#Supernatural x oc
emo-markie · 3 days
*:・゚✧ Supernatural oc/reader fic recs
I like to read. So I read. A lot. This is my curated selection of fics that make me feral. I highly recommend checking out the creators! REMEMBER TO READ THE TAGS!
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Last updated : september 24, 2024
* contains smut
This Untraveled Road (series) by BAPWarrior18
The LightBringer * by I_Am_A_Silver_Lining
Birdcage Fires by FallingDomino
pythia - a supernatural rewrite by uncouth-the-fiffth
uncouth's spn fics (series) * by uncouth-the-fifth
Complex by NeQuittezPas
This Curse On Our House by Sonny13
one of these nights * by uncouth-the-fifth
Toil and Trouble* by LittleGreenPlasticSoldier
“Yeah, I have a Great Dean.” * by LittleGreenPlasticSoldier
Empire State of Mind by saprrowed
Branded * by ObliviousApple
Guardian Angel by ZonateBiscuit
Questions and Answers * by lacqueluster (GG_and_MM)
Where Angels Fear To Tread * by OrigamiDoll
Angel 101 * by kittenofdoomage
Dead Body Moving * by NeQuittezPas
Like I'm Not Made of Stone by ProlixInSpace
alexa, play candyshop (bass boosted) by bumbleberrysky
Along For the Ride by MyPurpleSkies
Third Time's a Charm * by The_White_Rabbit42
I Want to Tell you * by lacqueluster (GG_and_MM)
Kibble by The_White_Rabbit42
Black Magic Woman (NSFW) * by eratothemuse
Dynamics of an Asteroid by NeQuittezPas
Along Came Sophie by LaceyoftheTypewriter
Light of mine by TheTardyOwl
Student Housing by darkshrimpemotions (highly recommend, it's very funny!)
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scornedserendipity · 2 months
I. Bobby's (Winchester x Younger Sibling)
Summary: Dean goes to check on his little sister at Bobby's before heading out for Sam. He didn't except her to ride a long.
I don't like writing Y/N so deal with an OC that I think adds an interesting twist. She will of course have her own kind of things going on but im going to try and be as true to the plot line as possible. but I hope you enjoy. Help me come up with a title after a few chapters maybe.
Word count: 1.7k and some change.
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Jamie Winchester was not an ordinary girl in any sense of the word. She could take a car apart and put it back it together like she made it herself. She could cook something out of nothing every time and definitely take over the world if she tried.. She could also decapitate damn near anything that stood in her way and no matter how much she tried, she always knew what the people around her were feeling, and Dean was not feeling the best. He was anxious and stressed, maybe a little scared. 
“I don’t know Dean, Sam was pretty adament about not hunting anymore. I think he’ll punch you if you even mention it to him.” She said in response to her brother as she reached for her wrench.
Dean sighed and picked it up, handing it to his little big sister. He couldn’t help but get sentimental. Remebering the times she would sit on the edge of the car while Dad taught him how to fix them. She definentaly picked that up.
“Yeah…but we can’t do it just me and you. You have school and he won’t want to be gone for more than a couple days.”
“Actually, I graduated last summer. You would know if you made it and Sam has a girlfriend. They live together pretty sure.” 
“Wait, you talked to Sam?” Dean asked with raised eyebrows as his kid sister turned to face him, taking a giant gulp of her lemonade. She passed it to Dean and he accepted.
“Well yeah, He’s my brother and he is about to graduate. Bobby won’t let me drive his truck but he said if I fixed one of the cars up I could have it. You think I’d be out here in the heat otherwise?” She said as she grabbed a rag and wiped the grase off her hands.
“Dean, you never call and you sure as hell never pick up. Just like Dad, I swear.” She said rolling her eyes and walking away. Dean sighed and followed his sister into Bobby’s. Him and Dad had dropped her off so she could finish her last year of school without any inturuptions.
“Hey James Dean.” A joke Bobby had when he learned the kids names and just as siblings do, they greeting him at the same time unintentionally. Jamie rolled her eyes again.
“Bobby, I have work in an hour. Could you dig up a new belt for me?” Jamie asked as she throughly washed her hands and face in the kitchen sink.
“yeah, i have some around here somewhere. How have you been Dean?” Bobby asked, grabbing two beers from the fridge and handing Jamie a rag. She thanked him and leaned on the counter.
“I’ve been good Bobby, nothing too seerious. But Dad’s been on a hunting trip and hasn’t been back in two weeks. I’m getting worried.” Dean said. 
There is was. What was nagging at her brother’s brain.
“Why didn’t you start with that Dean? My answer would have been totally different!” She piped up before Bobby could respond.
“Well, because I didn’t want you using your mumbo jumbo crap on me and trying to convicne me not to go looking for him!”
“Hey, I’ve changed a lot in the past year! I’ve even been on my own hunts!” She said. immedietly regretting saying what she just said. She looked at Bobby who looked away. They had an agreement after all. 
“What the hell did you just say?” Dean said, standing up. Like everytime before, everything was always a yelling match at some point.
“Nothing, I have to get ready for work!” jamie said, running up the stairs and to her room. She locked the door and slid down. 
“Fuck. i’ll never hear the end of it.” She muttered to herself. She couldn’t even imagine what would happen if Dad found out, but she was almost 18. She wouldn’t have to worry about that for a while, not till they found him at least. She sighed. She liked her job, at the local market just a general associate but it helped out, especially with her car. 
She pulled out her phone. remembering when her dad gave it to her. Already opened and preprogramed with his, Dean, Sam, Bobby’s, and even her Mom’s last known phone number. She had added to the contact last since and a few charms on the end. She searched through her contacts for her boss and called him. 
“Jamie, how are you?” Her boss said.
“Hey Carl. I know this is a really bad time but I have to quit.” She said. She felt really bad because Carl had ben really good to her. Giving her a job and any hours he could. “Some really important family issue came up.”
“Well, it is an hour before your shift. I’ll be a cool manager and cover since you’ve been working so hard. I’m gonna miss you Jamie. You’ll always have a shift here at the store. Best of luck with your family.” 
“Thank you for being so understanding Carl, and I appriciate everything you’ve done for me this past year. Bye.” She hung up and looked at her room. It used to belong to Bobby’s daughters, but when Dad had asked him to house her for a while he couldn’t say no. She knew that she made Bobby feel better just by being there. She felt bad for having to leave but he would understand.
Jamie stood up and quickly packed her things. Over the years she had gotten good at making it quick. Always laid things out in the order in case Dad rushed in and screamed at her to pack. 
She could still hear Dean downstairs. He could feel his intentions of interrogating her build in his gut. She grabbed a towel and jumped into the shower. She contemplated the choice she was making. The Family Business. She always saw herself as a solo hunter in her adulthood. Worked part-time jobs as she guarded unsuspecting towns against what went bump in the night. Just like her family, just not with them. It was like the military sometimes. Always on the move, always ready to run at any second. She loved her family and they loved her as far as she could tell. None of them knew how to feel about her being a legit empath but she knew somewhere along the lines they accepted and came to see it as an asset. 
Empathy. A curse in her eyes. Supposedly a powerful mental gift was passed down by her mother who was a psychic and wanted nothing to do with her. Only Sam related to her feeling different. they never spoke about it more than two or three times in their life, the most right before Sam left. Dad did his best to never treat her differently but he had no idea how to raise a kid with physcic abiltites, but he did his best. She always knew he did his best. Dean, he was always harder to read more blocked off with those emotions.
