#Suigetsu x y/n
nightingaleflow · 2 years
Hi! @mal-the-konohoe sent me! Can you do a suigetsu request with an original member of team 7 reader? Enemies to lovers?
Hello there nonnie! Thank you for your request and for waiting so patiently.
I've got you covered. <3
Enemies to lovers isn't something I've written before, so hopefully this does your request justice.
Although I love writing Suigetsu. He's such a snarky little shit. <3
Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1.9k Warnings for this fic: Canon-typical violence, suggestive/mild language.
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You were the newest member of Team 7 after Sai had been laid up in the hospital with some injuries. You yourself had just finished recovering after nursing a broken arm for two months. Since the circumstances lined up so well, Tsunade made a few quick adjustments, and suddenly you had a new team.
You had been sent out with Sakura, Naruto, and Yamato to investigate some strange occurrences happening in a little village near the border with the Land of Water. You had arrived after a day and a half, but so far hadn’t found anything out of the ordinary. You set up camp for the night just outside the village, and had volunteered to take the first watch to show you were a good sport.
After the other three had fallen asleep, you sat in silence for several minutes. You let the sounds of the night wash over you. An owl hooted overhead. The wind rustled the leaves in the trees surrounding you. Tiny chirps from insects chorused from somewhere nearby.
You settled back, checking the sleeping faces of your teammates, glad for the silence that let them rest.
Then you paused. Silence. The insects had stopped chirping.
You had your kunai out before you heard the rustle of grass behind you. You immediately turned and let your kunai fly toward the figure stepping into the clearing.
Your aim was perfect, as usual. But it didn’t matter - the blade passed right through him and embedded in the tree behind him.
“Easy now,” the stranger said. “You could hurt somebody like that.”
His appearance was unusual, at least for the Land of Fire. He had hair the color of freshly-fallen snow and eyes the color of crocuses. His teeth were sharpened, as if they belonged to a shark and not a man. A massive sword hung from his back, its blade larger than the man who wielded it. And around his body, he wore a black cloak with red clouds.
You were on your feet in an instant, your sword drawn as you shouted for your team to wake up. You raced towards him, ready to take him down whatever the cost.
He easily sidestepped your blade with a smirk. Then, in one swift motion, he drew his own sword and brought it down towards you. You brought your blade up to meet it, eyes bulging as the sheer weight from his sword bore down.
“Ah, one of you knows how to dance,” he said. “Good. That always makes things more fun.”
Sparks flew as your swords ground together. You put as much strength as you could into pushing back. His blade lifted just an inch, and you took the opportunity to twist away.
The rest of the team descended upon the battle. Naruto made an attempt at the Rasengan, but the stranger darted out of the way long before the ball of lightning made contact. Sakura attempted to punch him with chakra-laden fists, but he turned his upper body into water, negating any damage she could do. You tried again with your sword, hoping to at least distract him, but he was more than ready to block your attack as well as Naruto’s new attempt.
Then Yamato brought his hands together and summoned roots from the ground. They surrounded the stranger, binding him like ropes and pulling him to the ground. He smirked at Yamato. “You really think a plant is strong enough to hold me?”
“Who the hell are you?” you hissed.
“Aww, you don’t recognize this beautiful face?” he teased.
You snorted. “Beautiful isn’t the word I’d use.”
He sighed. “You wound me, sweetheart.” He then bowed his head exactly one inch. “Suigetsu Hozuki, at your service.”
Yamato folded his arms. “Why are you offering that information so freely?”
“To show that I’m a decent guy,” Suigetsu replied, though his eyes remained on you.
“Decent, and yet you wear those robes,” you said, eyeing the red cloud with distaste.
“Hey, that was not my call,” Suigetsu replied. “I was only following orders.”
“Whose orders?” Sakura asked.
“Someone you ought to know very well, since you’re from the Leaf,” Suigetsu replied. “Sasuke Uchiha.”
The atmosphere in the clearing changed instantly. Sakura went pale and her jaw went slack. Yamato had to restrain Naruto with one hand as he began demanding information about Sasuke from Suigetsu. You just watched everything unfold, stunned that an associate of the traitor Uchiha was there and speaking so freely.
“So why are you here then?” you asked.
“Well, sweetheart, I must admit, I’ve grown very tired of Sasuke’s ‘leadership’.” He shrugged. “Is he powerful? Yes. Is he a complete asshole who’s nearly gotten all of us killed? Also yes.”
Yamato frowned. “And you expect us to believe you’d talk to us so freely?”
“Believe me or don’t, I don’t really care,” Suigetsu replied.
“What do you want then?” Sakura asked, finally regaining her voice.
“And where is Sasuke?” Naruto demanded.
Suigetsu grinned. “You must be Naruto,” he said. “Sasuke always says you were the loud, annoying one.”
Naruto growled at him. “Why you-”
“We asked you a question,” you interjected. “What do you want?”
He turned to you. “Well, as a matter of fact, I was hoping to make a deal.”
“What kind of deal?”
“You see, they’re not gonna be too happy once they realize I’ve taken off,” Suigetsu explained. “And they’ve got one hell of a sensory type with them, so they’re probably going to be after me before long. So what I’d like is protection, and in exchange, I tell you all about what your little Sasuke’s been up to.”
You purse your lips. There’s no way in hell that anyone would take that deal.
“Fine,” Yamato said.
Your head snapped toward him. “You can’t be serious, captain.”
“Can and am,” Yamato said. “You, take him straight back to the village for interrogation. The rest of us will remain here to uncover the cause of all the disturbances and complete the mission.”
“Oh, that was me,” Suigetsu said.
“…That was you?” Yamato asked.
“Yep,” Suigetsu said. “How else was I supposed to get you to come this way?”
Yamato groaned. “Fine, we’ll all go. I’ll confer with Lady Tsunade when we get back about the mission.”
You were put in charge of guarding Suigetsu while the other three cleaned up the camp. You picked up his sword from the ground, then staggering under its immense weight.
Suigetsu openly laughed at your efforts. “Careful there, sweetheart,” he said. “My Executioner’s Blade can’t be wielded by just anybody.”
“As in the Executioner’s Blade, one of the Seven Ninja Swords of the Mist?”
“And she’s smart too! Very good.”
You glared at him, your arms folded. “How do you have it? Last I checked, you weren’t a member of the Swordsmen.”
Suigetsu shrugged. “Just collecting what was rightfully supposed to be mine.”
“All right, let’s move out,” Yamato said. “Can you handle the sword?”
“I’ll manage,” you said.
“Mmm, maybe for a few minutes,” Suigetsu said. “But the only person here strong enough to carry my Executioner’s Blade is me.”
“We’ll see about that,” you said.
Yamato undid the bindings at Suigetsu’s legs, allowing him to walk. You took the holster from Suigetsu, ignoring the suggestive remark he made about you wanting to be closer to him, then swung it over your shoulders.
As the heavy sword slid into place, your legs buckled. You tried to keep your face calm and still, but Suigetsu was already laughing. “You just let me know when you get tired. I’ll gladly carry it for you.”
“Not in a million years, Hozuki,” you said.
Your group finally sets out towards Konoha. Every step you took took three times the usual effort, and you were sweating before you’d even gone a single kilometer.
On top of that, Suigetsu was easily the most annoying enemy you’d ever faced.
He never stopped talking, but he chose the most inane topics. The weather. The manufacturing of swords and sword dances. How much wood it must have taken to build their village. And you. He was constantly needling you, asking you about your daily life while also feigning concern about your struggles with the heavy sword.
But you were determined to prove him wrong, even if you had to drag the sword all the way there.
You were still relieved when the gates came into sight.
Your legs wobbled as you entered the village, but you managed to stop them as you gave a strained smirk to Suigetsu. “Told you I could do it.”
“All right, when I’m wrong, I say I’m wrong. Good job, sweetheart.” He chuckled. “Though I must say, it was a lot of fun watching you sweat. I’ll have to find ways of doing it again.”
The implication in his words made your cheeks pinker than they already were. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“What would you like it to mean?” he asked, his sharp teeth flashing in a grin.
“Absolutely nothing,” you retorted.
“Enough,” Yamato said. “Let’s finish this.”
“Please,” Sakura said. “I need a nap.”
You brought Suigetsu to the interrogation building, where Ibiki looked far too pleased at his new guest. He looked far less pleased when Suigetsu turned his limbs to water and slipped out of the rope bindings. “I like bondage as much as the next guy, but that was getting to be a little much,” he said, stretching out his shoulders.
Your team stared at him, flabbergasted. “You could have done that the whole time?” you asked.
