#Sunshine Moonlight shipping
lunarpanda · 2 months
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Ouppy snuggle<3
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thirstpanda · 9 months
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Wall sex yay<3
Jyushi can lift her no problem<3 If he can lift that panda in Hesokuri he can absolutely lift Mika :3c
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iguinn · 3 months
our da sleeper agent brain wants to talk about our beloved grey warden Daylen who is mage and married to Alistair and theyre happy and in love but were busy organizing our 4 year old blog.
we should have remade more often. but alas, we have too many memories.
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angelicyoongie · 1 year
The Obsidian Pearl (II)
— pairing: mermaid seokjin x (f) reader — word count: 8.1k — warnings: yandere, descriptions of death/blood/violence, explicit sexual content! dub-con touching/oral sex (f. receiving) - the smut is marked with * if you want to skip it — summary: Sailing through The Dead Man’s Passage is a death sentence and the whole crew knows it. But with the ship’s stocks dwindling fast, your captain is left with no other choice. When a haunting melody makes the crew jump ship one by one, you find yourself alone with the demon lurking in the murky red water. As the creature beckons you to jump into the icy ocean – “come to me, pet” – you find that you can’t do anything but obey.
Part 01 - 02
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It's almost night when the siren, Seokjin, visits you again.
Enough time has passed for the air to turn chilly, carrying small gusts of wind that pass right through your clothes. The sunshine that warmed you only hours ago feels like it might never return, not when your surroundings are so terribly dark. You can feel the chill deep in your bones, fear nipping at your skin, clinging to you like frost on a dark winter night. 
You're huddled as deep in the cave as you can go, hugging your knees to your chest. You're exhausted, eyes as dry as sand, but you know you can't rest. Call it instinct after being on the sea for so many years – of constantly being trapped on a vessel with people who might turn on you at any second – you tend to develop a hunch of when bad things are going to happen. 
You can feel it in your body now, the low buzz that keeps you alert, reminding you that you are not safe no matter how tired you may be. 
The reason for it comes only a few minutes later, a terrible scraping sound reverberating through the silence as something heavy is pushed up on the ledge of the stone dock. You free your stiff limbs, wincing as you whip around to face the source of it. It looks to be some sort of chest, the short distance and the faint moonlight not doing much for your vision. 
As the item is pushed forward with another forceful shove, your heart jumps to your throat. You've seen this chest before –  the iron insignia on the top is all too familiar to you. It belongs, no, belonged, to your captain. You don't dare to move closer though, not when there's only one creature who could've brought it to you. 
Seokjin emerges from the water just seconds later, heaving himself up on the rock. He looks like something out of your worst nightmare, long hair covering his face as he claws his way forward. The shadows make him look all the more terrifying, the dark night blending together with his tail and hair like the perfect camouflage. If it wasn't for his strikingly pale skin, you never would've been able to make him out at all. 
He settles back against the same rock as he did before, parting his hair to expose his face. Shivers run down your spine as Seokjin's black eyes find yours through the darkness. They strike just as much fear into you as they did last night, this morning, the emptiness just another reminder of how unearthly he really is. 
It was foolish perhaps, but you had found yourself hoping that Seokjin had forgotten about you. That he had come across another ship to terrorize and another human to keep for his little experiments. You wouldn't have minded rotting away in the cave alone if it meant you never had to look upon him again. 
The siren clicks his tongue. "I bring you a gift and you dare to look disappointed? This won't do. Come closer, little human." 
You don't move, self-preservation rooting you to the ground. 
"You humans freeze to death if you get too cold, do you not? Your skin is quite thin, fragile." Seokjin delivers his point by parting his mouth more than necessary, those horrible teeth coming to view behind his plush lips. "Your brain might be too small to remember but the water I dragged you out of was ice cold, pet. The air will only grow colder the longer you wait."  
Seokjin doesn't have to use his thrall to make you understand that you have no choice in the matter. If you don't come forward willingly, he'll will either drag you there himself or let the elements do you in. The part of your brain that fears the unknown more than the creature in front of you, urges you to move.
You don't even have it in you to feel humiliated as you crawl forward, terror and cold stiff limbs making it impossible to walk. Seokjin's stare hangs over you like a heavy cloud, slowing you down even further. 
He's close, way too close, as you kneel in front of the chest. You would be able to touch his stomach, feel where his skin transforms into scales if you just stretch your arm out.
Seokjin huffs as you linger, the sound making you jump as he impatiently says, "Go on." 
You reach for the iron key that's miraculously still in the lock, your busted shoulder aching with pain as you have to twist it with more force than usual. A small stream of water is forced out, running down the side of the chest as you slowly open the lid with shaking hands. You've never held much gratitude for your captain, but for once, you can't be more thankful for his arrogance. He always left the key in the lock and never worried about a greedy crew, because, as he would always say; who in their right mind would dare to steal from a Captain? 
You release a shuddering breath as you push it open, the iron hinges voicing their displeasure with a long squeak as the contents are revealed to you. The fur-lined coat your captain bought in the East lays on top of an array of shirts and pants, the fabric hardly even damp as you pick it up. You had assumed everything to be drenched, but it seems the carpenter your captain had been boasting about was the real deal after all. 
You pull the coat into your lap, warmth immediately swaddling your legs. 
A gift, Seokjin had called it, but you doubt the siren is simply that generous. 
"How did you get this?" You quietly ask, voice trembling.
You know the stories of how the ships make it out unscathed, of how it's only the crews that go missing. But unless Seokjin can sprout legs, there's no way he was able to grab it on his own. The siren has a tail and a heavy one at that. As unearthly as he is, you doubt he's strong enough to drag himself all the way up the ship and into your captain's quarters. Never mind that he would do all of that for a chest he didn't even know existed. 
"I sank the ship," Seokjin sounds like he's rolling his eyes, although you're not too sure he's even capable of doing so. "It took you too long to wake from your slumber and I was bored. I have not explored a wooden vessel in many moons and this chest looked interesting. I was foolishly hoping for treasure, not silly human clothes." 
The siren smacks his tail against the water, irritated. 
Even though the chances of getting out of here were slim, you were holding out hope that if you only got to the other side of the mountain, you might be able to use the ship to get away. It would be near impossible to do with only one person and not the whole crew it actually needs, but when something as ludicrous as a siren exists, manning one ship by yourself doesn't sound all that far-fetched in comparison. 
You release a shuddering breath, blinking away the tears that gather. With that escape route gone, the ship now resting on the bottom of the sea with the remains of your crewmates, you are truly helpless. 
You hope the darkness hides the way your face crumples. Lip wobbling, you try to focus on the chest in front of you, not wanting to give into panic with Seokjin so close. You have to save the freakout and the despair for when you're alone. It wouldn't surprise you if the siren can smell your fear. 
Leaning forward, you notice what looks like a thick scarf, the material soft enough that it might serve as a decent pillow. You're not sure if Seokjin is planning on leaving the chest or taking it with him, so this might be your only chance at grabbing items you'll need to survive. 
Just as your fingers close around the scarf, picking it up, you feel something sharp poke into your cheek. 
Your whole body goes rigid at the touch, your muscles locking up as you realize that one of Seokjin's claws is currently digging into your skin. You hold your breath as he slowly trails it down your throat, the sharp nail leaving a sting in its wake. You don't have to touch it to know that it's a deep scratch, blood rushing to the surface to clot the damage. 
"Look at me." 
You don't. You can't. You don't want to know what will happen when you do. 
"Look at me," Seokjin repeats, more force in his voice. 
It makes something in the back of your mind tickle.
You clutch the coat in your lap tighter, focusing on the soft fur between your fingers as the siren's voice grows in annoyance.
You're not sure how many times he repeats his command but between one blink and the next, you suddenly find yourself staring right at him. Your mind feels hazy like it's been stuffed with cotton and shaken around, turning everything upside down.
The hard set of Seokjin's mouth disappears as you finally meet his gaze. The siren hums under his breath as he moves his hand to your face, cupping your jaw. It's like being a spectator in your own body, your eyes refusing to waver no matter how much you want them to. You can feel the ghost of his claws on your skin, not quite digging in but present enough that you know it's a threat. That he can mess you up beyond repair if he feels like it. 
Seokjin leans in, watching you curiously as your throat bobs, lips struggling to part. 
Your tongue feels like lead, awkward and too heavy, but you use all of your willpower to open your mouth, slurring as you ask, "What did you do?" 
Seokjin breaks into a grin, a forked tongue peeking out to lick his terrible teeth. You can feel his breath wash over your face as he speaks, the stench of decay and death making your stomach roll. "You're quite the strong one, pet, I'm glad I brought you here. I think you'll prove to be very entertaining."
The siren gives you one last look, his cold fingers leaving your face as he leans back. You feel some of the thrall leave you as Seokjin turns and slowly sinks back down into the dark water, the small distance making it a little easier to think. You still can't look away from him, eyes tracking his movements even as he submerges himself completely under the surface. He's only gone for a moment before he returns, one of his pale hands coming into view above the water just before something wet splatters at your feet.
Seokjin doesn't wait for an answer. The thrall snaps the moment he's gone, his strong fin carrying him away in seconds. 
You gasp, hand shooting up to feel your throat. The scratch he left behind aches and your head is beginning to throb from whatever he did to it. You tear your eyes away from the lake, glancing down at the thing that Seokjin left you with. 
