damiansgoodgirll · 4 months
hi lovely! first off i love your writing about damian so much! you’re one of my favorite wwe writers!
and secondly, i have a request, is it possible to write something where damian and the reader have been fighting recently and she brings up the topic of breaking up and he tries everything to keep her from leaving? with it ending fluffy and maybe a little smutty? if you’re comfortable! thank you! <3
damian priest x reader
kinda changed the request a little, hope you don’t mind.
‼️angst angst angst angst angst
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at your worst
“what do you want me to say? congratulations?” you screamed back, frustrated and tired by how he wasn’t understanding your point of view.
“yeah, it would have been nice” he screamed at you.
these fight as been going on for twenty minutes already and all you wanted to do was going to bed and sleep.
“like i didn’t do it before…okay… congratulation damian! this is the tenth time i’ve been congratulating with you for your accomplishments and your wrestlemania victory!”
“it doesn’t seem genuine to me” he said, throwing the title on the hotel bed you were both sharing.
“oh i’m sorry…why don’t you go back to the bar you were celebrating your victory and ask the barmaids to congratulate with you, i’m pretty sure they would be very happy to show you how proud they are…”
“not again y/n…i’m not doing this again! why can’t you accept that i just won? why can’t you be happy for me?” he asked you.
“i’m very happy for you damian! i’m so proud of you winning at wrestlemania! that’s not why i’m mad!” you said again, for the millionth time that night.
“then why are you mad?”
you couldn’t believe he asked you that again. not when you’ve been explaining it for over thirty minutes now.
“you went out and celebrated your victory with anyone instead me! damian i’m your girlfriend, we’re going to get married this summer and instead you preferred going out clubbing with models and people you don’t even know about! i’m not saying you shouldn’t have done that but…acknowledging me a little would have been nice you know!” you explained, again, but he wasn’t listening.
“sorry if i wanted to have fun a little”
“a little? damian i saw the photos! probably five or more women were all on you and you did nothing to stop them! you have no idea how i felt…the little respect you showed me!”
“so this is what’s about uh? well, let me tell you something, the world doesn’t revolve around you y/n!” he screamed back, probably not even understanding the part where you just asked him to respect you as his girlfriend “i know what this is about…”
“you’re jealous…” he said and you tried your best to not laugh “you’re jealous because i get to have a title run and you don’t. you’re jealous because you cannot wrestle anymore due to your injury and you want to ruin my moment too. you’re jealous because you will never have your wrestlemania moment. you are jealous of me because i can do all the things you cannot do anymore. yeah, you injured yourself years ago and that caused you to stop to wrestle but that doesn’t mean that the whole world gotta stop wrestling because you did. it’s not always about you!” he let it all out.
that hurt.
“is that what you think?” if you wear mad before now, you were just sad and upset about what he just said.
“of course! so why are you trying to ruin my moment?” he asked.
“i just asked you for a little respect damian…if you can’t respect me why are we even together?” you’re finally asked, letting a few years fall from your eyes.
this wasn’t the damian you fell in love with. the damian you knew would have never mentioned injury you suffered from years ago. the damian you fell in love with was kind and caring and he always supported you at your worst. the man you loved never let a victory getting to his head so maybe the damian you fell in love with was gone.
he was speechless when you asked him that question maybe realising he went too far with his words.
“i’m sorry y/n…i don’t know where all those words came from…” he apologised once he realised the huge mistake.
“they came from your mouth and i’m pretty sure all you said was what you were feeling. i just - i can’t believe that you would say something like that. yeah, maybe i’m a little selfish because i wanted you to be with me since you’re always gone but never in my life i would have thought that you would turn your back on me like this…” you quickly wiped your tears away.
“no no i promise you i never meant any of those words…you gotta believe me mi amor…” he was almost begging.
he knew he fucked up. he knew he fucked up when he saw how disappointed you were when you were all celebrating with his friends. he knew he fucked up when he saw the look you gave him when those women were trying to have a chance with him and he didn’t do anything to stop them. but he knew if fucked up the most when he talked shit about your injury because he saw how heartbroken you were and he knew that was the hardest point of your life and he fucked up because you weren’t going to forgive him.
“i’m pretty sure you meant those words damian…i, i’m sorry if i gave you the impression of wanting to sabotage your career…i always wanted the best for you and i’m so proud of your victory tonight…if that’s what you think of me there’s no reason for us to even keep the relationship going…it’s clear you don’t trust me and”
he stopped you before you could continue talking “no no stop it right there mi amor. those words weren’t true okay? i don’t know why i said that but i don’t mean it, i promise you i…i love you y/n so much and i know i hurt you but i don’t mean any of those words i said…please, give another chance…” he came closer to you but you took a few steps back.
“you don’t respect me damian…”
“i do”
“damian please…don’t make this harder” you said, crying.
“i’m not letting you go, not like this…i fucked up and i know…i’m so sorry but you’re the love of my life and…”
“and what? the way you behave tonight proved me everything i needed to know…the man i’m going to marry has to show me respect and you don’t damian…”
he couldn’t believe it was happening “but i do…i promise you, let me show you how wrong you are, please”
“no! you don’t! if you had a little bit of respect for me you wouldn’t have let those women on you! you wouldn’t have let them humiliating me! everyone in the club felt sorry for me because of how you were behaving! rhea even tried to take me outside because you were making me feel useless…damian, i don’t want to marry a person who’s not serious about his responsibilities…” you said and before you could even think you took the ring off and gently put it on the table next to the door.
“where-where are you going?” he asked, tears running down his face.
“i’ll be sleeping with rhea…”
“is it over?” he asked, fearing for your answer.
“goodnight damian”
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shoutaaizawas · 8 months
20. How long did you think you could hide that? with Shouta, please! I feel like you'd be one of the best writers for it. (:
↳ aizawa shouta x reader → ❝look at me❞
summary: you get locked in a building while it's under attack, the last person you expect to come to your rescue is your ex boyfriend. word count: 2.6k+  tags/warnings: january hurt/comfort event, light descriptions of head attack, injury, and blood a/n: thank you for your prompt! a late addition to the january event.
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Having an ex-boyfriend that was a hero was not the best thing. Picture it, you’re facing one of the scariest moments of your life. In dire need of help and then your ex shows up.
It’s really a nightmare scenario.
The day started normally, you just had to run one errand then you could spend the rest of your day relaxing. All you had to do was go to city hall to pick up some papers then you were free to do nothing.
You made it a point to get up early and head over there early so you could enjoy your day off. That was the wrong choice evidently and you were quickly punished for your attempt at being productive.
You were walking down a hallway when lights began to flash and alarms sounded. Lockdown.
The city hall was under attack and it was under lockdown.
Quickly you took shelter in an open office under a desk, not fully knowing the threat yet.
It was loud, there was commotion in the building. It was clear something was happening but you weren’t sure what yet.
The next thing you heard was the office door open, you held your breath in fear.
“Is anyone in here?” You heard a man’s voice.
Peeking around the corner of the desk you tried to see who was talking. Surely a villain wouldn’t ask that. Right?
The last thing you wanted to see was Aizawa Shouta, otherwise known as the pro hero Eraserhead.
Maybe you wished it was a villain.
“Aizawa?” You said, coming out of your hiding spot.
“What are you doing here?” His voice was steady but you saw through his calm demeanor. You had been with him long enough to read him.
“I-I was just here to pick up paperwork.” You said. “What’s happening?”
Aizawa sighed. “There’s a gang of villains disgruntled with the mayor. They’re going after everyone in the building.”
