quick-catton · 4 months
B-B-B-B-BAFTAS TODAY. HOW ARE WE FEELING? because we're either going to get jacob and barry content after a long drought or we're all gonna have our hearts broken. let's all hold hands and light some candles, alright? 🕯🤝🕯🤝🕯
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
hey, sorry um. bad news i called the Kansas Regulatory Board on your boyfriend. yeah, the one who started dating you and is now taking you on a trip to Paris after spending over a year with you for individual treatment and then couples counselling with your ex-husband. i'm then going to personally throw a football at his head for being such a piece of shit therapist. sorry.
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chiwithekiwi · 2 years
i want a post-canon outsider pov fic that follows the various weird goings-on of one university that the nine counselors all agreed to attend or otherwise stay close to due to their romantic partners attending there.
everyone knows that there’s something going on with this group of freshmen (one person swears that they saw emma with unnaturally sharp teeth in the bathroom before she was being dragged out alongside the short girl with the dark hair (no one knows whether to believe this or not)), but no one can agree on what it is that’s going on.
people have noticed that they all have really bright yellow eyes, but every time someone asks one of them about it, they get a different answer. “they’re contacts” or “they’re just a really weird green” or “it’s jaundice don’t worry about it i’m seeing a doctor”. everyone grows increasingly concerned.
and then there’s the fact that they can do things that seem impossible. someone watched laura’s mechanic boyfriend fall down a full flight of concrete stairs and then get up without a scratch while laura just laughed, as if this was not something that almost definitely would have seriously hurt anyone else in that situation. a bunch of them have been reprimanded because of broken property—kaitlyn once flung a door open so hard that it literally broke the hinges and then proceeded to blame it on the metal being rusted. there have been multiple instances of them walking over to join in with the discussion as if they’d been standing close enough to overhear it the whole time despite the fact that they had just been across the room a few seconds ago. 
students watch them all pile into a van once a month and drive off with no explanation beyond them going on a “hiking trip”, and this happens even if it’s right in the middle of exam season. no clarification of where they plan to go hiking, they just get up and go, and the next morning the students will walk in and the group are already seated in their lectures, even though no one had seen them arrive back.
no one knows what to make of them; no one really gets close enough to any of them to even come close to finding out what their deal is. at least they’re friendly enough to lend a pen and piece of paper when their classmates forget their laptop and can’t take notes
EDIT: @meovvclops wrote an entire fic loosely based on this concept and it's the best outsider pov fic i have ever had the pleasure of reading, read it here on ao3
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pooks · 8 months
If someone were to ask Percy what his mental picture of a big sister figure was, he would answer with one name.
Cassidy Mercury.
He didn't meet her officially until he was in his second year, when Bill and Charlie introduced him to their friend. She was a new prefect, like Charlie, and she was probably the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
Her hair was styled in a short haircut with parted bangs and golden like sunshine. The eyes were green as ripe pears and her skin was fair, decorated with a calm yet reassuring smile.
There was just something about her that kept his nerves calm, as if she was telling him "everything will be alright because I am here" in a non-verbal way. And the first thing she had said when he told his name and his life ambitions in one go was...
"Sounds like you have your whole life planned out."
No teasing or mocking, like his brothers tended to do. No laughing at his extremely high standards of a successful life. No, she listened and respected him. That was the first thing that won him over.
Secondly, she proved to be an excellent and talented student. Cassidy was really good at academics and as he later found out, one of the best Chasers on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
He had originally come to see Charlie, and his dorm mate Oliver Wood, play on the first Quidditch match of the year. He had already known that Charlie was a great Seeker and Oliver was a raw talent as a Keeper, but Cassidy...
She was magnificent in the air, flying on her Comet and stealing the Quaffle with ease, evading her opponents like how a fly avoids being hit by a slipper and making goals with a strong left arm. And how the stands filled with Gryffindors screamed in loud cheers for her.
Charlie may be the Quidditch Captain, but Cassidy Mercury was their star! Even when Oliver was down, getting hit in the head by a Bludger (and nearly gave him a heart attack!), Cassidy became their savior by making so many goals and with Charlie catching the Snitch, earning them 150 points more...they had saved the match.
It has been a long time since Percy believed in heroes. Yes, he knew there were war heroes from the War, but he didn't know them and in his simple opinion, heroes was something that belonged in fairy tales or fictional stories.
But when the school was in danger by the Cursed Vaults...when students and even school staff were being attack by these curses...when Rakepick proved to be a Dark witch and especially, when his life was at mortal danger...
Cassidy Mercury was there to save the day.
She was his hero.
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heyitsmelouiss · 11 months
We no longer get a comic con panel and I have nothing to smile about in my life.
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burningtacozombie · 9 months
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Ben and Tabitha: About tattoos and scars. (2x07 Same Time Last Year)
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Denton: What do you say when you answer the phone?
Davey: Jacobs’ residence.
Race: What up?
Crutchie: Who this be?
Jack: No, he’s in prison, this is his son.