She finished her shower, put on some clothes and grabbed her duffle. Racing downstairs and back to the dining room where her brother and uncle still sat. 
“Hey, where are you going?” Bobby asked.
“With my brother, to find my Dad.” She said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. She went to the fridge and grabbed a soda and a road beer for Dean.
“No way, it will be way to dangerous,” Dean said standing up and confronting his little sister.
“and what about your job?” Bobby asked. 
“I quit. I am a Winchester, not a clerk. We need to go get Sam and we need to find Dad.” She said, staring up at him, another thing she inherited. Her very own Winchester Stare.
On her way out the back door she gave Bobby a quick peck on the cheek. “Bye Bobby. I’ll call you when we get Sam.” She said.
“oh uhm Okay. I guess? Teenagers.” He said with a sigh as he got up and grabbed another beer.
“Bobby you’re just gonna let her go!?” Dean asked.
“Hey you heard her. Plus, she has made some major improvments since you guys left her here. After she graduated she hit the lore hard. She wants to do everything she can to help you guys hunt that demon and find her mom. You can’t blame her. She is you’re sister!”
“We left her here so she could get away from this life! Not go out on her own!”
“I didn’t even know she was till she called me covered in vamp blood. I’ve seen it, she is as ready as she will ever be.”
The conversation was broken up by the Impala’s car alarm. Dean tried to keep talking but the horn began to blow. Jamie, always the one to pinch Dean’s nerves.
“This isn’t over Bobby,” he said as he made his way outside. He was missing how Bobby rolled his eyes. He could only chuckle at how much like their Dad they were. 
“Alright enough!” Dean shouted. Turning off the alarm and getting into the driver’s seat. Jame had already made herself comfortable in the passenger.
“This will be fun, I never get to ride shotgun.” She said, already combing through Dad’s cassettes for her mixtape.
“Jamie.” Dean said as he watched his sister. He knew she knew what he was going to ask and that he didn’t even need to.
Jamie sighed. “I know. I shouldn’t be hunting. But Dean! Just after Sam left I thought you guys would finally take me seriously. Dad taught me the same stuff after all, but it didn’t change one bit. “Stay in the car Jamie in case we have to run. Shoot anything that moves.” and then you guys left me here after the vampire in Omaha i just. i don’t want to be the only Winchester who can’t do her job.” She rambled. 
“Dad’s gonna be pissed.” Dean said looking forward.
“We can cross that bridge when we find him.” She said, popping open the beer she had grabbed for Dean and handing it to him and opening her cream soda. Dean chuckled. 
“You remembered?” Dean asked. Their tradition. A beer and a cream soda. 
“Of course!” She said as Dean turned the engine over and cheered with his little sister. “Just wait till it’s a beer!” She said. 
"Don't push it. You're still my little sister."
and scene. hope u like it. follow for more
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gcthvile · 8 months
An Unholy Alliance
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Couple: Felicia MacLeod (OC) x Dean Winchester
Fandom: Supernatural
Warnings: none
Summary: A hunter and a demon are forced to work together, yet again. But this time working as a team awakens sparks between them despite his reluctance.
Felicia huffed as she looked out the passenger window of the Impala. Of all people, her dimwit brother had to assign her to work with Dean Winchester, she's already lost count of how many time Crowley did that to her, at this point, she was starting to think he was doing it on purpose. This man was more annoying than helpful in her opinion.
As they drove down the rural road towards their latest case, Dean's eyes kept flitting between Felicia and the road. "Let me get this straight, Crowley actually expects us to work together?"
"Don't look so pleased about it, darling." Felicia replied boredly, examining her nails. "It's not like I want to be stuck with you either."
"Good, cause hunting with a demon is bad enough, but you again? No thanks." Dean scoffed.
Felicia rolled her eyes. "You're no picnic either. At least tell me about this case so I know what I'm wasting my time with."
Dean briefly summarized the case - mysterious disappearances and strange attacks in a small town. Several witnesses claimed to see strange glowing eyes in the dark.
"Sounds like our run of the mill shapeshifter then." Felicia mused. "Should be simple."
"Don't get cocky. We don't know enough yet." Dean warned as he pulled up to the local motel.
A smile played on Felicia's lips. "We'll see about that darling. You go check us in. I'll start interrogating the locals and get us some real leads." Without waiting for a response, she flashed out of the car. Dean grimaced. This was going to be a long case.
Felicia flashed into the busy street outside the local diner. Her smoky gray eyes scanned the patrons through the large front window. There, in a corner booth, sat two young women gossiping over coffee. Perfect targets.
In an instant she was inside, sliding smoothly into their booth with a sly grin. "Ladies, you don't mind if I join do you? I couldn't help but overhear you discussing the strange goings on in this town. I'm new here and desperately seeking some insight."
The women exchanged a nervous glance. "Who are you?" Asked the brunette warily.
"Where are my manners? Name's Felicia." She purred, reaching across the table to shake their hands in turn. Both women visibly shuddered at her touch, but didn't pull away. Good, her demonic allure was already working on them.
"I'm Claire, this is Jess." The brunette replied hesitantly. "What do you want to know exactly?"
Felicia tilted her head, eyes flashing darkly. "Tell me everything. No details too insignificant. I want to know it all."
Claire launched into the reports of missing hikers and campers in the nearby woods. As she spoke, Felicia casually traced patterns on the back of Jess' hand, keeping the blonde enthralled. By the time Claire finished, Jess was practically salivating.
Felicia smirked. "Fascinating. You've been most helpful." She dug a scrap of paper from her pocket with her room number scribbled on. "If you think of anything else, don't hesitate to stop by."
With a wink she slid smoothly from the booth, satisfied with the first leads for her and her reluctant partner to investigate. Now back to the motel to scheme.
Felicia flashed back to the motel, finding Dean just entering their room. "Well that was quicker than expected." He commented, throwing his duffel on one of the beds.
Felicia sauntered in behind him. "What can I say, I work fast. Already have us a few leads too."
Dean raised a brow skeptically. "Do tell."
Flopping back on the other bed, Felicia recounted what she had learned from the girls. Dean listened with a frown, not looking pleased about her interrogation tactics.
"So the woods are our first stop. I say we start tracking at dusk, better chance of stumbling on any monsters that way." Felicia proposed.
"Or we could talk to the sherriff first, get the official reports." Dean countered.
Felicia groaned dramatically. "You and your proper procedures are no fun, Dean. The girls were much more willing to share than some stuffy cop." She flashed him a mischievous grin. "Don't tell me you're not at least a little intrigued by my methods?"
Dean huffed. "Your methods involve scaring innocent civilians half to death. We do this my way."
Rising from the bed with a huff, Felicia sauntered over to invade his space, looking up at him through her lashes. "Don't be like that, darling. I know you love it when I get us answers fast." She purred, running a finger along his chest.
Dean scowled, batting her hand away. "Knock it off. No flirting is getting us out of seeing the sheriff today. Now come on before I leave you behind."
Felicia pouted as Dean stormed out. Maybe working with the hunter wouldn't be as fun as she hoped, but that just meant she'd have to try harder to get under his skin.
Dean slammed the Impala door as he slid into the driver's seat, grumbling under his breath. Felicia slid into the passenger seat with a smirk.
"Aww don't be like that, Squirrel. I was just having a little fun with you." She cooed.
Dean started the car with more force than necessary. "Well knock it off. I'm not interested."
Felicia pouted dramatically. "You wound me, darling. Most men are putty in my hands. What's it gonna take to crack that hard exterior of yours, I wonder?"