“Oh no,” That was bad. Why did you have to be here right now?
“Stay here, okay?” He said. “I’m going to clear this floor and I’ll come back and get you out of here. Put a chair to block the door. I’ll knock when I’m back.”
You nodded. There was a conflicting feeling of not wanting to be alone right now but also not wanting to be around your ex.
“Okay.” You said. Aizawa nodded before closing the door. You took the chair and wedged it under the handle praying that they wouldn’t try getting in.
Sitting on the desk you wondered how your peaceful day off had turned into this. The last person you wanted to see was Aizawa Shouta.
You had done all you could to push away any thought of him. Despite the time that had passed since he broke up with you the wound still felt fresh.
Aizawa was your everything. You had met him by accident, he had come to your rescue one night. You offered to get him coffee and the two of you hit it off. You kept running into him and before you knew it you were falling for him. The two of you started to date.
You had dated for over a year and you thought everything was going great. You had even moved in together. Then one day he broke up with you, with no warning, no explanation.
It devastated you. You loved him more than anything, you thought the two of you would get married. Just like that you were alone, it was hard. He had moved out leaving you in the apartment where you had shared so many beautiful moments. It felt like living with a ghost.
You moved out to an apartment on the other side of town. You didn’t care if it meant being far away from work you just wanted to be away from all the places you had memories at.
It still hurt, one day living with the love of your life, the next he’s gone refusing to explain why. It ruined your confidence, took away the future you had in your head, and left you feeling empty.
The memory still hurt.
“What do you mean you’re breaking up with me?” You asked him in disbelief. If he was the type you’d think he was pranking you.
“This isn’t working out anymore, I want to move my life in a different direction.” He said all emotion gone from him.
“Did I do something?” You questioned, tears already burning in your eyes.
“No, things have just changed.” He said.
“Did you meet someone else?” You asked heartbroken at the thought.
“No.” He said quickly. “It’s just- Things are different now.” He said.
“What things?” You asked feeling desperate for an answer.
“I’ll be moving out.” He said. “I’ll be back tomorrow while you’re at work to get my stuff.”
He left with a packed bag and it felt like your world had fallen apart. You had created every horrible reason he would have left you since you never got a real reason from him.
A bang at the door brings you back to reality.
It’s not a knock and as you hear more noise you realize that someone is trying to break in. You get up and hide under the desk again hoping that they won’t be able to get in.
Your hopes are dashed as a loud noise tells you that the door has burst open. You curl up as small as you can and hold your breath. Maybe there’s a chance they don’t search the room.
Footsteps sound around the room as the man looks around, throwing furniture as he goes. It’s silent for a moment before the chair covering your hiding spot is torn away.
Before you can even react you’re grabbed by the ankle and dragged out. The villain above you is much larger than you and try as you might you can’t fight him off.
You’re picked up and thrown onto the desk. You scream for help, Aizawa can’t be far away, he’s always come to your rescue in the past and despite your split, you believe he still will.
There are a few more moments that feel like they last forever before the villain is pulled away and tossed to the side. You watch as Aizawa makes quick work of the villain.
His gaze turns to you, concern on his face. “Are you okay?” He asked you.
You start to stand up and you feel a pain in your stomach, your hand moves under your jacket and you feel something there. When you touch it, it hurts and you quickly realize what it is.
“I’m fine.” You told him.
He nods. “Okay, the floor is clear. Let’s go to the stairwell and I’ll get you out of here.” He said.
Aizawa leads you out of the room and down the hallway. It feels like every step hurts more and more but you keep pushing. You know it’s stupid, that you should tell him you're injured. That he should probably carry you out of the building but you can’t stand the thought of telling him.
In your head, there are only two options. One, that his reaction is stoic and he treats you like he would any other victim he would help as a hero. Or two, that you would see something more in his eyes and it would give you some hope that maybe he still felt the same way you did about him.
Getting to the stairwell you could feel more blood leaking from the wound, you knew the knife was still in the wound so it would keep you from bleeding too much. You were starting to feel light-headed as you descended the four floors to the ground level.
It was when you were almost at the ground level you missed a step, slipping down the last few steps. Aizawa was quick to grab you by your shoulders pulling you up. “Are you okay?” He asked.
“I-I’m fine.” You said trying to stand but your legs were shaky.
“Is that blood?” He asked spotting the red spreading through your shirt and now jacket.
You moved to try and hide it but you realized it was too much now. “I’m fine.” You said trying to sound more confident now.
Aizawa moves your open jacket out of the way to see the knife in your stomach. “You’re not fine!” His voice is harsh and you can see in his eyes how upset he is.
“I-” You start but he cut you off.
“How long did you think you could hide this?” His voice was firm but still upset.
Your eyes move to the ground, not wanting to look at him.
Aizawa lets out a heavy sigh. “We need to get you to medical now.” He said. “I’m going to carry you.
Before you can argue he picks you up carefully, holding you in a princess carry. He moves out of the stairwell through the lobby and to the lockdown checkpoint.
You hate it, you hate the memories of the times he carried you like this while you giggled and nuzzled your face into his neck. You hate the way his hands are so gentle around you. You hate the way you miss him so much even after all this time.
The sunlight should feel like relief, feel like safety but all you can think about is how you wish you never had to leave his arms.
Aizawa sets you down on a gurney at the triage tent set up for this disaster. Laying down you feel dizzy and sick but you have this overwhelming want to have him stay.
Maybe it’s the fear of the knife still stuck in your stomach or the attack you just faced but when Aizawa turns to move you grab his wrist.
“Please-” Your voice is weak. “Stay.”
“I-” Aizawa’s voice is low. “I just need to get a medic. I’m not going to leave.”
You’re surprised, you think that he should probably go back in and help the other heroes to stop the villains there but the last thing you’re gonna do right now is argue.
Aizawa returns to your side and you’re shocked when he takes your hand in his. A doctor approaches you and assesses your wound.
“We need to get her to a hospital, if we remove this here she will bleed out.” They said.
“I’ll go with her,” Aizawa said shocking you again.
They loaded you into the ambulance and Aizawa stayed by your side. You didn’t understand why he was staying with you and you felt conflicted. Every part of you wanted him here but you didn’t want to face the moment he walked away.
At the hospital, they’re able to stabilize you and get a scan to confirm the wound hasn’t hit any organs or major arteries. Aizawa stays by your side as much as he can and when they finally are ready to remove the knife and stitch you up he’s there holding your hand.
“It’s going to be okay,” He said as he held your hand, you hate how much you love it. You close your eyes as they pull the knife out, it doesn't hurt because they’ve numbed you but the sensation is still disturbing and you let out a gasp.
You need something to distract you.
“Why did you break up with me?” The question leaves your mouth before you can stop yourself. Out of the corner of your eyes, you can see the doctor who is stitching up your wound glance over at you for a moment before resuming. You know this isn’t the time or place but you aren’t sure if you’ll ever get it again.
Aizawa stares at you for a moment before sighing. “I was scared.” He said. You’re surprised that he answered you but you’re even more surprised by his answer.
“What?” You asked confused.
“I broke up with you because I was scared of losing you.” He explained.
“I would never leave,” You said.
“I didn’t think you were going to leave- I-” He paused, his eyes glancing away before returning to your gaze. “A friend of mine, a hero, she lost her husband. It was really hard to watch, she fell apart- I couldn’t stop wondering what would happen if something happened to you.”
“Shouta-” You said softly.
