#Sw information
evaarade · 3 months
History Of Mandalore
Finally got around to getting those better pictures I promised!, So here they are!
For a full transcription of them, here's the link to my old post.
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communistkenobi · 2 years
not sure if this was intentional or not but nemik saying in his manifesto “Remember this: Try.” is an interesting sentiment given that “do or do not, there is no try” is like one of the more famous lines from the original trilogy
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anghraine · 1 year
I've always been sympathetic to Luke, but the prequels' Skywalker backstory definitely makes me more so.
I've heard people dismiss him for playing with an old toy while complaining about being made to stay on a desert hellworld dominated by slave-owning gangsters, since Leia's a hardened revolutionary at the same time.
I think Luke's dislike of Tatooine is actually entirely legitimate based on the OT alone, given what he likely knows, but then it turns out that the slave-owning gangsters owned Luke's father and grandmother.
Luke doesn't know anything about Padmé and he doesn't have Leia's visions of her, so he has no sense of a legacy from lush Naboo or the apparently prosperous Naberries. His world is Tatooine and the legacy he's intensely conscious of is Anakin's, and Owen and Beru's. And I mean, Owen is Luke's uncle because Owen's father bought Luke's grandmother and freed her to marry her. She was later captured from the farm and tortured to death; Luke would see her memorial on a regular basis as he helps extract moisture on the farm.
He has every right to complain about being stuck on Tatooine—and always did IMO, but after the prequels? Whew.
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zeenmrala · 2 months
━ Mimi Mirage: Star Wars OC
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A set of graphics I put together for fun (I love staring at her), as well as for quick reference to my pop star OC Mimi! As always a thank you to all the artists that have brought Mi to life, and to my lovely friends for their support and creativity.
@stardustbee @kimageddon @rogue-kenobi @necr0byt3 @elledjarin @agirlunderarock
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iconicanemone · 4 months
okay, I’m trying to write a clone wars fic, and I want to be able to have thing’s straight.
multiple times in fics I’ve read, Plo Koon is basically the 104th’s, or at least Wolffe’s, parental figure. Their buir. I’d like to know if this is just a fandom thing, or if there’s some presidency of it in canon.
I’ve only seen seasons 1-3 of tcw in a causal, non analytical, watching, and a scattering of other episodes besides that, but except for the Malevolence plotline, I don’t remember much of Plo Koon and the 104th.
Would I want to go the fandom route with Plo as the 104th’s buir? Maybe. But I’d like to know where the fandom line starts and canon ends.
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imogenkol · 5 months
tagged by @cassietrn thank you lovely 💕
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @inafieldofdaisies @statichvm @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @jackiesarch @gwynbleidd @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra @simplegenius042
You only feel it when it's lost // Gettin' through still has a cost // Quietly, it slips through your fingers, love // Falling from you, drop by drop // What I had left here // I just held it tight // So someone with your eyes // Might come in time // To hold me like water // Or Christ, hold me like a knife
Note: feeling very unhinged about this song for very specific reasons and I will confirm that it is a Bix/Imogen song
And here is a flashback I've been working on of Inquisitor Imogen!
Imogen surveyed the crowd of civilians that her troopers rounded up, pacing like a patient, yet hungry beast. The small Mid Rim moon harbored an eclectic collection of beings with humble lifestyles. Some were farmers, others were traders, tavern owners, local law enforcement that quickly withdrew their control of the community once they saw Imperial ships land. To Imogen, it was the perfect stack for a needle to hide in.
Through the Force, she felt their fear – their anticipation for what she might do. The Inquisitor took the time to meet every single face with her focused gaze, searching for a connection or even a hint of a power greater than common rabble. She lightly prodded their minds with her own abilities and caught glimpses of memories, frightening images conjured by the imagination, and the barest conceptualizations of words left unspoken so as to not provoke her. 
Nothing stood out. At least, not here. But Imogen intended to turn over every stone.  
The quiet had been her ally. It helped fear to brew within those vivid imaginations at a steady rate, which could cause even the strongest nerves to buckle once the correct amount of pressure was applied. She only broke silence when necessary.  
“I find it disturbing that not one of you has stepped forward willingly to offer us any information,” Imogen said, shaking her head with her hands behind her back like a disappointed school teacher. “You know what we seek. You know that we root out any remaining Jedi traitors for your own protection. Where is your dedication to the Empire? Your loyalty?”