The moment you manage to make out what it is, you flinch back, jerking your body away from the mangled fish at your feet. The blood pooling beneath it has already soaked the hem of your trousers, staining it dark. 
The sight disgusts you but you can't ignore the hunger gnawing at your stomach. The water in the lake felt fresh enough to drink, but it's been almost two days without any food and you're starving.
There's not a bone in your body that trusts Seokjin but you can't turn away a free meal. You have no guarantee that he'll bring you something again and you'll have no chance of escaping if you're too weak to move. 
You poke at the fish, shuddering as its half-torn body twitches. 
If only you still had your knife. At least then one of you could be shown some mercy.
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You wake with a gasp, chest heaving with panicked breaths as the fog lifts. It's like someone snaps their finger right next to your ear, violently jerking you out of a slumber you weren't even aware you had fallen into. Your awareness always comes back to your first, keeping your mind awake and trapped while the rest of your body slowly shakes off the thrall you've been under.
You're near the edge of the dock again, kneeling in front of Seokjin. The siren has his head tucked against your neck, his long tongue dragging over your skin, licking off the sweat that rolls down your throat. Every part of you feels sticky and damp, the top of your head burning from the blazing sun. You have no way of knowing how long you've been sitting here but judging by the way your brain is practically mush from the prolonged exposure, it must've been a while. 
You shudder at the next flick of his tongue, nausea swirling in your stomach. The days have been passing much in the same manner, every new turn of the moon leading you closer and closer to Seokjin. This isn't the first time you've felt his cold skin against yours, you've woken up to your hands and face being touched many times, but it's never been this intimate before. Never this dangerous, with his sharp teeth so close to your delicate skin. 
Seokjin pauses, his tongue pulling away from your skin as he muses, "That lasted shorter than expected, little human."  
There's no emotion in the siren's voice, nothing that gives you an indication of whether he's happy or angry. He's simply just... observing. Treating you like the experiment he's decided you are. The siren seems fascinated with your ability to somewhat resist his thrall and he has made it his mission to test out how well your resilience works. That seems to be the only reason he's keeping you here.
You can't quite tell how long he's been at it, though. Time feels wonky when you don't know how much of it has passed. The only thing you can be certain of is that it's already been well over a week, maybe even two since Seokjin trapped you here. 
"Please stop," You whimper, voice shaking as you feel his hot breath against your throat, teeth skimming lightly over your skin. 
To your surprise, Seokjin listens. The siren pulls back, the corner of his lip curled into a displeased snarl. He looks nothing short of irked that his fun was cut short, a series of clicking noises gurgling in his throat as he gives your shoulder a shove, breaking the last of his thrall. 
You scramble backward the second your limbs feel like they're once again attached to your body, dragging yourself into the safety and shade of the cave. Nothing is stopping Seokjin from following after you, he's strong enough to pull himself into your makeshift shelter, but he seems content to stay on the edge of the stone dock - always resting against the same flat rock. 
You sprawl out on the ground, panting from the heat. The cool stone seeps slowly through your clothes, bringing your temperature down to something that feels less like you're boiling alive in your own skin. But even as the heat begins to recede, you still feel terrible. The thrall always leaves you nauseous and the shock of snapping out of it in such close proximity to a dangerous predator doesn't exactly help. You're constantly on edge, heart locked in such a rapid beat that you're worried it's shaving years off your life. 
Biting back a groan, you sit up, using your captain's chest for support. It wasn't easy moving it into the cave, not with a shoulder that ached with every push. The fear that Seokjin might take it back if you left it was the only thing that kept you going, the clothes inside were far too precious for you to take that risk. 
The siren hasn't mentioned the chest since the night he left it but it's impossible to tell if your actions bothered him. He's too good at masking his emotions, his face a blank canvas. Some nights, you do admit that you wonder if he even has them – if he can feel the same things that you do.
You're not quite sure which answer scares you the most. 
One thing you do know though, is that you need to learn more about him. You're not one to be a sitting duck and this is driving you insane. Seokjin must have some weakness, something you can use against him or that might aid you in your escape. Perhaps he hibernates in the colder months or he needs to swim for a set amount of hours for his body to function. You refuse to believe he's invincible.
"So," You swallow thickly as Seokjin turns his lifeless eyes to you, "You mentioned that you have brothers?" 
Your voice is barely audible enough to carry over to Seokjin but it sounds much too loud within the walls of the cave. You ball your hands in your lap, hoping your expression doesn't show just how terrified you are of willingly calling upon his attention. 
"Indeed, pet." 
"How many do you have?"
The siren raises one hand to the sky, inspecting his sharp claws. "Enough." 
He obviously doesn't want to answer that topic – move on.
"Y-you said something about a sea witch. How did you find them?" 
"Now why would you want to find a sea witch, little human? Unless you want to get turned into a fish, they are of no use to you." 
"Right, o-of course," You exhale, biting back the urge to throw some colourful language his way.
You try a few more, but there are only so many meaningless questions you can ask before you give up, tired of the aloof answers you get in return. It's like he knows exactly what you're trying to do. Considering Seokjin isn't willing to disclose any type of information, even knowledge that is worthless to you, it's pretty clear that you can't bait him into revealing anything useful. 
He's too smart. 
Seokjin stretches his arms above his head, showing off his lean muscles as his back pops. The crunches sound terribly loud, like he's trying to crack open every vertebra in his spine. 
He lets out a satisfied sound, head tipped back to soak up the sun as he says, "Now that I have answered all of your questions, little human, you should give me something in return. Tell me something interesting about yourself, pet, something that you deem worthy of a meal. It is horribly tiresome to fetch your food at the time." 
You suppose it was absurd to think that the siren would continue to feed you without demanding something in return. Perhaps he's already starting to tire of his little experiments.
You pick at your nails, the splintered edges uncomfortable and raw. 
There's only one story a creature like him will find interesting – one you swore you would never tell anyone that wasn't there to witness it when it happened. But, as twisted as it is, the siren might be the only one who won't judge you. 
The faded scar on your throat burns as you swallow, the phantom pain of a knife digging into your skin flaring up as you say, "I killed someone." 
Glancing up, you find Seokjin staring straight at you, his dark eyes glittering under the sun. His tail does a small wiggle, fin smacking the water in what you can only assume to be intrigue. 
"Tell me more, pet." 
"He was sick," Your hand flies to cover your mouth as your lips move without your permission. You didn't even feel the thrall this time, no push or tug to indicate that Seokjin was in your head. There's only a small tickle at the back of your brain, like you need to scratch your scalp.
Seokjin has never used the thrall on you twice in one day before now. It must be that you're already tired from earlier that he can affect you so easily, that he can slither his way back in without you even noticing he's trying.
Seokjin grins, lips stretched into a terrible smile as he says, "Go on." 
"W-we had been out on the sea for many months, five full moons, and we still had a few to go before we would reach the nearest port," You say, taking a measured breath.
"One of our cooks starting acting strangely – he was suddenly anxious and angry, exploding at any minor inconvenience. He started picking fights with the crew, causing too much tension. It was cabin fever, we all had it, but for him, it was worse. It made him sick." 
You let your hands fall to your side, fingers uselessly grasping for the knife that isn't there anymore. 
"He attacked one of the cabin boys in the kitchen, sliced two of his fingers clean off as he delivered him a freshly caught fish. He followed the poor lad up on deck when he ran, waving his knife around and screaming at anyone that tried to calm him down. The sea... she can be brutal, too big. Staring at the same unchanging horizon every day had chipped away at his sanity, left him with nothing but fear and anger at being trapped by the same water day in and day out." 
Seokjin says nothing, his black eyes staring you down as he waits for you to continue. 
"He tackled me to the ground before I even knew what was going on. When I looked him in the eyes, I knew he wasn't there anymore. There was no recognition, no emotion. Just survival. He managed to give me this while I was trying to fight him off," You lightly touch the scar on your neck, tracing it from the bottom of your jaw down to your collarbone.
"The others couldn't pull him away either, he was like a beast. I am, was, vice-captain of the ship. It was my duty to protect my crew. I couldn't let him hurt anyone else," Your voice falters as you stare at the monster in front of you, at the creature you couldn't protect your crew from. The cook was a weak mouse in comparison. 
"So, I... I killed him. He wouldn't have made it even if we had locked him up, he was simply too far gone. It was more merciful to let him die." 
The siren is silent for a beat, his eyes roaming over your face before he tips his head forward and laughs. At least, that's what you think he does, the series of weird clicking noises that gurgle in his throat sounding oddly joyful despite how grating the sound is. 
"You truly are fascinating, pet. I made a good choice letting you live." 
The hand by your hip clenches, your heart beating painfully in your chest. You wish you still had your knife, that you had something you could drive into Seokjin's throat to hear him choke on his last breaths. You weren't expecting sympathy, but you also didn't think he would find your story entertaining – funny, even. He truly is terrible.
You say nothing in return, your anger making it hard to think; to feel anything but the hatred stirring in your heart.
Seokjin, seemingly pleased with what he heard and not at all bothered by your silence, does what he always does and leaves the moment he gets what he wants.
You stare at the empty spot he left, the wet imprint of his long body the only thing left behind. 
You're not sure how long you sit there, caught up in old memories and emotions you've tried to ignore for so long, but the sun has started its descent by the time the siren makes his presence known again. 
This time, you watch as Seokjin leaves you not one, but five fish, all half mangled and twitching as the life drains out of them. He flings a few pieces of driftwood up on the dock, staring at your curled-up form for a minute before he swims away. 
