#Sure! I will talk in here jsjsj
brutalmasks · 4 months
bunny mask … one chance please … :(((
almost instantaneously, bunny mask looked up from the book she'd been reading — the count of monte cristo — when she heard remilia's voice. however... it wasn't because she was startled that she had such a quick reaction to her speaking up. for, truthfully, bunny wasn't at all sure what the other meant by that. so it was more in bewilderment that the spirit now found herself locking eyes with remilia. 'give me a chance' could mean a lot of things, couldn't it? the paperback she was still holding was then lowered down to her lap. bunny supposed that if she ever hoped to find out what remilia meant, she just just be direct with her.
and direct she was, ❝ hmm... well, if you were to tell me what you are referring to when you say 'one chance,' perhaps i may be willing to grant it :D ❞ bunny mask suddenly grasped the concrete wall she sat upon with both hands at that moment and leaned forward towards remilia. showing open body language towards other's was a good way to indicate that you were willing to communicate with them. if bunny wasn't mistaken, that is. an idea popped up in the back of her head then which made her reconsider her view of the statement the other had made entirely, ❝ wait a minute. i think i actually have heard that somewhere before, stranger. do you mean a romantic chance? ❞
a smile began to creep up on her lips that revealed the beginnings of her teeth. ❝ because if so, i would not mind trying ' going out ' with you. especially since i know it can take a great deal of bravery to ask someone upfront about it. but first, where shall we go, hmm? ❞
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mad-hunts · 4 months
“ how did we live through it and how are we still living? ”
Two-Face isn't new to surgery. It's the only reason he has any hope of functioning - in the beginning, when his face was first damaged, he could barely breathe without assistance. Still, it's not all sunshine and roses now - he still finds himself under the knife again with Barton at the helm, needing scar tissue removed from inside his throat.
"you'll do as we ask and nothing more, and just to make sure - we'll be doing this without the knockout gas."
an armed, awake patient is not ideal in the least, but he seems unwilling otherwise.
whenever he wasn't sure what to say, one might find that barton is quite content with staying silent — and that is exactly the kind of response that his newest patient had gotten from him to the question they posed. especially considering that two-face hadn't made it entirely clear as to whether he was actually talking to barton or not. though he did end up taking a glance at the two of them, it was only after he was done washing his hands. doing so was just standard procedure for working with any kind of patient; well, that, and putting on gloves. barton wasn't going to do it quite yet, however, with how they had to be absolutely sterile and it seemed like they were... on edge. though if it was due to the nature of the surgery, then he could definitely understand that; or even if it was due to being hesitant to trust him.
so, to hear that he wanted to be kept awake while barton was going to cut into his throat using a laser was a little bit shocking, to say the least. barton blinked at them several times from where he stood in disbelief before raising both of his eyebrows at once, ❝ uhh, you do realize that i'll be sticking a tube down your throat, right? and cutting into your scar tissue to remove it using a laser? it's really not something that i recommend being awake for. ❞ he was half-expecting the both of them to say something like ' psyche! ' or ' gotcha! ' before long due to the nature of their demand. but it never came, so barton supposed two-face really must have been dead serious about it. he let out a half-suppressed and still equally as incredulous chuckle.
❝ but hey, if you want it done that way, i could always make do. that would still involve giving you a mild sedative though because i need your muscles to relax, ❞ barton took a blank piece of paper out from a cabinet above himself and scrawled something on it once he acquired a pen. after drawing a line, he gave both of them to two-face. ❝ oh, and i'm going to need written consent from you that you wanted it done this way. because i am not getting screwed over if you experience something during this that you find very distressing. especially, after i warned you about it. alright? ❞ barton offered the both of them a small and obviously plastered on smile before turning around, which caused it to completely drop from his face.
❝ ah, sometimes i really do wonder why i decided to mainly treat criminals. they can tend to be very bad patients, ❞ he was talking to himself now and barely above a whisper while he reached for the gloves on the counter. barton might as well get prepared while they were signing that... right?
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l3viat8an · 7 months
I was just imagining this. MC talks to Asmo and Satan about what to do for Levi's birthday. So they/she dresses up as Ruri-chan on Levi's birthday. After short circuiting by the sight, Levi is very touchy with them for the rest of the day. I'm just imagining Levi fiddling witht he skirt of the dress 🥰.
Stoppp that’s so cute!!! Satan and Asmo being the best wingmen ever!!!!-
Asmo going all out to make sure the dress is absolutely adorable and Satan making sure it’s actually accurate for Ruri-Chan jsjsjs
Cue *excited Levi sounds here* you really did that just for him???? He doesn’t deserve you!!!!-
Please give Levi a few minutes to remember how to breath again- he’s just red faced, rambling ‘n fanboying….‘You- You did this for me???’
But when Levi does finally calm down, he asks if he can touch your outfit and then he can’t stop!-
Walking around you in a big circle a couple of times,checking out every little detail and touching the ruffles on the skirt or the big bow on the back, the hat, really every little part of your outfit is getting touched / played with a bit he just can’t stop!!-
The rest of the day you’re basically velcroed to Levi’s side jsjsjsj
Just let him cling onto you and just enjoy his ‘gift’- and he keeps telling you how lucky he is!!! You did this for him!!! He loves you sooooo much!!! Ahh pretend you didn’t hear that!!! lolol
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borathae · 3 months
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“Jungkook can’t stand it when Taehyung comes home beaten and broken after a night out.”
Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x Vampire!Taehyung
Genre: established relationship!AU, polyamory!AU, Hurt & Comfort
Warnings: protective!Jungkook to the point he gets a little feral, he is so protective fuckck, and so hot i'm so sorry but he is so hot, pouty!Taehyung, tears, cursing, hints at a bad one night stand, bruises & marks from rough sex, non-sexual nudity, cuddles and innocent body worshipping to comfort both <3
Wordcount: 1.6k
a/n: this is based on anonie's idea and this anonie's idea you guys are feeding my twisted mind and i'm loving it here 🖤 also sidenote, it took everything in my power not to turn this into smut jsjsj the moment kook began kissing him i had to fight the demons in my mind jfjdafj have fun besties 🖤
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Jungkook is worried. Taehyung should be home already, but he hasn’t come to say hello yet. Taehyung always makes sure to say his hellos to Jungkook whenever he is back from one of his one night stands. Doesn’t matter the time of day, Taehyung will not miss out on this tradition. During early mornings, when Jungkook is still sleeping, he will slip under the covers and Jungkook wakes up as his small spoon and with their fingers intertwined. During the day, Taehyung will seek him out and then talk to him as Jungkook does whatever thing he is currently doing while Taehyung tries very hard to snuggle him. During the nightly hours, he will join him under the shower or in front of the TV and then spend comfortable silence with him as their bodies are so very close. No matter the time of day, Jungkook can be sure that Taehyung will announce his return. 
So having heard him come back, but not getting a hello is worrisome. 
It is late at night. You and Yoongi are out on a date in town. Something along the lines of visiting a concert of a local band and then trying out a new restaurant. Jimin is in his wing. Jungkook can hear ballet music playing. Taehyung must be in his wing as well. He has jazz music playing. Loudly. Almost as if he was trying to mask other sounds with it. 
Jungkook’s worry only grows at that and he finds himself barely using the stairs as he practically flies up the stairs just to get to him quicker.
Taehyung’s wing is unlocked and so Jungkook slips inside, leaving his shoes by the front door. The jazz music comes from his bedroom, but said room is empty when Jungkook enters it. 
He scans his eyes over the room. The door to the en-suite bathroom is open, allowing clean scented steam to enter the room. The clear indicator that Taehyung took a shower. 
The lights in his dressing room are turned on. Jungkook hurries to it, finding Taehyung in front of the mirror in just his towel and a distressed expression on his pale features as he inspects his own back. To call a vampire’s complexion pale is another worrisome thing to do, as Taehyung’s skin was already rather pale because of his curse. 
“What happened?” Jungkook is by his side instantly, grabbing him by his waist.
“Ah!” Taehyung startles and flinches. Another worrisome thing. A vampire rarely startles because of their heightened senses. “You frightened me! Oh heavens.”
