#T’Challa X Black Reader
mrs-johansson · 4 months
Chapter 6 - Dark Phoenix II - Emergence of conflagration
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Part 2:
We slowly moved inside, taking down guards one by one. Natasha secured the security room and Sam got the armory room.
Us 5 had successfully reached the entrance and the only thing we needed to enter was Nat’s signal of a clear path. “How are you guys doing?” I asked in the comms. “There are about 50 guards left inside. Klaue is at the top of the building,” Natasha informed us. “How’s our way inside looking?” I asked. “Just a second…” She said, clearly focused on what she was doing. “You’re clear, go get him.” “I’m planning on it.”
We made our way through each level quietly. Collected all the files we found, searching for Vibranium and Klaue.
In no time we were nearing the top floor. We were left with 7 men and Klaue. “You get the guards, I have Klaue,” I looked at the agents, and once they all nodded we broke in the door, not leaving a second for them to escape.
Our agents were on Klaue’s men quickly and I spotted Klaue at the other side of the room. “Sam get over here and collect the Vibranium, Nat get all their data from the main hardware, and send your team over here. I’ll get Klaue,” I said and ran to Klaue. As he saw me coming he held up a different-looking gun and he aimed at me. Kicked up a metal table and threw it at him, making him fall back into a door and roll down some stairs. I followed him to the stairway and before I got to him, he started running down the stairs. Sent a fireball in front of him, trying to stop him, but it didn’t bother him, and jumped over the burning area and continued running.
Trying to stop him I tried to fire at him but somehow he managed to run out of the building. I followed him closely and finally hit him with a fireball, making him fall to the ground. “Who are you working for? Who needs this much Vibranium?” I asked as I stood over the man. “A lot of people,” he said with a devilish smile. “Who are you providing this for?”
He looked behind me and the next second someone jumped at me, sending me about 100 feet away from Klaue. I rolled in the dirt making me cough. I looked up and saw a man in a black catsuit, helmet covering his head. “What the hell, man?” I got up and when I looked to Klaue’s way he was gone. “I lost Klaue,” I said in the comms. The cat man didn’t waste time and started punching me. I tried to block his moves, and when I grabbed his arm I burned him but it seemed he didn’t even notice. “Why are you stealing Vibranium?” He asked and I frowned. “Stealing? I’m trying to get it away from Klaue!” I explained while we kept fighting. “How do you know him?” He asked not even bothering to stop. “I’ve been after him for months, he’s supplying someone with Vibranium, I’m trying to find out who! Stop fucking punching me,” I said angrily and with a big kick I sent him back.
He got up and took his helmet off and my eyebrows shot up. “Aren’t you the Prince of Wakanda?” I asked and he frowned. “Yes, I am. And who are you?” He walked closer. “I’m Y/N Stark. I’m part of the Avengers.” His face dropped and looked where Klaue had been laying a couple of minutes ago. “I blew that up, didn’t I?” He asked and I spread my arms. “Yeah, kinda. This was the first time in 6 months that we had eyes on him, so thanks for that. Why did you even stop me?” I asked frustratingly. He seemed like he didn’t know the answer either. “I’m sorry, I thought you were with him.” “Y/N I think we found the person he’s supplying, you’re not gonna like this,” heard Sam over the comms. “Yeah, and I bumped into the Wankandan Prince. I’ll be there in a second,” I said then turned to the Prince. “If you’re after him, come with me,” I said and he nodded.
“So what is this cat thing? Are like a… Cat-Man?” I asked, not really sure what he was supposed to symbolize. “I’m the Black Panther. It’s been the protector of Wakanda for centuries, once I become king I’ll be the official Black Panther.” He explained. “Right and what’s your name?” “I’m T’Challa.”
Once we got up to where the team was I explained what happened and Natasha wasn’t happy at all to lose Klaue. “I can help you find Klaue if you hand over all the Vibranium you found so far. It belongs to Wakanda,” T’Challa said and Nat looked at me questioning if he was trustworthy. “That’ll work. Sam, what did you find?” I asked and he handed me some files. “Hadria Folks. She has an army of super soldiers with Vibranium armor. Klaue has been supplying her for the last 3 months,” he explained as I looked through the pictures of the armor and the amount of Vibranium she got her hands on. I looked at T’Challa and handed him the papers. “You’ve got a bigger problem than just stolen Vibranium.” He looked at the information splattered on the files and he glanced at me with a weird look. “Send your team home, you three come with me back to Wakanda, we’ll get to Klaue that way.”
We made our way to the Quinjet and I tapped Sam’s shoulder. “Take the files back to the Compound and look her up. We need every information we have on her. And look up this Black Panther guy too just to be sure,” I said and he sighed. “Why can’t I go with you? Wakanda must be so cool,” he whined and I chuckled. “You’ll get there, Wilson.”
Natasha and I followed T’Challa to his plane which looked very cool. “How did you lose Klaue?” Asked Natasha. “This guy jumped on me and when I got back up he was gone. I really hope he can get us to Klaue because if not I’m gonna be very angry.”
We got the plane and the technology was very advanced. It looked amazing. I stepped one step closer to a sand table and suddenly a blade was by my neck then I heard a gun being held up by someone. “I wouldn’t do that,” Natasha spoke and I carefully looked to my side to see the woman who was holding a long spear. I guess Natasha was holding a gun at her. “Okoye, they’re Avengers, lower your weapon,” T’Challa spoke and she took a look between Nat and I then pulled back the spear. I looked at Natasha and glanced at her gun, signaling that she should withdraw too. “Okoye, this is Y/n Stark and Natasha Romanoff. Ladies, this is Okoye, the commander of the Dora Milaje,” introduced us, the Prince. “Dora Milaje?” I asked. “Special forces of Wakanda,” said the woman with a straight and intense look.
Once we got off Natasha and I sat down, she still looked very unimpressed with the situation. “It’s gonna be fine, trust me,” I said to her and she just sighed, and I saw the look she gave me and it seemed she was trying to make an effort. “I trust you, not them,” said Natasha, and I put my hand on her thigh in a second, slightly squeezing. “Natalia, we know about Wakanda and they are trustworthy,” I explained and she looked at me with a tense expression. “She held a spear to your neck, Y/n.” “She didn’t know who we were.” Natasha sighed and leaned back in her seat. “I really hope you’re right.”
As soon as the jet landed T’Challa went ahead and then us two, Okoye followed behind. When we all reached the ground, I saw the King and Queen of Wakanda with two other women, one younger than all of us. “Baba,” he bowed slightly, then looked at us. “This is Y/n Stark and Natasha Romanoff, Avengers,” he said and we bowed too. “King T’Chaka, a pleasure to meet you,” I said and he nodded. “Likewise, welcome to Wakanda.” “Thank you, didn’t think this would be the reason for our first visit,” I said and he nodded. “Yes, it’s very unfortunate. In the meantime, this is my wife Ramonda, and my daughter, Shuri. And Nakia, member of the War Dogs, also the girlfriend of my son,” said the King, and T’Challa was quick to get flustered. “Now, I think we should get to work,” T’Challa said, trying to avoid the topic.
We made contact with Sam at the Compound and as he was on video call with us, we saw all the information on Klaue from what T’Challa and the others had so far. “We unintentionally found one of Klaue’s hiding places around six months ago. He had a full cabinet of Vibranium but we didn’t know who he was at the time. Then we went after him and retrieved over 100 million dollars worth of Vibranium in the last six months. And today was our first time locating such a big amount that led us to Klaue. Then we found out why he needs this much. Sam, what did you find?” I looked at him on the screen and the next second he sent over everything on the bigger screen in the room. “Hadria Folks, ex-KGB. She has approximately 15 super soldiers with Vibranium armor and weapons. There were multiple attacks in Europe, but nobody got them in time. Police can’t handle them obviously and Folks haven’t been seen in 2 months. Her station is said to be in Siberia, a familiar place, don’t you think?” Sam said and I looked at him immediately. “He’s not there,” I said, crossing my arms. “Who’s not there?” Asked Nakia and I just kept staring at the screen. “Another super soldier, he was a Hydra weapon until we got him and now he is hiding, keeping himself off the radar. Maybe he could help us,” I said and Sam interfered quickly. “We couldn’t locate him for a while now, how are we planning to do this?” He asked. “You haven’t been able to locate him. He sent me a letter about two weeks ago, saying he was in Romania. He’ll know where to find her. Nat and I will go to Romania, get Barnes and you find Klaue. I’ll get you all the Vibranium we retrieved. Are you familiar with super soldiers?” I turned to the Wakandans. Shuri typed it into her computer then multiple images came up on the screen. One particular picture is of James. “Captain America is one of them, right?” Asked Nakia. “Yes.” “Why not get him involved with this?” T’Challa suggested. “He’s got other stuff to deal with. And besides, I think we’ll be just fine doing this.”
After some discussion, they flew us back to the Compound and I was ready to go home. I really thought that this could be a promising opportunity for us to get more allies and maybe get James out of hiding.
“When will you pick up Rina?” Walked into my office Natasha but stopped at the door. “Dad picked her up already. I asked him and Pepper to watch her for a while. I don’t know how long this thing will last,” I explained and packed up all my stuff, ready to leave. “So, you’ll be alone?” She asked with a gentle but clearly seductive tone. My eyes lifted in her and the smirk on her face was undeniable. I began to walk past her and before I stepped out of the room, I looked her up and down. “Care to join?” Natasha didn’t answer, she just grabbed onto my hand and kissed me on the lips. “Great choice.”
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szagaloree · 2 years
Like ice
Dom! Fem x m’baku x t’challa
Consists: size kink/belly bulge/ throat bulge/daddy&mommy kink/ foreplay/anal kink/breeding kink/ pain kink/ rough play/ degrading kink/overstimulation/ and cum kink (just when a person is covered in loads of cum I can’t think of the name of the kink😭)
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M’baku and t’challa have been discussing their plan to get their girl to literally take control of both of them, yea both! Even M’baku this was his idea first, knowing M’baku intimidating nature he IS dominant, t’challa he’s a mix of both, but to think M’baku would be submissive with his girl is kinda wow. During the day both the men were very busy, of course due to them both being king’s they are working, she was left to do her own thing but the thing is she had nothing to do, she was completely bored.
She groans laying in her bed tossing and turning and flipping, she looks at the time and she only had two hours left till her boys come home. She was so anxious and ready for them to come home to her, by the time it came it’s been two hours after and she was irritated, where were they?! She taps her kimoyo beads calling M’baku but he didn’t answer nor did t’challa and there what pisses her off is when they don’t answer. Once she walks down the steps she hears a deep chuckle coming from the hallway “oh my little snowflake,” M’baku said, “M’baku where have you been?! I’ve been waiting for you both-" she stops when t’challa walks out the darkness as well with a smirk on his face, something told her it was a set up, “you’ve been waiting hm?” He spoke “yes I have! You’re both late!” She scolds but their smirk never left their face.
“Well… maybe our beautiful babygirl can give us a good punishment for being late,”t’challa said, her eyes go wide looking at both of you, “w-what are you talking about?” She asks, “oh you know exaactly what we’re talking about,” M’baku smirked walking up to her taunting her, her breath bitches which is something he always does to her, “we want our babygirl to take control, hmph… it seems this is the right occasion for it,” t’challa spoke leaning into her neck.
“You want me to take control?” She asks.
They both nodded, “we do what mommy says eh?” M’baku asked t’challa he chuckles nodding “mhm” she quirks a brow feeling a smirk come up on her face as the confidence rises, “hmph what should I do with the both of you?” She tilts her head, M’baku grabs her waist kissing her neck but she pushes him away a little “you don’t get to touch me, boys who are late don’t deserve it,” she said, she glances at the stairs “bedroom” she said and they waisted no time with that heading straight up to the bedroom. Once they got up into the bedroom she smirks “clothes off” she demanded, they begin stripping of their clothing, staring deeply at her, their hard erects got her attention boy did she love it, their size makes her legs shrivel everytime.
“Why do you insist on being late hm? I would love to hear this,” she spoke kissing along M’baku’s chest, “a last meeting popped up, we couldn’t miss it,” t’challa said “but couldn’t answer my call hm what a shame,” she grabs t’challa hard dick making him walk closer to her, she strokes his erect making hum from the feeling, his eyes close as he leans his head back, she didn’t want to leave M’baku out on the phone “strip me of my clothes M’baku,” she tells him, he waisted no time taking off her close he rips her favorite panties off making her suck her teeth slaps his arm “that was my favorite,” she said “I can but you a hundred more,” he said.
