wexhappyxfew · 2 years
E for Landslide, H, and U for the fanfic ask game !!! :)
AH! POET HELLO!!! thank you so much!! i am especially excited about E for Landslide to say the least ;) thank you again! <333
E: If you wrote a sequel to Landslide, what would it be about?
OKAY! SO! I got this idea for a Landslide sequel back when I was in the midst of writing Natia in Holland, which was peak Natia, to say the least. There's no title for it because I highly doubt I will be getting to it anytime soon, but we focus on Natia and Joe Toye's eldest son, Feliks Toye. He's very much like his mother, in many ways, and goes on to work in the CIA. He's under the guise of 'Agent Brute', a homage to his love for Ancient Roman history and follows him through his time as a CIA agent. We enter the second 'main character', Carrie Tavoularis, a fellow CIA agent, under the guise of 'Agent Viola'. They spend their time as CIA agents in the era of the Cold War and Vietnam, hunkering down in places like Italy, England, and Moscow. I have an incredibly vague plot and we'd have features of the entire Toye family in flashbacks to them growing up, Feliks' relationship with his parents and his two siblings, Poppy and Thomas, and his connections with men from Easy Company that influence Feliks' decision to join the CIA, such as Ronald Speirs.
I think I would definitely enjoy writing it, and hope, if I do get time, I'll maybe test a one-shot out or something! :)
H: How would you describe your style?
I feel my style flows a lot with description and internal monologue. Internal monologue is by far one of my favorite things to write; I just feel that in situations, characters have a LOT to think and feel and experience and an internal monologue provides for that. Natia really was just internal monologue over dialogue and I'm taking that into ATTDC as well with certain OCs. Description I use a lot after that, when it's needed. But, over anything, internal monologue usually carries the stories. I find it most 'eye-opening' and the best way to get the best perspective of the story.
U: Share three of your favourite fic writers and why you like them so much.
This is going to sound so bad but I haven't really read much fanfiction in at least a solid two years since college has started. I tried keeping up with certain fics, but college consumed me and so I haven't been able to really keep up with many fics (it makes me want to cry that I can't, but college always takes priority rn). I DID finally get back a bit and start reading your fic SBT, which I have been thoroughly enjoying more than anything!! Daisy is a loveable lil character and I will protect her with my LIFE! @mercurygray will always be a favorite because of TDS as well; the description, the dialogue, the characters! :) I'm so sorry this is such a bad response to this question!! I keep telling myself to get back to reading more fic, but I just haven't been able to! :(
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songbirdreaped · 2 months
open starter for anybody ; set after lucy gray left the cabin <3 run. run. RUN. was all that could go through lucy gray's head as she sprinted away from the cabin through the trees. she was running as fast as her legs would carry her, everything in her telling her that she needed to get away from him if she wanted to survive. the words kept ringing in her head three's enough for me, he'd told her when she said they wouldn't have to kill anymore. three. she knew of two. bobbin and mayfair. all she'd asked for was the truth, yet she was met with a lie. my old self, coriolanus had told her as she demanded to know who the third was. lucy gray wasn't born yesterday, she could spot a lie from a mile away.
trust was the most important thing to her. trust outweighed love and yes, she had loved him. loved. now, all she could picture was those icy blue eyes gazing into her soul. would he kill her ? she didn't know, but she wasn't taking that chance. she couldn't take that chance. that was why she'd said she was going to pick katniss, her chance to escape and survive. lucy gray wished that she'd heeded dean highbottom's warning, wished that she hadn't let herself fall for the blond. any and all love she felt was gone, now all that was left was the need to flee.
as she kept running, the brunette felt her chest tightening, the crisp air filling her lungs, stinging as her heart raced in her chest. she needed to stop and catch her breath. ducking behind a tree, lucy gray took a moment, the breaths coming out more like gasps as she stayed there. the sound of coriolanus yelling for her caused her to panic more. she wasn't a fighter, he outpowered her anyway, but she could run. she could hide.
when she spotted the snake, lucy gray decided that she'd try to buy herself some time, dropping the scarf he'd given her to cover it up. she knew by looking at it that the snake wasn't venomous, it wouldn't hurt him too badly if he got bitten. it would just slow him down enough for her to get away. after the distraction was set, the brunette began to run again, hoping that the wind in the trees would cover up any noise that came from her feet on the ground.
it wasn't until she was hidden by a tree on the outer part of the woods that she'd realized her earring had fallen out in all of the chaos. she couldn't find it in herself to care anymore. the games weren't over when she'd returned home, these were still the games. her own survival was what mattered. lucy gray almost didn't notice the sound of footsteps coming toward her, but when she did it was too late to run. whoever it was had only been two paces from her now, and with how tired she was, they'd most likely be able to catch her if she ran. her eyes shut tightly as she braced herself for the figure to come closer, assuming it was coriolanus coming to kill her, to finish tying up the loose ends.