Jungkook can’t hear him. All he sees are the marks on Taehyung’s back and the tears of a past cry in his eyes 
“Are those bruises? And they didn’t heal yet? What the fuck happened?” He cups his cheek, wiping his tears. “Were you crying? Who did that to you?”
Taehyung grows smaller, touching Jungkook’s chest as if he needed comfort.
“It isn’t like this.”
“Who. Did. That. To. You?” Jungkook insists, fighting his urges with a tightened jaw. He can’t lose control, not in front of Taehyung.
“I, I promise I am fine.”
“You don’t look fine. You’re crying. And your back is bruised. Who was it? Who made you cry?”
Taehyung lowers his head.
“Cedric”, he whispers. 
“Cedric? The fucking Glutton? With the tattoo on his chest?”
Taehyung nods his head.
“Where is he now?”
“No please.” Taehyung lifts his head. He gulps.
Jungkook’s true face is exposed, morphed into a picture of feral, demonic protectiveness. Even his muscles seem to have grown as he is readying himself to fight for Taehyung.
“No please.” Taehyung cups his face. “It wasn’t his fault.”
“It wasn’t his fault? He should have stopped when you started crying. He should have been a better Dom and checked up on you! I’m going to fucking rip him to shreds”, Jungkook hisses as his fangs grow into the huge, scary weapons they are meant to be. “Does he not know what happens to people who aren’t careful with you? What I’m gonna do to him once I hunted him down?” he spits, growing bigger and bigger as the monster in him takes over in sheer protectiveness.
Taehyung isn’t sacred. Taehyung kisses him despite his changed mouth. He gets on his tiptoes and pulls his face down until their lips locks. He kisses his fangs and what little lips he can touch, twisting Jungkook’s hair desperately. And after that kiss, he hugs him. He hugs his grown body until it shrinks again and he has his Jungkook back. Jungkook lets him, huffing out air and growling as he is trying to calm down in his arms.
“Don’t hurt him, just hold me please”, he pleads with him, twisting his shirt. It smells like him and Taehyung doesn’t need him to fight for him, all he needs is his hug and his scent. “Please just hold me.”
Jungkook takes a deep breath and relaxes in defeat. He hugs Taehyung just as he had asked of him, grinding his vampiric teeth. He stares at his reflection in the mirror. His blackened eyes and veins taunt him, his teeth do as well. His lower arms are bigger than normally, showing pulsing dark veins. Fuck, he is so angry. If it wasn’t for Taehyung clutching him with such urgency, Jungkook would have already left and hunted Cedric.
He is not a violent person, neither a monster, but if someone dares to hurt his family, Jungkook has no self control. He becomes what he was meant to be; a ruthless, merciless Ripper who kills anyone dumb enough to lay a hand on his family. Now that he has control over his powers, he can also use them to their full potential. Huge fangs, bulging muscles, immense strength and inescapable speeds. He isn’t going to shy away from showing what it means to be hunted by a Ripper if it guarantees his family’s safety.
Taehyung is the only link to humanity he currently has. And while Taehyung gets the affection and love he so dearly craved after the rather messy one night stand, Jungkook finds tranquillity in the hug. 
“Just hold me please.” Taehyung begs and shakes in the typical indicator of having to cry. “I’m sorry.”
Jungkook’s human face returns instantly. The last remainder of his inhuman size disappears. He hugs him closer, doing so tenderly.
“For what?” he asks in a soft-spoken voice.
“I didn’t take better care of myself. I, I am sorry for, for coming home like, like this.”
“Hey chéri, don’t apologise. Fuck, don’t you dare apologise.”
“I’m so frightened that you are angry. I, I promised not to get roughed up anymore and, and I broke it.”
“Is that why you’re crying?”
“Yes”, Taehyung whimpers.
Jungkook gulps. Cedric didn’t make him cry, he did. He stares at himself in anger and disappointment. He made Taehyung cry.
“Fucking hell, I’m sorry I made you feel this way. Fuck, I never wanted you to feel so guilty. Come here”, Jungkook gets out and lifts Taehyung. 
The towel falls, leaving Taehyung naked. The latter wraps his legs around Jungkook’s small waist instantly, hiding away in the crook of his neck as his arms clutch his broad shoulders tightly.
“I’m so sorry, Tae. I feel fucking awful.”
“Please don’t, please. It wasn’t your fault. I love you”, Taehyung assures him instantly, squeezing him with his legs to truly get the point across. “I love you so much. I love you.”
“I love you too, Tae. Fuck.” Jungkook exhales deeply, bouncing Taehyung in his arms to fix his grip on him. “You’re gonna get cuddled for the rest of the night. Are we clear? I’m not letting you think that I’m angry at you.”
Giggles replace Taehyung’s sniffles. He squirms in Jungkook’s arms and somehow through the magic of being comforted, the bruises on his back finally disappear. Jungkook watches it happen in the mirror, feeling his heart lighten. So it was mental. Taehyung was so anxious about Jungkook possibly being angry at him, that he hindered his own healing process. He doesn’t have to anymore. Jungkook is here now. His safe space is here now. The person, who will always treat him gently, is finally holding him again.
“I love you so much”, Taehyung whispers, burying his hands deep in Jungkook’s soft hair. “I love you so, so much.”
“I love you too, Tae chéri”, Jungkook answers him, holding him closer as he carries him to bed. He climbs into bed with him and lies him down on his back, hovering over him with his knees on each side of his hips.
Taehyung gazes up at him, placing his hands above his head like he had done so multiple times before. His dark hair is messy on the silk pillow, his skin is glowing in shy giddiness. Jungkook smiles at him, brushing the back of his hand down his reddened cheek. Taehyung leans into the touch, fluttering his lashes.
“My precious starlight”, Jungkook whispers and lowers his lips to Taehyung’s chest so he could worship what was treated incorrectly. He has to make sure Taehyung knows that every inch of him is precious, he has to remind his skin what touch it is worthy of. And Taehyung sighs and writhes and shivers, parting his legs instinctively because Jungkook makes him feel safe to be so utterly exposed. Even if the affection stays innocent, he feels safe in exposing himself because Jungkook will always take care of him.
“Don’t stop, please”, he sighs, lacing his fingers through Jungkook’s hair.
“I won’t, chéri. I won’t. You’re so precious, Tae. My precious chéri”, Jungkook whispers, sinking into the comforting headspace together with Taehyung. He won’t stop until Taehyung feels cherished again. 
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lonelychicago · 2 years
fuck it friday
tagged by @hippolotamus @messyhairdiaz @alyxmastershipper and @spotsandsocks thanks for the tags!
here's a snippet from my famous!buck, army!eddie au that i know some ppl are excited about jsjsjs
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Eddie Diaz is not someone that is stuck in the past, he would like that on the record. He has an okay life— he has a son, a wife and a purpose. And sure, maybe this is not how he would've pictured his life being, and maybe his marriage is kind of a ticking bb just waiting to explode in his face, but looking back? Wishing to turn back time or thinking about the what ifs? What he would've done differently if he had known better? That's just a waste of time, fruitless, ends in nothing but regret and a sense of powerlessness swallowing him whole. So, he doesn't dwell on the past. He really doesn't. But, there is one exception. Evan Buckley. They went to high school together, they were best friends— joined by the hip. Buck (that's how Evan's closest friends would call him, and by closest friends he means Eddie and the guy's sister) didn't have the best parents and he would spend every second humanly possible at Eddie's house. They would lay on Eddie's bedroom floor, staring at the ceiling, and talk about everything— what they wanted to be in the future, their fears, their dreams, gossip about the people in their school, what teacher was cool and which one wasn't. Or, Buck would help him play pranks on Eddie's sisters. The thing is, there was a time where Evan Buckley meant everything to him. He was his person. And maybe, Eddie'd been a little bit in love with him. Just the tiniest bit. He never said anything, though. He let fear stop him from saying the words, for taking the risk. And then, after graduation, Eddie's family moved back to Texas, Buck left town and they never really saw each other again. They texted for a bit but soon enough that stopped as well. Eddie isn't really sure why. He doesn't really like to think about it. Except— Well, Buck is famous. Like, really, stupidly famous. So he knows that Buck looks a little bigger now, with broad shoulders and huge arms, but the still kind and bright smile he's always had. He knows Buck is doing well, that he's a little happier now than he was back in high school and that being a celebrity just comes natural to him. He's charismatic and funny and charming and everyone loves him, how could they not? And Eddie wishes he could talk to him, tell him how proud he is of how far Buck's come. But he can't. They're strangers now. He's not sure Buck even remembers him. So instead he just keeps track of Buck as best he can without feeling like a creep.
