⚕️Three of pentacles ~ Three of pentacles in a health reading can also denote the Seeker is stressed at work. Watch out for exhaustion, flues, infections and accidents happening at work
⚕️Four of pentacles ~ Four of pentacles in a health reading can also denote digestive problems due to worrying. Flare up from diseases they suffered as children or childhood diseases plus knee problems.
⚕️Five of pentacles ~ Five of pentacles in a health reading can also mean nasty head colds, respiratory issues, loss of voice, dulled sensory responses, breathing problems, unhealthy weight loss, and malnutrition.
⚕️Six of pentacles ~ In a health reading, Six of pentacles can also denote thyroid issues.
⚕️Seven of pentacles ~ In a health reading Seven of Pentacles can also mean improper nutrition, starvation, eating disorders, neck injuries, stress disorders and depression.
⚕️Eight of pentacles ~ Eight of pentacles can denote digestion problems, constipation, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal issues, appendicitis, and pancreatitis.
⚕️Nine of pentacles ~ Nine of pentacles in a health reading can also denote tapeworm and worms in children.
⚕️Ten of pentacles ~ Ten of pentacles suggest taking a slow and steady pace towards health goals.
⚕️Page of pentacles ~ Over-indulging. Neck problems.
⚕️Knight of pentacles ~ Issues with digestion and malabsorption of food, acute infections, and flues.
⚕️Queen of pentacles ~ A mineral rich diet is suggested.
⚕️King of pentacles ~ Take care of your skeletal system and your teeth, stomach issues.
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡oopsie you already reached the end ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
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monratarot · 5 months
Health indicators in tarot - Minor Arcana - Suit of Pentacles
Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! 🌸🎀💕
//don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//
The pentacles get their health meaning from their astrological connection to Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Taurus rules the neck, ears, lower jaw, throat, cerebellum, thyroid gland.
Virgo rules the intestines, duodenum, peyer’s patches, solar plexus, abdomen, parasympathetic nervous system.
Capricorn rules the knees, bones, teeth, skin, joints, hair, parathyroids, right side of the body.
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✾Ace of pentacles ~ Suggest starting a diet, fitness program and taking supplements.
✾Two of pentacles ~ Two of pentacles in a health reading can also be a sign of weight gain and issues with teeth, swollen joints, arthritis. Two of pentacles can also mean the Seeker is run down and easily catches the cold/flu.
✾Three of pentacles ~ Three of pentacles in a health reading can also denote the Seeker is stressed at work. Watch out for exhaustion, flues, infections and accidents happening at work
✾Four of pentacles ~ Four of pentacles in a health reading can also denote digestive problems due to worrying. Flare up from diseases they suffered as children or childhood diseases plus knee problems.
✾Five of pentacles ~ Five of pentacles in a health reading can also mean nasty head colds, respiratory issues, loss of voice, dulled sensory responses, breathing problems, unhealthy weight loss, and malnutrition.
✾Six of pentacles ~ In a health reading, Six of pentacles can also denote thyroid issues.
✾Seven of pentacles ~ In a health reading Seven of Pentacles can also mean improper nutrition, starvation, eating disorders, neck injuries, stress disorders and depression.
✾Eight of pentacles ~ Eight of pentacles can denote digestion problems, diarrhea, constipation, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal issues, appendicitis, pancreatitis.
✾Nine of pentacles ~ Nine of pentacles in a health reading can also denote tapeworm and worms in children.
✾Ten of pentacles ~ Ten of pentacles suggest taking a slow and steady pace towards health goals.
✾Page of pentacles ~ Over-indulging. Neck problems.
✾Knight of pentacles ~ Issues with digestion and malabsorption of food, acute infections, and flues.
✾Queen of pentacles ~ A mineral rich diet is suggested.
✾King of pentacles ~ Take care of your skeletal system and your teeth, stomach issues.