I continue to stroke t’challa, while nibbling at m’baku’s lips, he grunts needy as he kisses her lustfully she kisses back, stroking t’challa faster “ohhh mommy-ughh” t’challa grunts, she pulls away dropping down to her knees, she flicks her tongue on M’baku’s tip staring up at him, “oh baby” he mumbles, she brings both of them closer to her face flicking her tongue in the middle so the sides of her tongue touches the their tips, she takes m’baku’s dick first swallowing him whole, did i forget to mention she barley has a gag reflex, she moans deep throating him leaving him on cloud nine.
He grunted grabbing her hair guiding her to go faster till she slaps his hand away, giving him that warning glare he pouted but that pout turned into a moan soon after. T’challa’s hips thrusted eagerly wanting his turn, she pulls away with ‘pop’ looking into t’challa’s dark eyes “you want your turn baby boy hm?” He nodded immediately “yes mommy,ughhh” he groans she plays with his tip,”lays your ass on the bed,” she said to m’baku she stood up as m’baku lays on the bed, staring at her ass he begins stroking himself to relief some of the tension ins his body, “Aht aht i didn’t say you can stroke yourself,” she said he grunted knowing it irked his nerve, she chuckles “is that attitude I hear?” He huffs “no mommy,” he says, she walks around the bed crawling over to him till her pussy was right in front of him, as he goes to pick she pulls up “you don’t get to eat yet, since you wanna have a attitude,” she said, she grabs t’challa’s waist pulling him closer to give him head, meanwhile m’baku’s member keeps poking at her chest, “please let me eat… fuck” he grunted, “you wannna eat it?” She looks back “mhmm,” she then goes to sit on his face and boy that man went to town devouring her.
“Ouuu fuck yess-eat this pussy baby mmm” She moans rolling her hips as his tongue swirls around clit. She’s stares up at T’challa with a smirk, “mommy please touch me,” he pleaded, his needy eyes said it, she moans taking him in her mouth, she swirls her tongue engulfing his girth in tight throat, he leans his head back moaning the vibrations from her moaning because of m’baku made him almost cum, “mmm fuck yesss… awww-bast!” She squealed m’baku slaps her ass squeezing it. “I’m bout to cum baku, mmm-you betta make me cum,” she whimpered, he pulled her down farther sucking and licking till she cummed on his tongue, she moans and moves out the way “since t’challa didn’t get nun he goes first, go sit down and be a good boy and stroke yourself,” she said.
He did as told sitting down with big thigh spread apart, stroking his big member t’challa pushes me down smacking my ass “hmm, this dom you is not so bad, it’s intriguing,” he smirks “you both told me to take control, shouldn’t be expecting anything less,” she said confidently “ohh this dominant her is torturing, mmm how I want to demolish that pussy you got,” M’baku spoke, she gasps when t’challa’s member slides in thanks to her wetness. “Oh fuck daddy! Mmm yes fuck me goood,” she moans, his hip thrusts hard with no remorse, he wanted her to feel every single bit of him, he grabs her neck pulling her upwards. “Babyyy fuck-you feel so good in my pussy-yesss!” She yells, she stares at m’baku stroking himself even faster, “daddy! I know you wanna cum, come here,” she moans m’baku stood up stroking faster as his grunts get louder and harder, “yess yes yess!” She yelled she opens her mouth for him allowing his seed to spill in to her mouth he pulls away a little to let his cum spill over he face, he bites down on his lip looking down at her cum covered face, “ohhh-t’challa! Please I’m gonna cum,” that man went faster catching her off guard, “look at you taking his dick, I wonder if you can take two,” m’baku smirked mischievously, he stands up fully as t’challa pulls out.
She whines as she looks back at him they switched sides and this t’challa got on the bed and brought her on top of him, M’baku’s thumb rubs circles around her right hole making her whimper, “uhhhnnn stop teasing me baku” she whines, t’challa grips her cheeks spreading them wide for m’baku, m’baku grabs the lub lubricating his dick before aligning himself to go inside, but he teased by poking at her “baku” she said looking back at him wanting him to stop.
He chuckles slowly going in her, she let outs mute gasp feeling his thick member stretch her all the way out right after t’challa stretched her pussy out, she couldn’t get nothing out but broken whimpers, “ughhh! FUCK!” M’baku grunted he slaps her “you’re doing to good my love.. look at you, taking our dicks like a good girl,” t’challa gives her kisses, tears fill her eyes when both of them started fucking her st the same flow, the pleasure and high she was feeling was over the top. Her eyes went back, mind going into a daze when the pleasure reaches her limit she screamed clenching t’challa’s arm and the covers “I can take it I caannnt! Fuck y’all are so big-uhhhh!” She ends up creaming leaving t’challa grunting sucking on her neck “you are taking us so good mami, being s good fucking slut” M’baku slaps her as hard, M’baku grunts said he filled her up with his seed.
His thigh twitch as her overcome his high, t’challa was still going, she felt like she was going to pass out at any second the way they had her overstimulated, “please cum-p-please please!” She begs and that’s what he did, he deeply kisses her while m’baku planted love bites on her skin, “I…I can’t feel my pussy,” she stutters out of breath “nor my ass fuck” M’baku chuckles, t’challa pulls out “I think it’s time we have our futures royalties to our heir come,” he said, “I’m not on the pill so you getting what you wish for,” t’challa smirk standing up holding me up.
“I won’t be able to even stand up no more,” she mumbled. “M’baku can carry you around,” t’challa said while m’baku snickers as he pecks her lips.
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dontask-idkeither · 2 years
Hold me by the heart
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Shuri x Black!Fem!Reader
Word count: 1.4k
Summary: When Shuri is at her absolute worst, you were always right there to hold her and comfort her.
Translation: Ungubani -> Who are you?
Note: T’Challa is very heavily involved here and the overall all fic is pretty sad. This also heavy with grief and has a major Wakanda Forever spoiler, just in case you haven’t watched the movie yet.
Y/F/N means your father’s name, I couldn’t really think of a name to put for that so
Being an war-dog stationed in Austria was not how you expected to be spending your 18th and 19th years of life. After a year in the Austria, you missed everything about home. The air, the water, the people, the food, your culture, your family, your girlfriend. You were sat on the couch in the apartment that had been given to you, clicking through tv stations.
You got to the news to see that the Vienna International Center had been bombed. You sat up as you listened to the headline. When the broadcaster said that King T’Chaka of Wakanda had been assassinated, your heart stopped.
Images of the building on fire, smoke clouds darkening the sky, flashed on your screen. But they didn’t register. The only thing flooding your mind was that your King was dead. Your countries ruler was gone.
And then your mind drifted to your girlfriend, the princess of Wakanda, Shuri. You hadn’t noticed your tears until heavy knocks came to your door. You wiped the tears and looked through the peephole.
There you saw two members of the Dora Milaje at his side. You immediately opened the door and they glided in.
“Ungubani” “Y/N, daughter of Y/F/N” You pulled your bottom lip down to show your war-dog tattoo to the Dora.
T’Challa walked into the apartment. You didn’t look at him for very long, as you lightly bowed your head, but the devastation was clear as day.
“My Prince.” You said as you bowed lightly. You knew very well you weren’t required to do this, it was more so to please the Dora than because of a distant relationship.
T’Challa just pulled you into a hug which you returned instantly. You stayed there for some time, trying to comfort the man you had known as an older brother for years.
He pulled away but left a hand on your shoulder “It’s time for you to come home.” You nodded and you knew the implications behind it.
You knew T’Challa wouldn’t be returning home for long, he was telling you so you could be there for Shuri.
You packed away your things as fast as possible and hurried to the Royal Talon Fighter. The flight was spent mostly in silence, you leaning on T’Challa’s shoulder as a form of comfort. He greatly appreciated it.
When you landed, you were overcome with nerves. You hadn’t been home in a year and the first time you return, is because the man you viewed as a second father was now with the ancestors.
You stood at the top of the stairs and almost went into a panic. T’Challa’s hand squeezed your shoulder in encouragement, you took a deep breath and descended down the stairs.
You saw your girlfriend and her mother standing side by side in front of the palace. Her red, teary eyes lit up when she saw you. She waited until you were some feet away from the plane before she ran into your arms.
You welcomed her and held the back of her head. The world didn’t matter as you held her, all you wanted was to ease her pain. “Thank you for coming.” She said through her tears.
“Shh, no need to thank me.” You pulled away to hold her face, her hands held your wrists. “I will always be here for you.”
N’Jadaka had killed T’Challa. Right in front of your eyes. Your body and mind had gone numb. You sat in one of Wakanda’s lush forests, and for the first time the scenery of Wakanda didn’t have any effect on your sour mood.
Your heartbroken girlfriend sat between your legs, holding your knee as she cried. You had one hand massaging her scalp. Her mother sat in front of you, holding her hand and yours.
“First Baba, and now my brother. Mama we didn't even get to bury him.” You shushed her. Ramonda wiped her tears.
You wished you could be of more comfort for her, but your own pain was rendering you silent.
In a way though, the severity of your own emotion helped Shuri understand that she was not alone in this. She wouldn’t be missing her brother alone. She had her mother, and she had you.
Shuri had been working around her lab trying to find a cure for her brother. You had gone some time before to say your goodbyes to T’Challa in the event he didn’t make it.
You told him how much he meant to you, as a brother, a friend, and as an overall inspiration. You told him that if he didn’t have any fight left in him, that it was ok. That you would take care of his beloved mother and baby sister, that you would protect them with your life. You told him that you would dedicate your life to protecting his honor and his memory, and to making him proud.
With a final squeeze of his hand, you left the room he was in and ran back to the lab. Over the years, Shuri had taught you a lot about technology and you were ready to offer your help in any way you could.
When you got to the lab, people were rushing out. You walked in confused. You saw Shuri standing alone at one of her tables. You walked over to her and before you could say anything, you saw Ramonda walk in.
You felt nauseous because you knew what this meant. You tried to hold it back, but a sob ripped through your chest and you turned away.
“Griot, whats my brothers heart rate?” Shuri asked, voice thick with fear.
“Your brother, is with the ancestors.”
Shuri slowly walked backwards, all the emotion hitting at once. She only heard a faint ringing in her ears and her head felt as if it would explode. Before she fell to the floor in complete agony, your arms wrapped around her weak body.
You eased her way to the floor and she held your biceps tight as she loudly cried. Seeing her in this much pain only worsened your own, you threw your head back as to not see the hurt. You bit your lip so hard you tasted hints of blood. Ramonda slowly walked over to her grieving girls.
The funeral
You still did not feel worthy to walk alongside the Royal Family through this. Despite all the assurances by Ramonda that you belonged there, and Shuri saying how badly you were needed, you still felt unworthy.
You swallowed those insecurities and walked with your head high, but face riddled with exhaustion and all the overall grief you were facing.
T’Challa’s coffin was placed on the ground and before it was lifted, Shuri placed her body over it. Ramonda went to pull her back, but you lightly put your arm in front of her. She looked at you with confusion but you knew Shuri needed this moment.
She didn’t get to properly say goodbye to her own brother, this was her own way of doing that now. After some time, you moved your arm and nodded. Ramonda lightly pulled a broken Shuri from her brother’s coffin and back to her feet.
Shuri placed her face in your neck and you placed your hand on the back of her head.
After the passing of King T’Chaka, you never thought you would leave Wakanda again. Now after losing T’Challa and Ramonda, and all the death you saw in your country, you couldn’t bear to be there. You needed to be far, in order to heal.
That is how you ended up with Shuri in Haiti. You had burned your funeral garments together on the beach and began to heal together.
Right now you sat in your room, writing in your journal. Writing out every thought and feeling you had throughout the day. Shuri had gone for a walk, she felt she needed to be alone with her thoughts.
You had no clue how long you had been writing when the door to your room creaked open. You looked up with a smile to see your lover, but your smile fell when you saw the state she was in.
Her thoughts had clearly taken her down a dark path. She stood in the doorway pulling at her sleeve as she cried. You almost jumped from your chair to hold her.
She kept her arms where they were but she just cried even harder when you held her. “I’m here love. I’m here.”
To that she pulled you in even closer. “Make it stop…” she begged to no one in particular. Your heart broke even further.