“I obsessed over it, and when you had that run-in with a villain because they targeted you because you were close to me- it was the breaking point. I didn’t want to put you in danger and I didn’t want to lose you.” He explained.
“And here we are,” Probably not the right time for a joke but you couldn’t stop yourself.
“Yeah.” He sighed. “You’re right. I realized a while ago that I was wrong for breaking up with you. It was cruel to do that to you with no explanation and I ruined the best thing I’ve ever had in my life.”
You stared at him surprised by his words. Your attention was fully off the discomfort of being stitched up.
“I regretted it from the day I broke up with you but for months I told myself it was to protect you but the reality is I was scared and I should have just dealt with my feelings in a healthy way instead of pushing you away.” He said. “I’ve been a coward, avoiding you when I should have been at your door begging you to forgive me and take me back.”
Maybe you died. That was your first thought at his words. How many times had you wished Shouta had come to you and asked for you back? And here you were, being stitched up by a doctor for a stab wound and Shouta was holding your hand telling you he should have never left.
“Shouta-” You said looking up at him. “I can’t tell you how long I’ve wished you would come back, how many times I wanted to chase after you and beg you to explain what happened.” Your eyes started to burn with tears.
He looked relieved, a soft smile on his lips.
“You’re all stitched up, we’d like to move you to a room so we can keep you overnight to make sure you don’t have an infection.” The doctor said feeling hesitant to interrupt your moment.
You looked at her feeling awkward that you just had that moment in front of a stranger. “Thank you.” You said.
After being moved into a regular room Aizawa sat at your side.
The room was quiet for a moment before he spoke. “I know I don’t deserve another chance, I know what I did was hurtful and immature and I’ll never forgive myself for hurting you like that.” He said. “But I would regret it for the rest of my life if I didn’t ask you if you would ever consider taking me back. I love you, I never stopped loving you and you’re the only person I’ve ever wanted to spend the rest of my life with.”
Maybe it was the pain medicine but you stared at Shouta for a moment in disbelief.
“I’ve missed you so much.” You said, maybe it was the stress of the day but you started to tear up. “I never stopped loving you, all I’ve ever wanted is you back.”
Aizawa looked at you with soft eyes. He moved closer, leaning in to press a kiss against your forehead. “I was so scared today when I saw all that blood. I thought the worst.”
You grabbed his arm, gently pulling him closer. “Thank you for saving me, for getting me out.”
He looked at you with warm eyes, you could feel his love through his gaze. “I will always be there to save you,” He said softly. “I promise, I’ll never leave your side again.”
Your hand moved to the back of his neck, pulling him down for a soft kiss.
You didn’t know what the future held but it didn’t matter now that you had the love of your life back at your side.
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outsideratheart · 7 months
The Ashley Sanchez Future With You (maybe something leading up to a proposal?)
- Writer
An Italian sunrise with a surprise (Ashley Sanchez x reader)
The off season was in full effect. You had taken a trip with your friends, your girlfriend included of course, and now you were in Italy on a family vacation.
After your conversation with Ashley you began to seriously consider marrying your girlfriend. The first thing on your to do list was find a ring that suited her and that showed how much you loved her. Much to your surprise this was rather easy. Instead of traipsing round every jewellery shop in the city, you decided to design one yourself. A one of a kind ring for a one of a kind woman.
The sun was barely visible over the horizon as you sat on the balcony. You had been up for just over an hour, your thoughts had been too loud for you to sleep.
On the table in front of you laid a velvet box.
This is where you would do it. It’s had been planned out for months. All you had to do was keep it together until then.
“Baby, it’s still early. Come back to bed” Ashley hoped to bury herself into your arms, not turn to find an empty bed.
“Watch the sunrise with me, Ash” you turn to face her and hold your hand out.
You can see her thinking about it. Ashley was many things but a morning person was not one of them.
“Please” it was a plea backed with softness.
She shook her head before grabbing on of your t-shirts. Once out on the balcony she takes her place on your lap and sees the reason why you had asked her to stay with you. The sunrises in Italy were the most beautiful she had ever seen.
“What’s this?” Ashley goes to reach for the box but you quickly take it off her. Deep down she knew what it was and she didn’t want to ruin whatever you had planned.
“It’s not in there. Look” you opened the box to show her it was empty.
“Would a ring have been in there?”
“It does look like one would fit” you tease her “would you still say yes?”
That night in your childhood home has turned into a core memory. It changed everything in your mind. It cemented just how much Ashley loved you and how much you loved her.
“I would. If I’m being honest I thought you would have asked by now. You never have been the most patient person”
It’s like something clicked. Ashley was right, you aren’t patient. When you want something you get it and for the last couple of months you have wanted nothing more than to make Ashley your fiancée.
“Wait here!” You use your strength to lift her up and place her gently on the chair the two of you were sat on.
You all but run to your parent’s room which was at the end of the hall. You knock rapidly on the door hoping that one of your parent would be up.
“Hi dad. It’s time. I need it” you don’t say anything else and a few second later he comes back with the ring.
“Don’t stress. Keep it simple”
Don’t stress. It’s like he didn’t know you at all.
Ashley is in the exact same place where you left her when you return. When she looks at you, you have no doubt that this is the best decision you will ever make.
“You gave it to your dad, didn’t you?” A smirk is plastered on her face.
“Yes I did. You’re a snooper so you left me with no choice”
You took a deep breath. Keep it simple, that’s what your dad said. You got down on one knee and took Ashley’s left hand in your own.
“For many years I have known you are the one for me. It wasn’t like a switch flipped. I just remember waking up one morning and realising that I never want to wake up without you. Everything that life has to offer, I want to experience with you. I have loved being able to call you mine for the last 8 years but I know I’ll love this next chapter even more”
Ashley listened to every word you said. She could have interrupted you and said yes straight away but she wanted to savour this moment.
“I love you with all my heart Ashley Sanchez and right here, right now, I promise to love you and cherish you until the end of time. Will you marry me?”
“Y/L/N, I told you once before that I would marry you and now I will tell you again. Yes, yes. A million times yes”
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linberlyy · 5 months
That promo shows that the writers even have team black minsunderstanding their characterization.
“They’re usurpers. Were the rightful heirs”
-Rhaenyra literally committed treason and forfeited her title when she gave birth to a white bastard child and tried to pass him off as her black husbands. Bastards can’t inherit anything.
“We do things the right way”
-when there is literally Daemon on the team.
-Killing Rhae Royce was the right thing?
-Groping your niece in public so you can ruin her reputation so the only one left to marry her is you.
-Wanting to have your baby brother tortured after your child just maimed him.
-Being smug and gloating at your big age because you see that your father cares nothing for his wife and children/your half siblings.
-Suggesting to actually kill your husband, only to have an actual murderer talk you know just faking it?
-Killing an innocent, to fake that death.
-Fleeing Kings Landing, doing nothing on Dragonstone. While letting Alicent and Otto to do all the work and successfully rule the seven kingdoms. Then coming back and insulting the people who are doing your job/
-Beheading Vaemond because he wasn’t standing for that shit.
-Blood and fucking cheese. The murder of babies. One of the foulest things to happen in the entire series. Up there with the abandonment, Rape and murder of Elia Martell and her babies and 11/12 year old Jeyne Poole being given to Petyr Baelish to be sold at his brothel.
“We seem like more of a family”
“Everybody gets on with each other”
-Daemon celebrated the death of Aemon and Baelon, then stole Baelon’s egg
-Rhaenys has disliked Rhaenyra since she was 14.