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
hey bestie i'm finally here with that essay about jacob fighting for bella's humanity w/o being a love interest bc the potential that has! he's set up to be the perfect avenue for it! he's the warmth and sun that she loved from arizona; he's the community and family she could be deeply enmeshed in w/ charlie and billy; he's a childhood friend who grew up (which bella's going to lose the potential to do if she becomes a vampire! and she's going to forget that past!); he's someone who fixes up old damaged cars instead of having perfect ones, and they aren't the *same* but they're still good...he's literally thematically everything best abt being human that bella will lose, AND examples of the negatives she sees in humanity, (all the times she thinks abt how the wolves are fragile in comparison to the vampires)...and it would just be SO fascinating to see that played out w/out the romance. it would honestly be even more powerful! bc baked into smeyer's worldbuilding is that vampires prioritize their romantic partners above everything else and having jacob be the true contrast to that where he's a platonic connection that bella genuinely values equally and she has to think abt how becoming a vampire would cut her off from the potential of connections like that!!! i am thinking so many thoughts
BESTIE thank you as always for dropping the Jacob love in my inbox!
you're so right about Jacob being the perfect avenue to explore Bella's doubt about vampirism! the warmth & family & community & LOVE & acceptance & nostalgia she loves about humanity is all embodied in Jacob's character & in their relationship. she likes hand-me-downs & homemade gifts! she likes acts of service! she likes reckless stunts that remind her of her own fragility & weakness! she likes warm sodas & spaghetti dinners! she likes being reminded that she belongs somewhere! & THIS IS JACOB <3
the fact that their relationship isn't utilized to this end (or any end, really) is my biggest problem with Eclipse. Bella drops little hints in the narrative that she's nervous about becoming a vampire. there are so many opportunities— e.g. when Rose tells her story— for her to reflect on what she's giving up.
in the end, she doesn't sum up the argument in a compelling way & doesn't make her choice in a believable way.
in part because the event that kicks off her grand realization that she's not ready (AKA THE CONFLICT OF HER ENTIRE SERIES ARC) is ...graduation
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big life event as a catalyst seems to make sense. but how relevant is it to her narrative? & once it's brought up, we don't we see her digging into why she's nervous. what about saying goodbye makes her not ready? what about getting what she wants terrifies her? what does she need to sort through? what plans does she need to make? we're left to wonder what's running through Bella's mind re: the biggest decision of the series...in a first person narrative. no!!!
Jacob, who embodies all these ideals of her humanity, should be the one to push her to this realization. the climax of her internal conflict should be focused around him: losing him physically/emotionally (or both), & everything he represents. there is so much weight that her relationship with Jacob adds to her choice if she's allowed to love him and Edward unconditionally! as a romantic interest, all Jacob's doing is pushing her away.
(& that's why this whole fucking triangle makes no sense. he loves her so much he remembers her from early childhood. he loves her so much he'll sit there for months & pick up her broken pieces. he loves her so much he'll spend every moment just doing silly little hobbies together. he loves her so much he wants to fight for her humanity "until her heart stops beating" AND EVEN AFTER. but he doesn't love her enough to respect her choices or opinions? he doesn't love her enough to know that by being an asshole, he's pushing her closer to death? imo this is where we see stephie's grubby hands moving pieces. Jacob loves her more than he's in love with her.)
& so, because the "i'm not ready" realization is tied to something Bella doesn't give a shit about, the realization that she is ready is equally empty
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what makes her decide she's ready to become a vampire is GUILT & FEAR & ANGUISH. she's "ready" to become a vampire because she feels weak & useless. worse, this realization is not touched on as the event (the training sesh) unfolds. she has this realization OFF-PAGE & then shows up to Edward's proposal like "yeah i'm ready to become a vampire but first i wanna fuck :)"
& we're supposed to buy that? girl, you resolved nothing internally. you didn't show us what changed for you. you're making this decision out of fear instead of out of love. & we're supposed to believe this is what little miss "thoughtful & responsible" wants???
it's such a blatant disregard to all the growth she went through & the relationships she developed. you can't just turn Jacob in a fucking asshole & turn the choice into a non-choice & call it day. Jacob deserves better, Bella deserves better, & the readers deserve better!!
(in the name of love!)
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giuliettacapeta · 7 months
jacob arrow is my most hated character and here is why!
of course there are worse people than jacob, like horatio, malcolm, etc. but they’re the villains and we get to arrest them, they’re portrayed as bad people, we have the joy of bringing them to justice. while jacob is incredibly immature, non professional, rude. the way he treated luke was never okay, he was totally disrespectful to priya, he forced gwen to work during case 18 and he fucking threatened to kill hope. and at the end? we are forced to accept him back to the team!!!!! and forgive him!!!!! like no omg he should’ve died in case 30 instead of arthur!!!!!! i am never ever forgiving jacob arrow, from the moment he got a teaser but hope didn’t, i knew he was going to be my biggest enemy!
OH OH and the way he STOLE case 20 from felix???? dmpo, felix should’ve been the partner for that case, who tf invited jacob??????
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bilestat · 8 months
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imagine being this wrong so loudly
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gothamcityneedsme · 5 months
i would say jacobs loyalty quest is a good mission. Its a tense and terrible story, a somewhat predictable premise for an adventure story conflict, but like. Thats the problem. Its a good *sidequest*, not a good loyalty quest. We dont learn much that is unique about Jacob here. He already had problems with his father, and already wasnt speaking to him. It is terrible and Jacob reacts correctly, but there isnt really conflict or change in him here, to me? The other loyalty missions have much more changing moments and are more personal. They tell us new things or elaborate on what we know. Maybe the mission is more intense if you kill his father? I dont know.
The closest it gets to intriguing is the scene with TIM and the Miranda reveal at the end. But the game refuses to actually go into depth with Miranda and Jacobs relationship. Which sucks. Imo
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king0fcrows · 3 months
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jcams88 · 2 years
Obvi I want this show to be nominated for awards because they deserve the recognition but I also want it because I want to see this cast serve ✨L E W K S✨ on the red carpets
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winterjays · 7 months
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Hey NHL I think u should steal this it only took me 10 minutes
this is NOT REAL but it SHOULD BE!
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Pulitzer: *yelling at Jack and Davey in the ‘92 film* Any man who doesn’t act in his own self-interest is a fool!
Davey: …your tone seems very pointed right now…
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chimeofthecomet · 1 year
time traveler jack, immortal davey is that anything ?
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