You wished you could. You wished you could take all her pain away. Wished you could take all for yourself. But you couldn’t.
What you could and would do, is hold her. Hold her through it all just as you had always done.
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iinkonde · 1 year
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Hii! It’s me, again. Greet me as I greet you:). Today I’ll be listing the very few pet names, phrases of endearment kwasha kwacima… that I know. It’s Valentimes asibe happy sibe merry.
ps: Don’t hold your breath I’m not good at this.
Xhosa and Zulu translated to English(barely)
Sphalaphala sam = My pretty one
Phakade lam = My forever
Soka lami = My partner
Izinyanya zivumile = The ancreators have agreed
Impilo yami ngeke ibe lutho ngaphandle kwakho = My life would be nothing without you
Inhliziyo yami eyakho, uthando lwami lungangolwandle = My heart is yours. My love for you is greater than the ocean/ ocean deep
Mandibon’ ubuhle bakho ikhanda livele lidume = Your beauty makes my head spin
Ngiyocaca naye = I’m going to marry them/him/her
Noma bengathini wena ungowami = Nevermind the naysayers you’re mine.
Inhliziyo yami ishaya kancane mangizwa izwi lakho = My heart beats settles when I hear your voice
Thandiwe = Beloved
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shurishoe · 2 years
Prompt lists
Bc why not
Ps.My cousin made this bc she said I was too boring 😒🙄
Characters: Shuri, Riri, Jamie, Scotty, Peter, T’Challa, Erik, M’Baku.
(Learning when it comes to guys)
“The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.”
“You make a sound and it’s game over.”
“No touching.”
“Does that feel good?”
“Let’s take this outside.”
“We’ll have to make it quick.”
“You’re such a tease.”
“Choke me.”
“Are you just gonna stare?”
“Please, please let me come.”
“If you want it, beg for it.”
“Don’t stop.”
“Come sit on my lap.”
“God, you look good.”
“I could really use a fuck right now.”
“We can take a quick shower.”
“Someone’s happy to see me.”
“Are you sure you want to do this in the car?”
“Don’t come until I tell you to.”
“Where are your manners?”
“I bet you want me pretty bad right now, huh?”
“Are we really gonna do this in public?”
“I’ve been thinking about doing this all day.”
“You’ve got too many clothes on.”
“Have you been good?”
“I want you so badly.”
“I can’t wait any longer.”
“Someone’s gonna hear you.”
“I just cant see myself ever living without you.”
“If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.”
“The closest thing to love at first sight I’ve ever experienced happened when I first laid eyes on you.”
“I didn’t believe in soulmates until I met you.”
“Did you just tell the person I was gonna go out with that we’re dating?”
“You owe me a kiss.”
“Go with me?” “Only if you hold my hand.”
“I’d feel much better if you’d let me walk you home.”
“If I asked you to stay, would you?”
“You make me feel alive. For the first time ever, I feel like I can breathe.”
“I’ve never felt this way before, and truthfully it scares me. But, the idea of never trying scares me even more.”
“You’re telling me you believe in love at first sight?” “I’m starting too.”
“I promised to love you forever, and that is a promise I intend to keep.”
“Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
“You give me a reason to be better, to do better.”
"All I’ve ever wanted was a place to belong. Somewhere I could call home. And you gave me that. Because you are my home.”
“They don’t compare to you. No one does.”
“I thought I had the worst luck, until I met you.”
“No matter how much time we’ve spent apart, I never stopped loving you.”
“I could see the worst parts of you and still think you are the most beautiful person I’ve met.”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“You brought me breakfast?” “Well you said you always forget to eat before you go to work, so I thought I’d make sure you ate something.”
“Everything feels right when you are with me.”
“I don’t care what others say, I want to be with you and that’s all that matters to me.”
“You bought me flowers?” “Yeah, well I noticed you’d seemed kinda down, so I wanted to cheer you up.”
“I’ll be damned if anyone makes you feel like you aren’t worthy of being loved.”
“I wasn’t sure what love really felt like until I met you.”
“You owe me.” “I owe you $20 not a day of pretending to be your boy/girl-friend to get your parents off you’re back.”
“I can braid your hair for you- I mean, only if you want.”
“Maybe if you stopped staring at them and actually talked to them, you might have a chance.”
“You said you wouldn’t fall in love with me.” “I lied.”
“I want you. All of you, and not just halfheartedly, but wholly. And maybe that’s selfish, but I don’t care.”
“Can you stay? Just for tonight, please. I don’t want to be alone with my thoughts.” “'l’ll stay for as long as you need.”
“You are my family.”
“We’ve been by each other’s sides for years, you think I’m gonna leave now?”
“Take my jacket, I don’t want you catching a cold.”
“I’d wait a thousand lifetimes for you, because you are worth waiting for. So when you are ready. I’ll be right here.”
“I will never stop fighting for you. I will never stop protecting you.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you. No matter how hard I try, you’re always on my mind”
“Don’t go on that date.” “Why?” “You know why.” “Say it.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“I don’t want you to die for me, I want you to live for me.”
“I can’t remember the last time I laughed like this.”
“How long have you had this planned?” “Since the moment I fell in love with you.”
“You came all the way here for me?”
“Why are you staring at me?” “Because I think you’re beautiful.”
“I think I’m falling in love with you.” “I think I’m okay with that.”
“What are you doing here?” “I wanted to see if you were okay.”
“The world gets a little brighter when your around.”
“They say we wont last.” “Then lets prove them wrong.”
(love that sad shit)
“All I’ve ever wanted is for you to see me.”
“When did you stop loving me?”
“Just please open your eyes.”
“Wake up. You have to wake up. Please. For me.”
“Just please, don’t leave me.”
“When was the last time you said you loved me, and meant it?”
“Why does everyone always leave?”
“It hurts so much. Why does it hurt so much? I just want it to stop.”
“Forget it. Just like you forget everything else.”
“I never ask for help because I’m not sure I know how.”
“It’s alright to feel broken every once and a while. And it’s alright to take time to heal.”
“I feel like I’m falling apart.”
“What is it about me that isn’t good enough?”
“I wish I was brave.”
“Whats the point in trying if only one of us is willing to?”
“You almost died and you’re making jokes?”
“I’m scared.”
“I don’t need you to tell me who I am!”
“I don’t miss you. I miss us.”
“I thought I’d never see you again.”
“I can’t lose you.” “You already did.”
“Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like you still love me.”
“Will you even miss me at all?”
‘“You weren’t there…why weren’t you there? I needed you! I needed you! And you weren’t there!”
“I would give up everything for the chance to hear your laugh again. To see you smile. To see you happy.“
“If I never see you again, just know that I love you so, so much.”
“All I wanted was a happy ending.”
"Whatever you do, don’t let go.”
“You don’t have to hide your tears from me.”
“What happened to their happily ever after?” “Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.”
“You said we’d be together forever, but I guess forever really isn’t that long.”
“I’m not leaving you here.”
“You left without saying goodbye.”
“For once in your life, do what you want! Be selfish!”
“Being strong doesn’t mean never asking for help or admitting you’re in pain.”
“Whatever you do, do not turn around.”
“No matter what they made you think, you are worth saving. You are worth loving.”
“You said you wouldn’t leave, and then you did.”
“I’m a fool for believing you meant what you said.”
“For what it’s worth, I never gave up on you.”
“You are not your past.”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“This is the third time you’ve broken a promise to me, I’m starting to think you are doing it on purpose.”
“Whatever you do, do not close your eyes.”
“I know you’re tired, but you have to stay awake.”
“I’ll come back for you, I promise.”
“You would risk letting all those people die for one person? Why?” “Because it’s not just one person…it’s you.”
“I’m just tired of being tired.”
“Whatever you do, do not make a sound.”
“I always said I’d die for you.” “I didn’t think you meant literally.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone screw something up that fast before.”
“I’ve never told you that before.”
“You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.”
“At least it couldn’t get any worse.” “I really wish you hadn’t said that.”
“I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.”
“I’m telling you, I’m haunted.”
“You couldn’t handle me even if i came with instructions.”
“Wake me up when it’s over.”
“Next problem… we might die.“
"Where have you been all my life?” “Hiding from you”
“I think… everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves.”
"Abort mission, I repeat abort mission.” “What? Abort what mission? All you were doing was introducing yourself to your neighbor?” “Yeah, and they’re too attractive. I can never speak to them again.”
“At least I kept my promise.”
“I saw you looking at it last time we were in the store together, so I got it for you.”
“…Did you just sniff me?”
“I hope you find it someday.” “Find what?” “Whatever it is you’re looking for.”
“Of course I noticed, I notice everything about you.”
“Are you alright?” “Yeah, why?” “You look mad.” “That’s just my face…”
“You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“You don’t actually have to like me, you just need to pretend you do.”
“Since when did you open a bakery in your house?” “Since I got bored.”
“Can someone explain to me, in not so many words, why they are here?”
“I don’t think I’m alone in here.”
“This place creeps me out.”
“I thought I saw something.”
“Why didn’t you answer your phone?” “Why didn’t you text?”
“You’re bleeding.” “No shit.”
“In case you haven’t heard, there is a bounty on your head.” “Is that why you’re here? To kill me and take the bounty?” “No. I’m here to protect you.”
“For the most part, I am, in fact, an idiot. But I fully admit to it, which should count for something.”
“Stop grumbling and just tell me where your medicine cabinet is.”
“Close your eyes and hold out your hand.”
“I hate that I let you convince me to do this”
“We really need to stop meeting like this. "Then stop breaking into my house!”
“Why are you creeping outside my bedroom window?!” “I thought it would be romantic if I climbed up here.” “You gave me a heart-attack!”
“What are you doing here?” “I got locked out of my house.” “Again?”
“I can’t stand you!” “Then sit down.”
“Where are we going?” “It’s a surprise.” “I hope the surprise involves food.”
“You wont regret it!” “Already am.”
“I like being wanted.” “You should NOT like be wanted by the police!”
“I am nothing if not consistent.” “Yeah, a consistent pain in my ass.”
“What happened?” “Do you want the long version or the short version?” “Uh, short?” “I made a mistake.” “Okay, long version.” “I made a very very big mistake.”
“Do you take constructive criticism?” “Not without crying.”
“Are we all on the same page?” “Yes. Just of different books.”
“Why did you break up with them?” My dog didn’t like them, and that is never a good sign.“
"I’m sorry were you talking to me? I tend to zone out whenever you stark speaking.”
“What happened to your hand?” “I hit my hand on something.” “On what?” “Your ex’s face.”
“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!”
“I’ve been thinking-” “Uh-oh”
“If I survive this, I’m killing you.”
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hyunjin-amore · 6 months
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Ft. Natasha,Bruce,T’challa,Captain America,Hawkeye
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💜 Natasha Romanoff's eyes widened in disbelief as her significant other gave her a playful butt. As she turned around, her expression was a mix of astonishment and hilarity. "Well, well, well, someone's feeling bold," she said, her tone vaguely mixed with humor and amazement.
💜 Her significant other couldn't help but giggle at her response. With a lighthearted sparkle in their eyes, they teased, ""I got you off guard, didn't I?"
💜 Natasha grinned, her astonishment soon giving way to laughter. "That was an impressive move," she said in a slightly seductive tone. "But don't think you can get away with it that easily."
💜 Natasha slapped their butt in return, suddenly surprising them and making them gasp. They both started laughing and slapped and swatted each other back and forth in a playful manner.
💜 Natasha understood that her significant other was expressing their love and desire for fun through their amusing gesture. She liked how they kept her on her toes and how daring they were. She was so appreciative of them at that precise moment and felt a rush of love for them because they made her life more exciting.
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💚 Bruce Banner's dual nature makes him a complex person. This could be Bruce Banner's response to his partner butting his behind.
💚 Bruce Banner's response to his S/O slapping his behind would probably be conflicted. At first, the motion could startle or catch him off guard. He might have trouble processing the incident since he cherishes his privacy and has trouble managing his rage.
💚 In his most composed mood, Bruce may blush or show signs of embarrassment. Given his natural tendency to be more restrained and serious, he might not know how to react. He would, however, like the affectionate and lighthearted gesture.
💚 However, Bruce can become irate or frustrated at the unexpected physical contact if he is already feeling pressured or overburdened. In this situation, he might respond defensively and even inadvertently turn into the Hulk. Bruce's significant other would have to be patient and understanding in order to give him the time he needs to cool off.