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theoddvet · 5 months
having autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's disease) is so fucking annoying not because I have to take meds for the rest of my life but purely because of how everyone thinks it can be cured by diet changes, exercise, and stress management
no I can't fucking fix it with an Instagram scammers diet sheet, I don't have enough functional thyroid tissue left to even fucking fix
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celticcrossanon · 1 year
BRF Reading - 27th of September, 2023
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 27th of September, 2023
Question: How is Princess Catherine's health right now?
Note: This reading was done with all upright cards (no reversals)
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Interpretation: She is healing and recovering.
Card One: The Seven of Swords
The Seven of Swords is the thief card, a card of deceit, lies, trickery etc. With respect to health, it indicates a medical issue that is hidden, something that creeps up on you. The condition may need multiple series of tests to discover what it is. You can feel like the good health you have previously enjoyed has been stolen from you.
The energy of this card is of something insidious that creeps into the body and hides from being discovered, stealing your energy until it is uncovered and treated.
Swords is the suit of thoughts, so it may be that Princess Catherine is suffering from conditions brought on by stress, or that her condition is exacerbated by stress.
Swords cut flesh, so there is a possibility that some sort of surgery may be required to deal with this health issue, either now or in the future.
Card Two: The Hierophant
The Hierophant is the card of institutions and marriage. It usually appears in my readings as the BRF. For health purposes, it indicates doctors, professionals, counsellors, psychologists, and science-based medicine.
This card tells me that Princess Catherine has the best medical care that she can receive as a member of the BRF. She is under the care of doctors and they are treating whatever condition she has that is stealing her health and energy. Alternatively, she is seeing a counsellor or psychologist to deal with her mental stress. She has all the tests and medicine she needs and is being very well looked after. The card also indicates that whatever is wrong with her, it can be treated at home.
The Hierophant is the card of Taurus, and medically Taurus rules the throat and the voice. Catherine may be having issues connected to her throat, her vocal chords, or to the glands that are in the throat, such as the thyroid.
Card Three: The World
The World as a card indicates the end of a cycle and the beginning of another cycle. In terms of health, it indicates a complete recovery from whatever is troubling you. Whatever is wrong with Princess Catherine, this card indicates that she will make a complete recovery from it in the future. If it is a condition that stays with you for life, then it will respond to treatment and remain managed and under control.
Underlying Energy: The Star
The Star is a card of healing. It is one of the best cards you can have for health. As the underlying energy, it says that whatever is wrong with Princess Catherine, she is healing from it and her hopes for a return of good health will be fulfilled.
Princess Catherine may be suffering from stress or from a stress related disease. She may have some condition that worsens over time and needs a lot of tests to diagnose it properly. It may be concerned with her vocal chords or her neck, or part of her neck such as the thyroid gland. It is likely that this condition came on gradually and it has only recently become severe enough for her to seek medical advice.
She has the best doctors and medicines on hand to treat her. If the condition is due to mental stress, she has access to the best counsellors and psychologists etc to help her. It is likely that the condition can be treated at home. Treatment will be successful. She is currently healing and recovering, and she will make a full recovery over time.
The overall message from the cards is of healing and recovery. You can see that the cards start off dark and end up light and open, with the Star card of hope and healing shining underneath the reading. Whatever is wrong with Princess Catherine, she is healing from it right now and she is going to be absolutely fine.
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lunavenefica · 2 years
Soap Magic
The following is a belief that I overheard from a group of grannies who were complaining about health problems they were dealing with due to their age, you can change the correspondences of the colors to fit your needs, what I wanted to share is how simple incantations can be! 
But if you have real medical conditions, please go see a doctor, because just soap won’t work for you!
Water and soap reduce the energy of the disease. It is believed that the magic of soap is very effective if it is applied regularly.
After buying new soap, you should say the following incantation before using it:
“This soap ( say your name )
It will wash (say the name of the disease you have).”
Purple soap bought on Monday is used to neutralize stress and depression.
Blue soap bought on Tuesday is used for nervous problems.
Gray soap bought on Wednesday is used for thyroid disorders.
Green soap that was bought on Thursday helps to get rid of lung problems.
Yellow soap that was bought on Friday should be used for digestive problems.
Orange soap bought on Saturday is used for urogenital problems.
