dayurno · 2 days
sorryyyy for bringing some type of discourse to your inbox but I just giggle whenever anyone brings up the fact that nora soad andrews a misogynist and their only argument is the fact that he's friends with renee and dating neil who said women are the strongest ppl i know, like i don't personally think he's a misogynist, but i feel like there has to be better arguments for it😭
maybe it's bc the fandom gets on my nerves so I'm more sensitive to any attempts a defanging and making characters more palatable bc I'm not a fan of the widespread fanon versions of the characters also it's sad I feel like the fandom made some sort of progress where discussions were being had about the problems in the series and now after tsc came out it feels like we're back to where the author can do no wrong and it's hard to criticise anything
what do you think about tsc being a triology, I feel like two books can hopefully give Jeremy the depth he needs i remember you found him a bit flat as well when you read the book, I see a lot of people saying he needs to have a mean side or a traumatic past but I feel like a kind, nice character can be interesting without those things and not every kind character needs to have this secret mean side anyway, personally I groaned out loud when I found out it was a triology bc that would mean the fandom would be alive for longer and it's so crazy out of any book fandom I've ever been in for some reason the aftg fandom feels the most obnoxious maybe it's bc the books deal with heavier topics close to the heart so there's more feelings involved🤔the only book fandom who has pissed me off a comparable amount would be asoiaf but that's a whole different thing
I really do try and be happy I'm not even in the fandom anymore and I've never followed aftg twitter accounts and I don't even check the tags I just go on certain blogs but i still see things it's horrible💔like I can't believeeee we're still discussing if Kevins a coward or not and how selfish he is for leaving the nest like we've already argued about this to death on tumblr back in like 2016 now it's the same thing again💔
LOL i understand honestly so many of these discussions are repackaged wide-spread 2015 opinions which don’t reflect the original text that it’s hard to do anything except use the we have this thread every week comrade image and let it go. andrew being misogynistic is not even hard to come to terms with considering it’s not an interpretation or a headcanon it’s the author’s own words and will for the character incorporated into canon. there are things to disagree with nora sakavic for, but ultimately there is a difference between disagreeing with the author and willfully ignoring the intention with which a character was written
& i didn’t really care much for the news, i think the lack of planning and the rushed way the books are coming along are grating on both the author and the fandom, but i don’t blame her for wanting to get this done and over with. it will show more insight on jeremy hopefully, but unfortunately i already don’t care 😭 i think the route tsc took was in general uninteresting and pedestrian enough to not warrant a second thought, and i’m not particularly interested in any plotline beyond what pertains to kevin and the ravens. what surprised me really is the total lack of impact tsc had on the fandom, which is to say, i think it was so in line with the same 3-5 headcanons passed around the last 10 years that it has genuinely done nothing for anyone aside from the people who were already very invested in jean and/or jeremy. it feels like a different fandom from aftg altogether, which i’m happy about if only because it keeps us all locked in different cages, but it still baffles me to see people dedicate so much thought to a book whose characters bar jean are, as of now, the very definition of Nothing burger. all in all the answer to that question and most questions pertaining to tsc is Who cares. because literally who cares
LMFAO staying away from aftg twt is really good for you & honestly all of us. it’s still so funny to me that not even nora sakavic herself wanted to touch that mess. mentally ill white suburbanite teenage shut-in echo chamber ass fandom
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poisonousquinzel · 2 years
"HQTAS not having the balls to permanently kill Joker off continues to be one of its biggest faults and I will not forgive them for that."
Their biggest fault is causing the upsurgence of casual pro Joker posts in Harley's tag in light of episodes showing him being "normal" and "based" and "wow look at him! being a socialist! and wanting healthcare!"
wow! it's almost like I don't really give a shit what political stance this domestic abuser takes in this show called Harley Quinn, ya know, the name of the ex he violently and graphically abused throughout the entirety of their relationship?
But oh! Whatever! if he's turned over a new leaf, Who cares! The past's the past's and the writers would rather redeem him! For some stupid ass reason! (Spoiler alert: It's because he's popular and they're cowards)
So let's forget how he literally murdered Poison Ivy!
& forget how he tortured her crew! And planned to have them publicly executed ! Lol!!
He's a cool dad now! He's hip! Whoo!!
