#Super Secret Records
supersecretrecords · 2 years
We’ve still got a sale going at our online store linked below, with pretty much everything (vinyl, CDs, tapes, T-shirts, vinyl test pressings and more). Check out the store at the link and you’ll find something you like for the lowest price you’ll get anywhere.
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bonefall · 19 days
This is unrelated to the blog's subject, but I'm SUPER hyped about this upcoming indie game called Critter Cove and I've got some super cool news; I got to give the devs some critter designs to show up as Townies you can invite to live in your town!
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This isn't even all of them-- in total I've made well over 40 designs that they're gonna pick and choose from. These ones are just some of my favorites.
This character creator is CRAZY good. It's hard to find animals you can't make. Cow, squid, human, raptor, duck, I was even able to make a half-decent Anomalocaris up there. The ones that are difficult to make, like giraffes, horses, and insects, are actually planned to be added in soon.
Critter Cove plays like a mix between Animal Crossing and Subnautica. You sail around to collect scrap from the remains of sunken ruins, rebuild a rundown town on a polluted island, and make it appealing for both residents and visitors. There's also a plan to add a museum feature, dozens of islands, fishing mechanics, and even co-op in the future.
(but co-op will only come if the game's enough of a hit, which is why I'm shamelessly plugging it lmaoo)
It's launching into Early Access on September 10th, but it's got a VERY generous free demo which is only supposed to be "the first two hours" of the game...
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...and I'm clocking 61.
(yes everyone this is part of the reason why ive been quiet lately. its a good game, man. i cant help it. im going coconuts.)
Progression stops when you re-build the cafe, but you can keep playing, sailing around, running quests, and doing some simple gardening. Your progress rolls over into Early Access too, so you don't have to worry about losing your townies, clothes, structures, etc.
For all my designs I've got a free key, but it's gonna be launching somewhere in the 20 - 30 USD price range. I can't recommend the demo enough, but even just wishlisting it on Steam boosts their metrics and gets them in front of more people!
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junotter · 10 months
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Legitimately can't explain what caused me to get just get really into this hetaliaAU that exists solely in my brain but I couldn't stop
At first it was just imagining like a Japanese woman in kimono in like 19th century New York and then I started thinking about how amazing fem japan is and like then ameripan came in and now I'm like losing it
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hauntedhotel · 2 years
Finally got around to a re-listen of TMA and with the benefit of hindsight Jon’s initial hostility towards Martin is so ridiculous! In the very first episode he says he doesn’t even count Martin as an assistant as he's "unlikely to contribute anything but delays" but based on what? They barely know each other at this point so is his entire vendetta against Martin - to the point where Jon idly wishes for him to get chopped up by Angela the jigsaw witch - just because of The Dog Incident?
There's no way Martin is so terrible at his job that Jon could have valid criticism of his work that early on, and Martin came down to the Archives from the library, he’s probably the only person down there with the vaguest idea of what archivists are supposed to be doing! He's been working at the institute for 10 years or so and no one other than their mind-reading, eldritch horror boss ever twigged that he wasn't qualified, so there's no way he wasn't at least capable.
And if Jon does already think he's useless, it's probably because he's acting as though he's still in research and Martin is actually doing something adjacent to archiving.
Martin gets the transfer and he's kind of nervous cause a new boss means someone else to potentially be scrutinising his CV but he figures - it's archiving, it's cataloguing and filing and documenting, it's not so different from what he’s been doing in the library for a decade, he can handle this. It's only when he meets Jonathan "wtf is an archivist?" Sims and hears "okay so Tim is sleeping with the lead police officer on this murder case and Sasha has already hacked the guys home and office computers, I need you to harass this witness to make sure they don't want to refute their statement" that he thinks he might be in over his head.
It really only gives you three possible options:
1. He really is determined to never get over The Dog Incident.
2. He actually recognises that Martin seems to know a fair bit about archiving and is so afraid that at least two, possibly three of his assistants might actually be better qualified for the job than him that he’s lashing out.
3. He took one look at Martin and thought, "I've got a jam-packed schedule of stapling priceless documents, bitching about statement-givers on tape and running away from the spiders in my office, I cannot afford to get distracted by that guy's cute face and big sad eyes" and immediately did everything possible to push him away.