Red soap that was bought on Sunday is used for skin diseases and bone problems.
For example, instead of using yellow soap for digestive problems, you could use it to get rid of negativity and to welcome new energies in your body.
Instead of using green soap for lung problems, you could use it to wash away jealousy, be it your own or someone else's.
You could use red soap to wash away insecurities and welcome self love or affection.
You can use blue soap to wash away blockage and focus better in your studies etc.!
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crosstheveil · 1 year
Health: Adrenal Glands
TCM: Jing, Kidneys
GNM: Off Track (cortex), Unbearable Stress (medulla)
Greek: Sanguine (cortex), Choleric (medulla)
Chakra: Root
Astrology: Mars, Aries-Libra; ex. managing adrenal health can be especially important for natal placements like Mars in Libra/7th, Mars in Pisces/12th, South Node conjunct Mars, etc.
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The adrenal glands, which sit atop the kidneys, play a central role in the body's response to stress, fatigue, immune challenges, and several key physiological and metabolic functions. Issues related to the adrenal glands is very common yet highly under-diagnosed. They consist of two regions:
Adrenal Cortex: Derived from the mesodermal base substance cholesterol, the adrenal cortex produces hormones such as cortisol, corticosterone, aldosterone, and male sex hormones. These hormones play vital roles in physiological functions. Cortisol and corticosterone, known as stress hormones, contribute to the regulation of metabolism, inflammation, and blood sugar, and assist in long-term stress response by enriching the blood with minerals and glucose. Their anabolic effects also aid in healing and regeneration. Aldosterone helps maintain blood pressure by regulating the balance of salt and water in the body. The adrenal cortex's production of male sex hormones can influence the reproductive system. If unresolved, chronic stress may lead to excessive cortisol production, causing problems like weight gain and high blood sugar.
Adrenal Medulla: The endodermal adrenal medulla manages emotional and physical stress by producing the hormones noradrenaline, dopamine, and adrenaline. These hormones are pivotal in activating the "fight, fright, flight" response, a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event or threat. This acute stress response increases heart rate, blood sugar, and mental alertness, along with other physiological changes. Chronic anger or emotional upheaval can strain the adrenal medulla, leading to an energetic drain.
The adrenal glands are highly sensitive to stress, and chronic stress can lead to various disorders:
Psychiatric Disorders: Neuroses, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder.
Neurological Disorders: Migraines, peripheral neuropathy, dizziness, tremors.
Glandular Disorders: Issues related to other glands including the thyroid which is responsible for cell growth; for instance, uterine cancer, polyps, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism.
Cardiovascular Disorders: Coronary artery disease, stroke, heart attack, hypertension, arrhythmias.
Respiratory Disorders: Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), difficulty in breathing.
Immunological Disorders: Possible tumor promotion, reduced resistance to infection, autoimmune disorders, chronic inflammation.
Metabolic Disorders: Diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, difficulty in regulating blood sugar.
Gastrointestinal Disorders: Ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic indigestion, malabsorption.
Genitourinary Disorders: Impotence, incontinence, menstrual problems, urinary tract infections, kidney dysfunction.
Musculoskeletal Disorders: Muscle weakness, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, joint pain.
Skin Disorders: Acne, eczema, psoriasis, skin thinning.
Cysts and Cancer
Adrenal Weakness: If the adrenal glands don't produce enough adrenaline, the heart may pump slower, leading to fluid accumulation and cysts in the prostate, ovaries, and breasts. These cysts can harden and potentially lead to cancer.
Blood Flow: Increasing blood flow can help resolve cysts if addressed quickly.