❝ just get it over with, ❞ the words came out more shaky than she'd intended. she wasn't usually one for giving up, but she knew that she had no more energy to keep running. if coriolanus had found her, then he won.
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sweetchildcloud · 5 months
Hii! I saw that your requests were open so here I am :]
I was wondering if you could do something with gojo and geto taking care of their s/o who maybe got badly injured during a mission or smn
feel free to ignore it baby<3
||Don't die|| written by me
🔞 Gojo x reader/Geto x reader| Minors DNI| TRIGGER WARNING 🔞
i'm no english native so sorry for some mistakes
P.s:sorry if i made it too angstu but i hope you like it anon!
please reblog 🔁 and like❤️
Edit:sorry sweetie I think I got carried away in Geto's part :p
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia
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You waked up in a hospital room with tubes everywhere. Satoru is sitting next to the bed with his hands clasped on top of his knees. There's a vase full of flowers that probably were sent from friends and family members of you. A ring on his finger. There's no one else in the room. You're alone.
"How are you feeling?" Satoru asks, looking at you with a worried face. His clear blue eyes look like oceans that want to drown you with it's depths. Satoru is gorgeous.
flashes of the battled runned trough your head you hissed "like i almost died…?"
"You were bleeding a lot, you could still be dying. The doctor said you're stable but we have to wait a little more.." He sighs. It seems like he's the one that is going to fall apart from anxiety soon. Satoru doesn't know what he would do without you.
The silence between you two becomes uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry.." His voice breaks a little. Satoru swallows his tears.
"it's fine..you're fine no?" You jolted as you felt a sharp pain were the curse hitted you "it was worth it no?"
Satoru's hands are rubbing gently your forehead to relieve you from your pain. He seems to want to do more but he holds himself back. The hand of your uninjured arm feels so strong, as he holds it to his chest.
"I'm fine, now that you're fine." He sighs with relief because you're smiling a little. But the worry on his face gets worse with your pain.
"You killed the special grade… You're such a badass. Was it worth it?" His voice is lower than usual.
"I.." You swallow. The pain. The blood. The scars. The memory of the mission. He doesn't need to know all of those details. This moment is already painful enough. You bite your lip.
"I don't regret anything."
Satoru seems satisfied. He's still worried. Yet he's smiling. The grip of his hand increases. He wants to hold you to him so bad. He wants to comfort you in so many ways….
"You should rest."
"I'm not tired…" You mumble.
"I know, but you need to…" He answers while playing with your thumb.
His free hand caress your head to bring you comfort. The moment between you is charged with love, intimacy.
"Go to sleep...just for a little while…" He wants to add 'in my arms' But he doesn't. He keeps caressing you, hoping you would fall asleep.
You nod. The drugs given to you make you tired and everything gets blurry, you feel relaxed. Satoru continues caressing your head, holding your hand, playing with your thumb, whispering soothing words, trying to make you rest… You can't resist. It feels so good, so warm… You fall asleep. Satoru's eyes watch you fall asleep quietly, tears falling from his eyes with relief.
He kisses your forehead, closes the blinds of the room. He sighs and finally lays on his chair next to your bed, falling asleep too.
He's careful with you, as if you're a rare and fragile piece of glass. Each movement is cautious and tender; he adjusts the pillows behind your head, the blankets around you, ensuring that you're comfortable. You lean into his touch, closing your eyes as he mumbles reassurances and gently strokes your hair. He smells of leather and earth, and his body exudes warmth. Your fingers curl in his, and you feel comforted by his presence.
You jolt as a rush of pain radietated from your bandeged wound
Geto's eyes snap open in alarm. He's by your side in an instant, studying the source of your pain. His thumb traces over the bandage covering the wound, his expression filled with concern. He's so close, his breath brushing over your skin. You look up at him, meeting his gaze. He doesn't flinch, and his eyes are full of empathy for the pain you're in.
He's gentle, but firm as he examines your wound, looking for any sign of an infection or worsening status of the injury.
"Let me see it" he says, his voice gentle. You hesitate for a moment, then nod and pull the blanket down, allowing him to examine the injury. You wince once when he probes at the bandaged area, but beyond that, the pressure of his fingers feels soothing rather than painful.