It's only when your stomach starts to rumble that you force yourself to rise to your feet, walking slowly over to the haul the siren brought you. The wood is wet and soggy, but a few days out in the sun should hopefully dry it enough that it might be used to start a fire. 
You let out a humorless chuckle as you drag your hands across your face. You truly are little more than a mutt, waiting for your master to reward you when you do something he finds amusing. How embarrassing. How weak. 
No matter how rabid you feel, you know that biting the hand that feeds you will do you no good here. If you want to survive, to live, perhaps it's time to roll over and accept your fate. 
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You're not sure if you're getting better at resisting the thrall or if Seokjin just isn't bothering to use it at full force anymore, but you no longer blackout when he comes to visit you. It feels like you're in a dream, vision spotty as you watch yourself move forward on unsteady feet, falling right into Seokjin's waiting arms. The siren holds you close to his chest, arms squeezing you so hard the pain registers even through the haze. 
Weeks have passed since the day you told Seokjin your story, since you slowly began to surrender to your situation. The siren still follows the same routine but he seems to have sensed your compliance – your defeat. Your mind is still blocked off, barred from taking control of your body, but now you're able to feel everything that was only a dull memory before. Perhaps the darkness, the blissful ignorance, was a small mercy compared to this. 
Seokjin lets out a guttural sound as he pushes his face into your neck, his sharp claws slicing through your shirt. His tongue drags over your skin with a desperation you haven't felt before, teeth nicking your skin.
As terrible as it is, you've grown used to Seokjin's touches, his presence. On lonely nights, you find that you almost wish to see him, just so that you don't have to face the darkness all alone.
You have come to know what to expect from Seokjin but this is new, dangerous, a far cry from the stoic and in-control creature you've been around for the past months.
The siren's hold on you is crushing, your bones aching under the strong pressure. He skims his nose along your skin, huffing as he breathes in your scent. There's a pause, a stretch of heavy silence, and then blinding pain as sharp teeth sink into your already injured shoulder.
Your vision whites out, ears ringing as the thrall suddenly snaps and everything comes rushing in at once. Your shoulder is spasming, muscles jerking with agony as Seokjin digs his teeth in deeper, an animalistic sound tearing from his throat as he draws blood. 
It hurts. Gods, it hurts.
A wounded scream rips from your throat as you attempt to claw at his face, desperate to get his teeth out of your shoulder. Seokjin growls as you deliver a deep scratch on his cheek, pulling back just a smidge to create the sound. Seeing an opening, you tangle your hand in his long hair, jerking it back with all your might. You're lucky Seokjin doesn't tear a chunk of your shoulder out as his head snaps back, surprise making his tight grip around you lessen. It's just enough for you to fight your way out of his embrace, body shaking with fear and adrenaline as you roll onto the stone. 
Grabbing your shoulder, you try to scoot backward on the slick ground, your own blood making it hard to get enough friction.
Your legs falter as Seokjin turns in your direction, the siren looking like he crawled right out of hell. His expression is crazed, hungry, blood dripping from his unhinged jaw. You can see straight down his throat from how open his mouth is, his stained teeth and black eyes creating the perfect picture of a demon. 
Seokjin hisses as you attempt to move, a horrible sound that makes every strand of hair on your body stand straight. He digs his claws into the rock in front of him, using his strong arms to drag himself forward. 
"Come here, pet," Seokjin gurgles, his voice hardly even human.
"No no, please don't," You whimper, a newfound urgency propelling you back.
Something in the siren's expression flickers at your broken pleading, like he can't decide if his hunger or entertainment is more important. The confusion, the small sliver of hope it gives you, only lasts for a few seconds before he shakes himself out of it, Seokjin's clawed hand reaching out for your ankle. 
Just as he's about to wrap his hand around your foot, your feeble kicks doing little to deter him, you both hear the distant sound of people. 
It must be another crew daring to brave the mountains, their rambunctious singing and laughter so terribly out of place. They're either obvious to the stories haunting the pass or trying to compensate for the oppressive silence they no doubt felt the moment the ship entered it. Your heart flutters with longing at the sound of humans singing and laughing, your chest constricting with a yearning you thought died weeks ago. They sound happy and lively – everything the siren is not. 
You watch as the same realization hits Seokjin, as he registers the sound of food entering his territory. The siren's jaw pops back to normal as he licks his lips, his empty eyes flickering up to the darkening sun as he says, "The ocean appears to be smiling kindly on you tonight, little human." 
Frozen to the spot, you feel your heart drop to your stomach as the siren twists around and dives back into the water with an urgency you haven't seen from him before.
The moment he's out of sight you let out an ugly sob, hope draining out of you alongside the blood that runs down your arm. You tear at the sliced fabric that's barely holding on to your body, wrapping it around your wound with shaking fingers. It's a poor excuse for a bandage, the material soaked through in seconds, but you still tighten it as much as you can, hoping it'll be enough to stop the bleeding. Only left with your undershirt, you can feel the shivers begin to set in, your adrenaline crashing. 
You had given up hope on being rescued a long time ago but to have it this close, just on the other side of the mountain, is torture. You can't even alert the unsuspecting crew of what's coming, of the deadly creature that's lurking below their ship. 
Scream, scare them off.
Just as the futile thought strikes you, you hear it – him. The gentle hums that cause a hush to fall over the ship.
You cover your ears, not wanting to hear what comes next. You don't know if Seokjin's thrall can still affect you here but you'd rather not take the chance and risk waking up at the bottom of the lake. Closing your eyes, you try to pretend that none of this is real, that all of this is just a terrible, terrible dream.
You let out a weak sob as the first scream pierces the air. Their terrified yells echo between the mountains as they're forced to jump one by one, their final moments brutal and panicked. There's no gentleness in Seokjin's song this time, only urgency as he compels them to their deaths. 
He was starving.
For some unfathomable reason, the siren must have been starving himself to the point of breaking, trying to withhold from killing you. It all adds up to why he was acting so out of character over the past few days, his behavior more erratic than normal. He had been trying to fight off the urge to eat you. 
If the ship hadn't arrived when it did, if it had only been one second too late, you would've been dead by now. 
You curl up into a small ball, body cold and numb to the pain as your shield your ears, wrapping your arms securely around your head. "Thank you," You whisper to the faint moon, guilt twisting your stomach into knots. 
Tears drip down your face as the screams continue to reverberate into the night, choked apologies passing through your lips until you feel them going slack. You don't fight the darkness that pulls you under, your soul begging for rest, for a place the screams of Seokjin's massacre can't reach you. 
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You jolt as a cold hand wraps around your shin. 
Eyes flying open, you manage to push yourself up on your elbows before your shoulder gives out, the movement sending a sharp pain all the way down to your fingers. You grit your teeth, breathing through your nose to steady yourself as you glance up at Seokjin.
The siren wraps his hand tighter around your leg, using it for leverage as he drags himself up on the rock. You were close to the mouth of the cave when you passed out but now you're almost at the edge of the dock, feet only a few steps away from the still water below. Seokjin's thrall must've been too strong, urging you to come closer even when you were unconscious. 
Perhaps you have truly lost your mind or maybe the night is playing tricks on you, but for once, there's actual emotion on Seokjin's face. The siren grins, his black eyes ablaze with something as he pushes forward. He tugs your legs apart, fitting his body between them. His hands rest on either side of your ribcage, his face so close that you can practically taste the stench of death that washes over your lips with every breath. The water cascading from his skin makes you shiver as it hits your own, the droplets soaking through your undershirt in seconds. 
"Pet," Seokjin purrs, inching his face closer.
You hold your breath, limbs frozen with fear, as the small distance between you disappears. 
You can only watch and you're horrified to find that the first thought that strikes you is how mesmerizing the siren looks. The moon shines brightly behind him, giving the scales climbing up his stomach and the small patches on his arms an iridescent shine. It's no wonder sirens have been described as beautiful creatures, not with how Seokjin's pale skin is illuminated, practically glowing, under the night sky.
You see his head tilt down, his dark eyes roaming over your bandaged shoulder. The wound only seems to ache more under the pressure of his gaze.
"Good work, little human," Seokjin comments, pleased, "You patched yourself up just to stay with me longer. I am not cruel, I will reward you for this." 
What a good dog you are, licking your wounds for your master just so that he can tear them open again.
Your legs twitch on each side of Seokjin's body, resisting the urge to kick at his tail. Angering him will do you no good and you're ashamed to admit that the spark of excitement in his features leaves you curious – makes you want to know just what a siren considers a reward. 
Seokjin ducks his head lower, pressing his nose right against your throat. The sharp bite you're expecting never comes – instead, there's only the soft press of his lips roaming over your skin, hurried kisses scattered across your neck. He lowers himself to get more access, nudging your head back as he settles more of his weight on your body. It leaves your hips completely immobile, your arms trembling with the effort it takes to keep yourself raised off the ground. 
You hold your breath, scared to move as much as a muscle. 
The siren's tongue flicks out to taste your skin with every kiss, leaving a trail of saliva covering your neck. The cold air only heightens the contrast between his warm lips and the slick skin he leaves behind. You're caught off guard when he suddenly attaches his lips to the underside of your jaw and sucks, pulling the sensitive skin there between his lips.