tagging: @cowboy-buddie @monsterrae1 @buddierights @fatedbuddie @the-likesofus @shortsighted-owl @elvensorceress @bigfootsmom @wh0re-behavi0r @swiftiebuckleys @lesbianmaygrant @comaboybuck @bekkachaos @rogerzsteven @prettyboybuckley and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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As promised, pumpkin pie! (/p) Here's my two cents for our favorite kiddo reader. The heir of Apocalypse!Peepaw Leo. The edgelord (and rightfully so!) turned dork nugget and their kooky adventures because I say so >:3
– ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ Adopted Reader Fluff!!! My serve!! (probs a smidgen of angst bc this one specific scenario has been rotating in my head & i definitely meant to include it in the headcanons last night but, as previously mentioned, my eyes felt like they were gonna fall out 🥴) ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
p.s , I am also listening to the Goofy Movie soundtrack, specifically Stand Out + I 2 I which are my faves!!! Tevin Campbell did not have to go that hard. Highly recommend.
Even More Reader Post-Movie Headcanons!
Okay so
I really wanna start out with the scenario that I am positively aching to show you bc I really wanna know what you think, ANDDD I think it weaves in so well with the repairing (or rather, building) of Reader and Leo’s relationship in this timeline!
But, we’ll get there. 😉
After the events of the movie, everything is still raw. Not only are we recovering from a literal war, but all the issues that come with coping with a timeline that we aren’t used to – a timeline we’ve only heard nostalgic regalings of from Papa, lullabies and tall tales and stories meant to keep up some sort of hope and light in the midst of the darkness they lived in day by day, as well as in the mystic projections of Uncle Michelangelo 
. . . but now?
Seeing it in all its prime and modern-day glory?
It’s so, so beautiful.
Reader can’t and would never deny that. 
It’s vibrant. It’s colorful. It’s free. It’s such a far cry from the blood-red skies and dilapidated wastelands they grew up with. The ruins were their "sunny skies and rolling fields" so to speak.
Now that they are here. In the flesh? 
It’s. A lot to handle. 
Reader is wrecked, for sure. 
Casey is too! He’s just better at handling– hiding? Coping.
He’s more open and excited and gentle and polite and cheerful and.
We learn a lot from him as time goes on.
I like to imagine that Casey is a really big help in Reader’s journey to peace; not only within and with themself, but with the people around them too.
Sure, it’s still a bit awkward with everyone; you guys are kids from the future stuck in a different timeline - with the people who raised you and they're the same age as y'all! What more could you DO to them? (/lh)
Ah. But they’ve got their family. and it’s no joke that they’re a big help!!
Mikey is in his Prime as Doctor Feelings and scheduled regular sessions with Reader bc his EQ is very sharp, as we all know, and he notices just how bad Reader wants to come to terms with everything, and he wants to help. He does help. A lot.
Donnie is ever the 'tism with the emotional constipation (/aff) but he helps and provides in his own little special Donnie ways!
Even if he may not outright say it all the time, he cares and loves his family so so much and he'd do anything for them.
He sets Reader up with some fun and unique techno-cool gifts that help them with things they don't speak up about;
– – like upgrading their mask to have a panoramic-projection so they can put a whole visual to the audio recordings and playbacks stashed in the device memory (only if they want tho! he won't touch it otherwise :'3)
He pretends like he's not hanging on to Reader's every little word when they do engage in casual conversation [which becomes more and more frequent as time goes by!] under the guise of typing on his phone or smth,
and takes those tidbits to create something so heartwarmingly thoughtful and faceted that we may as well just take a big ole stamp that says "You're Not Fooling Anyone With That Bad Boy Persona" and bash it on that forehead of his. JSJSJ (lovingly ofc :*)
Speaking of panorama-projectors, I can see him making it to interchangeable sceneries!
I'm talking about galaxies and solar systems (feeds into Reader's crow tendencies *sniff sniff* soooo many shiny thingssss)
Deep-sea oceans like Ariel's cove-esque or Pandora's sea settings from Avatar
Or even peaceful golden hills and orchards, just them and the big blue sky, the sound of the breeze dancing and larks singing in their ears.
... whatever they want, Don makes it happen.
He definitely takes Mikey's artsy avenues and teams up with him so they can surprise the Future Kids together!
– – 🩵🩶 Casey and Reader fall asleep curled up together in a pillow fort with the projector playing, and it's the best sleep they've gotten since the sleepovers with their Papa.
made myself cry thinkin' that up *sobs*
And isn't Uncle / Big Bro Raphie such a sweetheart during it all? He's the rock of the family, but he's learning to let the family in a lot more. He's learning to not be so "overbearing", especially with his Protective Instincts flying off the handle since the battle. Sure he can be heavy-handed, but he just wants to keep his family safe. And he always has! He always will. He heals to a comfortable place with time, and while he'll always be everyone's rock, you all are there for him too.
Family is stronger together, and-
You all reassure him of that.
In quiet moments, rare moments when it's just him and Reader – they tell him just that. Their hand is comically small on his forearm, but their eyes are earnest; they stare up at him with a sparkle of admiration. They'd only heard stories regaled fondly by their surviving family members, often accompanied them when they visited his shell on the wall lit by candles.
– meeting their uncle, so young but endlessly strong, is a fickle kind of honor. But still an honor.
(and Raphie may or may not have cried whenever Reader gets him right in the feels hurk-)
Reader and Casey get spoiled rotten (i.e: given the basic necessities to which they did not have access to in their timeline sjjsshahahd) by their family nonetheless!!
UGhhghghh imagine it with me, Normie!
Bubble baths! Warm, cozy clothes! Books that weren't rotting, charred, or furled at the edges! Taking them to comic book stores! Convenience stores! The park! The WATERPARK! The mall!! Introducing them to music and headphones/earbuds to match! Conventions and cons! Amusement parks! Ice cream parlors! Casual strolls throughout New York and doing all these things!
Oh and don't get me started on the adventures they get into in The Hidden City!! :DDD
seriously, don't–
foreshadowing -thickens-
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In all honesty, the whole clan becomes clingy with each other post-Invasion. That goes w/o saying.
Even Case and Reader, despite the initial tension, have little to no qualms with being pulled into Turtle Piles, nor all the casual affection that comes with healing and growing together!!
It's odd but sweet :')
—Casey and Reader eventually grow out of always seeing the guys as uncles/aunties/parental figures (save for Splints + Draxy + etc.), it becomes more sibling-like in a way!
But they'll always be just as close.
They were just that in their timeline.
But that timeline is lost.
And scary as it may be, they're building themselves a new life. A better life. It's what Papa would have wanted.
So. Why not do just that? :')
>> fam that gets traumatized together STAYS together (/gen)😤
Tragedy brings them closer in ways they didn't think it would.
the awkwardness between reader & leo melts into something more mellow, and we owe a big part of that to Casey!
He's their bridge. Seeing as he's closer to Leo at the given time, he hangs out with his sibbie and Leo at the same time so that they can hang together too. >:3c
Such a genius boy ueueu.
— and before they know it, Reader and Lee-Lee are actually bonding really well. It takes time, and there are withdrawals and setbacks along the way, but it is those obstacles that pave the way for something strong. Something true, honorable, pure, and real.
The reader knows — you know, glory do you know ... that this may not be your Papa.
But maybe...
Maybe that's okay.
You had him. You had Casey. You had your family, the ones once lost to fates beyond your control, and now here you were.
You had all won.
And if that in of itself wasn't something to celebrate with every breath you took,
—you would have given up on that war all that time ago.
Reader and Leo come to a mutual ground with one another.