Dean glared at her as he pulled out. "You know, working with you would be a lot easier if you'd actually help the case instead of screwing around."
Felicia rolled her eyes. "I told you, I already got us solid leads. But if you're so determined to waste time with the sheriff..." She trailed off suggestively.
Dean ignored her insinuation. "Information is only useful if it's verified. Now are you going to behave yourself at the station or do I have to put you on a leash?"
Felicia grinned wickedly. "Kinkier than I expected, Dean. You sure know how to show a girl a good time." Dean groaned in frustration. This was going to be a REALLY long afternoon.
They pulled up to the station. As Dean got out, Felicia flashed to his side, hooking her arm through his with a flirty smile. "Lead the way, partner."
Dean sighed heavily but didn't protest, resigned to a lot of disapproving looks from the cops. This case was off to a great start.
Dean pushed through the doors of the police station, Felicia still clinging smugly to his arm. All conversation in the room stopped as eyes turned to take in the unusual pair.
A grizzled officer behind the desk glowered at them. "Can I help you folks?"
"I'm David, this is Fiona. We're here about the disappearance cases." Dean replied professionally, showing the fake badges.
The officer eyed Felicia warily. "You FBI?"
Before Dean could respond, Felicia flashed her most disarming smile. "Private investigators. But don't worry, we can be very... discreet." She purred.
Dean elbowed her sharply. "Ignore her. Can you tell us what you've got?"
The officer sighed and launched into the details. Felicia listened intently while subtly caressing Dean's bicep, just to watch him twitch in annoyance. According to the reports, eight hikers and campers had gone missing over the past month in the forest surrounding the town. All left camp in the evenings and were never seen again.
"Anything useful in the woods?" Dean asked once the report was finished.
The officer shook his head. "Search parties found nothing but shredded clothes and a lot of strange tracks we couldn't ID."
Felicia perked up. "Mind if we take a look at what you've got? A fresh pair of eyes might notice something new."
The offer was clearly reluctant but the man nodded, leading them to an evidence room in back. Felicia gleefully released Dean's arm to pore over photos and articles left behind.
After a moment, she straightened with a curious look. "Dean, take a gander at these tracks for me."
Dean made his way over to where Felicia was examining the photos of strange tracks found at one of the crime scenes. He peered down, furrowing his brow as he took them in.
"What am I looking at?" Dean asked gruffly. "These could be from any number of animals."
Felicia tilted her head with a sly smile. "But you and I both know there's more out there than mere animals, wouldn't you agree?"
Dean shot her an annoyed look but had to concede the point. After years hunting the supernatural, he'd seen his fair share of creatures leave strange traces.
Felicia's smile widened at Dean's hesitation. "My thought exactly. See how the toes seem elongated, almost talon-like? And the spacing is off for any normal predator." Her eyes glinted with excitement. "I'd wager we're dealing with a rugaru."
Dean brows raised in surprise. Rugarus were nasty creatures, homicidally hungry for human flesh. If Felicia was right, they were in for a nasty fight.
"It's just a theory." Dean cautioned. "We'll need more evidence before we go charging in."
Felicia rolled her eyes. "Always so cautious. When was the last time one of my theories led us astray?" She held his gaze temptingly. "Admit it, you're starting to enjoy working with me."
Dean huffed, looking away. "Don't get ahead of yourself. We still work better apart." Yet he couldn't deny her idea seemed plausible. Against his better judgment, he was beginning to appreciate her unique skills and instincts. Not that he'd ever tell her that.
Felicia smirked, sensing Dean's resolve weakening. "You say that now, but I know you'll be singing a different tune once we take this rugaru down together."
Dean sighed wearily. "Let's just focus on getting more proof first, okay?" He turned to leave the evidence room.
Felicia flashed in front of him, blocking his path with a wicked grin. "Eager to get back to the case, are we? I like a man with focus." She traced a finger along his chest teasingly. "Though I must admit, I enjoy distracting you even more."
Dean gripped her wrist to still her hand, meeting her eyes with an unreadable expression. For a moment they stood frozen, electricity seeming to crackle between them.
Then Dean releases her slowly. "Stop messing around. We've got a job to do." Yet as he walked away, Felicia swore she saw the faintest twitch of a smile.
She followed, feeling unusually triumphant. Maybe winning over the righteous man wouldn't be so impossible after all. By the time they ganked this rugaru, she'd have him wrapped around her little finger.
"So if it is a rugaru, we'll need to lure it out of hiding." Dean mused as they exited the station.
Felicia paused, struck by inspiration. "Actually, I may have a better idea. One that involves considerably less risk to us and a lot more fun." She flashed Dean a wicked grin. "Care to play bait, darling?"
Dean eyed Felicia warily. "What kind of plan involves me as bait?"
Felicia smirked. "The fun kind. All we need to do is leave a tempting trail back to where we've set a trap. The rugaru won't be able to resist fresh meat." She traced a finger down Dean's chest. "And what better bait than a big, strong hunter?"
"Oh no way. I'm not letting myself get eaten just so you can have your thrills." Dean argued.
Felicia rolled her eyes. "Please, like I'd let it get that far. I'll be lurking invisibly the whole time to jump in and save you at the last minute." She ran her hands up his arms suggestively. "You'll be in perfectly safe hands, I promise."
Dean still looked doubtful. Felicia leaned in close enough to feel his breath on her lips. "Trust me darling, it'll be fun. I'll make it worth your while..."
She knew he was moments away from caving. Dean might try to resist her charms but they both knew he'd crack eventually. Before he could respond though, Felicia's head jerked up at the sound of screams echoing through the trees.
"Looks like our rugaru found another victim first." Felicia said seriously.
Dean nodded, slipping into hunter mode. "Let's move. You lead the way and I'll cover our backs."
Felicia flashed him a quick wink before flashing away, senses stretched out to track the distressed cries for help. Dean revved the Impala and tore after her trail of sulfur smoke. It was showtime.
The sounds of struggle grew louder as they closed in on the source. Felicia appeared to Dean, grabbing his hand. "This way, it's just ahead."
Together they burst into a small clearing to find the rugaru bearing down on a cowering teenage boy. Without hesitation, Dean raised his pistol and fired a shot that tore through the monster's bicep. It howled and whipped around to face the new threat.
The rugaru snarled at Dean and Felicia, blood dripping from its wounded arm. Felicia smirked, drawing her own weapon - a wicked looking blade encrusted with demonic symbols.
"Looks like dinner's cancelled, big guy." She taunted. "How about you pick on someone your own size instead?"
With a roar, the monster charged. Felicia met it head on with a fierce battle cry, diving into hand to hand combat with seemingly reckless abandon. But Dean knew from experience she was always several steps ahead.
While the rugaru was distracted swiping at Felicia, Dean circled around behind and took aim again. This time his bullet found its mark between the creature's massive shoulder blades. It howled and fell to one knee, giving Felicia an opening to deliver a killing stroke across its throat.
Black ichor spurted as the rugaru collapsed dead at their feet. Felicia flashed Dean a triumphant grin, hair and clothes splattered with viscera. "And that's how it's done, darling!"
Dean allowed himself a faint smile in return before turning to check on the traumatized teen. "You okay, kid? Think you can make it home alright?"
The boy could only nod mutely, still in shock. Dean gave him a supportive pat on the shoulder before ushering him off into the trees, keeping watch til he was out of sight.
When he turned back, Felicia was giving him a look of naked appreciation. "Not bad teamwork, if I do say so myself. Tell me that wasn't at least a little fun, Dean."