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moeblob · 1 year
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Demyx (my beloved)
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bluejaybytes · 2 months
I’m curious why you found Inside Out 2 insulting? I recognize that everyone is different, but as someone with an anxiety disorder I personally found it pretty relatable
Throughout my teenage years, when my anxiety was at its most debilitating and my coping skills were basically nonexistent, I was repeatedly met with the idea that "every teen is a bit anxious". This, to an extent, is true, being a teenager IS scary and you're probably going to have some level of anxiety. However, I had an active anxiety disorder. I was prone to frequent panic attacks, skipping school because I couldn't even fathom the idea of going to class out of just sheer intense dread and fear, and all around just having an extremely bad time. I went into the movie with an already decently negative expectation because of that, I didn't like how anxiety was shown to show up ONLY when Riley became a teenager, BUT I was willing to set aside my own distaste of it for the sake of like, I do get why they went the direction of adding new emotions as characters, as much as I disagree with that.
However I found it wildly insulting because I feel the level of intense anxiety Riley is shown to have breaches what I'd consider a "normal" level of anxiety and instead feels more like an anxiety disorder, which, again, it angers me to be once again met with the idea that you only get anxious once you're a teenager, or when signs of much higher levels of anxiety than just normal nervousness are brushed aside with that excuse.
Barring that issue, though that is the biggest in my opinion, basically at every corner I was annoyed by something. This movie felt like it could've been incredibly relatable to me, I was a horrendously anxious teen (Still am anxious just not a teen and also I'm better at coping now) in competitive highschool sports (Yes marching band IS a sport I DO die on this hill), but like... it just continually let me down. The coach is genuinely an asshole, doing things like not showing what the expectations are and then proceeding to single out who she knows are the newcomers as breaking rules that had not been properly established, failing to recognize Riley clearly struggling mentally, and honestly, the biggest sin, fucking letting her in the sport at all. Riley's outburst at the other players should've gotten her taken out of the running entirely, I refuse to believe otherwise.
Which, this is kind of all over the place because I'm not really writing this as a full proper breakdown and more just "Jay angrily rambles to an anon with no direction", but hey, SUPER don't like that Riley's over-practicing isn't really called out at all as being harmful. The ROOT of it is, we know she's only doing that because anxiety is driving her to do that, but like... she performs really well. She's met by the older student (I forget her name, God) with positivity for this, and I'm personally just kind of uncomfortable with how her overworking herself is viewed as just like... neutral. And it's only the fact it's stemming from anxiety that's bad.
There's a lot more (I found the pacing bad, I think, ESPECIALLY given that this is a childrens movie, Riley should've been given EXPLICIT help from the people around her barring just "her friends say they're still friends", I think things like anxiety driving her to look at the notebook yet NOT considering the janitor walking by is just... stupid, and in my experience, not at all how anxiety manifests, ect, ect), but ultimately this is not like, a serious breakdown, more just me listing off the top of my head the things that really fucking annoyed me. Also, Ennui was a stupid character. I mean all of the new emotions were fucking stupid because they're all VERY derivative of OTHER emotions if you've made the commitment that the entire range of human emotion be boiled down to just joy/sadness/anger/fear/disgust, but whatever.
I thought the video game guy was funny though. I'm a sucker for those kinds of jokes. I like that his hair routinely was clipping through his outfit
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softquietsteadylove · 10 months
Gil surprised her with a matching look? She has a white nice dress and he shows up in a white suit? Would be a cool partner look =)
Thena offered a tight smile as she picked up a glass of champagne off of a passing tray. "Merci."
She hadn't really wanted to come all the way here for this function, but it was insisted upon not only by her French diamond contact, but the entirety of his diamond house family. It was to seal their business, as well as act as a gesture of good will for future deals.
Karun told her she had to go, and Kingo doubled down, even telling her that she should 'lead him on a little more' for the sake of business. She attempted to ignore that.
She was an engaged woman.
She had told Gil she had to attend a meeting in France. But she knew that he was no fan of the monsieur with whom she had conducted business. In all fairness, she supposed she wouldn't be thrilled if he had to conduct business with the Little Heiress again. But she was here for tonight and then she could return home.