You let out a startled gasp at the sensation, small shudders traveling down your spine as your reaction only seems to spur Seokjin on, the siren quickly finding more spots to mark up. 
Your whimper, surprised, as he uses a claw to slice through the bottom of your undershirt, exposing your waist and stomach. His cold hand finds the exposed area immediately, rubbing and squeezing at your skin as he drags his hand up and down your waist. He somehow manages to keep his claws off your skin, only digging them in faintly whenever you grow too quiet. He seems to enjoy the involuntary sounds you make, his actions only growing more and more frenzied as he tries to pull more of them from you. 
"Touch me," Seokjin growls against your throat, his voice half strangled as he pushes you down to lie flat on the ground.
Mindful of your aching shoulder, you raise a tentative, shaking hand up towards his arm, grasping his toned bicep. You can feel the power thrumming under his skin, how strong he is from that simple touch alone.
Seokjin is quiet as you slowly glide your fingers up his arm and over his shoulder, feeling how the texture keeps switching between soft skin and hard scales whenever you encounter a small gathering of them. It's a curious feeling, one your brain struggles to fully comprehend.
You continue your touch down his back, careful to steer clear of the fin that protrudes along his spine. He lets out a harsh breath, low clicks gurgling in his throat as you let your hand fall away, not daring to go further than his waist.
You glance up as he pulls back, breath stuttering in your chest as you take in how wild he looks. Seokjin's expression is hungry, but it's nothing like the empty, ravenous stare you saw before he tried to take a chunk out of your shoulder. No, this one is pure desire – lust. 
Your stomach flips with disgust as you realize that the hunt, that killing that innocent crew, actually turned him on. 
Seokjin pushes himself back, emerging his lower body in the lake before he wraps his arms around your knees and pulls. You slide across the rock, thighs meeting Seokjin's torso as your legs fall over the edge of the dock, the water hitting just above your ankles. 
You cry out from the harsh yank, pain flaring up in your shoulder as the still-open wounds are dragged across the uneven surface. The bandage does little to lessen the burn of it, your vision growing spotty as you struggle to breathe. 
"You humans are so weak," Seokjin scoffs, his voice swimming in your ears. *
The siren tugs at your trousers, annoyed at how the fabric doesn't budge. He uses his claws, meeting no resistance as he slices right through them the moment it takes a little too long to get them off.
You jerk as Seokjin settles his hands on your exposed thighs, mapping out your skin.
Your vision begins to clear as you get your breathing under control, heat creeping up the back of your neck as you register just what the siren is looking at. Seokjin's torso is blocking you from closing your legs, exposing everything to him. 
His dark eyes never waver from your cunt, in fact, you're not so sure he even blinks as he watches you squirm. 
"Be still, pet," Seokjin says, the points of his claws pricking into your delicate flesh to get his warning across. He squeezes your thighs, his forked tongue swiping across his lips, "I was right. Your thighs do look delectable." 
Horrified, you feel your hole pulse with arousal at Seokjin's words, wetness slicking up your folds. 
The siren makes a curious sound at the sight, one hand drifting closer to your cunt as he lowers his head. You tense up, muscles locked tight, as Seokjin runs his finger over your clit. A choked moan makes it past your lips as he begins to rub at it, eyes bright as he lightly pinches your nub.
Receiving pleasure from the creature that has trapped and hurt you is the last thing that you want, but it's been so long since you've been intimate with someone like this. Your body gives in easier than your mind, eager to feel any touch as long as it'll make you feel good.
It's a reward, just take it. Who knows if you'll ever get to feel like this again.
"You're so wet, little human," Seokjin comments as he drags a finger up and down your folds, spreading your arousal around. 
"You can't– no, no claws," You hurriedly say as you feel his knuckle graze your hole, stopping Seokjin in his tracks. "We-we're fragile, remember?" 
The siren purses his lips, contemplating the information as he moves his hand back to your thigh. Arms curl under your knees before you can even breathe a sigh of relief, the air being punched right out of you as Seokjin dips his head down to lick a stripe between your folds. 
"Oh Gods," You gasp, fingers clawing at the stone below you as the siren's forked tongue flicks over your clit with every pass, making your clenching hole gush with slickness.
You let out a broken moan as Seokjin prods his tongue at your entrance, black eyes flickering up to meet yours just as he pushes it inside. 
Seokjin has lowered his body even more into the water, leaving him at the perfect height to feast on your cunt. His tongue worms his way into your hole, the wet muscle reaching deeper than what should be possible. Your veins feel like they're on fire, your body burning up with arousal as Seokjin licks and sucks at your folds, nose bumping against your clit. You can't stop yourself from grinding against his face, hips twitching with the little leeway he gives you. 
"Seok-seokjin," Your hand flies down to his head at a particularly harsh suck, his teeth skimming over your delicate heat. The mixture of fear and pleasure leaves you lightheaded, your heart beating erratically in your chest. 
The siren growls as your fingers curl into his long hair, the sound vibrating against your skin as you tug at his locks. You can't tell if you're trying to pull him away or press him closer, but either way, Seokjin doesn't listen. 
You keen as his movements only seem to grow more frenzied, the siren drunk on your taste as he continues to lap up your slick. His grip around your legs is bruising, locking you in place to let him use you as he pleases. You continue to whimper out his name, your little cries only spurring him on further.
The white-hot pleasure in your stomach only continues to build the longer Seokjin eats you out, the pleasure mounting so quickly you don't know what to do with yourself. 
You don't want this but you also do – and those conflicting emotions only intensify every suck and lick from Seokjin.
"Good pet," The siren groans, his warm breath fanning across your folds. 
You finally erupt as he attaches his lips to your clit and sucks, your orgasm ripping through you so violently you almost feel like you're going to pass out. Your back bows off the ground as you let out a loud moan, your knuckles white from the tight grip you have on Seokjin's hair. You ride out the waves of pleasure that seem to hit you over and over, the siren lapping up your essence like a starving man – like he's never tasted anything as good before.
Your legs are trembling with oversensitivity once you come back to yourself, your cunt clenching helplessly around Seokjin's tongue as he keeps trying to lick up more of your slick. You hastily remove your fingers from his hair, weakly pushing at his head to make him back away. 
"Stop, it's too much," You whimper.
Seokjin makes a displeased sound in the back of his throat, tongue dragging through your folds one last time before he pulls back. There's something in the siren's gaze that looks even more predatory than it's ever done before, his plush lips slick with your wetness. *
"You did well, little human. It was about time you gave yourself to me," Seokjin says as he brings his hands to your hips, the corner of his mouth quirked. 
"What do you mean?" You say, voice faltering, "You told me to touch you, you made me touch you – made me enjoy this." 
The siren tsks, shaking his head as he pushes you down on the stone dock, fingers gliding over your stomach. "Did you feel me using my thrall, little human? You touched me because you wanted to, you gave in because you wanted to feel good. This was all you, pet." 
"No, that's not..." You trail off, biting the inside of your cheek. You didn't feel the ticklish sensation that usually comes with Seokjin's thrall when he asked you to touch him. You don't feel sick now, not like you always do whenever you snap out of it.
You... You did all of this on your own volition. 
Seokjin sees as the realization dawns on your face, the blooming devastation making his fin hit the surface with excitement. 
"That's right," He murmurs silkily, "Accept the fate that the sea has bestowed on you, pet. You were made to be my little plaything." 
You feel Seokjin move away as you stare mindlessly up at the twinkling stars. You pull your aching legs together the moment he's gone, bringing them up to your chest. Without the siren's body shielding you from the frigid night air, you just feel cold. So awfully cold. 
Just accept your fate.
You hear the water move as the siren ducks under the surface. The lake ripples as he swims, only a few flaps of his tail bringing him up on the side of the dock, where your head has turned. His dark eyes burn holes into your face as he drops something on the stone in front of you, the metal clinking as it bounces off the surface. 
Heart stuttering in your chest, you reach out and snatch up your old knife, your shoulder burning as you put pressure on it. Your eyes grow wet as you turn it around in your hand, the familiar weight and polished grain of the wooden handle the closest thing you have to anything that feels like home.
You thought you had lost your knife forever when you jumped off the ship, that it was sacrificed to the sea together with your crew and vessel.
The siren's face is unreadable as you glance up at him, expression flat as always. One thing is for sure though – there's no part of Seokjin that views you as a threat, that's concerned you'll use your knife against him. 
It breaks your heart to know that he's right. Even if you kill him, you have no way to get out of here.
Seokjin's pale hand emerges from the water to place something delicately on the edge of the dock. You let out a small gasp as he removes his fingers, the round sphere beautiful as it reflects the stars shining above. It looks to be a massive pearl made out of obsidian, the surface glossy and smooth. 
You lay your knife down, meeting Seokjin's burning stare as you bring your trembling fingers forward to pick it up. The pearl is heavy in your palm, your hand barely even managing to close around the size of it.
The moment you pick it up, Seokjin lets out a pleased chitter, his mouth showing off that terrible smile again as he says, "You've proven to be a fascinating pet, I don't think I'll tire of you just yet."
"You're mine now, little human." 
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a/n: i really hope you enjoyed the final chapter of TOP! writing mer!seokjin was a nice break from my usual stories and it was fun to revisit the tcs-universe. i would love to hear what you think about the chapter – comments and reblogs make my day!! 🥺💖
if you enjoyed the story and would like to support me, you can do so here! 💖
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muntitled · 11 months
Cat & Mouse | Monkey D. Luffy
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➛ Monkey D. Luffy x Fem!Reader
➛ Summary: Perhaps playing Cat and Mouse with your uncontrollable boyfriend was a bad idea after all.