“Yeah,” Suigetsu replied.
“Why didn’t you?”
“Well, you were far more willing to talk like civilized adults while you thought you had me secured,” he said with a shrug.
Sakura threw up her hands. “I’m done. I’m waiting outside.”
She marched out, dragging Naruto with her. Yamato spoke to Ibiki briefly, going over some things with him. That left you and Suigetsu facing off, him leaning against the wall and you glaring.
“Careful, sweetheart,” he teased. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you didn’t like me.”
“You’d be right,” you replied.
“What a shame,” Suigetsu said. “It’s been so long since I’ve met anyone who was as…vivacious as you.”
“Is that a joke?”
“No, but perhaps vivacious wasn’t the right word. It’s a shame Karin isn’t here, she’d be able to come up with all sorts of words. She’s brainy like that.”
Yamato and Ibiki came back over. “All right, we’re all done here,” he said. “The interrogation core will take custody of the sword.”
“Please and thank you,” you said. You pulled the sword and holster off your back, then handed it over with a sigh of relief.
Ibiki lets out a grunt of surprise and nearly drops the sword, only barely managing to cling to it.
“Hey, careful!” Suigetsu snapped. “That’s not a toy, you know.”
Ibiki ignored him as he dragged the sword deeper into the building. Other interrogators came around, guiding Suigetsu into a chair.
As you turned to go, you heard him say, “Hey, sweetheart.”
You didn’t want to look at him, but you did anyway.
“See you around,” he said with a wink. “I’ll need something pretty to look at once these ugly bastards are done with me.”
Your face burned, but you refused to dignify what he said with an answer. Instead, you marched out the door, letting Yamato steer you toward the Hokage building.
As long as you had your way, you and Suigetsu would never cross paths again.
Tag List: @justmyownreality @therantingfangirl @mrsbakashi @starnightcat @anchy-bananchy @hashira-mal (if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know)
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111nyx555 · 2 years
Y/n: Short guys be fun as shit, like ima vibe with you Tinkerbell
Sasuke and Suigetsu: We are not that short
Y/n: Ironic you knew I was talking about you two and secondly to me, you are
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bennyb0i0 · 1 month
do you do nsfw alphabets? if so could you do one for suigetsu or sasuke? <3
YESSSSS. I’ll do suigetsu!
Suigetsu nsfw alphabet!
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A (aftercare)
-he’s alright at it. Pretty average. Gives you the “wanna water?” Then he goes to sleep. Will hold you if you want him to though
B (body)
-he likes squishy things. Thighs, ass, tits, or tummy. He just wants to squish em.
C (cum)
-he LOVES cumming on your face. He just likes to cum on you in general. He likes seeing it drip down your body.
D (dick. What does he look like?)
-he’s kinda long, but not as girthy. About 6-7 inches long. (Istg if I keep seeing unrealistic dick measurements in nsfw alphabets I’ll scream. Like no, a 5’7 man isn’t gonna have a 12in cock. STOP IT-)
E (energy)
-he’s a hyper boy. He likes multiple rounds, and he likes it fast. He can go slow If you want. He’s flexible. But ideally he’d go 1-3 rounds. But you and him have a record of 6. And that’s WILD.
F (fav position)
Likes doggy style so he can grip your ass. Doesn’t really fw missionary unless he can grab your tits. He likes fun positions that make you both feel good.
G (goofy)
-bro he can’t take it seriously half the time. He just wants to see you laugh :( he slaps your ass to make you giggle.
H (hair)
-he tries to keep it shaved. Doesn’t really like hair down there. But he’ll get lazy sometimes and forget (procrastinate)
I (intimate. how are they during the moment?)
-can be if he wants to. He’s pretty vocal, so he’ll spurt something sappy if he’s feeling it.
j (jerk off)
-he has a high sex drive, so when you’re not there, he’ll sniff your shirts and jack off. One time you caught him jorking it and he was so ashamed-
K (kink)
-wants to see you oiled up so bad. It’s actually wild. Unironically says “oil up I’ll be there in 10” (maybe. Idk it makes me laugh)
L (lingerie)
-rips that shit offa you. Lace? He’s using his teeth. He thinks it’s so sexy he just wants to CHOMP.
M (motivation)
-you tease him and he’s throwing you over his shoulder and taking you to the bedroom. “you asked for it, princess.”
N (no)
-wouldn’t ignore safewords. He goes rough/fast sometimes, so safewords are important.
-he’s flexible. He likes it both. Abuses your poor clit with his tongue, and leaves the inside of your thighs covered in bite marks. He moans when you give it to him. The most vocal he’ll be is when you give him head.
-likes em. He likes the risk of doing it in public too.
-he’s down for it if you are. Likes it when you’re really loud and risk others hearing
-I told you he can go a lot (I ain’t writing allat again. I’m half asleep rn)
-Pink sparkly butt plug (jk)
U (unfair)
-he’s such a tease. Denies orgasm so much.
V (volume)
W (wild card)
-kisses every bite mark he makes if he’s too rough.
-nuh uh
I fucked up and already told you these headcannons and I ain’t writhing allat again. Goodnight I took my melatonin and now I’m sleepy.
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uchihasfavgirl · 4 months
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Sasuke x female!reader
Warning : strong language , maybe suggestive?? Slightly yandere (anything else I missed?)
Overview: sasuke’a darling has been acting very distant in the past few days after her birthday what could be on her small mind?
This is a Drabble !!
It’s a known fact Sasuke Uchiha hates when change happens around him,he couldn’t care less if he himself causes the change but if someone he knows and is close with changes god he hates it.
Y/N has always been a big part of sasuke’s life,when his whole clan had been killed and destroyed he confided in Y/N,Y/N was just a loving kind soul sasuke couldn’t lose so when he left the village he essentially kidnapped her and took her to orochimaru’s hideout but her attitude didn’t change until after Y/N’s 16 birthday.
Y/N became cold and distant towards karin,suigetsu,jogo but what sasuke wasn’t expecting was Y/N being cold to him.
“Sasuke your precious doll is being rude to everyone I think you should put her in her place no?” Suigetsu spoke annoyed with Y/N’s new attitude.
“Shut up. You have no right to talk about her like that. I’ll do what I think is right.” Gosh did suigetsu hit a nerve? But either way sasuke knew suigetsu was right.
So that same day during the night sasuke went up to Y/N’s room he didn’t care to knock he just walked in and what he saw was his darling on the balcony looking up at the stars.
“Y/n.” Sasuke’s cold voice sent shivers down her spine.
“What do you want?” Y/N looked back at sasuke her eyes showing no care for him.
“You’ve changed. What’s wrong?” Sasuke asked his voice had the tiniest drop of sympathy as he walked over to his darling and sat behind her.
“Leave me alone.” Sasuke didn’t like her attitude but he let it slide for now.
“Doll,don’t tell me you’re still thinking about that pathetic village?” Had sasuke just seen right through his darling? Of course he did! He knows his doll better than anyone else and her silence spoke more than a thousand words.
“You don’t need that village,you only need me.” Sasuke took his darlings hand, twisted her around and pulled his darling onto his lap.
“I know you to well,come let me take your mind off it” Y/N looked up at sasuke he had a slight smile on his face? Oh god this isn’t good.