The entire crowd seemed to hold its breath as Imogen stopped before them and went utterly still, her intense gaze piercing through what felt like all of them at once. The very wind seemed to cease. 
“You should know that I do not leave my assignments empty handed,” The Inquisitor continued. Her voice grew gentle, almost as if she pitied these people. Inside, her heart pounded with the rush of power she held over them. “If I cannot have loyalty, very well. I shall accept subjugation. If I cannot have subjugation…” In a very casual manner, Imogen held her hand out at her side. The hilt that rested on her hip flew off of her belt clip and into her open palm. With a screech loud enough to make some of the civilians flinch, she ignited her lightsaber and became half bathed in the crimson glow of its plasma blade. The low hum vibrated in her veins, turning her blood to fire. “Then I will settle for taking your lives. The choice is yours.”
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Dani in The Clone Wars
I just love the idea of Dani falling into the Star Wars universe (or alternatively the Star Wars universe is the same universe as the Danny Phantom universe they just happen to be in different parts of the universe) and meeting the clones. Cause like she’s a clone too. And not just any clone but a (technically) “defective” clone that originally had unstable DNA.
Like she meets the clones and just basically unknowingly trauma dumps on them. Just like “yeah I’m a clone to. I was supposed to be a boy but somehow came out a girl. And my genetic structure was super unstable for the first year of my life and I almost melted into a puddle of ectoplasmic goo because of it. But then my original Danny was able to stabilize me. My creator Vlad tried to kill me multiple times too. And also I’m the only surviving clone, all the other were to unstable and melted into goo!”
And the clones are all just horrified. Cause like A. She’s the only surviving clone of her batch and all her batch mates died. B. She was originally genetically unstable and for them something like that would have gotten them decommissioned, something her creator attempted to do to her but her original stopped it and saved her! And C. she’s just this tiny little child whose only like two-ish years old and she’s already been through so much!
The clones all make the executive decision to adopt her as their little sister! She’s now one of them! They will protect her with everything they’ve got!! And Dani just adopts them back. And she is a tiny little feral gremlin child, spirits have mercy on the souls of anyone who fucks with her clone brothers because she sure as hell won’t!!!
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biscuityskies · 2 years
Right lads I believe tumblr has successfully made me a codywan shipper
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hastalavistabyebye · 19 days
Regarding my ramblings on Jedi meditation supports, I'm rectifying something. Jedi would definitely have pictural art too.
It might just be non practical productions. I think it would be mostly murals, but not necessarily either.
What tripped me up was the iconography but I get over that.
Jedi would represent their life, in my opinion. They would represent lightsaber fighting stances in every forms. They would paint meditation scenes, alone or in groups, moving or traditional. Those paintings could orned classrooms and gyms. They're would be representations of Master and Padawan pairings, lineages, crechelings and initiates playing. Knights during missions. The different Corps too would recover the walls.
They might also paint historical figures and key moments. Famous Jedi of old and of present days. Marking moments of their history. Maybe even scenes of the Jedi and Force sensitive origins mixed with all those daily life scenes.
And landscapes. There would definitely have landscapes orning the Temple's walls. Because the Force is in all things so of course they'll depict various faunas and floras, entire ecosystems from the many planets of the Galaxy. Maybe there was a period where that was seen as the ultimate representation, the painting style of the moment so entire corridors were recovered in beautiful landscapes.
There would have different styles and periods. Maybe some figurations are so abstract and reduced to their most simplified forms that only Jedi archeologists could decipher them.
And it won't necessarily be murals like I said. What if the archives are full of illustrated manuscripts ? That would most likely require a special branch of archivists dedicated to copying again and again those books, just like monks in the middle ages, so that their knowledge is not lost at the degradation of the codex and rolls.
Where I believe that 3D productions would be following equally the artistical tradition of personal cultures and the Jedi culture, maybe pictural art would be a preferred medium for Jedi traditions. So those murals could not be in the more public parts of the Temple, as a more reserved form of art. Or maybe it's something less practiced at the end of the Order. And that's why the council chamber is so devoid of any art at all. But that's just an idea, it could be for so many other reasons.