Forget about all that abuse in the first season haha! It wasn't plot important anyway!
What's PTSD?! That's not a thing lol Harley would totally not have PTSD from him, they're buddies now! just ignore the little bits of obvious lasting trauma like her flinching
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he's taking over her twitter! so sorry if you happen to follow this account and find him triggering or anything lol cause he's hijacking it for his run for mayor! & now he's all over your timeline,, isn't he quirky
He makes jokes about limber she is-- while her private sexual encounter is being broadcasted to all of Gotham WITHOUT HER CONSENT-- and how "violence was a hallmark of our relationship too", cause he's just such a fucking peach now y'all
That was last season.
In episode 12.
While he had a Girlfriend.
He has not owned up to his own actions.
He's not some Reformed Domestic Abuser who's long since changed, shown he's changed and is sorry for what he did because he has not even taken accountability for the fact that No, violence wasn't a "hallmark of their relationship." It wasn't some quirky occurrence to look back at with a sigh of fondness.
Abuse was the staple of their relationship. Abuse that was inflicted by his fucking hands.
The Joker is a monster.
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series version of him is one just as well.
Even just from the part of the cycle we saw from Season 1, he was absolutely at his worst. It's not even like they toned it down for this, they built him up to be the monster that he is and then tried to backpedal and are now pretending he's just a completely different dude now that he's not with Harley.
News Flash, but Harley wasn't the first woman Joker's manipulated into helping him while simultaneously leading them to believe they were mutually falling in love
She's just one of the only survivors.
Because that's what she did. For years. Survived.
And sorryyyy, but I ain't exactly known for looking past The Joker's abusive transgressions and I'm sure as shit not starting now just because he's had a pitifully rushed "redemption" arc with some poorly iced He's A Socialist frosting on top.
Or am I supposed to pretend like in Season 1, Episode 8 he didn't put his manipulation skills to full use and, to add insult to injury, knowing he was going to push her out of the plane, he still kissed her.
Multiple times.
He initiated the kiss. He moved down her neck.
There was no fucking reason he needed to do that. It was just another thing he knew he could do to hurt her.
He pushed so many lines in that episode and then immediately shoved her out of a plane.
He relished in it.
Knowing how much trust she'd just put in him, how much she'd let her guard down and trusted him. She just admitted she dreamed of these moments, of escaping with him.
Because he had abandoned her so many fucking times.
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Harley: I used to dream about this moment.
The Joker, laughing amusedly: Oh, Harley, I couldn't leave you on the boat.
I need you.
And then he kissed her! He fucking kissed her!
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The Joker: For this.
He pulls her in and repeatedly kisses her.
Harley, making happy noises of approval and giddiness as she kisses him back.
The Joker, quietly as he kisses her neck: That's it.
Batman appears next to them, but Harley's none the wiser as she's gazing happily up at him.
The Joker: And this! Aha Ha Ha Ha!
He violently shoves her through the door of the plane into open air, cackling maniacally.
And she trusted him.
Harley trusted that this time was different. Because she wasn't his henchwoman anymore, she wasn't Her anymore. This was different. She'd escaped with him! They were on equal grounds now...
He respected her. She was important. She was a part of The Legion of Doom. She was a big shot now.
And that's exactly what he meant to do. Because he knew he had to this time, he had to lure her deeper. He had to slather the love bombing on thick to get her to drop her guard.
He had to pretend he was fine with them being equals.
So he did.
He pretended and he acted and he played her. He was cruel.
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The mask did have cracks, it absolutely did. It angered him having her correct him and it angered him having to pretend he found her to be a master equal to him.
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The Joker: No, I believe it's the student becomes A Master equal to the original master, but not with more mastery than that master.
It was something he couldn't pretend for a moment to believe. He couldn't even lower his ego enough to say a quote correctly "The student becomes the master." because he does not value her as equally.
And after love bombing her all evening long, after watching her drop her guard.
After she admitted she'd dreamed of these moments of escaping with him. After he kissed her.
He shoves her out of a plane once Batman has caught up with them.
Grinning like a maniac.
He knew, he always knew. He enjoyed what he did to her and he's never owned up to anything.
Hurting her is a game to him. He enjoys it. He's always fucking enjoyed it.
He murdered her best friend. Happily!