💚 All things considered, Bruce Banner's response to his S/O slapping his behind would depend on his emotional state at the time as well as the degree of comfort and trust in the relationship. His S/O must be aware of his boundaries and communicate honestly in order to prevent any unfavorable outcomes.
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🧡 When T'Challa's S/O gave him a playful butt-smack, his eyes widened in shock. His expression was a mix of surprise and laughter as he turned around. "My love, what was that?" he questioned, a hint of surprise and interest in his voice.
🧡 His significant other burst out laughing at his response. With a cheeky gleam in their eyes, they mocked, "Took you off guard, didn't I?"
🧡 With a warm smile spreading across his lips, T'Challa laughed. "To be sure, you did," he answered in a loving tone. "But I must say, I appreciate your playful spirit."
🧡 His significant other arched an eyebrow while grinning mischievously. "Oh really? You're not annoyed, then?"
🧡 T'Challa grinned broadly and shook his head. "No, not at all. "It was pleasantly surprising, but it made me smile," he said, his voice glowing with affection.
🧡 His significant other smiled and moved in closer. Their tone was lighthearted as they said, "Well, in that case, maybe I should do it again."
🧡 T'Challa's enjoyment glistened in his eyes. With a sudden humorous tone, he joked, "Oh, you think you can get away with that?" They yelled in shock as he playfully whacked their butt in return.
🧡 They both started laughing and slapped and swatted each other back and forth in a playful manner. T'Challa understood that his significant other was only expressing their love and desire for fun with this playful gesture. He was moved by their audacity and the sense of life and love they gave him. He was very appreciative of the enthusiasm they brought into his life at that precise moment.
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Captain America
❤️ Captain America and his companion were lounging and watching a movie on a calm evening at home. Captain America's companion leaned over to give him a friendly smack on the butt as they cuddled on the couch.
❤️ Captain America was initially shocked. He blinked and turned to face his partner, startled a little by the sudden action. But suddenly, as he became aware of what had transpired, a malicious smile appeared on his face.
❤️ "Hey there, are you trying to start something, soldier?" With amused twinkles in his eyes, Captain America mocked.
❤️ Laughing, his buddy reddened, wondering that perhaps they had gone too far. "I apologize; I just couldn't resist. You simply have such a cute, eh, butt. "They stumbled, a bit ashamed.
❤️ Captain America laughed and drew his buddy in closer, encircling them with his powerful arms. He winked and added, "Well, I guess I can't complain about a compliment like that."
❤️After that, their peaceful evening became jovial and flirty as Captain America and his companion made jokes and jeered at one another. They became even closer during that enjoyable and carefree moment.
❤️ Captain America couldn't help but feel appreciative of his partner's affection and laughter as they continued to enjoy each other's company. And as they continued to have more fun together, he realized that happiness and love would always be a part of their relationship.
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💙 Hawkeye was walking hand in hand through the busy downtown streets with his significant other. They were relishing the peace and quiet away from their hectic lives as they spent a nice evening together. Hawkeye's significant other couldn't help but chuckle as they walked past him.
💙 With a look of surprise on his face, Hawkeye came to a stop. He glanced at his significant other, a slight flush beginning to appear on his face. His eyebrows shot up in delight as he questioned, "Did you just...smack my butt?"
💙 His significant other laughed naughtily, a twinkle in their eyes. They winked slyly and joked, "I couldn't resist; you just have such a nice rear end."
💙 Hawkeye shook his head, laughing uncontrollably as his expression softened into a grin. As he pulled his significant other into a close embrace, he remarked, "You're lucky. I like you so much." "But don’t think you’re getting away with that without some payback."
💙 For the rest of the evening, they couldn't help but joke around and make provocative remarks, as they couldn't help but share the joke with their friends and family. Hawkeye's S/O had learned, to his surprise and joy, that they had unintentionally discovered a foolproof way to make him blush, although they were careful to use it rarely. From then on, whenever they went for a walk, there was a perpetual feeling of uncertainty about when they might hit do it again. Hawkeye was overjoyed by this.
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pnthrblk · 2 years
Ok, So I’m kinda new to the BP fandom but I’m not new to BP in general, and I want to get to know all the other people known to the fandom, How do I start??? I also have a book that I want to publish on her that I already have on Wattpad, Should I do it?
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(P.S. This man is toooo fine 😩😩😩)
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songficsbyrissi · 1 year
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Trophy Wife Masterlist
Erik Killmonger x Black!Reader
What happens when T’Challa is killed in ritual combat, leaving his beau at the mercy of a terrifying, womanizing new king? What happens when that new king sees the use in keeping her by his side to seal his legitimacy?
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Chapter 1 . . . . . released on Nov 12 2022
Chapter 2 . . . . . released on Dec 19 2021
Chapter 3 . . . . .
Chapter 4 . . . . .
Chapter 5 . . . . .
Chapter 6 . . . . .
Chapter 7 . . . . .
Chapter 8 . . . . .
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completed • in progress • nsfw • coming soon
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readingstufffff · 2 years
Where Red Meets Blue In The East
Okoye x OC Valentina
Warning:(Includes sensitive info)
Chapter 1 - kind of a prologue but not really :)
Next chapter
I never thought I would have ended up here separated from my family and on the verge of death. I always thought it’d be something worse, left to starve, eaten alive, maybe even torn apart. However, the plans the gods had for my life never seized to utterly surprise me.
I could feel the cold ground beneath me. My mind fuzzy and my body weak, I could hear my heart beating in my ears, and the brisk night air. Everything around me moved so slow, it was making me dizzy. The numbing pain running through my body weakening my ability to think clearly as I grabbed at anything near me. I felt so scared, but giving up felt like the best thing to do right now. My only clear thought being that of a calm endless sleep far away from the pain I felt. Not only on my physical body, but also the never ending replay of nightmares that plagued my head. A sleep where maybe I would be reunited with my parents and younger sister. A place in which the gods would allow us to be a family once more.
Then again life’s never been fair with me.
The moment my life began to go down hill was when I had just turned sixteen. Turns out being gifted by the god Tezcatlipoca wasn’t at all how I’d thought it’d be. My parents and I weren’t special as we were simply villagers, farmers that had a routine in our society. We never wished for anything outside of that routine let alone to be “blessed” by such a god. Then without warning on the morning of my sixteenth birthday I was given the very gift to manipulate power in any form imaginable. Being so week at that age I had absolutely no control of such a strong power. My power turned to destruction. Soon word spread quickly that A kid with such a gift existed, and everything in my life tumbled to the ground like mere pile of rocks.
I was soon separated from my parents and little sister in a savage manner. Ripped from the arms of my crying mother and not being able to say goodbye to my father. I was caged then taken to many buyers, horrible people with money, who wanted to use me as a party trick or for their rich fancy party friends. My traffickers never disclosed the details of my powers to anyone as they did not know it themselves. So, I was glad that I was never bought as a weapon. Many times I made appearances at rich kids birthday parties. My name, Valentina Siuapilli, helped with the names they gave the shows. My name meant “Strong princess”. The markings on my skin, my glowing eyes as I did floating tricks, and my native tongue made me that much more exotic to these people. They treated me like a simple party animal. The only good side of those parties is how I was able to learn English by listening to them as they spoke around me throughout the years. They angered me so much at times and that would cause me to lose control of my power. I quickly learned how to calm myself if that were to happen again and I was able to keep the markings on my body from turning blue. Which was not too difficult as they only appeared when my emotions were out of control and oddly enough breathing through it does help. A lot.
Soon enough I was old news to them. A one trick pony as they hated how I had learned to speak English. They said I wasn’t so exotic anymore and that my tricks were boring. I was glad I never had to perform for those brats again. Unfortunately a couple years later, when being traded off I landed in the hands of a group of scientists. By now I was at the ripe age of twenty-five. I was older now could understand more and these scientists were not the good kind you see on tv.
They experimented on me in many ways: blood samples, energy levels, and they tried to touch me in ways I do not wish to remind myself of. Luckily I used my power in those moments and never let them get to far. I know I could have freed myself many times, but every time I was bought or simply passed on to a knew owner they were given the location of my family. I could do nothing but play my part until I could make sure my family was out of harms reach.
Life apparently had other plans for that too…
Not long after, the scientists gained control over a couple of other kids. Some younger some older. It pained me too see their tired faces, helpless looks in their eyes, they had given up. And I soon found out why, though I wished I didn’t because it was far worse than any pain I could have ever received.
One by one every kid or teenager was taken a blood sample of. Then sent into their own individual capsules. I did not like these scientists but I was curious, and when I questioned why we were all being put in capsules my question was met with a grin. A grin that had haunted me every night even now. My heart sank, and everything went silent. My body numb. No longer feeling the sting of the needle in my forearm. My head slowly dropped as a man walked me towards an open capsule. Looking up and remembering my surroundings my body reacted. I ran put was quickly caught and shoved into the plastic looking tube, but when I tried to used my powers it was no good. Over and, and over, and over again, I wailed and screamed at the man who smiled back at me on the other side. I hated the grin that was still plastered on his face.
I was terrified. I had just been told we would all be frozen so we could be preserved forever. I didn’t want to die this way! Then it clicked… what about my family. I banged on the glass harder begging the man through teary eyes to let me out as the salty drops of water hit the metal ground. I begged and pleaded. The palms of my hands turning red and my blue markings starting to glow. I told him I wanted to see my family that I couldn’t die yet. His grin became wider more sinister. His words nearly caused my death alone.
They were dead… they had been killed as soon as I was handed off to these men.
Tears now rushing out like a waterfall no sound came out of my mouth as I hit the back of my now cage. My body slowly slid down as I hugged my knees. My body quivering as a couple of short and shaky breaths left my body. My markings dimmed for a moment. I could not believe it. Were they really gone? No. He surely just wanted to torment me. Right? I shook my head hugging my knees tighter to the point I could rip the the old shags these men had given me. I didn’t want to loose my parents. Then the thought of something worse hit me harder than ever when I realized my sister could be dead too. I could no longer breath, my eyes wide and tears still falling. I started to sob my cry’s slowly increasing. And my markings increasing in glow. I tried to hold back but, I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I let it all out ripping my pants where my fingers squeezed. Drawing blood with my finger nails. I screamed as loud as my voice allowed me too. Letting my markings fill the room with a blinding blue light. Slowly I felt cold, my eyes started to droop. It was difficult to stay awake; then without any warning it all went black. At least I left without pain, or at least I thought I had died that day.
I didn’t. I wish I did. That however, was not the case. I was awoken a hundred years later, not by choice, a group of armed men found us in the forgotten lab. The scientists left us for dead apparently. No sign they would come back for us. And just like that the few of us that were able to come back from the ice were taken and once again sold. This time I was sold with two other boys to three men which abused us. They beat the boys almost killing them and I couldn’t do anything either. I didn’t have my family so I could run away this time, but I soon found out that now a hundred years later technology was far greater. Somehow these men took away any power ever I had.
Those two years were painful. The first weeks I simply mourned the death of my family. Not being able to use them I soon forgot how to control my power’s; I was never touched by these men they called me their diamond, but the boys were abused everyday. At the two year mark they were both dead. They had both ended it one following after the other. I was alone. Again.
Just like the many times before, I was sold. Thankfully this was the last time. I was given to a skinny man in the black market. Still powerless. By this time I was twenty- eight, somehow i had kept track. I ate the food he gave and on the nights I wasn’t in the tiny cage at the entrance of his shop, I worked out. In hopes that maybe one day I would get out and be strong enough to defend myself. As I was skinny my whole life and never gained any weight. Halfway through that year I had nearly lost hope of getting out, or being bought, but two tall white men entered the shop wanting a set of weapons. They claimed they wanted to steal something called “vibranium” from a country called “ Wakanda”. They both described the city as futuristic capable of far more than any other country in the world. They continued to tell the man about how it was hidden in plain sight away from the rest of the world; with flying ships and an endless supply of whatever vibranium was. The men argued like five year-olds as they rumbled about how they got to live peacefully while the rest of us struggled in life.
I didn’t think much of it that night not wanting to get my hopes up for a possibly mystical fantasy place. I did however memorize every word those two men said: Wakanda, in Africa, barrier, safe place. That was all I wanted from life right now. If it wasn’t death than Wakanda could be my best option for a better life.