"How's the pain?" he asks after a few moments. His arms wrap tighter around you as he speaks, and you can feel the warmth of his body even through layers of blankets and pillows. "Does it feel better, or do I need to change the dressing?"
"the second…" you mumbled feeling weak a nd you trembled when the blood rushed out staining the bandages
“Don’t move” he says as he stands up, his voice a soft command that you find yourself obeying on impulse. His arms gently release their grip around you, but his fingers trail down your back as he pulls away. He crosses the room to his desk, rifling through a cabinet drawer as he grabs fresh bandages and disinfectant. Once he has everything he needs, he returns to the bed, sitting beside you and carefully removing the old bandages.
"Does it still hurt?" he asks after a time. The pressure on your body is still comforting, and his words are like a comforting presence. You nod again, and he frowns and makes a sound of distress as if he wishes he could do more for you. Without a word, he pulls you closer to himself, and you lean your head into his shoulder without even realizing it.
"Can I ask you something?" he asks. You don't notice the time slipping by as the two of you lie like this, his arm around your waist, his body radiating heat that warms you through. You nod slightly, and he sighs before starting to speak again. "I don't know why I'm so affected by seeing you hurt. I should be used to it, shouldn't I? Seeing people injured is part of my job. But with you…"
"With you it's different," he says. There's a slight rasp to his voice, and he seems to be searching for the words. "Seeing you hurt reminds me that you're not invincible. And I…" His hands tighten around you, and you can feel him squeeze you against him as if he wants to protect you from all the worlds dangers at once.
"I just hate seeing you in pain" he continues. "I know it's silly, but I want you to be safe more than anything. I want you to have a life where you don't have to worry about getting injured or hurt or sick." He pauses for a few moments, trying to collect his thoughts. "So… maybe this is me being selfish" he continues "but when you're hurt, I'm reminded of how vulnerable you are and how much it scares me."
"I know that's stupid" he adds quickly. "You're not a child that needs protecting. But I guess I just can't help it. I just…" He trails off, then shakes his head. "Just forget I said anything," he says with a wave of his hand. "It doesn't matter. You just rest up. I'll take care of you until you're better."
"no…i like it when you worry about me" You smiled weakly "it makes you..human…"
He freezes, his eyes narrowing as if he couldn't quite believe what he'd just heard. "Human?" he says slowly. "Are you saying that you think I'm normally not human?"
"you feel so cold and scary sometimes that's all but deep deep down you have a heart a beating one"
You chuckle slightly and rest your head back against his chest. "So, what now?" you ask after a minute. He gives a shrug. "Right now? You sleep. You're injured, after all."
"Right." You smile, but the truth is you don't feel very tired. Your body still aches all over, and the dull, throbbing pain from the wound is enough to keep you awake.
Still, you lean into his arms, resting your head against his shoulder. He pulls the blanket a little tighter around you, and you close your eyes, trying to relax.
"You still can't sleep" he observes quietly after a few moments. You blink at him and try to come up with an answer but find yourself coming up blank. "Yeah" you say finally "I guess I just don't think that the pain is going to let me sleep anytime soon."
"What if I give you something for the pain?" he offers. "A small dose. You'd hardly get any rest, but it would help you fall asleep now."
"i don't like needles Ru-ru" You cooed
"No need for needles" he replies, and you notice the slight smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "I'll just give you a pill."
His arms loosen around you, and then you feel his hand move around until it finds your chin. His other arm reaches over toward the dresser, and he brings a pill over to you between two fingertips. "Here, open up."
You open your mouth obediently, and he places the pill on your tongue. It tastes slightly bitter, and when he offers you some water to wash it down, you quickly down the whole glass. You sigh and close your eyes, ready to fall asleep. You can hear him shuffling around the room, presumably putting away the supplies he'd used earlier.
When he settles back in the chair beside you, you feel his arm wrap around your waist once again. "I'll be here with you until you fall asleep" he murmurs gently. "Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you."
You nod slightly and close your eyes, trying to settle yourself. The pill should be kicking in any moment now. You feel a heavy haziness envelop you, making it almost difficult to keep your eyes open. And yet still, you cling to the warmth that you feel from his arms around you.