Signs of Imbalance
Frequent sickness, fatigue, low libido, low backache, chronic health issues, dark circles under the eyes, hair loss, early greying, frequent urination at night, cold hands and feet, brain fog, pain and weakness in the lower back, loins, thighs, knees and lower body, urinary weakness and debility, polyuria and nocturia, impotence and male sexual dysfunction, moodiness and irritability, depression, muscle or bone loss, autoimmune conditions, chronic fatigue, hormone imbalance, body aches, unexplained weight loss, lightheadedness, skin discoloration (hyperpigmentation), weakened stress response, insulin resistance, sleep problems, weight gain, sweet and salty food cravings, difficulty getting up in the morning, increased PMS or menopausal symptoms, inability to handle stress, increased allergies, frequent sighing, cravings for salty foods, higher energy levels in the evenings, overuse of stimulants like caffeine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Jing (essence): The statement by the Chinese that the kidneys harbor our Jing refers to the adrenals having the highest concentration of neural crest cell derivatives in the entire body. Strong Jing corresponds to robust characteristics like strong teeth, which are made by neural crest cells, while weak Jing relates to signs of aging like grey hair and deafness, also linked to neural crest cells. Jing's manifestations include the progression from youth to adulthood, reflected in functions controlled by the pituitary (aided by neural crest cells), and can be seen in the structure of the face and jaw. Neural crest cells also create the heart's connective tissue, affecting lifespan. Jing as a concept is not the same as neural crest cells but they represent the body's inherent organizational strength. Weak organizational energy leads to neural crest cells that don't form properly or function well, resulting in genetic disorders affecting facial development. The Chinese recognized these markers as indicators of weak Jing.
Kidneys & Urinary Tract: The adrenal glands are connected to the kidneys not just through the renal fascia, but also by way of the renal artery, draining into the renal vein, and receiving nerve connections from the renal plexus. The kidneys regulates the body's water content and are essential for maintaining healthy bones, as well as producing healthy bone marrow and blood. It determines the level of adrenaline and dopamine in the body, affecting our energy and rest. In addition, it forms a relationship with the heart through various hormones. During puberty, the adrenal cortex starts to produce sex hormones like testosterone and oestrogen, and this production continues throughout adulthood. Caffeine depletes kidney qi, yang, yin, and essence, contributing to liver and adrenal issues, and long-term exhaustion. Regular coffee drinkers, especially those who don’t feel its effects, may be nearing adrenal exhaustion. Adrenal fatigue is often considered a kidney yang deficiency. If left untreated, it can progress to a kidney yin deficiency. These deficiencies are often marked by a light low groaning tone to the voice, a darkish pallor under the eyes, negative attitudes of insufficiency or inadequacy, needing to sit and not being able to stand for long, and worrying about money. Additionally, those who experience traumatic shock or long term stress often have their hair turn gray or fall out.
Kidney Yang (medulla): Linked to the reactive sympathetic nervous system and the hormones adrenaline, dopamine, and norepinephrine, produced in the adrenals. A deficiency in kidney yang can lead to symptoms like cold hands and feet, edema, night urination, and low libido. This deficiency parallels disorders like adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, and sexual dysfunction. This condition is worsened by the use of marijuana, diminishing our natural drive, motivation, and willpower. Adrenaline is used to treat conditions like asthma, anaphylaxis, and slow heart rates. It works on the cell membrane's outside, which is known as the yang aspect of the cell. It never enters the cell but attaches to a receptor on the outside, initiating a cascade of chemicals that open or close gates on the cell's exterior. In the heart and muscles, adrenaline prompts more calcium to enter, which amplifies the force of contraction; in the lungs, it leads to the relaxation of the muscles, permitting more air to flow in; in the brain, it initiates the emotional reactions connected with fear.
Kidney Yin (cortex): Associated with the parasympathetic nervous system and the hormone cortisol, produced in the adrenals. A kidney yin deficiency may manifest as sore back, leg weakness, insomnia, and anxiety. It may parallel disorders like diabetes, high blood pressure, and hyperthyroidism. Although necessary for daily function and stress response, excessive cortisol can lead to fluid retention, osteoporosis, muscle wasting, depression, and diabetes. If our bodies stopped producing cortisol, it would result in significant illness. While adrenaline binds to the exterior of the cell (yang), cortisol is absorbed into the very core (yin). Contrary to the effects of adrenaline which are more immediate, the effects of cortisol can take years.