-Laena was a second choice and knew this all of her marriage. Daemon kept her from her family until she died.
-Daemon ignored his own child because she didn’t have a Dragon.
-Rhaenyra wanted to murder Laenor.
-Rhaenys ignored Rhaenyra’s sons, had nothing to do with them, never agreed to pretend to be their Grandmother, didn’t support Lucerys being the heir of Driftmark and only spoke in favor of him because she was backed into a corner and she also tolls in the service of men…
-Rhaenyra didn’t tell Corlys and Rhaenys their son is actually alive.
-Corlys and Rhaenys think they murdered their son. Rhaenys’a dislike is now a hatred
-Baela peaced the fuck out after that freaky Valyrian wedding and barely knows those people, especially her betrothed/stepbrothers.
-Rhaenyra’s sons are treated like royalty but Rhaena who is still hungering for her father’s attention, approval and affection is basically a glorified hostage to keep the Velaryons in line and is a servant to Rhaenyra. They have a formal where we only see Rhaena refer to her as “Princess” and “My Queen”. She seems to have no thoughts other than to serve “Her Queen”
-Daemon and Rhaenyra never gave Rhaena a new egg, yet they keeps finding eggs for each of their new pure Targaryen babies they keep having. He never took his daughter to see if she could claim one of the many at the Dragonmont. If he did why does she light up at the possibility of unclaimed dragons being used in the war? Free Rhaena
-Rhaenyra never told her son’s who their actual father is . Jace asks her and she gaslights him. She sends Luke on a mission and tells him that he has “Baratheon blood from your Grandmother Rhaenys” the boy dies with that lie being one of the last thing is mother told him even though he too knows Harwin Strong is his father. Rhaenyra doesn’t even offer him a “I’ll tell you about your father when I see you again” like Ned told Jon. Rhaenyra had no intentions of EVER telling them
-After they murdered his brother, Corlys was ready to abandon Rhaenyra, Daemon and those bastards and go back to Driftmark with Rhaenys and his real Grandchildren BUT Rhaenys reminded him that the girls are stuck with the Strong boys.
These people just seem like they just act in scenes yet they don’t actually watch the episodes to see the story come together. Either that or they’ve bought into their character’s superiority complexes. For the Team Black actors to have such a basic black and white, good vs bad outlook and understanding of their characters and see even their worst actions as good, is bad. The writers have failed to show the moral grayness of the book.
Everyone should see this post. it's just great. nothing to say 🤝🏼
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saltyskeletonkidpasta · 3 months
Prepared to get backlash on this but I dont understand why anyone likes jack gibson? He Literally ruins EVERYTHING then doesnt even feel the need to apologise then just gets given the chance to swoop in and be the hero or the nice guy and people seem to fall for that?
He slept with andy in s1 knowing it was against the rules and they could've broken the whole teams trust, slept with maya knowing andy would probably be hurt and let maya take all the blame for that and didnt defend her or have the decency to explain to andy himself, went out of his way to make maya feel worse for crying after Ripley died all bc he found her tears "a little distracting" and just kept going even after she told him to stop making her feel worse, threw a hissy fit the entirety of s3 at her bc he was bitter abt being dumped and had no problem ganging up on her with andy as if he wouldnt have taken the job if he was offered it, broke the code and slept with his teammates wife multiple times despite knowing she was married and then when Rigo found out he continued to lie to his face like right before he died he said he didnt know (which he did after the first time), then after being given therepy by diane and the team forgiving him very easily and he was preaching abt how he was trying to be better then had absolutely no problem helping maya self sabotage her new rl despite him knowing she was in one and that she'd been abused by her dad and threw that in her face then didnt leave when he was asked then picked her up and took her to the bunk while maya was clearly emotionally distressed, thus making the exact same mistake again after the rigo and eva situation and after treating maya terribly all season and constantly whining abt how she chose her career over him as if she ever made any promises to him or did anything with him other than hook up then SHE was one to apologise to HIM, he didnt apologise to the team for breaking the code, or to carina for getting with her gf knowing she was with her.
Then got with inara after saying he wouldnt, who was previously abused in a relationship who he helped get out of. Broke the code AGAIN in S5 by making out with vic knowing she was with theo and didnt even apologise to him and told vic she could ruin her life and that he didnt care, the writers then gave him this redemption arc with helping set up the clinic, and giving people medical care which he is literally paid to do, and stripped carina of any dignity and turned her into his fan girl with that stupid donor crap, his motivation to be it wasnt at all abt helping out his friends all his reasons were selfish then he butted into everything, literally fetishised them and was straight up just creepy, then blurted out marinas private information to the first person he next saw (andy) without permission, then ditched the station without a word after Andy's charges literally JUST got dropped and leaving marina with absolutely no warning, also bailed on marsha who has basically been a mother to him, lied abt where he was to andy for like 3 months knowing how triggering lies were for her, was blatantly rude to maya and disclosed her private info AGAIN infront of vic, didn't even apologise to her for leaving or to andy for lying all carina got was "oh sorry by the way" then went with the victim complex. Everyone on the team showed up for him and tried to help him ben, vic and carina gave him advice rigo came back from THE DEAD for him and andy constantly bent over backwards trying to help him and she was met with rudeness.
He made maya's injury all abt himself and confided in her literal WIFE abt how hard it would be for HIM to lose her then didnt even ask if either of them were okay nor did he visit maya in the hospital, then when carina came back to the clinic he followed her around like a creep trying to peer into a private cubicle then started accusing her of all sorts and gossiped abt her to ben despite knowing she was going through such a difficult time as if he has any right to criticise given his track record and used the excuse that "he didnt want the family to fall apart" and said he'd do the same with ben and miranda which is just rude and not his place anyway and also that he'd "worked hard to be back there" when he really didnt he was instantly given his job back the second it was announced that maya was injured.
When he slipped and smacked his head in 6x14 he got a concussion he still went on the call and didnt tell anyone until he literally passed out in the beanery which if he had collapsed on the call he could've hurt himself even worse or left a team member exposed in a fire and got them hurt or even a civilian. Extremely irresponsible of a paramedic then was suprised it lead to permanent brain damage. Then when everyone tried to do something nice and throw him a party he was like "they are only doing this bc they are obliged to" like seriously? People on the team are constantly there for him and he is so coddled by them. He has marsha and his sisters yet still mopes around like "I have no one who cares abt me :(" I get hes been through alot but so has everyone else they dont whine nearly as much and some dont get half as much support as he does. He has made so many mistakes and has put in the least amount of effort to make up for them yet everyone still loves him? I dont get it..
Also I think the actor is so bad. I'm sure grey is a nice person and this is purely criticising acting capabilities. I literally can't watch his scenes without cringing. In the first 3 seasons I thought he was bland and emotionally stiff then after that it looked like he was almost trying to hard as his face was constantly twitching and eyes squinting, all his sentences were stuttery and couldn't get one out without an "uhhh", also his HANDS omg I particularly noticed this in S5 and a bit in s6 (however it looked like the directors made an effort to get him to tone it down after s5) WHY is he always flailing? They're constantly moving and it doesnt look natural AT ALL and it is SO distracting. I known for a fact that makes the editors lives so much more difficult bc that's hard to edit in post..and emotional range is not good. It never has been. If you pay attention pretty much all of the crying scenes he's has he covers his eyes. There is no tears. It doesnt seem like grey is very comfortable with doing them he doesnt really do it very well imo
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alicentflorent · 2 months
why did you become anti rhaenicent? I remember you used to reblog gifs and posts about them not too long ago. No hate I'm just curious since you've been posting anti rhaenicent stuff lately
It wasn't until after season two started airing. First, the fact that the writers wrote them meeting in the sept while ignoring the pain and loss they both went through at the hands of each other's loved ones. It felt like queerbaiting, because rhaenicent will never happen and while the childhood romance is implied they resented each other for a long time. That scene could have been written to show to mothers grieving the loss of their innocent children, let them be vulnerable with each other but also let them hate each other and hate themselves over the fact they feel anything for each other that isn't just hatred.