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kyunyu3 · 1 month
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ladycibia · 1 year
Yennefer vs Geralt for the bards okay BUT have you ever thought of Priscilla vs Geralt I'm that scenario, also love your art it's so cute in fun💖💖💖
I'm sorry they only fight over gwent
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zolakin · 16 hours
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Painted Nails - Charlie Dalton & Richard Cameron
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Description: Charlie's trying out nail polish now, and as much as Cameron wants to judge him, he also thinks it's so cool. And well, Charlie needs to practice on someone. [1k words]
They're roommates, so I simply had to have at least one fic of these two. I'm not sure how to write Cameron, but I see him as someone who overthinks a lot and is constantly jealous, so I'll go with that.
Richard felt a strong smell as soon as he entered his dorm. Now, usually that would simply be someone smoking, except it smelled like acetone.
"What is this?" He coughed as he closed the door behind him.
"Oh, hi Cameron," Charlie answered distractedly, not even looking at him.
He dropped his stuff on his desk and tried to see what Dalton was doing, but he turned away from him. "Let me see," he complained.
"Just give me one minute!"
He sighed and sat on his bed, waiting. A part of him hated how curious he always was at everything his roommate did, and jealous at how interesting it actually was most of times.
"Aaaand, done!" Charlie turned around and showed him his nails proudly, which were painted hot red. Cameron tried to touch them, but he pulled his hand back. "It's not dry yet!"
"I'm confused. Isn't that for girls?"
Dalton rolled his eyes at the question.
"You don't have the vision I do, Camie!" He stated, struggling to close the nail polish bottle on his own. "It's style!"
"It's stupid though. I don't get it." Richard took the bottle and closed it for him. "And don't call me that."
"You're a very boring-minded person and it shows," he blew his nails contently. "You wish you were me and had nails like this."
His tone wasn't serious but his words stung hard anyway. Because unfortunately, Cameron kind of did. Charlie always managed to be cool and likable so effortlessly. Even when he was being insufferably annoying, he was still compelling. The kind of guy people would even pay to see, not just barely remember.
"This is a lot harder than it looks, honestly," Dalton comments, distracting him from his thoughts. "I wanted to make a star on my middle finger, but I took an hour to just paint them plain red without smudging."
"Really? What's so hard about it?" Cameron opened the window to get rid of the smell.
"Every time I try to fix one nail, I ruin a different one. Also, I have no idea how I'm supposed to do it with my left hand."
He nodded, trying not to be too interested. He had way too much homework to do to waste time with Dalton. "It's probably something you learn with time."
He opened his notebook to start his trigonometry work and jumped back when Charlie suddenly sat on his bed.
"You have a point, actually! I need practice!" He took the notebook from him and placed it away. "Give me your hand."
"What are you doing?" Richard was starting to get even more annoyed at him.
"It's your lucky day, Camie! You'll get to be awesome too. Like you said, I need to practice this on someone if I want to learn how to do it properly."
"No," he answered with no hesitation. "Go ask Neil or even Meeks, I'm sure they would agree on the spot."
"I'm not roommates with them though, am I?" Charlie insisted. "Be useful for once."
"Hey, I help you with math every single week! I am useful" He felt genuinely upset now, and especially upset about even feeling that way. Why did he get offended so easily? Actually, why did he even care so much about everything Dalton said, all the time?
"C'mon, just let me do it," the idea was so embarrassing, and at the same time so tempting. Richard looked into his eyes, looking for any more reason to deny or to at least stay mad at him. "Please."
He sighed, swallowing his pride. "Okay."
His regret was almost instant when Charlie opened the bottle and the smell came back. "I just wanted to say I never said shit about you ever." He added.
Cameron rolled his eyes, but couldn't help a small smile.
It was a weird experience, to say the least. Dalton remained silent through the whole thing, completely focused on the task. He held Richard's hand gently, being careful not to smudge his own nails.
It wasn't a big deal, yet he felt... seen, in a way? It was nice to receive the attention, and to be a part of something with someone.
"Hey, this looks pretty decent!" Charlie stated, impressed at himself as he finished the first hand.
Cameron took a good look at his nails, then at him. He still didn't quite get the appeal. "Sure, they do."
The other hand was a little easier, and there was already some improvement. Charlie brought both Richard's hands closer to his face and softly blew on them to help it dry.
"You know, Gloria told me they start to fade within like a week. So next week, it'll be your turn to paint mine."
That caught him off guard. "This is going to be a recurring thing?"
"If you're not interested, I can just ask Neil or Meeks."
"No, I'll do it," Cameron quickly said, feeling a wave of embarrassment as Charlie smirked victoriously at him.
Dalton closed the bottle and took a small bag from the nightstand. It was full of nail polish in different colors.