For once, Dean didn't argue. Saving civilians and taking down monsters - that was what he lived for. And he had to admit, working with Felicia had its perks too when they weren't at each other's throats. Against his better judgment, he flashed her a crooked grin.
"Maybe you're growing on me a bit, she-demon. Don't let it go to your head though."
Felicia threw her head back with a delighted cackle. This partnership was really starting to heat up.
Felicia smirked, beyond pleased with how the night was progressing. Victory always tasted sweeter when shared with a handsome partner.
"So now that the case is solved, what do you say we go celebrate our success?" She slid closer to Dean, running her knife along his collarbone teasingly.
To her surprise, Dean actually chuckled. "Normally I'd say you're buying the drinks. But considering you're related to Crowley..."
Felicia pouted playfully. "You wound me! I'll have you know I can be very generous when properly motivated."
"Is that so?" Dean regarded her thoughtfully. "Alright then, demon, you're on. One drink, your treat. But then we part ways for good."
Felicia raised a brow. So he was willing to indulge her after all. This was going even better than planned.
She flashed them away in a burst of sulfur, reappearing inside a rowdy bar in a seedy part of town. Dean stared around in mild surprise as Felicia dragged him to the counter.
"Two of your finest whiskey, bartender!" She cried theatrically. The bartender slid them over warily, eyeing Felicia like she might blow the place sky high.
Dean gave a bemused snort and raised his glass in a toast. "To surviving another day."
Felicia clicked her glass against his. "And to many more hunts together in the future."
Dean choked on his sip at that, coughing as Felicia cackled. But when he met her gaze again, his eyes held a glint of amusement rather than irritation.
Maybe working with the she-demon wouldn't be such a chore after all. Stranger things had happened in Dean Winchester's life. And Felicia was nothing if not entertaining.
hope you guys like the fic!
@jackiequick @missstrawbs2001 @blueboirick @cherrysft @gaminggirlsstuff @meiramel
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nuggeett875 · 2 months
"I'm Still Upset"-Dean Winchester
Summary: Dean and his girlfriend get into a fight which lasts all day, but they can't sleep without the other by their side.
Yelling could be heard from all over the bunker, keeping everybody on edge. "Are they still on this stupid argument?" Castiel asked as he walked down the stairs towards Sam who was sitting at the table. "Yeah, almost 3 hours now without a break. It's almost impressive."
"You could have died!" They heard Delilah shouting, "How is that different from every other day?!" Dean responded.
"This time you put yourself in the way on purpose. You're lucky that bullet only hit your side." She dropped her head in her hands sitting in the chair behind her, exhausted from this entire situation.
Dean and Delilah had gone out on a hunt and were chasing down 2 suspects. Delilah had gotten one to the ground and was checking to see if he had the object they were looking for on him when she heard Dean shouting her name.
The next thing she knew Dean pushed her to the side and was holding his side where a bullet had just hit. Looking up she saw the other person holding a gun out and she shot them dead center and they fell to the ground.
“Dean. Dean, you okay? What the hell were you thinking jumping over like that” She ran over and grabbed his head. “What the hell were you thinking letting your guard down like that?” He groaned sitting up.
“Seriously. Dean I had it under control, that was stupid.” She took a step back. “No what’s stupid was almost letting yourself get killed on a rookie mistake.”
And that’s how the rest of the day went. The two of them going back and forth saying whatever came to mind. Sam and Castiel had grown tired of it and went to their rooms attempting to block out the yelling and get some sleep.
“You know what, I’m done with this. I’m going to sleep. In my own room!” Dean told her stomping off. They had usually stayed in one room, switching between Dean and Delilahs, but tonight they went to their separate spaces.
Around 2 in the morning, Dean was lying wide awake in bed staring up at the ceiling unable to sleep. His mind had been racing and every time he closed is eyes, nightmares threatened to come. Usually Delilah helped calm the dreams but she wasn’t with him now.
Delilah had been in her own room with the same issue. Freezing and anxious. Throughout the night she was move closer to Dean and steal his heat, and Dean didn’t mind one bit. She had also gone through experiences in her life that left her with terrifying memories. They had helped each other.
Another 30 minutes later Delilah heard her door open and looked over seeing Dean walking in his face still upset yet tired. He walked over to the bed and climbed in not saying anything and wrapped his arms around Delilah.
Delilah turned over and rested her head in the crook of his neck and tangled their legs together, the cold feeling she had slipping away. Dean let out a breath of relief and closed his eyes starting to fall asleep.
“I’m still upset.” Dean whispered almost asleep. “Me too.” Delilah told him. He pressed a kiss to her head and they both fell asleep, they could continue arguing in the morning.
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thewrittingratt · 6 months
Jo here with the Rules For Requesting!
Things I won't write
homophobia, Transphobia, anything hateful to the lgbtq community
smut(just a personal preference as writing it makes me uncomfy)
Requesting x oc
things to include in your request
the show/movie universe the request takes place in
what they look
their lifestyle
their personality
if it's romantic or platonic
who you are shipping them with(can be multiple characters) or who they are friends with(if it's for a platonic request)
Requesting X Reader
the show/movie universe it takes place
if its romantic or platonic
who they are being shipped with(can be multiple characters) or who they are friends with(if it's for a platonic request)
Fandoms and characters to request from
The Batman 2022
Suicide Squad movies
Stranger Things
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
One Piece Live Action
Norman Bates
Otis Driftwood
Brahms Heelshire
Bubba Sawyer
Chop Top Sawyer
Stu Macher
Charles Lee Ray
The Lost Boys
Art The Clown
Thomas Hewitt
Stardew Valley
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Jake Peralta
Charles Boyle
The Umbrella Academy
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline
Scooby Gang
Fred Jones
Shaggy Rogers
Scooby-Doo 2002 and 2004 Movies
What's New Scooby-Doo?
Mystery Incorporated
Basically all the animated 2010s movies
Spiderman ATSV
Hobbie Brown(SpiderPunk)
Pavitr Prabhakar(SpiderMan)
Johnathon Ohnn(The Spot)
Patrick O'Hara(Web-Slinger)
Ben Riley(Scarlet Spider)
Spider Noir
Extra Characters
John Bender(The Breakfast Club)
Andrew Clark(The Breakfast Club)
Brian Johnson(The Breakfast Club)
Cameron Frye(Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
If a fandom or character you would like to request for is not listed feel free to request for that character or fandom anyway and I'll see what I can do!
Prompt list!
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wordieworld-woo · 1 year
If only I could save you
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Prompt: “I’m falling for you and it's scaring the shit out of me” 
This is an unedited one-shot set in my OC-Supernatural story. Some background, this is set at the end of Season 3. My character Abbie was raised into Hunting like the boys, and was raised by Bobby after her parents never returned. This is intended to be an eventual Destiel x Oc, but is subject to being changed.
Dean x Oc angst word count: 486
“Shit,” she mumbled glaring at her coffee that was now spilt across the table. After the day she was having it just made sense for yet another thing to fuck her over. It had only been a week since she left, bag in hand ready to start a normal life; away from the chaos that was Dean though this feeling of guilt and regret was drowning her to the point she couldn't breath. Abbie would have given anything for the deal she had made to become void, anything to get back on the road with the two brothers she had left behind, or help Sam one last time on his research. But she couldn't, all because Lilith had plans that she couldn’t interfere with. 