There was my motivation. I kept going, kept pushing on. I did not want to lose hope just yet if it meant there was even the slightest possibility of me getting a normal life. Then over the rest of the year I continued my routine of working out and by the end of it I had enough muscle to be considered lean. The hardest part of having hope is being patient. Patient enough to sit and wait for the best opportunity to escape. This was the first time I witnessed what people refer to as a miracle. A woman in a leather jacket passed by my cage looking me up and down before walking inside. I thought the act was an insult so I rolled my eyes and focused on the neon lights across from me again. Then I heard key jangle behind me. I looked back to find my cage door open the woman standing there telling me to come out. So I did. She paid the man and walked out of the shop with me following her footsteps. I asked her what she needed from me and she said she only wanted me out of that cage and that I was free now. To do as I pleased. She then pulled out a remote switching it off then crushing it under her shoe. I blinked not knowing what to say as the energy of my power spread through my veins. The feeling was nostalgic. I thanked her, then considered trying my luck by asking her if she by any chance could take me to Wakanda. She told me the farthest she could take me was Nigeria. I asked if it was close and she told me it was right below Wakanda. I thanked her once again asking for her name, the woman said she would like to keep that hidden. I nodded and I continued to follow behind her.
Before I knew it I was on a plane with her from the United States to Africa, or at least that’s what she told me. I had never flown in a plan before considering how airplanes weren’t a thing were I was from. In 1918 planes weren’t worldwide.
After the flight she got me a hotel and gave me enough money to sustain myself for a few weeks. The first week I simply did my research by listening to conversations in bars, and found out the men were right, the hidden Wakanda was out of sight no one knew exactly where. All they talked about was how they resided beyond the thick rainforest far past Nigeria.
The next morning I packed a bag with supplies and headed out to find a man willing to take me out to the middle of the Sambia Forest, It was the fastest way to get to Wakanda, one man did agree. Taking me as far as he was willing to Im order to keep himself safe. Saying it was dangerous to go further than halfway due to the dangerous men who drove through this forest. I did not listen, nor did I care and left the car walking deeper into the forest.
I walked until sundown, and though my feet hurt I started climbing up tree. It had a perfect view from the top to be able to see any danger and it was next to a dirt road that signaled my path to Wakanda. Plus it was comfy…enough. I knew I still had a long way to go, but with a small village ahead I was sure I could ask, in some way, for directions. I stayed awake as long as my eyes could fight to stay open but eventually fell asleep.
Not long after, my ears picked up the sound of tires traveling across the dirt. Leaves rustled and engines were closing in. I panicked quickly getting up to see what was happening. Were they her for me? I hoped my markings weren’t glowing. I did not want to lose my cover.
A group of six or more cars stopped directly in from of me. A man with a large gun stepped out seemingly inspecting his vehicle then looking around. The leader. Another stepped out of the vehicle behind him asking what had happened and if they were in danger. The leader said nothing. He raised his head looking around once more before telling his men to get into a defense position. They spread the word to the other twelve men, that’s when I saw the big truck, something important must be in there. I saw a shadow move to my left. I couldn’t see who it was but when he, or it, jumped down he moved faster than any of the men. Slowly taking down each of the men. The bullets being shot in an effort to defend themselves, not penetrating his cat like black suit. A woman stepped out of the big truck taking one of the fallen men’s gun and using it to knock two other men out. The men in the suit was just about to kill a young looking boy. The woman who stepped out of the truck pulled the boy away from his reach telling the other to stop. That the boy was still a child. She seemed mad taking of a green scarf and tunic off, but the man only stood frozen mumbling something you could not hear. A hidden man with a gun pointed at a hostage claiming he would shoot her if they did not surrender. He was quickly stabbed by another woman. This one wore red armor covering the were it was crucial and she looked like a warrior, a very strong one. She seemed to joke to the man in cat suit saying that he had frozen. The man sighed heavily. The three all stood together not seeing the last and final man pointing his gun at the lady from the truck.
Without hesitation I jumped from the tree. Using whatever knowledge I still had about how to use my power to perfect my landing to be in front of this lady. Taking the powerful shot. The bullet landed right below my heart, making it feel like the air had been knocked out of me. As I fell i could faintly see the warrior woman stab the man through the chest.
My landing was soft as I could feel soft fabric on my neck. I tried to blink and open my eyes but it was far to difficult. I only saw blurs of green and black, a hint of red came into view. My ears rang from how close the shot had been hearing muddled noise. I was able to open my eyes slightly, the pain increasing but I saw the warrior her face was neutral I could only make out the slight confusion as her brow furrowed and un-furrowed . Blue light slowly filled the corners of my vision. My markings were increasing the amount power that ran through my veins keeping me alive. Slowly I closed my eyes. I could feel my conscious slipping and as it did a wave of energy hit my body before I completely blacked out. Something was happening to me, or my body.
I wanted the god Mictlantecuhtli to take me to Mictlan, the underworld, So I could end this suffering for once and for all. I wanted him to so bad, but I could feel it in me. The defiance of death. I needed to live. I didn’t know for what, or who…
I don’t know what to say other than enjoy!! I hope to be updating this soon, if not by next week. :)
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missdforever · 2 years
Anybody have any Marvel recs I can read?? I’m tired of reading the same shit😗
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szagaloree · 2 years
Master list❄️🦋Oneshot request rules!
I do NOT give consent to any of my writting on third parties not other writings! Please do not steal!
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Like ice❄️ x T’challa (complete)
I see you (complete)~link updated
Pov (complete)
I’m comin home (complete)
Fell in luv (coming soon)
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Erik killmonger
I don’t mind
Set fire to the rain(new release🎊)
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T’challa(coming soon)
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Bruce banner (coming soon)
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Hulk/Proff hulk
into you
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Tony Stark (Coming Soon)
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Jake Sully
Three hearts combined(arrival🍾)
Sativa (coming soon)
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Let the shadows fall behind you(now out!🎉)
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Neytiri (Coming Soon)
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Quartritch His wife
Eywa’s gift from hell
Still don’t know my name (coming soon)
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shurishoe · 2 years
Alr so here’s the people I’m writing for so far
Shuri Udaku
Riri Williams
Jamie Harrison
Here’s some people I might write for
King T’Challa
People I want to write for
Peter Parker (Tom Holland/Andrew Garfield versions)
Kate bishop (Gonna rewatch Hawkeye soon)
Izogie-Woman king
Gonna add to this later
What do y’all think?
Leave some requests?
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chaneajoyyy · 2 years
Is there a fic where TChalla is in America and he almost gets arrested for something I can’t remember what but he had to convince police that he was the King of Wakanda
Yes! There is! And I’m pretty sure that was one of @brihann ‘s t’challa x blackactress!reader stories in the story universe. I’m sure I have it somewhere in my tags. Can’t remember the title of the story but I do know it exists!
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nickeverdeen · 1 year
Hi!! Could I please get a matchup for marvel? I'm a straight female and my pronouns are she/her.
I'm fairly introverted and it takes me a while to warm up to people. I love reading, my room is filled with stacks of books. I especially enjoy true crime, poetry and Russian literature! I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, pulling harmless pranks, joking around and having indepth discussions on anything and everything. I love helping out and people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'd consider myself really smart and I'm very ambitious; I love being the best at everything I do. I daydream a lot and I'm a hopeless romantic! I enjoy all forms of art and storytelling, my favorite is film. I have quite a few creative hobbies! I'm 5'9 and I have long and curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. I dress mostly in relaxed suits, blazers and coats and I love the occasional dress or sweaters layered over a white button down! I'm a taurus sun, gemini moon and scorpio rising!
Thank you very much!! I hope you have a wonderful day 🌟
Hm, cute, I believe I have a match for you…
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T’Challa would like to exchange his opinion on certain books with you
He’d often come to you for advice and would let you know that you can come to him
He adores the fact that you’re ambitious
Supports you at everything you do
T’Challa would buy you any kind of books you’d want or well simply anything
Also likes to talk about random stuff when he’s not bussy
Considering T’Challa is a king he’d be often seperated from you so he’s enjoying every moment with you
As long as the pranks are harmless he’d be down for pranking his sister
If you’d be the one who’d prank him he’d probably expected that it’s gonna happen one day and he definetly wouldn’t get mad
One of his love languages is buying you things so he wouldn’t just buy you books, he would buy you clothes and well, whatever you want
Gives you your own suit so you could protect yourself
T’Challa trusts you fully and hopes you also trust him
Plays with your hair
Tells you how gorgerous you are everyday
I really miss him
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oreosmilkshakes · 2 years
Pulchritudinous Promises
Summary: Sometimes, love can be found in the most unexpected places
Pairing: Namor/K’uk’ulkan x reader
Fandom: Marvel- Black Panther Wakanda Forever
Word Count: 8,262
Warning(s): !!There are/maybe spoilers!!, canon divergence, violence, slight/sort-of Hades-Persephone trope (I hope ☹), fluff
A/N: There are details in the story here that don’t exactly follow canonically, per se but I hope I got this right! I came across this post by @beautybyfire​ and I thought of giving the idea a shot. This is a very loooong piece too.
A/N 2: I hope I didn’t overdo it on the suit because I tried my best to keep it true as to the movies. And tbh, this isn’t exactly my best piece. But, enjoy and comments are appreciated! ;-;
Taglist: @beautybyfire​
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The day was solemn, the skies were shining ahead brightly yet the air was heavy. [Name] hung her head low, the white veil covered her expression from the others. Mother held Shuri as she sobbed on the black casket before them. She felt the tight squeeze in her heart, eyes closed as she took a step forward. A hand placed on Shuri’s shoulder while another on her brother’s casket. “Death is never the end, brother. May Bast grant you peace in the afterlife with the ancestors,” She muttered. Mother wrapped her arms around both of her children, gently tugging them back as the Royal Ship took away T’Challa’s casket. Mother moved a hand to [Name]’s chin, her eyes filled with so much sadness after the loss of her son. The princess leaned into her mother’s shoulder, her cries silent as she mourned for the loss of her brother.
Life has to go on. T’Challa would want that.
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A year has passed since T’Challa’s death. Everyday, by the river of her getaway home, [Name] prayed to Bast, praying that her brother was well with the ancestors and that She gave her the strength to push on every day. Life was hard after T’Challa’s death but she had to move on. As the middle child to Queen Ramonda and the older sister of Shuri, Princess [Name] was next in line to be Queen and the next Black Panther. She felt that it was too quickly for her to take up the mantle but she cannot leave Wakanda defenceless. So, she and Shuri got to work over creating a synthetic heart-plant. The siblings would spend days and weeks on the creation and even with the help of Griot, it was time consuming and everyday, [Name] prayed that their formula would work.
Her prayers did not fall on deaf ears because when they finally got the right formula, Shuri immediately instructed Griot to print the plant. Mother was present too and [Name] thanked Bast for the absolute miracle, Shuri bringing over the plant that was cupped in her hands.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Mother asked and the princess looked up. She nodded, shedding her coat and folded it on a nearby chair.
Mother pulled away, taking the plant from Shuri. “I will get the plant ready for the ritual,” she said, leaving shortly.
“I want to, Mother. T’Challa made me promise him. A promise that I would always keep you, Shuri and Wakanda safe. How am I to fulfil his wishes if I do not take up the mantle of the Black Panther,” [Name] replied softly and her Mother smiled. The Queen moved around the table, bringing her daughter into a hug.
[Name] sighed softly, returning the hug. She didn’t want to break her promise to T’Challa. After all, she was ready. All of her time spent training beside her brother led to this moment.
“To me, you will always be that adorable little girl,”
[Name] sat on the bed and Shuri approached her with a sad smile. The elder princess took Shuri’s hand, recognising the look on her face. “I know that look, Shuri. What’s wrong?” And at that, the genius woman sighed.
“I’m just..I’m just afraid that I would lose you too. Taking up the Black Panther mantle..it’s a big responsibility, you know? What if you run into battle and never return? What if you fought and didn't survive? You and Mother are all I have left,” Shuri confessed. [Name] smiled widely at her words.
“Shuri, little sister. You won’t lose me. I promise you this. Whatever happens in the future. Whatever threatens our kingdom in the future, I promise you this, Shuri. I will never leave you or Mother alone. Okay?” [Name] gently pinched her sister’s cheek and the princess grumbled at the gesture.
“Why do you keep doing that? I am not a five-year-old anymore,” Shuri rubbed her cheek and [Name] laughed.