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moumouton4 · 11 months
Can you do orochimaru who is possessive, have blood kink, fuck hard and her y/n is jiraya’s little sister and he know her since the second shinobi war
Blood Kink Hc || Orochimaru x fem!reader
A/n : Hello dear I really hope you'll like this. I found the idea of a blood kink for Oorochimaru really interesting as he - for me - is kinda snake related in multiple ways 😏
A/n 2 : Only one mention of being a female but the rest is gender neutral
Warnings : Kind-ish possessive attitude, blood kink, hard fucking, mention of breeding, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 785
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He could have left Konohagakure alone after the Second Shinobi war like he intended to son after it ended. He could have left alone if he didn’t know you. But he did. And so he left with you
He couldn’t leave you there, surrounded by fools after all
And most importantly he didn’t want to. No he wanted you close, very close to him. If he could he would always keep you at an arm's reach
But well at first he doesn’t want you to get scared and leave him ( please if this was a yandere hc he would have chained you to some wall waiting for you to come back to your senses… but unfortunately it’s not 😂 )
But he knows he can trust you so if you wanna leave his cave for the day he is fine with it - tries to be fine with it
His possessiveness shows back when you return for your strolls
When you walk near his sitting form, he can’t help but grip your hips and pull you on his lap. Now with his arms securely wrapped around your waist he knows nothing can happen to you
He isn’t really fond of your spending times with the TAKA team
He fears that Jûgo is going to lose control and hurt you
He thinks Karin will have a bad influence on you - yes even if you are older than the red headed girl
He doesn’t like how Suigetsu speaks and playfully flirts with you sometimes - but believe me if you were to say yes Suigetsu wouldn’t be that playful anymore 😏
And first and foremost, he HATES with passion how you managed to build a bond of mutual trust with Sasuke
Like just why
He tries his best to keep them away from you either by scaring them. Or giving them mission that sometimes he doesn’t even need
Someday you come home bloodied. You fell into an ambush and sliced your arm open slightly. Not enough to be serious, but enough to drip blood
When he saw your bloodied arm and listened to your explanation. You swear you’ve never seen him make such a face before
He looked really angry at first. He was surely losing it and this close to get out and got slaughter anyone who dared to harm you
Though on the other side, the more he looked at your injured arm and the blood dripping from it, the more a hungry and animalistic gaze was appearing on his face
“Come closer my Dear. Let me check it out for you” he said in a smooth voice
He delicately took your arm and scanned it cautiously. The red seemed to match perfectly with your skin tone
Then he brought it near his face and breathed in the scent of your blood. He couldn’t help but hum at the smell as if approving it
“Would you let me just…” he didn’t even finish his sentence that you felt his warm tongue lick a bit of blood off your arm - not directly on the injury though
As the taste of iron spread across her tongue, staining it red "Mmmh that taste divine my dear. Here let me just help you clean up. We don't want you to hurt yourself further now, would we ?"
So accordingly to his words he helped you to patch your arm, after of course licking off all the blood that spread on your arm
But it seemed he didn’t have enough yet. The blood seemingly stirring a flame inside him. He wanted to have you now. He needed to have you
“Y/n my Love…” he breathed in “You would mind letting me ravish you tonight ?” his voice was trembling due to his increasing arousal
So after you gave your consent and he made sure not to hurt your arm further, he climbed on top of you
It started off slow like usual but then he increased his pace. The blood he tasted working like a fuel for his body
His hips literally pounded you, pinning you face first, flush against the mattress, using all his weight to hold you into place
As he fucked roughly your whining formed under him, he still didn’t know how he did not to know you before that damn war
As you were Jiraiya’s sister. I mean damn those two were mostly always together - well it’s more Jiraiya who wanted somebody with him while he was perving but still
But anyways, now that he had you he wasn’t intending on letting you go any time soon
And would you think about leaving him if you were carrying his hatching… 👀😮
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🧁🥓 Again my requests are open 🍰🍗
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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Can I have some heartbreaking, painful Sasuke angst?
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Paring: Sasuke x reader
Warnings/tw!:heart break,angst,dark content, friends with benefits,smut,fuck boy Sasuke, gas lighting,we are here for a good time not a long time, bullying elements,modernish AU, cursing.
Ft: Naruto,Kiba, Shikamaru mentions,Shark boy(forgot his name)
How could you be soo dumb...hm? just how could.
I mean the signs were all there,so how?.
He seemed so nice and friendly to you. When you first met.
You though you would,for ONCE in a lifetime finally have a person who cares about you, someone who wouldn't make fun of you and your interest's or or question you on never not smiling.
SOMEBODY to be their for you....
But no.
Here you are watching him make out with another girl.
I mean wasn't it obvious...
Fuck you then vanish, then when you go to see him the other day while he's talking with his friends laughing as he told them what happened the other day between you two, he'd act distant and cold while his friends are giggling behind him.
"Um yeah sorry Y/N.... I'm you know kinda busy with y'know my friends and all... sorry.."
"No no, it's fine we don't have to talk.. yeah sure no problem.."
His friends.....so am I not his friend...?
You though to yourself as you took your leave.
But he'll call you later that saying nothing but sweet nothings.
"I could never hurt you Y/N I hope you know that,....I promise....it's soo gental...plus you get me."
Lie lie lie, all you ever do is lie.
Promises are a ment to be kept, not broken...
And just like that you said nothing.I mean what was there to say your not his and he is not your's.
So like that, you didn't whine like some spoiled fucking hound begging for attention, muzzled up like a good hound dog keeping your mouth shut.You didn't whine, you were well trained.
And like a good hound dog you wouldn't dare the bite the hand that feed's you right
......or else you'll starve.
So like that you said nothing, even tho it hurts.
But that all change when you overhead him talking to his friends about him fingering you.
"Yeah you guys should of seen it, and how she reacted"
Sasuke said with a chuckle
"Wow Sasuke I'm impressed....I never expected Y/N to have sex with you,I mean she's always soo uptight"
"Yeah, Sasuke even I was caught off guard when you told us you got Y/N to fuck you, also I agree with Kiba, Y/N is really uptight and almost never's talks to anyone....so now the question is how the hell did you get her to fuck you!?"
"I mean come on Naruto... have you met me, but yeah I'll have to admit she was really uptight but I'll tho it took me sometime....I eventually got through to her and the rest was like clock work .... even she has a sour look on her face and doesn't talk to anyone...she has some ass and thighs on her for dayssss bro.... not to mention she's like a hound....she wouldn't bit the hand that's feed's her"
"Wow really...if that's true then I'm sure Shikamaru would love her"
"Yeah well, no shit Naruto shit after hearing about her from Sasuke I wouldn't mind fucking her too~"
Suigetsu added as they all laugh
Finally, deciding you with that you decide that you didn't want to have sex with Sasuke again after that. So when he finally hang's out with you and tried to make a move to you onto you this time you didn't hesitate to put a stop to it.
"Look....Sasuke we need to talk"
"About what?"
"About this, I don't wanna do this with you anymore... but we could still be-"
You were cut off.
"Wow Y/N so this is how you treat me, after everything we did together"
"Sasuke stop don't make sound like that you know that's not true"
"What? that you're being such an uptight bitch all of a sudden?"
"What the hell are you talking about,if anything your the bitch! you think I didn't hear what you were talking to your friends... well I did and I don't wanna do this anymore....I thought...I thought we could actually be friends but now I see that you were just using and abusing our friendship.... you don't care for me like I care for you, like any true friend would.... like how you think I'm just some puppy you can come and play with after....well I'm not, I'm not your house pet you jerk!!!"
You said it with your chest, there was no holding back now.
After that you and Sasuke stopped hanging out but that didn't stop him from telling the school he fucked you.
So now but to the question......
How could you be so dumb?
Could it be.... loneliness?
Could it be.....careless?
No it's not
It's not any of those
But you know what it could be....
Poor Poor Y/N....you pitiful creature. You finally got some good attention and just like a pound pup who has finally been let out it's cage you below it.
What's the matter? It's your fault for slipping up..... but here you are crying in the girls bathroom in an empty dirty stall crying.
Like a hound crying for it's bone... playing the victim as if you didn't bring it upon yourself....
You could of simply said no.....but like attention seeking puppy you didn't.
So go ahead and cry and whine like a puppy dog.
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mangekyuou · 3 years
                                             HATE ━゙
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⁺◟   CHARACTERS . . .           hozuki suigetsu           fem!reader           jugo           uchiha sasuke           uzumaki karin
⁺◟   GENRE . . .           angst           oneshot
⁺◟   SYNOPSIS . . .           suigetsu finds himself being jealous           of his teammates, jugo and sasuke,           for their closeness to the girl he cares           about the most, ( y/n ). but keeping           his jealousy to himself, makes him           bitter toward her.
⁺◟   CONTENT WARNINGS . . .           alluding to neglect ‘ brief mentions           of blood
⁺◟   WORD COUNT . . .           1.6k.
⁺◟   COMMENTARY . . .           we’re not going to talk about how i           got this request back in august and           i’m just now posting it. think of this           as a late christmas present. surprise           shawty !! i...am so sorry.
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The heart-wrenching scream of those three words, rang through his ears over and over and those around them, echoing through the hollow trees and into the air, scaring the birds away. The loud echoes, as they fell out of range was replaced by the soft sound of sniffles.
Sniffles from a young girl far beyond her breaking point.
Streams of tears flowed down her cheeks, her eyes red of anger...hate...sadness..and complete defeat. She dug her trembling fingernails deep into the skin of her palms, deep enough to draw a bit of blood hidden in the sleeves of her robe, as she stared at the boy in front of her.
Suigetsu stopped, he swallowed shallowly. His heart sank into the lower pit of his stomach as he listened to her scream those three words.
I. Hate. You.
“( y/n )...”
She didn’t mean that. She couldn’t have. There was no way. She never a problem with him for his annoying antics, rather somewhat encouraging of them. He always brought a smile to her face when he teased their fellow teammates or when he insulted his opponents.