Let's come to a place where they're more than civil with each other; Leo adores casual affection, and Reader does too— they just weren't willing to give way for such in the beginning.
But it's not unusual to see Leo and them curled up next to each other. Most of the time, Casey's with them too! But in the rare times he isn't, Reader and Leo are comfortable and just doing their own thing.
Like they'll be reading a book, or playing on a handheld device (game, Switch, phone, etc. they're amazed by present-day technology) and Lee's got a comic book,
or he's resting his head close to theirs while he guides them through what they may be doing on their fun little screen.
Leo finds a comfort in you, and you find a comfort in him— once you both let each other in.
All the time it took was worth it :')
I can see them being the most annoyingly caustic yet affectionate besties SNSNJJSJSJ biiig "only I get to make fun of them >:(" energy
or a complete opposite:
once we get past all the vitriol, they're so soft for each other hhhh-
Like Reader becomes fairly protective over him; handles him gently with small smiles and murmured words, helps him out and gives the best muscle massages or is quick to redress and assist when he's smarting from his wounds, knows him well enough to comfort him through panic attacks, indulges in his stupid jokes and puns bc he raised them, hello.
They bounce off each other for hours—
the rest of the guys have resorted to begging, multiple times jsjsj.
and Leo, by this time he knows how much Reader meant- means to him, but he doesn't try to take their Papa's place; he's not scared of them, he does learn to love them /p, and tries to translate that in the most respectful yet straightforward way possible,
and that helped their growing relationship a lot!
He rough-houses (gently) and spars with them, teases them just enough to see their flustered expression, annoys them affectionately — but is the first to come to their defense when someone else gets too cozy.
A lot like a best friend or a sibling.
... He also cuddles and slings his arm around their shoulders and gives the best bear hugs (when they want/need). He reads to them- either one of his comics or one of their acquired books- when they can't sleep or just needs something to hear other than the overbearing voices in their head. He always eats with them, introducing them to new foods he thinks they'd like and giving them the bigger portion (when they get used to stomaching it ofc). Holds their hand. Protects them from the small things and encourages them with the big things, because he knows they can handle it and they just need that little nudge. And to know that someone is right behind them the whole time.
All that good stuff.
(and Casey is so jazzed two of his favorite people are getting along so well aaaa!!)
—hey or maybe it's a healthy mix of both!! ♡₊˚ yeahhhhh.
big BIG ride-or-die energy. I like to imagine that (ㅠ﹏ㅠ)
At the end of the day, they'd die for each other all over again. It gets to THAT point.
Both figuratively and literally.
One milestone in their bond took place and in a way nobody really saw coming—
They were in the Hidden City, stopping by Señor Hueso's for some good grub,
but Leo's leg was pinching a bit more today, and Reader felt a migraine coming on; they wanted to get back home for Mikey's Miracle Migraine Tea, maybe a scalp massage if they pulled the puppy eyes the aforementioned taught them in the future (they don't need to. he'd do it at the drop of a hat. they just like to be eggstra 💅🏼),
so they're both kinda rushing this little outing. Reader's a touch grouchy and their notorious RBF makes a whole comeback, but Leo knows them well enough to know it's not directed at him. He feels for ya, and he sticks close as you both wait for your pickup order to come through.
Then, out of nowhere, some gigantuan yokai comes skulking over.
Reader notices immediately, having folded to lay their head on the cool countertop at the pickup counter; Leo was rubbing up and down their back in comforting circles, smiling down at them with warm, sympathetic eyes as he tries to distract them from their discomfort. He was too focused on them to notice.
and when they spot the glint in the yokai's eyes, they can practically smell the sinister intention as they stride over to them. They're looking for something they had no business to.
Reader tenses, hackles raised and fingers twitching where they gripped the forearms of their hoodie, and their eyes gleam as they peek out from under their hood.
Leo, who thinks they're about to be sick, frets and gently maneuvers them to sit on a nearby stool; he doesn't see the yokai until he's being clapped on the shoulder - the one that's sore, conveniently so - and nearly jumps out of his skin when he whirls on them.
This yokai - stocky, menacing, and a sadistic air about them, simply chuckles and cocks their head at the duo. They're wearing a server's uniform. Reader and Leo both realize it at once-- Reader with dread and Leo with (miscalculated) relief: they're an employee.
Anyways, Leo is put-off by this sudden intrusion of personal space and onslaught of bad vibes, but he's the Face Man and naturally a people person, so he greets them casually and asks if he can help them.
Alongside the incessant ringing in their ears that's their warning before disaster, alarm bells started going off in their head.
They can't really discern what Leo and this bum are saying at this point - everything was fuzzy and garbled like they were underwater; even from their vulnerability sprawled out over the countertop, Reader can tell from their body language that the convo is going in a very wrong direction,
especially when Leo is suddenly shoved back- too hard- and lands in a graceless heap on the floor behind them.
Your mind goes blank. A mindset that was wired into your being from birth – one you haven't had to enter for a while – burns your mind and chest and the alarm bells are deafening, even more so than the sudden uproar of commotion happening vaguely around you.
You're not focused on them. You become laser-focused on the yokai behind you, and between one breath and the next, you're out of your seat and tackling the yokai with a snarl, and you're beating the ever-loving spirits out of them.
You don't stop. You grab at fur and a muzzle, probably a tusk, but you don't care. You don't care, you don't care, you don't care–
– – you're relentless.
All that was in your head was blaring red letters: Protect. Family. Leo. Hurt. Still recovering. Threat. Protect.
White-hot rage is pumping through your veins and powering your every strike.
You have them by the nape and slam the yokai's face into the ground muzzle/snout-first; you throw punch after elbow after backhand after punch, even as you feel bone and tendon cracking rather explicitly beneath your knuckles,
and when you're kicked off, rather weakly all things considered–
it doesn't deter you at all.
You use the airborne energy to bounce right back off the countertop (it would ache and bruise like heck later),
rip the stool that you were occupying just moments earlier, clean off its hinges,
and start wailing in on the no-good lowlife bully that thought it beneficial to try your brother.
–– it doesn't stop until the very seat of the stool cracks to shrapnel, the center rolling away like a hubcap, and you're gripping the bar in your hands, heaving like you just ran a marathon.
When the yokai unfolds their arms from shielding their head to peek at you, scrambling to stand, shaking and wide-eyed, your gaze is ferocious.
The skeleton of the once-seat in your hand gets thrown right at their face with a ridiculous strength, and if their muzzle/snout wasn't broken before, it was shattered now.
The yokai shrieks in pain and goes right back down as red iron seeps from their nose, mouth, through their fingers, writhing on the floor-
and you stomp forwards, plant your foot steady in the center of their chest, and press in close until you can see their pupils trembling; that's when you finally speak your first words of the evening:
"Don't you ever come near my brother again. If I see your sorry shank even breathe in his general direction? That stool? The end will find itself shoved right up your pathetic excuse of a voice box. You'd like that, yeah?"
Terrified head shakes and an even more terrified wheeze in response,
"You listen and you listen real good, geezer. I will find you, and a simple warning like this will be the least of your troubles. A warning in which I'm letting you off with, seeing as you're clearly mistaken in your endeavors. Even think of touching Leo, and you deal with this except a thousand times over. It won't be just me. Okay?"
your poorly concealed sadism makes a minor appearance in the sudden change of pitch in your voice and the smarmy grin that stretches your dry lips as you quirk your head and eyebrows in question; when the yokai does nothing but give an immediate jerky nod, you gently pat the side of their face, satisfied.
–which was a lull into a false sense of security, because you shifted your entire body weight and last bit of strength to shove their face back down as you stood up, ignoring their yowl of agony as you did so.
meanwhile everyone in the restaurant be like:🧍
when you came to, everything crashed into you at once: nausea rolled in violent waves in your stomach, the migraine came thrumming full-force, and your ribs creaked as you stumbled over to a shellshocked Leo.
You pulled him up on shaky legs, but much like every patron in the joint, his eyes were trained on the yokai you just obliterated, still writhing on the ground.