"I was thinking black or purple for next time, what do you think?" He suggested, then continued before Richard could give his opinion. "Actually, don't answer. I know it would look great."
"I'll show this to Knox!" He got up suddenly, leaving Cameron alone and quite dumbfounded.
There were a few moments of processing what had happened and Richard laid down, looking at his painted nails. "I'm matching with Charlie Dalton," he thought and found he really didn't mind it, then groaned. "I still have homework to do."
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babywildflowers · 2 months
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I won’t ask of myself silence.
When it bubbles and pops
Hot tears like honey
It swells and stings and boils overtop
No control of my voice when it cracks to sing
The same way im imprisoned to your memory
Leave me alive and leave me alone
If I can’t have peace let me rest under stone.
Enough. Enough. Enough.
Just let me walk away for now.
♡ babywildflowers
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irritablepoe · 23 days
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solace in dreams and nightmare // preservation
for: @zzigzadig <3
solace in dreams and nightmares
cat, chase the dream now, or
the mouse might doze off too quick’!
life and life like each breath taken
fills this self-indulgent room;
devotion for the smallest trinkets.
carrying you, when you go to sleep,
to places filled with yearned-for pictures;
neither painted nor drawn;
neither by hand nor nature;
never seen by another’s eyes
- you alone but formed this dream,
and only sorrow now can paint it red;
each tear tears up your heart which’s
hardly beating in your chest, 
too tired now to run from grief.
lucky now, you’ve found a corner
in your weary dreamy mind;
warmth pools here to seas of comfort
syrup calm to ease your crying;
soon now again you will wake softly
to trinkets tinkling clear and pure.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
time bleeds out;
breath runs thin.
this oak box sinks
to depthless depths.
salt clings to skin;
prevents its death.
it rots from within
and wears a mask
- perfection.
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clumsy-words-again · 2 months
I cried so so hard reading your tags you rlly made all my childhood poet dreams come true bc rlky to me they’re not fully real or not fully breathing until someone shares them and you gave that to me thank you so so much I love you <3333 (literally writing through my tears rn bc HOW CAN I EVER THANK YOU AKSJSJDJ)
every time you're in my notifs i get so excited and you truly are one of the sweetest people ever thank you so much for existing I love you and one day if you publish a poetry book or a book on foraging or a book of Adventures of Lovergirl lore (love that tag) i'm gonna go crazy and get a hundred copies to hand out to people on the streets and some elders often tell me that the world is a cruel place and everyone has to struggle and In Real Life everyone will try to push me down and that I'm immature and too weak and too soft. and all that sometimes really messes with my head and then I remember you and I think. hell no. i'm gonna be kind to everyone despite everything and it's gonna be okay. people like you are the reason I could never believe the Everyone is Selfish and Evil stuff.
I hope you have the bestest life ever <333
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muppetminge · 1 year
I think it’s really sad how quick people are to attribute malice to people purely on the basis of disagreement. 
Discussions around beauty culture so often end up being a case of pitting traditionally ‘feminine’ women and ‘non-feminine’ women against each other - despite the fact that this is usually not the initial intent. 
I am extremely critical of beauty culture. Flat out. I do not like make-up. I think it’s a horrible thing. I stand by this. 
I do not have anything against individual women who wear make-up. Or women who shave, or get botox, or plastic surgery or whatever. Nor do I - solely based on this - have any opinion whatsoever about how feminist or unfeminist you are. No, wearing make-up or shaving or whatever will never be a feminist action. You, as a person, can still be be - no one is ideologically pure, we are all whole, multifaceted people. That’s good, and that’s fine, and that’s how it is. You are so absoluted allowed to do things without going through the analysis - otherwise no one would ever get anything done. Something something ethical consumption or whatever, you get it.
The point with all this is, I think it’s a shame that so many seem to interpret anti-beauty rhetoric to be anti-you, as a person, or, indeed, anti-women. Because that’s exactly the opposite of the intent! I feel about this like I do, and as passionately as I do, because I love women. 
And I think it’s, mind the language, fucking bullshit how much bullshit is invented purely to prey on insecurities that don’t even have a grounding in reality! Because I promise you, your face is fine. Your skin is fine. Your body hair is fine. 