It was quite easy for him to grow attached to her rather quickly. After all, they had shared the same birthplace and she understood the pain and losing someone dear. However, she shared something that no one else could.
The two had shared a dream, one both hard for them to obtain.
The dream of becoming one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist.
However ( y/n ) was unique, in a way Suigetsu would never understand. She was an outcast for something she could not control.
A Kirigakure kunoichi with a fire affinity and a lackluster talent in kenjutsu. She had become a disgrace to her own clan. Her childhood friends laughing in her face, rumors of her heritage and if she truly was a full-blooded member of her clan.
Those thoughts had stuck with her until she met Sasuke, to her a foreigner who didn’t care about her affinity nor her heritage just looking for a teammate to help him. How could she say no?
It was her chance to prove she could be strong. She could do it without any help from the people who pushed her aside. Her chance to prove she could be a swordsman despite her fire affinity and no natural talent in kenjutsu, all it took was hard work.
Upon being the last addition to Team Taka, not sharing a connection to Orochimaru like the others, she once again had felt left out until she proved herself to them. She bonded with each of them, especially Suigetsu, however, her feelings toward him had become more than friendly over time, as did his. He couldn’t think of the set moment he knew he loved her, but he knew the set moment he discovered what jealousy was.
A vile feeling crawled up his back, slithering up his spine, wrapping around him tightly and squeezing his insides like a constrictor at that moment. The moment he watched Jugo calm down from his murderous rage because of ( y/n ) gentle touch and words. Suigetsu could only watch with his vile feeling begin to pile onto him.
He was jealous of how ( y/n ) had touched him.
He was jealous of how ( y/n ) had spoken so softly to him.
He was jealous of how close ( y/n ) was to him.
Jugo too was like her in some way. It was obvious the two had soft spots for one another. The only continued to grow close after the incident. ( y/n ) asking for rides on his back when her feet ached from walking too long, Jugo giving her flowers and helping her with animals, it got to Suigetsu.
His jealousy didn’t go unnoticed. Karin picked up on it easily, simply because of her own jealousy between ( y/n ) and Sasuke, noticing how he wasn’t as harsh on the fire affinity kunoichi as he seemed to be on the others.
Jealousy piled up and upon him for weeks and weeks, beginning to wear him thin. It caused him to be bitter and belittling. Harsh sentences leaving his mouth and into the ears of the girl he had loved the most. Sentences that broke her down one by one.
“( y/n ), stop being weak.”
“Stay out of the way damnit!”
“You’re going to get us all killed, then what?”
“Can’t believe the Uchiha recruited such a weak kunoichi.”
“Give me a break, ( y/n ). Some of us can actually wield a sword without struggling.”
“Jugo, your pathetic girlfriend needs you.”
And the one that has sent her beyond the breaking point.
“Is this why you ran away?”
As the question left his mouth in the middle of an argument, he noticed the change in her body language. How her face had softened, even if it was only for a brief moment. He could see just on the outside how her heart fell. “TOO FAR,” Jugo growled through his teeth. Sasuke could scold him, ( y/n ) raised a hand to stop him, her voice losing its emotion before landing a hard slap across the purple-eyed boy’s face before she screamed those words.
I. Hate. You.
She continued, “All you...all you ever do is insult and belittle me. You...you make me feel like the scum of the earth sometimes. You’re so damn mean! I can endure it...I can. But I’m only human. I make mistakes, I bleed when I fall down, I do dumb things sometimes. I’m sorry I’m not perfect.”
She wrapped her hands around her side, the blood from her clawed skin, smearing on the cotton fabric of her robe. He had never seen her like this, so upset, so hurt, so turned down.
And it was all his fault. He did this to her. He had caused her the pain, this hurt. He didn’t realize what he was saying, unaware of her entire past. He was left in the dark, as ( y/n ) was ashamed. Now what he hadn't known ruined the friendship he had with the one he cared about the most.
He was beyond stupid. This dumb jealousy. His stupid teenage boy hormones, making him push her away. The opposite of what he wanted.
He wanted to hold her close, be able to rest his head on her shoulder, and complain about the world around him. Yet he didn’t show that, rather he made it seem as if he hated her. Now he was the reason she was crying...no breaking down.
Out of habit, he reached out to touch her as he ignored the lingering stinging of his red cheek. He was more worried about ( y/n ). She stepped back a few steps, lowering her head.
“( y/n ), I—” Suigetsu started again only to hear her voice once more. Saving him the embarrassment of stumbling over his words. He didn’t have a clue of what he was going to say. He didn’t even know to apologize.
“What have I ever done to you to make you treat me like this? I know I’m not the most skilled in kenjutsu and my fire affinity holds me back, but I’m trying my best! I’m doing the best I can. To help Taka! To help Sasuke, Karin, and Jugo! To help you! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!” She cried, “We’re a team. All of us, together. Yet you don’t treat me like I’m part of it. I want nothing to do with a team that doesn’t accept me.”
“( y/n )!” Karin perked up. Her red eyes focused on the team’s leader who had leaned against a tree watching the scene unfolding before him. He understood what she was saying, what she was hinting at. Each of them did. But even if they didn’t want her to go, it was her choice and they couldn’t force one upon her. They were criminals but they weren’t monsters.
( y/n ) turned her back to Suigetsu no longer wanting to see those purple eyes and sharp-edged teeth of his. Ones that brought memories, both beautiful and painful. Memories that made her smile, memories that made her cry. Memories that made her fall in love with him, memories that made her hate him.
What happened to the boy she had fallen for?
She bowed lowly to Sasuke, “Forgive me.” With those words she was off, being chased after by Jugo.
“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Karin screamed at the only Kirigakure native left, “( y/n ) is the kindest out of the five of us yet you treat her like dirt! If you like her then tell her that! Insulting and belittling someone isn’t how you get them to fall for you too. If it were up to me, I think you don’t deserve her!”
Her words stung, but she was right. He didn’t deserve her, he never did. Even now he couldn’t run after her as Jugo did.
Sasuke looked his teammate up and down, “Like her? That’s why you try to size both Jugo and I up when we are aiding ( y/n ). Suigetsu, ( y/n ) has no interest in me or Jugo. And if you didn’t notice it truly shows how blind you have become. If ( y/n ) doesn’t come back with Jugo I doubt he’ll forgive you. Neither will I.”
“Or me,” Karin added, leaving it at that. The boy was alone with his thoughts. His thoughts of her and her broken expression.
He fell to his knees, tears flooding down his face. He gripped the roots of his white hair, hard enough to rip, as his bottom lip quivered.
“What have I done?”
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actuallysaiyan · 3 years
okay omg i’m so excited because Suigetsu never gets enough love. could you possibly do an nsfw alphabet please?
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Suigetsu is pretty sweet after sex. He likes to get you both something to drink and to just relax together while you both catch your breath. He’s also super into taking a bath together just so you can rehydrate and relax. The man needs water and cuddles after sex.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
While it’s not really a body part, Suigetsu loves his ability to turn into liquid. He thinks it’s super awesome he’s able to use such a power at his disposal and that it serves him very well.
On you, he loves your smile. It makes him feel so damn warm and happy inside. Whenever you look over to him and give him that loving smile, he is weak for it. It reminds him that there are some happy things in the world.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s got a huge cum fetish. He wants you painted up with his seed, your face covered with it and he’s going to want to pump so much of it deep inside of you. He loves it messy and he wants to see you enjoy it as much as he does.