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zeb-z · 2 years
Something something, “I burn my life for a sunrise I’ll never get to see”, and Andor learning about the death of his mother - who was so insistent on her own rebellion - during a sunrise on Niamos
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Summary: Obi-Wan shows up at Cody's quarters with an infected lightsaber wound. Cody, unfortunately, is forced to call Skull, the 212th's lead medic.
(Or, the follow-up to Skull's infamous run-in with the 212th's newest secret couple)
Word Count: 3,292
Read part one here on tumblr or on ao3
Cody, in a rare event, had three free hours to relax, let loose, just… probably sleep. 
Truthfully, he had requested that some extra time be carved out of his schedule while he was back on the Negotiator. Obi-Wan –the General– he often needed to remind himself, was away on a solo mission, one ordered by the Jedi Council. Without the General there, Cody was otherwise only filing reports away and waiting for him to get back.
Cody determinedly tried not to think about that exact fact. Typically, the Council’s missions were dangerous, often risky. Obi-Wan would usually admit later that he had to abandon his own sensical nature when it came to his recent Jedi duties. 
The thought made Cody’s hair stand up.
Deciding, against his own urges, that there was nothing he himself could do to trick his mind into thinking positively, Cody made a purposeful effort to lay down and not think. About anything.
He crawled under the sheets, which of course still smelled like Obi-Wan’s Coruscantian cologne, and forced himself to breathe deep breaths. Pulling the blankets up under his chin and rubbing his fists over he heavy eyelids, Cody redirected his thoughts away from his duties and shut his eyelids against the soft glow of light coming from underneath the door of his small quarters. 
Seconds –it seemed– later, he was blinking his eyes open to the sound of a hesitant knock against the heavy metal door of his quarters. Blearily, he blinked once or twice as he raised his head from the pillow to look at the door.
The knock came again, only slightly louder.
“Who is it?” He called out, his coarse tone coming out with the words. He hoped whoever was behind the door, particularly if it was Waxer, the little shit, would get the hint. 
The response was another, more urgent, knock.
Cody groaned, head falling back into the pillow before he threw off his covers. He pulled a loose pair of old blacks onto his legs and trudged to the door, hastily slapping the button by the door to slide it open.
The person at the door was not Waxer, but Cody immediately wished it was. 
“What the kriff happened?” 
Cody’s body went rigid as he asked the question and took in the image before him.
Obi-Wan stood in the doorway, a sheepish frown on his sweaty face. He wore a soiled tunic and ripped pants; he had one hand pressed against the side of his ribs. In the other hand, he held a rumpled pile of medical supplies in a sack made out of a medical gown. Cody could see gauze and unopened bacta patches hanging out of the sides of it. 
“I’ve made it back.” Obi-Wan said nonchalantly, though there was a nervous edge to his tone. “And nothing too serious; had a minor run in with Ventress.” 
Cody stared at him, eyebrows raised as his thoughts moved at the speed of light. He looked toward Obi-Wan’s side where his hand was clenched over the wound. Rather than coated in blood, the edges of his tunic, where it peaked out from behind his hand, were singed. 
Lightsaber wound. 
Cody didn’t need to ask for confirmation, it was more than obvious. 
“May I come in?” Obi-Wan looked at him expectantly, hardened facial features faltering for just a moment as he wobbled on his feet. 
Cody caught his arm, and pulled him gently through the door. “On the bed. Sit.” Cody said sternly, trying to keep the anger out of his tone, as he led Obi-Wan towards his bunk.
The General offered Cody a soft, apologetic smile as he sat down singerly on the bed, still clutching at his side. 
Cody’s heartbeat pounded heavily inside the walls of his chest as he took the makeshift sack of medical supplies out of Obi-Wan’s other arm and unrolled the contents on the floor. He noted a few small bacta patches, a couple rolls of gauze, several adhesive bandages, and one hypo filled with force-knows-what. 
If Cody had to guess, Obi-Wan had snagged a stim instead of a painkiller thinking he could get some paperwork out of the way once he’s been bandaged up. 
“You know, lightsaber burns aren’t minor, Obi-Wan…” Cody’s voice trailed off as he straightened up from his crouch and took a seat next to Obi-Wan’s injured side, medical supplies falling out of his arms and onto the course blanket stretched over his bunk. 
The look on Obi-Wan’s face said it all– he looked defeated, eyes cast toward the floor and lips curled into something of a terse frown.
