roguestorm · 1 month
the thing about the o5 (as a jean stan) is that jean has distinct relationships with all four of the guys in a way that feels really good for her character.
she and hank have this relationship that you can see in xmso that seems to be about them looking forward to the future of the x men. they both can see different things in charles and obviously they’re not going to discuss those with scott (it’s impossible to talk to scott at this point) so they’re sort of considering the future in a way that neither warren nor bobby really is. and then there’s that time when hank and jean think they’re the only two survivors of the x men so it’s them and charles and that is SO tasty to me. and then there’s the open affection that they show each other in x factor and the nineties. and it reads to me like hank really respects jean’s intelligence even though it’s different from his own.
she and warren have a relationship that i think makes them both feel normal. this is why they’re dating in the silver age, and going back to xmso again, i love that moment when jean is like “your worst problem is that girls want you to take your clothes off on the first date” because obviously warren does have problems but jean helps keep them in perspective. they just like each other in a very innocent way, and that like relationship to normal is super interesting in the aftermath of dark phoenix and archangel because both of them end up witnessing the other during their worst days. and how do you move forward with a friendship based on normalcy when you’re both monsters?
and then her relationship with bobby is cute because i believe she does tell bobby things she doesn’t tell anyone else. bc bobby is easy emotionally in a way none of the others are. maybe it’s because he’s younger, maybe it’s because he’s gay and therefore not fighting for her affection, maybe it’s because bobby is just generally a pretty easy-going guy. and for bobby, she likes and respects him (him! for his personality!) and i think he’s pretty used to people seeing only the image he projects, and so for jean to see him is like nice. especially if he doesn’t have to have a conversation about it. then there’s also those x factor issues where bobby’s like “do you wanna help me with this problem” and jean’s like “absolutely get me away from all my problems” so i think they have fun together.
and obviously i could write whole essays about her relationship with scott lol
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synthshenanigans · 3 months
Only just now learned it was strike week! Sorry for the posts the past two days but heres a bunch of links to give aid or at least educate yourself!!! [these aren't just for Palestine!! Please help however you can to any or all places!!!]
Fundrasiers for Palestinian Families
A Google doc with tons of supporting links for Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Haiti, Yamen, Hawai’i, Lebanon & soon many more!
Menstrual Kits for Gaza
What you can do during the strike
Gofundme Links
More Gofundme links
Donation links for Gaza Families
Dont forget your Daily Click as well!!
I will try & add more as I find them but please do what you can!!
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luxmoogle · 7 months
The news about AI scraping also reaching this nook of the internet (tho' I don't doubt there's been scraping already before this) has been going around and I'd like to write a little word about my feelings on it.
For awhile this direction of art theft in the art and writers communities has been weighing a lot of people down. I've seen many familiar faces stop posting at all, probably out of fear of their beloved work being thieved away.
I don't really talk about it, but many times it has deterred me from posting or even working on some pieces purely from a sense of melancholy and sadness. Every time news about the topic comes out it creates a new kind of wave of despair. I get the feeling, what's the point, if the AI created sludge is enough for the public, if such surface level imagery fulfills peoples wants for art, then what's the point of me sharing my work at all? To just keep posting to feed a machine.
But then I sit at my desk and draw something. Paint something by myself. And I remember, why I do art at all. The feeling of creating is irreplaceable, the joy I get out of the struggle of creation can't be taken away from me. The way one pours their thoughts, feelings and even the tiniest things that might feel so insignificant to oneself so candidly onto paper. And then. AND THEN. One might be brave enough to share those pieces to others. Post them online, show a friend, a family member. To show your vulnerable self to others, and those others respond. They comment, ask questions, perceive it and best of all... ..might get inspired, and create something for themselves!
I remember reading a magazine once, that had a page at the back with all these art works readers had sent in, and I though 'wow, these are great'! And that really inspired me to create more than I already was doing, and most of all to share it with people. That's why way back when I started sharing my art in online spaces. And I don't want to stop, because I don't want us to lose that connection. That human connection, because that's what sharing art is really about, our humanity. Sharing thoughts and feelings, not about generating the most technically perfect piece of art, void of all human error.