"Madame Glasse?"
She smiled as her business associate sat down adjacent to her. At least if she was seated or holding something, he didn't feel the need to kiss her hand. "It's a lovely soiree."
"You seem very," the gentleman looked around the sparkling ballroom, "isolated."
Thena inhaled, looking down at her don perignon. "Forgive me, monsieur, I have never been the life of the party."
"Ah," he offered a smile, adjusting the gold button of his beautiful blue suit. "You accepted my offer, but I think perhaps your heart is not here with us."
Her heart was in a penthouse apartment with a certain Tyrant King, who had probably fallen asleep on the couch in front of the Food Network. She should have just asked him to come with her, risk that he would start a fight be damned.
"Madame, would you grant me the privilege of speaking my mind with you?"
She gave him the faintest expression of surprise before nodding. Perhaps he wasn't as much of a dumb blonde - the irony of which did not escape her - as she had suspected.
"I admit I am quite taken with you," he expressed openly, leaning on the arm of his chair that was closer to her. He did have that sad, puppy-love expression on, too. "Positively enchante, truly."
Thena merely waited for him to go on.
"But as much as you did not tell me," his eyes drifted down, and to her hands, safely folded over her crossed legs. "You do not withhold your heart from me out of modesty, non?"
Thena adjusted her lace around her arms and in the crooks of her elbows. She didn't bother taking her ring off for the night. "Would that affect our business if I told you that you're right?"
He chuckled, although she could already see his disappointment. "But of course not. I am a gentleman, Madame Glasse, and I will honour our business just as you have. And I do have some brain under these looks."
Thena resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She knew it was in good humour, but few men were allowed to get away with cocky humour like that with her. One man in particular.
"I realise I am pursuing a woman who has already made her match," he sighed, leaning back again. His eyes flicked down, "it's a beautiful ring, cheri. They are small, but I can tell the quality of them is impeccable."
Thena smiled. The little diamonds in her ring, creating joints where the bands could meet in their weave, were indeed perfect in every way. "But of course; I am the diamond queen, after all."
"Indeed," her associate agreed, also plucking a glass of champagne for himself. He gave her a smile, "I am grateful that you came. But if you wish to leave, I will not hold it against you."
Oh, how she ached to be at home, in the arms of her Tyrant. But even with a private plane, the journey home was no quick hop across the pond.
"She should stay for a dance, at least."
"Hey Princess," he greeted gently, despite her insistence that he not call her that in public. He bent over the arm of the chair, capturing her hand smoothly and pulling it up to his lips. "Miss me?"
He was like a knight in shining armour, and while she had never seen him in a white suit before, she didn't dislike it on him. She raised a brow, "new?"
"Like it?" he grinned as he pulled her to her feet, leading her closer to the dance floor. "I had my tailor whip it up just to surprise you."
Thena shook her head at him, her feet moving automatically as he led her until they could sway together, his hands holding hers and at her back. "When did you get here?"
"Not long ago, actually," he made a more sheepish face. "I got on a place a few hours after yours, after I picked up this number."
She smiled, running her hand over the lapel. "Did you want to match me so badly?"
"Well," he smiled as well, his eyes soft and reflecting the chandelier above them. "Can't let my wife show up to a fancy ball unaccompanied, can I?"
She refused to let him know how much she liked it when he called her his wife. "I did, though, didn't I?"
"Okay, so I was a little late," he huffed, rolling his eyes in good nature. He spun her around before pulling her closer, "I wasn't invited."
Thena stole a glance to the edge of the room, where her associate was excusing himself from the room entirely. "Last I checked, he was not in your good graces."
Gil shrugged, and her hand moved with the bounce of his massive shoulder as he did. "Just don't laugh at his jokes, Ice. Then we've got no problem."
She did not believe that. But perhaps she was too intoxicated by the warmth of him and the champagne she'd had. He pulled her nearly flush with him and she resisted the urge to lay her head on his chest.
"Sorry I'm late, baby," he whispered, sneaking a kiss to her temple while they were able to go unobserved. Or at least, unremarked upon, as far as this branch of society was concerned. They weren't exactly law abiding citizens, but this territory of Thena's was more about business than about brutality.
"You're forgiven," she sighed as she let him numb her overstimulated senses, "this time."