➛ Warnings: Language, Fluff, Established Relationship, Lovestruck!Luffy, Cat and Mouse game (Smut +18 Minors DNI), Primal Kink, Praise Kink, Dry Humping, Neediness, Dom/Sub undertones, Whimpering, Needy!Luffy, Breeding Kink, PIV
Literally my comfort character. I love him so much
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"My love," There's a quiet, stunned sound that leaves his lips in a huff as he gazes at you with wide eyes. "Are you sure?" You weren't sure of anything, to be completely honest and neither was he.
"I don't know about you, Luffy, but I miss the surface."
"There is a surface on the ship," He whines, stomping his big feet onto the forest floor, awakening the critters hidden in the thickets.
"Ground Luffy, I want the ground. The actual ground with dirt and bugs and trees! I really missed the trees."
You explain this to him with nothing but wonder bouncing off your tone as your fingers weave through the laces of your leather boots. You knot the laces with a quickness, ensuring maximum efficiency before your game commences.
"Don't you want to join the others?" He asks, still pouting up a storm as he picks up a stray rock at his feet, "We could be in a restaurant right now-"
"You'd rather eat than spend time with me?" Luffy does not need sunlight to know your eyes are narrowed into slits right now. He quickly reels back because as much as he adores eating, he equally adores receiving mind blowing orgasms from his girlfriend too. "It's just,"
You gazed up at him from bended knee, now preoccupied with tying your other laces, too.
"It's just what, Big Boy?"
There is a wide, distinct smile that breaks across Luffy's face at the very sound of the nickname. His heart is a runway train within his ribcage and he nearly purs out loud. His scar now shines even brighter under the moonlight with the elation across his face. After dusting off the excess dirt from your shoes you straighten yourself and tug Luffy closer by the string of his hat. As he speaks, you retie the string, "You know it is... unwise for us to do this. You know I'm not going to be able to- tighter," he asks distractedly, "-could you make the string just a little tighter?" You pull Luffy's straw hat further down onto his head. As you fix the hat perfectly onto his head your heart swells with nothing short of adoration.
You had never quite believed in the construct of a soulmate until you met Luffy. Upon your union, it all seemed to fall so surreptitiously into place that a life before him had seemed utterly bland, and so completely... boring. There is a warmth that seized the man's entire countenance, and you put it all to very good use.
He consumed you.
Not a single tear was shed without Luffy curling into you, quite forcefully stuffing his large, masculine frame under your armpit under a very, very strict comfort policy. You could not show a sliver of ill-emotion without Luffy tapping his foot anxiously against the floorboards of your cabin, chewing on the ends of his nails nervously while the rest of him was seized in restlessness. "I'm not going to leave until you tell me why you're upset," He would say, pushing the door of your cabin open every time it threatened to close shut.
"Boundaries," You would yell, "Boundaries, Luffy!"
He inwardly turned his nose up at that crude dirty word.
The word that wanted you to keep you away from him. The word that saw you two occasionally (frustratingly) separated.
"But I am respecting your boundaries, My Love," he would coo from the other side of the threshold. "I haven't set foot over the line once, even though you are very clearly upset." His sweet obliviousness would usually aid in washing away whatever grievances you had acquired from your polluted thoughts. Thoughts that were susceptible to Luffy and his Ray of endless, blinding sunshine. Even his flaws held a nauseating dose of optimism. His forgetfulness, his altruism, his simplicity and his restlessness.
You were lucky to have him.
"I don't really see what the problem is, Luffy." You continue, "It's not like- still, Luffy, could you keep your head still? That's why the hat keeps falling off," You pat down his head in what you hope acts as a sedative for his nerves. It works momentarily but truthfully he just loves having your natural body heat in such close range with him. He can feel it all radiating off of you, no problem.
"You know I can get a little…" He searches frantically for the perfect word, "-excited when we play our games. In an open forest like this… what if I get too carried away?"
"It's not like you're going to hurt me," You say, tugging on the bows you had fashioned out of his hat's string. You dust a layer of sticks and dead leaves from your exposed knee while Luffy continues his nervous tirade. "You don't know-"
"I do know. I know that you're capable of controlling yourself, Luffy. I know that you're in love with me. I know that you'd never, ever do anything to hurt me." Eye contact. If there was a single force in all the known (and unknown) 4 seas that could rile Luffy up more, it was the eye contact.
You gaze up at him with nothing but trust blazing in your eyes as you sink your grip into the lapels of his open vest.
"I don't like losing," He admits with grave remorse. Whether he was referring to the chase you had pitched or the staring contest that had ensued, you were completely unsure.
"You're assuming you'll catch me." You shoot back, eyes never straying from his.
"I could just stretch-"
"No powers." You scold lightly.
"I'm still faster." His lips are but a mere inch away from you. You can hear his ragged breath. It's a sound that flows in sync with the natural cacophony of the woods, the hum of the fireflies and drum of the crickets, all hidden away, singing for the couple, perched under the waning moon.
"That's part of the fun though, isn't it?" You finally break eye contact, but your periphery reveals a keen-eared, frozen-solid Luffy, still watching you with the transfixed gaze of a hawk. He's starkly aware of every single thing around you, his senses being at their most potent.
"If I catch you quick enough, then we're going to the nearest inn, bar or restaurant." You nearly chuckle at that but you hold it in, quite enjoying the charged air that is buzzing between the two of you.
"I like your use of the word 'if', Luffy,'' there is a richness in your vibrato that completely does him in. A sharp, manic growl of excitement reverbarates from his chest. It bleeds into a squeaky whine you place a delicate kiss onto his lips.
"This cat and mouse game of yours is going to end quicker than you expect" he all but slurs, eyes fluttering shut as you place another kiss onto his plump lips eliciting a warmth in his very bones, the need to soothe that delicious itch in his very being was unparalleled. He craves more of your touch, he craves more of you-
"You get the rest when you get me." You state firmly, much to Luffy's dismay who releases another growl. "It'll be fun." You reassure the man as you begin to bounce lightly on the balls of your feet. You fill your lungs with the fresh and dewy air of the woodland fencing the both of you and you ready your limbs. Luffy begins to loosen his limbs as he sees you beginning to break away.
"Head start." He says, commencing a few short jumps as he loosens the cracks in his neck. He tilts his head downward, watching you through a shadow falling over his eyes. Luffy crouches into his 'get ready' stance and your eyes widen in glee as you move farther away, breaking into a slight jump before speeding off into the thickness of the wood. A wave of nausea paired with excitement zings through his entire body at the sight of your whizzing frame and his legs move on their own accord.
You're fighting to dodge brambles and branches of every kind. Trees and their obnoxious arms crisscrossing overriding one another, causing you to bend at odd and unathletic angles as you sprint through the night-veiled wood. There is an eeriness to the open space. It is vast yet there is a distinct density bestowed by the clumping, plentiful trees. Just as you lunge over a lopsided log, a screeching war cry goes up into the island air.
Butterflies soar in your stomach as your feet beat down on the uneven forest floor. You fight to keep your gaze locked on the nature-crafted obstacle course ahead of you, choosing to ignore the hurried lunges sounding behind you. Squirrels scatter in your wake and the owls hoot from their post. The animals watch in anticipation as your energy depletes and your breathing becomes more ragged and spent.
An unforeseeable ache blossoms in your upper arms first as the butterflies bleeds into a sharp, afflicting stitch that has you veering off course. Your thighs lunge the rest of your heavy body forward with vigour and determination, using up all the energy you have stored inside. Soon, the world begins to tilt and you're met with the sharp end of a branch that had gone undetected by you. A small scrape slashes across your arm and yet you still keep running.
Another, final war cry is sent into the air and for a brief, quiet moment you find yourself gazing up at the waning moon. This was the final evening you got to spend on a solid island before you were to board Luffy's ship and heavens knows you would spend it how you wanted.
It is then when you find yourself slowing down. A fire is raging in your oesophagus and just as your lungs begin their reduced intake of fresh air, you're yelping as you're being tackled to the ground with a force that knocks your air out.
"FUCK-" You curse as he rolls the both of you onto a bed of moss growing thick on the forest floor. Somehow, he made provisions for you, making sure to lock his arm around your head as the two of you tumbled to the ground in a messy heap.
When you open your arms, you are caged underneath him. Luffy is straddling you while his hands resting against the sides of your head, caging you in with the promise of never letting you go again. As if you were a restless baby bird that he might lose again. He gazes down at you with wild eyes brimming with intensity and satisfaction from the chase you had given to him. Both of your uneven ragged breathing fill the space between you until-
"I've... I've got a cut," You whisper in between your loud breathing, "You wouldn't have caught me so soon if I hadn't-"
"Please, just shut up, My Love," He murmurs drunkenly before colliding his lips with yours in a furious and fiery kiss that seems to last for ages. His hands find their way at your sides, sinking his fingers into the soft skin that would otherwise be painful, but what is incredibly erotic.
You try to break away, to try and breathe but he only forces his kiss even deeper. Luffy's blood is running hot, and, compounded with his perpetual hunger, he is utterly insatiable.
"You should've let me eat first," he murmurs in between the kiss. His lips never strayed too far away before crashing back onto yours, "Now all I wanna eat is you."
