shadowxamyweek · 5 months
Asking you about Shadow's Chaos Energy, boots and rings!!!
First off, I love you. Secondly, yesIcandothatabsolutelthankyouforasking.
This is *entirely* headcanon. There is no evidence for this. Prepare for an absolute ramble.
(I want to state here- I am not a medical professional. This is purely for fun. I'm blending basic medical science and electrical sciences with science fiction. This is fiction. I'm not claiming it's real, and I'm not even claiming to perfectly understand the science. This is for fun. It's fucking hedgehogs XD)
( tw // body horror, just in case.)
Chaos Energy- I think Chaos Energy works like energy in this world, specifically electric just because of how it's depicted, and follows similar theories. Where it deviates is, like, it's a fantasy world, right? And there is obvious mentions and uses of magic and other stuff. I think the Chaos Energy in Sonic's world is BOTH standard scientific energy AND magic, following both sets of rules simultaneously.
Specifically, both energy (electric or not) and, by (most) common conjectures and fantasy systems, magic, have a give and take. We have seen what happens when something/someone gets overwhelmed with chaos energy, and we have also seen what happens to the chaos emeralds themselves when they are overcharged/undercharged.
I mention this because I want to establish that Sonic's dumb fucking luck, Shadow's chaos energy, Amy's multi-faceted magic, and Silver's time travel- they all fall under the purview of Chaos Energy in its various forms with its various uses.
We have also seen machines run on Chaos Energy. Hell, we've seen Chaos Energy replicated in Chaos Drives. However, with it being largely described as 'unstable' or 'unpredictable,' it's a bit of a gamble to use.
So WHY do I care so much about this with Shadow?
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(before I continue, shout out to @autisticshadowthehedgehog, and also, go check out their awesome headcanon/theory which is WHERE I found this image, finally. I had been looking for images of these since Xenohog showed me and couldn't find them again.)
Just gonna quote @autisticshadowthehedgehog here since they put it most succinctly:
"A prototype of Shadow that is present in the cutscene of Black Doom and Gerald Robotnik finalizing Shadow’s creation in Shadow the Hedgehog (2005), it’s obscured from sight but it’s there along with other tubes with other prototype Shadows."
What this translates to me to mean is that Project Shadow, even AFTER Black Doom's genetic donation, still struggled.
There have been a multitude of studies surrounding how electricity and electrical pulses can impact cellular growth. There's a bit of a back-and-forth about how effective it is and *when* it's effective. There is a dedicated field of medicine specifically for this called Bioelectric medicine. Absolutely wild stuff.
If you like reading up on this sort of thing, here are some fun studies you can read about. X / X / X
Anyway, this is where I get funky with it.
I like to think that Gerald, after trying and failing to get Project Shadow to grow correctly and live, and in running out of time with GUN, BUILT an electrical infrastructure around which Shadow's body grew. Gerald BUILT Shadow's ability to control Chaos Energy into their body LITERALLY.
By doing so, he was able to directly control the electric impulses for cellular growth (to speed up/stabalize/fine tune the growth), and also give better and more-stable 'wiring,' for lack of a better descriptor, for the Chaos Energy to be utalized through.
However, because of the unstable nature of Chaos Energy, Gerald needed to employ... well, Sonic X calls them 'limiters' and Archie calls them 'inhibitors'. I don't remember if there is a term for them used in-game and I'm VERY much a 'game lore is the only lore I care about' sort of bastard so I'm going to be a bit nebulous here due to the lack of a concrete term. I'll do the best I can though. First, however let me break down some terminology.
Electricity limiter - thing that limits current flow Surge arrester- protects against voltage surges Surge limiter- limits the magnitude of voltage surges.
So my thought is that ONLY Shadow can use THEIR inhibitors because they're literally BUILT FOR THEIR SYSTEM. Maybe it's a magnetic connection, or literally a little plug in/plug out action, but they are built for THEIR SYSTEM and THEIR SYSTEM ALONE. IT would also explain why they can take the ones on their wrist off OCCASIONALLY, but not the ones on their ANKLES, because they would absolutely combust with no ability to limit the amount of Chaos Energy coursing through their body. Like, I use the phrase 'pop a gasket' jokingly but I'm kinda not kidding when I say that about Shadow. Dude could just electrically (chaotically?) fry themselves.
(side not, with both electricity and magic, there are conductive metals, and gold is a highly conductive metal in both circles. Amy's gold bracelets would be for her to better tune into the Chaos Energy/Magic and Silver's could be to also harnes Chaos Energy to help with their telekinesis. Sonic doesn't wear/use/need any because he is, I say this all the time and I say this lovingly, that bitch with the blue hair and pronouns who just walks in and freeballs everything and WINS.)