She remembered the night she left under the pretence of an old friend in need, and how they were ready to assist in any way possible. She remembered the dread as she hugged Sam for what would be the final time until Dean's death, and the heartache that came with saying goodbye to Dean. But it wasn't like last time, there was no way out of her contract that didn't end with her being the one to send the man she loved to Hell. In spite of everything she kept close, watching over the boys and getting frequent updates from Bobby. Abbie was forced to stand by and watch as his time ticked away, as the end of his final year got closer to the point she couldn't avoid that pit in her heart. 
It was, the night before he died when she saw him in person again, saw him sleeping peacefully through the night for once. She hadn't meant to end up there with the hell-hounds on his trails, she should have kept her distance. Abbie hadn't even noticed as she pulled up in front of Bobby's house where she was. Nor did she remember going in that room. Her heart sank at the sight of him, the knowledge of what would be waiting in hell made her sick. However she couldn't leave without saying something. 
She leant down to him “I fell for you so quickly and completely,” she sighed “loving you sunk up on me Dean,” She paused the last few months sticking with her, the guilt of being away catching her off guard. “Honestly it’s scaring the shit out of me,” 
“What happens to you in Hell… know you will survive it,” 
“I’m gonna get you out, I swear.” 
Pushing some hair from out his face she kissed his cheek, unlikely to see him again she left. Refusing to look back, knowing that if she did she wouldn't have the strength to walk away again. When she returned to her car; for the first time in six years she cried. Cried for all the missed opportunities, missed chances, and for the man she had never let herself love.
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New story alert!
Sorta, I think, who knows. I have been so busy with so much going on and I finally got out of my writer's block. I got some chapters that I need to sit down and post for some other fics, but I'm going to give you guys a teaser to a Supernatural fic I'm working on. It's a Castiel X OC or Reader fic. Let me know what you guys prefer before I get too far into writing it. The story is going to start in Season 4 but will start with some scenes from earlier seasons to set up a big plot point idea that I have. Also, for the record, as of right now; I am on Season 12. I'm going to give you a teaser to one of the prologue parts now :)
1.9 Home:
18-year-old MC stood in the bathroom of her brothers’ motel room, staring at her arms in the mirror. She wore a tank top to see the slowly fading runes and sigils that were on her skin. She felt different, that much was clear; but MC felt as though something was missing, although she wasn’t sure what. The symbols on her skin finally fully faded away and MC felt a rush go through her. She fell to her knees in pain. Her shoulder blades burned as she curled into herself.
MC felt bound, chained, constricted, before the sensation suddenly disappeared and she was left breathing heavily. She drew her knees to her chest, squeezing tightly; what had her dad done to her?
The door to the motel room opened and then Dean’s voice cut through the air. “Whoever’s there better step out with their hands up.”
MC took a deep breath and put on a practiced smile. Her father’s words after they met with the red-haired witch ringing through her head. Don’t let your brothers know what happened, they would try to undo it and ruin everything.
MC walked out of the bathroom, “Hello there, boys, miss me?”
Her brothers put their guns down and Dean pulled her into a tight hug before letting Sam hug her as well. Sam pulled back from his hug. “What are you doing here, I thought you and Dad were still missing?”
MC sighed and sat down on one of the beds, pulling on a flannel. “Dad ditched me today, dropped me off here and then took off. I don’t know where he’s going now. He kept me in the dark with what he was doing, wouldn’t let me call you two.”
“Sorry about that, shorty, but now you get to run with the cooler Winchesters.” Dean forced a smile, but MC saw the worry in his eyes.
“I think you got that backwards. You two now get to run with the cooler Winchester.” Sam and Dean laughed at her retaliation. She smiled, a real one this time, as she laughed with her favorite people in the whole wide world.
Let me know what you guys think!
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spnjediavenger · 8 months
White Wolf Masterlist
Chapter 1: Sam and Dean Winchester
Chapter 2: Motels and Memories
Chapter 3: “They’re looking for me…”
Chapter 4: “I told you”
Chapter 5: Man, Myth, Legend? Girl, Warrior, White Wolf
Chapter 5.5: “What do I do?”
Chapter 6: Mind Games
Chapter 7: Hunter’s Promise
Elliana’s Journal
Chapter 8: Sacrifices
Chapter 9: Something’s Wrong With Sam
Chapter 10: Broken Trust
Ellie’s note to the boys
Chapter 11: The Prophet
The Kevin Chronicles: Part 1
The Kevin Chronicles: Part 2
The Kevin Chronicles: Part 3
The Kevin Chronicles: Part 4
Chapter 12: The Boys Are Back
Chapter 13: Tears
Chapter 14: Haunted
Elliana’s journal
Chapter 15: Insurance
Chapter 16: Rescue
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dumb-zombie-girl · 10 months
Fluffy hair and cuddles- Pre-series! sam Winchester x plus size oc
it's the end of the world, I love you darlin- 3x16dean Winchester x plus size oc
These are the two that I picked out of the three fanfics that I haven't finished and are sitting in my drafts rn
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writer-ann-artist · 2 years
Two Hunters, One Angel, and a Cuttlefish
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Being a mermaid is okay. We can't do what we used to anymore, but it's okay. The angels still keep in touch, so that is good. We are dying, though. So, being the only friend to the Angels, they gave us a gift. We can now live on land and in our true home, the water. I am so thankful for this gift, but they will never know. We hardly see them anymore. I wonder what happened to our friends. One day, Castiel came to visit. Excited, I dragged him into the water with me. His friends he had with him were so scared calling for him and freaking out. Eventually, we resurfaced, and the two men had very perplexed expressions.
"Sam, Dean, this my friend Calypso. Calypso, Sam and Dean." Sam says hi and Dean just nods.
"Why don't we talk on the dock?"
"Good idea, Cas." While you swam to the dock, Dean and Sam talk to Cas about what is going on.
"I don't mean to be rude, but are you wearing any...?"
"Clothes? No, hehe. What would I need clothes for? I'm in the water." This statement cause Sam to stutter and clear his throat. Dean just smiles awkwardly. After them visiting me, I got into trouble. This causes them to take care of me in the meantime. They found me injured on the shore.
"Calypso, you okay?"
"Oh Cassie it hurts. I don't know what it was. I have never seen a creature like that before."
"It's okay, can you transform in this state?"
"Yes. I can do my best." After transforming Castiel carried you away. Sam and Dean then noticed that you were naked.
"I need to prepare a few things for Calypso at the bunker." Sam caught on and put his jacket around me. He then takes Castiel's place in holding me. Cas then dissapeares to the bunker.
"I like when he does that."
"What? Why?"
"Because I can see his wings."
"Interesting." At the bunker Cas had made a room for me. It was the room with the biggest bathtub.
"Thank you Cassie!" Cas takes care my wounds and let's me rest. While I rest the boys talk.
"So she's a mermaid. And you guys gave them the power to transform from fish to human."
"Not exactly, but yes."
"So what do with her?"
"Take care of her."
"Excuse me what? No I'm no babysitter."
"Dean it's not babysitting."
"Dean, she has no one. The rest of her kind had gone into hiding or died. She has no family left." "What is she to you anyways?"
"I have known her since she was a mer-pup or infant if you will. Angel's and mermaids are very close. They are the only creatures we share our secrets with."
After weeks of caring for me, Sam and Dean have grown attached. They are now used to my sudden 'hug attacks,' as Dean calls them. Sam calls me 'his lil cuddle fish'. I like to cuddle, especially before bed.
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allurilove · 17 days
Yandere Ghost x you
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Rated 18 + — mature short content !
Includes: A little introduction to very pretty and demure yan ghost x gender neutral reader, perverted behavior, mentions of cheating and murder, he wants to be your one and only.
