#Study of UFO
ramanan50 · 2 years
Numerous UFOs Seen in Ukraine Astronomers Video Radar Records 2022
Ukrainian Astronomers Claim UFOs Everywhere in Kyviv Eventhough UFO sightings are dismissed as figment of imagination, it keeps cropping up. However the present approach to UFOs is not as hostile as it was a decade ago. NASA / CIA has released classified files on UFOs. I have blogged on these released files in this site. Now as we are witnessing the war in Ukraine, there is a report by…
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shannoneichorn · 2 months
Enjoy body-possessing aliens, flying saucers, and secret underfunded government projects?
I'm re-releasing my first book RIGHTS OF USE on Aug 28 for DragonCon!
Preorders are live on Kindle and coming on a ton of other ebook platforms and for paperback through Ingram! Stay tuned or sign up for my newsletter (and spy on what I'm reading) (birthdays NOT needed).
Preorders on Kindle
Stay tuned for more options.
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ufosecret · 10 months
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from 70s men's magazines
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pikmin-applebloom-art · 7 months
Kirby material/digital media study piece
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various depictions of the adorable pink video game character Kirby in different digital art styles and media, including neon signage, digital collage, marker, watercolor, digital acrylic, and cake frosting. end of ID.]
clockwise from the middle:
Neon light bar-tender kirby,
Marker rendering of UFO Kirby,
Pattern collage Kirby with apple print shoes,
Watercolor rendering of Water Kirby in a cave,
Kirby in digital acrylic posing like the brawl render,
and Kirby's epic yarn re-imagined as a Sweets AU showing kirby made of frosting near an Ube cake-roll blossom with yellow buttercream petals.
Really wanted to practice using different brushes and styles in this study. I think I nailed it.
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my3rdeyeview · 28 days
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artekai · 9 months
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Modern AU Dailah ❤️
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torahapologetics · 2 months
Alien Praises: A Divine Encounter
Please Reblog My Posts.
#alien #aliens #torah #bible #short #shorts
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jingszo · 7 months
In France, the Study and Information Group on Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (GEIPAN), has been investigating unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) – more commonly known as UFOs – for the past 45 years. Attached to the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES), GEIPAN has been invited by NASA to present its activities and working methods before a newly established independent team that will study data and set up methods to analyse unusual phenomena observed in the sky.
What exactly is a UAP?
Unidentified aerial phenomena are unusual events observed by eyewitnesses that are seemingly inexplicable. They most often take the form of a bright light.
GEIPAN gathers 700 eyewitness reports annually, with 150 to 200 remaining as open investigations. Anyone is able to submit a report using the form on the GEIPAN website.
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suzilight · 8 months
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"Beatriz Villarroel, assistant professor of physics at Stockholm University, is leading a team of astronomers looking at photographic plates of the night sky that date from before the first artificial satellite was launched in 1957.
Mysteriously, on one plate from April 1950, Villarroel found nine sources of light that appeared within a half-hour period and then vanished. Conducting observations using the Gran Telescopio Canarias, on La Palma in the Canary Islands, revealed nothing at the locations of the light sources that might have flared up.
“There is no astronomical explanation for this type of event,” says Villarroel.
More recently, her team found three bright “stars” on a plate dated 19 July 1952 that have since vanished. Provocatively, this is a date burned into the diaries of UFO enthusiasts around the world because it coincides with a famous incident in which pilots and radar operators saw lights they could not explain in the skies above Washington DC."
‘It only takes one to be real and it changes humanity for ever’: what if we’ve been lied to about UFOs? | Guardian 01.14.2024
Government is hiding something. Methinks.
The thrill is gone from the 2023 Disclosure Act since US Congress watered it down at the last minute. "...declassification of UAP records will be largely up to the same entities that have blocked and obfuscated their disclosure for decades."
The article describes the Act's claim of 'eminent domain' over any and all recovered UAP tech or biological material. The Act also called for the US Secretary of State to contact any foreign government holding UAP materials.