Suigetsu is such a damn tease, so you can expect to be edged like crazy. He wants you to feel like you are going to cum so hard only for him to completely pull away. He loves the way you whine and plead for him to make you cum.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He loves the idea of you being fucked by someone else while he watches. He wouldn’t really mind if Sasuke wanted to completely dominate you while he got to watch and command you to fuck his friend. It turns him on to think about how big of a whore you’d be willing to be for him.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s got no experience. He was Orochimaru’s experiment for a long time, so he didn’t really know what he was doing for a long time, but he slowly learned how to please you and what to do to make you feel good. You helped him with it as well, letting him know what was good and what felt amazing.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Suigetsu is crazy for you riding him. He loves how your tits jiggle up and down as you ride his cock and touch yourself at the same time. It’s just such a gorgeous sight for him to see you in that position. He’s also into any kind of position that’s going to be fun for the both of you. He loves it when you are contorted in all kinds of sexy positions for him to fuck you as well.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
You know he’s going to be so goofy and funny during sex. He loves to have fun and enjoy himself and if you guys end up laughing while fucking, then it’s a win. He loves the sound of your laugh while he fucks you hard, and when he fucks you in that way that makes your laughs turn into loud moans, he’s such a sucker for it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
So, he’s fairly hairless. It’s all pretty smooth. The little hair he does have is nice and fluffy, and it’s white in color just like the hair on his head. He doesn’t have to do much maintenance to keep it clean, which he enjoys.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Some nights, Suigetsu wants to feel close and loving to you. He’ll get needy and he’ll hold you close as he fucks you sensually. Most of the time, sex is high energy and lots of fun. You’ll be laughing and smiling and just enjoying yourself, unless you're pleading for him to let you cum because he’s edging you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He likes to masturbate whenever he’s got the chance and you aren’t around. He has a few toys he likes to use and he loves to masturbate in the shower so that it’s an easy clean up and that he stays hydrated as much as possible. It’s a good time for him to be able to fantasize about how he’s going to fuck you next.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Well, the most obvious kink that Suigetsu has is aquaphilia, but he’s open to other kinks as well. Begging and domination are huge for him, he’s also into bondage as well and of course a little choking is nice as well. All in all, if it’s something fun and turns him on, he’s going to want to try it out with you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He loves fucking in the shower. It’s so damn wet and hot and makes everything so slippery. He also loves being able to fuck in the bathtub as well. It’s all steamy and your slippery skin feels good against his as he pumps into you. Suigetsu loves fucking in the water, but he’s also into fucking you on your bed.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Hmmm...he loves it when you’re being cheeky. If you show up wearing something revealing and just flirt with him, he’s putty in your hands. He wants you to flirt and just have fun with him. If you flash him your smile, he loves that too. Put your hands on his thighs and just wink at him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’s not going to do anything that’s going to harm you seriously. He loves a few painful kinks, but he will always make sure you enjoy them too before he even considers doing them with you. He hates the idea of you being hurt for real.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Suigetsu is a bit of a pillow prince. He fucking loves it when he just lies there and you suck on his long cock. The look of you with his cock in your mouth and you’re moaning around his length and you are touching your wet pussy while you blow him...fuck he’s used that as thoughts to get him off while masturbating more than once.
But he’s not greedy. He loves eating your pussy and making you scream his name. He’s very good at oral actually, but his sharp teeth scared you at first. He had to make sure he was very gentle to get your trust for that.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Suigetsu always fucks somewhere in the middle. He loves making sex fun and exciting. He loves seeing you bounce on his cock and setting the pace as well. He wants to see you take control a lot of the time, because he could literally pound you into the abyss. It all depends on how you are feeling.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He absolutely loves them. They are fun and make the two of you feel so good. It makes him want to risk it whenever you’re both somewhere kind of public. It’s one of his favorite things in the whole world. Life doesn’t wait for anyone, so you need to make the best of a situation and fuck whenever you can.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He loves taking risks. He’ll try all kinds of new things with you and make you cum hard. If you aren’t expecting him to do something, he’ll definitely want to do it then and there. Like if you were at dinner with other people and you’re wearing a skirt, Suigetsu wants to finger you under the table.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He’s got great stamina, but sometimes he gets worked up a lot and he’ll cum fast. He always tries his best to make up for it. He can go a good number of rounds and his refractory period is a little shorter than the average.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Suigetsu loves toys! He’ll use all kinds of things on you to determine what your favorite toy is going to be. Vibrators that are waterproof are of course his favorites. He loves handcuffs for when he’s going to tease you. He doesn’t mind having toys used on him either.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’ll tease you a lot. He loves to tease you about the cute sounds you make when he fucks your tight pussy, but he also loves to edge you until there are tears in your eyes and you are literally begging him to let you cum.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s so loud. He loves to talk and laugh a lot during sex and just make sexy remarks or talk dirty to you. He’ll grunt and groan a lot, and if you blow him, he’s going to moan so loudly. Right before cumming he always moans, “Fuck I’m gonna cum!”
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Suigetsu will often want to fuck on the beach. He brings lots of towels and blankets, and then he’ll take you out to the water and he’ll just thrust up into you. You both have a wonderful time fucking in the seawater and trying to keep it a secret from all the others who might be at the beach that day.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s got a good body and he’s very well built. His cock is very long, it’s about 10 inches and it’s average girth. Its got lots of nice veins that rub up against your walls making you feel so damn good.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Suigetsu has a very high sex drive. He always wants to fuck you any chance he gets. It’s one of his favorite things. Just having your pussy around his cock is just pure heaven to Suigetsu.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It doesn’t take him long to fall asleep. Once you’re cuddling with him, he’s going to feel so relaxed. He’ll fall asleep faster if you play with his hair and just whisper sweet things to him.
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wing-ed-thing · 3 years
Suigetsu x Affectionate!Reader Relationship Headcanons
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💕Ah yes, Sosuke Aizen’s sword 🍵 
💕Aloof, indifferent, and sarcastic
💕It takes Suigetsu a hot second to warm up to people. Even his relationship with his team was a gradual one and he was never outwardly affectionate
💕He enjoys a good overall challenge and in close relationships that translates into overall banter
💕Homeboi likes to take his time and take his distance
💕You come barreling in with the hugging and the touching and the handholding, Suigetsu is gonna get a bit overwhelmed
💕You see, keeping people at a distance is a control thing. It’s him controlling how much people have access to him. He hides under his indifference to test the waters when he’s around others pun intended. He then decides whether or not to trust them
💕Most shinobi are very touchy about touch. They’re raised to never know what’s coming next or who’s gonna kill them from the shadows
💕And you break through that wall
💕It’s likely innocent. You’re excitable and you wanna make a friend
💕But Suigetsu won’t have that and likely tell you very aggressively to stop
💕And if we’re gonna get real for a hot second you probably should stop because that’s someone else’s boundary and not for you to dictate
💕Not an excuse for lashing out, but still don’t touch him. It’s not a cute look to keep touching someone when they tell you ‘no’
💕Over time in the course of your friendship he’ll gradually warm up to you, but it takes some trust and patience
💕It’s actually really nice because this way you develop some unspoken communication
💕Suigetsu will be sitting somewhere and you make a tapping noise as you come through the door so that he knows it’s you
💕You’ll make yourself visible in his peripheral before lightly touching his shoulder. If he doesn’t protest you’ll just lay your hand there
💕His teasing likely goes over your head which is another reason why you, a likely very bubbly, affectionate person would be a pretty good foil to Suigetsu (like Suigetsu is to Karin)
💕It’s a mix between the uncomfortable and trust and boundaries. If you’re respectful, you’re bound to have a very interesting, very strong dynamic with Suigetsu
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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cozymoko · 3 years
Can I ask for headcannons about a Yandere Suigetsu from Naruto? I never read much stuff about him and was curious about what kind of Yandere he would be🤔
💦 A playful type of guy. Suigetsu will possibly have a good relationship with you. He wants to be someone you can look to and cry to. But his main goal is to get you to be his partner without forcing you.
-"{Nickname}, come on! Why won't ya' just be mine already?"
💦 Suigetsu clings onto every bit of kindness you give him and he's addicted. It's to the point where he loathes leaving your side.
💦 Very Jealous, he just needs you to be his. It hurts so bad seeing your attention leave him for a second. He'll play off his jealousy as a joke but he's serious.
-"He's gettin' a little close to you, huh {Name}? One step closer and he might drop dead haha..."
💦 Manipulative fuck, he doesn't even realize he's doing it. You could be leaving your bed in the morning and he'll blame it ok the fact that you "hate him." Anything that has to do with other guys Suigetsu will try and get you to back out
💦 As far as locking you up, Shark boy is against it. There's a high possibility you'll hate him and he can't bear the thought. Something really bad would have to happen for him to hold you captive. There's a high chance you'll develop Stockholm Syndrome in the process.
-"Please look at me {Name}, I had no choice. Don't hate me please, I...I love you!"
💦 Sharky still has no problem killing off his rivals. After all, he's been doing it for years, don't let his playful demeanor fool you. He gives zero fucks about anyone who isn't you. It's like his personality takes a 180° turn, it's somewhat concerning.
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kuroozh0e · 3 years
ok so this is a new blog ig or whatever you call it so i basically i make nsfw alphabets for the following anime’s
ensembles stars
vampire knight
my hero academia
jujutsu kaisen
just these for now yes i know that it’s useless to make smth like this (a account for just nsfw alphabets) but it’s actually fun to make them just know they aren’t going to be very good and i’ll try to make every character in the anime’s above but i’m not very good with characters i’m not really interested in but i’ll still try to make it good
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sup-hoes-its-me · 2 years
I want to request Sasuke x reader modern relationship headcanons pls
A/N: just a warning, Sasuke is like my least favorite character, but I will try my best to make him seem attractive. Also, try to imagine university age for the majority of my modern fics. If you want more Sasuke (or any characters) headcanons, I will do them, just send an ask. 🥰
Let me just start off by saying that your friends do Not like him. They text you, begging and pleading you not to ask him out, saying it isn't worth it. He's just gonna break your heart, they say.