Yandere ghost had been alone for five hundred years. He had seen many people come and go, and none of his lovers had last long. They were all peaceful people who accepted death and their untimely demise, and no matter how hard he would beg for them to become a spirit and stay with him—they chose to go to heaven. Yandere ghost was scared to let go. He wanted to be on earth forever.
Yandere ghost had the prettiest hair that rivals the finest silk. Before he had died, he was a paramour. He fell in love with a married woman that made him want to be the best version of himself. He started to learn all the beauty secrets he could, traveling around the globe for the best ingredients for his skincare and hair. He dabbled in makeup, adding a bit of rouge to his cheeks and stained his lips pink. He took care of his body well. He used sugar to wax any hair on his torso or legs, and slathered scented creams he made himself so he smelled rosy. He made sure he would massage his legs and face after he woke up, and put ice on any puffy areas.
Yandere ghost was murdered by his ex-lovers husband. He didn’t like to dwell on his death, and he hadn’t exactly been truthful to you about it as well. He didn’t want you to think lowly of him for being the “other woman” and breaking a relationship apart. But, when he does get unwanted memories from that unfortunate night, he appears in your bedroom. You could feel his presence whenever he comes and goes, his cold hand would gently tug at your blankets, and you shivered as his body slowly sided next to yours. He would play with your pajamas, kiss your cheeks and bite on em. Not too hard, but enough so he could see his teeth marks.
Yandere ghost was grateful that you weren’t creeped out by the sight of him rubbing his cheeks on your inner thigh. He liked resting on your lower half since it was so unbelievably warm. He liked pressing his tongue against the crotch, and he smiled often at the wet spot that usually formed down there. He doesn’t want to be too forward with you, so simple touches like these was all he did. He kissed the fabric of your underwear, trailing upwards to your midriff, and his fingers grazed over the soft skin of your thighs. Yandere ghost was more active during the night time, and he preferred to keep himself hidden from you. Sometimes, he would pop out if you had another man over. His beautiful face would twist into disgust, and for a brief moment, he would reveal the most ugly parts of himself to the man he considered to be “trespassing.”
Yandere ghost was a little mischievous and jealous man. He didn’t like seeing you with anyone else because he had felt like you were the one. Yandere ghost was a man of many talents. He could rip his body into half on command, his intestines hanging like strings, and his mouth could detach from the jaw. He often liked to scare the men by hovering over them, his eyes wide and white without a pupil on sight, and his breath that reeked of spoiled fish would waft into their nose. If that didn’t work, he would beg them to free him from this house, and scream that there was a curse for any man that stepped foot on this land. He would crawl on the ground, sobbing endless black tears. Every time they would snitch on him… yandere ghost just disappeared immediately. He wouldn’t want you to see this jealous side of him.
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Horse-and-Writer97′s Master List
Updated: 1/2/23
While I may not be new to writing, I am new to posting what I’ve written. Here’s the complete list of my posted works. 
Note: I’ll hopefully be adding to this blog very soon and posting more and more. Tips are welcomed. Anyone wishing to be tagged in any future works needs only ask. 
Wattpad: HorseandWriter97
AO3: Horse_and_Writer97
My Hero Academia:
Eijiro Kirishima/Red Riot:
[Title TBD]: Kirishima x OC!Sora: *coming soon*
I Run To You: Kirishima x F!Reader: *coming soon*
Dean Winchester:
These Aren’t My Woods: Dean Winchester x OC!Charlie: prologue, chapter 1, chapter 2
Last Updated: 2/11/19; On Hiatus, updated version on wattpad
Peter Parker/Spider-Man:
Silver Spark: Peter Parker x OC!Harlow: about the character, chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7
Last Updated: 11/13/19; On Hiatus, updated version on wattpad
Silver Spark: harlow collage 1, harlow images 2, chapter 5 inspiration, harlow’s suit 1, harlow collage 2, harlow’s suit 2, 
Original Creations:
Burn the Past: short story, fantasy/fiction, 300 words
Created: 4/22/16
Wolf Form: original art 1, 
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gcthvile · 8 months
Felicia MacLeod
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Name: Felicia MacLeod
Age: 343
Height: 6'0
Sexuality: Pan
Mother - Rowena Macleod
Father - name unknown
Brother - Fergus Roderick Macleod/Crowley
Felicia MacLeod was born in the late 17th century in the Scottish Highlands, into a family of modest means. As the younger sister of Fergus MacLeod, who later became known as Crowley, she grew up in his shadow. Unlike her brother, Felicia possessed a natural charm and cunning intellect from a young age. However, she lacked Crowley's ambition to rise above their humble beginnings through legitimate means.
Frustrated by societal limitations, Felicia sought out forbidden knowledge and stumbled upon an ancient occult manuscript. In her pursuit of power, she inadvertently made a deal with a crossroads demon, trading her soul for unparalleled charisma and cunning. The pact transformed her into a captivating force, allowing her to manipulate and deceive effortlessly.
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Felicia MacLeod's like that friend who always seems to have the perfect line to smooth things over, but behind the charm, she's got this devious streak a mile wide. She's the person at the party who effortlessly glides between conversations, leaving a trail of intrigue and manipulation in her wake.
She's got this knack for making people think they're the most important person in the room, all while secretly plotting her next move. Selfish? Oh yeah, it's all about Felicia and what she wants. She's not one to shy away from stepping on a few toes (or more) to get what she desires.
And then there's the evil bit. It's not the twirling-mustache kind, but more of a subtle, dark energy that hangs around her. She finds a sort of twisted joy in causing chaos, and it's hard to tell where the charming act ends and the genuine malevolence begins.
But here's the kicker – despite all this, she's the kind of person you might not suspect. She'll share a laugh, clink glasses, and all the while be weaving a web of schemes and secrets.
Devilish siblings
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Crowley and Felicia – it's like a demonic version of a dysfunctional family reunion. They're bound by blood, yeah, but it's not all hugs and sibling love. Picture two scheming demons, each with their own agenda, teaming up for the sake of Hellish shenanigans.
Crowley, being the big shot in Hell, spots Felicia's potential for causing mayhem, and suddenly, they're this dynamic duo of darkness. It's all about mutual benefits – they scratch each other's demonic backs to climb the infernal ladder.
But let's not kid ourselves. Beneath the surface, it's a game of one-upmanship. They've got this unspoken rivalry, always eyeing each other suspiciously. Felicia's got her own plans, and Crowley, being the sly demon he is, is always playing chess with Hell's pieces.
Their chats probably sound like a mix of devilish banter and subtle threats. Deep down, there's this weird demon camaraderie, but it's fragile. In Hell, alliances are as stable as a house of cards in a tornado.
So, yeah, they're your typical sibling drama, just add in demonic powers and a sprinkle of Hellfire, and you've got the relationship between Felicia and Crowley. It's like family game night in the underworld, but with more backstabbing.
The Squirrel and The Moose
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Felicia and the Winchesters – it's like this never-ending rollercoaster of trust issues and mind games. At first, she waltzes in all charming and helpful, making them think she's on Team Winchester.
Thing is, the Winchesters ain't no rookies when it comes to the supernatural. They've seen it all – demons, angels, you name it. But somehow, Felicia manages to pull the wool over their eyes. It's like they know she's up to no good, but her charm game is so strong that they can't resist giving her the benefit of the doubt.
They catch a whiff of her shenanigans, start connecting the dots, but before they know it, Felicia's thrown in a witty one-liner or flashed that killer smile, and bam! They're back to square one, questioning if maybe she's not as bad as they thought.