"This time?" he chuckled, and his chest bounced against hers from it.
"Just this time," she purred, running her hands over the front of his fine, white suit. "And this?"
Gil didn't even glance down as she tapped at the royal blue pocket square that screamed against the colour of the rest of his outfit. "Maybe a little bit of a challenge to French-y."
"So territorial," she murmured. She had to be careful not to sound like she enjoyed his territorial side; it would only encourage him.
Gilgamesh pulled her hand up his chest until he could kiss her fingertips, tapping against her ring as he did. "I think I have a right to be territorial about my own wife."
"We are not married."
"Yet," he nearly cut her off to insert. He smiled at her, still swaying them loosely to the beat of the band, "not yet. Anytime, any place, Ice."
"Hm," she sighed, the exhaustion of the business and the travel and the whole of the last few weeks weighing on her. She leaned against him heavier and he allowed it, holding her as much as she liked. "Not tonight."
"Fine," he chuckled, kissing her cheek this time. He stayed close, his nose dangerously near 'nuzzling' territory. "Wanna go home?"
"You just got here," she nearly groaned at the thought.
"Okay, so we get a room, spend a little time here before we go back?" he suggested. "We can take a long weekend in Paris, what do you think?"
She did not care what they did, so long as she didn't have to let go of him.
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zerodaryls · 11 months
@desertthorn wanted to hear me sing and i was home alone for most of the day so i decided to destroy my vocal chords lmaooo. here's some unlisted youtube videos that i just uploaded for anyone interested in hearing my voice:
smoke gets in your eyes (the platters cover - featuring actual video of me singing so you can see all the embarrassing faces i make whilst wailing)
young & beautiful (lana del rey cover - partial bc my voice got tired after the first chorus lmao)
home (michael buble cover - full song)
jealous (nick jonas partial cover - #fail on the high note lmao i can never do the chorus well,, but i also put a pitch-shifted 'chipmunk version' after the regular version so if you want to cringe/laugh at me, have at it)
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flower-power3487 · 6 days
hi guys i have not been active on here bc i am nolansiegel_worshipper on instagram but here are some photos from this season
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that’s it bye
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nametakensff · 9 months
Nearly time for Christmas holidays, which means I have a little over a week off to hopefully scribble down some of these fic ideas that won't leave me alone:
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bonestrouslingbones · 6 months
i will forever stand by what i said about aus being super cool and awesome for everything they've done for the creativity of the fandom and allll that and therefore i am stronger and know better than to mindlessly cringe at people simply having harmless fun
however my roommate cannot be sending me these things
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umihoshi · 1 year
the Marauders' 7th year had a full moon on Christmas eve. do with that information as you will.
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buckets-of-dirt · 2 years
don’t get me wrong I love a good folk punk song but I’m starting to think these guys make sure their guitars are as out of tune as possible on purpose
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bug-juices · 2 years
Me and @butter-smother have been obsessed with death note recently and developed the AU the fandom deserves. Presenting,
Secrets & Lined Paper
It’s a rom-com set in Note™️ notebook company, of which Light’s dad is the CEO. After a cubicle move, Light is faced with the mysterious Ryuzaki Lawliet, who does seemingly nothing but play minesweeper on his computer, office sweetheart Misa Amane, and unpaid intern Matsuda. He goes home every night only to see his annoying ass twitch streamer neighbor, Ryuk, crashing on his couch complaining about a rival streamer only known as “L.” Light is determined to ignore L, find out what Ryuzaki is hiding, and convince the world that he’s a practing heterosexual.
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black-rose-events · 2 years
Congratulations on being famous 😎
Hahahaha thank you! It's crazy to think we've officially become Tumblr famous thanks to our little meme and snippet and not one of our heists (though the writeblr authorities haven't caught wind of our conspiracy yet so...😜) - Mod Spectre 👻
Was there ever any doubt? We're awesome! 😎 Yes, those writeblr authorities... totally just... preoccupied, yeah, that's it 😇👀 I'm sure they'll come around sooner or later 🙂 - Mod Codex 📚
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bomnun · 2 years
I’m an incorrigible pessimist but I see toooo much evidence against hui being on bp999 to even worry about it. lol
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