He's unsure if it's a distraught moan or a cry that bubbles up from your chest and it's the not knowing, the possibility of it being both, that has Luffy's cock aching against his pants. He experimentally ruts into your leg once and it's enough to break the kiss and have him groaning into the forest air.
"Oh Jeez," he moans in utter delight, and you watch him rut helplessly against your leg while firmly encircling a large hand around your throat. Luffy does not anticipate the strength in his grip, but he is too far gone, completely locked away in a world of pleasure as he murmurs with his hooded eyes: "Never, My love. You never, never, never leave me like that again-"
You motion as if to respond but it's completely drowned out when he pulls down your shorts in quick, delirious movements. You steeple your legs and watch on perched elbows as Luffy kneels before you, head twitching in anticipation of your exposed heat. He can smell how excited you are, how completely aroused that one small exercise had made you for him and it drives him into an early grave.
You watch with intent as Luffy clumsily pulls your panties down along with his vest in the process. The truth is that your little game has affected him more than he anticipated and the need to mount you and spill his seed inside you was just far too great. But, Luffy knew how much you appreciate feeling his skin underneath your hands, feeling his natural body warmth heat up your cold palms. He is fighting to take it slow just for you.
"Beautiful, you're so beautiful," you were bathed in moonlight, and your arousal shone prettily against your inner thighs.
"I'm going to need you fuck me, okay Luffy?" That tone, that goddamn tone has his eyes latching onto yours in a fraction of a second, his head nodding furiously as your words of affirmation filled him with so much zeal it felt as if he might die.
"I can do that," he says, sloppily pushing his hands into his pants. He is lining his cock up with your glistening entrance, "I can be good for you. I can do that."
The confidence that had once consumed you, completely washes away as Luffy rams his length into you. By the very first thrust, he's latching onto your breast through your buttoned shirt with one hand, while his hovering frame is supported by his other palm pressed to the forest floor.
"No, no, no, look at me, please," His whining has your cunt clenching around him, eliciting a deep and painful growl from within him. Luffy's face is mere inches away from yours, as his charged and incessant 'hah, hah, hah,'s spill out of him with every deliciously thrust. He watches you wither underneath him. Pride and lust do a great dance in the confines of his heart as you lift your shaky hands to glide over his exposed chest. He is quite literally fucking you into the ground. Your head moves above you with the force of his thrusts and your voice is clogged with the pressure of your oncoming orgasm.
Luffy is so thoroughly focused on cumming inside you that it overtakes his entire brain. He gazes down at you with the satisfaction of claiming you. Here you are, underneath him.
His and no one else's.
His scent was going to be mixed with yours and that's all that matters.
"I'm going to cum inside you," he says, rutting into you at an even wilder pace, "Oh fuck, I'm going to cum inside of you"
You mindlessly nod as you feel your cunt begin to tighten around his cock once more. He's so deep and so quick, it's a struggle to concentrate on speaking at all.
"Tell me, please! I need you to tell me. Tell I'm a good boy for you! Tell me I can spill my seed inside you, baby please-"
Behind his huffing and fervent frame, the sky is speckled with gorgeous stars. There are stars in his hooded, pleading words and stars in his voice. He's so close to ecstasy and he needs you to reassure him.
"Cum for me, baby," You bring a hand to the side of his face, causing him to lean into it with closed eyes. "You're such a good boy, Luffy. Please, cum for me." Your pussy tightening around him a single time has him cumming on the spot. His cum, hot and heady floods your insides. It's so much. You're being so completely filled. Your hand on his cheek twitches and your back arches as your own oegasm washes over you. Euphoria erupts in your entire being and Luffy buries his head in the crook of your neck. His cock still thrusts into you as you ride the high, your mouth open in a silent cry as your arms lock around his head.
"My beautiful girl," He mutters as you float back down to earth, "My gorgeous, beautiful girl." The kisses you are met with are endless as your shoulder slump and you're transported, once again, to the real world.
The biggest smile you have ever had the pleasure of witnessing is stitched onto his face as Luffy peers up at you from laying his head on your chest. "Again," he says, causing you to laugh in completely disbelief. "We go again. This time I'll give you an even longer head start-"
"Down boy," you say, keeping your head wrapped around his head, "Let me catch my breath first."
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alexisomnias · 1 year
⤷ his gaze softened trend with them!
featuring the DORM LEADERS
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his gaze softened, in a way that's such as a sweet dessert batter melting under an oven. hot heat spreading all over, looking at you as if your the sun he's left to dry in. no one could ever make him feel the way you make him feel, and perhaps for that he is thankful. a relax of the face only you could make him feel safe enough to do, all sides of himself on display for those with eyes who can see the invisible, and for you. a courageous notion it is to let such fondness slip.
his gaze softened, in a way that is indecipherable. to common folk, or any passerby it would be unnoticeable. Like a speck of dust the same color of the sky flying past the eye. but to those with the privilege of a microscope, its more seen then the sky itself. which in itself may be a silly phrase, but its nothing but true. for something that covers your complete vision, like the sky, you cannot see past it. and when you catch the soft gaze of a lion in your horizon, you should never look away.
his gaze softened, or did it? it went by like a blink of an eye, a fish swimming by in a series of bubbles of all the same colors. a flurry of emotion, yet not counted or captured by your mind. and he, the man before you wishes to keep it that way. he will hold his affections down like a sunken ship until he wishes for you to find it. now, he feels as if these soft gazes from behind, watching your radiation from afar, unreachable like a sunset. he's content, more then content. he's not ready to break that.
his gaze softened, his eyes upturning in a way of fondness separate from his usual looks of radiance and sunshine. beauty and curiosity, joy. all of it common traits associated with the boy. but for now, his eyes didn't hold any of it, for now it shined like a bright ruby. shines like its his first time seeing the sun, glimmering brightly in the hands of someone who can take him far and wide, someone he would be willing to love, and for that a fond smile, much lighter then usual arises on his face.
his gaze softened, the hard jeweled eyes melting into a gooey shimmering oil of which you can see swirl, a whirlpool of emotions of which all mix into one. the professional actor he is, he's learned effortlessly on how to get that look of pure tenderness in his eyes as he looks at someone, but for those who have seen him with you. all those movies look photoshopped, as nothing can replace the genuinely in his eyes when they're glued to you.
his gaze softened in a way he'd never imagine himself doing. idia knows the terminology from his own... content. and he never thought the gestures could be real, until he found himself looking upon you. oh so perfect you, someone he can't help but to adore ever so. and his eyes must be the window to his heart and soul, as every emotion he doesn't let out in fear of a stutter or mess is said concise and clearly through his golden yellow eyes.
his gaze softened, as if he was staring at the moonlight, or as if it was love at first sight. his usual stiff gaze ceased to exist when faced with you, his love. he held no shame as he stared at you as if you were the only one in the world, as if you were a birthday present for him. his gaze softened so, as his brows creased and a soft smile reached his face. nothing could replace the sight of your smile, and that in itself causes his body to relax and mind to slow. you make him so much happier, you are his stars on an empty night.
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itsabouttimex2 · 7 months
Platonic yandere shadowpeach x teenager daughter dating redson
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(First ship I’ve explicitly been asked to write for. Not too surprised that it was Shadowpeach! I’ve written for Wukong and Macaque’s reaction to dating Red Son here!)
(Also, I’ve got a questionnaire if anyone would like to help me with my blog)
Platonic Yandere Shadowpeach
Sun Wukong and Macaque should; in theory, balance each other out. One is bright and forthcoming, the other is secluded and scheming. One is a glittering ray of sunshine that everyone looks towards for safety and salvation, the other a beam of moonlight slinking about unseen in the shadows.
They should get along. They’ve both got a penchant for the dramatic, and take interest in different arts- one in drawing, one in performing. The two are both fond of food and wildlife.
They should be capable of getting along.
But they don’t. Or maybe they can’t.
They’re both too arrogant, too worn, too hurt to be something healthy or happy or wholesome. Why they’ve rushed into this relationship before either had begun to heal and forgive and truly make amends is anyone’s guess, but there’s one thing you know for certain-
You’re the glue holding this ramshackle family together.
A joke long ago led to your birth, two offerings of blood thrown blasphemously into a sacred vase of jade. Wukong had laughed and pitched down a measure of fresh blood from his chest, then Macaque frowned and followed along, dropping a handful of dried flakes gathered from a wrapped wound on his head.
Neither had bothered to read beyond a scant few characters carved on the vase, speaking of ‘rituals’ and ‘blood’ and ‘growing’- and both stopped short when their eyes fell upon ‘Guanyin’, goddess of mercy and compassion.
Immediately, Wukong had started an exuberant and loud routine of sacrilege, prodding the vase and shaking it, mockingly yelling into it and pretending to be a mortal pleading futilely for help from the heavens- right before he decided to take his disrespect a bit further.
“Bud,” the Monkey King hollered excitedly, bouncing on his heels, “Come here, come here! I have a great idea!”
Macaque cautiously uncovered his ears once the yelling had stopped, trudging over to the jade-hewn vase to stand beside his partner. “Uh, Wukong… I don’t know if messing with a sacred vase is all that great of an idea-“
“Hush! Don’t be such a scaredy-cat, bud! We’re gonna toss in a little bit of blood and see how sacred this silly thing really is!”
(Macaque would come to regret many things about has past- but being swayed by Wukong to participate in this sacrilegious ritual would not be amongst the list of them.)