It's not that they don't find him attractive, because they do. Everyone does. It's just that he's known to have one of the most rotten personalities in the entire university.
He's a total loner, but somehow he's cool with all the groups. Naruto the quarterback defends him in every single fight he gets into. And Shikamaru is always there too for backup.
Come on, Y/N, literally any other guy. Shika? Naruto? Lee? Even that pretentious Neji would be a better choice. Hell, go after his brother Itachi if you're so persistent.
But you were infatuated.
You plan the day out to the minute. Starting with what you are going to wear which is particularly cute for a regular Tuesday. You know he'll be standing outside the science building waiting for Suigetsu to walk to the dorms. It was the only time you two would cross paths during the day.
When you confess to him, he's not surprised. It happens almost everyday that someone asks him out.
But this time it was you. His lab partner freshman year for biology. The girl that sat in front of him in chemistry lecture, typing notes on her old laptop.
The girl that could wear pink or blue or black and still look so pretty as she walked by.
You really expected him to reject you. To leave you sitting there on the bench disappointed, just like your friends warned.
"When do you want me to pick you up?"
"Oh um, how about 6?"
Needs for you to be fashionable at all times. He doesn't want to walk around with you in sweats and a hoodie everyday. You have to match his energy.
"Cool. I'll be waiting outside the dorm. Don't be late."
You're shocked, reasonably so. And he isn't blind to the giddy smile that grows on your lips just as he turns his back to walk away.
You were cute. He had to give you that.
One hundred percent buys you platform doc martens.
Will never let you pay for a date. Ever. He gets so angry when you go to pull out your card in front of a server. Like what? You think he's broke or something?
Also, gets super jealous if any guys talk to you. Is not afraid to threaten them or even beat their ass in the public. His dad is literally chief of police, he doesn't have to worry about the consequences.
Will have movie nights with you, but only movies he approves. He's extremely picky and won't sit through one that doesn't interest him.
Isn't the type to buy you flowers or chocolate. Thinks it's a waste of time. He can show you he loves you in other ways.
Walks you to class, and makes sure you get to your dorm every night safe and sound.
Will fight anyone for you. No questions asked. He hates everyone anyway.
Has definitely fought Naruto numerous times at 7-Eleven. It's where he likes to hang out and sulk when he's up at night. Naruto's just trying to get a slurpee.
He is surprising affectionate in public, but only to show dominance over other men. He thinks you are the most beautiful woman in the entire world and is not afraid to proudly claim you as his and his alone.
Does things like wraps his arm around your waist and kisses the side of your head.
Attempts to like the same music at you, or at least listen to it. Usually though, he would rather sit in silence than hear it.
Laughs at you when you are scared during horror movies but most definitely holds you closer. Is never scared, and if he is, he won't let you know.
He loves you, even if he doesn't show it all the time. He really, really loves you and would be damned to let you go.
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moumouton4 · 1 year
Orochimaru with a gn!s/o who likes to randomly pick him up for no reason. Like Orochimaru will be doing something while standing and y/n just comes up behind him and grabs him and carries him bridal style.
Imagine Randomly Picking Him Up || Orochimaru x gn!reader
A/n : Hello my dear I hope you'll like it ! We are really connected lmao I'm currently rping with friends and my character gave piggy back rides to Sasuke 😂
Warning : Fluff
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 909
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He's always on his guard so you had a hard time getting close to him behind his back to grab hold of his body
The first time you lifted him he almost yelped, but he was only able to keep it inside. He only let a gasp escape from his mouth
His reptilian eyes were wider than they'd ever been in his life. He never denied your strength, but this time he didn't expect it
His hand shot to your neck to hold on thinking he was going to fall
Finally, after a while, he realized that he was rather comfortable. But as he realized the situation, he began to blush
Before you could see anything he started wiggling his legs to get you to put him down "Y/n me on the goddamned floor right now !"
You only chuckled "But look at you Sama you're looking so cute from this angle"
"Don't call me that here either ! Now put me down immediately" he demanded
And you did before adding "Next time though..."
"What next time ?" he asked, but too late you'd already taken off
He couldn't help feeling a little thrill at the idea of once again being taken by surprise in your arms. It was comforting in a way. It just felt right
You, for your part, had firmly decided not to carry him like that in front of strangers, knowing that you didn't want to discredit Orochimaru in front of them
However, you had no qualms about scooping him up in your arms in front of the people you lived with
There were many times after that
When he was cooking you'd appear behind him and lift him up
When you passed him in a corridor, you'd turn around at the last second to carry him
Or just when he'd get up to get a glass of water or something
Sometimes he'd talk to you and point to something behind his back so that he'd turn around and you'd have your way with him
One day, Kabuto, who had just finished preparing the evening meal, asked you to fetch the others
And if Karin, Suigetsu and Jûgo were easy to find, you spent much more time looking for your boyfriend and Sasuke
Realizing that they were undoubtedly in training
"Dear, Sasuke diner's ready get down to eat" but you were only met by the mere sound of clashing weapons "Guys ? Hello ?"
When no one answered, you huffed before making your way to the battle site. Once there, you slipped behind Orochimaru and scooped him into yours arms
Because of the fight, he was out of breath and therefore finding it harder to escape your grip
"What did I tell you about this ?!? Set me down right now !!" he fussed, crimson rising to his cheeks
Sasuke's habitually well-regulated face radiated surprise, his eyes wide and his eyebrows almost reaching his hairline. Clearly he never thought he'd see this in his life. He must admit it was a quite oddly amusing sight to attend to
"No, I wouldn't have come to this if you'd stopped when I said dinner was ready. Let's go now you two" you said as you turned and started walking out of the training room, Orochimaru now comfortably settled in the warmth of your arms. His head on your chest. You were waiting for Sasuke to sheathe his katana and follow you
Behind you however you heard him snicker and Orochimaru started to fuss again in your arms "Why are you laughing brat you want me to beat you up-"
You stopped his sentence by kissing his nose "Calm down handsome. Imagine how lucky you are right now to be here mmh ?"
"Yeah yeah if you say so" he said in a huff, crossing his arms, an hint of shyness in his tone
On the other hand, you put him on the floor before entering the dining room, knowing that Suigetsu wouldn't leave him alone if he was to see this
And knowing Orochimaru, he'd end up killing him. But you didn't want your bestfriend to be killed :(
Sasuke didn't tell anyone. But when he's training with Orochimaru and thinks he's not going hard enough, he asks him if he's waiting to be scooped by you before taking action.
It works every time
With time, he came to fully appreciate this gesture and to show it to you. Sure, his pale skin tingled with pink at times, but it was bearable if it meant being able to be close to you
Now when he's sad, he nudges you, waiting for you to catch his eyes and put your arms around him. before effortlessly lifting him up and walking around with him in your room or private flat
He likes to be cradled in your arms. He often ends up asleep. His breathing slows as his body rellaxes in your hold
It's always very comforting when you play with his ebony hair
Sometimes when you're sitting in one of the armchairs in your private space reading, he takes the book from you and sits on your lap, putting his legs on a side his hand on the other
"C-can you ?" he says taking your hand and putting it on his head "Please ?"
He finds solace being vulnerable in front of you
Dude's hooked now and frankly he didn't see it coming
But we did :)
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🥫🥪 Again my requests are open 🥙🥗
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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imaginativeamateur · 3 years
Fluff: 20 with Sasuke and gn reader, please
[Sasuke Uchiha X Reader] Birthday Wishes
|200 Followers Event|
Prompt: 20 — “Did you just… confess?"
Pairing: Sasuke Uchiha x gn!Reader
Note: Thank you for your request! This one is very fuffy, Sasuke is celebrating his birthday with Taka and the reader is part of the gang, too :D And this is also quite late of a gift for SASUKE'S BIRTHDAY! Anyway, I can't say too much otherwise I'd spoil the whole thing ;-; So without further ado, hope you'll enjoy!
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“Happy birthday, Sasuke!” You all shouted in harmony, “Cheers!”
“Wish you’ll be able to achieve what you want in the future!” You grinned happily and lifted your cup again, hiccupping. Your face was slightly flushed from the sake that the team was downing in celebration of Sasuke’s birthday.