What really ruined rhaenicent for me though was the dragonstone scene. We watched alicent get "punished" all season, constantly humiliated, her sex life being tied to her grandsons murder, not being respected by anyone because she chose her children over Rhaenyra. Then of course the only way she can redeem herself is to sacrifice her sons and she isn't just giving up on her rapist and war criminal sons but Daeron too, and her lover, her brother, her father basically everyone she loves aside from her daughter who might be spared. Alicent is the one who has to become humbled who has to listen to Rhaenyra insulting her without saying anything back, without even bringing up her murdered grandson killed by Daemon, who Rhaenyra brings back into the fold. Alicent reverted back to her teenage self and has to put Rhaenyra before everyone else but no one would ever expect Rhaenyra to give anything up for Alicent. Imagine the outrage if Rhaenyra had offered to give Aegon the throne to make peace with Alicent over Aemond's maiming? After Alicent treated her like shit for years? The fandom would absolutely lose it.
It boils down to hate it when one half of a ship even if I ship it is put down in favour of the other half of the ship. One half of the ship needs to humble themselves and jump through hoops to prove their worthiness to the other half of the ship. I hate that trope especially when it is a woman or poc or anyone with less power that has to prove their worthiness.
I enjoyed young rhaenicent, the childhood lovers who are fated to be enemies and the AU fics where Alicent isn't married to Rhaenyra's father against her will but right now after Alicent's treatment I'm struggling to engage with this ship in any capacity.
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darklinaforever · 7 months
That’s crazy. I'm making a post to explain the horrible character treatment of Katara in the comics following the ATLA series and as well as the TLOK series :
And I get a comment like this :
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It shows the level of mentality of these people (anti Zutara and pro Kataang). Because at no point did I mention the Zutara relationship in this post. They provoke on ships when there is literally no reason to do so. It seems as if it's them who are trying to summarize Katara in terms of her romantic relationships.
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Like I said, even married to Aang, Katara could still be a strong character, but the creators obviously didn't let that happen because they're bad writers. Either way, they ruined all the characters in the comics. But in TLOK that we add, the fact is that the treatment of Katara in particular is obvious compared to the other members of the Gaang.
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Also, the nerve to tell me it's time to "Move On" on Zutara in 2024 ?
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But as far as we're concerned, yes, I think Katara would have been better off with Zuko, both for her as a character in her development (and so it's just as valid for Zuko), as well as on the relationship level romantically speaking. 😇
So... the antis :
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xinyuehui · 6 months
I don't know if I want to write a massive essay about this, but they missed the whole point with all the characters, especially Ye Wenjie. I'm assuming everyone who said this portrayal is accurate and a raging angry Ye Wenjie is good is because they either never read the book, or non-Chinese, or both. (Or maybe projecting their own views on Maoism). Ye Wenjie received higher education during a time period where it wasn't common for women. She believed in science, she believed in people, but time and time again, the people in her life let her down and never showed any signs of remorse. What I've gathered from the text is that she isn't fuelled by rage, more so she is dead on the inside, she has lost all hope in people. Her decision to reply is not because she wants to destroy, she believes that a civilisation from a higher standpoint could save humans, and this roots in the fact that she is educated. She's not some crazy rage driving women who would ever say "time is a motherfucker", not even a Chinese equivalent.
I'm not sure why the writers decided to write Ye Wenjie and Yang Weining's relationships out of the story...Oh so she is rescued by a white man later on hmm??? (Coincidentally, all the characters driving the plot are also non-Chinese in this). Ye Wenjie marrying Yang Weining and giving birth to Yang Dong gave her a glimpse of light in the life from which she had lost hope. Spending time in Qijiatun also gave her a bit of warmth. When she pushed Yang Weining off the cliff, it marked another significant point, she was calm, cut the rope with no hesitation. She did not care to get herself entangled in romantic affairs. Making her have a child with Evans is laughable. They also dumb down Yang Weining, to the extent that Ye Wenjie had to explain 43+8=51 to him. Mind you, he was a real proper engineer. (Weirdly with all the diversifying, they did not keep a single male Chinese scientist in the main team huh)
Anyways, before I go on a tangent. The writers have fast tracked everything and left out the finer text about the characters in the book. I'm not sure if they missed the point or that nowadays the audience are ruined by fast media, something like the tencent version are simply too slow for the people in the west. Any of my moots and followers who watch cdramas will know that the real good stuff is all in the build-up. It's all the little text that adds up to a fleshed out character. If the culture difference is too much for Netflix, leading them to change all the characters and most of the plot, why not just buy a western ip. There's plenty of good western sci-fi ips.
I can't help but think they want to do this because they wanted to film the scene where Ye Zhetai is beaten to death. Have an excuse to turn Ye Wenjie an angry woman. We all know why. If they really cared about showing a true China during that time, they would have spend some care with the Red Coast details as mentioned above (we did not have screens in 1960s that display Chinese text!!! And definitely no simplified Chinese characters on computers!!!!). Instead of having her snog Bai Mulin off - unrealistic since people were a lot more conserved back then, they would not have done this and it's ooc for Ye Wenjie. Falling in love with Evans - a real blasphemy. I guess the 3 Body Problem here means 3 bodies pounding at each other. Jin-Raj-Will also seem to have their own 3 body problem going on too.
(One last tangent) Ye Wenjie and Yang Dong(Vera) as scientists not believing in god but having monks at her funeral ??????????? Not even a typical normal Chinese funeral will have monks. The stereotype enforcing is real.
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wizardpink · 3 months
Hi! I read your post-finale DM meta and I think it's very interesting. The point about Armand turning Daniel because Daniel eviscerated him and made him feel seen for who he truly is (in all his flawed, monstrous glory) felt very true to his character. So I get why Armand would fall for Daniel (eventually) and turn him. But I was wondering (and this is presuming that nothing like the chase or a relationship between them happened in the past), how do you see this Daniel, this vampire who seems to have his shit together and be pretty content with his vampiric life (afawk from the finale, tho this obviously may not be the full truth), falling for Armand eventually? How do you think that will develop?
@destielonfire First of all let me apologize for having no idea when you sent this, I never saw a notification so I hope it hasn't been too long!
I think Daniel's hot girl summer moment we saw a glimpse of in the finale is a ruse by the writers. It added an air of levity to the season finale and gave viewers (and eric!) the gift of swaggering badass vampire Daniel.
But season 3 will have the time to get into it more deeply and well, I don't think anyone ever has a great time after being turned, even if you are rich and famous.
I'm not sure Daniel has ever had his shit together a moment in his life. He says he did when he convinced Alice to marry him, but it must not have lasted long. He was never able to balance his work life with his family. I doubt he'll have an easier time balancing his work life with being a vampire.