Their blood alike; wrenched from beside Sun’s heart and pulled from the place nearest Macaque’s brain, dripped to the very bottom of the open-mouthed vase, mixing and melding as they oozed down. The blessed container rattled once, twice- then stopped short and went still.
The sudden halt had Wukong howling with laughter, doubled over and wiping tears from his eyes. “Of course not! Like the gods would do anything for the people down here,” he loudly called, as if trying to reach his accusations to the heavens through sheer volume. For good measure, he had given the precious vase a kick, rattling it around.
And listened as something thudded around at the bottom.
Macaque had turned on his sable heel at the sound, scurrying back over to his now alert partner. The demon’s eyes scrunched with worry as Wukong stuffed his arms all the way into the vase, gripping whatever sat at the previously empty bottom. His hand shifted to rest on the end of Wukong’s tiger-hide skirt, though it was more for his own comfort- a way to keep close to his exuberant partner without impeding his arms.
“It’s a baby,” Wukong had stated in awe, a rare note of outright reverence in his voice as he pulled your form past the jade maw of the vase and into his arms. “Bud, this thing just made a baby!”
For a few minutes, neither dared to speak. They just stood and stared, trying to register just how far this little ‘joke’ had spiraled.
Common sense quickly kicked in, leaving Macaque to pry you from his partner, staring down at you with softened eyes.
“Look at her- she’s ours, bud,” the Great Sage announced with pride, and few would have dared to argue with him.
A child fresh to the world, born from dregs of demon blood and formed by sacred jade, with fur and a tail and golden, glowing eyes to prove that you were theirs.
“…never knew I’d be a father,” Macaque quietly says, wrapping you in the long red scarf he always wore.
“Never knew we’d be fathers,” comes his partner’s supportive voice, a rare tone for the Monkey King. Wukong steps forward and slings an arm around Macaque’s neck, hauling him close.
“But I wouldn’t trade this family for the world.”
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You had grown up happy and safe, surrounded by uncles whose names had been your first words. Each one was an inspiration to you, standing proud as they walked in lockstep and wielded mighty weapons. They had been your heroes, every last one of them. You wanted to be strong and intelligent and graceful and noble, to be all that they were and even more.
When it had been them and your fathers, everything had been at least fine, when not outright good.
Learning to read maps with Uncle Yellowtusk. Eavesdropping on fights caused by training mishaps. Hunting with Uncle Bull. Getting scolded for messing with weapons without permission. Uncle Peng teaching you how to gut rabbits and fish. Climbing onto shoulders and backs so you wouldn’t fall underfoot.
Everything with Uncle Azure.
Listening close to his stories and relishing his kind touch, letting him braid your hair and fix your clothes. Sitting on his knees and sharing your food, trying new things with his gentle encouragement. Staying up far too late to stargaze with him before falling asleep in his arms, wrapped in his cape.
It had been family, however unorthodox.
But not all families are built to last- some crumble and sever, instead.
One fight years later had been the tipping point between your fathers, leaving Macaque to cart you away over his shoulder as he sulked away through the shadows, putting as much distance between himself and Wukong as possible- he still had you, Macaque reminds himself.
None of the past mattered if he could focus on a bright future with his daughter. The two of you. Alone. No brothers, no partners- just a father and his daughter. No more teasing remarks or being spoken over or dragged along on dangerous missions for a futile cause.
Just him and you.
And that works for all of five centuries, before there’s a ‘parent swap’ and one of your fathers is dead with a glittering gold staff struck through his flesh and bone, poking in through his eye and out through his skull.
Macaque’s blood; freshly splattered across you, hadn’t even dried before Wukong had swept you into his arms with a guttural scream of both sorrow and relief. His child, at the cost of his partner.
Not a fair trade. But one he chose to make anyways.
The Great Sage holds you close, pressing kisses to your forehead and wiping away your fearful tears. He whispers into your ear about how safe you are now, how you won’t ever be alone or scared again. How he’s back and so, so sorry that it took so long to find and save you, that he’ll protect you from now on.
And how he won’t let you go ever again.
How could he? You’re his.
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medievill · 2 years
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I know the joke is like, haha, how did we all collectively decide that THIS GUY is the soft Dom of Blackbeard’s dreams?
Consider: All he does is give. He pays his crew wages, regardless of their plunder. He makes sure they have creative and recreational outlets. He sees Ed, whom he has just met, secretly brush the corner of some of his fabric against his face, and his reaction is, “Like that? You’ll love this!” and takes this complete stranger into his secret closet, lets him touch whatever he wants. Lets him wear his clothes. Brings him breakfast in “bed” the next morning. Agrees to take him to a party he himself doesn’t really want to go to. Lets him wear more of his clothes. Has a private breakfast spread for him what we can assume is every morning.
Consider: “On your feet! We’re having a day!” Ep7 is probably my favorite because imo it does more to further the romance than anything else outside of the moonlight scene. Our well-coiffed sunshine could have let Ed nap, but instead convinced him to do something new—which is what Ed wants; it’s what he’s wanted from the beginning. (Classic infuriating soft Dom behavior: knowing you better than you.) And Ed is rewarded with unearthing Stede’s petrified heart, realizing it isn’t a stone—more importantly, showing Stede it wasn’t a stone—and establishing and toasting their partnership. Alone. In Stede’s designed-for-flow candlelit quarters. Their faces…this far apart.
Sure, you say, that’s some real service top energy, but soft Dom?
Consider: “Good, because I kind of enjoyed it.” “Stand down, Ed!” “Get off my ship. Now.” “Unhand me or bleed.” He doesn’t do it a lot, but when Stede issues an order, it is followed. Maybe with grumbling or pouting (@ Ed, u precious babygirl) or insults, but no one really challenges him once he puts his back into it.
Stede knows finery, and he knows Ed is the finest thing he’s ever had. He knows you treat fine things gently, with love, but also that you put up hard boundaries to protect them.
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silverflqmes · 10 months
notes. genshin boys as songs from taylor swift’s album, lover, super sorry for misreading your request mikan, i hope this one is better for you!
genre. fluff + angst
for @alatushours <3
ft. xiao, kazuha kaedehara, albedo, scaramouche ( wanderer / kabukimono / kunikuzushi / balladeer )
tw. implied alcohol consumption ( scaramouche’s ), implications and discussions of abandonment issues.
gender neutral! reader
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ะ ྂ ❤︎ . ˚˖ now playing.. the archer.
+ about. the archer tells the story of someone’s anxiety, inner suffering and insecurities. while they have had their fair share of the upper hand in a situation, they’ve also been in a more vulnerable, hunted position. relationships are hard to hold onto, as most of their enemies started off as friends
+ xiao has lived a long time, having gone from a peaceful life among his yaksha allies — whom he called his friends. in the present, those friends are no longer, having become corrupted with karma and the after effects of the cataclysm, which had left him with no choice but to fulfill his duty as the remainder of the five. on the outside, the conqueror of demons stands as a symbol of strength and protection for the people of liyue, a hope for a karma-free region. yet, there stood somebody who always seemed to see right through him, who saw through the stable front he put on for everyone. he found it stupid that you did, but deep down it scared him. xiao once wondered who could ever leave him, but now.. it’s who could stay? it strained his chances at new friendships, at relationships — at letting somebody into his life. yet you paved a path towards him, through all the karma that follows and bathes him under the moonlight, and reach out for him to hold onto you.
+ “i’ve been the archer.. i’ve been the prey..”
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ะ ྂ ❤︎ . ˚˖ now playing.. daylight.
+ about. daylight tells the story of a person who has been stuck in what feels like a never ending dark night, and finally breathes out a puff of fresh air when the brightness of day, their cherished love, washes away the eternal darkness that has trapped them for so long.
+ kazuha didn’t want to look anything else now that he saw you. ever since the lockdown on inazuma with sakoku decree, the loss of his friend, what remained of his lineage; just about everything, he felt stuck. stuck within a night without a moon or stars to light his way, to guide him out of the dark.. until he met you, that was. with his only escape through beidou’s ship, he was met with the most cleansing opportunity of meeting you upon his arrival in the ever prospering liyue. you were like a ray of sunshine, the daylight he’d been search for what felt eons for, and finally found. you’d driven out every shroud of darkness that held onto him and flooded his vision with a brightness so warm, it gravitated him to you. of course there had been the fear of flying too close, like the story of icarus. only, if kazuha flew too close, there was the fear of losing you as he’d lost another once before. but as he drew closer.. he found himself greeted with warmth, rather than ashes.
+ “and now i see daylight, i only see daylight.”
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ะ ྂ ❤︎ . ˚˖ now playing.. lover.
+ about. lover tells the story of someone who feels they’ve known their partner a lifetime, rather than the amount of time in which they’ve been together. they have finally found the one they have been searching for all their life, and wants to go wherever they go.
+ albedo never thought himself to be cut out for frivolous love and romance, and yet here he was now. a holiday dinner at his place had ended with his colleagues friends of the knights crashing in the living room, fairy lights still up, casting their warm glow. he held up a cup of tea as he walked in to see you snickering at them with a morning drink of your tastes in hand, wrapping an arm around you as he held you close to him. he could remember last night near perfect detail, recalling the cooking, the laughter, and the seat you saved him right next to you, just as he did for you at every table you both sat at. it was always the little details that made his heart burn with an unfamiliar warmth, similar to the one he felt with alice’s daughter, klee, yet different. yours felt like a bundle of blankets on the coldest day of the year, on the peak of sal vindagnyr, with a shower of adoration in the form of sweet nothings, dirty jokes and the tenderest kisses. a reminder that you are his, forever and ever and ever. his.. lover.