The siblings shared a laugh as Mother returned with a bowl in her hands. Shuri stepped back and [Name] laid on the bed, exhaling deeply. “You know what to do if this doesn’t work, right?” she looked at Shuri. The young princess nodded, removed her Kimoyo beads and placed them on her sister’s chest. Mother brought the bowl down onto [Name]’s lips and as the liquid seeped past her lips and down her throat, Mother and Shuri began chanting.
[Name] shut her eyes, praying to Bast that this would work.
[Name] awoke with a loud gasp, looking up into the purple skies. She swallowed, the sound of water caught her attention first as she stood up slowly. She noticed she was dressed in white, raising her head to face the river. [Name] took a step into the water. It was cold and shallow and the peace she felt was beyond anything. She wondered who she would see. Would it be an ancestor? Her father? Or perhaps her brother? She leaned down, her fingers dipped into the cool water. Her eyes fluttered shut, easing her mind and body.
But the silence was soon broken by a low growl behind her. [Name] furrowed her brows, regaining her posture as she turnt. A tall figure stood before her, a goddess, one with the head of a Panther.
“Bast!” [Name] gasped, moving to kneel before the Goddess but she was stopped by a hand under her arm.
“Please, my devoted child. There is no need for that,” The Panther said and the woman stood back up.
“You have suffered greatly, [Name]. The loss of your father, losing your family to the universe cleanse and now, you have lost your brother. Yet, with each turn, you sought me for help. Child, I admire your strength and your devotion towards me. You seek power in the heart-shaped plant and I am giving you so much more so you shall keep your promise to your brother. Your protection to your family and your kingdom will last endlessly,” Bast said, laying a hand on [Name]’s head. At her words, the princess allowed her tears to fall, tearing down her walls as she silently cried.
“Thank you, Goddess..Thank you..,” She wiped her tears, closing her eyes.
“My brother..is he with the ancestors?” Her voice was quiet.
“Yes, my child. He rests with the ancestors. He is very proud of you and Shuri, little one. Though he may have left the world, he still resides in all of your hearts. Never forget that, child,” Bast’s voice faded, leaving the woman alone.
[Name] sat up from the table, gasping hard. Mother and Shuri had their hands on her as the princess slowed her breathing.
“Who did you see? Did you see T’Challa?” Mother asked and she shook her head.
“No, Mother. I saw our Goddess. I saw Bast,”
Shuri gasped.
The mannequin was shoved backwards, hard, wedged into the wall.
“But how is that possible? How could you see Bast?”
[Name] swallowed, shaking her head.
“I don’t know either. I thought I would see our father or our brother but Bast herself came to see me,” The woman moved, swinging her legs off the bed. She flexed her fingers, feeling normal so far.
“If I met Bast..this would mean that the ritual worked, right?” [Name] questioned, approaching a mannequin. Examining it to ensure it was sturdy, she gave it a hard kick.
[Name]’s jaw dropped, snapping her head towards Mother and Shuri.
“Woah..,” she said, attention turning to the small glass of water on the table. She furrowed her brows, moving a hand up in the direction of the glass. [Name] moved her fingers and the contents within the glass moved along with it.
“But…But that is impossible,” Shuri tilted her head. Mother too had a shocked expression but it returned to a smile.
“Bast has granted you the power of the Gods indeed. The Black Panther lives!”
“The Black Panther lives!” Shuri copied and [Name] knew this would be the beginning of her heroic life.
The testing lab was bustling with technicians and engineers, Shuri’s minions, of course. The youngest princess was busy working on the final touches of [Name]’s new Vibranium suit while the newest protector had spent her time assisting both her mother in the royal duties as well as her sister in testing out the new suit. Truthfully, apart from her new strength and enhanced abilities as well as water manipulation, she did not know what else she got.
“The suit is ready,” Shuri set down her holo-tablet, picking up the metal bangles from the table. [Name] approached the table as well. “This is still very new but I can promise you that this suit is perfect,” Shuri fastened the Vibranium bangles on each of her sister’s wrist. She stepped back, activating her Kimoyo beads to record.
“How do I activate the suit?” [Name] adjusted the bangles, stepping back just in case anything happens.
“I simplified it. Cross your arms over your chest,” Shuri instructed.
The princess nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. The bangles touched and soon enough, she felt her body engulfed in the nano-suit. The helmet covered her head and [Name] opened her eyes. They widened, looking down at her hands. Shuri was cheering loudly, ending the recording momentarily.
“Damn, sister. You look good,” Shuri took one of her sister’s arms and dragged her to the mirror.
Shuri clicked her tongue. “Anyway, I designed this suit specifically to match your abilities. Strength, agility, durability, all the usual stuff. Flick your wrist for me,” [Name] did as she was told and claws shot out from the nails as well as her toes.
[Name]’s jaw dropped, looking at Shuri’s new masterpiece. Her suit reflected most of the past Black Panthers but it came with many modern twists. The nano-tech was the first example but the colours, while it was traditional, instead of the usual black and gold or black and purple, her suit was black, blue with some bits of silver-white. There was a short cape that connected to the fur around her neck.
“You know, maybe I should start getting you to design everything for me because Shuri, by Bast, this is amazing,” The nano-helm retracted back to reveal the wide smile on [Name]’s lips.
“The suit is water-sensitive. Which means, once it touches water, it will power up the suit. You will get stronger. Of course, in addition to your new water bending powers,” Shuri chuckled as the older princess relaxed her fingers. The sharp vibranium claws retracted. She brought the bangles together and the suit quickly disappeared back to the metal bands.
[Name] exhaled softly, the excitement slowly dying down upon realising that the first anniversary of their brother’s passing is in a few days time.
The younger stopped, turning around.
“Do you remember what’s coming up soon?” Her voice was quiet as she approached her sister. Shuri’s expression faltered, a frown clear on her face.
“One year since brother’s passing,”
“Yes..Do you have any plans for the day?”
Shuri pursed her lips as [Name] took her hands. It was clear the pain still rests in her heart.
“No. Not at the moment. I’m afraid that If I do something, I will reopen the wound,”
“I know. I’m afraid too. But Mother says she has plans and she wants the both of us to come with her,”
Shuri gave a muffled reply.
Shuri raised an eyebrow. “Where?”
The older one shrugged. “Mother didn’t say,” And Shuri nodded, leaning in for a hug. [Name] sighed softly, returning the tight hug. She knew how Shuri felt, sympathising with her sibling. “I love you, Shuri. I won’t ever leave you, okay?”
The fateful day arrived and Mother had brought them to the Wakandan Rivers. Shuri had started a fire while [Name] gathered the stick for burning. The skies were dark but the moonlight above shone bright. The sound of nocturnal animals was somewhat comforting during this dark time.
Namor approached the three, Mother and Shuri had the spear tip pointed towards him.
[Name] stood by the water, kneeling before it as she prayed silently to Bast. Mother was speaking to Shuri. [Name] felt minor vibrations from the water, looking up to find a small herd of elephants approaching the water for a drink. She moved a hand into the water, feeling the vibrations. The water was calm, ripples light until the ripples got faster and heavier. Her head snapped up, a figure hovering over the water.
“Mother!” She called out, alarming the older women and Shuri. Both moved to grab their spears and [Name] stood guard as the figure hovered to land. Water dripped from his body, the jewels he wore glinted under the pale moonlight. [Name] wore a calm expression, studying the potential threat before her. His ears were pointed, wings on his ankles which gave him flight. He wore nothing but a green short decorated with gold. His pectoral, a gorgeous shade of blue and gold, fulgent under the moon. He glanced over to the woman, his own eyes studying the woman’s form.
“Stop right there!” Mother hissed. Namor raised a hand up, running his fingers through his dripping hair.
“Who are you and how did you get in here?”
Namor inhaled deeply, looking around. “This place is amazing. The air is pristine,” He faced the river. “And the water..,” The King turned back to Mother.
“My mother told stories about a place like this. A protected land with people that never have to leave, that never have to change who they were..,” Namor turned to [Name], keeping his eyes on her momentarily before returning to Mother.
“What reason do you have to reveal your secret to the world?”
Mother gripped her spear, [Name] was ready to defend her in case he decided to attack.
“I am NOT a woman who enjoys repeating herself. Who are you?!”
Namor had a smug look on his face.
“I have many names. My people call me..K’ul’ulkan. But my enemies call me Namor,”
“I need your people to do something for me. It is something..important to me and my people. Surface dwellers intruded my waters, bringing their technology to my sea in search of Vibranium. They talk of a scientist in America. I want you to bring her to me,” Namor stepped forward, placing the conch shell down.
“Should you have acquired this American scientist, speak into the shell. I will come. I leave that in your hands,”
Namor gave one last look to [Name], jumping back into the water.
The tension in the air left as soon as he swam away. [Name] looked ahead, a large piece of equipment sat on the grass. “How did they do that?” Shuri thought aloud as she laid the spear down.
“Mother, what should we do?” [Name] turned to the Queen, who visibly relaxed. The silence indicated that she was deep in thought, possibly planning out future situations should they not comply.
“We will take the device back to Shuri’s lap. Both of you will work on this together. This changes everything,”
Work could never be finished especially when the many lives within Wakanda are under threat. Shuri took apart the machine, examining each part closely to find out more about the device. She was impressed at the fact that this machinery was mostly made out of everyday materials. Garbage, to say the least. ‘Whoever made this is a genius and resourceful,’ Shuri made a mental note, pulling up the protective goggles as the piece of metal she was cutting fell off the side.
Meanwhile, [Name] was working on decoding the device’s internal drive, digging deeper on where the device came from.
“This is some impressive coding. Whoever did this..it’s clearly above their paygrade,” She told Shuri. “The codes are simple but they work so perfectly in what they do. How is it possible that that piece of junk can even detect Vibranium?” [Name] leaned back on her seat, tapping the tip of her pen against her lips.
“All of this is made of..trash,” Shuri set down a piece of equipment. She hadn’t realised Mother had entered her lab and was talking to Okoye. [Name] wheeled herself over to the big machinery, looking up.
“What do you think they’re talking about?”
Before Shuri could reply, both had turned to the siblings.
“Okoye is insisting that she takes the lead in the investigation in America and she wants to bring Shuri and [Name]-,”
“When are we leaving?” Both asked, interrupting Mother. The older woman sighed, lips pursed as she turned to Okoye. She worries for the wellbeing of her children going on his mission but she trusts the General and her oldest daughter.
“We leave as soon as possible,” Okoye nodded.
Just when [Name] thought things couldn't get any worse..
The trio had managed to track down Riri Williams, a student studying in MIT who had apparently made the Vibranium detection device. Shuri managed to persuade the young girl to follow them to Wakanda and she had agreed, not wanting to succumb into the hands of her supposed water hunters.
The team hid in Riri’s warehouse, red and blue lights flashing through the tinted windows.
But, she snapped back into reality when a sudden force struck the car.
“We meet at the rendezvous point. Shuri, get in the car,”
“No, sister. I think it’s best if we separate. Don’t make us easy targets,” Shuri reasoned. [Name] thought her reasoning. It was true. Okoye was about to protest but the older princess raised her hand up. “General, take the wheel. Shuri, ride safely. Riri, watch the skies. Let’s get out of here,” [Name] got into the car with Okoye, the car revving to life with the help of Griot. Shuri had rode off with Okoye’s car following suit. The American authorities were hot on their tails. “Griot, follow Shuri. Don’t let her out of our sight,” Okoye instructed. A HUD formed on the windshield of the car, directions to their rendezvous point clear on the screen. [Name] turned around, bullets struck the back of the muscle car.
“We have to get clear of their guns,” [Name] turnt back, her hands moving around the HUD screen to find their next best route. “Take a hard right into the alley. There’s a road on the other side that leads towards the bridge,” She swiped the GPS back to Okoye. The General swerved the car, the wheels skidding hard against the asphalt as she turned into the alley. [Name] was focused on her sister and planning on their escape route, the bridge was in view and the authorities were falling behind.
“Shuri!” [Name] screamed, the impact threw the bike mid-air. The car overturned, slamming down on the hard floor with a loud bang. The princess groaned, knocking her head to the side of the door upon impact. Something felt damp on the side of her head and she knew it was blood. “Shuri!” [Name] groaned out, tugging on the seat belt. It wouldn’t budge. In the distance from Shuri, she could see the authorities had stopped, guns in their hands as they approached the site cautiously.
Okoye groaned, lifting her head to assess the situation. “[Name], are you hurt?”