I'm also leaning towards the reads on him that this is going to pull him right back down into his addiction issues, now that he's immortal. There are no (well fewer) consequences for substance abuse as a vampire, plus he has a whole new drug, blood, and all that comes with acquiring it. In Dubai we saw that Daniel was squeamish about eating wriggling fish. How is he coping with killing and eating people? I think we only saw one half of the story in the finale. We saw the alcoholic at the bar, buying shots for all his friends while everyone laughs and cheers. We didn't see the next morning's hangover.
In the books, Armand effectively drives Daniel insane to the point the point he falls in love with him, which is hella fucked up (and we love that), so I can see the show taking one of two paths here.
The first is they just adapt that method straight from the books. Lonely and desperate Armand chasing Daniel around the world trying to figure out how to navigate their future as master and fledgling (and understand what drove him to break his vow to never make another vampire for THIS GUY), eventually coming to the conclusion its because he loves him, and Daniel later doing the same. Because they're both trainwrecks impossibly drawn to forms of self harm.
The second is a little less inexplicable and a lot less toxic. Instead of Armand driving Daniel crazy with his psychosexual torture, Daniel does it to himself with his hedonistic desires and lack of self-control. He feeds and kills and feeds and kills, pushes away his family, friends, and collegues, ruins his professional reputation. And he can't understand why he can't stop, why nothing ever makes him feel complete, etc etc. And because he is his maker, because of their invisible cord, Armand takes responsibility for picking him up off the floor and attempting to help him deal with this. Because Armand's the one that gave immortality to a man who can't stop blowing up his life and the lives of everyone around him.
I also think that on a more specific note, Daniel in season 3 will continue to be the plot device that presents the backstory to the audience. I think he'll probably go on tour with Lestat to try to get that second book, and Lestat will share his story, which we know features not only Armand, but Armand's maker Marius, and other places and characters that inform the audience (and Daniel) on Armand's history, motivations, traumas, etc. Daniel has been learning about Armand as a side character and villain in all these other vampires' stories where obviously they're the main characters, the heroes, the victims. But slowly piece by piece he is putting together the Armand puzzle, and now that they're inextricabIy linked he has even more motivation to put the pieces in place. I think those glimpses into Armand's history are going to intrigue him, maybe even endear him to Armand. When they're reunited he wont be able to resist going straight to the source. Which is good because Daniel finding him fascinating is going to melt Armand.
Also I am a romantic. Sometimes there doesn't need to be a reason why two people fall for each other. Season 2 already showed us that these two have an energy. There are strong feelings there already, they can't keep their eyes off each other, can't stop sniping at each other like hissing cats sniffing each other out. Combine that with vampire loneliness and mutual freakitude and you've got a recipe for something.
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what i would do if i was a gilmore girls writer:
april storyline:
i feel like instead of the april storyline liz could have given birth a bit earlier and and luke and lorelai would have to step in to help raise doula a lot. first of all we’d get to see them with a baby, which is cute. but there’s also a lot of room for conflict in deciding how to handle the situation. aka conflict that makes for good TV (”should we even have kids together if we can’t even do this?”, ”we have to make these decisions together, we’re getting married!” etc.) but isn’t life altering enough to ruin the couple. it also draws parallells to the jess storyline (which was a huge part of the earlier seasons), luke’s established family issues and his earlier disagreements with lorelai which makes luke’s character arc and the show as a whole more cohesive and satisfying. i could see this drama lasting for all of season 6. in the end because these characters have grown, they would actually figure it out somehow. and then they’d have season 7 to settle down and be happy. i actually do love april but they could have made her a young sheldon type of guest character at yale and paris could have developed a soft spot for her or something.
literati in season 3:
so i feel like they wanted to show us that this is rory’s bad boy phase. they made their relationship about dean a lot and most of the episodes centered around them were like ooooh jess did this sucky thing and dean never would have. and i get that maybe they needed to try something new and didn’t want to just recreate the boyfriend storyline with a new guy (aka see how he fits into her grandparents world, saying i love you for the first time etc). they already did the good stuff with dean so they decided to make this rory’s bad decision and only came up conflict to show us. but they didn’t even fully commit bc rory didn’t change with jess the way she did with logan. that was her bad boy phase, literati was always supposed to be something more. so instead of showing how bad of a couple this was compared to dean/rory, they could have drawn different parallels. because dean/rory was not a perfect relationship and they could have shown how in some ways why this is better for rory. what does she want? not her grandparents and not her mom. after all the buildup literati was the audience’s favorite and most anticipated couple, so i really think painting it as an unexpected but positive change of direction in rory’s journey would have been worthwhile.
like show us how when they go on dates they want to do the same things (as opposed to donna reed or rory just watching dean’s games). show us how they both want their alone time and them not calling each other every day because rory wants to study and jess has to work can be an OK thing (as opposed to the infamous 14 calls a day). show us how jess maybe doesn’t fit into lorelai and rory’s flow as well as dean did BUT how that’s also ok because rory is getting older and going off to college so this makes sense. but then also show us some god damn character development and lorelai and jess actually learning to get along (pls make that an entire episode’s storyline actually. have them be funny together and make it emotional). and show us nice scenes with luke, lorelai, rory and jess. where was all of this when they were dating??? nowhere to be seen. although i would have liked for luke not to kick jess out (i will make another post of how i would handle jess and luke’s relationship in season 3) i know it had to happen because milo had to leave. and i wouldn’t change major plot points like that because i like jess’ arc too much. but if they had shown everything i wrote here, literati’s realtionship would have canonically been stronger and jess would have at least told rory about not graduating and his dad showing up and why he felt like he had to go before he went.
dean cheating on lindsay with rory:
actually i would have had lindsay push him in the lake luke pushed jess in but oops plot twist, dean can’t swim
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dutchdread · 6 months
I was reading some of your stuff and I’m very confused. If aerith first love was zack why not have them kiss in ccr or hold hands ? It just seems like the writers don’t want them together when they let aerith have all this moments with cloud especially since they don’t let zack and aerith meet in rebirth. And I didn’t understand why the dev don’t say cloud and tifa are married after ff7 if there the cannon couple.
This question is odd to me, you're essentially asking me why the story didn't end in part 2. We have an entire third game to get through. Drama and bumps on the road are a part of every story, you're essentially asking me why they don't just skip that and resolve the story at the start...... the reason they don't is because that's not a story. Aeriths uncertainty and inner struggles concerning Cloud and Zack are a part of the story, and they're what make the story engaging. Clouds issues in regards to his jenova and mako induced mental and physical health as well as his pre-existing conditions, are all elements of the story that cause friction and interplay with the characters as well.
The reason we don't get an Aerith and Zack reunion in part 2 is that that is a pay-off, and pay-offs are for endings. Aeriths feelings concerning Cloud are part of the inner struggles being told. In this part of the story we see Aerith using Cloud as a stand in for Zack, we see her realizing that's wrong, we see her trying to look at Cloud for Cloud, and ultimately he see her discovering that it's just not the same, that while she really likes Cloud, she doesn't "like like" Cloud.