“Yeah, we will always support you!” Suigetsu joined you. His state was no different from yours—quite sober.
“Even though we don’t have any candles for you to blow, you should make a wish still,” Karin suggested. She pointed at a croissant lying awkwardly on the plate in place of a birthday cake because a particular person did not have a sweet tooth. It took you all a whole day to persuade him a little celebration would not do any trouble.
Sasuke took another sip of his sake and raised his eyebrows in annoyance, “Childish.”
“Please!” You puckered your lips, making Karin and Suigetsu do the same expression whilst Juugo chuckled at your antics.
“Fine,” he mumbled, “I wish we can clean up and go to bed, you’re all… wasted.”
“Rude! We're not drunk!” The four of you dragged your voices when he stood up and left the common room.
After the raven-haired fled the sight, you stayed and cleaned up with them, wiping the table and washing the dishes with a half-conscious mind. When you were done, you bid everyone goodnight and made your way to your room. But you spotted a silhouette sitting alone, leaning against a wooden column, both feet settled on the grass.
“Who’s that?” You elicited a hiccup, swaying forward.
“Y/N?” Sasuke raised his head and took in your figure that was moving toward his.
“Sasuke-kun!” You beamed and he flinched, sensing a dangerous aura when you called him by Sasuke with a ‘kun’ added.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m getting back to my room,” you slurred and sat down, “but I saw-hick, you sitting here so I’m sitting here!”
“Do you know what you’re saying right now?” He chuckled, finding your inebriated state amusing.
“Yeah,” you muttered and bent your torso down to gaze up at him from below, the moonlight illuminating his sharp features. Inhaling the calming scent of the night, you kicked your legs outward, irritated, “You didn’t make a proper wish earlier.”
“You believe in that?”
“Hurry,” you scolded, looking at a clock hanging inside, “it won’t work after today. You only have five more minutes!”
“… Do you want to know my wish?” Sasuke’s eyes glinted as he laughed.
“As much as I’m curious about your wish,” you scratched the back of your neck and squinted your eyes as though you were trying to make an extremely difficult decision—which you definitely were, “it’d be impolite and unfair if I make you say it. So no, I guess?”
“Sure?” He raised his voice a bit.
You gulped, finding it almost irresistible to turn down his offer, “Y-yes, I'm sure.”
“It's been a long time since I last celebrated my birthday with someone. Well,” Sasuke suddenly leaned in, his face dangerously close to yours, “you know, Y/N. Besides my goal to revive my clan, I also have another goal in mind.”
“What is it?” You accidentally blurted but covered your mouth afterward, only now that you realized the sake got you tipsy, “No, I’m not supposed to ask that, sorry. You don’t need to tell me.”
“So you want to know it after all, huh?”
You shut your eyes and released a trembling exhale, “F-fine. Yeah, I want to know it.”
“I like someone,” he uttered.
“That’s not a wish!” Your thought went static for a second and you exclaimed, gasping, “Wait, did you just say you have a crush?”
“I did,” Sasuke hummed and sat back, his expression was unreadable, even more veiled under the smearing moonlight.
“Can I know who?” Curiosity completely took over your barely conscious mind. You scooted closer and tried to cajole him into revealing the groundbreaking news, “You can whisper it to me if you don’t want anyone to hear. I’ll keep my mouth zipped.”
You did the mouth-zipping sign and he smirked. Too immersed in your quest to find out the truth about the host of his infatuation, you momentarily became unaware of your face was only inches away from his clothed chest. Sasuke’s breath hitched when he clearly smelled your scent—a mix of summer and sake—invading his space, suddenly interested to see what you were capable of pulling completely wasted. You mumbled, “Go ahead, I’m listening. We can even do a pinky-promise if you don’t trust me.”
“We don't need to do that,” he said with a blunt tone, searching your gaze, "I like Y/N."
“Y/N? Is there another Y/N that I don’t know?” You gazed up at him as though his remark was not your very name, a hint of confusion flashed through your dazed orbs when he remained oddly reserved, You hiccupped, “Wait, hold on. Did you just… confess?”
You lifted yourself back up, clearing your throat as you became aware of where he was going. Your tinted cheeks continued to blush, adding to the effect that alcohol already gave you, “C-can we go back to discussing your b-birthday wish?”
“That’s my wish.”
Your breathing suddenly halted, fists clenched as your eyes wandered around. Amidst bizarre confusion, you decided to act upon your instinct—to scramble for your way out of this debilitating moment—you were unable to process anything at that point, “I guess I shall take my leave. G-goodnight, Sasuke.”
He did not stop you when you sprinted down the hallway with swiveling steps, not until you slowed down and turned around to sneak a peek. The raven-haired was still sitting in the same spot with a solemn smile on his lips, eyes peering at the twinkling stars. And you felt an invisible drag that prevented your feet from picking themselves up from the wooden tiles. You stood like a statue, fixed to the ground as you admired him from afar, recollecting your thoughts. It would be legitimate to say that your feeling for the Uchiha was more than that of a friend or comrade—he held a special place in your heart. But at the same time, you could not risk the bond that took the two of you so long to form. You were purely scared of your future together. What if it would not work out? What if he would eventually leave you? What if—
The melodic chimes of the clock pulled you out of your throat, your head instantaneously threw itself in the direction of the sound and you realized that the day was going to end within mere seconds—his birthday was going to end within mere seconds. Before you even knew, your legs were moving on their own, darting to his side, and you dropped down onto your knees. Hesitant but firm, you swung your arms around his shoulders and dove your face into the crook of his neck, hugging him impossibly close, “I like you too, Sasuke. I like you, a lot.”
Even though the air was stilled in the complete silence of the night, your voice was inaudible, partially drowned by the sweet melody. His body stiffened, hands stopping in mid-air when his mind had finally registered your words. Your mind was momentarily blank, nibbling on your bottom lip as you buried your head in his warmth and the clock dinged its final euphony of the day, “Happy birthday, Sasuke.”
Tagist: @dai-tsukki-desu @thenightfallingstar @iam-gaaras-loveintrest @animepickle7
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chubbyreaderchan · 4 years
The Bomb Expert | Sasuke Uchiha x chubby!Reader | 1/?
A/n: Reader summons rats to dismantle and place bombs. She and Sasuke were close friends up until he left for Orochimaru. One day, Sasuke comes back to ask her to join his team to kill Itachi. Sorry if Sasuke is a bit ooc in this. I suck at writing him so I'm trying to write him more so I can get it.
Tw: Female pronoun reader, animal death (old age)
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(Y/n) sniffled softly as she sat at the small grave. Her male rat, Gozaburo had died. Her parents were off on a mission when it happened and they wouldn't be back until she was going to start the chunin exams started, so here she was in the field burying the large rat. It wasn't the first time a rat had died of old age, it wasn't new but it was always heart breaking. The ninja rats were her family. It was sad, she hoped he would be there for her to help her through the exams but that didn't seem possible. She sniffled again, placing a flower down once he was buried and stood up.
Sasuke had originally came to this field to train and get away from Naruto and Sakura but instead he found a young slightly plump girl around his age looking quite sad. She looked familiar. Oh right, she was on team 8. He stared at her a moment thinking about leaving and finding somewhere else to go but then he saw the tears. He sighed internally before speaking.
"Are you okay...?" She looked up, shocked that anyone was there. She thought this area was going to be secluded but here was the famous last of the Uchihas watching her cry over a rat. He would probably think she was ridiculous. His whole clan was killed. "You'd think it was stupid... It's not a big deal... Really." Sasuke rolled his eyes. "What is it?" "One of my older ninja rats passed. That's all." "..." He didn't say anything. "I know it's not that big a deal." Sasuke sighed. "You cared about him. He was one of your partners."
"It's not that stupid."
"But--" he shook his head stopping her from mentioning his struggles. "How did he die?" "He was old for a rat." She said softly. "I see." He responds. "You want to come train with me?" He didn't know why he asked her that. Maybe because he understood her feelings, even if it was just a rat.
Somehow Sasuke developed a friendship with the young kunochi. He was impressed by her, even if she wasn't the best in hand to hand, she was fantastic at tactile explosives. Hell, she was even amazing a dismantling complex bombs. He found himself often seeking her out when he was annoyed by Naruto or his many fan girls.
She was calm and didn't obsess over him. It was nice. He enjoyed visiting her place, watching her care for her partners was a peaceful environment.
When he was marked by Orochimaru and he was trying to decide what he was going to do she was the only one he would stay for.
Did he fall for her? That was ridiculous. He would miss her.