So, I'd like to say, do not despair (but keep fighting). There are always people out there to receive your heart.
Thank you for reading and sorry for the ramble, but I really do hope these words find you all well.
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The racism my beloved Simon had to face….my baby. 🥺💔
Although painful to watch, it felt incredibly validating. It was so annoying watching some people say this show was “only about class” while dismissing the BS that Simon had to go through. The abuse was ten fold because he’s POC and S3 finally exposed that.
That being said, and on a more positive note, it was so incredibly sexy when Simon sang happy birthday to Wille in Spanish (he feels safe with him!) and when Wille admitted to fantasizing about stroking those beautiful curlssss (and then actually did it). 🥹❤️‍🩹
Wilmon forever. 🤎🤍
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calamarispiderart · 2 months
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no, not that special at all
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angel1d0ll747o · 2 months
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Her talent is absolutely amazing
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y'all gotta stop making AI art of book ships... it makes me so mad because there are so many talented artists who show their love and support by working hard to make a great drawing for their favorite book. the thing that actually shows that you care is putting work into it not making a computer do it for you. if you wanna use AI to make art please clarify in the post that it's AI and DONT DO FANART THAT WAY BECAUSE ITS NOT APPRECIATING ANYONE OR ANYTHING BECAUSE YOURE MAKING A COMPUTER DO IT!!!!! there's no love or support in AI art.
stop slandering my favorite ships
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 3 months
lily evans is the sabrina carpenter of the marauders fandom.
explanation: all because i liked a boy
"Now I'm a homewrecker, I'm a slut I got death threats filling up semi-trucks Tell me who I am, guess I don't have a choice All because I liked [a boy]"
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bakeythebee · 2 years
to everyone who sees this:
🪐 drink water
🪐 go potty
🪐 give your stuffies a kiss, it's what keeps them strong!
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elysabeththequeene · 16 days
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PATRICK SWAYZE and JENNIFER GREY photographed at the 60th Academy Awards (1988)
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roguestorm · 3 months
Jean’s got several sets of memories in her head.
A lot of them are legitimately hers — Redd’s memories, teen!Jean’s memories, Jeanix’s memories. (There are people who would claim that Jeanix is not the same person as Jean; I’m not one of them.) Integrating teen!Jean or Jeanix’s memories as her own would be difficult since she has defined herself as separate from them. Redd’s memories are less separate from herself, but it was a very strange time for her, so it probably requires some work to integrate.
Then she’s got the weird cosmic force memories, from the White Hot Room or from the fact that she is inextricable from Phoenix. Comic writers usually tend to ignore this one entirely, and I can’t say I blame them, but there’s at least an awareness of something there.
Maddy’s memories. She has Maddy’s memories up through Inferno. This is probably extremely weird. I expect she keeps them in a box.
Other people’s memories, just from being a telepath. Scott is probably the big one here, since she’s in his head the most, but I imagine that there’s some bleeding through of everybody’s memories. These probably resurface in that way that you’ll remember something very vaguely and then remember it happened in a movie instead of real life.
Any other lives that she was told were real. For example, the events of Age of X-Man (which she actually lived through) and whatever false backstory memories Nate Grey planted in her head about that time. This would also include the historical stuff that Mastermind made her believe.
Now, some of these, like the Age of X-Man ones, are gonna affect every member of the X-Men. And the other people’s memories one is gonna affect every telepath (and, famously, Rogue). So there’s a certain amount of memory weirdness that just comes with the territory of being a superhero.
What I find fascinating about Jean and memory is that she has so many different sets of memories to sort through. And either she’s very good at it and has a total handle on it, or she is simply repressing any doubts or fears or problems she has with it and pretending she has a handle on it.
I like to think that she has a pretty good handle on it but that things tend to be less tightly controlled when she’s asleep, and so she’ll get dreams of things that aren’t strictly hers. Dreams of events from when she was dead but she doesn’t know if the memories are from one of her teammates or if the Phoenix was watching. She dreams as Maddy probably a fair amount, as Maddy the pilot or occasionally as the Goblin Queen making a deal with a devil. She dreams Scott’s memories of Emma, and that’s probably screwed up in a hundred different ways. And it’s not that weird to dream things that never happened or that you didn’t see or to dream that you’re someone else, but it’s different when you know that so much of it is rooted in actual memory that is in your head but also not yours.