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He captured her remaining friends and tortured them. He planned to hold a public execution.
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He wanted to entirely isolate her so she'd have no other choice but to return to him, cause there's no other options if he kills them all.
And, then this part.
This is the entire reason this post isn't a reblog because I don't think just making gifs of this scene does it justice in terms of how sinister he sounds so:
The Joker, chuckling: I want you to put this on.
Cackles darkly before throwing it at her.
Come on, remember how much fun you had in that costume?
Harley: No... I didn't have fun... You were the one having fun. It wasn't till I got away from you that I realized how deeply unfun being with you was!
So I would rather blow myself up and take you with me then go back to being your sidekick and wearing that fucking costume!!
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The Joker: So, how about you make this easy and put. The Outfit. On.
"violence was a hallmark of our relationship too"
all of this happened in Season 1.
He says that in Season 2 folks.
Abuse was a hallmark of their relationship. On his part. He was abusive.
That's not what he said. And he said it with a sigh of "ah, good times" vibes
He looks back on his abusive actions with fondness.
He found humor and pleasure in hurting her and thinking back on it is a good memory for him. It's not a Bad Thing he did that he's remorseful for because all those memories are things he views as good moments.
"violence was a hallmark of our relationship too"
noun noun: hallmark; plural noun: hallmarks
• a distinctive feature, especially one of excellence.
He didn't do any of this because he had beef with Poison Ivy, or any of the members of her crew individually.
It all had to do with hurting her.
To get one up on her.
He knew Ivy was important to her.
He knew Ivy was a threat to him when it came to achieving his end goal of erasing Harley completely. So he killed her.
He knew hurting her crew would hurt Harley, he knew that having them there would be a failsafe because while he will hurt them, she won't.
Which means her suicide mission of blowing herself up and taking him with her wouldn't work. He knew that when he let her upstairs. The second she was in that room he had essentially defused the bomb.
Cause he knew she'd never take the crew down with her purposefully.
And then when he gets what he wants, she puts on that fucking costume, he doesn't just end it there.
He decides "let's try n break her heartstrings for old times sake" and pulls the love bombing shtick once again.
She doesn't fall for it, but pretends she does so she can get in close to stab him.
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The Joker: You were always so unoriginal, stealing my ideas!
He was fully going to kill her even if she did fall for it.
Even if she was completely on board with his bullshit, with all the horror he'd done in the past few episodes towards her friends. Even if she was happy to overlook all of that cause he said the right thing, he plucked the right strings and had her swooning.
He was going to stab her.
It didn't matter.
He was going to do it again.
The Joker had no reason to try and woo her back in (What He Believed To Be) the final moments of her life.
He did it because he thought it would be funny to see the tears in her eyes as she realized he had hurt her again.
As she realized he had stabbed her in the stomach.
That's why he did it.
He wanted her to love him again because he wanted to kill That Harley. The one who would feel the most pain from this, emotionally and mentally. He wanted to watch That Harley suffer.
Because he thinks it's funny. He finds pleasure in hurting her.
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And this was going to be the final time, the last hurrah.
So he wanted to have her go out with a bang. A shot in the heart.
Because The Joker is a cruel, manipulative monster who gets off on seeing her in pain that he knows he caused.
"violence was a hallmark of our relationship too"
The Joker is not remorseful for the trauma or suffering he caused her. And his political stance doesn't mean fucking shit to me. His rushed redemption doesn't mean anything, it doesn't change his actions towards Harley and his complete disregard for the truth of the matter. He's a fuckhead and he deserved to stay dead.
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bluecoolr · 1 year
But what if Darrell and Bright Eyes (Bartholomew Evan?) were twins? 
One of them is taller, and jokes about hogging up the womb make regular appearances in conversation. Also, them pulling the "I should have absorbed you in the womb, you ugly fuck!" on occasion. 
Bright Eyes is 6'0" and Darrell is 6'3" but B is noticeably heavier. 
B is a lot more physically conditioned than Darrell. You look at him and immediately know he's in the army.
Darrell doesn't have tattoos. He has his ears pierced and all but he's not the type of guy to get tattoos on a whim. He is the sort of sap ♥︎ to get something that represents his partner, though. Either their name or some imagery or both, but never portrait tats.