EDIT: Totally forgot to talk about the boots can we talk about the boots I've been dying to talk about the boots all day!
So, two more bits I need to go over, which also kinda factor into the inhibitors and how they work. Gonna be citing Wikipedia.
Overcurrent- larger than intended/designed electrical current exists through the conductor.
Overvoltage- raising the voltage (electric pressure) beyond designed limit of the circuit or electrical element.
SIDE NOTE: Electrical elements can include but are not limited to: resisters, capacitors, and inductors.
And what happens if you fuck with an electrical system and overwhelm its capacity? You've seen warnings for it, I'm sure.
It's fire.
Well, really, it's heat. And sparks. And shit that will cause fire. You overwhelm an electric system, you run the risk of fire. You can burn the writing and cause permanent damage to the system, which may result in melting or outright open electrical-induced flame.
The inhibitors work to stop that but you don't want that to be your ONLY failsafe. That would be dumb. And it's not like you can build an electrical breaker into the bastard, so what do you do?
You give it an inconspicuous outlet. One that utilizes the energy in a way that is productive to the system.
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Shut up, gremlin.
Air shoes, were they to exist like they do in Sonic's universe, would have a mechanical component which would most likely be electrically powered for air intake and outtake, forcing air out at a rate fast enough to propel. However, in every depiction of Shadow's shoes, from the very beginning, there's some sort of energy being expulsed. if Shadow so chooses, they can HOVER. They don't have to move they can just HOVER.
Okay, you say, okay, but they use colored light trails to denote speed in the Sonic universe. Fine, sure, I'll entertain the idea that these are just air shoes, but then something needs to be powering them. A physical battery would be too unstable, especially with the fact that these are taking a pounding constantly. Artifical Chaos, though more stable than regular Chaos Energy, still has it's faults, and also, there is an energy supply ALREADY PRESENT. If Shadow is able to harness and utilize chaos energy, then it would make the most sense in my opinion to have the energy being used be just straight Chaos Energy, pulled directly from our favorite mall goth icon.
Shadow alone powers the shoes.
Again, like with the inhibitors, you can come up with fun ways that they could click into the circuitry system that is Shadow. I... like the idea of Shadow being more monsterous then they realize, which is revealed as time goes on, but one of my favorite concepts (one that I've seen actually fairly often) is that Shadow has the three-toed black-arms feet. It would explain the wide/high toebox of their shoes. But I'm gonna add onto that and go hey, hey, what if we made it more fucked up and there was literally a little hole in their heel, with a pin or plug being in the shoe, that Shadow's foot fits directly into and ONLY Shdaow's foot fits directly into like the most fucked up iteration of Cinderella you can imagine. Ey? Ey? How we feeling on that one?
So yeah, with this headcanon, Shadow's a funky-ass little critter, a little critter with a wire harness.
Cheers <3 Thank you, SO MUCH, for letting me ramble about this. It's not even a headcanon I think about THAT OFTEN but even so, I love it and I don't talk nearly enough about it as I want to.
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chiisana-lion · 4 months
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kochei0 · 3 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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littlelightfish · 2 months
Funny things I found out playing with language setting in Netflix while looking episode 15:
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Chilchuck's scream sounds HAUNTED in brazilian portuguese. Give it a try if you can.
(You can hear it here)
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In spanish dub, Senshi says: "tocó mis senos de hombre", which means "he touched my man boobs" in Spanish. And I think that's the best dub line one so far.
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goldiipond · 6 months
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if there's anything i've learned from the current state of social media it's that this is one of the worst possible notifications you can receive upon opening an app
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britishmuffin · 3 months
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ATLA sketches because I'm deep into it atm 8)
★ patreon || website || twitter ★
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retquits · 4 months
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1.6 is coming—see you march 19th!!! 🥹🌱
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hansoeii · 11 months
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we go just right.
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chase-prairie · 11 months
Loving reminder from your land history auntie:
North American golf courses have had 50-100 years of arsenic and mercury based fungicide and herbicides applied to their soils.
Do not eat anything that has been grown on a golf course or downstream from a golf course. I know it sounds cool and radical, but you are too valuable to poison yourself with heavy metals.
Protect each other, turn your local golf course into a pollinator garden, not a sex forest or community garden.