“I’ve had enough time in the medbay recently.” He muttered and cleared his throat, “Skull would probably have more than enough to say about the last time I needed him anyway.” 
Cody barely held back a snort as his cheeks warmed a little. He had just gotten comfortable with forgetting about that force-forsaken night several weeks before. Cody had a reputation to uphold– one of strict adherence to procedures, never swaying from the books unless it was an absolute necessity– and yet, a simple visit from Skull had all but ruined that. 
He had yet to work up the nerve to talk to Skull about it. He knew the medic well enough to realize he was just as stubborn and equally loyal, but the teasing– 
That– Cody simply could not bear to endure if he didn’t strictly have to.
Instead, he dealt with the smug looks Skull repeatedly sent him from across the room during briefings. Once, he’d even overheard Skull call him loverboy in a conversation with Oxy at the mess hall. Though they pretended not to see Cody standing several troopers behind them, the Commander could barely handle the minor jab without the tops of his cheeks turning into an embarrassingly bright shade of red. 
Cody shook the thoughts out of his head as he pressed his fingers over Obi-Wan’s trembling ones that still remained over the top of the wound. “You think you can let go?” He asked the General. Obi-Wan glanced down and nodded once in affirmation, though he didn’t look so convinced of his own agreement. 
Cody was patient, his own fingers hovering inches away, as Obi-Wan gently pulled each of his shaking, bloody fingers away from the wound.
Immediately, Cody was hit with the stench of infection. The red, swollen edges of the wound all but confirmed that it had been there for days without even so much as a splash of water to flush it out. Cody swallowed, his protective nature kicking into high gear. 
“Obi-Wan, did you clean this out?” He asked as calmly as possible, voice barely wavering.
He looked up to find Obi-Wan staring straight forward, head shaking from side-to-side. He looked as though he himself didn’t want to see the damage. “I couldn’t find the time. Ventress is a capable competitor.” 
Cody tried not to imagine what Obi-Wan’s words implied, but his mind ran out of control against his will.
Was he trapped somewhere? Hiding for hours with no food or water? Barely able to stand but still fighting tooth and nail?
The thought of it made Cody sick to his stomach.
“We might need Skull afterall, Obi-Wan. This is– it’s bad.” 
“...bad?” Obi-Wan asked, eyebrows raised. He hissed as Cody pressed a gentle finger against the very edge of the red line surrounding the burn. 
“It’s infected, not a chance these bacta patches will be able heal this.” Cody glared at the fine print on the outside of the wrapper of one of the patches. They were only meant to treat minor wounds, ones sustained hours before nonetheless. 
Obi-Wan had severely underestimated the nature of the wound– the supplies he brought would barely make a dent on a papercut, much less an infected burn wound. 
“You don’t think we should at least try them? I would hate to waste his time, Cody. I’m sure Skull has more pressing–” Obi-Wan tried to resist, his dirt and blood covered hand coming back to try and cover the wound once again. Cody grabbed it before he could make contact with his exposed skin.
“No!” Obi-Wan looked momentarily alarmed, but quickly shut his mouth and put his arm back behind him where it had been before. “Listen– I have baseline medical training, but this– this is not good. This is why we have Skull anyway.”
Obi-Wan brought his other hand to rub over his beard and let out a shaky breath. He sat up a little straighter. “We’ll go to the medbay then.” He announced. Cody shot him a look of warning.
“Seriously? Not in a million rotations would I let you get up right now.” Cody stood from the bed and reached for his comlink where it sat on the table next to his bed. 
Growling under his breath, he messaged Skull with the bad news.
Lightsaber wound. Infected. Surface wound.
He paused before adding the last part and cursed under his breath.
My quarters. 
Skull was going to have a field day with that. 
Cody stepped back into Obi-Wan’s view and assessed the rest of his appearance searching for other undisclosed wounds or scrapes. Other than the slash across his side, he looked relatively unharmed. Sire, a few bruises lined the curve of his jaw and his cheeks, but that was barely anything new. Obi-Wan had a habit of putting himself in harms way regardless of whether it was really necessary or not. 
“Let’s at least get the tunic off of you.” Cody said gently and curled a hand under Obi-Wan’s jaw to try and force a moment of eye-contact. Obi-Wan looked at him with something like irritation on his face, then something softer. 
“Would you do the honors, dear?” He asked in just a whisper, eyes wide.