B is tatted up. Lots of death imagery there. He probably has a grim reaper tattoo somewhere and a stereotypical "Semper Fi" or "USMC". He definitely has a cute lil flash she-devil pinup. 8 ball. Horror movie characters (Leatherface or maybe even the Predator). Throw in a casual "Creeping Death" in there. 
He has Darrell's name tattooed. Maybe a lily to represent Susannah. Maybe even 5 lilies to represent all his siblings. 
Definitely has a black sheep tattoo. 
I also see B being really into scarification. Darrell tells him not to get any because they're both keloid-formers, and it's difficult to predict how they might heal up. Didn't stop B from getting Y-shaped autopsy scars, though.
B is loud only when Darr is around. If his twin is out of sight, you're not getting a word out of him. Very moody. Sometimes he's up for laughs, but when his social battery drains he's not responding. 
Both absolutely love corn muffins. Will fight for the last muffin.
While Darrell loves chicken, B is a big sea food guy. Will 10 times out of 10 eat with his hands. (Watch him lick his finger clean go ahead). 
Always fucks up his blood pressure after eating sea food and Darrell has to nurse him. 
They have similar music tastes.
Darrell likes straightforward metal bands like Slayer and Sepultura. B likes shock rock theatrics like Rob Zombie’s and Alice Cooper’s.
Darrell prefers boxers over briefs.
B prefers briefs over boxers.
B is a dog guy.
Darrell is a cat guy.
Both are bisexual. Guess who leans more to which. 
B has a higher alcohol tolerance and is the designated driver after a bar trip. He likes to see Darrell struggle while walking. Many bruises have been sustained on the long walk from the driveway to the porch. 
B would love analog horror so fucking much I swear to God. The goddamn freakazoid.
I honestly can’t decide who would have longer hair. 
tagging some moots that might wanna see this (if not i'm so sorryyyy) @the-pinstriped-hood @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @solmints-messyocdiary @rottent33th @slaasherslut @probably-a-plant-thing @goldrose-star
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bilbosmom-belladonna · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @lyntergalactic (like ten years ago, sorryyyy) and @spiritofthenortheners 💜💜💜
I played this back in December-ish, so some stuff hasn't changed but I'm happy to do it again!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 16! Which is twice as many as I had last time I played this, woohoo!
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 254,307
3. What fandoms do you write for? So far, a couple different versions of Star Wars (mostly TCW) and also Stranger Things
Click to see the rest so I don't take over your dash!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Maybe 10% Better (Stranger Things, Steddie)
Trying to Escape What You Can't Let Go (TCW, genfic)
Less Talk More Rokk (Stranger Things, Steddie)
Plans (Star Wars: Rebels, Kalluzeb)
TIED FOR FIFTH: A Flimsi Excuse (TCW, QuinFox) and Built on Bones and Middens (TCW, QuinFox)
5. Do you respond to comments? Hell yeah!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? A Mandalorian Comes Riding (TCW, Jangobi) is a pretty rough one.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of them Let's say Picture (Im)perfect (TCW, Waxer/Boil)
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not yet? 😬
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do! I really love to write smut that's fun and full of banter and a little bit of push-and-pull.
10. Do you write crossovers? Nah, not my thing
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nope
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not yet, but I'm open to the idea!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, I don't know if I'd ever want to subject anyone to that 🤣
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I am a ship slut not the sort to get locked down, but Destiel held my singular attention for several years in a row.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? As I think I said last time, a Foxiyo fic that I accidentally outlined to death. I think if I let it breathe I may resurrect it one day.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, I think, but I may be biased because I also think that's the most fun to write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I think I often get too caught up in what a character is doing and don't spend enough time on what they're thinking and feeling.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've done a bit of Mando'a but I think it should just be a smattering, if at all. Otherwise, just write it in English and say that it's in [whatever language]. Like in Hunt for Red October where they zoom in on that guy's face and then zoom back out and everyone is just speaking English with bad Russian accents.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Star Wars: Rebels
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? At the moment I'll say Built on Bones and Middens, the QuinFox mystery fic I wrote for the 2023 Clone Bang. It's my longest fic to date and I'm really pleased with how it turned out!