It's a love-hate thing – they know she's trouble, but there's this weird respect for her skills. Even when they catch her in the act, it's like she's got this supernatural charisma that makes them second-guess their own instincts.
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Felicia's demonic nature enhances her natural charm, making her exceptionally charismatic. She can effortlessly manipulate and influence others, bending them to her will through the sheer force of her presence.
Her powers extend to the realm of mental manipulation. Felicia can plant suggestions, create illusions, and alter perceptions, playing mind games to further her agenda.
Like many demons, Felicia has telekinetic abilities, allowing her to move objects with the power of her mind. This power comes in handy for both subtle manipulation and more overt displays of supernatural prowess.
As a demon, Felicia is ageless and immune to mortal ailments. She doesn't age and is impervious to conventional forms of harm.
Felicia has access to occult knowledge and demonic secrets. This knowledge aids her in crafting dark rituals, forming alliances with other supernatural entities, and staying one step ahead of her adversaries.
Like other demons, Felicia can transform into a cloud of black smoke, allowing her to move swiftly and undetected. This ability is useful for infiltration and escape.
Her demonic form grants her increased physical strength, enabling her to overpower humans and confront other supernatural beings.
And lastly Felicia can teleport from one location to another instantaneously, facilitating her ability to appear and disappear at will.
hope you guys like her!
@missstrawbs2001 @jackiequick @blueboirick @cherrysft @meiramel @gaminggirlsstuff
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samuelsdean · 4 months
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pairing: dean winchester x reader
summary: "can i hold your hand?" you blurted out, surprised by your own boldness. a flicker of surprise crossed dean's face, quickly replaced by a ghost of a smile that sent a jolt through you. "yeah," he said, his voice softer than you were used to hearing. "yeah, you can."
genre: fluff
word count: 1.3k
author's notes: hi! here's another dean fic because i'm having a winchester brainrot after choosing to rewatch the show for the nth time. it's fluff again because i'm a sucker for soft!dean and i like it when idiots who are mutually pining for each other finally hold hands after 9989 years.
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THE WIND HOWLED LIKE A WOLF ON A FULL MOON ON A PERPETUALLY OVERCAST NIGHT. It scoured the dust from the abandoned house's roof, a skeletal silhouette against the bruise-colored sky. The once-white picket fence weathered to a sickly gray, stood like crooked teeth in a decaying grin. The trees behind it, looming and stark, clawed at the sky, their branches whispering secrets the wind refused to carry.
You shivered, the cold a mere whisper compared to the unsettling feeling that prickled your skin. This place, nestled in a forgotten fold of a desolate highway at the edge of a forest, vibrated with a wrongness that made the hairs on your arms stand on end.
"This place feels… dicey," Dean muttered, his voice barely audible over the wind. He scanned the deserted midway, his eyes narrowed in a way that spoke volumes of past encounters with the unsettling.
"Think the rumors were true?" you asked, swallowing hard against the lump of unease in your throat.
The "rumors" were the reason you were standing in this creepy house at dusk. A string of disappearances, whispers of screams echoing in the dead of night, all traced back to this desolate stretch of road. Apparently, there was an urban legend of sorts in the area where a couple would get a flat tire out of nowhere, and with the area being nothing but just a highway and trees, the couple would choose to trek to a nearby house, only for them end up missing right after.
"Why? Are you scared?" A wry smile tugged at the corner of Dean's lips as he teased you. Before you could shoulder-check him for bugging you, he added, "Maybe, maybe not. But sticking together's the best bet we got, wouldn't you say?"
His gaze met yours, and for a fleeting moment, you saw a flicker of something akin to concern beneath the gruff exterior. It was a rare glimpse into the man who carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. Dean Winchester grew up suppressing whatever emotion he had besides his usual cocky demeanor and smirks because he had to raise Sam, his younger brother while hunting whatever it is that crawled out of the depths of hell. And Dean did a damn great job at that, Sam was now off to Stanford.
At that moment, the fear dissipated, replaced by a fierce determination.
"Yeah," you said, your voice firmer than you felt. "Let's get out of here."
He extended his hand, his calloused fingers surprisingly warm against your own. You hesitated for a beat, the implication of the gesture hanging heavy in the air. It was more than just a practical suggestion; it was a silent promise of support, a brief moment of connection you craved with this gruff hunter.
"Can I hold your hand?" you blurted out, surprised by your own boldness.
A flicker of surprise crossed Dean's face, quickly replaced by a ghost of a smile that sent a jolt through you. "Yeah," he said, his voice softer than you were used to hearing. "Yeah, you can."
You laced your fingers through his, the gesture a silent affirmation that went beyond the immediate danger. But for you, it was also a chance for something more, a stolen moment of skinship you yearned for.
As you walked, the wind seemed to whisper secrets around you, the creaking of the dilapidated house a morbid soundtrack. Each creak sent shivers down your spine, but Dean's grip remained steady, a reassuring anchor. You couldn't help but steal glances at him, his profile etched sharply against the dying light. The way his worn jacket barely contained the heat radiating from his body made your cheeks flush.
His hand, usually so quick to let go, lingered in yours. You weren't sure if he noticed the way your thumb brushed against his calloused skin, a silent plea for a little more contact. Maybe it was the adrenaline pumping through your veins, or the way the danger heightened your senses, but Dean felt like a furnace beside you.
Suddenly, a flash of movement in the corner of your eye. A hulking shadow, all wrong angles, and unnatural speed darted behind a boarded-up ticket booth. A guttural growl, unlike anything you'd ever heard, ripped through the air. Your heart hammered against your ribs like a trapped bird.
"Did you see that?" you whispered, your voice barely audible over the wind.
Dean squeezed your hand, a silent acknowledgment, his hold tightening almost imperceptibly. This time, you were certain it wasn't just the danger.
"Stay close," he said, his voice low and gravelly.
He unsheathed his knife, its silver glinting in the fading light. You drew your own weapon, a wave of nausea washing over you. You hated this part, the constant feeling of being on the edge of a knife.
Stepping cautiously forward, you and Dean crept toward the source of the movement. The closer you got, the more the air crackled with an unnatural energy, the scent of decay thick and cloying. As you rounded a corner, the full horror of the creature revealed itself.
Towering over you was a monstrous figure, its once-human form twisted and warped. Its skin, a patchy mix of worminess and sickly shade, hung greasy. Claws, like sharpened daggers, protruded from its elongated fingers. But the most terrifying aspect was its face. A grotesque mockery of a human, its eyes burned with a bloodshot sclera devoid of any humanity.
The Rougarou, a creature born of insatiable hunger and despair, let out a bone-chilling roar, the sound echoing through the abandoned carnival. It lunged a blur of teeth and wormy skin.
The fight was a desperate ballet of survival. Dean, drawing on years of experience, moved with practiced efficiency, dodging the Rougarou's attacks while searching for an opening. You fought with a mix of fear and determination, adrenaline fueling your movements.
The Rougarou swiped at you with a clawed hand, leaving a searing mark across your arm. Pain flared, but you gritted your teeth, refusing to let it slow you down.
Dean created an opening, shouting, "Fire!" You lunged for your pocket, the familiar weight of the lighter a comfort in your hand. Snapping it open, you flicked the wheel, a flame erupting in the dying light. Hurling it with all your might, you aimed for the Rougarou's chest.
It shrieked, a sound that seemed to tear at the fabric of reality itself. The flame erupted on its body, a blossom of searing orange against the decaying flesh. The Rougarou thrashed, its inhuman roar turning into a desperate, pained yowl. It stumbled back, clawing at the burning fur, an unholy stench filling the air.