Eventually, Senor comes rushing out and, taking in the damage of the scene, demands an explanation. Reader is all-too glad to give it to him, eyes glazed over and voice a lot more calmer than the actual predator they previously were
But once they do, his eyes look over both of them and soften, especially when he takes in how Leo is visibly shaking and Readie looks like they're milliseconds away from passing out.
They get out of there, food in tow, Leo still extremely shell-shocked and Reader worse for wear at what just transpired.
Blue barely manages a portal home- but they do, and when they're safe in the familiarity of the Lair, they both metaphorically collapse.
The night ends with the perturbed fretting of the Clan, but it all boils down to one thing for sure.
Leo has Reader's hand in his, Reader is gripping with the same intensity, and they refuse to be separated for the next few days thereafter.
Anata wa hitori janai.
That is the Hamato way.
oh and that employee never showed up to the restaurant again :D sorry not sorry for using them as collateral for my bebes
more tidbits that came to mind when typing that storm up:
reader's a bad mofo . didn't ya know they were the scourge of the apocalypse? they were clandestinely feared by the kraang. leo kept them under wraps bc he knew how powerful they were. (/j) reader: they protecc, they attacc, but most of all, they gone need ice for they bacc SNRRRTTT
HOOOWEEEEE, THAT'LL DO IT– ˚ ༘`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ I hope you do read all this, sugarcube!! I got kind of carried away, ahaha ^^;; I'm sowwwyyyy!~ But i AM excited to hear your thoughts, whenever that may be! <333
I'm mostly glad I finally got the well-awaited scenario in there!! Basically, Leo has a no-no moment with some lowkey bully and Reader completely overcompensates, even thought they're BOTH still tender from war, yet they go batty-bonkers over his oppression! >:( Don't touch their family!!! The scenario was inspired by a ficlet I read a while ago with Leo in the same situation, but Reader was in Donnie's place :''))) I'll have to find it for ya if you haven't read it yet-
aaa after this, i think i can chill without so much heaviness!! i need to indulge in some crack! some fluff! somethin' now that we've explored the reader and leo's dynamic!! they're the sillies ever and we need more!!
muwah! Hasta la vista, baeby! I'll be back!~ /p
Aaaa goodnight now XD! (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ Love ya loads, toots!! Enjoy the nomz, haha!🍓❣🍰💌🧸
Now that that's out of my system, let the headcanons begin...
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Post-movie, after everything calms down, and everyone's just trying to heal,
You definitly open up a bit more.
You'll apologize to everyone for how you acted before,
For being so hostile towards them.
Casey will 100% nudge Leo and you into hanging out together.
It was hard to do since you avoided Leo like the plauge, and he kinda thought you hated him or something.
Casey manages to kill the awkwardness, and now you and Leo go EVERYWHERE together.
Besties for realzies.
Donnie will try to be subtle with his gifting,
Spoiler: he isn't.
Most of the time he'll just leave whatever it is on Reader's bed for them to find with a small note.
He's dissmissive when you thank him too,
"Don't worry about." "It's no big deal."
The projector is now your most prized possesion aside from your mask.
I feel like you always had trouble sleeping in the dark,
In the future it would have been hard to have any kind of nightlight.
Limited resources and all.
So Uncle Michelangelo would fill your and Casey's room with little glowing lights.
Think Gaurdians of The Galaxy when Groot saves everyone, the little balls of light?
So thats what you usually project into the room.
And obviously you and Casey will have the occasional stargazing night.
Meeting Raph for you was pretty much the equivilent of Casey fan-girling over Leonardo.
The stories Papa told you about him made Raph sound like some kind of super hero.
So when you met him, you had to physically try to keep your rbf on, and not freak out.
You think he's so freakin' cool-
Omg if you show even the slightest signs of discomfort or sadness Mikey is on that crap.
Here comes Dr. Feelings, tell him what's wrong.
No family of his is going to be sad for long.
He'll 100% do his best to make you and Casey feel more at home in your new timeline.
Sometimes you'll turn the tables and now you're Dr. Feelings.
He doesn't like it, but he knows mental health is important, so he deals and ya'll have therapy sessions with eachother.
You not so subtly try to spend lots of time with Splinter as well.
You didn't have very much time with your Grandpa before the end of the world took him as well,
But now he's here, and you can tell that he did not change one bit with time.
His younger counter-part is exactly the same as the one you knew in the future.
You do the same thing with Draxxum as well and omfg he is so weirded out.
Like, why does this teenager want to willingly spend time with me? Did Mikey put you up to this? WHAT IS GOING ON-
But nope.
You just missed your weird alchemist Gramps.
April takes you for walks around the city, kinda showing you and Casey what it looks like when it isn't in complete ruins.
She shows you all the cool things it has to offer, and you even come back to the Lair with some shiny things you find on the ground!
You lost your old collection when you left your old timeline, so now you have to start your hoard all over :(
It's ok though, people drop tons of shiny things down water ways and sewer drains.
You and Leo will wander around the tunnels and look for your shinies.
It's a bonding experience, and he teases you about it.
Great gallileo the back and forths between you are so horrible.
They last almost all day, and when ever one of you starts one evryone groans out loud.
The only two people who can get you two to drop it and leave eachother alone are Casey and Raph, but Casey rarely does anything to stop it-
Once you and Leo get close he is such a little terd-
Teasing, and picking and poking.
Big brother energy for realzies.
He'll wake you up by playing California Girls really loud in your ear, and then giggle about it all day, while you try not to strangle him.
If he ever overexerts himself, god help him escape the scolding-
EVERYONE is on his shell about it.
It's even worse when you get upset at him, because after everyome else is done scolding him, they'll move on.
But you? You are so petty about it.
You scold him for hours,
Then you'll just kinda... sit there, silently glaring off into space.
It makes him feel so bad for worrying Reader, that he doesn't overwork himself more than like- five times before guilt makes him just chill tf out and heal.
That scenario you wrote, where Reader absolutely rocks that yokai's shit for messing with Leo?
(Wonderfully written by the way, truely a masterpiece)
First of all total fuck around 'n find out energy.
Second of all, I'm in LOVE with the idea of Reader going absolutely feral on the battle field.
In the future, EVERY fight was life or death, and I think Reader may need to learn that here, in this timeline, not every fight requires you to freakin' wreck the opponent.
Raph kinda has that talk with them after Senor told him how they messed that employee up.
Not every fight requires your 100%.
Then he'll totally congradulate you for destroying that jerk that hurt Leo.
Reader gets a reward cookie.
Apologies this took so long to answer my dear (/p).
But here it is!! That scenario at Runof The Mill- *chefs kiss*
Beautiful. Amazingly written. I LIVE for feral reader.
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chaoss-incarnate · 8 months
hi everyone! i don't think people are really interested but since i started talking about a possible disability, my cane, etc, on here, i thought i might update jsjsj
SO i went to the doctors three (i think?) weeks ago, and he told me that the problems i was having were caused by bad posture and my feet are a weird shape because of me walking weird (i was not aware of this lmaooo). so he said i should start swimming (i was gonna start this week but i got super sick).
the problem. my issues are DEFINETLY not caused by the shape of my feet and poor posture. i mean, i could certainly improve my posture and do more exercise (in fact, i'm working on it, remembering to sit up straight, doing stretching/yoga usually once a day, etc), but like?? theres def an underlying problem that i think is chronic pain and fatigue. like, doing simple tasks around the house leaves me pretty tired (like now for example, i washed the dishes, cleaned the stove and brushed the floor, and my back, arms and knees are KILLING me, and i feel pretty lightheaded). so yeah, i know this is most likely worsened by the fact that im sick and on my period (triple whammy lmao) but its been getting worse for over a month. like, i leave my house and stay out for like 3-4h doing errands and shit and i can barely walk home, having to use my cane AND my mum's support to walk around. it just kills me. plus sometimes my legs get so tired from pain and shit that my knees buckle and they hit the floor, overall making it worse. plus my fucking migraines-
okay, im SO SORRY for ranting about this, its turned into a vent about my pain and honestly you dont have to read it. the thing is that me and my mum were planning to go to the emergency room at some point when possible, but today she told me to call my regular doctor? i haven't done it yet since i want her to explain why to me.
one big problem regarding this is that i downgrade my symptoms to people, i worry about being a nuisance. however, i do this at the doctors too, and thats not good because they wont take me seriously unless i tell them everything (and maybe even exaggerate a little, everyone says to do it). if anyone has any tips for this lmk .
also! i quite like my cane but sometimes i believe that i could use some more support, and i really hurt my arms and shoulders using my cane. i was looking into crutches? im honestly not sure. anyways, if you have an opinion also lmk <3
i apologise for this absolute rant, but i think i needed it, thanks for reading if you've reached here
extra: i was reading about spoon theory and i definetly will be using!