No pressure tags: @whiskygoldwings @hellsbelle8675
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j4mboree · 4 months
HELLOO !! :3
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My name is j4mboree, but you can just call me bon or bonster! I identify as androgynous and mostly unlabeled (maybe sapphic tho) I'm black + a teen and go by they/them so ye, Welcome to my blog!
This is a general blog where I post anything I'm particularly interested in! (and if thats not your thing, this is my warrior cats design blog! @cannibalmapleshade) Which usually fluctuates constantly (my bad ya'll) I may have undiagnosed autism so like I have many hyperfixations and sometimes they'll change from time to time.
my mains are:
-Bully (Canis Canem Edit)
-Warrior Cats
-My Little Pony (G4)
-The Walten Files
-A Separate Peace
These are my most consistent interests so far so ye.
I also have some side interests like: Aggretsuko, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Monkey Wrench, Adventure Time, Ed Edd N Eddy, Moral Orel, Tuca & Bertie, Wolfwalkers + more
also some ships I love are: Eddtom, Eddmatt, Eddtord, Tamtori, Twipie, Twidash, Rarijack, Startrix, Lapidot, Bubbline, Rasey, Smopkins, Genefinny, Squirreldaisy, Ivyblossom, and Jaykestrel!!
AND ALSO also, I kin gloomy bear, twilight sparkle, Moondancer, raphael, tom, squirrelflight, bertie songthrush, and jimmy hopkins,
I also draw!! the tag for my art is #bon's art ! and the tag for me yapping is #bon's yap sesh. additionally donation posts for people who are unfortunately suffering in palestine will be under the tag #important!!!
precautions,, i talk alot indepth about things im passionate about and use big words sometimes without realizing. i also can be short tempered so if sumn piss me off i might go sicko mode, i also use no punctuation usually sorryyyy
DNI list:
transphobes, homophobes, racists, pedophiles, zoophiles, people who watch gore all the time, alfred alfer fans, ableists, fatphobes, xenophobes, crowfeather apologists, proshippers/comshippers whatever tf they call themselves, thistleclaw apologists, lola lombardi haters, nsfw/kink
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princefado · 7 months
tag game
that BITCH @liquidsnakedoubledeeznuts tagged me so
Last song: dis one :)
Currently watching: too many anime
Three ships: nokomitsu, nokomei, nokomeimitsu
Favourite colour: pimk and green :)
Currently consuming: nothing yet i actually need to eat breaky
First ship: literally i cant remember but probably narusasu or something
Place of birth: it's a secret~
Current location: ...it's a secret~!
Relationship status: destroying mikage's [redacted]
Last movie: saltburn (which was kind of disappointing ngl)
Currently working on: prof layton 5
@ikuhara @horse-girl-anthy i actually forget what ur mains are so i'm tagging your fandom blogs sorryyyy (you can post these wherever)
oh also @jamesbranwen <3
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the-tenth-arcanum · 11 months
tagged : @doctorsrose tagging : I'm not going to tag anyone sorryyyy... it's a quick test if you wanna take it!
Charlie Kelmeckis (The Perks of Being a Wallflower): 91%
Beth March (Little Women): 87%
Will Byers (Stranger Things): 87%
Landry Clarke (Friday Night Lights): 86%
Tina Belcher (Bob's Burgers): 86%
Matt Saracen (Friday Night Lights): 85%
Konstantin 'Kostya' Levin (Anna Karenina): 85%
Vanya Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy): 85%
Joel Barish (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind): 85%
Fantine (Les Misérables): 85%
I know exactly one (1) character on this list and that's Beth March but that's from when I read Little Women many, many moons ago and I only vaguely remember it. I remember liking Beth though! I think she was my favourite March sister, so 💗
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cryingatships · 10 months
Tagged by dearie @pinkaugustmoon, thank you!! ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~🩷 this took so long i forgot abt it I'm sorryyyy T^T
Shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs
Somewhere Only We Know - Gustxia & Rhianne
Wind - Chimon Wachirawit
River Flows in You - Yiruma (technically not a song but I have it in there sooo)
ลั่นทม (Lan Thom acc to my translator???) - Cocktail
The Moon Represents my Heart - MLC ost
From Me, The Moon - Lav
Those Eyes - New West
Fade - Jeff Satur
Newton and Apple - Waji
You Are My Destiny - Boy Sompob
+1 BTBT - B.I. I listened to it so many times it absolutely deserves to be on the list
A very random selection u.u
Your Top 15 favorite TV shows can say a lot about your personalitycan it tho— list your favorite 15 shows
I didn't ever finish watching an entire tv shows/series' before 2023 and never got around to western shows so it's almost solely bls. chosen solely on my love for them and their re-watchability to me
also i can't do favourites so these are in particular order i love all 15 almost equally XD
Moonlight Chicken - every part of this, from each of the characters, to the ost, to the story, to the cinematography. YUM
I Feel You Linger In The Air - historical fiction loml
Be My Favourite - i don't dig uni shows usually but this one was so healing?? Krist and Gawin were great too
Mouse - Ik it dragged a bit at the end but BaReum's smile?? things with a bit of blood and dark stuff are my weak spots
Wedding Plan - the lavender wedding plotline 😭🥹And the leads' chemistry was yum
La Pluie - The doc >>>> and the ost + the brother and his bf +the cat. put a cat in and it'll climb up the ranks with me
Beyond Evil - Do I even need to say anything.