Greek Medicine
Hot Temperament: The adrenals are generally represented as stimulating and energizing various functions to adapt to stress.
Adrenal Cortex: Sanguine, nutritive, and anabolic, enriching the blood and decreasing swelling.
Adrenal Medulla: Choleric, energetic, and catabolic, stimulating acute stress response.
Faculty Support: Adrenal glands produce supplementary amounts of sexual hormones, bridging a connection between vital and generative faculties; supporting heart and lungs (vital), kidneys and pancreas in blood sugar regulation (natural), enhancing mental alertness and stimulating the sympathetic nervous system functioning (psychic), supporting male sexual function and response (generative).
Root Center: The adrenals form the basic energetic support for the entire organism, associated with the Root Chakra.
Kidneys & Urinary Tract: Weak adrenals may adversely affect the vitality and functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract, which are interlinked with the adrenal glands'. When the kidneys are not effectively eliminating fluids, it can lead to the accumulation of phlegm and moisture. Additionally, the kidneys have a connection to the soles of the feet which may be affected by cold conditions. Conditions of melancholy or devitalization of the adrenals, kidneys, and urinary tract often correlate with chronic fatigue.
Adrenal Exhaustion: Chronic stress and irregular habits can lead to fatigue, irritability, pain, and impotence in men usually caused by flare-ups of Choleric anger or any experiences which feel like a roller coaster. Sexual overindulgence also exhaust the adrenals.
Male Sexual Function: The adrenal glands provide energetic support for male sexual function. Issues with adrenal energy may result in sexual dysfunction, including impotence or premature ejaculation.
Blood Sugar Regulation: In instances of dangerously low blood sugar, the adrenal glands jump into action, raising levels through adrenaline. Chronic instability may involve adrenocortical hormones, aggravating factors in type II diabetes.
German New Medicine (GNM)
Adrenal Cortex (Off Track)
Conflict: Feeling like you've made a wrong choice or gone down the wrong path.
Under-Functioning: Waterhouse-Friedrichsen syndrome, adrenal gland insufficiency, Addison's disease. Reduced cortisol production, feeling stressed and tired.
Over-Functioning: Excess cortisol (Cushing's disease) with high blood pressure, round face, obesity, muscle atrophy or aldosterone (Conn's syndrome) with high blood pressure, low potassium, weak muscles, thirst, frequent urination.
Adrenal Medulla (Unbearable Stress)
Conflict: Extreme tension from stress, feeling overwhelmed. Something is beyond reach.
Diagnosis: Pheochromocytoma, neuroblastoma. High blood pressure, racing heart, increased blood sugar, sweating.
Mars: This planet governs adrenaline, testosterone, male sexual function, playing a role in the catabolic metabolism where fuel is burned. It also oversees the release of toxins, the regulation of red blood cells, iron, and muscle tissue, including tendons and ligaments. It extends to the entire muscular system, embodying vitality and physical strength. The energy of Mars is hot and dry so it's temperament is Choleric. Mars co-rules the adrenals (with Aries/Libra) and the male genitalia (Scorpio).
Aries: Aries is a Choleric sign, and its will to action makes it prone to anger and stress, which deplete and weaken the adrenal glands. The sign is energetic, sharp-eyed, cheerful, and alert, but may become irritable and have a restless tendency to keep going until burnout. This can lead to eyestrain and poor vision as the health of the eyes is dependent on the strength of the adrenals. The preference for stimulants like chili pepper, caffeine, and their attraction to the Sun can overstimulate the adrenal glands, leading them to seek cooling substances like icy drinks, fruits, and seafood.
Libra: Libra, the Sanguine Air sign that rules the kidneys and lower back, is a counterbalance to Aries. The kidneys and genitourinary tract are only as strong and healthy as the adrenal glands, which are their energetic support. Underlying adrenal weakness and exhaustion weakens the kidneys and genitourinary system, leading to urinary debility, urinary tract infections, inflammation or irritation, uremia, and gout. Since male sexual function is also dependent on the strength and health of the adrenal glands, problems may arise in this area.