Cody, unable to help himself, pressed a gentle kiss to the edge of his hairline and offered up a muted smile. “Of course.”
He took the knife from his utility belt and cut through the beige layers of clothes so he could easily peel them away from Obi-Wan’s skin, gentle around the lightsaber gash. While he wasn’t nearly as soiled underneath the clothes, his ribs were clearly bruised and his neck appeared to have red marks crawling around the outside of it. 
Cody looked away, not wanting to imagine Ventress dangling Obi-Wan by his neck in the air.
“It’s rather cold here, is it not?” Obi-Wan’s voice broke him from his thoughts. 
Cody considered it for a moment, then shook his head. “I don’t think so.” Concern grew in his chest. He reached to feel Obi-Wan’s forehead and was alarmed to find that the skin was scalding to the touch.
Kriff. Infection. 
Cody was medically trained enough to know that fevers with infections were never a good sign. For the first time, Cody silently wished Skull would get there faster. 
“You have a fever.” Cody said, breaking the momentary silence and brushing the rogue hairs off of Obi-Wan’s suddenly sweaty forehead. While his cheeks had looked gaunt moments before, now his face was stained red with warmth. He trembled even more, gooseflesh coating the skin of his chest. 
Cody opened his mouth to offer his reassurance, and maybe a blanket, when there was a knock at the door. 
Thank force. 
He stood and strode to the door in a few short steps before pressing the button to open the door. 
Skull stood there, arms full with both Obi-Wan’s personal medical kit and another large black bag presumably filled with additional medical supplies. He didn’t look quite as panicked as Cody thought he should, but then again, medical trauma was his everyday.
“Looks like shirts are optional in here. Noted.” Skull said, eyebrows raised as he walked into the small quarters. He looked between Obi-Wan and Cody.
Cody glanced down at his own chest and muttered a curse. Of course he was shirtless. Again. So much for napping shirtless anymore.
Cody didn’t have a chance to muster up his own snarky remark before Skull brushed by him and toward Obi-Wan’s shaking form still sitting on the bed. Cody followed him, annoyance fading immediately as he noticed the water collecting in the corners of Obi-Wan’s eyes. 
He looked overwhelmed all of the sudden, eyes flickering past Skull and landing on Cody’s own.
Cody wished he could scoop him up, hold him tightly in his arms for just a few precious minutes. 
“Sir, how long ago did this happen?” Skull asked mechanically, freshly sanitized hands pressing around the outside of the wound making Obi-Wan jump and suck in a deep breath. 
“Erm–” Obi-Wan swallowed, “Perhaps two days? Three?” Cody could tell the feverish haze was setting in; Obi-Wan was not one to confuse his timelines. 
Skull looked concerned at the time frame, eyeing the wound more closely. He didn’t look satisfied when he sat back on his heels from where he knelt on the durasteel floor. He motioned to Cody to step aside, away from Obi-Wan.
“When did the fever start?” Skull asked expectantly. “I’m assuming he’s been here for more than a few minutes?
Cody sighed. “Since he came here, I don’t know– twenty minutes ago? And he’s sick of the medbay– I don’t think he realized how bad it is.”
Skull rubbed an irritated hand across his face. “You know, Cody, if he’ll listen to you, maybe you can convince him to come to me next time.” Cody tried not to look sheepish, even pulling his lips into a hard line.
“I can’t make Ob– the General listen to me.” Cody corrected himself quickly. 
“Banthashit. That’s the only reason I’m actually here and he hasn’t already dragged his lifeless body to the medbay instead. Just own it Commander; the General is wrapped around your finger.” If punching a medic in the face wasn’t likely a decommissionable offense, Cody would have already done it. 
“Skull I swear to– I do not. It’s not like that–” 
“I’ve seen what I’ve seen, Cody. Your insistence is meaningless.” Skull said, the shook his head once. “Back on topic– bacta bandages probably won’t fully heal that monstrosity, but I think they can hold him over until we can convince him of submersion tomorrow. That– and shitload of antibiotics.”
The insurmountable anger Skull had incited in him just a couple of minutes before dissipated.
Cody knew Obi-Wan hated it. Cody had only endured it himself once before, and he had been equally as disenchanted with it, and that was without the added roadblock of claustrophobia.
“Are you sure? Full submersion?” Cody asked, looking nervously toward Obi-Wan who had since closed his eyes.