Theory of Love - I'm a fan of hurt/comfort, (requited) unrequited love, yearning in my fics. why would i be different elsewhere
Love Tractor - idk why i just loved it so so much. the locations were gorgeous. I'm perhaps in need of a holiday
Laws of Attraction - How can I not choose our favourite lawyer? and the girls?
Bed Friend - Therapeutic. I've been in a difficult place for a long, long time, Uea gives me hope <3
My Tooth Your Love - My first Taiwanese bl, and one of my most beloved shows. It left such a strong impression + they were cute XDl
Love In Translation - So good?? I went in expecting nothing and it made me smile every week (✿◡‿◡)
I Will Knock You - Another show I had no expectations of but it was So. Good. I'd love to see the lead actors in another shows. Maybe two more. Or three.
Be Mine Superstar - Probably not a popular choice but I loved the acting so much?? and the chemistry, physics, maths, biology etc etc everything was so on point
+1 Step by Step - Tumblr hated the ending but i didn't. Plus Man Trisanu u.
And I should probably mention Kinnporsche, Cutie Pie, Secret Crush On You too cause they're the only shows I've ever re-watched
jajajajaja it's so hard to choose. Why don't y'all let me choose 20? But that won't be enough too lmao
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seethesunny · 11 months
WIP Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigued them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @oliviassunrise and @tessaservopoulos. Thank you so much! I love getting these haha
So this is kinda embarrassing, because mostly I'm someone that when she writes she focuses solely in one (1) wip at a time, but my mind has been all over the place since spring and now I have way too many wips oops however I'm really obsessed with tessjoel, so it's been fun creating things for them.
These are all tlou related and this is gonna be long, sorryyyy:
anyways, don't be a stranger
biblically accurate J&T A/B/O AU
bitches in baby denial part II
come home to my heart
drag my teeth against your chest to taste your beating heart / pwp possessive tess biting kink
endure and survive
Eyes like sinking ships on waters, so inviting (I almost jump in)
flowers bloom in spring
Fourth of July
I clung to your hands so that something human might exist in this chaos
I don’t even know where you end and I begin
I Hate To See Your Heart Break
J&T ice skating AU
J&T marriage of convenience AU
little moth
peace modern day au outline
Random smut
sugar-coated lips
Sunbeam Dream
this is a very old story (there's no other version of this story)
Under the blankets
yo te propongo un desliz; yo te propongo ser de ti
tagging: uhhhh anyone who might want to do this?
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ladybender · 5 years
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after over six months of work last month i finally finished and done my exam on computer graphic, the assignment was a fanzine and the topic was whatever we wanted, so OF COURSE i jumped at the chance of making a Futurama fanzine, and it was the 20th anniversary of the show (last march, oops) so what better occasion!!
i did the imagination and all the editing and graphic work, rewrote all the articles to fit the purpose, did my first review with my professor on march 28 exactly (which i thought was a good sign from the universe), cried when i messed up the first two prints and fist fought the people at the typography over the third print (which is the one in the pictures). but i got a really good grade for all my trouble, so it was a victory in the end!