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vampstel · 1 year
I forgot I was gonna talk about this oops but here we are. Let’s go!! The Gender Talk™️ below the cut so be warned!!
I have a very complicated relationship with gender and it’s something I’ve always wanted to discuss to other people but never get the chance to. I tell people I’m trans and leave it there but I’m more than just that. To be more specific, I partially identify as a male. I don’t feel a full connection to manhood and it’s always left me feeling confused about my identity because I’m still in that toxic mindset that I *need* to be completely in the binary or completely out of it to be a “real trans person”
It’s a ridiculous notion I’ve had ever since I was young and its damaged my perception of my identity. My perception only gets worse when you consider I’m neurodivergent… societal norms and gender roles are not a thing I understand and I won’t pretend I do. I’ve always felt like an outcast and had little to no feeling about who I am until I turned 14. Even then, at 17 I still struggle.
But only recently have I come to terms that I’m not completely in the binary or out of it. I’ve adopted the label “demiboy” because of this.
The best way I can describe my gender is that I’m masculine. I’m a boy, but not entirely. My gender’s almost fluid, in a way. Some days I feel more masculine, other days I simply have no gender. You could argue it’s counterintuitive of me to feel connected to one gender yet feel like I lack gender but that’s simply how I am and I’m slowly growing to accept it.
I’m guessing you can tell where this is going. I’ve been dealing with internalized transphobia again. My dysphoria often manifests as apathy and dissociation which leads me to doubting my identity. It’s stupid and I hate it. Then with that doubt comes with scary thoughts of detransitioning (which is funny in hindsight because… if I’m scared of detransitioning cause I don’t want to be a cis woman, isn’t that solid proof I’m trans?)
So, as a way to cope, I’m trying to remind myself that detransitioning (that happening to me is unlikely but still) is perfectly fine. That should be making me feel reassured instead of scared. If I was wrong about my identity then shucks. That’s part of the journey and that’s okay??
Two things for sure though: I hate my voice and I hate my chest. Not only do they make me dysphoric, my chest gives me a lot of issues and leaves me overstimulated. Love being neurodivergent lol. Can’t wait to get top surgery someday.
On a different tangent: While I still feel doubt about my identity, I honestly don’t get affected by transphobia and it’s very odd to me? But thank goodness. I get transphobic comments a lot even as a small content creator and I’ve laughed at all of them without fail. I dunno,, it’s funny when strangers think I give a shit whether or not they think my identity is valid. I know who I am and that’s what matters. I don’t need validation from anyone but myself.
Anyway that’s all I have to share bye bye ^^ I’m still sick jsjsjs
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divinemanicstate · 2 years
abt your recent post, unfortunately i haven’t found much quaritch/jake fics (especially some i was comfortable with, tag-wise, or some where the characters were accurate). I am craving some quality slow burn quarjake fic post-canon or canon divergence😩😩 maybe when avatar 3 comes out, since they will have a more “complex” relationship there might be more shippy content like that? If I was good at writing I would’ve attempted it😭😭
the quarjake twitter tag has a nice amount of art as well! most is spicy tho jsjsjs 
I’m planning on adding my part of quarjake spicy art too, soon🌝
i have something in the works that s an au and sort of slow-burn-ish but im not sure whether i ll be able to finish it bcs avatar terms and military shit is difficult to write even with research 😭😭
there s some really good fics but i wish people knew how to filter them properly bcs some of the stories are just non con where the writer chose to further antagonize miles (which im not a huge fan of bcs i just cant see him as a villain, talking about recom here)
ill check out the twitter tag! ik theres plenty of art with them but its difficult to find it when people dont tag and i should probably start doing that too
also do share when you post id love to see :D
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the-travelling-witch · 6 months
I love this!! I can definitely see Holly be a dark fairy/ghost like type, I say fairy because of a witchy vibe but also most dark fairy Pokémon just look cool and it’s something I can totally see with your online persona (actually I’m taking this back I see u as so many different matches)
Who’s ur favorite Pokémon
well i just think the topic never came up before? there are a lot of interests of mine i‘ve never talked about on here or only mentioned in passing before ^^
it‘s hard to put down a type bc there are cool concepts for every type, so i totally get you; dark fairy sounds like a cool concept but the only mon i can think of rn is the weird pink imp and i‘m… not a fan tbh ^^;
i am really down for a ghost vibe, i think it has a lot of potential, even when paired with a different type; since gamefreak tends to put ghostlike npcs in their games, if i were a gym leader/ elite four, i would want to be the character that’s implied to be not human jsjdj
since i‘ve always been fascinated with myths and stories that rank around illusions and will-o-wisps, i would love to be a trainer surrounded by blue will-o-wisps and mist, making it impossible to see if my feet touch the ground, the clues the games give you leaving the player to wonder if i might actually be a kitsune in disguise… sorry, but you have to suffer through my self indulgent ideas jsjsj
that is… a loaded question jsjsh and i‘m not sure i have a definite answer since my favourite pokemon changes a lot
i said it already but i accidentally ended up liking a lot of the mons that would put me into weird categories now as a kid, before i knew the online discourse on them; so no, i don’t really come out and say i like gardevoir, ninetales etc anymore :(
so anyway, i really like ninetales bc of the kitsune inspiration; i also like espeon and gardevoir since i think they’re cool psychic types; eevee is ofc always a cute pick; i like a bunch of dragons like altaria, flygon, kingdra, garchomp, dragalge, noivern…
we already went over some of my favourite ghost types yesterday (aegislash, gengar, froslass, trevenant etc) + my two faves currently, zoroark and chandelure; i‘m not sure why i‘m all of a sudden so fond of a sentient chandelier but apparently i am
i think both of them play into the will-o-wisp/ illusion aesthetic for obvious reasons, plus the zoroark event in gen 5 where it pretended to be a backpacker on that one forest route is stuck in my head
i‘d definitely have to go through the entire dex again to look for the mons that i like since i probably forgot a lot of them, but i guess you can see what mons i tend to favour
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crossover-enthusiast · 9 months
Sammy: "Might as well be, with how often you get yourself into trouble." (Sammy then just ruffles Andrew's hair) /j
Idea: An audio log of Andrew just talking about how Wally, Shawn and Sammy keep giving him the same 'strange look at the weirdest of times' (aka, they keep looking at him like 'you're such a big dumb himbo god I love you' /j). And Andrew says he isn't sure why everyone keeps looking at him like that, but says in an exasperated and flustered tone if someone stares at him like that one more time, he thinks his mind will be wayyy outta here—but then he immediately adds "..wait, that's Wallys line—". /j
Yes exactly that sounds amazing
It's probably one of the more light hearted tapes
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duckyface27 · 2 years
it's weird how I've dedicated this entire week to rewatching She-Ra and getting into the right emotional state for it… and yet, there's no void.
And there's usually a void. When I've rewatched the darkest episodes of Clone Wars, I've felt the pain and the powerlessness and emptiness… The improvs that come out of it are not the same old flat-key mix of lmao-there's-no-way-I'm-puttin'-this-in-words-so-here-goes-music dark and hopeful and painful classic Maggie thang. Instead, it's transforming me away from the bland, I-pretty-much-only-do-school-stuff-and-like-2-other-things character that I've been for the past SEVERAL months; away from that person who just doesn't feel really anything when friends or when people.
Well, now I'm feeling something real when friends or when people. Northern just replied to my barrage of memes, and I genuinely had the interest of asking fleer how fleem's feeling, and I did ask fleer!!! (bueno, creo que le pregunté que how're you doing, pero you know.) And I'm talking to Monthz! And I didn't feel cold and dry towards Krutesh! You seee????????