Aries-Libra Dynamic: Kidneys, adrenals, eyes, head and cranium, low back, lumbar spine, bladder, genitourinary system (especially male), hips and loins. Aries represents personal power, autonomy, honesty, and decisiveness, often leaning towards individualism and assertiveness. Libra, on the other hand, emphasizes cooperation, diplomacy, compromise, and social harmony. While Aries is direct and often acts alone, Libra seeks mutual choice and operates through consensus. This represents a struggle between competition and cooperation, selfhood and partnership, war and peace, doing and being. Finding balance is needed for acid/alkaline balance, as Aries tends to run acidic, and for hormonal balance, where Aries tends toward excess testosterone. The tension between these two forces may cause a lot of frustration and aggravation, particularly in males, manifesting as irritation or inflammation of the genitourinary tract.
Healing and Relief
Diet: Paleo; reduce caffeine, sugars and sweeteners, gluten, starch, white flour, processed foods, and hydrogenated oils.
Nutritional Supplements: Ionic Magnesium, B Vitamins, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Vitamin C, Zinc, Probiotics, L-Theanine
Herbal Adaptogens: Ashwagandha, Rhodiola Rosea, Holy Basil, Licorice Root, Siberian Ginseng, He Shou Wu
Lifestyle Considerations: Address societal pressure to perform, lack of self-care, and the conflict in real life. Regular exercise of varied intensity. Practice meditation, mindfulness, Tai Chi, Qigong. Express creatively and spend time in nature. Align sleep schedule with circadian rhythm to nourish yin. Hydrate more and add salt to water. Avoid various toxins like dioxin or insecticides which contribute to adrenal malfunction. Spend more time in the sun each day. Don't sit for too long. Try wearing a haramaki, stretch cotton (for summer) or stretch wool (for winter).
These are research notes from the work of Daniel Keown, Michel Odoul, Michael Tierra, Lesley Tierra, Johan Boshwinkel, David Osborn, Judith Hill, Eileen Nauman, Björn Eybl, Caroline Markolin, Deb Shapiro, and Jody Smith.
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traincarsandstars · 2 months
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"I would like to make a service announcement: Mara does NOT cause male-pollinated baldness; the condition is genetic."
"Other forms of hair loss are caused by diseases like anemia or a thyroid problem, radiation or chemotherapy treatments, medications, such as blood thinners, high doses of vitamin A, and steroids that some men take to help build muscle, called anabolic steroids, scalp infections, problems with your diet, like getting too little iron or too much vitamin A, stress, and keeping hairstyles like tight ponytails, cornrows, or braids for many years."
"If you are experiencing hair loss or any issues I listed, please visit the Alchemy Commission for treatment. Thank you."
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bluelolblue · 23 days
Talk about hashimoto thyroid disease :]
Good time to say I have that ahah, alongside polycystic ovaries and insulin resistance. All three are connected.
Anyways, my point for this post is that my hair is falling off a lot more than it used to. I thought it was because of stress, because of school and everything going on with my grandma, but... I don't have school anymore and things with my grandma got a bit better... why is my hair falling off soo much? Like... not just from brushing it, I wash my hair and there's so much hair left in my hands. My hair is on the floor like everywhere, it's on my bed and I have to pick it up lmao.
I mean, looking at me, you wouldn't guess that, but when I look in the mirror and pull my hair slightly away, I can see how much is missing on that one specific place. I mean, it's not a bald spot, but it could turn into one at this point. And I'm fucking terrified of this. I thought it would get better, but it didn't. So... my only guess for that is my hashimoto got a bit worse and since I'm on like 5 medication, at least one of them has to affect it, too.
I also started taking some pills that help for hair growth and improve nail quality, and I take it 3 times a day now. I should be careful not to accidentally overdose myself lmao. And something that I rub into my scalp before washing my hair, that also supposedly helps. I'm sure it does, I should just try and take better care of myself ahah.