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yanaleese · 6 months
karmas thoughts on a socially awkward reader 🗣️
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First of all, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a huge spectrum of people who have a wide range of symptoms and severity. This can involve social interactions and communication.
Note that I am not an expert on these things, so no offense on anybody who has this disorder.
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Socially awkward MC:
Once again, Karma is VERY flexible on who he loves - especially you! And since you're so shy and timid, it gives him more time to cuddle you, kiss you, and just admire you! (and saves time from kidnapping you) He'll especially tease you for everything and baby you up, just to see you more flustered and embarrassed (that is, if you're comfortable). Overall, Karma will be a lot more protective and weak to your cuteness! Lots of fluff moments will be made here!
MC: K-Karma...
Karma: Mm? *holding a huge cup of hot chocolate*
MC: Can I get...one too...? *points to his cup*
Karma: You want chocolate? With marshmallows? Topped with sprinkles?? I'm on it, Xaxi! <333
Socially awkward + autistic MC:
First of all, Karma would first ensure what your boundaries are e.g. your love language, personal space, etc. Then he'll go from there to ensure you're super duper loved and comfortable! In this case, he won't tease you and baby you as much - since he doesn't want you to see him as patronizing. In fact, Karma wants to let you know he loves you and spoils you because you're his partner. You're his #1 Valentine. You're special because of who you are.
MC: *in bed with Karma, tugging at his shirt*
Karma: Oh hey Xaxi...you okay? You good? *is immediately awake (totally wasn't watching MC)*
MC: *just snuggles into him more, upset mumbles*
Karma: Mmm...well I'm here, Xaxi...always. Forever and a day. So relax...I'm not going anywhere. I love you too much to leave you alone.
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Favorite insults?
(Applies to all)
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nathandrakeisabottom · 10 months
Yesss please sam drake food/eating hcs?? Fave meals, hated meals, etc
It is with great joy and great belatedness that I post my first Uncharted piece in ages. Thank you for the lovely ask, anon. :)
⋆ Sam Drake - Eating Headcanons ⋆
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Two words: scarcity mindset.
After running away from Saint Frances’s, to claim money was tight is to be telling some humorous bit, Money was borderline non-existent. And as such, came what the Drake boys do best: theft. 
Liquor stores were their easiest, and most consistent source. Sam still takes great pride in telling his many stories revolving around ‘cashier meet-cutes’ disguising their proudest heist to date: a 12-year-old Nathan smuggling canned goods under a moth-holed hoodie. 
Because of this, gas station snacks: twinkies, Lays chips, slurpees, etc. all tend to give him this simultaneous sense of nostalgia and nausea. Like when you’re eating eggs and all of a sudden, your body gags on the next bite.
But on an especially shitty day, expect him to be gobbling a Big Gulp and a half-frozen hot dog on the nearest street corner, with a half-smoked cigarette still sunken between his lips. It’s the way he wallows. 
Secretly wants you to tell him how bad that shit is for him so he has an excuse to snottily spat back “who the ‘ell cares?”. He finds pride in not caring about anything. (He cares about everything.)
Getting fast food at the drive-thru? Man waves you off a total of three times claiming he doesn’t want nothing before proceeding to eat half of your McNuggets without asking. He loves BBQ sauce and needs Tabasco on everything like it’s his will to live.
Big fan of spicy, sour, and tart, anything that makes your mouth pucker. Pretzels, salt and vinegar chips, cottage cheese, pickles, pineapple (😉). “What can I say? I admire a fruit that fights back!” — he snorts before taking a raw bite of a lemon, just to squirm you out.
Maybe a bit of the masochist in him. 
When he and Nate were able to get proper gigs (12-year-old Nathan: illegally, of course), they were able to progress to the simplest of grocery outlet options. Eggs, instant ramen packets, canned vegetables that were 9 out of 10 times eaten raw out of the can with a fork, and more nothing-but-toast-for-dinner than they’d want to admit).