“It’s an infected lightsaber wound, not a kriffing scrape Cody.” Skull reminded him, and stepped back towards the bunk.
Cody watched silently, sitting beside Obi-Wan’s head in a metal chair, as Skull coaxed Obi-Wan to lie down on his side so the wound was fully exposed. The medic made quick work with a set of heavy, white bandages which were clearly more fit for the job than the tiny bacta patches Obi-Wan had brought from the medbay. 
Skull took a mixed painkiller-antibiotic hypo and gently pressed it into Obi-Wan’s neck before he began to slather on a generous layer of full-strength bacta gel, the kind that was only used when things were serious. Though the painkillers clearly took the edge off, Cody still cringed at the occasional tiny moans that escaped past Obi-Wan’s stony, rigid exterior. 
“Kriff.” Cody heard Obi-Wan hiss as Skull took a long strip of high-grade gauze and pressed down across the length of the wound. 
“Sorry, General. I know it stings; hold tight.”
Obi-Wan audibly cursed again when Skull pressed a long strip of adhesive bandage over the gauze. “That should do it for now.” Skull said, leaning back again helping Obi-Wan to roll onto his back, a more comfortable position. 
Cody noted the minor relief painted across Obi-Wan’s features. Whatever cocktail of drugs Skull had given him clearly worked, and his forehead no longer was coated in a layer of sweat. Without the large, gaping burn wound out in the open, Obi-Wan looked less like a walking corpse, and more like a human punching bag. Regardless, it was an improvement. 
“I’ve got two more doses of painkillers from your kit.” Skull said as he rummaged through the case he had brought with him. “Have Cody give you one every four hours, and I’ll send a med transport to come get you tomorrow morning.”
Obi-Wan blinked twice and furrowed his brow. “Oh that certainly won’t be necessary. Could you leave a few bandages behind? I’m sure I can change them myself.”
Skull raised his eyebrows again and turned to Cody with a smug, knowing smile. “Cody?” He asked, amusement lacing his tone. 
Kriffing Skull.
Cody drew both of his hands over his face and suppressed a groan. 
“General– Skull is right. You aren’t fit to walk, and I don’t think bacta gel is going to cut it.” Obi-Wan shook his head and sighed.
“If you insist, Cody.” He answered politely. 
And no, Cody hadn’t insisted. 
Skull’s shit-eating grin was almost too much for Cody to handle. 
“Well Skull, looks like your job here is done.” Cody said loudly and grabbed his closed medical bags from the floor as he headed towards the door. After exchanging his last words with Obi-Wan, Skull followed him and took the bags from his hands.
“So star-crossed lovers it looks like? A match made in heaven? The only type of relationship where The Obi-Wan Kenobi will listen to you over a medical professional. I told you, wrapped around your finger.” Skull said as Cody nearly punched the button to open the door of his quarters. 
“Oh fuck off.” Cody said, rolling his eyes, but his cheeks were still burning. “Whatever is going on here is between me and the General.” He finished as Skull stepped into the hallway.
“Oh I’m sure there are plenty of things going on between you and the General.” Skull said with a wink. “See you tomorrow, Cody.”
Fucking kriff. 
Cody was never going to live it down, was he?
He let out his exasperation in the form of punching the door just as it closed, which though painful, was enough to make him feel marginally better. 
Collecting his thoughts, Cody headed back to the bunk where Obi-Wan still laid on his back, eyes half-shut, and bloody hand resting over his chest. Cody leaned over him and he perked up a little offering a hint of a grin as his eyes blinked open.
“You know, maybe we should just accept that Skull knows; make it official.” Obi-Wan murmured.
“What? And admit defeat? Ruin my reputation?” Cody was mildly offended at the suggestion, but he still ran a gentle hand through the greasy, unwashed hair on top of Obi-Wan’s head.
“He already knows, dear.” Obi-Wan said with a mild chuckle that shook his chest, then a small hiss of pain. 
“That doesn’t mean I need to admit it to him.” Cody retorted, and stood to find some sort of cloth to clean Obi-Wan’s bloody, dirt-covered fingers. Obi-Wan just snorted.
“Always so stubborn, Commander.” He whispered as Cody gently wiped his hands and then gently rubbed in some lotion he kept in the drawer of the table by his bed. "Thank you for calling Skull- I'm not entirely sure what I was thinking."