I think I should actually go on an ultrasound again to check my thyroid. It's just that, when someone presses against your throat and whole neck, and proceeds to just move that thing for ultrasounds over your neck... it can trigger a flight response bc it can feel like someone is choking you. So... my anxiety is just triggered. The first time, I almost had a panic attack only because it felt uncomfortable, and it triggered that flight response to me. But probably bc it was the first time, and it had to last longer so the doctor can catch anything more in detail. It's not painful, don't worry, just can feel uncomfortable but it gets better! It's a natural reaction in my opinion, but my doctor was very understanding ^ ^
Yes, hashimoto can cause hair loss. It gets worse if you're under stress all the time. It doesn't mean you'll get bald, no no! But... it can get concerning. And there are other side effects and everything, that's a different story :)
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pumpkin-belly · 5 months
Ok. Pumpkin update when I should be filling out his medical forms or fighting fruitlessly with the pharmacy, my doctor's office, and insurance to get a replacement for the discontinued immunosuppressant I need to fight the damage covid did to my immune system, turning it against me even worse than the arthritis i had before.
To review, my Elder Statescat has:
Nineteen years
Feline herpes triggered by stress, causing cold sores/irritation inside nasal passages
Arthritis in his back legs
Hyperthyroidism since 2022, which dropped him from 12 to 10lb.
Chronic Kidney Disease confirmed Dec 2023
Congenital enlarged heart and intermittent heart murmur.
Which wasn't a problem until last checkup, when it showed ventricle thickening & constriction.
Probably the cause of a syncope (fainting) incident while I was in Texas. i've never seen that happen before.
Plus he's outlived his original owner. Her family, including vet tech granddaughter, are my neighbors.
Since December, kidney and heart disease have progressed, herpes flareups keep giving him cold-like symptoms, he's lost appetite (not normal with hyperthyroidism), and his thyroid med has stopped working. His weight has dropped to 8.4 and falling. 😢
When he first came to me, he was an overstuffed plush toy of 17 lbs.
But he's still opinionated and purring and talkative, and he just climbed up to bug me bc  I haven't been paying attention to him while writing this.
So, after ultrasounds to make sure there weren't other problems causing his loss of appetite, I've signed him up for Iodine-131 treatment on Sunday.
This is a Hail Mary: hyperthyroidism aggravates kidney disease and heart problems, and can cause nausea/ibs too. if we can get some weight back on him, maybe he'll have more reserves to fight the herpes flareup too.
Otherwise, I think we'll be saying goodbye pretty soon.
Even if it works, of course, he's old. The doctor's prognosis was 2 to 4 more years, with kidney disease finishing him off like most cats (including my last). But hopefully his quality of life will be better.
Wish the old man luck.
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April 1, 2020 - Floofer pre-hyperthyroid
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merlions · 4 months
Cats, especially females, are supposed to start getting bloodwork for their kidneys and thyroids done when they turn six. Kidney and thyroid disease are extremely common, so similar to getting pap smears and cholesterol levels and other things for humans, it's just good practice to do these tests regularly starting at age six for cats, especially female cats.
So I took my cat into our vet when she turned six, and asked them to do the bloodwork. They refused, saying "we have our own schedule for doing that". Which like, ok, fine. They didn't want to give her preventative flea meds either, which was weird but...I guess I'll trust them, whatever. 👍
But recently she turned eight, and started losing hair. Like literally all of her hair on her stomach and legs. Literally nothing about her daily environment had changed, so I took her back in and asked again for bloodwork to be done. I also mentioned her history of allergies and asked again for preventative flea meds just in case.
They told me it was.....wait for it.........anxiety!! Said her household must have a lot of changes happening in it all the time (it doesn't). Said it couldn't POSSIBLY be anything else. And they wouldn't prescribe the flea meds but INSTEAD prescribed her a medication which tends to make cats really out of it. And which extremely stresses her out for me to force down her throat, increasing her anxiety tenfold at least. And said they wouldn't do any bloodwork until I gave it to her every single day for months.
As if she was a HUMAN. At a HUMAN DOCTOR
Tibby...I feel so much kinship to you and your medical gaslighting struggles. I can't believe that nasty bitch would say that to you. #solidarity
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