Fear, raw and primal, flickered in its eyes. But fear was a fleeting emotion for the creature. It roared again, charging at you with a desperate, burning lunge. This time, you were ready. You rolled to the side, the creature's claws missing you by a hair's breadth. Taking advantage of its momentum, Dean drove his silver knife into the Rougarou's back.
The creature howled in pain, clawing wildly. With a final, earth-shaking tremor, it collapsed, dissolving into a cloud of black smoke that dissipated with a sickly sweet stench.
You and Dean stood there, chests heaving, sweat clinging to your skin. The silence that followed was deafening.
"That was..." you started, your voice raspy.
"A Rougarou," Dean finished, his voice grim. "Nasty sons of bitches."
He reached out, checking the wound on your arm. His touch was surprisingly gentle. "You okay?"
You nodded, a weak smile playing on your lips. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks to you."
Dean met your gaze, a flicker of something warm passing between you in the fading light. He didn't say anything, but the way his hand lingered on your arm spoke volumes.
Together, you walked out of the abandoned place, the wind whispering through the trees, no longer sounding ominous but strangely peaceful. The horrors you'd faced had brought you closer, forging a bond forged in danger and shared survival. You knew this wouldn't be your last hunt, but for now, you had each other. And in that knowledge, you found a flicker of hope, a warmth that chased away the lingering chills of the night.
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bklynsboys · 2 months
Operation: Hide Our Relationship (?)
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pairing: dean winchester x reader
summary: “you know,” dean murmured, his voice barely audible over the engine. "you always look so cute trying to deny we're not together." you jumped, startled, your hand instinctively reaching for the door handle. “what?”
genre: fluff
word count: 0.5k
author's notes: wrote a silly little drabble about how i see dean hard launching his relationship! the man is the biggest blabbermouth & he'd definitely be the first to announce that he's dating the love of his life to the most important person in his life (aside from you, of course), his brother. so, sit tight! i hope you'll smile from the the tooth-rotting fluff <3
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THE IMPALA HUMMED WITH THE AFTEREFFECTS OF THE HUNT, THE AIR THICK WITH THE METALLIC TANG OF BLOOD AND THE FAINT, ACRID SCENT OF BURNT BONES. Dean slumped in the driver's seat, his eyes closed, his breathing deep and rhythmic, a stark contrast to the chaos you had just escaped. You sat beside him, your hands trembling despite the adrenaline fade. A thin film of sweat clung to your skin, and your heart pounded like a trapped animal. In the backseat, Sam tried to ignore the charged atmosphere, his eyes darting between the rearview mirror and the darkening road.
He’d suspected for a while. The knowing glances, the easy touches, the way their eyes lit up when they spoke – it was like an open secret, obvious to everyone but them. He'd tried to voice his suspicions, but they’d always laughed it off, their denials as practiced as their hunting rituals.
“You know,” Dean murmured, his voice barely audible over the engine. "You always look so cute trying to deny we're not together."
You jumped, startled, your hand instinctively reaching for the door handle. “What?”
“You heard me, sweetheart.” A lazy grin spread across Dean’s face. His green eyes, usually sharp and focused, held a softer glow. "You look adorable when you're all red-faced and in denial that we're together in front of Sammy."
A blush warmed your cheeks, and you could feel the heat rising in your neck. “Shut up, Dean!” You tried to sound indifferent, but your voice cracked, betraying the giddiness within.
There's nothing more than you want aside from screaming at the top of your lungs that finally, you and Dean were together.
"And you," cheeks still pink from your boyfriend's teasing, you turned your head towards his younger brother in the backseat. "Sam Winchester, stop smirking. I know you're finding this really funny."
Sam merely raised his hands in surrender, shaking his head at your accusation. "I didn't say anything."
Dean chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “See? So cute trying to prove my point.”
Sam couldn’t resist a snort. “Really, Dean? Now’s the time?”
Dean feigned offense, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. “A guy can appreciate his own relationship, can’t he?”
You groaned, burying your face in your hands. “You two are impossible.”
Sam grinned, his eyes dancing with mischief. “Just admit it, you’re totally into each other.”
They exchanged a look, a silent agreement to ignore him. But the truth was written in their eyes, in the way they moved in sync, the unspoken understanding that hummed between them like buzz.
“Can we please just go?” you mumbled, your voice muffled by your hands. "I wanna shower. I stink of graveyard dirt and sweat."
Dean nodded, his expression softening. He reached for your hand, his touch grounding. “Yeah, let’s do that.”
Sam sighed dramatically. “I’ll pretend I didn’t see anything.”
As the Impala ate up the road, the tension eased. With Dean's hand in yours, a promise of safety and companionship, you drifted off to sleep, the rhythmic hum of the vehicle and the gentle sway lulling you into a state of quiet.
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thehauntedetheral · 2 months
Yandere Vampire X Vampire Hunter Reader
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• In the supernatural world where vampire rules. The king vampire has given specific regions to his close vampires to rule and maintain for him. Yan Vampire is the ruler of your region. But for some time he has been getting a lot anonymous threats to kill him and some accidents has happened too. But him being stubborn avoids taking precautions and says "I can handle this."
• His sister is worried for his safety as next week is the global meeting where every regional chief is present with their people and reporting updates about their region to other chiefs and the king.
• His sister is worried that the anonymous threat would take opportunity of the crowd and do some harm to yan so she comes with a plan to you a Vampire hunter without her brother's knowledge.
• "Are you insane?" You asked in disbelief after hearing her plan. "You know the meaning of vampire hunter, right?" You asked thinking she might be misunderstanding the term.
"I know what a vampire hunter is and what they do. Someone is trying to kill my brother and by the clues we are sure that it is a vampire who is trying to kill him." She says with a calm tone her blood red eyes looking at you. Her vampiric beauty glowing.
"You want me your brother who is also a vampire to protect him from some other Vampire at that global meeting sort thing of you vampires?" You said trying to make sense of everything.
"Yes. I will give you any amount you want. And protecting the regional chief of the region you live will give you many advantages till you die". The female Vampire said giving you a tempting offer which you can't refuse.
"But there is one problem. I have a solution for it too. But I am afraid you won't like the solution I came up with." She said with a slight disappointment over her face.
"What is it?"
"Well in the meeting only the regional chiefs and their family are allowed to attend. We have to make you pretend as the family member to attend with us. If they found out you are a Vampire hunter even I and my brother won't be able to protect you from the king."
You a single vampire hunter present in a room with thousands of vampire and a single mistake you would be dead in less than a millisecond just thinking about this caused you goosebumps. But it was now or never. You wanted that money.
"Okay. What family member do I have to pretend to be?"
"Well.... His human fiancee." The vampire said with hesitation.
"Well you are a human and we are vampires no way we can be family biologically so it only leaves to one option his fiancee just a fake one. After the work is done you are free to do whatever you want. And by being his fiancee you can be near him all the time protecting without any suspicious of others." The Vampire tried to explain.
"Okay. But I will take more money to pretend to be that old as fossils vampire's fiancee" You said with a deep frown.
"Just say the amount and it's your." The Vampire female and you shaked hands closing the deal. While Yan Vampire doesn't have a single idea what type of chaos his sister is going to bring in his life through you.
Get ready for being stuck with the grumpy Vampire protecting him from others while pretending to be his fake human fiancee. I hope I myself don't kill him in hatred. Wish me luck! You thought to yourself.
I am thinking about making this into a series. Should I make it? What do you think? Please let me know through comments.
Requests are open!
For more yandere reading:
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