That was the pay-off for part 2. Part 3 will reveal exactly why it was that she did feel a certain draw towards Cloud with the Zack reveal, and it will have the pay-off of Aerith and Zack reuniting, supposedly combined with a good example of how her chemistry with Zack contrasts with the forced nature of her interactions with Cloud. And we'll get the pay-off of the tension that's been built up between Cloud and Tifa. Concerning why we don't see them married in ACC. If Zidane and Garnet are canon why didn't FF9 show them kissing? If Squall and Rinoa are canon why didn't the ending show them getting married? What is it with these specific requests? They're living together raising kids, what more do you want? Instead of asking why we're not getting something, lets look at what we do get. We get Cloud and Tifa kissing in the second part of a 3 part story where their most iconic and romantic scenes, the scenes all about them revealing their hearts to each other and growing closer, are yet to come. We get Cloud and Tifa living together and raising a family. We get more than just about any other canon couple I can think off. Yes, there is still wriggle room, there always is, but why wouldn't there be? Why would SE go out of their way to stomp out any and all other interpretations of their work? What would be the point of a scene showing that Tifa and Cloud officially married OTHER than just being there to piss off Cleriths? That would honestly just be cruel for no reason, plus it would make Cloud come across as even worse. And one has to wonder why anyone would expect them to be married after only 2 years at age 23 while already dealing with raising kids, rebuilding bars, and dealing with loss. But them not going out of their way to ruin peoples days doesn't mean that there isn't a canon interpretation that they are following when writing. And that canonicity specifically, repeatedly, calls them a family. Here is a question, if there was supposed to be a question about who Cloud ends up with in FFVII, why does Cloud end up raising a family with the same girl whose "special existence" he vowed to become a decade earlier, while Aerith ends up dead?
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hugsandnoregrets · 4 months
seeing some people say that Lady Whistledown/Pen is evil specifically for being mean to the King and Queen of England during a time of extensive colonialism is just bonkers to me like you mean the people with insane wealth and power and the ability to make anyone do anything they want at any time, the power to exile people, the power to execute people, the Queen who we have seen treat people as playthings, and who is so distant from her children that she was unaware of their fertility struggles, and who is like the definition of extreme wasteful excess - like sure, the King has mental health issues, but that doesn’t mean he’s above reproach, that doesn’t mean the Queen gets a pass for her controlling behavior towards young debutants and her desire to play dolls with young men and women’s lives. Like Daphne and Simon had to beg to be allowed to get married??? If the Queen didn’t approve of certain marriages it could ruin people? She was mad at Mary for marrying a clerk to the point where she was afraid to return for decades? Why is it evil that a gossip writer also calls out the most powerful people in the world? Because we saw them fall in love and it was tragic? I’m sure there are plenty of people in power with sad love stories but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t get questioned in the news or in think pieces or even in gossip rags lol.
like fine hate Pen being reckless and careless and stupid and mean for Marina (who had no lasting consequences and has a safe life), hate Pen for Eloise (who is more popular than ever and her family who has the diamond and catch of the season) or her petty comments towards everyone (with only Berbrooke being actually ruined), but hating her for her comments on the two most powerful people in the world is just absolutely beyond belief for me. like she did shitty things but the consequences have been minimal because the show doesn’t see her as a villain
(Also just because they solved racism in this universe doesn’t mean colonialism isn’t happening, it was a huge reason for the prosperity and wealth of England, so as long as they’re having huge opulent balls and have clear class divides, colonialism is still happening around the world so I will not remove colonialism from the equation - although even if it was removed I find the divine right of royalty to be lame and deserving of criticism)
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thegodcomplcx · 2 months
Sometimes I think Moffat did ship Eleven and Amy more because he seems smart enough as a writer/good at writing chemistry that he could’ve written Amy choosing Rory more smoothly. It could’ve easily has the first few episodes of series 5 be Amy and Eleven having fun but the minute Rory steps in the TARDIS eleven is the third wheel and the shadow of her having already grown up is around . Amy and Rory could’ve been written as super in love while still having Amy just be scared from abandonment issues and attached to Eleven as a result.
Instead we got this weird attitude on everyone’s sides. Amy treats Rory like a puppy but marries him because she doesn’t want the puppy to die, Rory has contempt for Amy’s choices, and Eleven wishes Rory wasn’t around but still has to choose for Amy to live with him. I know Moffat likes writing teasing dynamics but he managed to do that with so much more affection with Amy/Eleven, Twelve/Clara, Twelve/River. Even friendship wise with Twelve/Bill.
I’m just saying Amy and Rory seem like the weirdest writing Moffat has done and I can’t even blame his sitcom like writing for that because he’s done better with everyone else
my opinion about whether or not romantic 11amy was written to be taken seriously or if it was written just for laughs and views has swung DRAMATICALLY in favor of the former given the release of douglas is cancelled. i mean. look at it.
but even before that i would have said that i don't think it really matters what the intention with them was bcos that doesn't change the impact of what made it's way onscreen.
HAVING SAID THAT...the writers must have realized really early on that amy and rory being together is deeply, deeply uninteresting. i mean rory is barely a character in s5, he's only in like 50% of the episodes, and i would argue that amy's choice is the only time that the writers actually try to treat their relationship seriously and not as a punchline. (read my meta on amy's choice and how it doesn't even achieve this purpose. like thematically.)
even in the wedding its not even about rory like at all. it's still about amy's connection to the doctor (and she's still trying to get in his pants. at her own wedding. in front of the groom and god and everyone)
i would argue that s5-7A is an elevenamy will they/won't they and that rory's only purpose is to be "the husband" which is why he's such a nothingburger character. (i think the only time he proves to be a meaningful contrast to the doctor in a way that doesn't walk all over amy's character is in the god complex. but we don't have to talk about that rn). moffat is basically writing a drama. he's setting up a bunch of things so that we will keep tuning in, and one of them is the question of "who will amy choose"
i mean. fucking babygate. s5 makes it obvious that amy has romantic feelings for the doctor. they could have chosen to end it with the wedding, but you jump into s6 and its like woah okay. amy is babytrapping the doctor. and this makes complete sense for both their characters. and then the god complex happens and it's this natural ending point for eleven and amy. and once again the writers say no. amy actually still can't give him up.
which is why amy can never make an choice until her very last episode, bcos that would ruin the suspense. and we know that despite all the set up, amy can never choose the doctor because this defies the structure of the show. (she's so doomed by the narrative) so they really backed themselves into a corner with amyrory. if their relationship is actually good then rory might as well not exist. if their relationship is frequently unstable, it risks becoming like. obviously bad and obviously inferior to the OTHER romantic dynamic amy is involved in. they chanced the odds and they fucking lost because 11amy continues to be one of the most compelling things i've ever seen in my life.
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harkeepitreal · 6 months
I have no faith left in this show. I feel used, manipulated and lied to by the Writers, Actors and Alexi.
First the writers say they are not breaking up Chenford what do they do break them up. Then we find out through an interview that Melissa did that Eric was pushing them to break up and he has been pushing it for awhile. Yet here is some one who the whole time has been all about Chenford and their relationship, now he wanted them to split up. Let's not even get started on the lies Alexi told about how they are supposed to be endgame, and we are doing their relationship justice, how they will face obstacles etc...screw all of you. How can you do this to the fans that you are supposed to "love?" So when do we get the I am sorry it went this way, but there is a chance for things to change interview from Alexi? Where are you hiding? Why don't you do the interview/apology/groveling in person? That way you can get the ear full you deserve. You asshole.
This was the best relationship on the show and you blew it up for what ratings? I am DONE!!!! I don't even believe Mel when she said that there is a nice Chenford scene in the season finale. I call BS
They gave this slow burn for 5 seasons only to rip it away. I just am DONE!!!! You lost a fan yesterday/today and I am sure I am not the only one. I may watch again once they are back together. I did that with Olicity on Arrow I still to this day have not watched the end of season 4 or season 5. I will do the same with the Rookie. If at all. Since I feel the way I do. I really hope that the fandom is letting Alexi, the writers have it on social media. Because they deserve it. Not so much for breaking them up (which they said they were not going to do). But for lying, manipulating and using us to get their ratings up. If we as a fandom own this relationship then why did you destroy it? You know what we wanted.