+ “i take this magnetic force of a man to be my.. lover!”
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ะ ྂ ❤︎ . ˚˖ now playing.. cornelia street.
+ about. cornelia street tells the story of someone afraid to lose another person they loved, due to previous loss. they’re enjoying the moments with the person they love, but doubts and fear surface in their head of those moments coming to an abrupt end, just as everything else does.
+ scaramouche swore off getting close to people after the third incident in his early life. now, he is met again with what could be the fourth incident, out of his ( stupid ) feelings for someone that warmed their way into his hollow chest. that was you. after a night out, feeling tipsy, you threw in the idea of renting a place for the both of you to live in. the wanderer thought it to be stupid. given his new lifestyle, renting a place didn’t align with that. but he didn’t refuse the idea. he enjoyed his time with you there, life was never brighter.. except for those moments where he thinks back to his past, and wonders if he would lose you, too. if the former harbinger did, he knew he would never be the same, that he would never be able to walk the street of your rented home again. terrified, he tried to leave at point, fearing history would repeat.. and yet you showed your hand before he could leave, and sat on the roof with him that night with the promise of never leaving.
+ “hope it never ends.. i’d never walk cornelia street again.”
notes. hello mikan! super sorry again for misreading the request, i hope this one is better and that the songs i chose are okay😭 i only listen to a few tracks on lover so i tried my best to pick what fits them best</3
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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lunarpanda · 11 months
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It's OK! I got more!
Please watch Matsuinu it's so good<3
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thirstpanda · 1 year
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I guess this can be put on here as is? There's nothing showing really... I guess the act could be considered lewd but still.
Anyways tiddy grope.
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iguinn · 3 months
rotating Daylen and Alistair inside our brain btw. if u even care.
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koikoikori · 7 months
renga and mikayuu are the same ship don’t talk to me i’m so repressed rn I CANNOT ITS SUNSHINE AND MOONLIGHT REINCARNATED
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gwyns · 7 months
E/riel’s call Elain introverted, quiet, and shy, but she’s the opposite. Before she became Fae she loved balls and social settings. She would dance with and personally greet each person. Nesta even says that Elain used to love balls in Silver Flames. In my opinion, I think Elain is traumatized. This is understandable, she’s been through a lot. The only reason E/riel’s try to make Elain shy and quiet canon is so they can make her and Azriel more alike. But at the same time I’ve also seen E/riel’s talk about how Elain is exactly like Mor.💀 Extroverted, ray light/sunshine, and loves parties. Like which one is it? Shy, quiet, and introverted, or outgoing, social, and bubbly? They like to pick and choose what fits their narrative for their ship, characterization and canon be damned.
that's just it, elain was literally raised to be the perfect lady and she thrives in that kind of setting. their mother kind of put all of her stock in nesta, yes, but nesta didn't truly like that society. elain did, she had friends in those circles, she was good at organizing parties and being a hostess. she truly shines in that area and it's sad that her supposed fans think she's better closed off and shy and unsure of herself. that's not a healthy elain
it drives me insane when e/riels say elain is the sunshine to az's shadows, no!!!! elain herself needs sunshine, she's been described as a flower throughout the series and her mate is sunshine personified. az doesn't need sunshine, something that chases his shadows away. he needs moonlight, that's a shadow's true companion and isn't it funny that sjm introduced a character that fits that aesthetic in acosf?
as sjm once said: it's obvious
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vintagelacerosette · 2 months
Tag game 💖
I was tagged by these sunshines Evie @energievie & Face @burninface thanksss 😘💕
Name: Myn
Age: We just turned 28 besties & it may be July 31st somewhere in the world 😆
Location: Sydney, Stralia 🦘
and now…
If you could hang out with any cartoon character, who would you choose and why? Oh Sakura Kinomoto from Cardcaptors!! I'd play with her magic wand & cards! Also guess about her fashion 🌸
If you could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be? Idk maybe statement headbands like Blair Waldorf had would be cute?
What sport would you compete in if you were in the Olympics? Oh archery 🏹 Can't guarantee a medal tho!
Which actor would you want to play you in the movie about your life? Ella Purnell that girl can act & just has those sad baby eyes
If you were the captain of a pirate ship, what would be the name of your ship? Inspired by Ling but I think I'll go with the name Gallavich 😜
If you could see one movie again for the first time, what would it be and why? Maybe Glass Onion would be fun! Purely to experience the twist reveal again haha
What’s one thing on your bucket list that you really want to do? Meet a mutual irl & hang out🥰
If you could have any animal, real or imaginary, as a pet, what would it be and why? Turtle ducks from Avatar!!! I mean look at these sweeties!!! They so cute but are sturdy 🥹
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If you could invent a holiday, what would it be, and how would people celebrate it? How about a Creatives week! We have 7 days of getting to do all the creative activities we want & if you need materials it's completely free!! 🎨
What’s the most interesting place you’ve ever visited in your country? Ohh there was an art gallery called the White Rabbit it has some beautiful contemporary artists! The had one interactive artwork where there was a projected video game on the walls & you had to move through the hall to progress. The was also a beautiful tea room. I think it's currently closed for reno tho rn 🥲
Tagging these starlights if they wanna play🌟
@deathclassic @deedala @darthvaders-wife @gallawitchxx
@celestialmickey @look-i-love-u @heymrspatel
@stocious @y0itsbri @svltburn @mikhailoisbaby
@chicanomick @mickittotheman @gardenerian
@sickness-health-all-that-shit @sleepyfacetoughguy
@whatwouldmickeydo @michellemisfit @suzy-queued
@lupeloto @darlingian @gallapiech @ian-galagher
@depressedstressedlemonzest @mybrainismelted
@doshiart @jademickian @guinguin1984
@flamingbluepanda @wehangout @gallavichgeek
@ms-moonlight-inn @crossmydna @flamingbluepanda
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aalissy · 1 year
Do you have any miraculous smut fics that you recommend?
Yes, I do! Not sure if you've read these before but these are a few of my own personal all-time faves. Most of these are Adrienette bc that's mainly the pairing I read but I included some other love square ships too hehe.
Check the fics out under the read more!
Mix-Up: Adrienette, multi-chapter fic, completed. Really, really fun fic with a case of mistaken identities to boot!
tell me what you want so we can do just what you like by a_miiraculer and clairelutra: Ladynoir, one-shot, A/B/O. Omg I loved this lil one-shot! I tend to prefer reading Maribug as an Alpha but her being an Omega works sooo well in this fic!
Always Remember to Knock by AlyaSin: Adrienette, multi-chapter fic, completed. Fun lil Adrienette roommates AU bc I'm suchhhh a sucker for these two living together.
Allez Savoir Pourquoi and Amour Fou by Yilena: Adrienette, series, complete. I'm suchhh a sucker for this series omg. Soulmate AU with a lil bit of mistaken identities! Just so so fun!!
VIP Pass by thtzwhatuthink: Adrienette, oneshot. Aged-up Adrienette which is such a good, flirty read hehe. Plus the jacuzzi scene is 🥵
not so gentlemanly by breeeliss: Ladrien, oneshot. Good Ladrien PWP bc these two can never get enough of each other hehehe 😏
Very Close Friends and Spooky Scary Jealousy by Icedcoffeeslut: Adrienette, series, FWB. Yesss, I love this series bc jealous Adrien is the best esp when they're both pining for each other hehe.
double je by darkavenue: Marichat, multi-chapter fic, completed. Just some good, lovely, Marichat smut!
tongues of mortals and angels by Chiomi: Marichat, multi-chapter fic, completed. Marichat FWB AU bc I loveee realizations and pining hehehe.
Adulting by Lara Winner: Marichat, Adrienette, oneshot. Suchhh a good Marichat fic omg. Plus Adrienette are married in it which is always a good bonus :)
Inside of You by Lara Winner: Adrienette, multi-chapter, WIP. Realllllyyy good Adrienette fic omg. I loveeee Adrien's reactions in this fic it's soo good.
Sunshine's Awakening by LadyRhiX: Adrienette, multi-chapter, WIP. Innocent, oblivious Adrien ftwwww. I just love how sweet and also sinful Adrienette are in this!
once more, with feeling by zimtlein: Enemies-to-lovers love square, multi-chapter fic, completed. Oooffff this fic just destroys meeee. The pain of knowing Adrien's being manipulated by his father whilst also overwhelmingly in love with Marinette is crazy.
Wild Abandon by ZiriO: A/B/O love-square, multi-chapter fic, WIP. One of my absolute favorites for this trope hehe. I just love how smitten Adrien is with Marinette.
In Heat by EikaTsukiyomi: In heat love-square, multi-chapter fic, WIP. One of my all-time faves omg. This fic is so so so good!! Especially bc of how clueless our two leads are heheh.
one night of moonlight by calloffyourethics: College AU, Adrienette, one-shot. Probably my all-time fave fic haha. I've read this fic sooo much omg. The characters are sooo in-character and lovely. Plus I just love that they both know whilst the other doesn't know that they know hehe.
Hope that you liked these and that there were some in here that you hadn't read before! It was fun doing this hahah. Plus, I got to revisit some of my old faves 💞
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