“I’m good. Check on Shuri,” Okoye carefully crawled out. A hook grabbed onto Riri’s unconscious form and the warrior woman didn’t hesitate to cut the wire with her spear.
The wire was pulled back over the bridge. Okoye rushed over to Shuri, shoving the helmet off her head. “Griot?”
“The princess is well, General. She should return to us in a few minutes,” The AI confirmed, the Kimoyo beads on the woman’s hand lit up, showing Shuri’s stable heartbeat.
“Call for extrac-,” [Name] stopped, the sound of water splashing harshly. Five Talokanils jumped off the back of a whale and onto the bridge, weapons ready. The princess stood, rushing over to defend her family with Okoye doing the same.
Meanwhile, [Name] still couldn’t get the seat belt off. She growled, flicking her wrist. The nanotech formed around her hand. She flexed her fingers, blue claws ripped through the belt easily. She fell with a soft groan, slowly crawling out of the car. Her eyes looked around, the cold wind bit on her skin. Shaking her head slightly, the princess moved to Riri, cradling the young girl’s head on her lap. She felt a pulse on her fingers and sighed in relief, turning to Okoye.
“She’s well, princess,” Okoye reported and she nodded.
[Name] had her eyes on the pair of blue-skinned people, studying them. They certainly did not look like some common soldiers. They wore elaborate garments and guessed that they should be Namor’s champions.
The large male looked at the woman, speaking in a language she didn’t understand. The female nodded, joining the other three soldiers to fend off the authorities. Okoye raised her spear. “How should we do this?” Behind, Namora and her soldiers easily incapacitate the men. “I’ll take on the four. Can you take the big one?” [Name] crossed her arms. Okoye removed her coat and threw it aside. “I got him,” She held her spear in a defensive position as the two circled one another.
[Name] had to help the Americans. She ran towards the four Talokanils, her suit wrapped around her like a glove. She lept in the air, swinging a kick to one of the unsuspecting warriors. He was knocked back, slamming on the side of the bridge. The next noticed her presence, twirling his own spear towards the Black Panther. She knew better than to hurt them so knocking them out was the better option. The second warrior yelled, jabbing his spear forward. It grazed [Name]’s side, her heart racing with adrenaline pumping in her veins. She grabbed the spear, pulling the Talokanil forward towards her. Then, she dropped the spear, a foot on it to prevent the Talokanil warrior from taking his weapon back. She rammed her shoulder into his chest, knocking him back with ease.
The third warrior lept in the air, slamming the spear on [Name]’s shoulder. She hissed, leaping away and landed on the hood of the car in a stalking position. The female spoke in her language but the Panther waved her hand, a wave of water grabbed the three and threw them into the water, hard. She doubted it would do much but hoped it was enough to stun them.
Namora whipped the end of her spear onto the last American, turning to the Panther. [Name] flexed her fingers as Namora slammed her spear down, both women facing one another.
“Túun, k'a'abéet a beel le leti'ob guerrero Wakanda,” (So, you must be Wakanda’s own warrior?),” Namora spoke, her head tilted, anticipating the fight to be a good one.
“K ilej bix a meetik justo ti' jump'éel ba'ate'el,” (Let’s see how you fair in a fight).
[Name] circled the Talokanil woman and she mirrored the Panther. Namora ran to [Name], twirling her spear in her direction. The Panther kneeled down, narrowly dodging the tip of the spear as it brushed the pointed ears of her helmet. She twirled around, spinning backwards to get up. A leg hooked onto the Talokanil’s spear, pushing her down from the force. The Panther hadn’t expected Namora to recover so quickly, already whipping her spear in her direction. The hits were sure to cause bruises but her training allowed her to take in every hit. Namor slammed the back of the spear into the Panther’s chest, slamming her down harshly into the asphalt road. [Name] groaned, hands on the body of the spear and lifting it to try and ease the pressure. She growled, waving her hand. 
Water slammed into Namora’s side, sending the Talokanil woman hitting the side of the car. Namora seemed surprised at the unexpected attack. The Panther jumped to her feet, turning around to find Okoye on the floor with the male warrior approaching her. She ran to Attuma, jumping on his back with ease and had both arms squeezing his neck. The Talokanil thrashed around, hands trying to pull [Name] off but she refused to let go. She flexed her fingers, claws on her hairs and dangerously close to Attuma’s neck.
“Enough!” [Name] growled. Okoye slowly stood, grabbing her spear as her chest heaved from exhaustion. Attuma stopped moving, head tilted back and away from the shining claws. Namora and the three soldiers had seemingly recovered and ran towards the end of the fight, the Panther getting off Attuma’s back. The helmet pulled back to reveal [Name]’s damp face, claws retracting back.
Shuri let out a soft groan, carefully standing up. The elder princess turned, running to Shuri to catch her sister in a hug. Shuri let out a soft ‘oof’ as she returned the hug.
“You’re alright, sister. You’re alright,” [Name] patted Shuri’s back as she pulled away. The younger looked behind to find the five Talokanil soldiers.
The Panther turned, looking at Attuma and Namora. She raised her wrist up, activating the kimoyo beads. “Griot, I need translation,”
“Did I miss something?”
“No, not much. I want to make an offer with them,”
“I am a Wakandan royalty. I have an offer to make to your King. Take me to your King but let them go. Namor has no more quarrel with the girl. I wish to make a peace offering with him,”
Attuma and Namora turned to one another.
“Leti' le realeza Wakanda,” (She is Wakandan royalty?)
“Míin le ajawo' aceptaría u ti'ibil óolala',” (Perhaps the King would accept her offering)
Namora turnt to the princess.
“Le ajawo' taak le ch'úupalo'. Yaan k bisikech ta yéetel le ch'úupalo', chéen ba'ale' P'at bin a kiik yéetel a guerrero,”
“The King wants the girl. We will take you and the girl but let your sister and your warrior go,” Griot translated and just as Okoye was about to protest, [Name] held a hand out to prevent her from furthering her actions.
“Fine. We will come with you. My sister and my General will return home. Take us,” [Name] flicked her bangle, her suit disappearing into the metal completely. Shuri grabbed her hand and tugged her aside.
“What do you think you’re doing?! You want to willingly give Riri away? He will hurt her, sister,” Shuri frowned.
“Shuri, please understand. We don’t fully know Namor’s capabilities. For all we know, his army could best us in every fight initiated. I want you to get ready Wakanda just in case my peace offering does not go as expected. I promise you that Riri will return safely to you. Okoye, take Shuri back. I don’t wish to discuss this further,”
[Name] turnt to Namora, a mask held in her hand. She placed it over her mouth and nose, a soft hiss emitted from the mask itself. Attuma had picked up Riri, making his way to the edge of the bridge. The princess felt her vision blur, Namora quickly catching the woman before she could fully pass out.
She could hear Shuri’s faint scream and that was the last thing she remembered.
[Name] felt hands on her, eyes fluttering open to the soft, blue light. Slowly, she sat up, finding Riri in front of her with a worried expression.
“Oh, I thought you were dead or something,” Riri heaved a sigh, sitting on the hammock. She pursed her lips, unaware of their whereabouts. It scared her.
“Where are we?”
“What happened on the bridge?” Riri turned to the princess, awaiting some answers.
[Name] rubbed her head, shaking it.
“I..uh..I don’t actually know,”
[Name] furrowed her brows, recalling the events.
“A fight with the people who wanted to take you. I had to end it,”
“A peace off- Are you serious, right now? Man, you are crazy, seriously,”
“And..exactly how are you going to do that?” The young girl crossed her arms over her chest.
“An offer of peace,” She said sheepishly, scratching the back of her neck gently.
[Name] laughed nervously. “Yeah, maybe I didn’t really think this through properly but this man..he has the power to hurt my people and you and I had to do something. What better way to talk, right? War and violence isn’t always the answer..,”
“Oh, I’ll show him violence,” Riri mumbled.
A pair of Talokanil maiden approached the two, one carried a basket of fruits and another held a garment in her hands. The second maiden held up the garment.
“Nook' teechi', princesa. Bey teech u le realeza, láayli' k'a'abéet a beel tratado bey tal way te' Talokan,” (Clothes for you, princess. As you are royalty, you are still treated as such here in Talokan)
[Name] took the garment, the material was soft but the dress itself was hefty.
“K ajawo' k'áato' wilech,” (Our King wishes to see you) The maiden gestured for [Name] to follow her but before she could leave, Riri grabbed her hand.
[Name] was led to a small area where she could change out of her clothes and into the dress. She had to admit, it was the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. A white and blue garment decorated with jade. She inhaled deeply, following the maiden once more towards a secluded part of the cave.
“Wait, where are you going? Don’t leave me here!” She squeezed her hand. [Name] smiled softly, gently taking her hand.
“I won’t be long, Riri. I will be back soon,” The princess released Riri’s hand, following the maiden deeper into the cavern systems.
In the middle, was a small hut of sorts. Inside, she could see Namor with his back facing towards her. The maiden left the two alone. [Name] looked up, glow worms lit the cave gorgeously. There was a pool of water by the step stone and it looked very deep. She slowly made her way across towards the hut, swallowing as Namor slowly turned to face the princess. He had donned a cape to cover himself mildly. He was distracting but the art behind her pulled her attention fully. “It’s beautiful..,” She acknowledged the mural. It was painted in various colours and it told a story, one she couldn’t exactly figure out.
Namor moved to the princess.
“I thank you for your kind words, princess,”
[Name] tilted her head down, eyes meeting Namor’s.
“Thank you for agreeing to this meeting, Namor. I’m just disheartened it had to be under tense circumstances,” She began. Namor gestured for her to sit and she did.
“I don’t want war, Namor. I bring the girl to you to show that I do keep the end of our bargain. But I cannot willingly give her over to you. She did no wrong, Namor. It is her country’s people who have acquired her project for their usual selfish usage,” At this, Namor lit up. Her views were similar to that of his own. He felt his own heart skip a beat at that.
“My warriors told me of a peace offering you had,” Namor adjusted his cloak and the woman nodded.
“I’m doing this for the benefit of your people and mine, Namor. I hope you understand that I would do anything for peace and for my people. As a king to your own empire, I’m sure you share this with me…,” She trailed off, reading Namor’s expression.
“My views are the same. Surface dwellers are the true monsters of our story. They are selfish, destructive and they cause harm to everything they touch,”
[Name] had to thread carefully now. She didn’t want to give Namor the wrong idea.
“What I’m trying to say is that, you have no quarrel with the surface world-,”
“No, princess. I bear hatred towards the surface dwellers,” Namor’s eyes darken and [Name] leaned back, afraid he might do something irrational.
He reached towards the table, picking up a jaded bracelet.
“This belonged to my mother. She gave it to me before she passed all those years ago,” Namor held the bracelet out to [Name] and she took it. She brought it up closely, examining its own beauty. “It’s so pretty,” She smiled softly, fingers dragging to study each carved jade.
“We were not always who we are,” Namor began, looking at the mural on the wall.
“My mother and her tribe were born human, living on the surface world where they thrived greatly. Then, one by one, they fall ill. Strong men would grow frail and die. Children barely reach the age of maturity, dying in the arms of their mothers and fathers. Their tribe was stricken with a sickness brought in by the colonists. As a final resort, the tribe shaman sought help from the gods, seeking for a cure to their ailment. The gods gave him signs, where it led him to a water hole,” Namor moved a hand over the mural of the depiction.
“The Shaman found a blue plant beneath the water hole and made a cure for the tribe. The plant alleviated the sickness but it left them with a gift. A gift you see before you,” He paused, turning to the princess.
“At that time, my mother bore me. Despite her wishes not to consume the plant, the shaman had begged her to do so, foreseeing that the child would not survive if she did not consume the plant. So, she did. I was the firstborn son of Talokan, a hybrid that gave me powers beyond anything imaginable. I was a mutant,”
[Name] stood, joining Namor by the mural.
“But my mother, over time, grew sick. She couldn’t bear the thought that she could not live on the surface anymore. She longed for it. She died not long after and as per her wishes, I buried her on her land. But, what I saw was the seed to my hatred towards the surface dwellers. My mother’s people became slaves, treated poorly beyond anything I have ever seen. So, I killed them all, burning everything to the ground and killing everyone,” He paused again, looking at [Name] in the eyes.