"Always so stubborn, Obi-Wan." He repeated, smiling gently, "I'm just happy you're here now, with me."
They sat in silence, Cody still massaging the callouses on Obi-Wan’s hand and admiring the gentle curve of his jaw. He pressed a kiss to the middle of Obi-Wan’s chest.
Perhaps it didn’t really matter what Skull thought after all.
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officialpenisenvy · 5 months
you don't like saint narcisse? it's a family affair 🥺?
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
On one hand, there's a "the Jedi are the REAL bad guys" YouTube video I want to debunk--just because it was the video that plunged me into that way of thinking when I was younger, and tearing it apart would be kinda cathartic.
...on the other hand, I don't know if my blood pressure or my sanity could survive me listening to someone just spouting bullshit comparisons with no context for 13 minutes and then concluding that they're correct after taking the most bad-faith reading of the Prequels I've ever heard.
Decisions, decisions...
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girlrandomstuff · 1 year
So here my headcanons on Bo Katan, Satine and Mandalore general (part of) story.
Bo was born 46 BBY, making her 11 years younger than Satine, when she turned 5 she took the Creed with her father looking proudly. That same year, in 41 BBY, the Civil War started. Satine, the oldest of the Kryze siblings, is put in protection of the Jedi spending a year or more in the run, the other sibling (Korkie’s parent) is sent with an adoptive family offworld as well as Bo. Their father is killed while fighting during one of the last battles and their mother ends up with a really bad injury that affects her health.
Now 39 BBY, the Kryze siblings return to Mandalore, Satine 18, the second siblings not so far from Satine’s age and Bo barely 7. Now with her father dead, her mother terribly ill, her oldest sister ruling and her other sibling trying just to make his own life while also supporting their sister, now Duchess of Mandalore (who has the homework and burden to rebuilt a fractured society), and taking care of their mother, she finds herself alone, she tries to help and to bond, and her siblings try to be good siblings to her, as well as their mother try to make her best effort to get better and still being a good mother, but most of the time it's impossible.
And then a year later, their mother dies. Living two teenage and a child orphan. Satine being an adult and the ruler can keep her siblings together with her. She tries so damn hard to be a good sister and sometimes even a parent, but of course not always works. The middle sibling goes to university and find themselves good people to share life, makes good friends, good allies etc. But Bo who's barely 8 finds that feeling of familiarity in other places, sadly she's not that lucky as her older sibling, she's taken under the wing of some uncle/close family friend, who secretly went against their father and supported the Old Mandalorians during the Great Clan Wars, and he makes her feel that family love she needs. So now 8 years old Bo Katan is constantly invaded with pretty extremist ideals. It takes years for Bo to break with her father and Satine's ideals because Satine always tried so hard to teach her siblings what their parents would have thaught them.
It's 29 BBY and Bo is 17, she and Satine get into a pretty big fight, everything comes out, Bo tells Satine everything she had learn all this years, that the New Mandalorians are not real Mandalorians and that they are just a bunch of egocentrical politicians and that they should follow the real Way of the Mandalore, embrace war and military power. Bo leaves and it's then when Satine see how her little sister has been manipulated and groomed, the years that follow are worse. When the Death Watch start acting it breaks Satine's heart every single time, to know that Bo was part of all that.
Another Civil War had break out. But now they're on different sides. Bo is part of the Death Watch and Satine's is part of the New Mandalorians. War begings to build up and she makes terrible things, she took terrible choices that ended up with her oldest sister dead. Now she sees how people she had trusted had abussed her and took everything from her, until now she wishes she could just go back in time and make everything different, but it's to late, Mandalore had suffer, they're once again broken, and they have not a ruler who would heal them again. Bo tries so much, she tries to make up everything she did, and honor her sister's memory and sacrifice, but that's not enough for when the Empire arrives and destroyed every single corner of her planet, millions of people death, completly destroyed cities. Mandalore has fallen.
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jewishcissiekj · 30 days
do the Clone Kama lovers remember Captain Panaka's skirt
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rattusn0rvegicus · 30 days
Bro what is it with news sites claiming to be "unbiased" and "accurate" and "reporting only on the important stuff" and then 1/3 of the content is celebrity drama (that's listed above like, scientific breakthroughs and major world events)
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