i don't have any official plan on what to do with this yet, and no idea where to begin to look if i wanted to actually publish it, or if i could do it at all (copyright and whatnot). i’ll think about it 
special thank to @spaceacepearl​ for being an angel and correcting my grammar while also busting me with moral support, advices and appreciation! seriously thanks forever girl 💕💕💕
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charlie---writes · 6 years
Favourite Words Tag
Rules: List your favourite words, sayings, quotes, anything! From any language.
glockenspiel | polyspaston | anything | everything | nothing | something | jazz | lafayette | everthere | it’s fizzing through the lines from the day in to the night all for love | ta | kamillentee | murmur | cerberos | they have made worms’ meat of me | venenum | yay or nay
I tag: @myconstantscribbling​ | @starlitesymphony​ | @sunflowersfor-amy​ | @maya-and-the-keyboard​ | @rhikasa​ | @xanderswriteblr​ | @hklunethewriter​ | @typewritists​ | @lisa-scank-de-alejo-writes​ | @letterstomidnightkids​ | @endlesshourglass​ | @bluewritesbadly​ | @hazeywrites​ | @scrawl-your-heart-out | @vamspiders​ | @dreamswithadashofspice​ | @xeveryonehastheirownstoryx​ | @cjjameswriting​ | @i-ammeandnothingmore​ | @hilunawrites​ | @georgiacambrielwritblr​ | @angsty-ass-pepermint | @nepeinthe​ | @tara-stofse​ | @omgbrekkerkaz​ | @brdbecca-writes
and anyone else who wants to give it a go :) no pressure!! If you want to be tagged or don’t want to be tagged or just want to be tagged in original content / tag games please say! Sorry feel like I’ve been spamming people :(
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mmollymercury · 2 years
Sorry I'm late to getting around to this😳😅
Thanks for the tag @captaincravatthecapricious 💕💕✨
RULES: Write the latest line from your wip and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don't reblog. 
I still need to finish chapter 7 of my encanto fic... But right now I'm working on chapter 2 of my futurama ficc 😭😳😳 soooo, enjoy:
After wiping the slimy sewage residue from her hands, Leela started a brisk walk- well, somewhere between brisk and frantic. She didn't know what she needed right now... but this sure felt like the right thing, yet, it didn't stop her from slowing down to experience some more silent moments. Her heart always picked up speed when she was down here. It didn't exactly feel like home, however much it was, plus, she'd never been able to get over finally having parents. In some ways, seeing them felt like the first time, every time.
She had barely breathed against the door before it was pulled open. Turanga Munda, her mother, stood in front of her. Her short, tentacle-d hair, curled around her beaming cheeks; those permanently nervous and tense shoulders, sagged a little, making her malnourished collarbones blend more into her sickly flesh.
Living in the sewers wasn't natural, even for a mutant. Who'd have thought.
Despite all that, Leela couldn't stop herself from smiling and diving into her petite mother's arms. She felt the fabric of the ragged purple dress she wore, shift beneath her fingers; her tail was wagging this way and that.
"I'm so happy to see you, Leela! Was the manhole any trouble?"
"Oh no, no trouble at all! I'm so happy to see you too, mam."
She smiled, something her cheeks had rarely felt in the past couple of days. Simply remembering that she had a mam and dad, was all she needed to feel better sometimes.
I have A LOT of headcanons for Leela's mam👀👀👀 also, wish me luck because I'm sat beside two kinda scary men on the train hahaha I love being a woman🥰😍😍🤩
EDIT; K IM BACK FROM THE TRAIN WRECK. now,,, I can't tag as many people as the rules say, because I wanted to give a juicy sneak peakkk😳😳😳, so I'm just gonna tag as many as I like💗 if you've already done this, I'm sorryyyy😭
@glitternightingale @greenvillainredemption @sokkas-first-fangirl 💞💞💞
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gisachi · 2 years
OMG I hope you don't see my latest tags when I reblog your post. But if you did I'm sorryyyy. I guess I accidentally cursed at you? It's the tagging problem I totally didn't mean to do that T_T.
I deleted it as soon as I noticed and will hopefully be more careful from now on XD anyway love your gifs ❤️
OH hi there! Actually I did see but I didn’t take offense so no biggie! If any I actually thought the gifset made you feel many things that led to you cursing in tags and you know what, I’m absolutely all for it 😂
No but seriously it’s fine!!! You shouldn’t have deleted! I 100% enjoy reading your long tags they make my day so I doubt whatever commentary/rant/word vomit you say in there would ever disappoint!!! :)
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dragonskxn · 2 years
Unnecessarily Detailed Dislikes
Yoinked from: @sins-of-the-sea
Tagging: you!