You are allowed to look like a human woman. Because that’s what these standards are about, isn’t it? Alienation from our natural form? Trying to convince perfectly normal women that something is wrong with them for ... being perfectly normal women? Because, really, why are you insecure about your hairy legs in the first place? Your perfectly normal, though non-airbrushed complexion? The signs of life, and joy, and laughter, and age on your face? The length of your eyelashes, the size of your feet, the shape of your breasts? Because it sells. Because it’s kind of genius, isn’t it, inventing shit based on fuck all so you can sell more stuff we don’t need to (over) half of the human race. Most importantly, because it takes control away from you. Because messing with your confidence and your self image makes us easier to push around; to stop us from meeting our potential (and, oh, is there anything that’s more terrifying than the thought of women being what we could be, what we have the ability to accomplish?) 
And I’m at the point of rambling now, perhaps, but there’s that. I don’t hate women who wear make-up, my beef isn’t with you. I promise you that. I’m not asking you to burn your eyeshadow palette. I’m just fucking sad this is how we are treated. That we are expected to buy into this whole illusion that there’s something wrong with us, that we’re just a sack of (fixable! buy our latest cure now!) problems in a trenchcoat. 
And I wish that more of us were better at looking in the mirror barefaced and be astonished at the beauty there, instead of feeling naked and ashamed. I wish we didn’t try to hide from each other quite so much. I wish we could just be. 
She screams at the top of her lungs, I’m whole! I’m body, I’m heart, I’m mind, I’m soul.
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super-nova5045 · 2 years
you telling me the guy who plays the fruity dude in dps ALSO plays the creepy serial killer in the black phone is ALSO an ex of kill bill girl and is ALSO MAYA HAWKE'S DAD????
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inertia-writes · 5 months
dehradun days
you meet them for the first time,
knowing it's probably the last.
might as well make the most of this time,
since life comes at you fast.
you find the strangest of signals
in the no-network zones.
cross-tent communication with folks,
just rambling about the unknown.
there's the warmth of shared laughter,
that carries you through freezing nights,
and you look up at the flickering stars,
to finally see things in a different light.
and at 11,000 ft above sea level
you finally reach the peak,
just to realise the joy was in the journey,
and the friends you made that week.
you'll visit caves & splendid cafes,
and remember the city in mere parts,
but years later, you'll still tell everyone,
how dehradun captured your heart.
#inertia-writes#poets on tumblr#desi poetry#dehradun poetry#poems on india#poems on life#desiblr#being desi#dehradun#i went on a trek w the lowest of expectations and it was one of the best experiences of my life#it's so refreshing to meet people from different cities and of different ages and backgrounds#jan and feb were pretty meh but things have been looking upwards from march (thank you god - i acknowledge your existence)#thought of writing a happy poem for a change of tone (and also maybe because i am genuinely happy :) )#this isn't one of my best poems i feel - it's a bit unrefined - but who cares it is one of my happy ones sooooo#there are times when absolutely nothing significant happens and there are days when years happen#i didn't go in the mountains for solitude - i felt that here already haha. i went for a change.#but i gained so many memories w people and so many positive perspectives that i needed in general. also nayata premier league <3#i think i believe in destiny now. i was destined to meet those people and have a good time and come back to reality w a spring in my step#and maybe the mountains were calling. can't stay away from snow too long - i was born during snowy days anyway#came back home and am still in some weird positive trance - good for me#also my lucky streak is still going on - kaavish released a new song#historic moment in time (thank you god 2x)#poems on friendship#found family#poems on found family#all the may '23 - feb '24 melancholy has been washed out of my system. i am now set for the next tragedy of my life lol#dekhte hai kab tak khush rehti hu mein - kuch bhayankar honewala hai aisa lag raha hai#i do not remember the last time i was happy for a month straight - am i living in a virtual simulation?#whoever is controlling my life rn - i would like to continue to stay in this simulation - thanks v much
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baconpncakes · 1 year
Dead Poets Society - Teenagers
“We're not talking artist, George. We're talking free thinkers.” “Free thinkers at seventeen?”
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honestly I just feel the need to thank every single person who in these past few days has followed me, liked one of my posts, reblogged any of my posts, or just interacted with this blog at all. I’ve only had tumblr for, like, 2 days and already the few interactions I’ve had of people reading my work or even just relating to my silly little writing memes has given me the sudden motivation to write so much more. SO THANK YOU SM!!!
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fernflowerss · 11 months
I'm crying! I love them so much!
The new soldier poet king lyric video is so cute, i love that the song keeps getting attention.
The detail put in the video is lovely too, i love how it's not just a music video but it has a really well animated visual side to it (does it make a music video then?), also LOVING the fairytale/pop up book aesthetic, it really fits.
But most important of all
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✨they spin✨ qwq
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