“A Spanish man of faith cursed me as he died by my hand. He called me, ‘El Niño sin Amor’. A child without love. And I took my name from there. Namor. Because I have no love for the surface world,”
[Name] understood his feelings. He was the ruler of a hidden tribe, one hidden for very good reasons. If she were to be placed in his position, she would have done the same thing.
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Why? Because you and I are the same. We would do anything to keep our people safe from the outsiders,”
Namor’s hand moved to [Name]’s, fingers moving to tie the bracelet around her wrist. Her heart raced at his sweet gesture, cheeks reddening under the blue light. He was such a strong warrior but his hands felt nothing as such. They were soft, warm and large enough to cover her own hands.
[Name] was taken aback by his words but then, a smile formed on the King’s lips.
“Thank you, Namor,”
Their eyes meet momentarily, until Namor pulls away.
“Talokan is a beautiful city. I want to share it with you but the water down there..it’s enough to kill you,”
“We have a diving suit for you,”
Oh, she couldn’t wait to see his world.
Talokan was unlike anything [Name] has seen. To see a home thriving under the sea, she fully understood why Namor was so driven to protect his people.
She sat by the water, Namor beside her.
“Namora told me of your special abilities. Do you love the water?”
She looked over to the King, her lips pursed to bite back a smile.
“I do. More than anything. When I took my own version of the blue plant, I was met with our god, Bast. I was a devoted pupil of hers and that pleased her. In return for my devotion, she granted me the power of the Panther, alongside with a few extras,” She waved her first finger, a small wave of water brushed against her bare feet.
She hadn't realised that Namor was staring at her, one filled with admiration and adoration.
“K’uk’ulkan, there’s a reason why I offered myself here. I want to have peace between our kingdoms and there has to be a less violent way to do so. Riri, she’s only a child. What she made was merely for a school project. She had no way of knowing that her country’s government had intended to use it for their own. There has to be some other way, K’uk’ulkan. I am willing to offer a peace offering in return for peace. But, you should pick whatever peace offering you wish to have. I believe it’s only fair,” [Name] turned to Namor. He looked relaxed but behind those brown eyes, he already knew what he wanted.
“Anything?” He repeated.
She nodded. “Anything,”
She gasped, wanting to pull her gaze away but kept it firm. Her cheeks were hot and reddening.
Namor leaned forward, a hand moving to cup the woman’s jaw.
“In that case, I believe the best and most traditional way for two kingdoms to form an alliance would be a marriage, no?”
A marriage?
“The marriage is one thing but the other thing..I want you to stay with me,”
Namor wanted a marriage..with her?
The King of Talokan wants to get married to the Princess of Wakanda? What would mother think? What would Shuri think? [Name] closed her eyes, calming her erratic mind. She parted her lips to speak but Namor beat her to it.
Namor gently gripped her hand.
“K’uk’ulkan..,” She began, taking a deep breath. She moved a hand over his, the one that laid on her cheek. She took his hand, placing her palm on his.
“This marriage, I can agree to. But to stay with you? Please, Namor, I cannot simply abandon my family and my people. I am still their protector,”
“Then for six months, stay with me. The remaining half, you may return to your kingdom but once it ends, you stay with me again. Do you agree?”
[Name]’s eyes met with Namor’s. She knew what she was walking into. If she had to do this for the safety of her people as well as form an alliance with Talokan, it would be a win for both parties.
Namor leaned in close and she did the same. Their foreheads meet, eyes fluttering close at the intimacy they shared. [Name] will learn to love the King.
She nodded, a smile on her lips.
“I agree to your terms,”
The times the princess had with the King were well spent. Namor was relaxed around her and [Name] opened up to the King. He became her listening ear when she had to release the emotions she withheld about her late brother. He understood perfectly what it was like to lose a family member. He sympathises with her.
When Namor was busy, [Name] had Riri to go to. Riri eventually eased up around the Talokans but there was still some form of tension between them. She didn’t tell Riri of her arrangement with Namor.
The princess was unaware of the fact that Nakia had infiltrated Talokan. Her eyes darted to the silhouette beyond the far edge of the caves and she stood immediately, stopping her conversation with Riri.
Nakia had a rifle up, pointing to the Talokanil guard.
“Nakia!” She rushed over, the guard held her spear up.
“They’re friendly, Nakia. They are friendly,”
Nakia furrowed her brows. “What? But I was briefed-,”
“Nakia, I have established an alliance with their King,”
At that, the other woman froze. “An alliance? The Queen told me they were dangerous beyond anything Wakanda has faced,”
“Yes, they are but trust me on this..please?” [Name] begged, approaching her friend slowly. Nakia lowered her rifle and the guard, her spear. The princess nodded to the guard, who stepped back. She rushed to her friend, hugging her tightly.
“It is so good to see you, Nakia. I know you have your orders but take the girl,”
“Take Riri and bring her to Wakanda. Namor has agreed to let her go and our alliance in exchange for a peace offering. I will stay here but please, tell mother and Shuri that I am safe and I will return soon,” [Name] gestured to Riri to follow Nakia. Nakia wanted to say more but the princess urged them to leave. Soon, the two disappeared from sight. [Name] knew better than to argue with the princess. A soft, sad sigh left her lips as she made her way to Namor’s home. She allowed her mind to drift as she sat on a stool, staring up at the painted murals, thoughts filled with how she yearned to return home and to reveal to Wakanda of their newly formed alliance.
[Name] wore a wide smile on her lips as Wakanda came into view. She wore her suit, protecting herself from the water as she swam. With the aid of her powers, she moved quick, though Namor was quicker. The princess had got into contact with her Mother a few days back and the worries the older woman had almost drowned the princess. She had to assure Ramonda that she was alright and that Namor had done nothing to hurt her. He had finally agreed to go to Wakanda with [Name] and her kingdom prepared for their arrival. Talokanil soldiers rode on whale-back into the Wakandan waters, royal ships hovered overhead to lead them to the palace. [Name] resurfaced, jumping out of the water and onto land. Namor returned to her side.
“Are you ready, sthandwa?,” (my love)
“I am, princesa,”Namor nodded as a royal ship brought them to the palace.
[Name] could see that Mother, Shuri and the Dora Milaje were waiting for their arrival. The ship landed shortly. [Name] was out of her suit, running to her Mother and Shuri.
“[Name]!” Shuri caught her sister in a tight hug, faces buried in each other’s neck as Queen Ramonda approached her children, hugging her eldest tightly. Behind, Namor stood by the ship, his soldiers behind him. The Queen pulled away, her gaze dark as she glanced at the King.
“Nothing is more important than the safety of my child,” Mother cupped [Name]’s cheeks, her shoulders visibly eased up knowing her first daughter had returned.
[Name] pulled away.
“Mother, Shuri, I know you have questions but we have more pressing matters. It is related to the future of Wakanda and Talokan,”
“I know, Mother. I have missed you and Shuri so much. I miss home so much,” [Name] turned, Namor had approached the family.
“Mother, Shuri, you know K’uk’ulkan. He isn’t here as a threat but as a friend to Wakanda,” She moved to Namor, arms brushing against one another.  
“Let’s talk inside, Mother,”
Mother glanced between her daughter and Namor, a frown clear on her lips and an obvious displeased expression. Shuri was confused, following Mother into the gathering hall.
“I hate to see you unhappy, Princesa,”
[Name] turned to her lover.
“Thank you..,”
“For what, my love?”
“For bringing me home. To see Mother and Shuri again,” [Name] reached up, arms around his neck as she pulled the King down for a hug. His hand gripped her waist comfortably, lips brushing her neck as she pulled away.
[Name] smiled widely, turning to follow her family. Namor gestured for Namora and Attuma to stay with the other soldiers as he followed his lover.
Mother sat on her throne, Shuri beside her as [Name] and Namor stood before them. The elders were all here in the citadel, surrounding the pair.
“I know you have a lot of questions, Mother, Sister, Elders but what I did, I did it for a good reason. What reason do we have to seek war with Namor and Talokan? Yes, his motive at first may be unjustified but he did it to protect his people, to protect his kingdom from the touches of the outside world. Are we not the same? We protect Wakanda and her resources from the touches of the outside world and we would do anything to keep us safe, don’t we?” There were murmurs going around the hall. It seems the Elders were agreeing with her words.
“Did he force you to stay?” Mother asked, her voice was firm and hard.
This time, it was Namor’s turn to speak.
“No, I did not force her to stay. At her own will, she chose to stay with me in Talokan so we may talk about peace between our worlds. What she speak, is true. Princess [Name] has opened my eyes to the surface world, helping me see that there is more than just war, violence and greed. We share the same vision and the same mission. She made a peace offering with me,”
“And what is this peace offering exactly?” Mother hissed.
Silence fell on the Citadel momentarily.
“To ensure an alliance between Wakanda and Talokan is forged..I have agreed to marry K’uk’ulkan and to stay with him for half of the year,”
Loud gasps and louder whispers went around the Citadel. Mother stood up, horrified.
“What?! No, absolutely not. I am not losing my child again. I will not agree to this peace offering,”
“Mother..,” [Name] approached her mother, a small smile on her lips as she took Ramonda’s hands in hers.
“Mother…K’uk’ulkan has agreed to this alliance. Think about how it would benefit our people, how an alliance would mean that Wakanda would grow stronger. This marriage is for all of us, for both Wakanda and Talokan. I will come back for the next half of the year. I will always be your daughter, Mother..I will always be the protector of Wakanda. You will never, ever lose me. I promise you, Mother. I promise you, Shuri and the people of Wakanda,”
Queen Ramonda looked defeated, clear tears pricked her eyes. Her heart grew heavy, turning to her daughter. Her hand cupped her cheek, tears threatening to fall.
Tears fell as the Queen stroked her daughter’s cheek.
“Is there no better way?” Her voice was soft. The princess smiled sadly, shaking her head.
“I..share feelings with K’uk’ulkan, Mother. He has treated me with nothing but kindness and my heart is for him,”
“I always told T’Challa that you would grow up to become a strong, independent woman who would be fit to be Queen of Wakanda one day.. If your brother could see you right now, he would be so, so proud of you,”
This time, it was [Name]’s turn to cry at the mention of her brother. She hugged her Mother tightly, sniffling into the older woman’s shoulders slightly. Mother gestured for Shuri to join and she did, hugging her family as tightly as she could.
The elders looked at one another, nodding in agreement.
[Name] pulled away, wiping her tears with her sleeve. Mother took in a deep breath, quickly wiping her tears.
“Are there any objections to this alliance?”
All eyes were on M’Baku, the Jabari Clan leader, who inhaled sharply. If all of Wakanda would benefit from this alliance, then it would be the same for his clan.
“There are no objections from the River Tribe,”
“There are no objections from the Mining Tribe,”
“There are no objections from the Border Tribe,”
“There are no objections from the Merchant Tribe,”
“There are no objections from the Jabari Tribe,”
“Then it is agreed. Wakanda sees Talokan and her King as our allies. Therefore..this marital alliance shall be the beginning of our endless alliance,” Ramonda announced.
[Name] turned to her mother and Shuri, a smile on her lips.
“Thank you, mother,”
Ramonda cupped her daughter’s cheeks.
“Will you be staying?” Mother asked and she shook her head.
“It would be wrong of a mother to hinder her child’s fullest potential. It pains me and Shuri to be separate from you for six months. I know you’ll return but the hole still burns in my heart,”
“I know, Mother. I feel it too but I know you two trust me on this. This will work, I know it will..,” [Name] trailed off, glancing at Namor.
“No. There are some matters K’uk’ulkan and I have to attend in Talokan but I promise to keep in touch,” She brushed her fingers on the Kimoyo beads, smiling as she pulled away.
[Name] gave her family a last look before leaving the Citadel.
She found Namor speaking with his people and her presence made him stop.
“Don’t stop on my account, my love,”
Namor wore his beautiful smile, one she grew to adore so much. Her cheeks felt hot.
“Why don’t you start by giving me a kiss and then..we can continue once we reach Talokan,”
“In yakunaj, words cannot express my adoration for you. My heart races whenever you are around and there is so much I wish to do to you,”
[Name] gasped at his words, not expecting his confession. She smirked, leaning close to the King. An arm snaked around his neck, fingers tangling in his hair.
Namor didn’t hesitate next, capturing his future queen’s lips in a soft kiss.
This was a start of a new chapter for both kingdoms and a start of a beautiful relationship between the King of Talokan and the Princess of Wakanda.
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