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frank-olivier · 1 year
John Greenewald Jr. (The Black Vault)
NASA's Public UAP Meeting & Media Teleconference (May 31, 2023)
Friday, June 2, 2023
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cheesyydraws · 1 year
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Part Time UFO artstyle study
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13thpythagoras · 1 year
so uhhh
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vampireantihero · 1 year
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Daily Study, April 20th, 2023. This one was a lot of fun! I enjoyed doing it. The horse is pasted in from a study I did back in march, but the rest of it took about an hour and 45 minutes. I like the end result! Starting to feel really good about my landscapes. Here's the timelapse:
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way i see it magic is just weird shit that happens that you can’t explain so tbh fantasy worlds with insanely detailed complex systems of magic that explain exactly what each weird ritual does doesnt count as magic anymore in my eyes even if it’s still cool as shit. its just science at that point
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eksopolitiikka · 5 days
Society for UAP Studiesin vuoden 2024 konferenssi
Society for UAP Studiesin vuoden 2024 konferenssi
kirjoittanut Keith Basterfield
Verkkosivujensa mukaan:
”Society for UAP Studies on voittoa tavoittelematon 501 (c) (3) -järjestö, joka pyrkii kokoamaan yhteen vakavasti otettavia ajattelijoita (sekä akateemikkoja että ammattilaisia), jotka ovat sitoutuneet edistämään UAP:n tutkimusta tiukan tieteellisen sitoutumisen kautta… Vaikka keskustelemme klassisen ’ufologian’ kanssa, emme järjestönä liity erityisesti tähän perinteeseen…”.
Yhdistys järjestää vuosittaisen konferenssinsa verkossa 16.-18. elokuuta 2024. Sen otsikko on ”Varieties & Trajectories of Contemporary UAP Studies”. Seuraavassa on yksityiskohtaiset tiedot puhujista ja heidän esityksensä otsikosta. Kukin hyperlinkki vie sinut kyseisen esityksen tiivistelmään.
Pääpuhuja – tohtori Brenda Denzler, riippumaton tutkija ja neuvonantaja, Society for UAP Studies (USA) ”The Discovery of OIL -Other Intelligent Life”.
Tohtori Bertrand Meheust, riippumaton tutkija ja L’Institute Metapsychique Internationalin johtoryhmä (Ranska) ”Vaikeasti lähestyttävyyden ongelma”.
Tohtori Wesley Watters, Whiteheadin kriittisen ajattelun apulaisprofessori ja tähtitieteen apulaisprofessori, Wesley College (USA) ”Tunnistamattomien anomaalisten ilmiöiden (UAP) havaitseminen ja karakterisointi käyttäen maanpäällisiä havaintopaikkoja ja satelliittikuvia.”
Tohtori Douglas Buettner, Stevens Insitute of Technologyn Aquisition Innovation Research Centerin varapäällikkö. ”Tiedon eheys ja hallussapitoketjun arkkitehtuuri tieteellisiä UAP-tutkimuksia varten”.
Tohtori Gretchen Stahlman, apulaisprofessori informaatiotieteiden laitoksella, Floridan osavaltionyliopisto (USA) ”UAP-opintojen tieto- ja viestintäekosysteemit”.
Tri. Travis Dumsday, filosofian ja uskontotieteen laitoksen johtaja, Concordia University of Edmonton (Kanada): ”UAP:den ymmärtäminen: Eräiden ei-luonnollisten ontologioiden kartoitus.”
Maya Cowan, antropologian tohtoriopiskelija, New Yorkin osavaltion yliopisto Binghamtonissa (USA) ”Observatoriot & kokijat.”
Tohtori Matthew Szydagis, fysiikan apulaisprofessori, New Yorkin osavaltion yliopisto Albanyssa (USA) ”Viimeisimmät tieteelliset uutiset UAlbanysta ja UAP:sta”.
Tohtori Alexey Golubev, apulaisprofessori, Houstonin yliopisto. (USA) ”UFO planetaarion yllä: Maan ulkopuolista kontaktia koskeva julkinen tiedeviestintä ja keskustelut kylmän sodan aikaisessa Neuvostoliitossa”.
Tohtori Kevin Knuth, professori New Yorkin osavaltion yliopisto Albanyssa (USA) ”Maan kohtaavien maanulkopuolisten sivilisaatioiden ominaisuuksien simulointi”.
Kaiken kaikkiaan tilaisuus lupaa tarjota erinomaisen yksityiskohtaisen katsauksen siihen, mitä eri tieteenalojen tutkijat ajattelevat ja keskustelevat UAP-aiheesta.
  Artikkelin julkaissut ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com
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