When Hallmark did the same thing on When Calls the Heart after they killed Jack off in season 5 and did not tell fans that the actor was leaving the show. They made us wait 5 years for Jack and Elizabeth to get married then an episode later they killed him off. I felt the same way and I didn't caught up on the show for 3 years. Because I was so hurt that I was lied to, manipulated, and used. Still don't watch it since it has gotten dumb.
I don't want to see them date other people. If they were supposed to be a strong couple Tim should be leaning on Lucy for what he is going through. No the writers are being lazy and doing a cop out a break up. FU all!!!
I personally do not see them getting back together at all this season if at all period. If they do it will be a long way off like next season if there is a 7th season.
SO PISSED!!! Thanks for ruining our show and our favorite couple.
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rubyjanemin · 4 months
Impossible Heir: A ruined piece of work.
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
So, I watched the series a while back and have been going through the tumblr reviews. A lot of people seem to be misunderstanding the plot and the characters and I wanted give my take.
Kang Inha's switch to being the antagonist wasn't sudden. He had displayed traits that showed his jealousy of Han Taeoh over a period of time. His entire pursuit for Na Hyewon started because of his jealousy. He was being turned into the antagonist. In the beginning, the writers made it seem as though he was simply a foil. Han Taeoh was a poor genius, and Kang Inha was a rich idiot. The writers slowly turned him into the antagonist.
Was it done well? Absolutely not. The entire conversion arc was extremely predictable and it would have made more sense if they gradually converted his character in an obvious manner; that entire arc could have been used to add logic.
And don't even get me started with Na Hyewon. As many people have said in their reviews: she's supposed to be Taeoh's mirror character. She had so much potential. But she did nothing. She was introduced as a trauma-induced, cold, level-headed, and intelligent person; someone who can plan far into the future and have a contingency plan at all times. She later on had none of that. She married Inha because it was part of her plan to get into the high society (which in itself doesn't match her personality that the writers created in the beginning) and then just submissively accepted all his physical and mental torture. She then also went to her abusive mother for help. Only to get kidnapped by her husband and thrown into an asylum.
The character was horribly written. If she was supposed to be Taeoh's mirror character, they did her wrong. They could've explored her entry into the parliament, how she worked there and how she climbed the ladder to reach there. It can perhaps be seen as though she had began to depend on Taeoh for some parts of her life.
If that was the case, even that could've been explored. The drama just left so many unanswered questions. So Many!
Now, the LOML, Lee Jaewook. The creation of his character, Han Taeoh, had many flaws as well, such as his unwavering willingness to make Inha chairman. There's no justification. But, his character is the only one that remains somewhat understandably consistent. (Except with Huiju, with whom his character remains extremely consistent. I will get to that in a minute.) He still is the same mastermind who is calm, logical, and observant. His character development made more sense. Of course, that's probably because he is the main character. The creators focused too much on his character being the perfect, cold-blooded, hot guy that they just missed some really really important details.
And the saving grace. Choi Heejin as Kang Huiju and her dynamic with Kang Taeoh. First of all, Choi Heejin is adorable. I know everyone acknowledges that. Second of all, Kang Huiju was my favourite. She was bold, empathetic and a free spirit. She stood up for what she believed and actually did things, even though she was almost a minor character. (Unlike the FMC who did nothing.) Han Taeoh is also very consistent with how he acts with her. He has a soft spot for her, he knows that, but he refuses to act on it because his heart has decided on Na Hyewon. His actions are based on his fear of losing his control because of Huiju, he wants to keep her close but, at the same time, at a distance. The show uses that as a reason to why they can't be together. Their personalities clash too strongly and that would go against Han Taeoh's plans. Which doesn't make sense really cause it's not like they cared for how the other characters changed, but, oh well.
Her scenes with Han Taeoh also gave me hope. The scene that she tried to ruin his car. The tension. Oh my god. Then there was the scene where he bowed his head only for her in the hospital room. There was so much that could be explored through their relationship. It could've even made the show better. BUT NO. They chose to stick with the love triangle that made no sense with a female character that was introduced as someone possibly incapable of love.
But the good thing is that the show had an open ending. And he smiled when he saw her pictures. Na Hyewon and Han Taeoh carried on with their lives in their fields, and Huiju sends him pictures that he smiles at. So, I choose to look at it as Han Taeoh opening his heart to Kang Huiju. Opposing opinions are not welcome :D.
I also read a post, I can't remember whose post it was, but, they spoke about how, in the end, the Kang family had all to gain and these three lost. Han Taeoh and Na Hyewon began working like horses again. Kangoh Group has a dependable heir so Joongmo wins. Huiju travels the world and gains freedom, she also wins. Seungju is out of his mother's cuffs, meaning he also is free, so he wins. Kang Inha caused his own downfall, we don't talk about him. It really goes against their initial plan to ruin the family; another big flaw.
All in all, it was a pretty bad drama. Hong Suzu's acting was horrible. It was flat. The writing is unforgiveable. The rest of the actors did a decent job; Lee Jaewook, Lee Junyoung and Choi Heejin definitely brought the most life into their characters. It is, at best, a one-time watch.
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moistvonlipwig · 3 months
sorry, i resisted for a long time but the send me a show ask meme: cwsg 😅
please don't resist i am still without my computadora and need some enrichment in my enclosure!!!
looping in @yourlocalegotisticalqueerishere who also asked for sg!
The first character I fell in love with: Probably Lena.
The character who is my 'baby': Streaky!!! 🐈🐾
The character who I do not understand: I genuinely do not understand ANY of the writing decisions they made around William. Why was he like that. Why were we supposed to want him to get together with Kara. Why did he pretend to be married. Why did he die. Why did he vlog his death and email it to Andrea instead of, like, calling for help. Why did his offscreen girlfriend not bother showing up to his funeral. These questions will haunt me forever.
The character that I think the show ruined: Many such cases 🥴 They really did poor Mon-El dirty, his comics counterpart could've been adapted in so many cool ways but instead they did That. Additionally, while I think Lex is used well in S4 and isn't truly overexposed to the point of ruination until S5 and S6, I nevertheless think that the character S2 implied him to be -- a good person & brother who slowly became corrupted by his obsession with Superman -- is much more interesting than the always-evil character we got in S4. Also, post-Crisis Lillian felt less complex to me, and S6 was the final nail in the coffin, with her dying to save Lex instead of Lena and also with the bizarre 'she encouraged Lena to go into STEM to lure her away from magic' retcon.
The most attractive male and female character: Most attractive guy is Manchester Black. I mean, c'mon, it's David Ajala, my favorite Star Trek prettyboy. Most attractive female character...it probably is Lena just because Katie McGrath has such a magnetic screen presence. Honestly though there's a lot of pretty people on this show.
The character death that was the worst for me: Manchester Black...why'd they hafta do him like that :(
The character that is the most like me: Brainy my best friend Brainy!!! ...Also Nia, largely because we're close in age.
The character I think the writer(s) love: Lex 🥴
The character that I just want to be happy: Lena, and per the finale she is, which is good, even if I didn't love every part of how we got there.
My four favorite characters, past or present: Lena Luthor, Querl Dox, Clark Kent, and mm idk I'm feeling James Olsen today.
My four least favorite characters, past or present: Mon-El, Ben Lockwood, Overgirl, and idk William or Winn or Lex or any of the other members of the rotating circus of misogynists they kept trotting out before us.
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