Muse name:  Annalise Kamiya-Dubois, surnames taken from her father Daichi and her mother Floriana respectively
Least favorite nickname: Lise, mostly because it doesn't roll off the tongue as well as Anna.
Least favorite color: Chartreuse
Least favorite season: Winter
Least favorite weather: Bitter cold snowstorms. The kind that leaves ice and slush instead of fluffy snow.
Least favorite—hot or cold: Cold
Least favorite holiday: New Year's, if she hasn't achieved her dream. It's just another reminder of how long she's been alive, and how she's still alone.
Least favorite food: Anything pickled. Pickled pig's feet, especially.
Least favorite flavor: Bitter
Least favorite drink: Beer
Least favorite scent: Dirty gutters in the village filled with all sorts of unpleasant garbage. Don't let her travel to Paris, it's even worse.
Least favorite sound: The guttural screams of someone burning alive.
Least favorite book: Books on ladies' etiquette that's written by some old dude.
Least favorite movie: (Modern verse) Horse girl movies. She hates how cliche they are.
Least favorite tv show: (Modern verse) just about anything that's reality TV. Stuff like "90 day fiancee".
Least favorite school subject or area of study: M A T H (I can relate, Anna)
Least favorite aspect of their job:  (Modern verse) The more unpleasant aspects of being a livestock vet. Palpations, dealing with infections and abscesses, AI, things like that.
Least favorite fictional character: she doesn't trust the villain from that Pebble and the Penguin movie. I forgot his name I'm sorryyyy
Least favorite person: whoever came up with the idea that all dragons are evil.
Least favorite trait in others: Arrogance, brutality, vanity, lecherousness
Least favorite place: if she visits Paris, that's gonna be it.
Least favorite thing to talk about: The story of the first person she ever killed, and how he died.
Least favorite thing about themselves: The scar on her back.
Least favorite sexual position: Any position that involves her hair being pulled, or having her arms / legs restrained tightly.
Least favorite daily chore: Mucking out the barn and pasture.
Least favorite style of clothing: Those ball gowns with the rectangular skirts that look like she's smuggling a 50 inch flat screen TV underneath. And over-the-top hats decorated with ostrich feathers and model ships and stuff.
Least favorite activity: Preparing meat that she's hunted. Skinning and gutting.
Least favorite superpower: Ice powers.
Least favorite thing about humanity in general: How so many people are prone to cruelty and a lack of compassion and empathy.
Least favorite thing about being in love: That she might outlive them.
Least favorite thing about death: There's no way to bring them back.
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ceruleanpunch · 8 years
haikyuu ? :0
👀👀ushijima tbh 
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jeonkkyuu · 7 years
I was tagged by @seokjinlesbian million years ago but I hvn't had time I'm sorry thank u so much!!! 🌹
Rules - tag 20 people you’d like to get to know
Nickname: Ronka (my name is Ronja), meme master, dummass
Gender: uhhhhhhhhh fluid i guesss
Star Sign: scorpio
Height: 165cm/5'4 (???)
Sexuality: uhhhhhhhh ... can i get uhhh... doesn't matter
Hogwarts House: gryffindor haha
Favourite Animal: cats 🐱
Average hours spent sleeping: lol bruh idk i sleep either 18 hours or 0 hours no idea
Dogs or Cats: cats but i really like dogs too!
Number of blankets I sleep with: 1
Dream Trip: LA, Hawaii, Japan, Korea, Iceland... so many places ♡ i love cold places but i also would like to see warm places 2
Dream Job: psychology and acting are very interesting/cool, makeup artist 2
When I made this account: no idea lmao
Why I made this account: don't wanna annoy my other followers w kpop, plus this way i feel more organized
Number of followers: haha don't wanna say, main blog somewhere around 520
i'm sorryyyy 20 is a lot but i kinda want to get to know everyone, @seokjinlesbian <--- u seem like such a cool person tysm for tagging me 🌻💕 @nembuka do dis
anybody who sees this is tagged!!(lol)
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