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darc-la-farse · 5 months
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spearxwind · 7 months
I think it's sad that most people always think of bottlenoses as the "classic dolphin" since its the one that's always used for shows, and always think of dolphins as just straight grey when in reality there's so many varieties with so many different amazing patterns
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Look at the common dolphin! They have a gorgeous X pattern and even some dull yellow/gold!!
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Hourglass dolphins have gorgeous white streaks
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Spinner dolphins have really pretty banding as well, AND they have a really sleek cute silhouette!
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The atlantic spotted dolphin!!! Theyre spotted!!!!!!
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and the pantropical spotted too!!
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Dusky dolphins have a gorgeous airbrush look going on like straight out of a 2000s fantasy illustration
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Striped dolphins sure have stripes!! How cool!!
And these I've shown you aren't even all of them at all, there are so many of them:
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There's so so so many different types of dolphins people dont know about this isnt even all of them and some are SO gorgeous and underrated because people just dont know they exist so I'm here to fix that
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clarisse-doodles · 4 months
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inspired by this post, in which Damian does not know what Vine is
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springmagpies · 4 months
No, actually I will never be over Annabeth throwing her knife into the ocean hoping Percy will notice and come help only to have Percy, king among boyfriends, make the most dramatic ass entrance, knocking out attackers with a giant wave, ocean waves cascading behind him as he casually walks up onto the beach to Annabeth, hands her her knife and says “I think you dropped this.” Fucking legend.
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sedgewick-gayble · 7 months
roaring twenties tumblr simulator pt. 2
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🎙 fancy-nancyboy Follow
men be like "i would never succumb to homosexuality" and then hold a mans face tenderly as he lights his cigarette with his own. okayy pansy we see you
( 655 notes )
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💄 thewhoringtwenties Follow
art deco more like art dicko! aaaand post
( 27 notes )
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🎥 claras-bowtie Follow
attended a petting party last saturday and there were no animals not even at all :(
( 12 notes )
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🕯 tuberculosiswarrior Follow
i lov my mother and father so nuch forever i cannot wait to attend my new job at the dubious factory where there have never been any machinery incidents evr before
( 73 notes )
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🎩 Rate-my-setup Follow
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Submitted by anonymous.
( 3,887 notes )
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thebeesknees Follow reblogged 🔁 jazzcat Follow
🎺 jazzcat Follow
The cocaine in coca-cola just doesnt hit the same anymore....
📰 itsallcopacetic Follow
OP they took out the cocaine
🎺 jazzcat Follow
🕰 thebeesknees Follow
tumblr heritage post
( 13,985 notes )
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🚬 runrummer Follow
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Hes so puppycoded
( 8 notes )
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moonshiningitup Follow reblogged 🔁 moonshiningitup Follow
🥃 moonshiningitup Follow
The eroticism of the machinery incidents at the dubious factory
🥃 moonshiningitup Follow
Easy website
( 12,109 notes )
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🥂 cake-eater Follow
There is a gang war in Chicago. The first gang to get to 100 kills, gets to take over that part of the city. You NEED to be careful, Babe Ruth. You could be at high risk because of your high status. PLEASE be safe, everyone in or around Chicago, and please reblog this to get it to the celebrities in Chicago
( 20,098 notes )
19K notes · View notes
minmos · 1 year
Hi minmo :3 check this out
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We call him The Sniler. Life is beautiful...
What the.... He's sniling
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hellsitegenetics · 4 months
When I followed you earlier today and then realized this blog wasn't even two days old it made me feel like I invested in a startup.
Do you think if you did the lyrics for Fireflies by Owl City, your database would give us fireflies? (Will also accept owls. And there's a line about sheep too).
String identified:
t t t t a a 'Ca t' t a A a ta ' t t t ta a ta ' t a Tat at at t t' a t a tat ' at ta Aa ' a 'Ca tg a t 'Ca ' gt a ta g t ta gtg g A t t t tac t ac A tt a a A c at A c a t agg a ta ' t a Tat at at t t' a t a tat ' at ta Aa ' a 'Ca tg a t a a a t a cac (a ta aa ) 'Ca c a ac (a ta aa ) t ctg (a ta aa ) ' a t t t a a T t ' 'ca at g gt t a t a a t ' a a a gt a a 'Ca a a a t a a ' t a Tat at at t t' a t a tat ' at ta Aa ' a 'Ca tg a t a a ' t a Tat at at t t' a t a tat ' at ta Aa ' a 'Ca tg a t a a ' t a Tat at at t t' a t a tat ' at ta Aa ' a ca a a tg at t a
Closest match: Sepia lycidas genome assembly, chromosome: 36 Common name: Kisslip cuttlefish
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14K notes · View notes