That's why he snuck into her window before he left. (Y/n) was shocked to see him there so late. "Sasuke?" "I'm going with him."
Her face scrunched, she was getting ready for bed and damn she looked cute looking at him like that.
"With Orochimaru... I need to get stronger. I need to kill Itachi." He said smoothly. "I just needed to see you before I left." Maybe he did fall for her but he couldn't. He wouldn't. Not until Itachi was dead.
She gave him a look. One that he knew everyone would give him. She was going to stop him. "If that's what you think is right." He looked up at her in surprise. He was sure she would tell him not to go. "Sasuke... This is your path to walk just know I will be here if you need me for anything."
He wanted to kiss her. But he didn't. He just left. That was the last time she would see him, at least for the next three years.
-- 3 years later
"How was he?" Sakura and Naruto had returned from their mission not long ago. Sakura and (Y/n) decided to have some time together. Sakura liked (Y/n) though something in her told her that Sasuke would pick her before he'd pick Sakura.
(Y/n) handed a grilled veggie to a small rat cuddling against her neck. She took a bit of her own food as she waited for her response. "He was... Different. Stronger." She sipped her tea sadly. "I see." Was the rat handlers response. In all honesty, Sasuke looked disappointed in her opinion when he saw her. He was definitely hoping she would come for him, at least that is what her inner Sakura was screaming.
"Next time... You should come with us." She said. "Maybe you could convince him to come back. He always liked you..." (Y/n) shook her head. "I think he'll come back when he's ready." Sakura looked at her in surprise. "What?"
"Sasuke is stubborn... Just like Naruto. They need to come to their own conclusions. It's why I didn't try to stop him." Sakura instantly froze.
"You had the opportunity to stop him?" She was hurt, the small rat hid quickly into her master's shirt knowing Sakura's rage. "Kind of. He wouldn't have stayed for me..."
"It kills me to say this, (Y/n) but... I think he would have."
-- Orochimaru's "death"
(Y/n) had not expected this.
Not ever. She was in a town in the land of fire that had a specific shop with her rats favorite treat. It's the only one a certain rat would take and she goes on a journey often to be sure she always had it at home. Some would say she spoils her ninja rats but she didn't mind... But she never expected to see him.
"(Y/n)." She froze when she heard his voice. It only changed slightly but she could find that voice anywhere. Her plush form turned quickly, Sasuke's heart skipped a beat when their eyes met. "Sasuke..." She grew into herself. Even if she was a bit on the fatter side, it suited her.
There where nights where he dreamed of her but he had no idea how beautiful she would be once he saw her again. She would be a distraction but her skills and intelligence would be useful.
"Wh--...? Did you...?"
"We can catch up later." He said coldly. "I have been waiting to see you here."
"What...?" She was shocked. "Why? Why didn't you just come to my house I haven't..." It was clear she was rambling, he simply shook his head to get her to stop. "I can't go back there... I just need to talk to you."
She purchased her items and walked out with him.
"I am putting together a team to take down Itachi."
"Your skills would work well for me."
"I see."
She adjusted the bag in her hand, without thinking Sasuke took it from her, as if he were some kind of lover of hers. What an idea...?
No. Not yet.
"So you want me to abandon the village for you."
"You don't hav--"
"Can I think about it?"
Sasuke looked her over, hiding any of his emotions on his face.
"Three days. Meet me at the Great Naruto Bridge. I am going to be there. If you don't show up by sunset I'll assume you won't do it."
It was that last day. It was hard to choose. If she left maybe he would come back after he reached his goals? Maybe... Just maybe.
She couldn't tell anyone. She didn't want to risk becoming a spy and Sasuke finding out. It would only push him away. The sun was still high. If she left now she would just barely make it.
She looked at her rats and sighed. There was no choice. She had to help him if she ever wanted him to come back with her.
With shocking speed she grabbed her clothes and a bit of equipment, as well as food for her summons. Out the door she went to make it to the great Naruto Bridge, hoping not to draw attention.
She told the two keeping watch at the gate she was leaving for more rat treats due to an unfortunate accident. (Y/n) had a feeling she wasn't the best liar. Hopefully it wouldn't draw to much attention. That was one part of her journey that didn't need to be worried about for the moment.
Sasuke waited.
In fact sunset was already falling upon the bridge. "It's sunset." Suigetsu said boredly, he really wanted to get that sword. Sasuke looked at him with an annoyed expression. Suigetsu shrugged a bit.
Sasuke turned to leave but stopped when he heard his name. "Sasuke... Sorry I'm late."
"That's her?" The shark like male said in surprise. "She doesn't look that impressive."
Sasuke glared at him in annoyance. "Tsk." Somehow he was personally offended that he would say something like that about her.
"Let's just go. We still have more members to collect."
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kunoichihatake · 4 years
last updated: 6/21/2021, 4:19 pm est
* = smut/nsfw (all characters are 18+, even when not explicitly stated)
~ = fics for my 100 followers celebration
rules for requests!
pending requests!
like this post to be tagged when I post my monthly roundup of fics!
(in alphabetical order)
Choji Akimichi
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
*A Taste of Heaven
Smut alphabet (K, W, X)
Hinata Hyuga
My Valentine
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
Ino Yamanaka
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
Iruka Umino
No Longer Lonely
Fluff alphabet (B, C, F, K, L)
*Smut alphabet (I, R, U, K, A)
Iruka as a lover
Itachi Uchiha
Special Guest
Torturous Betrayal
Half Good
Fluff alphabet (R, W)
*Smut alphabet (A, O)
*Smut alphabet (C, I, U, W)
headcanons for Itachi and Sasuke with an older sister!
Itachi as a lover
headcanons for the legendary sannin with an adoptive girl!
Kakashi Hatake
Sweet Surprise
Working Late
retail worker headcanons!
headcanons for Kakashi telling his friends/teammates that he has a girlfriend!
Torturous Betrayal
headcanons for Kakashi comforting his crush who’s hiding from her abusive boyfriend!
~Painted Shinobi
headcanons for telling team 7 about Christmas!
Never Again
~His Hands
~Take a Break
~Safe with Me
Fluff alphabet (B, C, J, N)
headcanons for Kakashi w/ a s/o who’s the 3-tails jinchuriki!
Fluff alphabet (D, E, F)
Fluff alphabet (F, G, S)
Kakashi as a lover
Kakuzu as a lover
Down for the Count
Kankuro as a lover
Kiba Inuzuka
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
Ten Years
*Smut alphabet (K, I, B, A)
Fluff alphabet (K, L, P)
Minato Namikaze
Night Off
Drive Me Crazy
Naruto Uzumaki
*What a Night
retail worker headcanons!
No Longer Lonely
Tiktok Famous
headcanons for telling team 7 about Christmas!
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
headcanons for Naruto with a small tiddy s/o!
~Beach Day
Okay with This
*Smut alphabet (F, S, U, V, Y)
Fluff alphabet (B, C, F, G, J, K, L)
Naruto as a lover
Neji Hyuga
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
Surprise Party
Neji as a lover
headcanons for the legendary sannin with an adoptive girl!
Rock Lee
*Training Exercise
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
~My Flower
retail worker headcanons!
Sakura Haruno
retail worker headcanons!
headcanons for telling team 7 about Christmas!
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
Stress Relief
Sasuke Uchiha
Hard to Get Chapter I / II / III / IV / V / VI / VII / VIII / IX / X / XI / XII / XIII / XIV / XV / XVI / XVII / XVIII / XIX / XX (completed)
*Tied Up
Special Guest
No Longer Lonely
headcanons for telling team 7 about Christmas!
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
~Cooling Down
Fluff alphabet (J, D, X, V, E, R)
headcanons for Itachi and Sasuke with an older sister!
Sasuke as a lover
Shikamaru Nara
Under the Sun
~Picnic Date
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
Fluff alphabet (A, D, J)
Shino Aburame
*Out in the Forest
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
~Just Tell Him
Shisui Uchiha
headcanons for Shisui crushing on someone who’s very shy!
Suigetsu Hozuki
*Smut alphabet (A, L, R, W)
headcanons for konoha 11 + Sasuke as band kids!
Tobirama Senju
Fluff alphabet (C, H, K)
*Fluff alphabet (F, I, J, M) and smut alphabet (P, R, U, Y)
headcanons for the legendary sannin with an adoptive girl!
retail worker headcanons!
Yamato as a lover
*Smut alphabet (A, C, D, O)
Like this post to be tagged when I post my monthly roundup of new fics! You can also send me an ask if you’d like to be tagged in only specific posts, such as only when I post fics/headcanons for Kakashi 🥰
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