It's warm. It's "Baby, God Bless You"—not in D-flat major. In D major. It's all real. I want to be so much more than a boring stickfigure that sits in a desk most of the day doing school stuff and then going to the piano and then to do shit. Yes, I do that, and I like doing most of that. But remember what Floris said!!! In the last class of the semester, midiears; he didn't say it for nothing. (Well, I mean, sure, that doesn't mean I stop doing the WeBWorKs and Mastering Physics jsjsjs, but you know.) Look at your friends who went out and marched for their rights. Look at yourself; ask yourself the big questions that Uncle Iroh asked Zuko! Look at Entrapta—how she is unshakably enthusiastic about The Universe ™ no matter the obstacles or the danger!!!
Entrapta is really the one that brought out the most of this in me, just now. I have @bannedd567 to thank for that, for her incredible fic "Soldier, Take Your Time", which is undoubtedly the best fic I have ever read!!! (And that's even though I've only ever read, like, four jsjsjsjs, and I haven't even finished it yet xd.) So thank you so much, to personages fantastical and earthly.
So I'm gonna go ahead and a) finish what I started this week and b) … be there for friends. Always. It is the meaning of my life; the past few months of my life will not make me forget this, because I won't let it.
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oh-so-heavenly · 2 years
Here he go again. Highlights of episode six, spoilers ahead
"edward has no intention of ending Bonnet's life" of couse he doesn't they are married bruh
"if you wanted, I could teach you a more advanced trick of the trade" is he talking about... 👀
"stab me" SHUT UP THAT'S HOT
they are so close and Ed's eyes are shinning, is this where they kiss? I feel like there should be a kiss here
i'm not sure stabbing should look this eroti- HE'S MOANING
Hahaha suck it Izzy
"it's hard to say because I don't feel fear" he's so cool i'm simping too
"this is the most open and available I've ever seen him" this is what good therapy does to you, he's so happy ☺️
"the good news is, my dad was a dick" #plays daddy issues by tnbh
"be careful what you ask you God for... She might just answer" god is a woman, okay slayed
"tastes abnormal" sir you didn't have to do that, how does fog even taste like???
he's a theater kid whose got enough money for an artificial fog and firecrackers, money well spent if you ask me
This is literally a performance, I've had seen the same thing happen when I watched Peter Pan the musical
The Art Of Fuckery™, my favourite art discipline 😌
what's Izzy doing with his head between Ed's legs??? He wants some D??
Blackbeard look so good in this light, my baby ❤️
✨Doggy heaven✨
Ed looks so troubled about having to kill Stede
"and he adores you" he does he does he does
This episode is just. STEDE: i befriended ed :) IZZY: you messed up a perfectly good pirate that's what you did. look at it. it's got feelings!
Don't do it Ed don't do it don't do it, you know you can't do it
Lucius came to save the day!! and cut off his finger apparently
"shit that was incredible" ☺️💖 Ed ❤️✨
Oh, no he had a panic attack :(
"i'm the kraken" you're the love of my life that's who you are
#maiming's different #love a good maim
"doggy heaven?? Is that a pirate term?? Jsjsj
Izzy shut up and chill for a minute
"you've taught me well" "mh, not that well" ahhshs they are both idiots <3
His eyes shine he's so happy Stede did it right ☺️💖✨
He hit him in the head with the sandwich, nice
Oh Black Pete is really catching feelings isn't he?? 👀
Izzy you're not even relevant shut up and stop messing with ed and stede, just let them be gay funky pirates without getting Jackie in all of this
There wasn't much Jim or Oluwande in this one but boy I liked Blackbeard simping over Stede and every dumb thin he did
More highlights: episode one / episode two / episode three / episode four / episode five / episode six / episode seven / episode eight / episode nine / episode ten
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starblue2406 · 2 years
My comment on chapter 6
Well, here goes my comment on chapter 6, just before chapter 7 Why did you post it here and up to this point? Because I barely finished the memes and only here I can comment this with memes.
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About the new discovery... Well, objectively speaking, it was very good how you handled that discovery of our dear Arceus. It was not something treated with morbid curiosity but with delicacy and innocence.
I liked it a lot and it made me think about many things that I will talk about later.
Speaking more personally, the truth is that I died laughing when I read it, I'm sorry! I already have my head very contaminated with the memes that men do with that topic, and the meme above is the clear representation of that xD.
P.S. :One thing I would like to add is a question and a complaint. If Arceus was supposed to have been in it for about an hour ... That means he did "it" while the shower head was open? Because if so, that means Arceus wasted a LOT of water. And yes, I understand the context and all but, no shit Arceus! There's a state in my country that has no water and this guy just spends it stupidly on that! XD
There, that's all I had to say. Something very "XD" and out of nowhere but I had to mention that, LOL.
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Oh Delia's aunt, that was one of the funniest things in the whole story in my opinion. Very cool lady and all, but she's a little too intense xd.
I got a good laugh out of seeing Delia doing her best not to be on top but it wasn't worth it, now she even convinced her to have something with that guy who saved her life.
It seems to me that this lady watches Latin soap operas every afternoon, because she is that kind of person. What's more! I could tell she asks you if you've gotten a date yet at Christmas dinners xD.
But sure, I like that even she has an important role with a personality that to me is memorable. Maybe one day I'll deign to make a fanart based on how I imagine her.
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That big walk in the festival was very nice, funny to imagine Arceus insisting with Delia about what she has the gift of aura, eating delicious food and seeing that charming town. All very nice, no reyeni moments and always on the way to the main story while the characters are growing up I like! I understand that in this kind of scenes it's easy to lose the way but very good! I like that everything goes according to a great plan! >:D
God, I can't imagine Arceus' face when he realized he became what he swore to destroy. He captured a random Pokémon (a Ditto) and it will be fun and interesting to see what happens with that, I mean, seeing Arceus dealing with this will be something very entertaining and I think that will end very well.
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Okay, now let's talk a little bit about Cogita. She's a love as a person and as a grandmother (?). It's nice to see how Arceus can always count on her for anything, very cute indeed. Reminds me of my Russian Empire version of the contryhuman, both are loving and trying to guide their respective loved ones, thanks to his wisdom and experience of centuries (in the case of Cogita Thousands of years)
Only my Russian Empire is more of a dad than a grandpa jsjsjs.
It gives me a lot of intrigue, truth be told. I want to know more in detail her story, I want to know more about her history with Arceus and more from her regarding her relationship with Volo (Though most likely in chapter 7 you'll answer me some of this).
My god, I haven't played the pokemon legends Arceus game, but is Volo really that dangerous? What I've seen of him in the gameplays is that to me he's just religiously obsessed with Arceus and his vision of how the world should be. I thought Arceus would see him as a nutty guy who managed to make a mess out of that madness…. But now I see that here he's more like a VERY dangerous nutcase. I'M EXCITED FOR WHAT'S COMING UP NEXT WITH THIS VILLAIN!!!….
Arceus sure is sick of him, he doesn't even want to see him anymore. I'm sure his insanity and immortality made him very irritating for this god.
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Bonus: This way the meme still looks funny, the actor's face from the original meme came out just the right way for this image. LOL
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sonybees · 4 years
mutuals appreciation post!
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i seriously CANNOT at all process this
literally i do not know how this even happened but i am so inexplicably grateful for every single one of you! i love all of you so so much!
i was maybe thinking about making a sleepover but school has been kicking my ass lately so i just decided on making a little mutuals appreciation post! to all my other mutuals, i love all of you so much and i literally want to smother all of you with hugs and kisses. i am so grateful for all of you. thank you.
this might be a little long so it’s under the cut! there might be a lot of mistakes snsjd
@lunaleonorah leo!!! you are an absolute blessing. i love your kindness and the amount of affection you give me literally makes me wanna break down and scream. in a good way of course sjjs. i love our conversations where we just talk about our days and all that. i wish we could always be friends and you can tell me anything you’d like. i love our friendship because we can talk to each other whenever we’d like and will always bring comfort to each other. i always look forward to having conversations with you everyday. ilysm and you deserve the world <3 all the love, pluto.