Sam and Nate spent most of their childhood eating their dad’s scrambled eggs and microwaved peas. When their mom passed, and dad released them to the state, Sam decided he’d only ever eat over-easy again.
Nate still chooses scrambled. He asks for cheese and green onions to split the difference, but always ends up only eating half of it before the memories come too strong and he has to push his plate away. 
QUICK eater. MESSY eater. And I mean quick and messy. 
Will use as minimal cutlery as possible, and if disposable, even better.
A scooper. Tends to be a chronic careless spiller with how frequently he tries to funnel all the last crumbs into his mouth, how quickly he chugs even a glass of water. (Most shirts of his are stained as a result.)
Tends to wait till the last possible moment to eat or drink anything. Breakfast basically doesn’t exist to him. 
Spills more beverage down his chin and shirt than his mouth (but a wet t-shirt certainly isn’t the worst thing to happen. Especially not to Samuel Drake. ;)
Pizza order: Meat Lover’s with extra sausage. Maybe some green bell peppers when he finally compromises with Nate during movie night.
Never, ever orders (well, non-alcoholic) drinks when eating out. And only water when he finally lets himself cave. Otherwise, he’s stealing sips from the nearest patron’s Jarrito bottle (his favorite is Tamarind).
Doesn’t bother cleaning up his fruit peels or peanut shells, even around others. That shit’s going on the floor without a second look.
Surprisingly, a king and natural on the BBQ. Despite having so little in their childhood, Sam still tried to go hard on the holidays for Nathan’s sake. Fourth of July is still Nate’s favorite holiday exclusively because of Sam’s public park-smoked ribs and the long, bumpy motorcycle ride up the highest hill in whatever city they were currently loitering in, just to see the fireworks. 
A dive bar master. Nate always orders whatever grease-covered appetizer they got in the back. Sam purposely keeps his stomach empty so there’s more room for whiskey. (Since nobody asked, incredible at pool, and will offer any woman in a twenty foot circumference a lesson. Cue the leaning chest over back, cue stick fantasy.)
A love language that was a total surprise to him is his partner cooking/baking something just for him, especially if it’s from scratch. Gets that rare, soft look in his eyes as he watches them carefully place each steaming plate onto the table. And trust, he’s not looking at the food when it happens.
Loves his partner in an apron. Like… loves his partner in an apron.
Make him food, and as soon as it’s eaten, he’s eating you after. ;)
When he finally settles down post-Madagascar, it’s a fucking struggle to get him to go grocery shopping at all for the first few months. 
Self-punishment, maybe. 
Nathan buys them himself instead and leaves them on the porch of Sam’s trailer park home when he’s too depressed to answer the door. 
Basically has to be forced to eat actual meat and vegetables. For the first few months, he reverts and eats only familiar prison food. The same single pot of chili/beans for a whole week, half portions only for each meal. Uncooked canned carrots. Microwave popcorn when Nathan calls him asking if he’s eaten, and when Sam lies, it sounds more believable with the microwave droning in the background.
However, when he finally starts to pick himself back up, when he gets his first day job since prison, finally lets Nate buy him a used truck to get around, his first solo call from Sully, that’s when he finally starts to eat.
And when he finally feels like himself again, when he finally lets himself want to live again, the first hobby that Sam Drake takes up is cooking.
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fuck it. no one has said this as far as ive seen but i genuinely have the headcanon that luz had a hardcore nightcore phase and you can pry that from my hands. she WOULD listen to nightcore/had a nightcore phase. listening to songs pitched and sped up with eye splittingy bright anime backgrounds - BONUS points if she discovered the "anime" she wanted to edit clips about in episode 1 of s1. she just has that vibe to me.
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dragonsholygrail · 2 months
I just wanted to say I adore reading all your stories, it's really helped me embrace my love of monsters and such, thank you for putting your work out for us to read and appreciate ^^
The actual screech I let out when I read this was unreal. Goodness, thank you so much!! I’m beyond happy that you’ve enjoyed my work and they’ve actually helped you! This is so insanely sweet of you to say, imma get choked up. Ugh, you don’t know how much it means to hear this imma weeeeep
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