@gredmforge rory, my wife! i love talking to you about nonsense, it always makes my day and your fun and carefree personality always makes me smile. no doubt that we will be great friends in real life. the little asks you send in my inbox always make me laugh and i’m very excited for whatever future works you have. you always seemed so nice and sweet ever since i first interacted with you and i am so happy that i asked you where you got your memes because look what that got us to! shsjdjd. no but seriously, i love talking to you about our obsessions and just saying hello to each other. ilysm and i hope you always remember that! :) <3
@crookedhag my lovely eliz, i’m too lazy to make another one of those fancy scrolls that i did earlier but that doesn’t stop me from showin gmy appreciation for you. you are such a sweet and amazing person. you are also so talented and i am always so happy to see your name pop up on my notifications. you were always the first one to send me an ask for ask games and you always check in on me and i love you for that. i wish the very best in everything you do. you have great taste in music and i’m starting to think that you’re in every single fandom i don’t know jsjsj. but i love talking to you and ily! mwah! ◡̈
@oldschoolkiddo hero! the first time you ever interacted with me, i already knew that i would love having you around. you are such a fun person and all the tag games that you make and tag me in are always so fun! you are an independent person and i love that so much. you speak your mind and that is so powerful. you are so very sweet and your personality is so fun. i hope that you have many great days in the future and you can always talk to me whenever you need to. let me know if you want a distraction from anything or if you just want to rant, i will be here. ily!
@krasivayadarling my lovely ant! i am so very glad that i built up the courage to say hi to you when you made that post saying you wanted to be friends with new people. you are one of the best people i’ve ever met and you are so sweet, kind, talented, funny, and supportive. i am also so grateful for your support in my fics. you were my first ever supporter and i was really nervous for someone to read my works but you were so nice about it and i love that. i wish you all the best. ily, ant! sincerely, soap.
@whatthefuckimbisexual the loveliest persephone, you are such a bad bitch. JSJS NO BUT SRSLY ILYSM. you are such a fun person and i love how we can relate to each other a lot. i mean, staying up til 3 am and fuck aral pan yk? ejekdj. i really wish you the best in everything and i hope that we can interact more! you are truly one of the most fun and energetic people i’ve ever met and you are so very sweet and funny. thank you for being a great person! all the love <3
@falconxbarnes maddie! you add such a sweet and great person and when you reblog and like my posts, my heart fills with joy! your blog brings me so much comfort and i love our short little conversations. you remind me of going out at 5 am when the sun is almost out. the joy is always evident when that happens just like how i feel when i talk to you! i wish to eat pancit canton with you one day! i really wish you the best in everything and you deserve so many good things. mwah!
@amourtentiaa liane! you are literally so talented and it amazes me every time i read your works. you are so fun and chill and seeing your name always makes me happy! your blog page is filled with so much comfort in my opinion and our first conversation ever was so fun and you are so polite. you also really remind me of the night. i can’t explain why but like i said, you are chill and brings me a lot of comfort! i really love the way you interact with others as you are so kind. i hope you are doing well and always will feel well. ily, yannie!
@puntuations oh my gosh, ysa! you followed me first and i didn’t exactly understand why because you seemed too cool and mature for me djdj. but i am so glad you did and i am so grateful that you’re my friend. thank you for tagging me in dps related things! i really love that and it brings me so much joy. you were always so kind to me no matter what and you are so respectful. i appreciate you and your blog always makes me smile. thank you for being an amazing friend. ilysm, ysa. mwah!
@tofeeltaller joy! you bring me so much joy! sjdndjdn sorry, i had to. you are so so sweet and kind. i was always so scared to interact with dps blogs because they seemed intimidating but so nice at the same time (idk why i’m sorrydhjd), i thought y’all were too cool for me and i didn’t know how to approach you guys but after i got the courage to talk to you, i felt a lot more comfortable. you are so sweet and kind and you deserve so much more blessings. you truly are an amazing person and i hope that your days will get better and better. giving you so many warm hugs and kisses, mwah!
@lolremuslupin dkndkx omg you are so sweet! i don’t interact with you much but we do talk sometimes. i am also very glad that i decided to pm you to try and make new friends and you were so kind about it. you are such an amazing person and i love staying up at 3 am talking to you about random crap. i wish that your life will go well and that you are always safe! warm hugs!
@punkrific soaf, my twin! i really love talking to you and your energy is always so great. you are an amazing and fun person and having a twin like you always makes me feel like the luckiest ever. i am so so grateful to have you as a friend and your dashing personality always gets me. ilysm and i wish you the best! love, the ugly sofia <3
@freddieweasleyswife sweets! i’ve never met someone as sweet and kind as you are. you’re an amazing person and you deserve so much and you are so talented. i wish to write like you one day. my day is always better when I see your name in my notifications being friends with someone as amazing as you are is so great and i wosh to interact with you more. i miss talking to you and you’re always so kind and ready to comfort anyone. ilysm and you deserve the world. sincerely, sweetpea. <3
@sam-winchester-is-my-bitch rae! i love talking to you and seeing your pets! you are so kind, sweet and understanding and you really know how to make me smile. whenever i talk to you, it’s always so wholesome and nice and you give off so much good vibes. you really are like the color yellow to me, sunny, nice, but can be serious at times. but is always ready to cheer someone up. i wish you the best in everything and i hope that we can talk more! all the love <3
@daltonacademia kendi! i know you’re on a short hiatus at the moment but i just had to add you in here. i really hope that you are doing well and i hope you know that your writing is literally one of the best that i’ve ever read. you are so sweet and kind and you always have that little fun and sunny personality and i love talking to you so much. you are so respectful and you deserve so much. i’m sending you all the love and comfort. you are amazing and i hope you know that. stay safe, kendi! i really love that nicknamejsjs
@thatswhywilliamagedlikesourmilk dear! i am so glad that you followed my page and i am so so grateful that i’m friends with you. you are one of the best people ever and you are so so sweet. the most adorable person ever! talking to you feels like hugging a teddy bear and i am aware that that doesn’t make much sense but it just feels so comfy and brings me joy. i really hope that you’re doing well because you also deserve everything! sending you so many hugs <3 mwah!
@fredweasleyismyloverman alex, my dear! you are so kind and nice! i’m really glad i followed you. just a little fun fact, i actually found you through ant or @krasivayadarling . i was reading through some people who she gave ships to and i saw yours and i was like “oh my gosh, this person and i are literally the same.” and i went crazy because it looked almost exactly the same as my description hdjdjd. i’m actually not that sure if it went like that but that’s how i recalled it so i just always remember thatsbns. i literally relate to you so much and your shitposts give me life. you are so wise and amazing and i would love to talk to you more! ily, dear! mwah <3
@daisyyy2516 daze, dear! i am so happy that sab led ke to your page! literally, you are so damn talented and i just cannot i am always so amazed every time you show your works. you are so kind and sweet and such an icon. you bring me so much joy and everything you’ve ever said to me has always been something sweet and funny. ilysm and you deserve the world. i’d like if you dm’ed me once you’ve gotten your work displayed at some huge art exhibition. you are so amazing and i want you to know that. everything will be better. i appreciate you and i am so glad that you are in this world. i love you sm, daze. frd weasley loves you too. all the love and joy, soaf.
@sirlorelai lorie!! you are so nice and kind and sweet. i’m very glad that you weren’t angry at me spam reblogging your postsjsjd. i love our conversations and i wish we could talk more! you are such a kind and funny person and everything you’ve ever done has put a smile to my face. you are so fun and energetic and i love that. i hope that life is going well over there and that everything will be better if it isn’t at the moment. you deserve so much and ilysm, mwah!
@quadrupledeckertaco lorelei, dear! i miss talking to you! i really love our conversations and your soft but fierce personality is so great and it brings me so much joy. your writing is literally so amazing and like i said, i aspire to write like you one day. i miss you so much and i really hope that everything’s well. i wish you the best and sending you so much love, sofia. <3
and to all my other mutuals! thank you! i love all of you so much and interacting with all of you brings me so much joy. thank you for everything. have a great day everyone!
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